JANUARY 24TH, 2016
"Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!"
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. James C Lara Parochial Vicars: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation: 813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541
Scan this code with your smartphone for online giving.
MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass Weekend Mass 7:00am (Monday through Friday) Saturday Vigil Mass 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 4:00PM (Interpreted for Deaf) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 4:00PM Espa単ol (Capilla) 7:00PM (Espa単ol Martes y Viernes) Sunday Masses Morning Prayer 7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel) 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule 12:30PM Espa単ol Saturday in Church: 3:00 to 4:00PM 6:00PM LifeTeen 5:00 to 5:30PM
nnual Pastoral Appeal (APA) – This week, we continue our educational efforts regarding APA. The Annual Pastoral Appeal helps fund and support a variety of ministries in the five counties that make up the Diocese of St. Petersburg. When we think of of the usual services offered by APA, we might call to mind the formation of our seminarians. Or we might think of the work of Catholic Charities and services to the poor. But a unique ministry that is supported by your generous APA contributions is our diocesan radio station – WBVM 90.5. WBVM shares the Good News of the Catholic Church in a unique and powerful way.There is no greater and far reaching tool for evangelization than our radio station.
This weekend, WBVM radio personalities John Morris and Abby Brundage will be speaking at our Masses about this great ministry. They will share with us how your gift to APA helps to support this vital and worthwhile ministry. (Deacon Elix will be speaking at the Spanish Masses about how APA funds the formation of our permanent deacons.) The 2016 APA assessment for Nativity Parish is over $470,000. In order to help reach this goal, I am asking that ALL families contribute to this appeal. Giving to APA is a winwin for our parishioners. It helps our parishioners and all our brothers and sisters throughout the five counties which make up the Diocese of St. Petersburg. And the closer we come to reaching our assessment, the more offertory contributions we are able to keep right here in our parish for our various ministries. The APA theme this year is “Open the Doors to Mercy.” It is based on Pope Francis’ announcement of a Year of Mercy. By making a sacrificial pledge to APA, you are helping to “Open the Doors to Mercy” for so many in our diocese and beyond. Please generous to this appeal and join me in praying for a successful response to the APA appeal.
ampaña Anual Pastoral (APA) Esta semana, continuamos nuestros esfuerzos educativos con respecto a APA. La Apelación Pastoral Anual ayuda a financiar y apoyar una variedad de ministerios en los cinco condados que componen la Diócesis de San Petersburgo. Cuando pensamos en los servicios habituales que ofrece APA, podríamos llamar a la mente la formación de nuestros seminaristas. O podríamos pensar en el trabajo de Caridades Católicas y servicios a los pobres. Sin embargo, un ministerio extraordinario que es apoyado por sus generosas contribuciones a APA es nuestra estación de radio diocesana WBVM 90.5. WBVM comparte la Buena Nueva de la Iglesia Católica de una manera única y poderosa. No hay una herramienta más poderosa y de mayor alcance para la evangelización que nuestra emisora. Este fin de semana, personalidades de la emisora WBVM, John Morris y Abby Brundage, estarán hablando en nuestras Misas de este gran ministerio. Ellos compartirán con nosotros cómo su regalo a APA ayuda a apoyar este ministerio vital y valioso. (El Deacon Elix hablará en las Misas en español sobre cómo APA finansea la formación de nuestros diáconos permanentes.) La evaluación del 2016 de APA para la Parroquia de Natividad es sobre $ 470.000. Con el fin de ayudar a alcanzar este objetivo, estoy pidiendo que todas las familias contribuyen a este llamamiento. Dar a APA es ganary volver a ganar para nuestros feligreses. Ayuda a nuestros feligreses y a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en los cinco condados que componen la Diócesis de San Petersburgo. Y cuanto más nos acercamos a llegar a nuestra evaluación, somos capaces de mantener más contribuciones del ofertorio aquí en nuestra parroquia para nuestros diversos ministerios. El tema de APA de este año es "Abrir las Puertas a La Misericordia." Se basa en el anuncio del Papa Francisco "del Año de la Misericordia. Al hacer una promesa de sacrificio a APA, usted está ayudando a "Abrir las Puertas a La Misericordia" para muchos en nuestra diócesis y más allá. Por favor, sea generoso a este llamamiento y únase a mí en oración para una exitosa respuesta a la apelación de APA.
Nativity Outreach Many thanks to the many parishioners, the Ministries of Nativity, Nativity Catholic School, and our volunteers for helping the Nativity Outreach Ministry to share the blessings of this past holiday season with our recipient families. Your generous gifts helped us to bless each of our guests with a bountiful Thanksgiving and a Blessed Christmas. Through your generosity we were able to provide fod for our Thanksgiving and Christmas recipients, a total of 254 families. Our volunteers handled 22,333 pounds of food for the two holiday distributions. In addition to all the groceries we distributed, we also distributed gift cards to purchase turkeys for Thanksgiving, envelopes from our “Family Gift Card Christmas Tree” and Christmas stockings which were made and distributed by the Women’s Guild. Your donated Christmas gift card envelopes from our “Family Gift Card Tree” enabled us to give an envelope to each of our Christmas family recipients ranging in family size from 1 to 8 for a total of 130 families along with their food distributions.
Be sure to get in touch with Thomas Sanjurjo, bulletin@nativitycatholicchurch.org to contribute to our bulletin. Spiritual Growth Stewardship Ministries in Action Community Bulletin OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW IN FAITH P4 Stewardship Bulletin Reflection, Mass Intentions, Little Flowers & Blue Knights P5 Pray for One Another, Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference, The Holy Door of Mercy, LifeForce P7 Reflexión de las Escrituras
This is such an overwhelming gift of personal entitlement for our recipient families. When you give this opportunity to a family in need, you give them far more than food or even money, you give them dignity and the freedom of choice. A heartfelt “thank you” to everyone who participated. Your response and generosity, as always, was overwhelming. We thank you on behalf of our grateful recipients.
P5 Tithing Report P6 Nativity Outreach Volunteers P7 Reporte del Diezmo
In addition, our Food Pantry parents picked out toys for the 125 children under the age of 10 at our St. Nicholas’ Toy Shop. This, too, was a beautiful, blessed event. All our families left with bags of gifts for their children, and also with donated miscellaneous items for gift wrapping and tree/home decorations. Also, there were a few remaining toys which we were able to share with another Nativity Ministry which helps the many needy families at the local migrant camps. These children also benefitted from your generosity.
P6 Bethany Springs
A special thank you is extended to our Students of Nativity Catholic School, their parents, our parishioners, and all who donated toys, gift cards, and numerous bicycles for the Toy Shop. The number of bicycles was spectacular. We appreciate the opportunity to present your donations to our Food Pantry guests. Thank you for allowing us the joy of giving on your behalf. Words cannot express our gratitude and theirs. This is being written on behalf of the volunteers of Nativity Outreach who partner with you in this blessed ministry. Without their energy and giving spirit your gifts would not be given, at least not with the Christfilled spirit that these volunteers bring to this ministry. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our volunteers for all of their efforts throughout 2015. Their willingness to give of their time, talent and treasure year after year is greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do, we could not do this work without your help. You are Nativity Outreach!
COMMUNITY BULLETIN P7 Week at a Glance, Mark Your Calendars, Altar Server Vestments, PARKING
Stewardship Bulletin Reflection
JANUARY 24TH, 2016
Neh 8: 26, 810; Ps 19: 810, 15; 1 Cor 12: 1230; Lk 1: 14; 4: 1421
We are one body, one body in Christ:
And we do not stand alone.
We are one body, one body in Christ; and He came that we might have life.”
That refrain above from the song written and sung by the Irish Catholic singer Dana echoes and reflects our Second Reading from St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians. In 1993 Pope St. John Paul II selected it as the theme of the World Youth Day in Colorado. It is, in effect, the message in our readings for this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time.
us, a part of that Body of Christ. It is important that we appreciate the perspective of Luke as we hear his Gospel in the coming year. Luke is interested in prayer; he is interested in “preaching the Good News.” Twentyfive times in his Gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles (also attributed to Luke) he mentions this; it is only mentioned once in the other three Gospels. Most of all, as we begin the accounts of Jesus through Luke’s eyes, we need to know how St. Luke embraced the idea of one Body in Christ. Being willing to do our part is important to stewardship. Dana’s song closes in this way, “For you are my body, you’re my hands and feet. Speak my word of life to everyone you meet.” We are called.
Mass Intentions | Jan 25th Jan 31st 7:00 am 8:00 am
7:00 am 8:00 am Our First Reading from the Book of Nehemiah presents us with 7:00 pm Ezra, Prophet, Priest, and Scribe. There are many things that unite us as a Catholic and Christian Community. One of those is the Word. That is the gist of this reading. We are presented with the image of Ezra standing before the multitude and reading the Word of God. A Prophet not only predicted the future but interpreted current events with authority. We, as one body in Christ, the body of the Church, need to recognize in the Word both prophecy and interpretation. Ezra is a perfect witness for us, as he combines prophecy (Prophet), holiness (Priest), and knowledge (Scribe) in one person. It is in the context of St. Paul’s remarkable letter to the Corinthians that we find the comparison of the Church to a body. Paul lays out for us the complete concept of what it means to be a steward of the Church and of everything we have and are. The Apostle Paul was the ultimate teacher, perhaps second only to our Lord and Savior Himself. As Paul explains it, the Body of Christ, the Body of the Church, is not a goal; it is a fact, a fact that we must completely grasp, appreciate, and practice.
7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 am 8:30 am 7:00 pm 8:00 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm
7:00 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 am Through Baptism we are called to be a part of the Body, and that 6:00 pm calling includes our willingness and preparation to play our role, our vocation, in relation to the entire Body. St. Paul, by using the comparison to a body, points out that there is great diversity in the Body of Christ, the Church. However, each part of the Body, each of us as a member, has a function within our common goal. For Paul diversity is not just acceptable; it is essential. Each of us has different gifts, but working together the Body itself is strong. Every part is necessary. Each of us is necessary for the Body, the Church, to function completely.
Monday, January 25 Georgiann Seaman Joe Ress Tuesday, January 26 Susan & Linda DeVera Nicolas Basqueus Crista L. Speth Wednesday, January 27 Jim Lee Sharon Whitcomb Thursday, January 28 Paula Francis Fr. James Cunningham Friday, January 29 Tita & Pepin Ayo Jerry Porter Adriana Saturday, January 30 Michael Scott Susan M. Hardesty Holy Souls in Purgatory Sunday, January 31 Ned Nevaril Julio Cesar Tice Nativity Priests Concordia Cureg (Chapel) Maria Bustamante (Spanish) Farris Thomas IV
Little Flowers and Blue Knights
Little Flowers Girls' Club and Blue Knights Boys' Club are Catholic clubs for girls and boys ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints' biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Badges for the virtues are earned by studying the saint associated with the virtue, memorizing relevant scripture verses and studying the You may be aware that our readings are divided into three Cycles, Catechism. Sashes, aprons, bandanas, tshirts and other items called A, B, and C. This year we are in Cycle C. In Cycle A the are extras that add to the experience, but are not necessary to primary Gospel is Matthew; Cycle B is predominantly Mark; and join. We look forward to new members throughout the year. this year the principal Gospel is Luke. Luke’s Gospel is unique in many ways. Most scholars believe that it was written after Matthew and Mark. In addition, Luke was most likely a Gentile, in fact the only New Testament Gentile writer. A companion of St. Paul, St. Luke presents himself differently as well. Twice in the first sentence of today’s Gospel reading Luke uses the pronoun “us,” a clear indication that he considered himself one with all of
Our January Meeting has been moved to January 31st, at 3:30pm in the Pastoral Care Center. For more information, email Thomas Sanjurjo: sanjurjo7@gmail.com
Pray for One Another Pray for the sick, suffering, and shutins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially:
The Holy Door of Mercy “The Holy Door will become a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope… We shall cross the Threshold of the Holy Door fully confident that the strength of the Risen Lord, who constantly supports us on our pilgrim way, will sustain us.” (Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus: Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, 34)
Sean Lewis, Sharone Linares, Mario & Perfecta Lopez, Mark Love, John Lynch, Patricia Manack, Walter F. Marion, Angel Matos, Ken Meservey, Tina Nelson, Andrew Newelinski, Barbara & Mike Nieves, Stephanie Olsen, Alisa Olson, Aleida Ortiz, Erinn Phelan, Marie Pennisi, Isabella Ramirez, Dick Riedl, Petra Rivas, Betty Rocha, Manuel Rodriguez, Ray Rocha, Pedro Roldan Sanchez, Danny Rossi, Leo Rossiter, Virginia Ruth, Maria Saenz, Dr. Charles F. Schramm, Richard Sanderson, Quinn Schiaro, Lisa Ziroli Seaholm, Josie Sellers, Bill Shea, Don Shea, Mike Showalter, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Spears, Alice Sperandio, Joan Statham, Brett Strong, Heather Sturz, William Swantek, Theresa Taffe, Suzie Taylor, Sam Troncalli, Ann Ulbricht, Christina Van Alstyne, Luis and Carmen Vargas, Rose Vier, Joan Wagner, Howard Wakefield, Christie Washburn, Auburn Wells, Barbara White, Howard Wiebeld, Vincent Wildgen, Cathy Williams, Kenneth Wilson, Evelina Zambrano, Jorge Zayas, Charlotte Zorn, George Wagner, Steve Alley, Bessie LoScalzo, Dr. Greenwell, Francis Davis, Anna Cifuni, Bienvenida Kjeer, Vincent Wilgen, Dr. Antonio Rivera, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Sandra J. Matson, Addia Limtiaco, Alex Kepler, Norma Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas, Virginia Lascera, Rosa Last
Tuesday, middle Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel schoolers had fun learning about God in both the “seen Vasquez, Theresa Franzier, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua and unseen” things through a In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our small group activity at recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the Nativity’s Life Force Middle faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. School program. If you are in 68th grade, come and join us every Tuesday nights from 68 pm at NYC (Nativity Youth Center). You can hangout with your Then join close to a thousand other Catholic men, at all levels of faith, from Tampa and surrounding areas as they friends, challenge the core to play pool or pingpong, learn to gather to revitalize their faith at the Suncoast Catholic dance, play fun games and sports, and most of all, get to know God more. And guess what, it’s FREE! Ministries 6th Annual Tampa Bay Men’s Conference! Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference Want to be inspired, reinvigorated, and uplifted? Does your faith life need a boost?
2016 Conference speakers: Father Larry Richards, Pastor and Founder of Reason for Our Hope Foundation; nationally acclaimed Catholic Speaker; Steve Wood, founder and director of the Catholic apostolate Family Life Center International & Dads.org, will begin with their talks at 09:45 a.m. Saturday, February 6th, beginning at 6:30 a.m., Higgins Hall St Lawrence Catholic Church, 5221 N. Himes Ave, Tampa. Tickets include lunch and free parking. Cost is $30 for Dad or a Father/Son ticket for $30. For tickets or more information contact visit the Conference web site at www.suncoastcatholicministries.com
For any information, please contact Ed Buckley at the youth office. And feel free to add Nativity Life Force in Facebook for updates.
Parishioners' Tithing Report JANUARY 16th & 17th # of Envelopes 1,026
Mass Total $30,101.25 Online Offertory 181 $12,210.50 Vigil Lights $338.68 Total offertory to operating budget = $42,650.43 Total Collected thru 1/17 = $1,396,241.49 Represents 51.94% of the $2,688,000 operating budget revenues needed for 201516
JANUARY 24TH, 2016
Nativity Outreach Volunteers
Week at a Glance
Nativity Outreach has two volunteer positions available. Monday 1/25/2016 Please contact Carl Falkenbach at 8137071523. Quilters 9:00AM 12:00PM SVDP Meeting 10:30AM 2:00PM Assistant Warehouse Manager – assists and supervises CRSP grupo 3 hombres 6:15PM 9:30PM day to day operations at our Dover warehouse, 23 days per Appreciation Dinner 6:30PM 9:00PM week, 34 hours per day under Manager’s direction. Part time Administrative Assistant – prepares various forms and reports for the operation of the Nativity Food Pantry and the Nativity Food Bank, assists with phone calls and messages as well as general office duties. This position requires computer skills such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Hours are flexible. In addition, we are continually in need of qualified truck drivers and other able bodied warehouse workers. Thank you for your continued support of the Nativity Outreach Ministry.
Bethany Springs A free support group meeting weekly for women who have been effected by abortion or a traumatic miscarriage. Meetings are at 7:008:30 On Tuesdays, beginning February 2, 2016 and running through March 29, 2016. This group will meet at Engagement Matters 1456 Oakfield Drive Brandon, FL 33511 For more information, call Cindy Taylor at 813 505 9022 Let the healing begin.
Parking Please be considerate when parking on Sundays. We know the parking can be difficult to Navigate on our peak times, but the areas marked with white bars for the Handicap Access spots are not extra spots if you can squeeze in to them. Beyond being discourteous, this behavior puts us in a difficult spot as we could face a fine for not calling for a tow truck to remove the improperly parked vehicle. Thanks for your understanding.
Altar Server Vestments Available
Hispanic Lectors 6:30PM 9:00PM Partners With La Victoria 7:00PM 9:00PM Respect Life Meeting 7:00PM 9:00PM Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM 9:00PM Tuesday 1/26/2016 Legion of Mary 9:15AM 11:00AM CRSP grupo 3 mujeres 6:15PM 9:30PM KofC Officers 7:00PM 9:00PM Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM 9:00PM Wednesday 1/27/2016 Meals on Wheels 10:30AM 11:30AM Oracion Charismatico 7:00PM 9:00PM Knights of Columbus 7:00PM 9:00PM Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM 9:30PM Thursday 1/28/2016 Come Clean Church 7:00AM 9:30AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM 10:30AM Womens Emmaus Prep 6:45PM 8:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM 9:00PM Charismatic Prayer 7:00PM 9:00PM Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM 9:00PM District Council Women 7:00PM 9:00PM Coro Hispano 7:30PM 9:00PM Friday 1/29/2016 Adoration 8:45AM 6:45PM FBJ Meeting 6:30PM 9:30PM Vida Joven 6:30PM 9:30PM Saturday 1/30/2016 Confessions 34 & 56 Church Sunday 1/31/2016 Catholic Schools Week Blue Knights & Little Flowers 3:30PM 5:30PM
OR PC(Back) AE(A&B) Church SH(C) Chapel AE(A&B) Church Church Chapel SH(C2) AE(A) Chapel AE(B) CONV Church Chapel AE(A&B) YOUTH
For all events and updates, please check the website calendar. ROOM KEY YC Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) Social Hall | PC Pastoral Care | AE Adult Education Building | LL Life Lounge | OR Oakwood Room | CONV Convent | MP MultiPurpose Room
FREE For The Asking St. John Vianney Parish has a large assortment of altar server vestments available. We have black cassocks, red cassocks and white surplices. Many are in very good condition. If you are interested call our pastoral assistants at 727.360.1147, x 232 or 233.
PC(Back) PC(Mid) PC(Back) SH Church CONF AE(A&B) OR
Mark Your Calendars January Men's Emmaus 8th, March for Life Bus Trip 16th, Catholic Schools' Week 31st
Reflexión de las Escrituras Neh 8: 26, 810; Sal 19: 810, 15; 1 Cor 12: 12 hasta 30; Lc 1: 14;
"Somos uno cuerpo, un cuerpo en Cristo: Y no estamos parados solo. Somos uno cuerpo, un cuerpo en Cristo; y Él ha venido para que tengamos vida.” Las palabras arriba mencionadas de la canción escrita y cantada por el cantante Católico Irlandés Dana hacen eco de y reflejan nuestra Segunda Lectura de la Primera Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios. Es, en efecto, el mensaje en nuestras lecturas para este Tercer Domingo del tiempo ordinario. Nuestra Primera Lectura del Libro de Nehemías nos presenta a Ezra, Profeta, Sacerdote y Escriba. Hay muchas cosas que nos unen como una comunidad Católico y Christina. Una de ésas es la Palabra. Esa es la esencia de esta lectura. Se nos presenta la imagen de Ezra de pie delante de la multitud y leyendo la Palabra de Dios. Nosotros, como un solo cuerpo en Cristo, el cuerpo de la Iglesia, necesitamos reconocer en la Palabra la profecía y la interpretación. Es en el contexto de la carta notable de San Pablo a los Corintios encontramos la comparación de la Iglesia a un cuerpo. Pablo establece para nosotros el concepto completo de lo que significa ser un mayordomo de la Iglesia y de todo lo que tenemos y somos. El Apóstol Pablo fue el maestro definitivo, tal vez segundo solamente a nuestro Señor y Salvador mismo. Como lo explica San Pablo, el Cuerpo de Cristo, el Cuerpo de la Iglesia, no es una meta; es un hecho, un hecho que debemos captar por completo, apreciar y practicar, A través de Bautismo estamos llamados a ser una parte del Cuerpo, y ese llamado incluye nuestra buena voluntad y preparación para jugar nuestro papel, nuestra vocación, en relación a todo el Cuerpo. San Pablo, mediante el uso de la comparación a un cuerpo, señala que hay una gran diversidad en el Cuerpo de Cristo, la Iglesia. Sin embargo, cada parte del Cuerpo, cada uno de nosotros como un miembro, tiene una función dentro de nuestra meta común. Para Pablo diversidad no es solo aceptable, es esencial. Cada uno de nosotros tiene diferentes dones, pero trabajando juntos el Cuerpo es fuerte. Cada parte es necesaria. Cada uno de nosotros es necesario para el Cuerpo, la Iglesia, para funcionar completamente. Quizás saben que nuestras lecturas están divididas en tres Ciclos, A, B y C. En Ciclo A, el Evangelio primordial es Mateo. Ciclo B es primordialmente Marcos; y este año el Evangelio principal es Lucas. El Evangelio de Lucas es único por muchas razones. La mayoría de los eruditos creen que fue escrito después de Mateo y Marcos. Además, Lucas era probablemente un gentil, de hecho el único escritor del Nuevo Testamento gentil. Un compañero de San Pablo, San Lucas se presenta a sí mismo de manera diferente. Dos veces en la primera frase del Evangelio de hoy, Lucas usa el pronombre “nosotros,” una clara indicación que él se consideraba uno de nosotros, una parte de ese Cuerpo de Cristo. Es importante que apreciemos la perspectiva de Lucas al escuchar sus Evangelios este año. Él está interesado en la oración, en “predicar la Buena Nueva.” Veinticinco veces en su Evangelio y en los Hechos de los Apóstoles (también atribuido a Lucas) él menciona esto; que sólo se menciona una vez en los otros tres Evangelios. Más que nada, a medida que comenzamos a detallar los hechos de Jesús a través de ojos de Lucas, necesitamos saber cómo San Lucas abrazó la idea de un solo Cuerpo en Cristo. Estar dispuestos a hacer nuestra parte es importante para mayordomía. La canción de Dana cierra de esta manera, "Porque tú eres mi
cuerpo, eres mis manos y mis pies. Habla mi palabra de vida a todos con quien te encuentres. "Estamos llamados.”
Reporte del Diezmo ENERO 16 y 17 # de Sobres Misa Total 1,026 $30,101.25 Ofertorio realizado Online 181 $12,210.50 Total recolectado hasta 1/17 = $1,396,241.49 Representa el 51.94% de los $2,688,000.00 ingresos necesarios para el presupuesto operativo 201516.
Escuela Cristo Rey Ahora ya estamos aceptando aplicaciones por el internet para el año escolar 201617 para el grado 9. *Examen de Ingreso y Orientación para Padres* Registre a su estudiante yendo a www.cristoreytampa.org Sábado, 23 de Enero del 2016 8:30 AM 12 Mediodía para más información contacte Alberto R. Rios Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management Cristo Rey Tampa High School 6400 East Chelsea Street Tampa, Florida 33610 Phone: (813) 6218300 Fax: (813) 6201500 Email: arios@cristoreytampa.org Web: www.cristoreytampa.org