JANUARY 31ST, 2016
"Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!"
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. James C Lara Parochial Vicars: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation: 813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541
Scan this code with your smartphone for online giving.
MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass Weekend Mass 7:00am (Monday through Friday) Saturday Vigil Mass 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 4:00PM (Interpreted for Deaf) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 4:00PM Espa単ol (Capilla) 7:00PM (Espa単ol Martes y Viernes) Sunday Masses Morning Prayer 7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel) 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule 12:30PM Espa単ol Saturday in Church: 3:00 to 4:00PM 6:00PM LifeTeen 5:00 to 5:30PM
PA Commitment Weekend – As you know, Pope Francis has declared 2016 as a Year of Mercy. In the Diocese of St. Petersburg, our Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) is one way we give witness to mercy, compassion, and love toward our sisters and brothers. Following Pope Francis’ example, the theme for this year’s APA is Open the Door to Mercy. This week, every parish throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg is asking its parishioners to commit to making a sacrificial gift to this Appeal. Through APA, we fund the good works of our local Catholic Church. Your gift touches countless lives families struggling through pain and suffering, alleviating homelessness, assisting those with an unplanned pregnancy, care for the elderly, young men studying for the priesthood, diaconate formation, assistance to the incarcerated and their families, students seeking a Catholic school education, and individuals of all ages pursuing a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith. For those of you who have previously supported the Annual Pastoral Appeal, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your generous gift helped to transform the lives of thousands of people. To those who haven’t given in the past, I am asking you to make a gift or pledge. I am asking each family in our parish to do three things: Pray for the success of the Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA). A successful Appeal for the Diocese of St. Petersburg also means success for Nativity Parish. The closer we come to making our assessment goal, then more our Offertory collection will be used for ministry right here in our parish. It is my hope that EVERY family in our parish participates in this Appeal to make it a success. Our assessment for APA is over $470,000 and can only be reached when all parishioners participate. APA giving should be tied to our stewardship of giving. I give 1% of my annual salary to the Annual Pastoral Appeal as part of my tithe. (I also contribute 5% to the parish offertory and 4% to other charities of my choice.) I am asking that you do the same. If you are not at that level, then I ask you to give according to your ability – and increase from what you gave last year. If you gave nothing last year, then consider giving this year. If you gave .1% of your salary to APA last year, consider giving .25%. If you gave $500 last year, consider giving $550. Again, for this campaign to be a success, EVERY family is asked to participate. I am not looking for equal gifts. I am asking that EVERY FAMILY MAKE AN EQUAL SACRIFICE. Please help Nativity Parish Open the Door to Mercy. I pray that together we can demonstrate our charity to God’s beloved people. Thank you and may our Lord bless you always.
PA Fin de Semana de Compromiso Como ustedes saben, el Papa Francisco ha declarado el 2016 como el Año de la Misericordia. En la Diócesis de San Petersburgo, nuestra Apelación Pastoral Anual (APA) es una manera en que damos testimonio de la misericordia, la compasión y el amor hacia nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Siguiendo el ejemplo del Papa Francisco, el tema de APA de este año es Abrir la Puerta a la Misericordia. Esta semana, todas las parroquias en toda la Diócesis de San Petersburgo les estarán pidiendo a sus feligreses que se comprometan a hacer un regalo de sacrificio a esta Apelación. A través de APA, financiamos las buenas obras de nuestra Iglesia Católica local. Su regalo toca innumerables vidas familias que luchan a través del dolor y el sufrimiento, el alivio de la falta de vivienda, asistencia a las personas con un embarazo no planeado, el cuido de los ancianos, jóvenes que estudian para el sacerdocio, la formación diaconal, la asistencia a los encarcelados y sus familias, los estudiantes que buscan una educación escolar Católica, y los individuos de todas las edades que persiguen un entendimiento más profundo de la fe Católica. Para aquellos de ustedes que han apoyado previamente la Apelación Pastoral Anual, extiendo mi más sincera gratitud. Su generosa donación ayudó a transformar la vida de miles de personas. Para aquellos que no han dado en el pasado, les estoy pidiendo hagan un regalo o compromiso. Estoy pidiendo a cada familia en nuestra parroquia que hagan tres cosas: ? Oren por el éxito de la Apelación Pastoral Anual (APA). Una Apelación exitosa de la Diócesis de San Petersburgo también significa el éxito para la Parroquia de la Natividad. Cuanto más nos acercamos a la meta de nuestra evaluación, más de nuestra colecta del Ofertorio se utilizará para los ministerios aquí en nuestra parroquia. Es mi esperanza de que TODAS las familias de nuestra parroquia participaran en esta Apelación para que sea un éxito. Nuestra evaluación para APA es sobre $470.000 y sólo se puede alcanzar cuando todos los feligreses participan. Contribuir a APA debe estar vinculada a nuestra mayordomía de dar. Yo le doy un 1% de mi salario anual a la Apelación Pastoral Anual como parte de mi diezmo. (Yo también contribuyo 5% al ofertorio de la parroquia y el 4% a otras caridades de mi elección.) Le pido que haga lo mismo. Si usted no está en ese nivel, entonces le pido que dé de acuerdo a su capacidad y aumentar lo que dio el año pasado. Si no dio nada el año pasado, considere dar este año. Si usted dio 0.1% de su salario al APA el año pasado, considere la posibilidad de 0.25%. Si usted dio $500 el año pasado, considere la posibilidad de $550. Por favor, ayude a la Parroquia de la Natividad a Abrir la Puerta a la Misericordia. Rezo para que juntos podamos demostrar nuestra caridad con las personas queridas de Dios. Gracias y que el Señor los bendiga siempre.
Be sure to get in touch with Thomas Sanjurjo, bulletin@nativitycatholicchurch.org to contribute to our bulletin. Spiritual Growth Catholic Schools' Week
Sunday, January 31st
Ministries in Action
Catholic Schools' Week Kick Off with 10:30 Mass
Community Bulletin
Open House & Tours taking place from 11:30 1pm. Science Experiments in the Science Lab MakeandTakes Class projects displayed Activities in the Gym Band Playing in Music Studio Monday Grandparents' Day 8:00am prayer breakfast 9:30 11am Visit Classrooms, Book Fair, Photos, Stewardship Penny Wars Tuesday Parent Appreciation & Great American Teach In Day
OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW IN FAITH P4 Stewardship Bulletin Reflection, Mass Intentions, Confirmation for Adults P5 Pray for One Another, Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference, Inquiry, LifeTeen P7 Reflexión de las Escrituras
OPPORTUNITIES FOR STEWARDSHIP OF TIME, TALENT, AND TREASURE P5 Tithing Report P6 Nativity Outreach Volunteers, Volunteer Opportunity P7 Reporte del Diezmo
Wednesday School wide collection of canned goods Bilingual Mass 8:15am Teacher Recognition Decade Club Recognition & Reception Thursday Staff & Faculty Appreciation Day Luncheon and Surprises! Friday Student Appreciation Day 8th graders teach All school Leaps 8th grade v. Faculty Volleyball game Noon Indoor Dismissal for All
COMMUNITY BULLETIN P6 Week at a Glance, Mark Your Calendars, Anniversary Breakfast, PARKING P7 Desayuno Aniversario
Stewardship Bulletin Reflection Jer 1: 45, 1719; Ps 71: 16, 1517; 1 Cor 12: 3113:13; Lk 4: 2130
hrist was asked consistently throughout Holy Scripture what one must do to get to Heaven, to achieve holiness and grace. His many answers could be summarized in one word — Love. Today’s readings for this Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time reflect two themes — to live Godcentered lives, and to love in a way that is perhaps somewhat foreign to our secular and romanticized concept of love.
share the love He has found. Nevertheless, He confronts opposition and even derision. Jesus’ response is worth noting for us. The Lord does not respond with anger for anger, but with love for anger. Jesus merely departs, knowing that He will have another opportunity. In the face of resistance and hostility we are called to one reaction: love.
Mass Intentions | Jan 25th Jan 31st
7:00 am Like many of the prophets, Jeremiah was a bit reluctant. He did not 8:00 am aspire to be a prophet, and he found the calling to be burdensome in many ways. Yet, God makes it clear to Jeremiah that He has called him to that role, and He fully expects him to fulfill that vocation. Each of us, of course, is also called to a particular role to serve God, the Church, and one another. As hesitant as we, too, may be, it is what God expects of us. This is why stewardship is important.
7:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am
As unwilling as we may feel, our goal needs to be to fulfill God’s wishes. It is not always easy, and the Lord makes it clear to Jeremiah it will not be easy for him. God says to Jeremiah, “Do not be crushed on their account.” In other words, you will confront opposition, but be assured that I am with you always. That is what God says to us as well.
7:00 am 8:00 am
The Second Reading from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is one with which most of us are familiar. It is all about love. We tend to hear this at weddings and similar events, but Paul is addressing a deeper and more unconditional love. Paul knew that the Corinthians were enamored with spiritual gifts, just as many of us are. However, at the depths of every gift is one thing — love. Paul’s point, quite simply, is that all gifts are meaningless without love.
8:00 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm
7:00 am 8:30 am 7:00 pm
7:00 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 am One of the subtleties of St. Paul’s letter is missed because of our 6:00 pm lack of knowledge about the Greek in which it was written. The Greeks had four words for love: eros, which is the romantic love with which we are familiar; storge, another Greek word for love refers to family love, the love between a parent and a child, for example; philia, the third word for love means the love of friendship, brotherly and sisterly love so to speak; however, Paul throughout this passage uses the fourth word for love: agape. This is a selfgiving love which is given without demanding or expecting reciprocation. It is pure love. It is sacrificial, giving, and unconditional. It has little to do with emotion, and everything to do with living out the love God feels for us. It is stewardship. Agape love is selfdenial for the sake of others. That is the love to which Jesus calls us. That is at the core of everything we are and everything we do. Paul closes this remarkable Gospel with the statement, “So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Like Jesus when He spoke of love, St. Paul is reminding us that love never ends; it will continue to grow, both now and in Heaven. Faith and hope will have fulfilled their purpose, but love is never ending and will continue to grow throughout eternity.
JANUARY 31ST, 2016
Monday, February 1 Georgiann Seaman Lisa Ann Canales Tuesday, February 2 Nicolas Basqueus Thanksgiving to Kidney Donor of Flora DeLeon Thanksgiving to St. Lucy Wednesday, February 3 Marion Norman Mary Lazo Thursday, February 4 Maria Bustamante Regino & Pelagia Penaranda Friday, February 5 Albert Badstein Jr. Alex & Mary Gostola All Saints Saturday, February 6 Daniel Perez Mary Ellen O’Neil James Ortegon Sunday, February 7 Juan Caballero Alberto Badstein Jr. Henry & Gianna Ruzzi Concordia Cureg (Chapel) Jose Torres (Spanish) Mary O’Donowell
Confirmation for Adults Preparation for Confirmation of Adults who are baptized in the Catholic Faith begins Sunday, February 14 at 10:30am.
The six sessions will be held on Sunday Mornings and registration is through the Faith Formation Office. The celebration of the sacrament will take place in February. The two themes recounted in the first two readings are brought Please call the office for details and information about together in the Gospel from Luke. Jesus returns to His home to registration
Pray for One Another Pray for the sick, suffering, and shutins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Andrew Newelinski, Barbara & Mike Nieves, Stephanie Olsen, Alisa Olson, Aleida Ortiz, Erinn Phelan, Marie Pennisi, Isabella Ramirez, Dick Riedl, Petra Rivas, Betty Rocha, Manuel Rodriguez, Ray Rocha, Pedro Roldan Sanchez, Danny Rossi, Leo Rossiter, Virginia Ruth, Maria Saenz, Dr. Charles F. Schramm, Richard Sanderson, Lisa Ziroli Seaholm, Josie Sellers, Bill Shea, Don Shea, Mike Showalter, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Spears, Alice Sperandio, Joan Statham, Brett Strong, Heather Sturz, William Swantek, Theresa Taffe, Suzie Taylor, Sam Troncalli, Ann Ulbricht, Christina Van Alstyne, Luis and Carmen Vargas, Rose Vier, Joan Wagner, Howard Wakefield, Christie Washburn, Auburn Wells, Barbara White, Howard Wiebeld, Vincent Wildgen, Cathy Williams, Kenneth Wilson, Evelina Zambrano, Jorge Zayas, Charlotte Zorn, George Wagner, Steve Alley, Bessie LoScalzo, Dr. Greenwell, Francis Davis, Anna Cifuni, Bienvenida Kjeer, Vincent Wilgen, Dr. Antonio Rivera, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Sandra J. Matson, Addia Limtiaco, Alex Kepler, Norma Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas, Virginia Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Fraser, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna, Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez, Sylvia Perez Gonzalez
Inquiry into the Catholic Faith Want to Find out More About the Catholic Church? Inquiry Sessions are held on Sunday Mornings Sessions are held in the Adult Education Portable You can come ask questions in a ’no pressure’ atmosphere. Members of our church will be on hand to talk with you and listen to your questions and experiences. Our next inquiry session is February 7 at 9:00 am
LifeTeen Join us this sunday after the 6pm mass in the life lounge for dinner and our Life Night. This week we will be discussing how to receive the Lord’s mercy in the sacrament of reconciliation #yearofmercy
In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Orlando Lopez, Bertha Saladino
Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference This Conference is a “don’t miss opportunity” to deepen your faith Suncoast Catholic Ministries 6th Annual Tampa Bay Men’s Conference "Answering the Call" Saturday, February 6, 2016 It is one day retreat with a great slate of Catholic speakers, Mass, Reconciliation, Benediction, and more. Lunch included, free parking. We promise a rewarding day that you will not regret. Young men, encourage your dad to go and take you with him. The Conference promises to be challenging, soul searching, and uplifting … a day that will help him and you find peace, order, and direction so often missing in our lives. The Conference will be held at Higgins Hall St Lawrence Catholic Church 5221 N. Himes Ave, Tampa on Saturday, February 6th from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost is $30 with free admission for religious and clergy and a Father/Son discount. For tickets or more information contact your parish captain (Andre McCarrol 8136993752) or visit the Conference web site at www.suncoastcatholicministries.com.
Parishioners' Tithing Report JANUARY 23rd & 24th # of Envelopes 1,316
Mass Total $38,826.08 Online Offertory 181 $10,036.00 Vigil Lights $330.84 Total offertory to operating budget = $49,192.92 Total Collected thru 1/24 = $1,445,434.41 Represents 53.77% of the $2,688,000 operating budget revenues needed for 201516
JANUARY 31ST, 2016
Nativity Outreach Volunteers Nativity Outreach has two volunteer positions available. Please contact Carl Falkenbach at 8137071523. Assistant Warehouse Manager – assists and supervises day to day operations at our Dover warehouse, 23 days per week, 34 hours per day under Manager’s direction. Part time Administrative Assistant – prepares various forms and reports for the operation of the Nativity Food Pantry and the Nativity Food Bank, assists with phone calls and messages as well as general office duties. This position requires computer skills such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Hours are flexible. In addition, we are continually in need of qualified truck drivers and other able bodied warehouse workers.
Volunteer Opportunity Partners With La Victoria, Inc., is in need of an accountant. The volunteer position does not require regular attendance at board meetings. This position requires strong professional skills, and the ability to work independently with motivation. A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from an accredited university, and five years of accounting supervisory experience is required. Written and oral communication skills must be at a professional level, since it will be necessary to communicate with and present reports to management at the highest levels. It requires the use of computer technologies such as MS Word, Excel, and Power Point, and a high level of knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles for Not For Profit organizations. Having passed the CPA Exam is highly desirable, but not required. Please contact Lori Fitzpatrick at 6545348 or lafing4life@gmail.com to discuss the position.
Parking Please be considerate when parking on Sundays. We know the parking can be difficult to Navigate on our peak times, but the areas marked with white bars for the Handicap Access spots are not extra spots if you can squeeze in to them. Beyond being discourteous, this behavior puts us in a difficult spot as we could face a fine for not calling for a tow truck to remove the improperly parked vehicle. Thanks for your understanding.
Anniversary Breakfast The Annual Anniversary Mass & Breakfast will be held Sunday, February 14th to honor those couples married 30 years or longer. Hosted by the Women’s Guild, this celebration will begin with Mass at 8:30 am in the church, immediately followed by breakfast in the Social Hall. Please RSVP by Monday February 8th to Paula at 813436 0017 or Jeth at 8136811921 to reserve your spot.
Week at a Glance Monday 1/31/2016 Catholic Schools Week Quilters 9:00AM 12:00PM SVDP Meeting 10:30AM 2:00PM CRSP grupo 3 hombres 6:15PM 9:30PM KofC Council 7:30PM 9:30PM Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM 9:00PM Tuesday 2/1/2016 Catholic Schools Week St. Francis Circle meeting 9:00AM 2:00PM CRSP grupo 3 mujeres 6:15PM 9:30PM Mens Emmaus General 6:45PM 8:45PM Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM 9:00PM Hispanic Commission 7:30PM 9:00PM CRSP CDC 7:45PM 9:30PM Wednesday 2/2/2016 Catholic Schools Week Meals on Wheels 10:30AM 11:30AM St. Monica Circle 6:00PM 8:30PM FBJ 6:30PM 9:30PM Stewardship Council 7:00PM 9:00PM Oracion Charismatico 7:00PM 9:00PM Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM 9:30PM Thursday 2/3/2016 Catholic Schools Week Come Clean Church 7:00AM 9:30AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM 10:30AM Womens Emmaus Prep 6:45PM 8:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM 9:00PM Charismatic Prayer 7:00PM 9:00PM Friday 2/4/2016 Catholic Schools Week PB&J ministry 8:30AM 10:30AM Adoration 8:45AM 6:45PM Quilters 10:00AM 12:00PM Vida Joven 6:30PM 9:30PM Saturday 2/5/2016 Catholic Schools Week Rosary Makers 8:30AM 10:30AM Free Throw Contest 9:30AM 12:30PM CFC Chapter Assembly 3:30PM 7:00PM Sunday 2/6/2016 St. Jude Circle 12:00PM 2:00PM
PC(Back) PC(Mid) PC(Back) AE(A&B) OR AE(A&B) PC(Back) AE(A&B) Church CONF SH(C1) SH(C) OffSite AE(A&B) CONF Chapel Church Church Chapel PC(Back) AE(A) Chapel SH(B) Chapel PC(Back) YOUTH OR GYM SH AE(A&B)
For all events and updates, please check the website calendar. ROOM KEY YC Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) Social Hall | PC Pastoral Care | AE Adult Education Building | LL Life Lounge | OR Oakwood Room | CONV Convent | MP MultiPurpose Room
Mark Your Calendars January Men's Emmaus 8th, March for Life Bus Trip 16th, Catholic Schools' Week 31st
Reflexión de las Escrituras Jeremías 1: 45, 1719; Salmo 71: 16, 1517; 1 Cor 12: 3113: 13; Lc 4, 21 a 30
Cristo se le preguntó constantemente a lo largo de las Sagradas Escrituras que hay que hacer para llegar al Cielo, para alcanzar la santidad y la gracia. Sus muchas respuestas se podrían resumir en una sola palabra el amor. Las lecturas de hoy de este Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario reflejan dos temas vivir vidas centradas en Dios, y amar de una manera que es quizás algo ajena a nuestro concepto secular y romántica de amor. Como muchos de los profetas, Jeremías era un poco reacio. Él no aspiraba ser un profeta, y encontró que la vocación era una carga en muchos sentidos. Sin embargo, Dios le deja claro a Jeremías que Él lo ha llamado a ese papel, y Él espera plenamente que él cumpla esa vocación. Cada uno de nosotros, por supuesto, también está llamado a una función especial de servir a Dios, a la Iglesia, y a los demás. Aunque vacilante como nosotros podemos ser, esto lo que Dios espera de nosotros. Esta es la razón por la cual la mayordomía es importante. Por más indispuestos que nos podamos sentir, nuestro objetivo debe ser cumplir con los deseos de Dios. No siempre es fácil, y el Señor deja claro a Jeremías que no será fácil para él. Dios le dice a Jeremías: "No te aplastes a cuenta de ellos." En otras palabras, enfrenta la oposición, pero seguro de que yo estoy contigo siempre. Eso es lo que Dios nos dice también.
que ha encontrado. Sin embargo, se enfrenta a la oposición e incluso burla. La respuesta de Jesús es digna de mencionar para nosotros. El Señor no responde con ira por ira, pero con amor por la ira. Jesús simplemente se marcha, sabiendo que Él tendrá otra oportunidad. Enfrentados con resistencia y hostilidad estamos llamados a una reacción: el amor.
Reporte del Diezmo ENERO 23 y 24 # de Sobres Misa Total 1,316 $38,826.08 Ofertorio realizado Online 181 $10,036.00 Total recolectado hasta 1/24 = $1,445,434.41 Representa el 53.77% de los $2,688,000.00 ingresos necesarios para el presupuesto operativo 201516.
Desayuno Aniversario
La Misa y Desayuno Anual de Aniversario se llevará a cabo Domingo, 14 de febrero en honor a aquellas parejas casados 30 años o más. Organizado por la Cofradía de la Mujer, esta celebración comenzará con una misa a las 8:30 am en la iglesia, inmediatamente seguido por el desayuno en el Salón La Segunda Lectura de la Primera carta de San Pablo a los Social. Corintios es una con la cual la mayoría de nosotros estamos familiarizados. Es toda sobre el amor. Tendemos a escuchar esto en bodas y eventos similares, pero Pablo se dirige a un amor más profundo y más incondicional. Pablo sabía que los Corintios estaban enamorados de los dones espirituales, al igual que muchos de nosotros. Sin embargo, en lo más profundo de todo don hay una cosa el amor. El punto de Pablo, simplemente, es que todos los dones no tienen sentido sin amor. Una de las sutilezas de la Carta de San Pablo se pierde debido a nuestra falta de conocimiento sobre el lenguaje Griego en el que fue escrito. Los Griegos tenían cuatro palabras para el amor: eros, que es el amor romántico con el que estamos familiarizados; storge, otra palabra Griega para el amor que se refiere al amor de la familia, el amor entre un padre y un hijo, por ejemplo; filia, la tercera palabra de amor: el amor de amistad, amor fraternal por así decirlo; sin embargo, Pablo a lo largo de este pasaje utiliza la cuarta palabra para el amor: el ágape. Este es un amor dado, que se da sin exigir o esperar reciprocidad. Es el amor puro. Es de sacrificio, dado, y sin condiciones. Tiene poco que ver con las emociones, y todo que ver con vivir el amor que Dios siente por nosotros. Es mayordomía. El amor ágape es la abnegación por el bien de los demás. Ese es el amor al cual Jesús nos llama. Esa es la esencia de todo lo que somos y todo lo que hacemos. Pablo cierra este notable Evangelio con la afirmación: "Así que la fe, la esperanza, el amor permanece, estos tres; pero el mayor de ellos es el amor " Como Jesús cuando habló de amor, San Pablo nos recuerda que el amor nunca termina; que seguirá creciendo, tanto ahora como en el Cielo. La fe y la esperanza habrán cumplido con su propósito, pero el amor nunca se acaba y seguirá creciendo por toda la eternidad. Los dos temas narrados en las dos primeras lecturas se reúnen en el Evangelio de Lucas. Jesús vuelve a su casa para compartir el amor
Por favor confirmar su asistencia antes del lunes 08 de febrero a Paula al 8134360017 o al 8136811921 Jeth para reservar su lugar.