March 20th, 2016

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705 E Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL

MARCH 20TH, 2016

“Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!”

Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr James C. Lara Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation:813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541

Mass Schedule Weekend Mass

Saturday Vigil Mass

4:00PM (ASL Interpreted) 4:00PM Español (Capilla)

Sunday Masses

7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel 12:30PM Español 6:00PM LifeTeen

Daily Mass 7:00AM (Monday through Friday) 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 7:00PM (Español Martes y Viernes) Morning Prayer 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule Saturday in Church 3:00 to 4:00PM 5:00 to 5:30PM

MARCH 20TH, 2016


The Holiest of All Weeks

La Más Santa de Todas las Semanas

In the Passion / Palm Sunday Mass which we celebrate today, we mark the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem followed by the gospel account that recalls His passion and death. In about 30 minutes or less during this Mass, our “Hosanna” quickly morphs into a “Crucify Him!” Without a doubt, this abrupt reversal of praise to condemnation reflects our faith which is often fickle and tenuous. Despite this wavering, the Lord’s love for us remains constant. On Holy Thursday, we remember and celebrate the Lord’s gift of himself to us in the Eucharist and his command to “wash the feet” of our sisters and brothers. On Good Friday, we remember the unparalleled sacrifice of the Lord upon the cross and his words “Father, forgive them.” And on Sunday we remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus which is the surety that eternal life is ours. God’s love conquers everything, and our experience during this Holy Week proves just that. The Liturgies of Holy Week (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday morning) are really ONE Liturgy. Every Catholic should, at least once in their lifetime, experience these three Liturgies together. But, if you can’t experience all of the Holy Week Liturgies together this year, then try to attend and participate in as many as you can. May God bless you and your loved ones during this holiest of all weeks. May your sufferings and hardships, with the grace of the risen Christ, turn into joy which knows no bounds.

La Pasión / Domingo de Ramos que hoy celebramos, marcan la entrada triunfal del Señor en Jerusalén, seguida por el recuento en el Evangelio que nos recuerda Su pasión y muerte. En unos 30 minutos o menos durante esta Misa, nuestro "Hosanna" se transforma rápidamente en un "¡Crucifícalo!" Sin lugar a dudas, esta reversión abrupta de alabanza a la condena refleja nuestra fe, que a menudo es algo inconstante y tenue. A pesar de esta vacilación, el amor del Señor por nosotros permanece constante. El Jueves Santo, recordamos y celebramos el obsequio de sí mismo del Señor a nosotros en la Eucaristía y Su mandato de "lavar los pies" de nuestros hermanos y hermanas. El Viernes Santo, recordamos el sacrificio sin par del Señor en la cruz y sus palabras "Padre, perdónalos." Y el Domingo de Pascua recordamos y celebramos la Resurrección de Jesús, que es la garantía de que la vida eterna es nuestra. El amor de Dios vence todo. Y nuestra experiencia en esta Semana Santa demuestra precisamente eso. Las liturgias de la Semana Santa (Jueves Santo, Viernes Santo, la Vigilia de Pascua / Domingo de Pascua son en realidad UNA Liturgia. Todo católico debe, al menos una vez en su vida, participar de estas tres Liturgias juntas. Pero, si no puede participar de todas las Liturgias de Semana Santa juntas este año, trate de asistir y participar en todas las que pueda. Que Dios lo bendiga a usted y a sus seres queridos durante esta santa de todas las semanas. Que sus sufrimientos y dificultades, con la gracia de Cristo resucitado, se convierten en alegría, que no conoce límites.

A Guarantee

Una Garantía

There is one thing that is for certain on Easter Sunday - our Church will be crowded! Thank God for that. A number of people will be coming to church on Easter who haven’t been here for a while. And I guarantee that they will: be taking “your” parking space, sitting in “your” seat, making noise, dressing casually, singing and responding less than you might hope, etc., etc. But these people who come to us next Sunday ARE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Let us welcome them in love and with charity. Look at this picture of Pope Francis. He reaches out to the child, the frenzied, the person taking a selfie. His loving embrace of ALL of these folks is what makes the Church come alive and reveals to all the person of Jesus. We would do well to take a page from Pope Francis’ playbook during this Jubilee Year of Mercy and welcome others as we would welcome Christ…because that is exactly what we are doing when we reach out to others at church and elsewhere, even when they take our favorite spots!

Hay una cosa que es cierta el Domingo de Pascua - ¡nuestra Iglesia estará llena de gente! Y gracias a Dios por eso. Un número de personas vendrán a la Iglesia el Domingo de Pascua que no ha estado aquí por un tiempo. Y les garantizo que van a: tomar "su" espacio de estacionamiento, se sentaran en "su" asiento, harán ruido, vestirán casualmente, cantando y respondiendo menos de lo que esperamos, etc., etc. Pero estas personas que vendrán el próximo Domingo son nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Vamos a darles la bienvenida en amor y caridad. Mire esta imagen del Papa Francisco. Él se acerca a la niña, los frenéticos, la persona que toma una autofoto. Su abrazo amoroso hacia todas estas personas es lo que hace que la Iglesia cobre vida y le revela a todos la persona de Jesús. Haríamos bien en tomar una página del libro del Papa Francisco durante este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia y acoger a las personas como acogeríamos a Cristo ... porque eso es exactamente lo que estamos haciendo cuando nos acercamos a los demás en la iglesia y en otros lugares, ¡incluso cuando toman nuestros lugares favoritos!



Mass Intentions | March 21st - 27th Monday

March 21, 2016

7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.

Nadeem Faizi & Family Deceased Members of the Cambra Family


March 22, 2016

7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

Carol Dismus Samantha Hendricks Adolfo Oristizabal (Spanish) (Chapel)


March 23, 2016

7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m.

Milan Richer Andrew J. Centore Sr.


March 24, 2016 (HOLY THURSDAY)

8:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Morning Prayer Church) Mass of the Lords Supper (Church) Adoration (Chapel)


March 25, 2016 (GOOD FRIDAY)

8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Morning Prayer (Chapel) Liturgy of the Lords Passion (Church) Liturgia de La Pasión (Gimnasio) (Español) Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (Church)


March 26, 2016 (HOLY SATURDAY)

8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Morning Prayer (Chapel) Blessing of Easter Baskets (Church) Solemn Easter Mass (Church)


March 27, 2016 (EASTER SUNDAY)

6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 a.m.

Nativity Parish Family (Church) Nativity Parish Family (Church) Nativity Parish Family (Church) Nativity Parish Family (Chapel) Nativity Parish Family (Church) (Chapel)

Little Flowers and Blue Knights Little Flowers Girls' Club and Blue Knights Boys' Club are clubs for girls and boys ages 5 and up that teach virtues through scripture, saints' biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our March meeting is this Sunday, March 20th, at 3:30pm in the Pastoral Care Center. We look forward to new members throughout the year.

March Monthly Food Drive The Nativity Outreach truck will be at the Social Hall on March 19th & 20th, 2016 for your donations. Please consider donating food toward meals for the many families of our Food Pantry. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of Nativity Outreach

Lenten Events Spanish Cantata - Mar 22nd @ 7:30 pm English Cantata - Mar 23rd @ 7:30 pm

Holy Week Traditions Explained Adoration of the Cross - In the seventh century, the Church in Rome adopted the practice of Adoration of the Cross from the Church in Jerusalem, where a fragment of wood believed to be the Lord's cross had been venerated every year on Good Friday since the fourth century. The bishop would place the relic on a table in the chapel of the Crucifixion and the faithful approached it, touching brow and eyes and lips to the wood as the priest said (as every priest has done ever since): 'Behold, the Wood of the Cross.' Adoration or veneration of an image or representation of Christ's cross does not mean that we actually adore the material image, of course, but rather what it represents. In kneeling before the crucifix and kissing it we are paying the highest honor to our Lord's cross as the instrument of our salvation. Because the Cross is inseparable from His sacrifice, in reverencing His Cross we, in effect, adore Christ. Thus we affirm: 'We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee because by Thy Holy Cross Thou has Redeemed the World.' Adoration after The Lord’s Supper - A special procession takes place of all the faithful who follow the priest as he carries the consecrated hosts to the Altar of Repose. This reverent procession challenges us to follow Jesus wherever he may lead. When the priest reenters the church, he brings the ciborium—the receptacle that holds the hosts—to the Altar of Repose and places it inside the tabernacle. The faithful are then invited to remain in prayerful adoration in front of our Eucharistic Lord. There is no dismissal (“The mass is ended. Go in peace.”) at the end of this liturgy. As the Paschal Triduum is one great liturgy, there will not be a formal dismissal until the end of Easter Vigil. We watch and pray with the Lord as we remember what immediately happened after the last supper—going to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. Blessing the Easter Bread - In Slavic countries the blessing of Easter foods was an important tradition. This blessing is still found in the updated Roman Ritual, and is a wonderful practice. Many parishes still participate in this custom of the blessing of the Easter food or baskets. Nativity celebrates this ritual on Holy Saturday at noon. The food is then taken home and eaten for breakfast on Easter Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

St. Joseph’s Altar at Nativity Nativity Women’s Guild will provide the parish with a St. Joseph’s Altar on the Feast day of St. Joseph., March 19th – the weekend of Palm Sunday. And, it will remain available to visit on Sunday March 20th after all of the Masses The St. Joseph Altar is an old tradition from Sicily. It serves as a reminder that those who have enjoyed some measure of good fortune must share it with those who have less. Please come visit the Altar in Social Hall C, offer a prayer and be sure to receive your fava bean, which according to tradition, is kept in one’s possession as a remembrance of St. Joseph, who brings families blessings and protection. Thank you, hope to see you there.

MARCH 20TH, 2016


Partners with La Victoria Update We have worked diligently to transform into a new organization! Partners with La Victoria, Inc., was created in 2015 to build and nurture relationships as partners in Christ by empowering people through education, faith, social and economic development. In October of 2015, Partners with La Victoria, Inc., dedicated a trip to bring together people in the community for seminars and community meetings. In order to develop and organize leaders from the community, as partners, we decided to form a group in La Victoria that will work with Partners with La Victoria, Inc., as equals, to develop relationships, identify needs, and execute projects that will help the community as a whole in a sustainable way. Currently the leaders from La Victoria are organizing themselves meeting every week to discuss and evaluate ways to function as a group that can make progress in helping the community. They have formed committees that correspond to the committees within Partners with La Victoria: Faith, Education, Economic Development, and Social Development. The next step is for the La Victoria community leaders to start selecting projects and ideas, and then work with Partners with La Victoria, Inc., in developing those ideas to make lasting changes. These projects have a better chance of succeeding if they come from the people living in the community that will be working on them and receiving benefits from the efforts. We hope to have the list of the top priority projects by April 2016, and we will start engaging people for help making these projects a reality. Thanks so much for your love and passion for La Victoria! Please pray for the community leaders in La Victoria and for our organization as we move forward with change. Visit our website for updates!

Pray for Each Other Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut-ins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Joan Wagner, Christie Washburn, Auburn Wells, Barbara White, Howard Wiebeld, Vincent Wildgen, Cathy Williams, Kenneth Wilson, Evelina Zambrano, Charlotte Zorn, George Wagner, Steve Alley, Bessie LoScalzo, Dr. Greenwell, Francis Davis, Anna Cifuni, Bienvenida Kjeer, Vincent Wilgen, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Addia Limtiaco, Alex Kepler, Norma Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas, Virginia Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Fraser, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna, Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez, Sylvia Perez Gonzalez, Jeanne A. Woodke, Katalin Lazzara, Dr. Joseph Chiarmonte, Aida Luz Betancourt, Courtney Daniels, Leonora Maggio, Irma Barrett, Estelito Rubio, Mary Demery, Ed Nagel, Michael Fultz, Jo Ann Shey, Gary Curreri, Katie Welch, Hailey Hepfinger, Charles F. Schramm Ph.D., Christopher C. Woodke, James P. Barrett In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Catherine Olsen, Thomas P. Lind, Shirley Paserpsky, Fausto Antonio Torres, Robert J. Fogarty

Office Closures for Holy Week The Church Office will be closed Thursday, March 24th through Monday, March 28th for the Easter Holiday. Our emergency lines will still be open in the event you need a priest for an emergency. We will reopen Tuesday, March 29th at 8:30 for regular business hours. We look forward to seeing you at Mass.

Employment Opportunity at NCS Nativity Catholic School is immediately seeking an experienced, part-time Night Maintenance/Janitorial Worker. Hours typically: M-F 5:30-10:30pm. Ability to work flexible shifts as needed, or on weekends is a plus. Qualified applicants must have general knowledge and experience in school and facility cleaning procedures and standards; be able to operate cleaning equipment and golf cart; be able to lift 50 lbs. Must be able to identify repair and supply needs and communicate/coordinate completion of projects & requests with other department staff. Must have good communication skills; bilingual preferred. Must pass Level II FBI Background Screening and attend Safe Environment Training. Please submit a cover letter, resume, and a list of three professional references to: Robert Martin, Director Finance and Operations, Address: 705 E. Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL 33511 Phone: 813-681-4608


Weekly Reflection (courtesy of Is 50: 4-7; Ps 22: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2: 6-11; Lk 22:14 – 23:56

Today is the Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, sometimes referred to more simply as Passion Sunday. The readings today prepare us for Holy Week which officially begins today. The Gospel in particular is always the proclamation of the Passion of Christ. It is lengthy and filled with meaning for us. The report of Christ’s passion is included in all four Gospels. Although there are some minor differences among them, they seem to agree with each other on the major facts, and certainly the four together offer us an accurate depiction of what occurred. The Gospel reading today is the narrative from Luke, which emphasizes Christ’s innocence. Rather than make an effort for an overall reflection, we choose to focus on two important components of today’s readings — humility and obedience. We have referenced these in the past as significant in relationship to stewardship as a way of life. The Prophet Isaiah, in an almost strikingly tragic way, foretells the sufferings of Christ when Isaiah has the Messiah say, “I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting.” Jesus understood full well the suffering and pain and death He would experience in our behalf. His response and His message to us has everything to do with humility, however. Jesus accepts the fact that He is the servant of the Lord, something that our own pride and sense of independence may prevent us from accepting. In his letter to the Philippians, St. Paul emphasizes this obedience and humility, as well. Paul reminds us that Jesus “emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death.” Jesus’ humility is a part of His life on earth from the time He was born in the humble setting in the stable. He was humble in that He was born as a helpless baby. He was humble in obedience to His parents and to His Father in Heaven. And, of course, He suffers the ultimate in humility in His suffering and death on the cross. All of the obedience and humility concludes with what we call the Passion of Christ: the time period from the night prior to the Crucifixion of Jesus until His death on the cross, which includes His time in the Garden of Gethsemane, His prayers, His betrayal by Judas Iscariot, His abandonment by and denial by His disciples, His arrest, His trials, His beatings, and His Crucifixion itself. Even though this is history for us, it is more than history. It is a lesson in life. The humiliation, the persecution, the scourging, the painful and difficult journey up the hill with the cross — all make His suffering, His obedience, and His

5 humility obvious to us. The lesson for us is the humility and forgiveness Christ demonstrates, even toward those who abused Him. He shows us the kind of love He expects from us. The Cross, for all of its sorrow, pain, and despair, is also a sign of freedom and hope. We are called to transform the suffering of this day into infinite love.

Kids Pray, Serve, and Give Liam helped make guacamole. Anielou prayed before bedtime. Justin gave to the poor. Jude helped his brother find his shoes.

Update on our Parish Finances Our annual giving is a little below our budget for the year. Some parishioners asked for a view of the tithing report as it relates to our planned budget. $1,912,512.00 $1,799,932 Projected raised At 37 weeks

APA 2016 Update pledged: 69% | collected: 33.8% | participating: 15.2% Thank you to the 1016 families who have already pledged this year’s Annual Pastoral Appeal. As our video displayed, your gift to APA helps our programs, ministries, and future improvements. If you gave online last year, and would like to renew your commitment, visit When you’re logged in, go to GIVE A NEW GIFT, and add 2016 Annual Pastoral Appeal to renew your commitment! If you have not had an opportunity to make a pledge, please consider doing so today. Envelopes are also available on the window sills in the Church or visit and click on the APA logo. Get a current view of the state of our parish finances at:

MARCH 20TH, 2016


Nativity Catholic School


Nativity Catholic School Spring Gala

Step Up for Students

IS APRIL 23RD AT THE REGENT Gala tickets are on Sale NOW! Early Bird price: $50 until March 23, 2016, thereafter price goes up to $75. If you would like a chance at winning up to a $5,000 tuition voucher, tickets are on sale for our tuition raffle for $50. These can be purchased at the School Office in the mornings and at the Volunteer Office in the afternoons. Tickets will also be available in the Social Hall on Sunday, March 20th after Masses.

Step Up For Students is pleased to announce that they are now accepting applications from new families for the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) scholarship for the 2016-17 school year. If you wish to apply, please check the school website to start your online application. All applicants must have an active email address to create an online application. If you do not have an active email address, please create one prior to starting the application. If you have created an account in the past, please use that same account to apply for the 2016-17 school year. There is no fee to apply for the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) scholarship and they only accept online applications. Should you have any questions or concerns about the application process, please feel free to reach out via email at or via phone at 877.735.7837. The contact center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30 pm, with an hour closure from 11am to Noon. Please be sure to select the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) scholarship prompt when dialing.

Enrolling New Families Now

for the 2016 - 17 School Year. If your family, or a family you know, wants to be part of a vibrant community of faith filled, excited, and savvy learners, this is your chance! Nativity Catholic School is now accepting enrollments for new families for the 2016 17 school year and is looking for you to join. For a tour of the campus, to find out more about our integrated technology program, or to hear about our passionate staff, call Therese Alonso 813.689.3395 Therese Alonso, School Affairs Director

Youth & Young Adult


6pm Mass. See you there! High School (Grades 9 - 12) (LIFE TEEN) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center on Sundays, after the 6 pm Mass & Wednesdays from 7 - 9pm Eryn Lentner, Youth Director

Middle School (Grades 6 - 8) (LIFE FORCE) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center, Tuesdays from 6 - 8 pm. Young Adults (18 - 40) REAL LIFE Every Thursday at Nativity’s Youth Center at 8 pm for faith, fun, and fellowship. Vida Joven Meets Friday in the chapel at 7 pm. Meal, faith and fun program until 9 pm. All High School age members of our Hispanic community are welcome to join us this Friday evening for a time of prayer, spiritual growth and fellowship. 7:00pm - Misa en Español 7:30pm - Dinner 8:00pm - Charla and Community Time



Faith Formation


Looking forward to the great feast of EASTER for families Today, we celebrate Palm Sunday (the Passion of the Lord). In desert countries, date palms are important trees. For dates to ripen, they need several months with tempera-

tures over 100. The Gospels tell us that the people waved branches to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem. So, today, we too wave palm branches. Family discussion on the way home from Mass: Why did Jesus’ disciples call him their king?

Celebrating the Paschal Triduum March 24-26, 2016 Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday are called the Paschal Triduum, which means the three days of Passover. These three days are begun and ended from sunset to sunset. The Paschal Triduum begins at sundown on Holy Thursday until sundown on Easter Sunday. Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus gave us the gift of himself in the Eucharist and set an example of service by washing the feet of the apostles. The Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Nativity will be held at 7:00 pm.

Pastoral Care


Box/Car City 2016 COMING SOON! Mark your calendars Saturday, April 2nd Decorate a box, tent or your car and sleep overBonnie Ussery, night at the NovemPastoral Care Director berfest Field to help raise awareness of FAMILY PROMISE’S mission to provide homeless families with children with help and hope! To sign up go to Or call Pastoral Care at 813.413.8351 for more information

Freedom in Christ Are you under a great deal of stress and feel despair? Are you struggling to keep your head above water? Do you have wounds from past hurts that haven’t healed? The Freedom in Christ Ministry can help. Come and experience Christ’s healing power. All denominations are welcome so bring a friend. Monday, March 22nd, 2016 7-9pm in Nativity’s Chapel FIC on Facebook.

Good Friday recalls the crucifixion and death of Jesus. You will notice that the Church is bare and the tabernacle is left open and empty. Mass is not celebrated on this day, but Holy Communion is distributed in the matter of communion hosts that have been consecrated at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday evening. We come together to Services at Nativity are at 3:00 and 7:00 pm. Holy Saturday is a day of waiting as we prepare our hearts and homes for the resurrection of Jesus. In the tomb, Jesus rested on the Sabbath. The Church rests in Christ today. It is customary to keep Holy Saturday free from all kinds of work. At nightfall on Holy Saturday, the blessed Sabbath is over. The first work that is done is the lighting of the fire. That is how the Easter Vigil begins. On this night, the new Paschal (Easter) candle is lit from this fire. We see the Church come from darkness into light as the Paschal Candle is brought into the Church and the assembly lights their individual lights (candles) from this candle. On this holy night, we gather in Church with the soon-to-be-baptized. Solemn Easter Vigil Mass at Nativity will begin at 8:00 p.m.

HOPE Ministry Events Micah 6:8 declares: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” As Catholics we are do well at walking humbly with God by coming to Mass regularly, and we love charity through our Outreach and Stewardship, but we very often forget to do justice. If you long to be a part of an active ministry seeking to do justice, you should find out more about how to be involved in our HOPE Justice Network Ministry. Contact the Pastoral Care Office to get connected to the network and then plan on attending the Nehemiah Action Assembly to see justice in action in our community. The two topics being addressed this year are Affordable Housing initiatives, and the Criminal Record prevention program (a state and local level initiative.) HOPE Nehemiah Action Assembly – Monday, April 4th @ 6:30 pm – St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Tampa – for anyone interested in participating in our parish justice ministry.

MARCH 20TH, 2016

8 Monday - 3/21/2016

Monday - 3/28/2016


9:00AM - 12:00PM

PC (Back)

Easter Monday

SVDP Meeting

10:30AM - 2:00PM

PC (Mid)


Freedom in Christ

7:00PM - 9:00PM


Church Office Closed

Partners With La Victoria meeting

7:00PM - 9:00PM

SH (C1)

Legion de Maria Hispana

7:30PM - 9:00PM


Tuesday - 3/22/2016 Girl Talk

5:00PM - 6:00PM


Life Force

6:00PM - 8:00PM


Life Teen Band Rehearsal

7:00PM - 9:00PM


Coro Hispano Lenten Cantata

7:30PM - 9:00PM


Novena of Divine Mercy

3:00PM - 4:00PM

Holy Week Schedule (March 22 - 27) Cantatas

Wednesday - 3/23/2016

Martes, 22 Marzo

Nativity School out at Noon

Coro Hispano a 7:30pm - Capilla

Living Stations

9:00AM - 10:00AM


Wednesday, March 23rd

Fitness Ministry Zumba

10:30AM - 11:30AM


Nativity Chorale at 7:30pm - Chapel

Meals on Wheels

10:30AM - 11:30AM

SH (C)

St Jude prayer meeting

5:00PM - 7:00PM

PC (Back)

Life Teen

7:00PM - 9:00PM


Service of the Lord's Supper

Nativity Chorale Lenten Cantata

7:30PM - 9:00PM


7:00pm in the Church (ASL, Bilingual) Adoration at 9pm in the Chapel.

Thursday - 3/24/2016


Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday NO SCHOOL

Good Friday Services

Church Office Closed Come Clean Church Cleaners

7:00AM - 9:30AM


Come Clean Chapel Cleaners

8:45AM - 10:30AM


Friday - 3/25/2016 Good Friday

Blessing of the Easter Bread

Church Office Closed Novena of Divine Mercy

2:30PM - 3:00PM


Passion Play

7:30PM - 8:30PM

Nfest Field

Saturday - 3/26/2016

12:00pm in the Chapel.

Solemn Easter Vigil Mass (Bilingual)

Holy Saturday 3:00PM - 4:00PM

3:00pm (ASL), 7:00pm y Español a las 6:30pm en el Gimnasio

Holy Saturday


Novena of Divine Mercy

Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion


8:00pm - 11:00pm in the Church

Sunday - 3/27/2016 Easter Novena of Divine Mercy

3:00PM - 4:00PM


For all events and updates please check the website calendar. Room Key YC - Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) - Social Hall PC - Pastoral Care | AE - Adult Education Building LL - Life Lounge | OR - Oakwood Room CONV - Convent | MP - Multi-Purpose Room

Easter Masses

Church– 6:30, 8:30 (ASL), 10:30, Gym– 8:30 and 10:30 (Family Mass) Chapel– 10:30

Misas de Pascua en Español Capilla - 8:30am Iglesia - 12:30pm


Reflexión Semanal (cortesía de Is 50, 4-7; Sal 22: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Fil 2: 6-11; Lc 22:14-23:56

Hoy es el Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor, a veces denominado simplemente como Domingo de Ramos. Las lecturas de hoy nos preparan para la Semana Santa, que comienza oficialmente hoy. En particular el Evangelio es siempre el anuncio de la Pasión de Cristo. Es largo y lleno de significado para nosotros. El informe de la Pasión de Cristo se incluye en los cuatro Evangelios. Aunque hay algunas diferencias menores entre ellos, parecen estar de acuerdo entre sí sobre los hechos principales, y desde luego, los cuatro juntos nos ofrecen una descripción exacta de lo que ocurrió. Hoy la lectura del Evangelio es la narración de Lucas, que hace hincapié en la inocencia de Cristo. En lugar de hacer un esfuerzo para una reflexión de conjunto, hemos optado por centrarnos en dos componentes importantes de las lecturas de hoy - la humildad y la obediencia. Hemos hecho referencia a éstos en el pasado como algo significante con relación a la mayordomía como una forma de vida. El Profeta Isaías, de una manera casi trágica, predice los sufrimientos de Cristo, cuando Isaías relata lo dicho por el Mesías, "Di mi espalda a los que me golpeaban, mis mejillas a los que mesaban mi barba; no cubrí mi cara de las bofetadas y salivazos." Jesús entendió muy bien el sufrimiento y el dolor y la muerte que iba a experimentar en nuestro nombre. Sin embargo, Su respuesta y Su mensaje para nosotros tienen mucho que ver con la humildad. Jesús acepta el hecho de que Él es el siervo del Señor, algo que nuestro propio orgullo y sentido de independencia pueden impedirnos aceptar. En su carta a los Filipenses, San Pablo también hace hincapié en esta obediencia y humildad. Pablo nos recuerda que Jesús "se despojó de sí mismo, tomando condición de siervo, haciéndose semejante a los humanos; y encontrándose humano en apariencia, se humilló a sí mismo, haciéndose obediente hasta el punto de muerte.” La humildad de Jesús es una parte de Su vida en la tierra, desde el momento en que nació en el entorno humilde en el establo. Él era humilde. Nació como un bebé indefenso. Él era humilde en obediencia a Sus padres y a Su Padre en el Cielo. Y, por supuesto, sufre lo máximo humildemente en Su sufrimiento y muerte en la cruz. Toda la obediencia y la humildad concluye con lo que llamamos la Pasión de Cristo: el período de tiempo desde la noche antes de la Crucifixión de Jesús hasta su muerte en la cruz, que incluye Su tiempo en el Huerto de Getsemaní, Sus oraciones, Su traición por Judas Iscariote, el abandono y negación por parte de Sus discípulos, Su detención, Sus juicios, Sus golpes, y Su propia Crucifixión. A pesar de que esto es historia para nosotros, es más que historia. Es una lección de vida. La humillación, la

9 persecución, la flagelación, el viaje doloroso y difícil por la colina con la cruz - todos hacen Su sufrimiento, Su obediencia y Su humildad obvio para nosotros. La lección para nosotros es la humildad y el perdón que Cristo demuestra, incluso por aquellos que abusaron de Él. Nos muestra el tipo de amor que espera de nosotros. La Cruz, por la totalidad de su pena, el dolor y la desesperación, es también un signo de libertad y esperanza. Estamos llamados a transformar el sufrimiento de este día en amor infinito.

Nuestros niños oran, sirven y donan Liam ayudó a hacer guacamole. Anielou oró antes de acostarse. Justin dio a los pobres. Jude ayudó a su hermano a encontrar sus zapatos.

Nuestras finanzas de la parroquia

Nuestra ofrenda anual es un poco por debajo de nuestro presupuesto para el año. Algunos feligreses pidieron una vista del informe diezmo lo que se refiere a nuestro presupuesto previsto. $1,799,932 $1,912,512.00 recogido presupuestado

Actualización de APA 2016 comprometido: 69% | recogido: 34% | participando: 15% Gracias a las 1016 familias que ya se han comprometido a la Apelación Pastoral Anual de este año. Como muestra el video, su regalo a APA ayuda a nuestros programas, ministerios y mejoras futuras. Si usted dio en línea el año pasado, y desea renovar su compromiso, visite Cuando está conectado, vaya a GIVE A NEW GIFT, y añadir 2016 Apelación Pastoral Anual a renovar su compromiso! Si usted no ha tenido la oportunidad de hacer una promesa, por favor considere hacerlo hoy. Los sobres también están disponibles en los marcos de las ventanas en la iglesia o visita y haga clic en el logotipo de APA.

MARCH 20TH, 2016


¿Ha olvidado su sobre?

Eventos del Ministerio HOPE

¿Vas de viaje este verano? ¿Desea más información sobre la entrega en línea? Visita y haga clic en Online Giving. Si necesita ayuda para actualizar la información de su cuenta, por favor llame a la línea de apoyo al cliente al 800.348.2886 opción 4.

Miqueas 6:8 declara: "El te ha declarado, oh hombre, lo que es bueno; y qué pide Jehová de ti: solamente hacer justicia, y amar misericordia, y humillarte ante tu Dios?" Como católicos caminamos humildemente con Dios al venir a misa regularmente, y nos encanta la caridad a través de nuestro Extensión y Administración, sino que muy a menudo se olvidamos de hacer la justicia. Si lo que quiere es ser parte de un ministerio activamente tratando de hacer justicia, usted debe aprender más acerca de cómo participar en nuestra HOPE Ministerio Red de Justicia. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Cuidado Pastoral para conectarse a la red y luego planear asistir a la Asamblea Acción Nehemías para que se vea justicia en acción en nuestra comunidad. Los dos temas que se examinan este año son las iniciativas de vivienda asequible, y el programa de prevención de antecedentes penales (una iniciativa a nivel estatal y local.) Asamblea HOPE Nehemías Acción - Lunes, 4º de abril de 6:30 pm - Iglesia Católica de St. Lawrence, Tampa - para cualquier persona interesada en participar en nuestra parroquia Ministerio de Justicia.

Step Up para Estudiantes

Step Up For Students se complace en anunciar que ahora están aceptando solicitudes de nuevas familias para la beca de Florida Tax Credit (FTC) para el año escolar 2016-17. Si desea aplicar, por favor consulte el sitio web de la escuela para iniciar la aplicación en línea. Todos los solicitantes deben tener una dirección de correo electrónico activa para crear una aplicación en línea. Si usted no tiene una dirección de correo electrónico activa, por favor crear una antes de iniciar la aplicación. Si ha creado una cuenta en el pasado, por favor utilice la misma cuenta para aplicar para el año escolar 201617. No hay que pagar para solicitar la beca de Florida Tax Credit (FTC) y que sólo acepta aplicaciones en línea. Si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación sobre el proceso de solicitud, no dude en llegar por correo electrónico a o por teléfono al 877.735.7837. El centro de contacto está abierto de lunes a viernes de 8:30 am a 4:30 pm, con una hora de cierre de 11 a mediodía. Por favor, asegúrese de seleccionar el símbolo de becas de Florida Tax Credit (FTC) al marcar.

Camión de Donación para Alimentos El camión de Nativity estara en el campus el 19 & 20 de Marzo para su conveniencia. Por favor, considere donar algunos alimentos que contribuiran a comidas para nuestras familias de la Despensa de Alimentos de Nativity. Cualquiera y todas las donaciones son muy apreciadas. Gracias por su generosidad y apoyo constante a la Despensa y el Banco de Alimentos.

Box / City Car 2016 ¡PRÓXIMAMENTE! Marque su calendario Sábado por la, 2ª de abril de Decorar una caja, tienda o su coche y dormir la noche en el campo Novemberfest para ayudar a elevar la conciencia de la misión de FAMILY PROMISE de proporcionar las familias sin hogar con los niños con ayuda y esperanza! Para inscribirse ir a O llame Cuidado Pastoral al 813.413.8351 para más información

Oportunidades de Empleo en NCS La escuela católica de Nativity está buscando inmediatamente un Trabajador Noche Mantenimiento / Limpieza experimentado, a tiempo parcial. Horas normalmente: L-V 5:30-10:30 pm. Capacidad para trabajar en turnos flexibles, según sea necesario, o los fines de semana es un punto a favor. Los solicitantes calificados deben tener conocimiento y experiencia en los procedimientos y normas de limpieza en las escuelas y instalaciones en general; ser capaz de operar equipos de limpieza y carrito de golf; ser capaz de levantar 50 libras. Debe ser capaz de identificar las necesidades de reparación y suministro y comunicar / coordinar la realización de proyectos y solicitudes con otro personal del departamento. Debe tener buenas habilidades de comunicación; bilingüe preferido. Debe pasar un FBI investigación nivel II de empleo y asistir al Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro. Por favor, envíe una carta de presentación, curriculum vitae, y una lista de tres referencias profesionales a: Robert Martin, Director de Finanzas y Operaciones, Dirección: 705 E. Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL 33511 Teléfono: 813-681-4608



Altar de San José en Nativity

Actualización del Partners with La Victoria

El Gremio de Mujeres de Nativity le proporcionará a la parroquia un altar de San José en la Festividad de San José, 19 de marzo -el fin de semana del Domingo de Ramos. Y permanecerá disponible para visitar el domingo, 20 de marzo, después de todas las Misas. El altar de San José es una antigua tradición de Sicilia. Sirve como un recordatorio de que los que han disfrutado a cierta medida de la buena fortuna debe compartirlo con los que tienen menos. Por favor, venga a visitar el altar en el Salon Social C, ofrecesca una oración y estara seguro de recibir su habas, que según la tradición, se mantienen en su posesión como recuerdo de San José, que le reúne a las familias bendiciones y protección. Gracias, esperamos verte allí.

Hemos trabajado diligentemente para transformarse en una nueva organización! Partners with La Victoria, Inc., fue creada en 2015 para construir y alimentar relaciones como asocios en Cristo mediante la potenciación de las personas a través de la educación, la fe, y el desarrollo social e económico. En octubre de 2015, Partners with La Victoria, Inc., dedico un viaje para reunir a la gente en la comunidad para seminarios y reuniones comunidales. Con el fin de desarrollar y organizar los líderes de la comunidad, como asocios, decidimos formar un grupo en La Victoria que trabajará con Partners with La Victoria, Inc., de igual a igual, para desarrollar relaciones, identificar las necesidades, y ejecutar proyectos que ayudara a la comunidad en su conjunto de una manera sostenible. En la actualidad los líderes de La Victoria están organizando reuniones todas las semanas para discutir y evaluar la manera de funcionar como un grupo que puede progresar en ayudar a la comunidad. Se han formado comités que corresponden a los comités especializados dentro de Partners with La Victoria: Fe, Educación, Desarrollo Económico y Desarrollo Social. El siguiente paso es que los líderes de la comunidad de La Victoria inician la selección de proyectos e ideas, y luego trabajan con Partners with La Victoria, Inc., en el desarrollo de estas ideas para hacer cambios duraderos. Estos proyectos tienen una mejor oportunidad de éxito si proceden de las personas que viven en la comunidad y que van a trabajar en ellos y recibir los beneficios de los esfuerzos. Esperamos tener la lista de los proyectos prioritarios para abril de 2016, y vamos a empezar a involucrar a las personas en busca de ayuda hacer una realidad estos proyectos. Muchas gracias por su amor y pasión por la Victoria! Por favor oren por los líderes de la comunidad de La Victoria y para nuestra organización a medida que avanzamos con el cambio. Visite nuestro sitio web para las actualizaciones! http://

Oficinas Cerradas para la Semana Santa

La oficina de la iglesia estara cerrado el jueves, 24 de de marzo de hasta el lunes 28 de marzo para la fiesta de Pascua. Nuestras líneas de emergencia todavía estarán abiertas en el caso de que necesite un cura para una emergencia. Reabriremos Martes, 29 de marzo a 08:30 durante horas regulares de trabajo. Esperamos contar con su presencia en la misa.

¿Por qué la cruz? Nos enseña quiénes somos La cruz, con sus dos maderos, nos enseña quiénes somos y cuál es nuestra dignidad: el madero horizontal nos muestra el sentido de nuestro caminar, al que Jesucristo se ha unido haciéndose igual a nosotros en todo, excepto en el pecado. ¡Somos hermanos del Señor Jesús, hijos de un mismo Padre en el Espíritu! El madero que soportó los brazos abiertos del Señor nos enseña a amar a nuestros hermanos como a nosotros mismos. Y el madero vertical nos enseña cuál es nuestro destino eterno. No tenemos morada acá en la tierra, caminamos hacia la vida eterna. Todos tenemos un mismo origen: la Trinidad que nos ha creado por amor. Y un destino común: el cielo, la vida eterna. La cruz nos enseña cuál es nuestra real identidad. Nos recuerda el Amor Divino "Tanto amó Dios al mundo que entregó a su Hijo único para que todo el que crea en Él no perezca sino que tenga vida eterna". (Jn 3, 16). Pero ¿cómo lo entregó? ¿No fue acaso en la cruz? La cruz es el recuerdo de tanto amor del Padre hacia nosotros y del amor mayor de Cristo, quien dio la vida por sus amigos (Jn 15, 13). El demonio odia la cruz, porque nos recuerda el amor infinito de Jesús. Lee: Gálatas 2, 20. Signo de nuestra reconciliación La cruz es signo de reconciliación con Dios, con nosotros mismos, con los humanos y con todo el orden de la creación en medio de un mundo marcado por la ruptura y la falta de comunión.

Matriculando Ahora a nuevas familias para el 2016 - 17 año escolar. Si su familia, o una familia que sabe, quiere ser parte de una comunidad vibrante de fe llena, excitado, y los alumnos inteligentes, esta es tu oportunidad! La escuela católica Nativity está aceptando inscripciones para nuevas familias para el 2016 - 17 año escolar y está buscando para que se unan. Solicita una un recorrido por el campus, para averiguar más acerca de nuestro programa de tecnología integrada, o escuchar acerca de nuestro personal apasionado, llame al 813.689.3395 Teresa Alonso

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