April 24th, 2016 (Fifth Sunday of Easter)

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705 E Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL

APRIL 24TH, 2016

“Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!”

Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr James C. Lara Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation:813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541

Mass Schedule Weekend Mass

Saturday Vigil Mass

4:00PM (ASL Interpreted) 4:00PM Español (Capilla)

Sunday Masses

7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel 12:30PM Español 6:00PM LifeTeen

Daily Mass 7:00AM (Monday through Friday) 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 7:00PM (Español Martes y Viernes) Morning Prayer 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule Saturday in Church 3:00 to 4:00PM 5:00 to 5:30PM

2 Bad News / Good News – By now, you have undoubtedly heard the news that Fr. Victor will be leaving our parish at the end of June. It is certainly sad and unexpected news for all Nativity Parishioners. However, Fr. Victor is quite happy to be able to pursue his dream of going away for further studies. And to top it off, he will be doing his studies in Rome!!! (Can you say road trip for this pastor and our parishioners?) Since Fr. Victor published his remarks in the space where the pastor’s comments are found in the bulletin, several parishioners have come up to me thinking that I was the one leaving Nativity. After our conversation, it was clear that I disappointed more than a few when I told them I wasn’t leaving, but Fr. Victor was. Sorry about that!!! While that’s enough bad news to last us a while, I do have good news to report. Bishop Lynch is assigning to Nativity Parish one of the deacons who will be ordained to the priesthood next month. His name is Deacon Felipe Gonzalez. Deacon Felipe will be ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of St. Jude in St. Petersburg on May 21st and will begin his ministry at Nativity Parish toward the end of June or early July. I have worked with Deacon Felipe on many occasions while he was on his pastoral year assignment in the diocese. He is a delight. Deacon Felipe possesses many of the fine gifts and talents that all of us would want in a priest who serves our parish. Please pray for these two good men as they transition into the next and newest phase of their lives. HOPE – Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality – Social Justice Ministry – I am grateful to the 147 Nativity parishioners who travelled to St. Lawrence Church in Tampa for the Nehemiah Action Assembly on Monday, April 4th. On that evening, our parish joined 18 other various denominations to do the work of justice – including three other Catholic Churches in Hillsborough County. We were pleased that two of our county commissioners – Victor Crist and Kevin Beckner – spoke in favor of attempting to start an affordable housing trust fund in Hillsborough County. Numerous articles on this issue and how it affects low income families are abundant on the various news feeds and outlets. We were also pleased that Chief Judge Ronald Ficarrotta, Pat Frank, and a representative from Juliane Holt’s office (Public Defender) spoke in favor of a civil citation issue our group is championing. We were disappointed that Sheriff Gee would not meet with our group and speaks vociferously against such a measure. We will continue to attempt to set up a meeting with Sheriff Gee about this issue since it is so important to the people of our congregations and this county. For a more complete update, please check out the HOPE website. www.hillshope.com

April 24th, 2016 Noticia Tristes / Noticias Buenas - Ya deben haber oído la noticia de que el Padre Victor se va de la Parroquia de Nativity a finales de junio. Ciertamente es una noticia triste e inesperada para todos los feligreses de Nativity. Sin embargo, Padre Victor está muy contento de poder cumplir su sueño de adelantar más sus estudios. ¡¡Y por si fuera poco, estará estudiando en Roma!! Desde que el Padre Victor publicó sus comentarios en el boletín en el espacio dedicado a comentarios del párroco; varios feligreses se me han acercado pensando que yo me voy de Nativity. Me quedó muy claro después de conversar con ellos, que algunos de ellos estaban decepcionados al decirles que yo no me voy, si no el Padre Victor. ¡Lo siento! Pasando de tristes noticias, tengo buenas noticias que reportar. El Obispo Lynch está asignando a la Parroquia de Nativity a uno de los diáconos que será ordenado al sacerdocio el próximo mes. Su nombre es Diácono Felipe González. El Diácono Felipe será ordenado al sacerdocio en la Catedral de San Judas en St. Petersburg el 21 de mayo y comenzará su ministerio en Nativity para finales de junio o principio de julio. Él es totalmente bilingüe. Durante su asignación a la diócesis para su año pastoral, yo trabajé con el Diácono Felipe en muchas ocasiones. Él es una persona muy agradable con quien trabajar. El posee muchos de los dones y talentos que todos queremos en un sacerdote que sirve en nuestra parroquia. Oren por estos dos buenos hombres al hacer la transición a la próxima y nueva faceta de sus vidas. HOPE – Organización para Progreso e Igualdad de Hillisborough – Ministerio de Justicia Social - Estoy muy agradecido con los 147 feligreses que viajaron a la Iglesia St. Lawrence en Tampa para la Asamblea Acción Nehemías el lunes, 4 de abril. Esa noche nuestra parroquia se unió a 18 denominaciones variadas para obrar por la justicia – incluyendo a tres otras Iglesias Católicas del Condado de Hillsborough. Nos complació que dos de nuestros comisionados – Victor Crist y Kevin Beckner – hablaron a favor de intentar el comienzo de un fondo fiduciario para viviendas asequibles en el Condado de Hillsborough. Numerosos artículos sobre este tema y cómo afecta a familias de bajos recursos se encuentran en varios canales de noticias y puntos de venta. También nos complació que el Juez Superior Ronald Ficarrotta, Pat Frank, y un representante de la oficina de Juliane Holt (Defensora Pública) habló a favor del tema de citación civil que nuestro grupo está abogando. Nos decepcionó que el Sheriff Gee no se reuniera con nuestro grupo y se opone vociferantemente a esta medida. Continuaremos intentando de fijar una reunión con el Sheriff Gee sobre este tema que es tan importante para el pueblo de nuestras congregaciones y este condado. Para más detalles completos, pueden cotejar nuestra red de HOPE – www.hillshope.com

Fifth Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions | April 25th - May 1st

Monday 7:00 a.m 8:00 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Friday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

April 25 Gabriel Wadswort Michelle Hostetler April 26 Maria Huong Nguyen Britt Hardy Lida Velastegui Basantes (Esp) April 27 Linda Le Regino & Pelagia Penaranda April 28 Helen Clarice Juan & Lourdes DeLeon Sr. April 29 Christine O’Donnel Rogelio & Ida Lim Javi Muniz (Esp) April 30 Ellen Wolf Gloria & Maria Orrego Jr. Felipe Duque May 01 Rob McDarby Nativity Parish Family Dennis Anderson Brian Benedict Leonard Luis Calleja (Esp) Essie Simmons


Why the Book of Revelation?

The Book of Revelation had its origin in a time of crisis, but it remains valid and meaningful for Christians of all time. In the face of apparently insuperable evil, either from within or from without, all Christians are called to trust in Jesus’ promise, “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). Those who remain steadfast in their faith and confidence in the risen Lord need have no fear. Suffering, persecution, even death by martyrdom, though remaining impenetrable mysteries of evil, do not comprise an absurd dead end. This is the enduring message of the book; it is a message of hope and consolation and challenge for all who dare to believe.

Nativity Women’s Guild invites you to SHOWER

Family Promise of Greater Brandon Monday April, 25th 7:00-9:00pm Nativity-Adult Ed Portable We invite all at Nativity Catholic Church to donate needed items to "Family Promise of Greater Brandon" through our APRIL SHOWERS. Their greatest needs are: Diapers (all sizes), hair brushes, bathroom cleaner, dish soap, kitchen-size garbage bags, dry erase board cleaner, a paper cutter, floor cleaner, bottled water, dryer sheets, tissue, copy paper, window and plain envelopes, batteries: AA, AAA, 9V, scotch tape rolls, sticky notes, and 1" 3-ring binders Wrapped gifts can be dropped off in the church office or call Sharon Lee @ (813) 767-6368

The APA “2nd Pitch”

The results are in, and the win goes to… FATHER NELSON! We hope you enjoy his bachata, as well as the rest of the videos (which may be available at a later date.) RESULTS: 235 envelopes with contributions & another 162 ballot stuffers = 397 total! Fr. Nelson received 187 votes (120 were contributions) Fr. Victor received 113 votes (67 were contributions) Fr. Tapp received 60 votes (29 were contributions) Kyle received 37 votes (19 were contributions) Nativity is grateful for those 235 contributors. These contributions will increase the $206,529 already paid towards the $358,351 pledged so far. Remember, every pledge fulfilled means we are that much closer to our $470,000 goal, and that much more offertory dollars remain in the parish. We thank everyone who participated. As Fr. Tapp said, fulfilling our pledge and 1% tithe to APA shall truly benefit our sisters and brothers in need. God bless you and your families! ~ Rob Martin, Director Finance & Operations


Oh yes!

April 24th, 2016


Career Transition Ministry

Pray for Each Other

It’s time to get serious about your job search CTM has a plan Our plan is to prepare you for your next job interview where you will make a great impression on the hiring manager. Our workshop offers resume review, interviewing tips, identification of transferable skills and much more. Most of us don't realize our full potential and how much we have accomplished in our past jobs and volunteer positions. Our workshops are held every Monday evening at St. Stephen Catholic School, 10424 St. Stephen Circle in Riverview, one mile west of Bell Schoals Road. We meet in the module attached to the school from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. For more information, contact John or Sheila Nemia @ 813.672.2552 or career_transition@ststephencatholic.org

Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut-ins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: George Wagner, Steve Alley, Bessie LoScalzo, Dr. Greenwell, Francis Davis, Bienvenida Kjeer, Vincent Wilgen, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Alex Kepler, Norma Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas, Virginia Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Fraser, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna, Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez, Sylvia Perez Gonzalez, Jeanne A. Woodke, Katalin Lazzara, Dr. Joseph Chiarmonte, Aida Luz Betancourt, Courtney Daniels, Leonora Maggio, Irma Barrett, Ed Nagel, Michael Fultz, Jo Ann Shey, Gary Curreri, Katie Welch, Hailey Hepfinger, Charles F. Schramm Ph.D., Christopher C. Woodke, James P. Barrett, Sharon Prunn, Kay McLellan Bergevin, Henry Hill Sr., Robert Whittaker, Pamela Johannssen, Leo & Diane Brubaker, Howard Wiebeld, Andree Avcalade

Nehemiah Action Report

In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Anthony Hoying, Hernan Emilio, Leyton, Oscar Hernandez, Mariano Leyton, Dorothy Virginia Britch, Blanca Hernandez

On April 4th we had a powerful Nehemiah action meeting 147 of the over 1,000 in attendance were from Nativity! They came together from congregations, faiths, and cultures from across Hillsborough county responding to god’s call to do justice! The hard work of members serving on the committees helped shape the issues, share personal stories, and get decision makers to commit to move forward. What Was Achieved? -Safe, decent, and affordable housing: *Commissioners Crist and Beckner committed to ask County Staff to develop steps to establish a Hillsborough Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and identify potential local public funding sources that could generate $10 million a year for the development and rehab of housing, including researching four identified funding sources. *Thanks to Commissioner Crist, this initiative will be on the Agenda of the Board of County Commissioners held on Wednesday, May 4th Meeting, at 9:00 a.m. Please plan to attend this important meeting of the BOCC on May 4th to make your voices heard -Civil citation program for youth: *Both Chief Judge Ficarrotta and Public Defender Holt committed to a Tampa Agreement that will offer a Civil Citation with assessment and treatment, instead of an arrest, to children caught with a misdemeanor amount of marijuana within the city of Tampa. This will start on June 1st of this year! *Sheriff Gee said NO to the request to offer Civil Citation/ Arrest Avoidance Programs with treatment within the area of our County outside of Tampa. For more information, go to the HOPE website at www.hillsboroughhope.org

Cristo Rey Tampa High School

To the parents of all 8th grade students – Cristo Rey Tampa High School offers a rigorous college preparatory education and innovative Corporate Work Study Program for families that meet financial eligibility guidelines. Spaces are limited. Call now for more information at 813621-8300 or join us at one of the next FREE orientations on the Saturdays of May 14th and June 4th at 8:30 am. Mary Help of Christians Center 6400 East Chelsea St. www.cristoreytampa.org

St. Vincent de Paul is seeking volunteers

for our Home Visitation team. When we visit the home of someone in our community who has requested assistance, we go in pairs so you would always be with an experienced member. If you think you would like to be part of this ministry, please call 813.376.8901 to find out more information. This would not require much time on your part--as little as one or two hours a week. Also, we are looking for a Spanish-speaking person to volunteer in our ministry.

Fifth Sunday of Easter


Weekly Reflection (courtesy of catholicsteward.com) Acts 14: 21-27; Ps 145: 8-13; Rev 21: 1-5A; Jn 13: 31-33A, 34-35

We often speak of Christ calling us to discipleship. The readings on this Fifth Sunday of Easter address that discipleship and what it means to each of us. When the U.S. Bishops issued a pastoral letter on stewardship, they titled it “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response.” Just as today’s readings affirm that idea of discipleship, each of us must strive to achieve it. The First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles recounts more about the evangelization and missions of Sts. Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas are excellent examples of what it means to be disciples of Christ. However, they want to do more than just be disciples; they want to make disciples as well. As they pass through the various cities they visited, today’s Scripture points out, “They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith.” Paul and Barnabas wanted to do much more than gain conversions to the faith; they had a passion to make disciples. That is a passion we should share. However, it begins with us becoming disciples ourselves, and then recognizing that part of being a disciple is recruiting and forming other disciples. The Second Reading from Revelations reveals a vision, an understanding, which came to St. John. In the final verse God declares that He makes all things new. This implies the completion of God’s plan for us, but again we must play a part by striving to be good disciples. In one of his letters, St. Paul asserts, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” To become “new” requires conversion. That conversion includes embracing Christ as our Savior, and our commitment to be His disciple as good stewards. Once God makes things new, they remain new. Note that God speaks in the present tense. The Lord does not say, “I have made things new,” or “I will make things new.” He states clearly that He is making things new, right now — today. The Gospel Reading from St. John answers any questions we may have about what is expected of us if we are to be disciples of Christ. Jesus says, “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” In those terms discipleship is quite basic and simplistic: to truly be a disciple we must love one another. That is it. The Roman Emperor Tertullian, more than 100 years after the crucifixion of Christ, commented about the Christians whom he had witnessed, “See how they love one another.” In love we find satisfaction and comfort. Not just being loved, but by loving. That is what Christ asks of us in discipleship. Although it is not involved, we do understand what a challenge it can be. That is the challenge of being a disciple, of being a steward, of being a follower of Christ. Love one another!

Kids Pray, Serve, and Give

James did the dishes with daddy. Liam took his medicine without complaining. Mackenzie helped her friend stay calm in class. Abby prayed with her brother.

Financial Health

Our 42 week goal: $2,171,077.02 (80.77%) In offertory to date: $2,083,355.53 (77.51%) We are just a bit behind on our projected goal for 2016. Thanks to everyone for your diligent contributions to our offertory week by week. You are keeping our church running! Keep up the great work.

Women’s Guild Dinner / Dance

Our Nativity Women’s Guild put on a great shindig for their Western Themed Dinner Dance. Thanks to everyone who participated! We look forward to seein’ ya’ll next year.

Do you plan your giving to the parish?

A great tool to help keep your giving current is to give online. Our online donations are easy, and highly secure. At the office, we can use the reliability of the online giving to help us plan our budget to fund the programs, services, and ministries going on weekly here at the parish. Our budget works just like yours, and predictable income is a key help. Get a current view of the state of our parish finances at: www.nativitycatholicchurch.org/parish-info/finance

April 24th, 2016


Nativity Catholic School


Nativity Catholic School Discovery Night

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 6:45 p.m. - Social Hall FAITH † ACADEMICS † SERVICE † COMMUNITY      

Looking for a great school? School Presentation / Overview Meet the Principal, Asst. Principal, & Teacher Reps. Tour by 8th Grade Students Hear from Current Parents Learn about Financial Assistance Opportunities (i.e. Step Up) Questions and Answers

Youth & Young Adult

Step Up for Students

Step Up For Students is pleased to announce that they are now accepting applications from new families for the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) scholarship for the 2016-17 school year. If you wish to apply, please check the school website to start your online application. All applicants must have an active email address to create an online application. If you do not have an active email address, please create one prior to starting the application. If you have created an account in the past, please use that same account to apply for the 2016-17 school year. There is no fee to apply for the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) scholarship and they only accept online applications. Should you have any questions or concerns about the application process, please feel free to reach out via email at info@sufs.org or via phone at 877.735.7837. The contact center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30 pm, with an hour closure from 11am to Noon. Please be sure to select the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) scholarship prompt when dialing.


6pm Mass. See you there!

High School (Grades 9 - 12) (LIFE TEEN) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center on Sundays, after the 6 pm Mass & Wednesdays from 7 - 9pm Eryn Lentner, Youth Director

Middle School (Grades 6 - 8) (LIFE FORCE) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center, Tuesdays from 6 - 8 pm. Young Adults (18 - 40) REAL LIFE Every Thursday at Nativity’s Youth Center at 8 pm for faith, fun, and fellowship. Vida Joven Meets Friday in the chapel at 7 pm. Meal, faith and fun program until 9 pm. All High School age members of our Hispanic community are welcome to join us this Friday evening for a time of prayer, spiritual growth and fellowship. 7:00pm - Misa en Español 7:30pm - Dinner 8:00pm - Charla and Community Time

All High School aged teens are invited to join us in the Life Lounge after the 6pm Mass this Sunday for dinner, fellowship, and discussion on our lifelong journey with Christ!

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Faith Formation

7 813.689.9101

Don’t Drink the Holy Water And other manners at Mass

No food or drink in Church - Church is a sacred place Looking around her seat in church, one little girl said, “Mama, it looks like Hansel and Gretel were here!” Mass etiquette begins with respect for the importance of Mass and of the Parish Church. From earliest childhood, Catholics are taught to show respect and reverence for the sacred gift of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. Of course, infants who require feeding every few hours is one thing – but it’s not usually appropriate to bring sippy cups or snacks for children in the church and the chapel. And remember – In order to be properly disposed to receive Holy Communion, communicants should abstain for at least one hour from all food and drink except water and medicine. This of course includes chewing gum and candy. It is never too early to start.

Pastoral Care

Who is Marriage Encounter for?

It’s for anybody who believes that marriage is the most important relationship on earth. It’s for handyman dads and soccer moms, for emptynesters and just-past-newlyweds, and for everyone in between. It’s for the couples who know they have it good and want to make it even better—it’s for couples like you. A Marriage Encounter experience is for anybody who knows there’s always more to learn about each other, and that it’s the weekends away that spice things up at home. Most of all, Marriage Encounter is for anyone who believes they made the right choice on their wedding day and every day after. Couples who have been married a few years attend Marriage Encounter weekends along with couples that have been married a few decades—there’s no age limit on a great marriage! For more information about taking a private time away, check out www.wwmetampabay.org or call 813-270-7832! The next WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekend is April 29-May 1 at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Tampa.


In the Spirit of the Year of Mercy

I was recently asked a question. Why is there not a bracket at the end of the "It's What We Do" pastoral care logo? What our volunteers do at Pastoral Care is provide comfort for the sick, the Bonnie Ussery, home bound, the dying, the bereaved, Pastoral Care Director the homeless.

The "It" is God's mercy. "God's mercy is what we do." There is no bracket at the end of the statement because… there is no limiting God's mercy. It is unending. The absence of the bracket is a reminder of that. It is also a reminder that all of us are called to play a role in "It." To find out how you can share in help bring the message of Mercy to others through volunteering for one of the ministries of Pastoral Care… Contact Bonnie at 413-8351 or email at bonnie@nativitycatholicchurch.org

Counseling Ministry available

At Pastoral Care At various times in our life, we come to a crossroads, unsure of the path to take. We know we need to make adjustments in order to live the life God wants for us but are not sure how. Many find it beneficial to enlist the assistance of a trained professional during these times of internal struggle. Nativity Catholic Church has 3 licensed counselors available who provide individual, family, and couple counseling at the Pastoral Care Office. For more information, please call The Pastoral Care Office at 813.413.8351.

PB & J Ministry Needs You!

Countless men and women are living on the streets. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich can make a big difference to these folks. Volunteers are needed to help make Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. We will meet on Friday, April 29th at 9:00 AM in Social Hall Room B. Please call Luann Leahy at 813.659.0181 if you have any questions.

April 24th, 2016

8 Monday - 4/25/2016 Gospel of Luke 9:00AM - 10:30AM Quilters 9:00AM - 12:00PM SVdP Mtg 10:00AM - 2:00PM April Showers 6:30PM - 9:00PM PwLV Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM - 9:00PM Tuesday - 4/26/2016 Girl Talk 5:00PM - 6:00PM Life Force 6:00PM - 8:00PM CRSP mujeres 6:15PM - 9:30PM Bible Study 6:30PM - 8:00PM Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM - 9:00PM KofC Officers' Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Wednesday - 4/27/2016 Finance Council Mtg 7:00AM - 8:30AM Fitness Ministry Zumba 10:30AM - 11:30AM Meals on Wheels 10:30AM - 11:30AM St Jude prayer Mtg 5:00PM - 7:00PM NCS Discover Night 6:00PM - 8:30PM Faith Formation 6:30PM - 7:45PM Mens Emmaus Mtg 6:45PM - 8:45PM Grupo De Oracion 7:00PM - 9:00PM RCIA Neophytes 7:00PM - 9:00PM Conocer La Biblia 7:00PM - 9:00PM Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM RCIA/RICA 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM - 9:30PM Thursday - 4/28/2016 Brothers in Christ 5:45AM - 7:00AM Come Clean Church 7:00AM - 9:30AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM - 10:30AM Adult Bible Study 9:30AM - 11:00AM Senior Fitness Class 10:30AM - 12:00PM Food Pantry Distribution 3:00PM - 4:00PM 1st Communion Rehearsal 6:00PM - 7:30PM Communion rehearsal 6:00PM - 8:00PM CRSP hombres grupo 4 6:15PM - 9:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM - 9:00PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM - 9:00PM Young Adults 7:00PM - 10:00PM Mens Emmaus Team Mtg 7:30PM - 9:00PM Coro Hispano 8:00PM - 9:30PM

SH (D) PC (Back) PC (Mid) AE SH (C1) OR LL YOUTH PC (Back) PC Church AE CONF MPR SH (C) PC (Back) SH (A&B) Classrooms AE Chapel Media PC YOUTH SH (C&D) Church SH (D) Church Chapel AE MPR SH SH (A&B) Church PC AE (A) Chapel AE (B) LL SH (D) Church

Friday - 4/29/2016 PB&J ministry 8:30AM - 10:30AM SH (B) Vida Joven 6:30PM - 9:30PM YOUTH Saturday - 4/30/2016 First Communion 8:00AM - 3:30PM SH&Church Life Ministry - Inventory 11:00AM - 8:00PM OR Sunday - 5/1/2016 Faith Formation 8:30AM - 12:30PM Classrooms St. Jude Circle 12:00PM - 2:00PM AE Life Teen Prayer Team 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chapel Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM YOUTH Life Ministry Table 8:00AM - 12:00PM SH (B) For all events and updates please check the website calendar. Room Key YC - Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) - Social Hall PC - Pastoral Care | AE - Adult Education Building LL - Life Lounge | OR - Oakwood Room CONV - Convent | CONF - Conference Room MP - Multi-Purpose Room | Media - Media Center

Upcoming Liturgical Events please mark your calendars

Sunday, May 8th – Ascension Sunday (no longer celebrated on Thursday) Sunday, May 8th – Mothers’ Day – pecial prayers for and recognition of our Moms Sunday, May 22nd at 2 pm – May Crowning celebration – Church Sunday, May 29th – Corpus Christi – Eucharistic adoration AFTER 12:30 pm Mass until 4:30 pm

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Reflexión Semanal (cortesía de catholicsteward.com) Hech 14:21-27; Sal 145:8-13; Rev 21:1-5A; Jn 13:31-33A, 34-35

A menudo hablamos del llamado de Cristo a ser Sus discípulos. Las lecturas de este Quinto Domingo de Pascua se enfocan en este discipulado y lo que significa para cada uno de nosotros. Cuando los Obispos de Estados Unidos emitieron una carta pastoral sobre la mayordomía, la titularon "Mayordomía: La Respuesta de los Discípulos." Del mismo modo que las lecturas de hoy afirman esa idea del discipulado, cada uno de nosotros debe esforzarse por lograrlo. La Primera Lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles enfatiza más sobre la evangelización y las misiones de los Santos Pablo y Bernabé. Pablo y Bernabé son excelentes ejemplos de lo que significa ser discípulos de Cristo. Sin embargo, quieren hacer algo más que simplemente ser discípulos; quieren crear discípulos también. A medida que pasan a través de las diferentes ciudades visitadas, la Escrituras de hoy señala, "Fortalecieron los ánimos de los discípulos y los exhortaron a perseverar en la fe." Pablo y Bernabé querían hacer mucho más que lograr conversiones a la fe; ellos tenían una pasión para crear discípulos. Esa es una pasión que deberíamos compartir. Sin embargo, comienza al convertirnos nosotros mismos en discípulos, y luego reconocer que parte de ser un discípulo es reclutar y formar otros discípulos. La Segunda Lectura de Revelaciones revela una visión, una comprensión, que le llegó a San Juan. En el verso final Dios declara que Él hace nuevas todas las cosas. Esto implica la realización del plan de Dios para nosotros, pero de nuevo, nosotros debemos desempeñar un papel al esforzarnos para ser buenos discípulos. En una de sus cartas, San Pablo afirma: "Si alguno está en Cristo, él es una nueva creación; todo lo anterior ha pasado, ahora todo es nuevo". Para llegar a ser "nuevo" requiere la conversión. Esa conversión incluye abrazar a Cristo como nuestro Salvador, y nuestro compromiso de ser Su discípulo como buenos mayordomos. Una vez que Dios hace las cosas nuevas, siguen siendo nuevas. Tenga en cuenta que Dios habla en tiempo presente. El Señor no dice: "He hecho cosas nuevas," o "voy a hacer cosas nuevas." Él afirma claramente que Él está haciendo cosas nuevas, en este momento - en la actualidad. El Evangelio de San Juan responde a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener acerca de lo que se espera de nosotros si queremos ser discípulos de Cristo. Jesús dice: "Os doy un mandamiento nuevo: que se amen los unos a los otros. Como yo os he amado, así también amaos unos a otros. En esto reconocerán que son mis discípulos, si se aman los unos a los otros." En esos términos el discipulado es bastante básico y simplista: para ser verdaderamente un discípulo debemos amarnos unos

9 a otros. Eso es. El Emperador Romano Tertuliano, más de 100 años después de la crucifixión de Cristo, comentó acerca de los cristianos a los que había sido testigo, "Mirad cómo se aman unos a otros." En el amor se encuentra la satisfacción y comodidad. No sólo por ser amado, sino por amar. Eso es lo que el Señor quiere de nosotros en el discipulado. A pesar de que no está involucrado, entendemos el desafío que puede ser. Ese es el reto de ser un discípulo, de ser un mayordomo, de ser un seguidor de Cristo. ¡Amarnos unos a otros!

Nuestros niños oran, sirven y donan

Sabrina dio $ 1 de su propio dinero. Aidan dio comida a los pobres durante la Misa escolar Haley tomó la mano de su amiga practicando a patinar. Noah y Jonah cortaban el césped.

¿Planea su diezmo a la parroquia?

Una gran herramienta para ayudar a mantener su dando responsable es la de dar en línea. Nuestras donaciones en línea son fáciles, y muy seguras. En la oficina, podemos utilizar la fiabilidad de la dando en línea para ayudar planear nuestro presupuesto para financiar los programas, servicios y ministerios pasando semanalmente aquí en la parroquia. Nuestro presupuesto funciona igual que el suyo, y los ingresos previsibles son una ayuda fundamental.

Cena / Baile del Oeste

Nuestra Cofradía de la Natividad mujeres pone en una gran fiesta para su cena temática de la danza occidental. Gracias a todos los que participaron! Esperamos contar con su presencia el próximo año.

April 24th, 2016


San Vicente de Paul

está buscando voluntarios para nuestro equipo local Visitación

Cuando visitamos la casa de alguien en nuestra comunidad que ha solicitado ayuda, vamos en parejas de dos, de manera que siempre estaría con un miembro experimentado. Si usted piensa que le gustaría ser parte de este ministerio, por favor llame al 813.376.8901 para obtener más información. Esto no requeriría mucho tiempo de su parte - tan sólo una o dos horas a la semana. Además, estamos buscando una persona de habla española para ser voluntario en nuestro ministerio.

En el espíritu del Año de la Merced

Hace poco me preguntaron una pregunta.

Por qué no hay un soporte en el extremo del logotipo "Es lo que hacemos" de Cuidado Pastoral? Lo que nuestros voluntarios hacen en el Cuidado Pastoral es proporcionar comodidad a los enfermos, el hogar unido, los mor ib undos , los af lig idos , l os s in t e cho. El "No" es la misericordia de Dios. "La misericordia de Dios es lo que hacemos."

No hay soporte en el extremo de la declaración porque... no hay limitación de la misericordia de Dios. Es interminable. La ausencia del soporte es un recordatorio de ello. También es un recordatorio de que todos están llamados a desempeñar un papel en "It". Para averiguar cómo puede participar en ayudar a llevar el mensaje de la misericordia a los demás a través del voluntariado para uno de los Ministerios de Pastoral de la Salud ... Póngase en contacto con Bonnie al 413-8351 o al correo electrónico bonnie@nativitycatholicchurch.org

Solicitamos su ayuda

Solicitamos voluntarios para preparar sándwiches de mantequilla de maní con mermelada el viernes 29 de abril, a las 9:00 AM en el Salón Social B, los cuales serán distribuidos a los pobres que viven en la calle. Puede comunicarse con Luann Leahy al (813) 659-0181, si tiene alguna pregunta.

Cofradía de las mujeres de Nativity le invita a Donar a Family Promise de Brandon Lunes, 25 de abril desde 7:00-9:00 pm Portátil Educacion de adultos Invitamos a todos a la Iglesia Católica de la Nativity de donar artículos necesarios para "Family Promise de Brandon" a través de nuestras donaciones de abril. Sus principales necesidades son: Pañales (todos los tamaños), cepillos para el cabello, limpiador de baño, jabón, Raid (u hormigas, cucarachas, abejas y avispas), y bolsas de basura de la cocina de tamaño, limpiador pizarra de borrado en seco, "totalizadores" - sobre el tamaño de 11 "x 14 "x 22", cortador de papel, limpiador de pisos (MOP 'n' glo), agua embotellada, secador de hojas, tejidos, papel de copia (8,5 x 11), sobres con ventana, sobres de papel normal, las pilas: AA, AAA, 9V, cinta scotch rollos, notas adhesivas (Post-it), 1 "3 anillos aglutinantes Regalos envueltos pueden ser dejados en la oficina de la iglesia o llama Sharon Lee @ (813) 767-6368

Ministerio de asesoramiento disponibles

En Cuidado Pastoral En varios momentos de nuestra vida, llegamos a un cruce inseguro del camino a seguir. Sabemos que tenemos que hacer ajustes con el fin de vivir la vida que Dios quiere para nosotros pero no sabemos cómo hacerlo. A muchos les resulta beneficioso contar con la asistencia de un profesional capacitado en estos tiempos de lucha interna. Nativity Iglesia Católica tiene 3 consejeros licenciados disponibles que proporcionan consejo individual, familiar y de pareja en la Oficina de Cuidado pastoral. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a la Oficina cuidado pastoral al 813-413-8351.

Escuela Secundaria Cristo Rey Tampa

Para los padres de todos los estudiantes de 8º grado Cristo Rey Secundaria de Tampa ofrece una rigurosa educación preparatoria y Programa de Capacitación Corporativa universidad innovadora para las familias que cumplen con los requisitos de elegibilidad financiera. Los espacios son limitados. Llame ahora para más información al 813-621-8300 o unase a nosotros en una de las siguientes orientaciones gratuitas en la sábados del 14 de mayo y 4 de junio a las 8:30 am. María Auxiliadora Centro 6400 Medio Chelsea St. www.cristoreytampa.org

Fifth Sunday of Easter


Step Up for Students

Step Up For Students se complace en anunciar que ahora están aceptando solicitudes de nuevas familias para la beca de Florida Tax Credit (FTC) para el año escolar 2016-17. Si desea aplicar, por favor consulte el sitio web de la escuela para iniciar la aplicación en línea. Todos los solicitantes deben tener una dirección de correo electrónico activa para crear una aplicación en línea. Si usted no tiene una dirección de correo electrónico activa, por favor crear una antes de iniciar la aplicación. Si ha creado una cuenta en el pasado, por favor utilice la misma cuenta para aplicar para el año escolar 2016-17. No hay que pagar para solicitar la beca de Florida Tax Credit (FTC) y que sólo acepta aplicaciones en línea. Si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación sobre el proceso de solicitud, no dude en llegar por correo electrónico a info@sufs.org o por teléfono al 877.735.7837. El centro de contacto está abierto de lunes a viernes de 8:30 am a 4:30 pm, con una hora de cierre de 11 a mediodía. Por favor, asegúrese de seleccionar el símbolo de becas de Florida Tax Credit (FTC) al marcar.

Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones

Caminar con los Santos, Modelos de Misericordia La inscripción comienza el lunes 4 de abril. Consulte la página web de Nativity para información, o pase por la Oficina de Formación de Fe.

Educación Religiosa Programa de Verano

Programa de la Escuela Intermedia (entrando a 6º, 7º y 8º grado) Este programa de dos semanas, junto con elegidas sesiones nocturnas de seguimiento y eventos de la parroquia durante el año, ayudará a usted y a su estudiante a continuar la educación religiosa y mantenerse al día con su apretada agenda. Las clases se extenderá desde el 13 al 24 de junio Lunes - Viernes de 8:30 am a 12:30 pm. Alternativa a las clases semanales de educación religiosa Comuníquese con la oficina de Formación de Fe al 813.689.9101 para más información sobre estos programas o cualquier otra pregunta sobre educación religiosa.

Cursillo de Mujeres

28 de abril - 1 de mayo Mary Help of Christians Registraciones: Rosa Julia Quintana al 813.657.5653

Informe de Acción Nehemías

El 4 de abril tuvimos una reunión poderosa acción de Nehemías, 147 de los más de 1.000 asistentes eran de Natividad! Se unieron a partir congregaciones, credos y culturas de todo el condado de Hillsborough responder al llamado de Dios para hacer justicia! El duro trabajo de los miembros que desempeñan funciones en los comités ayudó a dar forma a las cuestiones, compartir historias personales, y conseguir que toman las decisiones que se comprometan a avanzar. Lo que se logró? La vivienda fuerte, decente, y la vivienda asequible: *Comisarios Crist y Beckner comprometen a solicitar al personal del Condado para desarrollar medidas para establecer un Fondo Fiduciario de Vivienda Asequible de Hillsborough, e identificar posibles fuentes de financiación pública locales que podrían generar $ 10 millones al año para el desarrollo y la rehabilitación de la vivienda, incluyendo la investigación de cuatro fuentes de financiación identificadas . * Gracias a Comisionado Crist, esta iniciativa estarán en el orden del día de la Junta de Comisionados del Condado celebrada el miércoles de mayo de 4º Encuentro, a 09 a.m. Por favor haga planes para asistir a esta importante reunión de la BOCC el 4 de mayo para hacer que sus voces sean escuchadas programa de citación -Civil para la juventud: * Tanto el Juez Principal Ficarrotta y Defensor Público Holt comprometidos con un acuerdo de Tampa que ofrecerá una citación civil con la evaluación y el tratamiento, en lugar de un arresto, a los niños atrapados con una cantidad menor de marihuana dentro de la ciudad de Tampa. Esto iniciará el 1 de junio de este año! * Sheriff Gee dijo NO a la solicitud para ofrecer / Detención de programas que eviten la citación civil con el tratamiento dentro del área de nuestro país al margen de Tampa. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web HOPE en www.hillsboroughhope.org

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