May 8th, 2016 (The Ascension of the Lord)

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705 E Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL

MAY 8TH, 2016

“Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!”

Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr James C. Lara Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation:813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541

Mass Schedule Weekend Mass

Saturday Vigil Mass

4:00PM (ASL Interpreted) 4:00PM Español (Capilla)

Sunday Masses

7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel 12:30PM Español 6:00PM LifeTeen

Daily Mass 7:00AM (Monday through Friday) 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 7:00PM (Español Martes y Viernes) Morning Prayer 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule Saturday in Church 3:00 to 4:00PM 5:00 to 5:30PM

2 As we celebrate our moms today, I’m so grateful for my mom, Linda, who has always been so supportive of my path to the priesthood. I’m also grateful for the local Mother Church – represented here by you, the people of Nativity – which has always been so nurturing in time, talent, and treasure to her seminarians. It has been such a blessing to serve Nativity parish this year as a pastoral year seminarian! I am so grateful for my time here, and I am excited to finish the year strong. I will be at Nativity until July 23, at which time I’ll head back to seminary for two more years of study in preparation for the priesthood. I’ll be ordained to the transitional diaconate on April 1, 2017, and to the priesthood in May of 2018! On behalf of all seminarians and those involved in our formation, I want to thank you, the people of Nativity, for all you do on an annual basis to help fund our education and formation. And I offer a special thank you to those who gave to the Forward in Faith Campaign, which supported the much needed renovations to St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary. All the men studying at the seminary are so blessed to be studying and living in the now completed instructional space, common areas and dorm rooms. Thank you! The fruits of your support can also be seen in the increase of the number of seminarians studying for the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Over the past 7 years, our diocese has averaged 30 seminarians and has ordained 15 new priests! This year, on May 21, another five men will be ordained priests at the Cathedral of St. Jude! This increase of seminarians brings with it an increase in spending for seminary formation. The diocese spends approximately $1.8 million a year on seminarian formation. That breaks down to about $60,000 per seminarian, per year. That per seminarian cost covers the tuition, books and education resources, living expenses (board and housing), health insurance, automobile insurance, and the seminary maintenance assessment. Funding for all of this comes from 2 sources: the Annual Pastoral Appeal and grants from the Seminarian Burse Fund. The Seminarian Burse Fund is comprised of restricted donations and directed resources to be used for seminarian formation and education. As the number of seminarians has increased over the past decade, the more burse funds were utilized to cover the gap between what comes in through the Annual Pastoral Appeal and the total cost of seminarian formation. Within the next 2 years, the burse fund will be emptied. To replenish the burse fund and help cover the cost of forming future seminarians, the diocese is conducting a one-time special collection for seminarians next weekend in all 81 parishes across our diocese. Nativity parish has graciously offered to tithe 10% off the top of next weekend’s offertory – the weekend of May 14 & 15 – as its contribution to this special collection. I thank you for your generous support! I know how much each and every parishioner at Nativity has supported vocations in the past, both financially and otherwise. I ask that all of you will continue to pray for me and all the men in seminary right now. And I ask you to prayerfully consider what you’d like to give next weekend, in order to help us rebuild one of the funding sources for our formation through this special collection for seminarians. Thank you, and Happy Mothers’ Day!

Kyle Bell

May 8th, 2016 Al celebrar nuestras madres hoy, le estoy muy agradecido a mi madre, Linda, que siempre ha sido un gran apoyo para mi en camino hacia el sacerdocio. También estoy agradecido por la Iglesia Madre local - representada aquí por ustedes, el pueblo de la Natividad - que siempre ha estado alimentando con su tiempo, talento y dinero a sus seminaristas. Ha sido una bendición el servir como seminarista este año pastoral en la parroquia Natividad. Estoy muy agradecido por mi tiempo aquí, y estoy muy contento de terminar el año fuertemente. Yo estaré en la Natividad hasta el 23 de julio, y luego regresare de nuevo al seminario por dos años más de estudio en preparación para el sacerdocio. ¡Seré ordenado al diaconado transitorio el 1ro de abril de 2017, y al sacerdocio en mayo del 2018! En nombre de todos los seminaristas y los que participan en nuestra formación, quiero darles las gracias a ustedes, el pueblo de la Natividad, por todo lo que hacen anualmente para ayudar a financiar nuestra educación y formación. Y ofrezco un agradecimiento especial a los que apoyaron a la Campaña Adelante en la Fe, que apoyó las muy necesitadas renovaciones al Seminario Regional San Vicente de Paul. Todos los hombres que estudian en el seminario son muy afortunados de poder estudiar y vivir en la nueva área de instrucción, las zonas comunes y habitaciones de residencia. ¡Gracias! Los frutos de su apoyo también se pueden ver en el aumento del número de seminaristas que estudian para la Diócesis de San Petersburgo. ¡Durante los últimos 7 años, nuestra diócesis ha tenido un promedio de 30 seminaristas y ha ordenado 15 nuevos sacerdotes! Este año, el 21 de mayo, otros cinco hombres serán ordenados sacerdotes en la Catedral de San Judas. Este aumento de seminaristas trae consigo un aumento en gastos para la formación seminarista. La diócesis gasta aproximadamente $1.8 millones al año en la formación seminarista. Esto equivale a cerca de $ 60.000 por seminarista, por año. El costo por cada seminarista cubre la matrícula, libros y recursos de educación, gastos de manutención (pensión y vivienda), seguros de salud, seguros de automóviles, y la tasación de mantenimiento del seminario. Los fondos para todo esto proviene de dos fuentes: la Apelación Pastoral Anual y subvenciones del Fondo Burse Seminarista. El Fondo Burse Seminarista se compone de donaciones restringidas y recursos destinados a ser utilizados para la formación y la educación seminarista. A medida que el número de seminaristas ha incrementado en la última década, se utilizaron más fondos Burse para cubrir la brecha entre lo que entra a través de la Apelación Pastoral Anual y el coste total de la formación seminarista. Dentro de los próximos 2 años, el fondo Burse quedara en cero. Para reponer el fondo Burse y ayudar a cubrir el coste de la formación de los seminaristas futuros, la diócesis está llevando a cabo una colecta especial de una sola vez para los seminaristas el próximo fin de semana en las 81 parroquias de nuestra diócesis. La parroquia Natividad ha ofrecido amablemente a diezmar el 10% del ofertorio del próximo fin de semana - el fin de semana del 14 y 15 de mayo como su contribución a esta colecta especial. ¡Les agradezco por su apoyo generoso! Sé lo mucho que todos y cada uno de nuestros feligreses de la Natividad ha apoyado vocaciones en el pasado, tanto financieramente como de otras maneras. Les pido que todos continúen orando por mí y por todos los hombres en el seminario en este momento. Y les pido que consideren en oración lo que puedan donar el próximo fin de semana, con el fin de ayudar a reconstruir una de las fuentes de financiación para nuestra formación a través de esta colecta especial para los seminaristas. ¡Gracias y Feliz Día de las Madres!

Ascension Sunday Mass Intentions | May 9th - 15th Monday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.

May 9 Mary Ann Casale Skip Steinbrick

Tuesday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

May 10 Estelito Rubio Mothers in Cory Family Alselmo Hernandez (Spanish)

Wednesday 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m.

May 11 Deceased Members of Lebalan Family Mary Ann McCool

Thursday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.

May 12 Edwin Muniz Al Garcia

Friday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

May 13 Patrick Casale Muriel Sanchez Ordination Anniversary of Fr. Juan Carlos Paguagua (Spanish)

Saturday 8:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

May 14 George Kuebler Bertha Saladino Esperanza Lopez

Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

May 15 Christine O’Donnell Dennis Golabek Sr. Mark Palascak Nativity Parish Family Ramiro Fernandez & Maria Montoya (Spanish) Farris Thomas IV


Why is May Mary’s month?

Here’s a brief explanation from The Catholic Register For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honor Mary, Mother of God. Not just a day in May, mind you, but the entire month. The custom spans both centuries and cultures, with roots going back as far as the Ancient Greeks. In early Greece, May was dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of fecundity. In Ancient Rome, May was dedicated to Flora, the goddess of blooms, or blossoms. They celebrated ludi florals, or floral games, at the end of April and asked the intercession of Flora for all that blooms. In medieval times, similar customs abounded, all centering around the practice of expelling winter, as May 1 was considered the start of new growth. During this period, the tradition of Tricesimum, or “ThirtyDay Devotion to Mary,” came into being. Also called, “Lady Month,” the event was held from August 15-September 14 and is still observed in some areas. The idea of a month dedicated specifically to Mary can be traced back to baroque times. Although it wasn’t always held during May, Mary Month included thirty daily spiritual exercises honoring Mary. It was in this era that Mary’s Month and May were combined, making May the Month of Mary with special devotions organized on each day throughout the month. This custom became especially widespread during the nineteenth century and remains in practice until today. The ways Mary is honored in May is as varied as the people who honor her. Mary is Mother – everyone’s mother – because she cares for all of us day-in-and-day-out without fail, interceding for us in even the tiniest matters. For that, she deserves an entire month in her honor.

Former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director Turns Pro-Life!

Abby Johnson, national best-selling author, is coming to Nativity Catholic Church, Saturday, May 14th. Doors open at 5:00p.m., seating begins at 5:45p.m. Tickets are limited and will go FAST. Get your required, FREE tickets at, type in “Abby Johnson Brandon”, and click register. “We believe that justice applies to every human being on this earth. We believe in redefining the pro-life movement to include everyone, every age, race, gender, religion and every job” ~Abby Johnson Email questions to: Event sponsored by Nativity Life Ministry and Nativity Knights of Columbus.

May 8th, 2016


May Crowning of Mary

Pray for Each Other

Our Annual May Crowning and Procession, honoring the Mother of Jesus and our heavenly Mother, will take place on Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 2:30 PM at Nativity Catholic Church. Immediately following the recitation of the Holy Rosary, there will be a reception at the Social Hall Room A. For further information please call Ms. Jeth Perry @ 813-681-1921 or Aida Calderon @ 813-671-9183 ( for Spanish). Each time our Blessed Mother has appeared on this earth she ask us to make scarifies in reparation to God for our sins and to pray for the world. Therefore, we invite and urge everyone to make a sacrificial and special effort to participate in May Crowning and Procession. Let us join together to plead for her intercession, her continuing love and to pray for peace.

Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut-ins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Vincent Wilgen, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Alex Kepler, Norma Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas, Virginia Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Fraser, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna, Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez, Sylvia Perez Gonzalez, Jeanne A. Woodke, Katalin Lazzara, Dr. Joseph Chiarmonte, Aida Luz Betancourt, Courtney Daniels, Leonora Maggio, Irma Barrett, Ed Nagel, Michael Fultz, Jo Ann Shey, Gary Curreri, Katie Welch, Hailey Hepfinger, Charles F. Schramm Ph.D., Christopher C. Woodke, James P. Barrett, Sharon Prunn, Henry Hill Sr., Robert Whittaker, Pamela Johannssen, Leo & Diane Brubaker, Howard Wiebeld, Andree Avcalade, Tina Kulisz-Nelson, Deborah KuliszMcClain, Cheyenne Downs, Rob Lavazza, Paula Francis Cotto, Kathy Freije Bob Lavazza, Paula Francis Cotto, Cathy Freije

Nativity Brownie Troop #3206

In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Eli Xavier Blanco, Lucy Fogarty, Elena Baca, Edward Correia, Kay Bergevin McLellan, Teresa Ramas, Bob Norberg

For one of our service projects, the girls in our troop would like to help animals and are requesting your help. Please donate any pet food and/or supplies on Sunday May 22nd in the Social Hall after all morning masses. The donations will be made to the Humane Society. Thank you for your support.

Update on Trips to La Victoria!

We are looking forward to visiting La Victoria again and continuing our relationship with the community. We have not been able to travel in the last six months because of a planned renovation to the Schoenstatt Retreat Center, but we have good news! The Dominican government decided to remodel the retreat center in phases and will start building a brand new section. This means we can now make plans to visit and stay at the old retreat center as they finish the new one. Our trips may look different. Representatives of the community of La Victoria are working with us to select projects that can sustain the whole community. We will begin planning trips that will allow us to help without hurting, and strengthen our relationship with them. Stay tuned for more news! And thanks so much for the support you provide to our sister parish, St. Antonio de Padua, in La Victoria. Follow us at on Facebook at

Do You Like Making People Feel Welcomed?

The Welcome Committee is currently seeking both English and Spanish speaking parish members to help welcome new parishioners to our faith community. There was will a representative from the Welcome Committee in the Social Hall on Sunday, May 15 after the 8:30, 10:30 and 12:30pm masses. For more information, please contact Camille Johnston 813-360-7660 or Join the Welcoming Committee and serve God by helping welcome new parishioners.

Peace be with you, Bob

Bob Norberg, often referred to as Mr. La Victoria for his unending gift of time to the community of our sister parish in the Dominican Republic, passed away peacefully this week. Bob was best known for his energy, knowledge of the La Victoria community, and ability to organize the containers that were sent to the people there over the course of several decades. He traveled to his “second home” with every trip of parishioners, and was truly loved by the Sisters of Schoenstatt and all who were fortunate to meet him. Memorial Mass times will be posted on the PWLV website and the Nativity Facebook page this coming week. Rest in peace, our treasured friend.

Ascension Sunday

Weekly Reflection (courtesy of Acts 1: 1-11; Ps 47: 2-3, 6-9; Eph 1: 17-23; Lk 24: 46-53

We commemorate on this Seventh Sunday of Easter the Ascension of the Lord, Jesus Christ, directly into Heaven. This past Thursday was officially Ascension Thursday, but almost all dioceses in the United States have transferred the Holy Day to the Sunday following, today. Our readings open with the First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles. In fact, today’s reading is the absolute opening of Acts. Scholars almost universally agree that Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of Luke were written by the same author. There was a time in Church history when they were the same Book, with Luke being Part 1 and Acts being Part 2. The Gospel of Luke, today’s Gospel Reading (Chapter 24; verses 51-53), literally closes with Jesus’ Ascension. Our First Reading for today opens repeating that Ascension: “When he said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from sight.” Jesus’ final instructions to His Apostles and followers were not to depart from Jerusalem until they had received the Holy Spirit. That involved a period of waiting for them. Waiting is always difficult; we experience that sense of anxiety and anticipation often ourselves. However, Jesus knew that for them to be effective in building the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit was necessary. That is no different for us today. We receive the Holy Spirit often, including every time we receive the Eucharist. Nevertheless, for us to be effective Disciples of Christ, we must allow the Holy Spirit to work through us. Christ’s Ascension presents us with this reminder — that we are called to lives of discipleship and stewardship, but that sometimes being able to fulfill that requires patience and determination. Nevertheless, Christ’s Ascension represents a fulfillment that each of us must realize and recognize. Our Second Reading is drawn from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and in it Paul reminds us of the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit as well. When Paul says, “May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation, resulting in knowledge of him,” Paul is really trying to make clear that one of the most important things we can do is gain knowledge of God. Our entire lives should be centered around that purpose in order to know God as He is in truth, as revealed by His Word. In addition to having knowledge of Who God is, we must also have knowledge of who we are as well. Knowing God is first, of course, but knowing ourselves follows that closely. St. Paul also says in this reading, “May the eyes of your heart be enlightened.” To Paul the word “heart” signified the very core and center of life. Paul wishes the Ephesians to know, and us as well, that few things in life provide us with more hope than knowing that God has called us personally, and knowing what specific calling we have to fulfill. That is a

5 lifelong challenge for us; it is a stewardship challenge — to not just know we are called, but to know how to respond to that calling. Our Gospel Reading is indeed the final verses of Luke’s Gospel, as indicated above, which tell of Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven. It is reported that Jesus’ final act was “He raised his hands and blessed them. As He blessed them, He parted from them and was taken up to Heaven.” When Jesus blessed His Apostles, He blessed us also. Jesus left His earthly existence blessing His Church, and He continues to bless us. When Jesus blesses us, He gives us power and strength. We need to acknowledge that blessing, and we must do everything we can to transmit it to others.

Kids Pray, Serve, and Give

Mariana cleaned her room. Sabrina prayed every day this week. Liam helped his Mommy with the housework. Mackenzie helped her Mommy pull weeds in her garden.

Feed the Bay a Great Success!

Thank you to all who participated and purchased food for “Feed the Bay”. What a great success for all the agencies who participated. The truck from the Publix Supermarket located in the Burlington Shopping Center on SR 60, which was designated for Nativity Outreach, arrived at our warehouse at 2:30. The total amount of food and other non-food items that was unloaded was 7,321 pounds. Thank you to all the shoppers who helped with “Feed the Bay”!!! We want to also thank all the Publix Supermarkets who participated in “Feed the Bay”. This endeavor will go a long way to help feed the needy in our community. We look forward to our participation again next year.

Nativity Outreach Volunteer Needs

The Nativity Food Bank is in need of truck drivers, fork lift operators and abled-bodied volunteers at the Food Bank Warehouse in Dover. We are open mornings only, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. to approximately 11:00 a.m. If you can give us one day a week or more, your help would be greatly appreciated. Hours and days are flexible. Anyone interested or if you need additional information please call Carl at 813.707.1523 or 813.545.1725. Get a current view of the state of our parish finances at:

May 8th, 2016


Nativity Catholic School


Dear NCS Parents and Students,

We have some VERY exciting news to share! As our NCS families are excitedly anticipating the “relaxing lazy days of summer,” here on campus we are ramping up our long awaited plans to renovate the PreK/ POD. The total renovation is estimated to take 12 weeks. This will include the installation of a contemporary shade structure on the preschool playground, plus our newly designed, cutting edge classrooms that are based on the latest brain research in child development. The end result of these improvements will be spectacular! How do we accomplish 12 weeks of construction over a 9week shortened summer? The first stage of these improvements involves temporary, on campus, relocation of your PreK child’s classroom for the last 3 weeks of school (May 16- June 3). This will allow our partners, Westside Construction and Lakeshore Learning, to achieve our time sensitive goals.

Youth & Young Adult

The construction phase projects a start date of May 16th, and the current time line returns us for the first day of school. This will be a fun and exciting process. We look forward to bringing you more updates in the coming weeks. Thank you for your prayers and flexible support. Sincerely, Maureen Ringley Assistant Principal

“Rockin & Groovin” with Jack Hartman Nativity Catholic School’s Three & Four Year Olds enjoyed “rockin & groovin” with Jack Hartman who was a special guest at our school.

Now accepting 2016-17 enrollment! If you are interested in touring our school: Call Mrs. Hohman at 813-689-3395


6pm Mass. See you there!

High School (Grades 9 - 12) (LIFE TEEN) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center on Sundays, after the 6 pm Mass & Wednesdays from 7 - 9pm Eryn Lentner, Youth Director

Middle School (Grades 6 - 8) (LIFE FORCE) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center, Tuesdays from 6 - 8 pm. Young Adults (18 - 40) REAL LIFE Every Thursday at Nativity’s Youth Center at 8 pm for faith, fun, and fellowship. Vida Joven Meets Friday in the chapel at 7 pm. Meal, faith and fun program until 9 pm. All High School age members of our Hispanic community are welcome to join us this Friday evening for a time of prayer, spiritual growth and fellowship. 7:00pm - Misa en Español 7:30pm - Dinner 8:00pm - Charla and Community Time

Join us this Sunday in the Life Lounge after the 6pm Mass for dinner faith and fellowship!

Ascension Sunday

Faith Formation

7 813.689.9101

You are cordially invited to …

Middle School Summer Program

Our summer program for Middle School students going into 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be held June 13 through June 24, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. This two week program requires four parent/student follow up sessions throughout the year, and is an alternative to Weekly Religious Education classes. Next weekend, May 15, you can stop by the Social Hall after Sunday masses; or you can also register on line through our webpage. please note that registrations end soon.

Small Christian Communities

Small Christian communities (SCC) are formed to support the on-going need for members of the church to be in intimate and ever-deepening relationship with Jesus. Also referred to as Faith Sharing groups, represent a way of knowing Jesus, growing our faith in Jesus by study of His Holy Word, and showing our discipleship to Him and His Word through service to each other, the parish of Nativity, and to the community in which we live. Contact Faith Formation to find out more and get signed up.

Pastoral Care

Friday Night, Date Night If Mercy was a food, would it taste like Chocolate? May 13, 2016 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm St. Francis, Room D of the Social Hall In the Year of Mercy, we have been seeking ways for the Lord to use us to be instruments of his mercy to those we encounter. Do we remember to be merciful to that person closest to us – our spouse?. Come for some time away with your sweetie to ponder the opportunities we have in living a marriage that includes mercy. Desserts and Coffee Babysitting is Available There is no charge for this event Seating is Limited. Call the Faith Formation Office to register: 813.689.9101

First Communions

This weekend and next, you’ll likely see many of our young people in very fancy outfits. This is because many of our 2nd graders are celebrating their First Communion. Be sure to congratulate them!


Nativity Outreach Diaper Drive

“Pay It Forward” Each year Nativity Outreach distributes over 15,000 diapers through our food pantry and our migrant ministry. This year alone, 7,000 of these diapers were supplied to us by a charity called ”Blessed Bottoms”. This charity is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping meet the critical need for diapers in our community. We are just one of the many organizations they help. Without their help we would not be able to distribute the amount of diapers that we do each year. To help celebrate the month of May, dedicated to Mary and Mother's Day we will be having a DIAPER DRIVE in place of our monthly food drive to help ”Blessed Bottoms” resupply their need of diapers. This will be our way of “Paying It Forward”. So, we are asking you to please bring diapers in place of food this month. The Food Bank truck will be on campus the weekend of May 21 and 22. You may also drop off diapers at the church office marked “DIAPER DRIVE FOR NATIVITY OUTREACH”. All sizes are welcome. This drive will allow us to help the 1 in 3 families in our community who struggle to buy diapers for their children. Thank you and God bless you for your continued support of Nativity Outreach and for the many diapers you supply us with throughout the year.

Counseling Ministry available

At Pastoral Care At various times in our life, we come to a crossroads, unsure of the path to take. We know we need to make adjustments in order to live the life God wants for us but are not sure how. Many find it beneficial to enlist the assistance of a trained professional during these times of internal struggle. Nativity Catholic Church has 3 licensed counselors available who provide individual, family, and couple counseling at the Pastoral Care Office. For more information, please call The Pastoral Care Office at 813.413.8351.

PB & J Ministry Needs You!

Countless men and women are living on the streets. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich can make a big difference to these folks. Volunteers are needed to help make Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. We will meet on Friday, April 29th at 9:00 AM in Social Hall Room B. Please call Luann Leahy at 813.659.0181 if you have any questions.

May 8th, 2016

8 Monday - 5/9/2016 Quilters 9:00AM - 12:00PM Greeting Card Ministry 9:00AM - 11:00AM Gospel of Luke 9:00AM - 10:30AM SVdP Mtg 10:00AM - 2:00PM Hispanic Lectors 6:30PM - 9:00PM Mens Emmaus Mtg 6:45PM - 8:45PM Partners With La Victoria 7:00PM - 9:00PM Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM - 9:00PM Tuesday - 5/10/2016 Girl Talk 5:00PM - 6:00PM St. Gerard Circle 6:00PM - 9:30PM St. Rita Circle 6:00PM - 9:00PM Life Force 6:00PM - 8:00PM Teacher Prep 6:00PM - 8:00PM CRSP Mujeres 6:15PM - 9:30PM Bible Study 6:30PM - 8:00PM Baptism Prep 7:00PM - 9:00PM Adult FF Advisory 7:00PM - 8:30PM Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM - 9:00PM Mtg Ministros Eucaritia 7:30PM - 9:00PM CRSP CDC Mtg 7:30PM - 9:00PM Wednesday - 5/11/2016 Meals on Wheels 10:30AM - 11:30AM Fitness Ministry Zumba 10:30AM - 11:30AM St Jude Prayer Mtg 5:00PM - 7:00PM RICA Catechists Mtg 6:00PM - 7:00PM Faith Formation Classes 6:30PM - 7:45PM RCIA-RICA potluck 7:00PM - 9:00PM Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM Grupo De Oracion 7:00PM - 9:00PM Stewardship Council Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM - 9:30PM Thursday - 5/12/2016 Brothers in Christ 5:45AM - 7:00AM Come Clean Church 7:00AM - 9:30AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM - 10:30AM Adult Bible Study 9:30AM - 11:00AM Food Pantry Distribution 3:00PM - 4:00PM CRSP Hombres Grupo 4 6:15PM - 9:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM - 9:00PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Musical 7:00PM - 9:00PM Young Adults 7:00PM - 10:00PM Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM - 9:00PM

PC (Back) SH (D) SH (C) PC (Mid) Church AE (A&B) SH (C1) OR LL AE (A&B) SH (C) YOUTH SH (D) PC (Back) PC FFC CONF Church OR SH (B) SH (C) MPR PC (Back) SH (C) Classrooms SH (A&B) YOUTH Chapel CONF Church SH (D) Church Chapel AE (A&B) SH PC AE (A) Chapel YOUTH LL AE (B)

Thursday - 5/12/2016 (cont.) Coro Hispano 7:30PM - 9:00PM Church Mens Emmaus Mtg 7:30PM - 9:00PM SH (D) Friday - 5/13/2016 PB&J ministry 8:30AM - 10:30AM SH (B) FBJ Mtg 6:30PM - 9:30PM CONV Friday Night Date Night 7:00PM - 8:30PM SH (D) Musical 7:00PM - 9:00PM YOUTH Saturday - 5/14/2016 Liturgy Committee Mtg 9:00AM - 10:30AM FFC Parish Coordinators Womens Emmaus Coffee 9:00AM - 11:30AM CONV Abby Johnson Event 6:00PM - 8:00PM YOUTH Sunday - 5/15/2016 Stewardship Table 7:00AM - 2:30PM SH (B) Faith Formation Classes 8:30AM - 12:30PM Classrooms English Baptisms 12:15PM - 1:30PM Chapel Life Teen Prayer Team 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chapel Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM YOUTH For all events and updates please check the website calendar. Room Key YC - Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) - Social Hall PC - Pastoral Care | AE - Adult Education Building LL - Life Lounge | OR - Oakwood Room CONV - Convent | CONF - Conference Room MP - Multi-Purpose Room | Media - Media Center

Upcoming Liturgical Events please mark your calendars

Sunday, May 15th – Pentecost Wear red to celebrate the Holy Spirit Sunday, May 22nd – Holy Trinity May Crowning celebration In the Church at 2:30pm. Sunday, May 29th – Corpus Christi Eucharistic adoration AFTER 12:30pm Mass until 4:30pm

Other Important Events

please mark your calendars

Friday, May 13th - PB&J Ministry 9am in Social Hall B Sunday, May 22nd - Blood Drive 8am to 1pm at the Red Bus

Ascension Sunday

Reflexión Semanal (cortesía de Hechos 1: 1-11; Sal 47, 2-3, 6-9; Ef 1: 17-23; Lc 24: 46-53

Conmemoramos en este Séptimo Domingo de Pascua la Ascensión del Señor, Jesucristo, directamente al cielo. El pasado jueves fue oficialmente el jueves de la Ascensión, pero en la actualidad, casi todas las diócesis de los Estados Unidos han transferido el Día Santo al domingo siguiente. Nuestras lecturas abren con la Primera Lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. De hecho, la lectura de hoy es la apertura absoluta de los Hechos. Los eruditos coinciden en casi todo el mundo que los Hechos de los Apóstoles y el Evangelio de Lucas fueron escritos por el mismo autor. Hubo un tiempo en la historia de la Iglesia cuando eran el mismo Libro, con Lucas siendo la 1ª Parte y Hechos la 2ª Parte. El Evangelio de Lucas, Lectura del Evangelio de hoy (Capítulo 24; versos 51-53), literalmente se cierra con la Ascensión de Jesús. La Primera Lectura de hoy se abre repitiendo la Ascensión: "Cuando dijo esto, mientras ellos miraban, fue llevado al cielo, y una nube lo ocultó de su vista." Las instrucciones finales de Jesús a sus apóstoles y seguidores fueron que no salieran fuera de Jerusalén hasta que recibieran el Espíritu Santo. Esto involucró un período de espera para ellos. La espera es siempre difícil; experimentamos esa sensación de ansiedad y anticipación a menudo nosotros mismos. Sin embargo, Jesús sabía que para que fuesen eficaces en la edificación del Reino de Dios, el Espíritu Santo era necesario. Esto no es diferente para nosotros hoy. Recibimos el Espíritu Santo a menudo, incluso cada vez que recibimos la Eucaristía. Sin embargo, para que seamos discípulos eficaces de Cristo, debemos permitir que el Espíritu Santo obre a través de nosotros. La Ascensión de Cristo nos presenta con este recordatorio que estamos llamados a una vida de discipulado y mayordomía, pero que a veces poder cumplir esto requiere paciencia y determinación. Sin embargo, la Ascensión de Cristo representa una realización que cada uno de nosotros debe realizar y reconocer. Nuestra Segunda Lectura se extrae de la Carta de San Pablo a los Efesios, y en ella Pablo nos recuerda la importancia de estar llenos del Espíritu Santo también. Cuando Pablo dice: "Que el Dios de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, el Padre que está en la gloria, se les manifieste dándoles espíritu de sabiduría para que lo puedan conocer," Pablo está realmente tratando de dejar claro que una de las cosas más importantes que podemos hacer es obtener conocimiento de Dios. Toda nuestra vida debe estar centrado en torno a ese propósito con el fin de conocer a Dios como Él es en verdad, según lo revelado por Su Palabra. Además de tener conocimiento de quién es Dios, también hay que tener conocimiento de lo que somos nosotros mismos. Conocer a Dios es primero, por supuesto, pero conocernos nosotros mismos le sigue de cerca. San Pablo también dice en esta lectura, "Que los ojos de

9 vuestro corazón sean iluminados." Para Pablo la palabra "corazón" significó el núcleo y el centro de la vida. Pablo desea que los Efesios sepan, al igual que nosotros, que pocas cosas en la vida nos dan más esperanza que saber que Dios nos ha llamado personalmente, y saber qué vocación específica tenemos que cumplir. Ese es un reto de por vida para nosotros; es un reto de mayordomía - no sólo para saber que estamos llamados, si no saber cómo responder a ese llamado. Nuestro Evangelio es, de hecho, los versos finales del Evangelio de Lucas, como se indica más arriba, que hablan de la Ascensión de Jesús al Cielo. Se informa que el acto final de Jesús fue "Él levantó las manos y los bendijo. Y mientras los bendecía, se separó de ellos y fue llevado al cielo.” Cuando Jesús bendijo a sus Apóstoles, Él nos bendijo también. Jesús dejo Su existencia terrenal bendiciendo Su Iglesia, y Él continúa bendiciéndonos. Cuando Jesús nos bendice, nos da poder y fuerza. Tenemos que reconocer esa bendición, y tenemos que hacer todo lo posible para transmitirla a los demás.

Nuestros niños oran, sirven y donan

Mariana limpio su cuarto. Sabrina rezaba todos los días de esta semana. Liam ayudó a su mamá con las tareas domésticas. Mackenzie ayudó a su mamá tirar de las malas hierbas en su jardín.

¡“Feed the Bay” un gran éxito!

¡Gracias a todos los que participaron y compró comida para "Feed the Bay". Lo que es un gran éxito para todos los organismos que participaron. El camión del supermercado Publix ubicado en el centro comercial de Burlington por la SR 60, que fue designada para el Nacimiento de Extensión, llegó a nuestro almacén a las 2:30. La cantidad total de alimentos y otros artículos no alimentarios que se descargan fue 7.321 libras. Gracias a todos los que ayudaron con los compradores "Feed the Bay"! Queremos dar las gracias también a todos los supermercados Publix que participaron en "Feed the Bay". Este esfuerzo que recorrer un largo camino para ayudar a alimentar a los necesitados en nuestra comunidad. Esperamos que nuestra participación el próximo año.

May 8th, 2016


Primeras Comuniones

Este fin de semana y el próximo, lo más probable vera a muchos de nuestros jóvenes vestidos muy elegantemente. Esto se debe a que muchos de nuestros estudiantes de 2do grado están celebrando su primera comunión. Asegúrese de felicitarlos!

La paz sea contigo, Bob

Bob Norberg, a menudo referido como el Sr. La Victoria por su don interminable de tiempo a la comunidad de nuestra parroquia hermana en la República Dominicana, falleció en paz esta semana. Bob era el más conocido por su energía, el conocimiento de la comunidad de La Victoria, y la capacidad de organizar los contenedores que fueron enviadas a la gente de allí a lo largo de varias décadas. Viajó a su "segunda casa" con cada viaje de feligreses, y fue verdaderamente amado por las Hermanas de Schoenstatt y todos los que tuvieron la suerte de encontrarse con él. Tiempos de Misas en memoria serán publicados en la página web PWLV y la página de Facebook Natividad esta próxima semana. Descansa en paz, nuestro preciado amigo.

Actualización sobre Viajes a La Victoria!

Estamos deseando volver a visitar La Victoria de nuevo y continuar nuestra relación con la comunidad. No hemos sido capaces de viajar en los últimos seis meses debido a una renovación prevista en el Centro de Retiro de Schoenstatt, pero tenemos buenas noticias! El gobierno Dominicano decidió remodelar el centro de retiro en fases y se iniciará la construcción de una nueva sección. Esto significa que ahora podemos hacer planes para visitar y quedarnow en el viejo centro de retiro mientras terminan el nuevo. Nuestros viajes pueden tener un aspecto diferente. Los representantes de la comunidad de La Victoria están trabajando con nosotros para seleccionar los proyectos que puedan sostener a toda la comunidad. Vamos a comenzar la planificación de viajes que nos permitan ayudar sin hacerse daño, y fortalecer nuestra relación con ellos. Manténgase en sintonía para más noticias! Y muchas gracias por el apoyo que proporcionan a nuestra parroquia hermana, San Antonio de Padua, en La Victoria. Siga con nosotros en Y en Facebook en

Usted está cordialmente invitado a …

Viernes por la noche, noche de la fecha ¿Si la Misericordia era un alimento, tendría el sabor de chocolate? 13 de mayo de 2016 7:00-8:30pm Sala D del Salon Social, sala San Francisco En el Año de la Misericordia, hemos estado buscando maneras para que el Señor nos utilise para ser instrumentos de su misericordia con aquellos que nos encontramos. ¿Recordamos ser misericordioso con esa persona cercana a nosotros - nuestra pareja? Venga con su pareja a reflexionar sobre las oportunidades que tenemos de vivir un matrimonio que incluye Misericordia. Postres y café. Cuidado de niños está disponible. No hay ningún costo para este evento. El cupo es limitado. Llame a la Oficina de Formación de Fe para registrarse: 813.689.9101

Solicitamos su ayuda

Solicitamos voluntarios para preparar sándwiches de mantequilla de maní con mermelada el viernes 29 de abril, a las 9:00 AM en el Salón Social B, los cuales serán distribuidos a los pobres que viven en la calle. Puede comunicarse con Luann Leahy al (813) 659-0181, si tiene alguna pregunta.

Alcance de Nativity collecta pañales

Cada año Alcance de Nativity distribuye más de 15,000 pañales a través de nuestra despensa de alimentos y nuestro ministerio migrante. Sólo este año, 7,000 de estos pañales fueron suministrados a nosotros por una organización benéfica llamada "Blessed Bottoms". Esta caridad es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a ayudar a satisfacer la necesidad crítica de pañales en nuestra comunidad. Somos sólo una de las muchas organizaciones que ayudan. Sin su ayuda no sería capaz de distribuir este cantidad de pañales cada año. Para ayudar a celebrar el mes de mayo, dedicado a María y día de la madre que tendremos una colecta de pañales en lugar de nuestra colecta mensual de alimentos para ayudar a las "Blessed Bottoms" volver a su necesidad de suministro de pañales. Esta será nuestra forma de "pago de favores". Por lo tanto, le estamos pidiendo que por favor traer los pañales en lugar de alimentos este mes fin de semana del 21 y 22 de mayo También puede dejar los pañales en la oficina de la iglesia marcada "colecta de pañales Para La Alcance de Nativity". Todos los tamaños son bienvenidos. Esta unidad nos permitirá ayudar a la 1 de cada 3 familias de nuestra comunidad que luchan para comprar pañales para sus hijos. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga por su constante apoyo de la Natividad de Extensión y para los muchos pañales que nos proveen de todo el año.

Ascension Sunday


Mes de María

Durante siglos laIglesia Católica ha dedicado todo el mes de mayo para honrar a la Virgen María, la Madre de Dios. Aquí te explicamos por qué. La costumbre nació en la antigua Grecia. El mes mayo era dedicado a Artemisa, la diosa de la fecundidad. Algo similar sucedía en la antigua Roma pues mayo era dedicado a Flora, la diosa de la vegetación. En aquella época celebraban los ludi florals o los juegos florales a finales de abril y pedían su intercesión. En la época medieval abundaron costumbres similares, todo centrado en la llegada del buen tiempo y el alejamiento del invierno. El 1 de mayo era considerado como el apogeo de la primavera. Durante este período, antes del siglo XII (doce), entró en vigor la tradición de Tricesimum o "La devoción de treinta días a María". Estas celebraciones se llevaban a cabo del 15 de agosto al 14 de septiembre y todavía puede observarse en algunas áreas. La idea de un mes dedicado específicamente a María se remonta a los tiempos barrocos - siglo XVII (diecisiete)-. A pesar de que no siempre se llevó a cabo en mayo, el mes de María incluía treinta ejercicios espirituales diarios en honor a la Madre de Dios. Fue en esta época que el mes de mayo y de María se combinaron, haciendo que esta celebración cuente con devociones especiales organizadas cada día durante todo el mes. Esta costumbre se extendió sobre todo durante el siglo XIX (diecinueve) y se practica hasta hoy. Las formas en que María es honrada en mayo son tan variadas como las personas que la honran. Es común que las parroquias tengan en mayo un rezo diario del Rosario y muchas erijan un altar especial con una estatua o imagen de María. Además, se trata de una larga tradición el coronar su estatua, una costumbre conocida como Coronación de Mayo. A menudo, la corona está hecha de hermosas flores que representan la belleza y la virtud de María, y también es un recordatorio a los fieles para esforzarse en imitar sus virtudes. Esta coronación es en algunas áreas una gran celebración, y por lo general, se lleva a cabo fuera de la Misa. Sin embargo, los altares y coronaciones en este mes no son solo cosas "de la parroquia". Podemos y debemos hacer lo mismo en nuestros hogares para participar más plenamente en la vida de la Iglesia. Debemos darle un lugar especial a María no porque sea una tradición de larga data en la Iglesia o por las gracias especiales que se pueden obtener, sino porque María es nuestra Madre, la madre de todo el mundo y porque se preocupa por todos nosotros, intercediendo incluso en los asuntos más pequeños. Por eso se merece todo un mes en su honor. Traducido y adaptado por Diego López Marina. Publicado originalmente en National Catholic Register.

Oración por las madres

Ven Espíritu Santo, pedimos que tu bendición descienda sobre las madres y abuelas de nuestra comunidad de fe. Dales el don de Sabiduría para que sepan guiar a sus familias por el camino correcto. Dales el don de Entendimiento para que vean con claridad las necesidades de sus familias. Dales el don de Ciencias para que puedan saber cómo aplicar los valores y las verdades de la Biblia en la vida y circunstancias de cada uno de los miembros de su familia. Dales el don de Consejo, para que siempre sepan escucharte a ti y a los miembros de sus familias con un corazón abierto y compasivo. Dales el don de Piedad para que sean modelos de oración para sus familias. Dales tu don de Fortaleza, para que sean capaces de responder de una manera sana y adecuada a las muchas dificultades de la vida en familia. Dales el don de Respeto a Dios y gratitud por el regalo de la fe para que puedan celebrar la presencia amorosa de Dios en sus familias. Ven espíritu Santo con tus infinitos regalos y bendice a las madres y abuelas de esta comunidad hoy y cada uno de los días de sus vidas. Así juntos las bendecimos a ellas y a sus familias, en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, Amen.

Clases de Educacion Religiosa , Verano

Próximo fin de semana, 15 de mayo, se registra la juventud para el programa de Formación de Fe de verano que comienza el 13 de junio Esta dos semanas fijado de lunes a viernes por la mañana sesiones se ofrece como una alternativa a los 6º, 7º y 8º grado de educación religiosa semanal. Usted puede pasar por la próxima semana después de la Sala Social misas dominicales; o también puede registrarse en línea a través de nuestra página web.

Church Statement of Activity

FY 16, Period: July 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016

YTD Actual

Annual Budget

YTD as % of Annual Budget

(Figures rounded to nearest dollar)

Income Offertory (Pew and Online)






LaVictoria Mission Tithe from Offertory






Other LaVictoria Mission Donations





Misc. Donations, Interest, Bulletin Rebate






Religious Education Programs






Food Pantry







Donations for St. Vincent de Paul (vigil lights)






Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) 2015 Paid Pledges










Clergy & Religious:












Worship & Liturgy:












Religious Ed. Programs, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA, Sun. Nursery, VBS:






Youth Ministry:











Income Totals:


Expense 3

Food Pantry: La Victoria Mission -(2016 change Partners w/ LaVictoria, Inc.)







St. Vincent de Paul:






Pastoral Care:






Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) Assessment






School Support:






Ministries, Meetings, Coffee & Donuts/Hospitality:






Church Office, Technology, Insurance, Employee Benefits:






Audit Fee:






Stewardship & Advancement:







Facilities Buildings & Grounds Maintenance:





Expense Totals:





Net Operational Activity Gain/(Loss)



(45,000) 2

Notes: 1 - YTD Operational Income totals do not include Diocesan Savings & Loan 1 Time Rebate Gift of $190,055. 2 - APA 2015 goal completely paid ahead of schedule with $45,000 budgeted transfer from prior year savings. 3 - Cost Centers with Staff (shown in blue) YTD Figures Include Salaries & Payroll Taxes 4- Does not include transfer of $26,749.71 to setup Partners with LaVictoria, Inc. transfer from our LaVic Svgs.


Condensed Statement of Financial Position FY 16, Period: July 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016

Year Begin Balance


YTD Change

YTD Balance

CASH:Operating Operating Cash













Operating Cash - Contingency Reserve Cash (from DOSP rebate gift)







Operating Cash - Designated for Chapel Projection System







Operating Cash - Restricted for Specific Ministry







Payroll Account (min bal required to hold account open)







Petty Cash







Savings Account







APA Savings Account (planned use to pay 2015 APA assessment)







LaVictoria Savings Account - transferred to Partners w/ LaVictoria, Inc.







Of One Heart Savings Remaining for Church & Youth Ctr/Programs













Operating Cash Designated or Restricted for Food Pantry

CASH:Unrestricted Savings

Accounts Payable to School

Year Begin Balance $ 46,760

YTD Change $ (36,000)

YTD Balance $ 10,760

Funds Held in Trust for LaVictoria














"For we are God's co-workers; you are God's field, God's building. According to the grace of God given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building upon it. But each one must be careful how he builds upon it, for no one can lay a foundation other than the one that is there, namely, Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 3:9-11. While we together remain ever focused on the spiritual well-being of our parish, it is easy for us to forget our bricks and mortar, our four walls and the areas outside them that sustain the community we are. In a parish our size one might say there are always upcoming projects. In spirit of good stewardship we are charged with taking care of our place of worship, our places of education, ministry and community. These reserves you see above that we have been given, and have been diligently saving, soon will translate into a new wave of projects around our campus. Some of these projects may not garner a label of "flashy" or "fun," yet they rank high in necessary and long overdue. We remain committed to continue building a regular savings reserve for emergency situations.

Projects you'll likely notice from May - December: POD (Pre-K complete interior renovation); Leaky roof repairs to remaining three school buildings, Rectory, Church Office, and SH A&B; Exterior painting of Church, Chapel, Youth Center; Entire campus tree beautifucation and removal of dead wood; Chapel projection system for Mass; tile restoration in bathrooms; carpet replacement & repair. These projects will quickly utilize our contingency reserves and future funds, but will continue to enhance our places of Notes: Please know our current Diocesan accounting system is run as a cash basis, and thus reporting original cash value of fixed assets does not always allow for a true picture of appreciation or depreciation of said assets, nor our net asset carryover from year to year. Thus they are not shown here, but is available in full statement view on our website. Other general Church operational information: When restricted donations are received for certain ministries like our Food Pantry, LaVictoria, or other ministries, those funds are used only for the donor's intended purpose, and are used first before

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