705 E Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL
JUNE 5TH, 2016
“Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!”
Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr James C. Lara Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation:813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541
Mass Schedule Weekend Mass
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:00PM (ASL Interpreted) 4:00PM Español (Capilla)
Sunday Masses
7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel 12:30PM Español 6:00PM LifeTeen
Daily Mass 7:00AM (Monday through Friday) 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 7:00PM (Español Martes y Viernes) Morning Prayer 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule Saturday in Church 3:00 to 4:00PM 5:00 to 5:30PM
2 Corpus Christi – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Part II Following last week’s column, I thought I’d offer some practical guidelines for receiving Holy Communion. The following week, I will do the same regarding our participation at Mass: Fasting - Catholics are asked to fast (refrain from eating and drinking) for one hour before receiving Holy Communion; fasting helps us to focus on the great mystery we are about to celebrate and receive
Approaching the Priest, Deacon, or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) - Regarding the gesture of reverence before receiving Holy Communion: a slight bow of the head is the approved sign of reverence before receiving Holy Communion in the US; genuflecting and/ or kneeling to receive Holy Communion can be a tripping hazard for those standing in the procession line to receive Holy Communion and should be avoided. Receiving Holy Communion - For those who receive Holy Communion in the hand: “make the left hand a throne for the right, which will receive the King” St. Cyril (ca. 348). Then with your lower hand, take the consecrated Host and place it in your mouth. For those who receive Holy Communion on the tongue: tilt back your head, extend your tongue in order to receive the Host We should never grab the Eucharist from the priest, deacon, or EMHC. Rather, we should allow the priest, deacon, or EMHC to place the Host on our hands or tongue after we have responded: “Amen.” Our “Amen” means: so be it I believe yes, I am one with the Body of Christ Practical Information – The Host is never “dipped” into the chalice by those receiving Holy Communion. That practice, known as “intinction” is avoided throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Also, if you are sick, it is best to avoid receiving the Precious Blood from the chalice. Theologically and sacramentally, we receive Christ fully in each species. The Communion Hymn - Participating in this hymn is one of the most important things we do after receiving the Eucharist. The song is a communal expression of the mystery we have received. It also expresses the union we share with each other as a result of participating in the Eucharistic Banquet. Thanksgiving / Silence - After singing the Communion Hymn, we should spend some time in quiet reflection and thanksgiving. This is the time to thank God for the precious gift we have just received and to ask God for what we need. As You Leave Mass - St. Augustine (5th century) teaches: remember to “be what you receive.” That is, act like Christ as you leave Mass and go out into the world. Be Christ for all those you meet this day and this week.
June 5th, 2016 Corpus Christi - El Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo – II Parte Continuando la columna de la semana pasada, pensé ofrecerles unas guías prácticas para recibir la Santa Comunión. La siguiente semana hare lo mismo sobre nuestra participación en la Misa. Ayuno – A los Católicos se les pide ayunar (abstenerse de comer y beber) por una hora antes de recibir la Santa Comunión; el ayunar nos ayuda a enfocarnos en el gran misterio que vamos a celebrar y recibir.
Acercándonos al Sacerdote, Diacono, Ministros Extraordinario de la Santa Comunión (EMHC) – Referente al gesto de reverencia antes de recibir la Santa Comunión; una pequeña inclinación de la cabeza es una señal aprobada de reverencia antes de recibir la Santa Comunión en los EE UU; doblar la rodilla o arrodillarse para recibir la Santa Comunión puede causar un tropiezo con los que están de pies en la fila para recibir la Santa Comunión y debe ser evitado. Recibiendo la Santa Comunión – Para aquellos que reciben la Santa Comunión en la mano: “hagan que la mano izquierda sea un trono para la derecha; que recibirá el Rey” San Ciriaco (ca. 348). Entonces con la mano libre tome la Hostia consagrada y póngasela en la boca. Para los que reciben la Santa Comunión en la lengua: incline la cabeza hacia atrás, extienda su lengua para recibir la Hostia. Nunca debemos de agarrar la Eucaristía de las manos del sacerdote, diacono o EMHC. Si no, debemos permitir que el sacerdote, diacono o EMHC ponga la Hostia en nuestras manos o lengua después de responder “Amen.” Nuestro “Amen” significa: Así sea Yo creo Sí, soy uno con el Cuerpo de Cristo Información Práctica – La Hostia nunca es sumergida en el cáliz por aquellos recibiendo la Santa Comunión. Esa práctica, conocida como “Intinción” es evitada a través de la Diócesis de San Petersburgo. Al igual, si usted está enfermo, es mejor evitar recibir la Preciosa Sangre del cáliz. Teológica y sacramentalmente, recibimos a Cristo totalmente en cada especie. El Himno de Comunión – Participar en este himno es una de las cosas más importantes que hacemos después de recibir la Eucaristía. La canción es una expresión comunal del misterio que hemos recibido. También expresa la unión que compartimos unos con los otros como resultado de la participación en el Banquete Eucarístico. Acción de Gracias / Silencio – Después de cantar el Himno de Comunión, debemos dedicar tiempo a la reflexión y acción de gracias silenciosa. Este es el momento de darle gracias a Dios por los preciosos dones que hemos recibido y pedirle a Dios por lo que necesitamos. Al Salir de La Misa – San Agustín (5to siglo) enseño: recuerde de “ser lo que recibe.” Es decir, actué como Cristo al salir de la Misa y salga al mundo. Sea Cristo para aquellos con quien se encuentre este día y esta semana.
Tenth Sunday Ordinary
Monday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Friday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
Mass Intentions | June 6th - 12th June 6 Hilda Abreu DeLeon Children June 7 Andrew Battigalia Tyler Hutchins Luis Lugo (Chapel) June 8 Evan Weber Ronald Folvarcik June 9 Rosemary Nove Mrs. Venus Acebedo June 10 Cheng-Lin Chuang Anselmo Hernandez Leonor Arroyo (Chapel) June 11 Robert P. Woodke Mary Beth Sicox Rocio Torres June 12 Pat LeJeune Mathew Nguyen Nativity Parish Family Manuel Marcos Carro (Chapel) Nativity Parish Family Hugo Roman
Happy Retirement, Bishop Lynch
As you well know, we pray for Francis our Pope, and Robert our Bishop at every Mass. You may have recently noticed that we now also pray for the next bishop who will replace Bishop Lynch. On his 75th birthday, which he celebrated on May 27th, Bishop Lynch was required (as all bishops are who reach the age of 75) to submit a letter of resignation / retirement to Pope Francis. Pope Francis will now begin the process of discerning, then appointing the next bishop for the Diocese of St. Petersburg. I invite all of our parishioners to offer prayers of thanksgiving for the twenty-plus years of ministry that Bishop Lynch has given to this diocese. I also ask you to pray for the person who will be appointed the next bishop for the Diocese of St. Petersburg. If past experiences are any indication, a new bishop should be appointed to our diocese in 6-12 months. See page 7 for a prayer for the new Bishop.
Summer Church Office Hours Beginning June 3rd the church office will be open Monday - Thursday 9:00AM to 4:00PM (with lunch from 12PM - 1PM) and Friday from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. Our offices will be closed to the public June 30th through July 18th for floor refinishing and painting. The phones will still be answered during this time, so do call if you need to schedule a sacrament, or connect with a priest. Alumni Reunion 2016
Nativity Catholic School Former NCS students and graduates please join us! We specifically invite alumni members of the following classes: 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006 to be well represented. Your Classes have notable anniversaries! However, other alumni over the age of 21 are more than welcome to come and bring a friend. Saturday, June 11th, 2016 We will celebrate beginning with Mass at 4:00 PM in the church with reserved seating, followed by the reunion in the social hall immediately afterwards. We request a person from each class to participate in the offertory procession during Mass – Alumni will be chosen on first-come, first-served basis. Please email if you are interested. redwickie@verizon.net Stay updated and receive more info through our NCS Alumni Facebook page at: NativityCatholicSchoolAlumni – Brandon, FL. Like us and share us with fellow classmates who have not joined our page! We look forward to catching up with you at the reunion! Spread the word! Miss Maryann Wickman (formerly teacher), Mrs. Maureen Ringley, Mrs. Rose Kraus, Mrs. Mary Haslam Please RSVP to: redwickie@verizon.net
June 5th, 2016
Celebration of Marriage Convention
Don’t Miss this Once-In-A-Life-Time Family-Friendly Opportunity! June 17-19 at the Tampa Convention Center Presented simultaneously in English AND Spanish! Hear about building Empathy in your Marriage! Learn the 8 Intimacies of Relationships! And, during these and other great presentations, separate programs for your children will also be going on! And on Saturday Night, the Whole Family is invited for the Gala Wedding Feast, with Dinning and Dancing and Exciting Music!! Come Join Us! Open to ALL married couples. Presented by Catholic Word Wide Marriage Encounter And if you are able to host a couple coming in from across the U.S. for the Convention, there are some couples who would like to stay with community. Full Info and registration at www.wwme2016.org. If you could help out, please contact Bob & Pat Scheriff at bobandpat76@gmail.com.
We’re Looking for Greeters
Nativity Parish is known for its warm hospitality. In order to further build up the spirit of hospitality in our church, we are looking for folks just like you to participate in our Greeter Ministry. Greeters arrive a few minutes early to church. They welcome all who come here to worship. They also help orient those who might be new to our parish community. This is an easy, but powerful ministry. We will have an informational meeting Monday, June 20 at 7:00pm at the Church Office. It is perfect for families to do together. Yet, it is also something that individuals can do as well. If you would like more information about serving in this ministry, please contact: Tim Bergevin 813.748.4146 or Cindy Ehringer 813.681.4608 our parish volunteer coordinator.
PB & J Ministry Needs You!
Countless men and women are living on the streets. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich can make a big difference to these folks. Volunteers are needed to help make Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. We will meet on Friday, June 3rd, at 9:00 AM in Social Hall Room B. Please call Luann Leahy at 813.659.0181 if you have any questions.
Pray for Each Other
Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut-ins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Virginia Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Fraser, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna, Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez, Sylvia Perez Gonzalez, Jeanne A. Woodke, Katalin Lazzara, Dr. Joseph Chiarmonte, Aida Luz Betancourt, Courtney Daniels, Leonora Maggio, Irma Barrett, Ed Nagel, Michael Fultz, Jo Ann Shey, Gary Curreri, Katie Welch, Hailey Hepfinger, Charles F. Schramm Ph.D., Christopher C. Woodke, James P. Barrett, Sharon Prunn, Pamela Johannssen, Leo & Diane Brubaker, Howard Wiebeld, Andree Avcalade, Tina Kulisz-Nelson, Deborah Kulisz-McClain, Cheyenne Downs, Rob Lavazza, Paula Francis Cotto, Sandra J. Matson, Bessie LoScalzo, Drew Woodke, Norma Damico, Kathy Greco, Kay Walczak, Vincent Wildgen In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Bud Wilmath, Dr. Angelo Battista Massero
Father’s Day Golf Classic
The 3rd Annual Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council Father’s Day Golf Classic is Saturday June 18th at 9AM at Bloomingdale Golfers Club. The Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council has been active and supporting Nativity Church, School and Community for over 40 years. Funds raised from the Father’s Day Golf Classic will not only help the Knights continue to do our good works in Nativity Church, School and Community, but will directly help support The VAVS program, homeless Veterans, the Lopez School for Exceptional Children, the Special Olympics, The Nativity Food Pantry and the Global Wheelchair mission. Tickets are currently available for only $85 on the Knights Website: www.KofCBrandon.com. This includes Green Fees, Cart Fees, and Range Balls, breakfast sandwich, coffee, lunch, drinks, Adult beverages, and prizes. There will also be a putting contest and 4 hole-in-one contests which include prizes of $10,000 cash and vacation trips. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are still available; contact Herb Swoope at hswoope@msn.com or check out the Knight’s website www.KofCBrandon.com for more details. Remember, all funds raised directly support the events listed above and other Knights works here at Nativity Church and school. SPECIAL ADVANCED PRICING: Buy a Foursome before June 6 and save $40! Only $300 for 4 Golfers if purchased by June 6th! Go to our website www.KofCBrandon.com to purchase or for more info on the Knights or the Father’s Day Golf Classic.
Tenth Sunday Ordinary
Weekly Reflection (courtesy of catholicsteward.com) 1 Kgs 17: 17-24; Ps 30: 5-6, 11-13; Gal 1: 11-14A, 15-17, 19; Lk 7: 11-17
All of our readings on this Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time speak to an element of renewal and revival. To be resurrected we must first seek to be renewed. That is in reality what occurs in today’s First Reading from the First Book of Kings and from our Gospel from St. Luke. They tell of people who were brought back to life as we know it. That is different from resurrection because in resurrection there is no death, but with life as we know it there is death. It is resurrection which makes the difference. Jesus has indeed provided resurrection to us, although He provides life in today’s Gospel. The First Reading from the First Book of Kings anticipates what occurs in today’s Gospel. The Prophet Elijah finds himself in Zarephath. It is in the midst of the terrible drought which had affected the area for several years. While there, the son of a widow in the house where Elijah was residing took sick and died. The woman knew that Elijah was a “man of God” and she appealed to him to save her son’s life. As a widow the boy was the woman’s only hope for she trusted that he would care for her as she aged. Elijah knew that he did not have the power to give the boy life, but he also knew that God could. He fervently prayed to God and as it says in the reading, “The Lord heard the prayer of Elijah.” As is the case for all, it was Elijah’s faith and the widow’s faith which saved the boy. There are many things in our lives which may cause us to question or lose our faith. The point is that we must always grasp the fact that the Lord is with us; the Lord hears us; and the Lord loves us. One of the facets of stewardship and renewal is personal witness. St. Paul provides his witness throughout his writings and consistently. Paul points out to the Galatians that they no doubt have “heard” of his dramatic conversion, how he received a revelation directly from God, not through hearing it from another human. Paul probably shared his witness everywhere he went, and what occurred in terms of his effect on the Church is truly known by all of us. The value of personal witness, of personal testimony, is important in conversion. Not all conversions are dramatic like Paul’s. Many of us have similar conversion stories, but we may think they are not as interesting as Paul’s, not as likely to be an impetus for conversion in others, but that is not true. It is through sharing our faith, and giving witness to it, that others may find faith. Like Paul we are called to share and spread our faith. In Luke’s Gospel it states that Jesus was traveling to the city of Nain (not far from Nazareth) and He was accompanied by “his disciples and a large crowd.” Jesus’ fame and popularity was growing and He was accustomed to having these crowds, many more than just His apostles, follow Him. Imagine the scene. As Jesus and His assembly approach the gates of the
5 city, another throng of people are coming out of the city, but it is a funeral procession. As mentioned, this parallels what Elijah sees and does in the First Reading. Jesus sees the mother of the dead boy, and His heart goes out to her. Jesus speaks to the deceased boy as if he was alive, “Young man, I tell you, arise.” As pointed out Jesus does not “resurrect” the boy, but He does provide life to him. Only God can give us life, which He has done for each of us, and only God can resurrect us in the final regard. St. Paul also says in a letter to the Romans, “God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.” (Rom 4:17) It is this reality which provides us with hope; it is our confidence in this which gives us faith. It is this faith and hope which allow us to be witnesses to the Good News to others.
Kids Pray, Serve, and Give
Kensley helped Dad get the stuff off the grill Grace served at altar. Landon picked up trash at the ball field. Haley cleared the dinner table.
Save these Dates Ministry Leader Morning August 20th, from 9AM to 12PM Ministry Fair September 18th, after all Masses. More info coming soon. Away for the summer?
Going to be traveling this summer? Want more information on giving online? Visit nativitycatholicchurch.org and click on
Online Giving. If you need assistance with updating your account information, please call the Online Giving Customer Support at 800-348-2886 option 4. Get a current view of the state of our parish finances at: www.nativitycatholicchurch.org/parish-info/finance
June 5th, 2016
Nativity Catholic School
Thanks for an awesome school year, filled with zeal!
Let's put ourselves into the hands of the Lord and pray that God will bless us and our families during the wonderful months of summer. May we all help to make our home a place of relaxation, joy, love, peace, and safety. May we be generous and considerate, not thinking only about ourselves, but helping others enjoy the blessings of a summertime.
Lord God, Creator of all things, guide our steps and strengthen our hearts during these months of summer and vacation days. Grant us refreshment of mind and body. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Summer! With Love, Nativity Catholic School’s Faculty and Staff
Youth & Young Adult
6pm Mass. See you there!
High School (Grades 9 - 12) (LIFE TEEN) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center on Sundays, after the 6 pm Mass & Wednesdays from 7 - 9pm Eryn Lentner, Youth Director
Middle School (Grades 6 - 8) (LIFE FORCE) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center, Tuesdays from 6 - 8 pm. Young Adults (18 - 40) REAL LIFE Every Thursday at Nativity’s Youth Center at 7:30pm for faith, fun, and fellowship. Vida Joven Meets Friday in the chapel at 7 pm. Meal, faith and fun program until 9 pm. All High School age members of our Hispanic community are welcome to join us this Friday evening for a time of prayer, spiritual growth and fellowship. 7:00pm - Misa en Español 7:30pm - Dinner 8:00pm - Charla and Community Time "Ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? Where is God when a hurricane hits? All high school age teens are welcome to join us this Sunday after the 6pm mass for dinner and discussion on natural evil! See you there!"
Tenth Sunday Ordinary
Faith Formation
7 813.689.9101
Lighthouse Media Available
Mark Hart uses Scripture and his experience of surviving an earthquake to share how we can master our fears. He also reveals how our fears will pursue us if we don't meet them head on. Mark encourages us to not only face the proverbial giants in our lives but to slay them as David did Goliath, thereby finding freedom in Christ. Parishioner Comments Mark emphasizes that fear immobilizes us, while love moves us to do great things. I now plan to tell my problems how big God is, not vice versa. Monica - Wichita, KS An awesome, funny, and really terrific talk. Just what I needed. Now when fear takes hold of me I will know how to shake it loose! Julie - Bluffton, SC
Pastoral Care
Freedom in Christ Ministry
Are you under a great deal of stress and feel despair? Are you struggling to keep your head above water? Do you have wounds from past hurts that haven’t healed? The Freedom in Christ Ministry can help. Come and experience Christ’s healing power.
All denominations are welcome so bring a friend.
Monday, June 6 and June 20, 2016 7-9pm in Nativity’s Chapel Enjoy the summer and like us on Facebook and perhaps read the Unbound book by Neal Lozano which is available at www.heartofthefather.com, Amazon or in Nativity’s library. No reservation required for the ministry. For more information, please contact Deacon Mark at 813.653.1150 or via email at: dcndrmt@gmail.com. Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ficnativity
Pastoral Care Would Like to help
We take Holy Communion to those who cannot come to Mass, provide transportation to doctor appointments, van service to Mass, telephone reassurance calls, nursing home visitation, and respite care, call Pastoral Care at 813.413.8351.
Nativity Outreach Volunteer Needs
The Nativity Food Bank is in need of truck drivers, fork lift operators and abled-bodied volunteers at the Food Bank Warehouse in Dover. We are open mornings only, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. to approximately 11:00 a.m. If you can give us one day a week or more, your help would be greatly appreciated. Hours and days are flexible. Anyone interested or if you need additional information please call Carl at 813.707.1523 or 813.545.1725. We are also in need of new coordinators for the Nativity Outreach ministry as our great volunteers, Carl and Tess Falkenbach are looking to step back from the ministry. If you would be interested in taking charge of this incredibly important ministry, please contact Rob Martin, or Fr. Tapp.
Count Your Blessings
Something that we might take for granted at times... now the parish of San Antonio in La Victoria has running water through every faucet 24/7! Thanks to your generosity and continuous support. — in La Victoria, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic.
June 5th, 2016
8 Monday - 6/6/2016 Quilters 9:00AM - 12:00PM SVdP Mtg 10:00AM - 2:00PM Life Teen Core Mtg 6:00PM - 10:00PM Hispanic Lectors Training 6:30PM - 9:00PM Partners With La Victoria 7:00PM - 9:00PM Freedom in Christ 7:00PM - 9:00PM RCIA Team 7:00PM - 9:00PM Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM - 9:00PM KofC Council 7:30PM - 9:30PM Tuesday - 6/7/2016 Summer Speech Services 8:00AM - 12:00PM Legion of Mary 9:15AM - 11:00AM St. Francis Circle 10:00AM - 1:00PM Girl Talk 5:00PM - 6:00PM Life Force 6:00PM - 8:00PM CRSP mujeres 6:15PM - 9:30PM Mens Emmaus Mtg 6:45PM - 8:45PM Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM - 9:00PM Baptism Prep English 7:00PM - 9:00PM Hispanic Commission 7:30PM - 9:00PM CRSP CDC 7:30PM - 9:00PM Wednesday - 6/8/2016 Meals on Wheels 10:30AM - 11:30AM St Jude Prayer Mtg 5:00PM - 7:00PM RICA Catechists Mtg 6:00PM - 7:00PM Grupo De Oracion 7:00PM - 9:00PM Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM Respect life Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM - 9:30PM Thursday - 6/9/2016 Brothers in Christ 5:45AM - 7:00AM Food Pantry Set up 6:00AM - 1:30PM Come Clean Church 7:00AM - 9:30AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM - 10:30AM Uniform Sale 10:00AM - 6:00PM Food Pantry Distribution 3:00PM - 4:00PM CRSP Hombres Grupo 4 6:15PM - 9:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM - 9:00PM Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM - 9:00PM Young Adults 7:30PM - 10:00PM Coro Hispano 7:30PM - 9:00PM Mens Emmaus Team 7:30PM - 9:00PM
PC (Back) PC (Mid) LL, MPR Church SH (C1) Chapel FFC OR AE MPR OR AE LL YOUTH PC (Back) AE Church FFC CONF SH (C2) SH (C) PC (Back) SH (C) Chapel YOUTH OR Church SH (D) SH (C&D) Church Chapel Gym SH PC AE (A) AE (B) LL Church SH (D)
Friday - 6/10/2016 PB&J ministry 8:30AM - 10:30AM SH Room B Adoration 8:45AM - 6:45PM Chapel Al-Anon Family Group 10:30AM - 11:30AM OR Mens Emmaus Retreat 5:00PM - 7:15PM SH (C) FBJ Mtg 6:30PM - 9:30PM AE Vida Joven 6:30PM - 9:30PM YOUTH Saturday - 6/11/2016 Womens Emmaus Coffee 9:00AM - 11:30AM AE World Youth Day Retreat 9:00AM - 5:00PM YOUTH VBS crew leader training 10:00AM - 1:00PM SH (C&D) NCS Alumni Dinner 6:00PM - 9:00PM SH (A&B) Sunday - 6/12/2016 RCIA Dismissal 10:30AM - 12:00PM SH (D) St. Jude Circle 12:00PM - 2:00PM AE English Baptisms 12:15PM - 1:30PM Chapel PwLV Mtg 2:00PM - 5:00PM SH (C1) Emmaus Retreat Return 4:00PM - 5:30PM Chapel Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM YOUTH Life Teen Prayer Team 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chapel For all events and updates please check the website calendar. Room Key YC - Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) - Social Hall PC - Pastoral Care | AE - Adult Education Building LL - Life Lounge | OR - Oakwood Room CONV - Convent | CONF - Conference Room MP - Multi-Purpose Room | Media - Media Center
Traveling? Wondering Where The Nearest Church Is While On Vacation? Check out: www.masstimes.org Summer Events Consider praying for our teens and grade schoolers during this summer’s programs. Hidden Lake June 13th - June 18th Middle School Faith Formation June 13th - 24th Vacation Bible School June 20th - 24th Covecrest July 18th - 23rd
Tenth Sunday Ordinary
Reflexión Semanal (cortesía de catholicsteward.com)
Todas nuestras lecturas en esta X Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario hablan sobre elementos de renovación y renacimiento. Para ser resucitado primero hay que buscar ser renovado. Esto es en realidad lo que ocurre en la Primera Lectura de hoy del Primer Libro de Reyes y de nuestro Evangelio de San Lucas. Hablan de las personas que fueron traídos de vuelta a la vida tal como la conocemos. Esto es diferente a la resurrección, porque en la resurrección no hay muerte, pero en la vida tal como la conocemos hay la muerte. Es la resurrección la que hace la diferencia. Jesús, de hecho, nos ha proporcionado resurrección, aunque Él proporciona la vida en el Evangelio de hoy. La Primera Lectura del Primer Libro de Los Reyes anticipa lo que ocurre en el Evangelio de hoy. El profeta Elías se encuentra de Sarepta. Es en medio de una terrible sequía que había afectado a la zona durante varios años. Una vez allí, el hijo de una viuda en la casa donde residía Elías se enfermó y murió. La mujer sabía que Elías era un "hombre de Dios" y apeló a él para salvar la vida de su hijo. Como viuda el niño era la única esperanza de la mujer ya que ella confiaba en que él iba a cuidar de ella al envejecer. Elías sabía que no tenía el poder de darle vida al muchacho, pero también sabía que Dios podía. Él oró fervientemente a Dios y como se dice en la lectura, "El Señor escuchó la oración de Elías." Como es el caso para todos, fue la fe de Elías y la fe de la viuda la que salvó al niño. Hay muchas cosas en nuestras vidas que pueden causar que cuestionemos o perdamos nuestra fe. El punto es que siempre tenemos que comprender el hecho de que el Señor está con nosotros; el Señor nos oye; y el Señor nos ama. Una de las facetas de la mayordomía y la renovación es el testimonio personal. San Pablo ofrece su testimonio en todos sus escritos y consistente. Pablo señala a los Gálatas que sin duda han "oído" de su dramática conversión, cómo recibió una revelación directamente de Dios, no a través de escucharlo de otro ser humano. Pablo probablemente compartió su testimonio donde quiera que iba, y lo que ocurrió en términos de su efecto sobre la Iglesia es realmente conocido por todos nosotros. El valor del testimonio personal, es importante en la conversión. No todas las conversiones son dramáticas como la de Pablo. Muchos de nosotros tenemos historias de conversión similares, pero pueden pensar que no son tan interesantes como la de Pablo, que no son probables de ser un impulso para la conversión en otros, pero eso no es cierto. Es a través de compartir nuestra fe y dar testimonio de ella, que otras personas encuentren la fe. Al igual que Pablo, estamos llamados a compartir y difundir nuestra fe. En el Evangelio de Lucas se dice que Jesús se dirigía a la ciudad de Naín (no lejos de Nazaret) y Él fue acompañado por "sus discípulos y una gran multitud." La fama y la popu-
9 laridad de Jesús estaba creciendo y Él estaba acostumbrado a tener estas multitudes siguiéndolo, muchos más que Sus apóstoles. Imagínese la escena. Como Jesús y Sus seguidores se acercan a las puertas de la ciudad, otra multitud de personas están saliendo de la ciudad, pero es una procesión fúnebre. Como se ha mencionado, esto es paralelo a lo que ve y hace Elías en la Primera Lectura. Jesús ve a la madre del niño muerto, y Su corazón está con ella. Jesús le habla al niño fallecido como si estuviera vivo, "Joven, a ti te digo, levántate." Como se ha señalado Jesús no "resucito" al niño, sino que le proporciono vida a él. Sólo Dios puede darnos la vida, lo que Él ha hecho por cada uno de nosotros, y sólo Dios nos puede resucitar en el sentido final. San Pablo también dice en su Carta a Los Romanos: "Dios, que da vida a los muertos, y llama a existir lo que no existe." (Romanos 4:17) Es esta realidad la que nos proporciona la esperanza; es nuestra confianza en esto lo que nos da la fe. Es esta fe y esperanza que nos permiten ser testigos de la Buena Nueva a los demás.
Nuestros niños oran, sirven y donan
Kensley ayudó papá conseguir las cosas de la parrilla Grace sirvio al altar. Landon recogió basura en el campo de juego. Haley recogió la mesa para la cena.
¿Pensando a donde queda la Iglesia más cercana durante las vacaciones? Mire: www.masstimes.org
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June 5th, 2016
Feliz Retiro Obispo Lynch
Como ustedes saben, siempre oramos por Francisco nuestro Papa, y Roberto nuestro Obispo en cada Misa. Quizás han notado recientemente que también oramos por el próximo obispo que reemplazara al Obispo Lynch. Al cumplir los 75 años, el cual celebro el 27 de mayo, fue requerido del Obispo Lynch (como todos los obispos que llegan a los 75 años) a someter su carta de renuncia / retiro al Papa Francisco. El Papa Francisco comenzara ahora el proceso de discernir, y nombrar el nuevo obispo para la Diócesis de San Petersburgo. Invito a todos nuestros parroquianos a ofrecer oraciones de acción de gracias por lo veinte-tantos años de ministerio que el Obispo Lynch le ha dedicado a esta Diócesis. También les pido que oren por la persona que será nombrado como el próximo obispo para la Diócesis de San Petersburgo. Si pasadas experiencias son una indicación, un nuevo obispo será nombrado a nuestra diócesis en 6 a 12 meses.
Este fin de semana de retiro pasivo está diseñado para hombres que desean explorar su propia relación con Jesús. Usted escuchará una serie de charlas por parte de otros hombres acerca de sus propias experiencias con el Señor. Usted tendrá la oportunidad de reflexionar, orar y tener en cuenta las grandes preguntas de la vida en un lugar que está lo suficientemente alejado para separarlo de las distracciones de la vida cotidiana, pero lo suficientemente cerca que puede estar en casa en cuestión de minutos. Las inscripciones se están llevando a cabo después de cada misa en el Salón Social.
Solicitamos su ayuda
Solicitamos voluntarios para preparar sándwiches de mantequilla de maní con mermelada el viernes 3o de Junio, a las 9:00 AM en el Salón Social B, los cuales serán distribuidos a los pobres que viven en la calle. Puede comunicarse con Luann Leahy al 813.659.0181, si tiene alguna pregunta.
Bendición de Matrimonios
Guarde estas fechas Mañana de Líderes Ministerios 20 de agosto de 09 a.m.-12 p.m. Feria de Ministerios 18 de septiembre después de todas las Misas. Más información dentro de poco.
“Tener un lugar a donde ir, se llama Hogar. Tener personas a quien amar, se llama Familia. Y tener ambas se llama Bendición.” ~Papa Francisco Invitamos a todas las parejas que están en matrimonio civil o unión libre que desean bendecir su matrimonio por la Iglesia Católica en una ceremonia matrimonial comunitaria en español aquí en la Iglesia de la Natividad a una reunión el domingo, 5 de junio, a las 2:15 pm en el Salón Social San Francis. Ese día daremos más información acerca de los requisitos que necesitan para esta celebración. Todas las pares están cordialmente invitadas.
Tenth Sunday Ordinary
Convención del Matrimonio
No se pierda esta oportunidad una vez en la vida. Oportunidad Familiarmente! 17-19 de junio de en el Centro de Convenciones de Tampa presentada simultáneamente en Inglés y Español! Aprender acerca de la construcción de la empatía en su matrimonio! Aprender las 8 Intimidades de relaciones! Y, en estos y otros grandes presentaciones, programas separados para sus hijos también se enciende! El sábado por la noche, se invita a la familia entera para el Gala del banquete de la boda, con comedor y baile y la música emocionante! ¡Ven y únete a nosotros! Abierto a todas las parejas casadas. Presentado por católica Palabra Encuentro Matrimonial ancha Y si usted es capaz de albergar una pareja que viene de otro lado de los EE.UU. para la Convención, hay algunas parejas que deseen alojarse con la comunidad. Información completa e inscripción en www.wwme2016.org. Si usted podría ayudar, por favor póngase en contacto con Bob y Pat Scheriff a bobandpat76@gmail.com.
Buscando Saludadores
La Parroquia de Nativity es conocida por su calurosa hospitalidad. Para continuar aumentando nuestro espíritu de hospitalidad en nuestra Iglesia, estamos solicitando personas como usted para participar en nuestro Ministerio de Bienvenida. Estas personas llegan unos minutos antes de la Misa y le dan la bienvenida a los que llegan. También orientan a aquellas personas que llegan por primera vez a nuestra comunidad parroquial. Este es un ministerio fácil y poderoso, pero es algo que individuos pueden hacer muy bien. Tendremos una reunión informativa Lunes, 20 de Junio a las 7:00 pm en la oficina de la iglesia. Si desea más información, comunicase con Cindy Ehringer, coordinadora de voluntarios al 813.681.4608 o con Tim Bergevin al 813.748.4146.
Cuenta tus bendiciones
Algo que podemos dar por sentado a veces ... ahora la parroquia de San Antonio en La Victoria ha agua corriente a través de cada grifo 24/7! Gracias a su generosidad y apoyo continuo. - La Victoria, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana.
Entrenamiento para nuevos lectores.
Hermano/a, si disfrutas de la lectura Puedes ofrecer tu tiempo y talento... Participando en el Ministerio de Lectura Proclamando La Palabra de Dios en la Celebración Litúrgica.
Comunícate con Carmen Morales 813.956.6653 O Jaime López 813.808.1067 Además Lunes, 6 de Junio, 7pm en la Iglesia Tendremos entrenamiento para los nuevos miembros. Anímamate… Te esperamos
Día de los Padres ‘Golf Classic’
La 3ra anuale Día de Padres ‘Golf Classic’ de los Caballeros de Colón del Consejo Madre Seton es el Sábado 18 de junio a las 9am en el Bloomingdale Golfers Club. Los Caballeros de Colón Consejo Madre Seton ha sido activa por más de 40 años por el apoyo de la Iglesia Natividad, la escuela y la comunidad. Los fondos recaudados de del Día de Padres Golf Classic no sólo ayudarán a los Caballeros siguen haciendo buenas obras en Natividad, la escuela y la comunidad, sino que ayudarán directamente a apoyar el programa para veteranos sin hogar, la escuela López para Niños Excepcionales, los Juegos Olímpicos Especiales, la Natividad Despensa de Alimentos y Meals on Wheels. Los boletos están disponibles por sólo $85 en la Página Web del caballeros: www.KofCBrandon.com. Esto incluye Green Fee, Carrito de Cargos y pelotas para el campo, sándwich de desayuno, café, almuerzo, bebidas, bebidas para adultos, y premios. También habrá un concurso de putting y 4 concursos agujero-en-uno, que incluyen premios de $10.000 en efectivo y vacaciones de viajes. Oportunidades de patrocinio y publicidad están todavía disponibles; hace contacto con Herb Swoope a hswoope@msn.com o echa un vistazo a la página web de los Caballeros: www.KofCBrandon.com para más detalles. Recuerde, todos los fondos recaudados directamente apoyan los eventos mencionados anteriormente y otros trabajas de los Caballeros aquí en la Iglesia de la Natividad y la Escuela. ESPECIAL Precios Avanzadas: Comprar un cuarteto antes del 6 de junio y ahorre $40! Sólo $300 para 4 jugadores de golf si se compra antes del 6 de Junio! Visita nuestro sitio web www.KofCBrandon.com para compra o para obtener más información sobre los Caballeros o sobre el Día de los Padres ‘Golf Classic.’