"Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!"
Feast of the Holy Family
Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. James C Lara Parochial Vicars: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation: 813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541
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MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass Weekend Mass 7:00am (Monday through Friday) Saturday Vigil Mass 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 4:00PM (Interpreted for Deaf) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 4:00PM Espa単ol (Capilla) 7:00PM (Espa単ol Martes y Viernes) Sunday Masses Morning Prayer 7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel) 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule 12:30PM Espa単ol Saturday in Church: 3:00 to 4:00PM 6:00PM LifeTeen 5:00 to 5:30PM
ESPECT – Trivia buffs know that Otis Redding first recorded it in 1965. Aretha Franklin made it known throughout the world in her rendition recorded in 1967. Just about everyone has heard the song “Respect.”
Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The various options for the readings at Mass today speak about the family: parent/child relationships, care for the elderly, the relationship between husband and wife, and family tensions. There is a single word that underlies all of these relationships. And that word, as you might have guessed, is RESPECT. Children are asked to respect their parents, even when they are old or their minds fail them (Sirach, chapter 3). Husbands and wives are not to be subservient to one another as much as they are to be loving, sacrificial, and respectful (St. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, chapter 3). And even when there are tensions in the family – such as the confrontation between the adolescent Jesus and his parents (Luke, chapter2) – those tensions are dealt with in a respectful and kindly manner. If I had to rank the sin I hear most from young and old alike who come to confession, that sin would probably be a lack of respect toward others. So, how do we regain a greater respect for others? The answer is simple: we just begin to practice it. We remind ourselves of the Golden Rule: treating others as we wish to be treated. Maybe one way of engendering better respect with and for others is to spend time with them. It’s easy to give a gift to someone and then be done with them. It is altogether something else when we spend time with them – listening to them, empathizing with them, and just appreciating them for who they are and where they are in life. In these remaining days of our Christmas vacation, perhaps the best gift we can give to our parents, grandparents, and children is the gift of spending time with them. At Christmas, we celebrate the time that God personally spent with us while on earth. And our faith constantly affirms that same reality in this present day – God is always present to us and available to us. In a similar way, may we intentionally, lovingly, and sacrificially spend time with one another as God does with us
oy celebramos la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Las diversas opciones para las lecturas de la Misa de hoy hablan de la familia: relaciones padres / hijos, el cuidado de los ancianos, la relación entre marido y mujer, y las tensiones familiares. No hay una sola palabra que subyace a todas estas relaciones. Y esa palabra, como ya habrán adivinado, es RESPETO.
Se les pide a los niños a respetar a sus padres, aun cuando son viejos o sus mentes les fallan (Eclesiástico, capítulo 3). Los esposos y las esposas no deben estar al servicio de unos a otros todo lo que han de ser amoroso, sacrificial, y respetuoso (Carta de St. Paul a los Colosenses, capítulo 3). E incluso cuando hay tensiones en la familia como el enfrentamiento entre el Jesús de los adolescentes y sus padres (Lucas, Capítulo 2) esas tensiones se tratan de una manera respetuosa y amable. Si tuviera que clasificar el pecado oigo más de pequeños y mayores que se acercan a la confesión, que el pecado probablemente sería una falta de respeto hacia los demás. Así que, ¿cómo nos recuperamos un mayor respeto por los demás? La respuesta es sencilla: simplemente comenzamos a practicarlo. Les recordamos a nosotros mismos de la regla de oro: tratar a los demás como queremos ser tratados. Quizás una manera de generar un mayor respeto con y para los demás es pasar tiempo con ellos. Es fácil dar un regalo a alguien y luego hacerse con ellos. Es del todo algo más cuando pasamos tiempo con ellos escucharlos, empatizar con ellos, y justo apreciarlos por lo que son y dónde se encuentran en la vida. En estos días restantes de nuestras vacaciones de Navidad, tal vez el mejor regalo que podemos dar a nuestros padres, abuelos y niños es el don de pasar tiempo con ellos. En Navidad, celebramos el tiempo que Dios personalmente pasó con nosotros en la tierra. Y nuestra fe afirma constantemente esa misma realidad en el día de hoy Dios está siempre presente con nosotros y disponible para nosotros. De manera similar, podemos intencionalmente, con amor, con sacrificio y pasar tiempo con los otros como Dios hace con nosotros.
Be sure to get in touch with Thomas Sanjurjo, to contribute to our bulletin. Spiritual Growth
The Soleminty of Mary, Mother of God On Friday, January 1st we celebrate this wonderful mystery. As such, it is a holy day of obligation. Mass times are as follows: December 31st 4 pm Vigil, in the Church January 1st 7 am, in the Church 8:30 am, in the Church 10:30 am, in the Church 12:30 pm, Español, in the Church
Stewardship Ministries in Action Community Bulletin OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW IN FAITH P4 Stewardship Bulletin Reflection, Mass Intentions, Epiphany Blessing Chalk P5 Pray for One Another, Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference, Faith Sharing Groups, Inquiry into the Catholic Faith P7 Reflexión de las Escrituras, Tiza de Bendicion Epifania
OPPORTUNITIES FOR STEWARDSHIP OF TIME, TALENT, AND TREASURE P5 Tithing Report, Tuition Assistance, Partner with La Victoria P6 Looking for Greeters P7 Reporte del Diezmo, Asocios con La Victoria, Buscando Saludadores
MINISTRIES IN ACTION COMMUNITY BULLETIN P6 Married and in Love, Week at a Glance, Mark Your Calendars
Stewardship Bulletin Reflection Sir 3: 26, 1214; Ps 128: 15; Col 3: 1221; Lk 2: 4152
here are Feast Days for each member of the Holy Family, but this particular Feast which always occurs between Christmas and the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, celebrates the entire family—Jesus, our Blessed Mother Mary, and Jesus’ Stepfather Joseph. Scripture does not tell us much about the Holy Family during Jesus’ growth years, but we view them on this day as a religious family worthy of emulation. In this era and society when questions arise as to exactly what a family is or should be, the Holy Family stands out as a model. The Church celebrates this day in the hope that it might instill in our own Catholic and Christian families some of the faithful love and attachment which seem to characterize the Holy Family. As might be expected, each of the readings on this Holy Day makes reference to and emphasizes family life. The Book of Sirach was written, according to most scholars, by Jeshua ben Eleazar ben Sira about 175 years before the birth of Christ. Each chapter of the book follows a particular theme, and Chapter Three, from which we have our First Reading follows a great theme of Proverbs: honor thy father and mother. Sirach speaks of the responsibilities of all members of a family to others in the family. At the foundation of a successful family is a trait which we also extol in lives of stewardship — humility. When dealing with others in our family, the importance of being humble and respectful and loving cannot be emphasized enough. We also need to be conscious of the fact that when we speak of “family,” we are not just talking about a family unit, but that greater family to which we all belong — the family of God, our faith family.
theological questions. For three days the boy Jesus was in their midst and clearly held his own in the discussions and debates. Imagine being the parent of such a gifted child! That is where St. Mary and St. Joseph found themselves. The value of this small insight into the Holy Family is the realization that in spite of the Son of God literally being a member of the family, their family life was normal and regular in almost every way. The custom at that time was for a son to take up his father’s business. Thus, Jesus became a carpenter after Joseph, but He was more than that — He also was about the business of His Father in Heaven. In spite of His special place, Jesus was obedient and respectful to His parents. The point of this Feast Day is for us to see that the combination of children, siblings, mother, and father all need to be attentive to and responsive to the others’ needs. We cannot achieve the perfection of the Holy Family, but we can strive to be holy.
Mass Intentions | Dec 28th Jan 3rd 7:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 4:00 pm 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:30 pm 12:30 pm
8:00 am 4:00 pm St. Paul, in his letter to the Colossians, our Second Reading, builds 4:00 pm on the theme of humility and goes even further in describing the attributes that are important to be a member of a family. His introduction includes all that each of us must strive to do, the way we need to act, think, and behave. He tells us that we need to show “heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” These are not easy, but they are also the elements to being good Christians and stewards. Furthermore, according to St. Paul, we need to forgive one another, and “over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection.” If that was not enough for us, he adds that we need to let “the peace of Christ control your hearts.” Paul more or less wraps up his advice and counsel by saying, “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.” For a family, any family, whether our blood intimate family or our larger faith community to be completely like the Holy Family, we must have Christ at the center. Living a God centered life will lead us to stewardship and to a happy and thriving family. During Passover the Sanhedrin ( a supreme council that oversaw Judea as sort of a supreme court and legislative body) would meet in the court of the Temple to openly discuss religious and
7:00 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 am 6:00 pm
Monday, December 28 Fernando Rodriguez I Floyd & Beverly Ihm Tuesday, December 29 John Jacoby Laurie Santos Larkin Ameiro & Eva Cardona Wednesday, December 30 Cristina O'Donnell Joby Ayallore Thursday, December 31 Ed Bruckner Ana Cifuni Cordon & Anoos Families Friday, January 1 Rutina Tan Ray O'Daniels Gerrie Rogalski Maria Bustamante Saturday, January 2 Leonila Penson Louwallien Donna Grandstaff Edelmiro Toledo Sunday, January 3 Gertrude Godin Robert McCann Victor Garcia Lina Mingo (Chapel) Angel Fumero Torres (Spanish) Jim Lee
Epiphany Blessing Chalk Epiphany is the traditional day for blessing homes and other buildings by marking the lintels of doorways with chalk. The markings commemorate the three Magi. The markings for 2016 are 20 + C + M + B + 16. These letters represent the three initials of the Magi’s names written between the numbers of the year separated by four crosses. They are also the Latin abbreviation for “Christus mansionem benedicat,” which means “Christ blesses this house.” Blessed chalk will be available after Masses on Sunday, January 3, in the Social Hall.
Pray for One Another Pray for the sick, suffering, and shutins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Hailey Hepfinger, Carlotta Horan, Patrick Hrabusa, Marie Iams, Rita Jacobson, Henry Jackson, Ken Jensen, Rita Johnson, Daniel Kasprzyk, Pamela Kay, Keith Kirk, Kay Kunish, Nancy Lane, Joe LaPerna, Danelle Lareau, Sharon Lee, Ron Lerch, Sean Lewis, Sharone Linares, Sandy Lockard, Mario & Perfecta Lopez, Mark Love, John Lynch, Patricia Manack, Walter F. Marion, Angel Matos, Ken Meservey, Tina Nelson, Andrew Newelinski, Barbara & Mike Nieves, Stephanie Olsen, Alisa Olson, Aleida Ortiz, Erinn Phelan, Marie Pennisi, Isabella Ramirez, Dick Riedl, Petra Rivas, Betty Rocha, Manuel Rodriguez, Ray Rocha, Pedro Roldan Sanchez, Danny Rossi, Leo Rossiter, Virginia Ruth, Maria Saenz, Dr. Charles F. Schramm, Richard Sanderson, Quinn Schiaro, Lisa Ziroli Seaholm, Josie Sellers, Bill Shea, Don Shea, Mike Showalter, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Spears, Alice Sperandio, Joan Statham, Brett Strong, Heather Sturz, William Swantek, Theresa Taffe, Suzie Taylor, Sam Troncalli, Ann Ulbricht, Brian Ussery, Christina Van Alstyne, Luis and Carmen Vargas, Rose Vier, Joan Wagner, Howard Wakefield, Christie Washburn, Auburn Wells, Barbara White, Howard Wiebeld, Vincent Wildgen, Cathy Williams, Kenneth Wilson, Evelina Zambrano, Jorge Zayas, Charlotte Zorn, George Wagner, Steve Alley, Bessie LoScalzo, Dr. Greenwell, Francis Davis, Anna Cifuni, Bienvenida Kjeer, Vincent Wilgen, Dr. Antonio Rivera, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Sandra J. Matson, Steven P. Woodke, Addia Limtiaco, Alex Kepler, Norma Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas
Inquiry into the Catholic Faith Do you want to know more about the Catholic Faith? Our inquiry sessions into joining the Catholic Church will begin on January 31, 910 am in the Adult Education Building, located next to the children’s playground. Come and see what the Catholic Church has to offer.
Parishioners' Tithing Report These reports will be on haitus until after the Holidays. Thanks for your understanding. We'll update you on all giving over these weeks at that point.
Tuition Assistance Fund The Catholic Foundation has offered a Tuition Assistance Match Grant for the 2015/16 school year. These Foundation funds provide Catholic Schools an opportunity to generate additional Tuition Assistance gifts by matching tuition assistance donations made to Nativity Catholic School.
In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Your donations to Nativity Catholic School can make a difference for families who desire a Catholic education for their children but cannot afford it!
Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference Take this day as an opportunity to learn from others and grow in virtue. Stand with other men in the battle to reclaim our families and culture for the glory of God! Don’t miss this opportunity to invigorate your life, raise your spirits and give yourself insights into overcoming today’s pressures. What better way to build friendship than bringing other guys with you to share in this experience!
The Catholic Foundation will match every dollar our school receives in tuition assistance from parishioners, parents, grandparents, corporations, etc. up to $5,250.00. Please prayerfully consider making a tuition assistance donation to Nativity Catholic School before year end. All gifts must be dated prior to January 1, 2016 and made payable to Nativity Catholic School.
Saturday, February 6th, beginning at 6:30 a.m., Higgins Hall St Lawrence Catholic Church, 5221 N. Himes Ave, Tampa. Tickets include lunch and free parking. Cost is $30 for Dad or a Father/Son ticket for $30. For tickets or more information contact visit the Conference web site at
Faith Sharing Groups Start your new year off by joining a 6 week Faith Sharing group meeting here at Nativity and in parish homes. Several days of the week and times will be available. Stop by the sign up table in the Social Hall after masses this Sunday to see the resource and get signed up.
Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We are a 501(C) 3 non profit educational institution ID # 364644822. If you are interested in donating to this cause, you may contact the Finance office at (813) 6814608 or Email if you would like additional information.
Partner with La Victoria Partners With La Victoria has two volunteer positions available. Please contact Lori Fitzpatrick at 6545348 if you would like to volunteer your experience with grant writing/fundraising. Please contact Miguel Suarez at 503 6575 to share your marketing/promotions experience. Both positions are in great need to continue our work with La Victoria, Dominican Republic. Thank you for your continued support.
We're Looking for Greeters Nativity Parish is known for its warm hospitality. In order to further build up the spirit of hospitality in our church, we are looking for folks just like you to participate in our Greeter Ministry. Greeters arrive a few minutes early to church. They welcome all who come here to worship. They also help orient those who might be new to our parish community. This is an easy, and powerful ministry. It is perfect for families to do together. Yet, it is also something that individuals can do as well. We will be signing up new greeters after the Masses this weekend. If you would like more information about serving in this ministry, please contact Tim Bergevin (8137484146) or Cindy Ehringer (8136814608) our parish volunteer coordinator.
Married and In Love COUPLES OF ALL AGES. Start the new year with a little tune up to your marriage. On Saturday, January 23, 2016, there will be a one day Marriage Enrichment program held at Nativity Parish; the program entitled “MARRIED AND IN LOVE…MOST OF THE TIME” provides an opportunity to learn new ways to increase the passion and strengthen your relationship. Complimentary child care will be available and the fee for all materials and meals is $40.00. Please contact the Parish Faith Formation Office to register 6899101.
Mark Your Calendars January Mary, Mother of God 1st, Men's Emmaus 8th, March for Life Bus Trip 16th, Catholic Schools' Week 31st
Week at a Glance Monday 12/28/2015 Church Office Closed NO SCHOOL Tuesday 12/29/2015 NO SCHOOL Church Office Closed K of C Officers 7:00PM 9:00PM Wednesday 12/30/2015 Church Office Closed NO SCHOOL Meals on Wheels 10:30AM 11:30AM Thursday 12/31/2015 NO SCHOOL Church Office Closed New Year's Eve Come Clean Church 7:00AM 9:30AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM 10:30AM New Years Eve Mass 4:00PM 5:00PM Friday 1/1/2016 New Year's Day Mary, Mother of God Church Office Closed NO SCHOOL New Years Day Mass 7:00AM 8:00AM New Years Day Mass 8:30AM 9:30AM New Years Day Mass 10:30AM 11:30AM New Years Day Mass 12:30PM 1:30PM Saturday 1/2/2016 Rosary Makers 8:30AM 10:30AM Sunday 1/3/2016 March for Life Table 8:00AM 3:00PM
Church Chapel Church
Church Church Church Church OR SH(B)
For all events and updates, please check the website calendar. ROOM KEY YC Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) Social Hall | PC Pastoral Care | AE Adult Education Building | LL Life Lounge | OR Oakwood Room | CONV Convent | MP MultiPurpose Room
Reflexión de las Escrituras Hay Dias de Fiesta para cada miembro de la Santa Familia, pero est Fiesta en particular, que ocurre entre la Navidad y la Solemnidad de Maria, Madre de Dios, celebra a la familia entera Jesus, nuestra Santa Madre Maria, y el padrastro de Jesus, Jose. Las Escrituras no relatan mucho sobre la Santa Familia durante el crecimiento de Jesus, pero los miramos en este dia como una familia religiosa digna de EMULATION. Cada una de la lecturas de este Santo Dia hace referencia e enfatiza vida familiar. El Libro de SIRAQCH fue escrito, de acuerdo a los SCHOLARS, por Joshua ben Eleazar ben Sira 175 antes del nacimiento de Cristo. Cada capitulo del libro sigue un tema en particular, y el Capitulo Tres, de donde viene nuestra Primera Lectura sigue un gram tema de Proverbios: honra a tu padre y tu madre. SIRACH El Mesías vendrá de Belén, que era también el pueblo natal de David. Quizás han oído que el significado de Belén en Aramaic es “Casa de Pan,” un nombre apropiado para el lugar donde el Salvador, quien nos dará el pan de vida, nacerá. En la lectura de Miqueas, sin embargo, es llamada Belén – Ephrata. El nombre “Ephrata” también es significante. Ephrata era el antiguo y original nombre de Belén. Ephrata significa “fructuoso” o “abundancia.” Nos estamos preparando para la abundancia de Cristo, fruto del vientre de Maria.
Tiza de Bendición Epifanía Epifanía es el día tradicional para bendecir las casas y otros edificios, marcando los dinteles de las puertas con tiza. Las marcas conmemorar los tres Reyes Magos. Las marcas para 2016 son 20 + C + M + B + 16. Estas cartas representan los tres iniciales de los nombres de los reyes magos escritos entre los números del año separados por cuatro cruces. También son la abreviatura latina para "Christus mansionem benedicat", que significa "Cristo bendice a esta casa." Tiza Benditos estarán disponibles después de las misas del domingo, 3 de enero en el Salón Social.
Reporte del Diezmo Estos informes estarán en receso hasta después de las vacaciones. Gracias por su comprensión. Vamos a ponerle al día sobre todo lo que recibimos por estas semanas.
Asocios Con La Victoria
Asocios con La Victoria tiene dos puestos de voluntarios disponibles. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Lori Fitzpatrick al 6545348 si usted desea ser voluntario. Tu experiencia con escritura de subvención / recaudación de fondos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Miguel Suárez al 5036575 para compartir su experiencia con promociones. Ambas posiciones están en gran necesidad de continuar nuestro trabajo con La Victoria, República Dominicana. La Segunda Lectura de la Carta a los Hebreos es breve, pero tan Gracias por tu continuo apoyo. notable como la visión profética de Miqueas de Cristo. El escritor habla sobre “sacrificios y ofrendas.” Siempre debemos de pensar que esto es un anticipo del sacrificio de Jesús por nosotros, no es nuestro sacrificio. No regocijamos por la llegada de Jesús, pero no debemos pasar por alto por qué El viene para nuestra salvación. Jesús vino para todos nosotros. Por eso es el regocijo y la alegría de Su llegada en pocos días. Finalmente el Evangelio de San Lucas une tres figuras centrales en nuestra fe Jesús, Su Santa Madre Maria, y San Juan el Bautista, que traerá el mensaje de Jesucristo. El Evangelio detalla la visita de Mara a su prima Isabel, la Madre de San Juan Bautista, quien está embarazada. Hay elementos dentro de esta lectura de los cuales estamos muy familiarizados, y son particularmente apropiados este domingo en esta jornada final de Adviento. Cuando Maria se entera que Isabel esta embarazado, inmediatamente sale a visitarla. Para Maria fue una jornada de cien millas. Los dos detalles más memorable en la lectura son la respuesta de Isabel al ver a Santa Maria, “Bendita eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre,” una parte clave en nuestra inmortal oración “Santa Maria.” Además, Isabel relata cómo su bebe, Juan el Bautista, “salto de alegría” en la presencia de Jesús. Aunque San Juan el Bautista aun estaba en el vientre de su madre, se llenó de alegría, la misma alegría y jubilo que estamos buscando durante esta época del año. Isabel, como Maria, está llena del Espíritu Santo. Esto es lo que estamos buscando y por lo cual nos hemos estado preparando durante el Adviento, el éxtasis que viene al permitir que el Espíritu Santo entre en nuestros corazones, y la maravilla, alegría y regocijo que debemos tener en la Navidad.
Buscando Saludadores La Parroquia de Nativity es conocida por su calurosa hospitalidad. Para continuar aumentando nuestro espíritu de hospitalidad en nuestra Iglesia, estamos solicitando personas como usted para participar en nuestro Ministerio de Bienvenida. Estas personas llegan unos minutos antes de la Misa y le dan la bienvenida a los que llegan. También orientan a aquellas personas que llegan por primera vez a nuestra comunidad parroquial. Este es un ministerio fácil y poderoso, pero es algo que individuos pueden hacer muy bien. Estaremos tomando firmas este fin de semana después de las Misas. Si desea más información, puede comunicarse con Cindy Ehringer, coordinadora de voluntarios, en la oficina parroquial al 813 6814608 o con Tim Bergevin al 813 7484146.