705 E Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL
MAY 22ND, 2016
“Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!”
Deacon Mark Taylor And Father Tapp Celebrating Mass in Rome
Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr James C. Lara Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation:813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541
Mass Schedule Weekend Mass
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:00PM (ASL Interpreted) 4:00PM Español (Capilla)
Sunday Masses
7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel 12:30PM Español 6:00PM LifeTeen
Daily Mass 7:00AM (Monday through Friday) 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 7:00PM (Español Martes y Viernes) Morning Prayer 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule Saturday in Church 3:00 to 4:00PM 5:00 to 5:30PM
May 22nd, 2016
2 Trinity Sunday – Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Many preachers would agree that this Solemnity is probably the most difficult to speak about. How do we explain the teaching that our God, who is revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is three persons and yet, one God? The fact of the matter is that this reality is best described as a mystery. While we can point to the scriptural and theological underpinnings to the Holy Trinity, a logical and linear explanation about it seems elusive. Perhaps instead of trying to explain it, we might begin to think and reflect on the fact that the Trinity represents how God loves us…by creating us, redeeming us, and continually empowering us. May Crowning – At 2:30 pm today (Sunday), we celebrate our annual May Crowning and Procession. Please join us for this time of prayer and reflection as we honor Mary, the Mother of God. Corpus Christi – Next Sunday, May 29th is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi – the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Following the 12:30 pm Mass, we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The main church will remain open throughout the afternoon for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament concluding at 4:30 pm. All are welcome to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament on this special Solemnity.
Domingo de la Trinidad - Hoy es la Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad. Muchos predicadores estarían de acuerdo en que hablar sobre esta Solemnidad es probablemente la más difícil. ¿Cómo podemos explicar la enseñanza de que nuestro Dios, que se revela como Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, es tres personas y, sin embargo, un solo Dios? El quid de la cuestión es que esta realidad se describe mejor como un misterio. Si bien podemos señalar los fundamentos bíblicos y teológicos a la Santa Trinidad, una explicación lógica y lineal de ello parece difícil de alcanzar. Tal vez en lugar de tratar de explicarlo, podríamos empezar a pensar y reflexionar sobre el hecho de que la Trinidad representa cómo Dios nos ama... mediante nuestra creación, al redimirnos, y continuamente dándonos el poder. Coronación de Mayo – Hoy (domingo), a las 2:30 pm celebraremos nuestra Coronación Anual de Mayo y Procesión. Por favor, únase a nosotros durante este tiempo de oración y reflexión mientras honramos a María, la Madre de Dios. Corpus Christi - El próximo domingo, 29 de mayo, es la Solemnidad de Corpus Christi - Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. Después de las Misa de 12:30 pm, tendremos Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. La Iglesia principal permanecerá abierta durante toda la tarde para oración ante el Santísimo Sacramento, concluyendo a las 4:30 pm. Todos son bienvenidos a pasar tiempo ante el Santísimo Sacramento en esta Solemnidad especial.
Buon giorno!!
(español en pagina 10) From May 2, through May 9, twenty-two people took a pilgrimage from Nativity to Rome, Assisi, and San Giovanni Rotundo. The pilgrimage was led by Deacon Mark and Cindy, and Father Tapp. We visited over 18 basilicas, churches, and chapels. We celebrated Mass in wonderful places such as St. Peter’s Basilica, the Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, and Padre Pio’s church. We visited St. Peter’s tomb, and had an audience with Pope Francis. We were able to take in the rolling countryside at Asissi, and the steep hills of San Giovanni Rotundo. We entered St. Peter’s Basilica through the Door of Mercy for the Jubilee Year. We even had some time to shop! Each person who participated in this pilgrimage gained from the experience. The spiritual growth that each one experienced, and the sense of grabbing hold of our Christian roots, was profound. Each person was impacted by different places and activities, but all were blessed. The Italian countryside is a place to experience nature as God created it for us. Each pilgrim contributed to our experience in a unique and beautiful way. We have returned to Nativity tired, but blessed, and eager to let our blessings pour into the parish. ~Dcn Mark Taylor
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Monday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.
Mass Intentions | May 23rd - 29th May 23 Ronald Folvarcik Britt Hardy
Tuesday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
May 24 All Unborn Children Jeanne Woodke Sylvia Rivera (Spanish)
Wednesday 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m.
May 25 Anselmo Hernandez Jeanne Woodke
Thursday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.
May 26 Francesca Maria Stone Bertha Saladino
Friday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
May 27 Ronald Folvarcik Pathyil Family Anselmo Hernandez (Spanish)
Saturday 8:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
May 28 Mary Little Chuck Coggins Rafael Mercado
Sunday 7:00 a.m 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 a.m.
May 29 Robert J. Fogarty Gonzalez-Bellozo Family Robert Santoro Nativity Parish Family Claudia Fernanda & Doncel Rodriguez (Spanish) Anselmo Hernandez
6:00 p.m.
Nativity Outreach Diaper Drive
“Pay It Forward” The Food Bank truck will be on campus this weekend, May 21st & 22nd. You may also drop off diapers at the church office marked “DIAPER DRIVE FOR NATIVITY OUTREACH”. All sizes are welcome. This drive will allow us to help the 1 in 3 families in our community who struggle to buy diapers for their children.
May Crowning of Mary
Our Annual May Crowning and Procession, honoring the Mother of Jesus and our heavenly Mother, will take place on Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 2:30 PM at Nativity Catholic Church. Immediately following the recitation of the Holy Rosary, there will be a reception at the Social Hall Room A.
Excerpt from the Athanasian Creed
...The Catholic faith is this, that we venerate one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in oneness; neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance; for there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit; but the divine nature of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is one, their glory is equal, their majesty is coeternal. Of such a nature as the Father is, so is the Son, so also is the Holy Spirit; the Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated; the Father is infinite, the Son is infinite, and the Holy Spirit is infinite; the Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, and the Holy Spirit is eternal; and nevertheless there are not three eternals but one eternal; just as there are not three uncreated beings, nor three infinite beings, but one uncreated, and one infinite; similarly the Father is almighty, the Son is almighty, and the Holy Spirit is almighty; and yet there are not three almightys but one almighty; thus the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God; and nevertheless there are not three gods, but there is one God; so the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, and the Holy Spirit is Lord; and yet there are not three lords, but there is one Lord; because just as we are compelled by Christian truth to confess singly each one person as God, and also Lord, so we are forbidden by the Catholic religion to say there are three gods or three Lords. The Father was not made, nor created, nor begotten by anyone. The Son is from the Father alone, not made nor created, but begotten. The Holy Spirit is from the Father and the Son, not made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. There is, therefore, one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Spirit, not three Holy Spirits; and in this Trinity there is nothing first or later, nothing greater or less, but all three Persons are coeternal and coequal with one another, so that in every respect, as has already been said above, both unity in Trinity, and Trinity in unity must be venerated. Therefore, let him who wishes to be saved, think thus concerning the Trinity...
Please Donate Blood This Sunday
May 22nd, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Blood Mobile in the church parking lot. All donors will receive a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count and cholesterol screening. All blood types are always needed. If you give half an hour of your time and share your good health, a member of our community or perhaps a member of the church will be assured that blood and blood products will be ready when they are needed to save or prolong lives. On behalf of patients and their families, thank you for your lifesaving support.
May 22nd, 2016
Spirit FM Women’s Conference
Join Spirit FM's "Big, Big House Morning Show" host, Abby and 700 of your closest girlfriends on Saturday, September 24th, 2016 at St. Lawrence Catholic Church's Higgins Hall for the 3rd annual Spirit FM Catholic Women's presenters. Women will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation, Exposition and participate in the Mass with our very own Monsignor David Toups. The day will make you grateful that: “This is my life. This is my faith." Seats are filling fast, so be sure to check the Spirit FM page for information and get yourself signed up soon!
St. Vincent de Paul Drop Box
For your convenience, the St. Vincent de Paul Society Thrift Store has a collection box in front of the Pastoral Care Office. We very much depend on your donated clothing, shoes, and purses which may be placed in the box. If you wish to donate other items, such as furniture and house wares, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store in Ruskin at 813.645.5255. Please note that donated items not suitable for reuse or resale are also of value to our conference since they are recycled and all funds received from this collection box directly benefit the poor in our area. Thank you for your continued support. You may call our Nativity Conference number at 813.376.8901 for further information.
Tampa Catholic Dance Camp
The Tampa Catholic Crusaderette Dance Team will sponsor a dance camp on Monday & Tuesday, June 27 and 28 in the TC Gym. Times: 9 to 3. Ages: 5 to 13. Cost: $55 – includes a T-Shirt. Lunch and snacks are available for purchase. For further info you can download a registration form from tampacatholic.org or call Sue Johnson at 813.503.1202 or 813.870.0860 x539. The Tampa Catholic Cheerleading Team will sponsor a cheer camp on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, June 29, 30 and July 1 in the TC Gym. Times: 9 to 3. Ages: 5 to 14. Cost: $75 – includes a T-Shirt. Lunch and snacks are available for purchase. For further info you can download a registration form from tampacatholic.org or contact Deviney Rodriguez at Deviney@mail.usf.edu.
Pray for Each Other
Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut-ins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas, Virginia Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Fraser, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua, Richard & Betsy Mahoney, Joe LaPerna, Monserrate Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jessie Perez Gonzalez, Sylvia Perez Gonzalez, Jeanne A. Woodke, Katalin Lazzara, Dr. Joseph Chiarmonte, Aida Luz Betancourt, Courtney Daniels, Leonora Maggio, Irma Barrett, Ed Nagel, Michael Fultz, Jo Ann Shey, Gary Curreri, Katie Welch, Hailey Hepfinger, Charles F. Schramm Ph.D., Christopher C. Woodke, James P. Barrett, Sharon Prunn, Henry Hill Sr., Robert Whittaker, Pamela Johannssen, Leo & Diane Brubaker, Howard Wiebeld, Andree Avcalade, Tina Kulisz-Nelson, Deborah KuliszMcClain, Cheyenne Downs, Rob Lavazza, Paula Francis Cotto, Kathy Freije Bob Lavazza, Paula Francis Cotto, Cathy Freije, Sandra J. Matson, Bessie LoScalzo, Drew Woodke, Norma Damico In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Edward Correia, Kay Bergevin McLellan, Teresa Ramas, Bob Norberg Robert Fogarty, Michael Merzaros, Patricia Flynn, Lirio Alberto Olortegui Tello
Alumni Reunion 2015
Nativity Catholic School Former NCS students and graduates please join us! We specifically invite alumni members of the following classes: 1981, 1986, 1991, 19956, 2001, and 2006 to be well represented. Your Classes have notable anniversaries! However, other alumni over the age of 21 are more than welcome to come and bring a friend. Saturday, June 11th, 2015 We will celebrate beginning with Mass at 4:00 PM in the church with reserved seating, followed by the reunion in the social hall immediately afterwards. We request a person from each class to participate in the offertory procession during Mass – Alumni will be chosen on first-come, first-served basis. Please email if you are interested. redwickie@verizon.net Stay updated and receive more info through our NCS Alumni Facebook page at: NativityCatholicSchoolAlumni – Brandon, FL. Like us and share us with fellow classmates who have not joined our page! We look forward to catching up with you at the reunion! Spread the word! Miss Maryann Wickman (formerly teacher) Mrs. Maureen Ringley Mrs. Rose Kraus Mrs. Mary Haslam Please RSVP to: redwickie@verizon.net
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Weekly Reflection (courtesy of catholicsteward.com) Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15
One of the most overwhelming of all Church mysteries is that of the Holy Trinity. We are taught that although there is only one God, there are also three Persons in God. As we make the sign of the Cross we acknowledge those three: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This mystery was revealed to us by Christ and by Holy Scripture multiple times. Just prior to His Ascension into Heaven, the Lord said, “Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Note that Jesus said the name, not the names — singular, not plural. In 1073, Pope Alexander II proclaimed that every day should be devoted to the honor and adoration of the Sacred Holy Trinity. Then in 1334 Pope John XXII declared that there would be an annual celebration of the Feast of the Holy Trinity to be held throughout the Church on the Sunday after Pentecost. Thus, this particular celebration has occurred on this day for almost 700 years. All of our readings support and explain the Holy Trinity to us. Our First Reading is from the Book of Proverbs. Most scholars agree that today’s reading has the Son of God speaking to us. All divine revelation comes from Jesus Christ, as it was given to Him by God. In this passage He tells us Who and What He is, was, and always will be. Jesus declares in this reading, “When the Lord established the Heavens, I was there.” In the beginning of His Gospel St. John asserts, “In the beginning was the Word.” Therefore, we hear in our First Reading that the Holy Trinity, as best we can understand it, has been there from the beginning. Although They are three, They are One. God the Father has no origin. He came from no one. However, the Son is begotten by the Father; and the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son. In St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, from where our Second Reading is drawn, St. Paul mentions each part of the Holy Trinity in his brief introduction. Paul tells us “…we hope in the glory of God.” We need to understand that the Greek word that is translated into “hope” more accurately meant “happy certainty.” There is no doubt in the hope that Paul proclaims, no questions, and for sure no uncertainty. This is the hope that is promised us by the Trinity. Paul continues, saying, “…hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” God’s love is “poured” into us. We need to be aware acutely of God’s love for us, how it can fill us and sustain us. God’s love is communicated to us through the Holy Spirit. We all are blessed with the Holy Spirit within us, but we are also called to walk with the Spirit. Walking with the Spirit is the way we live out our lives as Disciples of Christ. There is the Trinity again — God pours the Holy Spirit into us so we can follow the Son as good stewards of His many graces.
5 In our Gospel Reading from the Gospel of John, Jesus admits that His teaching is not complete: “I have much more to tell you.” The rest of the story, you might say, comes to us from various sources, one of the most important of which is the Word, the Word that we hear through Holy Scripture. It is the Word that assures us in relation to the Holy Trinity and encourages us to embrace it and love it. Jesus promises us in regard to the Holy Spirit, “When he comes, the Spirit of truth will guide you to all truth.” Sometimes “truth” may seem abstract to us; of course, truth, like the Holy Trinity, has that element of mystery to it. That is where our faith comes in. If we believe and if we live in the way God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit have called us to live, we have every reason to hope, and every reason to find joy.
Kids Pray, Serve, and Give
Wagner wished the Church ‘Happy Birthday’ on Pentecost. James helped his friends and baby brother. Nicholas prayed to God and did his chores. Haley drew her mom a picture for her birthday.
Final 2016 APA Update, May 16th
(unless we hit our goal) This year’s Annual Pastoral Appeal has been our most successful yet, Nativity. With 1,357 givers and $407,121.01 pledged of our $469,536 goal, we are making a strong showing. Thank you all for participating in this effort to support the Catholic faith in our area. If you’d like to find out more about what APA supports at our parish, please check our APA page and watch the wonderful video we shared about it this year. We’re excited to see what next year brings, and are already looking forward to our APA pitch events.
Poorly Printed Financials Correction
You may have noticed a couple of weeks ago that the financial report we sent out had some problems with the printing of the numbers in some bulletins. We’ve reprinted the pages this week in order to be sure that everyone has a chance to read the numbers correctly and clearly. We’re sorry for any confusion. Get a current view of the state of our parish finances at: www.nativitycatholicchurch.org/parish-info/finance
May 22nd, 2016
Nativity Catholic School
Youth & Young Adult
6pm Mass. See you there!
High School (Grades 9 - 12) (LIFE TEEN) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center on Sundays, after the 6 pm Mass & Wednesdays from 7 - 9pm Eryn Lentner, Youth Director
Middle School (Grades 6 - 8) (LIFE FORCE) Join us at Nativity’s Youth Center, Tuesdays from 6 - 8 pm. Young Adults (18 - 40) REAL LIFE Every Thursday at Nativity’s Youth Center at 7:30pm for faith, fun, and fellowship. Vida Joven Meets Friday in the chapel at 7 pm. Meal, faith and fun program until 9 pm. All High School age members of our Hispanic community are welcome to join us this Friday evening for a time of prayer, spiritual growth and fellowship. 7:00pm - Misa en Español 7:30pm - Dinner 8:00pm - Charla and Community Time
The talent and presence of all high school youth is requested on May 22nd after the 6pm Mass for our Life Teen Talentless Talent show! feel free to bring a friend! If you are a teen who would like to submit a talent contact Eryn at eryn@nativitycatholicchurch.org
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Faith Formation
Website Resource Recommendation
Lighthouse Media Available
The Strong Catholic Family Faith website is a source for families to find resources that transform and reinforce your sharing of faith within the family. This website curates resources from around the web. The variety serves parents with children from pre-k to high school teens. The variety also includes the type of resources; the links from the website take you to downloadable resources, as well as multimedia on-line retreats. Best of all, the resources have all been reviewed for appropriate content. Go to http://www.catholicfamilyfaith.org/ to find out what may help your family share your Catholic Faith in your home.
Corpus Christi
Next Sunday (5/29) is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, which celebrates the presence of God’s most holy Body and Blood in Holy Communion. As a celebration of this feast day there will be Eucharistic Adoration in the main church, immediately following the 12:30 Mass until 4:30pm. Please feel free to come by, even if just for a few minutes.
Pastoral Care
Join Matthew Leonard as he walks through the three stages of the spiritual life, helping you progress toward union with God and enter the interior castle written about by St. Teresa of Avila. With humor and concrete examples, this presentation is sure to aid you in your journey to becoming a saint. “A clear explanation of the interior castle from the writings of St. Teresa of Avila.” Mary - Serena, IL
Nativity Outreach Volunteer Needs
The Nativity Food Bank is in need of truck drivers, fork lift operators and abled-bodied volunteers at the Food Bank Warehouse in Dover. We are open mornings only, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. to approximately 11:00 a.m. If you can give us one day a week or more, your help would be greatly appreciated. Hours and days are flexible. Anyone interested or if you need additional information please call Carl at 813.707.1523 or 813.545.1725. We are also in need of new coordinators for the Nativity Outreach ministry as our great volunteers, Carl and Tess Falkenbach are looking to step back from the ministry. If you would be interested in taking charge of this incredibly important ministry, please contact Rob Martin, or Fr. Tapp.
PB & J Ministry Needs You!
Countless men and women are living on the streets. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich can make a big difference to these folks. Volunteers are needed to help make Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. We will meet this Friday, May 27th at 9:00 AM in Social Hall Room B. Please call Luann Leahy at 813.659.0181 if you have any questions.
Hillsborough Organization for Progress & Equality HOPE Justice Ministry Celebration
Monday! May 23, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Tampa First Seventh-day Adventist Church 822 W. Linebaugh Ave, Tampa, FL 33612 [At the Southeast Corner of W. Linebaugh Ave, and N. Blvd, 2 Blocks North of W. Busch Blvd]
Join With Others Doing Justice Ministry to: Celebrate our 2016 Nehemiah Action Tell our story of hope, justice, and promise Take Ownership of our Justice Ministry Build & Deepen Relationships Enjoy a pot-luck dinner For more Info contact : Your Clergy and/or Justice Ministry Team Members. Visit our website: hillsboroughHOPE.org Congregations unite together in HOPE to build our power to achieve justice, fairness, and dignity in Hillsborough County.
May 22nd, 2016
8 Monday - 5/23/2016 Quilters 9:00AM - 12:00PM SVdP Mtg 10:00AM - 2:00PM Mens Emmaus Mtg 6:45PM - 8:45PM Partners With La Victoria 7:00PM - 9:00PM Legion de Maria Hispana 7:30PM - 9:00PM Tuesday - 5/24/2016 Legion of Mary 9:15AM - 11:00AM Girl Talk 5:00PM - 6:00PM Life Force 6:00PM - 8:00PM CRSP mujeres 6:15PM - 9:30PM Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM - 9:00PM Wednesday - 5/25/2016 Meals on Wheels 10:30AM - 11:30AM St Jude prayer Mtg 5:00PM - 7:00PM Sports Award Night 7:00PM - 9:00PM RCIA Neophytes 7:00PM - 9:00PM Grupo De Oracion 7:00PM - 9:00PM Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM - 9:30PM PCC 8:00PM - 9:00PM Thursday - 5/26/2016 Brothers in Christ 5:45AM - 7:00AM Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM - 10:30AM Food Pantry Distribution 3:00PM - 4:00PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg 7:00PM - 9:00PM Estudio Biblico 7:00PM - 9:00PM Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM - 9:00PM Coro Hispano 7:30PM - 9:00PM Young Adults 7:30PM - 10:00PM Mens Emmaus Team 7:30PM - 9:00PM Friday - 5/27/2016
PC (Back) PC (Mid) CONV CONF OR OR LL YOUTH PC (Back) Church SH (C) PC (Back) SH (A&B) Media Chapel YOUTH Church OR SH (D) Chapel SH Chapel SH (C1) SH (C2) Church LL SH (D)
Nativity School out at Noon PB&J ministry 8:30AM - 10:30AM Vida Joven 6:30PM - 9:30PM 8th Grade Graduation 7:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday - 5/28/2016 FBJ Mtg 6:30PM - 9:30PM Sunday - 5/29/2016 English Baptisms 12:15PM - 1:30PM Ultreya 2:30PM - 4:30PM Life Teen Prayer Team 7:00PM - 9:00PM Life Teen 7:00PM - 9:00PM
SH (C) YOUTH Church CONV Chapel SH (D) Chapel YOUTH
For all events and updates please check the website calendar. Room Key YC - Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) - Social Hall PC - Pastoral Care | AE - Adult Education Building LL - Life Lounge | OR - Oakwood Room CONV - Convent | CONF - Conference Room MP - Multi-Purpose Room | Media - Media Center
Upcoming Liturgical Events please mark your calendars
Sunday, May 29th – Corpus Christi Eucharistic adoration AFTER 12:30pm Mass until 4:30pm
Summer Events Consider praying for our teens and grade schoolers during this summer’s programs. Hidden Lake June 13th - June 18th Middle School Faith Formation June 13th - 24th Vacation Bible School June 20th - 24th Covecrest July 18th - 23rd Summer Church Office Hours Beginning June 3rd the church office will be open Monday - Thursday 9:00AM to 4:00PM (with lunch from 12 -1) and Friday from 9:00AM to 12:00PM.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Reflexión Semanal (cortesía de catholicsteward.com)
Prv 8: 22-31; Sal 8, 4-9; Romanos 5: 1-5; Jn: 16: 12-15
Uno de los más abrumadores de todos los misterios de la Iglesia es el de la Santa Trinidad. Se nos enseña que a pesar de que sólo hay un Dios, también hay tres personas en Dios. A medida que hacemos la señal de la Cruz reconocemos los tres: el Padre, el Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo. Este misterio fue revelado a nosotros por Cristo y por la Santa Escritura varias veces. Justo antes de su ascensión al cielo, el Señor dijo: "Id a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo." Note que Jesús dijo en el nombre, no los nombres - singular, no plural. En 1073, el Papa Alejandro II proclamó que todos los días se debe dedicar al honor y la adoración de la Sagrada Trinidad. A continuación, en 1334 el Papa Juan XXII declaró que habría una celebración anual de la fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad, que tendría lugar en toda la Iglesia el domingo después de Pentecostés. Por lo tanto, esta celebración particular ha ocurrido en este día por casi 700 años. Todas nuestras lecturas apoyan y explican la Santísima Trinidad para nosotros. La Primera Lectura es del Libro de los Proverbios. La mayoría de los eruditos coinciden en que la lectura de hoy tiene al Hijo de Dios hablándonos a nosotros. Toda revelación divina viene de Jesucristo, ya que le fue dada por Dios. En este pasaje Él nos dice Quién y Qué es El, fue, y siempre será. Jesús declara en esta lectura, "Cuando el Señor estableció los cielos, allí estaba yo." En el comienzo de su Evangelio, San Juan afirma: "En el principio era la Palabra." Por lo tanto, escuchamos en la Primera Lectura que la Santa Trinidad, como mejor la podemos entender, ha estado ahí desde el principio. Aunque son tres, son uno. Dios el Padre no tiene origen. Él vino de nadie. Sin embargo, el Hijo es engendrado por el Padre; y el Espíritu Santo procede de ambos, el Padre y el Hijo. En la carta de San Pablo a los Romanos, de donde se extrae la Segunda Lectura, San Pablo menciona cada parte de la Santa Trinidad en su breve introducción. Pablo nos dice "... esperamos en la gloria de Dios." Tenemos que entender que la palabra griega que se traduce en "esperanza" significa más precisamente "feliz certeza." No hay duda en la esperanza que Pablo proclama, sin hacer preguntas, y para que no haya incertidumbre. Esta es la esperanza que nos ha sido prometida por la Trinidad. Pablo continúa diciendo: "... la esperanza no defrauda, pues ya se nos ha dado el Espíritu Santo, y por el amor de Dios se va derramando en nuestros corazones." El amor de Dios es "derramado" en nosotros. Tenemos que ser conscientes de forma aguda del amor de Dios por nosotros, cómo nos puede llenar y sostenernos. el amor de Dios se comunica con nosotros a través del Espíritu Santo. Todos hemos sido bendeci-
9 dos con el Espíritu Santo dentro de nosotros, pero también estamos llamados a caminar con el Espíritu. El caminar con el Espíritu es la forma en que vivimos nuestras vidas como discípulos de Cristo. Ahí está la Trinidad de nuevo - Dios derrama el Espíritu Santo en nosotros para que podamos seguir el Hijo como buenos mayordomos de Sus muchas gracias. En nuestra Lectura del Evangelio de Juan, Jesús admite que Su enseñanza no es completa: "Aún tengo muchas cosas que decirles." El resto de la historia, se podría decir, nos viene de varias fuentes, una de las más importantes es la Palabra, la Palabra que escuchamos a través de la Sagrada Escritura. Es la Palabra la que nos asegura una relación con la Santa Trinidad y nos anima a abrazarla y amarla. Jesús nos promete en lo que se refiere al Espíritu Santo, "Cuando venga el Espíritu de la verdad os guiará a toda la verdad." A veces "verdad" puede parecer abstracta para nosotros; por supuesto, la verdad, al igual que la Santa Trinidad, tiene ese elemento de misterio. Ahí es donde nuestra fe entra en acción. Si creemos y si vivimos en la forma en que Dios el Padre, Jesús el Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo nos ha llamado a vivir, tenemos todas las razones para esperar, y todos los motivos para encontrar la alegría.
Nuestros niños oran, sirven y donan
Wagner deseaba la Iglesia "feliz cumpleaños" en Pentecostés. James ayudó a sus amigos y hermano del bebé. Nicolás oró a Dios e hizo sus tareas. Haley dibujó su madre una imagen para su cumpleaños.
Proyectos de verano
Es probable que dará cuenta de que nuestro campus, y muchos de nuestros edificios, están recibiendo un poco de amor muy necesario ya este año (en la foto son algunos de los árboles recién cortados en la parte frontal del campus por la Iglesia.) Muchas gracias por su paciencia con el proceso, y esperamos poder compartir todos los proyectos y procesos con que más tarde en el verano.
May 22nd, 2016
Fragmento del Credo Atanasiano
...La fe católica es que veneremos a un solo Dios en la Trinidad, y a la Trinidad en la unidad; sin confundir las personas ni separar las sustancias. Porque una es la persona del Padre y el Hijo y otra (también) la del Espíritu Santo; pero el Padre y el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo tienen una sola divinidad, gloria igual y coeterna majestad. Cual el Padre, tal el Hijo, increado (también) el Espíritu Santo; increado el Padre, increado el Hijo, increado (también) el Espíritu Santo; inmenso el Padre, inmenso el Hijo, inmenso (también) el Espíritu Santo; eterno el Padre, eterno el Hijo, eterno (también) el Espíritu Santo. Y, sin embargo, no son tres eternos, sino un solo eterno, como no son tres increados ni tres inmensos, sino un solo increado y un solo inmenso. Igualmente, omnipotente el Padre, omnipotente el Hijo, omnipotente (también) el Espíritu Santo; y, sin embargo no son tres omnipotentes, sino un solo omnipotente. Así Dios es el Padre, Dios es el Hijo, Dios es (también) el Espíritu Santo; y, sin embargo, no son tres dioses, sino un solo Dios; Así, Señores el Padre, Señor es el Hijo, Señor (también) el Espíritu Santo; y, sin embargo, no son tres Señores, sino un solo Señor; porque así como por la cristiana verdad somos compelidos a confesar como Dios y Señor a cada persona en particular; así la religión católica nos prohíbe decir tres dioses y señores. El Padre, por nadie fue hecho ni creado ni engendrado. El Hijo fue por solo el Padre, no hecho ni creado, sino engendrado. El Espíritu Santo, del Padre y del Hijo, no fue hecho ni creado, sino que procede. Hay, consiguientemente, un solo Padre, no tres padres; un solo Hijo, no tres hijos; un solo Espíritu Santo, no tres espíritus santos; y en esta Trinidad, nada es antes ni después, nada mayor o menor, sino que las tres personas son entre sí coeternas y coiguales, de suerte que, como antes se ha dicho, en todo hay que venerar lo mismo la unidad de la Trinidad que la Trinidad en la unidad. El que quiera , pues, salvarse, así ha sentir de la Trinidad…
Coronación de María en Mayo
Nuestra Coronación y Procesión anual, en honor a la Madre de Jesús y nuestra Madre del Cielo, se llevará a cabo el Domingo 22 de mayo, 2016 a las 2:30 pm aqui en Nativity. Inmediatamente después de la recitación del Santo Rosario, habrá una recepción en el Salón Social, Sala A. Para más información por favor llame: La Sra Jeth Perry @ 813-681-1921 o Aida Calderon @ 813-671-9183 (para español). Cada vez que la Mater ha aparecido en esta Tierra nos pide hacer sacrificios en reparación a Dios por nuestros pecados y para orar por el mundo. Por lo tanto, invitamos y instamos a todos a hacer un esfuerzo y sacrificio especial para participar en la Coronación y Procesión de Mayo. Unámonos para abogar por su intercesión, su continuo amor y para orar por la paz.
Done Sangre
Este domingo, 16 de noviembre, de 8:00 AM hasta la 1:00 PM en el parqueadero de la Iglesia. Los donantes recibirán un chequeo de presión, pulso, temperatura, conteo de hierro y chequeo de colesterol. Tiene que presentar identificación con fotografía. Todos los tipos de sangre son bienvenidos! Al donar sangre le regala a los que reciben su donación otro cumpleaños, otro día en la playa, otro día bajo las estrellas, otra charla con un amigo, otra sonrisa, otro abrazo, otra oportunidad. Por favor, done sangre.
Entrenamiento para nuevos lectores.
Hermano/a, si disfrutas de la lectura Puedes ofrecer tu tiempo y talento... Participando en el Ministerio de Lectura Proclamando La Palabra de Dios en la Celebración Litúrgica.
Comunícate con Carmen Morales 813.956.6653 O Jaime López 813.808.1067 Además Lunes, 6 de Junio, 7pm en la Iglesia Tendremos entrenamiento para los nuevos miembros. Anímamate… Te esperamos
Buon giorno!!
A partir del 2 de mayo hasta el 9 de mayo de veintidós personas tomaron una peregrinación de Nacimiento a Roma, Asís y San Giovanni Rotundo. La peregrinación fue llevado por Deacon Mark y Cindy, y el P. Tapp. Visitamos más de 18 basílicas, iglesias y capillas. Celebramos la misa en lugares maravillosos como la basílica de San Pedro, la Basílica de San Pedro en Cadenas, y la iglesia del Padre Pío. Hemos visitado la tumba de San Pedro, y tuvo una audiencia con Francisco. Hemos sido capaces de tomar en el campo de laminación en Asissi, y las empinadas colinas de San Giovanni Rotundo. Entramos en la basílica de San Pedro a través de la puerta de la misericordia para el Año Jubilar. Incluso tuvimos un poco de tiempo para ir de compras! Cada persona que participó en esta peregrinación adquirida con la experiencia. El crecimiento espiritual que cada uno de ellos con experiencia, y el sentido de agarrándose de nuestras raíces cristianas, fue profundo. A cada persona se ve afectada por diferentes lugares y actividades, pero todos fueron bendecidos. El campo italiano es un lugar para experimentar la naturaleza como Dios la creó para nosotros. Cada peregrino contribuyó a nuestra experiencia de una manera única y hermosa. Hemos vuelto a Natividad cansado, pero bendito, y con ganas de dejar que nuestras bendiciones vierten en la parroquia.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Estudio Bíblico
El Grupo de Biblia está invitando a la comunidad hispana a un nuevo comienzo de estudio bíblico, donde empezaran con el Nuevo Testamento, todas las personas están cordialmente invitadas. Jueves: 7-9PM. Fecha: 26 de Mayo. Lugar: Social Hall salón Juan 23 También queremos recordarles que debido a la renovación en la escuela elementar, nos reuniremos en el Salon Social salón Juan 23 los Jueves, Mayho19, Mayo 26 y Junio 2. Y regresaremos al Adult Adult Education Building el Jueves 9 de Junio. Los esperamos.
Organización de Hillsborough para el Progreso y la Igualdad Celebración del Ministerio de Justicia HOPE
Lunes, 23 de mayo 2016 de 18:30-20:30 Tampa Primera Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día 822 W. Linebaugh Ave, Tampa, FL 33612 [En la esquina sureste de W. Linebaugh Ave, y N. Blvd, 2 cuadras al norte de W. Busch Blvd] Con unirse a otros que hacen al Ministerio de Justicia: Celebrar nuestra Nehemías Acción 2016 Contar nuestra historia de esperanza, la justicia, y la promesa Tomar posesión de nuestro Ministerio de Justicia Construir y profundizar las relaciones Disfrutar de una cena de olla de la suerte Para obtener más información: Su Clero y / o el Ministerio de Justicia Miembros del equipo. Visite nuestro sitio web: hillsboroughHOPE.org Congregaciones se unen juntos en la esperanza de construir nuestro alcance para lograr la justicia, la equidad, la dignidad y en el condado de Hillsborough.
Corrección mal Impreso Finanzas
Usted puede haber notado hace un par de semanas que el informe financiero que enviamos tenía algunos problemas con la impresión de los números en algunos boletines. Hemos reimprimimos las estas páginas esta semana con el fin de estar seguros de que todo el mundo tiene la oportunidad de leer los números correctamente y con claridad. Lo sentimos por cualquier confusión.
Alcance de Nativity colección de Pañales
El camión Banco de Alimentos estará en el campus este fin de semana, 21 y 22 de mayo. También puede dejar los pañales en la oficina de la iglesia marcada "colecta de pañales PARA LA ALCANCE DE NATIVITY". Todos los tamaños son bienvenidos. Esta colección nos permitirá ayudar a la 1 de cada 3 familias de nuestra comunidad que luchan para comprar pañales para sus hijos.
San Vicente de Paúl Caja de Ropa Usada
Para su comodidad, la tienda de segunda mano San Vicente de Paúl tiene una caja de colección en frente de la Oficina de Pastoral. Tenemos mucho dependerá de su ropa, zapatos, bolsos y donados que pueden ser colocados en la caja. Si usted desea donar otros elementos, tales como muebles y mercancías de la casa, por favor llame a la Vicente de Paul Thrift Store St. en Ruskin al 813.645.5255. Tenga en cuenta que los elementos que no son aptos para su reutilización o reventa donados son también de valor para nuestra conferencia, ya que se reciclan y todos los fondos recibidos de esta caja de recogida benefician directamente a los pobres en nuestra zona. Gracias por su continuo apoyo. Puede llamar a nuestro número de conferencias natividad en 813.376.8901 para más información.
Church Statement of Activity
FY 16, Period: July 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016
Annual Budget
YTD as % of Annual Budget
YTD Actual
(Figures rounded to nearest dollar)
Income Offertory (Pew and Online)
LaVictoria Mission Tithe from Offertory
Other LaVictoria Mission Donations
Misc. Donations, Interest, Bulletin Rebate
Religious Education Programs
Food Pantry
Donations for St. Vincent de Paul (vigil lights)
Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) 2015 Paid Pledges
Income Totals:
$ 2,401,155
Clergy & Religious:
Worship & Liturgy:
Religious Ed. Programs, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA, Sun. Nursery, VBS:
Youth Ministry:
Food Pantry:
La Victoria Mission -(2016 change Partners w/ LaVictoria, Inc.) St. Vincent de Paul:
Pastoral Care:
Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) Assessment
School Support:
Ministries, Meetings, Coffee & Donuts/Hospitality:
Church Office, Technology, Insurance, Employee Benefits:
Audit Fee:
Stewardship & Advancement:
Facilities Buildings & Grounds Maintenance: Expense Totals:
Net Operational Activity Gain/(Loss)
$ 2,385,407 $
Notes: 1 - YTD Operational Income totals do not include Diocesan Savings & Loan 1 Time Rebate Gift of $190,055. 2 - APA 2015 goal completely paid ahead of schedule with $45,000 budgeted transfer from prior year savings. 3 - Cost Centers with Staff (shown in blue) YTD Figures Include Salaries & Payroll Taxes 4- Does not include transfer of $26,749.71 to setup Partners with LaVictoria, Inc. transfer from our LaVic Svgs.
Condensed Statement of Financial Position FY 16, Period: July 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016
Year Begin Balance
YTD Change
YTD Balance
CASH:Operating Operating Cash
Operating Cash - Contingency Reserve Cash (from DOSP rebate gift)
Operating Cash - Designated for Chapel Projection System
Operating Cash - Restricted for Specific Ministry
Payroll Account (min bal required to hold account open)
Petty Cash
Savings Account
APA Savings Account (planned use to pay 2015 APA assessment)
LaVictoria Savings Account - transferred to Partners w/ LaVictoria, Inc.
Of One Heart Savings Remaining for Church & Youth Ctr/Programs
Operating Cash Designated or Restricted for Food Pantry
CASH:Unrestricted Savings
Accounts Payable to School
Year Begin Balance $ 46,760
YTD Change $ (36,000)
YTD Balance $ 10,760
Funds Held in Trust for LaVictoria
"For we are God's co-workers; you are God's field, God's building. According to the grace of God given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building upon it. But each one must be careful how he builds upon it, for no one can lay a foundation other than the one that is there, namely, Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 3:9-11. While we together remain ever focused on the spiritual well-being of our parish, it is easy for us to forget our bricks and mortar, our four walls and the areas outside them that sustain the community we are. In a parish our size one might say there are always upcoming projects. In spirit of good stewardship we are charged with taking care of our place of worship, our places of education, ministry and community. These reserves you see above that we have been given, and have been diligently saving, soon will translate into a new wave of projects around our campus. Some of these projects may not garner a label of "flashy" or "fun," yet they rank high in necessary and long overdue. We remain committed to continue building a regular savings reserve for emergency situations.
Projects you'll likely notice from May - December: POD (Pre-K complete interior renovation); Leaky roof repairs to remaining three school buildings, Rectory, Church Office, and SH A&B; Exterior painting of Church, Chapel, Youth Center; Entire campus tree beautifucation and removal of dead wood; Chapel projection system for Mass; tile restoration in bathrooms; carpet replacement & repair. These projects will quickly utilize our contingency reserves and future funds, but will continue to enhance our places of Notes: Please know our current Diocesan accounting system is run as a cash basis, and thus reporting original cash value of fixed assets does not always allow for a true picture of appreciation or depreciation of said assets, nor our net asset carryover from year to year. Thus they are not shown here, but is available in full statement view on our website. Other general Church operational information: When restricted donations are received for certain ministries like our Food Pantry, LaVictoria, or other ministries, those funds are used only for the donor's intended purpose, and are used first before