Ayurveda Medicinal herbs

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Medicinal Herbs to Lead a Natural Life

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Ayurvedic Herbs As per Ayurveda, herbs and diet are an essential part of building balanced mind and body. In the holistic and traditional Ayurveda, the Rishis or Yogis were the first to learn the plants and write their therapeutic qualities through direct observation and relationship with nature. And then, years of experience have proved the importance and value of using herbs as medicinal substances to balance the psychological, physical, and spiritual body. Herbology, the study or collecting of herbs, is now becoming overwhelming. About six hundred different kinds of herbs are recorded in Ayurvedic texts, with each sorted out by their unique actions and qualities they have within the body. There are some rules in Ayurveda that helps us to use herbs effectively to support health, time of administration, including dosage, and mediums or substances with which to take them.

It is important to choose herbs that are of high quality, even before we can begin taking an herb. They should be cultivated properly without the use of pesticides, harvested and acquired with respect and awareness. Plants are believed to have a prana or vital life force. This life force is easily transferable to humans when we consume them, and hence, the energy of the plant combines with ours. The main difference between Western herbal treatment and Ayurvedic use of herbs is that Ayurveda uses the whole plant. It identifies the plant as an energetic, in which every part works together as opposed to separating out an active chemical that can give a specific action in the body. Whole foods are more easily recognized and digested by the body when compare to the isolated nutrients in vitamins. This goes the same for whole plant. In general, an herb is not taken alone, but with multiple formulas. And it creates a synergistic effect in the body when combined with other herbs. Added by others, every herb increases their healing powers. In Ayurveda, there are certain traditional combinations or formulas that are created by the ancients, which are considered as Ayurvedic mainstays such as Trikatu, Dashamula, and Triphala. Today, many formulas are continuing to be developed to meet the needs of the people that offer refreshing and nourishing tonics.

Herbal method or formulations can be given in a variety of forms. However, pill form is commonly popular in our society. Pills can be easily carried while travelling or going to work. Every pill is a pre-measured dose, so that it is simple to adjust to the right amount for our body. Another type is the churna or powder form, which is a more traditional form of administration. In particular, it is useful when a practitioner or an herbalist is preparing a specific blend for a person. For instance, Triphala is usually mixed by many practitioners with equal parts of haritaki, bibhitaki, and amalaki to balance all the three doshas. The ratio may change according to the person’s condition and body constitution. Including more amounts of haritaki helps to get relief from vata-type indigestion symptoms, whereas adding more amalaki can help to support people with excess pitta in their digestive tract. Another type of Ayurvedic herbal preparations is decoctions, fresh juice, medicinal oils, guggulus, infusions, medicinal wines, and jams. Once ingest, the time of administration can change the activity and strength of the herb in the body. Herbs, for example, that aim the colon, reproductive organs, kidneys, and eliminative functions of the body should be taken before a meal. Also, herbs should be taken after meals while target the upper part of the body, such as the lungs, brain, and heart. Moreover, herbs that work on the middle part of the body and digestive functions, targeting the spleen, liver, small intestine, or stomach should be taken with meals. Herbs can strengthen their effect in the body when taking with a special medium, or anupana, such as ghee, aloe gel, honey, or milk. A variety of anupanas are used for various doshas to improve the effect of herbs and direct their actions into the tissues. Because of the tendency toward dryness, ghee is suggested for vatas. Ghee is also recommended for pittas in certain situations, such as with fever-reducing herbs. Milk carries the herbs to the blood and plasma, and act as a good anupana for pitta dosha. It also sweetens bitter herbs, which is generally recommended for pitta. Honey is typically recommended for kaphas, whereas Aloe with its bitter quality balances for pitta. There is no standard dosage of herbs, as Ayurvedic treatment is based on the conditions of the individual. While determining the dosage level, herbal practitioners will inquire few things such as age, height, weight, constitution, duration of the condition being addressed, and strength of digestion. It is good to start with a low level of dosage, such as 1-2 tablets or 1/4 teaspoon once or twice a day and gradually increase the amount to reach the desired effect while self-administering herbs. Obtaining a result with herbs depends on many factors such as individual’s strength, and condition. Generally, it will take one or two weeks to see the effect within the body, even though some individuals may notice a change within few days.

Though herbs are a valuable key in affecting physical balance, they are part of a better treatment picture in Ayurvedic medicine. It is important to identify and remove the cause of the imbalance, cleanse the toxins or ama of the body, bring back the constitution into balance through diet, lifestyle changes, herbal formulas, yoga, and meditation. Herbs that cure:

The holistic and natural system of Ayurvedic herbs is used to cure many ailments. A very few are given below: (1) Herb: Neem (Azadirachta indica) Used as: Blood purifier, beauty enhancer Dandruff: Heat coconut oil with 100gm of neem powder and rub it on your hair once a week. Pimples: Mix neem powder, curd, and red sandalwood powder in equal proportions. And, apply that paste on the affected area. (2) Herb: Tulsi - Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Used as: Antiseptic Face pack: Lime juice, honey, and Basil (leaves/ stem) juice can do wonders to your oily skin. Pimples: Mix crushed basil with lime juice and mint juice. Apply this on your pimples. (3) Herb: Shikakai (Acacia concinna) Used as: Hair-vitaliser Herbal shampoo: Make a paste of shikakai, gooseberry powder, and soap nut. This paste serves as an effective herbal shampoo.

(4) Herb: Reetha - Soap nut (Sapindus trifoliatus) Used as: Excellent hair tonic Dandruff: Blend soap nut with water and apply once a week. (5) Herb: Mehendi - Henna (Lawsonia albla) Used as: Excellent hair conditioner & tonic Herbal bleach: Mix up orange, lemon, and cucumber juice with henna and apply. (6) Herb: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodara) Used as: 

Excellent deodorant

Good for sore throat and blocking nose problems

Effective for acne and boils

Acne & boil: Blend mustard oil with eucalyptus oil and apply on the affected zone. (7) Herb: Jyotishmati / Malkangani - Staff-tree (Celastrus paniculatus) Used as: Excellent pain reliever Pain Reliever: Apply staff-tree oil on the affected area to get relief from pain. (8) Herb: Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba) Used as: Essential hair tonic Dark, thick hair: Apply a mix of bhringaraj, coconut, gooseberry, olive, and almond. (9) Herb: Kala Jeera - Purple Fleban (Nigella sativa) Used as: Effective for acne, pimples and boils For acne, pimples and boils: Mix the powdered kala jeera with basil and neem, and paste it on the affected area. Note that this mixture can be preserved for nearly a week.

(10) Herb: Haldi - Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Used as: An excellent antiseptic For a fair complexion: Apply a mix of olive oil, raw milk, cucumber juice with a pinch of turmeric powder on the skin. (11) Herb: Baheda/Vibhitak - Belliric Myrobalan (Teminalia belerica) Used as: A superb hair vitaliser To get a hair growth: Apply a paste of Belliric myrobalan (12) Herb: Chirayata (Swertia Chirata) Used as: Reduces fever. For treating fever: Boil the herb, filter it, and have this infusion two times after meal. Live a natural life: Herbs are natural. And, nature supplies all living things the solutions to fight against illness and maintain good health. Ayurvedic herbs have a proven record with success in maintaining energy, health, and combating illnesses. Herbs work together with our internal organs and immune system, assisting to become stronger, and healthier. Try out the Ayurvedic herbs that support the natural healing process and help to maintain overall health.

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