Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast.
Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness.
Colds and many other illnesses start when viruses get in your nose and multiply. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.
Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.
“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.
Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.
The EPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe
with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect.
When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for 60 seconds.
“It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never happened. I used to get 2-3 bad colds every year. Now I use my device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.”
He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years.
Users say:
“It works! I love it!”
“I can’t believe how good my nose feels.”
“Is it supposed to work that fast?”
“One of the best presents ever.”
“Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!”
“Cold sores gone!”
“It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.”
“I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.”
“Best sleep I’ve had in years!”
After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.
Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoy life.
Soon people found other things they could use it against.
Virus variants
Sinus trouble
Cold sores
Fever blisters
Canker sores
Strep throat Night stuffiness
Morning congestion
Nasal drip
Infected sores
Infected wounds Styes Warts Ringworm Other microbial threats
The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.
The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.
Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”
CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA34
Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever.
Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Happy 2023, Connecticut!
It’s a beautiful time to start anew, especially on our never-ending wellness journey. I am hopeful that you will find some inspiration and motivation within this edition of Natural Awakenings of Fairfield and Southern Litchfield Counties.
In “Seven Mindset Tips to Help Upgrade Your New Year”, on page 14, Jessica Chichester gives some advice for establishing good habits and goals to start 2023 well. One of my favorite tidbits she shares is that “imperfect action leads to progress”— so worry less about doing things perfectly and more about simply moving forward in your goals and tasks. It can be freeing, while also being productive.
Cognitive health is always important. In “Brain Power Boosters” (page 16), learn how to help preserve memory with food, supplements, sleep and more. Learn how genomics, the study of gene variants in our DNA, can help treat memory disorders on page 18.
To continue with the awesome health tips for overall wellness, we’re also learning how to ease chronic inflammation. “According to the National Institutes of Health, 14 of the top 15 causes of death in 2019 were chronic inflammatory diseases,” explains Tom O’Bryan in “Cooling the Fire Within”, on page 22. Learn healthy eating tips for the ideal diet and yummy recipes that can help us avoid the dangers of inflammation. And don’t forget about your furry family members! “Hidden Dangers in Pet Food” (page 25) discusses the toxic ingredients you should look out for in your pets’ food. Make a habit this year of checking the ingredients of your food, as well as your pets’ food. We all deserve a healthy start. Stay tuned next month, when we have an exciting announcement to share! To a happy, healthy 2023,
TheWoodcock Nature Center’s outdoor programs for children and caregivers begin this month. Classes are offered for a variety of ages over many weeks, including preschool programs and after school programs for grades K through 5. Advance registration is required. Space fills quickly.
Explore your creative side with Artsy Acorns (20 months to early 3) or Mother Earth Art (3-5 years). Enjoy animal encounters and explore the trails during Little Forest Folk (16 months to early 3) or Into the Forest (3-5 years). Keep the learning going outdoors after school with the Adventurers (grades K-2) and Explorers (grades 3-5) or be inspired by nature all afternoon at Earth Artists (grades 3-5). For more information on individual programs and registration, visit WoodcockNatureCenter.org/programs
The Woodcock Nature Center is a nonprofit nature center offering many programs for family fun. The center is situated on 179 acres of state-protected land with three miles of trails traversing a mixture of habitats, including woods with stands of maple, beech, oak and hickory trees, a pond and wetlands.
For more information, call 203-762-7280 or visit WoodcockNatureCenter.org. Location: 56 Deer Run Rd, Wilton.
Laura Aversano, author, Medical Intuitive, Ancestral Conduit and Spiritwalker, is coming back to Connecticut for a special event at The Transformation Center, in Westport, from 1 to 3pm, on January 14. In this unique class, she will delve deeply into patterns and imprints that impact our lives on a daily basis, providing the opportunity to more fully experience the process of multi-dimensional transformation.
The class is both experiential and lecture. Through her 26 years of practice, Aversano has been able to ascertain origins of illness which are encoded in our spiritual genetics even before birth. Our ancestral lineage, our purpose and the environment in which we live on all levels each play a role in affecting our health and quality of life. Having communicated with the spirit world since childhood, Aversano employs her various abilities along with her journeying beyond the veil to see what contributes to people’s ailments.
The event will be hosted by Katie Augustyn and The Transformation Center. Fee is $60 per person; space is limited and this event will sell out quickly.
For more information, call 203-820-3800, email TransformationCenterCT@gmail.com or visit TransformationCenterCT.com/events. See ad, back cover.
203TLC 32
Academy for Soul Healing 12
AcuBlend/Dr. Sian James 10 The Angel Cooperative/ Angel Wing 17 Awakend 10 Bill Flannigan 24 Centropix 27
Chamomille Natural Foods 2
Copper Zap 3 Dr. Michael Wald 5 Hilda Demirjian Laser & Skin Care 15
Holistic Community Professionals 11 Haute Healing Oasis 7, 23 Hummingbird Sound Yoga 20 Insight Counseling 21 Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies 9 KleinSleep 19
The Market 2 Medicine For Living/ Alicia McKelvey 14 Nicole Miale 13
Natural Awakenings Singles 24 Nature’s Way Health Foods 2 Nature’s Temptation 2 New Morning Market 2
Optimal Health Medical/ Henry Sobo, MD 18
Passport to Health & Wellness Holistic Expo 13 Salt of the Earth 9
Sedona Art 10
Dr Christine Skordeles/ Hygiene Centers of America 4
Soul Healing Journey 12 Touch of Sedona 10 Whole Foods 2
Wolf Spirit Wellness 14
writing group, Mirror-gazing: Writing for Fun and Self-Discovery, will begin on February 2, at 6:30pm by Zoom and will repeat weekly on the day/time agreed to by the participants. This six-week writing group, facilitated by former Natural Awakenings publisher Nicole Miale, will provide participants with tools to explore how writing can act as a mirror for self-expression. Using prompts, free-write sessions and supportive feedback, as well as other techniques, the group is appropriate for non-writers as well as those already comfortable with their written voice. Each week will have a different theme and engage the group in a unique way.
The intent is not to produce work for publication, although writers are certainly welcome to use their time that way, but rather to play with words to learn what they may teach about our deeper selves. Classes are two hours in length, with at least 40 to 50 minutes devoted to writing time. Writers will read their work to the group for supportive feedback, not criticism.
Miale has decades of experience writing, as well as editing and coaching others with their work. Writing is an important tool in her kit and she’s excited to share the path with like-minded others. She is passionate about self-inquiry and the amazing ability we have as individuals to self-correct and evolve. As a coach and energy healer, she is particularly keen to assist clients who would like to explore the intersection of spirituality and health.
The group size is limited to six people, so register soon. The cost is $210 per person for the series.
For more information, call 203-981-2451 or email NMiale@charter.net. See ad, page 13.
Beginningthis fall, the Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA), the Diaper Bank of Connecticut and the Connecticut Department of Housing are launching a new statewide diaper distribution network called Diaper Connections. The Connecticut Department of Housing has provided $500,000 to fund and leverage additional resources to help jumpstart the program.
Diaper Connections will offer diaper distribution through local hospitals and established local hospital partners, to ensure supplies of diapers are available each month to families who need them. The program aims to improve the health of families by preventing problems associated with diaper need.
In addition, the program has the potential to increase parents’ ability to gain education or advance their career, thus increasing the potential for economic success for some families. A 2018 University of Connecticut study concluded that every dollar spent relieving diaper need produced an 11-fold increase in personal income for families struggling to afford diapers.
More than one third of Connecticut families with young children struggle to afford diapers. Not surprisingly, children without enough clean, dry diapers suffer a higher incidence of urinary tract infections, diaper dermatitis and more days with diaper rash. Because childcare programs often require a full week’s supply of diapers in order for a child to attend, parents who cannot afford to buy diapers must miss school or work.
Parents and caregivers can check their eligibility for free diapers by contacting the hospital where they receive care or the Diaper Bank of Connecticut. Eligibility is based on two simple screening questions, generally based on household income, or on current participation in a safety net program such as Medicaid. There is a short application once eligibility is established. For more information, visit TheDiaperBank.org/diaper-connections.
Root to Rise Motherhood, LLC is a virtual community for mothers of all ages and stages. The founder, Jennifer Mitchell, believes in a vision of motherhood that is well-supported, community-based and authentically expressed. Mitchell is a nationally certified school psychologist, licensed professional counselor associate and motherhood mentor who has been working with children and families for over 10 years.
Root to Rise Motherhood was born out of a passion to create a sisterhood of thriving mamas in order to allow us all to move with more joy, radiance and trust in our lives. Mitchell knows from first-hand experience, the importance of supportive education, community and authentic personal expression during the transition to motherhood known as matrescence.
Root to Rise Motherhood offers individual and group mentorship along with educational experiences for perinatal, motherhood and parenting support. Areas addressed may include conscious conception, pregnancy and birth support, post-natal planning and support, birth story telling, holistic family living, early motherhood and parenting through the first year and beyond.
Mitchell is a mother of two beautiful children, a lover of nature, a believer in the mind/body/spirit connection and the healing power of what she calls “deep self-care”. She attributes practices such as yoga, meditation, breath work, intuitive movement, creative expression, therapy and mentorship to her own healing and personal development.
For more information, email RootToRiseMotherhood@gmail.com, visit RootToRiseMotherhood.com or connect with @RootToRiseMama on social media.
The 10th Bi-Annual Passport to Health & Wellness Expo, which will be held April 23, from 10am to 4pm, at The Bristol DoubleTree by Hilton, is currently accepting applications for exhibitors and speakers.
The Expo, presented by the Holistic Community Professionals, will feature speakers on the half-hour and a keynote speaker at 2pm, with more than 75 vendors and readers, free raffles all day and a grand prize of a Hilton overnight stay with breakfast for two, as well as a free sound healing event from 4 to 5pm.
The Passport to Health & Wellness Expo is a free event, and door proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Health Defense New England Chapter.
Natural Awakenings is proud to be a member of Holistic Community Professionals and a sponsor of the expo. Interested vendors can apply online at YourHolisticEvents.com/ fairs-vendorspeaker-application.
For more information, call Shirley Bloethe at 860-989-0033, email YourHolisticEvents@gmail.com or visit YourHolisticEvents.com. See ad, page 13.
Your destination for Conscious Living and Energy Resource Center. Offering a wide array of physical, mindfulness, and spiritual holistic therapies, we have the perfect treatment for you. Join us for a personal or group session.
Salt of the Earth Sanctuary works in collaboration with Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury and The WSJ Foundation to support women who have been physically and mentally abused become aware of opportunities for healing in a holistic environment through the Hand Up Program.
NaturalSaltHealing.com (203) 586-1172
787 Main St. S, Woodbury, CT 06798
Older adults that consistently get up early and stay active throughout the day are happier and perform better on cognitive tests than those with irregular activity patterns, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh. The researchers studied 1,800 adults 65 or older and divided them into four subgroups of activity patterns: earlier rising/robust, shorter activity duration/less modellable, shorter active periods/very weak and later activity offset/very weak. Both groups with weak rhythms had twofold odds of clinically significant depression symptoms and cognitive performance deficits. As we age, disruption in activity patterns may be common. More research is needed into why earlier and robust patterns appear to be protective and whether modifying disrupted patterns improves health outcomes.
A few cups of black tea a day might help to avoid an early death, a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine suggests. Among nearly half a million adults ranging from 40 to 69 years old, those that consumed two or more cups of tea a day saw a modest, but lower risk for all causes of mortality over a median follow-up of more than 11 years. Participants of the large cohort study, called UK Biobank, self-reported tea intake from 2006 to 2010, while researchers noted mortality from all causes, including cardiovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke and respiratory disease. The researchers concluded that drinking more than two cups of tea per day can be part of a healthy diet.
Feeling heard and listened to is arguably one of the better feelings within any relationship. When we feel heard and listened to by a friend, a romantic partner, a colleague, a boss or even the general public, it can make a difference in one’s life. When one feels as if they are not listened to, they may feel dismissed, invalidated, “shut down” and ignored—as if their thoughts, feelings and needs are not important.
People want to have a voice in their relationships on a micro level, and some want to see their voices represented on a macro level, because this means their needs are important to others. Focusing on the micro level within those personal relationships, reflective listening is a tool that can help you and help those around you, creating more stable relationships and more motivation to maintain that effective communication and a sense of safety.
Reflective listening is a simple skill to learn and utilize. There are varying levels to the skill, but the most basic one, that anyone can really learn, is to hear what the other person is saying, and respond back to them using their language and framing the statement in a supportive way. There are times when people need to be validated. When someone explains that they are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, listen and reflect back to them that you understand their feelings and they are valid.
The direct mood and esteem shift when using reflective listening is significant. There are improvements in closeness between romantic partners, increase in comfort in friendships and increase in motivation and feeling valued in work relationships.
We can help to lift others by making space for them. Safety is a necessity and truly non-negotiable. It is one of the foundational building blocks on the way to happiness, contentment, esteem and accomplishments. When people feel safe, they are more able to meet their full potential.
Students who feel supported and nurtured by teachers end up becoming more successful in their learning, completion of work and attendance in school. Those children who don’t have environments at home where they are feeling heard and listened to, are looking for that in other places, such as school, counselors, coaches, friends and mentors. This further proves the importance of the safety that feeling heard brings into one’s life.
Therapists, counselors and other human services professionals are taught this skill and other listening and communication skills in college. However, they are skills that are so simple and attainable to any layperson and can make a difference in the lives of others.
On the macro level, communities that feel heard begin to make strides in policies that impact great amounts of people, as well as pave the way for younger generations to illicit positive and necessary changes—and it all starts with feeling heard.
Marissa Campbell is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker based out of Ridgefield, where she practices different modalities of psychotherapy with individuals and families at Inner Health and Healing of NY & CT. She is also a Reiki Master and loves incorporating energy work with the healing process. Connect at ihhnyct.com.
Our professional team of holistic and natural businesses provides community outreach and education. We are committed to improving the health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit in the communities we serve.
Elizabeth Raver, PhD
Evidential Psychic-Medium, Loving Hearts Connections™ Facilitator, American Association of Psychics, Red Barn in Durham. Online & in person sessions. Drlizmedium.com • Ravelizabeth516@gmail.com 203-400-9212
Dr. Nicole Klughers, ND, PharmD, MSAc Vis Wellness Center. Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncture Provider. Rocky Hill, CT & TeleMedicine Statewide • DrNicoleKlughers.com info@DrNicoleKlughers.com • (234)2-ACU-DOC
Carolyn Coleridge Reiki Sessions and Mindfulness Meditation, Spiritual Life Coach, Mentor, Help people find Purpose & Healing Classes on Universal Consciousness and Intuition intuitivesoulhealing.com • Carcole9@hotmail.com
Rev. Bradford W. Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT Starseed Support, Universal White Time, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing • Sessions and Trainings crystalmusichealing.com • linktr.ee/bradfordtilden 860-830-5841
See more holistic practitioners at: HolisticCommunityProfessionals.org
To join the HCP contact Shirley R. Bloethe at: 860-989-0033
203-767-5954 • Fairfield, CT
Eilis@SoulHealingJourney.com SoulHealingJourney.com Academyforsoulhealing.com
Trauma during birth. The birth process can be very traumatic for a baby, whether it is vaginal or a C-section. Considerable amounts of force are placed upon the child’s head, neck and spine—especially if there were complications, such as dystocia, or interventions, such as the use of forceps/ vacuum.
Developmental delays. Developmental delays can include delayed milestones, such as skipped crawling, delayed walking and delayed talking. Milestones reflect how the nervous system is developing.
Behavioral issues. ADHD, an inability to stay focused, and difficulty in school are often related to the function of the nervous system. The nervous system is what allows a child to process, interact with and respond to their environment.
Chiropractic care isn’t just for adults with back pain. The benefits of chiropractic care extend beyond pain relief. It is actually focused on the health of the nervous system.
Physical, chemical and emotional stressors can all contribute to stress on the nervous system. This stress can cause nervous system interference, which essentially means that the brain and body can no longer communicate effectively. This can contribute to a variety of common symptoms, including the ones below.
While most chiropractors have experience caring for children, chiropractors trained by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) are dedicated to continuing to learn how to better serve both the pediatric and perinatal populations.
From a chiropractor extensively trained through the ICPA, here are 11 signs that your child could benefit from pediatric chiropractic care.
Frequent illnesses. Some of the most common illnesses children experience include ear infections, colds, allergies and asthma. The immune system is highly intertwined with the nervous system.
Digestive complaints. Common digestive complaints seen in children can include colic, reflux, constipation, gas and bloating. These are often a cause of irritability in children and frustration for parents. The nervous system controls the intestines and other organs, which are essential for proper digestion, absorption of nutrients and elimination.
Sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances can include bed wetting, night terrors and insomnia. Proper sleep is essential for growth, memory formation and recovery.
Physical injury. Children experience slips, falls and sports injuries. Proper biomechanics and muscle balance are important for avoiding and recovering from physical injury.
Torticollis. Torticollis is a condition in which the sternocleidomastoid muscle (located in the neck), is in spasm. This can cause a painful head tilt and difficulty turning the head.
Postural abnormalities. Many children have postural abnormalities, including forward head, rounded shoulders, uneven shoulders and head tilts as a result of lack of movement and too much time spent on screens. These imbalances can contribute to future pain, decreased mobility and increased chance of injury.
Breastfeeding difficulties. Breastfeeding is a complex task for a baby, requiring coordination of a variety of muscles. Both structural misalignments and nervous system interference, often from the birth process, can lead to difficulties with the latching and sucking mechanisms.
Overall wellness. Pediatric chiropractic care is a great way to achieve overall wellness by supporting nervous system health, improving performance and helping to prevent future pain and injury. Even if your child doesn’t have a noticeable symptom or complaint, they can benefit from chiropractic care.
All of these signs/symptoms are indications of potential nervous system interference and/or misalignment of the spine. When the brain and body can communicate more effectively, with the help of pediatric chiropractic care, many of these symptoms may improve or resolve.
Pediatric chiropractic care can start as early as the day a baby is born. With infants and children, the amount of pressure used to complete a chiropractic adjustment is gentle—the same as checking an avocado for ripeness.
Dr. Annamarie Nardini, DC and her husband, Dr. Matthew Nardini, DC are family, pediatric and perinatal chiropractors at The Homestead Family Chiropractic & Wellness, located at 433 Boston Post Rd, Darien. Connect at Info@TheHomesteadChiropractic.com, TheHomesteadChiropractic.com or @thehomesteadchiro on Instagram. See Community Resource Guide listing, page 28.
Mountain climbers hire experts to help them reach their goals. Your goals are no different.
sherpa … a guide and climbing partner who moves beside you. A source of advice and a helping hand, providing tools/backup.
No matter how daunting your personal mountain may appear, Nicole Miale has tools in her kit to support you as your sherpa on the journey. The path is your own, but you don’t have to climb alone. Let an experienced coach and trekker walk with you.
Connecting. Supporting. Inspiring. Elevating.
In-person and zoom sessions 203-981-2451 | nmiale@charter.net
New Writing Group begins 2/2/23 - 6 sessions, $210, zoom. Register now for Mirror-Gazing: Writing for Fun and Self-Discovery!
In order to upgrade and accelerate our goals, we need to begin with our mental state of being. Here are seven tips to help you upgrade your body, mind and life in the New Year.
Celebrate the successes of last year. Life is a culmination of every small event, little thought and seemingly useless choice. When we can sit down and really evaluate the blessings and challenges of last year, we see that they are not that far apart. Generally, all of our success was born out of some great challenge. Take a moment to recognize that the universe has your back, and how much stronger and clearer you are than at the
beginning of 2022. By doing this exercise with yourself and inviting a loved one to do the same, we bring awareness to our life and embrace the challenges, for we see how they have worked to our highest good. This positive energy creates a sustainable mindset that will spring you into 2023.
Define your goals and dig into your “why”. It’s not enough to have goals. Often times we make choices and don’t uncover why we are choosing them. Is it because of family or cultural expectations, or is it something that sets the soul on fire? How do I find my fire when I’m on the verge of burnout? Get quiet—shut off the music and the books and listen to the story you tell yourself. Our “why” is the fire behind our actions. Creating a safe space to surrender into your darkest shadow is key to letting go of old, dead emotional weight. The result will strengthen your inner power and give you focus in your why.
Make a plan. Divide goals into three categories: personal, business and just for fun. Set goals that are brutally specific, measurable, reasonable and leave room for flexibility. Keep this list posted like a dart board. Use resources like a digital and personal calendar to hold yourself accountable, playby-play. Make room for life and any changes that may and will occur. Practice radical acceptance with what cannot be controlled. All in all, have fun on the journey—it is its own kind of destination—as you stay focused on your plan.
get the ball rolling. Understand that when you do this, something else will fall off. This is only for some time as you are honing in on that project. Singular focus is better than scattered action. Make it a priority to set up a healthy, cleansing and joyful morning routine. Connect to your body and ground your energy with blood flow-improving activities such as tapping, qigong, yoga, working out, getting in nature and/or BEMER vascular therapy.
Create a schedule that allows you to do a hard task, then a rewarding one. This prescription can take anywhere from 30 seconds of laughing or jumping to hours of working out—AKA celebrating life. Regardless, make a reward system that encourages focus, accomplishment and is a positive discipline system that ensures greater success.
Set good expectations. Love yourself regardless of if you complete the goals. You are not a checklist of tasks. Look back at the goals you had for previous years and you’ll find some of them were never accomplished. Understand that those incomplete goals have given you the ammunition to move in a new direction. The tension is necessary for growth. The truth is that some of your goals were never meant to be accomplished or couldn’t be for some reason or another. Trust the plan. Celebrate how full your life has been and how in the midst of madness, you did the best you could and still made progress. That’s enough to celebrate.
Imperfect action leads to progress. Have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously. If you know you’re the type to get nervous with new assignments and procrastinate, then have a walk
and talk with the child inside. As you start the project ask yourself the question, “If I really screwed up on this, what would it look like? What’s the worst that could happen?” Then, talk to the fear inside you with a posture of proclaiming loving-kindness. Find a way to let the quirky and chaotic darkness come to the surface. Take intentional action and make it your intention to “mess up” and then allow yourself to rebound. Reflect, “What does that feel like?” while realizing, “It’s all good.” Most people don’t know what they’re doing and no one is watching you that hard. If they are, enjoy the ride and bounce forward like the power animal you are.
Create connections. Find one or some mentors and be close to the fire of inspiration. Learn about people and the way they walk in their life. Success leaves clues. Ask questions and stop talking. Watch your environment. Connect with people who inspire you and sharpen your perspective. Commit to the practice of presence and you will have clarity, which is the foundation of growth.
Jessica Chichester has been in the health, wellness and spiritual science field for over 25 years. She is a Hall of Fame athlete, and has been a kundalini, yoga and intuitive health and fitness coach for over 20 years. She is a gifted energy practitioner at Haute Healing Oasis, and specializes in sacred sexuality and manifestation. She works with sacred plants and coordinates spiritual Ayahuasca retreats. Connect at 203-595-5304, Info@HauteSauna.com and HauteHealingOasis.com. See ads, pages 7 and 23.
Although it is completely normal to feel like our memories are failing us as we get older, this is not the time to panic. Regardless of age, it is always possible to learn, store and recall information, and there are numerous practices we can adopt to nourish and optimize our brains. Whether we’re looking for the car keys in all the wrong places or experiencing way too many tip-of-the-tongue moments, it may be high time to adopt the brain-boosting recommendations by these four experts.
“Having a better memory now and in the future means taking care of your brain and making the right lifestyle choices to slow down the aging process,” says Annie Fenn,
M.D., founder of BrainHealthKitchen.com, who believes that what we choose to eat is one the most significant decisions we make each day.
Foods high in antioxidants like vitamins C and E, beta carotene and selenium have been shown to slow age-related memory loss. Think berries, grapes (which contain resveratrol, a memory-enhancing compound), beets, broccoli, almonds, avocados, carrots, eggs, salmon, onions and dark, leafy greens.
Avoid foods high in saturated and trans fats, which can increase “bad” cholesterol and lower “good” cholesterol. Studies find that high cholesterol diets can increase the risk of memory loss, among other cognitive functions.
Whole grains and legumes like cracked wheat, whole-grain couscous and lentils are complex carbohydrates that boost the brain by providing a steady, sustained supply of glucose, and are high in folate, the memory-boosting B vitamin.
Finally, don’t forget to include culinary herbs like curcumin, rosemary, saffron, oregano and mint. They all help support brain health, especially saffron, which contains a potent constituent called crocin that is associated with slowing cognitive decline in human and animal studies.
Wendy Warner, M.D., the founder of Medicine in Balance, an integrative healthcare practice in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, recommends Ginkgo biloba (one of the oldest living tree species in the world) and ginseng, which have both been found to help enhance memory with their neuroprotective and antioxidant effects. Noting that the brain works best with adequate nourishment, she asserts that these supplements can play a role in increasing blood circulation to the brain, thus improving its function.
Also on her list are Bacopa monnieri for its antioxidant capacity, Rhodiola rosea for its neuroprotective and antioxidant effects and licorice (Glycirrhiza glabra) for its ability to increase circulation in the central nervous system.
Warner recommends regular stress management techniques like yoga, qigong and tai chi as well, noting, “These all help lower inflammation and cortisol (an inflammatory stress hormone) and have been shown to improve memory.”
Heather Houskeeper is a certified herbalist, long-distance hiker and author. When venturing out into the wild, she is able to spot and identify hundreds of medicinal herbs, including her favorite, top five memory boosters, starting with Ginkgo biloba, as well as:
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) supports healthy blood flow to the brain. It can be enjoyed through food, tea or diffused as aromatherapy.
ASHWAGANDHA (Withania somnifera), traditionally ingested as food or tea, can support mental alertness, focus and clarity of mind. Mix ashwagandha powder with warm milk, hot water or broth.
HOLY BASIL (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is rich in antioxidants and supports cerebral circulation. Enjoy this delicious and fragrant herb as tea up to three times per day, use in cooking or take as a tincture.
GOTU KOLA (Centella asiatica) is a restorative herb that can support alertness and mental clarity. It is also popularly used as a tea, tincture or extract for up to 14 days at a time.
Insufficient sleep can result in a variety of cognitive problems, including memory loss. Those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a common sleep disorder condition that affects breathing, should not ignore it. High-quality sleep is key to reactivating memories, especially recalling the names of people we’ve recently met, according to Northwestern University researchers. Other experts have reported a strong association between sleep and the formation of memories. Strive for uninterrupted and deep sleep, as follows:
n The ideal amount for most adults is between seven and nine hours a night.
n Wind down before bed with a consistent routine like reading, stretching or meditation.
n Keep the bedroom cool—somewhere around 65° F—and dark.
n Shut off all electronics.
n Avoid late-day caffeine, alcohol and spicy, heavy meals too close to bedtime.
Treating OSA is important to improve both sleep and brain health, says Thomas M. Holland, M.D., of the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, explaining, “Impaired sleep can lead to biochemical processes that can impact memory and cognition.”
Sheryl Kraft writes about health and wellness for Sage by Gaia and a variety of print and online media sources. Visit SherylKraft. com and SageByGaia.com to read more of her work.
Dementia is currently the fifth leading cause of death in those aged 65 and older, with Alzheimer’s disease being the leading cause of dementia. Research in the emerging field of genomics suggests our genes may not only hold clues about risks of developing memory disorders, but may also provide valuable information to help determine options for prevention and treatment.
Genomics is the study of gene variants or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within our genome or DNA. The alteration of a gene may have an impact on the individual or it may not, depending on the person’s complete profile. Think about
it like this: if a single word is changed in a recipe, such as “bake” being changed to “boil”, the end result may taste the same or it may be completely changed. Knowing that someone has specific variants is not a guarantee of a particular health outcome, but can aid the individual and healthcare team in making decisions to prevent or reverse health issues.
There are estimated to be more than 3 million variants in the human genome, but only about 900 have been researched to date. When it comes to memory, genomic researchers estimate there are at least 200 genes that can impact the development of dementia. These variants, combined
with the many other lifestyle and physical variables affecting brain health (i.e., chronic stress, lack of movement, nutrition, chronic inflammation and others), may alter the course of a specific individual’s brain health.
It is believed that by the time recognizable symptoms of dementia are present, the underlying issues may have been ongoing for 20 years or more. This means there is a lot of time to locate and address potential areas of concern. This is where genomics can be particularly helpful. Genomics can give insight into an individual’s risk for dementia down to the molecular level, helping to create a personalized brain healthcare plan designed to reduce risk and reverse early symptoms. The goal is to discover potential issues early in one’s life, preferably before there is any damage and when there is still time to effect positive change.
Research has determined that the higher the number of variants involved in an individual’s Alzheimer’s development, the earlier the onset of the disease, the faster the disease course and the poorer the therapeutic outcome. Genomic testing gives insight into where the original issues lie, thus guiding proactive care to the root cause of the problem.
Once dementia is diagnosed, there are many options available for treatment, but memory loss is often irreversible. Over 90 percent of patients with dementia are daily users of psychotropic medications aimed at preserving their existing memory function.
Even at the stage when significant memory loss impacts a person’s ability to perform basic tasks, genomics can play an important role, for new research suggests certain variants respond better to specific memory treatment approaches and not at all to others. Pharmacogenomics is an area of study that looks specifically at how individual variants respond, or don’t, to specific categories of pharmaceutical treatments.
Alicia McKelvey, MD is Medical Director of Medicine for Living, in Woodbury, a personalized, precision healthcare clinic using DNA technology to prevent, heal and reverse disease. For more information about genomics or to schedule an appointment for genomic testing, call 203-405-1464 or visit MedicineForLivingCT.com. See ad, page 14.
The most important way to help people deal with anxiety is to help them understand that it is a physical condition. It is not who they are, it is what they have. Knowing this, they can begin to understand that, like any other human condition, there is a solution. This helps
provide hope, and can help to initiate a functional treatment process.
There are circumstances in which lower levels of anxiety can also be useful. First, it can provide a signal that something is wrong, and that we need to take a step back before we act. Also, anxiety in a more positive form is actually used physically by the body to motivate us to act. It increases neurological functioning, and provides more energy, when necessary. It becomes harmful at higher levels, and when emotionally and intellectually, it attaches to negative energy.
Dealing with anxiety in the short-term, it is first always a good idea to talk to someone. Anxiety causes people to turn inward, and they lose some of the perspective that is necessary to move forward. Talking to someone, especially a professional counselor or psychologist, can establish that necessary perspective, and define the early steps that are necessary in the treatment process.
Second, it’s also a good idea to arrange a wellness visit with one’s physician. This should not be solely for medicine, but to determine if there are any physical concerns that should be addressed before a treatment program begins.
Everyone’s anxiety is different. Long-term approaches should be implemented with the understanding that anxiety is a physical, emotional and intellectual condition. It works its way through the body, causes a rise in emotions and finally causes the intellect to desperately question how to stop this horrible process—all too often, without success.
With this in mind, a long-term program should include methods to physically decelerate, learning how to keep from reacting emotionally, which always makes the anxiety worse, and teaching the person how to use their intellect in a way that counteracts the effect of the anxiety and embraces new self-empowerment programs.
Faust Ruggiero, M.S. is author of The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook. He is a published research author, clinical trainer and therapist who has worked in settings that have included clinics for deaf children, prisons, nursing homes, substance abuse centers and as the President of the Community Psychological Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania. Connect at FaustRuggiero.com.
New years are always special, carrying auspicious energies of hope and possibilities. 2023 is exceptionally special as we humans and Earth connect more fully with Crystalline Consciousness. These exceedingly fine frequencies cannot support lower consciousness and thus will challenge us to look at life, our world, ourselves and our choices. It brings us opportunities to transform and transmute what is useless, for humanity is being purified to match the frequencies.
This means that everything that happens, happens for us. Let go of the past and move forward in strength and integrity. Forgive. Raise sights to worthy pursuits and things, and know that what we put in place here and now will be the foundation for years to come.
Our entire Universe and Cosmos operate on “order”, driven by the supreme consciousness of which all is created. In its perfected state, this order is harmonic—known as Divine Order. To achieve this state, energies must vibrate frequencies of complete and utter balance, all-embracing, unconditional love—that supreme love which the heart wants us to heed.
The vibrations of Earth, and all life upon Earth must ultimately match these higher frequencies. As this occurs, consciousness expands to ever greater levels of understanding and potential. This is the ascension process, of which all are currently experiencing, taking us to the “next higher frequencies” along our soul journey—higher than what humanity has previously experienced. Thus, as opposing energies of lower and higher consciousness collide, they create conflicts, chaos, shifts and opportunities for us to build anew on a higher level, stepping out of the chaos.
We have an opportunity to set in motion a new trajectory. The higher the energies we support now, the longer lasting they will be. From this moment on, only higher consciousness alone must be our choice of driving force in all aspects of life. Each choice to act and respond from a higher place, aids the transmutation of lower frequencies, affirming a longer trajectory.
We must learn to respect and work together, seeing the best in others and becoming inclusive. Compassion and kindness across the board is required, along with respect of every human. We must be what we wish to see. The ego-self must be seen for what it is and discarded forever. The human free-will path, while offering incredible latitude of freedom,
demands high levels of responsibility. To move forward, it is essential to bow to a higher intelligence, whatever one may choose to name it.
Seizing the opportunities presented by the chaos and conflict of today in all areas of life, while choosing to see the silver lining of events, will strengthen our trust and give us the courage to rise to new heights. As the Crystalline Consciousness Energies carry the super-fine vibrations of Earth’s Crystalline substance within, activated to serve us on our onward journey, we have great support to do good things when we
harness our choice and will.
Humanity must open its eyes, take stock and change from the inside out, looking inward for courage and guidance to that Supreme Power within—whatever one chooses to name it. When we step forward from inner heart-wisdom and spirit-power, fulfilling their path and purpose, our world will see and experience a glorious era.
This year brings us closer to that inner point of power, which allows this to occur. 2023 and the years following will offer us opportunities to strengthen and harness our Light within, so we may align with our
Spirit compass. The events we experience will be for our growth alone, and how we handle them shall determine both character and our onward journey.
Annaita Gandhy, Spiritual Guide in Middletown, conducts meditations, workshops and classes for healing and empowerment. Sharing from the heart, she guides the initiate to deep understanding of self and the universal process, walking beside each through their journey of Spiritual growth toward wisdom and personal power. Connect at AlignWithSource@gmail.com or AlignWithSource.blogspot.com.
Putting more thought into what we eat and why may be among the most important factors in determining how long we live. Researchers in Norway recently compared the long-term effects of a typical Western diet to an optimal one, and their findings can be a source for inspiration. The optimal diet had a substantially higher intake of whole grains, legumes, fish, fruits, vegetables and a handful of nuts, while reducing red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages and refined grains.
According to their results, a sustained change from a typical Western diet to the better plan can make a big difference on life expectancy. Here are their predicted impacts on longevity for people after starting—and sticking to—an optimal diet:
Start at age 20—women add 8.4 to 12.3 years; men add 9.4 to 14.3 years
Start at age 60—women add 6.2 to 9.3 years; men add 6.8 to 10 years
Start at age 80—women and men add 3.4 years So, it is never too late to start a positive activity.
This improved diet gets to the underlying causes of most of the reasons Americans die. According to the National Institutes of Health, 14 of the top 15 causes of death in 2019 were chronic inflammatory diseases. This means it is more than likely that the cause has existed for a long time under the surface (chronic), with too much inflammation for too long (inflammatory), affecting the brain, cardiovascular system, blood sugar system or wherever there is a genetic weak link (disease). Rather than ask what the ailment is, ask, “Where is the long-term, hidden inflammation coming from that is fueling this disease?”
Dr. George Slavich, founding director of the Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research at the University of California in Los Angeles, says that understanding when inflammation promotes either good or poor health and how and when to intervene to reduce inflammation-related disease risk, “should be a top scientific and public priority.” Identifying and reducing individual triggers of inflammation opens a path to regenerating a healthier, younger individual.
Not all inflammation is bad. Time-limited increases in inflammation are critical for promoting wound healing and recovery, as well as reducing the spread of communicable infections. Humans would not have lived very long without a well-developed internal protection from threatening environmental triggers such as bugs, parasites, viruses, mold, fungus and bacteria. For better health outcomes, we need to address excessive systemic inflammation. There are many likely contributors to the fueling of inflammation, but one of the most common sources is what is on the end of our fork. Begin there.
LIFESTYLE HACK 1: If there is one prime directive for better health, it is to focus on living as much of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle as possible. Become more aware of the daily environmental exposures that ramp up inflammatory genes. Know, for example, what chemicals are used on the soil in which the food is grown or sprayed with before it is harvested. Then, armed with
this knowledge, choose a better alternative, like organic and regenerative organic foods. As enough anti-inflammatory messages are accumulated, a reversal in the direction of health is possible.
LIFESTYLE HACK 2: Food is the most common source of gasoline on the fire of inflammation. Dr. Deanna Minich, president of the American College of Nutrition, recommends the Rainbow Diet, which acts like a fire extinguisher to put out the excess inflammatory fire in the body. Selecting multiple colors of fruits and vegetables at every meal tempers the inflammatory cascade. Strive over time to eat 50 different fruits or vegetables per week.
Begin today. Just bringing up to awareness the question, “Is this food inflammatory or anti-inflammatory?” will feed our health habits, and over time, healthier habits equal a healthier life.
KnoWEwell Chief Health Officer Dr. Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN, is an internationally recognized expert on gluten, bestselling author and speaker focused on food sensitivities, environmental toxins and the development of autoimmune diseases. He is a chiropractic doctor, certified clinical nutritionist and the founder of TheDr.com.
10 eggs
1 cup chopped artichoke hearts, packed in water
1 large tomato
4 oz fresh baby spinach, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced ⅔ cup green olives, chopped ½ tsp dried thyme ½ tsp dried oregano Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 Tbsp coconut oil
In a large bowl, whisk together all the ingredients except the oil. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Pour the mixture into the skillet. After 1 to 2 minutes, when the omelet has begun to brown, fold it in half and continue to cook for another 1 to 2 minutes on each side until the center is cooked through. Serve immediately.
Recipe courtesy of Dr. Tom O’Bryan.
6 zucchinis, medium to large, firm and straight, cut into “noodles”
2 lb fresh, wild salmon fillets, skin removed
Sea salt and pepper
2 Tbsp high-heat cooking oil (avocado or grapeseed)
3 Tbsp olive oil
4 Tbsp shallots, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
8 artichoke hearts (in water), quartered
1 lemon, zested and juiced
4 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped Pinch of cayenne
6 slices crumbled, crispy turkey bacon; crispy bacon; or crispy pancetta
Zucchini can be fashioned into noodles one of two ways. For “fettuccine”, use a potato peeler to produce long, flat noodles or lengthwise ribbons. Peel off several from one side, then turn the zucchini and peel off more. Continue to turn and peel away ribbons, until reaching the seeds at the core of the zucchini, which can be discarded. For “spaghetti”, use a spiralizer, mandolin or knife. The spiralizer is the easiest option. With a mandolin, hook up the julienne attachment for perfectly formed noodles. If using a knife, cut the zucchini into thin slices, stack them up and cut again lengthwise into thin strips. Discard the core.
Salt the zucchini noodles, let sit for a few minutes, then massage and squeeze the water out. Drain any excess liquid.
Season the salmon with salt and pepper. In a large pan, heat the avocado oil over medium to high heat. Add the salmon, top sidedown, and sear until golden and crispy, then turn over to finish cooking. Cover only with a splatter screen, or it will not get crispy.
In a wok or large pan over medium heat, add the olive oil and shallots, and cook until soft. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the zucchini noodles, increase the heat to medium-high and cook for 2 minutes. Add the artichokes and lemon zest, stir to combine and cook for 1 minute. Turn off the heat and add the parsley, lemon juice and cayenne; stir to combine. Add the bacon and adjust seasonings to taste.
Distribute evenly on 4 plates or low bowls. Place the salmon on top and serve with extra lemon.
All recipes courtesy of Dr. Tom O’Bryan.
Among the many reasons to switch from ultra-processed diets to fresh food for our furry family members, unwanted toxins are high on the list. Because pet food manufacturers are not required to conduct quality control testing, consumers never know exactly what toxins their dogs and cats are inadvertently ingesting. According to PetFoodIndustry.com, “Some level of contamination is unavoidable.” Here is a look at the most common toxins found in many popular pet foods.
ARSENIC is used in herbicides, insecticides, wood preservatives and insulation, as well as in chicken feed in factory farms. According to Greg Aldrich, Ph.D., associate professor and pet food program coordinator at Kansas State University, “The measured presence of arsenic in pet foods does not equate to toxicity for this naturally occurring earth element.” While this may be true, bioaccumulation can do significant damage over time if sublethal doses are consistently consumed. The gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels and skin are most vulnerable to arsenic damage, which interferes with hormones and causes cancer and death. To help pets with elevated arsenic levels, try iodine- and selenium-rich foods, including sea vegetables and Brazil nuts; sulfurous foods like garlic; alpha lipoid acid; and N-acetylcysteine.
MERCURY is released into the air and waterways primarily through burning coal, and seafood is the most common route of exposure. It is best not to feed pets an exclusive diet of fish protein. On the other hand, seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to a pet’s well-being. Consider feeding them low-mercury options like wild-caught salmon, sardines packed in water, mussels or rainbow trout in rotation with other proteins,
or supplementing their diet with krill oil or an omega-3 fatty acid that is third-party validated as contaminant-free and sustainably sourced. Mercury detoxification can be achieved by using chlorella and cilantro.
POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL (PCB) and POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHER (PBDE) are used as fire retardants and can bioaccumulate at high levels in large, predatory fish at the top of the food chain like tuna, tilefish, king mackerel, shark and swordfish. Research suggests that cats are especially sensitive to PBDEs and PCBs found at high levels in both canned and dry pet foods. Although PCBs were banned in the U.S. in 1979, they are still used elsewhere in the world and continue to pollute the oceans. These fat-soluble toxins can be cleared through the bowels, so add fibrous veggies and chlorophyll-containing foods or supplements to the pet bowl.
BISPHENOL A (BPA) is used in plastics and coatings inside pet food cans. It imitates the body’s hormones, especially estrogen, in ways that are damaging to the health of both humans and animals. A 2017 study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri concluded that even a short-term (two-week) feeding of canned dog food resulted in a three-fold increase of BPA in dogs. Avoid canned pet foods and #7 plastic food and water bowls and storage bins. Provide ongoing BPA detoxification support by offering foods rich in Lactobacillus acidophilus (kefir and yogurt) and glutathione-rich foods, including culinary and medicinal mushrooms.
DIOXINS, a byproduct of industrial processes, can disrupt the signaling of both male and female sex hormones in the body. They’re found in much of the U.S. food supply, including factory-produced meat, fish, milk, eggs and butter. Offer pets organic food whenever possible. Because dioxins are fat-soluble, they are stored in adipose tissues. Try the Ayurvedic practice of lipophilic-mediated detoxification, which uses healthy fats, including ghee, coconut and MCT oil, to pull out fat-stored toxins.
AFLATOXIN contamination has been the cause of several pet food recalls and major disease outbreaks for more than 20 years. Known to cause acute toxic illness and cancer, they are naturally occurring mycotoxins produced by fungi in agricultural crops. Corn, peanuts and cottonseed have the highest rate of aflatoxin contamination. Aflatoxicosis is more common in dogs than cats because commercial dog food more often contains corn. Many animal studies demonstrate the efficacy of using ginger, thyme, broccoli, turmeric and carrots for aflatoxin detoxification.
The only way to know exactly what a pet is eating is to buy the ingredients and prepare nutritionally complete meals at home. When choosing a commercial pet food, make sure that it contains human-grade ingredients and that manufacturers employ quality control steps in their operations to test for contaminants.
Veterinarian Karen Becker, DVM, has spent her career empowering animal guardians in making knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their animals. For more information, visit DrKarenBecker.com.
Holy Fire Reiki 2 Certification Training – 10am5pm. In person with Gail Christie & Sheila Devlin-Craane, Holy Fire Usui and Karuna Reiki Masters. Deepen your connection to Reiki, learn the Level 2 symbols and how to give a complete Reiki session. Receive a Reiki 2 attunement, a manual, course materials and a certificate. $275. Register on website by 12/30. $275. Joyful Living Reiki, 55 Three Lakes Dr, Stamford. 203-979-0918. JoyfulLivingReiki.com.
White Time Healing Circle – 6-8:30pm. Second Tuesday. With Bradford Tilden. Round-robin style healing circle featuring White Time Energy and Gemstone healing. Everyone gets a turn on the table to receive. $30. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd, Berlin. 860-830-5841. Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. Tinyurl.com/ Jan2023WhiteTimeCircle.
Holy Fire Reiki Circle – 7-8pm. Online via Zoom with Gail Christie. Join us to release negative energy and restore balance with a Holy Fire Reiki meditation and shared Reiki. Sign up by 5pm on 1/12 for logon link. Joyful Living Reiki. Free. 203-979-0918. JoyfulLivingReiki.com.
Clairvoyant or Mediumship Readings with Theresa Galuszka – 1-5pm. Join Clairvoyant, Medium, Psychic, Reiki Master and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Theresa Galuszka, for a 30-minute Clairvoyant or Mediumship reading. $80- $120. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Rd, Darien. 203-658-7667. SaltCaveOfDarien.com.
Intuitive Crystal Healing – 2-5pm. Working knowledge of the chakra system is encouraged in order to get the full benefits of this intermediate level workshop. It provides a reconnection to the natural crystal healing that was taught to the ancient civilization by the star races that seeded lemuria. $50/pre-registration is required. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St. Farmington. Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. Tinyurl.com/intuitive-crystal-jan-2023.
Angel Messages with Sound and Crystal Readings – 6:30-8pm. With Bradford Tilden and Karen Raymond. Bradford with call in the angels with his voice and signs from his advanced training
in Universal White Time. Karen, Owner of Voice of Angels and experienced Psychic/Medium will connect with the Angelic Realm. $35. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd, Berlin. 860-830-5841. Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. Tinyurl.com/SoundAngelsJanuary2023.
Restorative Yoga with Sound Bath Meditation –6:30-8pm. Join Carol Shwidock of Harmony Yoga and Diane Nickelberg of Grounded Meditation at The Salt Cave of Darien for a Triple Healing. Please bring a yoga mat, two bed pillows or bolsters, and two blankets as your body melts into a triple delight of relaxation. $75. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Rd, Darien. 203-658-7667. SaltCaveOfDarien.com.
Reiki and Guided Meditation – 1-2pm. Online via Zoom with Gail Christie. Join us to release stress and restore balance with a Holy Fire Reiki meditation and shared Reiki. Sign up by 11am on 1/21 for logon link. Joyful Living Reiki. Free. JoyfulLivingReiki.com.
Art of Meditation – 6-7pm. Thursdays, 1/24 to 2/14. This 4-week Meditation Course is an excellent program for beginners and also a great place for seasoned practitioner who desire to go deeper, to find more in their meditations. Classes are limited to 5 participants. $49/series; or regular drop in rates VIP member discount applies. Yogaspace, 78 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel. 203-730-9642. Yogaspace-CT.com.
Starseed Support Group – 6:30-8pm. Are you a starseed? is a safe space to come out of the cosmic closet to unite in community, share stories and experiences. Open format with advanced guided meditations. $20. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd, Berlin. Also, online via Zoom. 860-830-5841. Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. Tinyurl.com/January2023Starseed.
Yoga Ancient Wisdom – 1:30-3:30pm. Overview of yoga philosophy with an emphasis on the Krishnamacharya lineage. We will explore the history and paths of yoga, Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga (8-limbed yoga), basics of Yama and Niyama, and the importance of Guru. $39. Yogaspace, 78 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel. 203-730-9642. Yogaspace-CT.com.
Online Meditation Practice Session – 10-11am. Online meditation practice sessions and Dharma talks using Zoom. All levels welcome. No formal charge. By donation. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Cozy Gentle Yoga for Adults – 6-6:45pm. With Karin Holmgren, Certified Yoga Instructor. For those new to yoga or looking for moving, reflective relaxation. $75. Baldwin Center, 1000 W Broad St, Stratford. TownOfStratford.recdesk.com.
Chill and Stretch Yoga for Teens – 7:15-8pm. With Karin Holmgren, Certified Yoga Instructor. This relaxing class will introduce basic yoga poses to help improve strength, balance, and flexibility. We will also develop “quiet mind” meditations for emotional balance, self-awareness with deep breathing. $75. Baldwin Center, 1000 W Broad St, Stratford. TownOfStratford.recdesk.com.
Online Meditation Practice Session – 7-8pm. Online meditation practice sessions and Dharma talks using Zoom. All levels welcome. No formal charge. By donation. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Mysticism: Where Science, Art and Religion Meet –7-8:30pm. What is the purpose of life? Our intent is to address these issues through lectures, readings and guided group discussions. We will present ancient concepts, cutting-edge theories, speculations, assertions, data, and most of all, thought-provoking ideas for discussion. Free. Aleph Talks, 606 Post Rd East, Ste 667, Westport. AlephTalks.com.
Sound Yoga (Online) – 11am-12pm. With Barbara Soares, yoga/vocal yoga teacher and Reiki Master will help students explore the power of sound to relax, inspire, and listen deeply. Learn and practice humming, deep listening, and medicine melodies to improve wellness and reduce stress. Students should bring a yoga mat and wear loose, comfortable clothes. $50/5 sessions. Tinyurl.com/SoundYogaBobbi.
Salty Yin Yoga with Kelly Warters – 6:30-7:30pm. Second Thursday. Join Kelly Warters for this 8 part Chakra Yin Yoga Series. You may attend one of the classes or sign up for all 8 for maximum healing benefits + a discount. $37.22. Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness, 374 New Haven Ave, Milford. 203-283-5968. ReviveSaltTherapy.as.me.
Reiki 1st Degree Workshop: Online or In-Person – 10am-5pm. First Friday. With Gigi Benanti, Reiki Master/Teacher (24 years). Learn Reiki 1st Level (Western Style). Learn how to use Reiki for healing. Two manuals and certificate included. Zoom link will be given with e-mail and payment. Please call to register. Also held on the first Saturday. No drop-ins. $135. Angelic Healing Center, 7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk. 203-852-1150. AngelHealReiki.com.
Friday Night fun Networking at Yoga for Everybody – 6:30-8pm. First Friday. Each month will feature a fun activity designed to enhance getting to know one another in interesting ways and nurture our community. RSVP to Beth Leas at 203-8569566 (call/text) or TLCBethLeas@gmail.com. Free. Yoga for Everybody, 85 Mill Plain Rd, 3rd Floor, Fairfield. 203-254-9642. Yoga4Everybody.net. Monthly Yoga Mom’s Night Out – 7-9pm. Second Friday. Join us for an evening that’s all about reclaiming you time. Calm your mind and body with candlelight yoga, a few other experiences. Space is limited to 16 moms, so please pre-register. $40. Come with a friend and get a special gift. $40. Yoga for Everybody, 85 Mill Plain Rd, 3rd Floor, Fairfield. 203-254-9642. Yoga4Everybody.net.
Saturday Dharma and Morning Meditation – 7:308:15am. Every week we will discuss various works on
topics such as self-study, meditation, self-improvement, mindfulness, joy and much more. Discussion will be followed by 30-minute guided meditation. Proceeds donated to our charity of the month. $10/cash. Yoga Culture, 105 Mill Plain Rd, Danbury. 203-730-0250. WeAreYogaCulture.com.
Align with Source – 10:30am-12:15pm. A Spiritual Empowerment meeting via Zoom. Comprises a talk, inter-action and a guided meditation. Request Zoom invite by emailing AlignWithSource@gmail. com. By donation.
In-Person Meditation Practice Session – 10-11:30am. Limited in-person meditation practice. All levels welcome. If it’s your first time, please let someone know so that we can provide a brief introduction. Must register online. Donations encouraged. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Reiki Second Degree Workshop: Online or In-Person – 10am-5pm. Fifth Saturday. With Gigi Benanti, Reiki Master/Teacher (24 years). Learn Reiki Level 2 (Western Style). Learn how to send reiki distance healing, deepen your use of Reiki for yourself and others and more. Two manuals and certificate included. Also held on the last Friday. No drop-ins. $225. Angelic Healing Center, 7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk. 203-852-1150. AngelHealReiki.com.
Eyesofwings Soulcial in the Garden – 1-5pm. First Saturday. Non-profit 508c(1) Private Ministerial Association in service to nature and humanity. Our mission is to provide accessible and reasonably priced Healing Arts services and products to facilitate people in their self-healing. $22. Carmelina’s Garden, 172 Welton St, Hamden. 203-589-4614. Eyesofwings.live.
with Rev. Liz Hoy & Rev. Kathleen James
Mondays in January • 7-9pm $100 for 5-week Modules Small classes – Contact us for details
CIRCLE with James Luse January 18 • 7-9pm • $30
February 5 • 1-3pm
Weekly Service
Every Sunday • 11am-12pm
Children’s Lyceum Third Sunday • 10-10:45am
Spiritual Healing Service
Third Thursday • 7-8pm
To register contact: AlbertsonPCC@gmail.com
Cancelled events will be posted on our website
Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave Old Greenwich, CT • 203-637-4615 Email: Info@AlbertsonChurch.org Website: AlbertsonChurch.org
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Advertising@eNaturalAwakenings.com to request our media kit.
Freddie Kimmel, Product Expert 95 Cross Hwy, Redding 833-267-2645
Freddie@AmpCoil.com • AmpCoil.com
Extraordinary Wellness!
AmpCoil is an extraordinary system that delivers sound frequencies through PEMF to harmonize, balance, and support you on your journey to wellness. 90% of AmpCoil’s most active users reported that AmpCoil has been instrumental to their personal wellness, and over 55% reported that they experience relief from symptoms related to Lyme or other chronic conditions.
NEERU KAUSHIK, ND, MS ACU, MS, MA Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies 805 Kings Highway East, Fairfield 203-331-9111
DrKaushik@AyurvedicInstituteCT.com AyurvedicInstituteCT.com
A combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/ nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. See ad, page 9.
Biostress Relief sessions reduce anxiety, stress, pain and tension by combining Sound Healing, Reiki and Mindfulness into one sixty minute deep relaxation experience. Contact Kristina Arlene: 860-593-8224; BioStressRelief.com.
Ken Hoffman, DACM, LAc, Medical Director 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield 203-740-9300
Women’s Health: hormonal balancing, breast cancer prevention. Breast and full body thermography screening. Screening and treatment of chronic inflammation using medical infrared thermography (MIT). Safe, painless and non-invasive, thermography can detect early changes in breast tissue up to eight years before a mammogram. FDA-registered, our high-definition camera is the most advanced in the region.
Certified Career Coach Hypnotist, & Teacher of Active Dreaming TheaLitsios.com 203-693-1493
I help you clear away subconscious blocks and use intuition to discover your unique gifts. My clients create a meaningful career of their dreams that is Soul Centered. When you are ready to have a career that lights you up, call for a free 60-minute consultation. 12+ years experience helping clients connect to their soul. See ad, back cover.
Dr. Sian James, DACM, LAc, LMT, RYT Locations in Stamford, Westport & Fairfield 203-987-6585 AcuBlend.com
AcuBlend will serve your healthcare needs by blending the art and science of wellness, offering acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Tui Na, massage therapy, movement therapies, herbal medicine and much more. See ad, page 10.
Dr. Annamarie Nardini, DC & Dr. Matthew Nardini, DC 433 Boston Post Rd, Darien 203-244-8544
Info@TheHomesteadChiropractic.com TheHomesteadChiropractic.com
Drs. Anna and Matt Nardini are dedicated to helping you reclaim your health. With specialized training for pediatrics and pregnancy, they provide gentle, safe, and effective chiropractic care for the entire family. Drs. Nardini also provide you with personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and exercise recommendations to get you functioning your best!
Hygiene Centers of America 5 Edgewood Ave, Greenwich 203-661-1113
Info@DrSkordeles.com DrSkordeles.com
Dr. Christine Skordeles launched her office as a Cosmetic Digital Technology Dentist for the past 20 plus years in Midtown Manhattan and is now open in Greenwich.
Dr. Skordeles has a commitment to new research, which is constantly evolving and changing dentistry. She is a graduate of Case Western Reserve School of Dental Medicine. See ad, page 4.
Deana Paqua, MA, LMT Ridgefield and New Milford Deana.Paqua@gmail.com EmbodyTheSacred.net
Offering classes, training programs, healing sessions and mentoring in cross-cultural energy medicine and contemporary shamanism for healers, spiritual seekers and the energy sensitive. Learn self-healing, self-empowerment and trauma transformation through the sacred.
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.
~Jim Rohn
Transformative Healing • Tarot Virtual and In-Person Sessions 203-856-9566 • BethLeas.com
If not now, when? Inspire change on all levels—greater physical ease, emotional freedom, peace of mind and spiritual connection. 30+ years of intuitive healing experience with adults and children of all ages. Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tarot. See ad, back cover.
49 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel 203-994-1207 • Wayne@WayneLeiss.com WayneLeiss.com
Essential oils address stress reduction, support the natural functioning of body systems and can enhance overall well-being. They are used in topical, internal and aromatic applications. Improve physically, emotionally and spiritually as Wayne teaches you about the benefits and uses of massage with natural and pure dōTERRA Essential Oils. See ad, back cover.
374 New Haven Ave, Milford 203-283-5968
Hello@ReviveSaltTherapy.com ReviveSaltTherapy.com
A Holistic Healing Spa for Body, Mind, and Soul. We offer Halotherapy/Salt Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Massage Therapy, Sound Healing, Yoga, and Wellness plus a Crystal Shop. We offer unique and potent products and services to accelerate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. See ad, back cover.
90 Grove St, Ste 206, Ridgefield 212-688-4818
• Contact@DrMasiello.com DrMasiello.com
Dr. Masiello is a classical homeopath and a cranial osteopath. Dr. Masiello provides in-person visits for patients in the NYC metro area and multiple counties in southeastern NY and southwestern CT. He also provides telemedicine services. He is board certified in Homeopathy and Osteopathic Manipulation. He treats adults and children of all ages.
Ken Hoffman, DACM, LAc, Medical Director 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield 203-740-9300
Using naturopathic and Chinese medical principles, we get to the source of your health concerns. Diagnostic methods include functional testing such as advanced bloodwork analysis, cardiovascular testing, hormone evaluation and thermography. Our customized treatment program includes acupuncture, herbal and nutritional medicine, diet and lifestyle counseling and more. Most insurance accepted.
Dr. Randy Schulman, MS, OD, FCOVD Dr. Jason Grygier Dr. Diana Ngo Dr. Justin Rapp Dr. Sonia Singh Dr. Magy Tepliz
Locations: 6515 Main St, Trumbull • 203-374-2020 444 Westport Ave, Norwalk • 203-840-1991 2600 Post Rd, Southport • 203-255-4005 1425 Bedford St, 1M, Stamford • 203-357-0204 CTEyecareAssociates.com
We offer behavioral optometry, comprehensive vision exams, contact lenses and vision therapy. Call to schedule your appointment today.
Lynda Mettler, ACC Transformation Coach & Reiki Master 203-623-6066
If you had an abundance of confidence, courage and creativity, what would be different? Applying the powerful approaches of Parts Work, meditation, energy healing, and life coaching, you will move beyond negative self-talk to discover what you’re truly capable of. Then we’ll build strategies to move you toward the life you imagine.
9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding 203-244-3130
We teach and practice Mahasati meditation. Mahasati meditation cultivates selfawareness through attention to the movement of the body and, at more advanced levels, to the movement of the mind. No prior meditating experience is necessary. Ongoing weekly meditation classes, retreats and events. Please check monthly event calendar or visit ReddingMeditation.org for updated information.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares
Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a metaphysical artist, photographer and musician available for performances, concerts and ceremonies. Bobbi’s band Hummingbird and Friends is well- known for their eclectic blend of chants, jazz, blues, reggae and country. As a solo performer/ poet & singer, her influences include John Cage, Sun Ra & Laurie Anderson. Her artwork can be viewed at Gallery 25 in New Milford and online. She studied improvisation with Bobby McFerrin, vocal yoga with Heather Lyle, and sound healing with Silvia Nakkach, John Beaulieu and Don Conreaux See ad, page 20.
51 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959 • TheAngelCoop.com Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
The Angel Cooperative is a unique lifestyle boutique featuring the first and only Shungite Room in the USA. Wide selection of crystals, jewelry, candles, essential oils, divination tools, spiritual gifts, statuary, oracle decks and tarot and home décor. Available in The Shungite Room: readings, Reiki, meditation, sound therapy, energy work, workshops, and special events. See ad, page 17.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.
Dr. Amy Wiesner
91 East Ave, Second Floor, Norwalk 203-962-5887
• DrAmyWiesner@gmail.com HealthfulHarmony.com
Dr. Wiesner, practicing for almost 20 years, uses acupuncture, lifestyle medicine, nutritional supplementation and homeopathy to help her patients achieve health and well-being. Infertility, Diabetes, Stress, Pain, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Allergies, Headaches, Cardiovascular Disease, Lyme Disease, Menstrual Disorders, other imbalances.
Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies
805 Kings Highway East, Fairfield 203-331-9111
A combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. See ad, page 9.
Vis Wellness Center
Rocky Hill & TeleMedicine Statewide (234) 2-ACU-DOC • DrNicoleKlughers.com Info@DrNicoleKlughers.com
Dr. Nicole Klughers offers comprehensive naturopathic care to restore optimal health and prevent disease. Dr. Nicole’s “health detective” approach identifies the root cause of symptoms and provides all-natural solutions such as personalized nutrition (food as medicine), herbal medicine, nutrient therapies, acupuncture and more. In-depth assessment is often done with detailed testing of vitamins/ minerals, hormones, advanced cardiovascular markers, inflammation, food sensitivities, gut/ microbiome and more. See ad, page 11.
OFFICE OF DR. MICHAEL WALD 29 King St, 2nd Fl, Chappaqua NY 10514 914-552-1442
Info@BloodDetective.com DrMichaelWald.com #BloodDetective
Dr Wald is a holistic DC, Nutritionist, and Dietician whose Blood Detective software, labs and detailed consult help get to the cause(s) of persistent health issues. Conditions include autoimmune, weight loss, anti-aging, cancer, GI issues, depression, and more. See ad, page 5.
Andrea Garin Kopilak 917-583-3218
Andrea@C2FCoach.com Connect2FlourishCoaching.com
As the Founder of Connect2Flourish, I use a coaching process grounded in the science of positive psychology and awareness coaching to help empower clients to utilize their strengths, so that they can build resilience, make important connections, and choose what flourishing looks like for them.
Coaching/Psychotherapy/Consulting Offices in Norwalk and Ridgefield 914-572-3167
Manage stress with relaxation techniques. Rediscover your creativity through writing and the expressive arts. Resolve trauma with EMDR, IFS or SE. Or book an experiential workshop! Nancy has over 20 years of experience with children, families, groups, adults and corporate wellness programs.
Angelic Healing Center 7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk 203-852-1150
Gigi is an experienced Reiki Master/Teacher. She offers all levels of Reiki training monthly. All classes and Reiki sessions include the latest techniques including Karuna, Angelic and Jikiden Reiki.
Gail Christie, Holy Fire Reiki Master Stamford and Mt Kisco, NY 203-979-0918
Gail will help balance your energy and help you reach a whole new level of healing with Holy Fire Reiki. She offers gently powerful Holy Fire healing sessions, Reiki-infused meditations and Usui/Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki certification classes. See ad, back cover.
JoAnn Inserra Duncan, MS, RMT 100B Danbury Rd, Ste 101, Ridgefield 203-438-3050
JoAnn uses intuition, experience and a deep spiritual connection in her Reiki, IET and Reconnective Healing sessions. Specializing in care for individuals with cancer, back pain, Lyme disease and other tick borne illnesses. All Reiki levels taught.
787 Main St, S Woodbury 203-586-1172
Combining an array of natural therapies that have been used since ancient times with today’s technology, Salt of the Earth Spa provides a sanctuary for deep transformations, healing and grounding for Mind, Body and Spirit. See ad, page 9.
The Angel Cooperative 51 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959 • TheAngelCoop.com
The first and only Shungite Room in the USA. Shungite is the only natural material known to contain fullerenes, a naturally occurring antioxidant. Shungite is believed to have active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers. The Shungite Room hosts readings, Reiki, meditation, sound therapy, energy work, workshops, and special events. The public is welcome to enjoy the room at no charge when the room is not in use. See ad, page 17.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a sound yoga and vocal yoga teacher, blues/jazz singer, and Reiki master, certified in several modalities of energy and sound healing. She offers Hummingbird Sound Yoga and sound healing immersions for groups and private sessions. Using earth, dance and symphonic gongs, bowls, tuning forks and humming-for-health meditations, her goal is to help individuals experience becoming “one with sound” to promote a deep relaxation response that balances energy and encourages healing. See ad, page 20.
Transformation Coach, Shamanic Healer 203-820-3800
Katie will assist you in reaching your true potential and heal what has been holding you back. You will experience real self-acceptance and start to live in alignment with who you truly are so you can create a life you love, a life of meaning and purpose. See ad, back cover.
Bradford Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT Remote: Phone or Zoom 860-830-5841 • Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com CrystalMusicHealing.com
My goal is to empower you to develop spiritually and professionally. I offer UWT energy and gemstone healing with guided visualization for spiritual healing and self-actualization, and transformational voice activation coaching sessions. I teach certification classes in Universal White Time (UWT), Lemurian Intuitive (LSINH), Crystal, and Sound Healing. I use these techniques, and more to help you to obtain authentic expression, empowerment, and transformation. You can purchase personally attuned crystals and gemstones through me. My clients and students gain a renewed clarity and a sense of purpose as they perceive their truth and remove blockages that distort their perception. Contact me for a free 30 minute consultation. See ad, page 11.
Located next door to The Angel Cooperative 49 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959
TheAngelCoop.com Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
555 Post Rd, Darien 203-658-7667
Info@SaltCaveofDarien.com SaltCaveofDarien.com
Our wellness destination offers an oasis of peace, calm and serenity. Whether you want to release stress, address a health challenge, or gather with friends and family, the Cave is inviting, warm and soothing. Check out our website for the many different ways to experience the benefits of our healing salt! See ad, back cover.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares
Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
BSoares@LightOfTheNewMoon.com HummingbirdSoundYoga.com Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a sound yoga and vocal yoga teacher, blues/jazz singer, and Reiki master, certified in several modalities of energy and sound healing. She offers Hummingbird Sound Yoga and sound healing immersions for groups and private sessions. Her goal is to help individuals experience becoming “one with sound” to promote a deep relaxation response that balances energy and encourages healing. See ad, page 20.
Transformative Healing • Tarot Virtual and In-Person Sessions 203-856-9566 • BethLeas.com
If not now, when? Inspire change on all levels—greater physical ease, emotional freedom, peace of mind and spiritual connection. 30+ years of intuitive healing experience with adults and children of all ages. Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tarot. See ad, back cover.
The Angel Wing is next door to The Angel Cooperative. It has a large yoga room and private treatment room.
The Angel Wing hosts workshops, retreats, readings, energy work sessions, Reiki and Reiki Certification classes, massage, sound and gong baths, guided meditations, acupuncture, and yoga classes and yoga teacher training. It is also available to rent on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Optional rental spaces include a large open room and/or an intimate private room with massage/Reiki table. See ad, page 17.
Jessica & Peter Chichester
792 Pacific St, Stamford 203-595-5304
Info@HauteHealingOasis.com HauteHealingOasis.com
HHO is your feel-great place! A 3,500-square-foot wellness spa and healing center featuring over a dozen wellness services in a caring feng shui inspired atmosphere. If you need relaxation, detoxification, body contouring or rehabilitation services, then you should check them out. See ads, pages 7 and 23.
Ingrid Prueher
85 Mill Plain Rd, 3rd Flr, Fairfield 203-254-YOGA (9642)
Info@Yoga4Everybody.net Yoga4Everybody.net
A serene yoga studio placed in the heart of downtown Fairfield at the Sportsplex where you can experience yoga, meditation, and aerial classes in-person, online or via video-on-demand. There are also a variety of workshops and trainings that you can attend: Drum Circles, Gong, Reiki Trainings, Wim Hof Method and Yoga Teacher Training in the heart of Fairfield, CT. Also available: Thermography, Reiki, Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Tarot, and Shamanic Therapy private sessions. See ad, back cover.
203TLC is a community of accredited health and wellness providers offering a wide variety of services and products.
Founded in 1997 by Beth Leas, the TLC Tribe is Fairfield County’s largest holistic health resource - a vibrant and growing community of over 90 Members, committed to living consciously and offering healthy lifestyle opportunities. We offer high quality private sessions, products, workshops, classes and resources designed to help you live life well.
VISIT US: www.203TLC.com • www.TribeTLC.com • FB: Tribe TLC • 203-856-9566
Thea Litsios, Certified Career Coach & Hypnotist. Assisting you in creating your dream career. Learn how to use your intuition to guide you on your career path. thealitsios.com • 203-693-1493
Wayne Leiss, LMT, CAO Adventures in Connection. dōTERRA Essential Oils, Symphony of the Cells™ Applications and Massage Therapy 49 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel, CT 06801 Wayne@WayneLeiss.com WayneLeiss.com • 203-994-1207
Gregg Kirk, Lyme Recovery Clinic & Detox Center
Heal from chronic illness through all-natural herbal treatments, intensive detox, cleanses & energy healing. 528 Post Rd, Darien Gregg.Kirk@gmail.com 203-858-9725
Ingrid Prueher, Yoga For Everybody A serene yoga studio where you can experience yoga, meditation, and aerial classes in-person, online or by video-on-demand, plus other workshops & trainings. 85 Mill Plain Road, 3rd Fl, Ffld, CT 203-254-9642 • Yoga4Everybody.net Info@Yoga4Everybody.net
Gail Christie, Joyful Living Reiki
Holy Fire Reiki Master. Private Reiki sessions, Reiki-infused meditations and all levels of Reiki classes. Online and in Stamford, CT and Mt Kisco, NY JoyfulLivingReiki.com 203-979-0918
Halotherapy/Salt Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Massage Therapy, Sound Healing, Yoga, Wellness + Crystal Shop. revivesalttherapy.com 374 New Haven Ave, Milford, CT 203-283-5968
Salt Cave of Darien
Salt therapy, massage, meditation, yoga & more!
555 Post Rd, Darien Info@SaltCaveofDarien.com SaltCaveofDarien.com 203-658-7667
Beth Leas
25+ Years Experience
Private Sessions, Workshops, Events In-person or by phone bethleas.com 203-856-9566
Diane Nicosia, MBA, ibalanceLLC
Certified Coach & Reiki Master Teacher. Move forward toward your personal & business goals. In person or Zoom. NicosiaDiane@gmail.com ibalanceuthrive.com 203-858-5848
Katie Augustyn, MA, CPC
Transformation Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Evolution Trainer, Energy Healer, TV Host TransformationCenterCT.com 203-820-3800
Get to know us at TLC’s monthly networking breakfast!
Looking for a relaxed group of professionals offering a supportive community, free networking events, many affordable marketing opportunities, and FUN?
We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at Valencia Luncheria, 164 Main St, Norwalk, CT, from 8:30 -10:00a.m. Come the first time as Beth's guest - and if you find your time with us worthwhile, we invite you to become a TLC Member. Please RSVP to Beth Leas at: 203-856-9566 (call/text) or TLCBethLeas@gmail.com so she can reserve your place.