203TLC is a community of accredited health and wellness providers offering a wide variety of services and products.
Founded in 1997 by Beth Leas, the TLC Tribe is Fairfield County’s largest holistic health resource - a vibrant and growing community of over 90 Members, committed to living consciously and offering healthy lifestyle opportunities. We offer high quality private sessions, products, workshops, classes and resources designed to help you live life well.
VISIT US: www.203TLC.com
Thea Litsios, Certified Career Coach & Hypnotist. Assisting you in creating your dream career. Learn how to use your intuition to guide you on your career path.
thealitsios.com • 203-693-1493
Lauri Ingram, The Liminal Studio Connect with your authentic self, remove what blocks you from thriving in life & deepen your spiritual life. Ordained interfaith minister & life event officiant. Bethany, CT • Lauri@LauriIngram.com LauriIngram.com • 203-435-5650
Diane Nicosia, MBA, ibalanceLLC
Certified Coach & Reiki Master Teacher. Move forward toward your personal & business goals. In person or Zoom. NicosiaDiane@gmail.com ibalanceuthrive.com
Katie Augustyn, MA, CPC
Transformation Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Evolution Trainer, Energy Healer, TV Host TransformationCenterCT.com
Gail Christie, Joyful Living Reiki Holy Fire Reiki Master. Private Reiki sessions, Reiki-infused meditations and all levels of Reiki classes. Online and in Stamford, CT and Mt Kisco, NY JoyfulLivingReiki.com
TLC • 203-856-9566
Beth Leas
25+ Years Experience
Private Sessions, Workshops, Events
In-person or by phone
Wayne Leiss, LMT, CAO Adventures in Connection. dōTERRA Essential Oils, Symphony of the Cells™ Applications and Massage Therapy
49 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel, CT 06801 Wayne@WayneLeiss.com WayneLeiss.com • 203-994-1207
Gregg Kirk, Lyme Recovery Clinic & Detox Center Heal from chronic illness through all-natural herbal treatments, intensive detox, cleanses & energy healing. 528 Post Rd, Darien Gregg.Kirk@gmail.com 203-858-9725
Ingrid Prueher, Yoga For Everybody A serene yoga studio where you can experience yoga, meditation, and aerial classes in-person, online or by video-on-demand, plus other workshops & trainings. 85 Mill Plain Road, 3rd Fl, Ffld, CT 203-254-9642 • Yoga4Everybody.net Info@Yoga4Everybody.net
Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties eNaturalAwakenings.com
Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness
Halotherapy/Salt Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Massage Therapy, Sound Healing, Yoga, Wellness + Crystal Shop.
374 New Haven Ave, Milford, CT 203-283-5968
Salt Cave
Salt Cave of Darien
Salt therapy, massage, meditation, yoga & more! 555 Post Rd, Darien
We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at Valencia Luncheria, 164 Main St, Norwalk, CT, from 8:30 -10:00a.m.
Come the first time as Beth’s guest! Please RSVP to Beth Leas at: 203-856-9566 (call/text) or TLCBethLeas@ gmail.com so she can reserve your place.
Don't miss interviews and lifestyle tips for reducing stress.
Scan the QR code to JOIN US LIVE ONL INE as these top women in wellness share their expert insights for reducing stress and achieving WELLthier Living!
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Happy Earth Day! This month, we are focused on sustainability in honor of Earth Day.
Check out this month’s content to learn more about how to reduce toxins, eat sustainably, farm with the planet in mind and more. Make sure you look for local Earth Day events to celebrate the holiday and learn how to make a difference locally and at home every day.
On page 14, “Accelerating Grassroots Sustainability in CT” takes a look at the nonprofit organization Sustainable CT, and its mission to help create local change. Then on page 18, our feature article is all about stepping away from industrialized agriculture.
Due to personal circumstances, we have moved the Natural Living Directory issue to May. This means you have more time to participate in this year’s edition and be seen by all of the local healthy eating community members. For more information and to participate, see the ad on the back cover.
To a more sustainable future,
Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
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Howwould it feel to notice and be grateful for the everyday wonders in your life more often? Can you see how your life would be different if you could make choices with more clarity and feel more confident? Would you like to rewrite the stories you tell yourself that might be keeping you stuck?
The Transformation Center will host a full-day retreat that uses spiritual technology to guide you in hearing your Higher Self clearer and developing this relationship with You, on April 30, from 10am to 5pm. Participants will spend the day with Ahalya Running Deer and like-minded friends. As an Elder, Ahalya has shared her wisdom as a Spiritual Teacher and Medicine Woman for over four decades. To learn more about Ahalya, visit SelfMasteryandShamanism.com.
You will learn to connect with your Source, your Allies and Guides and the Power and Guidance of the natural world. Intuition increases and you will begin to see the answers to your questions are always available. Develop confidence and a deep trust to find your answers. Teachings covered in the retreat: embracing and developing your Inner Guidance; using communication as a healing tool; insights from yogic philosophy, Buddhism, Zen, the Tao, Christianity, Shamanism and human potential; meditation; Japa; contemplation; chanting; and healing sessions.
For more information and to register, visit TransformationCenterCT.com. Location: The Transformation Center, 7 Reimer Rd, Westport. Cost: $150. See ad, page 2.
The Institute for Holistic Health Studies (IHHS), at Western Connecticut State University, will sponsor a presentation by Dr. Shawn Carney, a local naturopathic physician who will speak on the topic, “Anxiety in the Post COVID-19 World”. This event will be held in White Hall room 127, on the WCSU Midtown campus, on April 12, at 7pm. The public is invited to attend the presentation. A donation of $10 is requested to benefit the Institute for Holistic Health Studies.
Carney has a long history of helping patients of all ages with many different health concerns. After graduating with honors as a double major in environmental science and philosophy from Purchase College in New York, Carney continued to pursue a fusion of these interests by undertaking a career in integrative medicine. He received a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the University of Bridgeport after having worked for several engineering and environmental science firms and serving as a full-time emergency medical technician.
Carney has studied with the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS), and treats patients with a wide variety of concerns including ADD/ADHD, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease and thyroid disorders. He practices at Northeast Natural Medicine, in Newtown (NENaturalMedicine.com).
For more information, call 203-837-8559, email AutuoriC@wcsu.edu or visit wcsu.edu/IHHS.
Michael Rosenbaum, advanced certified hypnotherapist, metaphysician practitioner, transformational hypnotherapist and spiritual coach, provides Soul Journeying - Introducing You to Your Soul's Wisdom, in Danbury, Connecticut, and Mt. Kisco, New York.
“You’ve been searching of a deep connection with your soul,” Rosenbaum says, “You’ve read about the benefits of connecting with your soul and the special wisdom it brings you. However, when you’ve been fortunate to experience that soul connection, it has been fleeting. Yes, you may have tasted something deeper in a meditation or yoga group or walk in nature, but that quickly vanished and you are not sure how to get it back.”
He advises, “There is a way I have helped hundreds of people take that spiritual journey to build a bridge to the soul. To connect you with your higher mind and a different kind of wisdom. A bigger and more expanded look at life and its purpose. I have gone down that path myself. I have been in a spiritual mystery school since 2006 and I bring to my clients the amazing things I have learned and experienced there.”
Free phone consultation. For more information, call 914-589-3601, email MichaelR@AlternativeChoices.org or visit AlternativeChoices.org.
SaltCave of Darien is hosting a trivia night on both April 21 and April 28, from 5 to 6:30pm. Trivia questions will be based on the Trivial Pursuit game covering 1980s to 2010s. Get ready to have some salty fun, win awesome prizes and bragging rights, while breathing in healthy salt.
Check-in is between 5 and 5:30pm, when guests will enjoy light bites and a complimentary glass of wine or tea. Feel free to bring your own beverages. The game starts promptly at 5:30pm and goes to 6:30pm.
Create your own team of two or three people or be teamed up. Tickets are $50 per person.
For more information and to reserve a spot, visit SaltCaveOfDarien.com/special-events. Location: 555 Post Rd, Darien. See ad, page 2.
The Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies
(IANT) is proud to announce the grand opening of a satellite clinic for their Fairfield practice. This satellite clinic, located at 82 Bradley Road, Suite 6, in Madison, will welcome patients on Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
Dr. Neeru N. Kaushik, ND, MS Acu, MS has been practicing with IANT since its start in April 2006, with Dr. Neha Kaushik, NMD, MS, MPH joining in April 2020. This new location will offer the same services and therapies as the clinic in Fairfield, including: panchakarma, abhayanga, shirodhara, swedana, udvartina, virchana, basti, nasya, constitutional hydrotherapy and acupuncture, as well as rejuvenation, pain management and anti-aging packages.
Ayurveda is a centuries-old healthcare system and Drs. Kaushik combine the wisdom of this ancient modality with the modern science-based knowledge of naturopathy to assist patients on their own unique health journey. The result is a program blended specifically to the patient’s particular needs based on their body constitution.
Assessments—used to determine the cause of the condition so that it can be treated at the root and not just at the symptom level—might include pulse and tongue analysis, iridology and muscle assessment, as well as heavy metal and food intolerance testing. Treatment regimens would then combine a diet and/or detox plan, herbal/vitamin supplements and lifestyle coaching.
For more information, call 203-331-9111, email Health@AyurCT.com or visit AyurCT.com. See ad, page 16.
The Connecticut Chapter of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) invites the public to explore the value of coaching during life’s transitions with complimentary coaching sessions during International Coaching Week, which takes place May 8 to 14.
Is your life in transition? Are you starting a business, changing careers, becoming an empty nester, re-entering the dating world or trying to create healthy habits? The right coach can help you work through these changes in a positive, adventurous way. During International Coaching Week, ICF’s Connecticut Chapter members are offering free coaching sessions with no obligation. The free coaching sessions offered can help ease life transitions.
International Coaching Week is an annual, weeklong global celebration that educates the public about the value of working with a professional coach. The Connecticut Chapter includes nearly 300 coaches throughout the state across numerous coaching specialties, including career, life, relationship, leadership, business, executive and more.
For more information, to register for a free coaching session or search the member coach directory, visit ICF-CT.org.
New York-based Shen Yun, the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, has grown exponentially since its inception in 2006. Through dance and music, it aims to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, showing audiences “China before communism”.
Shen Yun will perform at the Palace Theater in Stamford, from April 27 to 30.
“[I’ve] been waiting six years to see this show,” said Joanne Tokessy, a drummer and retired professional ballet dancer, after seeing the show on March 19. “It absolutely has changed my life today… I can’t stop crying. It is the most beautiful show I have seen in my life.”
Tokessy said she felt a brilliant flash of light during the performance, not from the production, but something from above. “I’ve got goosebumps again,” she said, describing where the light had emerged. “Something happened to me today and I am vibrating inside. I am literally vibrating in my soul, and my heart is just pouring, full of love, and it is just incredible.”
Tokessy felt the experience at the performance was also triggering some form of natural healing, and she felt great warmth emanating from her hands, heat moving through her body and a deep transformation. “Mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, I am forever changed. I believe I am healing right now… I feel like my soul has been cleansed,” she described. “This vibration, it’s the frequency of love. This is what [Shen Yun] portrayed. The story is beyond amazing. The dancers, the orchestra, the music— I don’t know how you come out of the show not changed.”
For more information and tickets, visit ShenYun.com. See ad, page 17.
Your destination for Conscious Living and Energy Resource Center. Offering a wide array of physical, mindfulness, and spiritual holistic therapies, we have the perfect treatment for you. Join us for a personal or group session.
Demirjian, of Hilda Demirjian Laser & Skin Care Center, was honored with the invitation to the International Conference on Laser, Optics and Photonics on March 27 and 28 in Paris, France. Demirjian was the only aesthetic laser professional invited as an Eminent Speaker from the continental U.S. She spoke about Collagen Laser Treatment and her botanically derived and treatment-oriented skincare products, and how she combines the science of laser with the ancient world of skin care. This is a great achievement for a small business owned by a woman from Persia, the mecca of skin care.
For more information, visit HildaDemirjianLaser.com. See ad, page 21.
TheCT Department of Economic and Community Development has announced Round 3 of its CT Communities Challenge Grant Program—a competitive grant program (awarding $1M to $10M per project) to improve livability, vibrancy, convenience and equity in communities throughout the state. The deadline for applications is May 3. Awardees will be announced in July.
Successful projects may include the following elements: transit-oriented development, downtown/major hub development, essential infrastructure that facilitates future development, housing, mobility improvements and public space improvements.
Eligible applicants include municipalities, economic development agencies and regional councils of governments. Public-private partnerships are encouraged. Eligible entities are welcome to partner with private developers, business organizations, other institutions or each other to apply.
For more information and to apply, visit tinyurl.com/CTChallengeGrantProgram.
Two Londonbased roboticists, Mirko Kovac and Robert Stuart-Smith, have developed new technology that mimics the way bees work together to build a structure. They used two free-flying drones to build a human-sized tower. The “build drone” carried expanding foam and sprayed it in slow, steady circles to form layers, while the “scan drone” surveyed the structure and identified spots where the last layer was either too thin or too thick, and it then created a plan for the build drone to even things out on the next pass to keep the structure straight and sturdy.
In a second demonstration of the technology, the drones made a cylinder the size of a large round cake using a cement-like material. The duo exhibited a great deal of precision in stacking the material to within millimeters.
The team plans to take the drones outdoors to deal with the elements and add to the complexity of the objectives and number of drones involved. If the technology can be perfected, these collaborative construction drones could be used in places where it is difficult for humans and heavy machinery to reach, like the tops of buildings, remote pipelines and disaster areas.
Don't miss interviews and lifestyle tips for reducing stress.
Scan the QR code to JOIN US LIVE ONL
as these top women in wellness share their expert insights for reducing stress and achieving WELLthier Living!
wellness share their expert insights for reducing stress and achieving WELLthier Living!
ThisMay, join Natural Awakenings and KnoWEwell for a women’s wellness event— Overcoming Stress: How to Balance It All—beginning May 2, 2023. Each Tuesday of the month, at 5 p.m. PDT/8 p.m. EDT, top integrative and functional medicine experts in women’s health will present cutting-edge insights into the many ways that stress can impact hormones, thyroid function, fertility and libido, and also provide tangible recommendations to improve skin care, aging, sleep and mindset.
Featured speakers include:
u Anna Cabeca, board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, author of The Hormone Fix
Kela Smith, PhD DNM Stress & Fertility
share their expert for stress achieving Living!
u Trevor Cates, naturopathic doctor, author of Clean Skin From Within
u Anne Marie Fine, naturopathic doctor, author of Cracking the Beauty Code
u Carrie Jones, functional medicine physician specializing in hormone and thyroid health
u Arti Chandra, double-board-certified physician specializing in integrative and functional medicine and public health
as these top women
u Jaclyn Smeaton, naturopathic doctor specializing in hormone health and reproductive medicine
wellness share their expert
Anne Marie Fine, ND Cracking the Beauty Code
u Jaquel Patterson, naturopathic physician, success coach, author of Women and Lyme
u Carol A. Penn, board-certified physician, mindset coach, author of Meditation in a Time of Madness
Jaclyn Chasse, ND Stress and Fertility
Kela Smith, PhD DNM Stress & Fertility
Kela Smith,
Jyl Steinbeck Women’s Health & Homeopathy
u Kela Smith, holistic-integrative fertility and hormone doctor
Jaclyn Chasse, ND Stress and Fertility
u Jyl Steinbeck, personal trainer and lifestyle expert
reducing stress thier Living!
Cost: $59 event fee includes all Tuesday evening sessions. To learn more and register please scan the QR code below or in the ad on page 3.
PhD DNM Stress & Fertility
Barbara “Bobbi” Soares is a certified sound healing coach and vocal yoga practitioner in New Milford. She is available for concerts, and musical performances for gatherings, workshops, community events. Connect at BSoares@LightOfTheNewMoon.com or 860-946-9470 or find Hummingbird Sound Yoga on Facebook. See ad, page 8. ©2023 B Soares
Iwas 17 years old when I first experienced yoga. It was during Denise Austin’s morning exercise program. Instead of the usual cooldown stretching, she instructed her audience to breathe into the back of their throats with mouths closed and move with the breath. The long held, intentional poses stirred something deep in my soul. It was a remembering that suddenly poked a dormant part of myself. From a clumsy television in my parents’ bedroom, I found a lifelong friend.
Yoga has been my companion throughout my life. It was a practice that allowed me to turn inward and gave me permission—no, it demanded me—to downsize my world to just 2’ by 6’. In that small rectangle, I processed some of my most
traumatic and harrowing experiences. The safe cocoon of my practice allowed me to cry through vinyasas, nurture my inner child in balasana and triumph at reaching my edge.
My practice was the place where I went to rediscover myself. When the congestion of life, activities, work, family and disappointments were roadblocks to me entering my heart, yoga was the portal. It never demanded more from me than I could give. In return, I allowed myself to surrender to the direction of the teacher and the breath always went where I needed it most. I simply had to follow it. Yoga is the place where I didn’t have to have the answers. Again and again, it was my source of remembering. It activated the part of my soul, my ancient
DNA, that I needed, and it offered me sustenance for this world.
The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and the root word “yuj”—meaning “union”, to unite or to connect to. Approximately 2,500 years ago, Hindu author and sage Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutras in which he defined yoga as chitta-nirodhah, which means a state where the mind ceases to exist. It is through the eight limbs of yoga that one weaves together their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies—thus experiencing samadhi. Samadhi is the state where the self and God are one. It is described as ultimate bliss. Yoga offers one harmony, balance and the ability to quiet the mind so one can hear the navigation of one’s heart.
As we welcome the new Earth and the reemergence of the ascended human and the collective conscience, yoga plays an even bigger role in our lives. At this time, we can use yoga not only to strengthen our bodies for the incoming light codes, downloads and upgrades to our spiritual DNA, but also as a means to cleanse and purify our subtle bodies. We have entered into the Age of Aquarius and shifted from 3D to 5D reality. The fifth dimension carries a higher frequency based on unconditional love, support, collective consciousness and the sacred balance of masculine and feminine energies.
The ascending human is searching for ways to unite humanity and support their own dharma. Yoga offers the sojourner the map. It unifies the mind, body and soul into oneness, just the way humanity is weaving itself back from fragmented pieces to oneness.
Yoga is our remembering. As citizens of Earth, we are remembering our gifts. We are remembering our true essence. We are remembering that love must be our guiding principle. With the support of a yoga practice illuminating the way, the divine blueprint can be realized.
Christy Abate is co-owner of The Angel Cooperative, in Ridgefield, and teaches Gentle Yoga on Tuesday mornings. The Angel Cooperative offers a variety of yoga classes at The Angel Wing, the divine spiritual center next door. Class options include vinyasa, gentle, yin with sound bath, kundalini with gong and restorative with tarot, as well as yoga workshops. Connect at 203-431-2959 or TheAngelCoop. com/yoga. See ad, page 21.
In the not-so-distant past, the word sustainability conjured images associated with global climate change warning signs such as polar bears clinging to ice floes and heaps of garbage floating on far-away oceans. These global concerns remain front and center on the federal level and international stages, but here in Connecticut the focus is hyper-local when it comes to effecting real change.
Sustainable CT, an independent nonprofit organization based in Storrs, Connecticut, has spent the past five years providing guidance, resources and funding for sustainability projects of all types at the grassroots local level all over the state. “Municipal decisions have a huge impact on the health and well-being of our individual communities,” explains Executive Director Lynn Stoddard. “The certification program we offer focuses on municipal leaders and the decisions they’re making to make their towns more resilient, livable and attractive.”
The Sustainable CT model is to inspire and accelerate sustainability actions by providing local municipalities with a broad menu of coordinated and voluntary best practice sustainability actions. “We’re trying to support, accelerate and showcase sustainability
action by towns and individuals,” Stoddard says. “We define ‘sustainability’ very broadly. Our certification program is at the heart of what we do. Participating towns are making a real difference in the quality of life for all their residents, and our certification roadmap helps guide them in creating thriving, resilient and sustainable communities.”
Stoddard cites real-life examples such as making school and town buildings more energy-efficient; designing more bike-friendly streets; creating community gardens on town property with produce donated to local food banks. “We take a bottom-up, grassroots approach to the very real problems many Connecticut towns are facing, based on the idea that people know what’s best for their own neighborhood and want to be involved in helping to change the situation,” Stoddard says. “The goal is to inspire municipalities to first do one thing to make a community more inclusive and connected. Then do one more. And so on.”
Once a town is registered with Sustainable CT, a team of municipal leaders and passionate local volunteers is formed. This local team then coordinates with Sustainable CT staff, resources and tools to identify and fund the specific sustainability actions which will count toward the town’s certification. Sustainable CT certification includes three levels: gold (new in 2023), silver and bronze; each of these requires a specific number of best practice actions be selected and implemented from hundreds of options in 12 different categories.
Categories include: clean and diverse transportation systems and choices; efficient physical infrastructure and operations; strategic and inclusive public services; dynamic and resilient planning; well-stewarded land and natural resources; thriving local business economies; efficient, diverse and affordable housing; vibrant and creative cultural ecosystems; and inclusive and equitable community impacts. Inclusivity and equity goals are a priority for many towns and Sustainable CT has added depth to their staff with a panel of equity coaches prepared to aid municipalities that want to improve in this area.
With more than 248 distinct local projects funded across the state to date, and approximately $3 million invested in the past three years alone, Sustainable CT’s efforts are having an impact across the state. In total, 131 municipalities are currently participating in the free voluntary programs offered by Sustainable CT and 59 towns are currently certified (each certification lasts three years). Twenty-four municipalities earned new Sustainable CT certification in 2022. As of now, 10 Fairfield County towns and six Litchfield County towns are certified. A few, like Stamford, were previously certified but are currently working on a new one. Both large and small, these municipalities are way-showers placing sustainability at the forefront of their future planning.
In Fairfield County, silver certified towns are: Darien, Fairfield, Greenwich, Norwalk, Stratford, Trumbull and Wilton. Bronzecertified towns include New Canaan, Norwalk, Ridgefield and Weston. In Litchfield County, New Milford and Litchfield have been certified at the silver level, while Canaan (Falls Village), Goshen, Torrington and Washington are currently certified at the bronze level. In addition to their certifications, Stratford and Fairfield have also been recognized as Climate Leaders, a new designation rolled out in fall 2022 to recognize municipalities whose targeted efforts are aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the changing climate.
“We are inspired by the leadership and commitment of all these communities,” Stoddard says. “From elected officials and town staff to resident volunteers, these certified towns and Climate Leaders are improving opportunities and quality of life for all.”
Sustainable CT is independently funded, with strong multi-year support from the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Hampshire Foundation, Connecticut Green Bank, Common Sense Fund, the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut and Fairfield County Community Foundation. Stoddard says there are local
Sustainable CT is a free, voluntary certification program that inspires, supports, and celebrates thriving and resilient Connecticut communities.
Match Fund program that boasts a simple application process leading to project kickoff in six to eight weeks. “This community match fund shifts the power dynamic directly to the people in the communities,” she explains. “For example, someone may want to clean up a run-down park area and plant new trees. We set them up on our crowdfunding platform, coach them and match every dollar they raise with dollars from Sustainable CT.”
She cites several examples from New Milford, which was silver certified in 2021 and has had two community match fund projects to date: the Great Brook cleanup and creation of a pollinator garden. New Milford Mayor Pete Bass is on the Sustainable CT Board of Directors, as is Laura Hoydick, Mayor of Stratford. “We’re finding that many municipal leaders are very interested to get involved with us,” Stoddard says, “because we share a positive vision for how we can make communities more connected and whole. That’s what our organization is all about.”
Food justice and community garden development has exploded in interest in recent years, she says, fueled in part by the pandemic and peoples’ interest in outdoor projects that could have a positive impact on their neighborhoods. “Like everyone, we weren’t sure what to expect when COVID happened, but we found that people had more time and town leaders were looking for positive ideas and messages. So, we actually filled a void for many at that time, and the momentum has continued.”
For example, Fairfield volunteers created a community garden on town property and the produce serves the local Food Bank, which saw use surge during the pandemic. Fairfield also instituted a Grow a Row for Hope gardening initiative, encouraging people with private gardens to dedicate a section of produce intended for donation to address food insecurity.
Sustainable CT has a wealth of resources available on their website and offers all towns the benefit of free webinars and access to support staff as well as consultancy. Many of the organization’s events are virtual, including their monthly coffee hours held on the third Friday of each month. April’s Coffee Hour will discuss a Yale program on Climate Change and Messaging; it will take place on April 21 at 10 a.m. via Zoom.
For more information about Sustainable CT and its many programs, email Info@SustainableCT.org or visit SustainableCT.org.
EXPERIENCE the brilliance and majesty of China’s civilization before communism. Exquisite beauty from the heavens, profound wisdom from dynasties past, timeless legends and ethnic traditions all spring to life through classical Chinese dance, enchanting live orchestral music, authentic costumes, and patented interactive backdrops. It is an immersive experience that will uplift your spirit and transport you to another world.
Join us for a night filled with courage and wisdom, light and hope...
Experience Shen Yun!
“A fascinating insight into what China’s culture used to be and what I hope one day will be restored to China.”
I’ve reviewed about 4,000 shows. None can compare to what I saw tonight.”
—Richard Connema, Broadway critic“There is a massive power in this. It brings great hope... It is truly a touch of heaven.”
—Daniel Herman, former Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic
“I encourage everyone to see and all of us to learn from.”
—Donna Karan, founder of DKNYWe all have to eat, and the food industry is big business, with wide-ranging implications across many arenas. Because agriculture is controlled by a handful of multinational corporations, the priority to maximize profits often conflicts with what is best for human and planetary health. In many ways, our food production and consumption practices are broken or on the brink of failure. They are inhumane, socially unjust, environmentally unsound and unsustainable. Viable, achievable solutions to these immense challenges exist, and the emerging consensus is that regenerative organic agriculture is the key to preserving human health and helping solve the climate crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic uncovered weaknesses in the system, such as supply chain vulnerabilities, and altered human behavior as more people started cooking at home and exploring healthier lifestyle choices. The time is right to make positive changes to the way we grow, distribute and consume food.
For decades, doctors, scientists, farmers and nonprofits at the forefront of the environmental movement have been sounding the alarm about the inherent weaknesses in the national food chain and the harmful effects of industrial agriculture. In his
book Food Fix: How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities and Our Planet—One Bite at a Time, Dr. Mark Hyman notes, “Food is the nexus of most of our world’s health, economic, environmental, climate, social and even political crises. While this may seem like an exaggeration, it is not.”
In the late 1800s, American farming began to transition from small, diverse operations that produced a variety of crops and livestock to feed a family or community to an industrialized system dominated by multinational corporations that focused on maximizing yields of just a few crops, primarily corn, soy and wheat. Today, these crops overwhelmingly end up as animal feed, biofuels and cheap, processed food ingredients—a staple of the standard American diet since the 1950s.
Industrial agriculture is now the dominant food production system in this country, characterized by large-scale monoculture, heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and meat produced in confined animal feeding operations (CAFO). Most modest family farms have been forced to either get into business with a big company (contract farming) or go out of business. The Natural Resources Defense Council reports that 90 percent of the 9 billion chickens raised each year in the U.S. are grown under contract, and 57 percent of hogs are owned and slaughtered by
just four companies. According to Rodale Institute, only 8 percent of farms produce more than four crops, while specialty crops like fruits, vegetables and nuts are grown on just 3 percent of cropland.
With industrial dominance comes numerous devastating consequences.
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, industrially produced food is bad for us on several fronts. Heavy pesticide use is poisoning our food, fertilizer is polluting our drinking water, junk food made of corn and soybeans is degrading our health and the overuse of antibiotics in CAFOs is accelerating the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Bioethicist Peter Singer advises, “Factory farms are breeding grounds for new viruses. We’ ve had swine flu and avian flu coming out of factory farms. It’s quite possible that the next pandemic will originate there.”
Zach Bush, a triple board-certified physician and producer of the documentary Farmer’s Footprint, says, “Over the last 25 years, we have seen the most profound explosion of chronic disease in human history. Research from around the globe now suggests that environmental factors are contributing to a combination of genetic, neurologic, autoimmune and metabolic injuries that underpin the collapse of health in our children and adults.”
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that chronic and mental health conditions account for 90 percent of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual health care expenditures. Obesity affects 20 percent of children and 42 percent of adults. More than 850,000 Americans die of heart disease or stroke annually, and 37 million have diabetes. Each year, more than 1.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer, while 600,000 succumb to the disease.
“Most of those diseases are caused by our industrial diet, which means they are avoidable if we transform the food we grow, the food we produce and the food we eat. Eleven million people die every year from a bad diet,” Hyman asserts.
Led by the Regenerative Organic Alliance, which includes organizations and brands like Rodale Institute, Dr. Bronner’ s and Patagonia, the Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) standard helps consumers make informed choices about their food purchases. Its three pillars—soil health, animal welfare and social fairness—are designed to ameliorate the problems associated with conventional agriculture.
Chemical-heavy farming practices employed by conventional agriculture deplete topsoil, draining it of all its organic matter—the very microbiome needed to nourish the plants we grow and ultimately nourish us. In 2014, Maria-Helena Semedo, of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, said that if current farming practices continue, we have only 60 years of harvest left. The clock is ticking.
Farming techniques proposed by the ROC are designed to continually rebuild soil. They are proven by years of science done at Rodale Institute and practical results achieved by regenerative organic farmers already growing food this way.
“On the farm that we operate here at the Institute, we know that Native Americans were farming this land 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. We’d like to be farming this land 8,000 to 10,000 years from now. We probably won’t be using tractors or diesel fuel,
but we will be using the soil,” says Rodale Institute CEO Jeff Moyer.
Under ROC standards that include a variety of rotating crops, cover crops, no tillage, no synthetic inputs of any kind, no genetically modified seeds and staggered grazing by animals, farms become biodiverse ecosystems with organically rich soil that absorbs water, doesn’t erode over time and produces safe, nutritious food. As J.I. Rodale said, “Healthy soil equals healthy food equals healthy people.”
Healthy soil draws carbon from the atmosphere deep into the ground, and that is a boost for our fight against climate change. “Regenerative organic farming has a very positive impact on climate, because we ’re sequestering more carbon than we are emitting,” Moyer explains. “Under its current production model, agriculture is part of the problem. If it’s part of the problem, then it can and should be part of the solution. That’s the whole premise behind the [ROC] standard itself—treating agriculture as one of the primary tools that we ’re going to use as a society to improve our relationship with the planet.”
Under the ROC model, animals must be raised in a humane way that frees them from discomfort, fear, distress, hunger, pain, injury and disease, while also being able to express normal behavior. To achieve these aims, they need to be taken out of CAFOs and reintegrated into farmland, so that they are pasture-raised and grass-fed, creating meat that is more nutritious and less diseased without chemical interventions.
“We’re integrating animals onto the cropland, with livestock, chickens, sheep and hogs. Imagine what the Great Plains of the United States was 500 years ago. You had bison, elk, deer, rabbits, wolves and myriad different birds, because the birds always followed the migrating animals. We’re trying to mimic that to a small degree on our ranch,” says North Dakota farmer Gabe Brown, who started transitioning into regenerative organic practices in the mid-1990s and wrote an influential book on the subject, Dirt to Soil: One Family’s Journey into Regenerative Agriculture.
Taking care of the farmers and workers that plant, raise, harvest and transport our food is not just the right thing to do, it also creates a system that is more stable and resilient, says Graham Christensen, a Nebraska farmer and president of GC Resolve. “There are serious issues with how the big agricultural companies are treating workers. We saw horrible situations with COVID in the meatpacking plants and how the workers were being treated. This is just one of the many reasons that this over-centralized, monopolized system is affecting people in bad ways,” he says. “Regenerative organic farming requires more hands-on work, which creates jobs. Structural changes in the food production system to decentralize agriculture in favor of regional markets comprised of smaller farms would allow for more equity and better management of the ecosystem.”
Jeff Moyer is CEO of Rodale Institute, which champions regenerative organic agriculture through scientific research, farmer-support programs and consumer education. On Earth Day, he plans to retire after dedicating 47 years to the influential nonprofit. Moyer revolutionized organic agriculture when he developed and popularized the roller crimper, a device that simplifies no-till crop management and reduces or eliminates the need for herbicides to control weeds. Under his leadership and as a member of the Regenerative Organic Alliance, Rodale Institute helped develop a Regenerative Organic Certified standard that expands USDA Certified Organic requirements to include soil health, animal welfare and social fairness pillars.
Because it boils down the measurement of farming success to one word: yield. By focusing just on yield and sacrificing longterm resource stability to get it, we’re chewing up topsoil at a national rate of five-anda-half tons per acre of farmland per year for short-term economic benefit. You can only do that so long before you run out of topsoil. It doesn’t make sense long-term.
We’re suggesting a different production model, based on science, that incorporates other metrics of success: soil health and long-term planetary and human health. As a side bar, let’s say you’re a smoker and you stop smoking—your lungs will regenerate. The same is true with soil. If we change production practices, the soil will regenerate.
Under our Regenerative Organic Certified standard, we want well-thought-out crop rotations to get more biodiversity into the system, cover crops and reduced tillage to get more earthworms, and a reintegration of livestock into farms. I’m not going to argue whether people should be eating animals, but if you are going to have animals in the system, they should be raised on farms with grass, not feed lots with grain.
Healthy soil is more biologically active and has a positive impact on climate because it doesn’t just sequester more carbon, it sequesters it at greater depths. We want carbon to last in the soil for a very long period of time. We don’t want it to be short-cycled in and out of the system, and we want to sequester it at greater depths where we can control it and maintain it
for hundreds of years. Ideally, we’ll get it deeper and deeper in the soil over time.
Affordability is a strange term. Can we produce all the food we need at a reasonable cost? Absolutely. The problem with the conventional model is that we don’t pay the true cost of food production at the point of purchase. As an example, when we have to dredge the Mississippi River because of all the soil that’s washing into it from agricultural lands, you don’t pay that bill at the supermarket or restaurant. You pay it as a hidden cost, buried in our tax structure.
In an organic system, you’re paying the true cost of the production of that food at the point of purchase, which makes more sense. And if you add the cost of human health—diabetes, heart disease—all the things that our current food production and food consumption model embodies, then the system we have now is outrageously expensive, and regenerative organic food is cheaper than conventional food.
Yes. In most parts of the world, we use agricultural lands to produce all kinds of commodity products that aren’t food. Forty percent of the corn we produce in the U.S. goes to ethanol production and another 40 percent goes to livestock feed. The ink
in your pen was made with soybean oil. If we decided to produce the most amount of food on an acre or hectare of land, we can produce way more food than we need.
What we’re saying is that conventional agriculture cannot feed the world longterm. In the short-term, we’re producing a lot of cheap food, but our current production model is doomed to failure over time because we’re going to run out of healthy soil to farm.
Very hopeful. The USDA says that most organic farms are more profitable and expanding at a more rapid rate than their conventional counterparts, and that’ s because we have a growing population of support in the marketplace. People are beginning to pay attention to how their food is produced, asking the right questions and recognizing that they have a vote with their food purchasing dollars. We’re seeing the concept of regenerative organic enter into the daily conversation, just like we did a few years ago with organic. People didn’t know what organic meant at first. Recent USDA statistics suggest that roughly 80 percent of the nation’s population has eaten something organic in the last 30 days, so people are seeking out organic, and we’re going to follow the same course with regenerative organic.
Knowing which foods have the least environmental impact is not always easy. Organic blueberries are considered Earth-protective because no pesticides were used to grow them, but if they were shipped from California to a Florida grocery store, the transportation represents a steep carbon footprint. And if we waited too long to eat those blueberries and had to throw them away, all of the resources spent on producing those fruits were wasted.
To get a fuller picture of our food-related environmental impacts, we need to take into consideration the many variables associated with the production, transportation and consumption of food, and that’s where the “foodprint” comes in—a barometer of eco-friendliness. There are many ways to calculate a foodprint; EarthDay.org/ foodprints-calculators lists a few automated calculators and food quizzes that can help. Here are noteworthy examples:
n EatLowCarbon.org compares the carbon emissions associated with different meals—ranging from bean soup (lowest CO2 emissions) to a Philly cheesesteak (highest).
n FoodPrint.org offers a questionnaire about a person’s food choices and follows up with tips to reduce their foodprint.
n FoodEmissions.com calculates the foodprint of specific foods like dairy or seafood by asking about the origination and destination of the food to determine transportation emissions, and by asking the consumer to self-report their percentage of waste to calculate the loss of natural resources.
When shopping for groceries, consider buying from food producers that support environmental stewardship, sustainability and regenerative farming practices in their production systems. A list of third-party certifications that can help identify re-
sponsibly manufactured foodstuffs can be found at Foodprint.org/ eating-sustainably/food-label-guide.
Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, owner of Sound Bites Nutrition, encourages her clients to eat local, seasonal produce. “[It] spares the environment, as it doesn’t need to be flown across the country, reducing fuel costs,” she explains, adding that local produce is generally more nutritious and cost effective.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 30 to 40 percent of the available food supply is wasted. While there are many reasons for food loss at all stages of production and delivery, consumers can have a major impact in reducing how much food is wasted.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides advice for properly storing foods in the refrigerator: leafy veggies go in the high-humidity drawer, while most fruits should be placed in the low-humidity bin. Some fruits like apples and avocados release ethylene gas and can cause nearby produce to spoil, so they should be stored separately. Wash berries just before eating them to prevent mold. Store potatoes, onion and garlic in a cool, dry, dark and well-ventilated place. Freeze bread, meat or leftovers that won’t be eaten before they spoil.
According to Registered Dietitian Lauren Panoff, one way that consumers can benefit the environment is by transitioning to a more plant-predominant lifestyle. “Plant foods utilize far fewer natural resources than industrial animal agriculture, which is also one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases and drivers of Amazon deforestation,” Panoff explains.
Patricia Kolesa, MS, RDN, founder of the Dietitian Dish, notes, “Plant-based proteins tend to be more affordable and can be stored longer than your animal proteins, helping reduce food waste.”
Nutritics, a food information company, offers a list of the highest-ranking foods when it comes to sustainability, considering inputs like water usage, carbon emissions or capture, land usage and nitrogen storage capabilities. Their list includes mussels, beans, lentils, peas and other legumes, mushrooms, seaweed, cereals and grains, and organic fruits and vegetables.
Perfectly fresh food that the family has decided not to eat can be donated to people in need. Visit FoodPantries.org to find a nearby soup kitchen or food bank. Compost scraps and spoiled items to divert them from landfills. For composting instructions by the USDA, visit Tinyurl.com/USDAcompost
Ana Reisdorf is a registered dietitian and freelance writer with more than 15 years of experience in the fields of nutrition and dietetics.
Our professional team of holistic and natural businesses provides community outreach and education. We are committed to improving the health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit in the communities we serve.
Elizabeth Raver, PhD Evidential Psychic-Medium, Loving Hearts Connections™ Facilitator, American Association of Psychics, Red Barn in Durham. Online & in person sessions. Drlizmedium.com • Ravelizabeth516@gmail.com
Dr. Nicole Klughers, ND, PharmD, MSAc Vis Wellness Center. Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncture Provider. Rocky Hill, CT & TeleMedicine Statewide • DrNicoleKlughers.com
info@DrNicoleKlughers.com • (234)2-ACU-DOC
Carolyn Coleridge Reiki Sessions and Mindfulness Meditation, Spiritual Life Coach, Mentor, Help people find Purpose & Healing Classes on Universal Consciousness and Intuition intuitivesoulhealing.com • Carcole9@hotmail.com
Rev. Bradford W. Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT Starseed Support, Universal White Time, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing • Sessions and Trainings crystalmusichealing.com • linktr.ee/bradfordtilden
See more holistic practitioners at: HolisticCommunityProfessionals.org
To join the HCP contact Shirley R. Bloethe at: 860-989-0033
$149 Includes Materials, Snacks & Drinks
1 rotisserie chicken, shredded
1 cup green cabbage, finely shredded
1 cup purple cabbage, finely shredded ½ cup carrot, finely shredded ¼ onion, sliced
½ cup peanut butter
presented by the Holistic Community Professionals
3 Tbsp coconut aminos
2 Tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp garlic Salt to taste
Konjac noodles (optional) Sesame seeds
In a skillet, heat one tablespoon of sesame oil. Add the sliced onions and cook until softened. Add shredded chicken, cabbage, carrot, coconut aminos, remaining sesame oil, garlic and salt to taste. Once the cabbage has wilted and cooked, add the peanut butter. Mix in noodles.
Keynote Speaker: Mary Holland, President and General Counsel
For more information please contact:
Vendors apply at: yourholisticevents.com
FB - Passport to Health and Wellness Expo
Serve hot, sprinkled with sesame seeds. For a vegan or vegetarian alternative, omit the chicken.
Used with permission of Madiha M. Saeed, M.D.
1½ cups cooked sushi rice, cooled
3 sheets nori paper
1 lb boneless, skinless wild-caught sockeye salmon, cubed (can substitute with mussels)
2 Tbsp sesame oil
1 Tbsp honey or maple syrup
½ tsp garlic powder
2 Tbsp coconut amino teriyaki sauce
Salt to taste
¼ cup avocado mayo
2 tsp sriracha sauce
1 tsp coconut aminos
½ avocado, diced small
2 tsp black sesame seeds
Preheat oven to 350°. Cook rice according to package instructions and set aside to cool. Mix spicy mayo ingredients and set aside.
Mix salmon ingredients and set aside. Cut each nori sheet into four equal squares. Line a muffin pan with unbleached muffin liners. To each nori square, add about 1 tablespoon of rice and top with the salmon mixture. Transfer the filled squares to the muffin pan. Bake 15 to 17 minutes for salmon or 7 to 10 minutes for mussels. Allow the sushi bites to cool slightly and top with avocado, sesame seeds and a drizzle of spicy mayo.
Used with permission of Madiha M. Saeed, M.D.
Offer valid through March 31, 2023
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Hilda Demirjian Skin Care ProductsToxins are in the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chemical Substances Control Inventory shows the magnitude of our potential exposure, listing more than 86,000 industrial chemicals that are manufactured or processed in this country. Despite regulations and safety protocols, a number of these dangerous compounds run off into waterways or are released into the atmosphere. Food manufacturers use some of them to preserve or beautify their products.
“We live in an increasingly toxic world, and the best defense against becoming overwhelmed by toxins is limiting what we take in as much as possible,” emphasizes Paul Anderson, an integrative and naturopathic clinician and co-author of Outside the Box Cancer Therapies. While our bodies are not designed to handle the accumulation of industrial chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceu-
ticals and radiation that seep into our personal space, we can take measures to reduce the assault and protect our health.
“For the health-conscious individual, toxins in the water is the top threat often overlooked or inadequately addressed,” says Rajka Milanovic Galbraith, an Illinois-based functional medicine practitioner, noting that drinking water is packed with chemicals like per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (also known as forever chemicals), solvents, pesticides, metals, bleach and radiological contaminants such as uranium and cesium. These substances can cause cancer, reproductive health concerns, and kidney and liver problems.
“I have treated hundreds of patients who have restored their health and are already eating and living clean by properly filtering their water, but sometimes, even when using a very expensive water filtration system, people will still find high levels of contaminants like MTBE [methyl tertiary-butyl ether], an additive in unleaded gasoline that is banned in several states,” Galbraith says. “Reverse osmosis typically filters most hazardous chemicals from your water, but they can be pricier. An inexpensive alternative are the filters from Clearly Filtered, which reportedly remove 99 percent of MTBE, among many other chemicals.”
“Everyone should try to filter their water with any means available, from a carbon block pitcher to the most aggressive method using a reverse osmosis water filter under their sink. Given the state of municipal—and well—water and the amount we need to clean our bodies and brains every day over a lifetime, we need to
get this right,” advises Aly Cohen, M.D., an integrative rheumatologist, founder of The Smart Human and co-author of Non-Toxic: Guide to Living Healthy in a Chemical World.
“For the individual newer on their health journey, I would say food additives are the ‘hidden’ environmental exposure that is a serious cause for concern, contributing to autoimmune diseases and from a metabolic standpoint, think weight gain, obesity, prediabetes and diabetes,” Galbraith says. “These additives are used to increase palatability, shelf life and texture and can include some you may have heard of, like sucralose, citrate and carrageenan, and others you may not have, like carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80. Carrageenan is common in many nondairy milk alternatives that have made their way into coffee shops.”
According to Galbraith, the most effective way to steer clear of food additives is to avoid or greatly minimize the consumption of highly processed foods. She recommends eating whole foods, especially for those dealing with chronic health issues or experiencing signs or symptoms of an ailment. She also encourages people to read food labels and avoid products with artificial colors, carrageenan, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates and nitrites, polysorbate 80, propyl gallate, propylparaben, methylparaben, sodium benzoate, potassium benzoate, tert-Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and titanium dioxide.
“You are what you eat!” Cohen exclaims. “Eating clean food,
without synthetic chemicals that break down the protective microbiome of the gut, is critical to the health of our immune system and our mental health, so we should try to eat whole, unprocessed foods that are USDA [U.S. Department of Agriculture] Certified Organic whenever possible.”
According to the EPA, “Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors, where the concentrations of some pollutants are often two to five times higher than typical outdoor concentrations.” The Environmental Working Group offers a comprehensive blueprint at ewg.org/healthyhomeguide that identifies dangerous chemicals found indoors (from lead, asbestos and flame retardants to volatile organic compounds, antimicrobial agents and radon) and recommends actions to clean up our sanctuaries.
“We can lower our toxic burden by decreasing the chemicals in the air that we breathe, and that begins by reducing the junk we bring into our homes,” Cohen remarks. “Start by removing air fresheners, perfumes, bug sprays, scented cleaning and laundry products, and by opening the windows daily, adding lots of plants and possibly adding an air filter for those who live in cities and areas with poor air quality.”
Crystal Gemstone Show & Sale – 4/1 & 4/2. 10am5pm. Join us for a dazzling display of crystals and gems from around the world. Our featured guest, Sherry, will be driving all the way from Indiana to showcase her incredible collection of rare and exotic stones. Prices vary. Haute Healing Oasis, 792 Pacific St, Stamford. 203-595-5304. HauteHealingOasis.com.
Pranayama (Yogic Breath Work) – 1:30-3:30pm. Exploration of breathing techniques and the sound elements of chanting. The only side effects of this workshop is a calm and relaxed body and mind. $39. Yogaspace, 78 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel. 203-7309642. Yogaspace-CT.com.
Crystal Gemstone Show & Sale – 4/1 & 4/2. 10am5pm. Join us for a dazzling display of crystals and gems from around the world. Our featured guest, Sherry, will be driving all the way from Indiana to showcase her incredible collection of rare and exotic stones. Prices vary. Haute Healing Oasis, 792 Pacific St, Stamford. 203-595-5304. HauteHealingOasis.com.
Get Energized! Harnessing the Energy of the Spring Equinox with Kim Scala and Steve Weiss – 6:30-7:45pm. Reenergize, recharge, and renew in the Salt Cave as Kim and her spirit team connect with yours to co-create a tapestry of life force energy. $70. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Rd, Darien. 203-658-7667. SaltCaveOfDarien.com.
Renewal Meditation: Recharge Your Body, Mind and Soul – 6-7pm. Haute Healing Oasis owner, Dr. Jess, will guide you through a series of calming and restorative practices that will help you release stress and tension, and bring you to a state of deep relaxation. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket. $20. Haute Healing Oasis, 792 Pacific St, Stamford. 203-595-5304. HauteHealingOasis.com.
Aligning with Your Life Purpose Musical Meditation with singer Christina Connors – 6:307:30pm. Nurture your body and soul in this unique salt therapy and musical guided meditation with healer and recording artist Christina Connors. $60. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Rd, Darien. 203-6587667. SaltCaveOfDarien.com.
Crystal Grids for Everyday – 1-3pm. Join me as we talk about Crystal Grid energy! Learn about setting intention, a bit about sacred geometry and numerology, as well as how to chose crystals for your intentions. Participants will co-create a grid for group intention. $37. The Liminal Studio, 696 Amity Rd, Unit B-1, Bethany. 203-435-5650. LauriIngram.com.
Breathwork and Beauty with acupuncturist Dr. Nancy Byrne – 11am-12pm. Find your inner and outer glow in this breathwork and facial gua sha class. The salt cave offers natural benefits for the skin and for your respiratory system, so this is the perfect combo. Melt any facial tension and bring out your winter glow. $60. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Rd, Darien. 203-658-7667. SaltCaveOfDarien.com.
Restorative Aerial Fusion with Vega Aerial Fitness and Wellness – 4:30-5:45pm. Join our VEGA Restorative Aerial Fusion class and experience gentle stretching, deep relaxation + release tension in the body + mind while getting salt therapy. Please bring a yoga mat, white towel and wear white socks. $80. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Rd, Darien. 203658-7667. VegaAerialFitness.com.
Restorative Yoga with Sound Bath Meditation with Carol from Harmony Yoga and Diane from Grounded Meditation – 6:30-7:45pm. In the theatre one is called a triple threat when they can act, sing and dance. Join Harmony Yoga and Grounded Meditation at The Salt Cave of Darien for a Triple Healing. $75. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Rd, Darien. 203-658-7667. SaltCaveOfDarien.com.
Medicine Wheel Yoga: A Path to Healing – 3-5pm. This 2-hour workshop features an introduction to the sacred Medicine Wheel and the healing medicine of nature. Medicine Wheel Yoga is a combination of yoga asana, breath work, and energy work based on the way indigenous cultures see the world. Offered in studio or optional livestream. $35. Yogaspace, 78 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel. 203-730-9642. Yogaspace-CT.com.
Explore the Wonder of the Labyrinth and the Mandala – 1-4pm. Connect to yourself and the earth by walking this outdoor labyrinth on a beautiful piece of open property in Bethel. We will then reflect on the experience of creating a mandala with art materials. $49. Yogaspace, 78 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel. 203-730-9642. Yogaspace-CT.com.
Universal White Time Healing Certification Level 1 – 6-6:30pm. 4/28: 6-9pm; 4/29: 9am-6:30pm; 4/30: 11am-6:30pm. UWT is an unparalleled powerful new energy healing modality that will enhance abilities already within you. Pre-registration required. Contact Bradford: 860-830-5841, Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. $525. Center For Higher Living, 130 Webster Square, Berlin. Tinyurl.com/UWTH1-April2023.
Tantra Practice – 11am-12:30pm. Join us for a unique and transformative experience as we explore the ancient practice of Tantra in a welcoming and inclusive environment. This class is open to both friends and singles who are interested in learning about Tantra and expanding their understanding of sensuality, intimacy, and connection. $40. Haute Healing Oasis, 792 Pacific St, Stamford. 203-5955304. HauteHealingOasis.com. markyourcalendar
April 2 • 1-3pm • $30
CIRCLE with James Luse
April 19 • 7-9pm • $30
May 7 • 1-2pm
Every Sunday • 11am-12pm
Third Sunday • 10-10:45am
Third Thursday • 7-8pm
To register contact: AlbertsonPCC@gmail.com
Cancelled events will be posted on our website Albertson Memorial Church 293 Sound Beach Ave
Old Greenwich, CT • 203-637-4615
Email: Info@AlbertsonChurch.org
Website: AlbertsonChurch.org
Online Meditation Practice Session – 10-11am. Online meditation practice sessions and Dharma talks using Zoom. All levels welcome. No formal charge. By donation. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Yoga with Leah – 8:30-9:30am. Fragrance free class. 60-minutes of mindful movement. Incorporate twists to detoxify and hip-openers to release before ending in a meditative shavasana, leaving the mat more energized and aligned. First class free, use code LEAH. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop.com.
Hatha Yoga with Melissa – 12:30-1:30pm and 4:305:30pm. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop.com.
Yoga Pump with Lea Grimaldi – 8-9am. Yoga Pump combines traditional yoga poses with pop music and the optional addition of ankle weights, free weights, and resistance bands. Fun and inspiring music adds to the Yoga Pump experience. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop.com.
Gentle Yoga with Christy – 9:30-10:30am. Flow through gentle sequences that invoke the energy of the gods/goddesses). This class offers the benefits of a yoga practice while being conscious of injury and limitations. First class free, use code CHRISTY. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop.com.
Vinyasa Yoga with Kailey – 6-7pm. Join Kailey for vinyasa to quiet the mind and awaken your inner spirituality. Your first class is free, use code KAILEY. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop.com
Kundalini RISE Class at NAAD Center – 9-10am. Taught by NAAD Founder Catherine Polisi Jones draws from ancient technologies and practices. All levels and ages are welcome. Please bring a water bottle and wear workout or yoga clothing. Yoga mats, meditation cushions and yoga blocks are available at the center. $45/per person. NAAD Center, 62 Woodbine Way, Stamford. 929-255-4362. NAADCenter.com. Yoga with Leah – 4:30-5:30pm. Fragrance free class. 60-minutes of mindful movement. Incorporate twists to detoxify and hip-openers to release before ending in a meditative shavasana, leaving the mat more energized and aligned. First class free, use code LEAH. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop. com.
Online Meditation Practice Session – 7-8pm. Online meditation practice sessions and Dharma talks using Zoom. All levels welcome. No formal charge. By donation. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Mysticism: Where Science, Art and Religion Meet –7-8:30pm. What is the purpose of life? Our intent is to address these issues through lectures, readings and guided group discussions. We will present ancient concepts, cutting-edge theories, speculations, assertions, data, and most of all, thought-provoking ideas for discussion. Free. Aleph Talks, 606 Post Rd East, Ste 667, Westport. AlephTalks.com.
Sound Yoga (Online) – 11am-12pm. With Barbara Soares, yoga/vocal yoga teacher and Reiki Master will help students explore the power of sound to relax, inspire, and listen deeply. Learn and practice humming, deep listening, and medicine melodies to improve wellness and reduce stress. Students should bring a yoga mat and wear loose, comfortable clothes. $50/5 sessions. Tinyurl.com/SoundYogaBobbi.
Virtual Kundalini Yoga with Gong Bath with Stephen – 1:15-2:15pm. With Stephen Earnhart. Must register at least 1-hour before to receive link. Book this meditation and sound journey will help your mind release its torrent of thoughts so you can relax, release and regenerate. This allows the nervous system to naturally relax and reset. Headphone/earbuds strongly encouraged. $13. TheAngelCoop.com.
Gentle Yoga for Adults – 6-6:45pm. For those new to yoga or looking for moving, reflective relaxation. Gentle Flow yoga has slower paced movements united with breathing exercises to ease stress. While focusing on alignment, we will practice moving our bodies to increase flexibility and balance. $75. Baldwin Center, 1000 W Broad St, Stratford. TownOfStratford.RecDesk.com.
Salty Yin Yoga with Kelly Warters – 6:30-7:30pm. Second Thursday. Join Kelly Warters for this 8 part Chakra Yin Yoga Series. You may attend one of the classes or sign up for all 8 for maximum healing benefits + a discount. $37.22. Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness, 374 New Haven Ave, Milford. 203-283-5968. ReviveSaltTherapy.as.me.
Teen Yoga – 7:15-8pm. Life as a teenager has many stressful challenges. This relaxing class will introduce basic yoga poses to help improve strength, balance, and flexibility. We will also develop “quiet mind” meditations for emotional balance, self-awareness with deep breathing. $75. Baldwin Center, 1000 W Broad St, Stratford. TownOfStratford.RecDesk.com.
Reiki 1st Degree Workshop: Online or In-Person
– 10am-5pm. First Friday. With Gigi Benanti, Reiki Master/Teacher (24 years). Learn Reiki 1st Level (Western Style). Learn how to use Reiki for healing. Two manuals and certificate included. Zoom link will be given with e-mail and payment. Please call to register. Also held on the first Saturday. No drop-ins. $135. Angelic Healing Center, 7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk. 203-852-1150. AngelHealReiki.com.
Friday Night fun Networking at Yoga for Everybody – 6:30-8pm. First Friday. Each month will feature a fun activity designed to enhance getting to know one another in interesting ways and nurture our community. RSVP to Beth Leas at 203-8569566 (call/text) or TLCBethLeas@gmail.com. Free. Yoga for Everybody, 85 Mill Plain Rd, 3rd Floor, Fairfield. 203-254-9642. Yoga4Everybody.net.
Monthly Yoga Mom’s Night Out – 7-9pm. Second Friday. Join us for an evening that’s all about reclaiming you time. Calm your mind and body with candlelight yoga, a few other experiences. Space is limited to 16 moms, so please pre-register. $40. Come with a friend and get a special gift. $40. Yoga for Everybody, 85 Mill Plain Rd, 3rd Floor, Fairfield. 203-254-9642. Yoga4Everybody.net.
Saturday Dharma and Morning Meditation – 7:308:15am. Discuss various works on topics such as selfstudy, meditation, self-improvement, mindfulness, joy and much more. Discussion will be followed by 30-minute guided meditation. Proceeds donated to our charity of the month. $10/cash. Yoga Culture, 105 Mill Plain Rd, Danbury. 203-730-0250. WeAreYogaCulture.com.
Kundalini Yoga with Gong Bath with Stephen – 9-10:30am. Kundalini Yoga is an empowering, holistic practice that synchronizes physical postures, breathwork, meditation, and sound (mantra) to align your body, mind and spirit. All levels are welcome. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop.com.
Align with Source – 10:30am-12:15pm. A Spiritual Empowerment meeting via Zoom. Comprises a talk, inter-action and a guided meditation. Request Zoom invite by emailing AlignWithSource@gmail. com. By donation.
In-Person Meditation Practice Session – 10-11:30am. Limited in-person meditation practice. All levels welcome. If it’s your first time, please let someone know so that we can provide a brief introduction. Must register online. Donations encouraged. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Reiki Second Degree Workshop: Online or In-Person – 10am-5pm. Fifth Saturday. With Gigi Benanti, Reiki Master/Teacher (24 years). Learn Reiki Level 2 (Western Style). Learn how to send reiki distance healing, deepen your use of Reiki for yourself and others and more. Two manuals and certificate included. Also held on the last Friday. No drop-ins. $225. Angelic Healing Center, 7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk. 203-852-1150. AngelHealReiki.com.
Eyesofwings Soulcial in the Garden – 1-5pm. Our mission is to provide accessible and reasonably priced Healing Arts services and products to facilitate people in their self-healing. $22. Carmelina’s Garden, 172 Welton St, Hamden. 203-589-4614. Eyesofwings.live.
Vinyasa Yoga with Kailey – 5-6pm. Join Kailey on for vinyasa to quiet the mind and awaken your inner spirituality. First class is free, use code KAILEY. $25. The Angel Wing, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield. 203-431-2959. TheAngelCoop.com.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Advertising@eNaturalAwakenings.com to request our media kit.
Freddie Kimmel, Product Expert 95 Cross Hwy, Redding
Freddie@AmpCoil.com • AmpCoil.com
Extraordinary Wellness!
AmpCoil is an extraordinary system that delivers sound frequencies through PEMF to harmonize, balance, and support you on your journey to wellness.
90% of AmpCoil’s most active users reported that AmpCoil has been instrumental to their personal wellness, and over 55% reported that they experience relief from symptoms related to Lyme or other chronic conditions.
NEERU KAUSHIK, ND, MS ACU, MS, MA Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies
805 Kings Highway East, Fairfield 203-331-9111
A combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/ nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. See ad, page 16.
Ken Hoffman, DACM, LAc, Medical Director 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield
Women’s Health: hormonal balancing, breast cancer prevention. Breast and full body thermography screening. Screening and treatment of chronic inflammation using medical infrared thermography (MIT). Safe, painless and non-invasive, thermography can detect early changes in breast tissue up to eight years before a mammogram. FDA-registered, our high-definition camera is the most advanced in the region.
Certified Career Coach
Hypnotist, & Teacher of Active Dreaming
I help you clear away subconscious blocks and use intuition to discover your unique gifts. My clients create a meaningful career of their dreams that is Soul Centered. When you are ready to have a career that lights you up, call for a free 60-minute consultation. 12+ years experience helping clients connect to their soul. See ad, page 2.
Dr. Annamarie Nardini, DC & Dr. Matthew Nardini, DC 433 Boston Post Rd, Darien 203-244-8544
Info@TheHomesteadChiropractic.com TheHomesteadChiropractic.com
Drs. Anna and Matt Nardini are dedicated to helping you reclaim your health. With specialized
training for pediatrics and pregnancy, they provide gentle, safe, and effective chiropractic care for the entire family. Drs. Nardini also provide you with personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and exercise recommendations to get you functioning your best!
BRADFORD TILDEN, MM, CMT, UWT 130 Webster Square Rd. Berlin 860-830-5841
Courses in Universal White Time (UWT) Healing and Gemstone Healing. This powerful new modality gives us the possibility to direct healing through time and space. Trainings include contact healing, aura clearing, chakra balancing, organ clearing, point balancing, and the laying-on of stones. See ad, page 25.
Deana Paqua, MA, LMT
Ridgefield and New Milford
Offering classes, training programs, healing sessions and mentoring in cross-cultural energy medicine and contemporary shamanism for healers, spiritual seekers and the energy sensitive. Learn self-healing, self-empowerment and trauma transformation through the sacred.
Transformative Healing • Tarot
Virtual and In-Person Sessions
203-856-9566 • BethLeas.com
If not now, when? Inspire change on all levels—greater physical ease, emotional freedom, peace of mind and spiritual connection. 30+ years of intuitive healing experience with adults and children of all ages. Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tarot. See ad, page 2.
49 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel
203-994-1207 • Wayne@WayneLeiss.com
Essential oils address stress reduction, support the natural functioning of body systems and can enhance overall well-being. They are used in topical, internal and aromatic applications. Improve physically, emotionally and spiritually as Wayne teaches you about the benefits and uses of massage with natural and pure dōTERRA Essential Oils. See ad, page 2.
130 Webster Square Rd. Berlinand via ZOOM 860-830-5841
Bradford specializes in Universal White Time energy, sound, and gemstone therapies. He helps people attain inner peace, empowerment, and improved quality of life. Clear your fear and trauma. Get support during spiritual awakenings. Experience wholeness and find your purpose. See ad, page 25.
374 New Haven Ave, Milford 203-283-5968
Hello@ReviveSaltTherapy.com ReviveSaltTherapy.com
A Holistic Healing Spa for Body, Mind, and Soul. We offer Halotherapy/Salt Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Massage Therapy, Sound Healing, Yoga, and Wellness plus a Crystal Shop. We offer unique and potent products and services to accelerate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. See ad, page 2.
HEATHER B. HABELKA, NBC-HWC National Board Certified Health & Cooking Classes • Culinary Coaching TheHealthfulKitchen.com
Dr. Randy Schulman, MS, OD, FCOVD
Dr. Jason Grygier
Dr. Diana Ngo
Dr. Justin Rapp
Dr. Sonia Singh
Dr. Magy Tepliz
6515 Main St, Trumbull • 203-374-2020
444 Westport Ave, Norwalk • 203-840-1991
2600 Post Rd, Southport • 203-255-4005
1425 Bedford St, 1M, Stamford • 203-357-0204
We offer behavioral optometry, comprehensive vision exams, contact lenses and vision therapy. Call to schedule your appointment today.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares
Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a metaphysical artist, photographer and musician available for performances, concerts and ceremonies. Bobbi’s band Hummingbird and Friends is well- known for their eclectic blend of chants, jazz, blues, reggae and country. As a solo performer/ poet & singer, her influences include John Cage, Sun Ra & Laurie Anderson. Her artwork can be viewed at Gallery 25 in New Milford and online. She studied improvisation with Bobby McFerrin, vocal yoga with Heather Lyle, and sound healing with Silvia Nakkach, John Beaulieu and Don Conreaux See ad, page 8.
Heather B. Habelka is a National Board Certified Health Coach & Creator of TheHealthfulKitchen. com. Certified in integrative nutrition & holistic health cooking, she creates affordable, simple & healthful recipes and hosts free cooking classes. Visit TheHealthfulKitchen.com to start cooking & support your health!
Ken Hoffman, DACM, LAc, Medical Director 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield 203-740-9300
Using naturopathic and Chinese medical principles, we get to the source of your health concerns. Diagnostic methods include functional testing such as advanced bloodwork analysis, cardiovascular testing, hormone evaluation and thermography. Our customized treatment program includes acupuncture, herbal and nutritional medicine, diet and lifestyle counseling and more. Most insurance accepted.
Lynda Mettler, ACC Transformation Coach & Reiki Master 203-623-6066
Lynda@YourWisdomCoaching.com YourWisdomCoaching.com
Channeling Your Wisdom Coaching is a whole-person approach that combines IFS “parts work,” life coaching, meditation and reiki energy to cultivate compassion, heal old wounds, and create meaningful change.
9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding 203-244-3130
We teach and practice Mahasati meditation. Mahasati meditation cultivates selfawareness through attention to the movement of the body and, at more advanced levels, to the movement of the mind. No prior meditating experience is necessary. Ongoing weekly meditation classes, retreats and events. Please check monthly event calendar or visit ReddingMeditation.org for updated information.
51 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
The Angel Cooperative is a unique lifestyle boutique featuring the first and only Shungite Room in the USA. Wide selection of crystals, jewelry, candles, essential oils, divination tools, spiritual gifts, statuary, oracle decks and tarot and home décor. Available in The Shungite Room: readings, Reiki, meditation, sound therapy, energy work, workshops, and special events. See ad, page 21.
Dr. Amy Wiesner
91 East Ave, Second Floor, Norwalk 203-962-5887
Dr. Wiesner, practicing for almost 20 years, uses acupuncture, lifestyle medicine, nutritional supplementation and homeopathy to help her patients achieve health and well-being. Infertility, Diabetes, Stress, Pain, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Allergies, Headaches, Cardiovascular Disease, Lyme Disease, Menstrual Disorders, other imbalances.
NEERU KAUSHIK, ND, MS ACU, MS, MA Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies
805 Kings Highway East, Fairfield 203-331-9111
A combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. See ad, page 16.
Vis Wellness Center
Rocky Hill & TeleMedicine Statewide (234) 2-ACU-DOC
Dr. Nicole Klughers offers comprehensive naturopathic care to restore optimal health and prevent disease. Dr. Nicole’s “health detective” approach identifies the root cause of symptoms and provides all-natural solutions such as personalized nutrition (food as medicine), herbal medicine, nutrient therapies, acupuncture and more. In-depth assessment is often done with detailed testing of vitamins/ minerals, hormones, advanced cardiovascular markers, inflammation, food sensitivities, gut/ microbiome and more. See ad, page 25.
29 King St, 2nd Fl, Chappaqua NY 10514 914-552-1442
Dr Wald is a holistic DC, Nutritionist, and Dietician whose Blood Detective software, labs and detailed consult help get to the cause(s) of persistent health issues. Conditions include autoimmune, weight loss, anti-aging, cancer, GI issues, depression, and more. See ad, page 15.
Andrea Garin Kopilak 917-583-3218
As the Founder of Connect2Flourish, I use a coaching process grounded in the science of positive psychology and awareness coaching to help empower clients to utilize their strengths, so that they can build resilience, make important connections, and choose what flourishing looks like for them. Explore coaching with a 45-minute complimentary session by emailing Andrea@c2fcoach.com.
NANCY S. SCHERLONG, LCSW, PTR, CM Coaching/Psychotherapy/Consulting Offices in Norwalk and Ridgefield 914-572-3167
Manage stress with relaxation techniques. Rediscover your creativity through writing and the expressive arts. Resolve trauma with EMDR, IFS or SE. Or book an experiential workshop! Nancy has over 20 years of experience with children, families, groups, adults and corporate wellness programs. See ad, page 12.
Angelic Healing Center
7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk 203-852-1150
Gigi is an experienced Reiki Master/Teacher. She offers all levels of Reiki training monthly. All classes and Reiki sessions include the latest techniques including Karuna, Angelic and Jikiden Reiki.
Gail Christie, Holy Fire Reiki Master Stamford and Mt Kisco, NY 203-979-0918
Gail will help balance your energy and help you reach a whole new level of healing with Holy Fire Reiki. She offers gently powerful Holy Fire healing sessions, Reiki-infused meditations and Usui/Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki certification classes.
See ad, page 2.
JoAnn Inserra Duncan, MS, RMT 100B Danbury Rd, Ste 101, Ridgefield 203-438-3050
JoAnn uses intuition, experience and a deep spiritual connection in her Reiki, IET and Reconnective Healing sessions. Specializing in care for individuals with cancer, back pain, Lyme disease and other tick borne illnesses. All Reiki levels taught.
787 Main St, S Woodbury 203-586-1172
Combining an array of natural therapies that have been used since ancient times with today’s technology, Salt of the Earth Spa provides a sanctuary for deep transformations, healing and grounding for Mind, Body and Spirit. See ad, page 9.
The Angel Cooperative 51 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959
The first and only Shungite Room in the USA. Shungite is the only natural material known to contain fullerenes, a naturally occurring antioxidant. Shungite is believed to have active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers. The Shungite Room hosts readings, Reiki, meditation, sound therapy, energy work, workshops, and special events. The public is welcome to enjoy the room at no charge when the room is not in use. See ad, page 21.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares
Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a sound yoga and vocal yoga teacher, blues/jazz singer, and Reiki master, certified in several modalities of energy and sound healing. She offers Hummingbird Sound Yoga and sound healing immersions for groups and private sessions. Using earth, dance and symphonic gongs, bowls, tuning forks and humming-for-health meditations, her goal is to help individuals experience becoming “one with sound” to promote a deep relaxation response that balances energy and encourages healing. See ad, page 8.
130 Webster Square Rd. Berlinand via ZOOM 860-830-5841
Bradford specializes in Universal White Time energy, sound, and gemstone therapies. He helps people attain inner peace, empowerment, and improved quality of life. Clear your fear and trauma. Get support during spiritual awakenings. Experience wholeness and find your purpose. See ad, page 25.
Transformation Coach, Shamanic Healer
Katie will assist you in reaching your true potential and heal what has been holding you back. You will experience real self-acceptance and start to live in alignment with who you truly are so you can create a life you love, a life of meaning and purpose. See ad, page 2.
Transformative Healing • Tarot
Virtual and In-Person Sessions
If not now, when? Inspire change on all levels—greater physical ease, emotional freedom, peace of mind and spiritual connection. 30+ years of intuitive healing experience with adults and children of all ages. Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tarot. See ad, page 2.
Located next door to The Angel Cooperative 49 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
The Angel Wing is next door to The Angel Cooperative. It has a large yoga room and private treatment room. The Angel Wing hosts workshops, retreats, readings, energy work sessions, Reiki and Reiki Certification classes, massage, sound and gong baths, guided meditations, acupuncture, and yoga classes and yoga teacher training. It is also available to rent on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Optional rental spaces include a large open room and/or an intimate private room with massage/Reiki table. See ad, page 21.
Jessica & Peter Chichester
792 Pacific St, Stamford 203-595-5304
HHO is your feel-great place! A 3,500-square-foot wellness spa and healing center featuring over a dozen wellness services in a caring feng shui inspired atmosphere. If you need relaxation, detoxification, body contouring or rehabilitation services, then you should check them out. See ad, page 7.
555 Post Rd, Darien 203-658-7667
Our wellness destination offers an oasis of peace, calm and serenity. Whether you want to release stress, address a health challenge, or gather with friends and family, the Cave is inviting, warm and soothing. Check out our website for the many different ways to experience the benefits of our healing salt! See ad, page 2.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares
Merryall, New Milford
Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a sound yoga and vocal yoga teacher, blues/jazz singer, and Reiki master, certified in several modalities of energy and sound healing. She offers Hummingbird Sound Yoga and sound healing immersions for groups and private sessions. Her goal is to help individuals experience becoming “one with sound” to promote a deep relaxation response that balances energy and encourages healing. See ad, page 8.
Ingrid Prueher
85 Mill Plain Rd, 3rd Flr, Fairfield 203-254-YOGA (9642)
A serene yoga studio placed in the heart of downtown Fairfield at the Sportsplex where you can experience yoga, meditation, and aerial classes in-person, online or via video-on-demand. There are also a variety of workshops and trainings that you can attend: Drum Circles, Gong, Reiki
Trainings, Wim Hof Method and Yoga Teacher
Training in the heart of Fairfield, CT. Also available: Thermography, Reiki, Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Tarot, and Shamanic Therapy private sessions. See ad, page 2.
The thyroid gland regulates metabolism by releasing hormones called thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). When the thyroid underperforms, it causes everything in your body to work less efficiently. This is known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism affects more than 30 million American adults and is five to eight times more common in females.1 By conservative estimates, one in eight women will develop hypothyroidism.1
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This makes up 75-85% of hypothyroid cases. Oftentimes, people with Hashimoto’s struggle to find a medication or treatment plan that works for them and continue to suffer through symptoms like:
• Fatigue • Gaining weight
• Feeling cold
• Losing hair
• Depression
While there are many treatment options for hypothyroidism, not all are created equal. Selecting the most appropriate one is vital to managing this disease.
Some commonly used prescription drugs that can interfere with thyroid medication absorption and efficacy:
• Antacids
• Lithium
• Amiodarone
• Antibiotics
• Antidepressants
• Dopamine agonists
• Colestipol
• Cholestyramine
• Estrogen, testosterone
The two hormones to remember are T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). T4 circulates throughout your bloodstream and is stored in your tissues until needed. Once your body finds a need, it converts T4 into T3. Establishing the exact levels of T4 and T3, and determining if the conversion process is working normally, are critical to designing the best treatment approach.
While most healthcare providers understand the critical nature of T4 to T3 conversion, many fail to recognize the factors that affect this process. These include:
• Nutritional deficiencies/excesses
• Autoimmune diseases
• Gastrointestinal diseases such as celiac disease, acid reflux, or irritable bowel syndrome
• Use of interfering medications like proton pump inhibitors (Nexium® and Prevacid®, for example) or H2 blockers (Tagamet®, for example), which inhibit the dissolution and absorption of thyroid hormone tablets
• The body’s own obstacles to converting T4 to T3
Some people continue to suffer from hypothyroid symptoms despite being on medication for years. But with some effort, patients can work with their doctor to find an approach that works for them.
Some commonly used nutraceuticals that can interfere with the absorption of thyroid medicines:
• Iron
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Chromium picolinate
Some foods that can interfere with absorption of medication:
• Soy products
• High-fiber/high-bran foods
• Calcium-enriched foods/beverages
Digestive complications or diseases such as celiac disease, autoimmune gastritis, and irritable bowel syndrome can also complicate thyroid hormone therapy.
Make sure to discuss with your doctor all of your medical conditions, medications (both prescription and nonprescription), and nutritional supplements before starting or switching thyroid hormone therapy.
Dr. Raquel Espinol graduated with honors and received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Sonoran University of Health Sciences (formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine). She struggled with her own thyroid condition, which was not successfully managed until she discovered naturopathic medicine and worked with a naturopathic doctor to control her condition. This firsthand success inspired her to pursue a career in naturopathic medicine specializing in thyroid diseases.
Dr. Espinol works with men and women addressing thyroid conditions, hormone imbalances, and weight loss. She is licensed to practice in Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Montana.
The most common treatments for hypothyroidism include T4 monotherapy with levothyroxine, natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) aka “glandular thyroid,” and a regimen of T4 and T3 medications taken together. Figuring out the best option for you may take some time. See the accompanying chart for pros/cons of commonly used hypothyroidism therapies.
• Current standard of care for hypothyroidism
• Proven safe and effective
• Available at all pharmacies
• Usually low cost
• GI conditions, medications, sensitivities to excipients/ inactive ingredients in tablet formulations can interfere with absorption and tolerability
• Contains both key thyroid hormones: T4 and T3
• An option for people who need supplemental T3
• Derived from thyroid glands of pigs – an issue for vegans
• NDT therapies are tablets that contain excipients or “fillers”
• The T4:T3 ratio contained in NDT tablets is 5:1 – different than the normal human ratio of these hormones
• Can lead to cardiac problems like rapid heartbeat, insomnia, and feelings of anxiety
• It comes from pigs and may contain porcine antigens, which may be problematic for some people
• Not all pharmacies carry NDT products. Not all insurance carriers pay for them
• Consistent potency
• Can be an option for those in need of supplemental T3
• Available at most pharmacies
• Two separate medicines that need to be taken daily. T4 is taken once a day; T3 may be recommended in multiple daily doses
• Some insurance plans may require two medication copays
• T3 can be risky for some patients with cardiovascular conditions. Some patients can experience heart palpitations and other side effects
Most thyroid hormone therapies come in tablet form. These contain inactive ingredients such as wheat starch (gluten), talc, lactose, sugars, and dyes that help hold the tablet together, but also can impede the absorption of their active ingredient, which results in suboptimal or inconsistent levels of thyroid hormones. When this happens, many patients often believe they need to change medication rather than address the factors that contribute to their therapy’s poor performance. They turn to their physician for new therapies in the hope that these can provide long hopedfor relief from their symptoms.2
Nutrition can play a role in managing hypothyroidism. However, few patients can treat hypothyroidism with nutritional supplements alone. Some examples of helpful nutritional supplements include inositol, nigella, B vitamins, and selenium. However, excess amounts of certain nutritional supplements can also lead to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Always tell your physician about all drugs and supplements that you are currently taking as well as your soy, fiber, and non-animal product intake.
Less is often more when it comes to hypothyroid treatment. Tirosint®-SOL (levothyroxine sodium) oral solution is a unique liquid hypothyroid medication made with only three ingredients. It contains no fillers or other ingredients that can irritate your stomach or lead to poor drug absorption. Because it’s a liquid, it doesn’t need to dissolve in your stomach like a tablet or capsule before your body starts to absorb it. It’s not made with any ingredients sourced from animals, and it’s easy to swallow and comes in precise monodose ampules that can be conveniently stored for travel. You can pour it into a glass of water and drink it, or you can squeeze the contents of the ampule directly into your mouth.
Since Tirosint-SOL consists of just water, glycerol, and levothyroxine, it’s a very simple yet effective solution for treating hypothyroidism. This is important to me. Additionally, I want to ensure my patients have consistent access to the thyroid medication that works best for them. That being said, Tirosint-SOL has a generous coupon program and low-cost mail-order option to help patients without insurance or with high insurance copays/ deductibles. These can be found on the product’s website.
Share your answers to the following with your physicians so they can work with you to pick the right option for you:
• Have you been treated for hypothyroidism and are dissatisfied with the results?
• Do you want a simpler approach?
• Do you need a drug that is free of excipients like gluten, dyes, lactose, and preservatives?
• Do you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or another GI condition?
• Problems swallowing?
Please see Important Safety Information on the following page or toward the back of this issue, and Full Prescribing Information at TirosintSOL.com.
References: 1. American Thyroid Association Website. https://www.thyroid.org/mediamain/press-room/. Accessed December 8, 2022. 2. McMillan M, et al. Results of the CONTROL Surveillance Project. Drugs in R&D. 2015;16(1):53-68. PM-01-22-0089
• Thyroid hormones, including TIROSINT-SOL, either alone or with other therapeutic agents, should not be used for the treatment of obesity or for weight loss.
• In euthyroid patients, doses within the range of daily hormonal requirements are ineffective for weight reduction.
• Larger doses may produce serious or even life-threatening manifestations of toxicity, particularly when given in association with sympathomimetic amines such as those used for their anorectic effects.
• Hypersensitivity to glycerol
• Uncorrected adrenal insufficiency
Warnings and Precautions
• Cardiac adverse reactions in the elderly and in patients with underlying cardiovascular disease: Initiate TIROSINT-SOL at less than the full replacement dose because of the increased risk of cardiac adverse reactions, including atrial fibrillation
• Myxedema coma: Do not use oral thyroid hormone drug products to treat myxedema coma
• Acute adrenal crisis in patients with concomitant adrenal insufficiency: Treat with replacement glucocorticoids prior to initiation of TIROSINT-SOL treatment
• Prevention of hyperthyroidism or incomplete treatment of hypothyroidism: Proper dose titration and careful monitoring is critical to prevent the persistence of hypothyroidism or the development of hyperthyroidism
• Worsening of diabetic control: Therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus may worsen glycemic control and result in increased antidiabetic agent or insulin requirements. Carefully monitor glycemic control after starting, changing, or discontinuing thyroid hormone therapy
• Decreased bone mineral density associated with thyroid hormone over-replacement: Over-replacement can increase bone reabsorption and decrease bone mineral density. Give the lowest effective dose
Limitations of Use
• Not indicated for suppression of benign thyroid nodules and nontoxic diffuse goiter in iodine-sufficient patients
• Not indicated for treatment of transient hypothyroidism during the recovery phase of subacute thyroiditis
Adverse Reactions
Adverse reactions associated with TIROSINT-SOL are primarily those of hyperthyroidism due to therapeutic overdosage including: arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, dyspnea, muscle spasm, headache, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, tremors, muscle weakness, increased appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, heat intolerance, menstrual irregularities, and skin rash
For Full Prescribing Information, including Boxed Warning, visit www.TirosintSOL.com