Less Stuff, More Joy Ways to Live Simpler and Lighter on Mother Earth
by Ronica O’Hara
hen holistic wellness coach and personal trainer Sergio Rojas saw his contract with a trucking company terminated by the pandemic, he and his wife Krista turned it into an opportunity to step away from a life of too much stuff and over-scheduled activities. “When life gets too complicated and there’s too much going on, you get stressed and irritated easier,” he says. “You don’t feel connected to yourself.” The couple sold their 4,200-square-foot house in Dubuque, Iowa, along with 85 percent of their belongings and spent eight months living out of suitcases exploring the southeastern United States and Latin America with their 14-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son. “We wanted our kids to see what it’s like to downsize, to live with less,” says Rojas. After considering Vancouver and Miami, they settled in the Atlanta area in a townhouse half the size of their Iowa home not far from extended family. “A simpler life lets you focus on what’s important,” he says. “We have deep, deep conversations with our kids, and dinner can be a two-and-a-half-hour experience, with a game of cards and singing songs.” Not everyone moves in such dramatic fashion toward a simpler lifestyle, but thanks in part to the lessons of COVID-19, intentionally living with less is gaining currency across the country. “The pandemic gave us an uninvited sample of a more minimalist and simple life, and we have all become acutely aware of what feels good to let go of and what’s really important to us,” says minimalist blogger Ema Hidlebaugh, of MinimizeMyMess.com. According to research from the multinational consulting firm Accenture, the pandemic made consumers more mindful of purchases, more conscious of food waste and more interested in 26
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sustainable, local options. Other polls found that two out of three Americans adopted more eco-friendly habits during the pandemic, and that 52 percent are open now to living in a van. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for simpler living; each person crafts what best fits their values and needs. Three common strands have emerged: minimalist simplicity—living with less clutter and busyness; ecological simplicity—living with the sustainability of the planet as the priority; and conscious simplicity—driven by deep personal and spiritual values. The approaches can overlap, yet each has its unique flavor. None has an end stage: All are dynamic explorations and encourage continual experimentation and growth. With time, they often merge together. In an in-depth study published in the International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, people living long-term minimalist lifestyles reported spending more time with family and friends, volunteering, engaging in pro-ecological behaviors, making sustainable and ethical purchases, and choosing to spend money on experiences rather than material objects. They described their mental space as a feeling of clear-headedness, spaciousness and lightness, and some said that stripping back to minimal possessions enabled them to strip back to their true identity. Moving toward simplicity often starts with a decision—sometimes thrust upon us—to reconsider how to spend our energy. “Whatever you own, owns you,” counselled pacifist, mystic and environmental activist Peace Pilgrim in the 1980s—a sobering thought, given that the average American household is estimated to hold 300,000 separate items, from T-shirts to coffee cups. As one woman told her, “I’ve just realized I’m working my fingers to the bone to provide a home for my furniture!”