Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast.
Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness.
Colds and many other illnesses start when viruses get in your nose and multiply. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.
Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.
“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.
Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.
The EPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe
with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect.
When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for 60 seconds.
“It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never happened. I used to get 2-3 bad colds every year. Now I use my device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.”
He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years.
Users say:
“It works! I love it!”
“I can’t believe how good my nose feels.”
“Is it supposed to work that fast?”
“One of the best presents ever.” “Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!”
“Cold sores gone!”
“It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.”
“I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.”
“Best sleep I’ve had in years!”
After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.
Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoy life.
Soon people found other things they could use it against.
Virus variants
Sinus trouble
Cold sores
Fever blisters
Canker sores
Strep throat Night stuffiness
Morning congestion
Nasal drip
Infected sores
Infected wounds Styes Warts Ringworm
Other microbial threats
The handle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.
The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.
Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”
CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA33
Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever.
Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Natural Awakenings is a network of holistic lifestyle magazines providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
Luna Power Yoga, in Mahopac, is hosting a Release and Restore workshop with studio owner Cate Bartilucci and Rebecca Schoenewolf, LMHC, LPC, holistic counselor and advanced energy healer, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on December 17. is upli ing workshop, which will include essential oils, yoga, reiki, tuning forks, re ection and more, is designed to empower participants this holiday season and manifest what they have been seeking.
“As we approach the holiday season, we tend to pour our energy out for others,” explains Bartilucci. “ is is a wonderful opportunity to turn inward, honor yourself, reset and treat yourself to relaxation, re ection and grounding with a small community of like-minded individuals. Prepare to let go of whatever stagnant energy or heaviness has been weighing on you and to manifest what it is you are seeking in a positive, safe and healing environment.”
Location: Luna Power Yoga, 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac, NY. For more information, call 845.276.4619, email info@lunapoweryoga.com or visit LunaPowerYoga.com.
To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 203-885-4674 or email Advertising@eNaturalAwakenings.com. Deadline for ads: the 12th of the month.
Visit eNaturalAwakenings.com Deadline for News Briefs: the 12th of the month.
Visit eNaturalAwakenings.com Deadline for magazine calendar listings: the 12th of the month. Website calendar listings may be entered at any time.
The Center at Mariandale, in Ossining, has recently introduced an adults under 45 Rest, Read and Renewal Retreat Weekend series. e rst event in the series will take place December 2 until lunchtime on December 4. From January 26 until 29, the center is o ering a perennial favorite for all ages, the Burrowing Deep Winter Weekend Retreat. And in February, the center is hosting Sanctuary: An LGBTQ Spirituality Weekend Retreat, which is open to all. “You can relax in a private guest room and enjoy healthy, creative meals in our dining room. Come to rest, renew, read, meditate, write, paint or just be in the peacefulness of our retreat center, surrounded by 61 acres of nature along the Hudson,” says Jane Hanley, marketing strategist. e Center at Mariandale is a sponsored ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Hope. e center sponsors retreats and programs in numerous areas, including spirituality; contemplative practices; social and environmental justice; interfaith dialogue; the arts; and wellness of body, mind and spirit. e center also welcomes nonpro t groups and organizations for day or overnight workshops, retreats and conferences.
Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakenings.com
Location: e Center at Mariandale, 299 N. Highland Ave., Ossining, NY. For more information or to register, call 914.941.4455, ext. 0; email info@mariandale.org; or visit Mariandale.org.
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Consider giving yourself the gift of better health and healing this year. Learn some basic mindset changes to further your wellness journey on page 16. Often times, we neglect ourselves during this time and focus on giving to others—but show your friend you didn’t forget them by gifting them a ses sion with a wellness expert or service they’ve been curious about. If you’re holding this magazine, you’re in the right place for reaching all kinds of healthy living practitioners and businesses.
The holidays are notoriously an exciting time for good eating with friends and family. Check out eNaturalAwakenings.com for some fun and festive holiday recipes—with healthier twists.
Best wishes for a restful and enlightening holiday season filled with family, laughter and great food.
Holistic EXPO will be held on December 11, from noon to 4pm, at VFW Hall in Plainville. The expo will feature over 35 readers and vendors, both outdoor and indoor. Admission and raffles are free, but donations are requested to benefit the Plainville Food Pantry.
Vendors will include: natural health resources, readers, natu ral weight loss, herbal tinctures, dog accessories, rings, CBD, candles, self-help, natural minerals, pain salves, healing modali ties, jewelry, balms, crafts, books, essential oils, honey, crystals, auricular therapy and more.
For more information, call Shirley Bloethe at 860-989-0033 or visit YourHolisticEvents.com. Location: VFW Hall, 7 Northwest Dr, Plainville.
We look forward to seeing you smile!
203TLC 32 Academy for Soul Healing 24
AcuBlend/Dr. Sian James 10 The Angel Cooperative/ Angel Wing 21 Awakend 23 Centropix 25
Chamomille Natural Foods 2 Connecticut Chapter of the International Coaching Federation (ICF-CT) 15
Copper Zap 3 Dr. Michael Wald 5 Greenwich Reindeer Festival 4
Hilda Demirjian Laser & Skin Care 15 Holistic Community Professionals 22
Haute Healing Oasis 9 Hummingbird Sound Yoga 11 Insight Counseling 13 Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies 19
KleinSleep 17
The Market 2
Medicine For Living/ Alicia McKelvey 10 Nature’s Rite 27
Nature’s Way Health Foods 2 Nature’s Temptation 2 New Morning Market 2
Optimal Health Medical/ Henry Sobo, MD 16
Passport to Health & Wellness Holistic Expo 19 Salt of the Earth 12
Sedona Art 12
Dr Christine Skordeles/ Hygiene Centers of America 7
Soul Healing Journey 24
Touch of Sedona 12 Wellness Metaphors/ Nancy S. Scherlong 10 Whole Foods 2
Wolf Spirit Wellness 10
Homestead Family Chiropractic & Wellness is now serving Fairfield County. When most people think about chiropractic, they think about back doctors, but Drs. Matthew and Annamarie Nardini are actually fo cused on the health of the nervous system, which allows for communication between the brain and every organ and muscle in the body.
The reason why chiropractors care so much about the bones in our spine is that those bones protect the nervous system. Physical, chemical and emotional stressors can all contribute to stress on the nervous system. This stress can cause nervous system interference, which essentially means that the brain and body can no longer com municate effectively. This can contribute to a variety of common symptoms such as pain, digestive issues and developmental delays.
Through chiropractic adjustment and nutrition/lifestyle advice, the Nardinis hope to help patients improve the function of their nervous system, reclaim their health and show up better in their daily lives. They are passionate about caring for whole families— from the youngest member to the oldest.
Annamarie has completed extensive additional training to better serve the pediatric, pregnant and postpartum communities. She is certified in the Webster Technique—a specialized chiro practic technique to promote proper pelvis alignment during pregnancy—and has obtained her Perinatal Certification. Both Matt and Anna are certified in the Activator Method technique, which uses an instrument to help deliver a gentle, specific and highly effective adjustment.
For more information, email Info@TheHomesteadChiropractic.com, visit TheHomesteadChiropractic.com or follow @thehomesteadchiro on social media.
Location: 433 Boston Post Rd, Darien. See Community Resource Guide Listing, page 29.
Inserra Duncan, MS, RMT, of Turning Point Reiki, LLC, created The Divine Downloads for Daily Living deck, which contains 55 oracle cards. Each card has a message from a Divine Source (that Inserra Dun can received through automatic writing) and a photo graph taken by her that has been chosen specifically to enhance the energy of the message for that card.
The deck makes a wonderful gift for all occasions, including: Christmas, Hanukkah, stocking stuffers, hostess gifts, teacher gifts and more. The creation of this deck was a la bor of love through the pandemic as she found grounding, connection, peace and solace by taking photos in nature and doing automatic writing during this difficult time.
The messages fall into five categories: love, healing, relationships, faith/trust/intuition and trees/nature/path. Draw a card and receive support and guidance for the day, for the start of the new year and for life’s journey.
For more information, call 203-438-3050, email JDuncan@TurningPointReiki.com or visit TurningPointReiki.com. To order, visit TurningPointReiki.com and choose Divine Downloads from the drop-down menu. See Community Resource Guide Listing, page 30.
Celebrating its third anniversary, Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness has added an additional therapy. In addition to the Moroccan salt room halotherapy and infrared sauna therapy, Revive has a Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed. This therapy is energy medicine-based as it combines the effects of quartz crystals, UV LED phototherapy, binaural sounds and pulsed electromagnetic fields, all coordinated to best suit the needs of the client.
Considered safe for all ages, the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed has proven itself to be an effective therapy when used to treat the following ailments: autoimmune disorders, inflammation, sinus and migraine issues, acne and skin blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles. The approach of the Crystal Bed proves useful to restore homeostasis for the client and their body’s ability to heal. The tool of relaxation has countless benefits for the mind, body and soul.
The Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed uses pulsing electromagnetic field (PEMF) to deliver energy through the client’s body that promotes healing, as well as other health benefits like rebuilding cellular bodies, balancing chakras and pH levels and regulating immune responses. Altogether, crystal bed therapy promotes healing of the body and soul. The combination of crystals, light, sound and pulses delivers a treat for the senses as clients are able to reach heightened levels of relaxation and restoration.
For more information, call 203-283-5968, text 203-306-8441, email Hello@ReviveSaltTherapy.com or visit ReviveSaltTherapy.com. See ad, back cover.
Looking for one-of-a-kind, distinctive gifts that will truly be appreciated by the special people on your list? Decked out in festive style, the Van Vleck House is the set ting for the Flanders Nature Center & Land Trust’s annual Artisan Marketplace, open Wednesdays through Sundays, November 12 through December 23, from 10am to 4pm.
One of the largest artisan markets in the area, find a wide variety of quality cre ations handmade by local crafters and ar tisans including fiber art, shawls, scarves, cards, Christmas ornaments, framed prints, baskets, soap, sugar scrubs, lotion bars, fun children’s accessories, quilts, wreaths and greens, hand-crafted jewelry, pottery and more. Proceeds benefit local artisans and Flanders land conservation and educational programs.
Interested in selling your items at the Arti san Marketplace? Contact Amber McDonald at Amber@FlandersNatureCenter.org.
For more information, call 203-263-3711 ext. 14 or visit FlandersNatureCenter.org. Location: 5 Church Hill Rd, Woodbury.
Guided Meditation and Energy Healing led by cer tified Reiki Master Practitioner and Wellness Coach Diane Nicosia, who will help participants become the most vibrant, healthy and radiant version of themselves, on December 8 at 6:30pm, at Salt Cave of Darien.
During the event, Nicosia will lead participants through a detailed exploration of the seven chakras (energy centers), each associated with a different part of the body, color, crystal and purpose. Angel Cards will be drawn for each participant as a tool to inspire introspection. Nicosia intends to combine the energy flow of chakra meditation with exercises meant to strengthen one’s self-image and bring goals into focus.
Nicosia is a certified Reiki Practitioner and Wellness Coach who bridges spirituality with practicality.
For more information, visit SaltCaveofDarien.com. Location: 555 Post Rd, Darien. See ad, back cover.
From November 25 through December 24, experience the unique holi day magic of “the North Pole on North Street”, at the 14th Annual Greenwich Reindeer Festival & Santa’s Workshop, held at Sam Bridge Nursery & Greenhouses. The cherished town tradition offers opportunities to meet Santa Claus and his three live reindeer, get photos with Santa and enjoy the spacious Santa’s Workshop, which features a reindeer coloring station, letter writing to Santa sta tion, raffle to win a Mercedes-Benz kids car and a “Name the Baby Reindeer” contest.
The event is presented by Jenny Allen/Compass Real Estate. A por tion of all photos with Santa will benefit Kids in Crisis, a Greenwich nonprofit organization. Dogs are also invited for photos with Santa, and doggy gift bags will be given out on weekdays. Parking is free. For more information, photo pricing and schedule, visit GreenwichReindeerFestival.com. Location: Sam Bridge Nursery & Greenhouses, 437 North St, Greenwich. See ad, page 4.
Do you ever find yourself going through the motions of the day, feel ing stuck and disconnected all while remaining inside your home or office? Well, research shows that simply sitting outdoors in nature for just five minutes can improve your mood and emotional well-being.
Two studies published in The Journal of Positive Psychology in 2018 reveal that simply being outdoors in nature for just five minutes improves emotions like being excited, enthu siastic, attentive and inspired, and increases other positive feelings such as awe, gratitude and wonder. Basically, being exposed to nature just helps us feel connected to some thing outside of ourselves.
These two studies conducted by Calum Neill, Janelle Gerard and Katherine Arbuthnott build on existing evidence that indicated nature in all seasons is good for everyone’s health (regardless of age), as it increases our positive emotions and decreases negative emotions like depression and stress. What we did not yet know was how long we need to be outside in nature to receive these benefits.
Using a highly credible experimental research design for both studies, researchers were able to examine the difference between participants randomly assigned to sit quietly outdoors focused on nature, compared to those participants who rested in a lab room. The studies both consisted of university students around 21 years old, mostly female.
These two studies enabled scientists to determine whether 1) five minutes was enough time in nature to elicit a positive improvement in experiences of pleasure and comfort and other emotions important to our emotional health, 2) the length of time spent out in nature effected how much improvement occurred, and 3) if there was a difference being outside for five versus 15 minutes.
In both studies, participants were surveyed before and after their experience to determine their mood level. The results of both studies indicate that the amount of time spent resting briefly out in nature beyond five minutes does not impact the benefit to our state of emo tion and mood received in that first five minutes. Both studies showed positive emotions are increased from these brief exposures to nature. In addition, the second study indicates that negative emotions such as depression, stress and anxiety decrease when we rest in nature.
These results show that when we are stuck in a poor frame of mind, we can easily go sit under a tree, at a park or pond, or anywhere in nature for a quick five-minute pick-me-up to help regulate our mood and improve our well-being. As a result, we may feel more con nected to nature and other people.
It only takes five minutes. When it comes to nature exposure, a little effort is worth a lot.
Andrea Garin Kopilak is the founder of Connect2Flourish, LLC. She holds a master’s in Educational Communications and Technology, an Advanced Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology and extensive awareness coach training. Connect at Connect2FlourishCoaching. com. See Community Resource Guide Listing, page 30.
The Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius. On December 21, the winter solstice occurs as the Sun enters Capricorn.
On December 2, Mercury in Sagittarius is conjunct Venus in Sagittarius. They are both opposing Mars in Gemini, which is retrograde. This energy inspires individuals to think carefully before communicating to avoid conflict. A loving and gracious attitude will heal differences that may arise due to different belief systems. Being open-minded will help individuals understand the moral values of people with diverse backgrounds.
On December 15, Mercury, now in the sign of Capricorn, trines Uranus in Taurus. The energy triggers innovative ideas and trusting instinctual messages. It supports achieving goals associ ated with passion projects.
Mercury in Capricorn stations retrograde on December 29 and will go direct on January 18, 2023. The retrograde cycle can inspire a time of introspection and planting the seeds of growth. Individuals can reflect upon the past and plan for the future.
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign ruled by the planet Jupiter. Tradi tionally, Sagittarius is associated with education, religion, belief sys tems and morality. The pursuit of an endless spiritual quest is a key motivation. Sagittarius is interested in learning different philosophies and having exotic, cross-cultural experiences.
The energy calls individuals to seek their unique destiny and high er purpose. To that end, Sagittarius ignites a drive for expansion that will lead to fresh opportunities in the future. Individuals will feel this energy arise when they are at a crossroads in life. Sagittarius energy will inspire trying something new or moving to a new location. The
Sagittarius spirit keeps life moving forward and seeks to broaden horizons. Optimism, belief and faith are core values.
On December 7, a Full Moon occurs at 16 degrees and 1 minute in the air sign Gemini at 11:08 p.m. EST. During this Full Moon, the Moon is conjunct Mars in Gemini. Individu als may feel driven to express their emotions and ideas. Take time to breathe and assimilate the information that enters your conscious ness. After thinking things through, shape thoughts into a passionate coherent message. Additionally, the Sun in Sagittarius is in
opposition to Mars. This energy offers the courage to defend beliefs. Be mindful, caring and considerate. Aim to explore differing perspectives. As ever, let go of judgments, offer forgiveness and embody gratitude.
On December 23, a New Moon occurs at 1 degree and 32 minutes in the earth sign Capricorn at 5:16 a.m. EST. Capricorn keeps its eye fixed on the peak. It strives upward, aspiring toward the pinnacle of personal achievement. Capricorn strategizes a practi cal, logical plan to achieve goals and will work tirelessly to achieve them.
Venus and Mercury are conjunct in the sign of Capricorn, inspiring individuals to think about how to manifest their pas sion projects and goals. To discover where passion lies, sit in quiet meditation. What rises in the heart is the path to soul evolu tion. Sometimes, climbing the mountain is necessary to see the sun.
Alexa Lane is a best-selling author and leads yoga, Reiki and meditation training pro grams. Readers can personalize the themes above by finding the signs and points on their Astrological natal charts. Connect at AlexaLane.com.
As we indulge in magnificent feasts and open gifts in cozy living rooms, let’s pause to express gratitude for all that we have and look for ways to help those less fortunate. The holiday season is the time for giving. One of the best ways to get into the spirit is by volunteering time and treasure to meaningful causes and underprivileged individuals. Here are a few ideas.
Find a nearby impoverished fam ily that could use a houseful of gifts, including toys, blankets and warm clothes, then do a little shopping and make their holiday dreams come true. Local social service agencies can help identify the lucky family.
Spend an afternoon making holiday greeting cards to warm the hearts of lonely seniors, U.S. armed service members and children in hospitals battling serious illnesses. This is a great activity to do with kids—teach ing them important lessons about kindness and generosity. For cardmaking ideas and distribution help: RedCross.org, LoveForOurElders.org, CardsForHospitalizedKids.com and ColorASmile.org
Nothing is sadder than a child without at least one holiday gift. Fortunately, several organizations and thousands of generous people do their very best to fill those empty little hands with merriment. Here are a few places that need donations of time, money and gifts: ToysForTots.org, Samaritans Purse.org, SalvationArmyUSA.org and OperationHelpAHero.org
Some kids could really use the cozy warmth and comfort of their very own security binky. Here are two organi zations that provide blanket-making ideas and instructions, and also help facilitate their collection and distribu tion: ProjectLinus.org and BinkyPatrol. org. This is a wonderful group project for families or classrooms.
Food insecurity is a serious problem in this country, and lowincome families that rely on government assistance and food banks for everyday nutrition will likely not have the wherewithal for a holiday feast. Here’s where our help comes in. The fol lowing organizations either serve free holiday meals or give away food baskets: local churches, temples and mosques; MealsOnWheels America.org; neighborhood food pantries and soup kitch ens; and SalvationArmyUSA.org
Here are a few charities that accept monetary donations and sweat equity to aid children battling serious diseases or troubled family situations: StJude.org, OneSimpleWish. org, Wish.org and Prison Fel lowship.org
These organizations accept donations of money and time: the American So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (aspca.org); National Wildlife Federation (nwf.org); Best Friends Animal Society (BestFriends.org); Friends of Animals (FriendsOfAnimals.org); Animal Welfare Institute (awionline.org); Alley Cat Allies (AlleyCat.org); Jane Goodall Institute (JaneGoodall.org); and The Hu mane Society of the United States (Humane Society.org).
It has been said that health comes in three variables—good, fast and cheap—but you can only pick two. If you want good and fast, it won’t be cheap. If you want fast and cheap, it won’t be good. If you want something good and cheap, it won’t be fast. In life, there are many roads, and they all lead to our overall health. Every choice we make is a fork in that road of health—and we all have made some poor choices in the past. The good news is even if we take a wrong turn or two or three, through personal grace, it is never too late to get back on track to make better choices to arrive at a happy and healthy destination.
Some people think good health is a chore or hard work. You need to change your mindset and realize good health is the gift that you can give yourself every day. Let’s look at a few simple life choices that can make a big difference in your overall health, mood and mindset.
Making the right nutritional choices is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves. Starting the morning off with warm water and organic lemon is a simple way of get ting our pre- and probiotic juices flowing in our gut. This leads to greater absorption of foods during the day as well as elimination of toxins from the body and the liver.
Starting the day with intermittent fasting or fresh colorful fruits and/or vegetables and healthy fats such as avocado, is a nice way to balance out the blood sugars while also signaling to the body that you are going to make healthy choices throughout the day.
Preparing meals ahead of time, con necting with your food and eliminating processed foods must be a priority in order to achieve your goals of feeling good and healthy overall. Choosing nutritious foods heals the body and satisfies the mind.
These choices are vital for leading an energized and open-hearted life. When you are nourished, only then can you nourish others. Most of our ailments can be miti gated with diet alone. It is the single most important thing that can’t be sacrificed.
Just 30 minutes of exercise several times a week is known to combat dementia and protect the brain as well as the body from life-threatening illnesses. Like the mind, the body needs to be engaged and stimulat ed. Increasing blood flow allows the body to nourish cells and eliminate waste faster and more efficiently.
Studies show that when you choose activi ties that bring you joy and energize you, your cells positively respond to the exercise at a much higher rate. Make it fun and you will be consistent. Choose activities that awaken your passion, inner child and that light you up.
Challenge yourself to smile while doing these activities. Reflect on how good that choice feels. Put on your favorite podcast or sermon or just enjoy the silence of nature while exercising. Don’t be afraid to switch things up and to try something new. This keeps the brain fresh and the endor phins flowing.
Exercising will not only heal the body, but help bring you clarity and regulate every system—the byproduct being better
sleep, sex life, feelings of self-worth, connectivity and increased productivity. It’s free and there’s nothing to lose except regret and inches.
Self-care is vast, so think outside the box. Just like driving, it must be deliberate—otherwise you’ll get lost in the noise of the world and forget to check in. Self-care could be a bath with candles, an earlier bedtime, building a morning routine, a practice of yoga, infrared sauna therapy, red light therapy, blood flow treatments, sound healing or massage. Find a free meditation on YouTube and start there. Just 10 minutes in nature is known to be grounding, as well as supplying you with freshness and vitamin D.
Start with baby steps, but keep moving. Self-care is mental health, from the hormones that it releases and the mindfulness you are showing yourself. Try it for at least 5 to 10 minutes and reflect on how good you feel.
Gifting yourself daily healing creates a safe space where you feel supported, cared for and expansive. The gift of healing is a journey both inward and forward, leading us to our ultimate truth. What we experience and learn on our paths allows us to make “our choices” with wisdom and compassion. We then can go back into the world and offer our services for the greater good, based on the knowledge gained on our trip through this life.
The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is the gift of healing.
Jessica Chichester has been in the health, wellness and spiritual science field for over 25 years. She is a Hall of Fame athlete, and has been a kundalini, yoga and intuitive health and fitness coach for over 20 years. She is a gifted energy practitioner at Haute Healing Oasis, and specializes in sacred sexuality and manifestation. She works with sacred plants and coordinates spiritual Ayahuasca retreats. Connect at 203-595-5304, Info@HauteSauna.com and HauteHealingOasis.com. See ad, page 9.
“Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.”
~ Anais NinSomething I have been calmly obsessed with is the recent under standing of how much I need both solitude and contemplation, both quiet and intense connection to community, to have a life worth living.
I need community to remind me of all the things I share below, but also most importantly to care for and celebrate, to sacrifice for and nurture. In quiet and solitude, I can read and walk my dog and be kind to myself, and with my group of trusted people, I can remember who I am and how I can help.
It’s cool in many ways to be growing old as well—it gives me an opportunity to give back to the younger generations, as I know they will soon very easily take my place. In most ways, I can honestly say I see myself and others in a warm light rather than the
rapid fire judging of my past. Getting older and calmer is as it should be and always has been. I am finally good with the ac ceptance of my inevitable slow down; I am ready to be irrelevant in a way that makes me laugh out loud.
This is a big part of what makes life worth living: accepting each stage, and practicing being with each stage fully. Both knowing that my choices and actions make a very real difference in the lives of others and yet, I will fade out (or flame out) just as every human being does eventually, and this can take off a great deal of pressure to achieve anything. I’m choosing to embrace it and practice the wise pause. As Anais Nin wisely said, the acceptance of each stage, each state of life, is not just a wise way to live; it is the real road to peace and wonder.
It would be nice to tell you I have
gracefully achieved this “wise mind” status, but that is just not my style. I learned to be with myself and be happy (most of the time) the way I was meant to learn it—de nying truths, raging at pains and bumping up against reality. I bruised myself on too many expectations of self and others, by courting and chasing desires, grasping and reacting all along the way.
In these longer and slower days of my sixth decade, I realize my life is abundantly full and it’s mine, earned and honed ear nestly from sorrows, false pride and wrong turns that led to where I found myself, as Cat Stevens said a few decades ago, “when I wasn’t even trying.”
What does make my life worth liv ing? Acceptance of life as it is with all the momentary joys and connections, as well as the fallow seasons of pause, sadness, dis connects and aches and pains. The action that most makes my life gentle and easier is the art of letting go, clearing out and pausing in this moment to be present with whatever is my teacher today. My dog Mille is my favorite teacher; her daily lesson is to
love everyone, live in the moment and that food is awesome.
All animals and most time in nature also teach me to just be present, just listen and breathe and see the cycles all around as the stages of all our lives. I also accept the lessons that are somewhat abrasive—the suffering of others that sometimes comes to me as anger and attack, the knowing that I am not responsible for all the suffering of others and the world, the deep sadness of death and loss. These states of loss are becoming my companions, as I used to refuse them entry to my life if possible. Now, my sadness some times eats breakfast with me and then she gives me a break for the day. For this, I am grateful. When I let sadness back in when she shows up, she seems to mellow out sooner and leave me with wist fulness and lovely memories to hold.
What I didn’t know when I was younger was that I really could let go of so many things on my “have to have, have to do” men tal list. So many things that occupied my mind as essential and worthy of time and effort have vanished. It was my commune of loving friends who have helped me most to achieve this state.
How can we let go of whatever questions and worries obsess us? There is, of course, not a simple answer to this human dilemma, but consider the importance of a small group of like-minded humans to help—and a commitment in turn for us to help others accept, feel and let go. I have found that my own advice to myself is al most always flawed, but my wisdom returns when I share my foibles with members of my small posse of trusted humans. With others, my pain can and does transmute from tears to rants to laughter in a relatively short time when I open all the way up and let it go. During uncertainty, injustices and the random humiliations and pain that we all must face, sharing these with others is the only real answer. I would like to close with a gift of the wisdom of my late mentor Dr. Ed ward Khantzian: “It is not tragedy to suffer, it is part of the human condition. The tragic is to suffer alone.”
Liz Jorgensen, director of Insight Counseling, has over 30 years of experience with adult and adolescent psychotherapy and counseling. Connect at 203-431-9726, Info@InsightCounselingLLC.com or InsightCounselingLLC.com. See ad, page 13.
Shirley R. Bloethe at 860-989-0033
With all the chaos occurring in the world today, it is challenging to remain centered and not feel over whelmed. Every shocking headline seems to pull the proverbial rug out from under us. Thought leader Laureen Golden explains the dilemma this way: “Psychologically, we were raised, ed ucated and socialized in a world that no longer really exists. We have a new world that we must navigate, and we need a new psychology, a whole new way of being for that world. Reducing, compartmen talizing, separating things in order to understand them no longer works for us. It’s going to take work to get out of this paradigm.”
Drawing from her background in education and social work, Golden ponders, “How does that new psychology develop when all our institutions charged with cultivating consciousness— schools, families, religious institutions and organizations—are set in the 19th and 20th centuries? Since learning is how we go from one paradigm to another, where do we go to learn the skills and
the structures we need to be successful in such a complex world? We can’t do it individually. We must learn in collectives.”
The paradigm shift envisioned by Golden offers an opportunity for us to access innovative methods of learning, discovery and connection, such as sociocracy (a self-governance system based on the equality of its members); systems thinking (an approach to complexity that looks at the whole and analyzes relationships, rather than splitting it into smaller pieces); permaculture (explor ing natural ecosystems as a whole); circle methods (thinking things through as a group); and Indigenous wisdom (focusing on the interconnectedness of all things).
All of these methods focus on an ethos of collaboration and teach us how to discern wisdom, which is different than knowl edge. By engaging in these conversations and explorations, we learn that if we tug on any one part of the web of life, we tug the whole web—an important analogy for our times.
Instead of shouting, “The sky is falling, and the seas are rising,” in response to a world that is unraveling and experiencing the growing realities of global warming, residents of St. Petersburg, Florida, are em bracing resilience. To prove that the future is born in webs of human conversation, the city is counting on collective intelligence to emerge.
Among the tools city participants are employing is The World Café, developed by Juanita Brown and David Isaac, which allows people to host group conversations around thoughtful questions. The concept is designed to evoke deeper listening and give rise to solutions for today’s chal lenges in a more conscious, intentional and strategic way. Forty citizens have taken The World Café facilitation course. Employing a simple and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue, this methodology enables participants to clarify the context, create hospitable space, explore questions that matter, encourage everyone’s contribution, connect diverse perspectives, listen together
for patterns and insights, and share collective discoveries.
Other important work being applied is that of bestselling author and longtime communi ty organizer Margaret Wheatley. Her training, which is designed to cultivate what she calls “Warriors of the Human Spirit,” arouses people’s inherent generosity, creativity, compassion and need for community. Known as a big-systems thinker throughout her 45-year career, Wheatley has concluded that the only opportunity for change is at the local level. Questions that encourage collective learning became integral to creating cohesiveness in St. Peters burg this year.
Dr. Donella Meadows’ “systems thinking” has helped St. Petersburg participants under stand that living systems begin as networks, shift to intentional communities of practice and evolve into powerful systems capable of influence. Also instructive has been “complex ity theory”, which helped participants recognize human systems as organizations, families and communities.
“The city leaders felt conversations were important enough to invest $20,000 to cultivate a culture of conversational leadership in the neighborhoods. Another $25,000 was granted by the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay to research the outcomes. Now, the Florida Council of Churches, University of South Florida, Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and The Connection Partners have received a Community Vibrancy grant of $14,500 to pilot conversations in three neighborhoods, spreading the skills in creating participatory democracy. Participants will host conversations in their own neighborhoods,” says St. Pe tersburg resident Sharon Joy Kleitsch, founder of The Connection Partners and a longtime catalyst for applying strategic actions based on the new sciences of complexity theory, strategic thinking and quantum science.
“Those who have used World Café as a tool know that a culture of conversational leader ship offers citizens the opportunity to experience a sense of oneness and connectedness. We’ve explored what happens when we share feelings of care, compassion and appreciation toward a beloved community,” says Kleitsch. “We found that group resonance, profound
personal involvement and deeply engross ing, interactive conversation supports a City of Compassion and an International City of Peace, which St. Petersburg was chosen to be. I want to be sure that people understand that we do not have answers. Together, we are exploring pathways and listening for the answers to emerge.”
Since 2020, a thoughtfully selected group of Florida activists—including participants from St. Petersburg—have been hold ing weekly online Zoom conversations that matter. In 2021, they were joined by participants from Ohio to study the Capra Course, which is based on The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision by bestsell ing author Fritjof Capra
“What we discovered after only two weeks was that we were ourselves a living system connecting to itself and becoming self-organized,” says Kleitsch. “We became aware that we were learning together. We were sharing what we were learning around subjects such as honoring Indigenous peo ples, local food systems, the human right to clean water, reimaging capitalism and many more subjects. We’ve also bifurcated into
Our professional team of holistic and natural businesses provides community outreach and education. We are committed to improving the health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit in the communities we serve.
Elizabeth Raver, PhD Evidential Psychic-Medium, Loving Hearts Connec tions™ Facilitator, American Association of Psychics, Red Barn in Durham. Online & in person sessions. Drlizmedium.com • Ravelizabeth516@gmail.com 203-400-9212
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Carolyn Coleridge Reiki Sessions and Mindfulness Meditation, Spiritual Life Coach, Mentor, Help people find Purpose & Healing Classes on Universal Consciousness and Intuition intuitivesoulhealing.com • Carcole9@hotmail.com
Rev. Bradford W. Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT Starseed Support, Universal White Time, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing • Sessions and Trainings crystalmusichealing.com • linktr.ee/bradfordtilden 860-830-5841
a Sarasota [Florida] cohort. The key is, we were not random. We were a self-selected study group learning collaboratively, which is the best way I recommend activists study the Capra Course.”
Argerie Vasilakes, who is researching outcomes, explains that her work is dedicated to helping teams, communities and organizations become more coherent. “I start with traditional ways of thinking about our relationships with nature that native peoples have never forgotten—humans are part of nature, not apart from nature,” she explains. “To me, human organizations, communities, families and governments are also part of nature and examples of natural ecosys tems. So, I naturally look at things from a living systems perspective.”
Vasilakes advises, “In a group that is learning together, such as those in the St. Petersburg neighborhoods, group conversations organized around questions specifically crafted for the context and desired purpose of the World Café evoke a deeper kind of listen ing, the most important factor determining the success of a Café. They spark learning conversations that can produce insights and innovation for meeting the challenges they face. Through practicing shared listening and paying attention to themes, patterns and in sights, participants begin to sense a connection to the larger whole.”
According to Wheatley, the important work is to foster criti cal connections. She believes it is not necessary to convince large numbers of people to change; instead, she suggests we connect with kindred spirits. Through these relationships and tools like The World Café, we can develop the new knowledge, practices and commitment that lead to broad-based change.
Wheatley sometimes opens her interviews with an ancient Hopi prophecy that reads as if it were applicable to our current times: “Here now is a river flowing very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid, who will try to hold on to the shore. They are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. The elders say, ‘Let go of the shore, push off and go into the middle of the river. Keep your heads above the water. Know the river has its destina tion.’ The elders say, ‘See who is in there with you and celebrate.’ At this time in history, we are to take nothing seriously; least of all, ourselves. Gather yourselves. Everything we do now must be done in a spirit of celebration, for we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
See more holistic practitioners at: HolisticCommunityProfessionals.org To join the HCP contact Shirley R. Bloethe at: 860-989-0033
Seeing who is in the river of chaos with us, we can choose to respond with, “How can I serve with what I have, where I am?” This is what any Warrior of the Human Spirit would say because in the same river of chaos, there are also the seeds of transformation. In these turbulent times when all the old boundaries are unravelling and all the old certainties are dissolving, there is a possibil ity for creative transformation if we work together.
Linda Sechrist is Natural Awakenings’ senior staff writer.
Teaching children the value of generosity and kindness is not just good for the world, it is good for our kids, too. Studies have shown that acts of altruism can boost the immune sys tem, lower blood pressure, increase self-esteem, reduce depression and lower stress levels. Selfless contributions also can foster a sense of belonging, whether they are donating material things, sharing their time or freely conveying love and kindness. A magnanimous child is repaid with benefits that nourish the body and soul.
Empathy and Mirror Neurons: To transform children into givers, they need to learn how to share and comprehend other people’s feelings. Known as cognitive empathy, it involves understanding another person’s emotions on an intellectual level, taking into con sideration their situation and anticipating how they might react.
Since the 1990s, scientists have been researching mirror neurons which respond to actions that we observe in the same way as when we actually perform those actions ourselves. These neurons play a considerable role in the development of speech, language, learning, emotional intelligence, empathy and understanding, so children need to see and receive acts of giving and love to become givers themselves.
Giving Heals: With mental health conditions in children on the rise, charitable behavior can improve their mental well-being and help them secrete “feel-good” chemicals in the brain like oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. “I think helping our kids experience the happiness that comes from giving to others is probably one of the most valuable ways we can nurture generosity in them,” says Lara Aknin, an assistant professor of psychology at Simon Fraser University, in Canada. “It sets off this positive cycle. Giving makes people happy and happiness promotes giving.”
Functional MRIs of people that donate to charities have shown that the act of giving stimulates reward centers of the brain where endorphins are released. These hormones lower cortisol, improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure and heart rate, improve digestion, clear out toxins, help the immune system fight infections
and renew energy to repair cells and fight cancer. Other benefits include lower inflammation overall, improved sleep, decreased feelings of restlessness and reductions in chronic pain.
Giving and Social Support: In a 2020 study reported in JAMA Network, researchers found that young adults ages 19 to 20 that perceived higher levels of social support—the feeling that there is someone they can depend on for help should they need it—were less likely to report depressive and anxiety symptoms or suicidal ideation one year later. The study also found that even in cases where people previously experienced mental health problems, social support was beneficial for mental health later on.
Love and secure attachments, such as those experienced through acts of giving, strengthen the body; help regulate emotions, at tention and behavior; mitigate the effects of stress; and promote lifelong, healthy development.
Volunteering: Volunteering makes an immeasurable difference in the lives of others and creates a sense of purpose in the person doing it. Science has shown that engaging in volunteer work can decrease depression, reduce stress, increase longevity and help the person stay mentally and physically active. Volunteers get to meet others, develop new relationships and strengthen existing relation ships with those that have similar goals and interests. There are many opportunities for children and parents to volunteer through school, religious and nonprofit organizations.
Random Acts of Kindness and Generosity: Random acts of kind ness and generosity include smiling, holding the door open for someone and reaching out to loved ones. Include a child in these activities and encourage them to do the same. “When you see your children being generous, point it out and praise them,” recom mends The Center for Parenting Education. “Help them put into words the positive feelings they may have as they help others.”
The most important ingredient to develop a child with a healthy brain and body is love. Children need positive experiences for pathways in their brain and body to work. Developing empathy for themselves and others increases emotional strength and selfregulation. Improve the life of a child—physically, emotionally and spiritually—by teaching them the simple of act of giving.
Madiha Saeed, M.D., ABIHM, is the bestselling author of The Holistic RX, an international speaker, founder of HolisticMomMD.com and director of education for KnoWEwell.com.
The universe is calling you. Have you heard the message? You are here for a purpose and a reason. Part of the game of incarnating on earth is to find your purpose, pas sion or gifts and to create it. Since the earth plane is dense, it takes a lot of spiritual muscles to create that outcome.
Many religions have information on how to live your life purposely, but unfortunately the tarnish of many of the major religions over the past several years has left people look ing for different ways to understand the universal dialogue and to live life more spiritually. Spirituality seems to be that new way to evolve your soul. But what exactly is spirituality?
Our spirit is the energy inside of us that is our guiding force. It is our life force, our soul that is connected to the universe. This soul energy is what people call our spirit and fuels our emotions. These feelings are energy in motion—e-motions. Our thoughts, feelings and words push the emotions into happiness, love, truth and joy. It is our thoughts and words that create much of our outcome and help guide our spirit. When we listen to our spirit, we listen to our own spiritual nature, and thus, create spirituality.
Our spirit is that quiet voice, those intuitions and nudges that lead us to a more fulfill ing life. We then make choices based on our feelings of right and wrong and good and bad. Most spiritual paths are a self-creation between the universe and the soul or through nature to create our personal practice. Spirituality is a self-creation with our own intuitive nature. Listening to our intuition, which is the language of the spirit and soul, becomes a regular practice to create our spiritual path.
There is a shift in consciousness with humanity. During the pandemic, many people had a long time to think and to figure out what is true for themselves, their families or
their life. That awareness has made people start creating new jobs, homes and outcomes. Through thoughts, words and deeds, we are being taught that we are creating with the universe.
What is the universe? The universe is a cosmic energy matrix in which we live. It is a living field of awareness, manifestation, creativity and life. Many people feel that the universe is the Di vine. The universe appears to be a living energy that through the contrast of dark and light, helps you learn to make decisions from a higher perspective. As you make higher decisions for yourself on a continuing basis, you gain more and more light. Light is knowl edge. You begin to understand the universe is teaching you all the time and you are growing and shifting through your choices.
The more light you give out, the more light you attract and evolve your soul. Enlightenment is that being in the light field. That light field is knowledge. When you gain spiritual knowledge, you make better karmic choices. When your light is brighter, you go to a higher part of heaven and that is a higher state of mind. So, you get to a place where you have a lot of light; knowledge and the light will shine onto the darkness, so you reside more in a state of truth. That light or knowledge than pushes away the darkness and when the darkness is gone, you have no interest in manifesting on a dark planet such as earth. You evolve your soul out of the cycle of incarnation back to earth and you ascend.
This is why day by day, moment by moment, you are challenged
to make higher choices. You are building a bridge to your ascen sion out of earth and to raise humanity’s consciousness. When one person has a field of higher consciousness and light, it emanates that out to the world and then others will follow by example. That beacon of light will be a guiding force to lead others out of darkness.
The planet is being challenged to move to a higher state of being because the universe is filled with light, not darkness. Remember it is the stars that we are attracted to in the night sky. The stars represent the light in the darkness that will lead us to a higher state of being. When we look at the stars, it is a metaphor for us looking at ourselves—being a light in the dark. That can be a teacher, healer or soul coach shining the light of truth to clients and seekers.
Stars and planets also teach us through their various cycles of existence, such as in astrology. They teach us to learn and grow. The stars and planets symbolize our time here on earth through metaphors and symbols. When you realize the universe is set up to have you grow and learn by listening and dialoguing with its existence, consciously, you will begin creating better outcomes.
Carolyn Coleridge, LCSW is a psychotherapist, intuitive and healer. She has a meditation and healer center, Conscious Creations, in Bloomfield. Connect at 323-782-9085 (text), IntuitiveSoulHealing. com or @Conscious_CreationsCT on Instagram. See ad, page 22.
NOTE TO OUR READERS: All events were accurate at press time; we suggest confirming these details with the hosts before attending. Please check eNaturalAwakenings.com to enter your events or find others.
Salty Yoga Nidra with Kelly Warters – 6:307:30pm. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation inducing complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation while removing blocks that keep you from living your best life. In addition to Yoga Nidra, our salt room offers Halotherapy which is a safe and natural therapy. $46.79. Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness, 374 New Haven Ave, Milford. 203-283-5968. Re viveSaltTherapy.as.me.
Holy Fire Reiki 2 Certification Training – 10am5pm. In-person with Gail Christie and Sheila DevlinCraane, Holy Fire Usui and Karuna Reiki Masters. Deepen your connection to Reiki, learn the Level 2 symbols and how to give a complete Reiki session. Receive a Reiki 2 attunement, a manual, course materials and a certificate. $275. 203-979-0918. JoyfulLivingReiki.com.
Salty Aerial Restorative Fusion with Anastasia – 2-3:15pm. Low aerial hammocks are used to sup port slow movements andlonger holds of restorative nature, opening the body, allowing muscles to relax, and nourishing the body’s fascia and connective tissue. $69.13. Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness, 374 New Haven Ave, Milford. 203-283-5968. ReviveSaltTherapy.as.me.
Meditation and Energy Healing with Exploration of the Seven Chakras with Diane Nicosia – 6:307:45pm. With Diane Nicosia, certified Reiki Master Practitioner and Wellness Coach. Exploration of your seven chakras. Chakra Insight Cards will be drawn for each participant as a tool to inspire intro spection. $65. Salt Cave of Darien, 555 Post Road, Darien. 203-658-7667. SaltCaveOfDarien.com.
Holy Fire Reiki Circle – 7-8pm. Online via Zoom with Gail Christie. Join us to release negative energy and restore balance with a Holy Fire Reiki medita tion and shared Reiki. Sign-up by 5pm on 12/08 for logon link. Joyful Living Reiki. 203.979.0918. Free. JoyfulLivingReiki.com.
Universal White Time Healing Level 1 – 12/9: 6-9pm, 12/10 & 12/11: 9am-6:30pm. Become certi fied in this new advanced ET-based energy healing modality. Accelerate your spiritual growth and learn
tools to heal yourself and others on a deep soul level. $400. Center For Higher Living, 130 Webster Square, Berlin. 860-830-5841. Info@CrystalMusicHealing. com. eventbrite.com/e/376920167367.
Salty Yoga Nidra with Kelly Warters – 6:307:30pm. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation inducing complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation while removing blocks that keep you from liv ing your best life. In addition to Yoga Nidra, our salt room offers Halotherapy which is a safe and natural therapy. $46.79. Revive Salt Therapy & Well ness, 374 New Haven Ave, Milford. 203-283-5968. ReviveSaltTherapy.as.me.
Salty Soul Healing in the Akashic Records with Gail Perrella – 6:30-7:30pm. We will be focusing on one specific wound to heal each session. The Akashic Records is the 5th Dimensional library that houses each person’s “soul room” your “soul room” holds every experience your soul has ever encountered. $58.49. Revive Salt Therapy & Well ness, 374 New Haven Ave, Milford. 203-283-5968. ReviveSaltTherapy.as.me.
Reiki and Guided Meditation – 1-2pm. Online via Zoom with Gail Christie. Join us to release stress and restore balance with a Holy Fire Reiki meditation and shared Reiki. Sign-up by 11am on 12/17 for logon link. Free. JoyfulLivingReiki.com.
Shamanic Sound Healing Meditation – 6-7pm. Join Bradford Tilden every other Thursday for a deeply restorative and activating Sound Healing Meditation. Please Bring your own blanket, chair or yoga mat to sit on. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St. Farmington. $20-$35. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St, Farmington. 860404-2578. tinyurl.com/BridgeSoundBrad.
Starseed Support Group – 6-8pm. This is a safe space to come out of the cosmic closet to unite in community, share stories and experiences that might seem too “out there” for regular dinner conversa tion, and find common ground with your grounded galactic buddies. Open format. RSVP to Bradford: 860-830-5841, Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com. $20. Center For Higher Living, 130 Webster Square, Berlin. TheCenterForHigherLiving.com.
Online Meditation Practice Session – 10-11am. Online meditation practice sessions and Dharma talks using Zoom. All levels welcome. No formal charge. By donation. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Online Meditation Practice Session – 7-8pm. Online meditation practice sessions and Dharma talks using Zoom. All levels welcome. No formal charge. By donation. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Mysticism: Where Science, Art and Religion Meet –7-8:30pm. What is the purpose of life? Our intent is to address these issues through lectures, readings and guided group discussions. We will present ancient concepts, cutting-edge theories, speculations, assertions, data, and most of all, thought-provoking ideas for discussion. Free. Aleph Talks, 606 Post Rd East, Ste 667, Westport. AlephTalks.com.
Sound Yoga (Online) – 11am-12pm. With Barbara Soares, yoga/vocal yoga teacher and Reiki Master will help students explore the power of sound to relax, inspire, and listen deeply. Learn and practice humming, deep listening, and medicine melodies to improve wellness and reduce stress. Students should bring a yoga mat and wear loose, comfortable clothes. $50/5 sessions. Tinyurl.com/SoundYogaBobbi.
Sound Healing Meditation – 6-7pm. First, third and fifth Thursdays. With Bradford Tilden. Deeply restorative and activating Sound Healing Meditation. Please bring your own blanket, chair or yoga mat to sit on. $20. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St, Farmington. 860-404-2578. tinyurl.com/ BridgeSoundBrad.
Recharge from the Holidays and gift yourself with this exclusive destination training of Universal White Time Gemstone Healing Level 1 at a private retreat center located at a luxury lakeside mansion in North Carolina.
$695 Includes tuition, meals and 3 nights accommodations. Please visit CrystalMusicHealing.com/destination-trainings for more information and to register. Contact Bradford 860-830-5841 Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com
Salty Yin Yoga with Kelly Warters – 6:30-7:30pm. Second Thursday. Join Kelly Warters for this 8 part Chakra Yin Yoga Series. You may attend one of the classes or sign up for all 8 for maximum healing benefits + a discount. $37.22. Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness, 374 New Haven Ave, Milford. 203-283-5968. ReviveSaltTherapy.as.me.
Reiki 1st Degree Workshop: Online or In-Person – 10am-5pm. First Friday. With Gigi Benanti, Reiki Master/Teacher (24 years). Learn Reiki 1st Level (Western Style). Learn how to use Reiki for healing. Two manuals and certificate included. Zoom link will be given with e-mail and payment. Please call to register. Also held on the first Saturday. No drop-ins. $135. Angelic Healing Center, 7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk. 203-852-1150. AngelHealReiki.com.
Saturday Dharma and Morning Meditation – 7:308:15am. Every week we will discuss various works on topics such as self-study, meditation, self-improvement, mindfulness, joy and much more. Discussion will be followed by 30-minute guided meditation. Proceeds donated to our charity of the month. $10/cash. Yoga Culture, 105 Mill Plain Rd, Danbury. 203-730-0250. WeAreYogaCulture.com.
One-Day Meditation Retreat – 9:30am-4pm. Second Saturday. Limited in-person meditation retreat. The extended practice is meant to deepen self-awareness and a previously established meditation practice is sug gested. Must register online. By donation. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
In-Person Meditation Practice Session – 10-11:30am. Limited in-person meditation practice. All levels wel come. If it’s your first time, please let someone know so that we can provide a brief introduction. Must register online. Donations encouraged. Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, 9 Picketts Ridge Rd, West Redding. 203-244-3130. ReddingMeditation.org.
Reiki Second Degree Workshop: Online or In-Person – 10am-5pm. Fifth Saturday. With Gigi Benanti, Reiki Master/Teacher (24 years). Learn Reiki Level 2 (Western Style). Learn how to send reiki distance healing, deepen your use of Reiki for yourself and others and more. Two manuals and certificate included. Also held on the last Friday. No drop-ins. $225. Angelic Healing Center, 7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk. 203-852-1150. AngelHealReiki.com.
Eyesofwings Soulcial in the Garden – 1-5pm. First Saturday. Non-profit 508c(1) Private Ministerial Asso ciation in service to nature and humanity. Our mission is to provide accessible and reasonably priced Healing Arts services and products to facilitate people in their self-healing. $22. Carmelina’s Garden, 172 Welton St, Hamden. 203-589-4614. Eyesofwings.live.
with Rev. Bonnie Crosier
December 4 • 1-2:30pm • $20
VIRTUAL PAST LIVES MESSAGE CIRCLE with James Luse January 18 • 7-9pm • $30
SPIRITUAL MEDIUMSHIP COURSE with Rev. Liz Hoy & Rev. Kathleen James Mondays • 7-9pm $100 for 5-week Modules Small classes – Contact us for details
Every Sunday • 11am-12pm
Children’s Lyceum Third Sunday • 10-10:45am
Spiritual Healing Service
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Ken Hoffman, DACM, LAc, Medical Director 31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield 203-740-9300 INM.Center
Women’s Health: hormonal balancing, breast cancer prevention. Breast and full body thermography screening. Screening and treatment of chronic inflammation using medical infrared thermography (MIT). Safe, painless and non-invasive, thermography can detect early changes in breast tissue up to eight years before a mammogram. FDA-registered, our high-definition camera is the most advanced in the region.
Rising Starr Horse Rescue, Wilton Virtual & In-Person 917-340-1328 Hello@JennTPeterson.com
Life & Business Coach working in the presence of horses. I help you breakthrough fears to market and sell your services, connect with ideal clients and make money. Virtual and in-person. See ad, back cover.
Certified Career Coach
Hypnotist, & Teacher of Active Dreaming TheaLitsios.com 203-693-1493
I help you clear away subconscious blocks and use intuition to discover your unique gifts. My clients create a meaningful career of their dreams that is Soul Centered. When you are ready to have a career that lights you up, call for a free 60-minute consultation. 12+ years experience helping clients connect to their soul. See ad, back cover.
Dr. Sian James, DACM, LAc, LMT, RYT Locations in Stamford, Westport & Fairfield 203-987-6585
AcuBlend will serve your healthcare needs by blending the art and science of wellness, offering acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Tui Na, massage therapy, movement therapies, herbal medicine and much more. See ad, page 10.
Dr. Annamarie Nardini, DC & Dr. Matthew Nardini, DC 433 Boston Post Rd, Darien 203-244-8544
Info@TheHomesteadChiropractic.com TheHomesteadChiropractic.com
Drs. Anna and Matt Nardini are dedicated to helping you reclaim your health. With specialized training for pediatrics and pregnancy, they provide gentle, safe, and effective chiropractic care for the entire family. Drs. Nardini also provide you with personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and exercise recommendations to get you functioning your best!
Hygiene Centers of America 5 Edgewood Ave, Greenwich 203-661-1113
Info@DrSkordeles.com DrSkordeles.com
Dr. Christine Skordeles launched her office as a Cosmetic Digital Technology Dentist for the past 20 plus years in Midtown Manhattan and is now open in Greenwich. Dr. Skordeles has a commitment to new research, which is constantly evolving and changing dentistry. She is a graduate of Case Western Reserve School of Dental Medicine. See ad, page 7.
EMBODY THE SACRED Deana Paqua, MA, LMT Ridgefield and New Milford Deana.Paqua@gmail.com
Offering classes, training programs, healing sessions and mentoring in cross-cultural energy medicine and contemporary shamanism for healers, spiritual seekers and the energy sensitive. Learn self-healing, self-empowerment and trauma transformation through the sacred.
Transformative Healing • Tarot Virtual and In-Person Sessions 203-856-9566 • BethLeas.com
If not now, when? Inspire change on all levels—greater physical ease, emotional freedom, peace of mind and spiritual connection. 30+ years of intuitive healing experience with adults and children of all ages. Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tarot. See ad, back cover.
WAYNE LEISS, LMT, CAO 49 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel 203-994-1207 • Wayne@WayneLeiss.com WayneLeiss.com
Essential oils address stress reduction, support the natural functioning of body systems and can enhance overall well-being. They are used in topical, internal and aromatic applications. Improve physically, emotionally and spiritually as Wayne teaches you about the benefits and uses of massage with natural and pure dōTERRA Essential Oils. See ad, back cover.
374 New Haven Ave, Milford 203-283-5968 Hello@ReviveSaltTherapy.com ReviveSaltTherapy.com
A Holistic Healing Spa for Body, Mind, and Soul. We offer Halotherapy/Salt Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Massage Therapy, Sound Healing, Yoga, and Wellness plus a Crystal Shop. We offer unique and potent products and services to accelerate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. See ad, back cover.
90 Grove St, Ste 206, Ridgefield 212-688-4818 • Contact@DrMasiello.com DrMasiello.com
Dr. Masiello is a classical homeopath and a cranial osteopath. Dr. Masiello provides in-person visits for patients in the NYC metro area and multiple counties in southeastern NY and southwestern CT. He also provides telemedicine services. He is board certified in Homeopathy and Osteopathic Manipulation. He treats adults and children of all ages.
Ken Hoffman, DACM, LAc, Medical Director
31 Old Rte 7, Brookfield 203-740-9300
Using naturopathic and Chinese medical principles, we get to the source of your health concerns. Diagnostic methods include functional testing such as advanced bloodwork analysis, cardiovascular testing, hormone evaluation and thermography. Our customized treatment program includes acupuncture, herbal and nutritional medicine, diet and lifestyle counseling and more. Most insurance accepted.
Dr. Randy Schulman, MS, OD, FCOVD
Dr. Jason Grygier
Dr. Diana Ngo
Dr. Justin Rapp Dr. Sonia Singh Dr. Magy Tepliz
6515 Main St, Trumbull • 203-374-2020
444 Westport Ave, Norwalk • 203-840-1991
2600 Post Rd, Southport • 203-255-4005 1425 Bedford St, 1M, Stamford • 203-357-0204
We offer behavioral optometry, comprehensive vision exams, contact lenses and vision therapy. Call to schedule your appointment today.
meditation. Mahasati meditation cultivates selfawareness through attention to the movement of the body and, at more advanced levels, to the movement of
mind. No prior meditating experience is necessary. Ongoing weekly meditation classes, retreats and events. Please check monthly event calendar or visit ReddingMeditation.org for updated information.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
HummingbirdSoundYoga.com Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a metaphysical artist, photographer and musician available for performances, concerts and ceremonies. Bobbi’s band Hummingbird and Friends is well- known for their eclectic blend of chants, jazz, blues, reggae and country. As a solo performer/ poet & singer, her influences include John Cage, Sun Ra & Laurie Anderson. Her artwork can be viewed at Gallery 25 in New Milford and online. She studied improvisation with Bobby McFerrin, vocal yoga with Heather Lyle, and sound healing with Silvia Nakkach, John Beaulieu and Don Conreaux See ad, page 11.
51 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959
TheAngelCoop.com Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
The Angel Cooperative is a unique lifestyle boutique featuring the first and only Shungite Room in the USA. Wide selection of crystals, jewelry, candles, essential oils, divination tools, spiritual gifts, statuary, oracle decks and tarot and home décor. Available in The Shungite Room: readings, Reiki, meditation, sound therapy, energy work, workshops, and special events. See ad, page 21.
Dr. Amy Wiesner
91 East Ave, Second Floor, Norwalk 203-962-5887 • DrAmyWiesner@gmail.com HealthfulHarmony.com
Dr. Wiesner, practicing for almost 20 years, uses acupuncture, lifestyle medicine, nutritional supplementation and homeopathy to help her patients achieve health and well-being. Infertility, Diabetes, Stress, Pain, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Allergies, Headaches, Cardiovascular Disease, Lyme Disease, Menstrual Disorders, other imbalances.
Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies
805 Kings Highway East, Fairfield 203-331-9111
A combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. See ad, page 19.
Vis Wellness Center
Rocky Hill & TeleMedicine Statewide (234) 2-ACU-DOC • DrNicoleKlughers.com Info@DrNicoleKlughers.com
Dr. Nicole Klughers offers comprehensive naturopathic care to restore optimal health and prevent disease. Dr. Nicole’s “health detective” approach identifies the root cause of symptoms and provides all-natural solutions such as personalized nutrition (food as medicine), herbal medicine, nutrient therapies, acupuncture and more. In-depth assessment is often done with detailed testing of vitamins/ minerals, hormones, advanced cardiovascular markers, inflammation, food sensitivities, gut/ microbiome and more. See ad, page 22.
OFFICE OF DR. MICHAEL WALD 29 King St, 2nd Fl, Chappaqua NY 10514 914-552-1442 • Info@BloodDetective.com DrMichaelWald.com #BloodDetective
Dr Wald is a holistic DC, Nutritionist, and Dietician whose Blood Detective software, labs and detailed consult help get to the cause(s) of persistent health issues. Conditions include autoimmune, weight loss, anti-aging, cancer, GI issues, depression, and more. See ad, page 5.
Andrea Garin Kopilak 917-583-3218
As the Founder of Connect2Flourish, I use a coaching process grounded in the science of positive psychology and awareness coaching to help empower clients to utilize their strengths, so that they can build resilience, make important connections, and choose what flourishing looks like for them.
Coaching/Psychotherapy/Consulting Offices in Norwalk and Ridgefield 914-572-3167
Manage stress with relaxation techniques. Rediscover your creativity through writing and the expressive arts. Resolve trauma with EMDR, IFS or SE. Or book an experiential workshop! Nancy has over 20 years of experience with children, families, groups, adults and corporate wellness programs. See ad, page 10.
Angelic Healing Center
7 Morgan Ave, Norwalk 203-852-1150
Gigi is an experienced Reiki Master/Teacher. She offers all levels of Reiki training monthly. All classes and Reiki sessions include the latest techniques including Karuna, Angelic and Jikiden Reiki.
JoAnn Inserra Duncan, MS, RMT
100B Danbury Rd, Ste 101, Ridgefield 203-438-3050
JoAnn uses intuition, experience and a deep spiritual connection in her Reiki, IET and Reconnective Healing sessions. Specializing in care for individuals with cancer, back pain, Lyme disease and other tick borne illnesses. All Reiki levels taught.
787 Main St, S Woodbury 203-586-1172
Combining an array of natural therapies that have been used since ancient times with today’s technology, Salt of the Earth Spa provides a sanctuary for deep transformations, healing and grounding for Mind, Body and Spirit. See ad on page 12.
The Angel Cooperative 51 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959 • TheAngelCoop.com
The first and only Shungite Room in the USA. Shungite is the only natural material known to contain fullerenes, a naturally occurring antioxidant. Shungite is believed to have active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers. The Shungite Room hosts readings, Reiki, meditation, sound therapy, energy work, workshops, and special events. The public is welcome to enjoy the room at no charge when the room is not in use. See ad, page 21.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
BSoares@LightOfTheNewMoon.com HummingbirdSoundYoga.com Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a sound yoga and vocal yoga teacher, blues/jazz singer, and Reiki master, certified in several modalities of energy and sound healing. She offers Hummingbird Sound Yoga and sound healing immersions for groups and private sessions. Using earth, dance and symphonic gongs, bowls, tuning forks and humming-for-health meditations, her goal is to help individuals experience becoming “one with sound” to promote a deep relaxation response that balances energy and encourages healing. See ad, page 11.
Transformation Coach, Shamanic Healer 203-820-3800
TransformationCenterCT@gmail.com TransformationCenterCT.com
Katie will assist you in reaching your true potential and heal what has been holding you back. You will experience real self-acceptance and start to live in alignment with who you truly are so you can create a life you love, a life of meaning and purpose. See ad, back cover.
Bradford Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT Remote: Phone or Zoom 860-830-5841 • Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com CrystalMusicHealing.com
My goal is to empower you to develop spiritually and professionally. I offer UWT energy and gemstone healing with guided visualization for spiritual healing and self-actualization, and transformational voice activation coaching sessions. I teach certification classes in Universal White Time (UWT), Lemurian Intuitive (LSINH), Crystal, and Sound Healing. I use these techniques, and more to help you to obtain authentic expression, empowerment, and transformation. You can purchase personally attuned crystals and gemstones through me. My clients and students gain a renewed clarity and a sense of purpose as they perceive their truth and remove blockages that distort their perception. Contact me for a free 30 minute consultation. See ad, page 22.
Located next door to The Angel Cooperative 49 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte. 7), Ridgefield 203-431-2959
TheAngelCoop.com Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
The Angel Wing is next door to The Angel Cooperative. It has a large yoga room and private treatment room.
The Angel Wing hosts workshops, retreats, readings, energy work sessions, Reiki and Reiki Certification classes, massage, sound and gong baths, guided meditations, acupuncture, and yoga classes and yoga teacher training. It is also available to rent on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Optional rental spaces include a large open room and/or an intimate private room with massage/Reiki table. See ad, page 21.
Jessica & Peter Chichester 792 Pacific St, Stamford 203-595-5304
Info@HauteHealingOasis.com HauteHealingOasis.com
HHO is your feel-great place!
555 Post Rd, Darien 203-658-7667
Info@SaltCaveofDarien.com SaltCaveofDarien.com
Our wellness destination offers an oasis of peace, calm and serenity. Whether you want to release stress, address a health challenge, or gather with friends and family, the Cave is inviting, warm and soothing. Check out our website for the many different ways to experience the benefits of our healing salt! See ad, back cover.
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares Merryall, New Milford 860-946-9470
BSoares@LightOfTheNewMoon.com HummingbirdSoundYoga.com Facebook @HummingbirdSoundYoga
Barbara (Bobbi) Soares, MA, CYT, is a sound yoga and vocal yoga teacher, blues/jazz singer, and Reiki master, certified in several modalities of energy and sound healing. She offers Hummingbird Sound Yoga and sound healing immersions for groups and private sessions. Her goal is to help individuals experience becoming “one with sound” to promote a deep relaxation response that balances energy and encourages healing. See ad, page 11.
Ingrid Prueher
85 Mill Plain Rd, 3rd Flr, Fairfield 203-254-YOGA (9642) Info@Yoga4Everybody.net Yoga4Everybody.net
Transformative Healing • Tarot Virtual and In-Person Sessions 203-856-9566 • BethLeas.com
If not now, when? Inspire change on all levels—greater physical ease, emotional freedom, peace of mind and spiritual connection. 30+ years of intuitive healing experience with adults and children of all ages. Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tarot. See ad, back cover.
A 3,500-square-foot wellness spa and healing center featuring over a dozen wellness services in a caring feng shui inspired atmosphere. If you need relaxation, detoxification, body contouring or rehabilitation services, then you should check them out.
See ad, page 9.
A serene yoga studio placed in the heart of downtown Fairfield at the Sportsplex where you can experience yoga, meditation, and aerial classes in-person, online or via video-on-demand. There are also a variety of workshops and trainings that you can attend: Drum Circles, Gong, Reiki Trainings, Wim Hof Method and Yoga Teacher Training in the heart of Fairfield, CT. Also available: Thermography, Reiki, Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Tarot, and Shamanic Therapy private sessions. See ad, back cover.
203TLC is a community of accredited health and wellness providers offering a wide variety of services and products.
Founded in 1997 by Beth Leas, the TLC Tribe is Fairfield County’s largest holistic health resource - a vibrant and growing community of over 90 Members, committed to living consciously and offering healthy lifestyle opportunities. We offer high quality private sessions, products, workshops, classes and resources designed to help you live life well.
VISIT US: www.203TLC.com • www.TribeTLC.com • FB: Tribe TLC • 203-856-9566
ThetaHealing & Mindset Coach. Helping
healthy relationships and clear negative thought patterns. 20+ years experience. Virtual & In Person • 607-319-9161 mindbreathingedge@gmail.com ThetaHealing.com/alexiaclonda
25+ Years Experience
Private Sessions, Workshops, Events In-person or by phone bethleas.com 203-856-9566
Certified Coach & Reiki Master Teacher. Move forward toward your personal & business goals. In person or Zoom. NicosiaDiane@gmail.com ibalanceuthrive.com 203-858-5848
TransformationCenterCT.com 203-820-3800
Jenn T Peterson, Wilton, CT
Business & Life Coach working in the presence of horses. I help you release your fears to market and sell your services. Virtual & In-Person. Hello@JennTPeterson.com 917-340-1328
Wayne Leiss, LMT, CAO Adventures in Connection. dōTERRA Essential Oils, Symphony of the Cells™ Applications and Massage Therapy 49 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel, CT 06801 Wayne@WayneLeiss.com WayneLeiss.com • 203-994-1207
Gregg Kirk, Lyme Recovery Clinic & Detox Center Heal from chronic illness through all-natural herbal treatments, intensive detox, cleanses & energy healing.
528 Post Rd, Darien Gregg.Kirk@gmail.com 203-858-9725
Ingrid Prueher, Yoga For Everybody A serene yoga studio where you can experience yoga, meditation, and aerial classes in-person, online or by video-on-demand, plus other workshops & trainings. 85 Mill Plain Road, 3rd Fl, Ffld, CT 203-254-9642 • Yoga4Everybody.net Info@Yoga4Everybody.net
Thea Litsios, Certified Career Coach & Hypnotist. Assisting you in creating your dream career. Learn how to use your intuition to guide you on your career path. thealitsios.com • 203-693-1493
Revive Salt Therapy & Wellness
Halotherapy/Salt Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Reiki, Quantum Healing, Massage Therapy, Sound Healing, Yoga, Wellness + Crystal Shop. revivesalttherapy.com 374 New Haven Ave, Milford, CT 203-283-5968
Salt Cave of Darien
Salt therapy, massage, meditation, yoga & more! 555 Post Rd, Darien Info@SaltCaveofDarien.com SaltCaveofDarien.com 203-658-7667
We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at Valencia Luncheria, 164 Main St, Norwalk, CT, from 8:30 -10:00a.m. Come the first time as Beth’s guest! Please RSVP to Beth Leas at: 203-856-9566 (call/text) or TLCBethLeas@ gmail.com so she can reserve your place.