feel good • live simply • laugh more
A Mother’s Guide to
Natural Childbirth
Natural Approaches to
BREAST HEALTH Treatment of Dysmenorrhea with
Yoni Steaming and Herbs
May 2015 | New Haven-Middlesex | NaturalNewHaven.com natural awakenings
May 2015
New Haven / Middlesex
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natural awakenings
May 2015
letterfrompublisher “You are the goddess of your body. Take care of it.” ~Eileen Kaplan
contact us Publisher Art Director Gail Heard 203-988-1808 Gail@naturalnewhaven.com Managing Local Editor Ariana Rawls Fine Managing National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Design and Production Gail Heard Printer TN Printing Franchise Sales 239-530-1317 To contact Natural Awakenings New Haven/Middlesex Counties: Natural Awakenings PO Box 525 North Branford, CT 06471 Phone: 203-988-1808 Gail@NaturalNewHaven.com NaturalNewHaven.com © 2015 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $30 ( for 12 issues ). Please call 203-988-1808 with credit card information.
Welcome to Natural Awakenings’ May edition themed Breast Health! In this issue we offer some helpful insights about natural ways to maintain or improve breast health, while lowering the risk of cancer. The local and national statistics on breast cancer incidence and mortality are sobering. Connecticut ranks the second highest in breast cancer incidence in the U.S. Needless to say, awareness of these alarmingly high rates have increased preoccupation and angst among women about their chances of getting breast cancer. Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Christiane Northrup, observes that many women now tend to view their breasts as “two potential pre-malignant lesions sitting on their chest” and suggests that “We need to change the conversation about our breasts from how to avoid breast cancer and detect it early to how to have healthy breasts and enjoy them.” Our May feature “Rethinking Breast Health: Natural Ways to Keep Breasts Smooth, Pain-free and Firm, While Reducing the Risk of Cancer,” dispels some of the myths about maintenance of breast health and appearance. For years I was under the incorrect assumption that wearing a bra was essential in order to prevent breasts from sagging. Actually, the reverse is true. As you will learn in our feature article, it is the ligaments in the upper outer quadrant of our breasts (Cooper’s ligaments) that hold our breasts up, and just like the muscles in your arm atrophy when you wear a sling, your Cooper’s ligaments will atrophy if you wear a bra all of the time. I was somewhat pleased when I read this, because I dislike wear bras, especially the tight fitting, push up bras, which I stopped wearing years ago. When I was in my twenties and thirties, I wore the underwire bras, which would constantly pinch and by the end of the day I would have deep red creases under my breasts—what was I thinking? This month’s Wise Words article features local women’s health advocate, breast cancer survivor, and author of Laughter is the Breast Medicine, Eileen Kaplan. Kaplan shares her emotional journey during her bout with breast cancer and offers some powerful insights on the therapeutic effects of laughter, which helped carry her through some of the most challenging times during her diagnosis, treatment, recurrence (opting for a double mastectomy) and road to recovery. I had the privilege of meeting Eileen Kaplan earlier this year and was so moved and inspired that I felt compelled to share her story with our Natural Awakenings readers. For those of you who suffer from painful menstrual cramping, bleeding, irregular or infrequent menstrual periods (dysmenorrhea), our second local feature, authored by Holistic and Nutritional Coach and Reiki practitioner, Karen Ferranti is a must read! Ferranti offers a wealth of information on natural herb treatments, which can help relieve many of the symptoms associated with menstruation (such as cramping and heavy bleeding). Herb treatments can also regulate menstruation and even help reduce some of the discomforts associated with menopause. May all of you magnificent goddesses out there find inspiration within these pages to help you enjoy the breast health ever! Happy Mother’s Day!
Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.
New Haven / Middlesex
contents 6 newsbriefs 12 healthbriefs
14 globalbriefs 15 ecotip 20 wisewords 24 healingways 27 inspiration 28 fitbody
30 healthykids
15 32 naturalpet 36 calendar 42 classifieds 43 resourceguide advertising & submissions how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 203-988-1808 or email Gail@NaturalNewHaven.com. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month.
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
Natural Ways to Keep Breasts Smooth, Pain-Free and Firm, while Reducing the Risk of Cancer by Lisa Marshall
Interview with Eileen Kaplan
by Ariana Rawls Fine
Herbal Treatments For Uterine Health by Karen Ferranti
Conscious Choices Lead to Less Intervention
by Meredith Montgomery
Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to Editor@NaturalNewHaven.com Deadline for editorial: the 1st of the month.
calendar submissions Submit calendar events online at NaturalNewHaven.com. To revise or discontinue a calendar listing email Calendar@NaturalNewHaven.com. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month.
by Debra Melani
regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.
Weightlifting Makes Us Fit, Healthy and Self-Confident
30 KIDS LOVE VEGGIES How to Instill Healthy Lifelong Habits
by Clancy Cash Harrison
Natural Steps to Nurture Immunity by Shawn Messonnier
NaturalNewHaven.com natural awakenings
May 2015
Step into Spring with Happy Feet
East West Integrative Health Clinic Offers Spring Detox
ump into spring with East West Integrative Health Clinic’s food-based detox cleanse. This detox plan will help with circulation, decreasing inflammation and improving digestive function. During the six-day cleanse, attendees will be eliminating certain foods that are commonly seen as allergens or sensitivities or may interfere with the body’s natural
detoxification processes. The program includes directions, three formulas and one medical food which, along with healthy foods, help facilitate a gentle, balanced cleanse. Some of the benefits patients have reported are increased energy, getting more restful sleep, better skin appearance and feeling more centered and focused. For more information, call 203-915-9125 or visit EWIHealth.com. East West Integrative Health Clinic is located at 217 Montowese St., Branford, CT. See ad on facing page.
edical research has shown that any “infection” of our body creates a disease-state. Infection is defined as the invasion and multiplication of microorangisms that are not normally present within the body. Fungus infection of nails (most commonly found in toenails) can be a state of disease
in the body. Although not life-threatening, it is still present as an infection. Dr. Michelle Morse, Dpm, and Dr. Sathiyapama Eswarathasan, Dpm, will educate and treat patients on this condition. Branford Foot Care and East Haven Foot Care offer several avenues to rid the body of this infection, including homeopathic treatments. To learn more about this condition as well as treatment, call Branford or East Haven FootCare at 203-488-7864 or 203-466-1410, respectively. The centers are located at 1224 Main St., Branford, CT, and 365 Hemingway Ave, East Haven, CT. See ad on page 15.
Grow Your Own Meadow, Large or Small LIFELIFT SOLUTION ™ EXPERIENCE Experience freedom from untrue painful beliefs Experience your TRUE NATURE Continuous Creativity Divine Love Joy Certified LifeLift Coach Reiki Master Counselor – Individual, Group, Grief Life Enhancement Groups Justice of the Peace/Ordained Minister (Unique, personalized wedding ceremonies) Sharon Rinaldo, M.A.
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New Haven / Middlesex
oin landscape designer Kathy Connolly for a two-hour seminar on the establishment, care and feeding of a meadow. The workshop will take place May 30 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Connecticut Forest & Park Association (CFPA) in Rockfall, Connecticut. Connolly will discuss meadow ecology and the role of native species, examine helpful tools and explain steps you can take from June to December to start a new meadow or encourage an existing one. Registration is required for the workshop. The fee for CFPA members is $26 and $32 for non-members. This event is jointly sponsored by the Connecticut Forest & Park Association and New England Wild Flower Society. After the seminar from 3 to 4 p.m., there will be a plant sale featuring native seedlings grown especially for this event by New England Wild Flower Society’s Nasami Farm
in Whately, Massachusetts. Books and other reference materials will also be available for purchase with cash or checks only (no credit cards will be accepted). This portion of the event is open to the public. For more information and registration, visit CTWoodlands. org/CFPA-Events/Grow-Your-Own-Meadow-Large-or-Small or call 860-346-TREE. Connecticut Forest & Park Association is located at 16 Meriden Rd., Rockfall, CT.
Lymphedema Therapy Offered in Guilford
hysical Therapy Services of Guilford is now offering lymphedema therapy, a new approach to decrease or eliminate problematic swelling. Swelling, also known as edema, can result from an injury, surgery, cancer, varicose veins, heart problems, medications, genetics or inactivity. Lymphedema therapy is a specialized, gentle therapy treatment that involves skin care with gentle Justine Gillen massage and exercises to stimulate fluid return. The treatment can produce quick results for individuals who are experiencing chronic swelling in their body. Common complaints for those seeking lymphedema therapy include experiencing a feeling of fullness or heaviness in a limb, tight skin, restricted joint movement, difficulty lifting a limb or fitting into shoes or jewelry. Justine Gillen, PT, CT, is a certified lymphedema therapist with advanced training in both the Vodder and Australian methods.
Holistic Chamber of Commerce Holds Events
he New Haven Chapter of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce business education series on social media continues with the introduction on LinkedIn. The informational session will be held during their monthly business meeting at the Graduate Institute at 171 Amity Road in Bethany on May 14 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Rosa Chyan, founder of Reaching The Harmony Within, will be presenting. Attendees are advised to bring a fully charged laptop or tablet to participate. The meeting is free to Chamber members and interested first-time guests who wish to explore membership. The regular fee is $15. The New Haven Chapter will be hosting a Share ‘N Tell event on May 19 at Reaching The Harmony Within at Prospect from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This is an opportunity to meet local practitioners and sample various modalities with mini sessions. This event is free to chamber members and $15 for non-members. Registration is required for both events. To register, visit Meetup.com/HCC-New-Haven. Benefits of becoming a member of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce include networking with local practitioners, business-building education, chapter-sponsored events in the community, an online member directory listing and social media networking. For more information, visit HolisticChamberofCommerce. com/NewHaven or contact New Haven Chapter President Rosa Chyan at 203-288-1777 or NewHaven@HolisticChamberofCommerce.com. See back cover ad.
For more information and to schedule your appointment, call Physical Therapy Services of Guilford at 203-315-7727. Sessions are covered by most insurance plans. See ad on page 29.
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ewihealth.com natural awakenings
May 2015
newsbriefs Golf Tournament to Benefit Boys & Girls Village
he 40th Annual Dan & Yolanda Adley Memorial Golf Tournament to benefit Boys & Girls Village, Inc. will be held at Race Book Country Club in Orange, Connecticut. Taking place on June 1, the event is sponsored in-part by BIC with the honorary title sponsor being the Village Foundation. The event begins with a day of golf, lunch, player gifts and prizes, followed by a dinner reception with a live auction and raffles. One golfer will even take home a new vehicle, compliments of the event’s hole-in-one sponsor. Proceeds will benefit the at-risk children and families of Boys & Girls Village in both the Milford and Bridgeport locations. To date, this tournament has raised over one million dollars to support the various program and needs of at-risk children and families served. “In the first few years of the tournament, it was more about creating awareness,’ shared Kevin Hart, president of the Village Foundation and this year’s event co-chair. “Throughout the past 39 years, this event—named in honor of my grandparents—has become a key fundraiser for BGV,” adds Gina Hart, the event chair and granddaughter of Dan and Yolanda Adley. For player registration, sponsorship information or to donate a raffle or auction item, contact Marie Pelaccia at PelacciaM@BGVillage.org or Alecia Pianello at PianelloA@BGVillage.org, or call 203-877-0300, extension 101.
Nature Explorer Program’s Spring Bird Watches
he Branford Land Trust’s Nature Explorer Program is hosting two spring bird walks this year. On May 9 and 10 at 8:30 a.m., local birder Chris Woerner will lead these popular walks along the Stony Creek Trolley Trail and into the Land Trust’s Vedder property. He will help adults and families identify the birds by sight and by call. Walkers are asked to meet in Stony Creek at the far end of West Point Road 9 (across from the Willoughby Wallace
Library) in Branford, Connecticut. You can choose the day that fits best into your schedule, or for birding enthusiasts, you can even come both days—Since the birds will vary on each day, participants can come on one or both days. For further information, call 203-415-1571 or visit BranfordLandTrust.org.
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Matt’s Mission 5K Takes Off
att’s Mission’s certified 5K race will be held on May 17. The scenic, rolling course goes through residential neighborhoods in North Branford. All participants are invited to enjoy a post-race party with food, beverages, Matt Picciuto family activities and entertainment. The race honors Matt Picciuto, who died in a car accident on May 23, 2009. Over $100,000 has been raised for children and their families over the past four years, including $45,000 at last year’s race. Matt’s Mission Fund encourages everyone to slow down and drive safe while raising awareness to the consequences of destructive driving decisions. Race day registration will begin on May 17 at 8 a.m., followed by the start of the 5K at 9:30 a.m. The awards and post-race party will follow at 10:30 a.m. Plenty of parking is available at North Branford High School. Early packet pickup is available on May 15 and 16 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at
soundRUNNER, located at 1088 Main Street, Branford. Those who raise $100 or more for Matt’s Mission Fund will receive a complimentary race entry by emailing Kristin.JBSports@snet.net. Picciuto’s family gives back to their community through Matt’s Mission Fund by donating to other local organizations and speaking at local driving schools. In addition to awarding the Matt Picciuto Scholarship to deserving students, the charity has donated funds for various causes to the North Branford Board of Education, MADD, Open Your Heart Foundation, the North Branford Police Department and the North Branford Fire Department. Donations have also been made to many families struggling with illness, death and hard times, among many other causes. For more information, email Kristin.JBSports@snet.net or call 203-481-5933. To register online, go to jbsports.com/?page_id=218. North Branford High School is located at 49 Caputo Rd., North Branford, CT.
Natural Awakenings Earns Top Franchise Business Award
atural Awakenings has been ranked in the best 50 in its size class among 200 companies named in the Franchise Business Review’s 2015 Top Franchises Report. The healthy living magazine was one of five franchise companies cited as bestin-class in the advertising and sales category. To select the top franchises across industries and performance categories, the organization surveyed more than 28,500 franchisees. “We feel privileged that it was our franchisees’ expression of high satisfaction that earned us this award,” says Sharon Bruckman, CEO of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.
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May 2015
newsbriefs “Gaining this recognition proves that our process of providing franchisees with editorial, promotional and operational support, partnered with their enthusiastic dedication in individual markets, serves communities well. Together, we are nourishing and growing a healthy living consciousness in America.” The network now encompasses nearly 100 franchisees nationwide and in Puerto Rico. Franchise Business Review, headquartered in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, is a national franchise market research firm that performs independent surveys of franchisee satisfaction and franchise buyer experiences. 2015 marked its 10th annual Top Franchises Report. For more information, call Anna Romano at 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com and FranchiseBusinessReview.com. See ad, page 27.
Spring Workshop Series Open for Registration
tep into Your Personal Power is a four-part workshop series set for the first four Saturdays in May in Middletown. Offered through the Connecticut Center for Spiritual Living, the workshops are from 10 a.m. to noon. Each workshop stands alone but participants are encouraged to attend sall four. Each week’s session covers a different topic. On May 2, Living from the Heart will be discussed, followed by 20/20 Vision on May 9. The Power of Intention will be held on May 16 and Energy Awareness on May 23. The fee is $30 per person for each workshop or all four workshops for
$100 per individual. Workshop materials and refreshments are included. Space is limited and advanced registration is recommended. For more information and to register online, visit LivebyIntent.com/Workshops. More information on Connecticut Center for Spiritual Living can be found at CTCSL.org. The center is located at DeKoven House at 27 Washington Street, Middletown, CT.
Holistic Moms Network Presents Lyme Disease Panel
n May 5 at 6:30 p.m., the New Haven County chapter of Holistic Moms Network will present a Lyme disease panel as part of its monthly meeting. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Connecticut had the fifth highest rate of Lyme disease cases in the United States in 2013. Attendees will learn more about the symptoms and common presentations of this infectious disease as well as conventional treatment and alternative approaches. Panelists include Deb Bossio, a naturopathic physician; Yashasvi Jhangiani, a homeopath; and Matt Paterna, DC. To register for this event, contact Chapter Leader Tori Lawlor at TDavisca@aol.com. Holistic Moms Network is a support, education and social network for parents interested in green living, alternative health care, and gentle, responsive parenting. The group welcomes you to join wherever you are on the holistic path in an environment that does not judge. The chapter’s meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Woodruff YMCA in Milford, CT. Children are welcome. For more information, visit Chapters.HolisticMoms.org/ Chapters/CT-New-Haven or Facebook.com/HMN NewHaven. Holistic Moms Network - New Haven County Chapter’s meetings take place at Woodruff YMCA, 631 Orange Ave, Milford, CT.
New Haven / Middlesex
Introduction to Hiking in the Giant Hike
he Sleeping Giant Park Association is hosting an Introduction to Hiking in the Giant Hike on May 24 at at 1:30 p.m. Learn about the park’s many hiking trails, how to navigate in the park, and clothing and equipment that is needed for safe and enjoyable hiking. Hikers will meet at the bulletin board by the kiosk near the park entrance at 1:30 p.m. The hike is expected to last about three hours and involve traveling over uneven, rocky terrain with the possibility of a degree of rock scrambling. Hikers should be in good physical condition and are asked to wear comfortable, supportive shoes with good traction. A day
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Call (203) 874-4252 or e-mail info@learn.edu pack with snacks and water is advisable. The hike is free and open to the public. Advance registration is not necessary; however, minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult or have the signed permission of a parent or legal guardian. Out of consideration for other hikers, dogs are not permitted on the hike. The Sleeping Giant Park is located on Mt. Carmel Avenue in north Hamden (off Whitney Avenue). The park entrance is directly across the street from Quinnipiac University.
Visit us online at www.learn.edu/events
For additional information, visit sgpa.org or email the SGPA Hiking Committee at Hike_the_Giant@yahoo.com
natural awakenings
May 2015
healthbriefs Susane Grasso
Meditation Improves Brain Health
arvard Medical School researchers working at the Massachusetts General Hospital have determined that meditation can improve brain health. The researchers studied 16 volunteers that took part in an eight-week mindfulness meditation study at the University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness. The participants conducted mindfulness meditation exercises for an average of 27 minutes a day. Before and after the trial, the subjects were given tests and magnetic resonance imaging of their brains. The researchers found that the practice of mindfulness meditation resulted in increased gray matter density in the hippocampus of the brain, an area associated with increased memory and learning capacity, plus a greater sense of compassion and introspection.
Heart Disease Detected Early with Breath Testing
esearch published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology has found that breath testing can reveal potential heart disease and artery problems quickly and efficiently. Testing 31 patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) together with 34 healthy control subjects, the study found that concentrations of volatile gases such as propanol, ethanol and ammonia were significantly different among the heart disease patients. It also found that the breath can reveal specific details about the heart’s condition. The breath test can be analyzed in fewer than 30 minutes.
Relaxation Therapy Chakra Balancing Aura Readings
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Italian Court Links Boy’s Autism to a Vaccine
Suite F Guilford CT 06437
You can’t control where your heart goes.
~Laura Prepon
New Haven / Middlesex
ast September, a Milan Court held in favor of plaintiffs that claimed that three doses of the hexavalent GlaxoSmithKline vaccine Infanrix Hexa that were administered to an infant beginning in 2006 caused autism later when he was a young boy. The vaccine is used for polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, whooping cough and haemophilus influenzae type B. After hearing from several medical experts, the court ruled that the child likely suffered autism and brain damage as a result of the vaccine’s content of mercury and aluminum, combined with a genetic mutation in the child rendering greater susceptibility. The ruling ordered damages to be paid by the Italian government’s national vaccine injury compensation program. The court’s decision was also based upon GlaxoSmithKline’s list of possible adverse events resulting from the vaccine, which included five cases of autism during clinical trials. Today in the U.S., most vaccines routinely given to children under 6 years of age are free of thimerosal, a mercury-derived preservative.
Weight Gain in Moms Lowers Toxins in Newborns
any expectant mothers try to know about everything they put into and onto their bodies as multiple studies are finding that infants are exposed to toxins during pregnancy. A new study of 325 expectant mothers has determined that the baby’s exposure to toxins in the womb decreases when the mother’s weight gain during pregnancy approaches the guidelines recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2009. Women that are underweight at the start of pregnancy are advised to gain between 28 and 40 pounds, women of a healthy weight 25 to 35 pounds, overweight women 15 to 25 pounds and obese women 11 to 20 pounds. The researchers found that expectant mothers with a gestational weight that meets or exceeds the IOM guidelines gave birth to infants with reduced toxin levels. In their analysis of the umbilical cord blood of mothers from Spain, the researchers tested for 14 pesticides and 21 other environmental toxins, including seven polychlorobiphenyls (PCB). Other influencers such as age, education and fish consumption may also be relevant.
To Get Healthy, Get a Healthy Partner
aving a healthier partner may be one of the best things to do for our own health. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine finds that losing weight, stopping smoking or becoming more active is easier with a partner that has led the way in any or all healthy pursuits. The study authors reviewed data collected by the UK Health Behavior Research Center at the University College London that followed 3,700 couples between 2002 and 2012—most of them ages 50 and older and married. Those that smoked at the beginning of the study were more likely to quit by the end of it if their partners quit smoking, and those that were physically inactive at the beginning of the study were more likely to become active if their partners did so first. About two-thirds of the men became newly active during the course of the study. Men with wives that had lost weight were more likely to also shed pounds during the study, and women with husbands that didn’t lose weight were less likely to do so through the study period.
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natural awakenings
May 2015
globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Corporate Climate
Companies Slowly Embrace Sustainability The 2015 State of Green Business report (Tinyurl. com/2015GreenBusinessReport), which assesses the environmental performances of companies worldwide, along with the trends to watch, is produced by GreenBiz, in partnership with Trucost. Collectively, companies have been nibbling at the edges of challenges such as climate change, food security, ecosystems preservation and resource efficiency. One measure of corporate engagement going forward will be proactive involvement on political issues that could accelerate the transition to a low-carbon and more sustainable economy. It remains to be seen whether companies can afford to sit on the sidelines, letting the political process unfold, or worse, play defense against changes that might roil their status quo. 2015 will be an interesting year on multiple fronts, especially with the launch of the new sustainable development goals at the United Nations (UN) in New York this fall, along with UN climate talks in Paris in December. Both will be tests of corporate engagement and resolve in driving the kinds of change many of their CEOs publicly call for. The reports’ findings of companies’ progress in greenhouse gas and emissions, air pollutants, water use and solid waste production are all leveling off or even declining.
Animal Genocide
‘Lethal Control’ Trades Off Species Over the next four years, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers will shoot 16,000 double-crested cormorants nesting near the Columbia River, in Oregon, at a cost of $1.5 million a year and eliminate almost 100 sea lions because both feed on endangered salmon and steelhead trout. “If people knew how many animals are killed at taxpayer expense, they’d be horrified,” says Camilla Fox, executive director of Project Coyote, a San Francisco Bay Area nonprofit. Termed “lethal control”, there’s a growing trend to kill one species to protect another, and not all methods used are humane. In 2012, Dennis Orthmeyer, acting director of California’s Wildlife Services, said, “We pride ourselves on our ability to get it done without many people knowing about it.” Climate change, reduced habitat and food supplies, and the introduction of non-native species are the result of human interference. “With society’s growing footprint, lethal control can only increase,” observes Michael Scott, a University of Idaho ecologist. A plan to poison 4,000 ravens will protect greater sage grouse. More mountain lions will be killed to save bighorn sheep. The human rampage goes on, and concerned citizens are advised to urge lawmakers to end lethal control and protect wildlife habitat sustainably. Take action at Tinyurl.com/AnimalLiberationFrontCampaign. 14
New Haven / Middlesex
Dirty Dollars
Stores Filled with Toxic Products HealthyStuff, a project of the Michiganbased Ecology Center, in collaboration with the Campaign for Healthier Solutions (CHS), has released a report, A Day Late and a Dollar Short: Discount Retailers are Falling Behind on Safer Chemicals, about toxic chemicals found in dollar store products. It includes test results for 164 dollar store products such as toys, jewelry, school supplies and household items and found that 81 percent contained at least one hazardous chemical above a level that generates concern. The campaign sent a letter to the CEOs of the four largest dollar store chains, including Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and 99 Cents Only, urging them to stop the sale of these unsafe products, especially to communities of low-income and ethnic families that already live in more polluted areas and food deserts, and adopt policies that will instead protect both customers and their own businesses. Combined, these discount chains have annual sales totaling more than $36 billion and operate more stores nationally than Walmart. The CHS is asking for a comprehensive set of reforms; communities need to let dollar store chains know that they want safer products and join local and national efforts advocating for nontoxic products. Scroll to Dollar Store Report at Healthy Stuff.org for the complete test results. Take action at NontoxicDollarStores.org.
Spring Forward with Happy Feet
Raised Right
Branford and East Haven Footcare
Organic Flowers Honor Mom and Mother Earth The Mother’s Day tradition of gifting mom with flowers, including such perennial favorites as lilies, orchids, tulips and roses, can be practiced in a sustainable manner. Buying organic varieties protects workers, families and the environment. Flowers grown with conventional techniques contribute to the contamination of groundwater and streams through fertilizer and pesticide runoff that can also threaten animal species. Many of the cut flowers are grown in South America, where farms continue to use pesticides that are restricted in the U.S. and cited as highly toxic by the World Health Organization. GreenAmerica. org provides several helpful tips on bringing joy to mom on her special day in eco-friendly ways: Grow Your Own. Buy organic bulbs or seeds in consumer seed catalogs and retail racks or online from reputable sources that include SeedsOfChange.com. Children can then grow their own flowers to make them mean even more. Tips for natural weed and pest control, environmentally friendly watering, making raised garden beds and more are posted at EarthEasy.com/yard-garden. Buy Local and Organic. Support local communities and save shipping costs and energy by purchasing chemical-free organic flowers from a local farmers’ market or community supported agriculture. Online retailers like OrganicBouquet. com and LocalHarvest.org/organic-flowers.jsp offer U.S. Department of Agriculturecertified organic flowers. Ask Local Florists to Go Organic. Find out if local florists purchase any organic and local flowers, and if not, request that they do so. Also, eschew plastic wraps and vases for eco-friendly flowers to avoid toxic ingredients and the carbon manufacturing footprint. Fun options to hold and showcase the gift include old, recycled Mason and glass jars and bottles or an artistic vase from an estate sale or antique or thrift shop.
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natural awakenings
May 2015
RETHINKING BREAST HEALTH Natural ways to keep breasts smooth, pain-free and firm, while reducing the risk of cancer. by Lisa Marshall
e’ve been conditioned to narrowly define breast health in terms of pink ribbon campaigns, cancer awareness marches and cold, steel mammography machines. Nearly 30 years after anticancer drug maker Imperial Chemical Industries (now AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals) established the first National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October 1985, many women have come to equate healthy breasts with cancer-free breasts, and assume the most important thing they can do is undergo regular screening. But amid this chorus, some women’s health advocates are striving to get a different message across: There are a host of steps women can take to not only fend off disease in the future, but keep their breasts in optimal condition today. “We need to change the conversation about our breasts from how to avoid breast cancer and detect it early to how to have healthy breasts and enjoy them,” says Dr. Christiane Northrup, an obstetrician and gynecologist from Yarmouth, Maine, and author of the new book Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being.
Healthy Breasts, Healthy Body
In adolescence, breast changes are the first to signal the arrival of womanhood. When she’s aroused, a woman’s nipples harden and change color. When a woman gives birth, her breasts fill with life-giving milk. “In all these ways, your breasts are deeply connected to your femininity, compassion and sensuality,” says Hawaiian Naturopathic Doctor 16
New Haven / Middlesex
Laurie Steelsmith, co-author of Natural Choices for Women’s Health. Because breasts are extremely sensitive to hormonal fluctuations throughout the body, they can also serve as a barometer of overall health. “If you’re having chronic breast symptoms, it can be your body’s wisdom saying, ‘Help. Something’s wrong.’ Women need to listen.” While some premenstrual swelling and tenderness is normal, exaggerated or persistent pain is often a sign of systemic estrogen dominance in relation to progesterone. It’s common in the years leading up to menopause, but can also hint at impaired thyroid function, because low levels of thyroid hormones have been shown to boost estrogen in breast tissue, advises Steelsmith. Large, fluid-filled cysts or fibrous lumps, while non-cancerous, can also be a reflection of overexposure to harmful chemicals and toxin buildup, combined with poor lymph flow, notes Dr. Elizabeth Vaughan, an integrative physician in Greensboro, North Carolina. “If a woman has lumpy, bumpy breasts, they probably contain too many toxins, and those toxins are primarily estrogenic.” Addressing such symptoms is important not only to relieve discomfort, but also
because excess estrogen can fuel future cancer risk, says Vaughan. Any new, suspicious lump should be evaluated by a professional. Also, severe breast tenderness combined with nipple discharge could be a sign of infection or a problem with the pituitary gland, so it should also be checked. But typically, subtle natural healthcare steps can go a long way toward restoring breast wellness. For nipple tenderness, Steelsmith recommends chaste-tree berry (175 milligrams [mg] of powdered extract or 40 drops daily). The herbal supplement mimics naturally occurring progesterone in the body, helping to counter estrogen dominance. Vitamin E (400 to 800 international units [IU] per day) and evening primrose oil (1,500 mg twice a day) have also been shown to alleviate breast tenderness. For fibrous or cyst-filled breasts, Vaughan advises supplementing with iodine (up to 12.5 mg per day via kelp, seaweed or oral tablets) or applying an iodine solution to the breasts at night. A key constituent of thyroid hormones, iodine helps the liver convert unfriendly forms of estrogen into friendlier forms and flush toxins out of lymph nodes in the breast. Also, steer clear of chocolate and coffee, because caffeine is
believed to interact with enzymes in the breast, exaggerating pain and lumpiness. Also consider ditching the bra, says Vaughan. Brassieres can constrict lymph nodes and hinder blood circulation in breasts, locking toxins in and aggravating fibrocystic symptoms. The link between bras and breast cancer risk remains hotly debated, with one 2014 U.S. National Cancer Institute study of 1,400 women concluding unequivocally that, “There’s no evidence that wearing a bra increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer,” while smaller studies from the United States, China, Venezuela, Scotland and Africa suggest a link. Vaughan, the founder of BraFree.org, says the science is compelling enough that she has chosen to keep her own bra use to a minimum and advises her patients to do the same. “Obviously, there are certain sports where you should wear a sports bra and there are certain dresses that only look right with a bra,” says Vaughan. At a minimum, avoid wearing a bra to bed and steer clear of underwires and overly tight bras that leave red marks. “This is not about guilt-tripping women into never wearing a bra. It’s about wearing a bra less.”
Beautiful Breasts Naturally Too small or too big, lopsided or riddled with stretch marks… it seems almost every woman has a complaint about the appearance of her breasts.
That’s a problem, says Northrup, because, “Healthy breasts are breasts that are loved. We have to stop beating them up.” According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of women getting breast implants for cosmetic reasons ballooned from 212,500 in 2000 to 286,254 in 2014. Physicians—including Northrup— claim that modern implants don’t, in the majority of cases, promote disease like older silicone implants did. Yet even plastic surgeons warn that having implants should be fully thought out, and at some point they’ll probably have to come out. “They are manmade devices, and are not intended to be lifelong. At some point, you will probably have to have further surgery,” says Dr. Anureet Bajaj, an Oklahoma City plastic surgeon. Bajaj notes that implants can rupture, forming scar tissue and lending irregular shape to the breast. Often, as a woman ages and her body changes, the larger breasts she chose in her 20s no longer look right and may cause back and shoulder pain. In some cases, implants can also lead to loss of nipple sensitivity. For these and other reasons, 23,774 women—including actress Melissa Gilbert and model Victoria Beckham—had their implants removed in 2014, often following up with a breast lift (using their own tissue) to restore their shape.
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May 2015
Vaughan sees breast implant removal as a wise and courageous choice to restore optimal breast health. Better yet, don’t get implants in the first place. “There are a lot of other things you can do to improve the appearance of your breasts,” she advises. Vaughan recommends breastperking exercises like dumbbell bench presses and flys that tone the pectoral muscles beneath the breasts, making them more resilient and look larger. To prevent or reverse sagging, she again urges women to go bra-free. “We have ligaments in the upper outer quadrant of our breasts called Cooper’s ligaments, and they’re responsible for holding our breasts up. Just like your muscles atrophy when you put your arm in a sling, your Cooper’s ligaments atrophy if you wear a bra all the time.” In one unpublished, yet highly publicized 2013 study, French Exercise Physiologist Jean-Denis Rouillon measured the busts of 330 women ages 18 to 35 over a period of 15 years and found those that regularly wore a bra had droopier breasts with lower nipples than those that didn’t. In another, smaller, Japanese study, researchers found that when women stopped wearing a bra for three months, their breasts perked up. Those worried about stretch marks also have options. They can be a sign of inadequate copper, which promotes collagen integrity and helps skin stretch without injury, says Steelsmith. If rapid weight gain is occurring due to adolescence, pregnancy or for other reasons, try taking copper supplements or applying a topical copper spray on the breasts. Remember to massage your breasts daily, not only as a “search and destroy mission” for early detection of cancerous lumps, says Northrup, but as a way to get waste products flowing out and loving energy flowing in. “It concerns me that women feel pressured to think of their breasts as two potentially pre-malignant lesions sitting on their chests,” Northrup says. “These are organs of nourishment and pleasure for both ourselves and others. We need to remember that, too.” Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer in Boulder, CO. Connect at LisaAnnMarshall.com. 18
New Haven / Middlesex
Bust Musts for Cancer Prevention by Lisa Marshall
ccording to the American Cancer Society, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and nearly 40,000 will die annually of the disease. But at least 38 percent of those diagnoses could be prevented via diet and lifestyle changes, affirms the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR). “For decades, the dominant public message about breast cancer has been about early detection,” says Medical Doctor Robert Pendergrast, an associate professor at the Medical College of Georgia, in Augusta, and author of Breast Cancer: Reduce Your Risk with Foods You Love. “Screening is important, but not nearly enough attention is being paid to prevention.” Here’s what we can do to keep cancer at bay or from recurring. Eat more veggies: Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, are loaded with indole-3-carbinol, or I3C, a potent anticancer compound that helps break down excess estrogen and convert it into a more friendly, or benign form, says Steelsmith. One study in Alternative Medicine Review found that women that ate high amounts of cruciferous vegetables were 30 percent less likely to develop breast cancer over 30 years. I3C can also be taken as a supplement (300 milligrams [mg] per day). Eat more fiber, especially flax: Fiber, via whole grains, fruits and vegetables, helps flush out toxins including unfriendly estrogen. Flax contains cancer-fighting compounds called lignans, which block the effects of excess or unfriendly estrogen on cells. Drink less alcohol: Alcohol boosts estrogen levels in women and is broken down in the liver to acetaldehyde, a known toxin that causes cancer in laboratory animals, notes Naturopath
Laurie Steelsmith. According to the AICR, a woman that has five drinks per week boosts her risk by 5 percent. Two or more drinks per day boosts such risk by more than 40 percent. Skip the barbecue: Charring meat produces carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines. A study of 42,000 women, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found that those that routinely ate welldone hamburger, beef or bacon had four times the risk of those that opted for medium or medium-rare. Keep weight in check: Excessive estrogen, which lives in fat cells, fuels cancer risk. According to the AICR, a woman with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 (obese) has a 13 percent higher risk of cancer than a woman with a BMI of 25 (slightly overweight). Spice up life: Curcumin from the turmeric plant has been shown in many studies to have potent immune-boosting and anticancer properties, reactivating sleeping tumor-suppressor genes that can kill cancer cells. De-stress: Growing evidence that includes studies from Ohio State University suggest that stress can boost the risk of breast cancer and recurrence, plus heighten its aggressiveness by altering hormones and impairing immunity. One study from Finland’s University of Helsinki followed 10,808 Finnish women for 15 years and found as much as double the rate of breast cancer among those that had experienced a divorce or death of a spouse or family member. Drink green tea: It’s loaded with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant believed to suppress new blood vessel growth in tumors and keep cancerous cells from invading healthy tissue.
Triumph Over The ‘Big C’ by Lisa Marshall
hen Sandy Messonnier was diagnosed with breast cancer, she faced scary treatment decisions as doctors pressured her to consider all means available. “I was more afraid of the treatment than the cancer itself,” says Messonnier, 52, of Plano, Texas. “I kept feeling like I was being lumped into one big category of all women that got breast cancer, rather than treated as an individual.” With the help of her holistic veterinarian husband Shawn Messonnier, Sandy took a more measured approach, blending conventional and complementary medicine in an individualized protocol the couple describes in their book, Breast Choices for the Best Chances: Your Breasts, Your Life, and How You Can Win the Battle! After careful consideration, Sandy opted for two lumpectomies three weeks apart, instead of a mastectomy, to remove
the small tumor. The second one was done to clear up a few remaining cells indicated by a biopsy. Meanwhile, she took supplements including green tea and coriolus mushrooms to impede the spread of the cancer cells. Several tests helped determine if she needed chemotherapy and the optimum dose for some of her supplements. The results prompted her to decline chemotherapy and opt for a brief stint of radiation while taking the supplements quercetin and curcumin to help combat the fatigue and other side effects. Afterward, she cleansed her body with homeopathic mistletoe, herbal milk thistle and other detoxifying supplements. Then she began the work of keeping cancer at bay. “A lot of doctors never talk to you about what you are going to do after the poisoning [chemo], the burning and
surgery,” she says. “Rather than taking a cancer-fighting drug, I chose to be more mindful of what I do with my body.” Her regimen called for committing to keeping up with the healthy diet, plus regular walks, yoga and Pilates that she believes helped keep the cancer relatively mild to begin with. But she also made some life changes to address the one thing she believes may have driven the outbreak in the first place—stress. She made peace with her mother, which reduced a lot of stress, began to cultivate a spiritual life and now takes time to meditate or walk when she feels even lightly stressed. She also vowed to keep the fear of recurrence from overwhelming her. “Many women never stop worrying about it,” she observes. “That is toxic energy you are putting back into your body.” As of this October, Messonnier will be five years cancer-free. Her advice for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer: “Chemotherapy, radiation and mastectomy are not among the right choices for all women. There are other options, depending on the type of cancer. Don’t be so fearful that you make hasty decisions you don’t need to make.”
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natural awakenings
May 2015
Laughter is the
BREAST MEDICINE by Ariana Rawls Fine
ileen Kaplan (EileenAKaplan. com), a women’s health advocate and breast cancer survivor, uses humor and inspiration to bring her message of healing and hope to her audiences and readers. The breast humor speaker and Laughter is the Breast Medicine author sat down with Natural Awakenings New Haven/ Middlesex counties to speak about her emotional journey with cancer and how humor, engagement, support and advocacy have helped her heal and inspire other women.
How did you discover your cancer? What do you recommend to other women? If you are diagnosed with dense breasts, it is harder for the radiologists to read mammograms. I am a huge advocate for monthly breast exams. In addition to the wonderful machines that can detect cancer, there is a thing called the hand. Checking your breasts manually once a month is important. It is a chance to find something very early and be able to address it rapidly. I usually have a bar of soap with me when I speak. I tell my audience to lather up and let your hands glide over your breasts to familiarize yourself with your breasts’ makeup. A week after your period is the best time to do it. If you still have your period, of course. Young people have to learn that this is a personal medical exam and necessary to know the “design” of their breasts and when changes have happened. There is a difference between a cyst and possible cancer. If you are aware of how 20
New Haven / Middlesex
they feel normally, that can make all the difference. You have to really know both sides of your family’s medical history. The more you know, the more you are aware of what to look for – whether it is a growing mole or breast cancer. It’s about knowing your body. Also, you can go for another opinion. Do not be afraid if you don’t agree with your doctor. You are the goddess of your body. Take care of it.
What was your journey through cancer and beyond? Having gone through it all, I have come to the conclusion that there is a can in cancer. Aside from the chemo, radiation and everything that goes on, it is how you face it and how you handle it. The diagnosis is a terrible thing. Everyone gets nervous, cries and experiences all kinds of emotions when they get the message. My husband and I toughened up: let’s get it out of my boob and go on with our lives. Even though I had to go through it a second time and eventually a double mastectomy, we turned negatives into positives. It might not even be connected to the cancer but something that happened every day that was hard. I have a capability of turning crazy stuff into silly stuff and laughing. Maybe it was my makeup that allowed me to do that. Of course I cried and prayed. I was on more prayer lines that I could count. You need all this support that can give you the buoyancy you need to get through this very difficult time. It’s not only the
diagnosis but what it is – what stage, what type of cancer. The awareness of what it could possibly be by constantly checking yourself. Humor and laughter really carried us through. Everything should be linked to fun, humor and thinking about the positive. Having strong people around you is so important in helping you get through this terrible diagnosis, whether it is your spouse, children, friends or family.
You channeled your experiences into your first book, Laughter is the Breast Medicine. How did that come about? I had never written a book before. If you are going to be a speaker, you have to be an expert. So I turned myself into an expert on breast humor and how you can laugh when you have breast cancer. You can’t laugh at cancer but you can laugh about the circumstances that are attached to it. A short time ago, cancer was nicknamed the “big C” and was less talked about. Today people are more open to talking about it. All my work experiences that I have done up to writing the book were about engaging people. I wanted to call on my humor as a speaker to make people laugh through this hard time. The book is very special to me. It is being used mostly as a gift to people who are going through, have been recently diagnosed or are recovering from breast cancer. You need to laugh, even laugh at yourself. The book is my sidekick when I am out speaking. I love the interaction with the audience, knowing that even if they are not breast cancer survivors, they have experienced other kinds. I wanted to let people know what can happen and how I handled my particular cancer.
What is the next step for you? I am currently writing my next book, My Breast Foot Forward. Telling people what I did after I left my breasts in Boston. Having my breasts on me, I was constantly worried about them. The second tumor was a recurrence. I was lucky that neither of the tumors had reached my lymphatic system. I had this opportunity for a 95 percent chance of not getting breast cancer by taking my breasts away. I want the second book to be stories of things that have happened as I spoke with audiences and people over the years. For people to know that you can forward in life, even with no breasts. It is life-changing. You can live, you can go on, you can get through the bumps in the road. You are just a little different. Chemo is a form of therapy… so is laughter. It is a joy in my life to help people get over this dark time in any way I can. Being a mentor is also important. It is important to make yourself and others smile and laugh. Eileen Kaplan can be reached at EileenAKaplan.com, EyeKap@att.net or 860-823-9380.
X To Rays
Suzanne T. Pyle, MS Certified Clinical Thermographer Founder of X to Rays Thermal Imaging, LLC 128 Seabright Ave, Bridgeport 866-XToRays or 203-331-2878 SuzannePyle@prodigy.net • XToRays.com Practice/Business Summary or services offered: X to Rays Thermal Imaging, LLC offers the latest in screening for breast cancer, carotid artery disease, thyroid dysfunction, lymph congestion deep vein thrombosis and other medical issues.
What first drew you to this profession? Suzanne Pyle started her company because she wanted to offer a safe way to monitor breast and body health. Growing up, she had had heavy radiation exposure through numerous x-rays thought necessary because her mother was a tuberculosis (TB) survivor. Credentials/Certifications: Suzanne was certified by the American Clinical College of Thermography and has been in business for the last 8 years. What should a client expect from working with you and/or your program? Patients having a thermogram are amazed how easy and comfortable the whole experience is. There is no compresson, no radiation. After the scans are taken, they are sent through an intranet to fully trained, board-certified MD’s. The results are usually back within 48 hours. Are you planning any practice/service enhancements or changes in 2015? Suzanne travels to numerous medical offices throughout CT. She has now trained a nurse practitioner to help with her expanding practice. What do you most want Natural Awakenings’ readers to know about you and your work? Suzanne emphasizes that thermograms do not replace mammograms, but they offer earlier warning signs that mammograms cannot. In these cases, thermograms help women become aware of breast conditions that can be changed through a healthier life style. Suzanne likes to tell women “Think beyond Pink!”
Ariana Rawls Fine is the editor of Natural Awakenings New Haven/Middlesex counties and Fairfield county. She resides in Stratford with her family. natural awakenings
May 2015
Do You or a Loved One Suffer from
Painful or Irregular Menstrual Cycles? by Karen Ferranti
any women struggle unnecessarily each month from dysmenorrhea, painful menstrual cramping, menorraghia, heavy menstrual bleeding or oligomenorrhea, or irregular or infrequent menstrual periods. The Center for Disease Control estimates that one out of five women of child-bearing age are missing out on regular activities or forced to take sick days from work. They can be laid up in bed for several days every month due to one or more of these menstrual maladies. The causes are varied, including increased stress, poor nutrition, eating disorders, significant weight gain or loss or over-exercise. Other factors such as smoking, drug use, excessive alcohol consumption or environmental toxins can be factors. PCOS, uterine fibroids, tumors, polyps and endometriosis, childbirth, breastfeeding and perimenopause are some of the most common reasons. Typical treatments can include pharmaceutical medication, birth control pills, hormone therapy and surgery in some instances, with little or no relief.
Your Role In Healing There is an innate wisdom that lies within all that can restore the body to health. According to Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., every cell of your body is working to bring your body into balance by eliciting either a protection response or a growth response. Since your cells can only focus on one response at a time, multiple issues can affect your well-being. The most life-threatening need will engage the protection response; every other issue will have to wait for that to be brought back into balance first. “Almost every major illness that people acquire has been linked to chronic stress,” says Lipton. Any physical suffering you may experience each month is 22
New Haven / Middlesex
simply a call from your higher self to get your attention. It is then up to you to get quiet; be mindful of what is present at that moment that needs your attention. Are you stressed, run down, getting adequate sleep and eating healthy? Are you addressing your overall physical, mental and emotional health? There are actions you can take to assist your body with its own healing. It is essential that you allow the body to relax, quiet the mind, and reconnect to the wisdom within. Only from this place can you begin to heal and allow your body to restore balance to itself naturally.
Yoni Steaming This powerful ancient tradition, practiced regularly for thousands of years in many South American and Eastern countries, has been known to improve women’s uterine health. Yoni translates as “sacred space” or “source of all life” in Sanskrit. Seated over a pot of steaming water steeped with a special combination of fresh or dried organic herbs, wrapped in a warm cotton blanket, the moist heat draws fresh oxygenated blood to the surface of the skin and opens the pores. The water vapor carries the volatile oils and medicinal benefits of the plants to the vaginal area. The healing warmth softens, nourishes and cleanses the tissues and the internal membranes, loosening any material that accumulates in the cell walls from cycle to cycle. It is this material—which adheres to the walls and hardens—that can cause the pain each month as the muscles need to work harder to expel it. The steaming process can last anywhere from 10-30 minutes and can be accompanied by a healing meditation or soft, relaxing music to further allow the mind to settle and focus inward.
Best practice is to continue to relax in warmth for a period of time to allow the herbal oils to work, the toxins to release and the mind and body to remain calm. Incorporating a Reiki treatment after the steaming process boosts the bodies natural healing by removing toxins and blocks that collect at the physical, mental, emotional and cellular level. Reiki is a powerful, energy-based, ancient healing modality that has also been used for thousands of years. As these two modalities combine, the body is detoxifying itself in a peaceful and relaxed state, women report feeling relaxed, nourished, toned and cleansed. The cells recognize there is no longer an immediate danger to attend to, hence their energy is redirected toward healing the body naturally, at it’s own pace.
Herbs for Uterine Health Oregano, which contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, is traditionally used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, menstrual cramps, urinary tract disorders, acne, bloating, headaches and fatigue. Motherwort, a bitter-tasting herb, is said to promote and regulate menstruation, aid in expelling the afterbirth and strengthen and relax uterine muscles. It can help decrease muscle spasms, ease uterine cramping and improve fertility. Other reported benefits of Motherwort include anxiety reduction associated with childbirth, post-partum depression and menopause; hot flash relief; and cooling of the body. Yarrow, another bitter-tasting herb, is said to contain antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and astringent qualities. It promotes clotting, helps slow heavy bleeding, and causes the body to sweat and release toxins. Mugwort has been traditionally used for menstrual and menopausal complaints. It stimulates the production of hormones to maintain uterine health and protects the uterus from ulcers, tumors, fibroids and polyps. These herbs can also be steeped in boiling water as a tea. For additional internal healing, add honey or another sweet herb to balance the taste. Start slowly and use in moderation; be mindful of the way your body feels throughout the day. Drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of water daily also helps flush toxins from the body. No one needs to suffer through painful or irregular menstrual cycles. Your body has the power to heal itself. Note: Yoni steaming and the use of these herbs is not recommended during pregnancy. However, midwives have suggested this practice after a normal vaginal delivery to cleanse the uterine membrane. Consult your health care provider for guidance on this or any medical conditions. Karen Ferranti, MA, founder of Just Be LLC, offers natural, non-invasive solutions to health, healing and wellness that support a sustainable lifestyle of positive change and growth for children, adults and families. Contact her at JustBeLLC.co, 203-627-6050 or Karen.JustBeLLC@gmail.com.
Just Be LLC
Karen Ferranti, MA, CH 203-627-6050 Karen.JustBeLLC@gmail.com JustBeLLC.co
Practice/Business Summary or services offered: My practice currently focuses on Holistic and Nutritional Coaching, Reiki, Family Constellations, Mindfulness, Hypnosis and Yoni Steaming. What first drew you to this profession? The mind, body, spirit connection has interested me my entire life. Life’s challenges, stress and depression robbed my spirit. Upon recognizing the power to change was within me, things shifted, profoundly. My passion is to share this healing journey with others so they may be free of needless suffering Credentials/Certifications: BA Psychology, MA Integrative Health and Healing, certifications in Advanced Reiki, Hypnosis, Family Constellations, Children’s Yoga, completing certification in Sustainable Health and Nutrition. What should a client expect from working with you and/or your program? A subtle shift in energy and awareness can facilitate positive change. In partnership, children, adults and families are guided to bring balance to their lives and their unlimited potential to light. Are you planning any practice/service enhancements or changes in 2015? I am introducing new workshops for children and adults related to maintaining health with Herbal Remedies, Sustainable Nutrition, Mindfulness and Energy Work. What do you most want Natural Awakenings’ readers to know about you and your work? The methods I share and use personally offer natural, non-invasive solutions to health, healing, and wellness and support a sustainable lifestyle of positive change and growth. The power to realize your unlimited potential lies within, allow it to awaken.
natural awakenings
May 2015
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New Haven / Middlesex
Conscious Choices Lead to Less Intervention by Meredith Montgomery
abor and delivery in a hospital was promotMost births is a natural process ed as a safer alternative. that can be enjoyed. should be viewed By 1938, half of domes “It’s not something tic births took place in as a natural life to be afraid of,” says hospitals, and by 1960 it process instead Mel Campbell, author rose to 97 percent. Curof The Yoga of Pregnancy. of a potential rently, midwives attend “It’s a wonderful and less than 8 percent of beautiful experience. We medical emergency. births here, and fewer need to remember that than 1 percent occur the body is designed for ~Abby Epstein, The outside a hospital. Business of Being Born giving birth.” Natural labor and Natural childbirth delivery in a hospital uses few or no artificial medical interis possible, but, “It’s hard to have an ventions such as drugs, continuous unmedicated birth in many hospitals if fetal monitoring, forceps delivery or you don’t know your rights, understand episiotomies (cuts to enlarge the vaginal your physiology and have a doula by opening). According to the U.S. Centers your side helping you avoid unnecesfor Disease Control (CDC), 32.7 percent sary interventions,” says Ina May Gasof deliveries were by Cesarean section kin, a pioneering midwife and author in 2013—most performed in situations of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. Key where a vaginal birth would have posed factors to discuss include fetal monitora relatively low risk to the health of ing, intravenous tubes and the option to mother and child. Entirely natural child- eat or drink during labor. birth is now rare here compared with other countries, but that wasn’t always Benefits of Home Births the case. Women choose home births and In 1900, 95 percent of all U.S. homey birthing centers because they births took place in the home; when labor there more comfortably, feel more more moved to hospitals here in the in control of the process and can more early 20th century, midwives still easily avoid interventions. Many moms typically handled the delivery in other seek out a midwife’s services because they don’t want to repeat the convencountries, sometimes without a doctor tional hospital experience that accompresent. In America, obstetrics became a profession and a doctor-attended birth panied their first baby’s arrival.
lessons are gifts you When actress By 2006 Cesarean can take with you Ricki Lake gave birth delivery was the number into labor.” to her second child She reminds in her home bathtub one surgical procedure women that the with the assistance in American hospitals. baby is always getof a midwife, she felt ting nourishment empowered by doing ~U.S. Centers for from all that mom it on her own terms. Disease Control eats and breathes in, “Giving birth wasn’t and also feeds off of an illness, someher feelings and emotions. “The more thing that needed to be numbed. It was we can feel at peace with ourselves and something to be experienced,” she says. incorporate the baby into our being, the When women let their bodies more we feel a connection and union,” naturally lead, labor can last as little as 20 minutes or as long as two weeks, she says. “It’s vital that you let your body’s innate wisdom be your guide and the spectrum of pain intensity and respect any cues it may give.” is equally broad. A healthy prenatal Campbell guides expectant lifestyle that prepares a mom-to-be mothers through a yoga practice that for a natural physical, emotional and embraces the changes occurring each spiritual experience of childbirth is trimester. For example, a more physical highly beneficial. practice in the second trimester utilizes the surge of energy to build stamina Compassionate Self-Care and strength, while opening the heart, “Pregnancy’s not the time to overexhips and pelvis. ert yourself; let go of the temptation Complementary relaxation techto overachieve and instead practice niques for labor include breathing breathing and mindfulness,” advises practices, visualization, meditation and Campbell. “If you’re experiencing massage. When a mother isn’t conmorning sickness, try to embrace it and nected to monitors and tubes, she’s free how it serves you. By doing so, you’ll to experiment with positions and props be more in tune with your body. These
Conscious Childbirth Resources The Yoga of Pregnancy Week by Week: Connect With Your Unborn Child through Mind, Body and Breath by Mel Campbell Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds by Cynthia Gabriel Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin Your Best Birth by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein The Business of Being Born a film by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein Mothering Magazine’s Having a Baby, Naturally by Peggy O’Mara
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May 2015
There is a great deal of fear and ignorance about allowing labor and birth to proceed without disturbance. Rates of routine intervention are so high, most nurses and physicians rarely see a fully natural birth. ~Ina May Gaskin such as balls, bars and pillows, plus a warm shower or bath. If a hospital birth is planned, Gaskin notes that labor often slows once a woman leaves the comfort of home, and recommends laboring at home as long as possible. There is no way to predict the course of labor and delivery when women let nature take the lead. Campbell, a mother of three, says, “I tried to focus on the intention of what I wanted for my birthing experience, while also surrendering expectations, knowing that I would have whatever type of birth I was supposed to have.” She adds, “The breath is the most important thing—it keeps us in the moment, helps us to relax and supports us through labor.” While the home birth option is important to America’s new generation of trailblazing women, it’s also significant on a macro level. Gaskin explains, “It’s hard for staff to change routine practices in hospitals but home births make innovation possible.” Home births demonstrated that women don’t require routine episiotomies and have shown how maternal mobility and position changes can help labor progress and free badly stuck babies (earlier methods often injured mother and child). Gaskin has found, “Wherever and however you decide to give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, mind, body and spirit for the rest of your life. No one should have a home birth who doesn’t want one, but it must be one of the choices.” Meredith Montgomery publishes Natural Awakenings of Mobile/Baldwin, AL (HealthyLivingHealthyPlanet.com). 26
New Haven / Middlesex
A Mother’s Guide to Natural Childbirth by Meredith Montgomery
etermining the best birth setting for a mother necessitates sound planning. If an unmedicated birth is a goal, these insights may help in making decisions. Home birth takes place in the comfort of home, typically with the assistance of a midwife, and is suitable for a healthy woman with a low-risk pregnancy. She is able to wear her own clothing and eat as she pleases. Because monitoring of mother and baby is done intermittently, she is free to move around. Confirm the midwife’s certification with the American Midwifery Certification Board and ask how many home births she’s attended and which obstetricians she consults. Discuss the signs and symptoms that might necessitate a move to the hospital and how quickly it can be done. While a midwife’s fee is often far less than the cost of a hospital birth, not all insurance companies cover home births. A birth center provides personalized, family-centered care in a homelike environment for healthy women. Practitioners follow principles of problem prevention, sensitivity, safety, appropriate medical intervention and cost-effectiveness. A certified nursemidwife typically delivers the baby, but the collaborative practice team also
includes obstetricians, pediatricians and other specialists. Mothers experience personal freedoms similar to a home birth, and tubs for water births are usually available, plus other birthing props such as squatting bars, stools and balls. The center should be accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Birth Centers. Inquire what the protocol for care will be if complications arise, learn what the center’s charges for care cover and confirm if the family’s insurance policy will pay for the services provided. A hospital generally has access to the latest medical technology, making it a preferred option for medium-to-highrisk pregnancies. With proper preparations, an unmedicated birth is possible in this traditional setting. Investigate their rates of Cesarean births and episiotomies and the determining parameters. To allow for an active labor, request intermittent fetal monitoring, avoid intravenous fluids and ask about the availability of birthing props. Become familiar with hospital policies, such as who can be in the delivery room and whether the baby will stay with mom after the birth. If a nurse midwife is not on staff, consider hiring a doula to assist in preparing for and carrying out the family’s birth plan.
MOVING BEYOND SURVIVAL Our True Identity Surpasses Any Disease by Eric Nelson
et down off your cross.” Harsh words, especially coming from a longtime hospital chaplain when the woman she was addressing had just learned she was cancer-free. Regardless, “Within two minutes, she started retelling the story of her diagnosis, surgery and chemo,” recounted Debra Jarvis, affectionately known as “The Irreverent Reverend”, during a TEDMED talk in Washington, D.C. “She was using words like suffering, agony, struggle... and ended with, ‘I felt crucified.’” It was then that Jarvis asked this woman to do what would likely require more of her than anything she’d done before. Over the years, Jarvis has observed the tendency for us to identify ourselves by our wounds as “survivors” of something that does not and should not define us. “What if people decided to claim their trauma as an experience, instead of taking it on as an identity?” she queries. “Maybe it would be the start of defining ourselves by who we have become and who we are becoming.” As Jarvis well knows, there are, in her words, “powerful forces” pushing us to do just the opposite. In 2005, she found herself in the same position as her friend, having recovered from cancer and trying to sort out what it all meant. “We don’t all have to start a foundation or write a book,” to
claim meaning for ourselves, she says. “Maybe we make one small decision that can bring about a big change.” For some, this has meant exchanging a disease-prone view of themselves for a more inspired outlook. Too often, though, mustering the humility to adopt such a perspective can seem just as difficult as climbing down from whatever tortuous experience we’re clinging to. Yet, it’s essential. As those familiar with the Bible know, a central event of Jesus’ life, his crucifixion, was followed by his even more compelling resurrection, a term that thought leader Mary Baker Eddy describes as “spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding.” The good news is that such transformation is not exclusive, but available to anyone. Whether it’s at the urging of a chaplain or another counselor or our own divine inspiration that’s encouraging us to move on, we owe it to ourselves to begin discovering who and what we really are. Eric Nelson is a Christian Science healing practitioner from Petaluma, CA, who writes on the link between spiritual consciousness and health. Find more articles at norcalcs.org.
has been ranked in the best 50 in its size class among 200 companies named in the Franchise Business Review’s 2015 Top Franchises Report. The healthy living magazine was one of five franchise companies cited as best-in-class in the advertising and sales category. To select the top franchises across industries and performance categories, the organization surveyed more than 28,500 franchisees. Franchise Business Review, headquartered in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, is a national franchise market research firm that performs independent surveys of franchisee satisfaction and franchise buyer experiences. 2015 marked its 10th annual Top Franchises Report.
For more information visit our website: NaturalAwakeningsMag.com/ mymagazine or call 239-530-1377
natural awakenings
May 2015
editorial calendar
Flexing Our
whole systems health plus: energy boosters FEBRUARY
MUSCLES Weightlifting Makes Us Fit,
enlightened relationships plus: healing grief MARCH
Healthy and Self-Confident
animal rights
plus: new healthy cuisine APRIL
by Debra Melani
nature’s wisdom
plus: healthy home MAY
omen who shy away from the traditionally male-centric weight rooms might want to reconsider. Standing their ground amid the deadlift bars and iron plates could lead to a host of unimagined benefits. Research has found that among other things, hoisting dumbbells can amp up the fat burn, ward off some common diseases and make women stronger, both inside and out.
breast health
plus: natural birth JUNE
healing addiction
plus: balanced man JULY
food democracy
plus: inspired living AUGUST
Burn Calories When Resting
parenting with presence plus: creativity SEPTEMBER
plus: yoga benefits OCTOBER
working together
plus: natural antidepressants NOVEMBER
true wealth
plus: beauty DECEMBER
prayer & meditation plus: holiday themes
New Haven / Middlesex
Aerobic activity can burn more calories while doing it (e.g., 14 to 16 per minute when running), but strength training prolongs the burn, even when resting afterward, according to Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., of Quincy, Massachusetts, who publishes widely on the topic in scientific journals, magazine articles and books. Women will burn fewer calories while pumping iron than when running (between eight and 10 calories a minute), but because of weightlifting’s action—traumatizing muscle tissue and forcing it to rebuild—muscle recovery requires increased expenditure of energy, and thus calories, when the person is at rest. The research shows a revvedup burn of between 5 percent and 7 percent for three full days after a workout, says Westcott, who developed the exercise science major at Quincy College and has reviewed and directed strength-training research for more than 25 years. “On average, a woman burns an extra 100 calories a day by having done 30 minutes of strength training twice a week. That’s an extra 3,000 calories a month, or nearly an extra pound of fat she can burn.”
Additional “free” calorie burning comes from the after-burn effect. By initiating the anaerobic, rather than aerobic, system, weightlifting requires more energy just to return to the resting state. “So, after you finish a workout, you will burn approximately 30 percent of the amount of calories you burned during the workout in the first hour afterward as your body transitions back. It’s a bonus of resistance training.” “It’s like there’s a furnace inside you,” says Naturopathic Doctor and CrossFit instructor Holly Lucille, of West Hollywood, California. The more buff a woman becomes, the more fat she burns. “It can help minimize that natural effect of slowed metabolism as you age and control body weight,” she notes. To maximize the burn, eat a healthy combined protein/carb snack within an hour of the workout, advises Jen Hoehl, a personal trainer in New York City, who says, “Adding amino acids helps the muscles rebuild more efficiently.” Westcott agrees, adding that 90 percent of studies he’s reviewed concur that about 25 extra grams of protein such as a Greek yogurt, more for heavier men, just before or after a workout, enhances fat loss, bone strength and lean muscle gain.
Don’t Fear ‘Hulk’ Bulk
Experts agree that it’s impossible for women to look like the Hulk character of comic book fame. “They don’t have enough anabolic hormones, such as testosterone,” Westcott explains. “Our team has written 26 books on strength training, with not one title exclusively for women. The muscles are exactly the same for both genders, so the same training works, but women will just get toned, not bulky.”
To build muscle and become toned absent injury, create a full-body routine, balance muscle groups targeted in workouts, and progress properly through increased weight loads. “I train a lot of tiny girls that deadlift 225,” Hoehl says. One tip: Don’t overeat, a mistake many women make when starting out. “Often, people will be hungrier, and they lose track of what they eat or think, ‘Now I can reward myself,’” Lucille explains. “You have to figure out what your new normal is. Eat lean, clean protein.” All three experts agree that braving the free-weight area boosts success at toning and trimming the whole body. “If you use free weights, you use your core and more muscle groups to help stabilize both the weight and your body, which is often standing,” Hoehl explains, versus machines that are often worked while sitting, and generally exercise only one targeted muscle group at a time.
Pumping Iron Boosts Overall Health for Men and Women
ayne Westcott, who has served as a consultant for many national organizations, from the U.S. Air Force to the American Council on Exercise, points to the relevant body of research he’s studied, which shows that the health benefits of building muscle can also help ward off many diseases and debilitating conditions. 4 Osteoporosis, by building up bone tissue 4 Diabetes, by increasing lean muscle, which helps the body regulate blood sugar levels 4 Heart disease, by increasing the good cholesterol and lowering the bad 4 Stroke, by lowering resting blood pressure 4 Depression, by building self-esteem and boosting endorphins 4 Colon disease, by increasing natural intestinal movement that keeps the colon clear 4 Energy loss, by enhancing mitochondria, the powerhouse of the body
One World Wellness
Recover Muscle
Weightlifters also slow Mother Nature’s habit of stealing muscle during aging. “Women lose an average of five pounds of muscle per decade after age 30 until menopause, when the rate increases even more,” Westcott says. Studies have found that during a woman’s first six months of twice-weekly weight training, she can rebuild about one-quarter pound of muscle per week, he says. Because becoming stronger makes everything from chores to other kinds of workouts easier, women become firmer, fitter and more self-confident, Lucille observes. Independence rises, along with self-esteem. “As with all things in life: If you push against resistance, you get stronger,” she says. “That’s true both mentally and physically.”
967 N. High Street, East Haven oneworld-wellness.com 203.998.5688
You are the Goddess of your body. Take care of it. ~Eileen Kaplan
Note: Experts recommend using a certified trainer or weightlifting class to get started. Debra Melani writes about health care and fitness from Lyons, CO. Connect at DebraMelani.com. natural awakenings
May 2015
Keep it fun, so that your kids will try new things like vegetables. Remember, it takes 12 times before a baby actually prefers a new food, so don’t give up!
~Veronika Van de Geer Buckley, Maine mother
KIDS ¤ VEGGIES How to Instill Healthy Lifelong Habits by Clancy Cash Harrison
Starting at conception, the early years of a child’s life are a perfect window of opportunity to establish a foundation of healthy eating.
ant a child to love veggies? Here are simple tips parents can practice in the first three years to establish lifelong good eating habits. Start early. We all know that eating healthy during pregnancy will help a baby grow, but many may not realize that an infant can taste flavors in utero and through breast milk. Eating a variety of fresh produce during pregnancy and breastfeeding helps shape a healthy diet later in life. Treat weaning as a time for the infant to explore the texture, taste and aroma of an array of foods. After six months of exclusive breastfeeding, food can be introduced, although breast milk is still the primary source of nutrients. Small, repeated exposures to many foods during this stage will help minimize refusals to try or accept foods in the toddler years. 30
New Haven / Middlesex
Children’s foods should be exploding with nutrients. Offering a variety of organic produce ensures optimal nutrition and decreases chemical exposure. Research reported by the Harvard Medical School and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, among others, shows that richly colored foods help build dense bones, powerful brains and tough immunity. Good candidates include butternut squash, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, berries and citrus. Also go for those naturally high in iron, such as peas, leafy greens, apricots, raisins and legumes. Avoid anything high in sugar and other sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, artificial colorings and other harmful additives. Another important yet often overlooked foundation of healthy eating is encouraging a child to self-regulate his
or her calorie intake. Self-regulation starts on the first day of breastfeeding and is carried through adulthood. Respecting a child’s decision to end a meal allows them to control their own food intake. Common signals infants use to end a meal include turning their head away, arching back, throwing food on the floor and showing an interest in other activities. To encourage self-regulation, always serve meals and healthy snacks on a schedule and allow the child to feed himself when possible. As early as 7 months of age, most healthy infants are developmentally ready to do this, which should optimize nutrient consumption, increase participation in family meals and contribute to a less stressful mealtime. Appropriate foods for self-feeding should easily melt in an infant’s mouth and be a safe size, such as soft fruits and cooked vegetables. To prevent choking, avoid round, hard and sticky foods such as whole grapes, peanuts, popcorn and nut or seed butters. Don’t be afraid to add mild herbs and spices to a child’s food. An easy way to teach healthy flavor preferences, develop taste buds and reduce pickiness when they’re older is to expose children to many foods, textures and aromas. A dash of cumin in smashed avocado or freshly chopped mint mixed with diced strawberries introduces new perspective on a favorite food. Food refusal is inevitable, normal behavior. Children will love a food one day and hate it the next. Rethinking the definition of variety empowers parents to reintroduce a not-so-favorite food many times. If children don’t like the way an item feels or looks, they may not taste it. The refusal of a carrot doesn’t necessarily doom carrots. They can be
It’s important to give the child the same food that the family eats, but in smaller servings. This allows the child to watch others eat and enjoy the same meal. ~Maria Myers Maiden, North Carolina mother coined, minced, mashed, puréed and diced to change the texture, plus they can be served cold, at room temperature or tepid. A child’s early adventurous eating increases the willingness to experiment with a wider range of less familiar foods as a young adult in a multicultural foodscape. Kids are not born reciting an alphabet; it takes time and practice to read and learn a new language. Similarly, it requires time and patient practice to establish a healthy foundation for eating. Have faith in the family’s ability to make eating together enjoyable for everyone. Clancy Cash Harrison is a mother of two, pediatric feeding therapist, registered dietitian and author of Feeding Baby: Simple Approaches to Raising a Healthy Baby and Creating a Lifetime of Nutritious Eating. Connect at FieldsOfFlavor.com.
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natural awakenings
May 2015
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New Haven / Middlesex
Natural Steps to Nurture Immunity by Shawn Messonnier
ith pets, as with kids, vaccine safety and necessity are likely concerns. While holistic veterinarians tend to minimize the use of vaccines, their strongest stance is against unnecessary vaccinations. The point is to immunize only when it’s needed by individual patients while maximizing natural immunity. In the late 1970s, amid the discovery of the canine parvo virus, vets saw many puppies under 4 months of age suffer from this mysterious disease and die or be euthanized. Once a vaccine was made, we rarely saw pets dying from the parvo virus or parvoviral infection. So, in certain cases, vaccines can be life-saving. However, unnecessary and multiple simultaneous vaccines can also be life-taking, which doctors rarely mention. The truth is that only minimal vaccines are needed for dogs
and cats over the course of a pet’s life. No pet needs all of the vaccines that are currently manufactured, and none needs vaccines every six to 12 months. Pets do need veterinary checkups once or twice a year to screen for diseases affecting the liver, heart, kidneys, lungs and gastrointestinal and urinary systems, as well as cancer. Blood and urine testing, including blood testing for undiagnosed cancer, is vital, easy and inexpensive (every six months for pets 5 years and older and annually for those that are younger). A good protocol is akin to that developed by Dr. Jean Dodds, founder of Hemopet, of Garden Grove, California, a holistic veterinarian and an expert in animal vaccination and immunology. Her system involves administering limited vaccines to puppies and kittens based on their individual needs, and not more often than every three weeks for those younger than 8 weeks. Following this course, by 4 months of age the pet has been injected with four to six vaccines, compared to double to triple the amount supported by vaccine manufacturers and administered by breeders and most conventional doctors.
Such a judicious, limited vaccine protocol offers protection against the diseases that are the most lethal to the puppy or kitten while doing no harm to its natural immune system. As needed, individual pets may also receive a natural detoxification protocol to minimize vaccine reactions. Antioxidant supplements can boost the immune response, as well. Adult pet patients can also be given blood titer testing instead of vaccines. This measures the animal’s individual antibody responses to prior immunizations or common disease exposure and assures us the pet has adequate immunity against a specific disease. All of this assures the pet owner that the pet is protected against infectious diseases without the risks of annual multiple vaccinations. In most cases a protective titer is maintained for many years, which preempts disease and further reduces the number of vaccines the animal receives over its lifetime. Titer testing costs less than $100 for three common infectious diseases, is safer than routine immunization, protects the immune system, prevents vaccine reactions and assures owners, vets, boarding facilities, groomers and day care facilities that it’s safe to introduce the pet into such environments. This approach of minimal vaccinations is a prime reason holistic veterinarian patients tend to be healthier and live longer than the average pet, with even larger dogs regularly living in good health up to 15 to 20 years of age. Holistic veterinarians perform limited vaccines supplemented by titer testing to ensure levels of care that meet accepted standards. They base their approach on supportive science from institutions including the American Animal Hospital Association and American Association of Feline Practitioners to provide safe, proven, ongoing immunity for patients. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit PetCareNaturally.com.
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May 2015
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natural awakenings
May 2015
calendarofevents FRIDAY, MAY 1 Diving Into Yin 3 Day Immersion with Liza Dousson – 6pm-9pm; (Sat 5/2 & Sun 5/3, 10am5pm). Take the whole intensive or one of 5 modules. Exploring and become educated about this unique practice of Yin Yoga. For Students and Teachers. $300/$70. Raven’s Wing Yoga, Branford. RavensWingYoga.com. Spring Has Sprung w/ Susane Grasso – 7pm8:30pm. Learn the myth and magic that surrounds the plants in your garden and the Feng Shui of planting. Become a plant whisperer. Explore the language of flowers from the magnificent rose to the lowly weed. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000. EnchantedGuilfordct.com. Full Moon Gong Relaxation with Barbara and Steve Chillemi – 7pm-9pm. Experience live gong sound healing tones, yoga, and meditation to put your mind and body at ease. $22/session $60/3. Your Community Yoga Center, 39 Putnam Ave, Hamden. Pre-Registration available: 203-287-2277 or YourCommunityYoga.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 2 Reiki III – 9:30am-1pm. Learn processes in aura cleaning, body and brain balancing and working with crystals. Plus 3 night sessions for reviews of healing sessions by participants. Master symbol attunements and certifications $250. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford. (Creative financing available) Gayle: 203-265-2927. Weekend of Yoga w/Desiree Rumbaugh – 10am12:30pm & 2:30pm-5pm (& Sun 5/3, 10am12:30pm). Three powerful classes designed to inspire and reveal helpful tips for your yoga practice on and off the mat. Single Session $55. Full Weekend $150. Fresh Yoga, 319 Peck St, New Haven. info@freshyoga.com. Beaded Wrapped Bracelet Class at KanduBeads – 11am-12pm. Free with $15 materials purchase! Learn to stitch beads and cord together to make a stylish wrap bracelet! KanduBeads, 346 Quinnipiac St, Wallingford. 203-793-7348. KanduBeads.com. Wilderness Survival: Edible and Medicinal Plants – 2pm. Backyards, vacant lots, woodlands, and open fields support tons of food and medicines for the natural collector! Join Ranger Jessica, who has a degree in biology, for this in-depth study class. Jess will lead us in identification of wild plants, and we’ll taste and smell some along the way. Class size limited. Free. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. Preregister: 203-736-1053. B o l l y w o o d B h a n g r a Yo g a & D a n c e – 2pm-4pm. Learn basics of Indian dance fused w/yoga and Bollywood beats! This workshop is designed to introduce students to different styles of Indian dance, both classical and modern, coupled with the latest tunes from across the globe. N o experience necessary, just a willingness to laugh and move! BreathingRoomct.com.
New Haven / Middlesex
Polymer Stars and Stripes Cane Class at KanduBeads – 2pm-5pm. $Learn to make Polymer Canes of Patriotic Shapes and colors for jewelry purposes! $60. KanduBeads, 346 Quinnipiac St Wallingford. 203-793-7348. KanduBeads.com.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 Information Sessions – 7pm-8pm. Free. The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany. Call 203-874-4252, email info@learn.edu or visit Learn.edu/events .
Full Moon Hike – 7pm. Flowers are starting to bloom in the woodlands along the trails. Join our Nature Center staff for this nighttime fragrance hike. $1. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. Preregister: 203-736-1053.
ThetaHealing®—Manifesting: Releasing Resistance w/ Tami Reagor – 7pm-8:30pm. Embrace life—Trust the guidance to live your life to the fullest. Let go of limiting beliefs/programs you have about getting things you want in your life so you can finally feel freer to live your dreams. Will be doing belief work using ThetaHealing® so you can see the changes in your life right away. $20. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
Usui Holy Fire Reiki I Class with Anita Jones, RMT – 1pm-6pm. Learn about Reiki energy, its history and how to use it for yourself and others. Attunement given. Certificate and manual included. $125. Hamden. Info/Registration: 203-415-4791. TranquilHealingReiki.com.
Information Sessions – 4:30pm-5:30pm. Free. The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany. Call 203-874-4252, email info@learn.edu or visit Learn.edu/events.
Rain Barrels ‘R Us – 2pm. Join Alexis Wilcox and Dan Rozanski of Duck Truck Composting in Hamden as they lead you through the process of how to make your own rain barrel for your house and garden. It only takes a few simple tools and small parts to make a big impact on the environment. Free. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. Preregister: 203-736-1053. Northern Connecticut Vegetarians Potluck at The Suffield Senior Center – 4:30pm. Bring a healthy vegan dish to share along with a list of its ingredients and your recipe. Please bring your own place setting. Donation of $7 requested. Children are free. Information/reservations: 860-623-8082 or email Harry at veggyharry@aol.com.
MONDAY, MAY 4 Experiencing Back Pain? Come in for a FREE Back Consultation w/PT Services of Guilford – Stop back pain NOW! Come visit for a FREE consultation. Find pain relief without medication! PT Services of Guilford, 500 East Main St, Ste 310, Branford. 203-315-7727. Astrological Readings w/ Lou Valentino – 4pm-7pm. Have you ever wondered what your astrological chart says about your personality, vocation, relationships and future? Lou Valentino has been doing astrology readings for over 20 years. 30-min readings. $1/min. Enchanted,1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000. Full Moon Meditation w/Gayle Franceschetti – 6:30pm-8:30pm. Align w/new energies of full moon. Opportunities for allowing spiritual energies to reach human hearts and minds. Tap into this vast pool of energy. $20. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford. 203-265-2927. Sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
TUESDAY, MAY 5 Information Sessions – 11am-12pm. Free. The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany. Call 203-874-4252, email info@learn.edu or visit Learn.edu/events.
The Consciousness of Joy: An experiential Learning Laboratory for Awareness and Development of Love & Joy – 7pm-9pm. Free. The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany. Call 203-874-4252, email info@learn.edu or visit Learn.edu/events. Whole Woman Homeopathy w/ Dr. Louise Sanchione, ND – 7pm. Still suffering from recurring UTIs, PMS every month, bacterial vaginosis, peri-menopausal symptoms of hot flashes or other women’s health challenges? Free. At Thyme & Season, 3040 Whitney Ave, Mt. Carmel, Hamden. Coupon to all. No reservation. New Haven Community Circle Dance – 7:30pm9:30pm. Move in the footsteps of our ancestors as we enjoy traditional dances from many cultures, as well as contemporary pieces choreographed in the spirit of ancient folk dance. All dances are taught and no experience is necessary. Suggested donation $8. Friends Meetinghouse, 225 East Grand Ave, New Haven. Information: 203-467-1069.
FRIDAY, MAY 8 Nature’s Child: Baby Birds – 10:30am. If we find a baby bird this spring, what should we do? Join one of our Nature Center naturalists to learn about the life of a baby bird. Hear a short story, make “binoculars,” and then take a short scavenger hunt hike. Please call in advance for this class for preschool children and their adults. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. For information and tuition call: 203-736-1053. Family Movie Night: Over the Hedge –7pm. This animated film will have the kids laughing out loud! It’s the tale of a group of forest friends led by a mischievous raccoon, RJ as a suburban housing development threatens their forest. Free. Popcorn and lemonade $1. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. Preregister: 203-736-1053. Thai Massage Workshop w/ BodyMindThai – 7:30pm-9:30pm. Relax and loosen your muscles in a gentle yin yoga class from 6:30pm-7:30pm followed by Thai massage with a partner. Bring a friend or be paired with someone at the workshop! Joining us is Rick Haesche, LMT, Thai Massage practitioner and owner/director of the Bodymind Center of CT. $20 or $35 for couples/friends. Early registration required! One World Wellness, 967 N High St, East Haven. OneWorld-Wellness.com.
Holographic Sound Healing w/Randeane Tetu – 7:30pm-8:30pm. Vibrational sound assists the body’s natural healing ability, nourishes emotional self and nurtures the soul’s highest purpose. Release old patterning/balance energy/stimulate healing. $15. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
SATURDAY, MAY 9 D.E.E.P. C.A.R.E. Program: Fishing – 9 am. Beginners’ session for children over 6 years old with their adults. Join Ranger Martin and Russ Zelanin for this pond side class. Equipment is included, but if you have your own, bring it. Meet at the Nature Center building for instructions, then head to the water! Free. Class size is limited. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. Preregister: 203-736-1053. Reiki I Certification w/RMT, Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – 9am-3pm. (or two 1/2-Days/ Eves.6-9pm, 5/11 & 5/13). Empowering foundation for self-healing, support for personal challenges/ goals/relationships and treating others. Wallingford. $150 Pre-Class Consult/Register: 203-913-3869. PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com Reiki I w/Gayle Franceschetti – 9am-1pm. Reiki is the science and art of activating, directing and applying natural, universal life energy, to promote energy balancing, healing and wholeness. Materials/ certificate included. $125. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford, 203-265-2927. Sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
Reiki I w/Gayle Franceschetti – 9am-1pm. Reiki is the science and art of activating, directing and applying natural, universal life energy, to promote energy balancing, healing and wholeness. Materials/ certificate included. $125. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford. 203-265-2927. Sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net. Angelspeake™ Class w/RMT, Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – 6:30pm-8:30pm. Ask empowering questions, awaken to signs, and receive loving messages/guidance from angels, guides, loved ones. Develop intuitive senses. $33/class and materials. Wallingford. Register: 203-913-3869. PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com.
THURSDAY, MAY 14 New Haven Chapter of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce Monthly Meeting – 6:30pm-8:30pm. First time attendees free, members only. The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany. Email newhaven@holisticchamberofcommerce.com or visit Learn.edu/events. Minerals—Essential But Often Depleted w/ Dr. James Sensenig, ND – 7pm. Think you can get all the nutrients your body needs from your food? Think again. Learn how trace minerals are essential to you health. Free. At Thyme & Season, 3040 Whitney Ave, Mt. Carmel, Hamden. Coupon to all. No reservation. Empowering Relationships w/ Gayatri and Arjuna – 7pm-9pm. Free. The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany. Call 203-874-4252, email info@learn.edu or visit Learn.edu/events.
Goddess, Tarot, Rune & Past Life Readings w/ Lisa Morrison – 12pm-4pm. Lisa believes that readings should be a balance of humor, healing and inspiration. Her goal is to help restore balance and encourage wholeness of self. $1/min. Enchanted. 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
Yo g a Tu n e U p ® Tr a i n i n g w i t h L i l l e e Chandra,Shoulder Immersion – 10am-5pm. (5/15-5/17). Focuses specifically on the anatomy and physiology of the shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and neck. $425. Fresh Yoga, 319 Peck St, New Haven. info@freshyoga.com.
Creative Arts Workshop Gala – 5pm. Come join the fun, festivities and food while celebrating CAW’s 54th Anniversary year. A wonderful arts experience and a chance to get a Silent or Live Auction item. $175. Free parking. 80 Audubon St, New Haven. Information, call 203-562-4967 or visit CreativeArtsWorkshop.org.
Emotional Freedom Technique: EFT Workshop w/ Deborah – 7pm-8:30pm. EFT is a technique that uses meridian tapping to unblock the energy flowing through out your body and mind. In this workshop you will learn how to apply this technique to relieve stress, overcome negative emotions, limiting beliefs or maybe a life long trauma. $20. Enchanted,1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000. EnchantedGuilfordct.com.
MONDAY, MAY 11 Free Manual Therapy Therapeutic Consultation – Had physical therapy w/o relief? Try manual therapy, hands-on treatment. 40 minutes one-on-one w/staff. Feel better. Experience the difference! Call for FREE consultation. PT Services of Guilford, 500 East Main St, Ste 310. Branford. 203-315-7727.
Twig Fringe Headpin Necklace Class at KanduBeads – 11am-12pm. Free with $15 purchase. Learn to use headpins and seedbeads to make a stylish chevron fringe necklace. KanduBeads, 346 Quinnipiac St, Wallingford. 203-793-7348. KanduBeads.com.
“Science of Miracles” Benefit for Branford Compassion Animal Shelter – 7pm. Physics and biology can be changed by the power of thought. Reverse disease, redefine aging, change our reality. Movie featuring Greg Braden international scientist/ visionary. $5 donation. Information call 203-4818443 or email Avantgardect13@yahoo.com.
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SATURDAY, MAY 16 Spring Migrants of the Nature Center – 8am. Join avid birder Kathy Gambacini for this early morning walk to find the birds living in or moving through our parklands to nest farther north. Bring your own binoculars or use ours. Dress for walking outdoors. Free. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. Preregister: 203-736-1053. Reiki II Cert. w/RMT, Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – 9am-3pm or two 1/2-Days/ Eves. Receive empowering keys to mentalemotional clarity, balance; support for empathic challenges/relationship healing. Wallingford. $175 Pre-Class Consult/Register: 203-913-3869. PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com.
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natural awakenings
May 2015
Kundalini Yoga Workshops with Ravi Singh & Ana Brett – 9:30am-11:30am. Shine Like the Star You Are! All Levels. 1:30pm-3pm Kundalini Soul Training, an intermediate practice. Deepen your yoga practice. Share in an uplifting group experience! Live Gong. $60, $40, $25. Raven’s Wing, Branford. RavensWingYoga.com.
Holographic Quartz Crystal Concert/Meditation – 7:30pm. Randeane leads us in meditation using the heart and throat chakra crystal bowls to reduce stress and connect to your higher self, all under a special effect celestial ceiling. $15. Avant Garde, 328 East Main St, Branford. 203-481-8443. Avantgardect13@yahoo.com.
Creating with Chain Necklace Class at KanduBeads – 11am-12pm. Free with $15 purchase. This class is rad and you’re perfectly good for it! Let us show you how to whip those chains into an edgy design! KanduBeads, 346 Quinnipiac St, Wallingford. 203-793-7348. KanduBeads.com.
Renew Teaching Assists with Saskia BergmansSmith – 1pm-3:30pm. As a new or experienced yoga instructor you are regularly faced with the TRUE beginner body. Are the assists you are using not working as you think they should? Could you use a little boost? Join Saskia to refresh and reset your memory on the power of touch. $35/$30 adv. by May 4—Pre-Registration available Your Community Yoga Center, 39 Putnam Ave, Hamden. Register: 203-287-2277 or YourCommunityYoga.com. Explore RedwingPond – 2pm. Join the Nature Center staff for a fun afternoon catching frogs and other inhabitants of Redwing Pond. We’ll start with a brief talk on the vertebrates and invertebrates who inhabit the pond and learn how to identify them. Use our collection equipment to help us catch, observe and release these critters. Free. Ansonia Nature Ctr, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia. Preregister: 203-736-1053. Book Signing w/ Tami Reagor – 7pm-8:30pm. Unleash Your Inner TIGER Strength, Beauty, & Power, written by Tami Reagor. Tami is an Advanced ThetaHealing® practitioner and instructor, Certified Holistic Health Coach, speaker and teacher, who is committed to spreading the word about how a change in your thought and perspective can change your world. Free admission with book purchase: $18. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
SUNDAY, MAY 17 Hoedown and Barbecue! – 1pm-4pm. Great Family Fun! Live caller, music, and dancing in the arena! All ages welcome! $15/person includes lunch. Animal Assisted Therapy Services, Miles Hill Farm, 1250 Long Hill Rd, Guilford. Information/ registration: 203-804-5343. Usui Holy Fire Reiki II Class with Anita Jones, RMT – 1pm-6pm. Increase Reiki knowledge and energy. Learn the basic symbols and distant healing. Attunement given. Certificate and manual included. $150. Hamden. Info/Registration: 203-415-4791. TranquilHealingReiki.com. YogArt Workshop: Pastel Flowers in Spring – 2pm-5pm. After a quiet, contemplative walk to view wildflowers, show your creativity, learn techniques such as how to show depth in subjects, create subtle color gradations, use soft blends and emphasize luminous highlights. Practice gentle yoga, guided imagery and meditation for inspiration before starting to create your work of art. $15. No prior experience is needed. Art supplies provided or bring your own. One World Wellness, 967 N High St, East Haven. OneWorld-Wellness.com.
New Haven / Middlesex
Group Past Life Regression – 6:30pm-8-30pm. Discover reasons for current fears, recurring dreams or personality tendencies. Attendees explore past lives, learn reasons for repeat patterns or why they were born to a certain family. $20. Wallingford. Call Gayle: 203-265-2927. Sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net. Concerned About Osteopenia? w/ Dr. Matthew Robinson, ND – 7pm. Learn about osteopenia and bone health: how your health effects your bones and what the health of your bones can tell you about your body. Free. At Thyme & Season 3040 Whitney Ave, Mt. Carmel, Hamden. Coupon to all. No reservation.
PT Services of Guilford Offers Free Hand Pain Screening – Hands always aching? Want to find relief without injections or medications? Come in for a FREE hand pain screening. Feel better! 500 East Main St, Ste. 310. Branford. 203-315-7727.
Astrological Readings w Lou Valentino – 4pm-7pm. Have you ever wondered what your astrological chart says about your personality, vocation, relationships and future? Lou Valentino has been doing astrology readings for over 20 years. 30-min readings. $1/min. Enchanted,1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
Herbal Oils and Tasting – 6pm-7:30pm. Taste 4 different herbal oils, learn how to blend them into food for their medicinal benefits. Participants will enjoy 4 healing recipes, 20% discount on oils. $20 per person. Quiambaug Theater, 107 Wilcox Rd, Stonington. RSVP: 860-833-6376 or VeraHalina.com.
Circle of Love/Spiritual Empowerment Group w/Gayle Franceschetti – 6:30pm-8pm. Delve within to enhance your ability to tap into divine energy. Join the unconditional loving energy of this open and evolving group lead by spirit. $15. 36 Cheshire Rd. Wallingford, 203-265-2927. Sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
Reading the Runes through Ancient Eyes w/Lisa Morrison – 7pm-9pm. Learn to read the Runes through ancient beliefs about the creation of the world, and how humans and animals came into being. Develop a creative style of Rune interpretation with shamanic practice. $25. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
Dance Harmonics w/ Randeane Tetu – 7:30pm8:30pm. Fun! Enchanted! Sparkle your energy! Feel the vibrancy as you align with your higher self, raise your frequency and experience your spiritual well-being through guided and free flow dance moments. Increase balance, flexibility, and range of motion through increased body awareness. Stretch! $20. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
Feldenkrais Sampler Day! – 9am-1pm. I will be offering 4 Functional Integration Sessions at a discounted rate for new clients who want to experience some hands on works. First come first serve basis. 50-minute session is $40. Holistic Therapies, 15 South Elm St, Wallingford. Carol Meade: 203-415-8666.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 Ecotherapy Workshop – 6:30pm. Free. The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany. Call 203-874-4252, email info@learn.edu or visit Learn.edu/events. Guided Meditation w/Crystals & EFT w/ RMT/Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – 6:30pm8:30pm. (& Tues 5/26) Engage in [+] Energy insights and create lasting, healthy transformations. $25. Wallingford. Register: 203-913-3869 or PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. A Circle of Women – 7pm-9pm. Join in sacred space to discover & strengthen your authentic self, celebrate “womens’ ways,” live in rhythm with the seasons. This is what you have been looking for! Healing the world one woman at a time. $25. Central Wallingford. Call Susan to reserve space: 203-645-1230.
THURSDAY, MAY 21 Free Wellness Workshops at The Fitness Connection in Killingworth every 3rd Thursday of the month – 6pm. Dr. Stephanie Gilfoy, a naturopathic doctor from Madison, will speak about how she believes the body can heal itself by finding the underlying cause of disease and treating through diet, toxin removal and stress management. To reserve a seat, call 860-663-0326 or email thefitnessconnection@comcast.net.
Reiki III ART Cert. w/RMT Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – 9am-3pm or two 1/2-Days or Eves. Promote/Deepen personal and client lasting, healthy transformations Advanced Techniques w/Crystal/Stone healing and manifesting grids. $200. Wallingford. Pre-Class Consult/Register: 203-913-3869. PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. Grounding – 9:30am-1pm. Experiential workshop. The more grounded to Earth, the easier it is to access other dimensions and shield the body from electromagnetic interference enabling a life filled with a secure, rational and loving manner, $75. Wallingford. 203-265-2927. Sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net. Seed Bead Vines Class at KanduBeads – 11am12pm. Free with $15 purchase. Seed Beaded Vines are so much fun and so easy to learn to do that you could practically do it with your eyes closed. KanduBeads, 346 Quinnipiac St, Wallingford. 203-793-7348. KanduBeads.com. Jessie: Spirit Guide Artist – 11am-3pm. Intuitive Artist, Jessie is a third generation ClairvoyantIntuitive, noted for her visionary ability to access the Akashic Records. Discover how your soul is calling you and how you can best reply in order to enjoy a rewarding future. $40 for 40 min. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
SUNDAY, MAY 24 Usui Holy Fire Reiki III class with Anita Jones, RMT – 1pm-6pm. Deepen your Reiki knowledge. Learn meditations and techniques for enhancing Reiki energy. Attunement given. Certificate and manual included. $250. Hamden. Info/Registration: 203-415-4791. Gongs and Singing Bowls Full Harmonic Sound Immersion – 7pm. Experience the tranquil songs of gongs and singing bowls and relax blissfully into a meditative state to reduce stress as your are lead in guided meditation by Priscilla. $15. Avant Garde, 328 East Main St, Branford. 203- 481-8443. Avantgardect13@yahoo.com.
MONDAY, MAY 25 Free Shoulder Consultation at PT Services of Guilford – Why suffer with shoulder pain when something can be done about it? Come see staff for a FREE shoulder consultation. Find pain relief without medication! PT Services of Guilford, 500 East Main St, Ste 310. Branford. 203-315-7727.
TUESDAY, MAY 26 Young Living Essential Oils – 6pm-8pm. Help align your mind, body, spirit. Learn to take control of your health with therapeutic grade oils. Free zyto machine readings! Free class. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford. 203-265-2927. Sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 Kids & Affirmations! – 6:30pm-7:30pm. Affirmations can reduce anxiety, worries and bolster self-confidence. Adult hands-on Workshop includes children’s storybook and activities. $20. Pure Alchemy Juice Bar. 236 No Colony Rd, Wallingford. RSVP: 203-804-0024.
THURSDAY, MAY 28 Joint Pain Slowing You Down? w/ Dr. Lindsay Chimileski, ND – 7pm. w/ Learn about Arthritis, Joint Pain and Inflammation—how inflammation can be controlled and what steps you can take to maintain healthy joints. Free. At Thyme & Season 3040 Whitney Ave., Mt. Carmel, Hamden. Coupon to all. No reservation.
FRIDAY, MAY 29 Reiki Yoga Fusion – 6:30pm-8:30pm. A fusion between the energy healing powers of Tao Yoga, where one uses breathwork to cultivate Qi, and Reiki healing to enhance vitality and well-being—these two ancient practices have come together at One World Wellness to create a healing oasis for body, mind and spirit. $15. One World Wellness & Yoga, 967 N High St, East Haven. OneWorld-Wellness.com.
Beginner Yoga Series – 10:30am-12pm. (5/30-6/13). Been wanting to start a yoga practice but not sure how? As a beginner to yoga, students should feel empowered and engaged—not isolated or overwhelmed. In this absolute beginner’s workshop, learn the foundational tools needed to feel comfortable in body, mind and group classes. BreathingRoomct.com.
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H a m m e re d C o p p e r E a r r i n g s C l a s s a t KanduBeads – 11am-12pm. Free with $15 purchase. Learn to hammer out copper wire to make a beautiful textured pair of earrings! KanduBeads, 346 Quinnpiac St, Wallingford. 203-793-7348. KanduBeads.com. Anatomy of the Pelvis – 3pm-5:30pm. In the Taoist tradition the psoas muscle (within the pelvis) is the “seat of the soul,” surrounding the lower “Dan tien” a major energy center of body known as the second or sacral chakra in the Hindu yogic tradition. Shortening of this muscle can lead to conditions such as sacroiliac pain, sciatica, disc problems and low back pain. We will explore relaxation techniques to soften the psoas such as Taoist breathwork for opening core muscles in the pelvic region. $20. Members Free. One World Wellness, 967 N High St, East Haven. OneWorld-Wellness.com.
SUNDAY, MAY 31 Monthly Restorative Yoga with Ellen Lensen – 9:30am-11am. Let go of the stress from the previous week. Ellen will guide you in a serious of supported poses designed to allow your nervous system to deeply relax and recharge. $19 or class card. Fresh Yoga, 319 Peck St, New Haven. info@freshyoga.com. Sound, Tarot, and Pendulums: Calling on Your Intuition – 2pm-4pm. Therapeutic Recreation Center, 19 Hazel Terrace, Woodbridge. Call for information/registration: 203-804-5396.
MONDAY, JUNE 1 Free Foot Screening at PT Services of Guilford – Call today to find out more about Anodyne Therapy for foot pain. Increase circulation, reduce pain and stiffness. Feel better! PT Services of Guilford, 500 East Main St, Ste 310. Branford. 203-315-7727.
Join for FREE! Visit NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com
If I had my life to
live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. ~Nadine Stair
SATURDAY, MAY 30 Reiki II – 9:30am-2pm. Reiki II attunes higher frequencies of energy. Second Degree or Reiki II certification class teaches ancient, powerful and precise healing symbols. Gain the ability to heal mental, emotional, and past life issues from a distance. $150. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford. Gayle: 203-265-2927.
natural awakenings
May 2015
ongoingevents sunday Sunday Morning Yoga – 8am-9am. This Kripalu based practice will stretch and tone muscles, relieve stress and anxiety. Class geared toward all levels, modifications always given. Hour-long class will leave attendees feeling restored and replenished. IFoundFitness, 190 Main St, Deep River. Info: 860-961-4507. New Beginnings in Community – 10am. Spiritually-minded people embracing and honoring all world religions, belief systems, cultures, and traditions come together to share thoughts, experiences, and wisdom in a supportive community environment. Four dedicated Interfaith Ministers offer inspiring messages of compassion, peace, and love every Sunday at Mystics by the Sea, 394 New Haven Ave, Milford. NewBeginningsCommunity. weebly.com. Readings with Fannie – 11am-3pm. Certified Crystal Healer, Reiki Practitioner and for contacting our Spirit Guides, the Book of Life and Astral Traveling. Assists you in connecting to the deep inner being of your soul. Assists/connects with your higher self and acts as a catalyst to bring forth what is for your highest good (ie. connecting you with a loved one or just clearing your field). Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000.
monday Enjoy a $10 discount on all 90-minute services on Monday! – Every Monday is Customer Appreciation Day at Massage Savvy and our current promotion is “75 Gets You 90” which means you can book a service for 90 minutes and only pay for 75 of them! Call: 203-453-8667 or visit: MassageSavvyCT.com. Massage Savvy, 2514 Boston Post Suite 5C, Guilford. Gift Certificate Special-Reclaim Your Sparkle with an Angel Reading/Reiki/Coaching or EFT Session w/RMT Diane Esposito – Rec. $25 2hr. Meditation Class free w/purchase of 75 Min. Session. Release stress, pain; improve sleep/energy, detoxify. Order: 203-913-3869. PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. Pilates/Barre Community Class – 8am. This class is a mix between pilates moves to strengthen core muscles and the Barre technique to sculpt and lean our arms and legs. Discount price of $10.00 cash/ check or $12.00 credit card. Kneading Hands Yoga & Massage, 760 Main St S, Unit F, Southbury. 203267-4417. KneadingHands.net. Moderate Yoga – 8:45am-9:45am. A Kripalu inspired class that unites breath with movement. This is a well-rounded class that both tones and stretches the body. IFoundFitness, 190 Main St, Deep River. Info: 860-961-4507.
New Haven / Middlesex
Yoga with Marlene – 10:30am/7:15pm. (classes also offered Tues. 9:30am/6:30pm, Wed. 6:30pm, Thurs.10am/6:30pm, & Fri. 9:30am). Yoga classes for all ages and problems in a serene atmosphere with emphasis on stress-management. 1221 Village Walk, Guilford. Info: 203-453-5360. Iyengar Yoga: Fundamentals and Level I – 6pm-7:15pm. Align and awaken yourself as you deepen your understanding of yoga. Individual attention given. Expert instruction. Yoga in Middletown, 438 Main St, 860-347-YOGA (9642). YogaInMiddletown.com. Qigong for Health – 7pm-8pm. Learn a practice that invigorates the internal energy, relieves stress, tones and stretches the muscles and connects the mind and body. $15/class. Tranquil Mountain Internal Arts. Location: Shoreline Center for Wholistic Health, 35 Boston St, Guilford. Info: 860-301-6433. tmiarts.com.
tuesday Reiki Readings Tarot Card Tuesday Event – 9:30am-7:30pm. (Jan 6, 13, 20 & 27). Have a Goddess Tarot Card reading with Chrystyne McGrath. Chrystyne is a Psychic/Trance Medium, Reiki Master and Dowser. She uses the Goddess Tarot Card deck at this event. Limited spaces left, 30 minute reading for $25. Health Options Wellness Center, 133 State St, Guilford. For availability, call 203-415-0704 or email chrystynem@yahoo.com. Readings w/ Susan Margaret – 11am-4pm. (5/5, 5/19 & Sat, 5/2). Susan is a medium (messages from those that have crossed over) who has been giving readings for 44 years. She has given readings with the Astrological Society of CT for over 20 yrs. Susan uses classic playing cards, reads palms, and uses basic astrology. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford, 203-453-4000. EnchantedGuilfordCT.com. Awareness Through Movement Basics: Feldenkrais 101 – 12pm-1pm. Relearn the simplicity of authentic moving and transcend your personal patterns of limitation. $13. Drop-in. Holistic Therapies Classroom, 15 South Elm St, Wallingford. Contact Carol Meade: 203-415-8666 or info@massage2movement.com. Healthy-Steps, The Lebed Method – 3:45pm4:45pm. w/Susan Sandel. Gentle therapeutic exercise/mvmnt prog. Helpful for breast cancer survivors/chronic health conditions. Free. Sponsor: Middlesex Hosp. Ctr. for Survivorship and Integrative Medicine, Madison. Details: 203-457-1656. Free weekly Tuesday Meditation classes – 6:30pm-7:30pm. Open to all and fully accessible. Instruction provided for beginners. No reservations necessary. Walk-ins welcome. Program offered in cooperation with New Haven Shambhala Center. New Haven Free Public Library. 133 Elm St, New Haven. 203-946-8130 x200.
Free Reiki Sessions: The Universal Reiki Plan – 7:30pm-8:30pm. (& 8:30pm-9:30pm Thurs). Reiki teachers Jeannette and Jim of ReikiOvertones and students offer free Reiki sessions. Appt. only. Love offering appreciated. 95 Harris St, Fairfield. Details: Jim and Jeannette 203-254-3958. info@ReikiOvertones.com.
wednesday Wellness Wednesdays – Pamper your self with a Spa Aromatherapy Facial with Alberto ($50). Also shop our eco-friendly, fair trade boutique. Receive 10% off with this ad. Avant Garde Holistic Center Salon Spa Boutique (Body Mind & Soul Experience), 328 E Main St, Branford. 203-481-8443. AvantGardeCT.com. Moderate Yoga – 8:45am-9:45am & 6:15pm7:15pm. (follows 5:30-6pm spin class). A Kripalu inspired class that unites breath with movement. This is a well-rounded class that both tones and stretches the body. IFoundFitness, 190 Main St, Deep River. Info: 860-961-4507. Ropes Yoga w/ Iyengar Teacher Training Graduate – 9am-10am. Experience yoga in new and liberating ways with the use of wall ropes. All levels welcome. Expert instruction. Individual attention. Yoga in Middletown, 438 Main St, Middletown. 860-347-YOGA (9642). YogaInMiddletown.com. Readings and/or Crystal Chakra Balancing w/ Deborah – 12pm-3pm. (& Sat 5/30). Reiki Master Teacher, and IET Practitioner. Offers Tarot card or Tea Leaf Readings. Uses Reiki and Crystals to remove unwanted energy, while balancing Chakras. Uses abilities-vibrations of the universe 7 channeling of your life force energies to create a balance between mind, body and spirit. $1/min. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000. Emei Wujigong Qigong Group Practice – 12pm1pm. Experience a qigong form for rebalancing and strengthening body, mind and spirit. For all abilities and levels of health. Schedule Available online. 1st class free (reg. $5). Holistic Therapies Classroom, 15 South Elm St, Wallingford. Info: EmeiQigongChan.com. Weekly Wednesday Library Yoga Classes at New Haven Free Public Library – 1pm-2pm. $5, payable to instructor. Bring your own mat. Various instructors. 133 Elm St, New Haven. 203-946-7091. Stony Creek Yoga for Stress Relief – 5:45pm7pm. Classes taught by Gina Macdonald MA, LPC. Will emphasize the breath with flowing movement. $10/session. Walk-ins welcome. Willoughby Wallace Library. 146 Thimble Island Rd, Stony Creek. Contact Gina: 203-710-6665. Yoga with Marlene – 6:30pm. (classes also offered Mon. 10:30am/7:15pm, Tues. 9:30am/6:30pm, Thurs.10am/6:30pm, & Fri. 9:30am). Yoga classes for all ages and problems in a serene atmosphere with emphasis on stress-management. 1221 Village Walk, Guilford. Info: 203-453-5360.
The Milford Chamber’s ‘Health & Wellness Council’ – 8:30am-9:30am. (2nd Thurs. monthly). Group is comprised of businesses in the health and wellness industry. 5 Broad St, Milford. 203-8780681. prisco@priscopr.com, Milfordct.com.
Reiki Practitioner Classes w/ RMT/Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – Why Reiki? Awaken mental/emotional/energetic clarity and balance w/ the power of love and anything is possible-even with prickly people/challenges/changes. Wallingford. Free. Pre-class consult: 203-913-3869 or PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com.
Awareness Through Movement: 20 Feldenkrais Themes – 12pm-1pm. In this class we will be exploring 20 ATM lessons throughout the year. Focus is on moving naturally with a sense of ease and playfulness. $13. Drop-in. Holistic Therapies Classroom, 15 South Elm St, Wallingford. Contact Carol Meade: 203-415-8666 or info@massage2movement.com. Healthy-Steps, The Lebed Method – 3pm-4pm. w/Susan Sandel. Gentle therapeutic exercise/mvmnt prog. Helpful for breast cancer survivors/chronic health conditions. Free. Sponsor: Middlesex Hosp. Ctr. for Survivorship and Integrative Medicine. Middletown. Details: 203-457-1656. Iyengar Yoga: Back Care and Fundamentals – 5:30pm. Heal the body, quiet the mind, improve mood, find balance and nourish the self. Expert instruction. Yoga in Middletown, 438 Main St, 860-347-YOGA (9642). YogaInMiddletown.com. Emei Wujigong Qigong Group Practice – 6:30pm7:30pm. (Every Thurs. except the 1st Thurs. of month). Experience a qigong form for rebalancing and strengthening body, mind and spirit. For all abilities and levels of health. Schedule Available online. 1st class free (reg. $5). Holistic Therapies Classroom, 15 South Elm St, Wallingford. Info: EmeiQigongChan.com. Qigong Group Healing & Silent Meditation – 6:30pm-8pm. (1st Thurs. of the month). All levels of health addressed. No experience necessary. Fee: donation. Holistic Therapies Classroom, 15 South Elm St, Wallingford. Contact Pat for more information if this is 1st attendance: 203-500-6492.
friday Yoga with Marlene – 9:30am. (classes also offered Mon. 10:30am/7:15pm, Tues. 9:30am/6:30pm, Wed. 6:30pm, & Thurs.10am/6:30pm). Yoga classes for all ages and problems in a serene atmosphere with emphasis on stress-management. 1221 Village Walk, Guilford. Info: 203-453-5360. Intuitive Readings w/Susane Grasso – 11am3pm (& Sat 5/16). Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and Clairvoyant Susane sees auras/mirrors of soul/ emotions and physical being. Now also a certified Doreen Virtue Angel Reader. $1/min. Enchanted, 1250 Boston Post Rd, Guilford. 203-453-4000. EnchantedGuilfordct.com.
Tai Chi in Shelton – 8am. (Every Sat). Tai Chi, the Chinese art of moving meditation and self-defense, employs slow, balanced and relaxed postures. No special equipment or uniform required, just loose comfortable clothing and shoes. All are welcome, regardless of experience to this practice session. New comers welcome! Contact: 860-591-9447 or info@13PostureBoxing.com. Step into Your Personal Power Workshop Series – 10am-12pm. (5/2, 5/9, 5/16 & 5/23). Attend 1, 2, 3 or all 4 to accelerate your personal growth and development. $30 each/$100 for all 4. DeKoven House, 127 Washington, Middletown. Information: http://livebyintent.com/workshops. New Canaan Summer Farmers Market – 10am2pm. (every Saturday, April 25 through November 21 rain or shine). Join us for farm fresh fruits and veggies, as well as locally prepared foods. Free. Old Center School Parking Lot, Corner of South Ave, Maple St and Main St, New Canaan. For more information, visit NewCanaanFarmersMarket.net. Tao Yoga – 10:30am-11:30am. Beginner-level yoga class unites mind and body through breath awareness and meditation. Build strength and energy to progress toward intermediate-level poses. $42/ month or $120/three months. One World Wellness & Yoga, 967 North High St, East Haven. OneWorld-Wellness.com. Free Jewelry-Making Classes Every Saturday at KanduBeads with $15 Materials Purchase – 11am-12pm. Learn a basic jewelry-making technique every week! Choose from thousands of beads and jewelry supplies. KanduBeads, 346 Quinnipiac St, Wallingford. 203-793-7348. KanduBeads.com. ReikiShare: The Universal Reiki Plan – 11am1:30pm. Pre-register to share Reiki and join in a FREE workshop to make it a Reiki day! The 3rd Sat. of every month. Free (“love offering”). Bloodroot Rest. 85 Ferris St, Bridgeport. Reservation only. Jim or Jeannette: 203-254-3958. info@ReikiOvertones.com. Pilates w/ Certified Pilates Instructor – 1pm-2pm. Pilates exercises develop strength, flexibility and breath control as they address both spinal mobility and stability. Beginners welcome. Yoga in Middletown, 438 Main St, 860-347-YOGA (9642). YogaInMiddletown.com. Stony Creek Yoga for Stress Relief – 5:45pm7pm. Classes taught by Gina Macdonald MA, LPC. Will emphasize the breath with flowing movement. $10/session. Walk-ins welcome. Willoughby Wallace Library. 146 Thimble Island Rd, Stony Creek. Contact Gina: 203-710-6665.
natural awakenings
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May 2015
classifieds Fee for classifieds is $25 for up to 300 characters & spaces and 15 cents per extra character & space. Submit online at NaturalNewHaven.com. Deadline is the 10th of the month.
ALS SUPPORT THE ALS ASSOCIATION CONNECTICUT CHAPTER – Leading the fight to treat & cure ALS through research & advocacy while empowering people w/Lou Gehrig’s Disease & their families to live fuller lives w/compassionate care & support. 4 Oxford Road, Unit D4. Milford. 203-874-5050. WebCT.alsa.org.
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH BHcare – A state-licensed, non-profit behavioral health care provider serving Lower Naugatuck Valley, Greater New Haven & Shoreline communities. It provides comprehensive behavioral health, prevention & domestic violence services to improve the lives & health of individuals, families & communities. 203-736-2601. bhcare.org.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CAREER OPPORTUNITY IN PRESTIGIOUS SALON – For as little as $65 per week, you can own your own business, make your own hours, keep 100% of your sales in an established state of the art salon & spa. Fear no more of opening your own salon due to the costly start-up expenses. Do not wait to move on this opportunity. Call 203-980-3163.
FOR RENT TREATMENT ROOM – PORTLAND – Integrative Holistic Center looking for like minded practitioners for full or part time use. Inviting spaces, beautiful waiting room, nurturing energy. Easily accessible off Rt. 9. Call Angela at 860-358-9272. WORKSHOP / CLASS SPACE – PORTLAND –Holistic workshop space available in beautiful 1000 sf well lit room, can seat up to 60 comfortably, call Angela at 860-358-9272.
HEALTH, EXERCISE & WELL-BEING WOMEN WALKING PARTNERS – New in town? Don’t want to walk alone? Gain motivation to lose weight! Be a walking partner! Begin today for free. WomenWalking.net.
HELP WANTED W E L L N E S S PRACTITIONERS A N D MASSAGE THERAPISTS – Opportunity to work in the shoreline’s most prestigious wellness center and spa. Make your own hours, be your own boss and keep 100% of your sales without the costly start up expenses. For as little as $65 per week, this opportunity will not last long. Call 203-980-3163.
HYPNOSIS/ LIFE COACHING HYPNOSIS THERAPY CENTER – Providing the help you need to Relax & Resolve: stress, anger, anxiety, emotional issues, bad habits or the past. Life Coaching for personal & professional development. Psychic Readings for insights or Music Therapy to re-balance the mind & body. Madison. 203-245-6927.
LYME DISEASE AMERICAN LYME DISEASE FOUNDATION – Dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment, of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections. Lyme, CT. Info: aldf.com. CT LYME RIDERS, INC. – Founded in 2007 by motorcyclists Sandy Brule & Tony Gargano. A 501(c)(3) non profit public charity aiming to bring awareness to the public about Lyme Disease. Events & info. 860-537-0255, ctlymeriders.com.
OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE AMITY – Dynamic, integrative practice expanding, currently ND, LMT, Bowen Reiki. Looking for like-minded practitioners. Newly renovated well lit w/ground level entrance, views of West Rock. Easy access to Routes 15, 69, 63 Whalley Ave. Searching for Integrative Medicine, NP, CNM, DO, PA or MSW, etc. Please contact clinic director Dr. Lou Cofrancesco. drlou@cofrancescochiropractic.com. SHARED OFFICE SPACE – In a Professional Building located in Southbury, CT. Available Monday, Wednesday and Friday. $350 per month all utilities includes. Please call Heidi at 203-733-1805 for details. SMALL CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE – Perfect for 10 people and under. Located in a professional building in Southbury, CT. Easy on/off to I 84. Call Heidi at 203-733-1805 for details.
Counteract Slow Sales Advertise in Natural Awakenings’
Balanced Man June Issue
SPREAD YOUR WINGS ADD A REJUVENATION STUDIO to your EXISTING beauty, fitness, or health/wellness business. – Bring in new customers, gain revenue from several sources, and your customers will love it! For more information, call: 864-569-8631.
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New Haven / Middlesex
communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide visit our website NaturalNewHaven.com and click our Advertise menu. ALLERGY ADVANCED ALLERGY RELIEF OF CT Anne Mitchell, ND North Haven and West Hartford Offices 203-239-3400 aarct.com
Do you have asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, excema or other allergy symptoms? Are you careful about what you eat because of food allergies or intolerances? At Advanced Allergy Relief, we offer a safe, rapid elimination of allergic reactions. No medication, No Needles, Child friendly, Effective.
Improve your quality of life w/ empowering guidance & support. Move to the Heart of Healing w/ Diane Esposito, RMT/Holistic Coach/author of Play, Heal, Love! The Art of Creating Healthy Relationships. Be inspired; create habits & boundaries that heal w/in-person or phone Readings, Reiki, Reflexology, EFT, Angelspeake, Meditation. See ad on page 8.
Madison, CT 203-245-9317 kevinhealy@sbcglobal.net DrHealMe.com Applied Kinesiology is neurological evaluation to find dysfunction. It addresses problems instead of chasing pains. Dr. Healy tests if a therapy benefits the dysfunction and finds immediate answers about which result in the most improvement. Chiropractic, craniosacral, myofascial, and acupressure are among the therapies Dr. Healy uses. No single cure exists since disease (which includes a state of dysfunction) typically involves many areas of the body. The goal of any therapy-physical, chemical, or emotional-is to improve function, and a combination of therapies has the best results. See ad on page 25.
HAIR RESTORATION JADAK HAIR RESTORATION Agnieshka Jadak 102 Wall Street, Madison, CT 203-859-0605 JadakHairRestoration.com
Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging Suzanne Pyle, MS, CTT 866-XtoRays • 203-331-2878
Get peace of mind with safe (no radiation), FDA-approved breast cancer screening. 8 years earlier detection vs mammography. Certified DITI thermographer Coveniently located throughout CT. See ad on page 17 and Practioner Profile on page 21.
Non-surgical hair replacement is wonderful option for those who suffer from significant hair loss and would like to regain the appearance of having a full head of hair without surgery or a wig. We have some incredible hair systems that are attached to the head and they can be treated as your own hair. With our restoration system you can look the way you have always wanted.
HEALTH FOOD thyme and season natural market
3040 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 203-407-8128 Our 18th year! Open 7 days : M-F 8:00-7:30; Sat 9-7; Sun 10-6 ThymeAndSeasonNaturalMarket.com
CT Experiential Learning Center (CELC) of Branford is a dynamic middle school program that provides small classes and combines exceptional academics with hands-on and real-world learning experiences to fit the academic, social, and emotional needs of the 5th–8th grade student. Contact us to schedule a visit or for more information at:mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203-433-4658. See ad on page 8.
One of the largest selections of natural, organic, nonGMO, gluten-free & vegan foods in the area - local produce, organic & free-range meats / poultry, local artisan cheese, sustainable fish, organic baby food, quality pet food & remedies, safe cleaning & paper products, fair trade chocolate & coffee. Vitamin, mineral, herb and whole food supplements, homeopathic & ayurvedic remedies and a Certified Nutrition Counselor to assist you; Health Talks by health profs Thurs eves Spring & Fall. Pick up a healthy hot breakfast or lunch Mon-Sat: 4 entrees & 6 soups plus salads, sandwiches, sushi, & wraps. A dedicated helpful staff. Now offering Dinners-to-Go.
28 School Street Branford, CT 06405 203-433-4658 mandm@CTExperiential.org http://CTEXperiential.org
Accredited, Non-profit Graduate School offering holistic programs in contemporary and emerging fields 203-874-4252 Learn.edu
The Graduate Institute offers holistic master’s degrees and certificate programs for adult learners. Programs include Integrative Health and Healing, Ecotherapy and Cultural Sustainability, Writing and Oral Tradition, Organizational Leadership, Integrative Health Coaching and Patient Navigation, and more. See ad on page 11.
2 Broadway, North Haven, CT 203-239-3400 info@thelifecenterofct.com TheLifeCenterofct.com
GOT HEMORRHOIDS? Now there is an easy non-surgical treatment that eliminates bleeding, pain, and swelling of hemorrhoids. It is quick, painless, and effective. There is no need to suffer any longer. Covered by most insurances. Call The Life Center for RELIEF. See ad on page 13.
natural awakenings
May 2015
5520 Park Ave, Ste 301, Ffld Town Line Merritt Pkwy, Exit 47 203-371-0300 WholeBodyDentistry.com Dr. Mark A. Breiner is a pioneer and recognized authority in the field of holistic dentistry. With over 30 years of experience, he is a sought after speaker and lecturer. His popular consumer book, Whole-Body Dentistry, has been sold worldwide. See ad on page 31.
FAMILY PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES, LLC 1 Evergreen Avenue, Suite 34 Hamden, CT 06473 203-747-5282 FamilyPsychiatricServices.com
Offers a holistic approach to mental health. Practice offers alternatives to traditional psychiatric treatments, utilizing nutritional and naturalistic means to achieve well-being.
Branwen OShea-Refai, LCSW Bethany, CT 203-393-1717 EarthDancing.com
328 East Main Street Branford, CT 203-481-8443 AvantGardeCT.com Body, mind and soul experience to honor all aspects of one’s being, in a Mediterranean retreat ambience. Ayurveda; Reiki; Hypnotherapy; Psychic Medium; Shamanic Practices; Sacred Geometry; Heartmath; Kirtan; Yoga; Meditations; Crystal Bowl Healing; Harmonic Gong Immersion; and Inspirational Movies. Fair trade, eco-friendly, metaphysical, jewelry, gifts, hand-made items, crystals, décor, natural hair/skincare. Hair artistry, color, hilite, curly hair experts, spa facials, microderms and massage. See ad on page 9.
Stephanie Hope, Holistic Coach, RN 917-670-8882 HopeHolisticWellness@gmail.com HopeHolistic.com Health is more than a number on a scale or lab report; true health is to be in tune with what gives life. As an RN Stephanie helps navigate your health issues while keeping focused on you: your unique qualities, challenges, and dreams. Getting to the root of your problem takes time, and creates lasting change. When you are ready to move beyond the quick-fix and embody true health, Stephanie is here to support you.
New Haven / Middlesex
Branwen, a LCSW, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer, Healing Touch Practioner, and Intuitive has 17 years experience as a holistic counselor. Utilizing Yoga, Talk Therapy, Sound Healing, Meditation, and Energetic Wellness. Treating trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, eating disorders, pain, and stress in children and adults.
HYPNOSIS/REIKI CONNECTICUT HYPNOSIS Heidi Vollmer, M.Ed, CH Southbury, CT 203-733-1805 CTHypnosis.com
We use hypnosis, NLP, past life regression and Reiki to help you with weight loss, freedom from smoking and stress reduction. Now taking the first step toward a healthy life is effortless with our free initial screening and affordable payment plans designed to fit any budget. Ask us how to become a hypnotist yourself.
Anna Martin, BSW, MSW, LCSW 410 State St North Haven, CT 203-606-2071 CounselingNewHaven.com
Spring is in the air! YOU have the right to be happy. AHBHS helps with depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Obesity, agarophobia, domestic violence and anger management.Hypnosis for depression, anxiety and wieght loss/obesity. Phone, internet, skype, office sessions and weekend hours available. Most insurance accepted.
Adam Breiner, ND, Director Elena Sokolova, MD, ND David Brady, ND, CCN, DACBN Fairfield/Trumbull town line 203-371-8258 WholeBodyMed.com Using state-of-the-art science combined with centuries-old healing modalities, our caring naturopathic doctors correct underlying imbalances and address issues which may interfere with the body’s abilityto heal itself. Treatment protocols or therapies include: Abdominal Manual Therapy, Acupuncture, Allergy Desensitization, Chinese Medicine, Colonics and other Detoxification Protocols, Electro-Dermal Screening, Energy Medicine, FDA-cleared Phototherapy, Functional Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Hormonal Balancing, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Metabolic Typing, Nutritional Assessment, Real-Time EEG Neurofeedback, and other therapies. See ad on page 31.
linda myers
Complimentary Counseling Mon. through Fri. 9am – 4:30pm. Nutrition plus vitamin, mineral, herb and whole food supplements, homeopathic & ayurvedic remedies. Our Wellness Outreach Lecture Program is now in its 32nd series, offered free, most Thursday evenings each Spring and Fall. Call for possible participation; check website for schedule.
Medically supervised weight loss program. Get off the dieting merry-go-round and FINALLY achieve your ideal weight. We offer a whole foods diet, individualized nutrition, emotional eating support, meal planning and weight loss coaching. COVERED BY MOST INSURANCES . See ad on page 13.
Certified Nutrition Counselor, FiFHi Thyme and Season Natural Market 3040 Whitney Avenue Hamden (Rt. 10, Mt Carmel) CT 06518 203-407-8128 Ext. 2 Supplements.Thyme@gmail.com ThymeAndSeasonNaturalMarket.com
Everlastings, by Arlene Bouley The Carriage House At The Gate House West 2614 Boston Post Rd, Guilford, CT 203-458-1298 EverlastingsSalon.com Everlastings is a full-service hair salon & spa whose passion and mission is to provide healthier, more natural organic alternatives to salon services. All products are chemical-free. You will leave feeling fulfilled, refreshed and cared for. See ad on page 19.
Dr. Jenna Henderson 2 Broadway, North Haven, CT 1007 Farmington Ave, Suite 7A, West Hartford, CT 203-239-3400 info@thelifecenterofct.com TheLifeCenterofct.com
19 South Main St. Branford, CT 203-488-9642 RavensWingYoga.com Rooted in the sacred teachings of yoga, Raven’s Wing is an inviting & safe place for all who desire positive change. Gentle, beginner, moderate and vigorous classes offered, as well as monthly workshops, kirtan and seasonal celebrations. Ayurveda and private instruction also offered. See ad on page 25.
IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER! Natural Awakenings’ healthy living, healthy planet lifestyle app has a new look and more features. • Updated every month with new content • Search the healthy products in our National Directory • Find your local magazine • Read feature stories En Español • Sign up for Promotions and Newsletters • So much more! • And it’s FREE!
SELF DEVELOPMENT SHARON RINALDO, MA Certified LifeLift Coach 203-494-7110 sarinaldo@yahoo.com
Certified LifeLift coach and Reiki Master Sharon Rinaldo facilitates Life Enhancement Groups, does individual, group and grief counseling, and is a Justice of the Peace/Ordained Minister. She helps plan and officiate unique, personalized wedding ceremonies for all genders and faiths. See ad on page 6.
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natural awakenings
May 2015
MEET OUR NAN PROVIDERS in New Haven and Middlesex Counties
Calling All Holistic and Green Businesses! Interested in becoming a NAN Provider? Information: 203-988-1808 Gail@naturalnewhaven.com AMSTON
HAMDEN continued
Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz 203-747-8444 KellyAnnCory.com
Adam Church, D.C. 203-466-1111 Dr.Church.com
203-751-9875 MyHealth1stUrgentCare.com
Christopher Chialastri, LMT#005812 Home Visits for Massage Therapy 203-430-3163 EmpowerMassage.abmp.com
S.M. Cooper Photographic Artist 203-393-9545 SMCooper.com
DOROTHY MARTIN-NEVILLE, PhD Psychotherapy-Adults in Transition Emotional & Spiritual Aspects in Health Care 860-461-7569 DrDorothyct.com
Natalie Cashman 860-398-4621 CashmanNutrition.com
203-458-1298 EverlastingsSalon.com
Jason Belejack, N.D. 203-824-7428 DurhamNaturopathichealth.com
DANCING WITH ANGELS LIFE COACHING Diana R. Carr 860-349-9542 DianaCarr.wordpress.com
203-453-8667 MassageSavvyCT.com
Joan S. Gilbert 828-551-0420 JoanSusan.star@gmail.com
New Haven / Middlesex
Eileen Denny, D.C. 203-407-8468 DennyWellness.com
June Can, Reiki Master Practitioner International Channel & Medium 203-230-1197 http://junecanchannel.blogspot.com
475-227-2773 NaturopathicWellnessLLC.com
NATURAL FAMILY HEALTH Leigh White, N.D. 203-281-5900 NaturalFamilyHealth.net
Marni Esposito 203-430-1009 YouCanLiveHealthyNow.tsfl.com
Thomas Fortuna 203-684-3512 TheTaxGuy.us
TRANQUIL HEALING REIKI, LLC Anita Jones, RMT 203-415-4791 TranquilHealingReiki.com
860-873-8760 CTFFE.com
Joan S. Gilbert 828-551-0420 JoanSusan.star@gmail.com
MILFORD continued
Keith Mirante, D.C. 203-245-8217 DrMirante.com
860-986-2017 CTYogaCenter.com
YOGA IN MIDDLETOWN 860-347-YOGA (9642) YogainMiddletown.com
MILFORD CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER OF MILFORD Elizabeth Rumley, D.C. 203-713-8600 CWCofMilford.com
HEALTHY FOODS PLUS Natural/Organic Foods/Gluten-Free Vitamins/Supplements/Beauty Aids 203-882-9011
IMPRESSIONS SERVICES Raymond Daneault 800-217-1963 ImpressionsClean.com
JOANN DUNSING HYPNOSIS Joann Dunsing 203-907-7710 JoannDunsing.com
Wt. Release/Loss/HypnoBirthing 203-415-8567 LynnALyons.com
203-693-3676 MyHealth1stUrgentCare.com
Milford, CT 475-282-4112 DoctorDolan@hotmail.com
Holistic Counseling 203-878-3140 PattyScheinLMFT.com
PRISCO CONSULTING Priscilla Lynn 203-530-0103 PriscoPR.com
Bob Kademian 866-306-9799 Bob@BizCoachBob.com
Life and Health Mentor 203-610-7477 LifeisIdeal.com
NEW HAVEN THE SERENE SPOT Anaika Ocasio 203-400-1293 TheSereneSpot.com
Karen Obier, Reflexologist 203-645-2188 InnerHarmonyHolisticWellness.abmp.com
STEAMATIC OF CT Vincent Farricielli 203-985-8000 SteamaticCT.com
ORANGE ADVANCED SPINE & SPORT David Durso, D.C. 203-553-9300 AdvancedSpineAndSport.com
Sports Medicine Dr. Joel Segalman, M.D. 203-270-6724 DrSegalman.com
WEB-BASED BUSINESSES GREEN & GLOBAL MEDIA, LLC KellyAnn Carpenter 203-533-9823 GreenandGlobalMedia.com
LGN CONSULTING Lisa Nastu 203-301-4109 LGNConsulting.com
Venice Walters 203-507-0889 YORHealth.com/LifetimeHealth1
800-387-2278 LiverMedic.com
SUCCESS MARKETING, LLC Michael Guerin 888-542-2936 BestWebPresence.com
Aadil Al-Alim & Faith Bredwood 203-389-0089 Zahavah.co
Robert Rubino, D.C. 203-933-9404 RubinoBackCare.com
STAIRWAY 2 HEAVEN Holistic Center
860-770-2126 Stairway2Heaven.net
TRUMBULL SERENITY BODY WELLNESS Rosa Cervoni, LMT #003111 Reflexologist/Reiki Practitioner 203-929-1002 SerenityBodyWellness.com
New Morning Market 203-263-4868 NewMorn.com
Lghtworker of Vibrational Energy LLC Gayle Franceschetti 203-265-2927 Return2Love.net
Diane Esposito, RMT/Holistic Coach 203-913-3869 PersonalHarmonyAndHealth.com
natural awakenings
May 2015
Workshops! at The Graduate Institute Sponsored by
The Holistic Chamber of Commerce, New Haven Chapter
Monthly Meeting and
LinkedIn Basics
Members: Free, Non-Members: $15 (1st time free!) presented by Tami Reagor, Owner of Well Being Is, LLC
Thursday, May 14 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The Consciousness of Joy: An Experiential Learning Laboratory for Awareness, Love, and Joy! with Stacey Battat and Esther Russell, Joy Leaders
Thursday, May 7 7 pm – 9 pm
Empowering Relationships with Gayatri and Arjuna, Shanti Mission Teachers
Thursday, May 14 7 pm – 9 pm To learn more and Register Visit www.learn.edu/events New Haven / Middlesex NaturalNewHaven.com 48 171 AMITY ROAD, BETHANY, CT | (203) 874-4252