Natural Awakenings Central & Eastern Connecticut - January 2025

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Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later.

Define + Prepare + Trust + Let

Go = Manifest for 2025

In the words of the late, great painter Bob Ross— who taught us about painting “happy little trees” before the days of YouTube—“Just let go—and fall like a little waterfall.” As we welcome the new year of 2025, maybe it is time to let go and trust the universe is working for our greater good. We channel that sentiment in our editorial this month with articles on manifesting, new experiences, fostering happiness, joyful childhood, pet bonding and more. Our regional articles include a look forward at the astrology of 2025 from New York-based actor and astrologer Colin McPhillamy. Natural Awakenings South Jersey & Philadelphia’s group publisher, Shae Marcus, taps into her manifesting toolkit with the benefits of affirmations and visualization to encourage your 2025 goals.

The eyes’ reflection of our physical, emotional and psychological health has fascinated me for years. (Maybe it is due to my many years as a reflexologist examining how the body and emotions are reflected in our feet and hands.) Jenavieve Hawks, M.H., a Connecticut-based iridologist and master herbalist, delves into how the science of iridology can be potentially used for disease prevention, pattern identification and more. Take a look at it (yes, pun intended)!

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As we define what we want and need for this new year, the twists and turns of life and “adulting” can sometimes leave us disoriented, disillusioned and discouraged. But are we really off course? “Everything is always working out for me," a sage friend of mine loves to say to me. If you need help along your manifesting way in 2025, reach out for help from friends and family. Turn to the local practitioners, services and products you find in the magazine to lend a helping hand along your journey. © 2025 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.

We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

All the best,

Age-Related Balance Issues Studied

In a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, 40 adults over 50 completed gait, grip strength, knee strength and balance tests. The gait test consisted of a self-paced walk back and forth on an eight-meter-long walkway. The strength tests were performed seated on a custom-made device that isolated the wrist and knee of the participant’s dominant side. For the balance tests, participants stood on both legs with their eyes open for 30 seconds, then on both legs with their eyes closed for 30 seconds. With eyes open, they also stood on their dominant leg for 30 seconds, then switched to their non-dominant leg for another 30 seconds.

The researchers found that the onelegged test on the nondominant leg showed the highest rate of decline with age. A diminishment in the ability to complete this one-legged balance test, especially for those that cannot balance for five seconds, indicates a significant propensity for falls that hospitalize millions of seniors each year.

Magnesium To Prevent Kidney Stones

In a study involving 76 adults published in the Natural Medicine Journal , researchers evaluated the effectiveness of magnesium supplements to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. The subjects were divided into three groups; two of the groups took 120 milligrams of either magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate three times a day for eight weeks, while a control group took a placebo. A urine analysis was performed on each participant at the start of the study and after eight weeks.

The researchers found that magnesium citrate significantly reduced 24-hour urine oxalate levels and calcium oxalate supersaturation—two indicators of kidney stone risk. A reduction in the urinary excretion of calcium is believed to reduce the chances of developing kidney stones.

Disadvantages of Food Pouches for Children

Sales of children’s food pouches with plastic spouts have increased by 900 percent since 2010 and now outsell jarred baby food purees. They are convenient, cost-effective and easy for kids to use without assistance. Traditionally, parents have spoon-fed pureed food from a jar for the first few months of a baby’s life. The pouches contain a single ingredient or a mix of vegetables, grains, yogurt and meat.

A 2019 study in Nutrition Today found that the food pouches they examined contained significantly more added sugar and fruit juice concentrate than jarred and other packaged toddler foods. Healthcare professionals have raised concerns that overreliance on the pouches could interfere with nutrition; longterm food preferences; dental hygiene, because the soft food sticks to teeth before being washed away; and speech and language development, as children miss the opportunity to manipulate their tongue and jaw when swallowing lumpy, textured foods. Children reliant on the smooth, sweet taste delivered by the pouches may also develop aversions to natural fruits and vegetables.

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Astrology for 2025: A Time for Reassessment, Renewal and Awakening

The astrology tied to the year of 2025 is set to have a significant impact, with major celestial shifts on the horizon. These changes are unlikely to pass unnoticed as the coming year and beyond bring dramatic transformations.

As with the ever-changing dance of the planets, the relationship between free will and levels of awareness on Earth will shape the results. The higher the consciousness, the more profound the manifestation.

The year begins with two of the planets closest to Earth appearing to move backwards through the zodiac. The first six to seven weeks of 2025 present a prime time for planning and strategizing; a calm, thoughtful approach will yield better outcomes than impulsive actions. From March 1 through mid-April, applying a warm heart to relationships will be an ideal way to make the most of Mars and Venus in retrograde.

However, there is a much larger astrological backdrop to consider. In recent years, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus have been moving through Earth and Water signs. This has been reflected in global events such as floods and earthquakes (Neptune), the revelation of secrets in high places (Pluto), technological advancements in finance (Uranus), and power struggles across various sectors of society.

A transition of the outer planets from Earth and Water to more volatile Air and Fire signs is now underway. According to astrological theory, each nation will respond to these changes in ways that reflect the unique characteristics of its constitution.

For the United States, this could indicate a profound re-shaping of governance. At the same time, ideological tensions, divisions, and a distorted relationship to truth and facts may continue, possibly escalating into

domestic conflict as efforts toward social control clash with collective desires for rebellion. Armed conflict, both domestic and international, remains a possibility.

Despite the intensity of this forecast, it is important to note that the lighter energies of Air and Fire can be harnessed creatively, fostering celebration and new growth. Pluto’s key message is, “Let go of what no longer serves you.” This could be as simple as clearing out clutter, or as profound as revisiting and reevaluating deeply held beliefs.

In May of 2025, Saturn, the Lord of Time and Tradition, will meet Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion, early in Aries. This alignment will present an opportunity for new beginnings. The impulse to initiate new projects will ebb and flow; it won’t be until July 2026 that these initiatives fully take shape.

The optimistic view is that, if humanity can navigate the catharsis of the next 18 months, a powerful astrological configuration in July 2026 will offer the most enlightened opportunity of the entire 21st century, according to some astrologers.

Additionally, the number of celestial bodies known to humanity has increased exponentially since the turn of the millennium. Astrological understanding is based on the concept of a connected universe; humanity, both individually and collectively, can make conscious use of these newly discovered energies, paving the way for new and exciting adventures.

Colin McPhillamy, a British/Australian actor and astrologer, is based out of Pleasantville, N.Y. Connect at

andriano_cz /

Manifesting Your Best Year

Using Affirmations and Visualization to Achieve Your Goals

“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.” ~ Buddha

As the new year begins, many of us set ambitious goals, hoping to transform our lives. Manifestation, a practice rooted in the power of affirmations and visualization, offers a pathway to turn those aspirations into reality. By aligning our thoughts and actions with our desires, we create a fertile ground for success. Backed by psychological and spiritual principles, manifestation can become a powerful tool to achieve your goals.

Understanding Manifestation

Manifestation is more than wishful thinking; it’s a practice that combines positive thinking, focused intention and actionable steps. The foundation lies in the belief that our thoughts and emotions shape our reality. According to a study in the Journal of Positive Psychology, individuals who regularly engaged in

affirmations and visualization reported higher levels of motivation and goal achievement compared to those who relied solely on traditional planning methods.

The Science of Affirmations

Affirmations are positive, present-tense statements that reinforce our belief in our ability to succeed. For example, instead of saying, “I want to be confident,” say, “I am confident and capable in all I do.” Repeating affirmations daily helps reprogram our subconscious mind, replacing self-doubt with self-assurance.

A 2015 study published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience found that self-affirmation activates the brain’s reward centers, enhancing self-regulation and resilience. This neural response not only boosts self-esteem, but also reinforces the behaviors needed to reach our goals.

The Power of Visualization

Visualization involves mentally rehearsing our success as if it has already happened. By vividly imagining yourself achieving our goals—whether it’s landing your dream job, running a marathon or cultivating inner peace—we engage our brain’s mirror neurons, which respond as if the imagined scenario is real.

Research from the Journal of Experimental Psychology indicates that athletes who regularly practiced visualization alongside physical training showed significant performance improvement compared to those who relied solely on physical training. This demonstrates the brain’s ability to bridge the gap between intention and action.

Combining Affirmations and Visualization

To harness the full power of manifestation, combine affirmations and visualization into a daily routine. Begin each morning by reciting our affirmations in front of a mirror, speaking them with confidence and belief. Then, spend five to 10 minutes visualizing desired outcomes. Focus on the details: the sights, sounds and emotions associated with our success. For example, if the goal is to start a new business, visualize confidently pitching ideas to investors, celebrating the first sale and feeling the joy of financial independence.

Turning Vision into Action

Manifestation isn’t magic; it requires effort. Affirmations and visualization help clarify our goals and align our mindset, but consistent action bridges the gap between dream and reality. Break our goals into manageable steps and celebrate small victories along the way.

Manifestation is a blend of intention, belief and action. By integrating affirmations and visualization into our daily lives, we create a powerful foundation for achieving your goals. With persistence and trust in the process, we can manifest our best year yet. Start today and watch our dreams unfold.

Shae Marcus is the group publisher of Natural Awakenings South Jersey & Philadelphia. Connect at Publisher@

Gladys McGarey

November 30, 1920 - September 28, 2024

on the Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age

Recognized around the world as the mother of holistic medicine, Gladys McGarey was a physician and activist who inspired new ways of thinking about disease and health. Throughout her expansive career, she championed the integrated use of healing methods from Western, Eastern and Indigenous sources; advocated the use of food to prevent and treat disease; and promulgated the idea that illnesses offer glimpses into our inner selves.

McGarey practiced medicine for eight decades, was the cofounder and former president of the American Holistic Medical Association (now called the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine) and co-founder of the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine. She was one of the first medical doctors to use acupuncture in the United States.

In her book, The Well-Lived Life: A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age, McGarey offers both practical advice and inspiring wisdom drawn from her own life, as well as from the experiences of patients, family and friends. Here is a selection of excerpts from her book.

Secret I: You Are Here for a Reason

Each of us is here for a reason, to learn and grow and to give our gifts. When we are able to do so, we’re filled with the creative life energy that I call the “juice.” The juice is our reason for living. It’s our fulfillment, our joy. It’s what happens when life is activated by love. It’s the energy we get from the things that matter and mean something to us.

Secret II: All Life Needs To Move

Consider life flowing like a forest stream. A tree falls across the stream, creating a small dam, and some sticks come along to build the dam up a little higher. Downstream of the dam, the water flow may slow significantly, but it usually doesn’t stop completely. Even if it does, the water continues to flow

upstream of the dam, and the movement can be seen in the rising waterline. At some point, the water reaches the top of the dam and a trickle forms on one side or another, going around the dam and continuing downstream.

Life reaches for life. Always. That means that when we feel the most stuck, whether physically, emotionally, situationally, or any other way, we may need only to look to where things are still moving. When we put our focus and our energy there, a trickle will form around our dam. Aligning with this trickle will help us realign with life. When we do, we can get up and start moving again. Once that happens, all we need to do is keep going.

Secret III: Love Is the Most Powerful Medicine

Love dispels fear, but it is also blocked by fear. The two are often presented together because they’re constantly in a push-pull game with each other. If fear is our habit, practicing love is a wise solution. And that practice will take us far, because love is infinitely stronger than fear—always. Just as our bodies are born to breathe air, we are born to love. That’s why although it’s good to address our fear, it’s even better to focus on our love. Any effort we put toward love—truly, any effort at all—will self-perpetuate, bringing joy, health, and well-being into our lives.

Secret IV: You Are Never Truly Alone

There’s a danger in thinking that we have to agree on everything to enjoy each other’s company. This pushes everyone to extremes. It’s natural that when someone’s life looks like ours, it’s easier to find common points of connection. But it’s sometimes the people who are most unlike us who push us to see things in a new way. That means there’s great meaning in interacting with people we don’t like that much. When we approach people who think very differently from us with curiosity instead of condemnation, we grow.

Secret V: Everything Is Your Teacher

True optimism isn’t toxic, because focusing on the positive does not mean denying the negative. It does not mean we dissociate from our pain, whether it’s physical or emotional, or pretend that things are okay when they aren’t. Instead, it means we look for what’s wonderful anyway. We allow what hurts to hurt while continuing to search for the lesson in it and be grateful for the teaching.

Secret VI: Spend Your Energy Wildly

Love is always worth your energy. Always. Lean into what you love, whom you love, how you love. Love is an endless font of life force, and it’s always there for you.

Excerpts are printed by permission of The Foundation for Living Medicine, created in 1989 by McGarey to bridge the gap between holistic and allopathic medicine through research and education. To learn more or to make a donation, visit

Rose Winters is chief executive officer of The Foundation for Living Medicine and a consultant addressing nonprofit strategies with a special focus on women, health and children.

To read a longer version, visit online at McGareyWW or scan the QR code.

Beginner’s Mind A New Perspective on Life

The new year brings a fresh focus on growth and forward thinking. An intentional way to harness this is to adopt the Zen Buddhist idea of shoshin, or beginner’s mind. This approach guides people to experience life with curiosity and openness, helping them let go of old patterns. It is a way of being that encourages practitioners to abandon preconceptions, embrace the world with a sense of wonder and see things from a more optimistic perspective. By examining and releasing old ways of thinking, expressing gratitude and incorporating different practices, the mind, body and heart open to novel opportunities.

The Beginner’s Mindset

“The idea of being open to the situation comes up repeatedly in meditative traditions,” says Steve Rogne, owner and director of Zen Shiatsu, in Evanston, Illinois. He notes that in his practice, shoshin is an essential part of shiatsu, a form of massage therapy that uses gentle pressure to stimulate the body’s acupressure points and meridian channels. Shoshin can aid in unblocking stagnant energy and harmonizing the flow of qi, or vital energy, in the body.

“As a situation arises, we have our natural responses, which may include

wanting to change what is happening. Another perspective is to ask, ‘What if I accept things the way they are?’” Rogne explains. “Accepting situations for the way they are is the foundation from which we can respond. It’s like a preparation for action without being the endpoint. We can simultaneously be open and respond mindfully.”

Learning to accept what is happening can also help us break old patterns of thinking and reacting. “There is a very common human dynamic to move toward the things we want and away from the things we don’t want; however, this can lead to a fixed response pattern

that limits our growth,” says Rogne. “In shiatsu, we help people to recognize those patterns and find the balance between active response and trusting with faith. This trains us to listen to our inner wisdom and relax into outcomes that aren’t what we prefer.”

Mindfully changing patterns can open us up to new experiences that we had previously shut out. “You may find a willingness to move forward in new relationships, even though you’ve experienced that relationships can be painful, or perhaps you find the willingness to speak up even though there’s a chance you won’t be heard in the way that you want,” Rogne notes.

Keeping a receptive mind helps to open us up physically, as well. “In both shiatsu and the shoshin mindset, we trust that every person’s body is already working on its own healing. When we let go of our fixed holding patterns, the internal circulation is freed up, leaving the best possible opportunity for the body to regain all the healthy rhythms of the organs and reduce conditions such as chronic pain,” Rogne asserts.


Having hope and confidence about the future is essential in cultivating a beginner’s mind, helping to counter some of the fear and intolerance that can undermine our lives. “A shoshin principle is that there is not anything fundamentally wrong with us or with the world. This allows us to move forward with positive faith and engagement,” says Rogne.

“Optimism is a belief that good things will happen and that things will work out in the end,” says Victor Perton, founder of the Centre for Optimism, an Australian-based think tank dedicated to fostering realistic and infectious optimism around the world. “With optimism, we enter each experience expecting fresh possibilities, guided by a sense that there’s something meaningful to discover.”

This positive outlook has myriad benefits. “Optimism nurtures healthy longevity and acts as a powerful

protector against major health threats like heart disease, cancer and dementia,” says Perton. “Optimism also lowers the risk of cognitive decline, as optimistic people tend to be more socially and physically active, helping stave off dementia and age-related memory loss.”

A 2022 study of more than 150,000 racially diverse, older women published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that the most optimistic women were healthier, lived 4.4 years longer than the least optimistic women and were more likely to live past age 90.

A positive outlook can help navigate the stress and anxiety of life. “Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring the challenge; it means approaching it with the belief that solutions are possible. Optimism and a beginner’s mind work together in this way, helping us to stay open to new paths, resilient in the face of setbacks and appreciative of life’s small, beautiful details,” opines Perton.

Incorporating small, intentional practices into our day can help us cultivate optimism. “Smiling with genuine warmth—even at strangers—can shift our outlook, and asking others, ‘What’s the best thing in your day?’ brings a positive energy to conversations,” says Perton. He also recommends simple grounding practices like gardening, yoga and meditation to nurture curiosity and positivity, noting, “Through these small habits, optimism becomes a daily practice and, in time, a personal superpower for resilience and joy.”

Reframing Our Outlook

Reflective practices encourage us to explore our goals with a fresh outlook. “Journaling is a practice that is just for you, and you’re not intending to share it with anyone else,” explains Shawn Brown, a Baltimore-based wellness facilitator and yoga teacher who helps clients find a path to being their authentic selves. “It really allows you to examine what is popping up and what you are curious about. This might be learning a new language or starting a new yoga practice. When we look at

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things as a beginner, we are open to what we are truly interested in.”

A regular gratitude practice also helps bring us back to a place of grounding. “When we tap into gratitude, it expands our propensity to be creative and allows us to drop into the present moment. This is where we live, but when we think of the future or ruminate on something that happened in the past, we are pulled out,” says Brown. She encourages clients to take breaks throughout the day and recall a person, place or experience for which they

are grateful. “Think about something that makes the corner of your mouth turn into a smile,” she suggests. “It can be as simple as gratitude for your partner who bought dog food or a neighbor who moved a package off the porch. This brings us back into our lives right now, and that’s where the beginner is.”

Cultivating a sense of play can also tap into a shoshin mindset. “As adults, there’s a need to have a goal or expected result in any situation. When you’re a beginner, you don’t have a specific

outcome because you’re just learning. Play, especially with kids or an animal, is free-form engagement without the need to get it right or check something off our to-do list. Releasing the need for control and perfection opens us up and expands us for so many other options and possibilities,” Brown says. Brown encourages her yoga students to be open in the way they approach their practice. “Coming into a pose in a different way can give us a new experience of it,” she says. “My approach to yoga is not that we’re trying to do the posture, it’s that we’re trying to feel the posture. It’s a mirror of our being and can indicate if you are feeling strong, tired, energized or wobbly. Rather than attaching a label of good or bad, you just notice, and that opens us up.”

Especially in the new year, Brown urges clients to replace “I have to” with “I get to,” which presents more of a growth mindset. “This is the time to reframe our goals,” she points out. “Trying something new, like taking a West African dance class instead of your regular spin class, shakes up the routine and keeps your mind and body learning. You get to be pushed out of the comfort zone, and that’s where the magic happens.”

Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at

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Applying Shoshin to Everyday Life

Kalika Yap, a Los Angeles-based serial entrepreneur, author, coach and podcast host, offers these tips to cultivate shoshin, or beginner’s mind:

• Acknowledge wisdom and smarts, then set them aside. While it is okay to recognize our knowledge and experience, it is also important to consciously set aside preconceptions before approaching a task or problem.

• Ask open-ended questions. Replace statements with questions, such as: “What if we tried this other way?” or “How might we solve this differently?”

• Embrace curiosity. Approach each day with a learner’s mindset and seek out new experiences and perspectives.

• Practice active listening. Value the input of others, regardless of their level of experience, and listen to understand, not to respond.

• Reflect and adapt. Regularly reflect on experiences and what has been learned, and be willing to adapt the approach based on new insights.

• Encourage team creativity. Emphasize the importance of a beginner’s mindset within the team and create an environment where team members feel safe to share new ideas.

• Welcome failure as a learning opportunity. View failures as opportunities to learn, grow and analyze what went wrong to see how to make improvements next time.

• Stay humble. Approach every situation with humility and a willingness to grow, and remember that there is always more to learn.

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Iridology: Unlocking the Secrets of Health Through the Eyes

The science of iridology—the analysis of the iris, sclera (the white part of the eye) and pupils—offers profound insights into the mind-body connection. Much like Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods, our irises can serve as messengers about our physical, emotional and mental health.

The Eye as a Map of the Body

Our eyes are not just for seeing; they are mirrors of our inner world. The iris acts as a personalized map of the body and brain, with areas corresponding to specific organs, tissues and structures. Just as every fingerprint is unique, so too is every iris. Iridology reveals more than just physical health; it uncovers emotional and psychological tendencies by examining how the iris forms.

Left Eye, Right Eye: The Duality of the Body

Iridology offers a unique perspective on the mind-body relationship. The left eye corresponds to the left side of the body, which is

associated with feminine traits like creativity, intuition and emotional processing. The right eye correlates to the right side, governing masculine, analytical and practical traits. This division allows iridologists to assess both the physical and psychological aspects of a person’s health as a whole individual.

What Can the Iris Reveal?

Iridology is not just about observing physical conditions; it also reveals emotional and mental health patterns. By examining the iris, practitioners can detect inflammation, identify areas of weakness and assess overall health. Most importantly, it shows how lifestyle choices influence a person’s physical and emotional state over time.

The iris also sheds light on emotional patterns that could contribute to physical ailments. By studying the cerebral area of the iris, iridologists can identify inherited mental and emotional imprints passed down through generations, potentially affecting health.

Inherited Trauma and Emotional Patterns

Just as we inherit physical traits, we also carry emotional and psychological legacies from our ancestors. Iridology reveals these inherited patterns or epigenetics that can influence our health, as negative emotions and beliefs often lead to physical manifestations. For instance, someone who feels unworthy might unknowingly suppress their digestive system. If this belief persists, the brain might send signals to the stomach to stop producing hydrochloric acid, impeding digestion. This mind-body connection is supported by research on the gut microbiome, which emphasizes the importance of emotional health in maintaining physical well-being. Iridology provides a way to observe these early imbalances before they manifest as diseases. The emotional and psychological patterns observed in the iris can help individuals identify the root causes of their health issues, allowing for transformative healing.

The Holistic Approach of Iridology

What sets iridology apart is its holistic approach. Instead of focusing solely on physical symptoms, it addresses the root causes of ailments by examining the interplay of mind, body and spirit. Iridology

helps individuals understand the origins of their health conditions—both physical and emotional—empowering them to make healthier choices and break negative cycles. Awareness of inherited emotional patterns and subconscious beliefs allows individuals to release harmful energies and create positive shifts in their lives. This process of self-awareness can lead to lasting healing on all levels.

The Preventative Power of Iridology

One of the most compelling aspects of iridology is its potential for disease prevention. By identifying imbalances and predispositions in the body long before symptoms appear, iridology offers the opportunity for early intervention. Conditions can often be detected 30 years or more before clinical symptoms manifest. This makes it possible to assess health risks from a holistic perspective, starting at birth.

noted, those in the whole countenance, those on the body and those in the eyes,” he wrote. In the Bible, St. Luke refers to the eye as the “lamp of the body,” a metaphor that aligns with iridology’s belief that the eyes offer a reflection of overall health. Throughout history, many cultures have recognized the importance of the eye in diagnosing and understanding health.

The Modern Revival of Iridology

How Iridology Works

So how does iridology work? The iris is the most complex tissue of the body that interacts with the external world. It contains an intricate network of nerve endings, blood vessels and muscles, all connected to the rest of the body through the nervous system. The iris is essentially an extension of the brain, receiving impulses from the optic nerve, thalamus and spinal cord. This unique anatomy allows the iris to reflect the biochemical, hormonal and metabolic processes of the body.

In this way, the iris functions as a “window” to the body, offering a real-time view of its internal state. Just as the eyes bring images of the outside world in, they also show what is within.

A Long History of Iridology

Iridology’s origins stretch back thousands of years. The earliest records of iris interpretation come from Mesopotamia, with cuneiform writings on clay tablets dating back to around 1,000 BC. Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” was known to look into his patients’ eyes for health clues. “Inquiries are to be made and symptoms are to be

Although iridology fell out of favor in the early 20th century due to the rise of pharmaceutical medicine and the increasing influence of the pharmaceutical industry, it was preserved by naturopathic physicians like Dr. Bernard Jensen, who helped revive the practice in the latter half of the century. Today, iridology is widely practiced around the world, particularly in Europe, where it has been used for generations in clinical settings.

Iridology Today: A Tool for Prevention

It’s important to note that iridology is not a diagnostic tool for specific diseases. Rather, it’s a means of assessing overall health and identifying areas of imbalance. Iridology offers a non-invasive, cost-effective way to understand the body’s state, providing insights that may not be apparent through conventional medical exams.

In today’s world, where preventive healthcare is increasingly valued, iridology offers a holistic approach to wellness, helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of their health and avoid future illness before it manifests.

A Window to the Soul— and the Body

Iridology demonstrates that the eyes are truly the “windows of the soul.” They also serve as windows into our physical, emotional and mental states. By examining the iris, iridology offers a unique opportunity to understand ourselves better, uncover the root causes of health issues and make proactive changes that lead to greater well-being.

Jenavieve Hawks, MH, is a Connecticutbased iridologist and master herbalist for Eye Song Health. Connect at

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The Upcycling Lifestyle

How To Make Anything New Again

In a world overflowing with needless waste, sustainability is the new necessity, and upcycling is trending as a fun, creative practice for all ages. Whether we slather peanut butter on a paper towel tube and roll it in seeds to make a bird feeder or turn a patterned bedsheet into curtains, the point of upcycling is to reduce trash by transforming an obsolete item into something useful or beautiful. It is a way forward that conserves precious resources, reduces our carbon footprint, saves money and provides an outlet to unleash our imagination.

Almost anything can be repurposed— from clothing and furniture to household items like wine bottles, cardboard and toothpaste tubes. Many online and offline resources provide inspiration, including books like Calin Duke’s How To Upcycle Nearly Everything. Cleaning out old drawers and closets or perusing thrift stores opens the door to endless possibilities for personal expression and clever innovation.

Dressing Up Drab

According to a 2021 study by market researchers at First Insight and at the Baker Retailing Center in The Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, upcycled clothing is a favorite among Gen Z consumers that prioritize sustainability over brand-name loyalty. The #UpcycledFashion hashtag is more popular than ever, with more than 427 million views on TikTok, a large driver of Gen Z content.

Sewing a quilt out of old T-shirts or cutting up worn-out jeans to make a stylish boho purse can be weekend projects or rainy-day distractions for bored kids. But for Angela Sawyer, upcycling is a passion and a way of life. Inspired by her mother and grandmother, as well as a lifelong passion for crafting and art, she created her own YouTube channel @MizAngelaSawyer to teach and motivate others. Her tutorials exhibit the joy that can come from a do-it-yourself lifestyle. “It’s fun to see what you can make out of something else,” she declares.

Sawyer suggests viewing everything around the house with a new perspective, saying, “Look for anything you use a lot of and have to throw away. What could you make with those, since you have so many?” Her jam is turning outgrown clothes into personal fashion statements.

“Jeans are very popular to upcycle,” Sawyer explains. “You can turn them into skirts, patchwork blankets and much more.” For the stitching-phobic, there are plenty of no-sew techniques to embellish or repurpose tired clothes, such as dying fabrics (extra points for plant-based dyes); applying self-adhesive trim, patches or lace; adding rhinestones with fabric glue; and tying or braiding fabric pieces together. For beginners, Sawyer recommends watching online YouTube channels that offer easy-tofollow instructions and creative solutions for every craft project.

Functional Memories

Sentimental mothers are reluctant to give away baby clothes, but upcycling can preserve family memories in the form of patchwork memory quilts, holiday ornaments and clothing for dolls that can be handed down to the next generation. Those inexplicably mismatched socks can be reused as dusting or cleaning mitts, rice-filled hot compresses or eyeglass holders. Old teacups are lovely containers for hand-poured candles, while old forks and spoons can be repurposed into musical wind chimes. Even junk mail and glossy, outdated catalogs can be transformed into handmade cards and decoupage jewelry.

Creativity Prompts

To a creative mind, anything can be repurposed and reimagined. Inventive examples abound, many of which are easy to replicate. Here are a few ideas.

gabrielabertolini from Getty Images/CanvaPro

• Use toilet paper rolls as cable organizers to keep the wires from tangling.

• Store earbuds in empty mint containers.

• Transform used wine bottles into rustic flower vases.

• Spruce up old furniture with a fresh coat of paint and re-purpose bent silverware as drawer pulls.

• Make a necklace or earrings with buttons.

• Repurpose an old tennis racket into a trellis for the garden.

• Take broken plates and ceramics, break them down and create a new work of art.

• Place stringed lights in discarded jars for a new lease on life.

• Turn aluminum or plastic containers into house planters.

Community Crafting

Showing others how to turn trash into treasure or add new life to tired objects is a wonderful motivator for friends, neighbors and future generations. “When a child gets into upcycling, it can give them a sense of accomplishment, which increases confidence,” Sawyer points out. “It can have a ripple effect outside of our communities, too, if we share with others what we are doing and inspire them to do the same.”

Conscious Eating

Serving up Happiness

Foods for Better Moods

Most of us feel a little grumpy when we’re hungry, but a diet that is dominated by ultra-processed packaged foods and drive-through meals increases our chances of experiencing chronic mood swings and symptoms of depression. Ultra-processed foods are characterized by a long list of additives—artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, salt and more—resulting in products that do not resemble their original natural state.

In a 2022 study published in JAMA Network Open involving more than 10,000 participants aged 18 or older, individuals with a higher percentage of their total energy intake from ultra-processed foods were significantly more likely to report mild depression and more mentally unhealthy and anxious days. Research involving more than 31,000 middle-aged women published last year in JAMA Network Open linked

a higher consumption of ultra-processed foods, especially artificial sweeteners, to a higher risk of depressive disorders. Reducing ultra-processed food intake by at least three servings per day lowered the risk of depression.

In order to produce serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters that are crucial for balanced mental health, our bodies require vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in real, whole foods. The Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding processed meats, sugary beverages, sweets and refined grains, and it gives a thumbs-up to feel-good fare on the Mediterranean diet that includes plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains; healthy fats like olive oil; lean meats, including fish and poultry; and some dairy, such as natural cheese and yogurt.

Brain Changers

According to Holly DeLong, a registered dietitian and the founder of Food & Mood, in Malvern, Pennsylvania, “Food is a form of medicine, and we truly can make big improvements in our mental and emotional well-being using the intersection between nutrition and mental health. Food, gut health and nutrient status all affect neurotransmitter production and balance. Certain nutrients are required to produce neurotransmitters.” She recommends the consumption of mood-friendly, B-vitamin-rich leafy greens, avocados, lentils, sunflower seeds and nutritional yeast, as well as magnesiumpacked whole grains, tofu and bananas.

“What we eat influences key systems in our body, especially blood sugar, gut health and inflammation, and these impact mood, energy, stress and anxiety,” says Amy Fox, a certified functional food coach and life coach in Cincinnati, Ohio. “Think of each meal as your ‘nutrition prescription’. These choices almost always predict how you’ll feel in a few hours. A helpful rule of thumb is to aim for foods with five ingredients or less and limit boxed, bagged or wrapped items.” She also notes that high-sugar items, especially before bed, are the worst offenders.

What we eat, and when, can improve the body’s chemical balancing act. “Meal timing can be a huge factor in how food affects mood. Skipping meals and eating too close to bedtime can contribute to poor energy, lower moods and higher anxiety for some people,” explains DeLong.

Fox notes that consuming alcohol can also backfire. “Sometimes we think a glass of wine will help us unwind after a long day, but it has the opposite effect. Even small amounts of alcohol can disrupt the production of our natural happiness chemicals.”

Gut Health

Because 95 percent of serotonin is produced in the gut, nutritionally dense foods and those containing probiotics and prebiotics promote the presence of good bacteria in the


belly, which ensures the production of this neurotransmitter. Fox recommends three daily servings of fermented foods like kefir, kombucha, kimchi, plain Greek yogurt and naturally fermented sauerkraut found in the refrigerated section with “live cultures” on the label.

DeLong’s favorite go-to allies are sources of omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts and chia seeds to combat inflammation, an integral factor in fighting the blues. She praises the antioxidant potential of berries, acai and pomegranates, and suggests swapping coffee for L-theaninerich matcha green tea to decrease systemic patterns of anxiety.

Protein Power

Protein is an unsung hero in eating to feel better. “A craving for sweets might indicate a serotonin deficiency often linked to stress and low energy,” says Fox. “When you eat proteinrich foods, they help slow digestion, keeping blood sugar levels stable and providing a longer-lasting energy source.” She recommends lean chicken, beef, eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and legumes.

Consistent Change

According to DeLong, “Neurotransmitter health is not a predetermined, unchangeable defect as it is often seen. We can make an impact with the choices we make.”

Simple, consistent changes in the diet can produce lasting effects. “It’s about small, supportive choices that build up over time, shifting focus from restriction to nourishment,” says Fox.

Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to getting back to basics.



¾ cup ultra-filtered protein milk (found in many grocery stores)

1 scoop protein powder (whey, soy, egg white, pea or hemp)

½ frozen banana

Handful of frozen strawberries or other berries

1 Tbsp of flaxseeds

¼ cup of zero-percent-fat, plain Greek yogurt

Handful of kale

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. To thicken, add a few ice cubes or place smoothie in the freezer for 7 to 10 minutes.

Recipe courtesy of Amy Fox.




1 yellow onion, roughly chopped

3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

2 celery stalks, roughly chopped

¾ tsp dried thyme

5 cups bone broth

1 cup raw cashews

1½ lbs Yukon gold or white potatoes, diced (approx. 3½ cups)

7 cups broccoli florets (approx. 1 large head of broccoli)

½ tsp sea salt or to taste

½ tsp black pepper or to taste

Add onion, garlic, celery and 2 to 3 tablespoons of water to a pot. Sauté for 3 to 4 minutes until softened, adding more water as needed to prevent sticking. Add the thyme and sauté another 30 seconds until fragrant.

Add broth, cashews, potatoes, broccoli florets, salt and pepper to the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, lower the heat to medium and cook for approximately 6 to 8 minutes until the potatoes are fork tender.

Use an immersion blender to puree the soup in the pot or carefully transfer the contents of the pot to a stand blender in batches and puree.

Serve with crusty bread or garnish with croutons.

Recipe courtesy of Holly DeLong.



1 cup whole grain of choice, cooked (millet; wild, brown or black rice; buckwheat; quinoa; farro; or amaranth)

1 to 3 cups vegetables, raw, lightly steamed, roasted or sautéed

4 to 6 oz of lean protein of choice, cooked (lean meat, egg, beans, legumes, tempeh, tofu or fish)

⅛ cup nuts, seeds, sprouts or avocado

Cook grain, vegetables and protein, depending on choice of ingredients. To build, layer grain as the base and add vegetables, protein and toppings.

Recipe courtesy of Holly DeLong.



2 cups mixed greens of choice (baby lettuce, mustard, chard, spinach, arugula or chicory)

¼ cup fermented veggies (kimchi or sauerkraut)

¼ cup cooked beans (kidney, black or garbanzo)

1 Tbsp flaxseeds

2 Tbsp walnuts

1 Tbsp lemon juice

½ Tbsp olive oil

Optional: grilled salmon or avocado slices

Mix greens, fermented veggies, beans, flaxseeds and walnuts in a bowl. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil. Top with grilled salmon and/or avocado slices.

Recipe courtesy of Amy Fox.

VeselovaElena from
Getty Images/CanvaPro


Tuesday, January 14 • 6:15 p.m.

Sponsored by Shoreline Family Chiropractic, 314 Merwin Ave., Milford, CT.

Do you experience symptoms like fatigue, pain, digestive problems, skin conditions or brain fog? Support your body’s natural healing ability and feel better in 2025!

Presenters: Dr. Matthew Paterna, Shoreline Family Chiropractic; Rey Abailla, YouTherapy; and Alisa St. Georges, Lifewave.

FREE. Limited Capacity!

RSVP: 860-205-3385 or

First 20 attendees receive a free sample of a revolutionary regenerative technology.


New Year’s Day Yoga. 10:30-11:45 a.m. With Lauren Dailey. Celebrate with an intentional morning yoga practice and a special sequence that will balance movement, energy, stillness and release. Set intentions and envision what you’d like in this new cycle. All levels welcome. Raven’s Wing Yoga & Love Tribe Center, 27 S Main St., Branford, CT. Info, register:


TLC Networking Lunch in Guilford. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. First Thursdays. Calling all healthy living entrepreneurs and practitioners to recharge, meet, mingle and connect. Tribe TLC, a group of over 150 likeminded holistic wellness professionals and entrepreneurs, offers healthy living resources for body, mind and spirit in CT and NY. Shoreline Diner, Guilford, CT. Info: RSVP to Beth Leas: 203856-9566 (call/text) or

Shamanic Crystal-Sound Bath. 6-7:15 p.m. Every other Thursday. Relax, recharge and release stress and unwanted energies from your body, mind and field with master crystal and sound healer Bradford Tilden. Bring a blanket, chair or yoga mat. $25 (walk-in: $30). Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: 860-404-2578. Register:


Watertown/Oakville Wake Up Your Business Networking for Professionals. 8-9 a.m. First Fridays

The Watertown/Oakville Chamber invites business owners, representatives and potential members to make new connections, grow your business and create more visibility. Steel Beach Gym, 900 Main St., Oakville, CT. Registration: free, closes 4 p.m. on January 2. Questions, RSVP: Web.WaterburyChamber. com/Atlas/Events/6890/Details.

Quadrantids Meteor Shower. 8-9:30 p.m. Come to Ansonia Nature Center to view some of the meteors from this lost constellation. This meteor shower runs from mid-November through mid-January each year, with the peak being January 2-3. Free family event. Wear

warm clothes. Bring chairs. Ansonia Nature Center, 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia, CT. Info, RSVP:


Young Living Essential Oils 9:30-11 am. Help align your mind, body, spirit. Learn to take control of your health with therapeutic grade oils. Free class. 36 Cheshire Rd., Wallingford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203631-7803 or

Developing Inner Clarity: A Beginner Friendly Silent Retreat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. With Matthew Stein. Guided meditation retreat in the silence of Odiyana Buddhist Center to provide you with a good meditation toolkit for daily life. Great for beginners and those with experience. $25/full retreat, $12 for basic members. Info:, 860-266-6041. RSVP:

Spiritual/Psychic Readings at Cosmic Black Cat. Noon- 5 p.m. Irene offers Crystal Visions Readings, which combines the use of crystals, charms and tarot cards. Heather McGeorge is a tarot card reader, medical intuitive and sound healer using tuning forks. $40/30 minutes. Cosmic Black Cat, 21 Minerva St., Derby, CT. Info, metaphysical shop hours: Call/text for appt.: 203-516-7203.

First Saturday Kriya Meditation. 12:30-2:30 p.m. First Saturdays. With Kriyacharya Andrew Burkamp. Practice the sacred teachings of kriya yoga, a meditative style of yoga that uses focused breath, sound and visualization. $20. Fuller Yoga, 39 New London Tpke., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP:


Introduction to Sound Healing. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Overview on the foundations of sound healing. Explore a variety of instruments and discover how sound can benefit you. No musical experience required. All materials provided. $125. The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info: Register to or text 860-655-5527. Core and Pelvic Floor for Women. 12:30-2:30 p.m. With Lila Martel. Understand core and pelvic floor musculature in order to engage and strengthen it. Stretch and release trauma and tension. Suitable for all levels. $45. Fuller Yoga, 39 New London Tpke., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP:

New Year’s Hike. 1-2 p.m. Bring a healthy start to your new year at the Ansonia Nature Center. The ranger will conduct this brisk walk while you learn a little natural history. Free. Inclement weather cancels. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia CT. Register in advance:


Young Living Essential Oils . 6:30-8 p.m. Help align your mind, body, spirit. Learn to take control of your health with therapeutic grade oils. Free class. 36 Cheshire Rd., Wallingford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203631-7803 or


Sound Healing Sessions w/Kelvin Young & Maria del Carmen. 6-7:30 p.m. Every other Thursday Create a safe space during a sound healing gathering to share feelings and hold space for each other while sipping on cacao. Relax to the sounds by Kelvin Young, RSS and Maria Del Carmen, MBA. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT.


With Robin Landau, LMT, Marconics Master Teacher Wednesday-Sunday, February 5-9

Calling healers, lightworkers and seekers! Learn Marconics Ascension Energy Healing protocols. Explore stellar origins, Atlantean history, soul sovereignty connected to avatar consciousness. Trigger healing by addressing multidimensional holographic body layers. Shift into higher consciousness. Serve as an ascension bridge for others.

Level 1 on Feb. 5-6: $550

Levels 2-3 on Feb. 7-9: $1260

Levels 1-3 on Feb. 5-9: $1750 Fairfield Inn & Suites 1 Bright Meadow Blvd., Enfield, CT

Info, RSVP:

Introduction to EFT/Tapping. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Second Thursdays. In this three-part workshop, learn and self-apply Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or tapping. Useful emotions, physical pain and stress. $25/class, or three for $65. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: BridgeHAC. com/Event/Introduction-to-EFT-Tapping/All. RSVP: or Tracey.

Winter Gardener’s Book Club. 6:30-8 p.m. In-person or virtual via Zoom. Group discussion of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. Herbal tea provided, bring snacks to share. $5/meeting, $35/ series. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP:


Reiki Sound Level 1. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Develop reiki and self-healing skills alongside a sound practice with mindfulness, meditation, reiki and consciousness. All materials provided but can bring own instruments to learn on. NOT reiki 1 training. Must already be attuned (reiki level 1 or above). $125. The Sacred Cocoon, The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info: RSVP:

Spiritual/Psychic Readings at Cosmic Black Cat. Noon-5 p.m. Kimberly Anne uses tarot, oracle and Lenormand cards. Sherri, a psychic clairvoyant, uses astrology in combination with tarot. $40/30 minutes. Cosmic Black Cat, 21 Minerva St., Derby, CT. Info, metaphysical shop hours: Call/ text for appt.: 203-516-7203.

Empowering Healing with Light, Intention and Crystal Energy. 1-3 p.m. With Lylah Korsu. Introduction to lightwork techniques; crystal healing; daily energy practices; and using intention to amplify energy for healing, manifestation and spiritual growth. Bring pen/pencil and notebook. Can bring own crystals but not required. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info:

Make Milk Baths. 2-4

p.m. Learn how to make a milk bath that will help hydrate and moisturize dry winter skin. Join Ansonia Nature Center’s Ranger Dawn to learn how to make milk baths using a simple homemade recipe. $20 (paid in advance). All ingredients included. Adultonly class. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia CT. Info, register:

Heart-Centered Leaders: Harness Your Heart’s Intelligence to Transform the World. 3:15-5:15 p.m. Led by Alexandra Lypka. Crafted for leaders and entrepreneurs seeking clarity, support and guidance on their path. Interactive workshop includes guided practice exploration, HeartMath Techniques, journaling, group and partner sharing, and more. Bring journal and pen. $40. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Questions: Alexandra@ Pre-registration required by Jan. 9:

Mat Pilates with Pigs! 4-5 p.m. A playful 60-minute mat Pilates class with three adorable piggy companions. Laugh, stretch and strengthen your body. Good for all levels. $40. Fuller Yoga, 39 New London Tpke., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP:


Laughter Yoga. 11 a.m.-noon. With Charles Koppel, certified laughter yoga instructor. Class includes warmup, laughter and breathing exercises, laughter meditation, and grounding activity. Does not require physical poses or strain on the body. Accessible to everyone. Wear comfortable clothing to move in. $10-$20. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: RSVP:

Release into Wellness-Reiki/Sound Experience. 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Come join Gina Ferrara of Odonata Reiki Healing Arts for a relaxing session of reiki and sound healing meditation to unwind and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Arrive 10 minutes early. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Donation-based. Info: Register:

Singing Bowls Level 1. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Class on facilitating group sound healing using metal and crystal singing bowls. Explore techniques for playing, practice mindfulness and learn guided exercises. Materials provided but you can bring own instruments. No experience necessary. $250. The Sacred Cocoon, The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info: RSVP:

Quantum Crystal Healing . 4-5:30 p.m. Take a quantum leap in consciousness with crystals and gemstones. Join Bradford Tilden for a free introductory webinar on Universal White Time Crystal and Gemstone Healing. Free via Zoom videoconference. Registration required. Info, RSVP:,


TLC Networking Morning. 8:30-10 a.m. Online via Zoom. Second Mondays. Looking for a community of healthy living practitioners and solopreneurs? Be prepared for a morning of connection and adventure. Tribe TLC is a relaxed group of professionals offering a supportive community, free networking events, affordable marketing opportunities and fun. Come as a guest for the first time and then become a TLC member. Info: RSVP to Beth Leas: 203856-9566 (call/text) or


A Professional and Personal Development Conference By Women, For Women February 12 • 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Hyman, CEO of Rent the Runway

Speakers: Courtney Clark, Julie Pesce

• Attend professional sessions with speakers and trainers.

• Win real-life giveaways.

• Learn about Business Women’s Forum Jaci Carroll Scholarships recipients.

• Discover how the forum is supporting future business leaders.

Info, tickets:

Aqua Turf Club, 556 Mulberry St., Plantsville, CT A Waterbury Regional Chamber program

Full Moon Meditation w/Gayle Franceschetti. 6:30-8 p.m. Align with new energies of the full moon. Opportunities for allowing spiritual energies to reach human hearts and minds. Tap into this vast pool of energy. $25. 36 Cheshire Rd., Wallingford, CT, or on Zoom. Info, RSVP: 203-631-7803,


TLC Networking Lunch in Milford. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Second Tuesdays. Calling all healthy living entrepreneurs and practitioners to recharge, meet, mingle and connect. Tribe TLC, a group of over 150 like-minded holistic wellness professionals and entrepreneurs, offers healthy living resources for body, mind and spirit in CT and NY. Stonebridge Restaurant, Milford, CT. Info: RSVP to Beth Leas: 203-856-9566 (call/text) or

Therapists Supporting Therapists. Noon-1:30 p.m. Second Tuesdays. With Rio Comaduran, LCSW. A support group for mental health providers. Communication and sharing resources, community building, organizing around shared interests, sound healing/relaxation (optional). Bring yoga mat, pillow and blanket. Donation-based. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP: Event/Therapists-Supporting-Therapists-2/2025-01-14.


Yoga Nidra in the Himalayan Salt Room. 7-8 p.m. Experience relaxation and clarity with yoga nidra with Joann Dunsing of Joann Dunsing Hypnosis and the salt room’s wellness benefits. No yoga poses required. Sit in zero-gravity chairs with blankets during session. Wear white socks. $50. Mind, Body & Soul Wellness, 50 Broad St., Unit 29, Milford, CT. Limited spots. Info: RSVP: 203-283-1218.


Astrology Lecture. 7 p.m. On Zoom with Andrea Gehrz. Astrological Remediation and how to heal or fix difficulties in birth charts. Dabbling in astrology? Look further. A serious student? Dive deeper. Astrological Society of Connecticut, CT’s home for astrology since 1972. $10 for non-members. Info, RSVP: Season-Line-Up,

Tong Ren Healing Class. 7-8 p.m. Second Thursdays With Erik Harris. Distance energy healing modality that taps into the bio-electrical system for healing. Start with a meditative relaxed state. Comment with 3 things you would like healed and 3 people you would like to send healing. $10. The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP: 860-5938397,,


Level 1 Universal White Time Healing. Friday 6-9 p.m. via ZOOM; Saturdays (Jan. 18, 25) 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. in person. Gain tools and the power to heal yourself and others using frequencies of color and time (past, present, future). UWT is an advanced ET healing energy system. $525 with $50 deposit. Crystal Music Healing, 92 North Summit St. Southington, CT. Info: 860-830-5841, Info@ Register: Buy.Stripe. com/4gwaGnfn7bm72DC9Ct.


Reiki Sound Level 2. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Discover the kotodama for the symbols and increase power by adding sound. Practice hands-on and distance reiki with sound. All materials provided but can bring own instruments to learn on. NOT reiki 2 training. Must already be attuned (reiki level 2). $250. The Sacred Cocoon, The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info: Reiki-Sound-2. RSVP:

Spiritual/Psychic Readings at Cosmic Black Cat. Noon-5 p.m. Edmund is a tarot card reader and medium. Anna G is a psychic medium. $40/30 minutes. Cosmic Black Cat, 21 Minerva St., Derby, CT. Info, metaphysical shop hours: Call/ text for appt.: 203-516-7203.

Home Apothecary. 1-3 p.m. Virtual or in-person. Monthly class focused on techniques to grow and process herbs to make herbal remedies, including when to harvest, how to dry and preserve, and how to make products. Includes items made in class and workbook pages. $50/session. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP:

Squirrel Appreciation Day. 2-3:30 p.m. Look into the lives of squirrels with Ansonia Nature Center’s Ranger Evelyn in this fun, family-friendly program. Take on the role of a squirrel in the game Squirrel Scramble and compete for acorns. Registration required. Free. For ages 5 and up. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia, CT. Info, RSVP: Calendar/Squirrel-Appreciation-Day.


Hike Quest: Find the Hidden Green. 1-2 p.m. Join Ansonia Nature Center for a guided hike to discover the hidden green of the season. From evergreens to mosses, explore how nature thrives in colder months. For participants ages 12 and older. Free. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia, CT. Info, RSVP: AnsoniaNatureCenter. org/Calendar/Hike-Quest-Find-the-Hidden-Green.

Creative Mandala Workshop Series . 1-3 p.m. Third Sundays . In this workshop, you will make your own artwork, relax, sip tea while you create. No artistic ability required. All materials included. $15. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: RSVP:


Energy Enhanced Crystal Sound Meditation Series. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Join Sanaré Wellness and Bradford Tilden of Crystal Music Healing for three healings in one. Connect with higher aspects of your soul, balance and clear your mind, and recharge and heal the body at the cellular level. $99. Sanaré Wellness Center, 92 N. Summit St., Southington, CT. 860600-0106. Info, RSVP:


Money Conversation Café. 6:30-8 p.m. Fourth Wednesdays . With Corrin Burke, certified money coach and women’s wealth advisor. Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? Learn the history of our brains relative to money and why we do and feel the way we do. Bring a journal and pen. Free, donations appreciated. Info, RSVP: Corrin@


Peptide & Nutrition Program Meetup. 8-9 a.m. Fourth Thursdays. Come talk about peptides, mindfulness and nutrition with Dr. Vitali and Dr. Young to support you on your weight-loss journey. Info, RSVP:

Sound Healing Sessions w/Kelvin Young & Maria del Carmen. 6-7:30 p.m. Every other Thursday. Create a safe space during a sound healing gathering to share feelings and hold space for each other while sipping on cacao. Relax to the sounds by Kelvin Young, RSS and Maria Del Carmen, MBA. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register:

Winter Gardener’s Book Club. 6:30-8 p.m. In-person or virtual via Zoom. Group discussion of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. Herbal tea provided, bring snacks to share. $5/meeting, $35/ series. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP:


Family Laughter Yoga. 10-11 a.m. With Charles Koppel, certified laughter yoga instructor. Class includes warm-up, laughter and breathing exercises, laughter meditation, and grounding activity. Does not require physical poses or strain on the body. Accessible to everyone. Wear comfortable clothing to move in. $10-$20. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: Event/Family-Laughter-Yoga-2025-01-25. RSVP:

Spiritual/Psychic Readings at Cosmic Black Cat. Noon-5 p.m. Kimberly Anne uses tarot, oracle and Lenormand cards. Edmund is a tarot card reader and medium. $40/30 minutes. Cosmic Black Cat, 21 Minerva St., Derby, CT. Info, metaphysical shop hours: Call/text for appt.: 203-516-7203.

Create A Vision Board and Manifest Your Dreams! 1-4 p.m. 2025 is the year of the wood snake in Chinese horoscope. What does this mean for you? Create vision boards and put energy into manifesting your goals for this year and beyond. Magazines for images, poster boards, glue, scissors provided. $30. The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP:

mark your calendar


with Vedaji & friends

February 14-16, 2025

Mercy by the Sea Retreat Center, Madison, CT

Join us for a Bhakti yoga and Vedanta-inspired spiritual awakening retreat!

• Interactive discussions

• Yoga asana

• Breathwork

• Meditation

• Like-minded community

• Vegetarian and vegan meals

• Kirtan (musical mantra meditation)

Register: (registration closes January 21, 2025)

Info: or 860-808-8201


Percussion Intensive for Sound Healing . 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Work with multiple instruments, create soundscapes through collaborations with classmates, learn playing techniques and build soundscapes for groups. No musical experience necessary. Materials provided but you can bring own instruments. $250. The Sacred Cocoon, The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info: Event/Percussion-Intensive-January-2025. RSVP:

Mending the Sacred Hoop Monthly Drum Circle 1-3 p.m. Fourth Sundays. Through the rhythm of drums, invoke the wisdom/medicine of ancestors. Connect as a community with healing energy. Bring a drum or rattle (some provided). Free, donations accepted. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: Event/11828-2024-11-23/All. RSVP: 203-814-1088, ext. 1, or


The Revolution for Entrepreneurial-Minded “Boss Lady” Women. 5:30-8 p.m. Last Mondays. Hosted by Lori Theriault, Julie Morgan and Ada Rios. Providing non-judgmental emotional support, business advice and networking opportunities. First visit free. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info:, RSVP:


TLC Networking Morning. 6-7:30 p.m. Online via Zoom. Last Wednesdays. Looking for a community of healthy living practitioners and solopreneurs? Be prepared for an evening of connection and adventure. Tribe TLC is a group of professionals offering a supportive community, free networking events, affordable marketing opportunities and fun. Come as a guest for the first time and then become a TLC member. Info: RSVP to Beth Leas: 203-856-9566 (call/text) or


Spiritual/Psychic Readings at Cosmic Black Cat. Noon-5 p.m. $40/30 minutes. Cosmic Black Cat, 21 Minerva St., Derby, CT. Info, metaphysical shop hours: Call/text for appt.: 203-516-7203.

First Saturday Kriya Meditation . 12:30-2:30 p.m. First Saturdays . With Kriyacharya Andrew Burkamp. Practice the sacred teachings of kriya yoga, a meditative style of yoga that uses focused breath, sound and visualization. $20. Fuller Yoga, 39 New London Tpke., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP:


Groundhog Day Celebration. 1-2 p.m. Find out more about this quirky folk holiday, as well as what real groundhogs are like in their natural habitat. Watch a live shadow-puppet show, then make a puppet to take home. For all ages. $3/material fee. Registration required. 10 Deerfield Ln., Ansonia, CT. Info, RSVP: Groundhog-Day-Celebration.


TLC Networking Lunch in Guilford. 11:30 a.m.1 p.m. First Thursdays . Calling all healthy living entrepreneurs and practitioners to recharge, meet, mingle and connect. Tribe TLC, a group of over 150 like-minded holistic wellness professionals and entrepreneurs, offers healthy living resources for body, mind and spirit in CT and NY. Shoreline Diner, Guilford, CT. Info: RSVP to Beth Leas: 203-856-9566 (call/text) or

Sound Healing Sessions w/Kelvin Young & Maria del Carmen. 6-7:30 p.m. Every other Thursday. Create a safe space during a sound healing gathering to share feelings and hold space for each other while sipping on cacao. Relax to the sounds by Kelvin Young, RSS and Maria Del Carmen, MBA. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register:


Mat Pilates with Pigs! 3:30-4:30 p.m. A playful 60-minute mat Pilates class with three adorable piggy companions. Laugh, stretch and strengthen your body. Good for all levels. $40. Fuller Yoga, 39 New London Tpke., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP:

Glow and Gather: a Galentine’s Day Soire. 4-7 p.m. Event designed for self-care and connection with mini medical-grade facials, skin consultations, and food and drinks. Shop with vendors (permanent jewelry, handbags). Add-ons at a reduced cost include dermaplaning, and wellness injections (B12, MIC or glutathione). $100. Soleil Acupuncture and Naturopathic Wellness, 2661 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT. Info, RSVP: Upcoming-Events/Galentines-Day-2025.

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

—Dale Turner

January 2025


Gentle Yoga. 9:30-10:30 a.m. With Nancy Werfel. Great practice for beginners as the pace is slower and allows for you start to understand the poses and learn proper alignment. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174,,

Tarot Card Reading Share. 4-5:30 p.m. With Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan. A community event for individuals who enjoy both giving and receiving tarot readings. For people of all experience levels. Each week, there will be a new mini lesson on tarot reading techniques. $10. The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP:

Moving Meditation: Tai Qi and Qigong. 5:30-7 p.m. Jan. 6-Feb. 24. Join licensed acupuncturist and tai qi/ qigong practitioner, Ryan Lybarger, for an 8-week movement workshop. Aimed at improving posture, balance, anxiety, sleep and overall health. Soleil Acupuncture and Naturopathic Wellness, 2661 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT. $175/series, $25/class drop-in. Info, RSVP:

All-Level Flow Yoga. 6:30-7:30 p.m. With Lisa Ordazzo. Other times available. A well-balanced flow that will engage your entire body. Offering up several variations of the poses as well as guidance with props. Class accessible to everyone. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174,,


All Level Flow. 9-10 a.m. With Kelly Warters. Moderate-paced flow where you will be guided through sequences and modifications offered for different levels of practitioners. Some previous yoga experience is beneficial. Online $15 and in person ($19) at Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174,,

All Abilities Chair Yoga. 4:30-5:15 p.m. Using a chair and yoga props, you will take part in postures and breathwork. No experience necessary. All postures modified to each individual and their abilities, building up to a level of comfort that your body allows. $20. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd., Berlin, CT. Info: MindfulWithMary. com. Registration required: Booking-Calendar/All-Levels-Chair-Yoga-Berlin-CT.

All Level Flow. 5:15-6:15 p.m. With Melissa Andersen. This class is a moderate-paced flow where you will be guided through sequences and modifications will be offered for different levels of practitioners. Some previous yoga experience is beneficial. $19. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174,,

Bollywood Dance Classes with Qala Creations 5:30-6:30 p.m. for ages 4-7. 6:30-7:30 p.m. for adults (18+). Learn Bollywood choreographies to improve aerobic abilities and reduce stress. Blend of exercise

and cultural exploration. Bring water, comfortable clothing to dance in and supportive footwear. $20/ class. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP: Bollywood-Dance-Classes-With-Qala-Creations/All.

Restorative Yoga. 5:30-6:30 p.m. No class on Dec. 24. Practice of movement, breath, grounding, yoga sequences and meditative body scans with Mary from Mindful Movement & Meditation. $20. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd., Berlin, CT. Info: Registration required: Restorative-Yoga-Berlin-CT.

Weekly Sound Healing Meditation. 7-8:15 p.m. With Katie Cavenaugh. Relax and let the sound waves take you on a journey within. Rotating topics. Plan to arrive early and bring a mat, blanket, pillow and water. $35/session or $100/4 sessions (use within 3 months). The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Register via email to or text 860-655-5527.


Yoga for Resilience. 10-11:15 a.m. With Kathy Conyers, RYT-500. Not January 1. Gentle yoga practice for those with back issues, knee replacements, or seeking improved stability at the hip and shoulder joints. Bring a strap, yoga mat and blanket (some available). $80/ per 4-week session or $25/drop in. Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP for dates:

Develop Your Intuition 5 Classes . 6:30-8 p.m. January 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12. With Gayle Franceschetti. Tap onto your innate ability of “knowing” through meditation, sharing and experiential exercises, master techniques of accessing creativity and intuition. Series: $97. On Zoom Info, RSVP: 203-631-7803,

Energy Awareness & Grounding Class. 7-8 p.m. Not January 1. With Mike Berlinski. A series of experiential stances and movements, as well as ideas of self-awareness to help ground, center and focus more consistently. Wear comfortable clothing. Suggested donation: $20. Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP for dates: BridgeHAC. com/Event/Energy-Awareness-Grounding-Class/All.


Gentle Yoga. 9-10 a.m. No class on Dec. 26. A gentle movement class with Mary from Mindful Movement & Meditation. Class may use yoga blocks and props during the practice to support the postures. $20. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd., Berlin, CT. Info: Registration required: Gentle-Yoga-Thursdays-Berlin-CT.

All Level Flow. 5:15-6:15 p.m. With Kelly Warters. Moderate-paced flow where you will be guided through sequences and modifications offered for different levels of practitioners. Some previous yoga experience is beneficial. Online $15 and in person ($19) at Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174, JustBeYogaandWellness@,

Cosmic Shamanic Sound Bath. 6-7:15 p.m. Every other Thursday (Jan. 2, 16, 30). Join master crystal and sound healer Bradford Tilden (Fred Maerkle on Jan. 16) for a restorative, energizing crystal and sound bath. Relax, recharge and release stress and unwanted energies. Bring a blanket, chair or yoga mat. $30 (walk-in: $35). The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. 860-404-2578. Register:


Gentle Yoga. 9:30-10:30 a.m. With Nancy Werfel. This class is designed for everyone. It’s a great practice for beginners as the pace is slower and allows for you start to understand the poses and learn proper alignment. $15. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174,,


Rising Wings Grief Support Group. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Co-facilitated by Marie Goodine, MSW, LCSW, and G. Marie Rufini, BS, GC-C. A safe space for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Bring pen and paper. $10. Bridge Healing Arts Center 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: Event/Rising-Wings-Grief-Support-Group-2/All. RSVP:, 203-814-1088.


Gentle Yoga. 9-10 a.m. With Melissa Andersen. Great practice for beginners with slower pace to understand the poses and learn proper alignment. Online ($15) and in person ($19) at Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203693-3174,,

Living Your Best Life: Mastering Positive Habits of Mind. 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. With Matthew Stein. Two guided meditations and a talk on how to nurture deeper inner peace, mental freedom, and a clear sense of purpose and direction in our lives. Develop positive mental attitude for the week ahead. $12. Odiyana KBC, 450 New London Tpke., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP:

Sunday Morning Meditation. 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Class will look at Buddha’s teachings contained in the text Eight Verses of Training the Mind and its commentary The New Eight Steps to Happiness. Guided breathing meditation, teaching on how to access inner calm and kindness, Q&A, and contemplative time. $12/class. Odiyana Buddhist Center, 450 New London Tpk., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: 860-266-6041,

Restorative Yoga. 4-5 p.m. With Kelly Warters. Learn proper breathing techniques, yoga postures and meditation. $20. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203693-3174,,

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. DEADLINE: All listings must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication.



Certified Animal Aromatherapy Specialist

Reiki Master, Energy Medicine Practitioner

Animal Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach

Carrie teaches pet parents and those called to work with animals holistic techniques, including animal communication, energy healing, aromatherapy, acupressure and nutrition, to help animals live healthy, happy, high quality lives. Pet owners can learn how to use simple, at-home techniques in her Pet Parent class series. No experience with aromatherapy or energy healing needed to support your pet and witness positive changes. In person and online classes. See ad on page 21.



Elizabeth Regal

106 Rte. 66 East, Columbia, CT


Colonics promote hydration and loosening of waste matter, assisting elimination by natural peristalsis of the colon. Sessions are offered at Roots Natural Medical Center in Columbia on an FDA-approved closed system device. I-ACT certified hydrotherapist. More info and videos on colonics at



Cathy Stubbs

Remote-based healing


Eagle Flight Healing’s shamanic energy healing service provides transformative energy work helping clients resolve the traumas, pain, shame and struggles of the past. They experience new self-value and mattering, and feel more vitality, happiness and joy with which to enjoy life and dream the future. Make an appointment today to change your life. See ad on page 19


Annie Mojo, HMPO

Milford, CT or remote (475)-3EM-MOJO

Energy healing, intuitive guidance, medical intuitive, psychic-medium, spiritual counselor, intuitive business coaching, pet readings, meditation music. Empower the inner you!

Find your Mojo! Contact today for your FREE 20-minute consultation. See ad on page 13.



Sanaré Wellness, LLC

Southington, CT



The Future of Energy Medicine is here! This 24-unit Energy Enhancement System creates multiple bioactive, regenerative energy fields, including scalar waves and biophotons, that can assist your body’s ability to repair and heal itself from disease. The body can become capable of rejuvenating and recalibrating itself back to homeostasis. Appointment only.


Crystal Music Healing

Southington, CT and via Zoom 860-830-5841

Want spiritual healing and growth? Release anxiety, stress and trauma with the energy and benefits of Universal White Time (UWT). Receive spiritual development support through gemstone healing, energy work, sound and guided visualization. Schedule your free discovery call! Bradford also offers certification courses in UWT for people to transform their lives or professions.



Jennifer Lima, MPH

In person and remote Bristol, CT 914-419-9665

Create alignment between actions and desired outcomes through coaching, classes and resources. Certified professional health coach, practicing herbalist and clinical researcher. Focus on living an authentic life, connecting to the earth through plants and plant-based wellness. A guide to help you be your best self and thrive in your daily life. See ad on page 15.


Root Wisdom LLC

Nutritionist, Health Coach, Biofield Tuning

Plantsville, CT (+ remotely) 386-479-9019

Body-mind-spirit are all connected. I help people heal the root of their suffering through nutrition therapy, lifestyle choices and a profound modality called Biofield Tuning. It can shift mindsets/beliefs and ease physical ailments. Let me help you liberate your true potential for vibrant health and raise your voltage!


Rewind Wellness

Certified Integrative Health Coach & Professional Chef


Work with women to address weight management, nutrition, sleep, nervous system restoration, stress and hormone balance. Holistic approach with an emphasis on creating mindset shifts and lasting habit changes for lifelong health. Book a free 30-minute consultation at RewindWellness. com to see how we can work together to achieve your wellness goals in a non-judgmental, caring space. See ad on page 17.


Edge to Health


Board-certified health/wellness coach with certifications from Cornell University (nutrition/ healthy living), Epidemic Answers (nutritional impacts on childhood illnesses) and Mindfulness Educators (mindfulness facilitator). Partnering with individuals and families to bring about positive health changes with functional nutrition and mindfulness. Help remediate the biological and behavioral impacts of trauma, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression and more to improve physical, mental and emotional health. See ad on page 21.



Holistic Hemp Wellness Green Compass Advocate 631-877-0441

LaurenMagel.GreenCompassGlobal. com/share/191341

Lauren offers small group education sessions and individual consultations in Connecticut and online to help you identify products to feel your best every day with a full line of USDA-certified organic hemp wellness products, including full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD, collagen, skin care, topicals and drink powders. Let’s get you started with a CBD brand you can trust.



Lynda Mettler, ACC Transformation Coach, Reiki Master

Specializing in Internal Family Systems, Reiki energy and meditation. Guiding clients to transform their inner view to embody selfcompassion and trust. Ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure to ignite your spark and unleash your talents? This coaching is for you. Now offering Clarity Coaching, a single session to ease decision-making stress.



Karuna Holistic Therapies LLC


The RoXiva lamp uses flickering light to simulate the brain’s natural production of neurochemicals. Experience deep meditation, let go of stress and anxiety and improve mental health. Light therapy is combined with sound for an immersive light and sound journey. Karuna Holistic Therapies also offers reiki, NLP, yoga, grief recovery, channeling, meditation and nutritional counseling.



Jill Andrzejewski, LMT, RMT, Psychic Medium 3490 Whitney Ave., Ste. 205, Hamden, CT 203-909-1108

We partner to set physical, mental and spiritual goals to empower you. I advocate gentle stretching, crystals and breath work to maintain grounded, calm feelings. Services: massage; Reiki; chakra balancing; angel tarot, oracle card and tea leaf readings; group events/classes. A Moment In Time Treasures items available for purchase. Appointment only. See ad on page 15.


Massage2Movement Wallingford, CT 203-415-8666

Celebrating 30 years as a licensed massage therapist, Carol focuses on restorative massage, her Feldenkrais Method training and movement education to guide individuals from a state of pain to feeling freer and more empowered in their bodies. She offers restorative massage, group and individual Feldenkrais lessons, cranial sacral therapy, and manual lymph drainage. Call/email Carol for your next appointment.


CHERYL CUOZZO, MSN, APRN, ANP-C, FNP-C, FAIHM Integrative Medicine Nurse Practitioner Berlin, CT and remote 203-484-2069

CT’s first FAIHM-credentialed NP! Focus on chronic multi-symptom illnesses, undiagnosable conditions and military servicerelated issues. Personalized treatment plans, vitamin and herbal therapies, acupuncture, cupping. Cost-saving memberships, packages and military discounts available. Cuozzo sees adult patients in Berlin, CT. Virtual visits available. See ad on page 21.



Intuitive Skin Care Coach

Intuitive Skin Care And More West Hartford, CT


Energy balancing, age spot removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, permanent makeup, skin care coaching, natural handcrafted skin care products, meditation and chakra balancing, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, non-surgical laser lipo, energy guided product and, service selection, eyelash extensions, and more! Happily serving CT and the world since 1997.


SACRED COCOON HEALING, LLC 352 Main Street, Durham, CT 860-655-5527

Focus on personal development and transformation through spiritual healing practices, hypnosis, sound healing, energy/card readings and education. Unlearn your patterns, shift timelines, heal your body and manifest your dream life. Group classes and personalized individual services. Sound healing training and certification program available. ICBCH-certified hypnotist. Copywriting and spiritual business consulting. Apprenticeships for sound healing, magick/energy work and business.



Explore Taro’Chi, LLC

Higganum, CT 203-896-0577 (call/text)

Move beyond awareness into action and purpose with psychic/tarot readings with shamanism/astrology/numerology/mediumship elements, energy healing/reiki and mentoring/ spiritual coaching. Psychic clairvoyant/clairaudient and Master Tarot Reader for three decades. Individual & couples work, classes & private parties, virtual & in-person. Reach out today to better understand your current situation and healing potential. See ad on page 19.

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