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November 2013 | New Haven-Middlesex | NaturalNewHaven.com natural awakenings
November 2013
clients, customers, participants... Become a Natural Awakenings Network Provider! For Details Call: 203-988-1808 or email: Gail@NaturalNewHaven.com NaturalAwakeningsNetwork.com
Dr. Candice Pollack, D.C. North Haven, CT 203.691.5581 Apmct.com
Psychotherapy-Adults in Transition Emotional & Spiritual Aspects in Health Care Essex, CT 860.461.7569 DrDorothyct.com
Dr. Keith Mirante, D.C. Madison, CT 203.245.8217 DrMirante.com
Joan S. Gilbert Hamden, CT 828.551.0420 JoanSusan.star@gmail.com
Middletown, CT 860.986.2017 CTYogaCenter.com
CT FARM FRESH EXPRESS, LLC East Haddam, CT 860.873.8760 CTFFE.com
DENNY CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE Dr. Eileen Denny, D.C. Hamden, CT 203.407.8468 DennyWellness.com
New Haven / Middlesex
Dr. Jason Belejack, N.D. Durham, CT 203.824.7428 DurhamNaturopathichealth.com
Venice Walters 203.507.0889 YORHealth.com/LifetimeHealth1
MARY ELLEN MONEYMAKER HYPNOTIST Middlefield, CT 860.349.7039 SolutionsByHypnosis.com
Guilford, CT 203.453.8667 MassageSavvyCT.com
Christopher Chialastri, LMT#005812 Home Visits for Massage Therapy East Haven, CT 203.430.3163 EmpowerMassage.abmp.com
Karen Obier, Reflexologist North Haven, CT 203.645.2188 InnerHarmonyHolisticWellness.abmp.com
June Can Reiki Master Practitioner International Channel & Medium 203.230.1197 http://junecanchannel.blogspot.com
Dr. Leigh White, N.D. North Haven, CT 203.980.0465 NaturalFamilyHealth.net
Diane Esposito 203.913.3869 PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com
Aadil Al-Alim & Faith Bredwood 203.389.0089 Zahavah.co
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November 2013
letterfrompublisher “You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.” ~Henry Drummond
contact us Publisher - Gail Heard Gail@naturalnewhaven.com Editor - Nancy Cohen Editor@naturalnewhaven.com Advertising - Gail Heard Ads@naturalnewhaven.com Design & Production - Gail Heard Printer - Trumbull Printing, Inc. Franchise Sales - 239.530.1377
To contact Natural Awakenings New Haven/Middlesex Counties: Natural Awakenings PO Box 525 North Branford, CT 06471 Phone: 203.988.1808 Gail@NaturalNewHaven.com NaturalNewHaven.com © 2013 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available for $30 ( for 12 issues ). Please call 203.988.1808 with credit card information.
As our Facebook and Twitter followers already know, Natural Awakenings has lost a giant and very dear family member. John Voell Jr., co-founder of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation passed away on October 14. We were all so shocked and saddened by the news of his passing. John was such a beautiful, caring soul, a beacon of light who had great vision for Natural Awakenings magazine and global wellness. Additionally, he was an inspiration to each publisher around the country, offering support during all hours, if needed, as well as a sense of humor and heart. When I was deciding about becoming a publisher back in 2008, John took me under his wing, spending hours on the phone with me, patiently walking me through any uncertainty about making such a big life transition from nursing to publishing. He made it abundantly clear to me that becoming a publisher for Natural Awakenings must be a decision of the heart and when we take action from a place of love, our fear dissolves. Love and fear cannot co-exist. It is because of John that we are able to bring you the magazine each month. Well over a decade ago, he encouraged Sharon Bruckman to expand the positive impact of her Florida community wellness magazine, the flagship Natural Awakenings. They did so by inviting anyone in the country who is interested in healthy living to join them in publishing the magazine with a special focus on their own local region. With his foresight, Natural Awakenings currently reaches nearly 4,000,000 people monthly, building a healthier world together, community by community, through the sharing of local, national and global avenues to well-being and life balance. Because of John, we are able to bring you news of monthly events, noteworthy items, and advertiser’s products and services right here in Connecticut, as well as personal and planetary health items of interest around the world. John’s sage words always had a way of shifting my perspective whenever I was feeling challenged in my role as publisher. He would remind me of the “Life Review.” At the end of the day (end of our life in this incarnation) we must ask ourselves: “How many people did I help in this lifetime?” John, one person, helped millions of people, who, by extension, have been able to help many more. Despite our mourning, we celebrate John by dedicating this edition of Natural Awakenings to his life and his memory. It is a legacy we are proud to continue honoring each month every year.
Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.
New Haven / Middlesex
contents 14
6 newsbriefs
14 healthbriefs
15 globalbriefs 16 business
22 healthykids 24 fitbody 26 wisewords 27 healingways 28 inspiration 28 29 calendar 35 classifieds 36 resourceguide
advertising & submissions
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
Serenity Salon & Day Spa by Nancy Cohen
Transform Your Life with Mentors, Books, Workshops and Online Courses by Bess J.M. Hochstein
Natural Health Experts Share How by Jenna Blumenfeld
24 JUNGLE GYM Moving Like Animals Can Wildly Improve Fitness by Debra Melani
how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 203.988.1808 or email Ads@NaturalNewHaven.com. Deadline for ads: the 12th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to Editor@NaturalNewHaven.com Deadline for editorial: the 1st of the month. calendar submissions Submit calendar events online at NaturalNewHaven.com. To revise or discontinue a calendar listing email Calendar@NaturalNewHaven.com. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239.449.8309. For franchising opportunities call 239.530.1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.
Being Exactly Who We Need to Be by Marianne Williamson
12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening
by Michael A. Singer
28 LIVING GRATITUDE A Taproot of Happiness Wildly Improve Fitness by Leo Babauta
NaturalNewHaven.com natural awakenings
November 2013
newsbriefs Enchanted Relocates to the Guilford Green
o become enchanted can involve being delighted, fascinated, charmed... The store Enchanted, which is moving to 57 Whitfield Street on the Guilford Green in November, offers an array of gift products and events which can inspire those same qualities in customer’s lives. Everyone is invited to join owners Roni Landino and Dawn Ross for their Grand Opening on Friday, November 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come meet the staff, enjoy refreshments, see their new space and the range of gifts and products they have for sale, and take home a grand opening gift. In addition to items from candles and incense to cards, crystals, jewelry (with some pieces crafted by local artisans), books and more, the new location will also house
pre-packaged and loose bulk items (herbs, teas, grains, legumes and more); specialty products such as “grind-yourown” fresh peanut butter; cheeses (dairy free brands, too); cage-free organic eggs, refrigerated juices, yogurts, dairy-free products, kefirs, tofu’s and kambuchas; cut and potted flowers and herbs; a selection of frozen items from fruits and vegetables to whole meals, ice cream and ice cream substitutes; a gluten-free area; grocery selections from household cleaning products to pet food; cosmetics with a selection of natural and organic products containing plant derived and chemical-free ingredients (as well as fragrance-free), personal care and children’s products; hot prepared vegetarian foods (over five options daily); an organic produce section; an organic juice bar with smoothies; a hot and cold sandwich bar; a prepared delicatessen case with multiple options; natural and organic vitamins, health supplements and homeopathic medicines, as well as an assortment of beauty aids and animal-friendly cosmetics. Among the gift items available are incense, books, chimes and more. Edge of the Woods Market is located at 379 Whalley Avenue in New Haven, CT. For store hours and information, call 203.787.1055, or visit eotwm.com.
an increased number of angel items, as well as Christian and Jewish items, holy cards and holy water (including from the shrine at Lourdes) and anointing oils from Jerusalem. Events and readings will continue to be held throughout the year on all aspects of spirituality, life balance and healing. Enchanted is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and can be reached at its new location, 57 Whitfield Street in Guilford, CT, by phone at 203.453.4000, on email at enchantedguilford@yahoo.com, or by visiting Enchantedguilfordct.com. See ad on page 23
One Stop Shopping for Health Oriented Families
n business for over 35 years, Edge of the Woods Natural Market in New Haven offers a wide variety of different products and specialty goods with an aim to provide “one stop shopping for health oriented families.” Among the store’s myriad department offerings are: oven fresh, baked goods (including vegan, gluten free, and/or dairy free options);
New Haven / Middlesex
Readings Reiki Munay-Ki Classes/Groups/Parties Unique Gifts Signed limited edition copies of Angel, Archetypes and Fairytales, Treasure Map to the Soul, Oracle Candles, Oils, Journals, and more!
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48 Hours to Live
hen told that doctors had tried everything, but nothing worked and his mother had two days to live, Patrick Moore, N.D. M.S. (then a layperson with no formal training in healing) was unwilling to accept the medical prognosis. Inspired by the teachings of Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Linus Pauling, and Norman Cousin’s “Anatomy of an Illness,” he gained medical approval to implement a high-dose vitamin C and comprehensive orthomolecular nutritional protocol, which he asserts helped his mother recover and live 12 more years. On Saturday, November 2, Moore, who now has a doctorate in traditional naturopathy and a master’s degree in nutrition, will recount his story. The public is welcome to this free event sponsored by Natural Food Associates at Wallingford Public Library. A natural food potluck lunch (bring a favorite dish!) begins at 12 p.m., with the talk at 1:15 p.m. Dr. Moore, (203.645.9657, Nutrascienceusa.net) is the director of Nutritional Science Associates, a researcher, health/nutrition consultant and educator who provides information regarding diet, lifestyle, exercise and nutrients for optimal health and offers a free newsletter. He has led holistic nutrition seminars for Yale-New Haven Hospital nurses, chaired the community advisory board for Yale’s HIV clinical trials and lectured at The Graduate Institute. Natural Food Associates is a non-profit, all-volunteer, educational, natural health consumer group founded in 1953 by concerned doctors, pioneer nutritionists, organic farmers and laypeople. Event hosts are Jim and Rosemary of the “Living Naturally” radio show on 88.1FM (WESUFM.org). Location: 200 North Main Street, Wallingford, CT, 203.269.9091.
Offering a Pick-up for Veterans
ooking for an easy way to donate household items with the added benefit of assisting veterans? “Pick Up Please” helps America’s veterans by offering a pick-up service for donations of clothes, shoes and accessories, jewelry, house and glassware, books, toys, bikes, stereos, radios, portable TVs, small electronics and tools of all kinds from the donor’s home (for a list of accepted items, visit the website listed below). The service is conducted through the Vietnam Veterans of America, a charity that gives aid to all of America’s veterans, not just those of a particular age group or war. Donated items generate the majority of the funding to support local, state, and national programs of the Vietnam Veterans of America. Pick Up Please can often pick up a donation within 24 hours. There are three easy steps to making a donation. Pick-up can be scheduled online or via the organization’s call center. Once the pick-up date and time have been established, clearly labeled (VVA) bags or boxes of items should be left outside of the house on the designated day. A driver will come get the donated items (rain or shine) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and leave a tax deduction receipt. For information, or to make a donation, call 1.800.775.VETS (8387), or visit pickupplease.org/Connecticut.
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November 2013
Zeroing in on Zen in New Haven
Finding Holistic Healing in Guilford
aturopathic medicine is based on the healing power of nature. A naturopathic physician treats patient’s holistically to create a balance among the physical, emotional and spiritual parts of each person and ensure health. To activate the healing process in their patients, the naturopathic physicians at Guilford Holistic Health practitioners, Drs. Jeffrey Klass (in business for 30 years) and Jessica Sedita-Gatto, use a variety of means, such as herbal remedies, vitamins and minerals, nutrition counseling, acupuncture, exercise and relaxation/stress reduction techniques. Blending age-old ways with the benefits of modern diagnostic techniques to address the source of problems, rather then merely the symptoms, they aim to help restore and maintain good health for people of all ages. They treat conditions, such as allergies, arthritis, acute infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer (including support for conventional approaches), cardiovascular diseases, Candida, fatigue, chronic and degenerative diseases and more. The doctors work together with their patients to address the particular needs of individuals seeking diagnosis, consultation and treatment. Each physician also works closely with individuals to guide them to lifestyles that fend off illness before it begins. This preventative approach helps ensure a balance leading to optimal health.
he New Haven Zen Center offers meditation instruction and retreats to help participants look inward with an aim to find greater serenity amidst life’s fast pace. According to its website: “The reason we practice Zen is to understand ourselves completely and help this world. The suffering we experience in our own lives, and indeed the suffering of our world, comes from our inability to connect with our true self, which is originally compassionate and clear. It’s as if the owner of a sophisticated piece of machinery has lost the original instructions that came with it, and has forgotten its original function. The result is confusion and harm. A retreat can be thought of as reacquainting ourselves with the original instructions that came with our model. After his enlightenment, the Buddha said, ‘How wondrous! Everybody already has it; they just don’t know it.’ Sitting a Zen retreat is a vital part of the process of waking up to our true self.” In addition to ongoing events, such as their free weekly meditation instruction (Wednesdays - no reservation necessary), they will also be holding a retreat the weekend of November 9 and 10 led by their former Guiding Teacher, Nancy Hedgpeth, JDPSN. The retreat can be sat in increments of one day or for both days. Interested practitioners can contact the New Haven Zen Center for details. New Haven Zen center is reachable at 193 Mansfield Street in New Haven, CT, info@newhavenzen.org, Newhavenzen.org.
Guilford Holistic Health Practitioners is located at 5 Durham Road, Suite B-6 in Guilford, CT. For information, or to schedule an appointment, call 203.453.1906, or visit Guilfordholistic.com.
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New Haven / Middlesex
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Talking Turkey at CT Food Bank
his year, Connecticut Food Bank and Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, released a “Map the Meal Gap” Study, offering a detailed look at food budgets required to meet the needs of families struggling with hunger in Connecticut. According to the study, 520,350 of Connecticut’s residents are currently food insecure, a number said to be growing rather than diminishing. The mission of Connecticut Food Bank is to provide nutritious food to people in need. To that end, the organization distributes food and other resources (working year-round) to over 650 local emergency food assistance programs in six of Connecticut’s counties: Fairfield, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London and Windham. In addition to the year-round mobile food pantries, Connecticut Food Bank is hosting a “Thanksgiving for All” campaign this autumn. The campaign is a series of events and food drives hosted and sponsored by local civic and religious organizations, charitable foundations, businesses, media and supermarkets that help Connecticut Food Bank make Thanksgiving special for thousands of local neighbors in danger of going without a holiday meal. Anyone can make a Thanksgiving donation via the organization’s website’s Thanksgiving donation page, enabling funds for a turkey, all the fixins’ or a Thanksgiving meal for six. Connecticut Food Bank is funded privately, supported by a broad base of individuals, businesses, foundations and community organizations. Ninetyfive percent of its expenses are directed toward program services. For information, or to make a donation, contact Connecticut Food Bank at 203.469.5000, or visit ctfoodbank.org.
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ORDER YOUR TURKEY— For the healthiest Thanksgiving: Organic or All-Natural bird, all sizes, free-range, antibiotic and hormone free, by Monday Nov 18th
Sat Nov 9 VEGAN TASTING DAY — samples & information 11-3 Free Wellness Outreach by Health Professionals Thurdays at 7pm • FREE • NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED Nov 7 Planning a Healthy Thanksgiving Dr. Debra Anastasio, N.D., Bring gluten free recipes to share!
Th Nov 14 Digestive Health No Grouchy Guts! Dr. Amanda Levitt, N.D Th Nov 21 Healthy Activity Dr. Candace Pollack, DC Info: Linda Myers, our Staff Certified Nutrition Counselor 203- 407-8128 natural awakenings
November 2013
Massage Savvy…A Local Destination for Relaxation
ow celebrating 18 months in business, the conveniently located Massage Savvy (2514 Boston Post Road in Guilford) has become a destination spa at which over 1,300 shoreline residents have sought relaxation, rejuvenation and relief from stress. Since opening its doors in April 2012, Massage Savvy’s therapists have performed close to 3,500 fully customized massage services, aiming to satisfy those seeking a “luxurious, yet affordable” massage experience. Each massage at Massage Savvy includes heated tables, gently warmed booties for the feet, and hot towels to further enhance the customer experience. Additionally, guests can choose to incorporate an array of different add-ons such as aromatherapy, hot stone therapy, and therapeutic deep
MJ Stevenson Brings Relaxation & Joy to Orchard House
or years, MJ Stevenson has been guiding clients to relaxation and joy, with offerings such as “Adventures in Meditation,” free classes for participants of all levels of experience who were invited simply to “bring a smile and an open heart.” A writer, artist, meditation advocate and facilitator, Reflexologist and recreation therapist, Stevenson has now taken on the role of Recreation Therapist at Orchard House Adult Day Center in Branford. A private, non-profit 501(c) (3) organization, Orchard House provides a home-like setting that encourages independence and friendship while offering some respite for families and caregivers. In this new position (as she states in her blog titled “Where’d My Life Go?” accessible at inthehammockwithmj.com), Stevenson continues offering similar programs for seniors, including gratitude exercises, music, art-making (*e.g.: paper pulp bowls as seen at mjstevensonart.blogspot.com), intergenerational activities pairing seniors with elementary school students, education and cultural activities, animal therapy (including the now famous pig visits and Stevenson’s own yellow lab, Lizzie, who joins her several days a week), an upcoming on-the-mat yoga class (requested by a 100 year old client) and more activities, which help restore, maintain and/or improve clients’ abilities and enhance their quality of life. The program relies on volunteers for additional programming, many of whom have been participants for over 20 years and are in their 80’s themselves. Orchard House is located at 421 Shore Drive in Branford, CT. MJ Stevenson is reachable at 203.444.5625, or 203.481.7110. To read her meditation booklet, visit 5minutestoabetterworld.com.
muscle therapy, which includes pain relieving gel, hot packs and more focused attention on problem areas. For first time clients, Massage Savvy offers a full 60-minute Introductory Massage for only $49 during which individual concerns and problem areas are addressed. They also offer a Wellness Program for guests who want to incorporate regular massage therapy into their overall wellness routine. For a small one-time enrollment fee, guests enjoy discounted rates on all massage services for a 6-, or 12-month period making it that much easier to realize the full benefits of massage therapy as part of their overall well-being. Massage Savvy is located at 2514 Boston Post Road in Guilford, CT. For information, visit MassageSavvyCT.com. To book a massage, call 203.453.8667. See ad on page 15.
New Haven / Middlesex
Hearth Cooking Class
ollowing World War II, Guilford citizens formed a society to foster appreciation of early New England family values, raising awareness of the rich and varied legacy of homes in the community. Originally known as the “Old House Group,” it was renamed the “Guilford Keeping Society” in February 1947 (referring to the “Keeping Room,” the gathering place for early American families), with the slogan “Keepers of Guilford Heritage.” Its earliest stated objectives remain the same today: the preservation and restoration of the homes and buildings of early origin and historic sites in Guilford; promotion of activities that enhance the appearance and distinctive character of the town; education/research to increase knowledge and appreciation of Guilford’s history and heritage; and, maintenance of a library and museum to house and preserve books, documents, pictures, furnishings and articles associated with Guilford’s history. The society hosts a number of events, including the upcoming Hearth-Cooking Class, scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 9:30 a.m., at Medad Stone Tavern. Participants will prepare a meal as the nation’s forebearer’s did--over a fire on the hearth. Everyone is invited to make traditional dishes at the Keeping Society’s historic 1803 Tavern and then enjoy them at a festive lunch ($35/members, $40 non-members, call 203.453.2500 for reservations). Additionally, on November 30 and December 1, there will be free tours during an Open House at the Thomas Griswold House from 12 to 3 p.m. (including holiday gifts on sale at the museum shop). Guilford Keeping Society is reachable at 203.453.3176, or visit: guilfordkeepingsociety.com.
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November 2013
Ready for Retirement?
acing the prospect of retiring can be daunting. As part of its “Retirement - Ready or Not!” series of seminars for the public, Nei Financial will present two more monthly workshops designed to educate about how to maintain one’s current standard of living and enjoy life in retirement. The next session, Health Care Seminar, will be held on Wednesday, November 13 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The final workshop in the series, Women and Retirement, will take place on Wednesday, December 11. Both workshops are free. Nei
Financial, LLC, founded in 1993 by Robert de Jongh, specializes in two areas - wealth accumulation and wealth distribution. They work with small business owners to attract and retain key employees, understand and develop appropriate retirement strategies, create successful exit strategies, and turn their dreams into reality. Nei Financial is located at 1781 Highland Avenue, Suite 202, in Cheshire, CT. To register for either or both free workshops, contact 203.272.9111, or visit neifinancial.com.
Shoreline ArtsTrail Showcases Local Artists
he Shoreline ArtsTrail is pleased to present a community of 47 local artists during its 12th annual (free!) Open Studios Weekend, which will take place on November 23 and 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meet artists who work and live in the shoreline community, explore their studios, see their art and find gifts for the holidays or home. Connecticut artists from Branford, Guilford, and Madison participate in this juried, two-day event, presenting works in calligraphy, cut paper, fiber, found objects, glass, jewelry, metal, mixed media, paint, photography, pottery, print making, sculpture, textiles and more. Everyone is welcome to visit studios of local artists, see them at work and ask questions about their craft. Each location offers glimpses into the particular artists’ inspirations and motivations. Scheduled the weekend before Thanksgiving, Open Studios Weekend offers a head start on holiday shopping with different types of art in a range of price points for any budget, all locally made. The Shoreline ArtsTrail was initiated in 2002 by a small group of artists along Connecticut’s shoreline. Their intent was to create an annual Open Studios event to allow local residents and visitors to interact with artists and experience the creative process first-hand. For locations/events, discount offers and artists, ArtsTrail maps are available in libraries, town halls, Connecticut welcome centers, visitors’ centers in Branford, Guilford and Madison, the Guilford Art Center and the various studios. For information, contact Martha at 203.481.3505, or visit Shorelineartstrail.com.
Final Journey, LLC (Pet Euthanasia Service) Kristen Klie, D.V.M. and Associates (203) 645-5570 www.finaljourneyllc.com
New Haven / Middlesex
( $300 /5-week course. $60 for individual classes)
Harvesting History at Henry Whitfield
isitors to the Henry Whitfield State Museum in Guilford can travel back to the 17th century during Harvesting History, a special program from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, November 29 and 30 and Sunday, December 1. Discover the story of Thanksgiving in a 1621 Plimoth Colony and learn about Puritan life while touring Connecticut’s oldest house (built in 1639, it is also New England’s oldest stone house and a national historic landmark) and enjoying a variety of activities. Sample foods that were part of the Native American and early settler’s diets such as: pemmican; pumpkin; squash; corn bread; seeds; nuts; and, cider. Learn about reproductions of early tools, clothing and household
implements used by both cultures. ‘Make a Marke’ with quill pens while designing a symbol representing the self, just like the Native American sachems did on early treaties. Additional museum events include the annual holiday exhibit, “Holidaze: The Real Story of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas” and the Firelight Festival (Friday, December 6), with crafts, games and gathering/storytelling around the fire. Everyone is encouraged to bring donations of non-perishable food items for Guilford Food Bank, coins for UNICEF or new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots, gifts which will be incorporated into the Holidaze exhibit and then given to the charities. Museum location: 248 Old Whitfield Street, Guilford, CT. Hours: Wednesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission: $8/adults, $6/seniors/college students, $5/children 6 to 17, free/5 and under. Information: 203.453.2457, Cultureandtourism.org or on Facebook.
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natural awakenings
November 2013
Walnuts Strengthen Sperm
dding a handful of walnuts to a man’s daily diet might just increase the chance of pregnancy for couples with fertility problems. Scientists attribute male infertility as the central issue in 30 to 50 percent of the 70 million couples worldwide experiencing such difficulties. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, investigated whether increasing intake of the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish, flax seed and walnuts that are critical for sperm maturation and membrane function would increase sperm quality in men consuming a typical Western-style diet. They found that less than three ounces of walnuts added to a man’s daily diet improved sperm strength, size and motility (swimming ability). The men eating the walnuts also showed fewer chromosomal abnormalities in their sperm.
Using Herbs to Heal Topical Skin Conditions
kin conditions and their causes—be it chemical exposure or viral, fungal or bacterial infections—can be very difficult to diagnose and challenging to resolve. Without extensive testing, the exact cause can be very elusive, and a simple rash can become a big problem. However, according to traditional herbology, an herbal salve made from specific plant parts will tackle just about any skin infection or rash; this excludes psoriasis, which actually is an immune system disorder, rather than a topical skin problem. Certain herbs used externally are known to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses and help the body to repair damaged skin by increasing the cell proliferation rate and relieving the itch and pain. Poke root, chaparral, blood root, neem, burdock and humic acid kill pathogens with very low risk of harm or irritation in most people. Calendula, aloe vera and comfrey are used to heal damaged skin by providing nutrients to keep skin cells healthy and increase the rate at which skin cells are replaced. White willow bark and arnica Montana provide pain relief, while calendula, St. John’s wort and chickweed suppress inflammation and reduce itching. Herbal extracts can be blended into topical salves that enable a holistic, natural approach to eliminating skin conditions and enable the skin to heal. Steven Frank is an innovative herbalist and owner of MyNaturesRite. com. For references and information call 800.991.7088. See ad on page 3. 14
New Haven / Middlesex
Rosemary Revs Up Memory
osemary’s folkloric reputation for improving memory has been validated by science. UK researchers at London’s Northumbria University found that when the essential oil of rosemary was diffused into a room—a method practiced in aromatherapy—it enhanced participants’ ability to remember past events and remind themselves to do tasks planned for the future, like sending an anniversary card. Mark Moss, Ph.D., head of psychology at Northumbria, says, “We wanted to build on our previous research that indicated rosemary aroma improved long-term memory and mental arithmetic. In this study, we focused on prospective memory, which is critical for everyday functioning.” In the study, 66 people randomly assigned to either a rosemary-scented or unscented room were asked to complete a variety of tests to assess their memory functions. Those in the rosemary-scented room outperformed the control group. Blood analysis of those exposed to the rosemary aroma confirmed higher concentrations of 1,8-cineole, the oil’s compound specifically linked to memory improvement. The researchers concluded that the aroma of rosemary essential oil can enhance cognitive functioning in healthy individuals and may have implications for treating people with memory impairment. The findings were presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, in Harrogate.
globalbriefs Bamboozled
Whole Foods & Natural Products
Bamboo Fabric a Product of Greenwashing
Emotional Eating Support
At least one dealer in sustainable products has taken a stand against bamboo fabric, which most people associate with bamboo lumber, a rapidly renewable resource that requires fewer pesticides to grow than other crops. Laura Mathews, of Eco Promotional Products, Inc., in Washington state, cites the Federal Trade Commission’s report: “The truth is, most bamboo textile products, if not all, really are rayon, which typically is made using environmentally toxic chemicals. While different plants, including bamboo, can be used as a source material to create rayon, there’s no trace of the original plant in the finished rayon product.” Mathews says that her company has discontinued selling bamboo clothing and all other items made from bamboo fabric. She notes, “It’s the responsibility of everyone to vet these and other similar terms to ensure that the eco-friendly product you’re putting your purchasing power behind is actually eco-friendly.”
Individualized Diets
Source: EcoPromotionsOnline.com
Second Verse
Kids Turn Trash into Musical Instruments photo courtesy of Landfill Harmonic
Young musicians from the village of Cateura, Paraguay, a town of 2,500 families that make a living by mining the 1,500 tons of solid waste daily dumped in a local landfill, have started making musical instruments from the debris. Favio Chávez, an ecological technician and trained musician, was inspired to teach the local children to play music in an orchestra. He says, “The world sends us garbage, we send back music.” A documentary, Landfill Harmonic, is in production and a 30-member Recycled Orchestra has performed in Argentina, Brazil and Germany. The message is that like other natural resources, children living in poverty have redeeming value and should not be deemed worthless. Watch videos at Tinyurl.com/ChavezOrchestra and Facebook.com/landfillharmonicmovie.
Table Label
We need not
Chipotle’s Identifies GMO Ingredients Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not require the labeling of genetically modified organisms (GM or GMO) used as ingredients in any food, the Chipotle Mexican Grill national fast food restaurant chain has chosen to do so, on the way to eliminating them from its menu altogether. They have already switched fryers from using soybean oil, almost always made from genetically modified sources, to sunflower oil, which is not. With 1,400 locations, Chipotle reports that its labeling system reflects that it does use GMO soybean oil in some of its products and that most of the grain used to feed its animals for meat and dairy is GMO corn. The chain’s success in this effort may also prompt other fast food outlets to follow suit.
think alike to love alike.
natural awakenings
Francis David
November 2013
Serenity Salon & DAY SPA
by Nancy Cohen
henever life becomes hectic, particularly near holiday season, it can feel increasingly difficult to find moments of calm and serenity. Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh suggests “Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves and in everything we do and see. Every breath we take, every step we take, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.” The team at Serenity Salon and Day Spa
in Wallingford offers a range of products and services for men, women and children looking to discover that centered peaceful sense. Serenity Spa and Salon has been in business for six years. Co-founders Theresa Cipriani and Stacy Read were born and raised in Wallingford. With experience as service providers 16
New Haven / Middlesex
(Read was a hair specialist and Cipriani a skin aesthetician), they set out, in their early 20’s, to create a salon where both clients and staff would feel welcome, relaxed and at home. They created a business plan with the help of family, friends and SCORE, a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses. New Alliance bank (now First Niagara) offered them funding. With vision (including the help of Cipriani’s carpenter father-in-law) and a sense that “this is the place,” they converted the original dusty basement space into a salon. When the upstairs became available three years later, they acquired funding to renovate the space, creating what was then known as Escape Mind and Body Boutique. Shortly thereafter, during 2010, Cipriani and Read were honored as business role models when they were named Young Entrepreneurs of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration. They then merged upstairs and downstairs to create the current Serenity Salon and Day Spa. The top floor houses administrative space, a retail area, a yoga studio and practitioner rooms (e.g.: spray tanning/ waxing). Downstairs spaces include the hair salon, rooms for hair coloring, makeup, nail services (including gel manicures using LED lights),
waxing services, massage (Swedish, sports, deep tissue, hot stone and more), facials and body treatments and waiting areas for before or between services. Earth-friendly hair, skin and nail products (including organic and vegan offerings) are offered for sale by companies such as Redken, Pureology, Youngblood, Dermalogica, Sparitual, and Orly/Spa Rituals. Retail items also include incense, tea, handmade cards, hair accessories, jewelry. With the idea of offering head-to-toe care, and given Cipriani’s own experience with the healing aspects of yoga, adding classes as part of the businesses’ expansion seemed an obvious choice. The yoga room, a quaint personal space, holds up to 15 students. There are options for all abilities, from entry level, prenatal, or kids’ yoga to flow and restoration, Tabata Core, Vinyasa and more. Mats, straps, blocks, blankets, towels and small lockers are available, if needed. Yoga classes (drop-in or class card) are held Tuesday through Saturday. Private and group yoga sessions may also be available upon request. Monthly specials are available, such as November’s pumpkin pedicures and facials. There are also packages, with options such as: Escape to Serenity (eye treatment, body wrap, hot stone massage, facial, manicure/pedicure, wash and style and lunch); Gentleman’s Spa (mini facial, sports massage, men’s manicure/pedicure and a haircut); and, Peace and Tranquility (facial, Swedish massage and manicure). Groups can host a spa party, with a selection of activities/services (and food and beverages) to celebrate holidays, girls’ nights out (such as November 8 – see calendar section), after-hours parties, kid’s parties (tailored to be age-appropriate) or any other occasion. Part of the intention of Serenity Salon and Spa is to offer a positive work place for its staff, as well as customers.
To that end, they are considered a Redken Summit Salon, offering a program for creating personal success in the industry. Goal setting is part of a ten year plan “so they don’t just have a job they become stagnant in, they have a career path.” Staff has a number of opportunities to earn “jumps” to different levels, which may result in further education, more money, vacation time or other individually defined goals. According to Cipriani, many of the beginning practitioners in the industry are young women just out of school. She chose this program to create an environment in which they could grow, be successful and able to manage their own lives. In-salon staff education is offered every few weeks. Management and staff work together to discern avenues for enhancing productivity, create more paths for promotion and note tangible results. Community involvement is another important piece of Serenity’s activities. Cipriani, a member of Wallingford Center, Inc., sees such engagement as a form of “paying it forward.” Serenity hosts an annual cut-a-thon, usually in spring, in honor of a local child with cancer. This one-day event includes several services offered at a discount, with proceeds (even the day’s tips), going to the designated family to help ease the difficulty of the cancer experience. During the recent breast cancer month, they sold items to raise awareness of the disease, as well as funds, which were then donated to one of their peers, a staff member’s 28 year-old cousin. In December, along with holding a toy drive they extend their hours during the city’s annual holiday stroll. Staff is also working on a Spring, 2014 fashion show with the Sister’s Project, a local non profit committed to raising funds in support of cancer patients and their families. Though still in the beginning stages, anyone interested in volunteering is invited to contact the salon. Cipriani and the Serenity staff team members, like Karen and Tine, speak proudly of their commitment to a comfortable, homey environment, local community and mind/body care for all ages, asserting “This is a good family place.” Serenity Salon & Day Spa is reachable at 118 Center Street in Wallingford, CT, 203.265.4419, Serenityofwallingford.com (website includes $10 new client discount). Gift certificates are available. See ad on page 3.
natural awakenings
November 2013
Transform Your Life with Mentors, Books, Workshops and Online Courses by Bess J.M. Hochstein
Our capacity for self-examination distinguishes us from other animals. We feel compelled to ask: “Who am I? What am I here for? How can I attain my full potential?” The quest for answers has engaged humans for millennia.
opular books that have helped people on this journey span centuries, from Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich (1910), Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich (1937), Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People (1937), Abraham Maslow’s Motivation and Personality (1954) and Dr. Thomas Anthony Harris’ I’m OK, You’re OK (1967) to Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret (2006). The personal growth genre is a cornerstone of the publishing industry. Companies like Hay House, founded by motivational author Louise Hay, have flourished. Hay teaches, “No matter where we live or how difficult
New Haven / Middlesex
our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.” The success of her 1984 book, You Can Heal Your Life, a New York Times bestseller well into the 21st century, led to her publishing empire, which includes authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss and Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. One of its recent top sellers is Pam Grout’s E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Hay House has expanded its messages of hope and healing through online courses, films, conferences, special events and other opportunities to meet leading thinkers and peers.
Courtesy of Doug Ellis/Esalen Institute
Fast Track to Personal Growth
Such expansion is essential as more of those pursuing the examined life seek personal interaction in community and find that inward exploration frequently translates into outward action to improve the world. Perched on the cliffs of Big Sur, in California, the Esalen Institute, established in 1962, helped birth the modern human potential movement. It exists to help individuals grow through education, experience and research, with the conviction that positive personal and social transformation go hand-in-hand. Today, Esalen offers about 600 workshops a year, serving around 12,000 participants. Popular programs range from dance and yoga to couples workshops and psychology courses. Cheryl Fraenzl, director of programs, explains the appeal: “For most of us, life can be challenging and messy. Gaining the insight, skills and tools to move through the challenging times with more ease and grace while creating more love for yourself and those around you seems like a good investment of time and energy. Being consciously kind and relationally wise ripples out and changes the world. The effort has to start with the individual, like paying it forward; imagine if we all were doing it?” The largest holistic retreat center in North America, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, attracts 35,000 participants to 800 programs annually. According to Denise Barack, the nonprofit’s director of program development, current workshops in high demand include qigong, Buddhist meditation, mindfulness and yoga nidra. She also notes a growing interest in diverse dimensions of yoga, dance and “authentic movement” for
~ Plato healing, addiction recovery, releasing trauma and energy medicine. Psychotherapist and yoga teacher Stephen Cope, founder and director of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living, the Center’s yoga research department, notes that many guests first come to Kripalu “… as a result of some form of suffering. Then they engage in a period of self-exploration—perhaps learning some form of contemplative practice to help them manage themselves more effectively. Almost always there is a turn outward, back toward the world, and a longing to bring the healing power of contemplative practice into their own domain.” Once someone has experienced the benefits of contemplative practices such as yoga, meditation, breathing and other healthy lifestyle routines, notes Cope, a powerful aspiration typically arises to share these practices and perspectives. “These practices all lead to a sense of union, relatedness and sameness with others,” he says, “and this burgeoning consciousness of sameness compels us to share what we’ve learned.” In Rhinebeck, New York, the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies offers similar self-empowering and reflective opportunities. Dr. Stephan Rechtschaffen and Elizabeth Lesser founded Omega in 1977 as a “university of life.” Through working with prominent Zen masters, rabbis, Christian monks, psychologists, scientists and others, Lesser has found, “By combining a variety of religious, psychological and healing traditions,
Courtesy of Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Courtesy of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.
each of us has the unique ability to satisfy our spiritual hunger.” Based since 1981 in a former camp on a lake with more than 100 buildings on 200-plus acres, Omega hosts more than 23,000 guests in up to 500 programs between mid-April and October, plus special programs in Costa Rica and New York City. Director of Rhinebeck Programs Carol Donahoe notes the rising interest in workshops on dietary cleansing, detox and juicing, such as “Reboot with Joe Cross: A Jump Start to Health and Weight Loss,” led by the filmmaker of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Personal transformation and mindfulness programs led by teachers like Jon Kabat-Zinn, Saki Santorelli, Florence Meleo-Meyer, Byron Katie and Pema Chödrön are perennial favorites. “As humans, we continue to be fascinated by the big questions in life,” observes Donahoe, “like, ‘Where do we go when we die? Who are we if we are not our thoughts?’ People seem particularly drawn to hearing about it from those that have always lived their lives in a left-brain, logical way, and then come to believe the unexplainable through an extraordinary life experience, and now view the world through a completely different lens.” As examples, she cites neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander, who recounts his near-death experience in his bestselling book, Proof of Heaven, and neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, author of the bestselling memoir My Stroke of Insight. Taylor’s 2008 TED talk was ranked the nonprofit’s second most-watched for the past two years. Both of these cutting-edge thinkers have given presentations at Omega, which, like at Esalen and Kripalu, helps bring ideas and practices that
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Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.
natural awakenings
November 2013
Photo by Ali Kaukas / Wanderlust Festival
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New Haven / Middlesex
once seemed on the fringe—from yoga and meditation to complementary medicine and sustainability—into mainstream consciousness. Particularly innovative initiatives include helping military veterans heal from post-traumatic stress disorder; the women’s leadership center; the center for sustainable living; and pioneering programs on mindfulness in the workplace, education system and at-risk urban youth communities. “We recognize that because we live in an interconnected world; the behavior of one can contribute to creating changes that benefit the whole,” says Donahoe. “Doing both the inner and outer work can awaken the best in the human spirit, and so provide hope and healing to individuals and society.” For those unable to travel great distances for a holistic immersion experience in community with like-minded seekers, Wanderlust Festivals may offer an answer. Four-day regional summits, primarily held at ski resorts during the off-season, feature teachers like Shiva Rea, Elena Brower and Gurmukh; stimulating discussions; yoga; music and adventure, amidst stunning vistas. Wanderlust co-founders Sean Hoess and Jeff Krasno strive to create an expansive space for personal growth and mindful living. One common element at every gathering—now including urban and exotic locales—is Seane Corn and Suzanne Sterling’s Off the Mat program, mobilizing yoga students toward activating social change. The Shift Network is dedicated to creating an online community that shares the tools of self-actualization, empowering a global movement of people creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that leads to a more enlightened society, built on principles of sustainability, peace, health and prosperity. This new model for the human
potential movement has roots in the grandfather of retreat centers; The Shift Network’s founder, Stephen Dinan, both worked at Esalen and contributed to Esalen’s Center for Theory & Research. Dinan explains that at a meditation retreat, he received a detailed vision of “a large global transformation network that would be helping to usher in a shift to the new era.” The Shift Network now offers free teleseminars and online summits on subjects ranging from meditation and parenting with presence to enlightened business practices and cultivating peace. “We started with The Sacred Awakening Series—40 days with 40 spiritual leaders—and 30,000 people signed up in 21 days,” says Dinan. The Inspiring Women Summit attracted 25,000 participants. Since 2010, more than 400,000 people from 160 countries have participated in free teleseminars; 18,000 have paid for online courses such as Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Agents of Conscious Evolution, Andrew Harvey’s Christ Path and Thomas Hüebl’s Authentic Awakening. The Shift Network has already reached profitability and donated more than $50,000 to nonprofits. Dinan’s vision includes providing education program certifications; building a multimedia platform of e-zines, mobile phone apps and web TV broadcasts; and eventually building facilities and intentional communities to model the possibilities of a more healthy, peaceful, sustainable way of life. From reading a book on meditation to attending a yoga intensive or tapping into a multifaceted community striving to change the world, we have myriad opportunities to lead an examined life. While the seeker may have a personal goal in mind, each mode of self-inquiry can expand outward toward making the world a better place. Hay encourages us all. “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” Bess Hochstein is a freelance writer enjoying bicoastal bliss in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and Sonoma County, California. Connect at BessHochstein.com.
Courtesy of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Seeding Growth
ersonal growth can be advanced by activities that improve selfknowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. It’s worth investing in: Consider these core universal benefits.
Growing self-awareness enables an individual to live a life by design, instead of one marred by feelings of mediocrity, discontent or being a victim of circumstance. When elevated awareness becomes one’s modus operandi, it brings infinite spiritual riches to life.
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Successful growth requires taking personal responsibility for each choice we make in shaping and responding to circumstances and other people. Most of us are happier when we feel that we have some control over creating our own reality. Feeling empowered supports self-worth and increases our confidence to make even more of the changes we desire to comfort and nurture us and keep us safe.
True success isn’t about the dollars and cents of financial worth—it’s realized via living a life of balance and fulfillment in our health, family life, social relationships, career and contributions to our community and world.
When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself. ~Tecumseh
Source: Inspired by FinerMinds.com natural awakenings
November 2013
346 Quinnipiac St. Bld. 1, Flr. 2, Wallingford, CT, 06492
Superpower Kids’ Immune Systems Natural Health Experts Share How by Jenna Blumenfeld
any experts admit there is no definitive reason that people sniffle more during colder months. Some speculate it’s because we’re spending more time indoors and missing out on resupplying vitamin D, which makes us more susceptible to disease. Others say that when the temperature drops, the body uses more energy to stay warm instead of to fend off infection. What health practitioners do know is it’s possible to maintain immunity naturally with diet, lifestyle and a proper whole foods supplement routine. Consider these tips from three experts to stave off illness and shorten its duration.
With love and patience nothing is impossible.
Daisku Ikeda
New Haven / Middlesex
NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR Christopher Johnson, Doctor of Naturopathy Thrive Naturopathic, Arlington, Virginia Incorporate immunity-boosting foods. Ginger and garlic contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and selenium, and have antimicrobial qualities. Add minced ginger to teas or marinades; roast garlic with carrots and squash. Aim to eat one to two cloves of garlic and 250 milligrams of ginger daily. NaturalNewHaven.com
Try elderberry extract. Elderberry has strong antiviral properties. Consuming the plant’s extract may prevent virusbased illnesses and alleviate both the symptoms and duration of a cold. Adults can take one to two teaspoons twice daily for prevention; increase dosage to four times a day if feeling sick. Use less for youths, based on size. Make exercise and rest priorities. Daily physical activity rids the body of toxins, increases blood circulation and lowers stress levels. A simple 30-minute cardio routine three to four times a week strengthens immunity. Adequate rest helps the body recover and regenerate cells. Adults need a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night; children may need up to 13. ACUPUNCTURIST AND CHINESE HERBALIST Marco Chung-Shu Lam, Licensed Acupuncturist Mandala Integrative Medicine Clinic, Boulder, Colorado Practice deep-breathing exercises. Practicing yoga or t’ai chi several times each
week can deepen the breath, allowing organs to function more efficiently and boost immunity. Concentrate on pranayama, a focused and controlled type of yogic breathing: Slowly inhale and exhale through the nostrils, expanding the belly, rather than the chest. Add herbs. Incorporate the root herb astragalus in a daily whole foods supplement routine, especially important for older adults. Used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, astragalus supports the immune system by stimulating immune cell activity with its high polysaccharide (complex carbohydrate) content. Simmer the short, flat herb in soups or add to long-cooking grains like brown rice. Eat seasonally. Our body naturally drives us to eat heartier foods like sweet potatoes, beets and winter squashes in colder months—foods that support immunity by providing both fiber and vitamins A and C. Eat warming foods like stews, beans and miso; avoid raw foods, which cool the body and stress the immune system.
body, creating an environment in which bacteria thrive. Eat at least 10 servings of alkalizing foods each day to optimize the body’s immune response and overall functioning. Spinach, broccoli and cauliflower are excellent choices, along with almonds, olive oil and grapes. Drink plenty of water and green tea to keep acid in check. Up the antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body resist illness because they protect cells against harmful free radicals and oxidative stress. Berries are particularly beneficial and maintain their nutrients even when frozen; blend half a cup into a morning smoothie. As a diet supplement, consider adding 400 to 600 milligrams of curcumin—the active ingredient in turmeric, an antioxidant and antiinflammatory spice—to meals.
DIETITIAN Barbara Bapst, Registered Dietitian Carolina Nutrition & Wellness, Charlotte, North Carolina
Focus on kids’ immunity. Although it’s tricky to get children to eat enough immune-supporting fruits and vegetables every day, encouraging them to sit down at the table for meals can help. Get kids excited about eating healthy foods by involving them in vegetable gardening, planting herbs in windowsill pots and preparing dinner. Incorporate pumpkin and carrot purées into sauces or stews to increase their nutritional power.
Balance bodily pH. The typical American diet of fast food, sugary treats and refined snacks produces acid in the
Jenna Blumenfeld is a managing editor with New Hope Natural Media, in Boulder, CO.
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natural awakenings
November 2013
Coming Next Month
HUMANITY Revolutionize Your World
with the December issue of Natural Awakenings
Jungle Gym
Moving Like Animals Can Wildly Improve Fitness by Debra Melani
For more information about advertising and how you can participate, call
203-988-1808 24
New Haven / Middlesex
itness seekers across the country are finding their wild sides by crouching like cougars, leaping like leopards and crawling like crabs. Although it might seem like they’ve let silliness encroach on their fitness goals, these adventurous types might be on the right track, realizing more of the rippled muscles and exceptional agility of our four-legged complements. “It’s getting people back into their own bodies,” says Mike Fitch, creator of Animal Flow, one of several fitness programs offered in health clubs around the country that enable participants to make the most of their inner beast. “People are tired of being injured and doing the same old workouts. They need a more well-rounded, holistic approach to their health.” Fitch, founder of Global Bodyweight Training, in Miami, Florida, incorporates fluid movement (including parkour, break dancing and gymnastics) in his routines. Animal-related workouts are proving to be a fun form of natural bodyweight training—named a top fitness trend for 2013 by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Men and women are mimicking animals to attain
stronger, leaner and more agile bodies that perform better in life. Whether building arm strength by swinging their lower bodies sideways, feet-to-hands, like a gorilla, or toning thigh muscles by stalking forward inches from the ground like a panther, animal workout converts are toning their bodies in challenging ways without the use of heavy weights or equipment. “The bear crawl is another good example,” advises David Nordmark, author of Animal Workouts: Animal Movement Based Bodyweight Training for Everyone. With hands and feet on the ground and rear end raised in the air, the bear crawl involves scrambling quickly forward and backward—a popular high school football and karate agility drill for years. He contends, “Even if you think you are in shape and do it for a minute, you’ll be amazed at how much more of a workout your arms get.” Neal Pire, a New Jersey-based strength trainer and ACSM fellow, agrees the movements are intense and strength building, but wonders if an evolved, two-legged animal is meant to mimic four-legged species. “It’s a very tough workout,” says Pire. “You’re
loading muscles where typically you don’t have very much leverage, so your muscles are doing all of the work; yet some moves might be overloading to certain people’s joints.” Fitch claims the overall result is increased muscle endurance. He cites a study published in the journal Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism of women that found whole-body, aerobic resistance training like what’s applied in his program supplies a cardiovascular workout similar to endurance training, but with the added benefits of increased balanced muscle strength and perceived enjoyment. “I call it body balance, working your body as a unit,” Nordmark says, citing pushups, which activate specific muscle groups, as a more traditional example. He notes, “I think it gives people a more natural and attractive look than bodybuilding, more like dancers or even martial artists or gymnasts.” Working out like animals keeps human cores activated, especially when combining the exercises together for a sustained routine. In addition to tightened abdominal muscles, it boosts
“Even if you think you are in shape and do it for a minute, you’ll be amazed at how much more of a workout your arms get.” ~ David Nordmark on “the bear crawl” exercise calorie consumption and leads to enhanced core and overall strength. Fitch points to a relevant study of college football players that demonstrated the strength connection, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Pire concurs that sustained exercises at a moderate range, as with animal workouts, is an effective calorie burner. Firming up a flabby middle also works to improve balance, as another study in the same journal showed, involving sedentary women performing fitness ball exercises. Moving the body in many directions in intense, but flowing, almost dance-like workouts, naturally improves
stability, agility, flexibility and balance, as exhibited in the animal kingdom. “Challenging the body as it moves in all directions uses the body the way it was intended to be used,” maintains Fitch. Nordmark also points to similarities in yoga poses resembling animal postures that have contributed to physical and spiritual health for millennia. Nordmark and Fitch believe that animal themes provide many more bodyweight movements that can keep workouts fresh and be mastered for life, keeping bodies strong and functional as people age. “If you meet an old bear in the woods, he’s not walking around with a walker,” Nordmark observes. “He’s still a formidable animal, and you don’t want to mess with him.” Plus, adds Fitch: “The workouts are great fun.” Watch animal moves in action at Tinyurl.com/AnimalFlowVideo. Freelance journalist Debra Melani writes about health care and fitness from Lyons, CO. Connect at Debra Melani.com or DMelani@msn.com.
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perso na lharmo nyand health.c om natural awakenings
November 2013
The Miracle of Midlife Being Exactly Who We Need to Be by Marianne Williamson
ow would we live, were we not afraid of death? How would we live if we gave ourselves permission to give to life everything we’ve got? In The Longevity Factor, Lydia Brontë, Ph.D., observes that we’ve added 15 years to our lives… but in the middle, not at the end. No longer identifying ourselves as “over the hill” at whatever age, we are simply removing the hill. We are forging a different conversation and a new vision to take us beyond the limited thought forms that have defined the parameters of age for generations. For the first time in history, we can realistically view the first half of life as a kind of gestation period, preparing us for an even more productive second half. Midlife is like a second puberty, a point at which one persona falls away and another comes to take its place. What happens then is up to us. Some begin a long, slow cruise toward death at that point, allowing memories to become more meaningful than the present. Others, remembering that the spirit within us never ages, see the moment of midlife as a rebirth—the time to put our engines into high gear. Whomever it is we were born to be, whatever our soul was coded to accomplish, whatever lessons we are here to learn; now is the time to seriously get going. We may regret that we’re no longer young, but we’re ecstatic that we’re no longer clueless. We must be disciplined, though. We want to become precision instru-
New Haven / Middlesex
ments now, focused on exactly what we want to do and being exactly who we need to be. This requires separating from the person we were before to whatever extent that person was not who we know in our hearts we were created to be. There’s no more time for five-year detours. No more time for relationships that don’t serve us or for staying in situations that aren’t true to who we are. No more time for pettiness, false pride or whatever other dysfunctional roadblocks obstruct our higher destiny and the joy that’s meant to be ours. Our life might not be as fabulous as it used to be in some ways, but in other ways it’s even more fabulous. The Universe is constantly and infinitely elastic, responding not to our past, but to our present state of mind. As we learn to reprogram thoughts—atoning for our mistakes of the past and embracing the endless miraculous possibilities of the present—we step into a time when we have every reason to look forward with genuine excitement to what happens next. Individually and collectively, we are now fitted to fearlessly forge new ground, wielding the power of what life has taught us so far and laying claim to the possibility of redemption, not only for ourselves, but also for the entire world. The planet needs a new story, aligned with a larger consciousness, and so do we. What we need now are imagination and courage. Many of us feel we’ve
forever carried around a secret dream, rarely validating it even to ourselves and often denying its reality. Yet it has refused to go away and is ready to be born at last. Individuals that have spent decades achieving one thing or moving in one direction often take up something else entirely that gives them far more psychic satisfaction. They see achievements that were the height of their material success as preparation for an even greater one; the means by which they learned the skills ultimately needed to make their biggest contribution to the world. Divine law guarantees that the power of “now” presents an endless fount of miraculous opportunities. In God, there are no limits to how high we can go, ever. In God, there is no time… only the call of the soul. It is not too late; we are right on time and we are better than we know. Now, having visited so many other places in our journey of life, we seek our place within the collective heartbeat of holiness. When enough of us stand in the light of our higher purpose, seeking to be ever-greater servants of love, each consciously dedicated to creating a more loving world, then a new field of collective possibility will emerge among us. All that is not love will begin to fall away of its own dead weight. A profound moment of planetary renewal will occur then, after our having allowed it first to occur within us. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed inspirational author and lecturer. Six of her 10 books have been New York Times bestsellers, including The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife, the basis for this article.
personal thought and emotions, you’ll begin to feel Spirit flowing in from behind. It lifts you and brings great love and joy.
Your inner experience becomes so beautiful that you fall in love with the energy flow. You’ll see that there is a trade-off between getting involved in personal energies and the amount of Spirit you feel. Once you’ve established a direct relationship with spiritual energy, you’ll long to constantly experience its freedom.
The Path to Inner Peace 12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening by Michael A. Singer
pirituality is meant to bring about peace. Yet our concepts of spirituality often lead to confusion or even conflict. What we need are clear steps that can be taken by people of any religion or intellectual standing. The following universal road map can be a helpful aid to self-realization. Realize that you’re in there. First realize, from deep inside, that you are consciously experiencing the outside world, as well as your inner thoughts and emotions. Understand that you’re not okay in there. If you want to understand why you’ve done everything you’ve ever done, observe your mind and emotions. If you’re objective, you’ll see that you’re really never completely at peace. Notice that you’re always trying to be okay. As you observe your inner state, you’ll notice that inner disturbances create the urge to either get something or avoid something. This is all done in an attempt to feel okay inside. Watch as your mind strives to figure out how everything needs to be for you to be okay. Your mind is always telling you how people, places and things need to be. That’s its attempt to create a conceptual model of what would make you okay and then try to get the outside world to match it.
Realize that defining how the outside needs to be is not working. You’ve been busy trying to be okay your entire life. Although some times are better than others, you’ve never come close to experiencing permanent peace. This is because the world will never match your conceptual model. Eventually, you’ll come to see that this approach doesn’t work, and you need to find a different way. Learn to not participate in the mind’s struggle. You must learn to relax inside and not get drawn into acting on your disturbances. Instead, be willing to allow them to pass through you and simply witness their passing. If you do, the drama will cease of its own accord. Experience going about your life like everyone else, except more peacefully, because nothing you do is for the purpose of trying to be okay. When you aren’t preoccupied with trying to be okay, you can learn to sit inside and quietly love, serve and honor whatever naturally unfolds. At this point, you’re no longer living for yourself—you’re serving life. As you let go of the personal energies, you attune to a much deeper energy flow. Up to this point, everything you were watching inside was front and center in your consciousness. Now that you’re no longer being drawn into
You begin to feel the energy pulling you up into it, and your entire path becomes letting go of yourself in order to merge. Will is no longer needed. All that’s left is learning to surrender into the higher energy. You must be willing to die personally in order to be reborn spiritually. Once you dwell deep in the upward flow, you realize that your personal existence can go on without you, leaving you free to live completely immersed in Spirit. This is the greatest miracle: You’ve surrendered your entire being to Spirit, yet people, places and things continue interacting with you. But now these interactions require none of your energy; they happen by themselves, leaving you at peace and absorbed in Spirit. Now you are truly okay. Nothing inside or outside of you can cause disturbances—you have come to be at peace with everything. Because you are now completely okay, you don’t need anything. Things just are what they are, and nothing can disturb you. You’ve transcended the world and everything in it. Instead of feeling drawn into Spirit, you now actually experience yourself as Infinite Spirit. Michael A. Singer is the author of The New York Times bestselling book, The Untethered Soul – The Journey Beyond Yourself (UntetheredSoul.com). His “Twelve-Step Guide to Spiritual Awakening” is the basis for this article. He is the founder of the Temple of the Universe, a yoga and meditation center established in 1975 in Alachua, FL.
natural awakenings
November 2013
A Taproot of Happiness by Leo Babauta
Be Thankful Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.
f the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice,” a maxim first voiced by mystic Meister Eckhart, has held true through the centuries. Why should this simple act mean so much? Expressing gratitude works wonders.
ward to thank others.
Gratitude reminds us to recognize good people in our life. They range from loved ones to those that render a kindness to a stranger. Treasuring goodness in every form brings more of it into our experience.
Show thanks. Sometimes we think about something helpful or kind that someone did for us recently or long ago. Make a note, call them up or even better, tell them in person with sincere conviction why you continue to be grateful and appreciative. Another option is a thank-you card or email—keep it short and sweet.
Gratitude turns bad things into good things. Having problems at work? Be grateful to be employed and serving others. Challenges keep life interesting, enhance judgment and strengthen character. Gratitude reminds us of what’s important. Being grateful to have a healthy family and friends, a home and food on the table puts smaller worries in perspective. Gratitude reminds you to say, “Thank you.” Call, email or stop by to say thanks… it takes just a few minutes to express our reason for doing so. People like being appreciated. It creates a satisfying beam of mutual happiness that shines on.
Habit-Forming Tips
Here are some ways to overcome any initial discomfort felt in stepping for28
New Haven / Middlesex
Create a morning gratitude session. Take a few minutes each morning to close your eyes, silence the to-dos and give thanks to whomever and whatever is cause for gratitude.
See the silver lining even in “negative” situations. There are always two ways to look at something. We can perceive something as stressful, harmful, sad, unfortunate and difficult, or look for the good embedded in just about everything. Problems held in a positive light from a different perspective can be opportunities to grow and to be creative in devising a solution. Learn a gratitude prayer. Many songs and prayers, religious or not, serve to remind us to be grateful. Find or write a special one and post it in a highly visible spot. Leo Babauta is the founder of the simplicity blog, ZenHabits.net, and author of bestselling e-books Focus, The Little Guide to Un-Procrastination and Zen to Done.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times, you grow. Be thankful for your limitations because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge because it will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary because it means you’ve made a difference. It is easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings. ~ Author unknown
NOTE: All calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our calendar guidelines. Submit calendar events online at: NaturalNewHaven.com. To revise or discontinue calendar listings email: Calendar@NaturalNewHaven.com. No phone calls or faxes please.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 PT Services of Guilford Offers Free Hand Pain Screening – Hands always aching? Want to find relief without injections or medications? Come in for a FREE hand pain screening. Feel better! 500 East Main St. Ste. 310. Branford. 203.315.7727. New Haven Bird Club 21st Winter Feeder Survey – November 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. This yearly census follows the number and frequency of birds visiting feeders in greater New Haven. Contact: Peter Vitali 203.288.0621. Nature’s Child: Fall Fruits – 10:30am. Join Ranger Wendy for a simple cooking class using pumpkins - beautiful orange, white & other colored fruits! $6/family ($4/Ans. Res./family-level FANCI membs). Advance reg. req. Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Ansonianaturecenter.org.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 NHBC at Fargeorge Wildlife Preserve, Quinnipiac River, New Haven – 8am. Good sightings on past trips include Bald Eagle and American Woodcock. Free. Park near railroad underpass on Quinnipiac Ave. below Rte. 80. Info: Mike Horn 203.288.1891. The Healing Arts of Emei Qigong - Level 1 Training: Nov. 2, 3 & 4 – 9am-5pm (11/2 & 4); 9am-3:30pm (11/3). Seminar taught by Master Patricia Bolger. 3 days of comprehensive qigong training for $60. Holistic Therapies. 15 South Elm St. Wallingford. Info/Register: Pat 203.500.6492, Emeiqigongchan.com. Day of Mindfulness with Kate Mitcheom – 10am-4pm. A silent retreat exploring and practicing different meditation techniques through the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program as taught by Jon Kabbat-Zinn. $50/for the day. THE NEST. 1008 Main St. Branford. 203.488.YOGA, Ravenswingyoga.com. Wire Wrapped Rings Class – 11am-12pm. Come learn the basics of making intricate wire wrapped jewelry; specifically wire wrapped rings. Class is free with $10 store purchase. KanduBeads. 346 Quinnipiac St. Bldg. 1, Flr. 2 (not handicap accessible). Wallingford. 203.793.7348, KanduBeads.com. FREE Reiki Clinic w/Anita Jones, RMT – 11am3pm (1st & 3rd Saturday of every month!). Enjoy a 10-15 min. session of Reiki and learn about healing energy. All are welcome. Free. No reservation. Thyme & Season Natural Market. 3040 Whitney Ave. Mt.Carmel. Hamden. Info: 203.415.4791. New Volunteer Orientation – 1-4pm. This Orientation is for anyone who would like to volunteer to work with music, canine programs, or Therapeutic Riding programs! Cost: $0. Therapeutic Recreation Center. 19 Hazel Terrace. Woodbridge. Contact: Chris Patella 203.804.5343.
Identify Core Beliefs that Interfere w/Creating the Life You Desire – 1-5pm. Review EFT/daily energy routine, learn limiting beliefs that prevent positive change, muscle test & find what’s best for body/mind. $100. Shoreline Wholistic. 35 Boston St. Glfrd. Linda 203.464.0556, Margaret 415.793.5343.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Reiki I Class w/Anita Jones, RMT – Learn about Reiki energy, its history, and how to use it for self and others. Attunement given. Certificate and manual included. $125. Hamden. Info/Register: 203.415.4791. 19th Annual Men Who Cook – 5-8:30pm. Men Who Cook joins together volunteer chefs & a terrific crowd committed to raising funds for Women & Family Life Center’s outreach programs to help women & families coping with difficult transitions. Owenego Inn. Branford. Info/Tickets: Womenandfamilylife.org. Yin Yoga w/Josh Summers – 9am-5pm. Equanimity is the balance of being or an evenness of mind towards pleasant & unpleasant experiences. Josh will lead students through practices designed to deepen one’s connection w/the heart of Equanimity. $90. Fresh Yoga.319 Peck St. New Haven. info@freshyoga.com.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Free Foot Screening at PT Services of Guilford – Call today to find out more about Anodyne Therapy for foot pain. Increase circulation, reduce pain & stiffness. Feel better! PT Services of Guilford. 500 East Main St. Ste. 310. Branford. 203.315.7727. Therapeutic Recreation Center’s Fall Session II Begins, Running until November 21 – Music, therapy dog programs, yoga and art classes at Therapeutic Recreation Center. 19 Hazel Terrace. Woodbridge. Information on times and cost: contact Chris Patella 203.804.5343, Animalassistedtherapyservices.org. Turkey Order Deadline at Thyme & Season Natural Market – For the healthiest Thanksgiving order an organic or all-natural bird, all sizes available, free-range, antibiotic and hormone free. Pick-up fresh…never frozen-on Tues. or Wed. before Thanksgiving. 3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden. 203.407.8128. Circle of Love/Spiritual Empowerment Group w/Gayle Franceschetti – 6:30-8pm. Delve within to enhance ability to tap into divine energy. Join the unconditional loving energy of this open and evolving group lead by spirit. $15. 36 Cheshire Rd. Wallingford. 203.265.2927, sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
Clearing Blocks to Intuition with healer
Wendy DeRosa NOVEMBER 9 9:30am-1:30pm
Attend in-person or online!
Hartford Family Institute 17 South Highland St. West Hartford, CT 06119
In this powerful workshop, energetically clear emotions from the past and blocks to your intuition in order to source your spirit with Divine Light.
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natural awakenings
November 2013
New Haven Community Circle Dance – 7:309:30pm. Move in footsteps of ancestors. Enjoy traditional cultural dances & contemporary pieces choreographed in the spirit of ancient folk dance. No exper. nec. $8. Friends Meetinghouse. 225 East Grand Ave. New Haven. 203.467.1069, nhcircledance.yolasite.com.
Wire Chain Making Class using Jigs – 2-4pm. Learn to make handmade wire chain using a simple jig. Create simple yet intricate chain to use in jewelry designs. Pre-registration recommended. KanduBeads. 346 Quinnipiac St. Bldg. 1, Flr. 2. Wallingford. 203.793.7348, KanduBeads.com.
Help with CT Health Exchange – “Healthy Chats” regarding how the Exchange works & what’s available. Followed by small group enrollment sess./individual appt. w/the Library’s Health Exchange-Certified Assister, Deborah Elkin. Various library branch locations/dates. Info: 203.946.8698, nhfpl.org.
Chain Maille Rosettes Class – 5-7pm. Learn to make a basic rosette design out of chain maille and wire. Can be incorporated into any jewelry design! Class is $25, materials may be extra. KanduBeads. 346 Quinnipiac St. Bldg. 1, Flr. 2. Wallingford. 203.793.7348, KanduBeads.com.
New Year’s Health Revolution! – 10% off New Years Pre-Booking Special for Health Coaching for Better Health. Book now to begin a program in January to begin kitchen cupboard clean-out, improve grocery habits, learn new recipes and plan for a healthier way of living. Info: 203.271.1105.
Ascended Masters Meditation – 6:30-8:30pm. Connect w/loving & powerful ascended beings & the multi-dimensional assistance & lessons given. With other like-minded friends, attendees are downloaded w/loving channeled messages. $20. 36 Cheshire Rd. Wallingford. 203.265.2927, sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
Rasa Restorative Teacher Training w/Jamie Lyn – November 8-10. This is the yoga of non-doing. This 25 hr. certification equips yoga teachers with an understanding of restorative yoga, able to teach upon completion. Breathingroomct.com.
Reiki II Class w/ Anita Jones, RMT – Increase Reiki knowledge and energy. Learn the basic symbols and distant healing. Attunement given. Certificate and manual included. $150. Hamden. Info/Register: 203.415.4791.
Girls Night Out – 5:30-9pm. Special deals, local vendors. $10 services: upper body tanning, nail polish changes, 10-min. massage, blowdry, flat iron, eyebrow waxing, relaxing foot soak/rub, quick fix makeup. Serenity Salon & Day Spa. 118 Center St. Wallingford, CT. Serenityofwallingford.com.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Starter Meditation – 6-7pm. Clare Vidich, director of Kirpal Meditation Retreat Center in Ashford, offers introduction to Jyotl meditation. Wear comfortable clothing. New Haven Free Public Library. 133 Elm St. New Haven. Info: Carol Brown 203.946.8835, calendar.nhfpl.org. Take Your Life to the Next Level! – 6-7:30pm. Attend a FREE Wednesday evening seminar to learn more about HFI’s Professional Training, Master’s Degree and Human Relations programs. Hartford Family Institute. 17 South Highland St. West Hartford. Info: 860.236.6009, HartfordFamilyInstitute.com. Save the Date! Dec. 14 is Yogi Brian’s 6th Annual Dharma Yoga Maha Sadhana Benefit – 6-9pm. Sita’s Light Live! Proceeds benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Tory Brook Medical Center. 88 Noble Ave. Milford. Info: 203.838.9644.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Healing Effects of Whole Foods w/Bill Klar – 6:30-8:30pm (5 sessions begin 11/7). Learn fundamentals of a healthy diet & nutrition, plus foods in harmony or discord with the body. Recipes/handouts each class. $300/5 wks. Shoreline Wholistic. Glfrd. Info: Eventbrite/4932508265.com, Billklar.com. Planning a Healthy Thanksgiving Free Health Talk – 7pm. w/Dr. Debra Anastasio, N.D. Discover whole-food and gluten-free options for old-time favorite holiday recipes. Bring recipes to share! Watch a gluten-free food prep.video. Thyme & Season Natural Market. 3040 Whitney Ave. Hamden. 203.407.8128. Inspired Health & Wellness Presents: Heartmath® & other Stress Management Techniques – 7-8:30pm. w/Dr. Bethanie Wilkinson. Discover impacts of stress. Simple techniques w/a powerful effect. $10. Shoreline Ctr. Wholistic Health. 35 Boston St. Glfrd. Reg.: 860.908.1045, bwilkinsonwellness@gmail.com.
New Haven / Middlesex
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Reiki II – 9am-2pm. Reiki II attunes higher frequencies of energy. Second Degree or Reiki II certification class teaches ancient, powerful & precise healing symbols. Gain the ability to heal mental, emotional & past life issues from a distance. $150. 36 Cheshire Rd. Wallingford. Gayle 203.265.2927. Clearing Blocks to Intuition w/Healer Wendy DeRosa – 9:30am-1:30pm. Powerful wkshp. energetically clears past emotions /intuition blocks to source spirit w/divine light. $125 (in-person or online). Hartford Family Inst. 17 S. Highland St. W. Htfd. 860.236.6009 x108, Hartfordfamilyinstitute.com. Beaded Chain Class – 11am-12pm. Learn the basics of creating a beaded chain with wire wrapped links for use in jewelry designs and chain making. Cost of class is free with $10 store purchase. KanduBeads. 346 Quinnipiac St. Bldg. 1, Flr. 2. Wallingford. 203.793.7348, KanduBeads.com. Vegan Tasting Day – 11am-3pm. Come learn about the pluses of a Vegan lifestyle. Samples, coupons & information for food with absolutely no meat, no fish, no eggs, no dairy, no animal products. Free. No reservation. Thyme & Season Natural Market. 3040 Whitney Ave. Hamden. 203.407.8128. Align Your Posture: Embody Balance-Ease Your Pain w/Alan Franzi – 1-4pm. Stymied in finding solutions for pain problems? Class of yoga, posture alignment therapy & meditation helps heal/relieve pain. $35/pre-reg., or $40. Shoreline Wholistic. 35 Boston St. Glfrd. 203.488.1700, Creativeedgeyoga.com. CT Recycles Day: Eco Art – 2pm. Create beautiful, useful, musical, or whimsical art objects from post consumer stuff. Free. (Nov. 15 is the official CT Recycles Day). Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Ansonianaturecenter.org.
Gravity as Edge with Yin Yoga: Set to LIVE Gongs & Singing Bowls by The Conduit – 3-5pm. Use gravity as a means of connection to deep healing release. Yin Yoga is a complementary method of practice to all forms of yoga & meditation. $30/$35. Raven’s Wing Yoga. 19 S. Main St. Branford. 203.488.9642.
Free Manual Therapy Therapeutic Consultation – Had physical therapy w/o relief? Try manual therapy, hands-on treatment. 40 minutes one-on-one w/staff. Feel better. Experience the difference! Call for FREE consultation. PT Services of Guilford. 500 East Main St. Ste. 310. Branford. 203.315.7727.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 MindfulnessPlus – 6-7:30pm (5 Tuesdays). Through mindful yoga, movement, meditation & breathwork, as well as current scientific research, this workshop series invites attendees to explore the transformative effects of healing practice. $75/ by 11/5, or $90. CEU’s. New Haven. Register: Sundo.org. Angelspeake™ Class w/Diane Esposito – 6:308:30pm. Communicate w/angels, guides, loved ones. Request/receive what’s needed: support, guidance, mini-readings. Develop clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience. $33/1st cls. & mats. $25/after. Wlfgd. Reg.: 203.913.3869, PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. Healing Effects of Whole Foods w/Bill Klar – 6:30-8:30pm (5 sessions begin 11/12). Learn healthy diet & nutrition fundamentals, incl. foods in harmony or discord w/the body. Recipes/handouts ea. class. $300/5 wks. Chef’s Emporium. 449 Boston Post Rd. Orange. Chefsequipmentemporium.com, Billklar.com. Ascended Masters Meditation – 6:30-8:30pm. Connect w/loving & powerful ascended beings & the multi-dimensional assistance & lessons given. With other like-minded friends, attendees are downloaded w/loving channeled messages. $20. 36 Cheshire Rd. Wallingford. 203.265.2927, sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Dance for Children w/Special Needs – 1010:45am (Weds). w/Linalynn (linalynnschmelzer@ yahoo.com). Supportive non-competitive class w/ music, imagination & props. Through creative movement & dance, enhance dev. of social interaction & fine & gross motor skills. $9. Mddltwn. Reg.: rodrigh@chc1.com.
Take Your Life to the Next Level! – 6-7:30pm. Attend a FREE Wednesday evening seminar to learn more about HFI’s Professional Training, Master’s Degree and Human Relations programs. Hartford Family Institute. 17 South Highland St. West Hartford. Info: 860.236.6009, HartfordFamilyInstitute.com.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Barry Van Dusen, “Travels of a Nature Artist: New England and Beyond” – 7pm. Program features spectacular scenery, interesting people, great birds. Free. Whitney Center. 200 Leeder Hill Dr. Hamden. 203.230.1697. Digestive Health, Naturally: Free talk by Dr. Amanda Levitt, N.D. – 7pm. Discussion of common complaints- constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, heartburn & celiac. Free. No reservation. Thyme & Season Natural Market. 3040 Whitney Ave. Hamden. (1 mi. s. of Sleeping Giant/QU). 203.407.8128.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Yin/Yang monthly intensive w/Melissa Hall – 9:30-11am. Balance strength, stretch & restoration. Strengthen muscles with 45 minutes of vinyasa. Then, stretch & restore connective tissue & joints w/45 minutes of yin. $19/drop in or class card. Fresh Yoga. 49 Orange St. New Haven. info@freshyoga.com.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 NHBC at Lake Chamberlain, Cooper & Calabresi Farms, Bethany – 7am. See what is wintering at these picturesque locations. Free. Meet at Lake Chamberlain parking lot on Sperry Rd. Info: Patrick Leahy 203.314.0566. Reiki I & II Certification w/RMT, Intuitive, Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – 9am-3pm. (RI: Sat. 11/30 $150; RII: Sat. 11/16 $175; RIII: 11/23 $200) or request 2 half-days/eves. Mastership & Reiki sessions by appt. Wlgfd. Register & free pre-class consult: 203.913.3869, PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. Natural Health & Beauty Holiday Open House & Gift Sale – 10am-12pm. Healthy goodies, sample organic products, meet staff, reg. for progs., plan for a healthy holiday season! Gift cards. New England Naturopathic Ctr./Vibrance Day Spa. 288 Highland Ave. Cheshire. Vibrancedayspa.com, Nenaturalmed.com. FREE Reiki Clinic w/Anita Jones, RMT – 11am3pm (1st & 3rd Saturday of every month!). Enjoy a 10-15 min. session of Reiki and learn about healing energy. All are welcome. Free. No reservation. Thyme & Season Natural Market. 3040 Whitney Ave. Mt.Carmel. Hamden. Info: 203.415.4791. Safe Sun Viewing – 2pm. Rain or shine! Join “Bobcat” Carruthers, Andy Poniros & members of New Haven Astronomical Society. Learn about sunspots, the aurora borealis & sunshine. Free. Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Call to register: 203.736.1053. Basics of Kundalini Yoga – 2-4pm. Come learn how Kundalini incorporates movement, breathing, meditation, chanting & more to help strengthen physically, while gently awakening creative energy. Breathingroomct.com.
NHBC at Owl Prowl, Lake Gaillard, North Branford – 7pm. Look, listen for owls. Bring flashlight. Free. Enter gate at end of Great Hill Rd. Park by Christmas Tree Plantation. Info: John Triana 203.758.7203.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Reiki III class w/Anita Jones, RMT – Learn meditations and techniques for enhancing Reiki energy. Attunement given. Certificate and manual included. $250. Hamden. Info/Register: 203.415.4791. Fall Hikers’ Hike – 11am. Hike w/experienced leaders. Faster pace & longer than most other hikes - experienced hikers only. 4-5 hours. Meet at bulletin bd. by kiosk near park entrance. Sleeping Giant Park. Mt. Carmel Ave. N. Hamden across fr. Quinnipiac Univ. hike_the_giant@yahoo.com, sgpa.org. Holiday Market – 12-4pm. Join Natureworks of Northford at this family-fun, holiday shopping experience. They will have a booth featuring hand-made naturalistic wreaths, greenery & holiday arrangements. Fairy gardens too! High Hopes Therapeautic Riding, Inc. 36 Town Woods Rd. Old Lyme. Focus & Flow Class: +Energy for the Depleted Soul w/RMT/Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – 1-3pm. Create habits to feel connected, clear, progressive even w/overwhelm & distraction (w/unique +Energy tips/crystals/ stones/florals). $25. Reg. req’d. 203.913.3869, personalharmonyandhealth.com. Full White Frost Moon Hike – 5:30pm. As the full “white frost moon” rises over the hilltop, join Rangers Martin & Wendy for a unique hike designed for families. Free. Foul weather cancels. Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Ansonianaturecenter.org.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Experiencing Back Pain? Come in for a FREE Back Consultation w/PT Services of Guilford – Stop back pain NOW! Come visit for a FREE consultation. Find pain relief without medication! PT Services of Guilford. 500 East Main St. Ste. 310. Branford. 203.315.7727. Intro to Ashtanga Yoga – 6:30-7:45am (Nov. 18-22). This is a playful and invigorating practice designed to align the body and train the mind. Open to both beginners & those on the path looking to deepen their practice. Breathingroomct.com. Full Moon Meditation w/Gayle Franceschetti – 6:30-8:30pm. Align w/new energies of full moon. Opportunities for allowing spiritual energies to reach human hearts and minds. Tap into this vast pool of energy. $20. 36 Cheshire Rd. Wallingford. 203.265.2927, sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net, Return2love.net.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Copper Paddle Bead Making Class – 5:307:30pm. Learn to make paddle shaped beads to use in jewelry design from plain copper pipe. Plan to get dirty and use power tools! KanduBeads. 346 Quinnipiac St. Bldg. 1, Flr. 2 (not handicap accessible). Wallingford. 203.793.7348, KanduBeads.com.
Ascended Masters Meditation – 6:30-8:30pm. Connect w/loving & powerful ascended beings & the multi-dimensional assistance & lessons given. With other like-minded friends, attendees are downloaded w/loving channeled messages. $20. 36 Cheshire Rd. Wallingford. 203.265.2927, sunnispirit@sbcglobal.net.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Take Your Life to the Next Level! – 6-7:30pm. Attend a FREE Wednesday evening seminar to learn more about HFI’s Professional Training, Master’s Degree and Human Relations programs. Hartford Family Institute. 17 South Highland St. West Hartford. Info: 860.236.6009, HartfordFamilyInstitute.com. Guided Meditation w/Emotional Freedom Technique – 6:30-8:30pm (& Tues. 11/26). w/ Diane Esposito, RMT/Holistic Coach. Relax/rejuvenate/balance emotions. Strengthen self-esteem. Clear aura/chakras. Connect w/angels/guides. $25; 2@$20/cls. Wlgfd. Reg.: 203.913.3869, PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. A Circle of Women – 7-9pm. Join in sacred space to discover & strengthen authentic self, celebrate “womens’ ways,” live in rhythm with the seasons. Self care for the holidays! Healing the world one woman at a time! $25. Holistic Therapies. 15 South Elm St. Wallingford. Register: Susan 203.645.1230.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Healthy Activity Including Importance of Proper Warm-up & Cool Down – 7pm. Free talk presented by Dr. Candace Pollack, DC. Learn to decrease injury & post-workout soreness. Learn self-treatment techniques. Free. No reservation. Thyme & Season Natural Market. 3040 Whitney Ave. Hamden. 203.407.8128.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Karma Kids Yoga Teacher Training – 9am-6pm (November 22-24). The Karma Kids Yoga Teacher Training is for anyone who loves working w/ children. $795. Fresh Yoga. 319 Peck St. New Haven. info@freshyoga.com. For link to register: Freshyoga.com/training_karma_kids. Forrest Yoga Monthly Intensive w/Heidi Sormaz – 9:30-11:15am. This Intensive class is designed & sequenced w/a specific focus area in order to help move one’s practice to the next level. A level 2/3 class. $19/drop in or Fresh class card. Fresh Yoga. 49 Orange St. New Haven. info@freshyoga.com.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Reiki III ART Cert. w/RMT Diane Esposito – 9am-3pm (or request 2 half-days/eves). $200/Cert. advanced techniques/crystals/stones. (RI: 11/30 $150/Cert.; RII: 11/16 $175/Cert.) Mastership/Reiki sessions by appt. Wlngfrd. Register & free pre-class consult: 203.913.3869, PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. Wire Chakra Bracelet Class – 11am-12pm. Learn to make a simple, folded wire bracelet incorporating the colors of the chakras. Make 1 or make 7 for full balance/energy. Class is free with $10 store purchase. KanduBeads. 346 Quinnipiac St. Bldg. 1, Flr. 2. Wallingford. 203.793.7348, KanduBeads.com.
natural awakenings
November 2013
Back to Basics: Apple Pies – 2pm. With Thanksgiving Day around the corner, how about making a pie or two? Join Alison and Dawn for this from-scratch pie workshop! Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Ansonianaturecenter.org.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 21st Annual Holiday Bazaar: Nov. 21-24 – 128pm (11/21), 9am-6pm (11/22 & 23) & 9am-1pm (11/24). Handmade Christmas decorations, yarn boutique, raffle, homemade desserts & more! Free admission. Trinity Episcopal Church on the Green. Temple/Chapel Sts. New Haven. 203.624.3101, Trinitynewhaven.org.
Kirtan with Shubal – 7pm. Enjoy a sweet and meditative evening of Kirtan, devotional chanting along the path of Bhakti Yoga. Shubalananda Sarawati has been leading Kirtan for over 20 years including Kirtan concerts at Kripalu. $20. Raven’s Wing Yoga. 19 S. Main St. Branford. 203.488.YOGA.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 Yale Swing & Blues Dance Practicum – 8-9:30pm/ swing, 9:30-11pm/blues. 1st time or long time dancer? Come for a weekly swing & blues fix! Social dancing w/an informal, friendly atmosphere. Free. Slifka Center. 80 Wall St. New Haven. Info: Adam adam.goff@yale.edu.
Free Shoulder Consultation at PT Services of Guilford – Why suffer with shoulder pain when something can be done about it? Come see staff for a FREE shoulder consultation. Find pain relief without medication! PT Services of Guilford. 500 East Main St. Ste. 310. Branford. 203.315.7727.
Poker Monday – 12-1pm (Mon.). A unique support group experience for men w/cancer. Attendees play poker for coffee & meal tickets. Low stakes, low stress, lots of fun. Refreshments provided. Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital. Derby. Info: 203.732.1126, Griffinhealth.org.
Fantasy of Lights – 5-9pm (through 12/31). Easter Seals Goodwill Industries’ event is a holiday tradition for thousands of families. $10/car/family van, $25/mini-bus, $50/full-size bus. Lighthouse Point Park. 432 Washington Ave. New Haven. Confirm info: 203.777.2000, Eastersealsgoodwill.org.
Exercise to Health – 5:15-6:15pm (Tuesdays). Family HEALTHercise: Dance the way to health with the C Scott Hill Center. Ages 6+. New Haven Free Public Library. Wilson Branch. 303 Washington Ave. New Haven. Info: John Jessen 203.946.6541, nhfpl.org.
Take Your Life to the Next Level! – 6-7:30pm. Attend a FREE Wednesday evening seminar to learn more about HFI’s Professional Training, Master’s Degree and Human Relations programs. Hartford Family Institute. 17 South Highland St. West Hartford. Info: 860.236.6009, HartfordFamilyInstitute.com.
Artist Talk, Still Life: 1970s Photorealism – 12:30pm. Curator Cathleen Chaffee will join artist Robert Cottingham in the galleries. Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Still Life: 1970s Photorealism. Yale University Art Gallery. 1111 Chapel St. New Haven. 203.432.0600, artgallery. yale.edu.
Sleep Apnea Support Group – 7-8pm (last Wednesday of each month). Meditation and Learning Center at Griffin Hospital. Derby. Info/Register: 203.732.7571, Griffinhealth.org.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Thanksgiving Yoga: An All Levels Charity Class in the Spirit of Thankfulness – Come with an open heart and connect with breath in an easeful and nourishing way. $10-$20 suggested donation for The Veterans Project. Raven’s Wing Yoga. 19 S. Main St. Branford. 203.488.9642, Ravenswingyoga.com.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 CSCYPAA XXVIII 2013: Connecticut State Conference of Young People in AA – Nov. 29Dec. 1. CSCYPAA carries the AA message of recovery, unity & service & encourages young people in AA to become actively involved in service. Crowne Plaza Hotel. 100 Berlin Rd. Cromwell. cscypaa@ct-aa.org, ct-aa.org.
Rooted in Art: An Art-in-Nature Series – 5-7pm (2x a month on Thurs.). Join The Coastal Center at Milford Point & create a stress-relieving art project. Series explores how nature & art are intertwined. Pre-reg. req. Info: Louise 203.878.7440. ctaudubon.org/coastal-center-at-milford-point.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 Bill Charlap Trio – 8pm. Part of the Ellington Jazz Series: Bill Charlap, piano; Peter Washington, bass; and Kenny Washington, drums. Morse Recital Hall. New Haven. Info/Tickets: music.yale.edu/concerts.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 Read with Dogs – 1-2pm. Fenway the dog is a great listener and he can’t wait to hear kids/teens ages 5-13 read to him. Come on down and sign up for a 10-minute session. New Haven Free Public Library. 133 Elm St. New Haven. Info: Marie 203.946.8130, calendar.nhfpl.org.
Holiday Open House – 9am-5pm (11/30), 10am4pm (12/1). Take time out from the season’s frantic pace: join in this old-fashioned holiday experience. Fresh cut locally grown greenery, original arrangements & naturalistic wreaths & swags & more. Natureworks. 518 Forest Rd. Northford. 203.484.2748.
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ongoingevents IMPORTANT: Please submit all NEW ongoing calendar listings online at NaturalNewHaven.com (click Events Calendar button on home page). After originally submitting a listing you must notify editor, Nancy Cohen at: Calendar@naturalnewhaven.com by the 10th of each month in order to keep the listing in the next upcoming edition and/or make any changes. Listings that are not confirmed each month will automatically be deleted. For questions contact Nancy Cohen: 203.710.5038.
sunday Sunday Morning Yoga – 8-9am. This Kripalu based practice will stretch & tone muscles, relieve stress & anxiety. Class geared toward all levels, modifications always given. Hour-long class will leave attendees feeling restored & replenished. IFoundFitness. 190 Main St. Deep River. Info: 860.961.4507. Pre & Postnatal Yoga – 9:30-11am. Students practice poses and movements that appropriately stretch and strengthen the body while preparing for delivery physically and psychologically. No yoga experience needed. Yoga in Middletown. 438 Main St. 860.347. YOGA(9642), Yogainmiddletown.com. Buddhist Faith Fellowship Gathering and Family Sunday School, Middletown, CT – 10am-12pm. Mother Dharma program for mommy and baby, Montessori inspired classes for children 15 mos.-15 yrs., Dharma Buddies for young adults, and classes at NE Institute for Buddhist Studies by donation. bffct.net. Guided Hikes – 1pm. Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Info: 203.736.1053.
monday Angelic/Intuitive Reading,*Reflexology, Reiki, EFT, Guided Imagery, Phone or In-Person Session w/Aromatherapy w/RMT/Holistic Coach Diane Esposito – Mon thru Sat. by appt. Reiki Practitioner Certifications wkly. Wlgfd. Mention Ad for $10 off 1st session. 203.913.3869, PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com. Vinyasa – 9:30-10:45am. w/Melissa. Move, flow and refresh for the rest of the day! New student special: $30/2-weeks unlimited classes. Fresh Yoga. 319 Peck St. New Haven. 203.776.9642. Yoga with Marlene – 10:30am/7:15pm (classes also offered Tues. 9:30am/6:30pm, Wed. 6:30pm, Thurs.10am/6:30pm, & Fri. 9:30am). Yoga classes for all ages and problems in a serene atmosphere with emphasis on stress-management. 1221 Village Walk. Guilford. Info: 203.453.5360. Yoga and Guided Healing Meditation with Marcie – 12-2pm. $10. Shoreline Wellness Center. 415 Main St. West Haven. Info: 203.931.1184.
$5 Community Flow at Fresh Yoga – 12:151:15pm. All are welcome. All students will be encouraged to move mindfully, feel every breath and explore their own unique expression of each yoga pose. No experience necessary. Fresh Yoga. 49 Orange St. New Haven. 203.776.9642. Detox Yoga for Balance – 5:30pm. Through detoxifying & enlivening posture sequencing, help create strength for determination. Pranayama and mudra practices will release obstacles and anxiety to maintain the clarity. $17 or class cards welcome. THE NEST. 1008 Main St. Branford. Ravenswingyoga.com. Qigong – 7-8pm. Learn a practice that invigorates the internal energy, relieves stress, tones and stretches the muscles, and connects the mind and body. $15/class. Shoreline Center for Wholistic Health. 35 Boston St. Guilford. Info: Tranquil Mountain Internal Arts 860.301.6433, tmiarts.com.
tuesday Hot Power - Community Class – 12-1pm. Hot Power Vinyasa Flow in 98 degree heated room. $10/ drop-in (discounted rate from regular $19/drop-in). Kneading Hands Yoga. 760 Main Street South. Southbury. 203.267.4417, Kneadinghhands.net. Yin Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Take a shape, relax deeply into stillness, learn how to be w/self. Class creates positive stress on the body’s connective tissue to help rejuvenate & find a new experience of flexibility. $30/2-wks. unlimited classes. Fresh Yoga. 49 Orange St. New Haven. 203.776.9642. Yoga with Marcie – 5:30-6:30pm. Shoreline Wellness Center. 415 Main St. West Haven. Info: 203.931.1184. Power Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. A yoga class that will MOST CERTAINLY make one SWEAT! A circuit based workout incorporating cardio bursts and light weights within a yoga practice. Take practice to a whole NEW level! IFoundFitness. 190 Main St. Deep River. Info: 860.961.4507. Meditation Group – 7pm. Awaken the body and mind through yoga, movement, and meditation. Vipassana, jhanas, Osho meditations, kundalini and more. Fun, refreshing, all levels welcome. By donation. Originals Art and Yoga Studio. 2096 Durham Rd. Madison. Info: Originalyoga.net.
Holistic Moms Network, Middlesex County CT – 7-9pm (last Tuesdays). Nonprofit organization connecting parents interested in holistic health and green living. 1st meeting free. United Church of Chester. 29 West Main St. Chester. To contact, confirm dates or see topics, visit Holisticmoms.org. Restorative Yoga w/Ellen – 7:15-8:30pm. Restorative yoga is about moving mind/body away from normal activity and into a relaxed state of being. Poses held for 5-20 minutes w/props. New students $30/2-weeks unlimited classes. Fresh Yoga. 319 Peck St. New Haven.203.776.9642. Free Reiki Sessions: The Universal Reiki Plan – 7:30-8:30pm (& 8:30-9:30pm Thurs.). Reiki teachers Jeannette & Jim of ReikiOvertones & students offer free Reiki sessions. Appt. only. Love offering appreciated. 95 Harris St. Fairfield. Details: Jim & Jeannette 203.254.3958, Info@ReikiOvertones.com. T’ai Chi Ch’uan/Qigong – 7:35-8:35pm. Beginner class. A martial art w/relaxed movement helps to focus mind, reduce stress, improve balance, and strengthen the body. East/West Healing Arts Center. 410 State St. North Haven. Call to confirm details: Bob 860.301.6433.
wednesday Introductory Massage Special! – Massage Savvy offers affordable, quality massage. Introductory special: $49/one hour Swedish or firm, $59/deep muscle. Loyalty program w/discount on multiple massages. 2514 Boston Post. Rd. Guilford. (rear entrance). Sched. an appt.: 203.453.8667, Massagesavvyct.com. Qi gong – 7:30-8:15am. Exercise system including mvmt., healing posture, self massage, breathing techniques, relaxation, energy meditation. All ages/levels. Beneficial for many illnesses/disorders/dysfunctions. Helps release deep emotions/ stress. IFoundFitness. 190 Main St. Deep River. 860.961.4507. Moderate Yoga – 8:45-9:45am & 6-7pm. A Kripalu inspired class that unites breath with movement. This is a well-rounded class that both tones and stretches the body. IFoundFitness. 190 Main St. Deep River. Info: 860.961.4507. Emei Wujigong Qigong Group Practice – 12-1pm (& Thurs. other than 1st one of month 6:30pm). Experience a qigong form for rebalancing & strengthening body/mind/spirit. All abilities/ health levels. 1st class free (reg. $5). Holistic Therapies Classrm. 15 South Elm St. Wallingford. EmeiQigongChan.com. Yoga with Marcie – 12-1pm. Shoreline Wellness Center. 415 Main St. West Haven. Info: 203.931.1184. Library Yoga at New Haven Public Library – 1-2pm. Drop-ins welcome. Bring a mat. Instructors vary. 133 Elm St. New Haven. Call for details and to ensure class will take place as scheduled: 203.946.8835, cbrown@nhfpl.org.
natural awakenings
November 2013
Intermediate & Advanced Yoga – 5:30-7:15pm. w/Sandra Kopell, Iyengar Teacher Training Graduate. Refine practice with in-depth instruction and sophisticated sequencing in fully equipped studio. Yoga in Middletown. 438 Main St. 860.347.YOGA (9642), Yogainmiddletown.com. Stony Creek Yoga for Stress Relief – 5:457pm. Classes taught by Gina Macdonald MA, LPC will emphasize the breath with flowing movement (pranayama). $10/session. Basic yoga required. Willoughby Wallace Library. 146 Thimble Island Rd. Stony Creek. Contact: Gina Macdonald 203.710.6665. Yoga with Marlene – 6:30pm (classes also offered Mon. 10:30am/7:15pm, Tues. 9:30am/6:30pm, Thurs.10am/6:30pm, & Fri. 9:30am). Yoga classes for all ages and problems in a serene atmosphere with emphasis on stress-management. 1221 Village Walk. Guilford. Info: 203.453.5360. Meditative Slow Flow Yoga – 7-8:30pm. Attention to creating a strong endurance of aliveness inside with practiced beginner to moderate yoga postures, helping to explore edges while cultivating a mindful relationship with the body. $17/ class card. THE NEST. 1008 Main St Branford. Ravenswingyoga.com. Beginner Friendly Yoga: Introduction To Movement – 7:45-9pm. Simple, straightforward movements. Slow paced and instructional. Focuses on breathing and building basic skills needed to move on to more complex movements. *Donation-based. 4 Ocean Ave. West Haven. AnthonyPascale.com.
thursday Ecology & Outdoor Adventure with Common Ground Nature Center & CELC for Ages 9-14 – Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, Mar. 20, Apr. 24, May 15. Have fun, get outside, enjoy activities that build community and leadership. $7/day. Register: 203.433.4658, Mandm@CTExperiential.org. The Milford Chamber’s ‘Health & Wellness Council’ – 8:30-9:30am. (2nd Thurs. monthly). Group is comprised of businesses in the health and wellness industry. 5 Broad St. Milford. 203.878.0681, prisco@priscopr.com, Milfordct.com. Enlightenment Project – 12pm. Awaken the body and mind through yoga, movement, and meditation. Vipassana, jhanas, Osho meditations, Kundalini and more. Fun, refreshing, all levels welcome. By donation. Originals Art and Yoga Studio. 2096 Durham Rd. Madison. Info: Originalyoga.net. Healthy-Steps, The Lebed Method – 3-4pm/Mddltwn, 5:45-6:45pm/Madison (no class 11/28). w/ Susan Sandel. Gentle therapeutic exercise/mvmnt prog. Helpful for breast cancer survivors/chronic health conditions. Free. Sponsor: Mddlsx. Hosp. Ctr. for Survivorship & Integrative Med. 203.457.1656. Iyengar Yoga – 5:30pm: Back Care, ongoing, 7pm: Restorative Yoga (most weeks). All levels. Align and awaken self. Yoga in Middletown. 438 Main St. 860.347.YOGA (9642), Yogainmiddletown.com. Spin/Yoga Class – 5:45-6:45pm. Spend 30 min. on the indoor cycle working up a great sweat with energizing music. The 2nd half of the class is strengthen-
New Haven / Middlesex
ing, stretching yoga moves with a final relaxation period. Truly a mind/body workout! IFoundFitness. 190 Main St. Deep River. Info: 860.961.4507.
Reiki & angels, private class/sessions avail. Wlgfd. Reg./free pre-class consult: 203.913.3869, PersonalHarmonyandHealth.com.
Yoga for Your Health – 6:30pm. Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Details: Pam 203.888.4124.
Saturday Skill Builder: Jewelry Making Class – 11am-12pm. Come learn a basic jewelry making technique every Saturday. Fun, laid back environment. Bring a friend! Free class with store purchase of $10 or more. KanduBeads. 346 Quinnipiac St. Bldg 1, Flr 2. Wallingford. 203.793.7348, KanduBeads.com.
Qigong Group Healing and Silent Meditation – 6:30-8pm (1st Thurs. of the month). All levels of health addressed. No experience necessary. Fee: donation. Holistic Therapies Classroom. 15 South Elm St. Wallingford. Contact Pat for more information if 1st attendance-Oct. only: 203.715.3732. Healing Effects of Whole Foods w/Bill Klar – 6:30-8:30pm (5 sessions begin 11/7). Learn fundamentals of a healthy diet & nutrition, plus foods in harmony or discord with the body. Recipes/handouts each class. $300/5 wks. Shoreline Wholistic. Glfrd. Info: Eventbrite/4932508265.com, Billklar.com.
friday Yoga with Marlene – 9:30am (classes also offered Mon. 10:30am/7:15pm, Tues. 9:30am/6:30pm, Wed. 6:30pm, & Thurs.10am/6:30pm). Yoga classes for all ages and problems in a serene atmosphere with emphasis on stress-management. 1221 Village Walk. Guilford. Info: 203.453.5360. Hot Power - Community Class – 9:30-10:45am. Hot Power Vinyasa Flow in 98 degree heated room. $10/drop-in (discounted rate from regular $19/dropin). Kneading Hands Yoga. 760 Main Street South. Southbury. 203.267.4417, Kneadinghhands.net. Power Vinyasa – 4:30-5:45pm. Heated (80+ deg.) flowing class based on Baptiste Vinyasa Power Yoga. Vigorous, fast-paced series of poses condition the whole body, offer peace of mind & the ability to move more powerfully/authentically. Fresh Yoga. 49 Orange St. New Haven. 203.776.9642, Freshyoga.com.
saturday Introductory Massage Special! – Massage Savvy offers affordable, quality massage. Introductory special: $49/one hour Swedish or firm, $59/deep muscle. Loyalty program w/discount on multiple massages. 2514 Boston Post. Rd. Guilford. (rear entrance). Sched. an appt.: 203.453.8667, Massagesavvyct.com. Nei-jia in Shelton at the Slab – 8am. Chinese arts of moving meditation and self-defense. Tai-chi stresses slow, balanced and relaxed postures. Pakua employs horizontal actions emphasizing the open palm. Hsing-I uses rolling, vertical actions emphasizing the fists. Free. Info: 985.210.8089. Stony Creek Intermediate Level Hatha Yoga Classes with Gina Macdonald MA, LPC – 8:3010am. Walk-ins welcome. $10/session. Willoughby Wallace Library. 146 Thimble Island Rd. Stony Creek. Contact: Gina 203.710.6665. Reiki Practitioner Cert. – 9am-3pm. With RMT/Holistic Coach Diane Esposito. $150/ Reiki I-2nd Sat.; $175/Reiki II-3rd Sat.; $200/ Reiki III-4th Sat.; $450/Mastership by appt.
ReikiShare: The Universal Reiki Plan – 11am1:30pm. Pre-register to share Reiki & join in a FREE workshop to make it a Reiki day! The 3rd Sat. of every month. Free (“love offering”). Bloodroot Rest. 85 Ferris St. Bridgeport. Reservation only: Jim or Jeannette 203.254.3958, Info@ReikiOvertones.com. Creature Features – 12pm. Ansonia Nature Center. 10 Deerfield Rd. Ansonia. Info: 203.736.1053. Pilates – 1-2pm. w/Certified Pilates Instructor. Pilates exercises develop strength, flexibility and breath control as they address both spinal mobility and stability. Beginners welcome. Yoga in Middletown. 438 Main St. 860.347.YOGA (9642), Yogainmiddletown.com. Nirvana Rave!...Fun, Energetic, Playful, Dance Your Heart Out! – 8-9:45pm (11/16 and 11/30). Some meditation, some yoga and lots of dance. Exploring the full spectrum - from blissful silence to pure joy and ecstasy. $7. Fitness Haven. 938 State St. New Haven. Info: Enlightenmentproject.us.
And the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anais Nin
Fee for classifieds is $15 for up to 300 characters & spaces and 5 cents per extra character & space. Submit online at NaturalNewHaven.com. Deadline is the 12th of the month.
THE NEW HAVEN FOOD POLICY COUNCIL – A volunteer advisory board addressing local & regional food issues & impacts on individuals, communities, businesses, the environment & local government. Meets 3rd Wed. 8-9:45am/ City Hall – public welcome. 203.773.3736, staff@NHFoodPolicyCouncil.org.
AMERICAN LYME DISEASE FOUNDATION – Dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment, of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections. Lyme, CT. Info: aldf.com.
NEW HAVEN FARMS, INC. – Promotes health & community dev. through urban agriculture. Affordable fresh fruits/vegetables for those affected by diet-related chronic disease. A community response to intersecting crises: diabetes/obesity/ environmental degradation/poverty. 203.915.1892, Newhavenfarms.org.
CONNECTICUT ADOPTION & FAMILY SERVICES – Mission: to create, strengthen & support families through the adoption/permanent placement of children in safe & loving homes. Free info. sess. 7pm, 1st Thurs. monthly. Panera. 1201 Boston Post Rd. Milford. Reg. by 3pm Wed.: 860.444.0553, ctadoptions.org.
ALS SUPPORT THE ALS ASSOCIATION CONNECTICUT CHAPTER – Leading the fight to treat & cure ALS through research & advocacy while empowering people w/Lou Gehrig’s Disease & their families to live fuller lives w/compassionate care & support. 4 Oxford Road, Unit D4. Milford. 203.874.5050, WebCT.alsa.org.
A QUESTION OF ETHICS “THOU SHALL NOT KILL” Is it ethical for animals to end up on our table? www.DoNotEatUs.org www.Universal-Spirit.org 800.846.2691.
CANCER SUPPORT GROUPS HAROLD LEEVER REGIONAL CANCER CENTER – In addition to continuously developing & facilitating its own support groups, the ctr. provides a meeting place for established support groups arranged through the American Cancer Society. 1075 Chase Pkwy. Waterbury. 203.575.5555, Leevercancercenter.org. SMILOW CANCER SUPPORT GROUPS – Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven, in collaboration w/Yale Cancer Center, offers a range of services, including support groups for patients & their families. ynhh.org/smilow-cancer-hospital/ patient-information/cancer_support_groups.aspx.
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS THE CHILDREN’S COMMUNITY PROGRAMS OF CT, INC. – Serving children, youth & families in South Central Connecticut since 1999. Committed to providing diverse & creative support services to children & families throughout CT to ensure that every child counts. New Haven. 203.786.6403, ccp-ct.org.
HEALING FROM GRIEF COVE CENTER FOR GRIEVING CHILDREN – Provides hope/healing for grieving children/teens. Helps them understand the grieving process, how to communicate/ask for help/avoid negative effects of unresolved childhood grief & offers support in a safe, healing environment. Meriden. 800.750.2683, covect.org. CT HOSPICE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS – New groups offered periodically throughout the year including day/eve groups serving adults who’ve lost a loved one (spouse, parent/ family member, partner, or friend). Registration required. Free. Branford. Info: 203.315.7544.
CT LYME RIDERS, INC. – Founded in 2007 by motorcyclists Sandy Brule & Tony Gargano. A 501(c)(3) non profit public charity aiming to bring awareness to the public about Lyme Disease. Events & info. 860.537.0255, ctlymeriders.com.
MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING ANNAHAVEN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES – Provides treatment for depression, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), ADHD, Obesity, spiritual counseling and anger management for adults and children. Call now to schedule an appointment. 203.606.2071. You have the right to be HAPPY. CounselingwithAnnaHaven.com.
OFFICE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE – in our busy behavioral health practice! Ideal space for a Licensed Massage Therapist, Naturopathic Physician, Nutritionist or Acupuncturist. 1 block from the West Haven Green and minutes from the new West Haven train station! Many other wonderful perks call Cara 203.687.5580!
HOUSE FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT – New Haven, CT / Morris Cove Area. Beautiful English Tudor style home. Large 10 room house situated in pleasant residential area of Morris Cove. 4 Bedrooms, large walk-inclosets, 2 Full Baths, Picture Windows with ocean view. All Appliances, hardwood floors, oak paneling. Full Basement with attached 2 Car Garage. Driveway off Private Road. Within one mile of 3 parks with ice rink, tennis, bike paths, baseball & more. Near bus line and within one mile of I-95. 10-15 min. to Yale University & Yale New Haven Hospital. Suitable for family or 4 adults. Seeking renters who will appreciate, enjoy, and care for this beautiful, unique home.$2100/mo. (security deposit and references required). No Pets. To learn more, please call Rosemary at 203.269.6828.
IN HOME TUTORING IS YOUR CHILD GETTING THE GRADES S/HE NEEDS TO SUCCEED? – Tutor Doctor is CT’s premier in home tutoring service. We specialize in working with students of all ages in a oneon-one environment with a customized curriculum to meet each individual’s needs. We have qualified tutors available to assist students in all subjects, test prep and overall organization & study skills. 203.283.4039, hometutorsct.com.
PART-TIME APPOINTMENT SETTER PART-TIME APPOINTMENT SETTER – Natural Awakenings New Haven/Middlesex is seeking a positive, professional who enjoys talking on the phone and would like to earn extra income. Ideal candidate will be self-motivated and enjoy working independently. Must have/own computer with internet access and phone. Unique opportunity for those looking to align with the fastest growing healthy lifestyle magazine in the region and the country. Call to find out more: 203.988.1808.
YOUTH EMPOWERMENT HIGHER HEIGHTS YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMS, INC. – Mission: to change the lives of under-represented college bound students to empower, encourage & equip them to obtain a post-secondary education. “Inspiring Young Minds, Elevating a Community.” New Haven. 203.859.6647, Higherheightsyouth.com.
natural awakenings
November 2013
communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide visit our website NaturalNewHaven.com and click our Advertise menu. ALLERGY
Anne Mitchell, ND North Haven and West Hartford Offices 203.239.3400 aarct.com Do you have asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, excema or other allergy symptoms? Are you careful about what you eat because of food allergies or intolerances? At Advanced Allergy Relief, we offer a safe, rapid elimination of allergic reactions. No medication, No Needles, Child friendly, Effective.
Shoreline Natural Health Care, LLC
Specializing in Advanced Allergy Therapeutics Betty Brainerd, ND Guilford, CT 203.738.0020 DrBrainerd.com
Improve your quality of life w/ empowering guidance & support. Move to the Heart of Healing w/ Diane Esposito, RMT/Holistic Coach/author of Play, Heal, Love! The Art of Creating Healthy Relationships. Be inspired; create habits & boundaries that heal w/in-person or phone Readings, Reiki, Reflexology, EFT, Angelspeake, Meditation. See ad on page 25.
New Haven / Middlesex
Madison, CT 203.245.9317 kevinhealy@sbcglobal.net DrHealMe.com Applied Kinesiology is neurological evaluation to find dysfunction. It addresses problems instead of chasing pains. Dr. Healy tests if a therapy benefits the dysfunction and finds immediate answers about which result in the most improvement. Chiropractic, craniosacral, myofascial, and acupressure are among the therapies Dr. Healy uses. No single cure exists since disease (which includes a state of dysfunction) typically involves many areas of the body. The goal of any therapy-physical, chemical, or emotional-is to improve function, and a combination of therapies has the best results. See ad on page 25.
Are you suffering from allergies or sensitivites? Would you like to live life without medications or the need to avoid certain foods, animals, or other offending substances? We can help you. Our Advanced Allergy Therapeutics results in elimination of allergic reactions. Noninvasive, no needles, safe for all ages.
Kevin Healy, DC
CONNECTICUT EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CENTER 28 School Street Branford, CT 06405 203.433.4658 mandm@CTExperiential.org http://CTEXperiential.org
CT Experiential Learning Center (CELC) of Branford is a dynamic middle school program that provides small classes and combines exceptional academics with hands-on and real-world learning experiences to fit the academic, social, and emotional needs of the 5th–8th grade student. Contact us to schedule a visit or for more information at: mandm@CTExperiential.org or call 203.433.4658. See ad on page 8.
HEALTH FOOD thyme and season natural market
3040 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 203.407.8128 Our 16th year! Open 7 days : M-F 8:00-7:30; Sat 9-7; Sun 10-5 ThymeAndSeasonNaturalMarket.com One of the largest selections of natural, organic, nonGMO, gluten-free & vegan foods in the area - local produce, organic & freerange meats / poultry, local artisan cheese, sustainable fish, organic baby food, quality pet food & remedies, safe cleaning & paper products, fair trade chocolate & coffee. Vitamin, mineral, herb and whole food supplements, homeopathic & ayurvedic remedies and a Certified Nutrition Counselor to assist you; Health Talks by health profs Thurs eves Spring & Fall. Pick up a healthy hot breakfast or lunch Mon-Sat: 4 entrees & 6 soups plus salads, sandwiches, sushi, & wraps. A dedicated helpful staff. See ad for events on page 9.
5520 Park Ave, Ste 301, Ffld Town Line Merritt Pkwy, Exit 47 203.371.0300 WholeBodyDentistry.com Dr. Mark A. Breiner is a pioneer and recognized authority in the field of holistic dentistry. With over 30 years of experience, he is a sought after speaker and lecturer. His popular consumer book, Whole-Body Dentistry, has been sold worldwide. See ad on page 21.
Diana Lopusny, M.D., F.A.A.P. 88 Noble Avenue, Suite 101, Milford, CT 203.874.2800 PreferredPediatricsofct.com Dr. Diana Lopusny, a board certified pediatrician, has years of hands-on experience with infants and children ages 0-22. Her personalized blend of conventional and homeopathic medicine offers her patients traditional, loving, and modern care.
communityresourceguide INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE DIAGNOSTICS FOR LIFE Clark Springgate, MD Madison, CT 203.887.6441 ClarkMDPhD@gmail.com
PAT I E N T A D V O C AT E . Dr. Clark Springgate has over 25 years experience as a Patient Advocate. To get the right diagnosis and treatment in America in 2013 you definitely need a patient advocate. To Schedule an Appointment, call 203.887.6441.
2514 Boston Post Rd Guilford, CT 203.453.8667 MassageSavvyct.com A dynamic network of licensed therapists offers quality massage to reduce tension/anxiety, relax body & mind, enhance immune system, lessen muscle pain/tension, offer headache relief, improve sleep. Programs include: Intro. special $49/one hour, multiple massage discounts & corporate on-site chair/event massage. See ad on page 15.
Adam Breiner, ND, Director Elena Sokolova, MD, ND David Brady, ND, CCN, DACBN Fairfield/Trumbull town line 203.371.8258 WholeBodyMed.com
Using state-of-the-art science combined with centuries-old healing modalities, our caring naturopathic doctors correct underlying imbalances and address issues which may interfere with the body’s ability to heal itself. Treatment protocols or therapies include: Abdominal Manual Therapy, Acupuncture, Allergy Desensitization, Chinese Medicine, Colonics and other Detoxification Protocols, Electro-Dermal Screening, Energy Medicine, FDA-cleared P h o t o t h e r a p y, F u n c t i o n a l Medicine, Herbal Medicine, H o m e o p a t h y, H o r m o n a l Balancing, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Metabolic Typing, Nutritional Assessment, RealTime EEG Neurofeedback, and other therapies. See ad on page 21.
NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS Shoreline Natural Health Care, LLC Betty Brainerd, ND Guilford, CT 203.738.0020 DrBrainerd.com
New breakthrough advanced allergy treatment for the whole family! ADD/ADHD, digestive, skin and respiratory problems, PMS/menopause, fatique, high cholesterol, and more. Cleansing and detox programs. Therapeutic far infrared sauna. Botanical medicine, homeopathy, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, Bowen therapy (the homeopathy of bodywork).
63 Church Street, Guilford, CT 203.453.0232 Skarzynski@sbcglobal.net Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health. Causes include foods, metals, chemicals, immune challenges, allergies, and more. The doctor works one on one to make meaningful and educated changes as needed in the patient’s diet. The majority of supplements used are organic whole food. The system determines when supplements are needed or no longer needed. Results have been outstanding!
Everlastings, by Arlene Bouley The Carriage House At The Gate House West 2614 Boston Post Rd, Guilford, CT 203.458.1298 EverlastingsSalon.com Everlastings offers a Full Service, Holistic, and Organic Approach to Hair and Body, and Features, Organic and Dimensional Color, Highlights, Bodywaves, Relaxers and Razor cuts. Please call for your individual consultation. See ad on page 8.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST PHYSICAL THERAPY OF SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT Linda Maude, PT 111 New Haven Ave. Derby, CT 06418 203.735.8336 PhysicalTherapySoCT.com
Specializing in evaluation & treatment of musculoskeletal imbalance & injuries. Results achieved that traditional physical therapy may not. Therapeutic approaches such as manual therapy, craniosacral, visceral manipulation and vestibular rehab. State of the art facility for strengthening and overall rehabilitation.
Center unites Beth Patella Center for Music & Animal Assisted Therapy Services. Innovative programs for all children & adults, including those w/disabilities. Early Childhood Music; Music for persons w/Disabilities; Drumming; Sound Therapy; Canine/Equine Assisted Therapy; Veterans Wounded Warrior Equine Project & more. See ad on page 9.
natural awakenings
November 2013
communityresourceguide YOGA
19 South Main St. Branford, CT 203.488.9642 RavensWingYoga.com
EVERRITE HEALING THERAPY Debbie Dobieski 203.510.8555
Debbie is a Reiki Master Practitioner and Intuitive Empath with a unique blend of techniques that provide deep healing and insight to inspire growth and clarity to help you move forward on your path and embrace life with a positive outlook. She gets to the core of your issues and unblocks what is holding you back. Start a session and change your life.
Rooted in the sacred teachings of yoga, Raven’s Wing is an inviting & safe place for all who desire positive change. Gentle, beginner, moderate and vigorous classes offered, as well as monthly workshops, kirtan and seasonal celebrations. Ayurveda and private instruction also offered. See ad on page 25.
415 Main Street, West Haven, CT 203.931.1184 ShorelineWellnessCenter.com
203.305.8091 juliette@juliettestorch.com JulietteStorch.com Are you ready to stop dipping your toes in and splashing around in your life and actually and dive into your BIG life? Are you ready to make the pilgrimage, make the journey and travel into your soul? Are you ready to get into your body and out of your head? Are you ready to re-awaken, remember, and unleash your soul? If you are saying “YES” then this is for YOU! As an intuitive and soul whisperer I guide you on your LifesPath to manifest your soul’s purpose and mission. Are you ready?
Find wellness w/Yoga & Guided Healing Meditation. No experience nec. Yoga: Enhance muscle strength, calm, focus, posture, inner peace, flexibility & spirituality. $10. Meditation: w/soft music & Marcie’s nurturing voice, be guided on a journey exploring levels of relaxing, letting go & healing. $5.
health & wellness plus: weight loss FEBRUARY
plus: relationships MARCH
food & garden
plus: natural pet APRIL
green living
plus: earth-friendly transportation MAY
women’s wellness plus: spring detox JUNE
inspired living
plus: men’s wellness JULY
food watch
plus: summer living AUGUST
rethinking cancer
plus: children’s health SEPTEMBER
plus: natural beauty aids
plus: energy therapy
Jenna Henderson, ND 2 Broadway, North Haven, CT 1007 Farmington Ave, Suite 7A, West Hartford, CT 203.239.3400 info@thelifecenterofct.com TheLifeCenterofct.com
personal growth plus: mindfulness DECEMBER
awakening humanity
Get off the dieting merry-goround and FINALLY achieve your ideal weight. We offer a medically supervised weight loss program with whole foods, individualized nutrition, emotional eating support, meal planning and weight loss coaching. MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED See ad on page 15.
New Haven / Middlesex
editorial calendar
plus: holiday themes
Natural Iodine Supplementation A Must for Most Americans
e all need iodine, yet most of us don’t get enough of it through our diet. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that iodine deficiency in the developed world has increased fourfold in the past 40 years and now affects nearly three-quarters of all adults. Numerous U.S. practicing physicians quoted widely in the media estimate that the incidence of hypothyroidism in our adult population may be between 30 and 70 percent. Thus, we can’t efficiently produce the thyroid hormones that serve as chemical messengers triggering nearly every bodily function. The presence or absence of iodine affects our every cell. Natural Awakenings Detoxifed Iodine is 100 percent natural, raw iodine in an ethyl alcohol solution. We thank all those that are benefiting from this product and enthusiastically telling us their great results. Available only at NAWebstore.com My wife, who suffered from extreme fatigue and other symptoms, saw a dramatic increase in energy after just a few days of taking the natural iodine drops. Now if she misses a day, she’ll end up falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon, like she used to do before taking the iodine. It works! ~ Aaron My doctor told me that I had a hypothyroid condition, prescribed medication and was happy with the follow-up test results, yet I noticed no positive effects on my overall wellbeing. Within two weeks of using the Natural Awakenings Detoxified Iodine, I had more energy, felt more awake and enjoyed clearer thinking and greater peace of mind. People even comment that I look younger. I am a fan! ~ Larry
Be Aware of Hypothyroidism Symptoms Low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, is the most recognized and obvious indicator of low iodine intake because the thyroid gland contains more concentrated iodine than other organs. Symptoms can range from extreme fatigue and weight gain to depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, fibrocystic breasts and a variety of skin and hair problems. Hypothyroidism can further cause infertility, joint pain, heart disease and stroke. Low iodine levels also have been associated with breast and thyroid cancers. In children, insufficient iodine has been strongly linked with mental retardation,
deafness, attention deficient and hyperactivity disorder and impaired growth, according to studies by Boston University, China’s Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and France’s National Academy of Medicine. The answer is simple: Taking the right kind of iodine in the right dosage can rebalance thyroid function and restore health to the thyroid and the whole body.
Reasons Behind Iodine Deficiency Radiation: Almost everyone is routinely exposed to iodine-depleting radiation emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi, microwave ovens and other electronic devices. Iodized table salt: The human body cannot utilize the iodine added to this product. Low-sodium diets: Failure to use healthy salts to fulfill sodium requirements, plus over-
use of zero-nutrient table salt in foods, leads to iodine depletion. Bromine: This toxic chemical overrides iodine’s abilities to nourish the thyroid, adrenal and other hormone-producing glands. A known carcinogen, it is used as an anticaking ingredient found in almost all baked goods, unless the ingredients specifically cite unbromated flour. Iodine-depleted soils: Due to poor farming techniques, iodine and other minerals in soil have declined, so most foods today are devoid of naturally occurring iodine. Proper iodine supplementation with a high-quality product like Natural Awakenings Detoxified Iodine can prevent harm by protecting the thyroid and other endocrine glands and restoring proper hormone production.
A Few Drops Can Change Your Life! You could feel better, lose weight or increase energy and mental clarity with a few drops of Natural Awakenings DETOXIFIED IODINE daily in water or on your skin when used as directed. An essential component of the thyroid, iodine replacement has been reported to give relief from: • Depression • Fibromyalgia • Hypothyroidism • Radiation
• Weight Gain • Low Energy • Hyperthyroidism • Bacteria & Viruses
4-6 week supply ONLY $20
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November 2013
New Haven / Middlesex