Emma Karst
HNS Student Ambassador
Emma Emma is 16 years old from Burlington Washington and attends Burlington- Edison High School. She is a singer and was on the dance team at her school. We are so happy to have Emma as a student ambassador for HNS because she is living a healthy lifestyle and representing what we are all about! Emma is bringing HNS to her school and we are so happy to have her on our team. Girls like Emma have the power to change a generation and that is what this is all about! “My high school is special because I believe we can change. We just need a push in the right direction and strong talented people sharing their stories letting us know that it is okay to be who we are. I know that HNS could get through to every student and I think we could all strongly benefit.�
Why do you feel so passionate about Healthy is the New Skinny and the message it brings? I really love the message you guys strive to get across. Every person is uniquely beautiful and should be proud of everything they were born with because it is a gift. When you think about it, it is really amazing how everything about us makes us completely different from anyone else. Something I would love to help accomplish as an HNS Ambassador would be to instill a strong sense of individuality and self assurance in myself and others. I think the most important thing is to “Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it"favorite quote from my favorite movie: Never Been Kissed! :)
Healthy to me means happy. It means loving everything about yourself, which is sometimes a struggle, but knowing you are completely beautiful and unique! Healthiness is for sure something that is very important in life because it can determine a lot of things; how you look at yourself, how others view you, and how you feel. When I am healthy, I am happy.
Why would you like to see the HNS team come to your school? How do you think your school would benefit? I know that every school will always have it’s cliques but wouldn't it be great if everyone knew everybody else? My school really is not the ideal place for an individual to blossom. I think there are too many people who judge for the worst reasons. Reasons that could NEVER be justified because they aren't fair. I know that everyone who attends my school has amazing and unique qualities about them that they should have the right to share. If HNS came to my school I feel like barriers would be broken and we could all just be ourselves. People could be people and we would love each other for our differences.
How do you feel about being a big sister? It is really a blessing. My sisters are so funny and it is amazing watching them grow as talented little girls. I love how different their personalities are and I can't wait to have them there throughout my whole life, always having someone to turn to with anything. It is a very strong gift knowing that I have a hand in how they see the world and themselves. I am looking forward to all the memories we will make and how our bond will grow closer every single day.
When you are all alone and only left with your thoughts and dreams, what do you see?
I have always and will always dream of performing on Broadway. One of my main and many passions is acting and singing, something I have always done. It is such a fun and amazing way to be able to express yourself! I also dream of becoming a nurse because helping people really brings me joy.Â
How do you stay so balanced? My family and my friends keep me sane. So many things are always going on and I absolutely LOVE everything I do but sometimes it can be a little much to deal with, I'm still technically a child! Ha ha so I make sure I always have time to spend with the people who really know and understand me. People I can talk to about anything and just laugh with. It definitely keeps me grounded.Â
We like to think that we are all fun little girls at heart...what is the “girliest� thing you love doing? For example: Nail art with diamonds LOL or maybe the deep down joys that bring glitter to your life? I constantly change my hair color. It is probably something that I will always do because I love how it can totally change the way I feel or the way I look. I will always be the same on the inside but people who don't know me will automatically judge me by the way that I look and if I'm walking around with pink streaks in my hair, they just might think I'm crazy. I enjoy knowing I can control the way I am perceived. But for now I am just brunette :)
Emma Karst Height: Short and Sweet Size: Healthy Weight: Who cares…..
What color does your inner beauty sparkle? “Every time I shop I ask my friends which color makes me "glow?" and for me it has always been coral. It is such a vibrant color and makes me smile every time I see it. It is loud and bold and free and I LOVE IT! We should all wear colors that reflect how we feel on the inside so we can share with the world our shine :)”- Emma