Penelope Benson
HNS Model Ambassador
Penelope works as a plus model with BELLA models in Australia, Wilhelmina NYC, Milk Management UK and OKAY in Germany. She has been modeling for 4 years and has worked all over the world. The thing the loves most about working as a model is getting to meet creative people wherever she goes and listening to their knowledge, ideas, and stories. Penelope is passionate about positive body image and selfesteem and the diverse representation of women in fashion.
Why do you feel so passionate about Healthy is the New Skinny and the message it brings? Because the message is so important! I wanted to be a part of it because I have struggled and overcome body image issues myself in the past and obviously as a 'plus' model I am passionate to get the message out there so we can be understood and accepted.
“Happiness appears to me as an 'inner' feeling or state. To me it means peace of mind and a balance of all of the things going on in my life and contentment with myself, my relationships, my work.�- Penelope
What do you find to be the funniest thing about the modeling industry?
That there are STILL people in working in important, powerful positions in fashion who STILL do not understand why curvy, fuller figured models exist. And that these socalled artists and art directors break the first rule of art and creativity by denying merely another output to express and further their creativity. It baffles me.
What is the funniest, most awkward, or embarrassing thing that has happened to you working as a model?
Whenever my fellow model friend Lauren Maksimovic (also an HNS Ambassador) and I are on a shoot together, you can bet things always get a little funny/ awkward/ embarrassing.
What knowledge have you gained from your experience in the industry that has helped you realize what is important in your life?
I've learnt as I said before, not to compare myself to other girls, other models, everyone is unique and is booked/ not booked for reasons out of our control, so that leads me to my next point, it's SO important to keep work and the rest of your life completely separate, we work to live and not live to work, people!
Do you think if more women could better understand the industry, they would be able to have a more clear perspective of what is most important in their lives?
Absolutely and I've said this time and time again, the industry, the media, fashion etc ‌is not reality! You have to take everything you see and read with a grain of salt, be a big girl and think and make assumptions for yourselves, and when you put down the magazine, get on with your life.
Why do you believe in Healthy is the New Skinny? The idea of ‘Healthy is the New Skinny' simply just makes sense. Why wouldn't we want to promote a cause that promotes self-respect of both our bodies and minds, that encourages us to be no one else but ourselves and shows us that being ourselves is actually OK! What do you want other girls to know? Never ever compare yourselves. What changes would you like to see for your generation of women and the next generations to come? Greater self-acceptance, less self-loathing for sure. And obviously, people of all shapes, colours, ages being more widely represented in fashion.
When you are alone and left with only your thoughts and dreams, what do you wish for? Many things. I'm never satisfied with anything I do and whenever I achieve something quite great I never really enjoy that time, I'm always thinking what's next, lets go! I have goals I would like to achieve both at home in Australia and overseas, and I hope that one day in the future, booking a plus model is the same as booking a straight size model, so new opportunities would open up for all of us.
What makes you laugh so hard you cry? My friends. Little Britain.
What do you love most about being a woman?
Getting dressed!
If you could go back in time to bring a message to your younger self.... what would you tell her and why? "
“Don't sweat the small stuff. I think I worried a lot when I was younger.�
Do you think change is possible? Absolutely, it takes one person to start change, to think differently, come up with a new idea, to take a risk or leap of faith, before the rest of the world follows
If your inner beauty sparkled, what color would it be and why? What a great question.. let me think, I would love it to be WHITE and SHIMMERY and hopefully I would have a REALLY great tan so it will so well with my fabulous, sparkly 'inner beauty' aura ha!
Height: Tall Size: Healthy Weight: Who cares….. Representation: Bella Models in Australia, Wilhelmina NYC, Milk Model Management UK, and Okay Models, Germany.
What is something people wouldn't know about you if they judged you off your appearance alone? Lots of things! Everyone is fighting their own battle so no matter what be nice, don't judge! “Add me on twitter! My username is PenelopeJBenson! Xxx”-Penelope