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Contents 14 It’s Plowing Time Again
16 BRILLIANT HEALTH: Leveraging the Power of
Plants to Maximize Health and Wellness
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HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Integrative Cardiologists on Preventing Heart Disease
24 HEARTFELT EATING Best Foods for a Heart Healthy Diet
“ P hys i c i a n Pr e fe r r e d , Re fe r r e d & Tr u ste d” 4
Tucson Edition
DEPARTMENTS 6 ad index 7 news briefs 11 health briefs 13 local recipe 16 community spotlight 24 conscious eating
28 masters of
bodywork & healing arts 30 calendar 32 resource guide 39 classifieds
Natural Awakenings is a family of 50+ healthy living magazines celebrating 26 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
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ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@ Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@ NaturalTucson com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at Submit. by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit
If you wonder whether vibrant good health will ever return, it’s time to empower yourself to get your Edge back. Chronic fatigue, frequent colds and ongoing aches and pains don’t have to be part of everyday life. Allergies, poor nutrition, lifestyle choices, exposure to toxins or other causes can bring on long-term conditions. We use multitherapeutic approaches to pinpoint the origins and treat or eliminate the cause of prolonged illnesses.
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February 2021
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s is February tradition, we are shining a spotlight on the heart. In this issue, we take a look at all aspects of living a heart-centered life. Our feature article by Ronica O’Hara, “Live a HeartHealthy Lifestyle” (page 20), highlights some ways to help prevent heart disease, from the ideal diet, to supplements and mindfulness. In “Heartfelt Eating” (page 24), April Thompson zeroes in further on ways that we can eat for optimal heart health. Whether trying the DASH diet, Mediterranean foods, a plant-based diet or a combination of several, there are plenty of words of wisdom here about what foods make our hearts happiest. Of course, this may also be a time that many of us are Holly Baker, publisher checking in on the health of our romantic relationships. On page 18, Diana Daffner talks about our Romance Toolkit. What tools do we have to better understand ourselves and our partner’s needs? Are we communicating to the best of our ability? Taking a moment to contemplate these things could be the best Valentine’s Day gift. What seems to be true of all these different aspects of healthy living, is that what is healthy for our hearts is healthy for our lives all around. When we focus on our hearts, we gain insight into what makes us happiest, healthiest and whole. With love,
NATIONAL TEAM CEO/Founder Sharon Bruckman COO/Franchise Sales Joe Dunne Art Director Josh Pope Layout Gabrielle W-Perillo Financial Manager Yolanda Shebert Asst. Director of Ops Heather Gibbs Digital Content Director Raachael Oppy National Advertising Lisa Doyle-Mitchell Administrative Assistant Anne-Marie Ryan Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4851 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 © 2021 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
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Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.
Tucson Edition
display advertiser index A Lasting Touch Salon Alexcis Lopez/Ayahuasca Retreats Barefoot Dreams Reflexology Center for Spiritual Living Tucson Cloud Nine Floatation Center DeeAnn Saber Doctor Wilson's Don Zavis Sales Training E Dental Solutions Edge Integrative Wellness Exciting! Extracts/Brilliant Health GE Computing & Internet Gourmet Girls Bakery/Bistro Govinda's Natural Food's Restaurant Grief Relief with Jennica Harmony Sessions by Ciaara Hope Huerta Intimacy Retreats Jean Read Joyful Life Health Coaching
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news briefs
Intuitive Development through Shamanism Classes
ased on the works of Angeles Arrien and drawing upon years of Native American trainings, Dr. DeeAnn Saber is offering ongoing courses in deepening one’s intuition and spiritual connections. Classes begin February 19 through April 23, on Fridays from 7 to 9 p.m. at Transformational Medicine’s new space, 2028 East Prince Road, in Tucson. Additional times and days may be DeeAnn Saber added based on participants’ interests. A Saturday class in Rattle Making will also be available. In our tumultuous times we need ever more grounding and ways to stay centered in our own truths. Seeking answers from nature and Mother Earth brings peace, internal harmony, wisdom and a feeling of connection to something greater than ourselves. Learn to walk and talk in a good, true and beautiful way—authentically living from the heart and spirit. Starting in February, Saber will cover The Way of the Warrior and the Healer. Winter is the Way of the Warrior, so attendees will learn about: the North, the winged ones, standing in our power and showing up for right action. Spring is the Way of the Healer, when attendees will learn about: the East, the desert and no-legged creatures, walking and truth telling and visioning. A $30 deposit will hold one’s place in class. Classes are $30 each or can be paid in full by check or credit card. Classes will be open for the first two nights, then close in order to support group connection and continuity. Attendees should bring an open heart, a journal, pen and water. To register for the class, call DeeAnn Saber at 520-668-0039 or email For more information, call 520-209-1755, email or visit See ad, page 3.
Receive Blessings from Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa
oin co-hosts Kadampa Meditation Center (KMC) Arizona and KMC Phoenix for a special online event to receive powerful blessings from the Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani. Spiritual Guide Tsongkhapa teaches everything needed for spiritual development on February 27, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The event will begin with an introductory talk the night before, on February 26, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. By practicing Tsongkhapa’s teachings sincerely, we can pacify all our negative karma and obstacles and increase our merit, life span and Dharma realizations. Tsongkhapa’s appearance 700 years ago was predicted by Buddha himself. Since that time, he has led countless followers to enlightenment—from the initial step of entering into a spiritual practice through to the ultimate attainment of Buddhahood—a state of peace and happiness where all our actions benefit every living being without exception. The Empowerment is a beautiful guided meditation during which participants receive powerful blessings. The Commentary reflects on the many good qualities of Tsongkhapa, followed by a guided meditation of his practice, Heart Jewel: The Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa. This event is led by Gen Kelsang Lingpur, Buddhist nun and Resident Teacher at KMC Arizona in Tucson. She will grant the Empowerment and give Commentary. The Introductory Talk and morning meditation is with Gen Kelsang Tabkay, Buddhist Monk and Resident Teacher at KMC Phoenix. Cost: $60. For more information and full schedule, visit
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Tucson Edition
news briefs
Valentine’s Day Open Air Market at Govinda’s
ovinda’s Natural Foods Restaurant will host their first open air artist and farmers’ market on February 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Guests are encouraged to stay awhile, dine and shop, while talking yoga, gardening, plants and Ayurveda. A delicious vegetarian brunch will be served, and the patio will be alive with the magical sounds of Govinda’s musicians—a sitar, a guitar, a song and some happiness. Govinda’s of Tucson serves gourmet vegetarian cuisine, with dine-in and takeout options for safe and healthy eating. Join Govinda’s for a little bit of a love fest—just another loving way that they are here for the Tucson community. Location: 711 E. Blacklidge, Tucson. For more information, email or visit See ad, page 25.
NamaStay Sobruary Challenge
amaStay Sober is holding their fourth annual Sobruary (Sober February) Challenge. Whether someone is already in recovery, sobercurious or just looking to swap a misused habit for something healthy like meditation or yoga, NamaStay has resources that can help. Whatever wellness journey one is on in life and wherever they find themselves on that journey, NamaStay invites all to participate in the Sobruary Challenge alongside their community this year. NamaStay Sober is a nonprofit organization founded in 2015 by Nico Longo after the loss of a friend to opioid addiction. Based in Massachusetts with community chapters in other states, their mission is to aid those in recovery by reconnecting their bodies and minds through affordable yoga, fitness, meditation and wellness-focused community events. “It is difficult to put into words how grateful I am for @namastaysober. In its infancy, NamaStay provided solace in a time when I was grieving the loss of a dear friend to addiction. Over time, it developed into a place where I felt safe to share about my own struggles with an eating disorder. Eventually it led me to discover a community of like-minded individuals that support one another through healthier outlets… so that we all may live a life of more freedom, self-expression and peace,” says Longo. For more information, email or visit
Weekday Morning Yoga Online with Divine Journey Yoga
rish Harris at Divine Journey Yoga offers a one-hour, online class each weekday at 9 a.m. Each day is a little different. Attendees will get a full range of practices throughout the week, and classes are just $8.50. Here is a description of what to expect each weekday. Mondays are Gentle Hatha. Attendees will relax, focus on their breath, gently stretch and strengthen muscles and joints with an uplifting theme like an affirmation or an inspirational quote to contemplate. Tuesdays are Core/Balance. Attendees will strengthen their core Trish Harris and challenge their balance. All will definitely get warmed up and feel a pleasant tired sensation in Tuesday’s savasana. Wednesdays are slow and contemplative with Yin, which deeply stretches the joints and quiets the mind, allowing time to feel the body and mind begin to heal. Thursdays are Yoga for Bone Strength. This practice will strengthen muscles and bones with a focus on the bones of the hips and spine, which can address the issues of osteoporosis and osteopenia. To wind the week down, Harris goes Low and Slow on Fridays. This class rarely gets off the floor, with lots of time on the back to safely stretch the hips, legs and back while allowing the breath to slow down and help calm the worries of the week. For more information, email or visit
Special Valentine’s Offer from
s we approach a full year of being in and out of lockdowns, many have taken the opportunity to do some serious soulsearching, leading many singles to come to the realization that they desire a deeply connected, conscious and loving relationship. To help in their quests, especially during special days this month that normally provide face-to-face opportunities for potential romance that the pandemic has inhibited, is having a Valentine’s Sale from February 12 through 18. All subscriptions will be offered at 25 percent off of regular prices during this period. The platform, a leading holistic dating site and a venue for eco-conscious and spiritual singles to meet each other, is not a superficial, “swipedy-swipe” app, but a “help singles meet their match” dating site. Each member exerts control over which profiles they view and with whom they choose to initiate contact. The detailed profiles allow members to read and learn about potential matches, which makes meeting someone compatible more probable. Further, its new video dating feature has been well received as it allows members to get to know each other before meeting in person. For more information, visit See ad, page 19.
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Avoid surgery and opioids!
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Joshua Reilly, NMD 520.600.0211 10
Tucson Edition
news briefs
Couples or Singles Accurate Intuitive Harmony Sessions
iaara, a Gifted Accurate Intuitive Harmony Coach, is offering a special discount for Valentine’s Day for Couples or Singles Harmony Sessions. Ciaara is Ciaara also a clairvoyant, psychic and pet communicator who gives life-changing customized readings and insights for same-day results. Mention this article for 25 percent off. “Is there any area of your life you’d like to enhance, improve or create? How about: work that you like, attract healthy love, better relationships with friends, family, and more. Learn quick, effective tools to transform your life," says Ciaara. Move forward on a clear path with more joy. One of Ciaara’s first encounters with her gifts came after drawing a map that located missing puppies in 1999. Ciaara has co-created increased income and growth, new love relationships and happier marriages, unexpected healings, successful new careers and joyful job matches. She has helped thousands of clients worldwide. Her 20 years of service includes international clientele in Sedona, Sundance Film Festival, private and specialty events. Her clients enjoy amazing accuracy and fast results. "Ciaara has been monumental in moving me forward in my life. Sometimes we get stuck, and we don’t know that our energy is blocked in some way. With Ciaara’s spot-on intuition, I am feeling whole again, and my life is great... I know that Ciaara is a true healer and an intuitive," says Jill Williams, owner of The Look. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call/text 907-529-7956 or visit See ad, page 28.
Mindfulness Eating
A Song to Open Our Hearts Many of us are searching for ways to relieve stress. Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, offers a direct link to divine love and guidance amid the stresses of daily living. It teaches singing HU (pronounced hue), a universal name for God, which can spiritually uplift people of any faith or culture. HU can bring us solace, peace and God’s love. This sacred mantra can open the heart to hear the nudges the Holy Spirit gives us to bring us closer to God’s love. Each of us is on our own journey home to God. When difficult choices are before us, we can pause and do a heart check. By listening to our heart, we may receive a knowingness of the best choice in this moment. Singing HU is a way to stay connected to Divine Love and inner guidance in all situations. To learn more about Spiritual Stress Relief, download a free ECK Soul Adventure E-Booklet on the homepage of Hugh Thompson, MD, was an orthopedic surgeon. He loves to volunteer at Rotary, hospice and as a literacy mentor. He is also a stone sculptor and a member of the Eckankar clergy. For local ECK events, visit
Sativa Basics - AQUA!
Physician formulated by Exciting! Extracts Exciting! Extracts is a Tucson based nutraceutical company that was founded by researchers and scientists with a passion for naturally safe and effective products! The Sativa Basics line was created to optimize the naturally occurring synergies between the hemp plant and the body. Each bottle of Aqua Roll-on is physician formulated to provide safe, fast acting and effective results for muscle and joint relief! Exciting! Extracts is a subsidiary of Brilliant Health LLC, Tuscon AZ.
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash
health briefs
Where are we when we are eating? Not just where are we physically—standing in the kitchen, on the couch, driving or maybe at the table. But where are we mentally? Where is our mind while we are eating? Scrolling our phone, watching TV and other multitasking adds stress to our bodies. Scientists have shown that added stress while eating causes decreased assimilation of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. So, how do we eat mindfully? Let’s start with the basics. When sitting down to eat, we are only eating. We don’t bring our phone, TV, book or laptop when we want to spend a few minutes in meditation. It’s the same with eating. And just like with meditation, it is only for a short while. Next, we should take in the meal in front of us. What are we about to eat? What does it smell like? What are all the colors we see? What are the textures? What is it we love about this particular food? We can even breathe a word of gratitude to all that had to occur to allow this food to be in front of us. Now as we begin to taste the food and enjoy our meal, we are there. We are in the moment of eating—and that is what it means to be mindful, living in the moment. This will add another layer of joy to our meal and to our digestive system. Brenda Reynolds is a Health Coach specializing in weight loss. Connect at See ad, page 9.
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health briefs
Heart Disease is Still Our Greatest Risk—and Greatest Power The bad news regarding cardiovascular disease (CVD) is that it’s the number one killer of American men and women—for decades, to the tune of 650,000 to 700,000 deaths annually. That’s almost twice the current COVID-19 death count—and not just this year, but every year we’ve been alive. The good news is that it’s well established to be about 99.5 percent preventable—by our choices. Although fear and anxiety are not health-inducing, for many, COVID has brought many to an urgent and immediate realization of how precious life is. If that’s the case, try focusing on heart health. It’s reasonable to take other precautions, but keep risks in perspective. Heart disease
Tucson Edition
still represents our greatest risk—and greatest power. If COVID somehow feels more threatening, know that CVD and metabolic disease (including hypertension, elevated A1C and even the medications used to treat these) put us at a significantly elevated risk of a “complicated case” of COVID. The vast majority of those complicated cases have a co-morbidity like CVD. According to research across the globe and noted by Harvard Medical School, the COVID death rate for patients with CVD is about 10 times that of otherwise healthy ones. The best news is: it’s in our hands. Dr. Dean Ornish in the 1990s, and many others since, have resoundingly shown that heart disease is both preventable and reversible. How we eat, move, sleep and transmute stress all play a profound role in preventing and reversing heart disease—and conveniently, most other illnesses, too. Some starter resources include,,, and Email for a handcurated list of many more websites, cookbooks, recipe sites and other inspiration. Robyn Landis is an ACE-certified fitness professional, selfcare coach, best-selling author, nutritionist, herbalist and energy healer. Motivation is her specialty—making healthy choices happy, natural and easy, rooted in love, service and gratitude. Connect at 520-314-0994 or
local recipe
Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Soup Yields 5 servings Now that cooler weather is here, it’s a great time to prepare fast, hearty, squash family soups. This one is a super creamy vegan pumpkin soup. This rich and satisfying broth is made with coconut cream and spices for a simply delicious appetizer— ready in 20 minutes. Try it with bread and a side salad with roasted veggies, for a yummy mid-day meal. 1 Tbsp coconut oil ½ tsp hing ½ tsp turmeric 1 tsp ginger (minced or finely chopped) 1 tsp thyme ½ tsp cayenne pepper 9 cups (2.2lbs) peeled and cubed pumpkin (butternut squash also works) 14oz (400ml) can of coconut cream
1 ½ cups (360ml) vegetable stock broth Salt and pepper, to taste Add the coconut oil to a pot with the ginger and sauté. Add the hing, turmeric, thyme and cayenne pepper. Add the coconut cream, vegetable stock and pumpkin and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer until the pumpkin is soft and cooked (around 10 minutes). Use an immersion blender to blend it smooth inside the pot. If you don’t have an immersion blender, transfer to a blender jug in stages and blend until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Optionally, garnish with pumpkin seeds. Govinda’s of Tucson serves gourmet vegetarian cuisine, with dine-in and takeout options for safe and healthy eating, located at 711 E. Blacklidge Dr., Tucson. Connect at 520-792-0630 or See ad, page 25.
Are you in PAIN?
Try Gentle Chiropractic WinterHaven Health Center Dr. Nathan S. Conlee, DC, CCSP, DACNB, LAc, C.K.T.P • Chiropractic Neurologist • Acupuncture • Physiotherapy • Certified Sports Chiropractor • Metabolic Nutritionist • Auto Injuries • Low Level Laser Therapy “Certified in Kinesiotaping” Call for FREE Consultation 520-322-6161 3020 N. Country Club / February 2021
It’s Plowing Time Again
THE YEAR OF THE OX by the Tao Time Guide
ollowing the chaotic social upheaval and deterioration of trust in most of the Year of the Rat, those still standing are assessing their condition. Many around them have fallen or been destroyed. Others are weakened. In such times, it is best to not despair, to quietly maintain and wait. In the Chinese zodiac, Rat is followed by Ox, bringing grounded, loyal, gentle and trustworthy attentions. Ox is a powerful animal who has the ability to transform the negative effects of Rat year 2020 into positive outcomes in 2021. Ox can save one from disaster, and help reconstruct what has been damaged because Ox is a builder. Though turmoil may still be present, accept it as the catalyst to awaken new avenues of regeneration, where adversity becomes the harbinger of deliverance. As the light brightens, the urge to run ahead appears. Avoid the urge and bank energies for the next Chinese zodiac 14
Tucson Edition
animal—Tiger—where the time is more auspicious for leaping ahead. Now is a time to rebuild what has been destroyed, and repair and refine what has been injured. February 12, 2021 marks the beginning of the Year of the Ox. The second animal of the Chinese zodiac, the Ox brings the energy for hard work, positivity and honesty that is needed for the next 12 months. Oxen are honored throughout folklore and myth as messengers of efficacy and integrity. A strong start and steady progress makes good use of Ox energy. Prepare for the hard work ahead by practicing diligence, rectitude and staying nourished. Diligence in steady progress, not rushing ahead. Like Ox plowing a field, breaking up and softening the hard soil, success is attained through diligent work and conscientious effort. The virtue of steadiness is thoroughness. Fostering support sustains continuity.
Ox is regular, methodical in thought and action. Virtuous in stability, attentive in agency. Intent at repairing and rebuilding, Ox does the work that needs to be done. Each action builds on the one before, making it possible for the Tiger to leap to an auspicious perch. Here the steady Ox energy lays foundations by being trustworthy, assuring the integrity of the work being prepared for. To emulate the Ox, yoke-up to improve life and emphasize the diversity that makes us stronger and better when we work together. Prosperity is acquired through hard work, integrity and fair play. Take on the yoke to pull the plow, the wagon, the turnstile. Begin by assessing personal and community strengths and weaknesses. The old adage that “one cannot grow strong by strengthening weaknesses—that merely creates strong weaknesses” resonates. Apply attention to strengthening strengths, and watch weaknesses whither and disappear. Cull baggage and attachments and organize activities and attentions around routines, practices, disciplines. Free up internal space by eliminating wasted energy on opinions. Next, nourish the rejuvenated space created. Enter the opening created, filling the space with new attentions. The Monkey mind is still there. It will rush to become dominant again with righteous chatter. Thwart the automatic urge, be mindful, fill the space with a mantra, then give the mind tasks to accomplish. The Ox wants to work; give it work to do. Apply rhythmic diligence to what is at hand. Be steady, making straight and deep furrows. Rhythm includes rests and nourishment; steadiness does not burn out. Ox is available these next 12 months for preparing a future. The Tao Time Way is a pragmatic approach to discern the time you are in and the developmental path that lays before you by accessing and interpreting the I Ching. Readings are available on the moon phases. Connect at
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February 2021
community spotlight
Leveraging the Power of Plants to Maximize Health and Wellness by Tavi Meketon
ccording to the Nutrition Business Journal Summit, the global rate of growth for medicinal plants is estimated to be significant over the next decade, reaching an estimated $670 billion by 2024. While plants have been used to support health and wellness since prehistoric times, America is seeing a rise in the immediate benefits and preventative, longlasting effects of numerous types of botanical and cannabis derivatives. Increasingly, healthcare professionals and individuals are becoming more educated about the many 16
Tucson Edition
bioavailable compounds found in natural plants, such as hemp/cannabis, elderberry, turmeric, cranberry and hundreds of others. Tucson-based Brilliant Health, LLC is poised to become one of the country’s leading nutraceutical companies that formulates, manufactures and distributes a line of safe, clean and effective products in both the hemp/cannabis and nutraceutical categories. Brilliant Health and its subsidiary, Exciting! Extracts, is a national leader in the research and development of science-based natural supplements. They have assembled
a multi-disciplinary team of medical doctors, PhDs, biologists, chemists and extraction specialists to produce a line of products created for those who are looking for the highest level of trust, safety and efficacy in their go-to remedies and supplements. The Brilliant Health team is led by cofounder and CEO, Dr. Norman Relkin, PhD, MD. Relkin’s mission has been to leverage the power of the plant to maximize overall health and wellness for humans and animals. As a board-certified neurologist and neuroscientist trained at Yale’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and most recently at Cornell University Medical College, he has extensive experience in pre-clinical as well as clinical development of supplements, pharmaceuticals and biologics. Relkin spent the past five years building the technology platforms and product portfolio of Brilliant Health, to include its Hemp line in Exciting! Extracts, as well as other products for pain relief, brain function, allergies, acne and immune system health. Relkin has not only witnessed the recent growth of the nutraceutical industry, but also the skepticism caused by poor quality of current market products that may not be able to prove safety or effectiveness. “Unfortunately, the market for health and wellness-promoting interventions has developed much faster than the science behind the actual products,” he says. “There is a lack of scientific rigor in the creation and manufacturing of most nutraceuticals and dietary supplement products on the market today. This rising tide of the nutraceutical industry has attracted many quick to market and substandard products, resulting in a flood of impurity and inconsistency, with unsubstantiated efficacy claims.” As a result of common questions and widely spread concerns, Brilliant Health has addressed these with the proprietary knowledge, technology and expertise that provides remedies for several of the major shortcomings in today’s nutraceutical and cannabis industries. The centerpiece of Brilliant Health’s solution is a unique development platform that identifies multiple bioactive ingredients in plants and standardizes production of
extracts containing these bioactive molecules in prescribed ratios. Brilliant Health also possesses a powerful small molecule contaminant screen that identifies toxins that are often overlooked by conventional laboratory testing. Brilliant Health’s technology is powered by its unique “5 element” approach that uses Rapid Analysis, Bioactive Identification, Extract Production, Proprietary Safety Screen and finally Clinical Trials. By extracting and standardizing multiple bioactive molecules in plants, this transformative solution allows natural medicines to be created with equal or greater potency than pharmaceuticals with improved safety and tolerability. This proprietary technology also identifies hundreds of molecules within minutes, as well as bioactives and contaminants. Conventional pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals typically contain a fixed amount of a single molecule known as “the active ingredient” and variable amounts of “other ingredients”. However, the medicinal properties in plants are generally not the result of a single molecule acting in isolation, but the combined effects of many bioactive chemicals acting in concert to achieve synergy. This principle is often referred to as the “ensemble effect”. Brilliant Health’s next-generation plant extracts are created in a way that maximizes the ensemble effects to achieve prescribed therapeutic endpoints, making them uniquely effective, inherently differentiated
and, in some cases, patentable. By extracting and standardizing multiple bioactive molecules in plants, natural medicines can be created that have effectiveness comparable to pharmaceuticals, but at lower cost and with improved safety and tolerability. The power of Brilliant Health’s technology is evident from the unique products that have been created and the speed at which new product development takes place. Brilliant Health has extracts with potent antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. They have the first whole spectrum turmeric extract that is proven to deliver curcumin to the brain after oral administration. Brilliant Health has also created the first full-spectrum hemp-in-water extract, Aqua, that is made entirely from the hemp plant, without other additives. Most products on the market today contain FDA monograph ingredients that permit for an array of egregious label claims. The difference with Aqua is what is not in the bottle. The production of these and other natural medicines are made possible through an approach that is unique to Brilliant Health. To ensure consumer safety, Brilliant Health has partnered with Healthloq to incorporate immutable blockchain technology to track every batch and all ingredients from seed to shelf. Buyers have a means to be 100 percent confident when and how each batch was produced. Currently, Aqua/Sativa Basics are available to the consumer through local shops,
as well as to health and wellness practitioners for professional purposes. Not only is Brilliant Health expecting the lineup of groundbreaking products in 2021, but Exciting! Extracts is hoping to be the “first-mover” in the local CBG and national market, in addition to the launch of liquid drops and a CBD patch added to their line by the end of spring. These products will be formulated specifically to address the goals of the human body as well as pets. Now available to consumers and professionals is the Aqua Roll-on, which is a fullspectrum hemp extract in water. Exciting! Extracts’ “hemp-in-water” was formulated to rapidly alleviate pain and inflammation associated with muscles and joints. Aqua is unique in being an aqueous delivery system for cannabis flower oil created without the use of external emulsifiers, surfactants or other additives. A current customer recently shared, “It’s exciting to be on the ground floor of such unique and effective science, and comforting to know something that works this well is safe for me and can be trusted for my pets as well.” For more information on available products or future orders, contact Nick Sandberg at 520900-5555, option 4 or visit See ad, page 11. Tavi Meketon, MBA, SPHR is a local author and business executive who focuses on supporting individuals and organizations through proactive strategies and comprehensive solutions. Connect at
February 2021
Romantic Relationship Toolkit by Diana Daffner
What’s in YOUR Romance Toolkit?
he dictionary defines romance as “a quality of mystery, excitement and remoteness from everyday life”. This is the quality that Valentine’s Day is meant to celebrate, as couples hope to focus and ignite the fire of their attraction. There are many resources for couples committed to intimacy. So, what “tools” are we using this year? We can start by learning our partner’s preferred “love language”. Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages, has helped millions bring themselves into harmony with their partners. Knowing that our own preferred love language may not be the same as our partner’s, we can honor and delight them by using theirs. Do they yearn for “words of affirmation”? Be sure to pick a meaningful Valentine’s Day card, or, better yet, write an original. Is an “act of service” the best gift they can receive? How about a coupon book with offers of what might be done for them around the house or on their pet project? If their language is “physical touch”, that coupon book might include some
deliciously different offerings. And if their preferred love language is indeed “gifts”, we would be wise indeed to remember that this month. A counselor, coach, therapist or other mentor can help us develop our communication abilities. This includes the importance of using “I” language, taking responsibility for how we think and feel in emotional situations. A relationship is enhanced when we issue more compliments than complaints. A recommended ratio is five positive comments to one negative, even including that slippery slope of “constructive criticism”. Do we know how it feels to be really heard, and to truly listen to our partner? Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication can teach us a sense of how to communicate OFNR, by clearly sharing what we Observe, how we Feel, what we Need and what we want to Request from our partner. Practicing such forms of communication can deepen our bond with our partner. Another avenue for deepening this bond is to explore Tantra or sexual practices. Tantra is an ancient spiritual teaching that encourages the mindful embrace of all life. A couple can gain much from experimenting with the joy of sacred loving and shared ecstatic intimacy. Maybe we have already read about or reviewed different ideas of sexual turn-ons and pleasure with our partner. The most important question is: Are we remembering to use whatever tools are in our toolkit? How do we hold each other accountable for their use? Do we strive to be conscientious and conscious about applying what we’ve learned? Don’t let these tools get rusty. We should take an inventory of what’s in our toolkit, and use them wisely and often. Valentine’s Day comes only once a year. Romance is a lifelong endeavor. Diana and Richard Daffner authored Tantric Sex for Busy Couples: How to Deepen Your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day. The Daffners have led workshops for over 20 years to help couples discover meaningful joy. They now offer their entire workshop on video. Connect at 941-349-6804, or See ad, page 23. NOTE: Natural Awakenings readers can use code NA20 to receive a 20 percent discount on the video program.
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Live a HeartHealthy Lifestyle
Integrative Cardiologists on Preventing Heart Disease
by Ronica O’Hara
ardiology has made mind-boggling advances in efficiently repairing everything from clogged arteries to floppy mitral valves and even replacing the entire failing heart itself. Yet the stubborn fact remains that almost half of all Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease, killing one in four of us, and those numbers are rising. Research shows that simple lifestyle changes can prevent 80 percent of these deaths, but many cardiologists typically reach for a prescription pad rather than explore diet, exercise and other prevention options with their patients. “Medicine can be life-saving, but optimal heart health can’t come from medicine alone,” says cardiologist Stephen Devries, co-author of Integrative Cardiology. “There is a common belief among many physicians that patients generally don’t want to make lifestyle changes—an assumption that is often dead wrong and refuted by surveys of patients that show that the majority are looking to do exactly that.” Los Angeles restauranteur and musician Gianni Neiviller, 54, is such a case. When he found holistic cardiologist Cynthia Thaik three years ago, he had already endured four major surgeries for gut illnesses; was suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression; and was heavily abusing alcohol and marijuana. Thaik ordered tests that uncovered sleep apnea, and she encouraged him to turn to an all-organic diet, take vitamin and mineral supplements, exercise and practice mindfulness and meditation. “At first it was all fairly hard, but as I started losing the pounds, my mind became more clear, and little by little, it all started getting a bit easier,” Neiviller says. He lost 86 pounds 20
Tucson Edition
within a year, got sober and ceased taking blood pressure medication and using a sleep apnea machine. He now walks six miles a day; practices a hybrid regimen of qigong, yoga and meditation; and is switching to a holistic health career. “When people try to push my buttons, they rarely succeed these days,” he smiles. Rebounding into vibrant health is what integrative cardiologists like Devries and Thaik strive for. Also known as preventive or holistic cardiologists, they focus on guiding patients to change long-held, harmful, physical and emotional practices. Although they are comparatively few in number—probably no more than 100 nationally—these doctors are vocal and influential, imparting valuable advice about preventing and reversing heart disease through daily lifestyle choices.
Heart-Happy Eating Substantial research affirms that one major line of defense against heart disease is what we put into our mouths every day, yet only 8 percent of cardiologists consider themselves capable to give nutritional advice, a survey showed. To counter that, Devries co-founded the Gaples Institute, a Naperville, Illinois, nonprofit that offers free nutritional training online to the public and nutritional accreditation for medical clinicians. Devries, who trained at Dr. Andrew Weil’s Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, lectures internationally and recently authored What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Cholesterol. “People have a lot more power over their heart health than they realize,” he says. According to Devries, the name of a diet is not as important as the anti-inflammatory foods it should contain, such as “a wide variety of vegetables and fruit, plenty of beans, whole grains in place of refined, minimizing or eliminating meat (especially processed meat like bacon and sausage), minimizing added sugar (especially from sugar-sweetened beverages) and using small amounts of the most healthful oils, like extra-virgin olive oil.” And the evidence is increasing, he says, of “minimizing or eliminating animal products and getting most or all of your protein from highquality plant sources like beans, tofu, whole
grains and nuts. Fish is one exception for which there is good evidence.” He’s backed up by a November 2020 study of 220,000 adults published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. It concludes that those with diets high in red and processed meat, refined grains and sugary beverages had a 46 percent higher risk of heart disease and a 28 percent higher risk of stroke compared to those consuming anti-inflammatory diets rich in green and yellow vegetables, whole grains, coffee and tea. Devries suggests that gradual, incremental changes to the diet may be easier than abrupt and dramatic choices. For example, he might recommend switching from sugary soda to flavored seltzer first, then trying lemon water and black tea with milk before opting for plain, green tea. Sipping a cup of green tea at least every other day reduces the risk of heart attacks and dying of heart disease by one-fifth, Chinese researchers report in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
Powerful Supplements
As a young cardiologist frustrated by the revolving-door nature of his patients, Stephen Sinatra came upon an obscure 1982 study of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) that he realized could have saved the life of a favorite patient. This catalyzed his intensive studies into nutrition and bioenergetics that produced 17 books, including the bestselling Reverse Heart Disease Now and The Sinatra Solution. He helped formulate the new field of metabolic cardiology that proposes preventing and treating cardiovascular disease with nutraceuticals to improve energy production in heart cells. In addition to suggesting a high-potency, multi-nutrient, fish oil, magnesium and vitamin C for prevention, he recommends four key nutrients that produce and use adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body’s basic cellular eral & Cosmetic Dentistryfuel: • Ozone Therapy
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February 2021
YL-carnitine ferries fatty acids to be oxidized to make ATP and moves toxic metabolites out of heart cells. Dosage: 1,000 to 1,500 mg in divided doses to prevent deficiency and up to 3,000 mg for heart disease.
cardiology and set up the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, in Bingham Farms, Michigan, which focuses on dietary counseling and preventive screenings. His list of “must have” tests includes:
YMagnesium, required in all reactions involving ATP, is depleted by some gastrointestinal medications and diuretics. Dosage: at least 400 mg.
YAdvanced cholesterol panel for a breakdown of LDL-cholesterol particle number and size, which is highly predictive of cardiovascular problems.
YD-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar derivative of ATP that hastens energy regeneration. Dosage: five to seven grams (gm) daily as a preventive, seven to 10 gm daily for heart failure.
YLipoprotein(a) cholesterol to detect a risk-elevating genetic
In other nutrient news, adults that took glucosamine/chondroitin every day for a year or longer had a 65 percent reduction in cardiovascular-related deaths, reports West Virginia University researchers that analyzed 16 years of data from 16,686 adults.
YHigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) to identify inflammation of blood vessels.
form of cholesterol that’s present in about 20 percent of those tested.
YHemoglobin A1c (HbA1C) to obtain the three-month measure of sugar in hemoglobin, a marker of both diabetes and heart disease.
Smart Testing Preventive cardiologist Joel Kahn, the author of Your Whole Heart Solution and The Plant-Based Solution, says that lab tests typically prescribed by cardiologists and other doctors are inadequate. “Standard lab tests have not changed in 30 to 40 years, but science has,” he says. “For example, inflammation is now understood to be a fundamental process for most chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. A simple lab test, hs-CRP, is available to measure inflammation. Very few doctors add this to their panel. When it is high, it leads to a search for why there is inflammation and diet, lifestyle and other measures to resolve it.” After 25 years as a cardiologist treating heart-attack emergencies, Kahn, who is vegan, went back to college to study preventive
YVitamin D to identify deficiencies linked to a higher risk of hypertension, heart failure, angina and heart attacks. Move It or Lose It The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (brisk walking, water aerobics, gardening, tennis, dancing) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (running, jumping, swimming laps), as well as musclestrengthening activity (weights) at least two days a week. Only 20 percent of adults exercise for the full 150 minutes per week, which may be why physical inactivity is a major factor in an estimated one-third of heart disease deaths. “I like to frame it as
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‘being active’, because exercise sounds onerous,” Devries says. “Even a small amount of activity goes a long way—walking at a gentle pace 30 minutes a day confers very significant benefits. Up to a point, more can be better, but only for some people, and only to a point.” Even moving a few minutes daily can add up. Doing 12-minute bursts of vigorous exercise favorably impacts 80 percent of the metabolites that govern such functions as oxidative stress, inflammation and vascular reactivity, reports a new study in Circulation. Just one hour a week of strength training significantly lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease death, another study found. And simply holding thigh and calf stretches for 45 seconds for a total of five minutes daily improved arterial blood flow, reports a study in the Journal of Physiology.
The Emotional Heart As a child in Myanmar, Thaik witnessed hands-on healing at a clinic she visited with her physician mother, but holistic care only entered her life after 20 years of practice as a frustrated cardiologist, when she was laid low by severe anemia that required transfusions and surgery. Today, the Harvard-trained cardiologist is the author of Your Vibrant Heart and founder of the Holistic Heart Healing Center, in Los Angeles, which integrates the medical model with lifestyle strategies and approaches like homeopathy and acupuncture. “I very much believe that we are both physical beings and energetic or spiritual beings. Our physical makeup is closely intertwined with our mental and emotional makeup,” Thaik says. She counsels patients to practice the following:
YMindfulness. “A mentor of mine, (life coach) Mary Morrisey,
taught me to avoid the three Cs—complaining, comparing or criticizing. If you attempt to do this for even an hour, you will find that it is actually a hard task. Practicing this allows us to be acutely mindful of our thoughts.”
YGratitude. “I wake up every morning and before my feet hit
the floor, I make this statement five times and fill in five different answers: ‘I am so happy and grateful now that ...’”
YReleasing. “I believe the most important ingredient to health
and healing is the ability to release—to forgive self and others, to let go and abandon all of our negative thoughts, our self-limiting beliefs, our notions of right and wrong, our feelings of injustice and being wronged.” She advises, “When we can abandon all these beliefs and allow ourselves to float or drift unimpeded—imagine yourself on a tube in a lazy river—that is when healing within our bodies begins, when our parameters of stress and the hormones and neurotransmitters associated with stress start to down-regulate, and we can literally feel a wave of relaxation passing through our bodies. This will lower our heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline and cortisol levels, thereby mitigating our risk of a heart attack or stroke.” Ronica O’Hara, a natural health writer, can be contacted at
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February 2021
conscious eating
Heartfelt Eating Best Foods for a Heart-Healthy Diet by April Thompson
ypertension affects nearly half of all Americans, increasing the risk for heart disease and stroke, the leading cause of death. We can help mitigate that risk and have a healthy “change of heart” by revamping our diets.
Find recipes at 24
Tucson Edition
While food fads are constantly changing, the basics of a heart-healthy diet have not, says Cheryl Strachan, a registered dietitian in Calgary, Canada, and founder of Strachan notes the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet has been used to help lower blood pressure and with other heart disease risk factors since its development in the 1990s. The DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and low-fat dairy foods. While it includes lean meat, fish and poultry, it limits sugary foods and fatty meats. The Mediterranean diet, says Strachan, is another proven regimen for heart health, citing a five-year Spanish study in The New England Journal of Medicine that found the incidence of cardiovascular events was 30 percent lower among participants on this diet, supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts, compared to those assigned a reduced-fat diet. A Mediterranean diet doesn’t necessarily mean eating dishes specific to that region. “It’s the type of foods that matters: a largely plant-based diet focused on whole grains such as the bulgur in tabouli, legumes, nuts, seeds, olive oil and some animal products like fish, poultry and dairy,” says Strachan. Michael Greger, a Seattle physician and author of the bestseller How Not to Die, disagrees that meat-based proteins have a place in a heart-healthy diet. “Only one way of eating has ever been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients: a diet centered around whole-plant foods,” says Greger, adding that the most critical risk factor is elevated LDL cholesterol. “To drastically reduce LDL cholesterol levels, we need to drastically reduce our intake of trans fat, which comes from processed foods and naturally from meat and dairy; saturated fat, found mainly in animal products and junk foods; and playing a lesser role, dietary cholesterol, found exclusively in animal-derived foods, especially eggs.” Michelle Routhenstein, a preventive cardiology dietitian and owner of Entirely Nourished, a nutrition counseling practice in New York City, likes to meet clients where they are rather than trying to force a drastic switch they can’t maintain. “Often, people get very broad advice, like ‘Adopt a
plant-based diet,’ but when it comes to the heart, you have to find a way of eating you can commit to long term. I start by asking what foods bring them joy, as well as their food dislikes, history and culture.” For Routhenstein, an optimal diet for the heart includes a healthy balance of good fats, lean protein and the complex carbs that are important sources of fiber. “Research has shown that every additional 10 grams of fiber per day can decrease the risk of coronary heart disease by as much as 25 percent,” by helping the body remove excess cholesterol, says the dietitian and author of The Truly Easy HeartHealthy Cookbook: Fuss-Free, Flavorful, Low-Sodium Meals. While fatty foods are sometimes scapegoated for poor health, unsaturated fats are “really good for blood vessel health,” she adds.
Nutrients for Heart Health Potassium is a key mineral for heart health, as it can help the body remove excess sodium, lower blood pressure and improve blood flow and blood vessel health. Yet research shows less than 2 percent of Americans get enough. Beans, sweet potatoes, lentils, beets and avocados are among many potassium-rich foods with multiple heart benefits. There is a growing awareness of the importance of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids, particularly in fish like wild salmon, arctic char and sardines. Routhenstein also advocates omega-9 fatty acids such as in tahini and avocado. Omega-9s have been shown to help increase HDL “good” cholesterol and decrease LDL “bad” cholesterol while protecting blood vessel health. Heart attacks often seem to occur suddenly simply because the damage happens gradually and quietly, warns Routhenstein. “Heart disease is progressive, so over time a poor lifestyle and diet can damage blood vessels and accelerate hardening of the arteries that lead to heart attacks,” she warns. “Some damage may not be entirely reversible, but it’s never too late to optimize heart functioning.” Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at
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Tax Write-Offs and Credits for the Self-Employed Amidst COVID
by Viviane Thompson
OVID-19 has impacted all of us, but when it comes to taxes, new and/or temporary rules have multiplied, most very complicated and often not widely understood or publicized. It may not be all that well known, but self-employed persons can get additional tax breaks. First, the pandemic unemployment assistance program (PUA) has been reworked and extended. As a self-employed person, one may qualify, therefore they should contact the AZ Department of Economic Security for more information on benefits. Remember, payments received as unemployment are taxable income, so it is smart to plan on potential tax impact. The second part of the law, both in the original and the new one, provides tax credits for the self-employed for family and medical leave, which cover the cost of: taking time off due to COVID-19 (being sick), taking care of a family member with COVID, or being unable to work because a child’s school/daycare is closed due to the pandemic. The credits available have fairly complicated rules (unfortunate, though not surprising). However, they are very much worth researching and calculating the amounts available. As with every tax law, there are rules and maximums as to how much one can take as a credit, how many days would qualify and what is needed to prove that one qualifies for them. Those who think they do qualify should add these on their 1040, either by telling a CPA or tax professional or by filing the right form on their tax return personally. The form is called “Credit for Sick Leave and Family Leave”, or form 7202. And of course, there is the Payroll Protection Program (PPP). The new law has added several changes to the requirements and rules including how the PPP is taxed and what other credits are available. Those people who have employees, regardless of PPP, may be entitled to some tax refunds that are worth spending time investigating. Note that the laws affecting our taxes due to COVID are fluid, meaning that changes could still occur, therefore it is wise not to rush into filing a 2020 tax return. The IRS has a huge backlog of mail to still deal with from the original shutdown in March 2020, so amending a return due to new tax laws in order to get additional refunds will be delayed, as it will take months (or more) to be processed. Viviane Thompson is a CPA at Thompson Accounting Company, in Tucson. It might be time to work with a CPA. Contact Thompson Accounting for a safe appointment, either through Zoom or on their outside patio. Call 520-822-8208. See ad, page 22. 26
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February 2021
Bodywork & Healing Arts Add More
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Harmony Sessions by Ciaara
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by Sarah Blondin Phone or Text 907-529-7956
You always gain by giving love. ~Reese Witherspoon
Tucson Edition
e already know what it feels like to be in our hearts. Although we may feel disconnected from it and at times doubt ourselves, most often all we need to do to awaken it is to become still and quiet, and it will do the rest. When we draw our attention inward and focus on our heart center, it will calm and reassure us, often instantly. This may sound too good to be true, but this is exactly what happens when we invite and allow it. When we inhabit the heart, we awaken to our aliveness. We spontaneously arrive like a bolt of lightning in the present moment and all of our arguments against ourselves and life go quiet. Goodness pushes up through the chaos of our internal world and we feel lit from within by a light we had no idea was there.
At any time, no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, we can touch this place in ourselves and activate the benefits of the heart space. Try practicing now by placing a hand on your heart, breathe in and notice how this small act sends a message to soften and disarm. It is that simple. It’s about shifting and moving ourselves into this place of love and acceptance, allowing ourselves to be infused with the consciousness of our heart. If we look within, most of us can identify a vision we have, an image of who we want to become, an enhanced version of ourselves—something like You 2.0. This image is often kinder, more loving, openhearted, accepting, inspired and creative; it’s often less self-conscious and more gallant. This self doesn’t succumb to fear, anger or
hardship and rises above everything with ease. This vision we have in our mind’s eye is the best representation of our heartminded selves. It is the call of our heart. When we see this version as our potential rather than a reminder of our shortcomings, we can use it as a way—a tool—to help us move in the direction of our light. Take time throughout the day to bow our head and take three conscious breathes into our heart. Let its current feed us. Remember we are wise. We are soft. We are brave. Let all other noise stop. Re-enter the kingdom of our heart. Sarah Blondin is among the top three popular meditation teachers on InsightTimer, and the author of Heart Minded: How to Hold Yourself and Others in Love. Visit
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NOTE TO OUR READERS: All events were accurate at press time; we suggest confirming these details with the hosts before attending. Please check to enter your events or find others. Thank you for your understanding and stay well.
Want more Energy, Confidence, Intelligence? – 7-8pm. 2/4, 2/18, 3/4 and 3/18. Expand and strengthen your energy field. Studies of the Human Aura book discussion. Join us Passcode: 267445. No charge.
Dr Karmen Smith returns to Tucson – 10:3011:30am. We are delighted to bring Dr Karmen back to Tucson, on Zoom, for Sunday Celebration Services. She’ll be speaking on “Matching the Vibration of Love”. Learn more about her at By donation.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 A Vigilant Attitude–Who Needs It? – 9:30am12:30pm. This presentation, will address the concept of watching, keeping vigil and waiting in our lives, in the therapeutic experience and the individuation process. We will also look at the ritual of vigil and how it is something the collective appears to need. $40/members; $50/non-members.
Introduction to Meditation - Livestreamed – 11am-12pm. Learn simple techniques to help sustain a simple meditation practice, giving way to lasting calmness, a strong center, solutionconsciousness and increased self-confidence. No experience necessary. Presented by The Yoga Connection’s founder Priscilla Potter. No charge.
Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 9:45-11:30am. Learn about the health benefits of Kangen special ionized drinking water (electrically charged): alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. Free. Pristine Naturopathic Medicine, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520795-1300.
The Sacred Adventure: Are You Ready? – 7-8:30pm. 2/11, 2/25, 3/11 and 3/25. Learn how to accelerate using spirituality. Explore higher consciousness. No charge. Join us in-person or Zoom. ID: 506 539 2792; Passcode: 73SkjV. Fort Lowell Counseling Center, 2561-2 E Fort Lowell Rd. 520-250-3871.
Shoulder Intensive Yoga – 1-2:30pm. Learn about the shoulder’s anatomy and how limitations affect your neck, back and posture. Learn about postures and breathing which can help create improved movement and flexibility. There are also adaptations. Led by Stephanie Higie. $15.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Yoga for Happy Joints – 1-2:30pm. It is important to keep moving our joints and adjoining muscles to keep them healthy. Learn poses and movements to help build strength and flexibility. Yoga uses breath and focuses on quality of movement, not quantity. With Bea Aldridge. $15. Prosperity Workshop – 3-4pm. Discover old, unconsciously-held belief systems, karmic decisions and conditioning that may be blocking you from a more prosperous life. Open your heart and mind to new concepts of prosperity. Contact Danielle at 847-323-9188 or for Zoom link. No charge.
Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit listings.
Tucson Edition
Want more Energy, Confidence, Intelligence? – 7-8pm. 2/4, 2/18, 3/4 and 3/18. Expand and strengthen your energy field. Studies of the Human Aura book discussion. Join us Passcode: 267445. No charge.
Gong Bath – 1-2:30pm. Sit or lay in meditation, while the sound washes over and through you, calming the monkey mind and nervous system. Danielle Dvorak and the Earth Gong can take you into a deeply relaxed and contented state. Contact Danielle at 847-323-9188 or Danielle@Replevyn. com for Zoom link. $20/live-stream; $25/in-person.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Are You Ready to Transform Your Life? – 7-8:30pm. 2/11, 2/25, 3/11 and 3/25. A journey of change using sacred words and visualizations to accelerate awareness. No charge. Join us in-person or Zoom. ID: 506 539 2792; Passcode: 73SkjV. Fort Lowell Counseling Center, 2561-2 E Fort Lowell Rd. 520-250-3871.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Je Tsongkhapa Empowerment at Kadampa Meditation Center in Tucson – 2/26 at 6:30pm. 2/27 from 9am-4:30pm. As our Spiritual Guide, Je Tsongkhapa teaches us everything we need for our spiritual development. KMC Arizona and KMC Phoenix are co-hosting this event. Everyone is welcome. $60.
daily Yoga for Seniors and Everyone Online – 9-10am. Monday-Thursday. One hour of Gentle Hatha Yoga to help build strength, flexibility and balance in your body, mind and spirit. Book through website: $8 per class. Peaceful Floating – 9am-5pm. Wednesday to Saturday. Santa Rita Springs invites you to float your cares away in our indoor saltwater pool, 2 or 3 family members or roommates may swim or float. Pool house safely sanitized. Lifeguard if needed. $20/90-minutes. 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. By appointment. Text 520-990-1857 or email
sunday Online Sunday Worship Service: Casas Adobes Congregational Church – 8:15-9:15am. Faithcentered, music-loving Christian congregation with a variety of worship and spiritual enrichment opportunities. During this unusual time of sheltering in place, we are offering these services online to be enjoyed wherever you are. No charge. Info@ Kadampa Meditation Center General Program – 10-11:15am. Our live-streamed classes provide a basic introduction to Buddhist teachings and meditation that are suitable for beginners and experienced meditators. $10/class; free to Members. Tucson Metaphysics Fair – 10am-4pm. Third Sunday. Fair includes a variety of mediums, readers, healers and vendors. Best Western Inn Suites Tucson Foothills Hotel & Suites, 6201 N Oracle Rd. 520-579-8930. Sunday Celebration Services – 10-11:30am. Join the sea of happy faces through zoom technology from the comfort of your living room. Celebrate community, music, life and self-motivated expansion and growth. Happier life, better health and more abundant living. Welcome. By donation. Online Noon Prayers for Race Unity, Social Justice and Healing – 12-1pm. Program consists of a short presentation on a current issue using photos, videos and slides designed to focus our Spirits and Hearts on the issue. To receive an invite contact Sunday Feast and Bhakti Program – 5:30pm. 7pm ten-course feast. Govinda’s Hare Krishna temple and vegetarian restaurant hosts a wonderful program. We observe social distancing and pay close attention to CDC guidelines. No charge. Govinda’s Natural Foods, 711 East Blacklidge. 520-792-0630.
monday Pranayama – 9-9:30am. This ancient yogic discipline helps develop concentration and breath control. The goal of the breathing techniques is to help practitioners better connect to the mind and body. No charge. Registration is required for online access. No charge.
Online Gentle Hatha Yoga – 9-10am. With Trish on Zoom. Gentle, doable, slow, mindful stretch. Breathwork and variations are always included. First class free email; or book a class through the Divine Journey Yoga website. $8.50. Restorative Yoga – 4-5:15pm. Relax and renew with this gentle yet dynamic form of yoga offered by The Yoga Connection. Postures are practiced with maximum support and comfort allowing the body to open on its own. Beginners welcome. Sessions are online only. $10. Called to be a Healer? Introductory Circle – 5:306:30pm. Fourth Monday. With Quynn Red Mountain. When one feels called, or finally admits that one is called, to be a "Healer" of self and/or others, it is time to learn how to listen within for guidance from inner allies about going forward with one's personal healing and/or healer training. No experience with journeying or healing is necessary. $5-$20 sliding scale. Reiki Circle Through Zoom – 6pm. With Judy Ferrig, Reiki Master Teacher. Come to learn about Reiki and receive a mini session. No charge. Contact for Zoom log in.
tuesday Online Yoga Core Strength for Better Balance – 9-10am. With Trish on Zoom. Invigorating, doable, yoga practice to help build your core strength for better balance. Breathwork and variations are always included. First class free email Trish@DivineJourneyYoga. com; or book a class through the Divine Journey Yoga website. $8.50. Online Spiritual Formation Group: Casas Adobes Congregational Church – 11am-12pm. With Pastor Michael Bush. Online spiritual exploration. To sign up for this small group gathering, email All are also welcome to join our weekly online Sunday Worship Service. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center General Program – 7-8:15pm. Gain the understanding of how we can put Buddha’s Lamrim (“stages of the path to enlightenment”) meditations and teachings into practice in these uncertain times. Live streamed. $10/class; free to members.
wednesday Yin Yoga – 9-10am. With Trish on Zoom. This type of yoga is important for joint health. Lots of variations are offered including options to stay off your knees. First class free email Trish@Divine; or book a class through the Divine Journey Yoga website. $8.50. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. Beginning: Continuing Yoga – 5:30-8:15pm. A multi-level yoga class which introduces variations on poses allowing students to practice at their own level. In-studio (limited to 10 registered participants) and live-streamed. Monthly packages available. $10. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E. Pima. 520-323-1222.
thursday Yoga for Strong Bones – 9-10am. With Trish on Zoom. Practice to help build bone density and muscle strength. These poses have been proven to reverse the effects of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia. You will need a yoga strap, a yoga block and a chair. First class free.; or book a class through the Divine Journey Yoga website. $8.50. Beginning Continuing Yoga – 10-11:15am. A multi-level yoga class which introduces variations on poses allowing students to practice at their own level. In-studio (limited to 10 registered participants) and live-streamed. Monthly packages available. $10. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E. Pima. 520-323-1222. Meditatíon en Español – 12:30-1:30pm. Tomar 30 minutos en el medio del día para conectarse con su corazón, cultivar la paz interior, la felicidad y clarificar su intención para el día. Todos son bienvenidos para atender estas meditaciones guiadas. Con Andrew Norales. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Back Care Yoga – 4-5:15pm. Join Martha Bergner, retired Chiropractor, for this gentle yoga class which focuses on strength, body posture, alleviating neck and back pain, and lengthening and decompressing the spine. In-studio (limited to 10 registered participants) and live-streamed. $10. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E. Pima. 520-323-1222. Spiritual Life Group Online – 6:30pm. First, third and fourth Thursday. Experience a deeper sense of God and connection with fellow travelers on the spiritual journey. Put faith into action with prayer, study and engaging information. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. Taizé Worship Service Online – 6:30-7:30pm. Second Thursday. Join us online for this unique, meditative worship. For the communities’ well-being, all upcoming Taizé Services will be held online. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. The Sacred Adventure: Are You Ready? – 7-8:30pm. Learn how to accelerate using spirituality. Weekly lessons with actions to expand into higher consciousness. In person or Zoom meetings. No charge. Fort Lowell Counseling Center, 2561-2 E. Fort Lowell Rd. Call/text: 520-250-3871. Tucson
friday Don Zavis Sales Training – 10:30am-12pm. Don Zavis sales training is still making it happen. The Friday Session goes on. Don’t let the Coronavirus get you down and learn how the “sell” your way out of this crisis. No charge. In person at The Catalyst at Tucson Mall, 4500 North Oracle, Ste 110. 520903-4654. Low Slow Hatha Yoga – 9-10am. Each Friday morning join Trish on zoom for a gentle, doable, slow, stretch staying close to the ground. Breathwork and variations are always included. First class free email; or book a class through the Divine Journey Yoga website. $8.50.
Listening to Spirits of your Sickness & Wellness – 11am-12pm. Third Friday. With Quynn Red Mountain. This circle is open to those who are experiencing, or who have experienced, Sickness in their life and/or who are ready to listen to their Spirit of Wellness. By donations Beginning: Continuing Yoga – 12-1pm. A multi-level yoga class which introduces variations on poses allowing students to practice at their own level. Beginners welcome. In-studio class limited to preregistered participants. Also offered online. $7. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. Plant Teacher Wisdom-Journey Circle – 5:306:45pm. First Friday. With Quynn Red Mountain. This circle offers an opening of the circle, an evocative recorded sound journey consisting of binaural beats, drum, rattle, and nature sounds. Participants are in charge of their own health during this circle. Please be in a comfortable and private space and use earbuds if you can. Join here: $10-20 sliding scale.
saturday Ai Chi with Connie Seddon – 10-11:15am. An aquatic meditation with slow, graceful movements, aligning mindfulness with breath. Ai Chi calms nerves, stretches muscles, improves balance, increases range of motion; energy is enjoyed while standing in a 96 degree warm indoor pool. $20. Register: 520 245-6616. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-990-1857. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520444-8636. Web of Life Online Support Gathering – 1-2pm. Our Gathering is where Earth honoring People can receive synchronistic messages and supportive self-care during the time of challenge, unrest and evolution. It is also a time to gather to share prayers of support and protection for all who are supporting the important movements of our time. By donation. Aqua Chakra Yoga – 1:30-3pm. With Krysa Kobryner. Yoga in a warm pool offers safety, comfort, buoyancy and water’s resistance to enjoying our poses, using breath and sound to embody all five elements for strengthening Chakras, our conduits of life energy. $15. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520551-0651. The AHHHH of Trance! Rhythms and Movements of Altered States – 3-4pm. Second Saturday. Creating a feeling of trance within the body and mind is a good thing. Altering your brainwaves with the harmonics and rhythms of trance relaxes and heals. Circle is open to participants of all levels of experience. By donation. $5-$20. WebOfLifeAnimists. com. Experience The Sound of Soul – 6-7pm. Fourth Saturday. Join other like-minded people in singing HU, an ancient, universal name of God. Following this 10-20-minute HU song is a short time of quiet contemplation and reflection. Discussion fills the remaining 40-minutes. No charge. Crvalluzzo@gmail. com.
February 2021
community resource guide
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit. Check out our online directory at and enter your free online listing.
Dr. Jasmine May, NMD 2231 E Speedway, 85719 520-323-0069
Dr. May offers whole being counseling for those seeking a shift from disease centered medicine to individualized care. Naturopathic medicine works to uproot the cause of disharmony, rather than palliating symptoms. Herbs, homeopathy, nutrition, and mind/body medicine are emphasized, with focus on empowering individuals to heal themselves. See ad, page 2.
Doctor Wilson’s Original Formulations is the brand of high-quality, unique dietary supplements formulated by Dr. James L. Wilson to help people experience the energy and vitality that come with good health. We specialize in supplements for stress and adrenal fatigue. Save 10% on Super Adrenal Stress Formula with code NATURAL. See ad, page 12.
ALEXCIS LOPEZ, MS, CHt, NLP, REV. RESET, Ayahuasca Retreats, Workshops 1735 E Fort Lowell Rd, 85719 520-690-6576
Alexcis works with clients who are seeking mental-emotional-spiritual peace and clarity. Find relief from past trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction and negative behaviors. Improve boundaries, relationships, self-worth, connection, joyfulness abundance. Private RESET sessions, ayahuasca retreats, cacao and kava ceremonies, healing workshops. See ad, page 29.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is the Nurse-Aesthetician for you. She provides customized nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types, ethnicities and sensitivities while educating you about your skin concerns and care. See ad, page 8.
Elisabeth Heneage, MBA, ND 520-250-3871 State of the art healing machine Trinfinity8™ uses mathematical codes, Solfeggio tones and fractal visualizations for healing, positive change and rejuvenation. Experience stress reduction, energy restoration, better health & nutrition, skin, hair, face rejuvenation, weight management and body sculpting.
Tucson Edition
Transformational Medicine 2028 East Prince Rd, 85719 520-232-4585• Tired of the pain? Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.
Thompson Accounting Company, PLLC 1643 N Alvernon, Ste 104 520-822-8208 Tax and accounting CPA practice specializing in small business accounting, QuickBooks, and bookkeeping, payroll, taxes, and business advice. We are four very experienced and compassionate professional women helping you become more successful through common sense, down- to-earth, and sensible financial and tax advice. See ad, page 22.
Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 •
Danielle, a gifted life-long intuitive, is able to read anyone’s Akashic Records — accessing soul contracts, past life information related to this lifetime, and discovering symbols for the client to work with. Reading your Akashic Records often answers questions you thought unanswerable.
Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone. 25% off all services for the entire community!
3134 N Swan Rd, 85712 520-370-3689 • Sylvia Boyed, MA, VMT, CST. Now welcoming new clients. Restorative bodywork and energetic healing for physical and emotional well-being. 14+ years experience in energetically applied visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapies. Specializing in treatment of head injuries, tinnitus and post-surgical rehabilitation.
NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2231 E Speedway, 85719 520-323-0069
Natural Healing Care Center carries a variety of natural, full-spectrum Hemp CBD Products. All products are high quality, grown in the U.S., and tested. CBD has helped many people obtain relief for various ailments. NHCC can help inform you on the proper way to consume CBD. See ad, page 2.
CHIROPRACTIC WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161
Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neurologic disorders. Using gentle chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture and metabolic nutrition, we have helped thousands of patients, from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit See ad, page 13.
520-331-2629 PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $75. See ad for details. See ad, page 10.
Call or text: 520-261-4521 Safi Cleaners is a refugee-powered social enterprise. Safi uses only super-green, truly nontoxic cleaning agents to clean homes and a variety of commercial space. Some Safi clients are chemically sensitive; all Safi clients care about people and the Earth.
Gentle Touch Harmony Readings By Ciaara 907-529-7956 phone or text Couples/Singles/Pet Communication. Enjoy fast results, feel good with extra joy. Move forward on a clear path. More money, love, friends and more. Improve any area of your life! Amazing accuracy. Discover your Guides by name. International clientele. 20 years of service. See ad, page 21.
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.
Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Don’t be surprised if you enjoy the process.
Clarese Basile, DNP, PMHNP 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste #207, 85719 520-349-1781 Clarese Basile is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and counselor. She offers compassionate individualized care that includes medication, individual and group therapy. She uses a holistic approach to help you reach your goals and dreams. See ad, page 7.
Sheila Shea MA is Board Certified with 41 years of colon hydrotherapy experience. The Intestinal Health Institute offers intestinal nutritional support and detoxification protocols to accompany colonics. Specialties are abdominal massage, Metabolic Syndrome and sugar. Shea is an LMT in Arizona and Florida.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719 520-403-1686 RN-delivered colonics. FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closedgravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult! See ad, page 3.
Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services If your computer is "sick", we are here to help! "Computer ick? Call the Doctor." Your first half hour is no charge. We can serve you in your home in the Tucson area, or even via remote. See ad, page 21.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD & Steven Swidler, DDS 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496 Our mission is to build a partnership to achieve optimal dental health. The state-of-the-art technology, attention to our clients’ needs, and commitment to continuing education ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfortable environment. See ad, back cover.
TUCSON BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082
A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 21.
February 2021
6340 N Campbell Ave, #256, 85718 520-775-3333 2506 E Vistoso Commerce Loop Rd, #180, Oro Valley, 85755 520-447-8400 “Physician Preferred, Referred, and Trusted.”
Sonoran Ear Nose Throat and Audiology is Tucson’s premier ENTA practice, providing you and your family with the highest level of personalized medical care. Now with two locations and telemedicine options available for your safety. See ad, page 4.
EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 520-780-0170 Emotions run high in many people right now. Do you need help in coping with life? Emotional freedom is just that: an easy tool to deal with upsetting circumstances, anxiety, fears, sickness. It combines energy therapy and psychology to eliminate and reduce emotions. Affordable and necessary.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is a Registered Nurse and Quantum Energy Practitioner offering Chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as Auric Field clearing, Forgiveness and Self-Healing Practices. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 8.
Life can be a rocky road. The challenge is not to let it grind you into dust, but to polish you into a brilliant gem. ~John Milton Fogg 34
Tucson Edition
Maria Crawford FNP 2900 N Swan Rd, Ste 102, 85712 520-232-3360 • Maria Crawford FNP helps get to the root cause of your issue. She peels back the layers of symptomatology to help you discover what is happening in your body. Multi-therapeutic approach to regain your health. Services offered include: IV nutritional therapy, hyperbarics, LYMPHPresso and more. See ad, page 5.
Float & Spiritual Healing Center 2118 S Avenida Planeta, 85710 520-668-4017 • The most experienced Float Center in Arizona is right here in Tucson! Located in a quiet neighborhood, Cloud Nine Flotation offers the only true sensory deprivation experience in Tucson. An hour in a Float Tank is refreshing and calming at the same time. Voted Best of Tucson Alternative Health Centers. See ad, page 29.
GLUTEN FREE GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm
Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 40.
Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable,on-time, answers the phone. 25% off all services for the entire community!
HEALTH & WELLNESS GRIEF RELIEF WITH JENNICA Jennica Klemann, ACGRS 6812 N Oracle Rd, #100, 85704 520-850-8151
Jennica Klemann is an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist and Arizona Licensed Massage Therapist. She specializes in a variety of losses including death, divorce, loss of health, suicide, child loss, pet loss and helping parents and caretakers with grieving children. See ad, page 29.
6812 N Oracle Rd, #100, 85704 520-334-1919 We specialize in pain relief, stress management, and lifestyle maintenance. We offer client-centered Therapeutic Massage, Energy Work, Yoga/Massage, Couples Massage, Maternity, Pediatric Bodywork, Grief Recovery Massage and more. Our exclusive pain relieving salve, hot packs and hot towels always included.
Brenda Reynolds works with those who struggle under the burden of excess weight. She helps them lose weight and live in food freedom. Find the foods that are best for your unique body so you can look and feel more confident. See ad, page 9.
HEALTHY EATING THRIVE AND GROW GARDENS 3755 E 34th St #113, 85713 520-305-3127
Thrive and Grow Gardens designs and helps maintain backyard vegetable gardens with our products and services, which include raised garden beds, compost systems, potato boxes, irrigation ollas, and garden consultations. Call today to get started on your own vegetable garden. 15% off your first garden consultation. See ad, page 9.
520-331-2629 PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $75. See ad for details. See ad, page 10.
Transformational Medicine 2028 East Prince Rd, 85719 520-209-1755 • Learn to choose the right foods for you, how to heal your intestines, when to eat and more. Healing your intestine’s aides in healing Type 2 diabetes, obesity, sluggishness, sleeplessness, depression and lacking confidence. Added benefit is weight loss. See ad, page 3.
HYPNOTHERAPY HELEN HESS, PHD, NP, CHT, BFRP Dynamic Mastery, Inc 520-888-9338 “Health depends on being in harmony with our souls.” Dr. Edward Bach.
Helen is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and instructor. She creatively integrates her medical and nursing knowledge with hypnosis to assist clients make the changes they want. She specializes in medical hypnotherapy, pain management, stress management, and life-style habit modification.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 • Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 29.
Clarese Basile, DNP, PMHNP 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste #207, 85719 520-349-1781 Clarese Basile is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and counselor. She offers compassionate individualized care that includes medication, individual and group therapy. She uses a holistic approach to help you reach your goals and dreams. See ad, page 7.
HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY NORTHSTAR HYPERBARICS Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Danielle is a trained and certified Medical Intuitive (CMIP) through The Practical Path in Tujunga, CA. Medical Intuition utilizes clairvoyance and the sense of intuition to view and assess an individual’s physical body, along with their unique energy system.
We’re a Holistic Wellness Center that focuses on alternative medicine and specializes in Cannabis education, coaching and consulting. We help patients obtain their Medical Marijuana Card in AZ and also assist them in finding the right products to help their needs. Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years and not one person has ever died from over consumption, ever! See ad, page 2.
437 W Thurber Rd Ste #3, 85705 520-600-0211 Cannabis Saturdays! We specialize in cannabis education, coaching and counseling every Saturday. We evaluate patients and help them obtain their Medical Marijuana Card in AZ. We assist patients in non-opioid pain management. Mention Natural Awakenings and receive 20% off your consultation visit. See ad, page 10.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 Registered Nurse provides customized advanced rejuvenation treatments including microneedling, Botox, fillers and threads. Sensitive, health and ethnic skin issues are a specialty. Call or go on-line today for a complimentary consultation. See ad, page 8.
MEDITATION THE YOGA CONNECTION 3929 E Pima, 85712 520-323-1222
Join us for FREE meditation classes in February! YC offers various levels of yoga seven days a week plus specialty workshops such as “Yoga for Happy Joints” and “Back Care”. YC is a non-profit center serving the Tucson community since 1987.
NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD Transformational Medicine 2028 East Prince Rd, 85719 520-209-1755
Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.
February 2021
NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 25.
Thompson Accounting Company, PLLC 1643 N Alvernon, Ste 104 520-822-8208 CPA practice specializing in helping families via tax preparation, sensible financial and tax advice, and down-to-earth and empathetic financial guidance. We are four very experienced and compassionate professional women helping everyone navigate old IRS letters, avoid financial pitfalls, and achieve financial dreams like a secure retirement. See ad, page 22.
437 W Thurber Rd Ste #3, 85705 520-600-0211 Offering medical marijuana evaluations and certifications as well as soft tissue and osseous manipulation, acupuncture, shiatsu, craniosacral therapy, hydrotherapy, regenerative injection therapies and electromagnetic and thermal therapies. Mention Natural Awakenings for a free regenerative medicine consultation and 20% off treatment. See ad, page 10.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique 2nd Level practitioner 201 759-6845 Kryste Andrews, hypnotherapist and sound healer, facilitates self-healing as you view pertinent past lives. Address addictions, family issues, life purpose, global conditions and much more while in a blissful altered state, allowing your subconscious to answer unlimited questions. See ad, page 29.
956-566-5443 Jean is a physical therapist of 30 years, using a variety of manual techniques to treat conditions that have not responded well to traditional physical therapy. Treatment may include craniosacral therapy, deep dry needling, kinesiotaping, visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage therapy, private physical therapy, and hot stone myofascial work. See ad, page 29.
Exciting! Extracts is a revolutionary business with unique, physician formulated hemp products. Our products are water-soluble and contaminant screened. The difference is what’s NOT in the bottle.
Psychedelic Integration Coach Strategic Intuition Consulting
Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, 85711 520-869-5593 Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures.Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 9.
Tucson Edition
Lisannette offers coaching for voyagers seeking support in their own psychedelic-assisted healing journey. Lisannette employs various awareness practices and embodiment techniques that have been found to support integration and transformation.
Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Are you in harmony with your occupation? What stops you from having more wealth? Discover old belief systems, karmic decisions and conditioning that may be blocking you. By discovering unconsciously held blocks, Danielle is able to help bring you more abundance.
Thompson Accounting Company, PLLC 1643 N Alvernon, Ste 104 520-822-8208 CPA practice specializing in helping families via tax preparation, sensible financial and tax advice, and down-to-earth and empathetic financial guidance. We are four very experienced and compassionate professional women helping everyone navigate old IRS letters, avoid financial pitfalls, and achieve financial dreams like a secure retirement. See ad, page 22.
Cheryl Foster, Board Certified Reflexologist 1661 N Swan Rd, Ste 254, 85712 520-345-4554 • Reflexology is a profoundly restorative practice that works directly with the nervous system to release stress on many levels. Cheryl’s 25 years as a yoga teacher and Nationally Board Certified reflexologist give her vast resources for working gently and powerfully. $65 special offer. See ad, page 29.
5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 • Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 26.
SOUND THERAPY WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 25.
GOVINDA'S NATURAL FOODS 711 E Blackllidge Dr, 85719 520-250-0299
Dine in or take out from our large selection of homemade & organic vegan & vegetarian entrees prepared by expert chefs. We serve you from a protected glass shield as much as you desire. Experience a clean energized spiritual atmosphere. New lower prices. See ad, page 25.
2990 N Campbell Ave, Ste 120, 85719 520-325-7766 Lovin’ Spoonfuls provides outstanding vegan comfort food in a relaxed atmosphere. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. The 100% plant-based meals are enjoyed by vegans and non-vegans alike. Favorites include the house-made burgers and Fried Chicken Dinner.
SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS CASAS ADOBES CONGREGATIONAL, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST (UCC) Offering online services during the pandemic 520-297-1181
As an Open and Affirming congregation of the UCC, we welcome you to join our weekly Online Sunday Worship service. We also offer an online TaizéInspired Worship service or multiple small groups that meet for study, spiritual formation and prayer.
Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Celebration Service 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 18.
1846 E Innovation Park Dr, 85755 520-903-4654 Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability. See ad, page 23.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) specializes in providing customized holistic skin care treatments for all skin types and concerns. Make an appointment today and start on your path to creating beautiful skin for life. See ad, page 8.
The Path of Spiritual Freedom 1-877-300-4949 • Eckankar is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. A companion and road map for your Self-Discovery and God-Discovery journey. Discover the most secret part of yourself. The key to spiritual freedom lies within you. Explore life as a Soul Adventure.
KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER 5326 E Pima St, 85712 520-441-1617
Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!
Tucson Meditation Group extends a warm invitation for you to join us in deepening your meditations and spiritual practice through meditation techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. See Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Calendar.
THE SUMMIT LIGHTHOUSE TEACHING CENTER PHOENIX Elizabeth Clare Prophet 4105 N 20 St, Ste 115, Phoenix 602-703-9570
Studies of the Human Aura book discussion. Expand and Strengthen your Energy Field. February 4 & 18, March 4 & 18, 7-8pm. Free. Passcode: 267445. Next - The Sacred Adventure - Are You Ready? Email for info.
TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE SHARING (TIES) Sue Ann Christenson 619-857-5744
Guest Speaker (GS) events and sharing groups are online through ISGO. Register at for speakers (locally: second Friday. monthly; October-April; 7pm). Use code: NA2021 for 50% off for Tucson GS and pick a Sharing Group at no charge.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. ~Og Mandino February 2021
All Earth-honoring people are welcome in our online events that include drum journeys, intuitive development, mindfulness and guided meditation for all genders. We gather from all over the world to learn about and practice Animism. Earth honoring community supports exclusive spaces for Womxn, LGBTQ, and BIPOC as well.
Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services Have computers in your closet, not being used? We can remake them to be useful again, or we can wipe them clean and recycle them. Let us give you our opinion for no charge to help you decide what to do. See ad, page 21.
Web of Life Animist Church 2016 E Broadway Blvd 85719 520-954-2004
All Earth honoring People welcome! Labyrinth walks, drum journeys, intuitive development, recovery, LGBTQ support. Family circles, personal sessions, community clinic. Practitioner, Reiki, Minister Trainings. Retreats, Space Rental.
Doctor Wilson’s Original Formulations is the brand of high-quality, unique dietary supplements formulated by Dr. James L. Wilson to help people experience the energy and vitality that come with good health. We specialize in supplements for stress and adrenal fatigue. Save 10% on Super Adrenal Stress Formula with code NATURAL. See ad, page 12.
Hope Huerta is a certified massage therapist in the Tucson area. In-home massage provides for a personalized experience in the comfort of your own environment, allowing for unique care and attention. Services provided to limited areas, contact to see if you apply. See ad, page 29.
Mobile Thai Massage 520-248-0590 •
Feel stressed? Anxious? Trouble sleeping? This unique hybrid course manages stress and anxiety utilizing mindfulness practices and floating. Over 45 years of experience went into designing this online course. Go to the website above to view the introductory video and learn more about SAM. See ad, page 29.
Thompson Accounting Company, PLLC 1643 N Alvernon, Ste 104 520-822-8208 CPA practice specializing in helping families via tax preparation, sensible financial and tax advice, and down-to-earth and empathetic financial guidance. We are four very experienced and compassionate professional women helping everyone navigate old IRS letters, avoid financial pitfalls, and achieve financial dreams like a secure retirement. See ad, page 22.
Tucson Edition
TILE CLEANING Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a lowmoisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone. 25% off all services for the entire community!
VEGETABLE GARDENING THRIVE AND GROW GARDENS 3755 E 34th St #113, 85713 520-305-3127
Thrive and Grow Gardens designs and helps maintain backyard vegetable gardens with our products and services, which include raised garden beds, compost systems, potato boxes, irrigation ollas, and garden consultations. Call today to get started on your own vegetable garden. 15% off your first garden consultation. See ad, page 9.
Brenda Reynolds works with those who struggle under the burden of excess weight. She helps them lose weight and live in food freedom. Find the foods that are best for your unique body so you can look and feel more confident. See ad, page 9.
WELLNESS CENTER TRANSFORMATIONAL MEDICINE DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 East Prince Rd, 85719 520-209-1755 •
We are like-minded healing professionals who have created a collaborative, patient-focused environment to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3.
YOGA THE YOGA CONNECTION 3929 E Pima, 85712 520-323-1222
Join us for FREE meditation classes in February! YC offers various levels of yoga seven days a week plus specialty workshops such as “Yoga for Happy Joints” and “Back Care”. YC is a non-profit center serving the Tucson community since 1987.
Trish Harris 520-490-4012 Join Trish weekdays at 9am for an hour of doable, strengthening, relaxing yoga. Classes include breathwork, stretching, core strength and balance work for $8. See Trish’s yoga YouTube: "Tucson Divine Journey Yoga." Book a class at Contact: or 520-490-4012 (first class free.)
classifieds DESERT MOON MYSTICAL is now open in historic Monterey Court. A serene environment, offering Reiki energy and chakra healing sessions by appointment plus jewelry and gems, incense and aromatherapy, handmade fragrant soaps, lotions, and body scrubs, custom jewelry pieces and professional jewelry services. Great gifts. Shop online/in person. 520-276-3106. 505 West Miracle Mile, Ste 2, 85705. DIVINE JOURNEY YOGA with Trish Harris RYT 500, E-RYT 200, YACP. Join Trish for live Zoom yoga each weekday at 9am $8. Book through website. First class is free! Contact Trish for the first zoom link to see what it’s like. Slow doable stretches that strengthen the body and mind. GOT PAIN? ITCH? BURN? Soothe it with McShea Dream Cream, handcrafted in Tucson. McShea is 19 all-natural ingredients including: Magnesium, CBD, Shea butter, Hypericum, Emu oil, Arnica and 8 pure essential oils including: Wintergreen, Peppermint, Lime, Helichysum, Ylang Ylang, Blue Tansy, Blue Cammomile and Osmunthus. For testimonials, visit
IN MAY OF 2015, a window into the past burst open revealing a primitive tribe alive 25,000 years ago. Through time travel and remote viewing, the book Discovery brings forth intimate narratives, ancestral adventures and specifics beyond the reach of modern science, truths which spark questions about our modern life choices. Order at
JOYFUL LIFE HEALTH COACHING Brenda Reynolds, Certified Health Coach, specializes in helping those who struggle under the burden of excess weight. She helps them lose weight and live in food freedom. In this 90-day program you will learn which foods are best for your unique body so you can look and feel more confident. 520-904-5494.
MOBILE THAI MASSAGE with certified massage therapist Hope Huerta. Enjoy a relaxing massage within the comforts of your home. Incorporates passive stretching to increase mobility, and acupressure to release tension, all to accommodate your needs. Provided to limited areas. Please call or text to see if you apply. 520-248-0590.
TREATMENT FOR SEVERE AND HARD TO DIAGNOSE CASES such as ovarian and breast cysts, hypo/hyper thyroid, elevated liver enzymes, prostate or other kinds of cancer, strokes, heart conditions, urinary tract infections, e-coli, venereal/ pelvic diseases. Prevention for Retina Eye surgery. Isabel Lizarazu,, CM, 520-981-1777. Please leave a message.
PRACTITIONER SPACE FOR LEASE. Thriving Wellness Center welcomes new team members. Two rooms available. Perfect for Acupuncture, Chiropractic or other healing arts. Fully appointed. Central location. Contact Zach:
VISCERAL MANIPULATION is a light touch technique relieving tension in the tissues most often in the abdomen and chest. Releasing tension in the tissues around and within the organs often improves circulation, function, decreases pain, calms the nervous system, brings one into a deep state of relaxation. Northwest Tucson. Jean Read, PT, 956-566-5443.
PSYCHIC PROTECTION SANCTUARY now in Tucson! Psychic protection expert and author, Maya Zahira, helps clients with spirit attachment, psychic attack, ancestral trauma, empath sensitivity, paranormal support, house clearings, and more. Local and online classes, sessions, and presentations. Honest, compassionate, and effective. 25 years experience. Info and contact: THE MAGIC MIRROR WORKSHOP PRESENTS RAVEN TEMPEST Clairvoyant. Tarot, Life Readings, Dream Work, Aura Reading, Numerology. Karmic Gifts. Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday from 10am to 6:30pm. 15-minute: $20; 30-minute: $35; 60-minute: $60. No appointment needed. Available at Metaphysics' World, 2940 East 22nd St, 85713. RECLAIM THE VITALITY AND ENERGY that is Your Birthright! At Nurturing Nutrition, you can experience a very delicate and precise form of energetic testing - Matrix Reflex Testing - to find otherwise, hidden issues that may be affecting your overall health and well-being MyNurturingNutrition. com. Jeanne Bjorn, MS. 520-882-4324.
WEB OF LIFE ANIMISTS. Earth honoring non-dogmatic interactive online events, circles, trainings for healing, intuitive skillbuilding, animistic awareness. Multimedia workshops, courses for at-home learning and personal development/decolonization. Weekly Animist church services. Covid mental health support. BIPOC, LGBTQ+ circles. All ages/genders/bodies welcome. Sliding scale.
Coming Next Month
Regenerative Organic Farming Plus: Indoor Kitchen Garden
To place a classified ad, email: 50 words just $59 • 3 months $150 Contact us today with questions, 520-760-2378 February February 2021 2021
39 39
he assumption that orthodontic treatment is mainly about appearance has been proven wrong with many studies. The correct alignment of the teeth is crucial for good dental health. Untreated orthodontic problems may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, bone breakdown, jaw joint problems and loss of teeth. In addition, uncorrected problems can adversely affect one's speech, general health and self-esteem. Self-confidence almost always increases when a smile is improved. Some of the benefits of having orthodontic treatment: • Reduces the risk of gum disease and tooth decay by making it easier to clean your teeth properly. • Prevents your teeth from getting chipped or broken due to misalignment. • Prevents your teeth from being worn down prematurely or excessively.
E 40
Dental Solutions
Tucson Edition
• •
Can reduce stress, tension and pain in the jaw, neck and face if you suffer from a misaligned jaw. It can restore full oral function and improve oral wellness.
Dr. Wissinger is bringing the newest technology in the orthodontic world to Tucson! Discover the Fastbraces difference! Fast, comprehensive treatment in months... not years! She is also a top Invisalign provider and can decide if clear removable aligners are right for you. Call the office of Dr. Wissinger to find out the advantages of orthodontic care and start your treatment today!
Medicine Wheel Dental Holistic Dentistry
Elahe Wissinger, DMD & Steven Swidler, DDS 2504 E. River Rd 520-745-5496 | |