Natural Awakenings Tucson March 2019

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Exercise vs. Nutrition Allergies Upgrades All the Right Moves

Five Strategies for Better Eating


The Power of Tea Benefits, Types and History

March 2019 | Tucson Edition |


Tucson Edition

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Copper in new device prevents cold and flu last holidays,” she said. “The kids had colds going around, but not me.” Some users say it also helps with sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had a 2-day sinus headache. When her CopperZap arrived, she tried it. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” Some say copper stops nighttime stuffiness if used just before bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years.” Copper may even stop flu if used earNew research: Copper stops colds if used early. ly and for several days. Lab technicians ew research shows you can went away completely.” It worked again placed 25 million live flu viruses on a stop a cold in its tracks if you CopperZap. No viruses were found alive every time he felt a cold coming on and take one simple step with a soon after. he hasn’t had a cold since. new device when you feel a cold about People have used it on cold sores He asked relatives and friends to try to start. and say it can completely prevent ugly it. They said it worked for them, too, so Colds start when cold viruses get in outbreaks. You can also rub it gently he patented CopperZap™ and put it on your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you on wounds, cuts, or lesions to combat the market. don’t stop them early, they spread in infections. Soon hundreds of people had tried it your airways and cause misery. The handle is curved and finely texand given feedback. Nearly 100% said But scientists have found a quick tured to improve the copper stops way to kill a virus. Touch it with copper. colds if used withcontact. It kills in 3 hours after the Researchers at labs and universities germs picked up first sign. Even up agree, copper is “antimicrobial.” It kills on fingers and microbes, such as viruses and bacteria, to 2 days, if they hands to protect still get the cold it just by touch. you and your That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyp- is milder and they family. tians used copper to purify water and feel better. Copper even heal wounds. They didn’t know about Users wrote kills deadly germs Sinus trouble, stuffiness, cold sores. that have become viruses and bacteria, but now we do. things like, “It Scientists say the high conductance stopped my cold right away,” and “Is it resistant to antibiotics. If you are near of copper disrupts the electrical balsupposed to work that fast?” sick people, a moment of handling it ance in a microbe cell, destroying it in Pat McAllister, age 70, received one may keep serious infection away. It may seconds. as a gift and called it “one of the best even save a life. Tests by the Environmental Protecpresents ever. This little jewel really The EPA says copper still works tion Agency (EPA) show germs die fast works.” Now thousands of users have even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of on copper. Some hospitals tried copper stopped getting colds. different disease germs so it can prevent for surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. People often use CopperZap preserious or even fatal illness. ventively. Frequent flier Karen Gauci This cut the spread of MRSA and other CopperZap is made in the U.S. of used to get colds after crowded flights. illnesses by over half, and saved lives. pure copper. It has a 90-day full money Though skeptical, she tried it several The strong scientific evidence gave back guarantee when used as directed times a day on travel days for 2 months. inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When to stop a cold. It is $69.95. Get $10 off he felt a cold coming on he fashioned “Sixteen flights and not a sniffle!” each CopperZap with code NATA9. a smooth copper probe and rubbed it Businesswoman Rosaleen says when Go to or call people are sick around her she uses Cop- toll-free 1-888-411-6114. gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold perZap morning and night. “It saved me Buy once, use forever.



March 2019


Contents 20 EXERCISE VS. ALLERGIES All the Right Moves





UPGRADES Five Strategies for

Better Health


WHERE YOU EAT Gourmet Girls Gluten




Free Bakery/Bistro


DEPARTMENTS 9 news briefs 15 health brief 19 event brief 15 fit body 26 community

spotlight 28 masters of bodywork & healing arts 6

Tucson Edition

30 plant medicine

section 38 calendar 44 resource guide 54 ad index 55 classifieds

Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 25 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.


Serving the community for 31 years We also offer a gluten-free menu. We cater to all dietary requests

“SimplyWonderful Food�





HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@ Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@ NaturalTucson com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at Submit. by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit

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March 2019



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n this food-centric March edition of Natural Awakenings, our contributors are brimming with TUCSON EDITION insights and information about all things healthy eating—from local gluten-free dining to the benefits PUBLISHER Holly Baker of drinking tea and more. EDITOR Michelle Bense For instance, did you know that 70 percent of DESIGN & PRODUCTION Erica Mills the immune system resides in the lining of the gut? Kristina Parella That’s just one critical issue writer Melinda Hemmel CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jeffrey Green garn addresses in “Nutrition Upgrades: Five Strate Suzie Agrillo gies for Better Health”, page 23. Ditch the diet, eat for SALES & MARKETING Holly Baker yourself and the planet and learn about the care and CIRCULATION Jeffrey Green feeding of that all-important microbiome. WEBSITE Erica MIlls Our Plant Medicine section is shining a light CONTACT US on the benefits of tea this month. The most popular Tucson Office Tel: 520-760-2378 beverage in the world, tea has a long and intriguing Fax: 1-520-208-9797 history. More of a coffee person? Read “The Power of Holly Baker, publisher Tea” on page 30 and you might well consider ping out your latte for the healthy energy boost from black tea. Franchise Sales With spring arriving, seasonal allergies may not be far behind. In “Exercise vs. Aller239-530-1377 gies”, learn some simple ways to get your body moving and your allergies on the mend. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water! Speaking of, March 22 is World Water Day, a time to take stock of water scarcity, the top long-term global risk for the next decade. Did you know it takes more than 3,000 gallons to produce a smartphone and 55 gallons for a single egg? There’s plenty of food for NATIONAL TEAM thought here that goes far beyond watering our lawns and low-flush toilets. CEO/FOUNDER Sharon Bruckman COO/ FRANCHISE SALES Joe Dunne NATIONAL EDITOR Jan Hollingsworth MANAGING EDITOR Linda Sechrist NATIONAL ART DIRECTOR Stephen Blancett ART DIRECTOR Josh Pope FINANCIAL MANAGER Yolanda Shebert FRANCHISE SUPPORT MGR. Heather Gibbs WEBSITE COORDINATOR Rachael Oppy NATIONAL ADVERTISING Kara Cave Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 © 2019 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

Tucson Edition


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Don’t think, just do.

news briefs

Recognizing Women of IMPACT in Southern Arizona


he Annual Women of IMPACT Luncheon brings smart, talented and successful women of all ages together to recognize and honor women and businesses making a difference in the community. This year’s Honoree, Dr. Judy Huch, will be recognized for her passion and commitment to bringing the gift of hearing to the under-served and under-insured in Southern Arizona. The luncheon takes place on March 29, at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa, and will feature speakers, networking opportunities and silent auction and raffle with a focus on relaxation and healthy living. Vendor and resource areas open at 10 a.m. (including chair massages) and luncheon begins at noon. Huch, the 2019 Woman of IMPACT, is founder of Oro Valley Audiology and has been providing hearing health care Judy Huch since 1991. She started Grace Hearing Center in 2016, a nonprofit with a mission to help individuals by restoring their hearing and providing them with opportunities to reconnect with the community through the center’s unique Circle of Giving model. Huch currently serves as State Commissioner for the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and is known worldwide as an advocate and voice for the deaf and hard of hearing communities. Meet Huch and network with other Women of IMPACT at the luncheon. Enjoy relaxation and healthy living areas, including free chair massages. This year’s Keynote Speaker, Professional Certified Integrative Coach Tabitha Danloe, will inspire attendees to develop their deeper wisdom and step into a more courageous life. Kristi Tedesco, of Focus HR, will emcee the event. Proceeds benefit IMPACT of Southern Arizona, a nonprofit with a mission to stabilize families, move people out of poverty, and support senior independence by improving lives and inspiring futures in under-served communities in Southern Arizona. Location: The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa, 3800 E. Sunrise Dr., Tucson. For more information, call 520-825-0009, email or visit See ad, page 13.

March 2019


news briefs

Why Choose Pur Maid Green Cleaning Service?


ur Maid offers green, affordable, quality cleaning services in the Tucson and surrounding areas. Using the purest, greenest, allergy-friendly cleaning products is the core of their ideals. Their products are produced in a super concentrate, which reduces packaging and transportation emissions, and they re-use their specially designed spray bottles again and again to reduce waste in landfills. Their team focuses on bringing great cleaning to the client’s home every visit. With their comprehensive home care program and checklists, each home is maintained in a systematic and consistent way. Building a rapport can be beneficial, so each client’s team becomes familiar with their home, pets and other things like furnishings and finishes. Pur Maid offers fast and easy scheduling, no contracts and all supplies are included. All of the benefits of superior green maid service comes wrapped up with an affordable price. Pur Maid has conducted regular research in our market and consistently finds their service to be one of the greenest and yet most affordable. They are also often able to customize services/tasks to fit around specific budgets. For more information and a free estimate, call 520-331-2629 or email See ad, page 21.

Naturopathic Doctor Makes House Calls


r. Aimee Gregorie Bachelier, ND offers old-fashioned medicine with a new twist at Purity of Life, making house calls, exclusively. The idea of house calls may be foreign to many, but it is a much sought after alternative to many with busy lives, young children, aging needs and disabilities. Her practice focuses primarily on pain management, cancer care, HIV/AIDS support, hospice services, CBD education, Aimee Gregorie botanical medicine, energy/bodywork, proloBachelier therapy and homeopathy. Born and raised in Nogales, Arizona, Bachelier always dreamt of returning to the Southwest to serve her community. She completed her undergraduate at Arizona State, continued her post-graduate work at the National Institutes of Health and received her Doctorate at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. She worked as an Investigator in Clinical Research for over 10 years. Yearning for her natural roots, Bachelier returned to private practice two years ago and has been working on the effective use and safety of her Natural 33 All-Purpose Salve and CBD+ products, now available through Pura Natural 33. Bachelier’s eclectic medical education will bring a unique perspective to all healthcare needs. The essence of her practice is to teach patients about the healing power of nature. She challenges her patients to reflect/meditate on the success and possibility of returning to health, and embracing the uncomfortableness of death and fears. Bachelier welcomes all to experience emotional and physical well-being. For more information, call 520-909-0703, email or visit See ad, page 34.


Tucson Edition

Bio-Touch Launches New Website


ver the past year, the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM) has undergone a branding initiative that has led to the renovation of their website, The Foundation’s mission is to teach Bio-Touch, encouraging all people to take responsibility for their own health care and to empower them to assist others. With a dedication to service and education around the world, Board leadership took the initiative to create a more interactive, user-friendly site. Visitors of the website can navigate directly to the help they are seeking for health conditions. The site also offers a more detailed education section offering online and in-person learning opportunities. “After 30 years of sharing Bio-Touch, I’m still excited about the possibilities this simple healing technique offers humanity,” says founder, Paul Bucky. IFBM has created exceptional programs that provide the tools to learn and share Bio-Touch anywhere in the world. Whether someone wants to help a family member with health issues or is a professional who wants an effective adjunct for their practice, Bio-Touch is the perfect complement. Location: 5634 E. Pima St., Tucson. For more information, call 520-323-7951, email or visit

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Intentional Sage Sticks and Groups at Angels Amongst Us


ngels Amongst Us is now offering intentional sage sticks made with a higher vibration to achieve the maximum healing properties. According to owner Enza Piazza, “Our pendulums are made with your specific healing needs in mind. The heavenly realms guide the process of making our pendulums and smudge sticks.” A spiritual consultant, Piazza’s readings are guided by the Angels, guides and ushers that help map the healing process per individual needs, which helps the individual move forward in their healing process. Angels Amongst Us offers many classes and groups, including a free support group for those experiencing loss, the first Friday of each month. Please RSVP by phone. In addition, she is also offering a night with the Angels at 6:30 on March 8 and March 22. Come and receive a message from the Angels. Cost is $20. There is an online Facebook class on self-love on the second Saturday at 1 p.m. “Join us for an amazing afternoon discussing the importance of self-love, because you matter,” enthuses Piazza. For more information, call 520-576-6870 or email March 2019


news briefs

New Opportunity for Whole-Person Fitness


ransformational Medicine with Transformations360 and Energetix is launching a wholeperson program to get clients happy in their bodies once again. Looking into what one is allergic to through appropriate testing and support including a nutritional plan that works, digestive support, weekly check-ins for learning and accountability will assist clients in reaching their goals. “Are you feeling unwell? Are allergies driving you crazy? Are you carrying a little or a lot of extra weight? Are you feeling foggy brained? Is your stomach always giving you grief? Are you worried about being diabetic?” asks Zach Saber, of Transformational Medicine. Nutritional upgrades may include eating three whole-food meals daily, learning what whole foods are, learning about label reading with grocery store visits and learning what to look for before buying any food products. “Learn what raises your sugars and what doesn’t. Get the support to find the right combination of food and attitudes to support you getting to your goals,” says Saber. Go to and fill out their questionnaire, which looks at 15 different health markers. The password is “drsaber”. Give Transformational Medicine a call after completing the questionnaire to schedule a free, 30-minute consult to discuss the results. Location: 3861 N. First Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-209-1755 or visit See ads, pages 3 and 11.


Tucson Edition

Hypervibe Now in Tucson


ypervibe vibration platform is now in Tucson, exclusively at Wholistic Family Medicine. This technology helps patients gain better balance coordination, and can help those who have suffered an injury or stroke, or have any neuro-degenerative disease like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. Originally developed by NASA, frequency vibration platforms were created to stop bone loss in astronauts due to extended time intervals in a weightless environment. For those who have osteopenia or osteoporosis, this is the most effective treatment available to safely and naturally increase bone density. “It’s important to know that frequency vibration machines are not created equal. There are many knock-offs that are really toys compared to those machines that are medically certified like the Hypervibe,” explains Dr. Lance Morris, of Wholistic Family Medicine. “To induce benefits increasing bone density, the machine has to be able to generate frequencies above 20Hz. In this range, it also improves circulation, muscle strength, fat burning and cellulite reduction.” This therapy can help with: muscles that are too tight or twitchy, restless leg syndrome, creating more flexibility or mobility, pain reduction, swollen legs/ankles, generalized lymphatic congestion and a stronger immune system. “If you have diabetic or post-chemo neuropathy and other treatments have failed or offer little help, maybe it’s time to try frequency vibration therapy,” says Morris. Location: 2310 N. Wyatt Dr., Tucson. For more information, call 520-322-8122. See ad, page 20. March 2019


news briefs

Gain Control of Your Finances with Viviane Thompson


iviane Thompson, a Certified Forensic Accountant and QuickBooks ProAdvisor, is different from other accountants because she has both a solid background in accounting and bookkeeping from working with many small and mid-sized businesses, as well as a solid knowledge of QuickBooks, the bookkeeping software leader. Her specialization is what she calls “the other Viviane Thompson 11 months of the year—the months when you are not thinking about filing your tax return.” Thompson’s approach is bottom up: create a solid accounting and bookkeeping foundation along with efficient and competent systems and procedures so that the owners can then build a robust and profitable company they are proud of. “First, I’ll work with you to take care of the backlog, then I’ll give you training and direction about your business today, and I will be available for questions and help in the future,” says Thompson. She helps maneuver the maze of the payroll tax system, prepare accurate sales tax reports, calculate workers’ compensation premiums properly and develop a system that will provide timely and accurate statements, designed just for each client’s needs. “As long as you are ready to work and trust the process, you will gain the benefits of becoming organized, having your finances under control and see your vision finally become a reality,” she says. Location: 1643 N. Alvernon, Ste. 104, Tucson. For more information, call 520-822-8208, email or visit See ad, page 12.


Tucson Edition

Window Cleaning Brings Happiness


ccording to Jack Baker, owner of Marine Clean Windows LLC, he’s never had a customer who was unhappy after having their windows cleaned. Spreading happiness the best way he knows how, Baker offers free window cleaning estimates in the Tucson area. “It’s downright refreshing and uplifting when everything is clear and shiny with no cobwebs or dust to hinder the appearance of your home,” enthuses Baker. “The happiness window cleaning brings does not just stop with your home. For example, Jack Baker perhaps you’ve enjoyed a meal at a restaurant known for its views. While it may not be a part of anyone’s thoughts, a window cleaner was part of the reason that restaurant’s customers had such an enjoyable and happy experience.” When windows are filthy to look at and look through, the last emotion prompted is happiness. This may lead some homeowners to take drastic measures like spraying their windows with a hose. Not only can this lead to hard water issues on the window itself, but it only provides temporary satisfaction. Marine Clean Windows is not just a business name, it’s the standard one should expect for windows. For more information, call 520-240-6621, email JackBaker@ or visit

New Location on Broadway for Renew Body Wellness Center


enew Body Wellness Center has moved to a new, better location that includes a yoga studio and bigger, fully furnished therapy rooms, at 4558 East Broadway, Suite 102, in Tucson. The center, now with improved foot traffic, offers yoga certification and CEU classes, plus classes in aromatherapy—“aroma touch therapy”. They also offer services including facials, craniosacral therapy, medical massage and reiki. NCBTMB will be holding regular classes and workshops at Renew Body Wellness Center. Upcoming classes include: Working with PTSD as a Bodyworker, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 30; and a secondary trauma and compassion fatigue class, 2 to 5 p.m. on March 30. Both offer 3 CEUs. Ongoing yoga classes are offered Monday and Thursday mornings at 9 a.m., and Wednesday and Friday nights at 6 p.m. Owner Olivia Hughes suggests everyone “walk in and grab a schedule”. Space is available for rent for wellness events of all kinds. The massage rooms are also available for rent. For more information, call 520-271-7635 or email

health briefs

Worry Less About Alzheimer’s


any people are very concerned about the ravages Alzheimer’s causes, especially if they have seen the devastation firsthand. Yes, Alzheimer’s is incredibly common, but that does not mean it is inevitable. Alzheimer’s is a disease that breaks down the brain over decades, but the strategies below will help keep the brain healthy and regenerating. • Keep daily added sugar to 25 grams a day. Constantly overdosing on sugar wears out our insulin, and without healthy insulin the brain can’t get fuel and brain cells die. • Eat lots of coconut oil. If insulin is challenged for any reason, the brain can convert coconut oil into fuel and get nourished without insulin. • Daily exercise has shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by 90 percent. Exercise also increases circulation and improves mood—other things that are great for the brain. • Use it or lose it. Learning new skills keeps brain cells healthy. • Get the brain and spine cared for by a chiropractor who is trained in releasing flightor-fight. When we are stuck in constant stress mode, we decrease the blood supply to the higher brain, killing off nerve cells. In addition, our body puts out stress hormones like adrenaline, which puts massive stress on the thyroid, leading to weight gain and decreased motivation to exercise or eat well. Keeping our brain and spine flexible, free and regularly “refreshed” is great to prevent Alzheimer’s and all diseases and promote longevity, happiness and better quality of life. Dr. Joanne Haupert is a Doctor of Chiropractic at Inspired Healing, located at 4858 E. Broadway, in Tucson. Connect at 520-584-0343.

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health briefs

Nutrition Upgrades and Managing Allergies


llergies can often be incapacitating to sufferers, affecting work, family and active events. The good news is that the allergy is reversible. An allergy is a symptom, not a cause, so the goal is to get to the cause and then heal naturally—through healing the gut. People mainly think of food allergies, although we can react to anything. Food allergy or intolerance produces multiple symptoms. Common symptoms in the vast majority are digestive problems: pain, diarrhea or constipation, urgency, bloating, indigestion. We need to look deeper at what causes food intolerances. In a person with abnormal gut flora, the gut becomes a major source of toxicity in the body instead of being a source of nourishment. As the toxins produced by the pathogens in the gut absorb into the bloodstream, they get distributed around the body, causing problems.


Tucson Edition

An allergy is a symptom, and the cause is a breach of the gut wall caused by abnormal gut flora that allows intestinal lumen contents into the bloodstream. Reaction happens. The metabolites of the abnormal flora activate the immune system in the gut wall. An allergy is the sign the person needs to heal and seal their gut wall and reseed the good microbes. An allergy can signify gut inflammation. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) take care of it naturally. The SCD and GAPS get to the cause and allow the gradual healing of allergies—meaning healing the gut wall. At the source of this reactivity is the breach of the gut wall. Synonyms for the breach are dysbiosis, small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO), leaky gut and hyperpermeability of gut wall. In a 2009 article in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride writes, “I have been using SCD for many years in my clinic and it is the diet for food allergies. As I work largely with children with learning disabilities, I group these patients under the name Gut and Psychology Syndrome or GAPS. Over the years, I developed a GAPS Introduction Diet for the more severe end of the spectrum. I find the Introduction Diet is particularly effective in food allergies, as it allows the gut wall to heal quicker.” The SCD and GAPS provide nourishment for the gut lining and positive microbes in the form of fermented foods. The Introduction Diet is structured in stages, with the patient following the stages one by one. Campbell-McBride recommends following the Full Diet for two years on average to restore normal gut flora and gastrointestinal function. Sheila Shea is Director of Intestinal Health Institute, founded in 1997 to promote the natural healing of the gastrointestinal system through nutrition, colon hydrotherapy and detoxification. She stays in shape with yoga, tennis and regular meditation practice. Connect at 520-325-9686, or

The Nutritional Value of Our Food Matters


he more we all learn about our food origins—types of soil, what the soil and plants are treated with, quality of water used, how they are harvested and when, how far they are transported and what’s done to them before we buy them—the more we can grasp how important it is that we buy fresh, in season, local, organic foods. Our local store often does carry organic foods, but how fresh are they really? Since Tucson was designated the first city in the U.S. to be recognized as a UNESCO World City of Gastronomy, lots more food-related activities are being discussed, appreciated and highlighted. Hopefully most of Southern Arizona now knows that our little town has the longest agricultural history of any city in North America. So, buying at the local farmers’ markets helps our local economy and our health. Still, local foods can be pro-inflammatory, so be aware of the following. Foods that are known to cause inflammation are conventionally grown beef, pork and chicken; deep fried foods; peanuts; refined flour products; most packaged or processed foods; and white foods like bananas, potatoes, rice and dried fruits. Meats aren’t all inherently bad; it is about their processing and what was fed to the animal beforehand. Packaged foods are processed so much that little to no nutrient value is left in the food. Freezing vegetables, fruits or meats is the exception, when not packed in water first. So, what does inflammation do? It is now proven that inflammation is the root of all chronic illnesses—even cancer—due to the damage done on the cellular level to our mitochondria. These cell components are the powerhouses of our cell’s energy, so once they are damaged, our health begins to go awry. The idea is to avoid heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, allergies, low energy, joint pains, endocrine disorders, even autoimmune disorders, we need to stop putting into our bodies foods that cause inflammation. Switching to local, in season, organic (which automatically means non-GMO) fresh foods, as well as grass-fed, freerange meats not fed GMO corn or soy, can improve anyone’s health immensely. Try it for six months minimum and see the changes. Locally, we can shop at the Sunday Heirloom Farmers Market at Rillito Park. From February to March 17, they are open from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., and April through October they are open from 8 a.m. to noon. Dr. DeeAnn Saber, NMD, of Transformational Medicine, has treated over 800 people for thyroid disorders. Endocrinology is her specialty and her love. To learn more about a healthy food plan for yourself, call to schedule a free consultation with Zach Saber. Connect at 520-209-1755, or See ads, pages 3 and 11.


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March 2019


health briefs

New Technology for Skin Tightening and Resurfacing


ibroblast therapy, a non-laser, non-surgical approach to skin tightening and skin resurfacing, is a brand new way to tighten skin anywhere on the face or body. It is done with a handheld tool called a plasma arc. The arc is produced when an electrical current coming through a machine and oxygen are placed very close to the skin. It can be described as “like a tiny bolt of lightning”. The arc touches the skin causing it to slightly, temporarily, dehydrate, which in turn causes the skin to contract and tighten. Within a few days, the skin will rehydrate and stimulate collagen production. This production means younger, tighter looking skin—rewinding the “aging clock”. This technology has been very popular in Europe and Asia for quite some years, but it is just hitting the U.S. like a tsunami. For skin that is slackening, resulting in droopy eyes, jowls, turkey neck, wrinkled cheeks, crow’s feet, lip lines or forehead creases, this may be the answer. The treatment is also good for helping eradicate stretch marks, scars, loose belly skin and even saggy, baggy arms. It even works on getting rid of unwanted tattoos. Fibroblast therapy is not surgery. There is no cutting, no stitches, nothing to be allergic to and very little down time. It provides subtle results that people will notice. It is advised to avoid direct sun exposure for a while afterward, so now may be a perfect time to be treated. Debbie Shaw is owner of Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy Spa, the first spot in Tucson to offer Fibroblast therapy. She is offering a free consultation and aftercare kit to the first 10 people that mention this article and book an appointment ($50 value). Connect at 520-275-4510 or See ad, page 15.


Tucson Edition

event brief

Formerly Krizman Dental

Second Annual Go for the Green Golf

Tournament for Charity


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arth’s Healing will Board Certified Integrative Biological Dentist • Board Certified Doctor of Integrative Medicine sponsor the Second Advanced General Dentistry Degree • Masters Certification in Implants Annual Go for the Green International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology Accredited Dentist Golf Tournament for Masters Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health Charity, March 23, at Sewailo Golf Course, in Tucson. This year’s chosen charityDentistry is the Sister Jose Women’s Center • Ozone Therapy eral & Cosmetic For many TucsonRemoval Amalgam orcelain ( Crowns and • Safe Mercury Mercury Toxicity Testing & ges Sister Jose women experiencing • homelessness, Now on staff - Dr. Elizabeth Katz, Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist ompatible Tooth Colored Women’s Center is theirDetox onlyPrograms safe haven and • Treatments to Avoid Root Canals ngs the first step to recovery from homelessness. Call 520-326-0082 for an appointment • Periodontal Laser Treatments actions Because of Tucson’s spectacular weather, • Laser Tooth Whitening ants 1601 N Tucson Blvd., Suite #35, Tucson, AZ 85716 it’s no wonder that it is a destination point for Dr. Jeanne Anne Krizman • golf enthusiasts. vanced General Dentistry Playing Degree the game that many sters Certification in added Implants love has an bonus when the proceeds rnationalallAcademy of aOral Medicine go toward worthy cause.& Toxicology Accredited Dentist sters Degree in Environmental and Occupational Sister Jose’s Sisters Helping SistersHealth Day Program is a low-demand Call 520-326-0082 fordaytime an appointment drop-in center that provides three meals a 1601 N Tucson Blvd., Suite #35, Tucson, AZ 85716 day, showers, laundry, clothing, shoes and • personal hygiene products for homeless women. The need for daytime services continues to grow; guest visits average more than 2,000 each month. A Safe Place for Women Night Program offers 36 women a hot, home-cooked meal and a safe space to sleep. Sister Jose’s provides over 13,000 safe overnights each year to homeless women who would otherwise sleep outdoors. Volunteers cook and spend the night supervising the program. Sister Jose’s is more than a center, but a community built upon the values of compassion, dignity and respect in a noninstitutionalized setting. For many of their guests, they are home.

Integrative Biological Dentistry Jeanne Anne Krizman, D.M.D., M.P.H.

Now Treating Kids!

Location: Sewailo Golf Course, 5655 W. Valencia Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-373-5779, email FlorenceH@ or visit See ad, page 31. March 2019


Exercise vs. Allergies

All the Right Moves


by Marlaina Donato

easonal allergies plague more than 26 million Americans, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, with numbers on the rise in recent years. This is due in part to a dramatic increase in the amount of airborne pollen, a possible byproduct of climate change. Environmental and lifestyle stress, inadequate nutrition and weakened immune systems are also factors, leaving many feeling too miserable to engage in physical activities. Yet, research shows that exercise can help ease allergy symptoms and lessen severity. A survey of 2,000 allergy sufferers sponsored by the UK National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit showed those that exercised the most had the mildest symptoms.


Tucson Edition

Boosting heart rate through aerobic activities such as running, walking, jumping rope, treadmill routines, tennis and team sports like volleyball or basketball seems to offer anti-allergy benefits. Vitamin C can also help. Researchers from the Faculty of Sports Science at Chulalongkorn University, in Bangkok, Thailand, found that 70 percent of participants that took a vitamin C supplement and ran for half an hour experienced decreased nasal congestion and sneezing. “Exercising regularly creates a cumulative effect in the body, helps speed up metabolism and improves immunity, so you could find even less allergies occurring over time,” says Stephanie Mansour, fitness expert and former allergy sufferer from Chicago. “I used to get allergy shots for a runny nose and headaches during certain times of the year, but personally transformed my allergies through expanding my lungs and chest and balancing out my nervous system.” The American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy recommends gentler forms of exercise, and cautions against vigorous workouts such as Crossfit or long runs that can be counterproductive and exacerbate allergy flare-ups. Mansour recommends yoga, Pilates, walking or weight training—especially when congestion is a factor.

Try Some Yoga Mansour, a certified yoga instructor, attests to the benefits of the practice. To ease the symptoms of allergies, she recommends yoga both for its physical effects and its breath benefits. “Yoga can also help bring equilibrium to the nervous system and help the body relax. When the body is in a healthy balance and relaxed, it’s more effective at warding off things like infection or allergies.” Registered nurse and yoga instructor Kristin Brien, of New York City, concurs. “A yoga practice trains and strengthens the vagal nerve, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system—rest and digest mode—and turns off the inflammatory response,” Brien


More Exercise, Less Discomfort

fit body

says. “When we are under chronic stress, our nervous systems react as though our bodies are under constant threat, thus making some of us more susceptible to hypersensitive reactions to offending seasonal antigens like pollen and ragweed.” Yoga practitioners across the board recommend inverted poses such as the plow, shoulder stand and downward facing dog to relieve allergy-related congestion. While yoga can be beneficial, inverted poses should be avoided by anyone with high blood pressure, glaucoma or retinal issues due to increased pressure in the blood vessels of the head, and some experts emphasize that allergy sufferers and asthmatics should avoid hot yoga and other demanding forms during flare-ups. A gentle approach goes a long way. Ideally, Brien recommends asanas that anyone can do, including legs up the wall, supported bridge pose, supported reclined goddess pose and child’s pose.

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an d Present a Night of Comedy for a Great “Claws!”

Warm-Up No matter the type of exercise, warming up can play a key factor. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, stretching before activity and boosting heart rate helps to maximize exercise and its symptom-reducing effects.

Create a Healthy Space Lessening the body’s burden by making small changes in living or workout space can also optimize the benefits of exercise. Brien, an allergy sufferer and asthmatic, recommends using a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to reduce circulating allergens and also wiping down all surfaces, including yoga mats, floors, window sills and vents. During drier, colder times of the year, Mansour recommends using a humidifier to add moisture to the air and improve breathing. Exercise may not cure seasonal allergies, but it can lessen related symptoms, along with effecting a more balanced nervous system and better overall health. Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a composer. Connect at

March 29 @ 7:00 PM Other speakers might be as witty as Jeanne. Some might even be as tall (barefooted with her hair “mashed” down, she’s 6’2” in her size 11B stocking feet)! But nowhere will you find a speaker so adept at turning personal experiences into funny material that does more than elicit laughter, it leaves you with a message about how using humor can enhance your own life and improve your overall well-being.


box office: 17 west congress 520-547-3040

Comedy for Charity is a nonprofit organization that raises money to prevent violence and assists victims of violence. A portion of the ticket proceeds for this show will go towards the rehabilitation of Gil, a rescue dog that was shot and paralyzed. To learn more about Gil’s story, visit March 2019


Taize Services at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church


t. Michael’s Episcopal Church holds Taize services on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. The services are contemplative, held by candlelight and offer a rich experience of community, music, reflection and joyful singing. Each is unique, with varying Taize songs, spoken and sung prayers, chants and periods of silence and meditation. Eight musicians contribute on violin, guitar, mandolin, recorder and piano, along with an organ voluntary and a bagpipes recessional. At one service, one may hear a Traditional Ugandan Chant or a Lakota Native American Chant, while at another, a beautiful soprano vocalize over the ringing of Tibetan prayer bowls. There are also readings by authors from a variety of religious traditions. Taize is ecumenical and affirming, rooted in the openness and welcoming nature of the Taize Community in France. The Celtic spirituality author John O’Donohue speaks of “music as presence” and says, “Music opens doorways into eternal presence. It educates and refines your listening; you begin to sense your own eternity in the echoes of your soul. Music is the perfect sister of silence.” For most people, their first encounter with Taize is through its music. Taize songs have a chant-like quality and consist of short verses that are repeated, creating the meditative quality of prayer. It’s about listening to God, to one another and taking this divine presence into the world. As a complement to Taize, St. Michael’s also offers a Contemplative Prayer Group, which meets on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. It is held in the House of Prayer, located on the north campus of the church. Sunday services include a Family Mass, a traditional High Mass and a Spanish Mass. All are welcome. Location: 602 N. Wilmot Rd., Tucson. For more information, contact Steve Wagner at 520-400-2137, or visit See ad, page 18.

Loved. You can’t use it in the past tense. Death does not stop that love at all. ~Ken Kesey 22

Tucson Edition

A SOUND TO HEAL There is a sound behind all sounds: HU (hue). Growing up in the mountains of Colorado, he would hear this quiet sound. This sound of HU would pass through the trees and soothe him on his walks. The sound seemed to open his heart to something he was not yet aware of. Sometimes he felt this sound was all around him, or maybe it was inside of him, tapping on his awareness. Standing by the Ponderosa pine trees he would look up and think the sound was coming from the top of the trees. How many times had he climbed those 40-foot trees and sat at the top branch and listened to the music of the wind through the pine needles? Neither gravity nor the sap of the tree would deter him from following the call of this sound. Years later, he found out what this sound was called: HU. It was the building block from which all other sounds came. By singing this sound, it keeps him in balance in his day-to-day world, opens his heart to awareness, soothes the rough spots and is healing. If this sounds interesting to you, please join us where we will sing this HU and experience this sound, at Sound of Soul, held at 1:30 p.m., March 16, at Morris Udall Recreation Center. For more information, call 1-877-300-4949, email or visit

Craevschii Family/

NUTRITION UPGRADES Five Strategies for Better Health


by Melinda Hemmelgarn


pringtime brings a desire to clean up our diets and refresh our plates. Here are five worthy strategies for upgrading nutrition and greeting the season with a renewed sense of well-being. n Ditch dieting. According to the Boston Medical Center, an estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year and spend more than $30 billion annually on weight-loss products. Despite this hefty investment, restrictive diets don’t work, says Sandra Aamodt, a neuroscientist based in northern California. Aamodt co-presented the Neurobiology of Dieting: Evidence for Improving Mental Health With a Self-Care Approach session at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) annual meeting last October in Washington, D.C. “Diets are not harmless,” Aamodt explains. “They create stress, persistent hunger,

trigger eating disorders such as binge eating and even make people fatter over time.” It’s better to take a kinder approach, says Rebecca Scritchfield, a Washington, D.C.-based registered dietitian and Aamodt’s co-presenter. Scritchfield is the author of Body Kindness: Transform Your Health From the Inside Out – and Never Say Diet Again. She teaches her clients to value their self-worth regardless of body size, practice mindful eating and focus on overall self-care: Think enjoyable physical activity, adequate sleep and positive self-talk. Mindful eating includes paying attention to thoughts and feelings that trigger eating such as hunger, but also stress, boredom and loneliness, says Californiabased registered dietitian Andrea Lieberstein, who wrote Well Nourished: Mindful Practices to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Feed Your Whole Self, and End Overeating. She encourages clients to identify voids in their lives and fill them

with healthy relationships and pleasurable activities, rather than food. The “health at any size” philosophy is accepted by a growing number of health and nutrition experts, including Annie Kay, a registered dietitian and registered yoga therapist at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. She’s the author of Every Bite is Divine: The Balanced Approach to Enjoying Eating, Feeling Healthy and Happy, and Getting to a Weight That’s Natural for You. Kay injects compassion into her work, promoting stress reduction, conscious eating and finding peace for individuals to reach their natural weight. n Learn how to cook and garden. The best

dietary upgrade starts in our own kitchens, where the cook controls the ingredients. Home cooking with fresh, whole foods is at the heart of feeding ourselves well. Processed food manufacturers would like us to equate cooking with drudgery or think that cooking takes too much time, yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. Tanmeet Sethi, an integrative physician at the Swedish Cherry Hill Family Medicine Residency, in Seattle, established a culinary medicine program that includes both cooking and gardening classes. Sethi says, “Eating is sacred; it’s our connection to the earth.” She also believes there is wisdom in the way food has been traditionally cooked. Sethi recommends a Mediterranean eating pattern for its power to reduce depression and ward off March 2019


n Eat to protect our planet. According to the American Public Health Association, climate change is a major threat to our population. Droughts, fires, storms and flooding create obvious challenges to growing crops, but new research also shows how increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decreases the nutritional quality of food, leading to lower levels of protein and minerals. One solution is to change the way we farm and eat. For example, Jennifer Jay, Ph.D., a professor of environmental engineering in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California Los Angeles, calculated the carbon footprints and climate impacts of a variety of food choices. In general, she says, the fewer animal products in our diets, the lower the greenhouse gas impact. But meat and other animal products need not be totally off the table. Simply choose smaller portions and when possible, purchase local pasture-raised products produced without antibiotics and hormones.

Organic food production introduces less fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and greenhouse gases into our environment. So, what’s best for the planet is best for us. Jay provides easy, plant-based and planet-friendly recipes at n Support gut health. Around 400 B.C., Hippocrates said, “Bad digestion is the root of all evil.” Fast forward through the centuries to today, and one of the hottest areas of research in health, medicine and nutrition revolves around the microbiome; more specifically, the community of microorganisms living in the gut. “Seventy percent of our immune system is in the lining of the gut,” explains Sethi, which is why she advises,“Feed the bacteria in your gut real food.” Similarly, Teresa Martin, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator based in Bend, Oregon, emphasizes the value of unprocessed, high-fiber, organic plant foods to nourish gut bacteria and maintain microbial balance.

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Tucson Edition


chronic diseases. She also promotes the “herb and spice pharmacy” to reduce inflammation and treat and prevent disease. For example, she says, “Ginger and turmeric both act on the same biochemical pathways as antiinflammatory medicines.” Cooking and eating together as a family has multiple benefits, too, improving children’s nutrition, self-esteem and school performance. Best of all, says Sethi, “Family meals allow us to connect with the people we love.” Put away phones, turn off screens and truly tune in to each other. Connecting to the earth through gardening also improves our health, according to both Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, a registered dietitian and associate director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Diana Dyer, a Michigan-based organic farmer, registered dietitian and author of A Dietitian’s Cancer Story: Information & Inspiration for Recovery & Healing. They promote gardening as a way to interact with nature, reduce stress and improve quality of life. With just a small patch of soil, home and community gardens provide a ready source of affordable, fresh and nutritious vegetables and herbs.


Seventy percent of our immune system is in the lining of the gut. ~Tanmeet Sethi, an integrative physician at the Swedish Cherry Hill Family Medicine Residency, in Seattle. Speaking at the same recent meeting, Martin described multiple ways gut bacteria influence our physical and mental health, including nutrient absorption, body weight and blood sugar control, bone density, inflammation and mood. Microbes in the colon digest and ferment plant fibers into short-chain fatty acids, which help ensure a thick, healthy, intestinal mucus lining. Martin notes, “When we don’t eat enough plants, we can’t make enough short-chain fatty acids,” which are key to gut-brain crosstalk and control of appetite and mood. Martin recommends eating 35 to 50 grams of fiber per day from food, not supplements. She also warns against “microbial assassins” such as antibiotics, processed meats, high-fat diets, refined carbohydrates, added sugars and artificial sweeteners, plus the emulsifiers polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose, which are commonly added to foods like ice cream and baked goods to improve texture and extend shelf life. All contribute to microbial imbalance, the loss of microbial diversity and leaky gut—the inability to keep offending food compounds like gluten and intact milk protein out of the bloodstream—leading to food intolerance, inflammation and autoimmune disorders. Registered dietitian Brenda Davis, of British Columbia, also recommends whole-food, plant-based diets to reverse Type 2 diabetes. She developed a “whole-grain hierarchy” to identify the most gut-friendly, least-processed grains, including cracked oats, brown rice, barley, buckwheat, sprouted grain, wheat berries and kamut. Along with beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, Davis says these foods nourish beneficial gut microbes and reduce inflammation.

n Try intermittent fasting and smart meal timing. Allowing the body at least 12 hours without food intake benefits gut microbial diversity, says Martin. Intermittent fasting, or eating patterns in which no or few calories are consumed between 12 to 16 hours, can protect against a variety of metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, perhaps in part due to the effect on gut microbes. Dorothy Sears, associate professor of medicine and associate director of the Center for Circadian Biology at the University of California, San Diego, studied the effect of intermittent fasting, or “time-restricted feeding”, on the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In a study of more than 2,300 breast cancer survivors, Sears discovered the women that fasted for at least 13 hours a day reduced breast cancer recurrence by 36 percent, regardless of other dietary factors. Putting this into practice, if the last meal of the day ends at 6 p.m., the first meal of the next day would not begin before 7 a.m. In addition to this “prolonged nightly fasting,” Sears says that when we eat affects the way our bodies handle calories. She recommends eating during the first half of the day, when the sun is up and our enzyme and hormone systems are best able to handle calories, control blood sugar and body weight. Spring forward with these five tips and enjoy better health. Melinda Hemmelgarn, the “food sleuth”, is an award-winning registered dietitian, writer and nationally syndicated radio host based in Columbia, MO. Reach her at FoodSleuth@ Tune into Food Sleuth Radio through iTunes, Stitcher and

Good nutrition and regular exercise definitely help you cope with life’s dramas. ~Terri Irwin March 2019


community spotlight

You Are Where You Eat Gourmet Girls Gluten Free Bakery/Bistro


by Suzie Agrillo

e’re not just what we eat, but also where we eat, and the Gourmet Girls Gluten Free Bakery/Bistro is the go-to destination for gluten-free dining in Tucson. Whether seeking an early morning breakfast, weekend brunch or a delicious lunch, Gourmet Girls, owned by the dynamic duo of Susan Fulton and Mary Steiger, has something for everyone. Everything we crave is handcrafted with the freshest ingredients, and they cater to people with food allergies other than gluten. “Even if a guest doesn’t see anything on the menu they think they can eat, we’re really accommodating,” Fulton emphasizes. “Anyone with food allergies who feels overwhelmed and wants to come in can get friendly advice here. Our staff is very knowledgeable and sensitive to the dietary needs of our guests.” Gourmet Girls has consistently been


Tucson Edition

recognized as the best gluten-free restaurant in Tucson, and has won numerous awards for its food. Most recently, they won the judges’ choice prize for best dessert at the Cookies & Cocktails Girl Scout fundraiser. Their cupcakes are also a very popular item, especially the Carrot, Chocolate Decadence and Loving Lemon cupcakes. The restaurant participates in a cooking television spot every Friday, either on KVOA or KOLD. This summer, they will be featured in a televised “Create a Cupcake” contest, where the television viewers and guests at the restaurant can submit flavor combinations for the cupcake, filling, frosting and garnish. Gourmet Girls will bake the finalist cupcakes and the contestant who submits the winning flavor combination, selected by a panel of celebrity judges, will receive a dozen cupcakes and recognition on the TV show. For breakfast at Gourmet Girls, one can start with a Mimosa or a Bloody Mary, then indulge in one of their most popular entrees, such as blueberry pancakes, spiced pumpkin bacon waffles or eggs benedict.

The bistro even serves the quintessential dish of chicken fried steak and eggs. For lunch, sample one of their seasonal sandwiches or salads. Try the signature Sonoran Sandwich on flatbread with turkey, bacon, avocado, tomato, lettuce, rosemary mayo and pesto. Afterward, sweeten any mood with a chocolate cupcake or a frosted caramel cinnamon roll. The girls are continually creating new products, though the conversion from gluten-full recipes to their gluten-free counterparts can be a challenge. “To start with, we take recipes containing wheat flour and substitute one of our in-house created gluten-free flour blends. Usually, further tweaking is required, perhaps adding more liquid or adjusting the fat ratios. It’s a delicate process, since we never want to just add more sugar or fat,” explains Fulton. “And we still have our share of failures, so home bakers shouldn’t feel discouraged when they have a disappointing result.” One area in which their experimentation has resulted in great success is with wedding cakes. “We make a lot of glutenfree wedding cakes, and not to brag, but we hear all the time that ‘it was the best wedding cake I’ve ever had,’” says Fulton. Eating gluten-free involves assiduously avoiding wheat, rye, barley and spelt. “It requires mindful eating and cautious reading of every label. Gluten can be in surprising things. There might even be gluten in a can of enchilada sauce,” comments Fulton. “Mindful eating can be a good thing for everyone, whether following a gluten-free diet or not.” Many people who are gluten-free also need to avoid dairy products. “Almost all of our breads are dairy-free, and we always have three to four dairy-free gourmet cupcakes and cookies, as well as special order items,” Fulton notes. Plus, the girls have expanded their line of vegan products and added keto-friendly options, thanks to the creative touch of baker Tachena Winterhalter, who delights in experimenting with both varieties of products. For those traveling and eating glutenfree, Fulton recommends utilizing the app “Find Me Gluten Free”. Lesa Jensen, a longtime bakery/bistro guest turned

employee, also recommends The G-Free Diet by Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a book about living life without gluten and loving it. Eating gluten-free is becoming a more widespread dietary change, perhaps because there is more awareness about the dangers of gluten. “Gluten has been implicated as a root cause of inflammation, which we all want to avoid. You can look at starting a gluten-free lifestyle as a journey toward optimizing your health,” says Fulton. Gluten-free or not, the girls encourage all to visit the bakery/bistro because as they like to say, “You don’t have to be glutenfree to love Gourmet Girls.” Gourmet Girls Gluten Free Bakery/Bistro is located at 5845 N. Oracle Rd, Tucson. Connect at 520-408-9000 or See ad, page 25. Suzie Agrillo is a freelance writer in Tucson and a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings Magazine. She focuses on writing about the arts, inspirational people and the human connection.

Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium/high heat. Add in the onions and ginger, sauté for 4-5 minutes, until the onions are beginning to get translucent and both the onions and ginger are fragrant. Add the garlic and sauté for another minute. Then pour in the broth, carrots, salt, curry powder and red pepper flakes.

Gourmet Girls Chilled Carrot Soup 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 onion, chopped 3 Tbsp finely chopped ginger 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 lb organic carrots, peeled and chopped into 1-inch pieces 4 cups organic low-sodium vegetable broth 1/2 tsp sea salt 1-2 tsp yellow curry powder (optional) 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes (optional) 1 cup full-fat organic coconut milk

Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down, cover the pan and allow to simmer for 2530 minutes, until carrots are nicely tender. Remove the pan from the heat (or just turn off) and allow the soup to cool, uncovered, for about 15-20 minutes. Purée with an immersion blender or in batches using a regular blender or food processor, until smooth. Return the puree to pot over a low heat. Pour in the coconut milk, stirring well to combine. Once combined, remove it from the heat and serve hot, or store it in the refrigerator and serve chilled. Top each bowl with some thinly sliced green onions.

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March 2019


MASTERS OF Bodywork & Healing Arts Mercedez Lucke-Benedict Opens Private Practice at The Belly Studio


It is not how old you are, but how you are old. ~Jules Renard

ain relief specialist Mercedez Lucke-Benedict is announcing her new personal practice, Fridays only at The Belly Studio. Lucke-Benedict offers a full range of therapeutic and healing services at the renowned Medicine Wheel Dental, where she uses holistic, non-invasive, transformative approaches to patient care. She specializes in helping with TMJ-related pain, migraines, injuries, traumas, nerve pain, back, neck, foot and hand pain, Mercedez Lucke-Benedict as well as numerous other conditions. At the new practice, Lucke-Benedict will be utilizing her special gift of medical body intuition release work. She is considered by her peers to be one of the cuttingedge energy healers, combining Ho’oponopono, chakra clearing, healing crystals and unique holographic release techniques she personally developed. These techniques release the roots of emotional/physical trauma. Intuitively, she is able to trace and see exactly where the energetic pain patterns/blockages are and release them. According to one of her clients, “I have not only been relieved of symptoms of tinnitus, my hearing has been restored and l am completely pain-free.” Another says, “You no longer have to live with pain in your body or be worried about how it is limiting your true potential. Mercedez is a miracle worker, a true healer and a desert gem.” Location: The Belly Studio, 3838 E. Ft. Lowell Rd., Tucson. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 520-221-6276 or email

Wave This

Planet Earth Has a Flag

A new project by Oskar Pernefeldt, a graduate student at Beckmans College of Design, in Stockholm, Sweden, has designed a new flag for the entire planet to be used worldwide in a move toward unity. Its minimalist design shows seven rings intertwined on a deep, sea-blue background, forming a flower in the middle. Simple and contemporary, the flag evokes the Earth’s natural beauty. “The blue field represents water, which is essential for life,” writes Pernefeldt. “The flower’s outer rings form a circle which could be seen as a symbol of Earth as a planet, and the blue surface could represent the universe.” The flag has yet to be adopted by any official government agencies. 28

Tucson Edition

Santa Rita Springs Dorothy Richmond, LMT Aquatic Massage Jin Shin Jyutsu Cranial Sacral Watsu

520 990 1857

Michelle Cardenas Bright Way Wellness


atural Healing Facilitator Michelle Cardenas, of Bright Way Wellness, uses a variety of modaliMichelle ties to assist clients Cardenas on their journey to better health. Her philosophy is that healing and wellness occurs through the engagement of positive universal energy using the power of nature. Reiki is the foundation of her work, which brings effective results in healing body, mind and spirit. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing modality that calls upon the universal energy that is all around us and is delivered with a light touch of the hand. It is so effective that touch is not always used; a hover technique is just as effective. Reiki can also be sent into the past or future and across distances. Anyone can learn and use reiki immediately. It is not a religion or a belief system. Reiki is perfect for pairing up with other healing techniques and medical health care, as it has no side effects. Cardenas’s passion is to share this healing modality with others in the form of comprehensive classes. Each class is structured for open discussion, learning the technique and practicing the modality with self and others. Cardenas is an Advanced Usui Reiki Master Teacher and feels that reiki should be accessible to all. She offers affordable classes each month.

For more details about her services and classes, call 520-549-4800 or visit

Practitioner of the Month Sponsored by

March 2019



THE POWER OF TEA by Jeffrey Green


here are hundreds, if not thousands, of different teas available on the market today. Which is the best? It depends on how tea is being defined, and the purpose for choosing the drink. There are basically two categories of tea: true tea and herbal tea. True tea consists of varieties made from leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush, commonly known as the tea tree, tea shrub or tea plant. Such teas include black tea, green tea, oolong tea and white tea, and may have other ingredients added for flavor. Herbal tea is not really tea at all because it doesn’t contain any tea leaves. Herbal tea is made up of ingredients such as spices and herbs, flowers, fruit, bark, roots and other organic vegetation. True tea, one of the most popular drinks in the world, second only to water, has medicinal value, and has been shown through research-based data to help the body ward off disease and illness because of the high levels of antioxidants in the leaves. According to, Chinese folklore says that tea was discovered almost 5,000 years ago by Shennong, a Chinese Emperor in the 2700s BC. The story goes that a servant of Shennong was purifying water by boiling it for the emperor to drink. Leaves from a nearby tree, which may or may not have been the Camellia sinensis bush, blew into the pot of hot water. When Shennong tasted the drink, he found it to be enjoyable. Tea was discovered. Herbal tea does not contain any part of the Camellia sinen30

Tucson Edition

sis plant, which disqualifies the beverage from being a true tea. Instead, herbal tea is any drink in which water is infused with the essence of other organic matter, including flowers, herbs and spices. Herbal tea is also known as tisane, which is pronounced tee-zahn. There are two etymologies as to where the word tisane originated. In Greek, ptisanē is defined as a medicinal drink made from barley-soaked water. In French, the word tisans literally means “tea without tea”. The practice of mixing water with spices and herbs dates back to prerecorded time, especially when preparing it specifically for medical treatment. One of the first recorded entries of the popularity of tea dates back to 1550 BC in the Egyptian Ebers papyrus. Egyptians used tea to pay tribute to the gods, prepare the dead for burial and cure the afflicted. Herbs like dill and basil were prepared into tisanes to help digestion and to aid with heart issues. With countless plant material combinations, how is it that a comprehensive list of benefits from the many different types of blends came to be? It is believed that Shennong discovered that chewing the leaves and other parts of different plants produced beneficial outcomes for certain maladies. For years, Shennong experimented and made what scholars would today call numerous medical breakthroughs. Apparently, even after chewing on poisonous plants, a combination of certain herbs and spices in water acted as an antidote for the poison. For the last 5,000 years, tea (whether true tea or herbal tea) has been traveling the world spreading its goodness and healing qualities. Through the years and with discovery after discovery, the list of medicinal benefits of tea has continued to grow. Tea was first brought to the early colonists in 1650 by Peter Stuyvesant. The early settlement of New Amsterdam, known today as New York City, consumed more tea in 1670 than all of Europe combined. So how did coffee become the drink of choice over tea in this country? Before the U.S. became its own country, English rule made it difficult for the colonists by taxing products and services provided by the Motherland. In 1763, England won the French and Indian War. It was costly. In 1767, England decided to recoup some of the cost from the war by increasing taxes on the colonists who were building this country under English control. The predominantly tea drinking settlers were outraged by the high tax and revolted against the British. The Boston Tea Party was when tea, valued at almost 10,000 silver pieces, was thrown into the harbor in rebellion of the tax. This event was the catalyst for the American Revolution. Tea was at the center of, and

Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing

Join Us! At Casino Del Sol Sewailo Golf Club For the Second Annual Go for the Green Tournament Saturday • March 23, 2019 $125 per golfer includes Golf, Players Bag, Nike Tournament Shirt, $15 Casino Free Play 2 Drink Tickets, Awards Luncheon and prizes. Get a foursome together for $400! 7:00 am Check-in, and warm up on driving range. 8:00 am Shot gun start, tournament begins. 1:00 pm Awards luncheon and prizes. For more information: Visit: Email:

Sponsorship Opportunities... TENT SPONSOR: $1000 (4 available) – One foursome in the tournament – One canopy tent on approved hole on the course – Six foot table and two chairs – Opportunity to merchandise your company in the Players bags – Logo on all advertising for the tournament

BEVERAGE CART SPONSOR: $800 (1 available) – Two hole sponsorships including signage – One banner in patio area and at luncheon – Opportunity to merchandise your company in the players bags

Go for the Green G O L F TO U R N A M E N T

To sign up online please visit:

AWARDS LUNCHEON SPONSOR: $750 (2 available) – Two hole sponsorships including signage – One banner in patio area and at luncheon – Opportunity to merchandise your company in the players bags

Proceeds from Go for the Green will benefit Sister Jose Women’s Center

HOLE SPONSORSHIP: $100 (14 available) – Hole sponsorship signage March 2019


Natural Awakenings


new product spotlight

SECTION pages 30-37

indirectly responsible for, America winning its freedom from England. With its long history and wide array of uses, tea has become a staple for many around the world. There are as many medicinal benefits of tea as there are different kinds of herbs and plants, flowers and stems, roots and bark on the planet. It is an elixir that can aid in the treatment of, and even cure of, many ailments, conditions and diseases of the body, mind and spirit. Tea’s power is highly regarded in the medical community throughout Asia and Europe, and is becoming more popular in the U.S. as an alternative health device. Its presence in the world is strong enough to even help in the creation of a new country. Perhaps someday, tea will again be the drink of choice for most Americans, either for the great taste or for the medicinal value. Jeffrey Green, MA, is an educator, having taught in elementary, middle and high schools and at the University of Arizona. Currently, he is a freelance writer, reiki practitioner and a light and energy worker. On staff for Natural Awakenings, Green enjoys educating the public on all things positive, natural and metaphysical.

New CBD Products at Natural Healing Care Center


atural Healing Care Center now carries HempX+ full-spectrum, organic, vegan CBD (cannabidiol) products. HempX+ is a blend of organically grown, premium, full-spectrum hemp extract rich in naturally occurring cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes suspended in Certified Organic Food Grade Hemp Oil. Unlike products made from CBD Isolate, HempX is made from a fullspectrum extract. Cannabinoids work naturally with the endocannabinoid system, a vast system of receptors found throughout the body that regulates homeostasis and cognitive function at a cellular level. There are over 750mg of CBD and other cannabinoids in the HempX 750+, which may help assist the endocannabinoid system to promote homeostasis and help the body to operate at an optimal level. It could help with issues such as: anxiety, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, inflammation, mood, obesity, tumors, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, IBS, seizures, poor circulation and more. HempX 250+ Extreme Pain Relief Healing Salve, with over 250mg of CBD, is a powerful blend of full-spectrum, whole-plant hemp extract CBD, plus CBC, CBG, organic herbs, essential oils and seven powerful pain-fighting ingredients. This exclusive blend quickly reduces inflammation, helps improve poor circulation to injured areas and acts as a light topical anesthetic to soothe severe muscle, joint and nerve pain at the source. It is guaranteed to provide relief in less than three minutes when used as directed. The salve can be used topically for things such as: joint pain, nerve pain, muscle pain, arthritis, strained muscles, muscle knots, back pain, sports injuries, stiffness, carpal tunnel, muscle spasms, plantar fasciitis, sciatica pain, inflammation and more. Location: 2230 E. Speedway Blvd., Ste. 140, Tucson. For more information, call 520-323-0069 or visit See ad, page 35.


Tucson Edition

Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing

March 2019


Natural Awakenings


SECTION pages 30-37

Peter Hermes Furian/

plant medicine brief

Walnut Leaves Improve Diabetic Health In a double-blind study of 40 Type-2 diabetes patients, Iranian researchers gave half of them 200 milligrams of an extract of walnut leaf (Juglans regia) for eight weeks and the other half a placebo. Although the walnut leaf extract had no significant effect on their blood glucose levels or insulin resistance, it significantly lowered systolic blood pressure and body weight in the patients.


The Metaphysical Side of Tea Leaves Ancient Chinese tea drinkers began to analyze and interpret the shapes and positioning of the tea leaf remnants in the bottom of their tea cups and noticed something remarkable. Reading tea leaves became a method of divination. In the 1600’s, tea became an import throughout Europe, and the practice of foretelling one’s future from tea leaves was carried across the sea and into other expanding continents. Because of the large number of effects that tea has on the body, tea drinking is regarded as a unique and individual experience. There seems to be a tea that can help with any illness. With so many different combinations, flavors and blends, tea can be made specifically for what someone is seeking—either an enjoyable beverage, a mixture to combat illness and disease, to calm the troubled mind and spirit or to create a metaphysical drink that transcends time and place. Some believe that because of the individual experience and personal connection to the tea, the drinker influences the movement and ultimate placement and pattern of the leaves. The palette of leaves answers questions about the past, present and future of the person who drank the tea. Many who participate in the process, either reading or receiving messages, believe that it is the psychic modality, psychometry. This ability allows a person to receive psychic messages from inanimate objects. Reading tea leaves, however, involves reading an object which was once animate. The leaves were alive at one point and came from a plant that was very much alive as well. The energy that flows through every living body is interconnected. This connection allows for ethereal knowledge and communication with other planes of existence. Tea is multipurpose. From beautiful flowers, plants, herbs, bark and roots comes a mystical sensation—tea. Used as the beverage of choice, medical remedy or to foretell the future, tea is known and used the world over, and will continue to reveal its magic to anyone willing to take a sip.

This Doctor Makes House Calls! Aimee Gregorie Bachelier, ND

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Naturopathic Physician



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520-909-0703 fax: 520-305-4383

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Dr.’s House Call $120 Includes:  Assistance acquiring records

State Fee*



*SNAP eligible discount

Se Habla Espaňol Tucson Edition


 State upload



/ Bodywork


Medical Marijuana Certification:

Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing

March 2019


Natural Awakenings



CBD Balm

SECTION pages 30-37

plant medicine brief

Aromatherapy Soothes Allergies

Scents for Natural Relief


esearch from Korea’s ChungAng University has found that inhaling aromatherapy infusions comprising a combination of sandalwood, frankincense and ravensara for five minutes twice daily significantly reduces symptoms of allergies after seven days. The researchers tested 54 men and women, half of which were tested using a placebo of almond oil. Total nasal symptom score (TNSS) and rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire (RQLQ) results were both significantly lower in the aromatherapy group. TNSS scores decreased by more than half and RQLQ scores decreased by more than 60 percent. Scores for fatigue and sleep quality also improved in the aromatherapy group. “These findings indicate that inhalation of certain aromatherapy oils help relieve perennial allergic rhinitis symptoms, improve rhinitis-specific quality of life and reduce fatigue in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis,” Chung-Ang University’s Seo Yeon Choi and Kyungsook Park explain in their paper.


n the battle to stay healthy, and to treat ailments in the most natural way possible, balms are surfacing as one of the best alternative ways to do just that. As discussed in last month’s issue, topicals are becoming more and more popular. As research and testing continue to increase on the benefits of the marijuana plant, more ways to use the medicine are being discovered. This medicine, and this treatment, does not include inhaling, eating or injecting. CBD Balm is a safe and all-natural topical which is bringing medical treatment to a new level. The balm that is pictured above, produced by Global Xtracts, is a phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil balm. Its all natural ingredients are beeswax, medium chain triglycerides (a medical food derived from fatty acids and safflower oil), lavender essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil. That’s it, nothing else. There are no chemicals that could cause an adverse reaction. The balm is safe with no side effects. Because of the cannabinoid rich oil, the balm can be applied to areas of the body where needed and absorbed. The cannabinoids activate the endocannabinoid systems throughout the body. This system is responsible for sleep, appetite, digestion, hunger, mood, motor control, immune function, reproduction and fertility, pleasure and reward, pain, memory and temperature regulation. Many illnesses and disease stems from an imbalance within one or more of these functions. By applying this balm and activating those systems, it gives the body another line of defense. All-natural, pure, tested and proven, CBD Balm is a safe alternative to pharmaceuticals to relieve, and sometimes even cure, illness and disease. CBD Balm can be found exclusively at Earth’s Healing Dispensary, conveniently located at 2075 E. Benson Hwy. and 78 W. River Rd., in Tucson. Connect at See ad, page 31.





520-838-4430 4826 E Broadway Blvd 36

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N Starboard Dr, Catalina.520-414-8019. Info@

calendar of events

Call ahead to confirm event

Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit listings.



Gratitude and Release-Friday Fire Circle – 6:458pm. Surrounded by rhythm, we feed the fire with the burdens we wish to release and offer gratitude for our blessings. No charge. Web of Life Animist Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd.

Green Valley Health Fair – 8am-12pm. Meet Aimee Gregorie Bachelier, ND and Jamie Cunningham, Medical Marijuana Consultant. Learn about the healing properties of cannabis and the possible health benefits. West Center, 1111 S GVR Dr, Outside Booth, Green Valley. 308-379-1547. Billing@

SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Eckankar at Tucson Festival of Books – 9:30am5:30pm. 3/2-3/3. Share your spiritual experiences, discuss how Spirit works in your life, hear the sacred sound of HU and take away insight and inspiration. No charge. University of Arizona Mall, Booth 128. 520-743-3705. Eck-Arizona-org.

Beginner’s Open House - Kadampa Meditation Center – 6:30-8pm. If you are new to Buddhism and meditation, or to Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona, and wish to find out what we are all about. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@MeditationInTucson. org.


Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 9:4511:30am. The health benefits of special Kangen ionized drinking water (electrically charged) - alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. No charge. Pristine Naturopathic, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-869-6782. Bill@

TAIZÉ SERVICE March 5 and March 19 • 6:45pm First and third Tuesdays Taizé is a service of prayer, music, readings, and meditation.

SUNDAY, MARCH 3 Awakening through Jewish Meditation with Reb Brian Yosef – 10:30-11:30am. Sundays and Tuesdays. Experience yourself as radiant awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. No charge. Congregation Beth Shalom, 3881 E River Rd. 510-295-7383. Byosef@ Eckankar Light and Sound Service – 10-11am. Come and experience spiritual growth and fellowship as you explore what could be your next spiritual step. No charge. All welcome. Hampton Inn Suites Hotel, 5950 N Oracle Rd. 520-7433705. Eck-Arizona-org. Community of Light Sunday Service – 11am12:15pm. Join us every Sunday for a Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy Workers. We enjoy healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons East, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520-339-2038. Shiva Ratri: Night of Lord Shiva – 5-8pm. Celebrate with Indian classical dances, folk dances and live music. Kid’s activities, henna application, temple ceremonies and vegetarian feast served to all. No charge. Govinda’s Natural Foods Buffet, 711 E Blacklidge. 520-792-0630. Sandamini108@


Tucson Edition

No charge St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 602 N Wilmot Rd 520-749-7950 •


Introduction to Hormone Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Hormone yoga helps to relieve many hormone related issues including PMS, infertility, hot flashes, insomnia, depression, anxiety and hypothyroidism. Learn about this practice. No exercise required. $10. The Belly Studio, 3838 E Fort Lowell Rd. 520339-0344. Info@BellyStudio.Net. Dark Moon Labyrinth Walk – 6:30-8pm. When the moon is dark, we need light. Let’s walk the luminous labyrinth on the darkest night of the month. All are welcome. No charge. Web of Life Animist Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-954-2004. Pathways to Metaphysics Classes – 7–8pm. Join us as every Wednesday evening as we explore the pathways to Metaphysics and all its mysteries. Topics change weekly. By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main Clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520-339-2038.

FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Healing and Message Circle – 12:30–1:30pm. Every Friday. Beautifully guided healing meditations followed by messages for enhanced healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson. 520-339-2038. Tara Chanted Prayers – 6:30-7:30pm. Tara Puja, Liberation from Sorrow, which includes a special prayer Praises to the Twenty-one Taras composed by Buddha, is performed regularly at Kadampa Buddhist centers worldwide. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, AZ, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617.

markyourcalendar MUSIC IN MOTION ST PATRICK’S DAY DANCE PARTY Saturday, March 9 • 8-10:30pm $10 Music In Motion Dance Studio 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140

Awakening through Jewish Meditation with Reb Brian Yosef – 10:30-11:30am. Sundays and Tuesdays. Experience yourself as radiant awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. No charge. Congregation Beth Shalom, 3881 E River Rd. 510-295-7383. Byosef@


Doc Talk: Heart Health – 5pm. With Drs. Mathew Hutchinson and David Bull. Lecture on atrial fibrillation and aortic disease. Arrive by 5pm to participate in a Wellness Expo. 6pm, lecture begins. Light refreshments provided. No charge. Double Tree Reid Park, 445 S Alvernon Way. Duboisr@

Free Reiki Gathering/Share – 10-11am. Learn about what Reiki is and how it helps us heal. Short meditation followed by mini-Reiki sessions. All welcome. Kid friendly. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520549-4800.


Free Beginner’s Astrology Class – 11am-12pm. With Gael Chilson, Certified Shamanic Astrologer and member of TAG. How and why Shamanic Astrology differs from other modes of astrology will be explored. No charge. ASAOM & Han University, 2856 E Fort Lowell Rd. 520-216-0217. GaelChilson@

New Moon Ceremony and Shamanic Journeying Circle – 6-7:30pm. Shamanic journeying followed by New Moon ceremony to ground ourselves, set new intentions, and strengthen our endocrine system. No charge. Temple of the Drum, 16330

520-447-7841 •

Reiki Level 1 Class – 12-5pm. Learn about the benefits of Reiki, hand positions and techniques using the Usui method. Includes certification. Discount for reattunement. $111. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520549-4800.

Loving Kindness in a Troubled World – 6:308pm. It can sometimes seem impossible to be happy in the world today. Despite this, we can use these difficulties to develop positive states of minds. $20. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima St.

Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit – 3-4:30pm. Learn a simple spiritual approach to divine healing and meet new friends during our Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour. No charge. Unity of Tucson, Annex, 3617 N Camino Blanco, 520-904-4801.WeissMae@email.arizona. edu.


SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Mystical Writings of Baha’u’llah – 2-4pm. The Tucson Baha’i Community invites you to a talk and music by Judy Hardacre de Cerqueira. Judy worked overseas for 45 years in the fields of education and language acquisition, and music composition. No charge. RSVP for location , 520-838-1293. Earth Gong Journey – 5:30-7pm. Take this opportunity to journey into the earth, the lower or upper worlds or just out of your body. Bring mat, blankets, warm stuff. $20. Solar Culture Gallery, 31 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn. com. Save on Travel and Vacations – 2-3:30pm. Take time off from your busy life, relax, dream, build priceless memories. Guaranteed best price on vacations, and travel. Save 50% +. Join us for lunch. No charge. Please RSVP. Far Horizons Club House, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520-444-3628.

Empathy and Emptiness – 10am-4pm. Explore how Buddha’s teachings on compassion and wisdom complement each other, like two wings of a bird flying us to lasting freedom and happiness. Includes lunch. $45. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Echoes of Love Experience – 1-2:30pm. Come and explore your voice, alone and with others, in unique ways in the magical environment of echo as Twinfeathers leads a small group in fun, uplifting activities. No singing experience required. No charge. Call for location. 520-784-4468. Web of Life Market-Animist Spring Exchange – 1-4pm. Find unique items, sell or trade handmade items or services, meet people in our local Earth honoring community. Labyrinth will be open. No charge. Web of Life Animist Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-954-2004. EarthWebMedia@


Finding Joy in Challenging Times – 2-4:30pm. Changes in environment, financial, career and family situation bring stress and challenge to our spiritual consciousness. Nayaswami Pranaba will share valuable tools and insights. No charge. Ananda Center of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-9074534.

Sustainable Tucson Monthly Meeting: Tucson’s Complete Streets Plan – 6-8pm. An overview and discussion of the recently passed Complete Streets Plan for Tucson and related transit and land-use issues. No charge. Ward 6 City Council Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-615-8218. Paulasch@mindspring. com.

Experience HU: The Sound of Soul – 2-3:30pm. Welcome to the worlds of HU, an ancient, universal name for God. This sacred word can spiritually uplift people. No charge. All are welcome. No charge. Udall Regional Center, 7200 E Tanque Verde Rd. 520-743-3705. RHarwell@ Eck-Arizona-org.


Wealth and How to Have It! – 6:30-8:30pm. We’ll cover all aspects of wealth, how to get it and how to keep it. How does money work? How does abundance work? Reservations required. No charge. Cloud Nine Flotation, 2118 S Avenida Planeta. 520-6684017.

AZ IANDS Guest Speaker: Barbara Ireland – 6:30pm. Author of bestseller, How To Stop Negative Thoughts: What My Near Death Experience Taught Me About Mind Loops, Neuroscience, and Happiness. Unity Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365.

FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Spiritual Awakening through Jewish Meditation: Workshop for Newcomers – 10:30am-12pm. Experience yourself as radiant awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. No charge. Jewish History Museum, 564 S Stone Ave. 510-295-7383. Byosef@ Healing and Message Circle – 12:30-1:30pm. Every Friday. Beautifully guided healing meditations followed by messages for enhanced healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520-339-2038.

SUNDAY, MARCH 17 Reiki Level I Training – 10am-4pm. Reiki Level I offered in the original Usui Shiki Ryoho format. Learn what Reiki is, the history, about our Chakra system, the hand positions and more. 50+ page binder included. Must pre-register. $150. Call for address. 847-323-9188. Community of Light Sunday Service – 11am12:15pm. Join us every Sunday for a Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy Workers. We enjoy healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520-339-2038. Coffee With The Author – 11:30am-12:30pm. With Mary Ann Carman, Tucson author. She will share her love of mysteries across diverse settings. Join her for a lively conversation about her books.

No charge. Unity Of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-488-8284. MollyHNelson@gmail. com. Aqua Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Jessica Byron, Professional Yoga Therapist. Yoga poses and stretches in the comfort and support of 96-degree water open up possibilities for improved balance, breathing and deep relaxation. $15/class, preregister. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-370-3499. ZY Qigong – 12:15-1:45pm. Practice a relaxed state of being and expand your own awareness within. Feel your body move with the changing energies. ZY Qigong can help you reach this relaxed state. $10/suggested donation. Harmony Hut, 2467 N Treat Ave, 520-404-8745. QigongMark@yahoo. com. Drum Journey Circle: Beginners Welcome – 6:30-7pm. This circle is an opportunity to connect with our inner worlds and with other worlds in our community through drumbeats, inner world journeying, divination and sharing. No charge. Web of Life Animist Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd, 520-954-2004.

TUESDAY, MARCH 19 Experience HU: The Sound of Soul – 6-7:30pm. Welcome to the worlds of HU, an ancient, universal name for God. This sacred word can spiritually uplift people. No charge. All are welcome. No charge. El Pueblo Activity Center, 101 W Irvington Rd. 520-237-2297. Eck-Arizona-org.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 Free Reiki Gathering/Share – 12-1pm. Join us for an hour of discussion on Reiki, a short meditation and mini-Reiki sessions. All are welcome. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@

THURSDAY, MARCH 21 CBD vs. THC: What You Need to Know – 2-3pm. Join Dr. Aimee Gregorie Bachelier, ND and Jamie Cunningham, Medical Marijuana Consultant for an informational seminar about Cannabis. Green Valley Village, 101 South La Canada, Ste 13, Green Valley. 520-909-0703. DrBachelier@cox. net.

markyourcalendar IS CANNABIS FOR ME?

March 21 • Third Thursday • 5-6pm We will answer any questions you have and debunk social stigmas around cannabis prohibition for all these years. No charge Natural Healing Care Center 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140 520-323-0069 March 2019


calendar of events Full Moon and Spring Equinox Luminous Labyrinth Walk – 6:30-8:30pm. Held at Rio Vista Natural Resource Park at the north end of Tucson Blvd. We’ll gather on the grass by the parking lot. Our labyringth is made of lights laid down then picked up after the ceremony. No charge. Rio Vista Natural Resource Park, 3974 N Tucson Blvd, 520-954-2004.

FRIDAY, MARCH 22 Healing and Message Circle – 12:30–1:30pm. Every Friday. Beautifully guided healing meditations followed by messages for enhanced healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson. 520-339-2038.

Restorative Yoga with Healing Sound – 3:305pm. With Priscilla (yoga) and Danielle (sound). Experience this gentle, restorative yoga workshop to center, clear and re-connect with the heart of Life. $20; $25/after 3/18. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima St, 520-323-1222. Joseph@

SUNDAY, MARCH 24 Gong Bath Journey – 5:30-7pm. Opportunity to journey into the lower or upper worlds, earth’s center or out of your body. Bring mat, blankets, warm stuff. $20. Solar Culture Gallery, 31 E Toole Ave. 847323-9188.

TUESDAY, MARCH 26 Prayers for the Dying and Deceased – 5:30-6:30pm. Prayers to help give our deceased loved ones rebirth in Buddha’s Pure Land, attain permanent liberation from suffering and experience pure and everlasting happiness. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@Meditation

SATURDAY, MARCH 23 Go for the Green Golf Tournament – 7am1pm. Second annual charitable tournament, sponsored by Earth’s Healing. $125 per golfer or $400 for a foursome. Sewailo Golf Course at Casino Del Sol, 5655 W Valencia Rd. 520-247-2139. Free Bio-Touch Clinic – 8am-12:30pm. Experience the healing power of Bio-Touch. Specific points are lightly touched to promote the body to heal itself. No charge. Call/text for appointment. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@ Open House: Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy Spa and Shaw Chiropractic – 10am3pm. Free food, drinks, chiro adjustments, ear beading and educational workshops will be available. No charge. 1101 N Wilmot Rd. Ste 227 and 229. 520-275-4510. Debbie@DetoxTherapySpa. com. Chakra Balancing Clinic – 1:30-4:30pm. Your energy centers are checked and cleared using essential oils, stones and/or Reiki. Call/text for appointment. Sessions are 20-30 minutes. Sliding scale; $20-$30. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@


This year’s chosen charity is the Sister Jose Women’s Center, Sewailo Golf Course, 5655 W. Valencia Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-3735779, email or visit


Tucson Edition


Thursday, March 28 • 6-8pm With Dr. Lance Morris. Learn the Bio-Touch points to address Asthma. $10/members; $15/non-members $5/2CEUs LMT Bio-Touch Center, 5634 E Pima St. 520-323-7951 •


Friday, March 29 • 10am Recognizing women and businesses making an impact, focusing on healthy living and getting connected. $60 Westin La Paloma Resort

markyourcalendar COMEDY FOR CHARITY Friday, March 29 • 7pm Comedy for Charity co-presents Jeanne Robertson who specializes in hilarious humor based on her life experiences. Portion of proceeds donated to the Barnyard Foundation for Gil, a Labrador shot, paralyzed and left for dead before being rescued. Tickets $29-$64 Fox Theatre •

FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Informative Lecture About Hormone Yoga and Healthy Diet – 6-8pm. With Lindsey Parsons, Certified Health Coach. Learn how hormone yoga can help with PMS, menopause, infertility, stress, insomnia and hypothyroidism. No charge. Call for address. 520-822-7397. Info@LydieHormoneYoga. com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 30 Bio-Touch Allergy Relief Workshop – 10am12pm. Bio-Touch is a healing modality that uses light touch to activate the body to heal itself. Learn the basic sets to address allergies. Includes workbook. $20. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@ Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit – 3-4:30pm. Learn a simple spiritual approach to divine healing and meet new friends during our Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour. No charge. Unity of Tucson, Annex, 3617 N Camino Blanco, 520-904-4801.WeissMae@email.arizona. edu. Gong Bath – 3:30-5pm. With Danielle Dvorak, musician and sound healer. Celebrate your life by connecting to our planet. This Paiste gong is tuned to specific earth frequencies, including 136.1 hz and 432 hz. $20; $25/after 3/25. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima St, 520-323-1222. Joseph@Yoga

SUNDAY, MARCH 31 Awakening through Jewish Meditation with Reb Brian Yosef – 10:30-11:30am. Sundays and Tuesdays. Experience yourself as radiant awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. No charge. Congregation Beth Shalom, 3881 E River Rd. 510-295-7383. Byosef@ Hormone Yoga for Women Workshop – 3/315/5. 2-4pm. 5-week workshop to learn this practice that can help to relieve many hormone related issues. Call to register. No class 4/21. $250. The Belly Studio, 3838 E Fort Lowell Rd. 520-3390344. Info@BellyStudio.Net.

SATURDAY, APRIL 6 13th Annual Autism Walk and Resource Fair – 7:30am-1pm. Sponsored by Arizona Elks Major Projects. Pre-register to show your support at $20/adults; $5/ages 4-17. Kino Sports Complex, 2500 E Ajo Way.


Saturday, April 6 • 8-10:30pm $10 Music In Motion Dance Studio 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140 520-447-7841 •

ongoing events

sunday Silent Meditation – 8-8:30am. Experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-546-3696. RevNita Religious Service – 9am. St Michael’s ECC, the other Catholic Church. Feminist? GLBTQ? Catholic? We are and more. No charge. Chapel, First Christian Church, 740 E Speedway. 520-575-8486. Awakening through Jewish Meditation with Reb Brian Yosef – 10:30-11:30am. Experience yourself as radiant awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. No charge. Congregation Beth Shalom, 3881 East River Rd. 510-295-7383. Byosef@TorahOfAwakening. com. Tucson Metaphysics Fair–10am-4pm. Third Sunday. Fair includes a variety of mediums, readers, healers and vendors. Price varies. InnSuites Tucson Foothills Best Western, 6201 N Oracle Rd. 520579-8930. Sunday Morning Service – 10am. With Rev Ann Marie Beale. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Cam-ino De Las Quintas, Sahuarita. 520-625-5687. Unity The Deeper Meaning of Jesus’ Words–10-11am Explore underlying ideas of our Christianity. Learn techniques to gain greater abundance and happiness Child care, youth and teen programs. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-3036942. Sunday Teachings – 10am-2pm. Deeper spiritual teachings. Gabriel of Urantia, Niánn Emerson Chase, and Elders of The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion. Organic lunch. EcoVillage Tour by inquiry. Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage, 2074 Pendleton Dr, Rio Rico. 520603-9932.

markyourcalendar 100+ WOMEN WHO CARE BIG GIVE WOMEN’S GROUP April 11, July 18, October 17 Check-in and mingle: 5:30-6:30pm Meeting: 6:30-7:30pm Come and join the most talked about big hearted women’s group in Tucson. Westin La Paloma Resort Sonoran Room, 3800 E Sunrise Dr

Sunday Celebration – 10:30-11:30am. Learn to live your spiritual potential and purpose. Pray, sing and celebrate Oneness in community. All welcome. Sunday school for kids. No charge. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-546-3696. Sunday Celebration Services – 10-11:45am. Join in the celebration of this thing called life. Expand your community with like-minded spiritual-but-notreligious individuals. Enjoy an uplifting message and joyous music. By donation. The Nickerson Auditorium, 3231 N Craycroft Rd. 520-319-1042. The Temple of Universality Sunday Service – 11am. With Founder Rev. Betty Tatalajski. Celebrating the Unity of God and Man, worship, healing, prophesy. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 520-884-5340. TempleOfUniversality@ Community of Light Sunday Service – 11am12:15pm. Join us for a Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy Workers. We enjoy healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons East, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520339-2038. Tamara Spiritual Center’s Sunday Services – 11am and 5:30pm. Third Sunday only at 2:30pm. No charge.Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-325-0513. Info@Tamara Yogananda Gathering – 11am-1pm. First and third Sundays. Attune to Yogananda’s teachings through chanting, meditation, affirmations, readings and the Festival of Light ceremony. No charge. Ananda Center of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-907-4534.

Save on Travel and Vacations – 2-3:30pm. Second Sunday. Take time off from your busy life, relax, dream, build priceless memories. Guaranteed best price on vacations, and travel. Save 50% +. Join us for lunch. No charge. Please RSVP. Far Horizons Club House, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520-444-3628.

Aqua Chakra Yoga – 12:30-2pm. With Krysa Kobryner. Aquatic Yoga poses, breath & sound, embodying the five elements by strengthening the Chakras, our conduits of life energy. 96-degree pool. $15/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-5210651.

A Course of Love – 11am. A Course of Love facilitated by Rev. Ann Marie. No charge. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas, Sahuarita. Waterbabies: Women’s Pool Sharing – 11:30am12:45pm. Weekly freestyle exercise & relaxation in a 96-degree indoor saltwater pool. Laugh, learn, enjoy freedom of movement in unique comfort. $15/ first class; $60/month. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@

Flutes For Vets Classes – 1:30-3pm. Native American style flute classes for Veterans. Veterans are eligible for free flute after completing 8 classes. Practice flutes available to take home between classes. No charge. American Legion Post #36, 5845 E 22nd St. 520-784-4468. FlutesForVets@ Petanque in the Park – 2pm. Learn and play the French game of petanque (boules). No charge. Reid Park, near DeMeester bandshell. 520-664-4133. For specific location, visit Cat Yoga – 2-3pm. Join us for a free, casual yoga class accompanied by one or two friendly cats. Please don’t bring your own cat. No charge. The Dojo, 4300 E Pima Rd. 520-881-3400. Metaphysical Spiritual Service – 2-3pm. Includes a guided healing meditation and hands on healing for anyone who wishes. Followed by an inspirational talk then personal messages for each. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. UFChapel4718@gmail. com.

Dreamcatcher Dream Group - 2-4pm. A place to bring your dreams. They stimulate our dream recall helping us track our evolving personal archetypes. By being with each other’s dreams we learn compassion and exercise our intuition, which gives us clues as to how to decipher the dream’s sometimes enigmatic meanings. Contact Helen Landerman, Sacred Space Gathering – 4-5:30pm. Sundays. All welcome. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Sunday Love Feast: Kirtan, Bhakti Talks, 10-Course Dinner – 5:30-7:15pm. Sit down bhajan meditation, a philosophical discussion on the ancient Vedas, Traditional Arti offerings to Temple deities and Kirtan followed by a free vegetarian feast. No charge. Govinda’s, 711 E Blacklidge Dr. 520-273-2273. Satsang at Desert Ashram – 7-8:45pm. Satsang of Swami Amar Jyoti (spiritual teaching), Sanskrit mantras, aarti, chanting and meditation. 6:30pm: visit grounds, library, gift shop, have tea. No charge. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384.


On-The-House Mini Readings – 12-3pm. Join us for Metaphysical pursuits mini-readings on the house. Aura, Chakra, Astrology, Animal Guides. Home Again Home Again, 2569 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-3214444. Community Acupuncture Clinic–1:30-5:30pm. With John Sowersby, Helene Gaudard-Castillo and Bianca Valencia. Cupping, acupuncture, tuina massage, gua sha, ear seeds or ear crystals. Walk-ins welcome. $40/1st treatment; $120/package of buy 3 get one free. The Center for Healing Arts, 3300 N Campbell Ave, Ste 2. 520-205-0215. March 2019


ongoing events Youth Ballet –5-6pm. Affordable Youth Dance Programs. 18-week program has a performance May 18. $270 Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Ha-Ha Healing Circle – 5-6pm. With Lisa Westrick, practitioner. A gathering for healing and fellowship using various modalities. All are welcome. No charge. Home Again Home Again, 2569 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-321-4444. Ha-Ha.Fun. Meditation at Desert Ashram – 7:30pm: Silent meditation. 7pm: Aarti: Sanskrit chanting, offerings, waving of light and prasad. No charge. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr, 520-743-0384. Info@ .


Tasting Tuesday at Natural Grocers River Road – Second Tuesday. Free natural products vendor fair. Stop by for free samples, active demos, giveaways, classes and more. No charge. Natural Grocers, 5600 E River Rd. Awakening through Jewish Meditation with Reb Brian Yosef – 10:30-11:30am. Experience yourself as radiant awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. No charge. Congregation Beth Shalom, 3881 East River Rd. 510-295-7383. Byosef@TorahOfAwakening. com. Book Study – 11am. Every Tuesday. Book: How to Pray Without Talking to God by Rev Linda Martella Whitsett. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas. Sahuarita, 85629. 520625-5687. Therapy Aqua Group – 12-1:30pm. With Skye Linn Walker. Warm water offers a stress-free environment to heal, stretch and maintain or build muscle tone. $20; $75/4-pre-paid; $150/8-pre-paid. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-2452353. Newcomer Ballroom – 6-7pm. Class is designed to give you the fundamentals of a variety of dances so you can start dancing right away. Check Facebook page for updates. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841.

markyourcalendar TAIZÉ SERVICE First and Third Tuesdays • 6:45pm Taizé is a service of prayer, music, readings, and meditation. No charge St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 602 N Wilmot Rd

Silver Ballroom – 7-8pm. Advanced dancers rejoice. This no partner needed class is designed for dancers in Full Bronze and Silver I. Class includes fun pattern combos, technique and styling. Enjoy smooth and rhythm dances. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Books – 7-8:30pm. With Reverend Inger Mason. Reading of books channeled to Alice A. Bailey by Djwhal Khul, followed by guided meditation. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Call for details, 520-331-5252. Meditation at Desert Ashram – 7:30pm: Silent meditation. 7pm: Aarti: Sanskrit chanting, offerings, waving of light and prasad. No charge. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr, 520-743-0384. Info@

wednesday Wednesday Live Radio Show – 8-9am. Get up to date, live information about what’s happening with the medical marijuana laws of our state, the dispensary process, news, education and more. Tune in on our website. No charge. 520-437-8855. Prayer and Meditation – 9:45-10:15am. Come experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. 1551 S Eastside Loop, Ste 121. 520-546-3696. Fun-Day Wednesday Class – 9:45-11:30am. With Rev. Fred Smith. Metaphysical Law, using fun, food and friends. Temple of Universality class. No charge. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd. 520-546-3898. US Pain Foundation Chronic Pain Support Group – 11am-12:30pm. First Wednesday. Bring pillows, mats, ice/heat packs to make yourself comfortable. Family members are also invited. No charge. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 140. 800-910-0664. Gwenn@ Centering Prayer Group – 12pm. Method of Christian meditation with a strong emphasis on interior silence that encourages silence and deeper connection to the divine. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, UCC, Rm 1. 520-297-1181. Alternative Therapies Cancer Support Group – 12-1:15pm. Second and fourth Wednesdays. With Shelly Eagle. For cancer patient or cancer support person looking to explore or share a holistic approach to health and wellness. No charge. Alive & Well Arizona LLC, 2420 W Ruthrauff Rd, Ste 160. 520-400-8280. Aquacize – 12-1:30pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. 96-degree warm indoor pool. Free trial class. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636.

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Tucson Edition

Free Reiki Gathering/Share – 12-1:15pm. Third Wednesday. Need some mid-week stress relief? Join us for an hour of discussion on Reiki, a short meditation and mini-Reiki sessions. All are welcome. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3, 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@ On-The-House Mini Readings – 12-3pm. Join us for Metaphysical pursuits mini-readings on the house. Aura, Chakra, Astrology, Animal Guides. Home Again Home Again, 2569 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-3214444. Intermediate Ballroom – 6-7pm. Intermediate class to enhance your dancing through more advanced dance elements and techniques. Learn new patterns with confidence each week for a variety of dances. No partner needed. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Soothe the SOUL-Gentle Yoga – 6-7pm. With Callie. Unique practice of yoga with a focus on mindful clarity as you stretch from head to toe. Classes consist of restorative, balance, energy breath work and vinyasa. All levels welcome. $12/drop-in; package prices available. Renew Body Wellness Center, 4625 E Broadway Blvd, 2nd Flr. 406-696-8203. Flutes for Vets Classes – 6-7:30pm. Native American style flute classes for Veterans. Veterans are eligible for free flute after completing 8 classes. Practice flutes available to take home between classes. No charge. American Legion Post #7, 330 W Franklin St, 520-784-4468. Eckankar Book Study: Those Wonderful ECK Masters, by Harold Klemp – 6:30-8pm. “Learn about the wonderful ECK Masters, who they are, and what they’ve already done for others like you” ~Harold Klemp. No charge. 1001 N Swan.

Newcomer Country – 7-8pm. Our Newcomer class is designed to give you the basics of a variety of country so you can start dancing right away. Meant for beginners, fun and upbeat way to learn dance and make new friends. No partner needed. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Pathways to Metaphysics Classes – 7-8pm. Topics change weekly, and can be found on our website at By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main Clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson. 520-339-2038. Meditation at Desert Ashram – 7:30pm: Silent meditation. 7pm: Aarti: Sanskrit chanting, offerings, waving of light and prasad. No charge. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr, 520-743-0384. Info@

thursday Therapy Aqua Group – 12-1:30pm. With Skye Linn Walker. Warm water offers a stress-free environment to heal, stretch and maintain or build muscle tone. $20; $75/4-pre-paid; $150/8-pre-paid. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-2452353. Is Cannabis For Me? – 5-6pm. Third Thursday. We will answer any questions you have and debunk social stigmas built around cannabis prohibition for all these years. No charge. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140. 520-323-0069. A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. Advanced Ballroom Technique – 5-6pm. Advance your dancing technique in elements of Ballroom, Latin, and Country. No partner needed in this fun technical class. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Stepping into the Light – 6-8pm. Second Thursday. Monthly support group open to anyone in the community who has experienced grief or a recent loss. Facilitated by Enza Piazza. 3054 N 1st Ave. 520-576-6870. Taizé Service – 6:30-7:15pm. Second Thursday. An alternative form of worship that includes soothing music, brief readings and silent meditation in candlelight. There is no sermon. All welcome. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. John@ Devotional Yoga – 6-7:30pm. Kundalini fusion exercises specifically designed for these aquarian times. A blend of postures, strong pranic breathing, stretching, mantra and moving meditations. Healing gong bath with large 60” creation gong. $12. Call for location. 520-991-4154. AZ IANDS Guest Speaker Series – 6:30pm. Second Thursday. AZ IANDS welcomes a different guest speaker each month to share their stories. $10, no one turned away Unity Tucson, 3617 Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. TIES Sharing and Discussion Group – 6:308:30pm. Third Thursday. TIES mission is to provide a safe neutral environment for presenting information on and sharing of near-death and other spiritually transformative experiences. Everyone is welcome. No Charge (love offering accepted). Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365.

Ascended Masters Introductory Classes – 7-8pm. Learn about your own individual divine being, your I Am Presence. Find divine solutions to every challenge. No charge. The Temple of The Presence, 11902 E Irvington Rd, 520-751-2039. ZY Qigong – 7-8:30pm. Practice a relaxed state of being and expand your own awareness within. Feel your body move with the changing energies. ZY Qigong can help you reach this relaxed state. $10/ suggested donation. Harmony Hut, 2467 N Treat Ave. 520-404-8745. Satsang at Desert Ashram – 7-8:45pm. Satsang of Swami Amar Jyoti (spiritual teaching), Sanskrit mantras, aarti, chanting and meditation. 6:30pm: visit grounds, library, gift shop, have tea. No charge. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384.

friday Complimentary Sales Training – 9-10:30am. With Don Zavis. Weekly sales training session. Also archived via Vimeo in case you miss it. No charge. Encantada, 11177 N Oracle, Oro Valley. 520-903-4654. Waterbabies: Women’s Pool Sharing – 11:30am12:45pm. Freestyle exercise and relaxation in a 96- degree indoor saltwater pool. Laugh, learn, enjoy freedom of movement in unique comfort. $15/ first class; $60/month. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@ On-The-House Mini Readings – 12-3pm. Join us for Metaphysical pursuits mini-readings on the house. Aura, Chakra, Astrology, Animal Guides. Home Again Home Again, 2569 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-321-4444. Healing and Message Circle – 12:30-1:30pm. Beautifully guided healing meditations followed by messages for enhanced healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson. 520-3392038. Ai Chi with Skye Lin Walker – 12:45-2pm. A gentle, relaxing movement practice for improving range of motion and breathing. Shoulder deep in warm water, focusing inward, we relax and breathe deeply, opening energy pathways. $15. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520 245-2343. Weekend Immune Booster – 1-3pm. No appointment necessary for Vitamin B shots or Myers Push. New clients pay additional admin fee. No charge. Transformational Medicine, 3861 N 1st Ave, 520-209-1755. SaberLMP@TFMND. com. TFMND.Com. Tai Chi Easy/Qigong for Health – 2pm. With Suzanne Schinkel, certified instructor. On chairs if needed. Outdoor on patio, weather permitting. Benefits realignment of ankles, knees and hip joints. No charge. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino Del Las Quintas, Sahuarita. 520-625-5687. Youth Dance Programs – 5-6pm. Affordable youth classes in Ballroom, Beginning Ballet, Hip-Hop and Lyrical/Contemporary. 18-week program has a

performance 5/18/19. $270. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. S.M.A.R.T Recovery: Alternative to AA Group – 5-6:30pm. Weekly group for those looking for an alternative to AA, S.M.A.R.T is a non-profit, donation only, small group to deal with substance abuse issues giving us back the lives we were meant to live. No charge. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140. 520-971-6086. NonieSims@ Newcomer Social Country – 6-7pm. Learn the basics of popular social country dances like Rhythm 2 Step, Country Swing, Polka and enjoy Line Dancing (every other week). $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Shamanic Journey-for-Healing Circle – 6:30-9pm. Last Friday of the month. Open to all and is designed to help facilitate healing for yourself. You do not need to be a healer. Two guided journeys, sharing time and snacks. No charge. Temple of the Drum, LLC, 16330 N Starboard Dr. 520-870-2108. Info@ An Evening With The Angels – 6:30-8pm. Second and fourth Friday. Don’t miss this extraordinary evening receiving messages from the angels. Experience the Angelic vibration that can only come from the heavenly realms. Refreshments provided. $20. Angels Amongst Us, 3054 N First Ave, #9, 520-250-9517. Newcomer Social Latin – 7-8pm. Learn the basics of exciting Latin dances including Salsa, Merengue and Cha-Cha. Class is designed to get you dancing out on the town. No dancing experience or partner needed. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Meditation at Desert Ashram – 7:30pm: Silent meditation. 7pm: Aarti: Sanskrit chanting, offerings, waving of light and prasad. No charge. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr, 520-743-0384. Info@ Tucson Energy Circle – 7-8:45pm. Fourth Friday. Tucson Energy Circle is replacing IONS Energy Share. Join us for an evening of meditation, energy sessions and networking. No experience necessary. No charge. Unity Church of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520742-1019.

markyourcalendar SATURDAY NIGHT SOCIAL First, Second and Fourth Saturdays • 8-10:30pm Ballroom, Country, Latin and Swing Open Social dancing 8-10:30pm. 7-8pm beginner and intermediate group lesson included. 1st Saturdays ALL Country Music! A second ballroom is a dedicated West Coast Swing room. Light refreshments provided. $10 includes lesson and dance social Music In Motion Dance Studio 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140 520-447-7841 •

March 2019


ongoing events

saturday Rincon Valley Farmers and Artisans Market – 8am-1pm. Come enjoy the country and shop local in and around the big green and white Barn. No charge. Rincon Valley Farmers and Artisans Market, 12500 E Old Spanish Trail. 520-591-2276. Contemplative Prayer Group – 9:30-11:30am. Silent meditation, DVD/CD, discussion. Teachings by Richard Rohr, James Finley, John O’Donohue and others. No charge. House of Prayer, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd. 520749-7950. Free Reiki Gathering/Share – 10-11am. Second Saturday. Learn about what Reiki is and how it helps us heal. Short meditation followed by miniReiki sessions. All are welcome. Kid friendly. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@ Infusing with Cannabis​– 10am-12pm. Second Saturday. Having trouble using Cannabis? This class will go into more detail on cannabis as medicine, while empowering you to infuse your own cannabis oil at home. Must have AZ Medical Marijuana Card. Seating is limited.​$50​. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140.​520-323-0069.​​. Psychic Fair at Metaphysics World– 10am6:30pm. Every Saturday. $15 for 15 minutes. Everyone is welcome. 2940 East 22nd St. 520-327-7449. Youth Ballroom – 1-2pm. Affordable Youth Dance Programs. 18-week program has a performance May 18. $270 Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Youth Hiphop –12-1pm. Affordable Youth Dance Programs. 18-week program has a performance May 18. $270 Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Aquacize – 12-1:30pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. 96-degree warm indoor pool. Free trial class. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. Group Singing Lesson – 2-3pm. With Sarah Evans. We create the conditions under which the voice-by its nature immaterial-manifests itself. From personal experience and a proven method of specific exercises this school ensures vast improvements in speaking and singing. Please call to confirm. No charge. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 520-6616666.


Tucson Edition

community resource guide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.


Nathan Anderson, L.Ac. 2450 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 6, 85719 520-999-0080 Nathan Anderson is an acupuncturist and professor of Chinese medicine. His services include acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, cupping, plus dietary, fitness, and lifestyle consultations. Catalina Acupuncture is a family practice, providing safe and effective remedies for a wide variety of pain and illness. See ad, page 14.


Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520 275-4510 • We offer tried and true procedures and the newest technologies on the market to improve and prevent signs of aging. Facials, peels, injectables, light therapy, Fibroblast therapy, microderm-abrasion, micro-current, derma-rolling and more. We use all natural skin care products! See ad, page 15.


Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 • If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie is the clinical aesthetician for you. She provides nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types and sensitivities, including basic as well as advanced anti-aging modalities, e.g., Botox, dermal fillers and NovaThreads, producing natural-looking, not over-done results. Call today for a complimentary consultation. See ad, page 6.

TULA WELLNESS AND AESTHETICS Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129

Tucson’s premier medspa offering a wide varieties of aesthetic treatments to enhance your inner and outer beauty. Some of the services offer​ed​are Botox, Dermal Fillers, Microneed​l​ing with PRP,​​ medical-grade chemical peels, Ultherapy, hair restoration, IV therapy, CoolSculpting, TermiTight and a array of laser treatments. See ad, page 2.


Gayle Felbain, certified teacher in the Alexander Technique and Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator, has been teaching for the past 35 years. Effective for pain and stress management, back, neck and joint issues, headaches and migraines. Improves performance in whatever you do. See ad, page 10.

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AIMEE GREGORIE BACHELIER Purity of Life Naturopathic Physician 520-909-0703

If you seek relief from symptoms of chronic disease, need solutions to your aching joints, are living with a terminal illness, or seeking wellness, let Purity of Life be your guide. Natural Medicine for Healthy Living. Se Habla Español. House Calls by appointment only. See ad, page 34.


East Tucson, 7105 E 22nd St, 85710 520-214-3232 D2 Dispensary is east Tucson’s high-end medical marijuana facility and is the sister location to Downtown Dispensary. D2 features a contemporary and modern layout and is the only other dispensary in Tucson to carry iLava and MedLava products. See ad, page 37.

THE DOWNTOWN DISPENSARY Parking Lot: 500 N 6th Ave, 85705 520-838-0492

The Downtown Dispensary offers high-end and affordable cannabis products to Tucson’s medical marijuana patients. Our flower and extracts are made in Tucson and are tested for safety and potency. We also carry edible products made by other AZDHS licensed facilities. See ad, page 37.

EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779

We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 31.

NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER Dr. Jasmine May, NMD 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069

Dr. May offers whole being counseling for those seeking a shift from disease centered medicine to individualized care. Naturopathic medicine works to uproot the cause of disharmony, rather than palliating symptoms. Herbs, homeopathy, nutrition, and mind/body medicine are emphasized, with focus on empowering individuals to heal themselves. See ad, page 35.


Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 33.


Oils, Oil Sprays 2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Open Monday-Friday, 10am to 7pm Metaphysics’ World carries over 30 essential oils and over 25 blended oils for $4.77 each. We carry 10 different oil sprays, over 130 different herbs and a fair amount of resins. We carry Lavender as a herb, oil, oil spray and as an incense. See ad, page 4.


1545 S Craycroft Rd, 85711 520-571-1811 Mention our ad and receive a complete brake system inspection and fluid service for $89.99. Includes inspection of all brake system components and lubrication of any components sticking or not operating smoothly. Also includes complete system fluid exchange and pressure bleed. Savings of almost $60!

BIOFEEDBACK ANNA MARIE BLESSING, B.MSC, CNC 4400 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 520-314-6894

Biofeedback Treatments to permanently treat over 16 medical conditions including: anxiety, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, asthma, allergies, chemical sensitivities, children’s allergies, digestive disorders and migraines/headaches. VSI food sensitivity testing, thyroid/hormone and additional testing (we see what blood tests miss).


Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 Randy has 28 years of bodywork experience, providing treatments that are stress busting or for specific issues. Sometimes sessions are enhanced and integrated with mind-body awareness experiments. The client uses sound, breath and movement to contact feelings and access deep tension and energy release. See ad, page 29.

BIO-TOUCH HEALING CENTER 5634 E Pima St, 85712 520-323-7951

Bio-Touch is a touch-healing therapy that anyone can learn to perform effectively. Low-cost classes are offered and healing sessions on a donation basis to anyone in need of relief from pain, stress, or symptoms of disease.

RENEW BODY WELLNESS CENTER Olivia Hughes, LMT 4558 E Broadway Blvd, 2nd Fr, 85711 520-271-7635

Olivia Hughes, Licensed Massage Therapist, yoga instructor and certified foot reflexologist, offers a broad range of massage techniques to improve your health. Offering a variety of yoga classes and workshops geared to all levels.


3333 N Campbell Ave, Ste 12, 85719 520-370-3689 Sylvia Boyed, MA, LMT, CST, an energetic bodyworker, working in the bodywork field for 11 years, treats all of the systems of the body, for all ages, with specializations in joint reconstruction, head injuries, migraine headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and anxiety. See ad, page 28.

THERAPEUTIC INTUITIVE BODYWORK Jennifer Beard, LMT Speedway/Craycroft Area 520-906-8136

A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $175. See ad, page 29.


WellnessFirst!​ 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-232-4585​• Tired of the pain? ​Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. ​Zach s​pecializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.

March 2019


BONNIE PRUDDEN MYOTHERAPY MUSCLES IN MOTION MYOTHERAPY Andrea Johnson Master Certified Myotherapist Mobile Service Available 786-897-0789 •


Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.

Myotherapy builds strength, reduces stress, relieves pain, re-educates the muscles, improves flexibility, increases range of motion, relieves Fibromyalgia symptoms and more by identifying each individual’s trigger points. 90% success rate when using Myotherapy plus corrective exercises. No needles or drugs are employed. See ad, page 28.


3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 • Satuday, call or ring bell Sunday, 9-10; 11-noon Largest most complete metaphysical bookstore in Tucson valley. Books, CDs, DVDs and more covering a wide spectrum of subjects. Also available: Consanti Soleri Bells, greeting cards, and more—a rich environment for anyone interested in furthering their well-being, spiritual awareness and growth.​See ad, page 9.


Mike and Luz Sondgeroth (ID 914362) • 520-444-3628 (type in address bar)

World-class, award-winning company in the travel industry. Exceptional opportunities to create significant long-term residual income with minimal time investment. Free vacations, personal growth, and business development. Free lunch and learn every month. See ad, page 17.


CBD NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069

Natural Healing Care Center carries a variety of, Natural, Full-Spectrum Hemp CBD Products. All products are high quality, grown in the U.S, and tested. CBD has helped many people obtain relief for various ailments. NHCC can help inform you on the proper way to consume CBD. See ad, page 35.


Mike Bond • 844-402-4223 (4CBD) Tucson’s SOS CBD aims to provide more than just exceptional products and service, we are on a mission to provide hemp derived CBD to everyone. Located in Tucson, AZ our high-quality CBD products are available online throughout the US. THC-free. No medical card needed. See ad, page 32.

CHIROPRACTIC DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway, 85711 520-584-0343


112 S Kolb Rd, 85715 520-886-1003 • Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 33.


Tucson Edition

Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for children, PTSD, depression and autoimmune diseases.


Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 • Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neurologic disorders. Also, using gentle Chiropractic, physiotherapy, Acupuncture, metabolic nutrition and we have helped 1000s of patients from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit See ad, page 24.


520-331-2629 • PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 21.

COACHING, COUNSELING & GUIDANCE COUNSELING CONCEPTS Jo Ruddy and Jody Hardy 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-881-4237

Dr. Jo Ruddy, Metaphysical Life Coach and Clinical Master Hypnotherapist, along with Jodi Hardy, M.A., LPC and highly experienced psychotherapist, offer metaphysical approaches to healing and creating lasting change in your life. Located at WellnessFIRST!


Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Call for special $1 per minute rate for unique individual listening session.

All Natural Health and Beauty Solutions RISE ABOVE IT COACH

Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 Coaching brings out your inner expert and the motivation, excitement, and desire to actually follow your best advice. Using coaching models and intuition you can have desired results in health, relationships, career, money, life. Let your magic outsmart self-sabotage.


Sheila Shea MA is Board Certified with 41 years of colon hydrotherapy experience. The Intestinal Health Institute offers intestinal nutritional support and detoxification protocols to accompany colonics. Specialties are abdominal massage, Metabolic Syndrome and sugar. Shea is an LMT in Arizona and Florida.


Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working f​ or over 30 years​. ​As one of​ Don’s customers ​said, “​You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote.​See ad, page 19.


Mercedez Lucke Benedict 4650 W Jojoba Dr, 85745 520-743-7101 • Experience incredible Cranial work while at Medicine Wheel Dental & Wellness Center. Mercedez has had success in treating tinnitus, trigeminal nerve pain, migraines, TMD dysfunction, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, increasing range of motion and strain pattern releases. Call for a special introductory visit. See ad, back cover.


2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Monday-Saturday, 10am to 7pm Metaphysics’ World carries a large range of products: crystals, rocks, meteorites, incense, oils, oil sprays, soaps, books, music, greeting cards, clothing, fossils, ear candles, tarot cards, charts, etc. Check us out Saturdays at 10am when we have our weekly silent auction. See ad, page 4.


1980 W River Rd, Ste 140, 85704 520-447-7841 • Facebook: Music in Motion Dance Studio All ages independent dance studio on the Northwest side serving Tucson and surrounding communities. Let our staff teach you a variety of dances including: Ballroom, Latin, Country, ​Salsa, Swing. Private lessons, group classes, wedding dances. Dance socials on the first, second and fourth Saturday. See Facebook for current schedule. special rates for first responders and active/ retired military. See ad, page 9.


Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082 • A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general & cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ads, pages 16 and 19.


Dr. Steven A. Swidler, DDS 4650 W Jojoba Dr, 85745 520-743-7101 • Medicine Wheel Dental is Tucson’s premier holistic integrative dental practice. Utilizing a balanced mix of traditional dentistry with exclusive naturopathic, holistic and alternative modalities, Medicine Wheel Dental provides the highest level of personalized dental care. “With awareness, we can make a choice.” See ad, back cover.

Let us educate and provide you with all Natural ways to improve your youth and health DETOXIFICATION

ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE Skin Care Detox Therapies DETOX &Treatments MINI MED SPA Cleansing • Ionic Foot Baths • Anti-Aging • Nutritional

Owner • Far Infared Sauna • Ear Candling •Debbie SignatureShaw, Facials & Peels

1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 Body Treatments Pain Management (above Trader Joe’s)• Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Massage • Wraps & Scrubs 520 275-4510 • Cleanse and replenish your Debbie Shaw, Spa Owner body is our motto. 1101can N Wilmot Detoxification be rd. Ste.#227 (Above TraderWe Joe’s) achieved many ways. have nutritional cleanses, detox wraps, ionic WWW.DETOXTHERAPYSPA.COM footbaths, a far infra-red sauna and a chi machine and more. Call for a free consultation! See ad, page 15.


Tap into the wisdom and guidance of your dreams. Develop your powers of intuition. Dr. Landerman has 30 years of experience in dream groups and has been certified by Jeremy Taylor’s Marin Institute for Projective Dreamwork. Dream groups forming downtown.


2420 W Ruthrauff Rd., Ste 160, 85705 520-638-6740 Experience the powerful electro-magnetic energy of the Photon Genius Super Sauna. Power up your immune system, detoxify and nourish all of your body’s cells. We also offers wellness classes, support groups and natural health products. Visit online or in person.


EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 520-780-0170 • Are you emotionally overwhelmed, feeling emptiness, pain or anger running you? You can be free and choose better feelings with this energy technique. It can be combined well with hypnotherapy to reinforce positive thoughts and images in your mind. Schedule your session today.

March 2019



Michelle Cardenas, RMT 520-549-4800 “Think outside the bottle.” Find healing the natural way. Michelle listens to your needs then creates a custom session just for you. Specializing in stress relief and pain reduction using reiki, crystal/stone healing and Bio Touch. Additional services available.


Juliana Ashe 4231 E Havasu Rd, 85718 520-639-6080 • Juliana extends light. She connects your field of energy to expanded light frequencies, in a heart-centered meditative state. In sessions, she assists you in “holding” new patterns of intent, to relieve stress, pain, trauma, emotional grief and even depression and anxiety.


Melanie Tyrrell, LMT, ESTI, CMLDT Manual Lymphatic Drainage 2001 W. Orange Grove Rd, Ste #308, 85704 520-954-7784


2272 E Speedway Blvd, 85719 520-339-6674 • Floatation therapy gives an experience of complete weightlessness as if one was in the womb or floating in space. We offer two float tanks to choose from, one of which offers easy access, is spacious and claustrophobic-free. Additional services offered. See ad, page 29.


Float & Spiritual Healing Center 2118 S Avenida Planeta, 85710 520-668-4017 •

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 25.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Meditate, do yoga, or relax while you bathed in sound and vibration that clears your energy field. Danielle is trained and certified through in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Private sessions and group events (Gong Baths) are available.


Heather Rosson - Owner Rent Reusable Moving Boxes 520-441-4020 •

Best of Tucson Weekly’s Alternative Health Centers! Cloud Nine Flotation offers true Sensory Deprivation in a quiet neighborhood, professional setting. One hour in a float tank, without all the outside distractions, just might be the most relaxing place you’ve ever been. Allow your mind to unwind, and reset. Two tanks available. See ad, page 29.


Tucson Edition

Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.


Your uterus needs to be prepared and brought to optimal functionality before conception. Mercier Therapy is deep, pelvic-organ visceral manipulation where the reproductive organs are mobilized to restore natural blood flow and mobility. 87% success rate of conception within 12 months.



BungoBox Arizona rents eco-friendly, reusable moving boxes for both residential and commercial use. Boxes are delivered to your home or office, you pack and move, when you are finished unpacking BungoBox will pick up the boxes at your new location. See ad, page 18.

GREEN PRODUCTS A & E RECYCLED GRANITE 520-885-8970 - Tucson Metro 480-739-0234 - Phoenix Metro ROC # 305289

Arizona’s eco-friendly manufacturer of recycled granite pavers, split stone tile veneer, subway tiles and fire pits. The locally crafted products add a unique, beautiful look to your home and business while keeping our planet’s mountains out of Arizona’s waste stream.


UK Inspired Cuts, Organic Hair Color 204 W Grant Rd, 85705 520-331-9006 • Facebook: ProjekK Introducing Hnectar by O Way, the world’s first 2-in-1 holistic hair color infusion treatment. Equal parts treatment and permanent color, the hair’s health actually improves with each use, as plant proteins and moisture are integrated into the hair’s structure. 3.

HEALTH SCREENING PROACTIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, LLC Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036 •

Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 3.


Environmentally Sustainable Interior Design Michelle Gust • 520-331-6253 Offering full range of Interior Design services: floor plans, space planning, material and color selections, refurnishing furniture and upcycling current pieces. Specializing in the use of sustainable materials and methods, and eco-friendly products to minimize the impact on our planet. See ad, page 17.

HEALTHY LIVING GLOBAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS GROUP Anne McKechnie, Exeutive Director 520-990-5268

Improving physical, environmental, financial and personal health are priorities for almost everyone. The Global Wealth and Wellness Group provides opportunities that help people balance these four aspects and thus improve a person’s overall quality of life. For a free consultation, call Anne at 520-990-5268.


Sue Barrett, Zero Balance Practitioner Home Visits Available 520-240-2583 Zero balancing is a unique, holistic therapy going beyond soft tissue by addressing deep tension and stuck energy held within our bones. It can help to release old belief patterns, promote a sense of expanded awareness, and reduce pain and discomfort. Sue uses gentle touch to integrate and balance body structure with energy for amplified health and vitality. Call for new client special.


2272 E Speedway Blvd, 85719 520-339-6674 • Levity Floatation & Wellness Center offers unique treatments such as: floatation therapy, halo therapy, massage, far infrared sauna, BioScan and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (Functional Lab work). De-stress, alleviate physical pain, detox and get to the root of your aliments here at Levity. See ad, page 29.

TUCSON SAINTS DISPENSARY 112 S Kolb Rd, 85715 520-886-1003

Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 33.


Lydie Vagnerova, Certified HY Teacher 520-822-7397 Hormone Yoga is a natural alternative approach to regulate hormone imbalances and to decrease undesirable side effects of menopause, PMS, PCOS, infertility, stress, anxiety, insomnia and hypothyroidism. Hormone Yoga helps to balance metabolism, boost immunity and promote well-being.

Are you creative, driven and passionate about healthy living? Inspire others to make choices that benefit themselves and the world around them by owning a Natural Awakenings franchise.

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239-530-1377 Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 25 years. This is a meaningful homebased business opportunity that provides training and ongoing support. No previous publishing experience is required.

March 2019



Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.



Enza Piazza 520-576-6870 With the aid of Angels and guides in the heavenly realms, Enza/Angels Amongst Us utilizes her natural born abilities, knowledge and skills in her mediumship practice. She offers intuitive coaching, Spiritual Mentorship, and a variety of classes. In Person and Remote Readings. Tested 98% on remote viewing per Pima CC.


Tammi Morrison 520-273-4117 Tammi Morrison is an Intuitive, specializing in helping folks to get clarity and focus on their spiritual journey. She is a Reiki Master as well as a Certified Theta Healer. She uses Intuitive Guidance, healing, and meditation to help to open your eyes to possibilities.


2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Open Monday-Friday, 10am to 7pm Metaphysics’ World carries over 200 different varieties of incense. If you love Nag Champa, we generally have it in stock – although it goes fast. We also have our own incense which we make that is only 10 sticks for $.77. See ad, page 4.


Dr. Kevin Wallace Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer 520-396-4866 • Integrative medicine allows each patient to be treated as an individual. We infuse conventional medicine and nature cure to obtain the best treatments. The doctors of Infusion Health specialize in environmental medicine, men’s health, women’s health and IV therapy.


Melanie Tyrrell, LMT, ESTI, CMLDT Manual Lymphatic Drainage 2001 W. Orange Grove Rd, Ste #308, 85704 520-954-7784 Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a light massage technique encouraging natural drainage of the lymphatic system to optimize health. Used with a variety of conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease, autoimmune issues, concussions, lymphedema and more. Can be provided during and after pregnancy.


TULA WELLNESS AND AESTHETICS Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129

Tula Wellness and Aesthetics is Tucson’s premier wellness center. Dr. Arianna and her staff specialize in integrative and functional medicine in the treatment of adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, autoimmune disorders, and thyroid disease. We also offer trigger point injections, peptide, and stem cell therapies. See ad, page 2.


Tucson Edition


Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 •

Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work,great stretches, and flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Cranial Sacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 29.

MEDICAL MARIJUANA AIMEE GREGORIE BACHELIER Purity of Life Naturopathic Physician 520-909-0703 •

Medicial Marijuana certification assistance. Dr.’s House Call $120. Includes: assistance acquiring records, state upload. State Fee $150. SNAP eligible discount. By appointment only. Se habla Español. See ad, page 34.


East Tucson, 7105 E 22nd St, 85710 520-214-3232 • D2 Dispensary is east Tucson’s high-end medical marijuana facility and is the sister location to Downtown Dispensary. D2 features a contemporary and modern layout and is the only other dispensary in Tucson to carry iLava & MedLava products. See ad, page 37.


Parking Lot: 500 N 6th Ave, 85705 520-838-0492 • The Downtown Dispensary offers high-end and affordable cannabis products to Tucson’s medical marijuana patients. Our flower and extracts are made in Tucson and are tested for safety and potency. We also carry edible products made by other AZDHS licensed facilities. See ad, page 37.

EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779 •

We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 31.

NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069

We’re a Holistic Wellness Center that focuses on alternative medicine and specializes in Cannabis education, coaching and consulting. We help patients obtain their Medical Marijuana Card in AZ and also assist them in finding the right products to help their needs. Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years and not one person has ever died from over consumption, ever! See ad, page 35.

TUCSON SAINTS DISPENSARY 112 S Kolb Rd, 85715 520-886-1003

Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 33.

TUMBLEWEEDS HEALTH CENTER 4826 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 520-838-4430 Open: Monday-Friday, 10-6pm Saturday, 10-3pm


Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm. See ad, page 9.


2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Monday-Saturday, 10am to 7pm

Voted #1MEDICAL Certification ARIZONA MARIJUANA CenterCERTIFICATIONS 3 years in a

BEST PRICE GUARANTEE row, Tumbleweeds LOCAL * VET * WOMEN OWNED NEWis ORArizona’s RENEWAL Health premier cannabis $ Center VOTED #1 CERTIFICATION CENTER ALL FEES INCLUDED 3 YEARS IN A ROWdedicated BY TUCSON WEEKLY certification, health and education center VETERAN & SNAP DISCOUNT AVAILABLE to providing the most current information about 520-838-4430 4826 E Broadway Blvd medical marijuana and the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA). See ad, page 36.



Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 At the Pampered Skin Studio, Dr. Suzie personally provides customized treatments including facials with microdermabrasion, microcurrent and LED, peels, microneedling, facial fillers, Botox and Novathread non-surgical facelifts. Minor skin irregularity treatment and electrolysis are also available. Specializing in adult and teen acne as well as sensitive and ethnic skin issues. See ad, page 6.


Metaphysics’ World carries a large range of products: crystals, rocks, meteorites, incense, oils, oil sprays, soaps, books, music, greeting cards, clothing, fossils, ear candles, tarot cards, charts, etc. Check us out Saturdays at 10am when we have our weekly silent auction. See ad, page 4.


Heather Rosson - Owner Rent Reusable Moving Boxes 520-441-4020 • BungoBox Arizona rents eco-friendly, reusable moving boxes for both residential and commercial use. Boxes are delivered to your home or office, you pack and move, when you are finished unpacking BungoBox will pick up the boxes at your new location. See ad, page 18.


Joan M. Silver, LMFT 170 N La Canada Dr, Ste 30C, 85614 520-398-7272

Suzanne Grosvenor Northwest Tucson 520-229-6282 •

Joan Silver is licensed with the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health since 2005. Her clinical background as an MFT is to provide counseling with a focus that is social and relationship based to individuals (adolescents, teens, adults), couples, and families. Ms. Silver works with clients on personalized treatment plans to reach the goals they set.

Expand your Joy with music. Develop your musical voice, creativity, intuition and confidence. Suzanne coaches instrumentalists and vocalists to hear your own music. Beginning to advanced piano. Composition, improvisation, theory, notation. Classical, jazz, pop, folk, meditative and therapeutic music. See website for more information.

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755

Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 20.


The Belly Studio, Fridays only 3838 Ft. Lowell Rd. 85716 Oasis Wellness, West Marana 85653. 520-221-6276 Specializing in Craniosacral and Myofascial release, energy healing, crystal/stone therapies and ho’oponopono. Pain Release Specialist using holistic, whole-body approach combining chakra cleansing and her special release techniques. Success treating tinnitus, trigeminal nerve pain and migraines.


Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, 85711 520-869-5593 Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures.Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 17.

March 2019



956-566-5443 Jean is a physical therapist of 29 years, using a variety of manual techniques to treat conditions that have not responded well to traditional physical therapy. Treatment may include craniosacral therapy, deep dry needling, kinesiotaping, visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage therapy, private physical therapy, and hot stone myofascial work. See ad, page 29.


Psychic Readers available daily in store 2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Monday-Friday, 10am to 6:30pm

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 25.


1846 E Innovation Park Dr, 85755 520-903-4654 Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability. See ad, page 18.

Metaphysics’ World has one or two readers available each day. Rates: 15 mins/$20, 30 mins/$35, 60 mins/$60. Readings available on a first-come, first-serve basis. See ad, page 4.




ZY Qigong Teacher/Practitioner Harmony Hut, 2467 N Treat Ave, 85716 520-404-8745 Qigong is a lifetime practice that teaches one to connect and feel all the life force energy that surrounds us. The simple and slow movements direct this ocean of Qi inwardly as your minds’ own awareness guides it. Open the energy body to embrace the physical body and return it to a healthy and balanced state.

RESTAURANTS CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525

Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas 2404 E River Rd, St 251, 85718 520-577-1129

Tula Wellness and Aesthetics offers the most extensive services in the treatment of female and male sexual health. Dr. Arianna offers radiofrequency and C02 laser for vaginal rejuvenation. Tula now offers hormone replacement therapy for men and women and well as Gainswave, a breakthrough treatment for male ED. See ad, page 2.


Sarah Evans Individual and Group Lessons 520-661-6666 •

Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 7.


Tucson Edition

Learn gentle therapeutic exercises to release your singing voice. We open to the etheric tone with our breath and release it as sound. This service produces relaxation and begins the journey of unveiling the voice for those who have longed to sing. Sing and be happy!


Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 •

Rejuvenate Tired Doctor Suzie, a Registered Nurse and Licensed Aesthetician, is Winter Skin certified in Oncology Esthetics and specializes LIGHTWAVE in providing customized skin care treatments PROGRAM for all skin types and skin issues. Includes She especially delights ina mini facial, a light wave treatment and educating clients aboutafter their treatment skin a healing and helping them identify affordable and manageable $100 VALUE ALL FOR $80 solutions for their concerns. Make an appointment and let Dr. Pear start you on the path to revealing Allown Natural Health See and Beauty Solutions your kind of beautiful! ad, page 6. Let us educate and provide you with all Natural ways to improve your youth and health


ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE Skin Care Detox Therapies DETOX &Treatments MINI MED SPA Cleansing • Ionic Foot Baths • Anti-Aging • Nutritional

Owner • Far Infared Sauna • Ear Candling •Debbie SignatureShaw, Facials & Peels

1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 Body Treatments Pain Management (above Trader Joe’s)• Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Massage • Wraps & Scrubs 520 275-4510 •

Tucson’s first Fibroblast Debbie Shaw, Plasma Arc machine is rightSpa Owner 1101 N Wilmot rd. Ste.#227 here. Non-laser, non-surgical (Above skin tightening and Trader Joe’s) resurfacing is now available. Unwanted tattoos can be WWW.DETOXTHERAPYSPA.COM removed also. Tighten eyelids, jowls, turkey necks, saggy arms. Lift brows, remove wrinkles from chest and more! See ad, page 15.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Relax and receive while you are energetically cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells), and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through She is a life-long, classically-trained musician, and an intuitive empath.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 20.

SPA SERVICES ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE DETOX & MINI MED SPA Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520 275-4510

Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally. See ad, page 15.


Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Celebration Service 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 13.


Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm. See ad, page 9.


The Path of Spiritual Freedom 1-877-300-4949 “The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you. The teachings of ECK will awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart. The road to God is the adventure of a lifetime.”—Harold Klemp.

KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER 5326 E Pima St, 85712 520-441-1617

Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!

THE TEMPLE OF THE PRESENCE 11902 E Irvington Rd, 85747 520-751-2039, x100

Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.


Rev. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 ​ ffiliated with Unity School A of Christianity and now in our 62nd​​year serving the Tucson community. Sunday services at 10 am.​See ad, page 9.


1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696 Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 12.


THE TEMPLE OF UNIVERSALITY Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340


602 N Wilmot Rd, 85711 Steve Wagner 520-400-2137 •

Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.


Experience a time of rest in the presence of God through music, prayer, silence, and spiritual readings.Taizé is a contemplative, candle-lit service.The sounds of violin, recorder, guitar, and organ intertwine with meditative singing. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 6:45-7:30 pm. See ad, page 18.


Chuck Swedrock 520-395-2365


Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Thursday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at Unity Church of Tucson.

Mike and Luz Sondgeroth (ID 914362) 520-444-3628 • (type in address bar) Vacation with a world-class vacation and travel company at best pricing. Save 50% or more. Smile, play, build priceless memories with loved ones. Benefits: emergency evacuation, concierge, teladoc and more. Free lunch and learn every month. See ad, page 17.








Sherman R. Springfield, CNC Jack Baker Board Certified Health & Weight-Loss 520-240-6621 Consultant 520-599-1089 • Spring into a Field of Vibrant Living!

Being overweight compromises Being a former Marine I “There is nothing headier than those potent moments when we feel every cell the very essence of your electrified with vibrancy; whenlife. we feel utterly pleased to be looking out of our know what standards are and own eyes.” - Mary Dancing Waters Losing weight can restore your Marine Clean Windows is not life toThe vitality. The best version field of vibrant living springs from devoted self-regard. Onceonly we the name of my business ofbegin you comes from a lifestyle to hold conscientious respect for the integrity of our divine place butinthe standard you should our ownnot moments, move from walking around in a shallow grave like change, a diet.we Together, expect for your windows. If experience eagerly seeking a transformation in the choices we embrace let’s take thetonext step. Adults your windows aren’t Marine for our spirits, our minds, and our bodies. and children ages 10 and up. Clean, they’re not clean! However, the plethora of information - some of it quite contrary - about spiritual, emotional, mental, and physFree consultation. ical wellness, combined with emotionally deflating visions of the very last smoke, the last sip of coffee, and the last bite of carrot cake, is enough to stagger even the most resolute. The myriad of straight jacketed choices overwhelms, causing us to freeze like a human in an alien spaceship’s light beam.



Fortunately, the cultivation and habituated application of more sustaining and nourishing choices need not be WELLNESS HEALTH bafflingTUMBLEWEEDS or arduous. We can slip nurturing choices CENTER into our lives as easily TULA as a hand parts curtain panels. AND


Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas 4826 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 Our Spirits are remarkably intuitive; able to discern the slightest ripples of2404 change E in River our preferences. Rd, StHolding 251, 85718 520-838-4430 a mood sympathetic to our own natural process of transformation for both our inner and outer worlds, serves to 520-577-1129 • Open: Monday-Friday, 10-6pm alleviate brain freeze, allowing us to intuit the most enlivening choices for our individual life visions. Saturday, 10-3pm

Vitality ebbs when we resign to following other people’s well-intentioned but counterintuitive choices for Atus. Tula Wellness we Voted #1 Springfield Coaching’s wellness and nutrition programs are purposefully designed without the didactic tedium ARIZONA MEDICAL MARIJUANA focus Certification and life overhaul often present in many programs available, butCERTIFICATIONS with resolute honoring and encouragement of on Functional Integrative Medicine with 3 each client’s individual inner guidance and deliciousCenter preferences.



a focus on menopausal

LOCAL *wellness VET * health​ WOMEN Sherman R. Springfield is aOR board certified heath consultant, coach, OWNED practitioner, and as well as all aspects of ​vRieke aginal rejuvenation​ Tumbleweeds Health Center is Arizona’s premier NEW RENEWAL founder of SpringfieldALL Coaching. He has recently relocated his practice to Tucson and is delighted to VOTED #1 CERTIFICATION CENTER FEES INCLUDED gynecology​ ;​Connect including well-woman exams, peri​ cannabis certification, health and education center be serving the Tucson community with his unique coaching and wellness programs. with him 3 YEARS IN A ROW BY TUCSON WEEKLY and menopausal concerns, pelvic dedicated to providing theormost current informa- See his-menopausal at by calling 520-599-1089. ad for a free consultation.



VETERAN & SNAP DISCOUNT AVAILABLE floor rehabilitation, PMS and hormone balancing. tion about medical marijuana and the Arizona 4826 E Broadway Blvd See ad, page 2. Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA). See ad, page 36.



DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt. CCT Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755


We are like-minded First! Where Your Wellness Comes healing professionals who have created a patient-focused Wishescollaborative, Everyone a Happy & Healthy environment New Year! to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3. Ÿ Primary care physician Ÿ Specialist in Endocrinology –

Breast, Upper and Full Body Scans

Preventative Screening

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Choosing to be proactive about your health today can prevent you from having to be reactive about an illness later.

Doctor” in the nation through

Optimal functional health is not a lofty goal. It's a birth right for everyone.

1980 W River Rd, Ste 140, 85704 520-447-7841 Facebook: Music in Motion Dance Studio All ages independent dance studio on the Northwest side serving Tucson and surrounding communities. Let our staff teach you a variety of dances including: Ballroom, Latin, Country, ​Salsa, Swing. Private lessons, group classes, wedding dances. Dance socials on the first, second and fourth Saturday. See Facebook for current schedule. See ad, page 9.

Jo Ruddy, PhD Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and Metaphysical Life Coach Ÿ Specializes in releasing disease Ÿ A solution-focused approach to release unconscious patterns Ÿ Holistic/metaphysical modalities for healing mind, body, spirit Ÿ Couples reconnection & relationship empowerment

Colon Hydrotherapy & Probiotic Reflorastation

20 Years Experience

Confidentiality ~ Privacy ~ Respect

Disposable Speculums

Dual Filtered, UV Purified Water

Affordable, Individual or Package Pricing

Flexible Scheduling includes Weekend Appointments

Go with the flow...the road to health is paved with good intestines.

Jodi Hardy, MA, Cht, LPC Psychotherapist Ÿ Specializes in working with women & children Ÿ Therapeutic & hypnotherapy modalities to create healing Ÿ Demonstrates & fosters healthy self-esteem

Coming Next Month APRIL

Sustainable Living plus: Creative Arts Therapy


Tucson Edition

display advertiser index 100+ Women Who Care 11 Aimee Gregorie Bachelier 34 A Lasting Touch Salon 17 Alternatives in Healthcare Detox Therapy Spa 15 Armorless Body Therapies 29 BungoBox 18 Catalina Acupuncture 14 Center for Spiritual Living Tucson 13 Claire’s Café 7 Cloud Nine Floatation Center 29 Comedy for Charity 21 Community of Light 9 Copper Zap 5 DeeAnn Saber 3, 11 Don Zavis Sales Training 18 Downtown Dispensary 37 D2 Dispensary 37 Earth’s Healing 31 Gayle Felbain 10 GE Computing & Internet 19 Gourmet Girls Go Gluten Free! 25 HOCATT 12 IMPACT 13 Jean Read 29 Levity Float and Wellness Center 29 Lotus Interior Designs 17 Metaphysics World 4 Muscles in Motion Myotherapy 28 Music in Motion 9 Natural Healing Care Center 35 Nature’s Rite 27 Pampered Skin Studio 6 Proactive Health Solutions 3 Pur Maid 21 Purity of Life 34 Santa Rita Springs 29 Smoke Out Solutions 34 SOS CBD 32 St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 18 Sylvia Boyed 28 Therapeutic Intuitive Bodywork 29 Thompson Accounting Company, PLLC 12 Transformational Mediine 3, 11 Travel Mike 17 Tucson Biological Dentistry 16, 19 Tucson SAINTS Dispensary 33 Tula Wellness 2 Tumbleweeds 36 Unity Church of Peace 12 Unity of Tucson 9 Wholistic Familily Medicine 24 Winterhaven Health Center 11 Zach Saber 3, 11

classifieds BIOFEEDBACK THERAPY AS SEEN ON “THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER”. Release old patterns, clear your subconscious and heal your body with total ease. Biofeedback is a proven (and permanent) treatment for over 16+ medical conditions. Advanced Biofeedback Treatments now available in Tucson! Call for your free consultation: 520-314-6894.

GAYLE FELBAIN is pleased to announce the opening of her Tucson practice in Mindfulness in Action, including sessions in the Alexander Technique and Somatic Mindfulness. Available for private and small group sessions. Learn to create freedom, ease, and comfort in your body and mind. Gayle has 35 years of experience.

DISCOVER YOUR AUTHENTIC MUSICAL VOICE. For a free 15-minute phone consultation, call Suzanne to discuss your music goals. Explore how you can hone your musical voice. Choose a program that works for you. Engage in intuitively led processes for exploring your music. Suzanne Grosvenor, northwest Tucson. 520-229-6282. Suzanne@

HEALTH AND WEIGHT LOSS CONSULTANT. Board certified. The best version of you comes from a lifestyle change, not a diet. Being overweight compromises the very essence of your life. Losing weight can restore your life to vitality. Together, let’s take the first step. Contact Sherman Springfield for a complimentary consultation, 520-599-1089.

ENERGY CHOREOGRAPHY AND SELF HEALING. A delightful shamanic practice where you will learn how your electro-magnetic field can dance itself into well-being and happiness. Based on Gestalt dynamics and Tibetan Shamanism, it is gentle and uplifting. Katherine Lewis, a 40year shaman coach, facilitates. 970-5071565.

MYOTHERAPY is a highly specialized therapeutic treatment for relieving muscle pain and the swelling, weakness, and limited range of motion associated with pain. Andrea Johnson, Master Certified Bonnie Prudden Myotherapist. Mobile Service Available. 786-897-0789.

EVERY JOURNEY BEGINS WITH A SINGLE STEP. Isn’t it our relationship to our “issues” and not the specific “issue” itself that causes us difficulties in our everyday life? We heal in togetherness not isolation. Joan Silver, licensed psychotherapist, will walk beside you on your journey. Contact 520-3987272.

SOS CBD HIGH QUALITY OIL PRODUCTS are available online and through authorized retailers throughout the US. We believe people have a right to the highest quality, fairly priced hemp derived CBD. Sourced in Colorado, manufactured in Tucson. Use code NATURAL to receive 15% off your first purchase. 844-402-4223.

SPIRITUAL ENERGY TRANSFORMATION: From the quantum field we access techniques to release old thought patterns and open space for new beginnings to assist you in being your true energy signature and higher vibration. Johanna Alley, 520-370-1306.

THE DOWNTOWN DISPENSARY offers delivery to medical marijuana patients in the greater Tucson area and is one of the only delivery services to accept debit cards at your doorstep. Daily specials are also available for delivery customers. Patients can place online orders at

VISCERAL MANIPULATION is a light touch technique relieving tension in the tissues most often in the abdomen and chest. Releasing tension in the tissues around and within the organs often improves circulation, function, decreases pain. Calms the nervous system, brings one into a deep state of relaxation. Northwest Tucson. Jean Read, PT, 956-566-5443.

ZY QIGONG: Open Open the energy body to embrace the physical body and return it to a healthy and balanced state. Give yourself the inner calm and feel the love that surrounds you. Mark Frighetti: 520-404-8745, ZYQigongAZ. com/index.html.

To place a classified ad, enter online at: 50 words for $59

Contact us today with questions, 520-760-2378 March 2019


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Smart Choices for the Highest Level of Dental Care Looking to become more informed about your oral health and its effect on your whole body’s system? Medicine Wheel Dental and Wellness Center offers a full range of general, biologic and cosmetic dental options, customized for you. We are a caring practice in a beautiful Sonoran Desert setting. Call today for a comprehensive exam/consultation or a confidential second opinion. It’s the smart choice.


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