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It’s the best time of year! Welcome to our annual, extra special, keep-all-year edition of Natural Awakenings Tucson—the 2024 Health & Wellness Guide. These pages are absolutely packed full of practitioners, businesses and professionals who are here in the Tucson area and beyond—all ready to help you in the next steps of your wellness journey.
The 2024 Health & Wellness Guide begins on page 14, with profiles and spotlights to help you get to know the Tucson wellness community better. You’ll also find an expansive Natural Living Directory starting on page 52, with plenty of new faces alongside many familiar favorites who have been working with our readers for years. This year, we also have several Book Spotlights to introduce you to local authors and practitioners who have written extensively using their healthy living expertise (page 24).
This edition also serves to focus on Sustainable Travel, just in time to plan some trips (both near and far) for this spring and summer. Find tips for traveling more sustainably on page 32, learn about agritourism—which became more popular in recent years—on page 36, contemplate the benefits of travel for kids on page 38 and more.
Of course, we also have great earth-friendly content for Earth Day that includes looking at the use of single-use plastics (page 46), connecting to the sentient Earth (page 13) and an action “Heal-Our-World Checklist” (page 12)—great to reference at home all year long.
I must extend a huge thank you to the local community members who participated in this issue of Natural Awakenings, and to each one of our readers, who are the reason we are all here.
To an exceptional wellness journey in 2024,
© 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a
near you or if you would like copies
According to a 2023 study by Yale scientists published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, two distinct neurodevelopmental abnormalities that arise shortly after the start of brain development have been linked to the emergence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The researchers created brain organoids using stem cells from 13 boys with the disorder, including eight with macrocephaly, a condition in which the head is enlarged. The organoids were small replicas of developing brains that mimicked neuronal growth in the fetus.
The study found that children with ASD and macrocephaly showed an excessive growth of excitatory neurons, while those without macrocephaly exhibited a deficit of the same type of neurons. Measuring the prevalence of certain types of neurons, as was done in this study, could help doctors diagnose autism and also identify which autism cases might benefit from existing drugs that treat excessive excitatory neuron activity.
San Mateo County near San Francisco is the first county in the U.S. to declare loneliness a public health crisis. The resolution, which commits the county to address the issue but does not set aside funds to reduce loneliness, was inspired by the United Kingdom and Japan, which appointed ministers to tackle the problem. Future efforts by San Mateo County may include investments in infrastructure to make neighborhoods more accessible, social media posts that encourage social interaction, and the earmarking of community mental health dollars for organizations that develop or offer solutions.
Loneliness has been associated with increased risk of dementia, depression, anxiety, heart disease and stroke. A British study found that those that lived alone and had no visitors had a 39 percent increased risk of premature death compared to those visited by loved ones daily.
The National Rosacea Society has designated April as Rosacea Awareness Month to educate the public on the impact of this chronic and widespread facial disorder that is estimated to affect more than 16 million Americans, with 3 million new sufferers diagnosed annually.
Three out of four rosacea sufferers are middle-aged white women who commonly seek treatment for the associated symptoms of central face redness and reactivity, broken and dilated blood vessels, fluid-filled pimples and eye irritation. Family history of rosacea and hypersensitivity to microscopic skin mites are believed to be strong predictive factors.
Situations known to trigger rosacea-related flushing include exercise that produces body heat, hormonal changes, hot foods and drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, facial cleansing, stress and embarrassing situations. Although this skin condition cannot be cured and may progress from pre-rosacea, mild and moderate to severe rosacea, there are several self-care interventions that can be used to reduce the severity of rosacea symptoms and frequency of flare-ups.
Gentle skin care with hypoallergenic, pH-balanced products that repair the protective barrier function of the skin is essential, as well as an awareness and adjustment of the diet, digestive and lifestyle factors that may play a role in either exacerbating or controlling this inflammatory skin condition. Treatment with antibiotics, antifungals and/or steroids may be required to reduce symptoms during acute breakouts, while ongoing attention and understanding of changeable skincare needs is necessary to minimize irreversible skin damage.
Dr. Suzanne Pear is a PhD-trained Registered Nurse and Licensed Aesthetician who specializes in educating her clients about their skin and providing both basic and advanced aesthetic interventions to enhance their well-being. Connect at 520-400-8109 or PamperedSkinAndSoul.com. See ad, page 27.
Scientists at the BioRescue project have announced a breakthrough in embryo transfer that could save the northern white rhinoceros from extinction. According to the World Wildlife Federation, two genetically different subspecies exist—the northern and southern white rhino— found in two different regions of Africa. There are only two northern white rhinos left, both of which are female, living under protected housing in Kenya.
The BioRescue team achieved the world’s first rhino pregnancy through in vitro fertilization by implanting a southern white rhino embryo in a surrogate mother named Curra. Although the surrogate mother died after two months due to an unrelated infection, the successful embryo transfer offers proof of concept that this strategy could help save the northern white rhinos.
Plans are underway to implant a northern white rhino embryo into a southern white rhino surrogate mother. The scientists have used preserved sperm and eggs from the remaining females to make 30 preserved embryos. The BioRescue project has cost millions of dollars, supported by public and private donors. Eventually, the group hopes to reintroduce northern white rhinos into the wild.
Deep below the icy expanse of the Arctic lies a hidden danger that could have catastrophic consequences for our planet. Layers of methane gas are trapped beneath the permafrost, and as the landscape changes, this sea of methane has the potential to be unleashed, wreaking havoc on the world.
Studying the permafrost beneath the islands of Svalbard, researchers found an immense reservoir of methane that could reach several million cubic feet. Currently, the leakage from below the permafrost is minimal, but glacial retreat and permafrost thawing could “lift the lid” on this hidden danger, according to Thomas Birchall, a geologist at Norway’s University Center in Svalbard and lead author of a study published in Frontiers in Earth Science.
Ocean currents can thin the permafrost, creating patchy and unpredictable regions. Geographical features can also allow gas produced by underlying rocks to escape. Even in areas with continuous permafrost, methane gas can migrate beneath the cold seal of the permafrost, creating the potential for escape.
A large-scale seepage would initiate a dangerous feedback loop of warming—a cycle where methane release leads to further permafrost thaw, resulting in additional gas emissions. While the focus of the study was on Norway, the researchers believe that migrating deposits of methane are likely present in other parts of the Arctic region as well.
On April 8, millions of Americans along a 100-mile-wide path across 13 states from Texas to Maine will have an opportunity to witness a total solar eclipse. Thanks to a team from the Harvard University Astronomy Lab, people with visual impairments will be able to experience the celestial event, too, thanks to a smartphone-sized device called LightSound, which translates ambient brightness into sound.
Users of the LightSound device will hear a piping flute for daylight that will transition to a clarinet as the light dims when the moon passes in between the Earth and sun. As the eclipse reaches its zenith, LightSound will emit soft clicks to represent total darkness. The device is designed to complement the multi-sensory event, which may include a drop in temperature and the sounds of nighttime creatures like crickets and owls.
To make astronomy more inclusive, the Harvard team plans to distribute more than 700 LightSound devices at no cost. In addition, the device and its code are opensource so those with the skills can make their own. To learn more, visit Astrolab.fas. Harvard.edu/LightSound.html.
Our current systems and practices are depleting the Earth’s resources at an increasing rate well beyond its capacity to renew itself. According to the World Wildlife Fund, it takes a year-and-a-half to generate the resources we use in one year. That’s an unsustainable path for the planet’s future.
The world needs topsoil to grow 95 percent of its food, and yet the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimated in 2019 that 90 percent of the Earth’s topsoil is likely to be at risk by 2050.
Such statistics seem daunting, but if each of us reduces their individual ecological footprint, together we can make a difference. Here is an action checklist. Consult it often and complete one action at a time. Think of incremental change as hope.
■ Plant a produce garden for homegrown sustenance.
■ Build a compost bin in the yard.
■ Shop at local farms and farmers markets.
■ Join a community-supported agriculture group.
■ Eat a meatless meal at least once a week.
■ Recycle paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and metals.
■ Use reusable water bottles.
■ Shop with reusable bags.
■ Buy organic and regenerative organic foods.
■ Buy local, sustainably sourced and packaged products.
■ Choose products with less packaging to reduce waste.
■ Take fewer and shorter showers.
■ Run the dishwasher only when it is full.
■ Fix leaks throughout the house.
■ Buy natural-fabric clothing; avoid synthetic garments.
■ Wash clothes in larger loads, on shorter cycles and in cold water; add a filter to absorb most microfibers.
■ Wash the car less often.
■ Avoid watering the lawn or power washing the home and walkways.
■ Set up a rain barrel to catch water for the garden.
■ Plant drought-tolerant plants.
■ Walk, bike and take public transportation over driving.
■ Drive a small car; turn off the engine when idling more than 30 seconds.
■ Regularly service the car; change air filters, fill tires and maintain emission control systems.
■ Avoid short airplane trips; take a bus or train instead.
■ Choose energy-saving light bulbs and appliances.
■ Insulate walls, windows and ceilings.
■ Consider double-paned windows.
■ Keep thermostat low in winter and high in summer and strategically open windows.
■ Unplug electronics when not in use.
■ Hang-dry clothes.
■ Choose sustainably produced, nontoxic furniture.
■ Use biodegradable, nontoxic cleaning products.
• Earth Overshoot Day, when humanity exhausts nature’s budget for the year, and how to #MoveTheDate at EarthOvershootDay.org.
• The personal footprint calculator at FootprintCalculator.org.
• Rodale Institute’s organic-growing resources at RodaleInstitute.org.
Each April, Mother Nature spills blossoms from her apron as songbirds trill the songs of their ancestors and prepare for the next generation. Contrary to widespread human assumption, many animal species grieve, express empathy and form bonds that still elude our complete understanding. Trees communicate through complex root systems. Plants respond to environmental and emotional stimuli. Wolves howl their soul-song, and particles of desert sand emit bell-like frequencies if the wind’s provocation is just right. Our planet is alive on levels beyond our senses or scientific instruments.
To the ancient Greeks, Gaia (also known as Gaea) was a living being separate from the gods that ruled the Earth—a primordial, maternal entity from which all life springs. Through the centuries, luminaries such as Plato or 1970s scientist James Lovelock have endeavored to define this life force, but perhaps 12th-century abbess and visionary Hildegard von Bingen came closest when she coined the word veriditas to denote “the greening power of nature”. Whether we see this innate energy as simple photosynthesis
or handiwork of a higher power, sentient Earth is our all-providing, intelligent resource from cradle to grave.
Many of us can remember a moment in childhood when nature startled our consciousness, be it in a drop of pond water under a microscope or in the shocking power of a summer thunderstorm. We ran barefoot over her grassy lap, made wishes on stars and boggled our minds trying to grasp the concept of light years. This intimate relationship with the planet and her cosmic connections may dwindle in adulthood, but something deep within our souls—if we are honest with ourselves—longs to reunite with anima, Earth’s ever-present, pervasive energy.
Earth Day is an invitation to sync our hearts to Gaia’s force, feel the holy purpose of roots beneath our footsteps and witness her sanctity by planting a simple container garden or inhaling her breath of spring deeply into our lungs, exhaling gratitude.
Marlaina Donato is an author, multimedia expressionist and a cultivator of wild wellbeing. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
Cozy Environment and Infrared Therapy - provide gent le, calming support for a r elaxing, effective session.
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Schedule your consultation!
Centrally Located
Summary/services offered: Specialized services in NeuroAcupuncture, Quantum Alignment Technique and movement re-education.
What drew you to this profession?
I was not drawn to this profession initially, as it did not exist at the time as it does now. My journey with this work has been an educational evolutionary process over the years. I am fortunate for the guidance of outstanding teachers and patients who have provided me amazing insights that keep me passionately inspired for what I do.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
I am the only acupuncturist I know who uses these cutting-edge techniques together: Neuro-Acupuncture, Quantum Alignment Technique, Neural Reset and movement re-education therapies for consistent pain relief and optimized neurological functions.
What should someone expect from working with you?
Collaborative attentiveness to your concerns. We will have fun co-creating a renewed positive space for your entire well-being.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
Be on the lookout for a new website design and more hours of availability.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
I am your present centered witness who delights in seeing you achieve your goals. For more than 35 years, I have been tirelessly curious, studying body-mind-spirit relationships to nature and helping people return to harmonious, pain-free living from three to five treatments. What I see as “holographically intuitive” is grounded in what I neutrally observe. Improvements in postural and neurological form and function connect the dots of identifiable patterns to restore and remove blocks to wellness.
The following practitioners and businesses are ready to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2024.
Summary/services offered:
Breathwork facilitator and integrative specialist with a passion for helping individuals explore nonordinary states of consciousness for clarity, nervous system regulation and connecting to purpose.
What drew you to this profession?
Breathwork has been the most effective catalyst for change in my own transformation from an alcoholic in a dysfunctional marriage and unfulfilling career, to living an embodied life with a healthy partnership, and an aligned career that excites me every day.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
My approach combines multiple breathwork modalities, Somatic Experiencing, meditation and other integrative methods to meet my client where they are and support their unique journey. I am also the only certified facilitator of Neurodynamic Breathwork in Tucson.
What should someone expect from working with you?
An integrative approach to holotropic states combining somatic techniques with breathwork, meditation and a deep reverence for connecting to the inner healing wisdom of each client.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
I’m continuing to expand my practice; I just launched a course, and I’m planning more in-person breathwork events this year.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
The journey of practicing breathwork is the journey of getting to know yourself at an unparalleled depth. The way that you breathe is the way that you live. See ad, page 29.
Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner
Certified Tibetan Sound Healing Practitioner
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
E-RYT200 Yoga Teacher
847-323-9188 • Replevyn.com
Summary/services offered: Danielle Dvorak is trained and certified in Medical Intuition, Tibetan Sound Healing, aromatherapy, as a Death Doula, yoga teacher, spiritual coach and Reiki Master Teacher. She is certified as a Medical Intuitive (CMIP) through The Practical Path in Tujunga, CA. She has been a part-time faculty member of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine’s IMER program for the last five years, teaching allopathic practitioners about sound healing and the human biofield.
What drew you to this profession?
Actively pursuing spiritual studies since her teens, Dvorak has dedicated herself to a rigorous spiritual path for more than 40 years. This background of studying spiritual teachings, combined with her own personal work of delving into shadow through psychotherapy, shamanic work and more, has created a consciousness that is expansive and able to tap into other dimensions at will.
What should someone expect from working with you?
A typical Medical Intuitive reading will start with scanning of the entire physical body, followed by focusing in on areas that are of concern. After delving into the physical level, Dvorak will then move on to looking at emotional, mental and spiritual energies related to physical body challenges. Many of us are blocked from achieving better health by unconscious belief systems, life events, karmic decisions and life lessons that are brought to awareness in this process. Once awareness is gained, many clients are then able to release whatever has been holding them back from healing and achieving happier, overall healthier lives.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Medical Intuition is not a substitute for working with licensed medical professionals, such as an MD, naturopathic doctor and/ or mental health specialist. It works in combination with these other professionals, often helping to put the puzzle pieces of one’s medical challenges together to achieve a better picture and treatment plan. In this manner, Medical Intuition can often save time and be cost-effective, offering pertinent information and helping to hone a focused approach to care options. See ad, page 26.
2504 E River Rd, Tucson 520-745-5496
Summary/services offered:
Cosmetic dentistry including veneers, crowns, bridges, single-visit crowns (no temporaries or second appointments), mercury-free fillings, general dentistry, periodontal care, orthodontics (Invisalign), implant restorations, dentures, metal and metal-free partials, snore guards, sleep apnea appliances, cancer screening, Zoom in-office whitening procedure, microscope dentistry, dental photography and more.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
We focus on a biologic approach to dentistry. Most “amalgam fillings” are over 60 percent mercury, making placement or removal especially hazardous to patients and everyone in the building. We use materials that are biologically safe with proven quality, and in some cases, our methods are more effective than mainstream dental approaches. We avoid fluoride, which is a byproduct of pesticide—so if diet consists of non-organic foods, then fluoride exposure can be daily. Fluoride is considered a neurotoxin like mercury, so limiting exposure to both is beneficial. We also promote the use of Ozone therapy for healthier gums and teeth.
What should someone expect from working with you?
We believe in providing gentle care, having listening ears and kindness to accompany. Patients that feel like they are heard and respected while getting amazing quality of care are always the happiest. Our patient compliments always guide us as to how to continue in our practice. Every team member loves what they do, and it shows in the atmosphere of our office.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
We plan to move our practice within a short drive from our current location. This larger facility will be more centrally located (Swan and Glen), making our office more accessible to all our patients. The facility will also allow us to provide additional services such as more in-depth sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment planning, as well as Botox for treatment of TMJ.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
My approach is to inform and educate by using photos, x-rays and 3D models so that each of our patients can see any issues present in their mouth vs. being told about them. We never dictate treatment—rather, we opt to educate and allow our patients to make the best treatment decision for themselves. See ad, page 64.
What drew you to this profession?
I spent most of my childhood outside with nature and animals. This foundation of oneness led me into Shamanic Healing work. The tragic death of my best friend really moved me deeper into this field, as I searched for my own healing and closure. I came across breathwork and, having profound experiences and healing with it, I became a certified breath coach. Watching the body breathe, I could easily map emotions and stuck energies, which led me into a two-year Energy Healing program, and then into Master Teacher levels of Reiki and many other forms of energy work and healing tools.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? I believe we are all created perfect and whole, and one can derail from that truth through conditioning, experiences and beliefs. Our heart is always trying to bring us back into alignment with our treasures—that place of remembrance where I belong, I am enough, I am worthy, I am loved and so much more. I realized that my heart’s desire was to lead adventures to spirit.
What should someone expect from working with you?
To expect the unexpected! And be open to healing and change. No two sessions are the same. I offer a grounded, safe, compassionate space, where the client sets the intention for their session. Using my clairvoyant insights, intuitive abilities and 30 years of healing experience and tools, I listen and allow Divine to guide us to the most beneficial healing.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
I have created amazing one-day healing retreats in Tucson (check my website for dates and information). I now offer the Bioharmonic Technologies VIBES bed system, that uses sound, frequency and vibration for clearing cellular memory and balancing mental and emotional body. The bed is available for private sessions, is incorporated into some healing sessions and is part of the one-day healing retreats.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
We all need to move past the conditioned belief that we are broken, or we need to fix something about ourselves. In a gentle and inspiring manner, I hold the space of oneness to honor the journey you have had and to celebrate and encourage you to come home to yourself within the heart of Divine and create life from that partnership.
Tucson 951-634-3588
Summary/services offered: Beyond our General Contracting services, SENERGY360 also offers healthy home management and consulting for any project. We leverage building biology insights and practices, employing comprehensive holistic building solutions. Our Healthy Home Assessments include our most popular Comprehensive Onsite Visual Healthy Home Assessment that covers basic measurements of onsite EMF conditions, mold sampling, along with indoor air quality measurements including total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and formaldehyde. We also offer a Healthy Home Certification Program.
What drew you to this profession?
This profession did not exist. It was born out of my passion for performance and healthy living coupled with my experience as a General Contractor and elite athlete. It has evolved, as I began to understand and learn the science and healing power of nature.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
We have revolutionized the construction industry, blazing the path to educate and inspire others to follow suit.
What should someone expect from working with you?
Someone should expect a meticulous attention to detail, a thorough and deep understanding of Building Biology and the science of creating healthy living environments.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
We are in the midst of developing several healthy home communities around the country. We plan to set a new standard for building homes.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Readers should understand the impact their living environment has on their health. They should expect their home to support and enhance their living experience. See ad, page 5.
4427 E 5 St, Tucson
Summary/services offered: Colon hydrotherapy and Certified Gut and Psychology and Physiology Syndrome (GAPPS) Practitioner Consultations.
What drew you to this profession?
Constipation since infancy drew me to this profession.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
I do an excellent abdominal massage during the colon hydrotherapy. I am a licensed massage therapist in FL and AZ. I use a variety of techniques during the abdominal massage. Shiatsu, hot rocks, chi nei tsang, Swedish and more.
What should someone expect from working with you?
I listen, I work with the person, I have a sense of humor and I incorporate breathing techniques.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
I plan to co-create programs for my clients that allow a successful transition to a motile and mobile gut, and a diet that rebuilds the gut and body and is gourmet.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
I’m 80 years old. I’ve been working on this since 1970. I transitioned to real food, healing from three eating disorders. I have a consistent workout program. I play tennis. I practice the Heart Math Coherent Breathing and Heart Rate Variability techniques, as well as meditation. It’s never too late to begin!
Iridology and Natural Health Coaching
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
Iridology is a powerful assessment tool that allows me to assess my client’s eyes and shows me what their body needs for optimum health. Having this insight allows me to personalize effective natural health plans so clients can reach their wellness goals more efficiently.
What should someone expect from working with you?
When meeting with clients, I explain how the unique markings, color and pigments in their eye reveal their genetics and body’s system imbalances. Using this information, I coach my clients with personalized natural remedies to help them restore their health.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
This year I plan to offer several group detox programs using simple natural methods that are easy to fit into busy schedules. I am also working on multiple Tucson locations to better serve my clients.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Your eyes hold the blueprint to your optimum health and wellbeing. Whether you’re facing a health challenge or just want to learn how to live a more healthy lifestyle, iridology can help you uncover the root cause of your symptoms and easily guide you to a healthier you. I offer iridology and natural health coaching in person and worldwide via Zoom.
303 E Mabel St, Tucson
Summary/services offered: Offering pharmaceutical-free interventions that target the underlying source of brain-based disorders. Use of traditional neurofeedback, PEMF, photo biomodulation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, microcurrent stimulation, quantitative brain mapping and nutritional consultation for your unique brain.
What drew you to this profession?
I began offering neurotherapy to others after experiencing deep healing with these modalities following a TBI. I hold a master’s degree in Communication Disorders with a focus on rehabilitation from traumatic brain injuries.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
We are the only clinic in Arizona that offers a combination of traditional neurofeedback, neurostimulation and nutritional consultation tailored to your unique brain. On all our programs, we consult with a licensed psychologist, a medical doctor, a physical therapist and a dietitian.
What should someone expect from working with you?
Profound, positive shifts in quality-of-life due to targeting and rerouting dysfunctional brainwave patterns. We offer researchbacked modalities for the treatment of depression, anxiety, ADHD, sleep disorders, panic disorders and PTSD, TBI, TIA, autism spectrum disorders, developmental disorders, learning disorders, pain management, tinnitus and more.
What changes do you plan in 2024?
We are renting out space in collaboration with other providers in a clinic that specializes in rehabilitation from traumatic brain injuries.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Healing from your brain-based disorder is possible, but treatment efficacy is dependent on use of effective modalities and a proper understanding of how your brain-based disorder manifests. Please feel free to reach out to us for a free phone consultation to get to know how we can help you. See ad, page 23.
For more than 35 years, The Yoga Connection has offered various levels of classes to guide seekers to practice at their level and pace. The center offers classes seven days a week with sessions that include chair-supported yoga, gentle, ongoing practice and intermediate levels, along with other specialty classes. For the more spiritually-minded, The Yoga Connection offers free weekly meditation classes and philosophy workshops.
This year’s events include a Fall Retreat in October at beautiful, serene Holy Trinity Monastery in St. David, Arizona. The retreat offers a respite from the busy lifestyle with meditation and yoga sessions. Lodging and vegetarian meals are available. Annual events of special interest include an Annual Blessing for the Departed to honor loved ones we have lost. In December, honor the change in season through the Winter Solstice Celebration with Tony Redhouse.
For those seeking to deepen their practice or teach others, The Yoga Connection offers teacher training at the 200-level starting at different times of the year. Training at the 300-hour level begins in June. The teacher training programs, offered online and in-studio, lead to certification through the Yoga Alliance. Partial scholarships are available. The GI Bill is available to qualified applicants for in-studio training only.
Connect at 520-323-1222 or Yoga@YogaConnection.org. Location: 3929 E Pima, Tucson.
Liz Cutting provides a safe space for clients to connect intuitively to their essence through on-theground experiences with horses at Mane and Soul. Focused on heartcentered living, she is an International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach and RYT 200 certified yoga teacher.
Have you ever stayed quiet even when your body was pulsing with the need to speak because you doubted the importance of what you have to say? Do you sometimes find yourself saying yes just to keep the peace, then feeling resentful when your needs aren’t met? Do you get tense thinking about things you need to deal with later, then find yourself completely disconnected from the moment?
Horses are clear and direct communicators who teach us, nonjudgmentally, how to navigate new paths forward. Their lessons include stepping into power, staying present and finding peaceful boundaries and balance in relationships. They can teach us skills in full-body intelligence, independence, empathy, relaxation and more. Schedule a session with the herd in Mane and Soul’s private sanctuary, and unharness your natural superpowers.
Connect at 520-310-5929, Liz@ManeAndSoul.com or ManeAndSoul. com. Location: 7725 S Coyote Creek Trail, Tucson.
Lisa Holliday, owner of Inflammation Imaging of Tucson - Medical Thermography is a pioneer in the field of infrared digital thermal imaging. With a commitment to utilizing the most advanced technology available, Holliday’s clinic offers cutting-edge, FDA registered, medical infrared thermal imaging. Using this state-of-the-art equipment, she can image the whole body or regions of the body with ultra-safe, high-definition precision, providing an unparalleled view of potential health issues safely with no radiation, no body contact and no pain.
Holliday understands the significant potential of medical thermography in detecting physiological changes and dysfunctional blood flow patterns. Through her clinic’s advanced imaging techniques, infrared thermal imaging can uncover these critical inflammation and cold indicators long before they manifest as structural issues within the body.
By offering early intervention, Inflammation Imaging empowers clients with the ability to see where the root cause of the inflammation is emanating from, and take proactive steps toward managing their health and preventing potential complications.
Inflammation Imaging partners with Physician’s Insight, a collective of board-certified MDs specializing in thermogram interpretation, to provide a comprehensive service that includes assigning risk values and evaluating areas of concern based on thermal images and temperature differentiations. Clients receive thorough and expert analysis of their images, which can also be shared with the client’s practitioner. Connect at 520-468-1530 or InflammationImaging.com. Location: 7790 N Oracle Rd, Ste 120, Tucson. See ad, page 34.
Ken Reader, LMT, is a Massage, Skin and Yoga Therapist, with skills and experience in skincare and massage for over 20 years. He provides facial acupressure to help with TMJ, headaches, dull complexion and overall tired looking skin at The Right Touch Massage, in Tucson.
Facial massage includes jade rolling, gua sha with cold jade tools, facial cupping and facial acu points using organic lavender essential oils and Jojoba oils for nutrition and balance. Scalp massage uses cranial sacral points, neck and sh points stimulated with peppermint and jojoba oils. Customers say they feel renewed and connected in their bodies, and that their skin and scalp are glowing and energized.
Reader works with each client individually and connects on a deep level with his intuition and skills to transform and assist each person with their own healing. Ask about adding a chakra balancing treatment or sound healing to your appointment.
Connect at 520-326-7675 or RightTouchTherapy.com to schedule an appointment. Location: The Right Touch Massage, 2984 E Fort Lowell, Tucson.
Just a short drive from Tucson, Catalina is home to the Golden Goose, a thrift shop like no other. Like a department store, you can shop for furniture and clothing, sporting goods for golf, tennis, biking and fitness (many with top-tier labels), household appliances, rugs, books, electronics and entertainment items. Need a piece of art? The Goose has more wall space than most art galleries. Antiques and collectibles, too, including contemporary and vintage gold and sterling silver jewelry. New items are added daily in all departments.
The Goose thrives on donations (and would love to have yours), but does so much more with them. Because the staff is 98 percent volunteers, the Goose splits 100 percent of its profits with Impact of Southern Arizona and SaddleBrooke Community Outreach— over $20,000,000 so far—helping more people in need every year.
It takes only one visit to see why the Goose is so special, and why it’s been voted the Reader’s Choice Best Thrift Store by the Arizona Daily Star five years in a row. Golden Goose is open Tuesday through Friday from 10am to 2pm, and Saturday from 9am to 2pm (closed Sunday and Monday). Visit GoldenGooseAZ.com for information about volunteering and donations.
Connect at GoldenGooseAZ.com. Location: 15970 N Oracle Rd, Catalina.
LifeWave technology offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing not just the symptoms but also the underlying imbalances that contribute to various health issues. Whether it’s managing chronic pain, improving sleep quality, boosting athletic performance or enhancing overall vitality, LifeWave offers tailored solutions to meet diverse health needs.
At the heart of LifeWave technology lies a profound understanding of the body’s natural energy systems. By harnessing the power of light and bioelectricity, LifeWave devices stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms, promoting vitality and resilience from within.
One of the most remarkable aspects of LifeWave technology is its non-invasiveness and simplicity. Through the strategic placement of patches on specific acupoints, LifeWave devices facilitate the smooth flow of energy throughout the body, thereby restoring balance and promoting optimal functioning.
The efficacy of LifeWave technology is supported by a growing body of scientific research and real-world testimonials. Clinical studies have demonstrated the tangible benefits of LifeWave devices in improving physical performance, reducing pain and inflammation and enhancing overall quality of life. With its innovative applications and proven efficacy, LifeWave technology has the potential to empower individuals to reclaim control of their health and unlock their full potential.
Connect with Tucson-based Bob Chasan at 520-266-1877, PatchProvider@outlook. com or PatchProvider.com.
Certified in hypnotherapy in 1994, Kryste Andrews believes that effective hypnotherapists are good listeners with an open mind and heart. A Level Two Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique practitioner, her job is to prepare space for your Higher Self to deliver your answers. Your only job is to describe what you see while in the altered state of consciousness called Theta. The healing revelations will stay with you for the rest of your life.
“Come to me with your fears, your best-kept secrets, wild experiences or visions. I love stories and I want to hear yours. Bring a clear intention, too, along with unlimited questions,” says Andrews. “Together, we’ll visit the part of your mind where images are stored, where DNA memories lie dormant. You may see as many as three past lives during your Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique session.”
Time travel during hypnosis inspired Andrews’s book, co-authored with a client, LEGACY: Book One, Discovery, a true story of an ancient tribe. Her forthcoming book, 31 Conversations With An Alien, documents her year of delving into a local Tucson man’s repeated abductions by the aliens known as Greys. “Startling information, indeed,” she enthuses. “Let’s see what lies dormant in your subconscious. Your story may become a book one day.”
Andrews facilitates current/past life regressions, progressions and abduction reveals, one-shot methods for healing.
Connect at 201-759-6845, KrysteAndrews@gmail.com or KrysteAndrews.net.
As a bodyworker for 20 years, Paula Taylor has seen how we are all connected and yet unique. We share similar physical and energetic patterns even though they are expressed differently as individuals. She helps to identify these patterns and how they affect the energetic, emotional and physical bodies.
Experience in the medical field grants Taylor further understanding of the body and how it interacts with the mind and spirit. Her history as a classical musician has opened doors of exploration into sound healing, and part of her calling is to share her powerful voice as a tool for vibrational shift. Taylor’s intention is to hold safe, supportive space for people to release frequencies that no longer serve them while facilitating an influx of joyful, free-flowing energy in the body and energetic field.
Taylor weaves knowledge with intuition, using Swedish, deep tissue and myofascial massage along with spiritual coaching, Reiki, craniosacral therapy, intuitive reading and sound healing. She is currently accepting new clients and teaches Reiki and Dimensional Frequency Expansion. She hosts a monthly Sacred Sound Journey and other group events to aid in personal and spiritual growth.
Connect at 575-644-8914, Paula@PaulaTaylorEnergy.com or PaulaTaylorEnergy.com.
At Holistic Wellness Partners, Gayla Lemley, LPC, provides multiple holistic approaches to assist clients with changing old patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding them back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
A Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist, Lemley is certified in EMDR, anxiety, grief, hypnosis and holistic therapies (allowing the mind, body and spirit to balance and harmonize). She works with clients to resolve trauma, anxiety, depression, grief and other symptoms which keep people stuck and unable to move forward.
If taking a holistic approach to create a positive path toward growth and well-being resonates with you, then Holistic Wellness Partners may be the right place to help get you one step closer. Lemley offers individual, couples, groups and family counseling, with appointments in person in Tucson and online through TeleMed sessions.
Connect at 520-812-6321, HolisticWellnessPartner@gmail.com or HolisticWellnessPartners.com.
Would you like to deeply understand what the cosmos created for you at your birth? Your constellational astrology chart is your unique life blueprint. This blueprint, along with knowing your evolutionary journey of the north/ south lunar nodes, is a good roadmap for aligning you with what you’re here to do. Adding a deeper awareness of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, gives you the most detailed map set for you by the stars. How many of us know what we want and are meant to do, but have no idea how to get there? Or every time we attempt to move in that direction, we self-sabotage or give up in frustration? Pairing your individual constellational astrology life map with Root Cause Therapy method sessions can unlock the doors that will put you on the path that is uniquely yours.
Whether you aren’t sure how or where to begin or are finding yourself stuck in repeating patterns that inhibit this journey, the Life Path Empowerment Packages offered by Julie Sherwood of Your Best Hopes Wellness Coaching, LLC, is for you. Sherwood will work with you to open your astrological map to see just what you’re here to do—and then start removing any limiting beliefs at the root to be on your path to purpose, joy and fulfillment.
Connect at Julie@YourBestHopesWC.com or YourBestHopesWC. com. For details on the Life Path Empowerment Premium and Basic Packages, see the Services page on the website. See ad, page 31.
It’s time to revitalize, and the opportunity to do so is just one hour south of Tucson. Located in Tubac, the Soulistic Healing Center offers a relaxing retreat and healing respite from the stressful times in which we live. Soak and swim in copper-ionized, chlorine- and chemical-free therapeutic jacuzzi tubs and heated lap pool or detoxify in the far-infrared sauna—a great complement to any holistic health and wellness program.
Choose from a variety of soulistic modalities, from massage (with or without CBD-infused massage oil), reflexology, craniosacral therapy, reiki, watsu aqua therapy, Hydro-Pilates classes, IonCleanse detoxifying foot soaks, to sound vibration sessions utilizing tuning forks and the Pythagorean Monochord Chair.
The latest modality offering is FlowPresso Lymphatics & Deep Sensory Therapy, which combines three complementary sensory therapies into one treatment: compression, far-infrared thermodynamic heat and deep pressure therapy.
A full line of Shama Mystic full-spectrum, natural, boutique CBD tinctures and salves
(great for arthritis and neuropathy), handcrafted using sacredly sourced local Arizona-grown hemp-derived CBD, are also available.
Exclusive to the Soulistic Healing Center are Spiritual Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy—two modalities designed to foster psychospiritual growth and the soulistic healing of body, mind and soul. These modalities have been developed over the past 30 years by co-founder and “Soul Surgeon” Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan.
Connect at 520-398-3970 or SoulisticHealing Center.org. Location: 20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac. See ad, page 10.
At Sonoran Wellness Solutions, Sabine Harrington, an experienced Clinical Exercise Physiologist, health educator and native of Tucson, assesses clients’ metabolic, cardiorespiratory and muscular health.
Harrington says that breath analysis metabolic testing provides the gold standard for measuring metabolic rate. By measuring the gases in expired breath, the proportion of fat to carbohydrate burned and overall metabolic rate can be derived. “Metabolic testing provides an essential piece to understanding your own unique physiology. Whether your goals are weight loss, weight gain, energy optimization, longevity or elite athletic performance, breath analysis testing is a must to reaching your goals,” she says.
Resting metabolic testing provides insight into a person’s ability to burn fat, a hallmark of cellular health. Active metabolic (VO2 max) testing reveals a person’s cardiorespiratory capacity, bioindividual heart rate zones and other important cardiac and respiratory markers. Cardiorespiratory capacity is well understood by both the athletic and medical communities as one of the most important metrics for performance, lifespan and healthspan.
Metabolic testing has only recently become accessible to the general public, and most healthcare providers are not trained to interpret it. Harrington empowers her clients with fast, safe, noninvasive and clinical-level data about their cellular and metabolic health. This data is a fantastic complement to bloodwork, nutrition assessments and other routine medical diagnostics.
Connect at 520-534-0226, SonoranWellnessSolutions@gmail.com or SonoranWellnessSolutions.com.
A craniosacral therapist, tai chi instructor and musician, Heidi Wilson offers private craniosacral sessions and teaches others to become practitioners of this profound modality with Fluid Healing.
Wilson offers a six-level workshop series called Riding the Wave, Touching Stillness: Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective. In the workshop, Wilson takes participants through a journey that deepens awareness of self and development of Presence. Presence is what is needed to hold the space for others who may be feeling disconnected and imbalanced.
The workshops include anatomy of the craniosacral system, techniques for specific conditions/symptoms, meditations and development of our relationship with Primary Respiration—the breathing we were doing inside our mothers’ wombs before birth. Primary Respiration carries the creative fluid Intelligence that created us and is still creating us.
“Slowing down and witnessing ourselves and those we are listening to with our hearts and hands as whole fluid beings, can bring relief to the nervous system and a profound sense of being connected and part of Life,” says Wilson.
Each workshop offers 20 CEUs for massage therapists, but one does not have to be a massage therapist to participate. There is also a certification path, which includes these workshops plus other requirements.
Connect at 520-271-4680 or HeidiWilsonFluidHealing.com.
According to New York Times bestselling psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD, empathy is a superpower that can transform your life, your relationships and the world. In her new book, The Genius of Empathy: Practical Skills to Heal Yourself, Your Relationships and the World (with foreword by The Dalai Lama), Orloff shows readers how to ignite and embody the emotional intelligence of empathy as a daily healing practice.
The Genius of Empathy shows readers ways to tap into the gift of their sensitivities without being drained. You will learn to soothe your nervous system and stop absorbing others’ emotions. It’s a practical, action-driven guide for highly sensitive people and for those who want to develop empathy as a healing skill.
The book is divided into three sections. It begins with the magic of empathy to find greater self-love and healing—including from trauma. Subsequent chapters teach you how to apply empathy to your relationships, communities and the world. Exploring each chapter’s practices, you’ll learn the art of empathic listening, how to stop overthinking and the importance of setting healthy boundaries and showing loving detachment to prevent overwhelm and compassion fatigue.
Throughout the book, empath Orloff uses insights from neuroscience, psychology and energy medicine to teach readers how to use and amplify their empathy without feeling overwhelmed. Readers will learn: your most comfortable empathy style; techniques to enhance self-empathy and healthy giving; how to stop overthinking to prevent empathy burnout; how to set healthy boundaries in relationships, including if you are a caregiver; how to use empathic communication and leadership skills at work and in your personal life; how to show empathy for others even when you don’t like them or agree with
them; how to recognize and protect yourself from people with “empathy-deficient disorder” such as narcissists, sociopaths and bullies; and more.
Each chapter has compelling anecdotes and real-life stories on how the book's techniques enhanced people's lives. “Cultivating empathy is a kind of peaceful warrior training,” says Orloff. “You will learn to be both strong and loving, neither a pushover nor rigid. Wherever you are in your life, this book can meet you there and lift you higher.”
Orloff has also written The Empath’s Survival Guide and Thriving as an Empath, which offers daily self-care tools for sensitive people. She integrates the pearls of conventional medicine with cutting-edge knowledge of intuition, empathy, energy medicine and spirituality. Orloff specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice and online internationally. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Oprah Magazine, the New York Times and USA Today. Orloff has spoken at Google-LA, TEDx U.S. and TEDx Asia. Find information about Orloff’s Empathy Training Programs for businesses, The Empath’s Survival Guide Online Course and speaking schedule at DrJudithOrloff.com
Sign up for Orloff’s online webinar about empathic healing techniques based on The Genius of Empathy, held via Zoom on April 20, from 11am to 1pm PST, at Tinyurl.com/2ypm2lpg.
Contact us:
For more information and to purchase the book, visit DrJudithOrloff.com. Preorder the book and receive a free e-book and $300 Empathy Gift Collection at DrJudithOrloff.com/order-confirmed/ genius-of-empathy-book-launch.
Ever wanted to know how animals really think and feel? In Animal Lover: One Woman’s Fascinating Journey to Uncover the Spiritual Purpose of Pets, Ann Marie Hoff shares both her intuitive relationships and knowledge about animals, and her own path to being an animal communicator/intuitive medium. The knowledge in this book will help people understand themselves and their pets better, to live life with their pets at a deeper level and comprehend the spiritual reasons pets are in our lives.
The book follows Hoff from growing up on the farm, her close relationships with animals, then how she experienced chronic pain when she was in pharmaceutical sales. Looking for a way out of being on medication, she tried everything and anything to become pain free. What she found was that she is an intuitive medium, an empath and a channel.
The second half of the book covers animal communication more thoroughly, including: the five reasons people contact an animal communicator, specific memorable client stories and answers to questions about grief of losing a pet, if our pets go to heaven and
whether or not they reincarnate. Hoff also explores the fact that each pet that comes to us has a spiritual purpose—they do not come into their human’s life randomly.
Hoff’s goal with the book was to both tell her personal journey and share the information she has learned from working with pets and their spirit guides, which will ultimately allow people to have their own personal journey with their pet at this expanded consciousness.
As an intuitive medium, animal communicator and angel/spirit guide channel, Hoff does private sessions on the phone, over Zoom or in person in Tucson. She also presents at small parties—birthday party for your dog, anyone? She teaches classes in working with your angels and guides, animal communication and living your best life. Additionally, Hoff creates art including ceramics; custom paintings of cats, dogs and horses; and makes metaphysical jewelry with gemstones. She currently lives with her four cats, one dog and two horses.
For more information and to purchase the book, visit AnnHoff.com and Amazon.com.
Twelve Insights focuses on body, mind, and spirit to promote integrated well-being. Johnson weaves true stories, cutting-edge neuroscience, and groundbreaking research in emotional intelligence with his awareness approach to living your healthiest, happiest life.
“Dan Johnson has provided us with an exceptional roadmap that will allow us all to incorporate much-needed mindfulness practices into our daily hectic lives. Read this book. It has the potential to transform your life.” —Richard Carmona, MD, MPH, FACS, 17th Surgeon General of the United States, Distinguished Laureate Professor, University of Arizona, Chief of Health Innovation, Canyon Ranch
“Dan’s writing draws from creditable references in philosophy, sports, art, and medicine (natural and allopathic) and provides a solid foundation to support the concept of mindfulness. A real strength of this book is his ability to write as though he’s talking directly to the reader." —Louis A. Giallonardo, Senior Vice President, the Segal Group, ret
" The Twelve Insights is not only good reading but also a motivational life lesson about bringing mindful awareness to our thinking, feeling, and expressing, and becoming aware that life’s possibilities are limitless. Throughout the years, Dan has shown a passion for the topics that he discusses and brings that deep learning to his book.” —May Young, Senior Account Manager, UnitedHealthcare, Public Sector
“In his down-to-earth Twelve Insights as in his wellness presentations, Dan challenges us to think in new ways, gives us tools to reduce stress, motivates us to reach greater heights, and shows us that an optimistic viewpoint has the power to change a person’s world. Committed to supporting and accelerating the success of others, Dan effectively teaches us strategies to overcome personal and professional adversity, become more resilient, and confidently lead healthier, happier lives full of vitality, passion, and purpose.” —Brooke Shearer, Benefits Manager, Karsten Manufacturing Co., Ping Golf
"Dan has taken another step in inspiring people as he does every day with his leadership, his presentations, and his life. Twelve Insights provides the tools to take us from vision to action by encouraging us to be in the present moment for ourselves, for others, and the world." —Kathy Bird, Wellness Coordinator, City of Phoenix
Purchase on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Twelve-Insights-MindfulLiving-Awareness/dp/B09QP55V42. For more information, email Dan@welcoaz.org.
Dreams touch every aspect of our life. They may let us glimpse the future, give suggestions for healing or share insights into relationships. Dreams may range from guidance into the smallest details of daily life, all the way to profound spiritual insights and the experience of unconditional love.
Dreams are windows into worlds beyond the ordinary. Soul— your true self—never sleeps; it’s always awake in the spiritual worlds. Our memory of dreams is a glimpse of the full spiritual life that each of us leads beyond the physical. Above all, dreams can and will steer us more directly toward God. Anyone can learn to remember and interpret dreams, even if you feel you don’t dream at all.
The Art of Spiritual Dreaming, by Harold Klemp, offers 318 pages of techniques, personal stories, spiritual exercises and more to help you discover your dream’s spiritual gold. This book places spiritual dreaming in its rightful place at the center of the whole subject of dreams. Learning to see and use the wisdom you receive from your dreams is an art. Paint a more fulfilling life for yourself using the proven techniques provided in this book.
For more information and to purchase the book, visit eckbooks.org/ items/-81-0.html or Amazon.com.
April, the angel of the months, the young love of the year.
—Vita Sackville-West
As women, we’re often taught from a young age to be polite and accommodating and to put the needs of others before our own. While having a giving spirit is admirable, over time this mindset can strip away our confidence, personal power and zest for life. That’s where moxie comes in.
What exactly is moxie? It’s a wonderful vintage word that means having force of character, determination and bold spirit. A woman with moxie is vibrant, expressive and unafraid to stand up for herself and go after what she wants in life.
If you feel you’ve lost touch with your inner moxie over the years, don’t worry. It’s possible to rekindle that fierce feminine fire, no matter your age or circumstances.
Here are some key ways to start cultivating a more moxie-filled existence.
A big part of having moxie is knowing who you are at your core and fully owning it. Give yourself permission to be your true, unvarnished self without apology. Ditch the people-pleasing, playing small or dimming your light to make others comfortable. Enough with that stuff. The world needs your unique gifts, so commit to show up authentically. Be your very own weird and wonderful self.
Women with moxie know their worth and have healthy boundaries. They don’t allow themselves to be taken advantage of,
manipulated or treated with disrespect. Start getting clear about what you will and won’t accept from others, and courageously enforce those boundaries with conviction. This may mean ending toxic relationships or walking away from situations that compromise your values.
A key aspect of moxie is finding and using your voice. Don’t hold back from expressing your beliefs, needs and opinions with confidence. If you struggle with speaking up, practice with trusted friends or join a group like Toastmasters to hone this skill in a supportive environment. Another option is participating in a supportive online community with live participation, such as Club Moxie. Finding your voice is about more than just words—it’s about reclaiming your personal power and sovereignty.
Moxie is about living life with zest, passion and joie de vivre instead of just going through the motions. Ask yourself what sets your soul on fire, then go do more of that— whether it’s a creative pursuit, entrepreneurial endeavor or any activity that brings you alive. Don’t let fears, doubts or other people’s judgments extinguish your spark. Passion is one of the most attractive and magnetic qualities a woman can possess.
Comfort zones are where dreams go to die. If you want a life brimming with growth, excitement and fulfillment, you must get comfortable with calculated risk-taking. Start embracing a mindset of curiosity over fear, and be willing to put yourself out there, make bold moves and risk failing as you chase your biggest visions. We learn from our failures. The boldest dreams and greatest transformations often start with a single scary step into the unknown.
While cultivating a moxie-filled life is an
inner phenomenon, having a supportive community of like-minded women on a similar path is invaluable. There’s power and courage in numbers—it’s far easier to boldly pursue your visions when surrounded by others who understand your struggles and cheer you on every step of the way. Find your tribe, whether in online nurturing spaces like Club Moxie or inperson meetup groups in your area. These women will be your inspiration, motivators and soft place to land when you’re feeling discouraged or uncertain.
Moxie is an inside job, but it wants to get expressed! Celebrate and adorn your body instead of criticizing it. Wear colors, cuts, fabrics and styles that make you feel powerful and alive. Get a good haircut. Put on some lipstick. Wear the badass boots. When you look and feel like a radiant goddess, you can’t help but move through the world with more moxie.
It’s never too late to step into a more moxie-filled way of living and being. Stay curious, keep evolving and embrace lifelong growth through learning, new experiences
and constantly stepping outside your comfort zone. The more you expand your perspective, skill set and capacity to give and receive, the more you’ll blossom into a true woman of moxie. You claim ownership of your life one brave step at a time.
In today’s world, we need the medicine of feminine moxie now more than ever. When we as women reclaim our confidence, personal power and bold spirit in a healthy way, we become unstoppable creators of the lives we truly want to live. We give ourselves permission to shine, and in doing so, give others the gift of our radiant light.
Deb Beroset is the founder of It’s Time for Moxie, a movement inspiring women to reclaim their confidence, personal power and bold spirit. Through her online Club Moxie community, courses, retreats and speaking engagements, she guides women to fully embrace their authentic selves, live with passion and courageously create the lives they desire. Learn more and join Club Moxie at ItsTimeForMoxie.com/club-moxie. See ad, page 7.
CHe went to Yale as an undergraduate and was accepted at Harvard Law School. Martin chose to attend New York University instead, as he was awarded a full scholarship. After his second year, he quit, because he found something he genuinely enjoyed—standup comedy.
A rising star, Martin’s popularity has grown exponentially as more people hear his act and are captivated by his unconventional humor. He entertains his audiences with funny one-liners, observational humor, drawings, guitar—and even the harmonica.
Martin is the recipient of numerous prestigious international awards, including the coveted Perrier Award at the International Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, and Australia’s Barry Award at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
The multifaceted Martin is also a talented writer and director. He stars on the big screen in the film Dean, which won the Founder’s Prize at the Tribeca Film Festival. He has released five comedy specials, including The Overthinker, and his latest on Netflix, Demetri Deconstructed
Martin is currently one of the hottest tickets in comedy. An offbeat, likeable performer, his clever humor is relatable to any audience.
What made you choose comedy over a career in law?
For me there’s a big overlap I can see in hindsight. I like logical thinking, and playing with assumptions/conclusions in law, all of which translate into joke telling. I didn’t enjoy the repetition. I was like, “This is it?” And I’m not adversarial.
You started comedy when you were 24 and now, you’re 50. How has your comedy evolved?
At this point I’ve lived more years of my life doing comedy than not. I’m in my bonus round. I’ve gotten better at music and drawing and use both of them in my comedy.
Who makes you laugh?
My all-time inspiration and favorite is Steven Wright. I love his creativity and how economical his jokes are. Andy Kaufman, Steve Martin, Rita Rudner, Richard Pryor, John Early and Kate Berlant are also favorites.
Why should people buy tickets for The Joke Machine tour?
I get the highest laughs per minute. I’m one of the “densest” comedians. I do some improv and crowd work, and I work hard to make the show tight with a lot of creative jokes. With VIP tickets, you’ll get great seats, and at the meet and greet, I actually talk to and get to know people a bit, not just take pictures. There will also be a wide selection of merch available for purchase at the show, thanks to my designer wife.
How do you deal with hecklers?
I can usually handle hecklers by having a comeback. If you’ve been doing comedy for a long time, it’s not always like a fair fight. They don’t have the advantage, although some are more original and formidable than others.
What’s next on your career horizon?
I have a new standup special on Netflix, Demetri Deconstructed, coming out April 2nd—the first of a comedy trilogy. The show at the Fox Theatre will have all new material and will be like a dress rehearsal for me. It’s the last performance I have before the second special of the trilogy, which I’m shooting on April 13th in Denver.
Do you have any advice or tips for aspiring comedians?
On the material end of it, I think having a regular practice of writing down and capturing your ideas pays dividends. Looking at an idea after time has passed can yield a lot. There’s something very hopeful about the potential of any idea.
Do you have a favorite quote?
“He who seeks beauty will find it.” - Bill Cunningham. What you pay attention to and how you look at things affect your life so much.
What books are you reading right now?
Digital Minimalism is on my nightstand now. The Dictionary. I also like Jaron Lanier, an author who writes about social media. He’s kind of like a tech philosopher and he’s really interesting.
What is the best advice anyone has given you?
“Watch out!” You know, like when a car was coming towards me.
Live Nation Presents Demetri Martin, The Joke Machine, on April 6 at 7:30pm, at the Fox Tucson Theatre.
Suzie Agrillo is a freelance writer in Tucson, and a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings Magazine. She focuses on writing about the arts, inspirational people and human connection. Connect at Suzie@ComedyforCharity.org.
Whether travel is enjoyed for much-needed relaxation, cultural immersion or the opportunity to volunteer in an eco-program spotlighting permaculture or farming, journeying to places far and near greatly enriches our human experience. During these environmentally critical times, our travels may carry a hefty price tag that the planet can no longer afford. This does not mean we need to sacrifice adventure. Every traveler can make a difference not only for the Earth but for the local communities they visit.
According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, 8.1 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to travel and tourism. Being in the know and taking more responsibility for our environmental impact can be easier than commonly assumed, all the while inviting unexpected enjoyment.
Amanda Reiser, a global sustainable tourism specialist based in Pennsylvania, encourages her clients to consider the three pillars of sustainable tourism: environment, economy and equity. “We all can play a part in fostering sustainable tourism and creating a more sustainable world," she explains, noting that a greenminded approach benefits not only the traveler but also the destination. "Ask yourself: Does my participation in this activity create a negative impact on the natural environment? Are there any actions to help reduce my environmental impact?"
A traveler’s footprint extends to the sociocultural fabric of the destination, too. Reiser reminds travelers, “You may be in your destination for only a week, but the people who live there year-round feel the impacts of visitors every day, for better or worse.” By respecting local traditions and engaging locals in a respectful and inclusive manner, tourists can contribute positively to the cultural integrity of the communities they visit.
Instead of hitting all the trendy, transportation-reliant sights, opt to slow down and stay in one place for a longer period. This not only invites a richer, deeper experience but minimizes the need to hop onto another plane or bus. To support the local economy of a desired destination, buy locally produced items and book small, private hotels and inns, rather than international chains. Dining at locally owned eateries supports small business while giving travelers higher-quality fare and a more authentic cultural experience.
When planning a trip, contemplate the many treasures of domestic travel or choose a location that is not drowning in overtourism. The influx of tourists can significantly strain fragile ecosystems, deplete resources and disrupt the lives of local communities. Consider destinations that can be crossed via boat, train or bus, such as the New YorkMontreal border or clusters of countries in Europe or Southeast Asia.
Making small choices even when packing a suitcase goes a long way. Bring ecofriendly sunscreen and opt for brands that avoid chemicals harmful to coral reefs and tropical environments. Pack a cloth tote bag for daily excursions and a reusable water bottle to avoid single-use plastics. Remember that by using plastic containers more than once, we reduce the amount of waste that is released over time. Try not to overpack—bring only the most necessary items, preferably those that can be recycled, reused and disposed of properly.
To avoid getaway glitches, become acquainted with local laws and regulations. When planning a fishing excursion, for example, identify the legally designated fishing spots and avoid harming endangered species, which are heavily protected under national and international regulations. The
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) offers an interactive map to show where legal fishing areas are by state (fws.gov/fishing/ map). Historical resources should also be taken into consideration. For instance, the Florida Keys require special permits for cultural, maritime, heritage and archeological explorations, including snorkeling expeditions of ancient shipwrecks and other unique, underwater sites.
It is always best to ask whether a destination is a naturally protected sanctuary or requires special permits. The FSW is a good reference site for information on activities in national wildlife refuges and the endangered animals that live there. To enjoy these areas to their fullest, make sure to find a knowledgeable local tour guide that understands the laws of the land.
Traveling consciously involves personal responsibility toward the environment through individual actions. “You can make a difference,” says David Knight, a professor of tourism management at Colorado State University. “Regenerative travel is not just leaving things the way you found them. It’s a matter of giving more than you take.”
Greenwashing is a corrupt practice by companies that claim to support conscious tourism but fail to live up to their claims. Vetting businesses when planning a trip means delving into third-party research and reports to check the fine print. Before booking, make sure the ecolodge or ecotouring company being considered has a legitimate certification on their website. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) sets global standards and provides accreditations for destination managers, hotels and tour operators. There are also certifying groups in specific locations, such as the Sustainable Tourism Association of Hawaii, and others that are accredited by the GSTC, like Preferred by Nature.
For tourism operations that have not been certified, the onus is on the traveler. “Check with the local chambers of commerce. They should know who is working toward sustainability and can direct you to those aligned
with what you are looking for,” says Claudia Gil Arroyo, an agricultural agent for the Rutgers University Cooperative Extension, in New Jersey. “If a tour operator or destination does not have a clear goal on how they’re contributing to the environment, it is unlikely that they are actually green.”
For tourism to be truly sustainable, it must also be economically viable for local communities. Economic sustainability ensures that tourism dollars benefit the local economy, creating fair wages, local sourcing and community empowerment, and allowing communities to thrive while preserving their cultural heritage. When traveling, support local, eco-friendly businesses that provide sustainable products.
A good example is agritourism—a vacation stay at a participating local farm— which can provide exciting, hands-on learning experiences. “Get out there. Look for your local growers and check out the services and activities they offer,” says Gil Arroyo. “People have this idea that agritourism is just picking your pumpkins and that’s it, and there’s so much more that can be done at a farm.”
North America is home to many national parks—63 in the United States and 48 in Canada. Here are five exceptional examples that provide a sustainable, ecofriendly vacation experience.
Yellowstone National Park is known for its geothermal features, including the famous Old Faithful geyser. It also has a diverse range of wildlife, including grizzly bears, wolves and herds of bison. This U.S. park has implemented sustainable practices such as renewable energy installations, waste management programs and educational initiatives to promote conservation.
Great Bear Rainforest is a temperate locale on the central and northern coasts of British Columbia, Canada. It is home to a variety of wildlife, including the rare Kermode bear, also known as the spirit bear. The park works closely with First Nations communities, implementing conservation measures to protect biodiversity and support eco-conscious businesses.
Everglades National Park is a unique wetland ecosystem in Florida known as
the “River of Grass”. It provides habitat for numerous endangered species, such as the Florida panther and the West Indian manatee. The park employs restoration efforts to preserve the natural water flow and conserve wildlife, with plenty of opportunities for eco-friendly recreational activities like kayaking and hiking.
Cape Breton Highlands National Park is located on the northern tip of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. It offers breathtaking coastal views, rugged cliffs and stunning hiking trails. The park implements waste reduction, energy conservation, ecological restoration and educational programs to promote environmental stewardship.
Redwood National and State Parks, in California, are home to the tallest trees on Earth, the majestic coast redwoods. Sustainable eco-practices include trail maintenance and restoration, wildlife protection, interpretation programs to educate visitors about the delicate ecosystem, and conservation efforts to combat climate change and preserve redwood habitat.
Sara Kaplan is an environmentally conscious freelance writer and eco-traveler from Fort Collins, CO.
Long a staple of European travel, agritourism is growing in popularity in the United States, as concrete-weary urbanites seek out a taste of country living and a way to support small-scale farms. The concept broadly covers any activity linking agriculture with tourism, and it takes as many forms as there are farms. Farm-stay options run the gamut from helping with farm chores like feeding chickens and collecting eggs to structured classes on weaving, soap making or beekeeping.
“Living in towns and cities, most Americans are very disconnected from nature and agriculture. Farm stays are helping to make an important urban-rural connection,” says Scottie Jones, founder of Farm Stay USA, an association connecting travelers with working farms and ranches that
offer hands-on opportunities and overnight accommodations.
Since 2007, Jones has operated her own farm stay, the 70-acre Leaping Lamb Farm, in Alsea, Oregon. She has been surprised at many guests’ “agricultural illiteracy”, underscoring the importance of the educational experiences that farm stays like hers offer. “I used to send guests off to graze in the garden alone, but then realized many people don’t know what carrots look like in the field,” says Jones. “I would get questions like, ‘Don’t you need a brown cow to make chocolate milk?’”
More than one in three guests to Leaping Lamb Farm return for subsequent stays, a very high retention rate for the lodging industry. “We get to watch families grow
up as they return to the farm year after year. That has a real impact, as we need the next generation to get involved in farming and food systems,” Jones notes.
Justin Bolois, of Los Angeles, got introduced to agritourism in Tuscany, later seeking out the farm experience closer to home. “We had been living in New York City at the time and came to value the expansive countryside being in Italy,” he says. “The family, which ran a vineyard, would cook incredible meals for us. Vacations are great when they mirror the experience of living in a place, and agritourism is one of the closest ways to access that.”
Bolois and his wife later discovered Straus Home Ranch, in Marshall, California,
and fell in love with the place and its people so deeply they hosted their wedding there. The ranch was founded by a pair of pioneers in or ganic farming and land conservation in Marin County, and it was later revitalized to include a farm stay by siblings Vivien, Miriam and Michael Straus after their parents’ deaths. “You can tell that Vivian and Michael not only care about what they do, they also care about you, and about you enjoying their life mission. That’s a very special bond to develop with an agri tourism owner,” Bolois says.
The ranch features special touches, including a beauti fully equipped kitchen to shuck local oysters or to host private chefs for farm-fresh meals served on a hand crafted table made of reclaimed redwood from their old hay barn. There is no cellphone reception on the ranch, encouraging guests to kayak, hike, birdwatch and stargaze.
“After being cooped up during COVID, people want to see wildlife and biodiversity again. People are aching to discon nect from their screens and reconnect with nature—what we call ‘dirt therapy’,” says Ashley Walsh, president and founder of Poconos Organics, one of the largest Regenerative Organic Cer tified farms on the continent, sprawling across 380 acres in Long Pond, Pennsylvania.
Walsh built the boutique resort, The Village at Pocono, with her grandfather when she was 25 as a sister destination to the farm. The accommodations feature full kitchens where guests can cook a cornucopia of produce fresh from the fields. Visitors can enjoy luxurious amenities on site, then pop over to the farm to attend hands-on cooking classes, wellness retreats, farm tours and more.
Beyond connecting with rural life, farm stays are a meaningful, mutually beneficial way for farmers and consumers to reconnect on a personal level. “Agritourism puts a face to farming. We want to educate people so they can make better choices in food and get to experience what really fresh food tastes like,” Jones says.
"Like so many families, I have been deeply affected by Alzheimer's, so I was thrilled to become a part of this film when I realized that there's hope, and it's not just a death sentence."- Michael Bublé
Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.
When Desiree Miller and her daughter visited Rome, they met a couple from Ukraine celebrating their honeymoon. There was talk of a possible war, so they chatted about what that might mean for the newlyweds. Later that day, her daughter asked their Italian driver his thoughts about the impending conflict in Ukraine with Russia, and he said he didn’t like it because it was going to raise gas prices.
“Traveling feels like it shrinks the world,” says Miller, an Atlanta-based travel writer, vlogger, digital streaming producer, cohost of the “Time to Talk Travel” podcast and mother of four. “So many children these days only know what’s in their backyard or their general neighborhood or community, the school they go to, and that’s the extent of their communication with other people. But when I take my daughter to other countries, she gets to experience people from those countries and beyond.”
According to the 2023 U.S. Family Travel Survey released by the Family Travel Association, 80 percent of the respondents indicated that travel helps children see the world from a broader perspective, and 67 percent said their children have become more interested in other cultures because of their travel experiences.
Nasreen Stump agrees that travel expands a child’s worldview. “I want my kids to be curious, because curiosity leads to lifelong learning,” says the mother of four, a content creator and co-host of the “Time to Talk Travel” podcast. “When you’re in different places, and you see something that’s different, you think, ‘Oh, what’s that?’ and want to learn more about it. It’s the same with similarities.”
Families need not break the bank to enjoy meaningful experiences away from home. Here are a few money-saving travel ideas suggested by Stump and Miller.
• Take shorter trips. As they’ve grown older, each of Stump’s children have developed different interests, so instead of traveling as a family all the time, she takes each of them on one-on-one trips based on their interests. When the family does come together for an excursion, a day trip or weekend getaway is a more affordable option.
• Hop on the internet. Miller’s youngest daughter, now 18 years old, loves using TikTok as a jumping-off point to research travel destinations, local restaurants, activities and events. Other kids rely on YouTube to get ideas or travel virtually.
• Enjoy a staycation. For families that can’t afford multiple plane tickets, closer-tohome experiences offer fun learning opportunities such as attending a multicultural fair to watch live performances or trying a new cuisine at a nearby restaurant or in a cooking class.
• Take advantage of free or discounted deals. Some libraries offer free passes to museums for library card holders. National parks have free entrance days throughout the year. Check nps.gov for upcoming dates. Flights and hotels are often discounted during the shoulder
season—the period between a region’s peak season and offseason. Some credit cards allow members to use their reward points for travel-related discounts.
• Research destinations. Bookmark areas of interest on a Google map or add them to a Pinterest board. Read books, magazine articles and travel blogs about different locales.
• Sample the cuisine. Much can be learned about a culture through food. Experiment with new ingredients by visiting specialized grocery stores that cater to different cultures, or join a snack subscription with selections from around the world.
• Learn a new language. Check out apps like Duolingo, Babbel and Rosetta Stone.
Life is full of challenges, and traveling, especially to foreign ports, can test anyone’s patience. Some of Miller’s children don’t love to travel because of flight delays or other unexpected mishaps. Her youngest is more adaptable. According to Miller, dealing with adversity is part of life, and travel is a great teacher.
Traveling allows kids to get out of their comfort zones, and for many, that sense
of adventure is powerful. Whether exploring historical landmarks, taking part in hiking excursions, trying new foods, hearing different languages and dialects, or meeting new people, family travel can help children feel more comfortable, less isolated and see the world in a new light.
Children love to collect souvenirs on their travels as a way to remember their experiences. Miller and her daughter usually buy a piece of jewelry because it is small and doesn’t take up any suitcase space. Stump’s family likes to take lots of photographs and bring home candy from the culture. Rocks or shells, if permitted, also make wonderful keepsakes.
Memories go beyond objects. Multi-generational travel allows children to see their grandparents from a fresh perspective. Kids will remember travel experiences long after they return home. “Travel gives you a real appreciation of the world beyond what you see every day,” Miller says, adding that her daughter has befriended other travelers with whom she still stays in contact.
Megy Karydes is a Chicago-based writer and author of 50 Ways to More Calm, Less Stress: Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Boost Your Mental Health Using Your Five Senses.
Hitting the trails offers something for everyone, whether it’s hiking for the day or backpacking and roughing it overnight in remote areas. According to the 2022 Outdoor Participation Trends Report, getting up close and personal with Mother Nature is more popular than ever in the States, with 58.7 million hikers and 10.3 million backpackers in 2021.
With health benefits like stronger heart health, a lower risk of respiratory ailments and a boost in mental health, hiking is a fun way to stay fit, but prepping for the physical demands of local trails or wilderness is essential for both endurance and injury prevention. “A strong, well-conditioned body is your best ally when crossing rough terrain and overcoming unexpected challenges,” says Larry Pringle, a certified fitness trainer and founder of Perfect Fit Training and Nutrition, a holistic training hub for busy entrepreneurs.
With great diversity of trail challenges to choose from, hiking is doable for most people. “If you're generally healthy, no matter your age, you can complete any hike you’ve always wanted to do,” says Fit for Trips hiking coach Marcus Shapiro. “I have had the privilege of working with many individuals who are over 70 years old, and they have successfully reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and the base camp of Mount Everest.”
Shapiro estimates an eight-to-12-week training regimen for younger hikers and 12 to 16 weeks of preparation for older enthusiasts. For the best fitness outcome, he underscores the importance of choosing the right exercises for the sport, explaining, “Every recreational activity requires a unique training approach for best results. It’s called ‘specificity of training’.” His Fit for Trips training includes inclines, stairs, lunges, distance and high-intensity interval training.
To meet the challenge of walking for hours at a time, cardiovascular conditioning like jogging, brisk walking, time on the treadmill or cycling is a good place to begin. Adding a heavy backpack of survival supplies to the equation requires extra strength in the legs, core and upper body and is best achieved through squats, planks, lunges and push-ups. Full body stretching with emphasis on hamstrings, quadriceps, hips and back are also essential.
To avoid weekend warrior injuries, it is wise to adopt a hiker’s mentality in everyday life. “Start slow and find ways to incorporate more movement into your daily life,” advises Maggie Peikon, communications director of American Hiking Society. “Skip the escalator or elevator and opt for taking the stairs instead. You’ll be glad to have gotten those extra steps
in when you’re taking on uphill climbs out on the trail.” She also hails the perks of biking to the store with a backpack or walking to the park for a lunch break if it is safe and feasible. Most of all, Peikon stresses the value of going slow and listening to the body.
The benefits of getting outdoors goes beyond physical health and spills over into positive impacts on the environment. Peikon muses, “When we hike, our connection to the places we explore grows. When we feel connected to a place—whether a trail or a favorite spot outdoors—we are more likely to step forward to protect the environment and change our behavior to lessen our negative impacts.”
For Pringle, having a strong body carries over into other areas of living. “Getting ready for the trails means getting ready for life. Before you hit those paths, hit the gym. It’s not just about reaching mountaintops; it’s about reaching for your best self.”
June 1 is National Trails Day, a day of service for hometown trails and the people that love them. Promoted by the American Hiking Society, public events throughout the country offer opportunities for tens of thousands of participants to come together in partnership to advocate for, maintain and clean up public lands and trails. To learn more and find a nearby event, visit AmericanHiking.org/ national-trails-day.
Check out these sites for detailed information about hometown trails that match the hiker’s level of ability.
• AllTrails.com
• FaroutGuides.com
• HikingProject.com
• Sturdy, appropriate footwear—from trail shoes for moderate terrain to heavy hiking boots for strenuous climbs
• Nutrient-dense food
• Rain gear and dry-fast layers for changing weather
• Means to start an emergency fire
• Whistle
• Flashlight
• First-aid kit
• Multi-tool or knife
• Sunscreen, sunglasses and sun-protective clothing
• Lightweight protection from the elements
Marlaina Donato is an author, visionary painter and composer. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, more than 10 million people worldwide and nearly 1 million Americans are living with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Every year, nearly 90,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with this ailment, which causes the gradual loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Symptoms that
develop slowly over years include tremors; stiff muscles; a slow, shuffling gait; and difficulties with movement and speech.
There is no cure for PD, and by the time a patient is diagnosed, they may have already lost 60 to 80 percent of their dopamineproducing cells. According to Kenneth Sharlin, a board-certified neurologist and certified functional medicine doctor, the first line of defense for PD is levodopa (LDopa), a pharmaceutical that is converted to dopamine in the body. “Unfortunately, natural strategies don’t get a lot of research, so no supplement has been shown to effectively treat the disease,” he asserts. “Mucuna pruriens, a tropical legume that grows in Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands, naturally contains levodopa, but studies have shown it to be unreliable.”
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in controlling memory, mood, sleep, learning, concentration and movement. “If the car doesn’t have gas, then you can’t drive it,” explains Sharlin. Once a patient is taking levodopa to bring dopamine levels up, complementary strategies can be employed to help manage PD symptoms by as much as 73 percent, according to a panel of doctors participating in The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit. Exercise, sleep and even intimacy
with a partner can all be managed well once the car has “gas” to drive it.
According to Sharlin, the number one strategy for PD patients to maintain their motor function is exercise such as bicycling, chair yoga, movement classes in warm water pools, Pilates and dance. A meta-analysis published in Gerontology and Geriatrics analyzed 15 randomized controlled trials involving 498 participants in several countries to investigate the health impacts of self-directed physical activity (SDPA) on patients with early and mid-stage PD. The study examined the effects of moderate-intensity exercises, including aerobics, dance, strength training, flexibility exercises and Nordic walking. The researchers found that the SDPA significantly enhanced gait function, balance, mobility, function and postural control.
Monitoring gut function is very important for patients with PD, as constipation is very common,” states Trupti Gokani, a board-certified neurologist, health and mindset coach, and Ayurvedic expert. Improving gut function with the help of key nutrients from vegetables, fruits, clean protein, nuts and seeds, olive oil, herbs and spices has been shown to slow the progression of the disease. It is best to choose organic when possible, as that will decrease the exposure to brain-toxic chemicals. A gluten-free diet has also been found to improve PD symptoms.
Sharlin recommends an antioxidant-rich diet packed with polyphenols, along with green tea that contains catechins called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a natural antioxidant with neuroprotective properties.
Anxiety linked to PD can worsen the symptoms,” Gokani points out. Chronic stress is
a risk factor for PD, because it elevates the hormone cortisol, which can interfere with neuronal plasticity and damage dopamineproducing neurons in the brain.
Incorporating deep breathing, meditation and other relaxation techniques is integral to improving the patient’s quality of life. According to Sharlin, “Mindfulnessbased stress reduction techniques to selfregulate have a positive impact in regulating Parkinsonism.”
When a patient comes to his office exhibiting PD symptoms, Sharlin now has a new way to confirm a PD diagnosis by taking a small tissue sample and sending it to the lab to look for a neural protein called alpha synuclein, which is associated with PD. In a 2023 National Institutes of Health study involving 428 people with PD and 120 control volunteers, this skin biopsy was found to be very accurate, with 92.7 percent sensitivity.
According to Sharlin, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a well-researched and
well-developed treatment for PD. The surgical therapy involves implanting electrodes within areas of the brain to interrupt irregular signals that cause movementrelated symptoms. A 2019 retrospective study of 400 patients that underwent DBS implantation found that 75 percent of the participants felt the procedure provided symptom control.
Focused ultrasound is another PD tool, using ultrasound beams to destroy areas in the brain cells that are causing movement problems. This procedure is permanent and can be done on only one side of the brain, so it helps symptoms on only one side of the body. Treatment to both sides could cause speech, swallowing or memory problems. Sharlin notes that the results from focused ultrasound are no better than DBS and involve more intense intervention. Also, not all Parkinson’s patients are good candidates for this procedure.
Madiha Saeed is a holistic, functional and integrative doctor in Naperville, IL, and director of education for Documenting Hope and KnoWEwell.
Pets are part of our family, and ensuring their comfort during travel speaks volumes about our bond with them. Travel, whether by car, train or plane, can significantly affect pets, leading to symptoms of anxiety such as excessive barking, whining, pacing and, in some cases, aggression or withdrawal. To address a pet’s anxiety, it is critical to understand their perspective. Travel disrupts their feeling of safety. Mitigating this disturbance with natural and comforting interventions ensures that such journeys can evolve into harmonious and enriching adventures.
Holistic veterinary medicine offers a range of solutions that address travel-induced anxiety in pets. By focusing on natural remedies that promote calmness, we can avoid the side effects often associated with pharmaceuticals.
• Hemp Oil: Anecdotal reports from dog owners suggest that cannabidiol (CBD), which is abundantly found in hemp oil, can significantly aid in managing anxiety. These observations are supported by a study conducted at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in which 83 percent of participating dogs demonstrated a decrease in stress or anxiety-related behaviors after consuming CBD chews prior to a stressful event.
• Herbal Supplements: Herbs like chamomile, valerian root and passionflower have been used for centuries to relieve anxiety in humans, and are equally as effective in pets. They can be administered in the form of treats or capsules. Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ) and chamomile ( Anthemis nobilis ) have been reported to enhance relaxation behaviors such as resting and sleeping, and to diminish dog barking in rescue shelters.
• Aromatherapy: When diffused in a pet’s travel space, essential oils such as lavender and frankincense can create a serene environment and significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Choose therapeutic-grade oils and verify with a veterinarian that they are safe for pets, as certain essential oils can be harmful to our furry friends.
• Acupressure: By applying pressure to specific points on a pet’s body, we can help release tension and encourage a calm state. It is especially useful for pets that are less amenable to oral supplements, offering a noninvasive path to relaxation. Pet owners can be trained in this modality by a veterinarian or acupressure therapist that specializes in treating pets.
Dr. Mary Burch, a certified applied animal behaviorist, emphasizes the value of taking preparatory steps as early as possible before the family embarks on a journey. Introducing a dog to the car well before a trip, for example, can significantly help make them more comfortable. This method involves gradually acclimating the pooch to the vehicle in a series of steps—from simply spending time in a parked car to taking short drives. Such preparatory measures allow pets to become familiar with the environment of a vehicle, associating it with positive experiences and rewards, thereby easing their anxiety and making travel a more enjoyable experience for all.
• Start early. Gradually acclimate a pet their travel carrier and intended mode of transportation.
• Maintain a routine. As much as possible, stick to the pet’s regular feeding and exercise schedule to provide a sense of normalcy.
• Stay calm. Pets often pick up on their owner’s emotions; maintaining a calm demeanor can help reassure them.
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We might be tempted to bring plastic forks to a picnic or succumb to the expediency of prepackaged chips for our kids’ lunches, but single-use plastics wreak havoc on the environment and human health. Although marketed as disposable, most of these fossil fuel-derived, non-biodegradable items are not being recycled, so they languish indefinitely in landfills or pollute our waterways in the form of microplastics. “Plastic pollution has been linked to everything from infertility and cancer in humans to severe injury and death in wildlife,” says Veena Singla, senior scientist for the National Resources Defense Council, in New York.
Roughly 30 percent of garbage in the U.S. comes from single-use plastics,” says Shawn Flood, a partner and vice president of operations and customer care at SBC Waste Solutions, a waste collection company based in Broadview, Illinois.
Marketed for their inexpensive, lightweight, flexible and impermeable qualities, we have come to rely on plastic grocery bags, shrink wrapping, drink bottles, stickers, Kcups, straws, gloves, takeout containers and other throwaway products. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 380 billion plastic bags and wraps are used annually, which require 12 million barrels of oil to make.
Many plastic products that could be recycled are still getting tossed into the landfill. “The biggest problem is contamination,” Flood explains. “When someone puts a plastic milk jug into the recycling bin and there’s still milk inside of it, that ends up getting trashed. Those products become single-use plastics when consumers don’t do the correct job of washing recyclables.”
Over the past few decades, countries including Costa Rica, France and Italy, as well as some U.S. states, have introduced laws that prohibit or tax single-use plastics. “They are banning single-use plastics in California,” Flood notes. “Everything is
paper. Basically, you cannot find a plastic straw,” Flood notes.
Other states following the trend to ban certain plastics include Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon, New Jersey and Vermont. The U.S. Department of the Interior is phasing out single-use plastics on public lands, including national parks, by 2032. A Los Angeles County public works study reports that a ban on plastic bags in San Jose has led to reductions of plastic bags found in storm drains (89 percent), rivers (60 percent) and residential areas (59 percent).
Some states, however, have chosen to protect the continued use of these items. For example, Indiana passed a bill in 2016 prohibiting city and county officials from taxing or restricting the use of disposable plastic bags by certain retailers. Similar laws have been enacted or proposed in Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida and Arizona.
New single-use products are continually being introduced that claim to be better for the environment, but consumers need to be cautious of such promises, says Brandon Leeds, co-founder of SOFi Paper Products, based in Miami, Florida. “There’s a tremendous amount of greenwashing going on,” he explains. “They stamp the products as eco-friendly. For example, some agave straws are predominantly made with plastic and just mixed with agave.”
SOFi manufactures straws and drinking cups that are 100 percent paper, 100 percent plastic free and 100 percent compostable. They sell to 4,000 businesses in the U.S., including mom-and-pop coffee shops, highend restaurants, convenience stores and popular food chains. Leeds remarks, “Our company mission is to educate people.”
Alternatives to plastic, such as cotton or paper bags, also have environmental impacts, and the jury is out on whether single-use plastic bans can really improve the environment, according to Enhesa, a company that helps businesses with regulatory compliance.
A study commissioned by the American Recyclable Plastic Bag Alliance, a group that represents U.S. manufacturers and recyclers of plastic bags, found that New Jersey’s ban resulted in a 60 percent decline in bag volume. However, the study also found six times more woven and non-woven polypropylene plastic was used to produce reusable bags, which are not widely recycled. The non-woven bags consume 15 times more plastic, and their production generates five times the greenhouse gas emissions per bag than the thin plastic bags.
Flood says one solution may be “to go back to the early days when glass was used for everything, and it could be used over and over.” Several states have created container deposit laws related to glass and plastic. In Oregon, for example, nearly every business that sells certain beverages in redeemable sealed containers is legally required to accept returned containers that can be recycled or reused.
The bottom line, Flood asserts, is that people need to move away from a throwaway mentality and stop using single-use plastics. “The consumer has the power to do anything,” he says. “When I go on vacation and I’m walking on the beach, I’m picking up pieces of plastic everywhere.”
Sheryl DeVore is a frequent contributor to national and regional publications and has authored six books on science, health and nature. Learn more at SherylDeVore. wordpress.com.
NOTE TO OUR READERS: All events were accurate at press time; we suggest confirming these details with the hosts before attending. Please check NaturalTucson.com to enter your events or find others.
Bio-Touch Meetup & Practice
April 4 • 5pm
Bio-Touch Center 5634 W Pima St
Bio-Touch Practitioner Training
April 13 & 14 • 9am-3pm
Live /In-person
12 Hours of CE for nurses, doulas, and massage therapists
Bio-TouchDoveMountain.com/ practitioner-training
Free Workshop: Addressing Posture Using Bio-Touch Healing
April 25 • 6pm
Live on Facebook and YouTube @BioTouchHealing
Intro to MELT – 1-2:30pm. Join our MELT Intro Class for a 90-minute transformative experience. Learn MELT sequences for lifelong pain relief and rejuvenation. Specialized tools simulate manual therapy. In-studio only. $15. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-3231222. YogaConnection.org.
It's Waste Prevention Week – Come Celebrate Scraps - 1-4pm. Food Drive benefiting Casa Maria Soup Kitchen. Bring bring 4 non-perishable food items and get $1.00 off a beer. Cooking demos, raffle, games, educational information. Motosonora Brewing Company, 1015 S Park Ave, 85719.
New Moon Meditation – 1-2:15pm. This meditation offering uses sound, mantra, breathwork, and visualization to cultivate gratitude and engender personal growth. Led by musician Jim Norris. Offered in-studio or online by donation. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Saturday, April 13
Gong Bath – 4-5:30pm. Experience the power of Earth Gong and Tibetan Singing Bowls. Realign physically, mentally, and spiritually. Led by certified instructor Rain Dvorak. Relax, breathe, and allow the sound to work its magic. $30. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Sol Wellness Retreat
A journey for your heart
April 12, 2024 • 6PM
Yoga, meditation, sound healing, reiki, workshops, dancing, meals provided. Connect, rest, transform.
Wild Oak Farm
26574 S Old Sonoita Hwy #3, Sonoita $777. $100 non-refundable deposit to save your spot. Payments accepted through Credit, Zelle: devisolaz@gmail.com and Paypal: @deviSolaz
Christian Science: What it Is and How it Heals – 2-4pm. Get your questions answered. CSB Christian Science practitioner and teacher. Just come or pre-register for a free packet at CS3Tucson.org. No charge. Keller Williams Realty Meeting Rm, 1730 E River Rd, Ste 200. 520-297-7683. CS3Tucson.org.
Animal Communication, Level 1:
Bridging the Language of All Life
Monday, April 15 • 5-6:30pm
With Linda Johns. Discover the secrets of animal communication in our 6-week Zoom seminar. Learn skills to enhance connections with pets, wildlife, and nature.
Zoom link provided $249/6-weeks
5-D Divine Matrix
Expanded Heart Class
Thursday, April 18 • 5-6:30pm
Experience the transformative power of "5-D Oneness" and "Divine Crystalline Matrix" healing. Join our monthly series to align with your true light and activate dormant DNA.
Available via Zoom with recording provided $45
April Yoga Retreat – 4/18 through 4/21. Take your yoga experience to newer levels. One- to three-night packages available. Stay at the center, or commute. Prices available with or without meals; private or shared rooms. Starting at $200. Holy Trinity Monastery, St. David. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Online Booklet Discussion on “ECK Wisdom on Karma and Reincarnation” by Harold Klemp – 3-4:30pm. Engage in lively spiritual discussions, receive gifts for life. All faiths welcome. No booklet required. No charge. 877-300-4949. Welcome@ EckankarArizona.org. EckankarArizona.org.
Night of Mantra – 6:30-8pm. An evening of mantra with ICO, Baja Arizona’s premier kirtan ensemble, blending East & West. Open to all, registration required. Gourmet vegetarian dinner and accommodations available. Suggested donation $20. Holy Trinity Monastery Center, 1605 S St. Mary’s Way, St David. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Enneagram Class – 1-3pm. Explore Enneagram in 11-weeks, categorizing behaviors. Weekly focus on each point, with a concluding wrap-up. $299. CSL Tucson’s Education Center, 911 S Craycroft Rd. 520-319-1042. CSLT911@gmail. com. TucsonCSL.org.
Gratitude Rainshower – 6:30-7pm. Experience a 30-minute gratitude rain shower with Sharon Whealy. Share your gratitudes and bask in the effervescence. No charge. Contact CSLT911@gmail. com for Zoom access information. TucsonCSL.org. Full Moon Labyrinth Walk – 7-8pm. Join Janet Salese and some of your metaphysical friends for a meditative practice, with a beautiful walk under the light of a full moon. No charge. CSLTucson at Unity of Tucson’s Outdoor Labyrinth, 3617 N Camino Blanco. TucsonCSL.org.
Contact the God Current: Discover the HU Mantra for Divine Light and Sound – 4-5pm. Experience the power of HU. Connect with others seeking spiritual exploration and engage in divine conversations. No charge. Register at: Tinyurl.com/ SoundOfSoul042724. Welcome@EckankarArizona. org. EckankarArizona.org.
Warmpool Peaceful Floating – 10am-6pm. 90 min, by appointment. Wednesdays-Saturdays. Santa Rita Springs invites you to float in our indoor warm pool. $20/solo/duet; $35/3-5 guests. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, Tucson. Text: 520-990-1857. SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com. Watsu Aquatic Massage – 10am-7pm. 90 min, by appointment. Wednesdays-Saturdays. Shiatsu, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Integrative Massage methods in our private indoor 96-degree saltwater pool. $150/90-minutes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Text: 520-990-1857. Santa RitaSprings@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
First Sunday Antique Vintage Fair – 8am2pm. 1st Sunday. Over 100 vendors, great deals, and a beautiful park. No better way to spend your Sunday. Medella Vina Ranch, 4450 S Houghton. 520-298-1983.
Meditation – 9-11am. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520-792-6544. Worship Service: Casas Adobes Congregational Church – 9:30am. In person and live streamed. Faith-centered, music-loving Christian congregation with a variety of worship and spiritual enrichment opportunities. No charge. Info@CAUCC.org. CAUCC.org/Welcome/Natural.
In-person Sunday Celebration Service for All –9:30-10:30am. An hour of delight, community and learning with the CSLT community. All welcome. Also via Zoom. Donation accepted. CSL Tucson @ Live Theater Workshop, 3322 E. Ft Lowell Rd. 520319-1042. CSLT911@gmail.com. TucsonCSL.org.
New Mind, New World - Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation for Daily Life – 10-11:15am. Buddhist teachings and meditation with Buddhist nun Gen Lingpur to help us to understand the root of our problems and their solutions. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-4411617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Petanque in the Park – 10am-12pm. Learn and play the French game of petanque (boules). Visitors and new players welcome. For more information and directions, visit our website. No charge. Brandi Fenton Memorial Park, 3482 East River Rd. 520-664-4133. TucsonPetanqueClub. wordpress.com.
Sunday Feast and Bhakti Program – 5:30pm. 7pm ten-course feast. Govinda’s Hare Krishna temple and vegetarian restaurant hosts a wonderful program. No charge. Govinda’s Natural Foods, 711 East Blacklidge. 520-792-0630. GovindasOfTucson.com.
Chair Yoga – 1:30-2:30pm. Perfect for anyone looking for a thorough, safe work-out that offers breath awareness and relaxation. Certified instructors Nora Rankin on Mondays and Miranda Stanton on Fridays. $12. By donation in April. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Meaning & Mortality Creative Conversation
Event and Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Café: In-person – 4:30-7pm. First Monday. Safe, respectful Death Cafe conversations aim to increase awareness of death. Hosted by Isabel Amorous. No charge. Ward 2, 7820 E Broadway. Facebook.com/TucsonDeathCafe.
Financial Education Workshop – 5:45-6:45pm. Financial education is crucial. Prioritize understanding your financial situation. Join our 6-week workshop to gain essential knowledge and strategies. No charge. Habitation Realty, 641 N 10th Ave. 520-850-4021.
Contemplative Prayer Group – 6-7pm. Weekly Group. Silent 20-minute “sit”. By donation. Via de Dios, 3615 N. Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org.
Northwest “Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation for Daily Life” – 6:30-7:45pm. Buddhist teachings and meditation with Buddhist nun Gen Lingpur to help us stop the causes of suffering. No charge. Aldea Spiritual Community, 8800 N La Cañada Dr. MeditationInTucson.org.
Yin Yoga – 4-5:15pm. Floor-bound positions for 3-5 minutes target connective tissue, encouraging outer stillness and greater hip joint and spine mobility. $15. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Purifying Negative Karma: Buddhist Meditations & Practices – 6:30-7:45pm. Buddhist teachings and meditation with Buddhist nun Gen Lingpur to help us stop the causes of suffering. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Tuesday Series: Transforming Immobilizing Minds: Fear, Stress, Anxiety, Depression –6:30-7:45pm. Buddhist teachings and meditation with Buddhist nun Gen Lingpur to help us to heal sufferings of body and mind. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona, 5326 E Pima St. 520441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Are You Ready to Transform? – 6:30-8pm. Do you want to change and grow using a spiritual path? The Summit Lighthouse provides a clear journey for personal and world change using the teachings of the Ascended Masters. No charge. Fort Lowell Counseling Center, 2561-2 E Fort Lowell Rd. SummitLighthouseTucson.org.
Taizé Service – 6:45-7:30pm. First Tuesday. Taizé is a service of prayer, music, readings, and silence. Contact Steve: 520-400-2137. No charge. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd. SJTucson@aol.com
Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Café: Virtual – 10-11:30am. First Wednesday. Safe, respectful Death Cafe conversations aim to increase awareness of death. No agenda, counseling, or therapy. No charge. Visit Facebook.com/ TucsonDeathCafe for Zoom link.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. Join us in a 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com. solYoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Yoga flow, yoga nidra, sound healing, energy healing, reiki, collective intuitive oracle and tarot readings. $13/prepay; $15/at the door. VG Wellness Center, 3964 E Pima St. 520-850-3208. linktr.ee/devisolaz.
Free Discussion, Conversation with the Docs – 6-7pm. Third Wednesday. Participate and share knowledge for a better world! Please call to reserve, space is limited. No charge. Transformational Medicine, 2028 East Prince Rd. 520209-1755. tfmnd.com.
Contemplative Prayer: The Prayer of Silence – 5:30-7pm. Contemplation, an ancient art of deep relationship with God, is now accessible to all, fostering well-being and purpose. $5. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520954-1811. ViaDeDios.org.
Meditation – 6-8pm. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520-792-6544.
Taizé Inspired Worship – 6:30-7:15pm. Second Thursday. Taizé is a quiet, 45-minute Christian service with gentle music, singing, subdued candlelight, scripture readings and includes time for reflection, time for silence and time for meditation. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, United Church of Christ (UCC), 6801 North Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. caucc.org.
Embrace The Power of Breath – 6:30-7:30pm. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner peace at our Integrative Breathwork Circle, where a soothing blend of breathwork techniques and reflective sharing sessions aim to reduce stress, elevate presence, and spark creativity. $11. lu.ma/BlueMagicAlchemy.
Yoga Nidra – 5:30-6:30pm. A guided meditation practiced in Savasana (“corpse pose”) that instills a sense of relaxation, similar to a deep sleep. Join Joseph Moffitt, RYT-500, for this ancient meditation technique. $15. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Wellness Workshops – 6-7pm. Last Friday of the month. Also, yoga every Wednesday 6-7pm. VG Beauty Lounge, 3964 E Pima St. 520-850-3208. VGBeautyLounge.com.
Soul Cafe – 6-8pm. Fifth Friday. By presencing the mind-body, heart and soul, the essential nature of your true self will emerge to provide what is needed and essential to heal and guide your concern. Facilitated by Kim Lincoln. $10-$20/by donation. SongsToMe@yahoo.com. KimLincoln.com.
Ongoing Divination Metaphysical Classes – 6:30-8pm. First and third Fridays. Explore crystals, divination, intuition, and pendulums at Mystic Cavern. Enhance spiritual growth and well-being in our class. By donation. Mystic Cavern Metaphysical, 6546 E 22nd St. 520-405-6062. MysticCavernMetaphysical.com.
Doorways to Awakening – 7-8:30pm. 6 weekseries, led by Shelly Hubman and Brian Pearson. Explores spiritual awakening through guided meditations and dyads. Experience-based classes tailored to unique constitutions. $60. Tucson Community Meditation Center, 1147 N Howard Blvd. RadiateWellnessToday.com.
Contemplative Prayer Group – 9:30-11am. 25-minutes of silent meditation, followed by a DVD by a spiritual teacher such as James Finley, Richard Rohr, Thomas Keating and others, then discussion. No charge. St. Luke›s Home Chapel, 615 E. Adams St. 520-400-2137. SJTucson@aol.com. Simply Meditate – 10-10:30am. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Ai Chi with Connie Seddon – 10-11:15am. Guided aquatic moving meditation. Calms thoughts and nerves, gently stretches muscles, improves balance, range of motion and energy, while standing in 96 degree saltwater indoor pool. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-245-6616 or ConnieSeddon@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Tucson Metaphysics Fair – 10am-4pm. Fourth Saturday. Mediums, Psychics, Angelic and Tarot, Astrology, Palm Reading, Divination, ReiKi and much more. Prices vary. Mystic Cavern Metaphysical, 6546 E 22nd St. 520-405-6062. TucsonMetaphysicsFair.com.
Ananda Tucson Gathering – 11am. First Saturday. Energize, chant, meditate on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Ananda Center of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 530-478-7560. AnandaTucson.org. Every Body Community Yoga – 11am-12pm. First and third Saturdays. Inclusive community yoga: one-hour class focusing on breath, mind, and body with modifications for all abilities. Pre-registration required. $15. Mystic Cavern Metaphysical, 6546 E 22nd St. 520-405-6062. MysticCavernMetaphysical.com.
The Journey: Knowing Your Essential Self Course – 11am-2pm. Through August 12. An epic journey spanning the growth of a soul from the human condition of suffering to the freedom of knowing one’s true self. $85-$150/month. Caritas Center, 330 E 16th St. SongsToMe@yahoo.com KimLincoln.com.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Tucson Paranormal Society Cocktail Party – 6-8pm. First Saturday. Admission is free and one complimentary beer or wine is included. TucsonParanormal.Society@gmail.com. No charge. Encantada Banquet Area, 11177 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley.TucsonParanormalSociety.com.
All year long, Natural Awakenings brings you the latest information and resources available for natural health, nutrition, personal growth, green living, fitness and creative expression. We are pleased to offer this special edition, including Wellness Dream Team Practitioner Profiles on page 14, local Business Spotlights on page 19 and an all-encompassing Directory. Our extensive, Health & Wellness Guide can support you in leading a healthy, happy and balanced lifestyle. Dive into the wealth of knowledge and inspiration within these pages to enhance your well-being.
Rani Flinn MSOM, LAc.
15615 N Oracle Rd Ste 135, 85739
520-777-0608 • OracleAcupuncture.com
We treat peripheral neuropathy, sciatica, low back pain, TMJ, vertigo & dizziness, joint pain, arthritis, digestive disorders, autoimmune disease and more, utilizing Acupuncture, Tuina, Classical Chinese Herbology, Electro-Acupuncture Medicine, CranioSacral Therapy, and Acupuncture Point-Injection Therapy. We also have a Salt Room!
Axis Vitality, PLLC—Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing©
3861 N 1st Ave, 85719
520-495-8515 • AxisVitality.com
Wendy specializes in Neuro, Five-Element, Sports-Trigger Point, Japanese Style, Esoteric forms of acupuncture and Quantum Alignment Technique. Learn what is consciously possible. You will be supported in your experience acupuncture point sensations with single use disposable sterile needles and/or Quantum devices.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH
5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712
520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com
If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is the NurseAesthetician for you. She provides customized nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types, ethnicities and sensitivities while educating you about your skin concerns and care. See ad, page 27.
Find additional local businesses with ease at NaturalTucson.com.
3964 E Pima St, 85712
Team of six dedicated and highly educated wellness providers, each specializing in a distinct area of well-being: skin care, weight loss, body contouring, detoxification, non-surgical face lifts and hair care. Special offer: $99 Body Contour or Skin Care Treatment. See ad, page 8.
Patch Provider/Lifewave
520-266-1877 • PatchProvider.com
Experience a whole new level of vitality with Photobiomodulation improving your health and wellness including increased energy, better sleep, weight management, anti-aging, enhanced athletic performance, stress reduction, detoxification, improved circulation and wound healing, and much more.
Healing Practitioner
520-825-4645 • JourneyToHealing.com
Announcing the Bio Harmonic technologies V.I.B.E.S Bed Vibrational Individualized Body Enhancement System — a delivery system that uses sound, frequency, and vibration for clearing cellular memory and optimizing your mental and emotional expression while balancing your brain chemistry and body physiology.
Tania Morris, CCI, BCNHC
Iridology and Natural Health Coaching 206-734-7003 • TucsonIridology@icloud.com TucsonIridology.com
Your eyes hold the blueprint to your optimum health and Iridology can reveal what your body needs to restore your health and well-being. Whether you’re facing a health challenge or want to learn how to live a more healthy lifestyle, Iridology can help you become a healthier you!
Animal Communicator, Intuitive Medium, Angel Channel, Artist 520-349-3909 • AnnHoff.com
As an Animal Communicator, Ann can help you with behavioral issues with your pet, lost pets, end of life decisions, medical decisions and getting to know your pet better! She can also connect you with loved ones and pets on the other side.
Animal Reiki & Animal Hospice
Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner Reiki Master Teacher (humans/animals)
Animal Death Doula in training
520-771-6902 • C.NickTorok@gmail.com
Animals, like people, can suffer from physical injuries and environmental or emotional stressors. Reiki energy work provides deep relaxation that helps facilitate the body’s ability to heal and promote well-being. If your furry loved one is struggling, or is at the end-of-life, call for a free consultation.
Animal Communicator, Healing Practitioner
520-825-4645 • JourneyToHealing.com
For 29 years Linda has been the voice of animals worldwide bringing clarity and insight to Emotional, Behavioral, History, Health, and Quality of Life. Energy Healing and Flower Essences often complement the session.
Animal Communication & Intuitive Healing Classes
520-825-4645 • JourneyToHealing.com
Fun interactive six-week level 1 Zoom class to develop intuitive skills and telepathic communication with animals. These skills can also be applied to plants, crystals, babies, autism, dementia, comas, end of life. See website calendar for class listings and advanced levels.
Page 52
Acupuncture • Aesthetics & Medspa
Page 53
Alternative Health • Animal Services
Page 54
Aqua Therapy • Astrology
Biofeedback • Bodywork
Brain Health • Breathwork
Building Biology
Page 55
Chiropractic • Churches
Classes • Cleaning Services
Coaching, Counseling & Guidance
Page 56
Colon Hydrotherapy
Community for Women
Contemplative Living
CranioSacral • Dentistry
Dental Insurance
Electromagnetic Wellness
Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT
Page 57
Energy Work
Environmentally Safe Homes
Garden Therapy
Health & Wellness
Healthy Home
Page 58
Holistic Health • Hydration
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hypnotherapy • Invisalign
Iridology • Lymphatic Drainage
Page 59
Medical Intuitive
Medical Thermography
Medicare Support • Meditation
Metabolic Health
Naturopathic Medicine
Neurofeedback • Non-Toxic Living
Page 60
Pediatric Integrative Medicine
Permanent Jewelry & Makeup
Personal Growth & Development
Psychedelic Integration
Psychotherapy • Reiki • Research
Page 61
Retirement Planning • Retreats
Sales Training • Skin Care
Sound Therapy
Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual Teachings
Page 62
Spiritual Teachings
Therapeutic Writing
Thrift Shop
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Water Filtration
Wellness Business Resources
Wellness Center
Wellness Coaching Yoga
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983
2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719
Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu
Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu
Integrative Massage
520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 29.
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC, RCt 425-260-7665
Julie uses true sidereal (constellational) astrology connecting you to the stars of your unique birth blueprint. She gives insight to your soul’s purpose, navigating challenges on your evolutionary path, and how to be in flow with the astrological energies.
Kendra B Howard
Quantum Biofeedback practitioner and healer, Kendra B. Howard offers guidance and resolution for physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. The machine scans for over 14,000 imbalances in your energy, then sends the associated frequency, bringing your body into its optimal vibration. See ad, page 25.
Board-Trained Neurotherapists & Licensed Mental Health Clinicians
A pharmaceutical-free approach that teaches the brain new patterns, often leading to profound, positive and permanent shifts in quality-of-life. Demonstrated effectiveness treating a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, tinnitus, chronic pain, dyslexia, etc. See ad, page 23.
5634 E Pima St, 85712
Taught through IFBM, a 501(c)(3) educational and charitable foundation. Offering low cost in-person and online trainings, workshops, and monthly meetup with continuing education available to massage therapists, nurses, and doulas. Private sessions available on a donation basis.
6550 E Carondelet, Bldg F, 85712
520-370-3689 • SylviaBoyed.com
Sylvia Boyed, MA, VMT, CST. Now welcoming new clients. Restorative bodywork and energetic healing for physical and emotional well-being. 14+ years experience in energetically applied visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapies. Specializing in treatment of head injuries, tinnitus and post-surgical rehabilitation. See ad, page 25.
SaberLMP@aol.com • TFMND.com
I am like the rain: I go where I'm needed.
—Alejandro Jodorowsky
Tired of the pain? myofasciall release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD
7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741
520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Jonathan Schecter
7555 N Oracle Rd, 85704
520-289-6872 • BlueMagicAlchemy.com
Jonathan, a certified breathwork facilitator, integration coach and SEP, offers support with anxiety, emotional fluidity, and clarity of mind and body. The techniques he utilizes also foster a profound connection to one's inner intelligence and purpose, guiding individuals towards holistic well-being. See ad, page 29.
Brian Johnson
Brian@Senergy360.com • Senergy360.com
Brian Johnson is a Building Biologist accredited by the Building Biology Institute with over 20 years of experience as a General Contractor. There are 25 BBI core philosophies we interweave into my practices. It’s about creating a safe space to heal our bodies. See ad, page 5.
Dr. Nathan Conlee
3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 • PerformanceNeurology.com
Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neuro-logic disorders. Using gentle chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture and metabolic nutrition, we have helped thousands of patients, from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit PerformanceNeurology.com. See ad, page 9.
Our Animist community offers Labyrinth walks, sound journeys, intuitive development, ancestral healing, personal sessions, queer+BIPOC spaces, spiritual clinics, ceremonial art-making. Online trainings. Community space in Tucson, AZ (occupied land) & worldwide online.
The Path of Spiritual Freedom
1-877-300-4949 • EckankarArizona.org Facebook.com/EckankarArizona Eckankar.org • HearHU.org
Eckankar offers monthly Spiritual Living Courses with advanced spiritual techniques for private study; opportunities to review the courses in smallgroup discussion classes; quarterly newsletters and updates; spiritual initiations—profound steps of enlightenment; and more. For more information, please visit Eckankar.org. See ad, page 29.
Reiki Master Teacher, Healing Practitioner, Animal Communicator 520-825-4645 • JourneyToHealing.com
Fun, supportive, interactive one-day classes, and Zoom weekly or once a month series: Energy Foundation, Develop your Intuition, Discover the Healer Within, Animal Communication, and 5-D Expanded Sacred Heart, Reiki Usui and Karuna, Tuning Fork healing for people and animals. Check the website calendar for class listings.
520-331-2629 • PurmaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaids.com
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: $50 off initial cleaning. See ad for details. See ad, page 12.
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant
Affordable alternative or a ddition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.
Deb Beroset
312-436-2160 • Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com ItsTimeForMoxie.com
Deb Beroset's 'It's Time For Moxie' coaching empowers women through transformational 1:1 and group programs. Embrace your authentic self, gain confidence, and create a vibrant life. Book a Free introductory call at MoxieTime. as.me/introductory-call. See ad, page 7.
Spiritual Psychology, Trauma, Somatic Healing, Clairvoyant
510-685-5528 • KimLincoln.com
Ready to evolve? Connect with your True Self and transform anger, hurt, pain & trauma into peace, compassion, love, and joy. Be authentic. Live your purpose. Awaken from what no longer serves you. Certified Ortho-Bionomy, Somatic Touch and Trauma Recovery. Trained 10 years Diamond Approach, 23 years Diamondlogos, founded Terrain of Essence.
Liz Cutting
7725 S. Coyote Creek Trail, 85747 520-310-5929 • Liz@ManeAndSoul.com
Liz provides safe space for clients to connect intuitively to their essence through onthe ground experiences with horses. Focused on heartcentered living, she’s an International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach and RYT 200 certified yoga teacher.
48 N Tucson Blvd, #106, 85716
520-561-6267 • PaloSantoWellness.org
Palo Santo Psychotherapy and Wellness is a not-for-profit corporation with a team of psychotherapists, coaches, body and energy workers dedicated to helping you live a healthier and happier life while growing in the awareness of the integration of your body, mind and spirit. Sliding Fee Clinic.
Dan Kimball, MC LPC
64 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 202-14, 85701 602-999-1243 • Path4Change.com
Join Path4Change and embark on a journey of self-discovery that challenges, inspires, and supports you. We provide a roadmap for change, utilizing positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy,and wellness coaching techniques. Start living your most authentic life today!
Trish Devitt
520-261-5194 • MetamorphosisNow.com
Don’t let adversity, life changes or uncertainty throw you off balance. Resilience can see you through. Thrive regardless of the circumstances life throws at you. Emotional clearing and positive psychology help you break free to a happier, more authentic life.
520-325-9686 • Intestines@SheilaShea.com @SheaColonics
Colon Hydrotherapy and Gut Nutrition, MA & LMT (FL & AZ), 45-year practice using closed system and abdominal massage. Board certified and member of International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (IACT). Provides expertise on metabolic health, food addiction and gut motility. Certified Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome (GAPPS) practitioner.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN
2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719
RN-delivered colonics. FDAapproved system integrated with a full, closed-gravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult! See ads, pages 3 & 13.
Deb Beroset
312-436-2160 • Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com ItsTimeForMoxie.com
Deb Beroset's Club Moxie online community empowers women to elevate their confidence and boldly embrace their authentic selves. Offering resources, workshops, and connections to help pursue visions with passion. Use code NAMAG for a free introductory month! See ad, page 7.
Find additional local businesses with ease at NaturalTucson.com
Francine Rienstra
3615 N Prince Village Pl #101, 85719 520-954-1811 • ViadeDios.org
Find Joy in ordered chaos, Peace in a simplistic environment while being enriched in coteries of likeminded people. Via de Dios offers a nurturing “greenhouse” of spiritual training: classes, workshops and retreats within the Institute of Contemplative Studies.
520-271-4680 • HeidiLouiseW@gmail.com
Heidi Wilson offers private craniosacral sessions and teaches a six level workshop series called Riding the Wave, Touching Stillness; Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective. Each workshop offers 20 CEUs for massage therapists.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496 • Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net
Our mission is to build a partnership to achieve optimal dental health. The stateof-the-art technology, attention to our clients’ needs, and commitment to continuing education ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfortable environment. See ad, back cover.
Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082 • Smile@KrizmanDental.com
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist
PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737
Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
With dental insurance, you can prioritize your oral health, save money on routine and emergency dental care and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re covered in case of unexpected dental issues. Robust plans available at reasonable rates. Book an appointment today! Call/email now to review your Medicare plan for 2024. See ad, page 11.
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life”
EMF Wellness helps keep Tucson’s homes, schools and workplaces safe from unhealthy levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We offer professional EMF assessments with emphasis on reducing exposure to rising levels of microwave radiation from wireless devices and cell towers. Assessments include EMF education and mitigation counseling. See ad, page 33.
EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist
A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 2.
Emotions run high in many people right now. Do you need help in coping with life? Emotional freedom is just that: an easy tool to deal with upsetting circumstances, anxiety, fears, sickness. It combines energy therapy and psychology to eliminate and reduce emotions. Affordable and necessary.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH
5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is a Registered Nurse and Quantum Energy Practitioner offering chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as auric field clearing, forgiveness and self-healing practices. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 27.
EFT, PSYCH-K™, Emotion Code, DECU, OM Codes, Reiki Master 520-825-4645 • JourneyToHealing.com
Linda intuitively blends healing modalities to quickly unravel many layers. She listens to your body’s wisdom, channels your guides, reads cellular programs and sub conscious belief patterns to help you transform old stories into higher frequencies of health and wellness.
Axis Vitality, PLLC “Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing”©
3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-495-8515 • AxisVitality.com
Subtle energy field and physical body structural alignments are keys to correcting functional imbalances for health and pain free movement! Quantum Alignment Technique, Neuro-Acupuncture and Oov™ core re-education will help you move more appropriately and increase your neural plasticity.
Brian Johnson
951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com
Building using materials and methods to create a space that is mold-free, low-EMF, non-toxic, and has clean air. Having homes that we can call our sanctuaries helps us thrive. Applying the true definition of sustainability, bringing green and non-toxic solutions together synergistically. See ad, page 5.
Path to Emotional Healing 2130 North Alvernon Way, 85712 520-303-3945
Wellness program. Step 1: Participants create a mini-biography. Step 2: Participants are given a workbook and garden tour. Step 3: Participants go on self-guided walks through the garden.Yume Gardens is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.
Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner
Reiki Master Teacher (humans/animals) Animal Death Doula in training. 520-771-6902 • C.NickTorok@gmail.com
Are you struggling with physical illness, lack of energy, feeling stuck or empty? Reiki can help restore your body’s energy flow to promote a sense of wholistic well being. Like to learn more or experience the benefits of Reiki? Become a Reiki practitioner for animals or people? Free consultation.
MaritaSeen Valyan, LMT 20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac 85646 520-398-3970 • SoulisticHealingCenter.org
Tubac’s premier destination health resort spa featuring 5 therapeutic copper-ionized jacuzzi tubs and lap pool, infrared sauna, and complementary stress-reducing modalities: massage, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, reiki, FlowPresso 3-in-1 Lymphatics & Deep Sensory Therapy, Spiritual Counseling (Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy), Pythagorean monochord sound therapy chair, and detoxifying Ionic foot cleanse. Shama Mystic locally hand-crafted CBD tinctures and salves. See ad, page 10.
Tania Morris, CCI, BCNHC
Iridology and Natural Health Coaching 206-734-7003 • TucsonIridology@icloud.com
Your eyes hold the blueprint to your optimum health & Iridology can reveal what your body needs to restore your health and well-being. Whether you’re facing a health challenge or want to learn how to live a more healthy lifestyle, Iridology can help you become a healthier you!
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Info@EMF-Wellness.com
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life”
EMF Wellness Tucson provides Electromagnetic Field (EMF) assessments and mitigation counselling, specializing in the creation of EMF-safe bedroom sleep sanctuaries. Services include measurement of electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and radio frequency radiation from wireless devices and cell towers. See ad, page 33.
520-331-2629 • PurmaidTucson@gmail.com
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: $50 off initial cleaning. See ad for details. See ad, page 12.
Brian Johnson
951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com
Senergy360 is committed to changing the way home building is done. National organizations report statistically over 80% of homes are sick, referred to as SBS—sick building syndrome. This applies to existing homes built from the 1970s to today. We are here to change that! See ad, page 5.
Kendra B Howard
Quantum Biofeedback practitioner and healer, Kendra B. Howard offers guidance and resolution for physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. The machine scans for over 14,000 imbalances in your energy, then sends the associated frequency, bringing your body into its optimal vibration. See ad, page 25.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN
2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719
OR your space/home
What or who do you need? RN consultant ~ assessment, information, referral. Skilled nursing ~ phlebotomy, IV therapy, home services. Education ~ gentle, easy detox protocols, colon health, ozone therapies and resources. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15 minute consult! See ads, pages 3 & 13.
Brian Johnson
951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com
Our water systems increase energy and clarity through ionic technology by increasing photonic and biofield energy. Increased bioavailable oxygen means better hydration, increased absorption by reducing surface water molecule tension. The water structuring process in return reduces toxins and free radicals by altering the molecular and energetic structure. See ad, page 5.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Certified 1994
201-759-6845 • KrysteAndrews@gmail.com
A Level Two QHHT practitioner, Kryste facilitates Current/Past Life Regressions, Progressions and Abduction Reveals, one shot methods for healing. Reach an altered state, view other lives, listen to your Higher Self and change your life. Sessions vary in length/ fees.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496 • Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net
Looking to fix your bite issues but avoid the “metal mouth” phenomenon? At E Dental Solutions, we can help you understand how to keep the aligners and your teeth clean and make it easy for you to fit into your best smile. See ad, back cover.
Tania Morris, CCI, BCNHC
Iridology and Natural Health Coaching 206-734-7003 • TucsonIridology@icloud.com
Your eyes hold the blueprint to your optimum health and Iridology can reveal what your body needs to restore your health and well-being. Whether you’re facing a health challenge or want to learn how to live a more healthy lifestyle, Iridology can help you become a healthier you!
Susan Couture, LMT, MLD/CDT 6700 N. Oracle Rd, #239, 85704 520-999-0447 • LymphStudio.com
Heal faster – Heal better. Immune boosting, detoxifying manual lymph drainage, pre- & post-surgery care for aesthetic and restorative Surgery. MLD reduces inflammation, assists with organ, endocrine, circulatory, digestive, neurologic and lymphatic systems. LifeWave X39 Stem Cell Activation patch distributor. Lifewave.com/SusanCouture. See ad, page 23.
The Right Touch Massage Therapy 2984 E Fort Lowell, 85716 520-326-7675
Experienced Pain Relief therapist and wellness provider with 25 years as Reiki/ Cranial therapist. Shiatsu, Thai and Manual Lymphatic massage. Facial massage: jade rolling, gua sha with cold jade tools, facial cupping and facial acu points. Book today at RightTouchMassage Therapy.com or call 520-326-7675.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983
2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719
Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu
Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu
Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 29.
847-323-9188 • Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com
Danielle is a trained and certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP, The Practical Path, Tujunga CA). Medical Intuition utilizes clairvoyance and the other intuitive senses to view and assess the physical body and unique energy system of living beings. See ad, page 26.
Shared Office Space with Wild-Wellness
Dr. Joshua Reilly ND (Naturopath)
Lisa Holliday, CT 7790 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley, 85704 520-468-1530
Medical Thermography uses an infrared camera to see the current condition of your health, and blood flow dysfunction/patterns, possibly years before a structure has time to form. Early intervention may help your practitioner with lifestyle/ medical testing recommendations for the best outcome. $25 off any thermal health study. See ad, page 34.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378 • Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
As your trusted independent advisors, we work with most Medicare carriers and companies to best serve your needs and preferences. Call/email now to review your Medicare plan. See ad, page 11.
3929 E Pima, 85712 520-323-1222 • Yoga@YogaConnection.org YogaConnection.org
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300hour certification. Ask about scholarships and payment options.
Sabine Harrington, MS Clinical Exercise Physiologist 520-534-0226
Sabine offers breath analysis metabolic testing, the gold standard for measuring metabolic rate and fatcarbohydrate utilization. Discover your body’s unique needs, during rest or exercise. Learn about your cellular and cardiorespiratory health in a fast, safe and noninvasive way.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719
520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719
520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
Dr. Emily Takeuchi Miller, or “Dr. Em” as she prefers, enjoys seeing patients of all ages and is committed to helping them live well no matter what their current condition. Her special interests include primary care medicine, pediatrics, and Mind-Body medicine/biofeedback. See ad, page 3.
Dr. Lance Morris
2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712
520-322-8122 • WFMedicine@gmail.com
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 41.
TUCSON NEUROTHERAPY Board-Trained Neurotherapists & Licensed Mental Health Clinicians
A pharmaceutical-free approach that teaches the brain new patterns, often leading to profound, positive and permanent shifts in quality-of-life. Demonstrated effectiveness treating a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, tinnitus, chronic pain, dyslexia, etc. See ad, page 23.
Brian Johnson
951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com
Sustainably Green Building Techniques and principles of Building Biology and our dedication to creating healthy homes are of the utmost importance to us. We aim to use the safest building products and solutions on the market and work with many trusted sources. See ad, page 5.
Jayme White, MS, BCNS
6885 N Oracle Rd. Ste F, 85704 520-222-9606
Jayme White is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist and Integrative Health Practitioner. She specializes in helping build sustainable dietary habits through mindful eating practices, not restrictive dieting. Conditions addressed include autoimmune, thyroid, gut health, hormone support, and chronic fatigue.
TMCOne La Canada Office
10390 N La Cañada Dr, Ste 110, 85737 520-420-2110
Holistic pediatrician, board certified in pediatrics and Integrative Medicine, provides integrative medicine consults, primary care services, second opinions. Visits include personalized nutrition plan, lifestyle counseling, supplements, functional medicine testing, mind body medicine teachings. Accepts most insurances, appointments available online and by phone.
Yvette Dwornik • 520-869-5593
Sarah Dwornik-Olivo • 520-869-4040 7163 E Broadway, 85710
Quantum Coach, PSYCH-K™, Emotion Code, Healing Practitioner 520-825-4645 • JourneyToHealing.com
Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, uncertain? Suffer from anxiety or depression? Free yourself from trapped emotions, old subconscious patterns, family linages, illnesses and more. You can restore wholeness, claim your power and self-worth, re-write your story as you create a balanced body-mind-spirit partnership.
125 E Mabel St, 85705 520-214-0818
TucsonCounselingAssociates@gmail.com TucsonCounselingAssociates.com
Despite large amounts of talk therapy or medications, do you still need help in healing treatment resistant trauma or depression? Tucson Counseling Associates’ welltrained and experienced team of psychedelic integration therapists can support you and discuss this emerging field of psychedelic assisted therapies.
48 N Tucson Blvd, #106, 85716 520-561-6267• PaloSantoWellness.org
New location. Offering Hair, Permanent Make Up and Permanent Jewelry at beautiful, remodeled eastside location. Broadway at Kolb next to DSW. $50 off any new permanent make up service. See ad, page 23.
Palo Santo Psychotherapy and Wellness is a not-for-profit corporation with a team of psychotherapists, coaches, body and energy workers dedicated to helping you live a healthier and happier life while growing in the awareness of the integration of your body, mind and spirit. Sliding Fee Clinic.
Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner
Reiki Master Teacher (Humans/Animals)
Animal Death Doula in Training
520-771-6902 • C.NickTorok@gmail.com
Physical, mental, psychological or spiritual healing requires the unobstructed flow of lifeforce energy. Reiki energy healing can help restore balance and flow to help promote wellbeing. Want to experience the benefits of energy work for you or your animal? Contact Charis for a free consultation.
Dan Kimball, MC LPC
64 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 202-14, 85701 602-999-1243 • Path4Change.com
Uncover the path to inner harmony with Path4Change. Experience transformative counseling, coaching, Reiki, and Qigong practices that will help you unlock your true potential. It's time to embrace your journey towards balance and personal growth. Connect with us today!
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC, RCt 425-260-7665
Certified as a Master Usui Reiki Practitioner via direct lineage to Dr. Usui, Julie helps you balance your life force energy, increase relaxation, loosen blockages to reactivate flow of chi to harmonize mind-body-spirit. In-person and distance sessions available.
Dr. Caitlin Connor
1775 W St Mary's Rd, Ste 111, 85745 520-609-1766 • ExpandHealthResearch.com
We invite you to explore research studies. If you have an interest give us a call, and we will set up a time when you can tour the lab. We look forward to seeing you in the future! See ad, page 33.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737
520-760-2378 • Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net
Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
We specialize in the concerns of our young seniors heading into retirement. Areas of focus: Medical Expense Planning, Retirement Income Strategies, Legacy & Estate Preservation and Health Solutions. Call/email now to review your Medicare plan. See ad, page 11.
Deb Beroset
312-436-2160 • Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com
Moxie's transformational retreats rejuvenate women's magic and inspire them to move forward with clarity: exploring while restoring! Rediscover personal power, radiance, boldness with likeminded women. "Truly transformational and exquisite," raved an attendee. Check upcoming events at ItsTimeForMoxie.com/events. See ad, page 7.
Healing Practitioner
520-825-4645 • Journeytohealing.com
Amazing 1 day Healing Retreats, right here in Tucson. The morning offers personal growth exercises and meditations. We break for a delicious healthy lunch, community, and nature. The afternoon nourishes the body, mind, spirit with many different healing stations.See website for upcoming Dates.
Kim Green & Marcia Williams
Call/Text: 678-938-2777
Hopeless? Tucson women, don’t suffer in silence.
Come Write-to-Heal with us: October 17-21! Come experience how writing can heal you. 5-day local retreat includes therapeutic writing, coaching, and non-traditional healing modalities. Let your healing begin. See ad, page 8.
Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) specializes in providing customized holistic skin care treatments for all skin types and concerns. Make an appointment today and start on your path to creating beautiful skin for life. See ad, page 27.
3964 E Pima St, 85712
Team of six dedicated and highly educated wellness providers, each specializing in a distinct area of well-being: skin care, weight loss, body contouring, detoxification, non-surgical face lifts and hair care. Special offer: $99 Body Contour or Skin Care Treatment. See ad, page 8.
847-323-9188 • Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com
Relax and receive while your energy field is cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells) and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com, and also a lifelong, classically-trained musician, intuitive empath and more. See ad, page 26.
Dr. Lance Morris
2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712
520-322-8122 • WFMedicine@gmail.com
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 41
Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan, co-founder
Marayeh Cunningham, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology
20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac 85646
520-398-3970 • SoulisticHealingCenter.org
Psychospiritual “soul” healing modalities Spiritual Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy developed over the past 30 years by “Soul Surgeon” Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan. Designed to assist those with a wholehearted desire to holistically heal any dis-ease of the body, mind, and soul. See ad, page 10.
Rev. Rhonda Tretsven
Sunday Service: 3322 E Ft Lowell Rd, 85716 520-319-1042 • CSLT911@gmail.com
A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. You can learn about us at TucsonCSL. org Celebration Service 9:30am, Meditation 9am. For information about our Sunday services please email Info@TucsonCSL.org or call 520-319-1042. See ad, page 39.
The Path of Spiritual Freedom
1-877-300-4949 8 EckankarArizona.org
Facebook.com/EckankarArizona Eckankar.org • HearHU.org
Eckankar is a spiritual path that redefines the experience of religion. Eckankar is based on direct personal experience, transcending philosophy and orthodox religion, offering practical ways we may have spiritual experiences—even the ultimate experience of God—in this lifetime. See ad, page 29.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
4105 N 20 St, Ste 115, Phoenix 480-442-5020 • SummitLighthousePhoenix.org Facebook.com/TSLofPhoenix
Learn about your inner divine self through The Teachings of the Ascended Masters by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Free online classes on Archangels, Karma, Chakras and the Story of Sanat Kumara. SummitLighthousePhoenix.org. Click on “Free Spiritual Lessons”. More classes on Zoom.
Kim Green • Call/text: 678-938-2777
Healing from trauma cannot be done alone. Awardwinning author and coach, Kim Green supports individuals who are ready to overcome trauma with individual therapeutic writing sessions. 3- and 6-month programs. Sliding scale pricing is available. Free Consultation. See ad, page 8.
15970 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-9101 • GoldenGooseAZ.com
Primo clothing, top-notch furniture, gold and sterling jewelry, sporting goods, fine art, collectibles, tools, books, music, and video. 100% of profits returned to local charities. New discounts daily.
Axis Vitality, PLLC—Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing
3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-495-8515 • AxisVitality.com
Brian Johnson
951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com
Senergy360 systems are designed to emulate Nature through motion and materials. Water Vortices have long been known as water’s way of self-cleaning and energizing itself and the environment. Natural Action utilizes a specific flow form geometry to establish a balanced vortex motion within the water. See ad, page 5.
Claire O'Connor
Central Tucson • 520-904-0877
As a heart-centered web design agency serving holistic wellness business owners, we shine the light on your light with soulful brand design, websites, copywriting, and more — including our new Holistic Wellness Directory. Contact us today to list your wellness business.
Paula Taylor, BMA, LMT 3024 E Fort Lowell Rd, Ste 101, 85716 575-644-8914 (call or text)
Paula Taylor weaves Swedish, deep tissue and myofascial massage with spiritual coaching, Reiki, craniosacral therapy, intuitive reading and sound healing to identify and release patterns of holding in the energetic, emotional, and physical bodies. 1-1 sessions and group events offered.
DeeAnn Saber, NMD
Emily Takeuchi Miller, NMD
Zach Saber, LMP
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN
2028 East Prince Rd, 85719
520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
We are like-minded healing professionals who have created a collaborative, patientfocused environment to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3.
3964 E Pima St, 85712 • 520-850-3208
Team of six dedicated and highly educated wellness providers, each specializing in a distinct area of well-being: skin care, weight loss, body contouring, detoxification, non-surgical face lifts and hair care. Special offer: $99 Body Contour or Skin Care Treatment. See ad, page 8.
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC, RCt 425-260-7665
Combining the Root Cause Therapy method and solution-focused wellness coaching approach, Julie guides you to see your own potential for realizing your best hopes for a preferred future without limits.
3929 E Pima, 85712 520-323-1222 • Yoga@YogaConnection.org
Come experience a naturally facilitated processes of integrative acupuncture, cupping, bodywork, herbal and dietary services. In as few as 3-5 treatments you will see improvements without iatrogenic side effects.
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300-hour certification. Ask about scholarships and payment options.
WANTED. Friendly, fun, professional environment.
15 stations. Newly renovated. Transitions Hair Studio. Eastside location. Broadway at Kolb, next to DSW. Call Yvette at 520-869-5593.
Your life is your legacy. Jump into an 11-week experience where you will spend 5 weeks learning foundational skills and outline development plus 6 weeks of one-on-one sessions with author, Kim Green. Only 2 spots left! Call/ text: 678-938-2777, BlankPageConsult.com. Hurry!
COPPER-IONIZED THERAPEUTIC HOT AND COLD JACUZZI TUBS AND LAP POOL FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT of arthritis and other ailments. Soak, swim laps, meditate, rejuvenate, and unwind in five chlorine-free mineral healing pools. Detoxify in the Far-Infrared Sauna. Soulistic Healing Center, Tubac, 520-398-3970. SoulisticHealingCenter.org.
has been dedicated to providing quality, anti-oppressive, affordable trauma-informed mental health treatment specializing in psychedelic integration and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). You are the expert in your own life and with the right tools, can connect with your inner healing wisdom. E-mail with questions: TucsonCounselingAssociates@ gmail.com.
Energy work, massage therapy, spiritual coaching, and sound healing combine in extraordinary ways to aid in physical recovery, trauma release and spiritual growth. Invite a deeper experience of self or choose to grow as a practitioner through group and individual offerings. Visit PaulaTaylorEnergy.com or call/text 575-644-8914.
Adam Ra. Choose strongest prosperous choices. Release past issues. Gain clarity. Create success. Establish new energy with law of attraction life coach, create shifts. $50/20 minutes. Call 808-281-8077 or FB messenger: AdamPaolSeagram. Youtube: @dampaolseagram. Author "Socks in the Dryer". Zelle/check/money order.
Let me help you navigate the Medicare Maze. Already on Medicare but have questions? Contact me for your cost and coverage review. Call/ text/email Holly Baker at 520-760-2378 or email Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net.
VIA DE DIAS OFFERS a Contemplative Living approach to life including techniques to embolden body, mind and spirit. Our Institute of Contemplative Studies, a nurturing “greenhouse” setting, offers opportunities to grow deeper experientially with God. Beginners to mature “Aspirelings” are trained. Virtues are affirmed, skills learned, purpose discovered and life is transformed by God. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village PL 101. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org.
Good nutrition is essential for overall health, and dental health is no exception. The foods you eat provide the nutrients your body needs to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Vitamin C
Essential for healthy gums. Foods that are high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is important for strong teeth and bones. Foods that are high in vitamin D include fatty fish like salmon and tuna, egg yolks.
Water is essential for good dental health. It helps rinse away food particles and helps maintain moisture in the mouth decreasing the effectiveness of oral bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Sugary foods and drinks:
Sugar is a major contributor to tooth decay. Foods and drinks that are high in sugar include candy, soda, juice, and sports drinks.
Acidic foods and drinks:
Acidic foods and drinks can erode tooth enamel, which can lead to tooth decay. Foods and drinks that are high in acid include citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and soft drinks.
Good nutrition is essential for overall health, and dental health is no exception. By eating a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals and low in sugar and acid, you can help maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you have any questions about nutrition and dental health, be sure to talk to Dr Wissinger or call us at 520-745-5496. We will be happy to guide you toward better dental health.