June 2020 Issue - Natural Awakenings Tucson Edition

Page 1




The Critical Role of Blood Flow

EATING TO DE-STRESS Healthy, Satisfying Choices





Staycations Are Strong on Adventure


June 2020 | Tucson Edition | NaturalTucson.com


Tucson Edition


Boost And Support Your Immune System Naturally: Vitamin pushes and IVs available


Now Featuring:

CBD products

Your Optimal Health is Only a Phone Call Away!

June 2020


Contents 12 COVID-19 NOW


Good News and Effective Therapies in the Pipeline


Six Ways to Boost Blood Flow


Finding Respite and Adventure Close to Home




Lift Your Mood with Feel-Good Foods




Transformative Beyond Words


DEPARTMENTS 8 news briefs 11 event spotlights 14 health briefs 18 masters of

bodywork & healing arts 19 inspiration 20 healing ways 28 conscious eating 4

Tucson Edition


30 plant medicine

section 33 plant briefs 34 community spotlight 38 calendar 40 resource guide 47 classifieds 47 ad index

Natural Awakenings is a family of nearly 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 26 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.


Restoring your health in a toxic world by discovering the root cause of your ailments. An Integrative Approach Specializing in:



ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@ NaturalTucson.com. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@ NaturalTucson com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at Submit. NaturalTucson.com/TUCS/Magazine-Calendar-Listings by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakenings.com.

• Environmental toxicity screening and treatment: including mold and metal toxicity evaluation • Gastrointestinal microbiome evaluation and treatment • Autoimmune evaluation and treatment • Genomic evaluation • Hormone evaluation and treatment • Tissue regenerative therapy (TRT) • Medical weight loss management including hCG, ketogenic, and fasting techniques • Micro-nutrient and nutritional optimization • Pain management alternatives • IV nutritional therapy • Sleep disturbance management • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy • LYMPHpresso therapy “Like” us on • Food sensitivity testing Offering Facebook and • Peptide therapy Covid-19 receive a 20 • Ozone therapy Hybrid model, some insurances accepted.

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letter from publisher

TUCSON EDITION Publisher Holly Baker Editor Michelle Bense

Design & Production Helene Leininger Erica Mills Kristina Parella Contributing Writers J. Garnet Tavi Meketon

Sales & Marketing Holly Baker

Circulation Amy Hass

Website Erica MIlls

CONTACT US Tucson Office Tel: 520-760-2378 Fax: 1-520-208-9797 Holly@NaturalTucson.com NaturalTucson.com Franchise Sales 239-530-1377

NATIONAL TEAM CEO/Founder Sharon Bruckman COO/Franchise Sales Joe Dunne National Editor Jan Hollingsworth Managing Editor Linda Sechrist National Art Director Stephen Blancett Art Director Josh Pope Financial Manager Yolanda Shebert Asst. Director of Ops Heather Gibbs Digital Content Director Rachael Oppy National Advertising Lisa Doyle-Mitchell Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 NaturalAwakeningsMag.com

Holly Baker, publisher

Innovation goes beyond business and technology. The local businesses we help are indeed innovating, just as our readers are innovating how they live their lives. In this issue, we’re innovating how we celebrate holidays (a video call to dad on Father’s Day), take vacations (stay local with “staycations”) and even approach human expansion (curious about ayahuasca?). We’ve all heard the phrase, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” In the dialogue Republic, Greek philosopher Plato encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem. Though it can sometimes be scary, change and the need to innovate is actually the very nature of all life. It’s been a brand new challenge for all of us, but we’re making it work each in our own way. We’ve got this, Tucson!

Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.

Tucson Edition

Innovation as described by Webster’s Dictionary as “the introduction of something new; a new idea, method or device”. What Webster’s doesn’t tell you is how innovation is the backbone of your company and how crucial it is to embrace innovation to strive and compete among others in the business world.

I am continually impressed with our community’s ability to innovate and make their expertise available to the masses using technology, so that we can limit person-to-person contact for a bit longer. On page 12, we’ve rounded up a few unique local offerings— available virtually.

© 2020 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.



t a time when many are talking about gratitude and blessings, I’m thinking often of innovation. We are currently in a time of forced innovation, which is truly remarkable to see. Amidst the uncertainty and the fear of COVID-19, we are rising to the occasion and coming up with solutions to help ourselves and each other.

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~Lao Tzu


HOMEBODY WORKOUTS Getting Fit Without a Gym


NaturalTucson.com ONLINE EXCLUSIVES Find additional articles online at NaturalTucson.com. Go to the homepage and explore local businesses, recipes and articles exclusively from Natural Awakenings.

Soothing Separation DAVID HAMILTON

on Kindness in the Pandemic Age


Help Kids Cope During Tough Times

Helping Anxious Dogs to Cope


eparation anxiety is a common canine problem, diagnosed in as many as 40 percent of dogs seen by veterinary behavioral specialists. When the dog is left alone, it may serenade the neighbors, soil the house or cause damage. Stories abound of unstuffed couches, dug-up floors, destroyed window coverings and dog injury from chewing out of a crate or trying to escape through windows... READ MORE ONLINE CHECK OUT OUR ONLINE CALENDAR TO SEE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN OUR COMMUNITY AND ADD YOUR OWN EVENTS!

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Cook up some goodness with NaturalTucson.com recipes

June 2020


news briefs

cover artist

Soak Alone or with Family at Santa Rita Springs


Sending Blessings


Lori Portka

former counselor and educator, fine artist Lori Portka delights in the favorite things that inspire her: nature, traveling, animals, yoga and friends. She lets her art pour out in boldly rendered images that burst from each canvas via saturated pastels, paints, chalks and inks to forge a visceral connection between artist and viewer. “I make artwork that is a reflection of gratitude and joy in the world,” says Portka, whose expressive works fulfill her mission of spreading happiness through art. A personal loss led Portka to begin painting again at 30-something for the first time since the tenth grade, a process she says has opened her heart even more deeply. Inspired by Australian photographer and filmmaker Hailey Bartholomew’s documentary, 365 Grateful, about living on the sunny side of life, Portka embarked upon her own project, A Hundred Thank-Yous, creating and giving away 100 paintings to 100 people that have touched her life, she says, “in a beautiful way.” “I feel like I am on the right path, doing what I am supposed to do,” she explains. “Art feels like home to me.”

anta Rita Springs would like to invite people to enjoy their pool in delicious solitude or shared with one or two family members or roommates to float, walk, do a water workout or simply swim in the warm, indoor, saltwater pool. At a reduced fee of $20 for a 90-minute session, the therapy pool is now available, following healthy pandemic guidelines, from Wednesday to Saturday, by appointment between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Santa Rita Springs’ usual classes are suspended right now because of social distancing, but the 96-degree water is such good medicine for our aching bodies and spirits. They decided to offer solo pool time to help our community de-stress and let go while we all struggle to stay well. They are washing off all surfaces people touch before and after each guest is there, and limiting pool use to two sessions per day. Staff will greet clients while wearing a mask. They ask that clients bring a bottle of drinking water, swimsuit and towel, and practice safe social distancing while entering the gate and pool house. Location: 2301 N. Santa Rita Ave., Tucson. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call or text 520-990-1857, email SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com or visit SantaRitaSprings.com. See ad, page 18.

‘Obsolete’ Computers Get New Life


or Don Gibbens, of GE Computing, one of the things that really bothers him in the computer field is obsolescence. “For example, Apple says that they will no longer make programs that a 2011 MacBook Pro can use. In other words, it is a doorstop,” says Gibbens. “What if we could make it over, and turn it into a working, up-to-date computer, that can be used for years to come?” Gibbens is passionate about helping clients reuse and recycle older computers to avoid unnecessary waste. GE Computing has been taking Mac computers from 2006 through 2012 or so and turning them into what they call “faux Macs”. They utilize the hardware and design and make it into a computer that is current and very useable. “You can’t use it like a Mac, because, after all, it can’t be Apple Updated. But it is a computer. You can use it for browsing the web, for writing—actually for anything you would have used it before for,” explains Gibbens. “It can even play games, and has a library of thousands of applications. It will act and feel more like a traditional non-Apple computer.” PCs can be updated, too. “We have been taking Windows computers from 2007 to the present and rebuilding them. Most, back to 2009, can have Windows 10 installed in them; they will just be a little slower than the ‘latest and greatest’,” says Gibbens. In addition, some netbooks can also be updated to remain useful. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gibbens has been reworking computers for students whose families do not own computers, and for those suddenly working from home. He will even take donations, clean them up and donate them to needy families. “If you have a computer that experts consider ‘obsolete’, it may be able to be fixed to give someone who can’t afford one, a new computer to use,” says Gibbens.

View the artist’s portfolio and follow her blog at LoriPortka.com. 8

Tucson Edition


For more information, call 520-332-1485, email Don@GEComputerRepair.com or visit GEComputerRepair.com. See ad, page 17.

A Lasting Touch Reopens with Discount Special


vette Dwornik with A Lasting Touch Salon has been offering permanent makeup services for over 20 years in the Tucson area. She has reopened A Lasting Touch and is now using all prescribed precautions in accordance with the COVID-19 pandemic. Dwornik is currently offering a special of $50 off any service. Dwornik offers powdered brows, micro-bladed brows (hair strokes), eyeliner, lip liner and full lip color. Taking her time, she consults with clients throughout each procedure and ensures they are comfortable and completely happy with their makeup. Dwornik uses a hand method versus a machine technique for all procedures, ensuring clients' comfort. Dwornik notes the differences between powdered and micro-bladed brows. Powdered brows can be done with a machine or hand tool in order to create an ombre look instead of individual hair strokes. Micro-bladed brows are done with hand-drawn hair strokes, using a hand tool dipped into pigment and delicately applied to skin as individual hair strokes. Micro-bladed brows typically need a touch-up every 12 to 18 months, while powdered brows, eyeliner and full lip color Ozone Therapy eral & Cosmetic Dentistry typically last 2 to 3 • years.

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June 2020


news briefs

Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. Partners with KnoWEwell Collaborative



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Tucson Edition

atural Awakenings Publishing Corp. (NAPC) is entering into a partnership with KnoWEwell, P.B.C., and is a founding patron of the KnoWEwell collaborative. “NAPC and KnoWEwell are perfectly mission aligned,” says Founder and Chief Executive Officer Kimberly Whittle. “Natural Awakenings’ well-researched, practical information about the latest natural approaches to nutrition, fitness, personal growth and sustainable living played a significant role in fueling the wellness revolution. We’re grateful to collaborate with them.” KnoWEwell is a 1% for the Planet company and received the Top 50 Healthcare Companies award from the International Forum on Advancements in Healthcare. Their purpose is to improve the health of humanity and the planet. “It’s one centralized, private, secure online platform to inspire and empower individuals with knowledge, evidenced-based resources and a ‘wholistic’ community to address the root causes of chronic diseases and achieve optimal health and well-being,” Whittle explains. “It’s a collaborative with personal and professional benefits for all in the ‘wholistic’ ecosystem: individuals, families, providers and organizations.” NAPC Chief Executive Officer Sharon Bruckman says, “Our Natural Awakenings family of 60 publishers is excited about the new resources and opportunities this partnership brings to our community of readers, providers and organizations. We are honored to be playing such a significant role in the launch and future growth of this incredibly sophisticated platform which will result in tremendous benefits to members.” For more information, visit NaturalTucson.com. See ad, page 15.


event spotlights

New Schedule for AZIANDS 2020-2021


he Arizona Chapter of the International Association for Near Death Studies (AZIANDS), a nonprofit organization for enabling near death and spiritually transformative experiences to be expressed, is changing its Guest Speaker Series schedule for this 2020-2021 season. This season, there will be three events that are online only, as well as four live events at St. Francis in the Foothills, in Tucson, which will also be streamed online. “As the world has changed, so has AZIANDS. We recognize webinars and live streaming are a great help to keep organizations going through social isolation,” says Sue Ann Christenson, Steering Committee Co-chair. “Yet, we realize too, there’s nothing like the energy of a live event and want to continue the opportunity to seea speakers live. We liken this to going to a symphony or concert; the experience is enhanced with kindred spirits and the energy of the audience. We are excited to bring new and local voices to be heard and share their unique experiences.” AZIANDS Guest Speaker Series takes place on the second Friday of each month. This season’s events will be held: October 9 (online only), November 13 (live and online), December 11 (online only), and in 2021, January 8 (live and online), February 12 (online only), March 12 (live and online) and April 8 (live and online). All online event participants must register through IANDS Sharing Group Online at isgo.iands.org. For more information, call 619-857-5744, email SueAnn5455@yahoo.com or visit aziands.org.

Singer-Songwriter Bob Sima Joins Online Sunday Service


enter for Spiritual Living Tucson is delighted to announce that prolific singer-songwriter Bob Sima will be joining their online Sunday service on June 14, in CSL Tucson’s Zoom room, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sima has a catalog of nine albums and is becoming a worldwide messenger through his music. He is more influenced by Gandhi than Dylan, and more at ease sharing the stage with Marianne Williamson than Sting. As a songwriter, Sima has won a laundry Bob Sima list of awards in multiple genres and music markets, yet his music is genre-less. His music has graced such varied stages as the Kennedy Center and Turning Point Recovery Center. Sima’s superpower is an unbridled desire to articulate a path of awakening to the heart of humanity through his songs. This music is not for the passive listener, but for those willing to engage with life more fully. According to the Americana Community Music Association, “Bob is picking up where John Lennon left off.” Marianne Williamson, author and activist, says, “Everyone needs to hear Bob’s song ‘Be the Change’; it’s a very important song for these times.” Contact Admin@TucsonCSL.org for the link to the Zoom room. Even those without smart phones can join the call and listen. For more information, call 520-319-1042, email Admin@TucsonCSL.org or visit TucsonCSL.org. See ad, page 17. June 2020


work to people in many parts of the world for many years, so this approach is not new for him. Both in-person and long-distance sessions work very well for clients. White’s own path of growth and healing informs his work with others, and also provides a sense of “I’ve been there, too, so I relate to what you’re dealing with.” As always, a free, no-obligation-to-continue consultation is offered. (520-319-9132, Bill@TheHealthyCouple.com, TheHealthyCouple.com)

event spotlights

Meditation and Learning from Loss

K Local Businesses Offer Helpful Virtual Services


hile we’re all still doing our best to avoid the unnecessary spread of COVID-19 by socially distancing as much as possible, many of our local businesses are making this difficult time easier by offering programs, workshops and other services virtually. Their efforts are much appreciated, and ensure that we continue to connect with our healthy living community in a safe and responsible way. These are just a few of the current online-only options available at the moment. We encourage all to check with your

favorite local businesses to see what they’re doing to stay connected with Tucson during COVID.

Relationships and Communication

B Bill White

ill White, MA, Relationship and Communication Specialist at Healthy Couples, is offering his relationship and communication work by phone or video calls. White has been offering long-distance

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Tucson Edition


adampa Meditation Center Arizona’s June workshop, “Learning from Loss” with Buddhist monk and Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Texas, Gen Kelsang Menla, will be held online on June 27, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Researchers have found that meditation improves memory, enhances brain response time and improves emotional regulation. Meditation transforms our mind from negative to positive, from painful to peaceful. “For centuries, Buddhist masters have explained that the true cause of happiness is a peaceful mind. How do we transform our mind from a distracted or unhappy state into one that is peaceful, positive and focused?” says Michele Thorsen, Administrative Director at Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona. “Meditating for 10 to 15 minutes a day can strengthen our mind and transform our painful emotions.”


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Inspired by the teachings of Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, fullyaccomplished meditation master and internationally-renowned teacher of Buddhism, Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona offers meditation classes for everyone, regardless of level or experience. Currently, all of their classes are online. Check website for registration information. (520-441-1617, AD@MeditationInTucson. org, MeditationInTucson.org)

Nutritional Deficiency Energy Scan


eidi Often, owner of Vitality Energy Wellness, is currently offering a free nutritional deficiency energy scan for new clients to help them understand the kind of information we Heidi Often can gather in the energy field of our bodies. Often says this is ideal for those who are interested in maintaining good health. She can usually shed some light on the situation for those who have fallen through the cracks and can’t get answers to their health challenges. “The information they will receive goes well beyond blood tests or imaging studies,” says Often. “This is bio-resonance scanning of the body’s energy field. We can see weakness and dis-resonance in the en-

ergy field that may correlate to symptoms. The body is energy and energy scanning can pick up on these imbalances. It is a very effective way of looking at the body and helping it heal.” (520-310-7115, VitalityEnergyWellness@yahoo.com, VitalityEnergyWellness.com)

Inner Peace Yoga Therapy

Painting Workshops


viva Gold, founder and facilitator at Painting From The Source (PFTS), is offering two online painting workshops, June 13 and 18. At this time of social distancAviva Gold ing, people can enjoy the healing and transformation of painting with a group while in the safety of their own home. “You can have a transformational experience painting in the safety of your home wherever you live by joining a Zoom Painting From The Source workshop,” says Gold. One-day workshops and ongoing Tuesday three-hour sessions are available. This the first time that Gold has offered workshops on Zoom conferencing and first time PFTS is offered for one-day or threehour sessions, as typical workshops are always in person and a full week of five days. (520-447-7570, Aviva@PaintingFromThe Source.com, PaintingFromTheSource.com)


elina Harris, Yoga Instructor and Yoga Therapist-in-Training at Sentient Yoga, is also a dental hygienist who works individually with dental professionals to reduce strain in the body and to reduce stress overall. Private lessons are currently available online via Zoom. Studio appointments should be available soon in her newly decorated, exceptionally clean, private studio located in the heart of Tucson. Through Inner Peace Yoga Therapy, Harris has learned to address specific issues like anxiety and depression. Whether working through physical movement or breath work, she helps guide the body and mind back to restoration. As we all adjust to a new way of going back to work, Harris intimately understands the needs of dentists and dental hygienists. As a dental hygienist, she addresses the additional stress on physical bodies and minds. Learn techniques to increase peace, serenity and improved overall well-being. (520-406-2029, Selina@ SentientAZYoga.com, SentientAZYoga.com)

June 2020


health briefs

Ozone Therapy for Strengthening the Immune System


zone therapy has been extensively researched in Europe and Cuba for the last 60 years. Millions of treatments have been performed with a higher safety record than aspirin. The idea of giving oxygen as a medical treatment has also been around for years. According to Arthur C. Guyton, MD, “All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level.” Yes, we breathe air that has oxygen in it, but when that air is analyzed, it is found that the greater contents of air is particles of pollutants and nitrogen. Since the industrial revolution, the content of oxygen in our air has gone down to as low as 10 percent in highly industrialized areas. Our bodies need oxygen to metabolize our diet, as well as to run every cell in our body. But how do we increase our oxygen intake? There are some products on the market to take orally, however doing Ozone as an IV has a much greater impact on the whole body. Cellular health is stimulated, energy increases, stamina returns and healing begins or continues throughout the body as the effect lasts for weeks. Ozone works by stimulating the body toward balance or homeostasis when it is given intravenously. It also increases the body’s natural antioxidant production, enhances oxygen metabolism and modulates the immune system. Thus, our metabolism works better, and viruses, bacteria and fungus die off, inflammation goes down, pains and discomforts decrease and one feels better. Patients also report improved mental clarity as their brain fog decreases. Using ultraviolet light (UVB) therapies together with Ozone as an IV treatment offers patients a greater impact toward overall health. UVB has been available and professionally researched for the last 100-plus years, yet, once antibiotics were introduced, less doctors used this proven therapy. It also is a bit more time consuming and is not considered a lucrative business in the modern mainstream medical office. However, UVB has proven to increase healthy red and white cells, normalize fibrinolysis (clotting factors) and can increase the bactericidal capacity of blood. So, alone or together with Ozone, a person can get multiple benefits by using this therapy on a regular basis. At Transformational Medicine, Dr. DeeAnn Grimes Saber, NMD with Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN have a combined history of helping folks heal with Ozone and UVB therapies for 35 years. Connect at 520-2091755, DeeAnn@TFMND.com or tfmnd.com. See ad, page 3.

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Tucson Edition


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Accessing Our Own Ability to Heal


e all have the ability to heal, to channel healing energy to ourselves and others. There are a large number of energetic practices, modalities and energy aids that can assist us in doing so. Certainly study and certification can increase our capacity for healing, but the Universe is one of allowing, where intent will help us to begin to develop our abilities. Man’s ability to heal goes far back to when there was no field of medicine. Many religions contain references to the gift of healing, to God and other Supreme Beings empowering man to heal others. Medical science is now opening to alternative or complementary practices and scientists and physicians are now acknowledging that energy and frequency can both cause and heal disease and emotional imbalance. They understand the importance of visioning in the healing process, learning that images can change molecular structure. There are many methods of healing, and essential to all is belief and intent. We all know the wonderfulness of a gentle, loving touch. We can envision white light coming through our crown chakra into our heart, traveling to and through the arms and coming through the palms of our hands—and direct it to ourselves or another. If it is our intent to give healing energy, we will. Modalities such as Reiki, though, do enable one to heal others dramatically. Judy Ferrig, M.S. is a Reiki Master Teacher at Open Pathways Energy Healing and Animal Communication. Connect at 520-245-4214, JudyFerrig@comcast.net or OpenPathways-EnergyandCommunication. com. See ad, page 19.





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Good News and Effective Therapies in the Pipeline by Lance J. Morris


t the printing of my April article, in the U.S. there were 761 cases of COVID-19 and 27 deaths. This represents a positivity rate of 3.5 percent. As of this writing on May 8, 2020, there are now over 1.3 million cases and almost 80,000 deaths. This represents a positivity rate of 6.1 percent. While monitoring the progress of this virus, an interesting phenomenon has been observed, relative to statistical reporting from various self-proclaimed authorities. There seems to be both a pattern of overand under-estimating. The various reporting sources are using actual and factual numbers to support these estimates. How do we as citizens know how to differentiate what the truth really is?

Errors in Early Estimates The key is to understand the difference between the positivity rate and the prevalence rate. To determine the positivity rate, we calculate the percentage of deaths relative to the number of positive confirmed tests at a specific time. Those numbers are accurate and are given in the first paragraph of this article. Comparing these numbers to those from my April article, in which China and the World Health Organization had projected 3.4 and 5 percent, respectively, it looks as if we are on approximately the same trajectory. At 6.1 percent of the U.S. popula16

Tucson Edition

tion of 330 million, that would mean a death rate of about 20 million. Although these numbers are calculated correctly, they are wrong and vastly overestimated. The reason has to do with the difference between positivity and prevalence rate. The prevalence rate is the actual number of deaths as a percentage of the total population of the U.S. For clarity, this number can only be correctly calculated when an epidemic is completely over. So, what has been happening is that different reporting sources are extrapolating different potential prevalence numbers, based on different positivity calculations, then not sharing the details of their number sources or the real significance of the data. In the U.S. currently, we have still only tested about 2.5 percent of the population, or 8.5 million. The more tests we actually do, the closer to and more realistic a prevalence percent we reach. Not only are we way behind the eight-ball relative to testing, but there is a significant complicating factor. The reliability and accuracy of our current tests is suspect. Some sources have suggested that the false positive rate may be as high as 80 percent. If true, then all of our calculations are seriously flawed. Now, let’s look at the basis for the underestimates. If we take the current 80,000 death rate and calculate this as a percentage of the total U.S. population of 330 million, that number is .024 percent. Currently, this is still a positivity percentage and not the actual


prevalence percentage. Both sides reporting data about the meaning of the current death rate in the U.S. are choosing to use the opposite numerical extremes for their calculations and not clarifying to the American people the bias these numbers represent. They are both only statistical possibilities—and not reality. There does seem to be a consensus in the medical and scientific community that the number of infected individuals with COVID-19 is probably much higher than our current tests reflect. There has also been a consensus from the onset that most infected individuals, 80 percent or more, will be completely asymptomatic or only exhibit mild symptoms. Some physicians have speculated that the current evidence is leading to the conclusion of “millions and millions of positives, but very few deaths”. The more tests we do, the more this seems to be holding up. The good news is that these lower speculations are probably more accurate than those on the higher end.

Effective Therapies Additional great news is that more and more naturopathic, holistic, integrative and functional physicians have had the opportunity to treat COVID-19-positive patients, and they’re learning some therapies can be effective against the illness. First, let’s talk about some scientific information evolving about COVID-19. This virus seems to attack hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the blood’s carrier of oxygen. The virus displaces iron, causing an increase in inflammatory oxidative damage in the lungs, leading to methemoglobinemia. The oxygen is still present, but the body loses the ability to distribute it where it is needed. Evidence for this plausible theory of methemoglobinemia has been seen in hospitals with pulse oximetry testing. This is a simple finger device used for all hospital patients to monitor blood oxygen levels. Healthy individuals normally have pulse ox levels between 94 and 100 percent. COVID-19 patients commonly have pulse ox levels around 75 percent, or even as low as 50 percent. At these levels, most patients are highly symptomatic or even unconscious. At 75 percent oxygen profusion, many COVID-19 patients seem and act completely normal. COVID patients, in this situation, are very fragile and quickly develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

ARDS is often quickly followed by what is referred to as a cytokine storm. This is induced by a series of powerful pro-inflammatory modulators that then cause organ system failures—from lung, to heart, to kidneys, leading to death. One of many inflammatory mediators is called NLRP3, which is directly linked to a decrease in melatonin. A powerful hormone, melatonin naturally occurs in much higher concentrations in children, below 9 years of age and has been speculated as one of the primary reasons that children are not as susceptible to the ravages of COVID. As such, one additional preventive measure is to add 3-5 mg of melatonin daily at bedtime for adults. One of the primary treatments for methemoglobinemia is using pharmaceutical grade methylene-blue. This can be used intravenously (IV) or in a nebulizer. Alternative medical practitioners have discovered that by using bioluminescence (light) in the 550-700 nm range, it seems to activate and potentiate the efficacy of the methylene-blue. The methylene-blue seems to have five modes of action: it displaces methemoglobin, restoring normal oxygen levels; the bio-luminescence activation kills viruses; it increases pH, inducing an alkaline environment (COVID-19 is acid dependent); it is an oxidant to viruses; and it reduces inflammatory modulators like IL6, TNF-alpha and NLRP3 to block cytokine storms. Early clinical studies are seeing oxygen levels and respiratory function reverting to normal, even in the first treatment. As of the printing of this article, the Canadian government is about to engage in a clinical trial using nebulized methyleneblue with COVID-19 patients. Stay tuned. The tide is about to turn.

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This article is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The recommendations are for educational purposes only. Application of products like methylene-blue or IV vitamin C must be administered by licensed medical professionals. Patients with G6PD deficiency cannot safely use these therapies and must be tested by a physician first.

Dr. Lance J. Morris’s Tucson clinic is currently open and he is seeing patients at the office, as well as offering telemedicine for patients anywhere. His office is located at 2310 N. Wyatt Dr., Tucson. Connect at 520-322-8122. See ad, page 10. June 2020




Mental Relief

Mindfulness Training May Reduce Paranoia In news that may be useful for people dealing with the stress of the global pandemic, researchers from the University of London have found that just one week of practicing mindfulness—moment-to-moment awareness—reduces feelings of paranoia. The research, published in the journal Mindfulness, was based on questionnaires of 494 people, enabling researchers to find a correlation between paranoia and judgemental thinking. They found that higher levels of nonjudgement predicted lower levels of paranoia, even in individuals that had a predisposition for it. Then, 68 people were selected and divided into two groups: one that was asked to go through a prerecorded, guided mindfulness session once per day, and one that acted as a control. The session consisted of a quick body scan, mindful breathing and awareness exercises. The results showed a drop in judgmental thinking and paranoia in the mindfulness group.

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Fathers Know Best


by Neal Allen

ads, lighten up. Yes, all dads project their own fears and hopes on their children. If Dad dreamed of becoming a first baseman for the Yankees, he’ll push Johnny into baseball, ignoring his son’s preference for woodworking. If Dad harbored hopes of being the next Hemingway, he’ll praise Mary’s poetry, and maybe skip a few of her tedious soccer games. Those are the facts, ma’am. Dads have a habit of imposing their own success goals on their kids. It’s not built into fatherhood to let kids willy-nilly develop their own talents and dreams. Does that ruin the kids? Who knows? It happens in just about every family, so good luck finding a control group for the experiment. There may be no hope for the kids, but how about the dads? What might happen if they notice this odd behavior and how might that lighten their own loads? Most of us dads, most of the time, initially take on the responsibility of fatherhood—income, protection, education—with drive and purpose. We make compromises with our pre-dad selves. The sports car gets traded in for a minivan. Playing guitar becomes a hobby, not a professional goal. We sign on at the warehouse. New dads around the country are making these changes every day, and mostly with alacrity. It’s later, when the perfect infant becomes the complaining toddler or

rejecting teenager, that the vexing notion arises that another life could have been lived. This form of nostalgia—for what never came—is bitter. The word “nostalgia”, after all, comes from the Greek for “the pain of going home”. But by seeing himself project his dreams on his children, a father can also see how he’s holding onto a suspect belief that another life would have been better. With maturity, a dad can revisit his adolescent dreams; not nostalgically, but with the wisdom that comes with age. Did I really have a chance at the Yankees? Be real. Weren’t there two guys in high school alone who had more talent? Asking these questions, a father might even notice that no one in the family measures his worth in worldly achievements. A dad is best remembered in his capacity for love, kindness, forgiveness, everyday strength and friendliness. Your child may know you’re a master carpenter. But what she remembers is that day when you gently showed her the right way to hold a hammer. Neal Allen is a spiritual coach and author who shares seven children, step-children and grandchildren with his wife, writer Anne Lamott. His book on a new path to personal freedom will be released by Hierophant Publishers in spring 2021. For more information, visit ShapesOfTruth.com. June 2020


POWER UP YOUR BRAIN Six Ways to Boost Blood Flow by Ronica O’Hara

meat for soy and fish protein, eating antioxidant-rich produce such as pomegranate, blueberries, spinach and kale, and consuming lots of nitrate-rich food like celery and leafy greens which are converted to NO in the body. He especially recommends beets—one study reported that in juice form, it increases nitric oxide levels by 21 percent in 45 minutes—as well as dark chocolate. In a Harvard study, older people that drank two cups of hot chocolate a day for 30 days had improved blood flow to the brain and better memory.


Take amino acid supplements. “Consuming supple-

ments containing both L-arginine and L-citrulline are welldocumented to boost the production of endothelium-derived NO,” says Ignarro. “Adding antioxidants to the amino acid mix provides added benefit by increasing NO levels.” He recommends pomegranate extract, cocoa flavonols and omega-3 supplements.


Move the body. Fast walking, running, cycling, swimming,

ball playing, weight lifting and yoga all help improve cranial blood flow, says Ignarro: “Physical activity stimulates the production of NO in all arteries, including those in the brain.” In one study, women over 60 that walked for 30 to 50 minutes three or four times a week increased ongoing cranial blood flow up to 15 percent. Yoga exercises like downward dog and shoulder stands also raise blood flow in the head.


ur brain has many well-known structures like the amygdala that detects danger and the prefrontal cortex that enables planning, but we often take for granted the 400 miles of blood vessels that push through a liter of blood per minute, carrying in oxygen and nutrients, and porting out wastes. “Our brains are highly metabolic organs, so they require lots of nutrients and oxygen to function properly, and those can only get to our brain when we have good blood flow,” says naturopathic physician Emilie Wilson, of the Synergy Wellness Center, in Prescott, Arizona. When that blood flow is optimal, we feel energized and clear-headed; when it’s low, we feel foggy and listless. Low levels of cranial blood flow have been linked in brain imaging studies to strokes and dementia, as well as bipolar disorder, depression and suicidal tendencies. The first imperative for healthy cranial blood flow is to make sure our blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol numbers are in a healthy range. Health practitioners can help us address that, as well as the conditions linked to reduced blood flow—heart disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes, anemia, depression and smoking. To boost brain blood flow, specific lifestyle strategies have proven to be highly effective:


Eat strategically, especially beets and chocolate.

Nitric oxide (NO) is made in the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that line blood vessels; it relaxes the inner muscles of those vessels, maximizing blood flow. “The continuous formation of NO in the brain is essential to life,” says prominent pharmacologist Louis Ignarro, Ph.D., who received the Nobel Prize in Science in 1998 for discovering that humans produce NO and that it lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. He advocates passing up


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Play music. Research using functional magnetic resonance imaging published in Scientific Reports found that blood flow in the brain increases when people listen to music they love, whether it’s Mozart or Eminem. In a recent study, Weightless, a song written by the British group Macaroni Union along with sound therapists, reduced participants’ anxiety levels by 65 percent and physiological resting rates by 35 percent.


Do a chanting meditation. Kirtan Kriya, a 12-minute

daily meditation that includes chanting, finger movements and visualization, “has been researched for over 18 years and has documented benefits in increasing blood flow to the brain,” says Krystal Culler, senior Atlantic fellow with the Global Brain Health Institute, in San Francisco and Ireland. YouTube offers several versions, as does the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (Tinyurl.com/12MinuteYogaMeditation).


Consider acupuncture and craniosacral therapy.

“Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to boost blood flow, and it can also relax tense muscles in the neck and head, which can impair blood flow more than we realize,” says Wilson. She also recommends the gentle, hands-on-head approach of craniosacral therapy: “It can directly improve blood flow by removing restrictions, and it can also rebalance sympathetic and parasympathetic functions, which has beneficial effects on our nervous system and on blood flow.” Ronica O’Hara is a Denver-based health writer. Connect at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.


healing ways

All-Natural Brain Health by Mack Atkinson


o one wants to increase their mental focus, memory or mental clarity with stimulants or artificial ingredients that could leave them agitated, cause an energy crash or interfere with sleep. Consider instead an allnatural approach and the benefits of these regenerative, all-natural herbs and organic compounds. Chinese Club Moss: A traditional Chinese herb that contains huperzine A, a naturally occurring alkaloid that may benefit cognitive function. Ginkgo Biloba: This plant contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids, compounds known for their strong antioxidant effects, which may include neuroprotective benefits. Natural Choline: This natural choline compound, L-Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine, supports the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholines, which has been shown to support learning, focus and memory. Vitamin B9 & Vitamin B12: Vitamin B9, or folate, is believed to slow age-related cognitive and memory decline, while vitamin B12 helps in the production of neurotransmitters, which relay messages in the nervous system and brain. Phospholipids: Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid that covers and protects the cells in the brain and carries messages between them. It plays an important role in keeping the mind and memory sharp. These natural compounds, properly formulated, create a truly unique product that promotes the production of and allows the transmission of acetylcholine across the bloodbrain barrier. Acetylcholine is an organic chemical that functions in the brain and body of many types of animals as a neurotransmitter—a chemical message released by nerve cells to send signals to other cells, such as neurons, muscle cells and gland cells. For more information on where to find these herbs, organic compounds and the regenerative, all-natural food they can be found in, call Mack Atkinson at 520-744-2566, email Omi1World@aol.com or visit HerbalWholeFoods.com. See ad, page 32.


Brain Support in Crazy Times


e have all suffered some unbelievable changes in our lives lately. It has been stressful, apprehensive and downright scary. Emotionally and physically, it takes a toll on our brains. What do we do? What can we do? To understand, let’s learn some basics. The brain needs two things: activation and fuel. Activation comes from many things, such as exercise, brain games, art, music, sports, yoga and more. Sight, sounds, movement, problem solving, laughter and more create brain cell metabolic activity. Fuel is our food and nutrition. A low inflammatory diet, adequate protein and essential fatty acids are minimum brain requirements. Nutritionally, we can find increased production of nitric oxide from consumption of beets, broccoli seeds and alpha lipoic acid. So in crazy times, it’s time to get crazy. We must activate our brain and feed it. Most of all, be thankful and patient.

To the healthcare professionals who are risking their lives during this epidemic, thank you for fighting COVID-19 on the front lines.

Nathan S. Conlee, D.C., practices at Performance Neurology, at Winterhaven Health Center, 3020 N. Country Club Rd., Tucson. Connect at 520-322-6161 or PerformanceNeurology.com. See ad, page 25. June 2020


Thinking Twice About Return to Play After Sports Concussion by Carol L. Henricks


t has become clear in the neurological literature that symptom resolution after a concussion does not equal brain recovery. This is concerning in children because it affects future brain health and development. Deciding when a child can play a contact sport again is not a trivial decision. Current screening misses many of the less severe concussions. Recovery of the ability to function in our life does not guarantee that there has been biological healing of our brain. A concussion injury is caused by violent shaking of the brain and is a complex injury causing injury to blood vessels, structural intra-neuronal microtubules and the myelin (the fatty coating around brain cells) and other changes.


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Imaging that depends on the MRI changes seen in myelin (diffusivity of water which reflects post-traumatic changes) are the most useful in demonstrating post-concussion changes. A brain MRI-DTI with tractograms is a good choice. Supportive diagnostic data/functional testing can come from the RightEye test of visual information processing and objective balance assessment can be done with sophisticated vestibular balance testing. Residual injury to the frontal lobe of the brain may cause the person to make poor decisions or have emotional instability. Residual injury to the temporal lobe of the brain can affect memory. Parietal lobe damage can cause problems with reality testing. Occipital lobe injury affects visual information processing. Concussion in children and adults carries a risk for future dementia, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. A neurologist is trained to ask all patients, “Have you ever had a concussion?” rather than “Have you recently had a concussion?” Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the only treatment that has ever been demonstrated to create healing of a brain injury condition. Nutrient optimization, energy therapies and retraining exercises are all supportive adjunctive modalities. Return to play is a serious decision; the long-term consequences can be life changing. Carol L. Henricks, MD practices at NorthStar Hyperbarics, located at 7598 N. La Cholla Blvd., Tucson. Connect at 520-229-1238 or NorthStarHBOT.com.

Transformative Staycations

Finding Respite and Adventure Close to Home



taycations—sticking close to home for new travel experiences—was a growing trend even before the COVID-19 pandemic turned it into a practical necessity for many of us. Staycations reduce costs, minimize travel time and also lower our carbon footprint by eliminating international travel. Happily, they don’t reduce the pure pleasure of finding new adventures, exploring untrammeled nature, seeing the familiar with fresh eyes and meeting people from all walks of life. All of that is close at hand, and especially when compared to foreign jaunts, the price is right. A good place to start is by checking out state and regional parks, often overlooked gems offering scenic miles of trails for hiking, biking, birding, fishing, picnicking and other activities. “Whether mountains, prairies, rivers, forests in the country or heart of the city, there is always a state park waiting to welcome you, no matter what kind of recreation you enjoy,” says Jason Clay, spokesperson with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. In Colorado parks, people can, for example, river raft in the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area; boat, fish and hammock camp in

by April Thompson Jackson Lake State Park; and rock climb in Eldorado Canyon. Parks can be discovered and trail maps downloaded by visiting TrailLink.com, run by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. It provides searches for nearby trails using parameters such as distance, types of activity and wheelchair accessibility. Its smartphone TrailLink app is free to download and $30 per year for unlimited customized use. State, local and regional parks across the country offer rich educational opportunities for kids and adults alike, including naturalist-guided activities, bird and botany walks, lessons in local history, ecology and geography, and more. Several states offer free admission to all state-run parks, including Hawaii, Tennessee and Illinois. State-by-state listings of fees and policies can be found at Tinyurl.com/StateParkPasses.

Making a Quick Getaway

Weekend forays into natural and rustic settings can be ideal escape valves for people needing a simple, quick change of venue. Camping, of course, is always an option, but for those that want to be in na-

ture in a more comfy fashion, using “cabin” as a search word works well in websites like Airbnb.com and TripAdvisor.com. The option of glamping—or glamorous camping—offers surprisingly luxurious stays outdoors in tents, pods and domes; check out Glamping.com. Getaway.House offers woodsy outposts in 10 locations equipped with “tiny house” cabins around the country designed for quick escapes from cities. “If you were at your desk in need of an escape, you could cut out early and be there by 6 p.m.,” says Vice President of Marketing Rachel Mansfield. The private experience, with no check-in desk or communal areas, enables it to continue operating safely during the pandemic. The cabins, designed to blend in with their natural surroundings, are equipped with food for purchase, stove, books, radio, firewood, fire pit and Adirondack chairs, as well as a map for local hikes and adventures. “I did a getaway at a point in my life where I wanted some time alone, away from commitments, to figure out what my next chapter in life was going to be,” says Paige Conner Totaro, of Alexandria,

June 2020


Local-led excursions are another way to see our home turf through a new lens. Airbnb Experiences, offered virtually everywhere that Airbnb lists lodging, are one-of-a-kind tours and classes designed and hosted by locals with unique expertise. Experiences run the gamut from neighborhood tours on foot or bikes with athletes to museum tours led by local artists or art historians. Many include a hands-on learning component, like how to make mosaics in a community art space or cook a local delicacy from a family recipe. Similar tours and experiences can be found on TripAdvisor’s Things To Do listings. WithLocals.com, whose mission is “to break down the barriers between travelers and locals worldwide,” also offers foodie fun and off-beat adventures. Kelly Kniewel stumbled onto tour guiding after experiencing burnout in her previous career in the beverage industry. An Airbnb Experiences host, Kniewel now leads small group tours of Chicago, introducing locals and visitors alike to many of its little-known facets. “I’ve fallen in love with my city all over again doing these tours,” says Kniewel, a selfproclaimed history geek. 24

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Hosting travelers can bring new meaning to a staycation, offering a rich opportunity for crosscultural exchange without any exchange of currency. The popular CouchSurfing.com connects travelers with locals offering free use of a couch, air mattress or spare bedroom. Available in more than 200,000 cities worldwide, it has 14 million members and sponsors local language exchanges, dance classes, hikes and dinners, so there are opportunities to make new friends and have new experiences even without offering a place to sleep. (During COVID-19 restrictions, these activities were moved online.) Similar organizations that offer


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Local Attraction

Traveling the World Without Leaving Home

opportunities for local hosting (including low- or no-cost lodging) include Servas.org, established in 1949, which stresses world peace and cultural exchange, and preinterviews potential guests and hosts to ensure safety; GlobalFreeloaders.com, a free registry for hosts and guests that do their own online screening and matching; and EvergreenClub.com, in which hosts provide a bed-and-breakfast homestay for travelers over age 50 for $20 a night. An exciting option for homeowners is HomeExchange. com, a $150-a-year service that allows people in far-flung places to switch homes, either directly or through a staggered point system so they can truly live like locals. John Fackenthal, of Rockville, Maryland, has hosted more than 100 couchsurfers from 29 countries, and loved every experience. “I had a big apartment in the heart of Washington, D.C., when I first started hosting, but lived alone and felt a little isolated. I wanted to bring back the youth hostel feel from travels in my younger days, where you’d hang out with fellow travelers and go hiking, share a meal or play cards,” he says. A web developer, he recalls such memorable guests as a carpenter in his 60s from the Pacific Northwest that helped him with fixer-upper projects, a pair of pro volleyball players from the Czech Republic and two young women from China that prepared him a massive traditional Chinese feast “with all four burners going,” he says. “It’s restored my faith in humanity. I’ve encountered nothing but wonderful people, all with such different personalities and backgrounds.”

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Virginia, the founder of Unquote Travel, a web-based tour agency focusing on small group, off-the-beaten-track adventures. “You can change your environment without going very far, and that in turn can change the way you think about things. Little things like sleeping on the other side of the bed can help you shake up your brain.”

She loves to take guests inside Art Deco and Beaux Arts buildings they may have passed before without realizing the gorgeous art and architecture that exists inside, such as the library-turned-cultural center, Chicago Cultural Center, boasting two impressive glass domes, one designed by Tiffany Glass. Another favorite excursion is taking guests on a water taxi tour. “It’s a cheap and unique way to see Chicago. The water, both the Chicago River and Lake Michigan, is so much a part of who we are as a city.” During the limitations imposed during the COVID-19 period, Airbnb and other websites began offering experiences online, allowing people from all over the world to connect and make pastries with a Swedish baker, draw with a Mexican cartoonist, learn about apartheid from a South African or experience a day in the life of an American Olympic bobsledder.

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Be a Weekend Farmer

Agrotourism, in which working farms open the barn doors to visitors for day or overnight trips, has the added advantage of supporting local agriculture. AgritourismWorld. com and FarmStayUS.com provide listings for farm stays worldwide searchable by type, such as Christmas tree farm, vineyard, orchard, dude ranch or alpaca farm. The 40-acre Taos Goji Farm and Eco-Lodge Retreat, in Taos, New Mexico, is one such venue. “My husband and I returned to the land nine years ago after many years working as professionals in stuffy offices. The farm has been developed for our family and others who wish to be close to nature and to live off of the land,” says co-owner Elizabeth vom Dorp. The farm is open for paid guests, as well as to the volunteers known as “Wwoofers” that come through Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms to help raise goji berries, fruits, vegetables and free-range chickens. All cabins date from the early 1900s, including an old

dairy barn converted into a duplex and five sheep herder cabins. The farm is surrounded by a national forest, so many guests visit to enjoy hiking, biking, fishing, rafting and ballooning. “Families with children love to come and pick berries, collect eggs and pet the animals. We have rescue alpacas, sheep, goats, chickens and turkeys,” says vom Dorp. While the world may still be at the mercy of unfortunate circumstances this

summer, travel is ultimately a state of mind. By staying open, curious and present, there are always new encounters and discoveries underfoot very close to home. Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.

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Interior Levesque Camper

The Unique Freedom of RV Living by Tavi Meketon


or every camper, trailer or recreational vehicle on the road, you will find a completely different reason for the occupants’ journey. Many have been contemplating life on the road for decades and some are “called” to a higher purpose or non-traditional lifestyle. Whatever their motivation, most share the love of hitting the trail and the endless possibilities. As Boomers retire and young people can consider a job that replaces four walls

with hot spots, jetpacks and a “gig” economy, RVs and other forms of transient housing have exploded. In addition to the demographic trends for a population that has spent years collecting “stuff ”, the opportunity to shed some weight and focus on a downsized existence is also appealing to many. This year, the United States Census Bureau will hire 14,000 employees to find and count the more than 1 million American citizens whose house has wheels or sits on the water. According to The Wandering RV, 2020 is predicted to return to growth with new record high sales of RVs, campers and trailers. Kay Levesque took her family of five on the road in 2012 (Love2Hope.com). She and her husband sold their home and committed to travel the country, hoping to

Sue and Jack Shuckhart 26

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raise awareness of human trafficking and related social injustices in order to connect individuals with tangible ways to make a difference. The Levesques intentionally simplified their lives and set out over the next two years in a 40-foot toy hauler, where they homeschooled three children and pursued their goal to educate America and make a difference. Levesque shared that the adventures, family enrichment and overall experience were something she will never forget and that living with fewer possessions was enlightening. “We can do more as a people when we are not bound to material things, and it is immediately apparent how very little we really need.” The biggest piece of advice she has for those who are considering some time on the road, or anything they have dreamed about, is, “Waiting for the day ‘when’ is not the way to live our lives. Today is the day to do it.” Paul Martin is considered a “fulltimer” and is on his third iteration of life on the road—setting out originally as a “hippy” who relished the freedom, independence and constant change it brought to his environment (Paujomar.com). Martin left for the second time to travel up and down both coasts with a girlfriend, and then finally a third time to stay on the road in his 30-foot airstream for the last eight years, as he travels to various destinations playing music and meeting new friends all over the country. He is a member of a Singles RV Club comprised of other single travelers who stay in touch and plan to see each other as often as possible. “Loners on Wheels” is one such website that allows full- and part-time travelers to share resources and friendships, no matter where they live or how often they travel. “In my mind, this full-time RVing lifestyle is one of the best ways to live free and independent. The feeling of traveling down the road as the sun peaks over the horizon, with my house on wheels and everything I need or want, heading to a new location, is so wonderfully exhilarating,” enthuses Martin. “I meet new people and make

Levesque Camper

The Levesque Family; Sean, Kay, Conner (16), Renae (13), Caden (11) of Love2Hope official retirement and included four of their dear friends on the journey. The “six pack” worked together by assigning research projects in an effort to prepare for this journey of a lifetime. These friends bought three matching motorhomes and used a democratic approach to identifying destinations and activities. “We had enough people to make it interesting, yet it was small enough to plan and have backup. It can be scary traveling in unchartered territory,” says Sue. “The best part is traveling with friends who have your back.” For Shuckhart, she realized that life on the road gave her more clarity about what was really important to her. When traveling in a small space with another human being, you must decide what is important and what you can let go. The “little stuff ” just doesn’t matter. Although their 36-footers and the “dinghy” or car they towed on the

Photos by Jeff Bowers

new friends everywhere I travel. I usually get gigs at restaurants or pubs along the way, and I love to play for RV groups when we gather together. I can choose the desert, the mountains, a lake, the ocean, a city, a small town or out in the middle of nowhere, and be perfectly happy.” Martin also wants to share with the readers that it is very important to be flexible. “Things break down,” he says, but it can be fixed and it’s a great feeling not relying on anyone or anything for survival. Independence naturally breeds confidence and confidence supports growth as individuals. The stereotypical RVer is often seen as a retired individual who has worked for years and is now free to go and do as they please. There are thousands of Over 55 communities in the southwest that are especially for these travelers to experience comfort and adventure on the road with others who have similar interests. Sue and Jack Shuckhart spent 12 years on the road, wintering in Phoenix for five months and out on the trail for the other seven (JSShuckhart.us). They began planning their adventures two years before

Paul Martin Performing in the Desert

back seemed like a lot of space, one cannot underestimate when traveling with another person how important it is to have room—if the budget can withstand it. Another important reflection of their lives during this time was that everyone is of equal status. There are doctors, rocket scientists, mailmen and every walk of life, “but it doesn’t matter what you did before, because everyone is the same now.” The Shuckharts have made “friends for life” from every state. They have stayed in contact with many since the beginning of their journey in 2006. “We all had personal cards with our pictures that we passed out,” says Shuckhart. “My stack is at least a foot high!” Regardless of the millions of travelers and their individual stories, the desire for adventure and freedom will remain. As the world continues to rethink its future and reshape itself from the recent pandemic, our creativity as a people to find new ways of living will endure. Martin says, “If I wake up in the morning and feel like a change, then I hook up my rig, pack everything away and begin a new adventure.” Tavi Meketon, MBA, SPHR is a local author and business executive who focuses on supporting individuals and organizations through proactive strategies and comprehensive solutions. Connect at TaviMeketon@yahoo.com. June 2020


Feeding Happiness

Lifting Moods with Feel-Good Foods


by Marlaina Donato

hether it’s a pandemic, a breakup or a busy day with the kids, heading to the kitchen for a carb fix or a pint of ice cream is a common knee-jerk response to stress. It’s easy to get caught in a whirlpool of poor eating when our bodies need nutritional support more than ever. Sustained or chronic stress can reduce levels of dopamine and serotonin—neurotransmitters linked to feelings of both satiety and happiness. “When serotonin levels are normal, it leads to both emotional satisfaction and a sense of fullness after a meal,” says Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Maria Marlowe, in New York City and Dubai. “Conversely, when serotonin levels are low, it can lead to depression and a tendency to reach for sweet and starchy foods.”

“Finding healthier substitutes that are less processed can make a huge impact.” Experts agree that concentrating on weight loss or super-strict diets during times of adversity might do more harm than good. “Focusing on the need to lose weight during crisis will only do two things—make you feel guilty if you’re not eating what you think you’re supposed to and potentially make you eat more out of guilt,” says Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Jennifer Neily, in Dallas. Opting for healthier versions of favorite comfort foods is a doable compromise that can prevent endorphins from plummeting after the usual temporary spike. “With the right ingredients and recipes, we can satisfy our cravings for sweet, salt, creamy or crunchy with healthier upgrades of our favorite junk foods,” says Marlowe.

Avoiding Extremes

Eating to stay healthy during hard times can tickle the taste buds without a lot of invested time. Marlowe’s go-to favorites like homemade banana ice cream or chocolate truffles not only take minutes to prepare, but fortify the brain. For must-have salty favorites, she suggests opting for snack foods

Stress-eating sparks only temporary physical and emotional fulfillment. “When your brain is in need of energy, it can mimic the symptoms of depression and anxiety,” notes Tara Waddle, holistic life coach at The Center of Balance, in Greeley, Colorado. 28

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Friendly Fare


seasoned with unrefined or pink Himalayan salt, fresh guacamole, salsa, olives or pickles. Filling a seaweed sushi wrap with avocado can be a satisfying and easy snack. For easy-exotic, Marlowe says, “I always keep coconut milk and unsweetened curry paste on hand to whip up a red Thai curry, my favorite 15-minute dinner. Simply add fresh or frozen vegetables and protein of choice and you have a satisfying, flavorful meal that is faster than delivery.” Waddle’s healthy comfort foods include nuts of different flavors, dried fruits and baked Brussels sprouts with nitritefree bacon, black pepper and a sprinkle of nutmeg. “The food you consider comfort food is comforting because it’s familiar,” she says. “When you start eating healthier food more often, it will become comfort food. Just keep trying new things.”

Keep it Simple

The kitchen can be our greatest ally during any life-storm, but having a stress-free strategy is key, especially paying attention to emotional states. “Ask yourself, ‘Is it head hunger or belly hunger? Above the neck or below the neck?’ If it’s the latter and that’s truly what is desired, don’t deny yourself, but choose with conscious understanding. Savor the flavor,” says Neily. Marlowe recommends easy meal planning and maintaining an eating schedule. “This helps remove some of the stress and decision fatigue that comes with figuring out what to eat in the moment, especially with random ingredients in the fridge.” Food shopping can be an instant junk food trap. Waddle’s approach is a sure way to outsmart impulse buying based on habit. She says,“Start with the produce department first. This fills your cart with fresh foods and your cart will be full by the time you get to the snack aisle.” Self-compassion can be one of the most important, yet overlooked considerations. “Regardless of what you choose to eat, be gentle with yourself,” notes Waddle. “The guilt of eating poorly is more damaging than the food.” Marlaina Donato is an author and a composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.

Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock.com

conscious eating

Sweet Recipes for Healthy Snacking

Toppings (choose a few)

Cacao nibs, Cacao powder, Sesame seeds Shredded coconut, Pistachios, crushed Walnuts, crushed Acai powder, Goji powder Maqui powder, Pomegranate powder

photo courtesy of Maria Marlowe

Add cacao powder, dates and coconut to a blender. (A bullet blender works well.) Blend until a paste is formed, which should only take a few seconds. Roll about a tablespoon or so of paste into a ball. Repeat. Choose a topping, sprinkle it onto parchment paper and roll date ball in it to coat.

Banana Ice Cream

photo courtesy of Maria Marlowe

2 overripe bananas ¼ tsp vanilla extract

Five-Minute Chocolate Truffles Truffle

3 Tbsp cacao powder 1½ cups dates, pitted 3 Tbsp shredded coconut, unsweetened

Add-Ins: choose as many as desired 2-3 tsp cacao powder 1 Tbsp almond butter 2-3 tsp carob powder 3-4 pitted dates ¼ tsp cinnamon 1 cup frozen strawberries 6 mint leaves 1 Tbsp coconut flakes (or coconut butter or shredded coconut)

1 Tbsp ginger 1 Tbsp almond butter or almonds ½-inch peeled ginger piece Peel bananas, break in half and put in a zip-top freezer bag. Freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight. Place all ingredients (banana base plus the add-in ingredients of choice) into a high-speed blender such as a Vitamix, and blend on high until soft-serve ice cream consistency is reached, which should be in about 30 to 60 seconds. Taste to determine whether any more add-ins are needed and re-blend if desired. Spoon out and serve. Source: Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Maria Marlowe

June 2020





ast month, Americans celebrated Mother’s Day. This month the celebration refocuses on Father’s Day. Both holidays are a time when people can show appreciation and say thank you to the individuals who shaped lives, planted dreams and nurtured, no matter the sacrifice. There is a difference between the two holidays, however. Mother’s Day became nationally recognized on May 9, 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the declaration. Fifty-eight years later, in 1972, President Nixon declared the third Sunday of every June to be Father’s Day. It took more than half of a century for Father’s 30

Tucson Edition

Day to gain the same national honor and recognition as Mother’s Day. Sociologically speaking, there are a few reasons for the time disparity. Father’s Day did have its origin far earlier than 1972; it just wasn’t nationally recognized until then. The first known Father’s Day came to be because of the efforts of one woman, Sonora Smart Dodd. She and her five siblings, from Spokane, Washington, were raised by their father, a widower and a Civil War veteran. Dodd witnessed what an immense job and responsibility it was for her father. In the spring of 1910, Dodd gathered support from churches, businesses


and politicians for having a day of recognition for male parents to parallel Mother’s Day, which was already being celebrated in 45 states at the time. After that first day of celebration for fathers in Washington State, the holiday sprouted supporters slowly through the country, but there was continual resistance as well. Was support slow because people thought that having a Father’s Day would diminish the celebration of mothers taking place just a month prior? Another reason why there was a lag in becoming a holiday is that fathers weren’t generally seen as being sentimental enough, certainly when compared to a nurturing mother. Maybe it was the male population themselves who stalled the holiday from becoming nationally recognized. Men were raised to be strong and hardened in the face of difficulty and could not afford to be sentimental. Physiologically speaking, men do tend to be bigger, stronger, more muscular and less interested in soft, cuddly sentimental activities. Whatever the reason for the delayed declaration, it’s certain that many men believed that men should be men and not be pampered and gifted with flowers. Men felt that they didn’t need to be celebrated for their masculinity. The divide between gender and stereotypes doesn’t only relate to sentimentality, emotions and holidays, but it’s also present in the realm of health. As a population, women tend to be healthier than men. Women live longer than men, see physicians more regularly and take active roles in overall health. According to the Harvard Medical School publication, Harvard Health Publishing, the life expectancy for women is between 80 and 82. For men, that number drops to between 75 and 77. There are biological factors which can account for the difference in lifespan, but there are

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June 2020


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SECTION pages 30-37

other factors at play, including behavior and actions that are deemed risky and dangerous which can cause injury and have an increased chance of disease and illness. Also, diet plays a significant role in men’s health. The notion of men being stubborn and iron-willed when it comes to health can be seen in the numbers. Men don’t put their health and well-being at the top of the priority list. Women seek out medical advice and assistance 30 percent more frequently than men. This may very well be a determining factor in the difference between life expectancy. According to

Harvard Health, men suffer twice as many heart attacks as women. Some of this is due to the fact that men’s bodies are shaped like an apple—storing excessive fat around the gut and vital organs which taxes the heart, whereas women store fat in the hips and thighs, areas not in the vicinity of major organs. This physiological difference cannot be helped, but diet can even out the numbers. There are certain plant medicines that can be taken to also shrink the discrepancy between men’s and women’s health. Unfortunately, most men don’t act until a health scare takes place, whether it be a heart attack, stroke or the diagnosis of diabetes. This Father’s Day, express the idea that health doesn’t have to be put on hold until a major tragedy strikes. Obviously, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help keep the heart healthy, but identifying stress factors and knowing how to combat them naturally can be a power-push toward better health. Stress taxes the muscles of the heart and can cause heart attacks. The Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha has been shown to lower stress levels in the body, balance mood and help clear the mind. Taken as a supplement, or drinking a brewed tea of ashwagandha, not only helps with heart health, but it also increases energy levels, stabilizes hormones and augments the body’s natural immune system. The hawthorn tree is sometimes used to symbolize love because of its powerful

Support your Focus, Memory and Mental Clarity Naturally!

benefits to the heart and cardiovascular system. Hawthorn used for heart health dates back to first century Rome. Extracts from the tree have been studied for millennia and have been proven to support healthy heart function. The flowers, leaves and berries from the hawthorn tree are all used in making teas and tinctures. Many other berries have been shown to promote a healthy cardiovascular system, as well. Cranberries, strawberries, blueberries and chokeberries are all rich in the antioxidant polyphenols. These berries are also full of micronutrients, fiber and essential vitamins, all of which promote a healthy heart. There will always be striking differences between the sexes, however they needn’t be when it comes to health. Men will always be men and will sometimes need a gentle nudge in the right direction when it comes to health and diet. There are some differences between men and women that will never change, but with plant medicine becoming more widely accepted, there’s no reason for health differences when it comes to quality and length of life. Tell a father this month that he is loved. Hand him a cup of herbal tea and drink to his health; he may even like it! J. Garnet, M.Ed. is a writer, teacher, speaker and healer. Garnet’s passion is helping the public see that nature is medicine. Connect at 520-437-8855 or Jeffrey@JGarnet.com.


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Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing

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ANTONIO TRUZZI/Shutterstock.com

Consume Olive Oil to Fight Off Aging In what might be good news for teetotalers, researchers at the University of Minnesota found that it’s not the resveratrol in red wine that increases the life span of cells of those following the Mediterranean Diet, but the fat in olive oil that activates the critical pathway which prevents age-related diseases. “This pathway has been linked to almost all of [aging diseases]. It’s the roots,” says Doug Mashek, Ph.D., a professor in the departments of medicine and biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics. His studies suggest that the benefits of olive oil are most pronounced when coupled with fasting, limiting caloric intake and exercising. “We found that the way this fat works is it first has to get stored in microscopic things called lipid droplets, which is how our cells store fat. And then, when the fat is broken down during exercising or fasting, for example, is when the signaling and beneficial effects are realized,” Mashek explains.

Fast, Healthy Pasta Gluten-free bean and legume-based pastas provide more fiber and protein compared to traditional pasta, points out Marlowe. She suggests placing a steamer basket full of chopped veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and squash over boiling pasta water for a quick pasta primavera. Add some garlic sautéed in olive oil and a little salt and pepper.

Feel-Good Foods Serotonin boosters for better mood and digestive harmony:

kiwis, bananas, pineapples, plums, all types of berries, tomatoes, raw cacao nibs, 90 percent dark chocolate, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, butternuts (related to walnuts), almonds, eggs, beans, oats, protein-rich foods, sea vegetables, avocados, Swiss chard, beets, green tea and spices like turmeric.

Dopamine boosters for better mood and memory, and warding off neurodegenerative diseases: artichokes, ripe bananas, tahini, wheat germ, almond butter, leafy greens, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, papaya, red beets, apples, watermelon, blueberries and prunes.

June 2020




A Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal mix known as Gegen Quinlian decoction, when combined with standard Western pharmaceuticals, is more effective in treating the painful condition of ulcerative colitis than pharmaceuticals alone, concluded a Chinese review of 22 studies that included 2,028 patients with the disease. Typically used to heal diarrhea and gastrointestinal inflammation, the herbal mix produced few adverse reactions and resulted in low recurrence rates, researchers said.

Deborah Lee Rossiter/Shutterstock.com

Try Chinese Herbs for Ulcerative Colitis

Natural Awakenings



community spotlight

Shipibo Ayahuasca design on tapestry.

pages 30-37

AYAHUASCA Transformative Beyond Words by Tavi Meketon


Evidence of this plant hose reading this mixture and ceremonies article have likely surrounding it is said to already had their date back to at least 1000 minds opened to alternaA.D., when it was discovtive paths that may lead to ered with other various a higher level of spiritual, shamanic substances in a physical and mental conneccave in Bolivia. To make tion. The ancient plant medithe ayahuasca brew, seccine ayahuasca is that path tions of the Banisteriopsis for many, and those that are caapi vine are macerated familiar with its power can and boiled, along with attest to significant changes leaves from any number of in mind and body, heightAlexcis Lopez other indigenous plants. ened states of awareness, mystical journeys and answers to questions The resulting brew should contain the powerful psychoactive compound DMT that some have carried for a lifetime. 34

Tucson Edition


and MAOI harmala alkaloids. This mixture is typically determined, crafted and administered by the Maestra or Maestro during a several-hour ceremony that allows participants to enter the world of the Mother Spirit Ayahuasca. Among other endeavors, Alexcis Spencer Lopez is a life coach, ordained minister and best-selling author who facilitates ayahuasca retreats through her organization Sanctuary of our Lady Ayahuasca, or SOLA. She herself heard the calling many years ago and has followed a path that focuses on helping others to heal through various modalities including ayahuasca. Lopez advises those who are on a journey to be a better person or let go of negative thoughts and issues to “allow curiosity and intuition to be your guide”. Most are “called” to this ceremony in order to work on a part of themselves or their life they wish to improve. Her consistent message is to keep an open mind. Insightfully stated by Lopez, “There are many doorways to the same room.” The integration between science and spirit appear to be seamless. According to Lopez, the hallucinogenic works to create new pathways in the brain by restricting or enhancing various blood vessels and allowing neurons and serotonin receptors to communicate with each other, ultimately supporting the brain to be a sort of superpowered version of itself. This connection will naturally open windows to other spiritual and energetic realms. Ayahuasca is illegal in the U.S. and is considered a Schedule 1 drug, however it is currently being studied for its healing effects relating to PTSD, Parkinson’s, addiction and other neurological diseases and impairments. Additionally, a recent study conducted by the Beckley/Sant Pau Research Programme and published in the journal Scientific Report, reveals that certain compounds present in the typical Amazonian brew can stimulate the birth of new neurons after they are damaged or die. A collaborative research project at the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Services is currently investigating the capacity of ayahuasca

Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing

Aya in Pots

Aya Vine

Alexcis Lopez & Shaman to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety and grief. These studies showed that ayahuasca use leads to an increase in several key traits associated with mindfulness, such as “decentering”, which refers to the ability to observe one’s thoughts and feelings in an objective, non-judgmental way. It has been reported that one of the most beautiful effects from this kind of connection are the words and feelings shared from the Divine Source or Mother Spirit. She is there to partner with you on your journey in an unconditional way, as a supportive guide who will help you to identify and address your spiritual, emotional and sometimes physical needs. Many have reported a feeling of weight being lifted as well as a strong energy of self-love, peace and calm that will last well into the future as one continues practicing what was learned from her. Lopez is concerned about the future of ayahuasca for a few reasons. As we study its effect and try to change or dictate the manner in which it is given, she says, “the spirit of plant medicine will change”. She is also troubled that the ancient “practice” will be overrun by inexperienced people getting involved for all the wrong reasons. She advises everyone that is interested to find the best and most experienced retreat available. “Know what you should expect, who you are working with and make sure that you are doing this is an environment that is mentally, emotionally and physically safe,” she says. The setting must be ideal to have the best experience possible.

Ceremony and Altar Set with Mat “If you are feeling drawn, invite it into your life, open your mind and your heart and don’t be afraid,” advises Lopez. “What you will experience in ceremony is often beyond words and will transform your perspective and open you to greater compassion, spiritual understanding and self-worth.”

Try to be like the turtle, at ease in your own shell. ~Bill Copeland

For more information, visit AyaHealingRetreat.com. See ad, page 18. Tavi Meketon, MBA, SPHR is a local author and business executive who focuses on supporting individuals and organizations through proactive strategies and comprehensive solutions. Connect at TaviMeketon@yahoo.com. June 2020


Natural Awakenings

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SECTION pages 30-37



icrodosing is the term used for administering very small amounts of a medication several times throughout the day, rather than a larger dose just once or twice a day. This method allows for using the least amount of medication that’s needed to treat illness and disease and the symptoms that go along with them. For natural medicine, cannabis in particular, microdosing is beneficial because the smaller, regular doses can diminish some of the tolerance that is built up over time, and helps to balance some of the intoxicating effects that occur when smoking or by consuming edibles. Unlike some pharmaceutical drugs, determining the microdose needed for marijuana will not be drawn out over weeks and will not have the possible serious side effects that accompany pharmaceutical drugs. Medication is administered to the body in dosages, whether it be in milli-


Tucson Edition

grams, two tablets twice a day, a tablespoon before bed or three parts per liter first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, every individual has a unique immune system. People also have different tolerance levels and therapeutic thresholds. Finding the correct dosage for a medication can take time, and with some pharmaceutical products it can take months of trial and error—time which is often accompanied by unpleasant side effects. Oftentimes with pharmaceuticals, too much of the medication is prescribed to treat symptoms, and the smallest workable dose remains unclear. Tolerance levels may increase because of this. With drug tolerance comes higher doses, more side effects and added expenses. Microdosing can help. Medication tolerance is a problem. Doses for many prescription drugs used to treat pain, anxiety and depression need to be adjusted upward because the body becomes tolerant to the medication and more is needed to maintain a level of effec-


tiveness. Tolerance to medications can be avoided, or lessened, through microdosing. By taking only the amount of the drug that’s needed to treat the patient, the body is not overwhelmed with more medication than it needs, which can cause brain-fog, fatigue and even worsened symptoms. Because the dosages of medication are smaller when microdosing, the chances of building up a tolerance are much diminished. According to a 2019 article in Psychology Today written by Dr. Samoon Ahmad, a professor of psychiatry at NYU, many people who have turned to cannabis as a medication believe that the drug is not working unless the psychoactive effect is being experienced. That is false. The cannabinoids that are released into the body work efficiently with doses that are small enough to hamper the “high”, yet remedy the symptoms. This makes for a clear head, reduced pain and discomfort and offers more energy. More medication is not better, and in some cases it has been shown that a smaller dose works much better when treating pain, anxiety and depression. In order to determine the best microdose of cannabis products, Dr. Dustin Sulak, a cannabis physician in Maine, suggests abstaining from cannabis for a couple of days prior to the process of determining the threshold for one’s own individual symptoms. Stopping the use of cannabis prior to figuring out the smallest and most beneficial dose helps to lessen any tolerance which has built up. Sulak states that just two days of abstinence from marijuana can help determine the therapeutic microdose because the process starts with the smallest possible dose. Tolerance with medications is common, but needing more to reach therapeutic levels has negative effects. Prescription pharmaceuticals will have explicit instructions on how, when and how much medication to take. Prescriptions are normally written with standard dosages based on laboratory trials and research. Again, because everybody has a different immune system, different tolerance levels and specific symptoms with varying degrees of severity, dosing of prescription

Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing

drugs is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Patients are prescribed medications that may be too much or too little of a dose. With microdosing, it’s much simpler to start at the bottom and work upward. There’s no sense in taking more medicine into the body than what is needed. Medicinal marijuana comes in a variety of different products and the dosing, which follows the metric system, is precise. It offers dosing at the lowest level. Edibles and tinctures can be found in one and two milligram doses. After two days of abstinence, start introducing the body to the smallest doses and wait a couple of hours before determining how the dosage is working. Sulak suggests trying the small doses several times throughout the day, but to be certain there are several hours in between doses; how the medicinal marijuana is being consumed determines how quickly the medicine works. Documenting the process with details about what dose is being taken and how it works with treating symptoms is paramount. As needed, increase the medicine with the same small doses, adding a little, waiting to evaluate the benefits. Sulak also suggests trying any increase for two or three days before determining a higher dosage is needed. Paying attention to details and documenting how the medicine is working will lead to an active and easily reachable therapeutic threshold. Once a dosage of medication is found to work optimally, it’s important to maintain that working level of the drug in order to have the best therapeutic value without having the highs and lows that can occur when taking too much or too little medicine. At Earth’s Healing, the budtenders all go through extensive training that can help ease the difficulty in understanding the “how to” and “how much” when looking for the natural way to heal. Earth’s Healing Dispensary is conveniently located at 2075 E. Benson Hwy. and 78 W. River Rd., in Tucson. Visit their website at EarthsHealing.org. See ad, page 31.

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June 2020


ongoing events

calendar of events

sunday Call ahead to confirm event

NOTE TO OUR READERS: All events were accurate at press time, but due to circumstances created by COVID-19 pandemic, we suggest confirming these details with the hosts before attending. Please check NaturalTucson.com to enter your events or find others. Thank you for your understanding and stay well. SATURDAY, JUNE 6


Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 9:45-11:30am. Learn about the health benefits of Kangen special ionized drinking water (electrically charged): alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. Free. Pristine Naturopathic Medicine, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520795-1300. TheHealthyCouple.com.

Zoom Painting From The Source Workshop – With Aviva Gold, founder and facilitator at Painting From The Source (PFTS). Enjoy the healing and transformation of painting with a group while in the safety of your own home. 520-447-7570. Aviva@Painting FromTheSource.com, PaintingFromTheSource.com.

Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit – 3-4:30pm. Learn a simple spiritual approach to divine healing and meet new friends during our Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour. No charge. Unity Church of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-577-3300. Bruno-Groening.org.

TUESDAY, JUNE 23 Reiki Circle Through Zoom – 6pm. With Judy Ferrig, Reiki Master Teacher. Come to learn about Reiki and receive a mini session. No charge. Contact JudyFerrig@comcast.net for Zoom log in. OpenPathways-EnergyandCommunications.com.


SATURDAY, JUNE 13 Zoom Painting From The Source Workshop – With Aviva Gold, founder and facilitator at Painting From The Source (PFTS). Enjoy the healing and transformation of painting with a group while in the safety of your own home. 520-447-7570. Aviva@ PaintingFromTheSource.com, PaintingFromTheSource.com.

SUNDAY, JUNE 14 Singer-Songwriter Bob Sima – 10:30-11:30am. Through the magic of zoom technology, experience musical mystic Bob Sima from the comfort of your own home. For more on Bob, visit WhereTheLightGetsIn.us. Computer not required. By donation. Contact Admin@TucsonCSL.org in advance for the Zoom access code. TucsonCSL.org. Zhong Yuan Qigong Level One Class – 12:30-2pm. The most powerful way to take control of your own health is by doing Qigong. Grand Master Mingtang Xu has been developing a systematic online meditation and I have been teaching it since March. Many thanks have been written to Mingtang. $10/suggested donation. Meetup.com/Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup.

Online Workshop: Learning from Loss – 10am1pm. With Buddhist monk and Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Texas, Gen Kelsang Menla. All courses online. 520-441-1617. AD@ MeditationInTucson.org, MeditationInTucson.org. Learn To Tap Into Energy and Heal – 12-5pm. With Judy Ferrig, Reiki Master Teacher. Join me in this training to increase your power and healing abilities. $100. Open Pathways-Energy and Communication, 13489 N Holly Grape Dr, Marana. 520-245-4214. JudyFerrig@comcast.net. OpenPathways-EnergyandCommunications.com. Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit – 3-4:30pm. Learn a simple spiritual approach to divine healing and meet new friends during our Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour. No charge. Unity Church of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-577-3300. Bruno-Groening.org.

Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalTucson.com for guidelines and to submit listings. 38

Tucson Edition


Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group – Silent Meditation: 9-10am, Reading Service: 10-11am. Learn and practice the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Free literature and lending library. No charge. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince #130-40. 520-792-6544. TucsonAZ.SRF@gmail.com. TucsonMeditationGroup.org. Ai Chi – 9:45-11:15am With Connie Seddon. Aquatic meditation practice of graceful movement, aligning mindfulness with breath. Calm nerves, stretch tired muscles, improve balance and range of motion and increase energy. $20. 520 245-6616. Santa Rita Springs. ConnieSeddon@gmail.com. Web of Life Animist Minister Ordainment: 1 Year Online Program – First and Third Sundays. 10am-12pm. Earth Web Media’s Web of Life Animist Church is seeking Earth Honoring People who are called to become legally Ordained Ministers. Live meetings and online thru zoom.us. Details and apply at tinyurl.com/WOLMinisterOrdainment. 520-954-2004. Aqua Chakra Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Krysa Kobryner. Yoga in a warm pool offers safety, comfort, buoyancy and water’s resistance to enjoying our poses, using breath and sound to embody all five elements for strengthening Chakras, our conduits of life energy. $15. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-551-0651. Krysaji@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.

wednesday Wednesday Live Radio Show – 8-9am. Get up to date, live information about what’s happening with the medical marijuana laws of our state, the dispensary process, news, education and more. Tune in on our website. No charge. 520-437-8855. Tumble weedsHealthCenter.com. Reiki Share – 10:15-11:45am. Third Wednesday. Learn about the benefits of Reiki and to receive a healing session. Individuals have an opportunity to ask questions and share experiences. No Charge. Golder Ranch Fire District, 1175 W Magee Rd. 520-982-6721. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. B43Lennon@aol.com. Online Meditation Seminar – 5-7pm. Join Rev Janis in an experimental online meditation survey class. Each week we look at, and practice with, a different form or style of meditation. By donation Info@TucsonCSL.org for access. TucsonCSL.org. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group – 6-8pm. Join us to learn and practice the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Free literature and lending library. No charge. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince #130-40. 520-792-6544. TucsonMeditationGroup.org.

Pathways to Metaphysics Classes – 7-8pm. Topics change weekly, and can be found on our website. By donation. Far Horizons East, Main Clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson. 520-339-2038. TheCommunityofLight.org. Grief Support Group – 6-8:10pm. People say you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t say how. This program not only makes it possible but provides partnerships and guidance to ensure that it happens. $250 plus cost of book. Unity Church of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-577-3300. UnityTucson.com.

thursday Aqua Yoga and Ai Chi Movement – 12-1:30pm. With Skye Lin Walker. Relax, balance, breathe and strengthen as we practice slow healing poses and stretches, shoulder deep in warm water. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520245-2343. TherapyAqua@outlook.com. Online Clearing Circle for Caregivers and Empaths – 11am-12pm. Third and fourth Thursday. With Quynn Red Mountain. Circle focuses on understanding and enhancing clearing and protection needs for those who help and care for others in our communities. No experience necessary. $5-$20 sliding scale. 520-954-2004. Online participants register: Tinyurl.com/WOLCircle. A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com. TempleOfUniversality.org. Taizé Worship Service Online – 6:30-7:30pm. Second Thursday. Join us online for this unique,

meditative worship. For the communities’ well being, all upcoming Taizé Services will be held online. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. CAUCC.org. Zhong Yuan Qigong Level One Class – 7-8:30pm. The most powerful way to take control of your own health is by doing Qigong. Grand Master Mingtang Xu has been developing a systematic online meditation and I have been teaching it since March. Many thanks have been written to Mingtang. $10/suggested donation. Meetup.com/Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup.

friday Don Zavis Sales Training - Online – 9-10am. Don Zavis sales training is still making it happen. The Friday Session goes on. Join us via Zoom. Don’t let the Coronavirus get you down and learn how the “sell” your way out of this crisis. No charge. 520-903-4654. DonZavis@comcast.net. Online Upliftment and Recovery Circle – 5:306:30pm. Online circle is a space to receive Earth honoring soul tending through divination, a guided rattle clearing and a drum meditation with Quynn Red Mountain. We approach from an Animist perspective. All welcome. $5-$20 sliding scale. 520-954-2004. Online participants register: Tinyurl. com/WOLCircle. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Mediation Group – 7-8:30pm. Join us to learn and practice the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Free literature and lending library. No charge. SelfRealization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince #130-40. 520-792-6544. TucsonMeditationGroup.org.

saturday Online Dance through Body Works Pilates Studio – 10am. This online class will go through May. Some classes are live, some will be pre-recorded. To take this class you will need a MindBody account. You can go through the MindBody app or website or go to Body Works Pilates website. $10. BodyworksPilates.com. Book Study: Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life – 10-11:30am. Keith Gorley facilitates an online book study using Karen Armstrong’s text, Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life. Book required for participation. Contact Admin@TucsonCSL.org for Zoom access code. By donation. TucsonCSL.org. Online League of Lightbearers: Peace Manifestation Circle – 1-2pm. Fourth Saturday. Calling all Light Workers: These challenging times call for all Metaphysical Super Heroes to band together to heal our broken hearts and help our community heal. $5-$20. Web of Life Animist Church. 520-954-2004. Zoom.us/j/981737799. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520444-8636. B43Lennon@aol.com. Web of Life Animist Church-Online Fellowship Service – 3-4pm. This Animist Gathering is offered as a weekly fellowship service, where Animists and Earth honoring People can receive synchronistic and supportive self-care during the time of sickness and isolation. $0-$20 sliding scale, paid online. WebOfLife Animists.com/events. Zoom.us/j/597467834.

June 2020


community resource guide


Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Holly@NaturalTucson.com to request our media kit.


Nathan Anderson, L.Ac. 2856 E Ft Lowell Rd, 85719 520-999-0080 Nathan@CatalinaAcupunctureTucson.com Nathan Anderson is an acupuncturist and professor of Chinese medicine. His services include acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, cupping, plus dietary, fitness, and lifestyle consultations. Catalina Acupuncture is a family practice, providing safe and effective remedies for a wide variety of pain and illness.


Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 PamperedSkinStudio.com If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is the Nurse-Aesthetician for you. She provides customized nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types, ethnicities and sensitivities while educating you about your skin concerns and care. See ad, page 4.

WORKING BODIES MASSAGE AND SPA Licensed Aesthetician Becky Colmenares 3900 E Timrod St 520-302-0970

Tucson Edition

ALEXCIS LOPEZ, MS, CHt, NLP, REV. RESET, Ayahuasca Retreats, Workshops 1735 E Fort Lowell Rd, 85719 520-690-6576 AlexcisLopez.com

Alexcis works with clients who are seeking mental-emotional-spiritual peace and clarity. Find relief from past trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction and negative behaviors. Improve boundaries, relationships, self-worth, connection, joyfulness abundance. Private RESET sessions, ayahuasca retreats, cacao and kava ceremonies, healing workshops. See ad, page 18.

EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779 EarthsHealing.org

We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 31.


Becky Colmenares, a practicing massage therapist in Tucson, is now offering aesthetic services including facials, waxing and dermaplaning. She utilizes organic, locally sourced skin care products and sonic scrubber to reduce fine lines and wrinkles; create smoother, softer skin and much more. Basic massage just $59. Basic Massage and Facial, just $100. Gift certificates available! See ad, page 18.



Dr. Alexandra Porter, NMD 2231 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069 NaturalHealingCareCenter.com

Dr. Porter’s passion is helping patients achieve their highest quality of life through naturopathic medicine. She uses herbs, supplements, diet, Ayurvedic medicine and a specialized form of bodywork called Bowen Therapy. Make an appointment today to start living a happier and healthier life. See ad, page 2.



Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com • Replevyn.com As a Certified Aromatherapist, Danielle is highly educated and experienced in the use of essential oils. She has her own product line, HeartScents, offering single oils and custom blends that address a variety of conditions. What scent resonates for you? See ad, page 14.

BATH THERAPY HEALING SPIRIT SOAKS Dr. Jasmine May 1074 N Swan Rd, 85711 520-344-3250 HealingSpiritSoaks.com

Come experience the healing spirit while soaking in cedar tubs, connect with plant medicine in an herb soak, and relax into gemstone energy while lounging on our biomat. Ear acupuncture for pain, vaginal steams, sauna, CBD scrubs, balms, tinctures and massage available.


3333 N Campbell Ave, Ste 12, 85719 520-370-3689 SylviaBoyed.com Sylvia Boyed, MA, LMT, CST, an energetic bodyworker, working in the bodywork field for 11 years, treats all of the systems of the body, for all ages, with specializations in joint reconstruction, head injuries, migraine headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and anxiety.


Dawn Urquhart 1600 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 120, 85716 575-770-7805 WomensBodyWisdom.com Ambitious Soulful Woman: Integrative massage and John F. Barnes Method of MyoFascial Release addresses the fascia and rebalances the parasympathetic nervous system, facilitating deeper freedom from chronic mind-body issues. See ad, page 12.

WORKING BODIES MASSAGE AND SPA Becky Colmenares 3900 E Timrod St 520-302-0970

Customized treatment including focus work, deep tissue, medical, injury management, relaxing, or de-stressing. Call or text to schedule your massage treatment today to keep your body working! Basic massage just $59. Basic Massage and Facial, just $100. Gift certificates available! See ad, page 18.

ZACHARY SABER, LMT WellnessFirst!​ 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-232-4585 SaberLMP@aol.com​ 3861WellnessFirst.com

Tired of the pain? ​Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. ​Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.

BOOKSTORE UNITY CHURCH OF TUCSON BOOKSTORE 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 UnityTucson.com Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm Sunday, 9-10; 11-noon

Largest most complete metaphysical bookstore in Tucson valley. Books, CDs, DVDs and more covering a wide spectrum of subjects. Also available: Consanti Soleri Bells, greeting cards, and more—a rich environment for anyone interested in furthering their well-being, spiritual awareness and growth.​See ad, page 13.


Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • PimaCleanPro@gmail.com PimaCleanPro.com Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.

CBD DIVINE SYNERGY THERAPEUTICS 143 S Park Ave, 85719 520-351-9828 DivineSynergy.co Mon-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5

Divine Synergy Therapeutics offers tested high quality Hemp derived CBD products with a knowledgeable staff to make your decision making easier when it comes to choosing the right CBD products to fit your needs. Free Spectrum water with purchase of $25 or more. See ad, page 32.

NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2231 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069 NaturalHealingCareCenter.com

Natural Healing Care Center carries a variety of natural, full-spectrum Hemp CBD Products. All products are high quality, grown in the U.S., and tested. CBD has helped many people obtain relief for various ailments. NHCC can help inform you on the proper way to consume CBD. See ad, page 2.

CHIROPRACTIC DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway, 85711 520-584-0343 InspiredHealing.org

Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for children, PTSD, depression and autoimmune diseases.

WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 PerformanceNeurology.com

Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neurologic disorders. Also, using gentle Chiropractic, physiotherapy, Acupuncture, metabolic nutrition and we have helped 1000s of patients from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit www. PerformanceNeurology.com See ad, page 25.


520-331-2629 PurMaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaid.com PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 17.


Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 TucsonEmotionalAndTraumaTherapy.com TucsonMassageAndBodyTherapy.com Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.


Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 TheHealthyCouple.com Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Don’t be surprised if you enjoy the process.

INTEGRATED WELLNESS COACHING The Rev. Cynthia M. Spencer, MBA, MDiv CMS614@me.com

Cynthia offers spiritual guidance, life coaching, premarital counseling and weddings. She is a teacher and speaker, 30 years of experience with listening skills, visioning and habit realignment. She is a retired Episcopal priest who practices integrated wellness and works with all spiritualities.

June 2020



5151 E Broadway, Ste 1600 85711 1-888-411-6114 CopperZap.com CopperZap™ is an antimicrobial device made of pure copper. It is used at the first sign of a cold starting to stop the viruses inside the nose before they spread and make you sick. Stop the cold virus, stop the cold.


Elahe Wissinger, DMD & Steven Swidler, DDS 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496 • Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net Our mission is to build a partnership to achieve optimal dental health. The state-of-the-art technology, attention to our clients’ needs, and commitment to continuing education ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfortable environment. See ad, page 48.


520-325-9686 Intestines@SheilaShea.com IntestinalHealthInstitute.com

Sheila Shea MA is Board Certified with 41 years of colon hydrotherapy experience. The Intestinal Health Institute offers intestinal nutritional support and detoxification protocols to accompany colonics. Specialties are abdominal massage, Metabolic Syndrome and sugar. Shea is an LMT in Arizona and Florida.


Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082 • Smile@KrizmanDental.com A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 9.

VERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3, 85719 520-403-1686 VerySpecialAlternatives@gmail.com VerySpecialAlternatives.net

RN-delivered colonics. FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closed gravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult. See ad, page 3.



Susan Couture, BSHA, CRC, LMT, LE, Cert. MLD/CDP 6818 N Oracle Rd #414, 85704 520-668-8731 • OracleMassage.com

ThermoTherapy Detox Wrap raises your core body temperature while eliminating toxins. The resulting immune response strengthens the body in its fight against cancer and other pathogens. Lymphatic massage assists in cleansing blood and releasing stored lymphocytes to boost immune function. Book one session and receive one session 50% off.



Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Don@GEComputerRepair.com GEComputerRepair.com Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services If your computer is "Sick", we are here to help! "Computer Sick? Call the Doctor". Your first ½ Hour is No Charge. We can serve you in your home in the Tucson Area, or even via remote. See ad, page 17.


Tucson Edition


EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 520-780-0170 • KadaKingsley@msn.com Maria-Kingsley.com Emotions run high in many people right now. Do you need help in coping with life? Emotional freedom is just that: an easy tool to deal with upsetting circumstances, anxiety, fears, sickness. It combines energy therapy and psychology to eliminate and reduce emotions. Affordable and necessary.



Michelle Cardenas, RMT 520-549-4800 BrightWayWellness@outlook.com BrightWayWellness.com “Think outside the bottle.” Find healing the natural way. Michelle listens to your needs then creates a custom session just for you. Specializing in stress relief and pain reduction using reiki, crystal/stone healing and Bio Touch. Additional services available.


Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 DoctorSuzie@PamperedSkinStudio.com Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is a Registered Nurse and Quantum Energy Practitioner offering Chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as Auric Field clearing, Forgiveness and Self-Healing Practices. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 4.

JUDY FERRIG, M.S., REIKI MASTER 520-245-4214 JudyFerrig@comcast.net OpenPathways-Energyand Communication.com

Reiki energy is capable of strengthening the immune system and in so doing helping the body prevent infection. It is also capable of restoring health if one becomes infected. Per WIllliam Rand President, The International Center for Reiki Training. Mention Natural Awakenings and receive 20% a Reiki training. See ad, page 19.

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICITY EDGE INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS Maria Crawford FNP 2900 N Swan Rd, Ste 102, 85712 520-232-3360 EdgeIntegrativeWellness.com

Maria Crawford FNP helps get to the root cause of your issue. She peels back the layers of symptomatology to help you discover what is happening in your body. multi-therapeutic approach to regain your health. Services offered include: IV nutritional therapy, hyperbarics, LYMPHPresso and more. See ad, page 5.


Float & Spiritual Healing Center 2118 S Avenida Planeta, 85710 520-668-4017 • FloatTucson.com The most experienced Float Center in Arizona is right here in Tucson! Located in a quiet neighborhood, Cloud Nine Flotation offers the only true sensory deprivation experience in Tucson. An hour in a Float Tank is refreshing and calming at the same time. Voted Best of Tucson Alternative Health Centers. See ad, page 18.



Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036 • ProactiveHealthSolutions.org Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 3.


5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm


Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 11.

HerbalWholeFoods.com is dedicated to providing the highest quality herbal based whole foods and supplements. We believe in empowering people and that investing in their holistic well-being allows them to live their best life possible. See ad, page 32.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com • Replevyn.com Meditate, do yoga, or relax while you bathed in sound and vibration that clears your energy field. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlsChool.com in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Private sessions and group events (Gong Baths) are available.


Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • PimaCleanPro@gmail.com PimaCleanPro.com Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable,on-time, answers the phone.

Mack Atkinson 520-744-2566 • Omi1World@aol.com HerbalWholeFoods.com



WellnessFirst!​ 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 Zach@TFMND.com • 3861WellnessFirst.com Learn to choose the right foods for you, how to heal your intestines, when to eat and more. Healing your intestine’s aides in healing Type 2 diabetes, obesity, sluggishness, sleeplessness, depression and lacking confidence. Added benefit is weight loss. See ad, page 3.


Ethel Sidney 520-276-8201 Energy@EthelSidney.com EthelSidney.com Choose wellness and balance that are the keys for a healthy and fulfilling life. journey to wellness Let Reiki, doTERRA AromaTouch, and doTERRA Essential Oils support your journey! At Essential Energy, Etherl offers a path towards a balanced life: emotionally, spiritually and physically.



Gabriel of Urantia, co-founder 20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac 85646 520-398-3970 • SoulisticHealingCenter.org

PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 17.

A tranquil refuge for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Copper-ionized chlorine-free therapeutic hot and cold Jacuzzis, heated lap pool, and infrared sauna. Complementary integrated healing modalities: massage and craniosacral, reflexology, reiki, Watsu, IonCleanse, Spiritual Morontian Counseling and Tron Therapy.

520-331-2629 PurMaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaid.com


Dawn Urquhart 1600 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 120, 85716 575-770-7805 WomensBodyWisdom.com Ambitious Soulful Woman: Are you coping with exhaustion, headaches and a lack of clarity? Using a functional nutrition perspective and mind-body coaching, you can reclaim your energy! See ad, page 12.


Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.

June 2020



Susan Couture, BSHA, CRC, LMT, LE, Cert. MLD/CDP 6818 N Oracle Rd #414, 85704 520-668-8731 • OracleMassage.com Pre- and Post-Surgery: Recover quickly from Aesthetic and Restorative surgeries. Reduce swelling, eliminate bruising, create new lymph connections sooner and heal faster. Inflammation causes fibrosis; scars impede lymph flow. Susan has been helping patients recover quickly for 23 years. Book one session and receive one session 50% off.

NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2231 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069 NaturalHealingCareCenter.com

We’re a Holistic Wellness Center that focuses on alternative medicine and specializes in Cannabis education, coaching and consulting. We help patients obtain their Medical Marijuana Card in AZ and also assist them in finding the right products to help their needs. Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years and not one person has ever died from over consumption, ever! See ad, page 2.



Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com Registered Nurse provides customized advanced rejuvenation treatments including Microneedling Botox, Fillers, and Threads. Sensitive, health and ethnic skin issues are a specialty. Call or go on-line today for a complimentary Consultation. See ad, page 4.

Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work,great stretches, and flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Cranial Sacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 18.

MEDICAL MARIJUANA EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779 EarthsHealing.org

We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 31.


Tucson Edition


WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 10.


Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, 85711 520-869-5593 ALastingTouchSalon.com YDwornik@yahoo.com Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures.Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 10.




Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm.

Jean is a physical therapist of 30 years, using a variety of manual techniques to treat conditions that have not responded well to traditional physical therapy. Treatment may include craniosacral therapy, deep dry needling, kinesiotaping, visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage therapy, private physical therapy, and hot stone myofascial work. See ad, page 19.

Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 TheCommunityOfLight.org

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 3861WellnessFirst.com


Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.

956-566-5443 LiveYurPassion@gmail.com IAHP.com/Jean-Read


5151 E Broadway, Ste 1600 85711 1-888-411-6114 CopperZap.com CopperZap™ is an antimicrobial device made of pure copper. It is used at the first sign of a cold starting to stop the viruses inside the nose before they spread and make you sick. Stop the cold virus, stop the cold.


Cheryl Foster, Board Certified Reflexologist 2230 E. Speedway Blvd, Ste. 100, 85719 520-345-4554 Cheryl@BarefootDreams.net BarefootDreams.net Reflexology is a profoundly restorative practice that works directly with the nervous system to release stress on many levels. Cheryl’s 25 years as a yoga teacher and Nationally Board Certified reflexologist give her vast resources for working gently and powerfully. $65 special offer. See ad, page 18.

RESTAURANTS CLAIRE’S CAFÉ & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 ClairesCafe.net

Claire’s Café & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 10.

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 11.


2990 N Campbell Ave, Ste 120, 85719 520-325-7766 Info@LovinSpoonfuls.com LovinSpoonfuls.com Lovin’ Spoonfuls provides outstanding vegan comfort food in a relaxed atmosphere. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. The 100% plant-based meals are enjoyed by vegans and non-vegans alike. Favorites include the house-made burgers and Fried Chicken Dinner.


1846 E Innovation Park Dr, 85755 520-903-4654 DonZavis@comcast.net Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability. See ad, page 37.


Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 PamperedSkinStudio.com Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) specializes in providing customized holistic skin care treatments for all skin types and concerns. Make an appointment today and start on your path to creating beautiful skin for life. See ad, page 4.

SPA SERVICES ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE DETOX & MINI MED SPA Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520-275-4510 • DetoxTherapySpa.com

Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally.


Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 TucsonCSL.org A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Celebration Service 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 17.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com Relax and receive while you are energetically cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells), and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com. She is a life-long, classically-trained musician, and an intuitive empath.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 10.


Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 TheCommunityOfLight.org Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm.


The Path of Spiritual Freedom ECK-Arizona.org 1-877-300-4949 “The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you. The teachings of ECK will awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart. The road to God is the adventure of a lifetime.”—Harold Klemp. Eckankar.org.

June 2020


SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER 5326 E Pima St, 85712 520-441-1617 MeditationInTucson.org

TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE SHARING (TIES) Sue Ann Christenson 619-857-5744 • TucsonIANDS.org



Tucson Meditation Group extends a warm invitation for you to join us in deepening your meditations and spiritual practice through meditation techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. See Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Calendar.

THE TEMPLE OF THE PRESENCE 11902 E Irvington Rd, 85747 520-751-2039 TempleOfThePresence.org

Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.

THE TEMPLE OF UNIVERSALITY Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340 TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com TheTempleOfUniversality.org

Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.


Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Friday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at St Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church.

Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!

1702 E. Prince Rd #130-140 520-792-6544 • TucsonAZ.SRF@gmail.com TucsonMeditationGroup.org

TILE CLEANING Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • PimaCleanPro@gmail.com PimaCleanPro.com Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a lowmoisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.

3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 • UnityTucson.com You are welcome here! Positive, metaphysical and spiritual teachings of love, inspiration, acceptance and joy! Unity of Tucson empowers all people to embrace their divine nature. Sunday Services at 10 am. See ad, page 13.


UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER OF PEACE 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696 • Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com UnityPeaceAZ.com

Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 21.

Nathan Anderson, L.Ac. 2856 E Ft. Lowell Rd, 85716 520-999-0080 Nathan@CatalinaAcupunctureTucson.com Nathan Anderson is an acupuncturist and professor of Chinese medicine. His services include acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, cupping, plus dietary, fitness, and lifestyle consultations. Catalina Acupuncture is a family practice, providing safe and effective remedies for a wide variety of pain and illness.



2016 E Broadway Blvd, 85719 520-954-2004 • WebOfLifeAnimists.com


All Earth-honoring people are welcome in our online events that include drum journeys, intuitive development, mindfulness and guided meditation for all genders. We gather from all over the world to learn about and practice Animism. Earth honoring community supports exclusive spaces for Womxn, LGBTQ, and BIPOC as well.

Web of Life Animist Church 2016 E Broadway Blvd 85719 WebOfLifeAnimists.com 520-954-2004

All Earth honoring People welcome! Labyrinth walks, drum journeys, intuitive development, recovery, LGBTQ support. Family circles, personal sessions, community clinic. Practitioner, Reiki, Minister Trainings. Retreats, Space Rental.



DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt, CCT Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 3861 N First Ave, 85719 • 520-209-1755 TransformationalMedicinePLLC.com

We are like-minded First! Where Your Wellness Comes healing professionals who have created a patient-focused Wishescollaborative, Everyone a Happy & Healthy environment New Year! to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3.

Ÿ Breast, Upper and Full Body Scans Ÿ Preventative Screening Ÿ Identify Risk Factors Ÿ Images Interpreted by Board

Ÿ Don Gibbens Choosing to be proactive about your health today Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 can prevent you from having to be reactive about an illness later. Don@gecomputerrepair.com GEComputerRepair.com Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services Ÿ Certified MDs FDA Certified

Colon Hydrotherapy & Probiotic Reflorastation

Have computers in your closet, not being used? We can remake them to be useful again, or we can wipe them clean and recycle them. Let us give you our opinion for no charge to help you decide what to do. See ad, page 17.

Ÿ 20 Years Experience Ÿ Confidentiality ~ Privacy ~ Respect Ÿ Disposable Speculums Ÿ Dual Filtered, UV Purified Water Ÿ Affordable, Individual or Package Pricing Ÿ Flexible Scheduling includes Weekend Appointments Go with the flow...the road to health is paved with good intestines.


Tucson Edition


Ÿ Primary care physician Ÿ Specialist in Endocrinology –

Thyroid, Hormone, Adrenal, and Neurotransmitter systems

Ÿ Specialist in Gastrointestinal Issues Ÿ Functional Medicine specialist Ÿ Recently awarded “Most Caring

Doctor” in the nation through SmartNDBiz.com

Optimal functional health is not a lofty goal. It's a birth right for everyone.

Jo Ruddy, PhD Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and Metaphysical Life Coach Ÿ Specializes in releasing disease Ÿ A solution-focused approach to release unconscious patterns Ÿ Holistic/metaphysical modalities for healing mind, body, spirit Ÿ Couples reconnection & relationship empowerment Jodi Hardy, MA, Cht, LPC Psychotherapist Ÿ Specializes in working with women & children Ÿ Therapeutic & hypnotherapy modalities to create healing Ÿ Demonstrates & fosters healthy self-esteem


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BIO-TOWELS FOR SALE: Super-absorbent, plant-based fiber, reusable, disposable, microfiber towels. Once in a landfill they will disintegrate and leave no footprint. They can be used for cleaning, beauty, gyms, home, anywhere a towel is needed. 10 for $25 plus shipping. Bulk discounts available. Call 520-668-4017 or email Kalyngem@cox.net. HAVE YOU TRIED HEMP CBD FLOWER? Want the benefits of medical marijuana without the high? We offer tested organic smokable Hemp Flower with high CBD content. Mon-Fri 10am-7pm • Sat 10am-5pm. Divine Synergy Therapeutics, 143 S Park Ave, 85719. 520-351-9828, DivineSynergy.co. HAND SANITIZER - $6 FOR 2OZ. All-Natural, moisturizing, smells like Citrus/Vanilla using pure essential oils. 70% alcohol, organic pure aloe vera. $1 from every sale is donated to a local small business or non-profit that changes weekly. Local pick-up or shipping available. Order at FloatTucson.com/ Store or call/text 520-668-4017.

LOVE TO WRITE? Natural Awakenings is seeking aspiring writers. Apprentice with us. Obtain experience in interviewing. Receive guidance from a professional editor. See your by line in print! Contact Holly@NaturalTucson.com or 520-760-2378 for more information.

PSYCHIC PROTECTION SANCTUARY now in Tucson! Psychic protection expert and author, Maya Zahira, helps clients with spirit attachment, psychic attack, ancestral trauma, empath sensitivity, paranormal support, house clearings, and more. Local and online classes, sessions, and presentations. Honest, compassionate, and effective. 25 years experience. Info and contact: PsychicProtectionSanctuary.com. VISCERAL MANIPULATION is a light touch technique relieving tension in the tissues most often in the abdomen and chest. Releasing tension in the tissues around and within the organs often improves circulation, function, decreases pain, calms the nervous system, brings one into a deep state of relaxation. Northwest Tucson. Jean Read, PT, 956-566-5443.

WE LIVE IN CRAZY TIMES! Let a professional Astrologer and Tarot card reader help you navigate. I have been seeing clients for over 30 years. My focus is finding practical solutions and spiritual growth. Currently I work at Canyon Ranch Spa. Call Shivani Baker 413-3135677 or email Shivab01073@gmail.com.

To place a classified ad, email: Holly@NaturalTucson.com 50 words for $59 Contact us today with questions, 520-760-2378

All gardening is landscape painting. ~William Kent

A Lasting Touch Salon


Alexcis Lopez/Ayahuasca Retreats


Barefoot Dreams Reflexology


Center for Spiritual Living Tucson


Claire’s Café


Cloud Nine Floatation Center


DeeAnn Saber


Divine Synergy Therapeutics


Don Zavis Sales Training


Earth’s Healing


Edge Integrative Wellness


GE Computing & Internet


Gourmet Girls Bakery/Bistro


Heart Scents


Jean Read


Judy Ferrig


KnoWEwell 15 LifeWorks Wellness Center


Natural Awakenings Singles


Natural Healing Care Center


Nourished Whole Body Wellness


Pampered Skin Studio


Proactive Health Solutions


Pur Maid


Santa Rita Springs


Thompson Accounting Co


Transformational Medicine


Tucson Biological Dentistry


Tucson Biological Wellness


Unity Spiritual Center of Peace


Unity of Tucson


Vonnie Schultz Albrecht


Whole Food Nutrition


Wholistic Family Medicine


Winterhaven Health Center


Working Bodies Massage


Zach Saber

3 June June 2020 2020

47 47



he assumption that orthodontic treatment is mainly about appearance has been proven wrong with many studies. The correct alignment of the teeth is crucial for good dental health. Untreated orthodontic problems may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, bone breakdown, jaw joint problems and loss of teeth. In addition, uncorrected problems can adversely affect one's speech, general health and self-esteem. Self-confidence almost always increases when a smile is improved. Some of the benefits of having orthodontic treatment: • Reduces the risk of gum disease and tooth decay by making it easier to clean your teeth properly. • Prevents your teeth from getting chipped or broken due to misalignment. • Prevents your teeth from being worn down prematurely or excessively.

E 48

Dental Solutions

Tucson Edition

• •

Can reduce stress, tension and pain in the jaw, neck and face if you suffer from a misaligned jaw. It can restore full oral function and improve oral wellness.

Dr. Wissinger is bringing the newest technology in the orthodontic world to Tucson! Discover the Fastbraces difference! Fast, comprehensive treatment in months... not years! She is also a top Invisalign provider and can decide if clear removable aligners are right for you. Call the office of Dr. Wissinger to find out the advantages of orthodontic care and start your treatment today!


Medicine Wheel Dental Holistic Dentistry

Elahe Wissinger, DMD & Steven Swidler, DDS 2504 E. River Rd 520-745-5496 | info@edentalsolutions.net | edentalsolutions.net NaturalTucson.com

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