DR. MARK HYMAN on Making Our Health Span Equal Our Lifespan

Natural Solutions for Male Vitality
Eating for Metabolic Health
Parenting Success for Dads
DR. MARK HYMAN on Making Our Health Span Equal Our Lifespan
Natural Solutions for Male Vitality
Eating for Metabolic Health
Parenting Success for Dads
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Incelebration of this month’s theme of Men’s Health & Wellness, Natural Awakenings and KnoWEwell are presenting an online series called The Healthy Man, every Tuesday in June, which will feature speakers on a variety of subjects related to men’s health and more. See page 8 for more information.
Our cover star, Dr. Mark Hyman, talked to Natural Awakenings about living healthy through every age and stage of life. He shares some information and tips to help us stay “Young Forever”, as his book is titled, on page 24.
In “Conscious Fatherhood”, on page 28, learn about creating core family values, practicing balance and tailoring discipline style to each individual child. These core parenting ideas can be helpful for anyone—not just dads!
This month’s Community Spotlight (page 20) focuses on Jessica Korff’s unique portrait photography career, her process and some stunning examples of how she captures each individual so well with her lens. You may see a familiar face or two within the beautiful photos captured by Jessica—including yours truly! In fact, the portrait to the left here was also taken by her.
Other topics we’re covering this month include dental health tips and facts related to men, sexual vitality, how metabolism really works, finding fulfillment in retirement, water harvesting in the desert and more.
Panoramic Catalina views and wellness lifestyle features! The ‘’Sanctuary’’ was designed and built with attention to enhancing health and wellness to create a unique retreat with luxury amenities for the optimal holistic lifestyle. This 2,744 SF home offers a stunning great room design with walls of windows and slider, fabulous primary & guest suites plus powder rm, 2 multi-purpose rooms (office, yoga, etc.), steam room, 3-car garage, outdoor sauna, large yard for recreation.
Awarded beyond-platinum level Senergy360 certification for cutting edge solutions: ICF construction, commercial grade windows, moisture-resistant materials, CARB compliance, circadian lighting, indoor air quality, EMF protection and water purification.
Join Natural Awakenings and KnoWEwell for a life-changing series entitled The Healthy Man each Tuesday in June at 5 p.m. PDT/8 p.m. EDT.
n Lifestyle choices that add years to a man’s life and life to his years
n Tips to maintain youthful energy, a desired weight and a healthy libido
n Strategies for optimal eye health
n Good posture techniques for peak human performance and pain-free aging
n Habits that create resilient kids and a lasting legacy
n Ben Greenfield, human performance consultant and author of 17 books including Boundless Parenting
n Dr. Eric Plasker, chiropractor and author of The 100 Year Lifestyle
n Dr. Tracy Gapin, board-certified urologist and author of Male 2.0 and Codes of Longevity
n Dr. Krista Burns, chiropractor, founder of the American Posture Institute and author of The Posture Principles
n Christopher Smith, co-founder of Family Brand and the Campfire Effect, creating leaders at home and in business
n Dr. Bryce Appelbaum, board-certified optometrist and pioneer in neuro-optometry
n Dr. Tarin Forbes, board-certified integrative doctor specializing in anti-aging and metabolic medicine
n Dr. Alan Christianson, naturopathic endocrinologist specializing in thyroid disease and author of The Metabolism Reset Diet and The Thyroid Reset Diet
Admission is $59, which includes all Tuesday evening sessions and a one-year membership to KnoWEwell. To learn more and register, visit Tinyurl.com/KWWmen or scan the QR Code. See ad, page 19.
Art Journeys is hosting Spiritweave with Sally Blevins, BFA, MA, LPC, as the artist guide November 1 through 5 at the Sonoran Desert Inn and Conference Center, in Ajo, Arizona.
Blevins has more than 40 years’ experience teaching art, 12 years’ experience providing art therapy, and is a skilled fiber and mixed media artist. She currently travels full time to various venues sharing her talents and providing an experience that is not only artful but creates a sense of renewal. She invites you to revive your spirit by joining her in mixed media art making and celebrating the Day of the Dead (November 2).
Retreatgoers will attend a private gallery opening and mural walk, a sound healing ceremony and dine on locally sourced cuisine while lodging at the Sonoran Desert Conference Center. They will learn their own visual language, create mixed media visual journal pages and a retablo/nicho, along with smaller inspirational art pieces in the lovely courtyard at the Conference Center.
This retreat is limited to 16 individuals in order to provide excellent access and care.
Cost: $1,400 (Wednesday evening through Sunday brunch). Price includes lodging, meals, art instruction and wellness activities; excludes transportation and one evening meal out. There will be a price for Ajo area residents that do not wish to include the lodging. There is a nonrefundable $75 registration fee, which is payable at Venmo/Spiritweave. Register by email at Sally@ConnectTherapiesllc.com. A complete itinerary, including pricing and payment schedule, will be sent in response to your email. See ad, page 15.
Amid ongoing news about Southwestern water scarcity, author Martha Retallick sees an opportunity. For nearly 20 years, she has been transforming her central Tucson home into an urban oasis. The secret to her success: water harvesting.
In her new book, City Nature, Retallick explains the rationale for water harvesting—and how she put it into practice. “Even in the best of times, water is scarce in the desert. But when it rains, oh, does it pour! This is especially true in the summer, when several inches can fall in just a few hours,” writes Retallick.
“That’s good news if you’re in a wilderness, where 50 percent of that rainwater soaks into the earth. What happens to the other half? Well, 40 percent of it evaporates and 10 percent becomes runoff. Now, let’s experience the same heavy rainstorm in a modern urban setting like Tucson. Sorry to say, but 30 percent of that rain evaporates, 55 percent becomes runoff that floods our streets and washes, and only 15 percent gets absorbed by the soil,” she explains. “What’s the solution? Water harvesting. The goal? To allow rainwater to slow down, spread and sink into the ground.”
Since Retallick purchased her central Tucson home in 2004, she has incorporated two types of water harvesting—passive and active—into her landscape.
Passive water harvesting is simply the act of sculpting the landscape to direct the water to where it should be (like plants) and away from where it shouldn’t be (like a home’s
foundation). Retallick’s landscape incorporates three passive water harvesting features—basins, berms and drainage swales.
Collectively, these earthworks eliminate the need for landscape irrigation that’s connected to the municipal water supply, which is served by Tucson Water. According to Tucson Water, approximately 40 percent of water use in Tucson is outdoors. This includes residential uses like landscape irrigation and garden watering.
Retallick’s irrigation-free landscape also includes two active water harvesting features, a 1,500-gallon cistern that collects rainwater for use in the backyard vegetable garden, and a laundry-tolandscape greywater harvesting system that diverts wastewater from the washing machine to three fruit trees.
City Nature is illustrated with more than 60 of Retallick’s color photographs, which show the wide variety of plant life on her property, the birds she shares it with and her various do-it-herself projects—the most notable being a kinetic sculpture created from a recycled chandelier.
The book also includes a list of suggested resources that encompasses books, websites, organizations and businesses that can aid readers interested in desert gardening and landscaping, and in water conservation.
City Nature can be purchased at CityNatureBook.com. Connect with Martha Retallick at 520-690-1888 or Info@WesternSkyCommunications.com.
Men’s health is a broad spectrum and is much more than lifting weights or working out every day. Although that is a part of a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle, long lasting friendships between men are essential to grow and learn who we are, as well as quality time with our family and close friends.
Good choices for our day start with feeling grounded and in our bodies. Any practice that connects our body and mind like yoga, thai chi, qigong or meditation set us up for a rewarding and happy life. Getting regular massage care is vital for everyone, especially men. Check in with your healthcare provider for information and answers to questions regarding weight, energy and feeling your best.
Many men have shared what wellness means to them: Working out, eating right, taking vitamins and getting a good night’s sleep. We can also add to this list: long-term friendships with men, helping in your neighborhood and community and spending quality time with your family.
Ken Reader is a Massage and Yoga Therapist practicing at Tucson Touch Therapies (520-8817337) and The Right Touch Massage Therapy (520-326-7675, RightTouchMassageTherapy.com) in Tucson. He offers classes both in person and via Zoom with The Yoga Connection.
Everyone should be taking good care of their teeth and gums, but did you know that this can mean different things for men and women? That’s right: men and women are different in their oral health, which is why we’re giving guys a few tips for how to keep those smiles clean and healthy.
Men tend to neglect to schedule regular dental exams. There is a dangerous tendency to want to tough it out even if they suspect something might be wrong. Twice-yearly dental exams are recommended, even when you’re confident nothing is wrong. Like many other serious issues in the body, no pain is detected when dealing with a serious
illness until the disease is a much larger issue.
Make brushing and flossing a priority. One significant difference between men’s and women’s oral health is that men tend to be less diligent than women in taking care of their smiles. Up to 20 percent of men are less likely to change their tooth-
brushes or brush heads regularly. Brushing twice a day or after meals will lead to much healthier gums and teeth. However, at the very least brushing and flossing once a day at bedtime will ensure teeth stay clean when salivary flow is reduced while sleeping.
On average, men are more likely to drink, smoke and chew tobacco than women, which puts them at higher risk of tooth loss, periodontitis (advanced gum disease), tooth loss and oral cancer. Avoiding these harmful substances will go a long way to protecting your teeth and gums.
Men are more at risk of dry mouth. Because men are more prone to heart disease and high blood pressure than women, they are more likely to be taking medications for these conditions. Dry mouth is a common side effect of these medications, which can pose serious problems for oral health. We need our saliva to wash away bacteria and food particles and keep the pH of our mouths neutral. Less saliva means a higher chance of cavities, gum disease and halitosis.
Men should be wary of getting into a “tough guy” mindset. Getting regular dental cleanings or exams can reduce chances of cavities or gum disease, and skipping brushing and flossing not only will reduce self-confidence and lead to halitosis or bad breath, but it can also lead to more serious oral and health problems.
The mouth is truly the gateway to your body, so don’t be a stranger to the dentist.
E Dental Solutions uses state-of-theart technology, attention to clients’ needs and commitment to continuing education to ensure that clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfortable environment. E Dental Solutions is located at 2504 E River Rd, in Tucson. Connect at 520-745-5496 or EDentalSolutions.net. See ad, back cover.
The dream of retirement is often an end goal, but for many, the reality has been less than wonderful. What used to be deemed the reward to the end of your career and often very productive working years—and should be considered a milestone for new beginnings and direction—can sometimes become a nightmare.
Some men retain the ability to be independent, rejecting the need for social interaction. Some function well without having to actively establish, or even require, new patterns of social connection, while other male retirees suffer the sense of lost identity and personal isolation. This transition, from productivity to obscurity, can bring emotional challenges, personal boredom and the question of self-worth. They may grieve the loss of their old lives, feel stressed about how to fill their days, or be worried about the new day-to-day relationships and routines.
Hobbies can be embraced, provided they are available and affordable; family connections can be the focus, provided there is geographic, interest and lifestyle compatibility; and there is the opportunity to travel, provided finances, health and the desire for new experiences is present.
But these situations do not always compensate for the loss of identity, purpose or status. The issue becomes, “What to do?”
The most common advice, whether it be from a friend, an understanding significant other or even conversations with a Life Coach, is to: “Learn new skills or adapt the ones you already possess.”
This common answer can manifest itself by becoming a volunteer, either to a community, a charity or a mentorship. It can be in one of many venues—veterans’ organizations, community associations, religious groups or educational opportunities abound.
Check with everyone you know. Use those networking skills you mastered. Search out websites. Investigate community/library bulletin boards or colleges, universities or high schools. There are always volunteers needed, no matter your skill, your interests or your experience.
You can always sit down with a Life Coach to establish which scenario would best fit with the person you are or pursue interests that might be best utilize the gifts, talents and passions that are already within you.
Volunteering provides social connections and strong support networks which keep your physical, mental, psychological and emotional needs satisfied and alive. After all, doesn’t feeling alive and fulfilled lead to a more satisfying work-life balance we all desire?
Albert Lavenziano, of Atlas Life Coach, helps to identify common patterns and connections in clients’ lives to assist in unscrambling the directions for a person’s future. This can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling work-life balance. Connect at 520-406-8576 or Atlas.LifeCoach22@yahoo.com.
For men, sexual health is a key, but often overlooked, component of overall wellness. A man in optimal physical shape is able to fully enjoy and participate in sexual activity with an active libido and the ability to sustain an erection. Poor sexual health can lead to depression, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction and other troublesome symptoms and conditions.
Fortunately, male sexual function is better understood medically than ever before, and it is more common for men to talk with their doctors and other professionals about topics that seemed taboo not that long ago. New technology is making it easier to diagnose and
treat common problems, and it is widely understood that physical, neurological, hormonal, interpersonal and mental factors all play into sexual wellness. By taking a proactive and holistic approach to their overall wellness, men can enjoy a robust sex drive and performance long into their later years.
Eric Plasker, a licensed chiropractor and author of The 100 Year Lifestyle, attests that sexual health does not have to decline with age, and men can proactively counter that myth with mindful lifestyle choices. “If you’re aging in a healthy manner, your libido does not have to decline.
By taking part in activities you find fulfilling and nurturing your mind, body and spirit, your sexual energy can stay naturally high,” Plasker explains.
He recommends that people take an energy inventory to assess which activities and lifestyle choices are serving them. “Make a list of all the things you do that help you gain energy and those that drain your energy. This includes the food you eat, hobbies, habits, even people you spend time with. Then see how you can turn the drainers into gainers. For example, if driving in traffic makes you angry, put on relaxing music and do deep breathing exercises to shift yourself into a more positive state. These shifts will make you more energetic, stronger, more passionate and present with your partners, and you’ll have more energy to be sexual and loving,” he says.
Sexual health depends on a healthy nervous system, and maintaining a balanced flow of hormones and neurotransmitters is essential for proper neurological function. According to Plasker, disease, inactivity and inflammation—especially in the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints—can cause a communication breakdown.
“Blockages in the nervous system flow can cause disruption to the sexual organs and lead to a compromised libido,” he explains. “Chiropractic adjustments, combined with regular exercise, will help raise cortisol, reduce stress and open up these pathways in the body. I recommend that patients find an activity they enjoy, such as swimming or tennis, so it becomes an enjoyable part of their routine,” Plasker says.
According to Tracy Gapin, a board-certified urologist in Sarasota, Florida, strong sexual health and desire is a window to overall health. He helps patients reach their sexual potential with a combination of science-based medicine and holistic practices. “The body is one connected system, and great sexual function is an indication that your body is optimized,” he advises.
While testosterone is widely known to affect sex drive, Gapin looks at the inter-
play of a variety of other hormones, too. Hormone optimization, testosterone therapy and peptide therapy, which utilizes the body’s own amino acids to increase hormone levels, are non-invasive outpatient tools that men can use to analyze and optimize their sex drive.
“The body produces over 50 hormones, which all contribute to regulating biological processes,” he explains. “Low testosterone can lead to weight gain, anxiety, erectile dysfunction and other serious health issues, including diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Men want to optimize their thyroid and DHT [dihydrotestosterone] levels, both of which can lower the sex drive when compromised. Vitamin D helps regulate the gut, which controls the health of the entire body. Neurotransmitters, which help release feel-good endorphins such as serotonin and dopamine, are made in the gut and can affect depression, anxiety and other issues that lower libido.”
Gapin stresses that it is more important to think about “optimal” levels of hormones instead of “normal” ranges and encourages patients to move beyond the basic blood tests to assess their health. “Besides sex drive, testosterone also affects cardiovascular health, muscle and bone strength, fat mass, cognitive health and even longevity, so it’s important to be aware of your own levels,” he says. “Every man is different, and the range in which you feel and perform your best is what’s right for you. With medical advice constantly changing, it can be a challenge to keep track of all the recommended tests. DNA testing, epigenetic age assessments, advanced lipid panels, inflammation markers and thyroid testing can all give insight to how the body is functioning as a whole.”
According to the American Cancer Society, one in eight men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. It is, in fact, the most common cancer among American men. Prostate cancer is more likely to develop in older men and in non-Hispanic Black men. About six cases in 10 are diagnosed in men that are 65 or older, and it is rare in men under 40.
Gapin asserts that preventative and proactive lifestyle choices can drastically reduce the risk. “New, non-invasive MRI treatments are making it easier to detect and diagnose cancer earlier by highlighting suspicious areas in the prostate and targeting them for biopsy,” he explains, adding that men diagnosed with prostate cancer have a number of treatment options.
“Traditionally, patients would have the prostate removed and undergo radiation. However, these procedures come with a list of disturbing side effects. A newer, FDA-approved treatment called high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a noninvasive procedure that eradicates prostate cancer,” Gapin notes. “HIFU is an outpatient procedure with excellent oncologic outcomes, minimal side effects and quick recovery times.”
As an osteopathic doctor and integrative medicine practitioner
at the Masley Optimal Health Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida, Tarin Forbes looks at the root causes of disease and dysfunction. She, too, considers sexual health an integral component of overall wellness and gives patients the tools to achieve their desired sexual potential. “While every person is different, optimal sexual health usually means that men wake up with a morning erection, desire intercourse on a daily basis and can reach an erection without stimulation or genital contact,” she remarks.
Making mindful choices that prioritize nutrition will naturally improve sexual health. “Nourish yourself with a whole food, plant-based diet rich in nutrients, including nitrate-rich foods and foods rich in vitamin C and folate, which boost nitric oxide, the main compound that increases blood flow,” Forbes says. “Beans, citrus fruits, beets, celery, cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens boost nitric oxide or its bioavailability to improve blood flow. While getting nutrition from food is ideal, supplements such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and boron can help regulate sex hormones. Avoid certain medications, including overthe-counter medicine such as NSAIDs [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs] like Advil, acid blockers and even mouthwash, which blocks nitric oxide.”
Forbes also recommends engaging in high-intensity exercises and weight resistance that help increase testosterone and blood flow to the penis. Reducing environmental toxins is another important step, she notes, as plastics, pesticides and other chemicals can rob men of their testosterone, which not only affects blood flow but also libido.
Forbes cautions that while erectile dysfunction drugs work in the short-term, they can produce unwanted consequences. “Viagra does work to help men achieve an erection by stimulating blood flow to the penis. However, it can cause troublesome side effects including headaches, vision problems and nasal congestion. Non-pharmaceutical alternatives can provide good results without undesirable repercussions. Low-intensity shock wave therapy, a non-invasive outpatient procedure, uses targeted sound waves to improve blood flow to the penis and can be done once or in a series of treatments. Platelet-rich plasma injections use the patient’s own plasma to stimulate new tissue growth in the penis, which can lead to larger and more frequent erections,” she explains.
Forbes says that by having an open dialogue with their medical professionals and exploring holistic treatments, men at any age can feel sexier and more energetic
than ever. “Talk about your concerns with your doctor, who may offer referrals to other specialists until the issue is solved. A physical therapist can teach men to strengthen their pelvic floor with Kegels and other exercises. Sexual therapists help men work through mental and psychological issues, which can be as debilitating as physical ones. A psychologist can offer tools for managing depression and anxiety, both of which can contribute to sexual dysfunction, including low libido and performance anxiety,” she says, noting that if a man does not feel comfortable talking with their doctor, it may be time to find a new one.
Many factors contribute to sexual health, and every man’s needs and desires are different. By addressing physical, hormonal, neurological and mental wellness with a combination of conventional and holistic treatments, men can experience sexual performance and enjoyment at any age. “There’s more awareness than ever before about sexual health, and men don’t have to compromise this integral part of their overall wellness,” says Forbes.
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at Carrie JacksonWrites.com.
“All men desire to be loved, valued, needed and respected, and to know they are leaving a mark on this world. Many men look for this fulfillment in career and hobbies, but this can be found by embracing their role as fathers,” says Ned Schaut, the Hawaiibased author of The Adventure of Fatherhood. He notes that the way fathers choose to live and perform their parental roles can affect a family for generations.
Learning what fatherhood entails isn’t easy for men that grew up without involved dads, which may leave them doubting that they have what it takes to lead their families. “There are endless resources to help us in our businesses or careers, but our society doesn’t get behind the message that strong families matter, that present, engaged fathers matter,” says Chris Smith, founder of Campfire Effect, a coaching business for entrepreneurs in Arizona. “In business, we apply principles around values, culture, leadership and growth, and then we go home and don’t apply these same principles.”
Define Values: The lack of fatherhood guidance led Smith to develop Family Brand, an eight-week program designed to strengthen familial bonds and create an intentional family culture. Part of the process involves parents and their kids understanding who they are and defining their values. The family joins together to come up with a series of statements to hang on the wall as a reminder of their identity and purpose.
n We believe you can be who you want to be.
n Smiths can talk about anything without judgment.
n Smiths are kindhearted.
n Smiths are creators.
n Smiths do hard things.
n Smiths are healthy and active.
n Smiths love and support one another.
Schaut offers a similar lesson plan called Family Core Values, which prompts families to decide where and how to spend their time and money, and to identify what they do and do not want. “It helps us make decisions or have conversations about who we are and how we want to treat others,” he says.
A mission statement hangs on the wall at the home of Ben Greenfield, the Washington-based author of Boundless Parenting: Tools, Tactics and Habits of Great Parents. “It’s a collection of the family values, what the family stands for and holds dear, and what the parents want to pass on to their children,” he explains.
These kinds of value statements help promote positive energy in the home. “If the language spoken at home is limiting and negative, those words become energy that create more of that. We need to use language that is about confidence, kindheartedness and teamwork,” says Smith.
Balance Priorities: According to Schaut, “There will not be an equal balance of time in all categories of life.” Fathers need to understand what matters most to them and then dedicate their time, money and energy in alignment with those priorities.
For Smith, his family comes first, and he makes sure that his business revolves around the home. “We always prioritize family, even if that comes at the price of career,” he says.
Greenfield stacks his priorities in this order: faith first, followed by his relationship with his spouse, family, health and business. His time is meticulously scheduled so that he can dedicate quality time to all of his priorities. He regularly involves his kids in his spiritual practice and exercise routines to set an example and instill positive habits.
Time dedicated to each child is a priority in strong families. Each of Greenfield’s kids has monthly one-on-one dates with Mom and with Dad, two-on-one quality time every Sunday and daily check-ins every morning and during family dinners. “We’ve noticed that our kids will open up and talk to us during a one-on-one,” Smith asserts.
Discipline With Love: Smith suggests reimagining the way dads approach discipline. “If you tell your kid, ‘What you did was bad,’ it’s hard for them to hear what you say next, because you are attacking them. If we talk about working or not working, you can say, ‘That really doesn’t work and here’s why.’ Kids are then more open to hearing and learning,” he explains.
Discipline needs to be thoughtfully appropriate for each child and each situation. “You have to know and be in tune with your kid,” says Schaut. “When you discipline them, it must come from love and you responding as a dad to the situation, not reacting.”
But talking will never overcome modeling. “What they see you doing is more important than the advice you give them,” says Greenfield. “At the end of the day, kids just want to be seen and loved and heard.”
When Jessica Korff started attending art school, she was planning to become a graphic artist. Fortunately, the school encouraged students to take other classes offered in the curriculum, and she discovered her passion for photography.
Now an award-winning photographer, there is something about Korff that inspires her subjects to reveal themselves. All clients receive a planning appointment prior to their photography session so that she can personally interact with them. Then, she assimilates what she gleans into a portrait that captures their essence.
When Korff does branding photos for business clients, her goal is to have the viewer begin to “know, like and trust” the subject, she says. “Well done photos that connect with potential clients will compel them to read more,” she opines.
If Korff was doing a portrait of herself, it would evoke her creativity, determination and her resilience. She lives her life fully, authentically and on her own terms, while she concomitantly encourages others to do the same. Her greatest joy is seeing her clients’ confidence shine through in and after their images.
The interesting thing is that I was originally in art school at the Southwest University of Visual Arts to study graphic design. I started additional classes in photography that they offered. While I was taking classes there and dabbling in photography, I was also working at a preschool.
I began taking photos of the children and gave them to the moms. Their feedback indicated to me that the photos had an enormous impact on the parents. It was around this point I decided I hated graphic design because it was too tedious. I switched gears and dove into photography, where I felt I could make a bigger difference.
What drew you to the world of professional photography?
It was a hobby in the beginning because I had just had a baby, my fourth of four, and she was very dependent on me. In both of our best interests, my husband suggested I should quit the preschool job to do professional photography. It sounded risky—you don’t know what’s going to happen when you open a business, do you? But I decided to try it. I opened my own business in 2016, and I’ve never looked back.
What is unique about your photography?
I focus a lot on women. It’s kind of funny, because I didn’t in the beginning. I was a high school senior photographer. It just slowly started happening that I would take on a headshot session here and there. When I saw how women showed up differently in their business after they did a session, it just fed my soul to see what an impact it had on their lives. My hope is that I succeed in making women feel so amazing about themselves that after a session they think they can conquer the world.
Does who the person is or what they do change how you photograph them?
I try to get to know who they are so I can capture their essence and highlight their strength and confidence. Women often forget how truly magnificent they are, and my goal is to help them remember
that. If they are comfortable with me, they are going to let themselves shine through. They will think, “This is a place where I can authentically show up.”
Who have you done marketing/branding photos for in your work?
I’ve worked with acupuncturists, life coaches, chiropractors, aestheticians and many other holistic practitioners and health offices. Branding is getting to tell the story of who they are so they can stand out. The right photography can get people to begin to know, like and trust you without saying a word. It can help get potential clients to read your message and help them think, “You feel like you might be my perfect person, let me read more.”
We all have an idea of what a health professional does. My goal is to convey what makes them different, by telling a story of what they do so they come to the forefront of their profession.
One thing we do differently is to use a lot of body language psychology, as well as color psychology, to support their message. We each have an automatic relationship to what colors mean. Red naturally brings out feelings of confidence and power. If you want people to relate to you as being joyful and optimistic, I suggest yellow.
What advantages are there to being a female photographer?
For boudoir photography it is helpful to be female, although it doesn’t have to be
a driving force. I add to their safety and create a comfortable environment so they can authentically come through.
About 90 percent of the women who call book me because on my website, I note that my philosophy is that it is no one else’s job to be photogenic or look good in front of the camera. It’s my job to pose you and direct you through your entire photoshoot to make you look and feel incredible. My makeup artist Renee is well versed in camera ready makeup, which is different from everyday makeup. She can use makeup to help you look camera ready even with a “no makeup” look.
What should a client do to prepare for a photo shoot with you?
We have a planning appointment that addresses several items. During the planning session we figure out how they want to be photographed, what they want to convey and what wardrobe they will wear. In general, I recommend a hair blowout the day of or the day before, clean nails, drinking a lot of water the week before, so your skin is well-hydrated, and eating a healthy breakfast.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?
It’s definitely when my clients see photos and are shocked because they don’t always see themselves that way. When my boudoir clients feel beautiful, sexy and realize how extraordinary they are, they start living their portrayal. It reminds
them who they are, and they start showing up in the world just a little differently.
Which photographers are inspirational to you?
There’s a few. I really love Lola Melani. She does stunning work, particularly with maternity and motherhood portraits. And my other inspiration is Megan DiPiero, who does headshots and personal branding as well. Her photography business comes from empathy and connection, and we often forget those things. Her approach in business is a love-first message, which includes self-love and love for our clients.
When I have time for them. I enjoy painting and love reading—with an actual book or Audible. Otherwise, I’m basically a taxi for my kids.
What is your favorite quote?
I’m not sure who said it, but, “Your soul knows what it’s doing. It’s just your human that gets in the way.” To me it means that if you sit still and listen, you know exactly what to do, exactly where you want to go.
What is one thing without which you cannot live?
It sounds cliché, but definitely family. I’m a mom of four girls, and it’s so cool to see my kids come into their own. They do really impressive things when I get out of the way. And, of course, my husband—I couldn’t do anything without my husband.
What does a day in the life of Jessica Korff look like?
When we wake up, my lovely husband makes coffee, so I start the day drinking
coffee, getting my kids ready and off to school, and if it’s a workday, I roll into a photo shoot. I’ll enjoy all of that and have a great time with clients, and then go home to relax. On non-shoot days, I have client meetings, networking meetings and retouching.
What networking organizations are you involved in?
I’m currently Vice President of my BNI Chapter, and a Director of BNI SoZona (Southern Arizona), which entails supporting some of the other BNI chapters and members. I’m a member of eWomenNetwork and I also attend the LGBTQ Chamber. I think it’s important to be allies and to support people in the community who need it. I try to connect in the community whenever I can.
What is your mission?
My mission is to change how women believe they are allowed to show up in this world, and to create the space for them to step up and take their power back.
What projects are you working on that support your mission?
I own and run Success [RE]fashiond Magazine. Refashion means “to fashion or create something differently” and that’s just what the women in this magazine are doing. It’s an annual issue celebrating and supporting some of our top local women in business. Each woman shares her story and what drives her forward. Local
women writers also contribute articles, and the photography is all done by me.
My hope is that through this magazine, community awareness goes up of impactmaking women right here in Tucson, who have embraced that they can be both powerful and feminine; soft and strong; humble and yet worth being celebrated.
We also do a project every year, and this year is The Art of [Her]. This is a curation of real women, with real stories of trauma or challenges that they have overcome and real beauty. They come in and I photograph them in dresses I make by draping fabrics, which creates an artist’s rendition of their stories. And
we show her as the true piece of art she is. Then we feature them in a photo exhibition at a local business or gallery. Projects like this feed the artist in me.
Next year, our project will be a sixweek body love challenge, which will be about an awareness of how we look at and perceive ourselves in a negative light. Women tend to look in the mirror and to not like what we see. My vision is to motivate others to switch the narrative and to remind you that you are “absolutely magic exactly the way you are.”
Jessica Korff Studios is located at 326 S. Wilmot, Ste. A-140, in Tucson. Connect at 520-975-9051, Jessica@JessicaKorff.com or JessicaKorff.com. See ad, page 4.
Suzie Agrillo is a freelance writer in Tucson, and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings Magazine. She focuses on writing about the arts, inspirational people and the human connection. Connect at Suzie@ComedyforCharity.org.
Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, bestselling author, speaker, educator and advocate in the field of functional medicine. He is the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, founder and senior advisor for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and board president for clinical affairs for The Institute for Functional Medicine. He is also the founder and chairman of the Food Fix Campaign, dedicated to transforming our food and agriculture system through policy change, and hosts The Doctor’s Farmacy, a podcast with more than 150 million downloads. Hyman is a regular contributor to CBS This Morning, Today, Good Morning America, The View, Fox and CNN. His latest book, Young Forever: The Secrets to Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life, champions the latest science on healthy aging.
How is the emerging science on longevity changing the way we view aging?
Many things we’ve come to accept as a normal part of getting older are not. Decrepitude, frailty, disease, diabetes, cancers, dementia—these are optional. We can’t change chronological aging, but we can slow and reverse biological aging by influencing the hallmarks of ag ing, which are these underlying processes that go awry as we get older.
In my book I wrote about 10 hallmarks of aging, which are all part of one ecosystem of problems. They’re not separate; they influence each other; and they’re dynamic. It’s things like inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, zombie cells, shortened telomeres, microbiome changes and epigenetic changes, which are changes in how our genes are expressed. They’re all important, but the most important hallmark of aging is called deregulated nutrient sensing, which means how our body interacts with food and how that influences us for good or bad. Problems with nutrient sensing affect almost all the other hallmarks and make them worse.
We have built-in longevity pathways and over 3,000 survival genes, and we can activate this innate healing intelligence at any time. A major way to influence four of these pathways is through food. I call them longevity switches, which we need to learn how to regulate to make our health span equal our lifespan.
The first one is activated by too much sugar and starch, which drives too much insulin signaling, causing diabetes, pre-diabetes, cancer, dementia, heart disease or obesity. When insulin is over-
expressed, it causes weight gain, fat storage, inflammation and lots of other problems.
The next one is mTOR [mammalian target of rapamycin], a pathway that makes new proteins and builds muscle, but gets overstimulated because of our constant eating and snacking and eating before bed. mTOR needs to be inhibited periodically by intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating to allow autophagy to hap- pen, which is like a recycling and repair crew that comes in at night and cleans up all the damaged proteins.
The other two pathways, sirtuins and AMPK [adenosine monophosphateactivated protein kinase], sense a lack of nutrients and switch on survival pathways. If we’re constantly eating sugar and starch, then AMPK and sirtuins are overstimulated, and they’re not given a break to activate these pathways.
If it were a pill, exercise would basically fix everything. It’s probably the most potent intervention there is, other than calorie restriction or fasting, and it works on many of the longevity pathways. The most important type of exercise is resistance training as you get older, because you need to build muscle. Without muscle, you become frail and dysfunctional.
Exercise influences our DNA stability; lengthens telomeres; preserves the genome; affects the proteins; regulates mTOR, AMPK and sirtuins; preserves mitochondrial function; prevents zombie cells; helps with stem cells; reduces inflammation, cardiovascular risk and diabetes; and it’s also really important for becoming insulin sensitive.
What is hormesis and how can it help with healthy aging?
Hormesis is the idea that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The concept is not new. We know that exercise, for
example, is a stress on the body, but it actually makes you rebound stronger. When you lift weights or you run, it’s a stress, but you’re getting thinner and stronger. There are other forms of hormesis that activate longevity pathways. Hot sauna therapy reduces your risk of cardiovascular mortality by 50 percent. Cold immersion therapy has many benefits, like increasing dopamine, activating brown fat and regulating metabolism. Fasting is a kind of hormesis, and longer fasts—for a day, three days, a week—are very powerful.
What role does finding community have in this quest for longevity?
The science is pretty clear that the body has innate systems that can be regulated by our thoughts. We now understand the mechanisms by which our social relationships and connections can influence our gene expression and everything from inflammation to insulin resistance to everything else, so building connection with others and building relationships and community is very important.
What longevity strategies do you implement on a typical day?
A lot of this is just habit development and routine. This morning I worked out with my resistance bands for half an hour, took a steam shower and an ice bath, then had a longevity shake with goat whey, creatine, urolithin A and adaptogenic mushrooms. Then I took a walking meeting for an hour-and-a-half outside while I was on a call. Tonight, I plan to spend time with friends. I eat pretty simply most of the time. Last night, I had lamb chops, sweet potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, artichokes (which are a great prebiotic food) and some broccoli with lemon, garlic and olive oil. I take my supplements as well. So it’ s very simple, very easy.
Yeyati is the national editor of Natural Awakenings.
belly, with blood pressure, blood glucose and triglyceride levels on the rise. In most cases, modifying our diet is the most powerful way to regain vitality and get those biomarkers back on track.
“Metabolic imbalance occurs when the body stores fat but can’t access it or burn it as efficiently,” says Alan Christianson, a naturopathic physician and author of The Metabolism Reset Diet: Repair Your Liver, Stop Storing Fat and Lose Weight Naturally. “In one year, our bodies manage about 1 million calories in and out. We never get exactly what we need on any day, so we must be able to store and release energy in a healthy fashion. However, people get better at storing and poorer at releasing. This is a big part of gradual weight gain and accompanying fatigue.”
cascade that promotes storing fat instead of using it.
James Forleo, a doctor of chiropractic and author of Health Is Simple, Disease Is Complicated, recommends the elimination of certain foods that wreak havoc on our metabolism: “The inflammatory agents in much of the food consumed in the Standard American Diet—high-glycemic refined carbohydrates, high-fructose corn syrup and other sugars, and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats—are the biggest offenders of metabolic health.”
“The key mechanism to correct and maintain metabolic health is helping the liver to function well. Once corrected, it is not difficult to maintain metabolic health if people eat reasonably healthy,” Christianson advises. “The liver is the main site for storing the body’s fuel. It does this in the forms of glycogen and triglycerides. When things go wrong, there’s too much of one relative to the other. We need some glycogen, which comes from carbohydrates, to burn triglycerides—kind of like how you need kindling to burn a log. The problem is triglyceride buildup in the liver.”
Metabolism is the process by which the foods and drinks we consume are converted into energy. We may not notice the cellular mechanisms that transform fat and glucose into the oomph in our step, but when they start to wane, we definitely know something is wrong. We may feel lethargic and weak, our brains may get foggy or we may start putting on weight around the
Christianson describes good metabolic health as having steady energy levels and maintaining a good body weight. “When there’s too little energy available and the body can’t make energy that well, I see symptoms of metabolic imbalance as mental fatigue and poor memory, less muscular endurance, less recovery from exercise, weight gain and resistance to weight loss,” he explains. “If not addressed, metabolic imbalance can develop into obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, insulin resistance, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.”
According to Christianson, certain lifestyle choices can throw our metabolism out of balance, including the overconsumption of carbohydrates, processed foods and caffeine; frequent snacking and late-night meals; and poor sleep routines. Too much stress creates a hormonal
Fixing the liver is the central focus of Christianson’s 28-day metabolism reset. “To correct a fatty liver, you need adequate protein and adequate nutrients, but a low enough amount of total carbohydrates and healthy fats,” he says. “You also need adequate levels of glucose, a simple carbohydrate that we get from the food we eat. My metabolism reset guides you in eating less refined and processed foods, and more real, nutritious food; pairing carbohydrates with protein; exercising; managing stress levels; and avoiding sugar.”
Metabolic Balance, a German-based company with certified nutrition coaches around the globe, helps people optimize their health with personalized diet plans and follow-up coaching sessions. “The program was created by Dr. Wolf Funfack, a specialist in internal and nutrition-
al medicine, whose research revealed that every human body can produce all the hormones and enzymes it needs for healthy metabolism. We need to give it the necessary nutrients with the right food, which is precisely what Metabolic Balance does,” says Sylvia Egel, CEO and director of coaching and education.
“Based on an individual’s personal medical history and blood levels, we determine what substances the body lacks to produce all the enzymes and hormones necessary for their bodily functions,” she explains. “The personal roadmap recommends the right combination of foods to keep the various bodily functions in balance. The foods aren’t based on their caloric content, but rather on their essential components such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and the relationship between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.”
According to a 2010 study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, participation in the Metabolic Balance program led to long-term health improvements due to a high degree of adherence by the participants. According to the researchers, “The emphasis of any dietary program should be set on both the aspect of nutrition as well as the aspect of motivation.”
Linda Sechrist has been a contributing writer to Natural Awakenings publications for 20 years.
1 cup vegetables (mushrooms, leeks, onion or cauliflower), chopped
1 chicken breast, diced
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp mild or medium curry powder
1 tsp garam masala
½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground ginger
1 garlic clove
Vegetable stock
If using cauliflower, parboil the florets and keep the water they were boiled in. Heat the spices in a dry pan until fragrant. Add garlic and vegetables and coat with spices. Add some oil and pour in some vegetable stock (or the cauliflower water) to deglaze the pan. Cook covered for a few minutes until spices and liquid are well combined and the vegetables are coated evenly. Add the diced chicken. Simmer until the chicken is cooked, stirring regularly. Add more vegetable stock or water for a thinner sauce. Serve with some toasted rye bread to soak up the juices.
Recipes and photos courtesy of Metabolic Balance
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Not feeling like yourself anymore? Gaining weight, no matter what you do? Tired, have brain fog, moody or “hormonal?”
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All events were accurate at press time; we suggest confirming these the hosts before attending. Please check NaturalTucson.com to enter your events or find others. Thank you for your understanding and stay well.
June 1 • 5pm
Bio-Touch Center • 5634 W Pima St Bio-TouchDoveMountain.com/Meetup
June 17 & 18 • 9am-2pm
Live/In-Person. 10 Hours of CE for nurses, doulas, and massage therapists. Bio-TouchDoveMountain.com/ Practitioner-Training
June 22 • 6pm
Live on Facebook and YouTube Facebook.com/BioTouchHealing
Full Moon Labyrinth Walk – 8-9pm. Join Janet Salese and metaphysical friends for a meditative labyrinth walk under the light of a full moon. No charge. CSLTucson at Unity of Tucson’s Outdoor Labyrinth, 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718. TucsonCSL.org.
Creating Balance in Your Life – 6-8pm. From children to work life to relationships, in this class we’ll take inventory, develop awareness, and reshape your life to create harmony and peace. $99. Higher Heart Healing, 5930 East Pima St, Ste 108. 520-333-6237. HigherHeartHealing.co.
Online Booklet Discussion on “ECK Wisdom on Health & Healing” by Harold Klemp –3-4:30pm. Discussion on health and healing from a spiritual viewpoint. All faiths welcome. No need to have the booklet to participate. No charge. 877-300-4949. Welcome@EckankarArizona.org. EckankarArizona.org.
Yoga and 12 Steps – 4-5:30pm. 45-minute 12-step meeting (all As are welcome) followed by gentle yoga practice. Short meditation and breathwork led by certified yoga instructor Marty Twichell, E-RYT 500, YACEP. No charge. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Online Booklet Discussion on “ECK Wisdom on Soul Travel” by Harold Klemp – 11am12pm. Lively facilitated discussion. Leave with spiritual gifts to assist you throughout life. People of all faiths welcome. No need to have the book to participate. No charge. 877-300-4949. Welcome@ EckankarArizona.org. EckankarArizona.org.
Tibetan Style Gong Bath – 4-5:30pm. Allow the sounds of the Earth Gong and Tibetan Singing Bowls to wash through, bathing participants in healthful frequencies, realigning energy physically, mentally and spiritually. Refrain from eating within 2 hours of the Gong Bath. $25. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Sparkplug to Spiritual Growth – 4-5pm. Experience the power and wonder of HU for yourself. Meet others who share a desire to explore their connection with Divine Spirit and engage in spiritual conversation. No charge. Welcome@ EckankarArizona.org. EckankarArizona.org.
Gratitude Rainshower – 6:30-7pm. Join Practitioner Sharon Whealy in a 30-minute gratitude rain shower. Each participant shares gratitudes and then basks in the effervescence of the gratitude rain shower that flows through everyone. No charge. Admin@TucsonCSL.org for Zoom code. TucsonCSL.org.
Warmpool Peaceful Floating – 10am-6pm. Wednesdays-Saturdays. 90 minutes, by appointment. Santa Rita Springs invites you to float in our indoor warm pool. $20/solo/duet; $35/3-5 guests. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, Tucson. Text: 520-990-1857. SantaRitaSprings@ gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Watsu Aquatic Massage – 10am-7pm. Wednesdays-Saturdays. 90 minutes, by appointment. Shiatsu, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Integrative Massage methods in our private indoor 96-degree saltwater pool. $150/90-minutes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Text: 520-990-1857. SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
First Sunday Antique Vintage Fair – 8am-2pm. 1st Sunday. Over 100 vendors, great deals, and a beautiful park. No better way to spend your Sunday. Medella Vina Ranch, 4450 S Houghton, Tucson. 520-298-1983.
Meditation – 9-11am. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520-792-6544. Worship Service: Casas Adobes Congregational Church – 9:30am. In person and live streamed. Faith-centered, music-loving Christian congregation with a variety of worship and spiritual enrichment opportunities. No charge. Info@CAUCC.org. CAUCC.org/Welcome/Natural.
November 1, 2 & 3
Celebrate Day of the Dead making art and reviving your spirit! The retreat wellness includes visual journaling, making a retablo, sound healing, local cuisine, art opening and more.
Spiritweave Art Journeys
Sally Blevins BFA MA LPC Ajo, AZ
Email for complete itinerary and pricing. Sally@ConnectTherapiesLLC.com 817-449-5485
CSL Sunday Celebration Services In-Person or Virtual – 9:30-10:30am. Join thoughtful, inspiring Speakers and the CSLT Band in a Sunday Celebration Service. Contact us to request Zoom link. By donation. CSL Tucson at Live Theater Workshop, 3322 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org TucsonCSL.org. New Mind New World – 10-11:15am. Learn how to realize the nature of feelings and how to release unhelpful states of mind. First session free. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Tucson Metaphysics Fair – 10am-4pm. Third Sunday. Psychics, Mediums, Intuitives, Angelic, Oracle and Tarot Readers, Reiki and other healers, Pet Psychic, vendors of metaphysical merchandise and jewelry. Prices vary. Tucson Elks Lodge #385 1800 N Oracle Rd. 520-579-8930. TucsonMetaphysicsFair.com.
Be Hear’d: Women’s Support Group at Tucson Counseling Associates – 5-6:30pm. Every other Sunday. Discuss what it means to be a woman with therapists Yadira Rosales, LMSW and Jules Hernandez, LAC. $5-10. Tucson Counseling Associates, 125 E Mabel St. 520-214-0818. TucsonCounselingAssociates.com.
Sunday Feast and Bhakti Program – 5:30pm. 7pm ten-course feast. Govinda’s Hare Krishna temple and vegetarian restaurant hosts a wonderful program. We observe social distancing and pay close attention to CDC guidelines. No charge. Govinda’s Natural Foods, 711 East Blacklidge. 520-792-0630. GovindasOfTucson.com.
Spirituality Program from Higher Heart Healing – 9am. First Monday. 8-weeks. Help for newly sparked empaths to ditch confusion for clarity and start their spiritual journey, understand their soul path, and make sense of their gifts. Go at your own pace. See website for pricing and information. tinyurl.com/HHHSpiritualityProgram.
Cultivate the Relationship of Your Dreams, with Dreamwork! – 9-10am. Begin with a meditation, and a different exercise each week to breathe life and connection into our dreams, build a bridge with our subconscious and find the magic, wisdom, guidance and more, that dreams offer us. $10. Eventbrite.com/e/470459847067.
Restorative Yoga – 4-5:15pm. Relax and renew with this gentle yet dynamic form of yoga. Beginners welcome. In-studio and online. Led by certified instructor, Miranda Staunton, E-RYT500. YACEP.
$12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-3231222. YogaConnection.org/class.html.
Financial Education Workshop – 5:45-6:45pm. This 6-week workshop is strictly educational, however, attendees should set up a no-fee financial needs analysis and coaching with instructor between classes to put the knowledge into action. No charge. Habitation Realty, 641 N 10th Ave. 520-850-4021.
Contemplative Prayer Group – 7-8pm. Weekly Group. Silent 20 minute “sit”. By donation. Via de Dios, 3615 N. Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org.
Yin Yoga – 4-5pm. With Joseph Moffit, RYT-500. Sessions target connective tissue and fascia with floor-bound positions held for 3-5 minutes. Experience greater mobility of your hip joints and spine. $12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Laughter Yoga Tuesdays – 5-6pm. Come join us as we use laughter, play, fun and deep breathing as forms of exercise and connection for peace and healing. All ages and abilities welcome. Masks required. No charge. Saint Francis in the Foothills Church, 4625 E River Rd, Rm 50.
Animal Communication Level 1 Class – 5-6:30pm. 4-week tele-conference teaching seminar on Basic Animal Communication and learn the skills and steps that will enhance your abilities. The skills learned through this class can be applied to many situations besides animals. 520-825-4645. JourneyToHealing.com.
Prosperity: Survive to Thrive – 5:30-7:30pm. A five-week class using Edwine Gaine’s book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity. $50 contribution. Classes will be held on Zoom. Admin@ CSLTucson. TucsonCSL.org.
Transformational Coaching Program – 6-7:30pm. Break free from old patterns that have held you back. Reveal and release hidden blocks for clarity and self-empowerment. Vibrational support + insights from group interaction. Personal results in a group setting. $25. Trish Devitt, 520-261-5194, MetamorphosisNow.com.
The New Meditation Handbook – 6:30-7:45pm. Meditate on your subtle body - the central channel, indestructible drop, and indestructible wind and mind. First session free. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Taizé Service – 6:45-7:30pm. First Tuesday. Taizé is a service of prayer, music, readings, and silence. Contact Steve: 520-400-2137. No charge. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd. SJTucson@aol.com
Contemplative Christian Prayer: The Prayer of Silence – 7-8pm. The practice of Contemplation is a way of experiencing the unconditional love of God and is the foundation of our daily journey in life. $30. $20/members. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-4002137. ViaDeDios.org.
Yoga for Increased Energy and Focus – 8-9am. Morning yoga awakens your senses, finds your breath and gets the blood flowing. All level class, seated, flow and wall poses. Guided meditation. Led by Ken Reader. Also, online. $12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org/class.html.
Business Networking Wednesday – 9am. Second and fourth Wednesday. Non-member charge of $15 per person. 520-370-8232 Arizona Sands Club, UofA Football Stadium, 565 N Cherry Ave. DonZavis.com.
Virtual Psychedelic CommuniTea Support Group – 10-11am. First Wednesday. A safe space to ask professionals your Psychedelics for Healing 101 questions, share and find support and integration in community with like-minded and curious peers. No charge. TucsonCounselingAssociates@ gmail.com. Eventbrite.com/e/461126520837.
Tucson Friendly and Fearless Death Cafe –10-11:30am. First Wednesday. Death Cafés are safe, respectful, open forums to discuss grief, loss, death and dying topics. All welcome. By donation. Zoom ID: 89313889525. Passcode: 583513. Zoom Link: Tinyurl.com/TFandFDCZoom. IsabelDeathCafe@gmail.com. Facebook. com/TucsonDeathCafe.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. Join us in a 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Qigong for Health – 8-9:15am. With Christopher “Kiki” Apodaca, RN. Qigong is a mind-body practice that has the potential to improve physical, emotional, and spiritual health via practicing different Qigong postures. Offered online or instudio. $12.The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Back Care Yoga – 4-5:15pm. Led by Danielle Dvorak, CSP, RYT 200, CA, this class focuses on strength, body posture, alleviating neck and back pain, and lengthening and decompressing the spine. Beginners welcome. Offered in-studio or online. $12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org/class.html. Meditation – 6-8pm. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520792-6544.
Taizé Inspired Worship – 6:30-7:15pm. Second Thursday. Taizé is a quiet, 45-minute Christian service with gentle music, singing, subdued candlelight, scripture readings and includes time for reflection, time for silence and time for meditation. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, United Church of Christ (UCC), 6801 North Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. caucc.org
Don Zavis Sales Training - 9-10:30am. Weekly sales training session. Business Builder Program. The most comprehensive sales training program ever created. No charge. In-person. Encantada Auditorium, 11177 North Oracle Rd, Oro Valley. 248-497-4869.
Beginning-Continuing Yoga – 12-1pm. A multi-level yoga class introducing variations on poses allowing students to practice at their own level. Beginners welcome. Offered in-studio and online. Gift certificates available. $10. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org/class.html.
Chair Yoga – 1:30-2:30pm. One of the gentlest forms of yoga. Includes chair and wall support in addition to modifications suited to your individual needs. Also offered online. Led by Nora Rankin, Mondays; and Miranda Staunton, Fridays. $10. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-3231222. YogaConnection.org/class.html.
Master Class 1.1: Foundations of Christian Spirituality – 8:30am-12:30pm. Fourth Saturday. Explore the ways prayer and Christian communities developed and have changed over the last 2000 years. $20 for the series. Via de Dios, 3615 N. Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-400-2137. ViaDeDios.org.
Contemplative Prayer Group – 9:30-11am. 9:30-11am. 25-minutes of silent meditation, followed by a DVD by a spiritual teacher such as James Finley, Richard Rohr, Thomas Keating and others, then discussion. No charge. St. Luke›s Home Chapel, 615 E. Adams St, Tucson. 520-400-2137. SJTucson@aol.com.
Simply Meditate – 10-10:30am. First session free. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Ai Chi with Connie Seddon – 10-11:15am. Guided aquatic moving meditation. Calms thoughts and nerves, gently stretches muscles, improves balance, range of motion and energy, while standing in 96 degree saltwater indoor pool. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-245-6616 or ConnieSeddon@ gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Become a Sustainability Ambassador – 10am12pm. Become a Sustainability Ambassador and help build a more resilient future for Southern AZ. Join Sustainable Tucson’s weekly hybrid training program to learn from local experts and connect with like-minded citizens. Certificate upon completion. $80. $30/students. SustainableTucson.org.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Tucson Paranormal Society Cocktail Party – 6-8pm. First Saturday. Admission is free and one complimentary beer or wine is included. No charge. Encantada Banquet Area, 11177 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley. TucsonParanormal.Society@ gmail.com.TucsonParanormalSociety.com.
First Saturday artWALK:– 4-9pm. Join us for artWALK located in the Historical Arts Warehouse District in Tucson. Food, music, art, good cheer. Support your local artists. No charge. Steinfeld Warehouse Gallery & Studios, 101 W. 6th St. SteinfeldWarehouse.org.
How to Concentrate – 6:30-4pm. During this retreat we will meditate on the nature of the mind, trying to use this opportunity to make progress in tranquil abiding. First class free. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
need models rather than critics. ~Joseph JoubertChristianson, NMD
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Holly@NaturalTucson.com to request our media kit. Check out our online directory at NaturalTucson.com and enter your free online listing.
WENDY BECKER, BA, LMT, DIPL. L.AC., CNRT-M Axis Vitality, PLLC Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing
3861 N 1st Ave, 85719
520-495-8515 • AxisVitality.com
Wendy specializes in Five-Element, Neuro, SportsTrigger Point, Japanese and Esoteric forms of acupuncture combined with Quantum Alignment Technique. If you are new to acupuncture, you will be supported in your experience of acupuncture point sensations with single use disposable sterile needles and/or Quantum devices.
Marana: L Spa Therapeutic Massage & Skincare
Midtown Tucson: VG Beauty Lounge
520-261-5194 • MetamorphosisNow.com
Relieve pain and regain your vitality with custom frequencies combined with gentle microcurrent. Real-time analysis so you get the exact frequencies you need. You CAN take charge of your health—physical or emotional. In-person sessions, distance healing, or purchase your own device.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH
5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712
If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is the Nurse-Aesthetician for you. She provides customized nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types, ethnicities and sensitivities while educating you about your skin concerns and care. See ad, page 17.
Elisabeth Heneage, MBA, ND 520-250-3871
Rejuvenate the Entire Body! Healing codes stream into the body while watching vibrant visualizations and assimilating healing tones. Increase spiritual awareness, total energy restoration, stress reduction, balance health and nutrition, skin, hair and face renewal, weight management and body sculpting.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage
520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 11.
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC 425-260-7665
Julie uses true sidereal constellational astrology connecting you to the stars of your unique birth blueprint. She gives insight to your soul’s purpose, navigating challenges on your evolutionary path, and how to be in flow with the astrological energies.
6550 E Carondelet, Bldg F, 85712
520-370-3689 • SylviaBoyed.com
Sylvia Boyed, MA, VMT, CST. Now welcoming new clients. Restorative bodywork and energetic healing for physical and emotional well-being. 14+ years experience in energetically applied visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapies. Specializing in treatment of head injuries, tinnitus and post-surgical rehabilitation. See ad, page 11.
Tired of the pain? Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD
7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Brian Johnson
951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Brian Johnson is a Building Biologist accredited by the Building Biology Institute with over 20 years of experience as a General Contractor. There are 25 BBI core philosophies we interweave into my practices. It’s about creating a safe space to heal our bodies. See ad, page 7.
Francine Rienstra
3615 N Prince Village PL #101, 85719 520-954-1811 • ViadeDios.org
Grow beyond your current understanding. Classes include meditation, silent prayer, yoga, healthy habits, creative thinking, integrative and contemplative lifestyle. Discover ancient prayer techniques. Experience transformation of daily existence into a joyful heart centered reality. Encounter experientially the presence of God.
Dr. Nathan Conlee
3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716
Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neurologic disorders. Using gentle chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture and metabolic nutrition, we have helped thousands of patients, from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit www.PerformanceNeurology.com See ad, page 23.
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $75. See ad for details. See ad, page 13.
Certified Life Coach
ATLAS Education
Text/Message: 520-406-8576
The uncertainty of the last few years has provided time for introspection. Interacting with a Life Coach may uncover goals to consider and explore to provide a more meaningful life. A Life’s journey requires taking just one step at a time.
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner
Near Campbell & Grant
Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.
Carla Echavarri MHS
I offer transformational life coaching and guidance by using techniques such as: EFT, neuro-linguisticprogramming, mindfulness, pranayama, meditation,visualization, cathartic release through verbal expression, Reiki and dream interpretation. I can also assist with post-psychedelic reintegration processes.
Facebook/LinkedIn: Jodi R. Netzer
Facebook Group: Tucson Contact Improv! Jodi R. Netzer helps heart-centered entrepreneurs and passion-purpose seekers to get more clarity, confidence, and capacity to create a happier, healthier, and more sustainable life and business. Experience Jodi’s unique mix of creative/soulful/ practical coaching, deep/playful/authentic healing, and catalytic community building.
LCS Certified Life Coach
I blend teaching and coaching for improved relationships, reduced stress, emotional resilience, and more joy. Transform your life with Private Coaching. Free consultation: 520-977-3105 or DebAndersonCoaching.as.me/consultation Group Program: Simply Planted, Plant-Based living made Simple Enroll: DebAndersonCoaching.com/simplyplanted.
Bill White, M.A., Love Coach
Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Don’t be surprised if you enjoy the process.
Dawn Marie Davis
Healing sessions customized just for you in the comfort of your surroundings or online. Helping you live a slower, more mindful life in a fast world with Hypnotherapy, Energy Healing and Guided Meditations. Ask me about packages and sliding fees.
Trish Devitt
Marana: L Spa Therapeutic Massage & Skincare
Midtown Tucson: VG Beauty Lounge
Stuck repeating the same patterns? Neutralize subconscious patterns and traumas that are preventing you from living a selfempowered, fulfilling life. Access your inner wisdom. Create your authentic life. Attain your highest intentions. Custom sessions address your needs, challenges, and goals.
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC
Julie takes a solution-focused approach to mind-body-spirit wellness with client agency and autonomy. She guides you to see your own potential for realizing your best hopes for a preferred future. Individual, group, peer coaching sessions and wellness workshops available.
Colon Hydrotherapy and Gut Nutrition, MA & LMT (FL & AZ), 45-year practice using closed system and abdominal massage. Board certified and member of International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (IACT). Provides expertise on metabolic health, food addiction and gut motility. Certified Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome (GAPPS) practitioner.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN
2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719
RN-delivered colonics.
FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closed-gravity option. Infrared Therapy included!
Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult! See ad, page 3.
Deb Beroset
312-436-2160 • Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com
Unleash your imagination and name what’s calling you. Are you yearning to sparkle? To create? To be unabashedly yourself? Something’s been holding you back…now it’s time to elevate your vibe & take action. Book a FREE introductory call with Deb to find out more: MoxieTime.as.me/introductory-call. See ad, page 12.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD
2504 E River Rd, 85718
520-745-5496 • Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net
Our mission is to build a partnership to achieve optimal dental health. The state-of-the-art technology, attention to our clients’ needs, and commitment to continuing education ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfortable environment. See ad, back cover.
Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH
1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082
A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 2.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378
With dental insurance, you can prioritize your oral health, save money on routine and emergency dental care and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re covered in case of unexpected dental issues. Robust plans available at reasonable rates. Book an appointment today! See ads, pages 9 and 14.
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Info@EMF-Wellness.com EMF-Wellness.com
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life”
EMF Wellness helps keep Tucson’s homes, schools and workplaces safe from unhealthy levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We offer professional EMF assessments with emphasis on reducing exposure to rising levels of microwave radiation from wireless devices and cell towers. Assessments include EMF education and mitigation counseling.
EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 520-780-0170
Emotions run high in many people right now. Do you need help in coping with life? Emotional freedom is just that: an easy tool to deal with upsetting circumstances, anxiety, fears, sickness. It combines energy therapy and psychology to eliminate and reduce emotions. Affordable and necessary.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH
5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is a Registered Nurse and Quantum Energy Practitioner offering chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as auric field clearing, forgiveness and self-healing practices. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 17.
Brian Johnson
Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Building using materials and methods to create a space that is mold-free, low-EMF, non-toxic, and has clean air. Having homes that we can call our sanctuaries helps us thrive. Applying the true definition of sustainability, bringing green and non-toxic solutions together synergistically. See ad, page 7.
Contact: Melissa Black 2400 E Prince Rd, 85719 520-256-0306
The Center of Integrated Living (COIL) is a nonprofit affordable Live/Work sustainable Creative Community offering: dance, art gallery, private wellness sessions, classes, workshops, and events. COIL currently consists of three adjacent demonstration properties with long/short-term residencies, lodgings, and retreats.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
~David Brinkley
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life”
EMF Wellness Tucson provides Electromagnetic Field (EMF) assessments and mitigation counselling, specializing in the creation of EMF-safe bedroom sleep sanctuaries. Services include measurement of electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and radio frequency radiation from wireless devices and cell towers.
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $75. See ad for details. See ad, page 13.
Brian Johnson
Senergy360 is committed to changing the way home building is done. National organizations report statistically over 80% of homes are sick, referred to as SBS—sick building syndrome. This applies to existing homes built from the 1970s to today. We are here to change that! See ad, page 7.
Brian Johnson
Our water systems increase energy and clarity through ionic technology by increasing photonic and biofield energy. Increased bioavailable oxygen means better hydration, increased absorption by reducing surface water molecule tension. The water structuring process in return reduces toxins and free radicals by altering the molecular and energetic structure. See ad, page 7.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Certified Hypnotist and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner Sessions available via Zoom 520-276-8822
Nori Muller is a certified hypnotist and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner specializing in helping clients with feelings of anxiety, weight issues, stress, fears, performance anxiety, persistent sadness, low confidence and self-esteem issues, motivation, achieving goals, improving relationships and finding your life’s purpose.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496
• Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net
Looking to fix your bite issues but avoid the “metal mouth” phenomenon? At E Dental Solutions, we can help you understand how to keep the aligners and your teeth clean and make it easy for you to fit into your best smile. See ad, back cover.
125 E Mabel St, 85705
Are you new to the world of therapeutic psychedelics? Look no further than our friendly, knowledgeable staff to guide you. Services currently offered are psychedelic integration and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy with ketamine.
Susan Couture, LMT, MLD/CDT 6700 N. Oracle Rd., #239, 85704
Heal faster – Heal better. Immune boosting, detoxifying manual lymph drainage, pre- & post-surgery care for aesthetic and restorative Surgery. MLD reduces inflammation, assists with organ, endocrine, circulatory, digestive, neurologic and lymphatic systems. LifeWave X39 Stem Cell Activation patch distributor. Lifewave.com/SusanCouture. See ad, page 11.
Healing Spirit Soaks
1074 N Swan Rd, 85719
Brandie Lynn Garcia LMT works alongside you in your Healing Journey of the Mind
Body and Soul. Using a variety of massage techniques and Fascia Blasting sessions to help reduce cellulite, spot reduce subcutaneous fat, reduce pain, and increase blood flow.
The Right Touch Massage Therapy
2984 E Fort Lowell, 85716
Tucson Touch Therapies
3903 E Pima St, 85712
520-881-7337 • TucsonTouchTherapies.com
Experienced Pain Relief therapist and wellness provider with 25 years as Reiki/Cranial therapist. Shiatsu and Thai Massage available at both locations. Cupping/ Gua Sha, Stones/ Aromatherapy treatments available. Book today online at RightTouchMassageTherapy.com or call 520-326-7675.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983
2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719
Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu
Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu
Integrative Massage
520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 11.
Danielle is a trained and certified Medical Intuitive (CMIP) through The Practical Path in Tujunga, CA. Medical Intuition utilizes clairvoyance and the sense of intuition to view and assess an individual’s physical body, along with their unique energy system.
INFLAMMATION IMAGING OF TUCSON Shared Office Space with Wild-Wellness
Dr. Joshua Reilly ND (Naturopath)
Lisa Holliday, CT 7790 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley, 85704 520-468-1530
Medical Thermography uses an infrared camera to see the current condition of your health, and blood flow dysfunction/ patterns, possibly years before a structure has time to form. Early intervention may help your practitioner with lifestyle/medical testing recommendations for the best outcome. $25 off any thermal health study. See ad, page 15.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378
Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
We here at Life Solutions Advisors and American Senior Benefits are a team of local medicare advisors and experts. As your trusted independent advisors, we work with all Medicare carriers and companies to best serve your needs and preferences. Complimentary Medicare cost and coverage review, call 520-760-2378. See ads, pages 9 and 14.
3929 E Pima, 85712 520-323-1222
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300-hour certification. Ask about scholarships and payment options.
Deb Beroset ItsTimeForMoxie.com
What do you want to do with your one wild and precious life? It’s not about knowing more, it’s about learning how to be more YOU. Learn how to tap into your soul’s desires and elevate your mood and energy. Book a FREE introductory call with Deb to find out more: MoxieTime.as.me/introductory-call. See ad, page 12.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719
Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719
Dr. Emily Takeuchi Miller, or “ Dr. Em” as she prefers, enjoys seeing patients of all ages and is committed to helping them live well no matter what their current condition. Her special interests include primary care medicine, pediatrics, and Mind-Body medicine/ biofeedback. See ad, page 3.
Dr. Lance Morris
2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 13.
437 W Thurber Rd Ste #3, 85705
Offering medical marijuana evaluations and certifications as well as soft tissue and osseous manipulation, acupuncture, shiatsu, craniosacral therapy, hydrotherapy, regenerative injection therapies and electromagnetic and thermal therapies. Book a free consultation today.
Brian Johnson
Sustainably Green Building Techniques and principles of Building Biology and our dedication to creating healthy homes are of the utmost importance to us. We aim to use the safest building products and solutions on the market and work with many trusted sources.
See ad, page 7.
10371 N Oracle Rd # 201, 85737
520-505-3100 • ThinkSpaceAZ.com
We offer various options for space rentals, virtual offices, and additional amenities. We make things simple and affordable for those who need somewhere to call home for their business. Contact ThinkSpace Executive Suites today to learn more information about our office rental spaces. See ad, page 18.
See ad, page 3.
Nitalya B. Williams, DDS
801 N. Wilmot Rd, Ste F2, 85711 520-745-5051
Yvette Dwornik • 520-869-5593
Sarah Dwornik-Olivo • 520-869-4040 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, 85711
Now offering Lovely Links
Permanent Jewelry, a forever accessory. Claspless and tailored to fit each individual, you may choose a bracelet, necklace, ring or all three. Beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures. See ad, page 18.
Jessica Korff is an awardwinning photographer that helps thought leaders and change-makers cut through the noise to create photos that drive their message home, tell their story and help them stand out to their right and perfect clients. See ad, page 4.
125 E Mabel St, 85705
Despite large amounts of talk therapy or medications, do you still need help in healing treatment resistant trauma or depression? Tucson Counseling Associates’ well-trained and experienced team of psychedelic integration therapists can support you and discuss this emerging field of psychedelic assisted therapies.
Reiki Master & Embodied Movement Coach
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC
Master Usui Reiki Practitioner via direct lineage to Dr. Usui, Julie helps you balance your life force energy, increase relaxation, loosen blockages to reactivate flow of chi to harmonize mind-bodyspirit. In-person and distance sessions available.
2990 N Campbell Ave, Ste 120, 85719 520-325-7766
Lovin’ Spoonfuls provides outstanding vegan comfort food in a relaxed atmosphere. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. The 100% plant-based meals are enjoyed by vegans and non-vegans alike. Favorites include the house-made burgers and Fried Chicken Dinner.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378
Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
We here at Life Solutions Advisors and American Senior Benefits are a team of local advisors and experts specializing in the concerns of our young seniors heading into retirement. Areas of focus: Medical Expense Planning, Retirement Income Strategies, Legacy & Estate Preservation and Health Solutions. Complimentary cost and coverage review, call 520-760-2378. See ads, pages 9 and 14.
Comprehensive general dental and orthodontic care with compassion serving all ages. Braces/ Clear Aligner treatments for kids, teens and adults up to 70. TMJ therapy, appliances treating bruxism, grinding and clenching as well as Snore and sleep apnea appliance therapy. See ad, page 5.
The Feel Good Method, founded by Leah Jacobson, is a healing technique that stems from two healing forces: Reiki and Embodied Movement. With either service, (or combining the two) you'll be feeling good from the inside out!
Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability. See ad, page 9.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE
5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) specializes in providing customized holistic skin care treatments for all skin types and concerns. Make an appointment today and start on your path to creating beautiful skin for life. See ad, page 17.
Relax and receive while your energy field is cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells) and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com, and also a lifelong, classically-trained musician, intuitive empath and more.
Dr. Lance Morris
2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 13.
Higher Heart Healing
As a Spiritual Coach and energy healer, Anna uses a variety of healing modalities including reiki, shamanic and quantum healing, that take you from feeling disconnected, anxious and fearful— to centered, joyful, healed and whole. Text
313-303-0651 for the scheduling link today. See ad, page 11.
Sunday Service: 3322 E Ft Lowell Rd, 85716
A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. You can learn about us at TucsonCSL.org
Celebration Service 9:30am, Meditation 9am. For information about our Sunday services please email Admin@Tucsoncsl.org or call 520-319-1042. See ad, page 10.
The Path of Spiritual Freedom
Eckankar is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. A companion and road map for your Self-Discovery and God-Discovery journey. Discover the most secret part of yourself. The key to spiritual freedom lies within you. Explore life as a Soul Adventure.
5326 E Pima St, 85712 520-441-1617
Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
4105 N 20 St, Ste 115, Phoenix SummitLighthousePhoenix.org Facebook.com/TSLofPhoenix 480-442-5020
Learn about your inner divine self through The Teachings of the Ascended Masters by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Free online classes on Archangels, Karma, Chakras and the Story of Sanat Kumara. SummitLighthousePhoenix.org. Click on “Free Spiritual Lessons”. More classes on Zoom.
Free Pilot Program
Kim Green & Marcia Williams
Call/Text: 678-938-2777
Awardwinning author, Kim Green, and Licensed Professional Counselor, Marcia Williams, present … Write to Heal, to serve those with unresolved trauma to experience the healing power of therapeutic writing. Seeking 16 people for free pilot program. Dates/Times TBA. Email/call to express your interest.
Nitalya B. Williams, DDS 801 N. Wilmot Rd, Ste F2, 85711 520-745-5051
Comprehensive general dental and orthodontic care with compassion serving all ages. Braces/ Clear Aligner treatments for kids, teens and adults up to 70. TMJ therapy, appliances treating bruxism, grinding and clenching as well as Snore and sleep apnea appliance therapy. See ad, page 5.
Axis Vitality, PLLC
Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing
3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-495-8515
Come experience a naturally facilitated processes of integrative acupuncture, cupping, bodywork, herbal and dietary services. In as few as 3-5 treatments you will see improvements without iatrogenic side effects.
Brian Johnson
Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Senergy360 systems are designed to emulate Nature through motion and materials. Water Vortices have long been known as water’s way of self-cleaning and energizing itself and the environment. Natural Action utilizes a specific flow form geometry to establish a balanced vortex motion within the water. See ad, page 7.
DeeAnn Saber, NMD
Emily Takeuchi Miller, NMD
Zach Saber, LMP
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN
2028 East Prince Rd, 85719
520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
We are like-minded healing professionals who have created a collaborative, patient-focused environment to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3.
3929 E Pima, 85712
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300-hour certification. Ask about scholarships and payment options.
BREAK FREE IN ‘23. Break free from your old patterns, and reach your highest intentions with Transformational Coaching. Unique program reveals and releases your hidden blocks for maximum clarity and selfempowerment. Individual and Group programs. Trish Devitt: 520-261-5194. MetamorphosisNow.com
COACHING. Liberty is freedom from pain and restrictions in life. Science represents the evidence-based scientific methods forming the basis of Vera’s method of Neuro-Functional coaching which uses the brain’s plasticity to improve quality of life, work, business, and retirement. Call Vera at 520-275-8755 for 15 minute Discovery Call.
Classes include Meditation, Silent Prayer, Yoga, Healthy Habits, Creative Thinking, Integrative/Contemplative lifestyle. Discover ancient prayer techniques. Transform daily existence into a joyful heart-centered reality. Experience the presence of God. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village PL 101, 85719. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org
FOR 6 YEARS, TUCSON COUNSELING ASSOCIATES has been dedicated to providing quality, anti-oppressive, affordable trauma-informed mental health treatment specializing in psychedelic integration and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). You are the expert in your own life and with the right tools, can connect with your inner healing wisdom. E-mail with questions: TucsonCounselingAssociates@gmail.com. TO
2023 can be your best with an eye-opening, life-altering writing coach! Call for a free 30-minute consultation. I’ll ask the right questions while you discover that all of the answers are within. BlankPageConsult.com or 678-938-2777. Sliding scale pricing.
Let me help you navigate the Medicare Maze. Already on Medicare but have questions? Contact me for your free cost and coverage review. Call/ text/email Holly Baker at 520-760-2378 or email Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net.
Dr. Elahe Wissinger has been practicing since 1996, when she graduated from Boston University School of Dental Medicine. Her general practice encompasses a wide variety of services ranging from simple hygiene maintenance, teeth-whitening, oral cancer screening and tooth-colored fillings to more complex treatments including full-mouth rehabilitations. Dr. Wissinger is known for her superior diagnostic abilities, workmanship and treatment-planning skills, gleaned from many years of experience and training, and evidenced by her loyal patients. She has been featured in many national publications as well as presented multiple awards throughout her career, including top Dentists for family & cosmetic dentistry.
Dr. Wissinger understands how your oral health can influence your general health and vice versa. She believes the mouth is a gateway to your body, and thus when creating treatment plans, she strives to use procedures and materials that are biocompatible and also can be customized to match the color of your enamel. When removing amalgam fillings, she follows additional safety measures set by the International Academy of Medicine and Toxicology to minimize toxic exposure to their patients. E Dental Solutions also offers safe alternatives to fluoride to help keep your enamel strong and prevent tooth decay