WILD Foraging for Foodies
ELLIS Art in Living Color
The Modern Recipe for a Healthy Child Parenting in the 21st Century
August 2019 | Tucson Edition |
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August 2019
Contents 13 THE SOUND
What’s It Like?
A Personal Journey
24 QI
The Force Behind Blood Flow and Higher Intelligence
26 28
Art in Living Color
Foraging for Foodies
DEPARTMENTS 8 news briefs 14 global briefs 15 health briefs 16 masters of
bodywork & healing arts 18 fit body
Tucson Edition
22 wise words 26 artist spotlight 28 plant medicine
section 39 calendar 44 resource guide 54 ad index 55 classifieds
Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 25 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
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ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@ Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@ NaturalTucson com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at Submit. by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit
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August 2019
letter from publisher
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he kids are heading back to school and it’s an ideal time for parents to hit the reset button, taking stock of TUCSON EDITION myriad challenges today’s children face. Local Tucson professionals confront these head-on in “The Modern Recipe PUBLISHER Holly Baker for a Healthy Child”, on page 19. Each offers insights into EDITOR Michelle Bense raising kind, resilient and resourceful kids in a world vastly DESIGN & PRODUCTION Erica Mills Kristina Parella different from the one we grew up in. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Suzie Agrillo While the kids are starting new years and chapters Michelle Bense of their journeys, we may also be taking a look at our own J. Garnet Yvette Patterson path in life. Are you happy with your current trajectory? SALES & MARKETING Holly Baker Are you doing what propels you to get out of bed in the CIRCULATION Jeffrey Green morning? If not, you’re not alone. On page 22, Yvette Pat WEBSITE Erica MIlls terson tells her personal story of realizing what was holding Holly Baker, publisher CONTACT US her back from doing that which she always wanted to do. Tucson Office Tel: 520-760-2378 I hope her words drive you to take action in your own life—which will also set a great Fax: 1-520-208-9797 example for the kids. Adults and kids will find plenty of healthy activities and options in this month’s issue. Take a walk on the wild side with April Thompson’s “Wild and Wonderful: Foraging for Franchise Sales Foodies” as your guide. 239-530-1377 As always, the calendar at the back of the issue is the place to find all the best healthy living events in Tucson. Pick out a few last activities to enjoy while the summer is winding down. It is my hope that you learn something new and make new friends in this wonderful community. NATIONAL TEAM To being our best selves and raising the best kids, CEO/FOUNDER Sharon Bruckman COO/ FRANCHISE SALES Joe Dunne NATIONAL EDITOR Jan Hollingsworth MANAGING EDITOR Linda Sechrist NATIONAL ART DIRECTOR Stephen Blancett ART DIRECTOR Josh Pope FINANCIAL MANAGER Yolanda Shebert FRANCHISE SUPPORT MGR. Heather Gibbs WEBSITE COORDINATOR Rachael Oppy NATIONAL ADVERTISING Kara Cave Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 © 2019 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
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New discovery stops colds “It worked!” sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had he exclaimed. a 2-day sinus headache. When her “The cold never CopperZap arrived, she tried it. “I am got going.” It shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, worked again no more headache, no more congestion.” every time. He Some users say copper stops nighthas not had a time stuffiness if used just before bed. single cold for 7 One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years since. years.” New research: Copper stops colds if used early. He asked Copper can also stop flu if used early cientists recently discovered a relatives and friends to try it. They said and for several days. Lab i technicians way to kill viruses and bacteria. it worked for them, too, so he patented placed 25 million live flu viruses on a Now thousands of people CopperZap™ and put it on the market. CopperZap. No viruses were found alive are using it to stop colds and flu. Soon hundreds of people had tried it soon after. Colds start when cold viruses get in and given feedback. Nearly 100% said Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you the copper stops colds if used within confirming the don’t stop them early, they spread in 3 hours after the first sign. Even up to discovery. He placed your airways and cause misery. 2 days, if they still get the cold it is millions of disease In hundreds of studies, EPA and unimilder than usual and they feel better. germs on copper. versity researchers have confirmed that Users wrote things like, “It “They started to die viruses and bacteria die almost instantly stopped my cold right away,” and “Is literally as soon as when touched by copper. it supposed to work that fast?” they touched the That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyp“What a wonderful thing,” wrote surface,” he said. tians used copper to purify water and Physician’s Assistant Julie. “No more People have even Dr. Bill Keevil: Copper quickly kills heal wounds. They didn’t know about colds for me!” used copper on cold cold viruses. viruses and bacteria, but now we do. Pat McAllister, 70, received one sores and say it can Scientists say the high conductance for Christmas and called it “one of the completely prevent outbreaks. of copper disrupts the electrical balance best presents ever. This little jewel really The handle is curved and finely in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in works.” textured to improve contact. It kills seconds. Now thousands of users have simply germs picked up on fingers and hands to Tests by the stopped getting colds. protect you and your family. EPA (EnvironPeople often use Copper even kills deadly germs that mental Protection CopperZap preventivehave become resistant to antibiotics. If Agency) show ly. Frequent flier Karen you are near sick people, a moment of germs die fast Gauci used to get colds handling it may keep serious infection on copper. So after crowded flights. away. It may even save a life. some hospitals Though skeptical, she The EPA says copper still works tried copper for tried it several times a even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of touch surfaces day on travel days for 2 different disease germs so it can prevent Sinus trouble, stuffi ness, cold sores. like faucets and months. “Sixteen flights serious or even fatal illness. doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and not a sniffle!” she exclaimed. CopperZap is made in the U.S. of and other illnesses by over half, and Businesswoman Rosaleen says when pure copper. It has a 90-day full money saved lives. people are sick around her she uses back guarantee when used as directed The strong scientific evidence gave CopperZap morning and night. “It saved to stop a cold. It is $69.95. Get $10 off inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When me last holidays,” she said. “The kids each CopperZap with code NATA11. Go to or call he felt a cold about to start he fashioned had colds going round and round, but toll-free 1-888-411-6114. a smooth copper probe and rubbed it not me.” Buy once, use forever. gently in his nose for 60 seconds. Some users say it also helps with
news briefs
Transformational Coaching is for Everyone
artin Klabunde, a certified professional coach with more than 20 years of experience, offers individual and couples Transformational Coaching and Energy Leadership Coaching. Martin Klabunde Transformational coaching is based on a philosophy that embodies the whole being of the client. It rests on the idea that we have all the answers we are looking for within us and when we tap into that vast pool of inner wisdom, we develop an inner knowing that guides us on our journey. Transformational Coaching facilitates an internal energetic process that supports the client in developing greater self-awareness and overcoming inner and outer blocks by examining their values, beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and actions. “Are you truly happy? Do you feel like you’re living your purpose? Are you operating at the highest level of consciousness you could be? Are your outcomes what you expected? We have so many opportunities to grow, yet most of us simply are not aware of them. We find ourselves going through the motions of life and allowing the past to dictate our future,” says Klabunde. Klabunde’s coaching is strategic and intuitive, allowing his clients to reflect deeply, access their inner wisdom, rewire their thinking and make decisions that are solution-focused and in alignment with their values. Klabunde provides a clear space for his clients to grow, change and transform into the best version of themselves and create a meaningful, productive and fulfilling life. For more information, call 520-245-4547 or visit See ad, page 4.
Tucson Edition
International Teacher Visiting Tucson for Talk on Confidence
adampa Meditation Center Arizona will host international teacher Gen-la Kelsang Jampa for two teachings designed to help overcome our self-doubt, increase our spiritual confidence and move us along the spiritual path, August 23 and 24. Gen-la Jampa is an American Buddhist monk dedicated to helping people solve their daily problems by developing the capacity of their mind through the prac- Gen-la Kelsang Jampa tice of meditation and modern Buddhism. Suffering from a lack of self-confidence can adversely affect our daily life, relationships and spiritual development. Through learning to identify with our pure potential instead of our limitations, we can easily accomplish our meaningful goals. On August 23, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Jampa will host a public talk titled “Pure Confidence”. Attendees will discover how Buddhist wisdom offers an extraordinary way of viewing themselves and learn how to relate to the boundless potential they have, rather than their limitations. The talk is $20 if registered by August 16, or $25 at the door. In addition, on August 24, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Jampa will give a course on The Preciousness of Tantra, the rarest and most precious of Buddha’s teachings. Practicing Tantra purely is the quick method to complete our training in compassion and wisdom and accomplish the ultimate goal of human life, the supreme inner peace of enlightenment. Gen-la Jampa is the Deputy Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition, and the Resident Teacher at the International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon. He is well loved for his clear and inspiring teachings, and for his ability to touch people’s hearts through his sincerity and loving-kindness. Location: 5326 E. Pima St., Tucson. For more information, call 520441-1617, email or visit
Natural Awakenings Online Community Sponsorships
atural Awakenings Tucson magazine, the local edition of the country’s premiere green and healthy living magazine, has been publishing for over fifteen years in Tucson and for over 25 years across the country. Publisher Holly Baker is launching a new “digital-centric” website initiative in August and offering 10 Community Sponsor slots at pre-launch prices. She states, “Natural Awakenings will remain the premiere green and healthy living publication that reaches people interested in natural health, green living, fitness, wellness, a more balanced life and environmental sustainability that changes lives and gives information that people need. However, the new website will offer our advertisers more and better ‘digital traction’ while providing our same high-quality editorial focus and green and healthy living niche market of readers, advertisers, supporters and sponsors.” The 10 community sponsors receive the following benefits: recognition for being local leaders in the Tucson community on every page of the website; banner ad on the website; premium directory listing that links directly to their website; sponsored content; recognition in the monthly newsletter; recognition in the monthly print magazine; new/future community sponsors can only be admitted as others relinquish their contracts. To enroll, call 520-760-2378 or email
August 2019
news briefs
Singer/Songwriter Amy Steinberg Comes to Tucson
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plifting, enlightening and hilarious, with a voice that can burn the house down, Amy Steinberg is singer, songwriter and storyteller. In Tucson for one show only, Steinberg (AmySteinberg. net) will perform at Unity of Peace, September 1, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. The main thrust of her work comes from marrying the sacred and profane, fusing the dreamlike nature of Spirit with the rooted realness of sexuality and humor. She plays piano and guitar with her own rhythmic bounce, injecting jazz, rock, hip-hop and poetry. Deeply soulful, with a bombastic belt, she sings of self-love, openmindedness and the holiness of everything. She began writing songs in college, and formed the Amy Steinberg Band in 1999. In 2001, she went solo, traveling all over the country spreading love and laughter, meeting thousands of people and making fans the old-fashioned way, one performance at a time. Deeply involved with the New Thought and Positive Music worlds, playing at conferences, churches and festivals all over the country, her song “Burning into the High” won a Posi Award. This year, her song “One with Everything” was nominated. Her original musical “Breaking the Moon” hit the New York Musical Festival last summer. Currently, she is touring the country in support of her 10th independent release, Broken Open, and receiving rave reviews. Cost: $20. Location: 1551 S. Eastside Loop, #121, Tucson. To purchase tickets, call 520-319-1042 or visit or
Changing Habits to Create a New You
ynthia M. Spencer, MBA, MDiv., will lead a 12-week class to “change habits, lose weight and create a new you”, in three locations beginning September 4 through November. Spencer practices integrative wellness and is a speaker, teacher, retreat leader, life coach and spiritual director who has spent years learning about nutrition, sleep, mindfulness and other areas. She shares the many habits of living she changed during the 10 years she attained goal weight, losing 140 pounds. Cynthia M. Spencer “It’s not a program. It is a guide offering healthy choices for ways to prevent illness and live a vibrant life. It is practicing integrated well-being. It is a challenging, fun-filled class to help you lose layers of excess fat, lists of shoulds and big concrete blocks of ‘I can’t’,” says Spencer. Her approach is inspirational, informational, supportive and life-giving. Every week, participants will have a short lesson to read at home for each of the five weekdays, then follow-up with answers to questions or actions. There is a one-and-ahalf-hour meeting with a small group each week, led by Spencer. This project is meant to inspire, inform and encourage, so there is nothing included to cause a response of guilt. Daily walking is encouraged. “If you are diligent, you will have made good progress in three months in discovering the magnificent, beautiful person you were designed to be,” enthuses Spencer. For more information and to register, email
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news briefs
New Cream is a Paradigm Shift in Pain Relief
VISIT US ONLINE: Now mobile friendly. Easy to use on all your devices.
Tucson Edition
hose who suffer chronic pain know that there are thousands of products that claim to provide relief, and more enter the marketplace every day as CBD oil enters the fray. Yet very few of these are found to alleviate pain when they are analyzed in a controlled study. Kalyn Wolf, who operates Tucson’s Cloud Nine Flotation Center, began to dream of a cream that would combine every natural ingredient known to counter pain. “So many substances lose their potency through our digestive system,” Wolf explains, adding that with a cream, relief could be achieved directly into the skin. Her dreams drove her to research ingredients, and to interview hundreds of sufferers. Once she had a formula, Wolf had to find organic sources so as to maintain product purity. Then she assembled the sterile equipment necessary to blend the ingredients into a cream. Magnesium, CBD, shea butter, honey, emu oil and arnica are the main components of Wolf ’s dream cream—and their initials spell McShea. She sought a group of individuals who experience chronic pain due to differing problems who would be willing to try the new cream and report results in survey form throughout several days’ use. Wolf reports that 99 percent of participants experienced relief with McShea Dream Cream. She got the same results with the next test group, and the next. Today, McShea Dream Cream stands alone in the marketplace: proven capabilities, simple transdermal application and organic ingredients. As Wolf sums it up, “McShea Dream Cream soothes the pain.” For more information, email or visit See ad, page 17.
The Sound Healing Experience What’s It Like? by Norma Sue Hamburger
ound healing stress reduction takes many forms. Let’s look into one modality offered at the new C3 Studio venture by veteran sound healer, didgeridoo master and transformative sound designer Allen Smith. Entering the studio, we will notice the surrounding large crystals. Besides crystal energy, we will also be bathed in a specially generated bio-friendly Earth pulse wave that enhances relaxation. Allen explains the pending process and soon enough, we’re lying face up on a comfortable lounge. Session times vary from 1.5 to 3 hours based on intuitive flow. A small bell tolls, drawing our attention to our intentions for the healing. Allen starts with a gentle process of lowering the brain wave states into deep relaxation. Many sound tools will
be used: drums, didgeridoos, Tibetan and crystal bowls, gongs, flutes, shakers, chimes and more. The C3 Studio audio lab is also there to create meditation and brain entrainment audio from synthesizers in the form of soft, supportive pads of sound. Beat frequencies, hemi-sync patterns, arpeggios and ambisonic sounds all further the goal of relaxing our biology and brain states into the realm of subconscious or quantum awareness. Once there, we will begin releasing limiting beliefs and writing new supportive ones. Intuitively, Allen selects each energy portal scene. The shaman’s drum beat slows, while taking our heart rate along for the ride. The heart center resonates to the soft strike of a Tibetan bowl resting there and it takes us “home”. A droning digeridoo gently sways left and right while coaxing the brain into synchronicity. Sonic vibrations find and align our chakras one by one. The stimulation releases tension and stress, creating excitement and relaxation all at once. Allen’s mastery of sound subtleties creates catalytic moments that suddenly shift our awareness even deeper and the mind becomes quiet. We may experience expansions of awareness, visions or recall important memories. Or, we may simply fall into a soothing void. How much opening can we allow? It is up to us to do the healing; Allen only sets the mood. Likely, we will have little sense of time passage. While in deep states, guided voice meditation messages may be given to the subconscious and body—some of our own choosing. Our quantum biology hears them and relaxes as our old patterns begin to release. With just one really big breath out, we can let go. Hang out there for a while. Upon return, ride shimmering sonic light waves back to daily awareness. Allen Smith, of C3 Studio, is offering 30 percent off a first visit, and 20 percent off a three-session set until November 1, 2019. Connect at 520-369-7396 or Norma Sue Hamburger is an English and ESL tutor, editor and proofreader at Word Woman. She resides in Tucson.
August 2019
Coral Care
global briefs
Climate change has inspired farmers to turn to regenerative agriculture, which pulls carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and stores it in their soil. Regenerative agriculture incorporates the practices of planting trees, cover cropping, no-till farming and rotational grazing. As the groundswell of support grows, 250 soil health bills have been introduced in state and federal legislatures in the last two years. At a U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee climate change hearing, Nebraska soybean farmer Matthew Rezac said that keeping soil healthy, not just reducing greenhouse gas emissions, was a key part of what farmers could do to cool a warming planet. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the bills have different justifications, but they all focus on soil health. As disastrous floods and drought sweep away farmland, the idea that regenerative agriculture could make for more productive farming is gaining traction.
Tucson Edition
Farmers Responding to Climate Change
Critical habitat is threatened for 12 coral species in Florida, the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean, while all corals worldwide are experiencing dramatic declines due to the impacts of climate change, pollution and overfishing. The Center for Biological Diversity, a Tucson-based nonprofit focused on species protection, intends to file a lawsuit against the federal government for failing to protect coral habitat as required under the Endangered Species Act. Benefits of securing a critical habitat designation from the National Marine Fisheries Service include improved water quality throughout the coastal zone, limits on overfishing, protection of spawning grounds, reduced impact from development and dredging, and reduced human pressures on thousands of species that inhabit the reefs. Nearly 30 percent of all corals have already been lost to warming ocean temperatures and ocean acidification due to greenhouse gas pollution; scientists predict that the rest could be gone by the end of the century without help.
Reefs to Get Their Day in Court
Hot Topic
health briefs
Quit Smoking to Avoid Rheumatoid Arthritis Stopping smoking has the long-term benefit of reducing the risk of developing seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by 37 percent over 30 years, say researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston. The study was based on data from the 230,000 women that participated in two longitudinal Nurses’ Health Studies, and focused on the 969 women that developed seropositive RA. Risk began to go down about five years after women quit smoking and continued to decrease the longer they stayed non-smokers. Patients with seropositive RA generally have more severe disease manifestations, including joint deformities and disability.
Dean Drobot/
Walk or Run to Keep Blood Vessels and Brains Young Running novices that trained for six months and then ran their first marathon actually reversed the aging of major blood vessels— and older and slower people benefitted most, report researchers at University College London. The study of 139 healthy firsttime marathon runners, ages 21 to 69, was presented at the 2019 European Society of Cardiology Congress. It found that those first-timers reduced their arterial age by four years and their stroke risk by 10 percent over their lifetime. In another study presented at the Congress that was based on data from 605 heart failure patients, researchers reported that those walking the farthest in a six-minute test, indicating better fitness, were significantly less likely to have the cognitive impairment that afflicts 67 percent of patients with heart failure. August 2019
MASTERS OF Bodywork & Healing Arts Singing for Children’s Health by Sarah Evans
inging has always been a natural phenomenon in children. They sing free of physical tension, on the in-breath and out-breath and freely. Voice with its attendant speech and/or song is the gift given to all human beings and which all long to express. Children in their state of innocence and health have the conditions to express the purity of true singing. Children should never be separated from their love of singing. On the contrary, if one would set the child in the middle of the sound stream, saturate them with the singing of other children and patiently do many sound exercises with them, they would surely find that their latent musicality can be awoken. This is not just a theory, but generously confirmed with success. True singing loosens the physical body and builds inner strength. From the third grade onward, children “feel well” with the singing exercises that are expressed through stories and song. Singing brings in new learning methods to learn joy, the very nature of children. Research has confirmed the healing forces of singing—primarily the therapeutic forces that balance the inner life with the outer instrument. Singing is unphysical, the source or force that makes us grow and balance our numerous polarities: receiving and giving, extravert and introvert, in and out breathing. Sounds heal, and incomparably the sound to heal the human child is within their own voice. Sarah Evans starts working with children at age 7 and offers group, private and classroom lessons. Connect at 520-661-6666 or
Learn Bio-Touch with Accessible Online Classes
he International Foundation for Bio-Magnetics (IFBM) offers online classes for those who would like to learn the Bio-Touch Healing technique—a unique, natural approach to alleviate pain and stress and support good health through all stages of life. By working one-on-one with Certified Practitioner Trainers, participants can begin with their practitioner training, followed by the Certified Practitioner Training. IFBM offers continuing education credits to licensed massage therapists who take the online classes. The mission of IFBM is to teach Bio-Touch as a unique, natural approach to alleviate pain and stress, and support good health through all stages of life. Through online training options, the opportunity to learn Bio-Touch is available to everyone. The Foundation’s vision is to encourage all people to take responsibility for their own healthcare, empower them to assist others and create a community of people worldwide dedicated to service, self-awareness and recognizing the equality of all humanity—thus forming a chain which shall go on indefinitely. For more information, call 520-323-7951, email or visit 16
Tucson Edition
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Rianne Maldonado
ianne Maldonado has spent the past decade caring for women on their pregnancy journey as a Childbirth Educator, Lactation Counselor and ICAN Chapter Leader. She has expanded her services to include reiki healing for all, but with a focus on pregnancy and postpartum. Maldonado’s passion for helping mothers stems from her own five very different birth and lactation experiences. When visiting Maldonado, clients may choose to see her for intuitive guidance through a Tarot Card reading or for prenatal or postpartum reiki healing sessions. Maldonado uses reiki to ease the common discomforts of pregnancy, to aid in bonding with baby and assist with any sleep or feeding struggles that new mothers and babies experience. Maldonado can be found at The Shy Moon Center, located at the Solar Powered Offices at 2030 E. Broadway Blvd. Connect at 520-267-6520 and
Practitioner of the Month Sponsored by
August 2019
fit body
hether it’s ballroom, ballet, hip-hop or freestyle, dance is a form of expression for all ages. It has been proven that dancing provides many benefits for adults, but what about our younger counterparts? The youth of today have a more sedentary lifestyle than those of us who were born prior to the ‘80s. With the advent of gaming consoles, internet, social media and TV on demand, there are more things to keep their attention indoors instead of going to the park
or the community pool to play with friends. Children today also have more stress. They have more pressure to excel in school, peer pressure from their friends and, with 24/7 news piling on, the woes of the world. Dancing is a physical activity. With childhood obesity on the rise, regular dance sessions may help in improving a child’s overall physical health. Regular dance classes can help with poor posture, flexibility, increase muscle tone, stamina, coordination and balance. Dance is also an aerobic exercise, which is beneficial to cardiovascular health and brain health from the increased blood flow. Dancing utilizes almost every muscle in the body—an excellent way for a child to burn up some of their excess energy and help them get a good night’s sleep. In addition to being a physical activity, dance is a social activity. The National Dance Education Organization claims that “dance has many benefits for kids by helping
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Tucson Edition
foster teamwork, cooperation and trust while creating new friendships among their peers.” Dancing can help if a child is shy by reducing anxiety or being fearful of performing in front of a large group by helping them feel connected to others. Dance can help in teaching understanding and respect, as they are taught in a safe, controlled environment. Dance does not discriminate, and children are introduced to others from all walks of life. To become a skilled dancer, a person requires practice, discipline and focus. FamilyTalk Magazine says that “students who have dance in their background tend to have higher test scores and perform better in math and science.” Dance may enhance their awareness, cognition, memory and learning. As a child practices what they learn during their lesson, it encourages them to do better by increasing their focus. By taking regular dance lessons, a child can learn to adapt to changing conditions on the dance floor which can be useful in other areas of their life. Dance is a great outlet that children can use to pour their feelings into. It can help in regulating behavior, stress and frustration; boost self-esteem and self-confidence; and not to mention, dance is fun. Children can learn to communicate through body language and other non-verbal methods. It is a way to create new friendships with fellow dancers and build their own social network. Like adults, children have stress too, and dancing is the perfect release to forget about our worries for a little while. Chris Lechner works at Music In Motion Dance Studio, in Tucson, which offers affordable youth classes in ballet, ballroom, lyrical and hip-hop. Fall semester begins the week of August 12 and is 18 weeks long, with a dance showcase (recital) on December 14. They offer multi-class and multi-child discounts. Connect at 520-447-7841 or MMDanceAZ. com. See ad, page 12.
Evgeny Atamanenko/
by Michelle Bense
aising children seems to become more challenging each day. Society puts high pressures and expectations on new parents to make all the right choices along the way, making the path of parenthood even more difficult to navigate. We asked professionals in Tucson to weigh in on the most important factors for raising a healthy, happy, adjusted child in the 21st century. Their tips range from giving them structure to keeping them off sugar, to teaching them gratitude. There is, of course, endless advice out there, but the bottom line is that giving them the love they deserve is the most important ingredient of all.
Structure and Safety
Kids crave structure. “Organize their time so they go to bed and then get up at a set consistent time. This keeps them well rested, which is vital to their growth,” suggests Dr. DeeAnn G. Saber, Naturopathic Medi-
It’s a massive struggle to find balance and mindfulness, but it’s vitally important. How often do we see an AP [advanced placement] kid that is falling apart emotionally? ~Thomas Murray
cal Doctor at Transformational Medicine. Ask them to be responsible for something outside themselves age-appropriate like a pet, laundry, or to pick up their things every day. Let them know that there are consequences for not participating in their responsibilities. Get them on a schedule of eating healthy food. This means local, fresh, nonGMO, pesticide-free food. “Putting healthy foods in a small person’s body gives them the building blocks they need for growth and brain health. With their organs still developing, especially in babies and small children, they do not have the detoxing capacity in their kidneys and livers to handle the toxins in many processed foods,” explains
August 2019
Saber. “Make sure they drink plenty of clean water.” Keep poisons out of the yard and home. Do not spray bug or weed killers on/in the house or yard. Look at all in-home cleaners and how much plastic is used. Industrial plastics in kids’ toys, food containers, plastic wrap and personal care products all contribute to making us sick and have been linked to decreases in fertility and brain cognition, as well as causing birth defects. Another type of “poison” is the electronics that are so prevalent in all of our lives. “Schedule a weekly electronics-free day. Play games, go for a hike, talk to each other and read books,” says Saber. Researchers from the National Institutes of Health recently offered a glimpse at the effects of electronics on kids’ brains, based on preliminary data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study, which is following more than 11,000 9- and 10-year-olds throughout the U.S. MRI scans found significant differences in the brains of some children who reported using smartphones, tablets and video games more than seven hours a day. Children who reported more than two hours a day of screen time got lower scores on thinking and language tests.
Steer Clear of Sugar
Many parents are concerned for their kids because of the highly processed food environment. It is important to seek a real food
Tucson Edition
We need to create an intentional family culture where virtues like kindness and respect are talked about, modeled, upheld, celebrated and practiced in everyday life. ~Thomas Lickona diet and de-escalate off the high carbohydrate, ultra-refined diet and the pharmaceuticals that accompany it, says Sheila Shea, colon hydrotherapist and director of the Intestinal Health Institute. Robert Lustig, MD, a pediatric endocrinologist at UC San Francisco, commented on the obesity epidemic among 6-month-old babies. Did they choose that? A real food advocate, he advises removing sugar-sweetened beverages including fruit juices from babies’ and children’s diets. The
liquid form of sugar spikes glucose and raises insulin levels quickly. Author of Breaking the Vicious Cycle, Elaine Gloria Gottschall’s daughter had ulcerative colitis, and from 4 to 8 years old, they wandered from doctor to doctor to heal her. Wanting to avoid surgery and pharmaceuticals, Gottschall found Sidney V. Haas, MD, author of The Management of Celiac Disease, at the ripe age of 94. The diet he proposed healed the child. The diet had a lineage from naturopathic traditions in Europe and tested during the wars—with no complex sugars. One goal is the health of the mother before, during and after childbirth. “Catherine Shanahan, MD, author of Deep Nutrition, writes that pre-processed-food cultures took great care in preparing young men and women for successful childbirth,” says Shea. “Mothers waited two years before the birth of another child in order to rebuild and replenish with micronutrients.” The goal is to build the health of our children. If they have a metabolic manifestation, help them regenerate. If they are metabolically healthy, support them in continuing greater health and strength. Lustig reminds us of the four steps to raise serotonin: connect, contribute, cope, cook. By working as a team in the kitchen, the family is performing all those skills. The processed food world and the accompanying pharmaceuticals are not
Love and Gratitude
“Because we live in fast times, children suffer from their lack of connection with the natural world. Often, children have little or no understanding of where all things come from,” warns Danakeli Devi, an initiated disciple of His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj. Appreciation and gratitude are the essential ingredients in a healthy child. Good health stems from proper alignment. Devotees of Lord Krishna have a saying, “Everything is Krishna’s mercy.” There are no mistakes. We all have the experiences we need to grow, and so our children also have their very own karma and individual circumstances. “But that does not mean that we should be complacent; it is our job as adults to see that children get the very best opportunities to grow into positive, mature adults,” says Devi. What can we do on a fundamental and straightforward level to facilitate their happiness? Not all children are satisfied with phones and games and fast times. Depression or anxiety is common in children because they are out of alignment. Try as we may— serve them more, give them more, medicate them more—we fail. We become frustrated, even angry, and that anger feeds the fire of the child’s dissatisfaction and alienation. “This is because we are also out of alignment with the source of life. Perhaps just asking a child to find the cause of all causes will help bring them home,” explains Devi. “If we use deductive reasoning, we may work our way back to the sun. The sun is the life-giving source for us humans as well as plants, but is that enough? Do we stop there and worship the sun? If we ask our children and grandchildren to ponder this, we will help them on the road to healthy.” Alongside gratitude, Nathan S. Conlee, Doctor of Chiropractic, says that in general, the most important thing a child needs is love. After that, activity, nutrition and education are top priorities. “Activities
like sports, music, art and even mechanical things will nourish their bodies and minds. Education is also important, and not just from school, but at home. Kids can learn to cook, fix their bike, fix a computer, grow a garden or anything else new,” he suggests. Conlee, a Doctor of Chiropractic who uses chiropractic to help ear infections, bedwetting, colic, torticollis and general kids’ injuries, says that a brain needs nutrients, fuel delivery and activation. Those brains of the future need activation via sports and exercise, stimulation via spurring their curiosity, nutrition via healthy food choices and most of all, love. Dr. DeeAnn G. Saber, NMD is part of WellnessFirst!, a collaborative, holistic community of practitioners in Tucson, dedicated to personal integrity, professionalism and service. Connect at 520-2091755, or See ad, page 3. Sheila Shea, MA is director of the Intestinal Health Institute, using natural methods to promote gastrointestinal health. She has 42 years of experience performing colon hydrotherapy and advising on nutrition and detox programs. Connect at 520-325-9686, or
Olesya Kuznetsova/
sustainable. The real food world begins in the kitchen. Whether plants and/or animals, get on a sustainable path and teach the children.
When you choose love, you transform how you see the world from a scary and anxiety-producing place to a loving and welcoming one. ~Scarlett Lewis Danakeli Devi is an initiated disciple of His Holiness Giriraj Maharaj. She lives in Tucson quite near Hare Krishna Temple and Govinda’s Natural Foods Buffet. Connect at Nathan S. Conlee, D.C., practices at Performance Neurology. Connect at 520-322-6161 or PerformanceNeurology. com. See ad, page 11. Michelle Bense is a freelance editor and writer currently living and exploring in New Mexico. Connect at EditorMichelleBense@
August 2019
wise words
Work as Your Service to the World A Personal Journey by Yvette Patterson
f you did not have When we wake up in can that be work? Work to worry about the morning, we should is not supposed to be fun; it should feel like money and you aim to be ecstatic because drudgery. That’s why knew that you could they call it work, right? not fail, what would you we get to give from our do for a living? authentic self, which feels That is certainly how we are conditioned to This question has almost effortless. believe anyway. It is been asked of many hard to believe that our means of support friends over the years, usually after they should feel as natural and easy as taking a have cried about their joyless jobs or deep breath upon waking. horrible bosses. More often than not, the There is a wonderful quote by question causes people to lean back in their American author and theologian Howard chairs and gaze upward in contemplation. Thurman, which goes, “Do not ask what Sometimes they look down, then close the world needs. Ask what makes you come their eyes, becoming more introspective. alive, and go do it. Because what the world Seldom does the answer reflexively roll needs is people who have come alive.” Are from their lips. Though it did for me once. you engaged in work that makes you feel A few years ago, my reiki healer asked alive? Do not confuse this with doing someme this question. Without pausing, I told thing that makes you feel comfortable. her, “I would be a writer.” So why did it We often get into the trap of settling take me another three years to attempt to pursue writing as a profession? I simply did for the life that makes us feel comfortable. not trust my answer. It seemed irrational to We enjoy having enough money to buy the latest fashions or a new car every two years, think a creative pursuit could be firm and a hipster high rise in the city or sprawlsteady enough to support me or bring in ing suburban hacienda. However, when extra income. the alarm clock goes off every morning, I had to break down many layers of the mental barrier that said, “That’s ridicuhow many of us pull the covers overhead, lous. I can’t support myself like that.” Writfeeling a pit of dread deep within over the ing usually felt fun and liberating, so how thought of facing the new day? 22
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The ideal morning routine would be much different. The alarm goes off, redundant because you were awake already. It’s so hard to sleep with the butterflies of anticipation stirring inside you, wooing you to begin your day as soon as possible. In fact, when you stopped “working” last night, you were eager for more and had to force yourself to stop and get some sleep. Now, you are grateful for morning because you get to contribute what you came here to do. (Nice that you get paid for it, too.) In other words, your work is simply an authentic expression of who you are. It is seamless. You know it because it fills you with passion and wonder. That’s how you know what is yours to do and how you contribute to the world. When we wake up in the morning, we should aim to be ecstatic because we get to give from our authentic self, which feels almost effortless.
Getting Started
To get started toward this happier, freer life, we have to get past the mental resistance which manifests itself as procrastination, perfectionism and analysis paralysis. How do we get past the resistance? Just start where you are. “Just starting”, for me, meant finding a way to write even with a demanding full-time job and a horrendous commute. Upon arriving home in the evenings, I had just two hours before I had to get to bed. The only time that I could write was to designate a specific hour on Saturdays. Every Saturday at 10 a.m., I had an appointment with my computer to just write and express myself. Sometimes it was difficult, but I kept this appointment because it felt like water for my parched soul. Would it be nice to write every day? Of course, but if you can only eke out an hour or two here and there doing what you love, take it. Something is better than nothing, and your soul will be grateful for the liberation. Let’s return to our question: If you did not have to worry about money and you knew that you could not fail, what would you do? Like many people, if you are drawing a blank, again and again, here’s a clue. The answer should be something that propels you
out of bed in the morning. Whenever you do it you feel light, alive and inspired. In fact, it is unapologetically fun. It’s so much fun that you lose track of time and of yourself. The reason why many of us have trouble answering the question is because we get too caught up in our heads and doubt that our joyful distractions could actually lead to financial security. Are we really supposed to feel light and happy all day long? Doesn’t that seem irresponsible? Work isn’t supposed to be happy, that’s why they call it work. Is it really that easy? Like stepping onto a swaying footbridge, at first, we just do not trust the joy to support us. While we may believe that our passion is too light and inconsequential to support us, in reality, it really is a matter of training yourself to trust that feeling of levity. Compared to enduring the drudgery of going to a job that you hate, turning your passion into “work” is meant to feel like a luxury liner taking you to a much anticipated destination. The destination is a reconnection to your soul which is also your service to the world. The road to freedom does not have to be rocky or marred by the defeat of unfulfillment. Your heart’s desire is actually a beacon that lights the path to your blissfully best life and shows you how best to serve.
Your heart’s desire is actually a beacon that lights the path to your blissfully best life and shows you how best to serve. Overcoming the Block
Can you give yourself permission to live a joyful life? Maybe up until this time, you thought the purpose of your life was to suffer and be unhappy. Give yourself permission to live joyfully. Engage your heart and allow it to lead the way. Do this without imposing mental restraints. Very early on in life, many of us got the impression that we could not have what our heart desired, so we just gave up on our dreams. The pain of not expressing that love of our chosen activity was just too much. We buried the love and hope like a time capsule which memorialized an innocent era in which we believed we could have or do anything. We could not bear the disappointment of this not being true. You can extract the time capsule by engaging in the activity simply for the joy of it. But here’s a caveat: do not mire that joy in fearful thinking like, “I can’t make money from this,” or “My talent is not good enough.” Do the thing just because it makes you happy and it brings feelings of ease, clarity and wonder. Do it because it brightens your life on some level. If the joy of it is your point of focus, that is the energy you will be emitting. Then, look out. Your world will change before your eyes. The outside world will change in order to match your new inner vision. Your life has no choice but to become more joyful. Opportunities for you to engage in the thing will start appearing more and more, matching your new state of being. The outside world has to change because you changed. Connect with Yvette Patterson at August 2019
in a strong group energy field. Sound, light and Qi graphics are used to improve learning so everyone can feel what is going on without any previous experience. It’s rare that 300+ people all simultaneously inhale at the same second, while holding the same healing prayer. Many people that attend heal old injuries and nearly everyone is strengthened by the energy. Our vision for this event is to uplift the group energy to the highest level to benefit all who attend. DD: Is there significance to practicing Qigong in large groups?
The Force Behind Blood Flow and Higher Intelligence Interview with Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack (Part 1 of 2) Conducted by Publisher Damon Damato DD: Can you bring a Universal meaning to describe what is Qi? JP: Qi is the electric LIFE PRESENCE that beats the human heart and charges the air we breathe. Gong, like Gong Fu, is a REPEATED ACTION to activate higher energy. Qigong generates a powerful magnetic field in the hands and this energy “dilates arteries” healing what it touches. The effects of Qi are profound for increasing circulation and improving endocrine imbalances. Science will discover Qi is related to static electricity and can be harnessed with hand postures. DD: Qi Revolution is coming to Arizona Tucson Convention Center September 21st-23rd. What is your higher vision for sharing this kind of healing with hundreds of people? JP: I believe when more human beings develop “Qi Awareness” human evolution will go higher. We hold our Arizona Event once a year and transform a convention center into sacred space. Our intention is to experience the authentic healing and stress-dissolving practices of Qigong
Would You Like to Be Here?
JP: During 1980-1999 the Chinese people gathered for Qigong events inside arenas and stadiums with tens of thousands of people. Dr. Yan Xin led this first wave of Qi awareness with integrity, but other fake masters misused Qigong to protest the government and Qigong was banned in large group settings. Chinese people had discovered the secret of “Group Energy” and it went beyond the roar of a rock concert or the cheers in a football game. Qigong was a weekly outing in China for two decades and people viewed Qigong as an opportunity to be strengthened and healed while enjoying fellowship with friends. Qi sensations and internal benefits reach into the scientific minds of truth seeking men and women. Where two or more practice Qigong sincerely there exists a larger living field of energy and I believe it’s stronger when more people practice. DD: The breath work at the Qi Revolution is transformative. Since every person is connected to it, do you believe the answers to healing & overcoming negative emotions are found here? JP: Breathing is the most powerful skill humans can learn to attune with the spirit of life. Genesis 2:7 reveals, “God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” After teaching Qigong breathing to groups large and small I would say there is a connection. People report Euphoric vibrational experiences when they do our Breath Empowerment, even if they don’t believe Qi exists. Breathwork is the best Gong Fu, repeated deep breathes will break the veil of darkness and bad thoughts, eventually flooding the body with light energy. DD: Can one become more peaceful and increase awareness from the breath? JP: A renown surgeon named Perrin Clark, MD from Daytona Beach, Florida recently attended our national event. He told us he was superstressed from telling 5 patients (on average days) they had some type of cancer. Dr. Clark’s job was to give bad news to patients and this caused him to hold his breath a lot! He now reports his stress has gone down dramatically since after attending Qi Revolution and learning Qigong. As a result, he attended our trainings and was certified in both our
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Qigong and Food Healing programs. DD: There are a number of healing routines within the Qi Revolution experience. Do you need to be fit to participate? Can one receive healing attributes if they are out of shape, ill or have other physical impairments? JP: People with injuries often experience pain relief doing Qigong in the first morning practices. We are okay with people practicing where their body is at and provide modified postures for those who need special assistance. People of all ages can benefit from Qigong’s challenge. DD: I’ve seen a shift over the past few years where your focus has really zeroed in on food healing, especially in regards to food science. Why do you feel this is so important in today’s world and how does it relate to one’s personal Qi? JP: Food is key to excellent health, especially natural foods made before the inventions of man. Kiwi for example, helps to “Reverse Asthma” in hundreds of students I’ve counseled. Moreover, prestigious medical journal THORAX indicates children who eat Kiwi 3-5 times a week vs. those who didn’t eat any, have a much lower incidence of asthma. My theories have science to back it. Proof is really in whether or not God’s kiwi really helps people breathe. Evidence shows kiwi should be suggested by allergists and breathing therapists to help children with this disease. *Kiwi’s Effect on Breathing. Thorax J. Respiratory Medicine 2004 Food effects our Qi by becoming our blood and the cells which carry oxygen to our brain. I teach that eating RED FOODS (high in carotenoids) are the best way to stop the oxidative processes responsible for heart disease and brain degeneration. We make smoothies and serve sweet red pepper paste to all attendees at Qi Revolution so they can taste for themselves how delicious natural foods can be prepared. DD: You perform a Global Healing Circle that is legendary. How does it connect participants using the 9-Breath Method with an expanded process? JP: The living electricity felt in the hands of the healing circle is unlike anything else we teach. After everyone is proficient in using the 9-breath method, our signature breathing technique, we hold hands while doing it many times. The feeling is like an electric current going through everyone’s legs, arms and hands. It feels so very good! Delicious I might say. We focus our mind to God and ask for healing of people we love and send light to noble groups and nations worldwide. DD: You have vowed from the beginning to keep the cost of Qi Revolution in reach for all people and have even gone as far as to offer this healing for Veterans free of charge. You offer CE HOURS for message therapists, nurses and counselors for an incredible value. Share with me the importance of putting people over profit. JP: Qigong is not only for rich or materially successful people. Qi Revolution is $199 for 3-Days is made affordable to open the “Qi Door” for more people. Massage Therapists love our training and earn 24 CE hours when they attend. We allow U.S. veterans to attend free and each year hundreds of veterans do attend and many of them have become our best Qigong instructors. September 21st 23rd, 2019 ARIZONA Tucson Convention Center
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Botanical Sisters by Marcy Ellis
artist spotlight
MARCY ELLIS: Art in Living Color
by Suzie Agrillo
edicated, compassionate and inspiring, Marcy Ellis creates art that implores us to embody the connection and responsibility we have to our world. Women’s bodies, nature and flora proliferate in her paintings, connecting plants with human life. Ellis grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where her parents owned a plant nursery. As a child, she taught herself how to draw flora while she sat in a wheelbarrow at the nursery. After her family moved to Tucson, Ellis attended Ironwood Ridge High 26
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School. She drew inspiration from her high school art teacher, who changed her path and was instrumental in her decision to pursue a career in art. Initially, Ellis contemplated pursuing opening up a boutique, and she took classes at Pima College in fashion design. A turning point was when Ellis went to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala through the Wesley Foundation. During this trip, she visited one of the only deaf and blind schools in the region and brought art and school supplies to these children who had very little, which, in her words, “opened up my eyes.”
When Ellis returned, she enrolled in the University of Arizona, where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Arts and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Education. After graduation from college, she taught art in Amphitheater School District. “I had to stop teaching in the classroom because my business has exploded within the last couple of years,” she explains. According to Ellis, resourcefulness and a willingness to do the extra work are the components of being a professional artist. “It’s challenging professionally to be an artist, because you have to do everything yourself. You have to be the accountant, book art shows, market your work on many different platforms, curate your own content and design your own website if you want to be successful,” she laments. Despite the demands of managing her business, Ellis finds the time to light the way for others to learn art. She teaches art to youth at The Drawing Studio in Tucson. “Art is such a huge part of development for social skills and problem solving. I tell my students, ‘Relax, you can do it.’ Everyone has a creative spark, even adults who think they can’t be creative,” she notes. Ellis sports a tattoo on her wrist which reads, “Oh yes I can.” This mantra has translated into her art. She doodles the mantra onto the bodies she draws. “It has become a motto for my work,” she says. It is important to note that Ellis utilizes her art to reflect who she is and what she stands for. She is a feminist, and she draws inspiration for her work from connections she makes with other women. Illustrations of the female form are ubiquitous in her portfolio, and flora is a common theme in much of her work. Ellis’ art juxtaposes different avenues of transformation. It embodies the concepts of personal growth in humans and the growth of seeds into flowers. “We walk the Earth alongside these beautiful plants. Like plants, we are always evolving and growing in Marcy Ellis cycles. There is resil-
Boug In Villia Dreams, Offerings of Love and Magic Embracers by Marcy Ellis
Ellis’ art reflects who she is as an individual. “My whole process is working with line as expression. I work with a lot of natural watercolors and I make my own colors from boiling vegetables. I try to create with a sustainable and environmental process,” she states. Her favorite artists are Frida Kahlo, Helen Frankenthaler, Georgia O’Keeffe and Yayoi Kusama. Kusama is a celebrated 90-year-old self-professed “obsessional artist”. She is known for her extensive use of polka dots and for her infinity installations. Kusama lives in a mental institution in Japan, and her extraordinary life has been documented in the film Kusama: Infinity. Ellis sells her work wholesale to boutiques and shops around the country. Word of her talent has spread exponentially, and she is very grateful. “I have my work in over 45 shops around the country,” she says. In addition to boutiques, Ellis sells her art on her website, at the Pop Cycle Shop, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in the MOCA Museum Shop, Etsy and Instagram. Ellis wants to live a meaningful life. “I stay true to myself and my work. I try to make the world a little bit brighter every day,” she relates. As a prolific artist, she has created a life of possibility for herself, and concomitantly made the world a little bit brighter for the viewers of her art.
Floral Sisters by Marcy Ellis
ience in plants and strong women,” she observes. While she’s drawing her designs in her home studio downtown, Ellis likes to listen to ambient sounds. If it’s a long project, she might listen to a podcast, such as a TED Talk, or Oprah’s Super Soul Sundays. The Tara Westover interview on Oprah intrigued her so much that she binge-listened to the audio book, Educated. “I couldn’t stop,” she shares. In her spare time, Ellis enjoys having a beer at her favorite watering hole, the Crooked Tooth Brewery, or a cocktail at the Owl’s Club. For dinner, she likes the ambiance and food at Penca and Time Market. Her business has gone in some interesting directions. She started getting a lot of requests to translate her drawings into tattoos. “People from all areas of the country are getting them. My drawings resonate with them, and they want to have them made into tattoos. I love it. It’s the highest honor when someone wants my art on their body,” she relates. Recently, Ellis recently got a commission to travel to Santa Barbara, California to paint a mural on a store window. “I’ve done some window murals in Tucson. It’s a new direction and it’s exciting to put my work in a different context,” she notes.
Connect with artist Marcy Ellis at or @marcyellis on Instagram. Suzie Agrillo is a freelance writer in Tucson and a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings Magazine. She focuses on writing about the arts, inspirational people and the human connection. Connect at
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Miracles, Magic and Medicine
by J. Garnet
iracles are the joyful, unexpected, unexplainable outcomes for a dire situation or dilemma. They could be considered a form of magic to a degree because they cannot be explained by science or a natural occurrence. Magic can be defined as creating a result using unexplained methods, or by harnessing and manipulating the energy of the universe or the magnitude of natural ingredients here on Earth for the best outcome. Medicine is a branch of science that is meant to orchestrate diagnosis, treating, healing and prevention of disease and illness. Prior to the modern era, medicine was a mysterious entity, one not easily explained except by the few who administered it. Miracles, magic and medicine are more closely related than many might think. They may even be connecting past, present and future treatment through mystery and wonder, while healing the body, mind and spirit at the same time. Someone is given only three months to live because of a terminal illness. One month after the diagnosis, the individual is healed, healthy and free of any signs of the deathsentencing disease. How does that happen? There are many religious and spiritual people who call it divine intervention or a 28
Tucson Edition
miracle. Others call it a phenomenon originating from a healer—or witch, perhaps— with positive energy, the metaphysical and magic. Still others would ask whether the patient changed eating habits or ingested something out of the ordinary, maybe an original smoothie made from random ingredients that have never before been combined. Does the “how” really matter as long as the outcome is positive and welcomed? Imagine a modern day chemist surrounded by beakers and Bunsen burners aflame trying to combine precise chemicals and compounds for a new medication. There are plumes of smoke rising from one of the experiments. Maybe the chemist is reciting Shakespeare and chanting “bubble, bubble, toil and trouble”. In contrast, imagine that same chemist in 16th century Europe. Labeled a witch, the chemist would be put to death in a most gruesome manner. Five centuries later, this scene seems barbaric, but was a very common occurrence for centuries. Prior to the licensure of doctors, healers were mostly women who used herbal remedies they learned through oral histories and teachings from elders, neighbors or from mother to daughter. Barbara Ehrenreich, a well-known Ameri-
can researcher, political activist and author, believes that these practitioners were doctors without degrees. They were known as Wise Women or White Witches. They were pharmacists, counselors and midwives and usually revered; at least one could be found where there was a settlement of people, or at least not far away. Their knowledge led them to mix any number of remedies that could be eaten, sipped, applied or inhaled. Some of these plant medicines had to be heated or boiled in a cauldron, and sometimes they produced steam or smoke. Witches were plant-medicine doctors and pharmacists. Using the miracle of nature’s precise and unique vegetative ingredients for medicine became viewed as taboo, illegal and evil. This shift in thinking was happening during the same time that licensure to practice medicine became the expected. It must also be taken into account the impact that the rise of widespread religion practice had on these witch doctors. With the influence of religious ideologies growing and the emergence of modern medicine spreading at the same time, the definition of healer changed. Women were left in the dust for the most part because they were denied the education needed to be licensed and women had little influence in the church. Any healer that continued to practice medicine without a degree or license was shunned by the institution, the ruling class and royalty. Licensed doctors became the norm and the very first medical practitioners, Shamans, witches and healers, were labeled as evil and conjuring magic because it did not conform to the new normal. Throughout the religious community, miracles, the unexplainable occurrences, were welcomed and sought after. Many of the people initiating or performing miracles were revered, canonized and even deified. They were certainly not labeled witches because of their mysterious actions, yet herbalists and healers were.
Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing
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HOCO Fest Offers Wellness Classes in Downtown Tucson
SECTION pages 30-37
It’s surprising that in an age where people can write a text to someone around the world on their phone, only to be received and read a fraction of a second later, that the notion of magic, miracles and plant medicine are still seen as far-fetched and outside of the norm. Have humans been programmed over the centuries to have this point of view? Miracles are magic because they cannot be explained. Plant-based medicines are miracles because they’ve healed the body, mind and spirit for centuries. Plant medicine is making a resurgence throughout the U.S. It’s where the past is meeting the present. There are skeptics and naysayers that will continue to call it magic. There is fear in people that keeps them on the fence about trying natural plant medicine, rather than continuing down the pharmaceutical highway. In this present time, with technology and centuries of experience, plants are getting the validation they’ve needed through research and testing. Is this magic? Is it a miracle? Perhaps it is a little bit of each—a miracle, a wave of magic and a spoonful of medicine. Miracles, magic and natural medicines are difficult to believe or explain, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist in reality. It’s how they are each defined by the individual. It’s a miracle that each plant on the planet has the precise and unique chemical composition that when combined, treat and heal illness and disease. It’s magical that the makeup of plants is identifiable. There are trillions of different plant combinations that can be produced, but only certain combinations are helpful and medicinal. Practitioners of magic are perhaps tapping into the energy of plants and nature to help them discover the healing power of plants. They’re all medicine because they treat and heal the body, mind and spirit. Whatever the answer, there are still mysteries yet to discover on this planet and in the universe, and plants will play a vital role in the evolution of medicine. J. Garnet, M.A., is an educator and freelance writer. Garnet’s studies have led him to the world of plant medicine and its many benefits. His work is centered on educating the public on alternative medicine. Connect at 520-437-8855 or
otel Congress’ HOCO Fest is pleased to announce a weekend of wellness programming as part of this year’s annual festival, held August 30 through September 1. In alignment with HOCO’s spread throughout downtown, this year’s wellness offerings will also take place in various corners of Tucson’s historic center, featuring yoga, CBD and herbal medicine. Downtown gym Let’s Sweat will expand this August with the all new YOGAnnex. This space will offer vinyasa flow classes using light and sound to enhance the practice and experience. Let’s Sweat and YOGAnnex (439 North 6th Avenue, Suite 101) will be hosting a variety of classes to benefit body, mind and spirit: August 30, Crystal Sound Healing with Lindsey Banis (6 p.m.); August 31, Yoga + Sound with Gabriela Pintado & Quiahuitl of Sonido Tambó (12 p.m.), and Spin + Yin with Eva Lankes & Soleil Chiquette (4 p.m.); September 1, Yoga + Meditation with Gabriela Pintado (12 p.m.), and Yoga Flow (4 p.m.). On August 31 at 2 p.m., Club Congress (311 East Congress Street) will host CBD 101, presented by Earth’s Healing and Global Xtracts. This panel will explain the process of growing and extracting CBD, explore its various beneficial uses and discuss how CBD is making the entire cannabis industry more accessible to the general public. On September 1 at 10 a.m., community herbalist Carla Vargas-Frank of Yerba Nomadica will be offering a workshop titled Sonoran Desert Essences: Low Impact Herb Crafting and the Medicine of Place. This interactive workshop, held at The Grocery by Object Limited (220 North Meyer Avenue), will explore how to make and use essences and discuss how low impact herbal medicine benefits our delicate desert ecosystem in times of rapid environmental change. For more information, visit See ad page 27.
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Tucson Edition
Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing
August 2019
Natural Awakenings
Daxiao Productions l/
pages 30-37
Eat Plants to Live Longer At least one-third of early deaths could be prevented if people moved to a largely plant-based diet, prominent scientists from Harvard University Medical School have calculated. An international initiative, “Food in the Anthropocene,” published in the medical journal The Lancet, linked plant-based diets not only to improved health worldwide, but also to global sustainability. The report advocates a diet high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts, and low in red meat, sugar and refined grains. “Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than does unsafe sex, and alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined,” it concludes.
520.351.9828 143 S. PARK, TUCSON AZ 85719 DIVINE.SYNERGY
Tucson Edition
Animal Cookies
Music is the divine
way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart. ~Pablo Casals
he hybrid strain, Animal Cookies, is a clone-only product of its two parent strains, Girl Scout Cookies and Fire OG. Animal Cookies is a popular strain with patients looking for a heavy hitter for pain relief. Its effects are not suited for mild symptoms. A little bit goes a long way when administering this strain. It’s often used by people who suffer from ongoing insomnia. Animal Cookies brings on a happy, relaxed state of euphoria and is uplifting for the mood. Medicinally, it is used for lessening high levels of stress and depression. Along with being a severe pain management and insomnia tool, it stimulates the appetite as well. The side effects of Animal Cookies are dry mouth and eyes and mild levels of paranoia. It occasionally causes headaches and anxiety. As with all alternative medicine products, it’s very important to research products before purchase and use. Animal Cookies can be purchased at Earth’s Healing Dispensary, conveniently located at 2075 E. Benson Hwy. and 78 W. River Rd., in Tucson. Connect at See ad, page 29.
Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing
Find Your Delta | Define Your Clarity
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August 2019
SECTION pages 30-37
Wild and Wonderful Foraging for Foodies by April Thompson
here is such a thing thor of Edible Wild Plants: Wild plants, as a free lunch, and Wild Foods From Dirt to because they it awaits adventurPlate. Mustard garlic, a must take care of ous foragers in backyards, common invasive plant, is city parks, mountain themselves, tend to the most nutritious leafy meadows and even sidebe more nutritious green ever analyzed, says walk cracks. From nutriKallas, who holds a Ph.D. than cultivated tious weeds and juicy berin nutrition. “However, plants—particularly the real dietary benefit of ries to delicate, delicious flowers and refreshing foraged plants is in their in terms of tree sap, wild, edible foods great diversity, as each has phytochemicals abound in cities, suburbia a unique profile of phyand antioxidants. and rural environments. tochemicals. There is no Throughout most such thing as a superfood, ~Deane Jordan of history, humans just superdiets,” he adds. were foragers that relied on local plant knowledge for survival, as both food and medicine. Know Thy Plant Today’s foragers are reviving that ancestral Rule number one of foraging is to be 100 tradition to improve diets, explore new flapercent sure of your identification 100 vors, develop kinship with the environment, percent of the time, says Leda Meredith, and simply indulge in the joy and excitement the New York City author of The Forager’s of finding and preparing wild foods. Feast: How to Identify, Gather, and Prepare Wild Edibles. Foraging experts say the Wild Foods As ‘Superdiet’ fear of wild plants is largely unfounded. “There are many benefits to eating wild food,” “The biggest misconception is that we says Deane Jordan, founder of EatTheWeeds. are experimenting with unknowns,” says com, of Orlando, Florida. “Wild plants, because Kallas. “Today’s wild edibles are traditional they must take care of themselves, tend to be foods from Native American or European more nutritious than cultivated plants—particcultures we have lost touch with.” ularly in terms of phytochemicals and antioxi For example, European settlers dants. They also tend to be lower in sugar and brought with them dandelions, now other simple carbs, and higher in fiber.” considered a nuisance weed, as a source Purslane, a wild succulent, has more of food and medicine. All parts of it are omega-3s than any other leafy vegetable, edible, including flowers, roots and leaves, says John Kallas, the Portland, Oregon, auand have nutritional superpowers. 34
Tucson Edition
To assess a plant, Kallas adds, a forager must know three things about it: the part or parts that are edible, the stage of growth to gather it and how to prepare it. “Some plants have parts that are both edible and poisonous. Others can be toxic raw, but perfectly edible cooked,” he says. Timing is everything, adds Meredith. “A wild ingredient can be fantastic in one week, and incredibly bitter a week later, so it’s important to know when its prime season is.” Kallas recommends staying away from highly trafficked roadsides and polluted areas. Given that many lawns and public areas are sprayed with herbicides, Sam Thayer, author of The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants, recommends not foraging in an area if it’s uncertain whether chemicals have been applied. Environmental awareness includes understanding how foraging may positively or negatively affect the ecosystem, says Meredith. “Overharvesting can endanger future populations. But there is a ‘win-win’ way to forage, where I get fantastic food and the landscape is better for my having foraged, by clearing invasive plants around natives or planting seeds while collecting a local plant gone to seed.” Thayer, of Bruce, Wisconsin, suggests collecting where species are abundant and thriving: “Fruit, for example, can be harvested limitlessly, as can wild invasives that disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and crowd out native species.”
Meal Preparation
Vinegars, jams and cordials from wild fruits and flowers can be wonderful, but require some patience for the payoff, yet many wild edibles can be eaten raw or lightly sautéed, requiring very little prep work. Thayer recommends sautéing wild greens with just a little soy sauce, vinegar and garlic. Foraging builds confidence, powers of observation and connections to the natural world. The biggest benefit, says Thayer, may just be the fun of it. “You can experience food and flavors you cannot have any other way. A lot of these foods you cannot buy anywhere, and really, it’s better food than you can buy.” Connect with Washington, D.C. freelance writer April Thompson at
Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing
Natural Awakenings
Simply Wild: Forage Recipes Buttered Cattail Shoots With Peas and Mint Yields: 4 servings This is a riff on the traditional English springtime dish of lettuce wilted in butter with peas and mint. The pleasingly mild flavor of the cattail shoots stands in for the lettuce. Stick with just the whitest parts of the shoots for pure tenderness or include some of the pale green bits if you want a sturdier dish. 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 3 cups cattail shoots, chopped ½ cup water 1 cup fresh or frozen shelled peas (if frozen, defrost them first) 2 Tbsp fresh mint, minced Salt and freshly ground black pepper Melt the butter in a pot over medium heat. When the butter has melted, add the cattail shoots and water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring often, until the cattail shoots are tender and most of the water has evaporated.
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Add the peas and cook for 2 minutes more, stirring. Remove from the heat and stir in the mint with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve warm.
Garlic Mustard Pesto on Crisp-Creamy Polenta Yields: 4 servings Leda Meredith, author of The Forager’s Feast: How to Identify, Gather, and Prepare Wild Edibles, says, “Wild food aficionados may roll their eyes when they see that I’m including this recipe because pesto is used as the go-to recipe for this plant so often that it’s become a cliché. But there’s a reason for that: it’s really, really good. “You can toss garlic mustard pesto with pasta, of course, but a spoonful added to soup just before serving is also wonderful, as is a smear of it on focaccia or toast. My favorite way to enjoy garlic mustard pesto is on pan-fried polenta that is crispy on the outside and creamy within.” 2 cups fresh garlic mustard leaves and tender stems 3 Tbsp walnuts or pine nuts, chopped 1 tsp garlic, minced (wild or cultivated) ¼ cup Parmesan or Romano cheese, grated ½ cup plus 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, divided 2 Tbsp butter 8 slices (½-inch-thick) cooked polenta August 2019
SECTION pages 30-37
Put the garlic mustard leaves, nuts and garlic into the blender or food processor. Pulse until the leaves are chopped. Add the cheese. With the motor running, add ½ cup of oil a little at a time until the mixture is well blended, but not completely smooth. (You want a bit of texture from the nuts and greens to remain.) Heat the butter and 2 tablespoons oil in a large nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Add the polenta slices. (You can use the precooked polenta that comes out of a tube, or if you cooked some from scratch, spread it out ½-inch thick on a baking sheet and refrigerate until sliceable.) Don’t try to move the polenta slices until they’ve browned on the bottom side. You’ll know that’s happened when they dislodge easily. Use a spatula to flip them over and brown the other side. Plate two slices per person, with the garlic mustard pesto spread on top. Serve hot or at room temperature.
Parents Who Use Cannabis
t’s acceptable for adults to drink a glass of wine, have a few beers or indulge in a few libations each night to relax after a hard day at work. But, what about using cannabis? In our culture, alcohol has always been a part of most adults’ day-to-day activities. What about parents who don’t choose to use alcohol and instead like to smoke or ingest cannabis? “The stigma is there,” says an Arizona medical marijuana patient who is also a parent to two young children. “If I wanted to drink a beer every night after work, no one would bat an eye. The fact is, I don’t like the way alcohol makes me feel, so I choose to smoke out of my vape pen when feeling anxious. I’m not ashamed of my cannabis use. It’s actually safer and doesn’t make me drunk or act out of my mind. I think it makes me a better mom to my boys.” Many parents who use marijuana choose to do so after their kids have gone to bed. There are many different ways to consume cannabis and most can be done so discreetly. Another patient adds, “It helps me out much more than drinking a shot or two of booze or taking pills. I find that I’m less inclined to overreact and find myself enjoying my kids instead of feeling over-reactive or agitated.” There are products available at Tucson SAINTS Dispensary that parents can easily use throughout the day such as tinctures, CBD edibles, CBD vape pens, high CBD strains and microdosing products that are 2mg, a very low dose that will not make one feel high or overly medicated. Like alcohol or any other drug, it is important to keep medications in a secure spot where they are not accessible to minors. Tucson SAINTS Dispensary is located at 112 S. Kolb Rd., Tucson. Connect at 520-886-1003 or See ad, page 43.
Tip: If you want to keep this pesto in the refrigerator for up to a week or in the freezer for up to six months, blanch the garlic mustard greens in boiling water for 20 seconds, then immediately run them under cold water or dip them in an ice bath. Squeeze out as much water as you can, then proceed with the recipe. This blanching step prevents the pesto from losing its bright green color and turning brown in cold storage. Recipes and photos from The Forager’s Feast: How to Identify, Gather, and Prepare Wild Edibles. Reproduced by permission of The Countryman Press. All rights reserved. For more recipes visit 36
Tucson Edition
Savor Cherries to Lower Metabolic Syndrome Risk
Montmorency tart cherries, first discovered by Roman legionnaires along the Black Sea, have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, according to scientists. Now a study from the UK’s University of Hertfordshire published in the Journal of Functional Foods has found that the cherries can mitigate factors that lead to metabolic syndrome, a condition that increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Just two hours after being given cherries in the form of juice or capsules, subjects showed significantly decreased systolic blood pressure, and insulin levels were significantly lower after one and three hours compared to those given a placebo.
Natural Awakenings
Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing
August 2019
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calendar of events
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Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit listings.
Free Documentary on Spiritual Healing – 9:30am3pm. The Phenomenon of Healing: The Worldwide Activities of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends will screen, with two breaks. Followed by Community Hour, 3-4pm. No charge. Unity of Tucson Annex, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-904-4801. Weissmae@
Sensory Friendly Job Fair – 1-3pm. Looking for a great job with employers who understand autism? Come to the Autism Society of Southern Arizona’s Sensory Friendly Job Fair. No charge. Brookline College-Tucson, 5441 E 22nd St. 520-770-1541.
Mala Making Workshop – 10am-1pm. Receive teachings on the preciousness of a mala. Learn the Buddhist technique for making and using a mala. Make your very own mala. $25. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima Rd. 520-441-1617. Info@
FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 Animast Recovery Circle – 5:30-6:30pm. Join us in our safe environment for healing and fellowship. No charge. Web of Life Animast Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-954-2004. EarthWebMedia@
Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not - 9:4511:30am. The health benefits of special Kangen ionized drinking water (electrically charged), alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. No charge. Pristine Naturopathic, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-869-6782. Bill@
TAG’s 40th Anniversary Discussion Meeting – 7:30-9:45pm. Discussion of current aspects and some experiential astrology. Facilitated by founding member Caryl Marie Brendle. All levels welcome. No charge. ASAOM & Han University, 2856 E Fort Lowell Rd. 520-216-0217. GaelChilson@gmail. com.
Eckankar Light and Sound Service – 10-11:15pm. Join people from all walks of life to celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. Explore what could be your next spiritual step. All welcome. No charge. Hampton Inn Suites Hotel, 5950 N Oracle Rd. 520-286-6166. Eck-Arizona-org.
Reiki Level 3 (Master) class – 12-5pm. Emphasizes expanding your capacity, deepening your Reiki understanding, teaching others, learning the attunement process and more. Includes materials, refreshments and certificate. Proof of Reiki 2 required. $147. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd. 520-549-4800.
MONDAY, AUGUST 5 Beginner’s Open House - Kadampa Meditation Center – 7-8pm. Evening includes guided meditation and short talk on meditation and Buddhism as well as an introduction to the Center’s programs, refreshments and tour. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 Spiritual Discussion: ECK Wisdom on Soul Travel – 6:30-7:30pm. Soul Travel is an individual moving closer to the heart of God. Free book to attendees. No Charge. Far Horizons East Clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd. 520-286-6166. Susannah@ Eck-Arizona-org. Exploring Meditation Practices – 6:30-8pm. With Shelly Dunn. Explore a number of different meditation practices. Please bring socks to wear for walking the painted canvas labyrinth. By donation. CSL Tucson Education Center, 911 S Craycroft Rd. 520-3191042.
Experience HU: The Sound of Soul – 1-2pm. Welcome to the worlds of HU, an ancient, universal name for God. This sacred word can spiritually uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life. All are welcome. No charge. El Pueblo Activity Center, 101 W Irvington Rd. 520-237-2297. Eck-Arizona-org. Keeping Children Healthy with Essential Oils – 1-3pm. Workshop to learn parents’ top 5 oils, tips for prevention of illness and answers to top 10 ailments. No charge. RSVP for address, 520-8697366. Journey Circle and Optional Kava Ceremony 3:30-5:30pm. Shamanic journeying is a powerful and effective tool to explore non-ordinary reality and to connect with your inner wisdom and non-physical guidance. Kava is a relaxing and connecting medicine that enhancing journeying experience. $10. Kava is additional $10. Call for location. 520-548-3224.
Reflexology And Your Belly – 11am-12:30pm. Learn how stress affects digestion through a basic understanding of anatomy and energy and how the feet are a magical path to belly harmony. Cheryl Foster of Barefoot Dreams Reflexology. No charge. Natural Grocers, 3016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-345-4554. ZY Qigong – 12:30-2pm. ZY Qigong in new Healing Arts Qigong Center. Beautiful space has a powerful and calming energy. Join our practice of simple exercises and meditations. $10/suggested donation. Healing Arts Qigong Center, 326 S Wilmot, Bldg B, Ste 110. 520-404-8745. Drumming Classes – 4-5:30. Learn how to play and build a relationship with the djembe in a fun, inspiring and meaningful environment. All levels welcome. $15. Please contact us for address. 520245-4547. Gong Sound Journey – 5:30-7pm. Enjoy a hasslefree clearing of your energy field. The sounds and vibrations of the Paiste Earth Gong are excellent at doing this. Relax and enjoy the beauty of a high quality gong played by a professional musician. $20. Solar Culture Gallery, 31 E Toole Ave. 847-3239188.
markyourcalendar SAVE ON TRAVEL AND VACATIONS Sunday, August 11 • 2pm Far Horizons Club House 7570 E Speedway Blvd
Thursday, August 15 • 11:30 El Saguarito, 3535 E Fort Lowell Take time off from your busy life, relax, dream, build priceless memories. Guaranteed best price on vacations and travel. Save 50% +. Free lunch with vacation giveaways. No charge. Please RSVP. 520-444-3628 •
markyourcalendar FALL YOUTH DANCE CLASSES BEGIN AUGUST 12 Ballet, Lyrical, and Hip Hop 18 weeks • Ages 6-15 Performance • December 14 $325 new students $315 returning students Music In Motion Dance Studio 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140
520-447-7841 •
August 2019
calendar of events WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 Book Study: The Sorry Syndrome – 6:30-7:30pm. Wednesdays, August 14, 21, 28. Join Rev Janis in a 3-week book study (book required and available for purchase) on how saying 'sorry' diminishes us, and what to do instead. By donation. CSL Tucson Education Center, 911 S Craycroft Rd. 520 3191042. Informative Lecture About Hormone Yoga and Healthy Diet – 6-7:30pm. Learn about an amazing practice that can help to relieve many hormone related issues including insomnia, stress, PMS, depression, anxiety, hot flashes and hypothyroidism. 90-min lecture. No exercise required this session. No charge. Call to register and for address. 520-822-7397. Info@
Gong Bath Journey – 5:30-7pm. Opportunity to journey into the cosmos, the earth, lower or upper worlds, out of body or perhaps into deep sleep. This form of sound creates those possibilities without drugs, fasting, or any extreme preparation. Bring a mat, blanket, etc. $20. Solar Culture Gallery, 31 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn. com.
The Estrogen Hour: True Confessions – 6:308:30pm. A celebration of women, comedy and a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Join host Nancy Stanley and five star leading comedians. 21 & over; 2 item minimum. $15. LAFF’S Comedy Caffe, 2900 E Broadway. 520-990-9343. AZ/Ashvle20/MSteed.
Free Reiki Gathering/Share – 12-1pm. Third Wednesday. Join us for a discussion on Reiki, a short meditation and mini-Reiki sessions. All are welcome. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-549-4800.
Prayers for the Dying and Deceased – 5:30-6:30pm. Prayers to help give our deceased loved ones rebirth in Buddha’s Pure Land, attain permanent liberation from suffering and experience pure and everlasting happiness. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617.
August 15 • Third Thursday • 5-6pm We will answer any questions you have and debunk social stigmas around cannabis prohibition for all these years. No charge • Please RSVP Natural Healing Care Center 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140 520-323-0069
Thursday, August 22 • 6-8pm Learn the Bio-Touch points to address trauma issues. $10/members; $15/non-members $5/2CEUs LMT Bio-Touch Center, 5326 E Pima St 520-323-7951
SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 Activate Your Chakras with Sound – 1-3pm. Discover tools and activate your chakra system. Some basic information about the chakras will be shared and then you’ll have the opportunity to try a number of various techniques. $20/before 8/12; $25/after 8/12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 847-323-9188. Experience HU: The Sound of Soul – 2-3pm. Welcome to the worlds of HU, an ancient, universal name for God. This sacred word can spiritually uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life. All are welcome. No charge. Udall Regional Center, 7200 E Tanque Verde Rd. 520-237-2297. Sanskrit Chanting to Heal Yourself – 4-5:30pm. Empower yourself with your own voice and the energy of a group consciousness. Activate your highest potential with the enlightening potential Sanskrit—a language unlike any other. No singing experience necessary; this isn’t about quality of voice at all. $10. Solar Culture Gallery, 31 E Toole Ave. Alzheimer’s: Understanding the Big Picture – 5pm. With Dr. Joanne Haupert. Learn about the dangers of being in constant survival mode, repressed emotions and their impact on memory, sugar, diabetes and the brain and much more. No charge. Natural Grocers, 3016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing.Tucson@gmail. com.
Tucson Edition
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 Discovering Your Confidence and Potential – 6:30-8pm. With Genla Jampa, internationally acclaimed teacher. Friday evening talk on Pure Confidence. See also the event on 8/24. Attend both or either. $60. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima Rd. 520-441-1617.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 Discovering Your Confidence and Potential – 10am-4pm. With Genla Jampa, internationally acclaimed teacher. Saturday workshop on Your Pure Potential. See also the event on 8/23. Attend both or either. See website for descriptions . $60. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima Rd, 520-441-1617. Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit – 3-4:30pm. 3-4:30pm. Learn a simple spiritual healing practice and meet new friends during our Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour. Newcomers welcome. No charge. Unity of Tucson Annex, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-904-4801. Weissmae@
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 Crystal Sound Healing – 6-8pm. With Lindsey Banis. Raise your vibrational frequency and balance your chakra’s while bathing in beautiful tones from crystal bowls and a crystal quartz harp. Bring a yoga mat, blanket and water. $15-$25 (Sliding Scale). YOGAnnex, 439 N 6th Ave, #101. 530-403-6907.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 Yoga + Sound – 12-2pm. With Gabriela Pintado and Quiahuitl. Flow through yoga practices, including breathing exercises, postures and relaxation. Bring a yoga mat, towel and water. $15-$25 (Sliding Scale). YOGAnnex, 439 N 6th Ave, #101. 520-4036907. . Free Introduction to Crystals Talk – 1-1:30pm. Learn why stones are beneficial for your healing process and how to choose them. Free 30 minute playshop presented by Michelle from Bright Way Wellness. RSVP required. No charge. Aveda, La Encantada, 2905 E Skyline Dr. 520-232-9435. CBD 101 – 2-3:30pm. This panel will explain the process of growing and extracting CBD, explore its various beneficial uses, and discuss how CBD is making the entire cannabis industry more accessible to the general public. No charge. Hotel Congress, 311 E Congress St. 520-403-6907. Matt@ Gong Bath – 3:30-5pm. The Earth Gong and Danielle Dvorak will bathe you in sound and vibration unlike anything else. Getting gonged in this lovely yoga studio is like getting a massage for your brain and nervous system. $20/before 8/26; $25/thereafter. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 847-323-9188. Spin + Yin with Eva Lankes & Soleil Chiquette – 4-5pm. 30-minutes on the bike warming up your body, so you can completely release with 30 minutes of yin yoga. Slower paced, longer holds, more breath, less worries. Bring a yoga mat, towel and water. $15-$25 (Sliding Scale). Let’s Sweat, 439 N 6th Ave, #101. 520-403-6907. Matt@HOCOFest. com.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Special Guest Speaker: Amy Steinberg – 1011:45am. Plan to attend Sunday Celebration Services to hear positive music performer and speaker Amy Steinberg sing and share what she knows about how life keeps getting better and better. By donation. The Nickerson Auditorium, 3231 N Craycroft Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL. org. Sonoran Desert Essences: Low Impact Herb Crafting and the Medicine of Place with Yerba Nomadica – 10am-12pm. Interactive workshop with Carla Vargas-Frank of Yerba Nomadica. $15-$25 (Sliding Scale). The Grocery by Object Limited, 220 N Meyer Ave, 520-403-6907. Matt@ Concert: Amy Steinberg – 2-3:30pm. Attend a positive, uplifting musical adventure with award winning singer/songwriter Amy Steinberg. Come be entertained, and learn something useful for your life. Tickets available at or $20. Unity Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-319-1042. Admin@
WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4 Change Habits and Lose Weight! Losing Me, Finding Me – 12-week course with 3 classes. Includes: nutrition, fitness, sleep, emotions, mindfulness, relationships, visioning, spirit, stress. Taught by The Rev Cynthia Spencer who lost 140 lbs by changing habits. Registering now. NW, NE and midtown. Email for information. Book available on Amazon.
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5 Change Habits and Lose Weight! Losing Me, Finding Me – 12-week course with 3 classes. Includes: nutrition, fitness, sleep, emotions, mindfulness, relationships, visioning, spirit, stress. Taught by The Rev Cynthia Spencer who lost 140 lbs by changing habits. Registering now. NW, NE and midtown. Email for information. Book available on Amazon.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 To Bead True Blue: Colors of the Stone - Tucson Artisan Workshops – 10am-6pm. Revel in jewelry, gemstones, clothing, and handcrafted goods by independent artisans, studio artists, and small production workshops. No charge. Casino Del Sol, 5655 West Valencia Rd. Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not - 9:4511:30am. The health benefits of special Kangen ionized drinking water (electrically charged)-alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. No charge. Pristine Naturopathic, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-869-6782.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Mystic Breakfast Club: 1-Automatic Handwriting, Pendulums – 9am-12pm. Monthly Intermediate Intuitive Development sessions, beginning with Automatic Handwriting and Pendulum work. Increase your intuitive muscle while connecting with Spirit. Email or call for full curriculum. $40. iHeart Energy Studio. 480-286-8700. Juanita.Ventura@
September 21-23 Experience the authentic healing and stressdissolving practices of Qigong in a strong group energy field. Sound, light and Qi graphics are used to improve learning so everyone can feel what is going on without any previous experience. Tucson Convention Center For more information: • 800-298-8970
ongoing events
sunday Silent Meditation – 8-8:30am. Experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-546-3696. RevNita@ Religious Service – 9am. St Michael’s ECC, the other Catholic Church. Feminist? GLBTQ? Catholic? We are and more. No charge. Chapel, First Christian Church, 740 E Speedway. 520-575-8486. Self-Realization Fellowship: Tucson Meditation Group – 9-10am. Silent meditation with a Service Reading to learn and practice the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Free literature and lending library. No charge. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince Rd. Ai Chi Sundays – 9:45-11:15am. An aquatic practice of meditation in movement, offering mindfulness aligned with breath, Ai Chi helps calm nerves, improves balance, range of motion and energy levels in the indoor 96° warm pool. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520 245-6616. Tucson New Thought Sunday Gathering – 1011:30am. With Rev. Jonathan Zenz. Join our spiritual community, celebrate your inherent connection to everything, and leave feeling empowered. We are and open and affirming community. No charge. Tucson New Thought, 4500 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 7. 520-406-3232. Tucson Metaphysics Fair– 10am-4pm. Third Sunday. Fair includes a variet y of mediums, readers, healers and vendors. Price varies. InnSuites Tucson Foothills Best Western, 6201 N Oracle Rd. 520579-8930.
September 20-22 Experience extraordinary healing with ancient psychedelic medicine in two ceremonies. Transform anxiety, depression, addiction, deepen self-awareness and spirituality. Legal, safe, supportive with pre and post integration counseling incorporated. All inclusive retreat including transport to and fromTucson. More dates available. 520-548-3224 •
Call ahead to confirm event Sunday Morning Service – 10am. With Rev Ann Marie Beale. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas, Sahuarita. 520-625-5687. Unity The Deeper Meaning of Jesus’ Words–10-11am Explore underlying ideas of our Christianity. Learn techniques to gain greater abundance and happiness Child care, youth and teen programs. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-3036942. Awakening Through Jewish Meditation with Reb Brian Yosef – 10:30-11:30am. Experience yourself as radiant awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. No charge. Congregation Beth Shalom, 3881 East River Rd. 510-295-7383. Byosef@TorahOfAwakening. com. Sunday Celebration – 10:30-11:30am. Learn to live your spiritual potential and purpose. Pray, sing and celebrate Oneness in community. All welcome. Sunday school for kids. No charge. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-546-3696. Sunday Celebration Services – 10-11:45am. Join positive-thinking, likeminded individuals in a social, spiritual (but not religious) community. If you want a happier life, better health and/or more abundant living, you are welcome here to explore how to improve, your life experience. By donation. The Nickerson Auditorium, 3231 N Craycroft Rd. 520 319-1042. The Temple of Universality Sunday Service – 11am. With Founder Rev. Betty Tatalajski. Celebrating the Unity of God and Man, worship, healing, prophesy. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 520-884-5340. TempleOfUniversality@ Community of Light Sunday Service – 11am12:15pm. Join us for a Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy Workers. We enjoy healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Main Clubhouse.
August 2019
ongoing events
markyourcalendar SAVE ON TRAVEL AND VACATIONS Second Sunday • 2pm
Take time off from your busy life, relax, dream, build priceless memories. Guaranteed best price on vacations and travel. Save 50% +. Free lunch with vacation giveaways. No charge. Please RSVP. Far Horizons Club House 7570 E Speedway Blvd
Youth Dance Program – 12:15pm. We begin our fall youth sessions 8/12. Ballet, Lyrical and Hip Hop. 18 weeks. Ages 6-14. Performance December 14. $325 new students, $315 returning students. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Dreamcatcher Dream Group - 2-4pm. A place to bring your dreams. They stimulate our dream recall helping us track our evolving personal archetypes. By being with each other’s dreams we learn compassion and exercise our intuition, which gives us clues as to how to decipher the dream’s sometimes enigmatic meanings. Contact Helen Landerman,
520-444-3628 • Tamara Spiritual Center’s Sunday Services – 11am and 5:30pm. Third Sunday only at 2:30pm. No charge.Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-325-0513. Info@TamaraFound Yogananda Gathering – 11am-1pm. First and third Sundays. Attune to Yogananda’s teachings through chanting, meditation, affirmations, readings and the Festival of Light ceremony. No charge. Ananda Center of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-907-4534.
Women’s Warm Pool Sharing – 11:15am-12:45pm. With Kathy Jendrzejewski. Weekly freestyle exercise and relaxation in a 96 degree indoor saltwater pool.Laugh, learn, enjoy freedom of movement in unique comfort. $15/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register with Kathy:, 520577-7377. Youth Ballet – 5-6pm. Affordable Youth Dance Programs. 18-week program has a performance May 18. $270 Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Adult Dance Cardio – 6-7pm. Adult Dance Cardio is a dance workout class similar to Zumba with a
SLEEP BRACELET Wearers have experienced:
slight hip hop flavor. Have fun and follow along with the teacher as you dance and sweat to high energy music. $8-$10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Self-Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Exercises – 6-7pm. Second Mondays. Taught by certified lymphedema therapist, Reduce your risk of Axillary Web Syndrome (AWS) after lymph node biopsy. No charge. OM, Oracle Massage Lymphatic Therapy 6818 N Oracle Rd., #414. Seating is limited, please RSVP 520-668-8731. .
Therapy Aqua Group – 12-1:30pm. With Skye Linn Walker, LMT, NCBTMB, AMMP Customized Personal Training. The warm saltwater pool offers a stress-free indoor environment to heal, stretch, maintain or build muscle tone. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-245-2343. A Course in Miracles – 6pm. Using The Complete and Annotated Edition, the group discusses how
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Tucson Edition
these profoundly spiritual concepts, channeled by Jesus, are useful in their day-to-day living. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm A. 520-488-8284. Newcomer Ballroom – 6-7pm. Class is designed to give you the fundamentals of a variety of dances so you can start dancing right away. Check Facebook page for updates. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Silver Ballroom - 7-8pm. Mixed ballroom class focusing on technique, patterns, and styling in a fun environment. $10. Music in Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Books – 7-8:30pm. With Reverend Inger Mason. Reading of books channeled to Alice A. Bailey by Djwhal Khul, followed by guided meditation. Temple of Universality class. No charge. Call for details, 520-331-5252. TempleOfUniversality@
wednesday Wednesday Live Radio Show – 8-9am. Get up to date, live information about what’s happening with the medical marijuana laws of our state, the dispensary process, news, education and more. Tune in on our website. No charge. 520-437-8855. Prayer and Meditation – 9:45-10:15am. Come experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. 1551 S Eastside Loop, Ste 121. 520-546-3696. Fun-Day Wednesday Class – 9:45-11:30am. With Rev. Fred Smith. Metaphysical Law, using fun, food and friends. Temple of Universality class. No charge. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd. 520-546-3898. Centering Prayer Group – 12pm. Method of Christian meditation with a strong emphasis on interior silence that encourages silence and deeper connection to the divine. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, UCC, Rm 1. 520-297-1181. Aquacize – 12-1:30pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. 96 degree warm indoor pool. Join us for a safe head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. Free Reiki Gathering/Share – 12-1:15pm. Third Wednesday. Need some mid-week stress relief? Join us for an hour of discussion on Reiki, a short meditation and mini-Reiki sessions. All are welcome. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3, 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@
Guided Meditation Practice – 6-6:45pm. Learn the benefits of meditation practice. Each week provides a new experience with guided experience accessible to all meditation practitioners from the novice to the advanced. All are welcome. No charge. Tucson New Thought, 4500 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 7. 520-406-3232. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group – 6-8pm. Silent meditation with a Service Reading to learn and practice the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Free literature and lending library. No charge. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince Rd. Newcomer Country – 7-8pm. Our Newcomer class is designed to give you the basics of a variety of country so you can start dancing right away. Meant for beginners, fun and upbeat way to learn dance and make new friends. No partner needed. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Pathways to Metaphysics Classes – 7-8pm. Topics change weekly, and can be found on our website at By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main Clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson. 520-339-2038. Silver Ballroom – 7-8pm. Mixed ballroom class focusing on technique, patterns, and styling in a fun environment. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@
thursday Way of Mastery – 5-6:30am. The Way of Mastery teaches you that the choice for Love becomes your every thought, breath and action to extend to the world, as awakened as Jesus was. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-488-8284. Free Reiki Circle – 10-11:30am. First Thursday. Morning of Reiki, with short discussions, meditations, and mini-Reiki treatments. You do not need to be a Reiki practitioner to join the fun. All welcome. No charge. Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center, 1660 W Ruthrauff Rd. 520-392-6446. Save on Travel and Vacations - 11:30am. Take time off from your busy life, relax, dream, build priceless memories. Guaranteed best price on vacations, and travel. Save 50% +. Free lunch with vacation giveaways. No charge. El Saguarito, 3535 E Fort Lowell. Please RSVP, 520-444-3628. Therapy Aqua Group – 12-1:30pm. With Skye Linn Walker, LMT, NCBTMB, AMMP Customized Personal Training. The warm saltwater pool offers a stress-free indoor environment to heal, stretch, maintain or build muscle tone. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-245-2343.
Believe in yourself even when no one else will. ~Sasquatch
Lunchtime Meditations – 12:30-1pm. Take 30 minutes in the middle of the day to connect to your heart, cultivate inner peace and happiness and clarify your intention for the day. Everyone is welcome. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima Rd. Is Cannabis For Me? – 5-6pm. Third Thursday. We will answer any questions you have and debunk social stigmas built around cannabis prohibition for all these years. No charge. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140. RSVP: 520-323-0069. A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. TIES Sharing and Discussion Group – 6:308:30pm. Third Thursday. TIES mission is to provide a safe neutral environment for presenting information on and sharing of near-death and other spiritually transformative experiences. Everyone is welcome. No Charge (love offering accepted). St Francis in the foothills Methodist Church. 4625 E River Rd. 520-395-2365. Ascended Masters Introductory Classes – 7-8pm. Learn about your own individual divine being, your I Am Presence. Find divine solutions to every challenge. No charge. The Temple of The Presence, 11902 E Irvington Rd, 520-751-2039. ZY Qigong Class – 7-8:30pm. ZY Qigong in new Healing Arts Qigong Center. Beautiful space has a powerful and calming energy. You relax and feel the body become quiet just being in the Center. $10/ suggested donation. Healing Arts Qigong Center, 326 S Wilmot, Bldg B, Ste 110. 520-404-8745.
friday Complimentary Sales Training – 9-10:30am. With Don Zavis. Weekly sales training session. Also archived via Vimeo in case you miss it. No charge. Encantada, 11177 N Oracle, Oro Valley. 520-903-4654. Get Happy in Your Body – 10am-4pm. Join us for this complimentary ½-hr consultation to learn what help is available to you to control Type 2 diabetes and lose weight. Get healthy with support. Call to schedule your appointment. No charge. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N 1st Ave. 520-209-1755. Zach@TFMND. Com. TFMND.Com. Healing and Message Circle – 12:30-1:30pm. Beautifully guided healing meditations followed by messages for enhanced healing, enlightenment and growth. By donation. Far Horizons East in the Main clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson. 520-3392038. Around the Table with Jennifer English – 1-3pm, Monday-Friday on KVOI The Voice, 1030AM. On Fridays, it’s Around the Table in Spirits Kitchen. A talk show centered around Positive Energy and how it can give a mental and spiritual boost. No charge. 520-790-2040.
August 2019
ongoing events Aqua Yoga and Movement – 1:45-2:15pm. With Skye Lin Walker, LMT, NCTMB, AMMP Gentle saltwater therapy: Relax, balance, breathe and strengthen as we practice slow healing poses and stretches, shoulder deep in warm water. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-2452343. Weekend Immune Booster Drop-In– 1-3pm. No appointment necessary for Vitamin B shots or Myers Push. New clients pay additional admin fee. $25-$50. Transformational Medicine, 3861 N 1st Ave, 520-209-1755. TFMND.Com. Community of Light Healing and Message Circle – 12:30-1:30pm. New time and location. Join us for beautifully guided healing meditations. The meditations are followed by messages for enhanced healing, enlightenment and growth of the body, mind and spirit. No charge. Far Horizons, 7570 E Speedway Blvd, Main Clubhouse. 520-437-8855. S.M.A.R.T Recovery: Alternative to AA Group – 5-6:30pm. Weekly group for those looking for an alternative to AA, S.M.A.R.T is a non-profit, donation only, small group to deal with substance abuse issues giving us back the lives we were meant to live. No charge. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140. 520-971-6086. NonieSims@ Line Dance; Learn Popular Country Line Dances – 6-7pm. Ever other Friday. Check website for dates. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@ Women for Sobriety – 6-7pm. Join Sarah Nettles in a women-only sobriety empowerment group. See website for details.. By donation. CSL Tucson's Office and Education Center, new location. 911 S. Craycroft Rd. 520 319-1042. Shamanic Journey-for-Healing Circle – 6:30-9pm. Last Friday of the month. Open to all and is designed to help facilitate healing for yourself. You do not need to be a healer. Two guided journeys, sharing time and snacks. No charge. Temple of the Drum, LLC, 16330 N Starboard Dr. 520-870-2108. Info@
markyourcalendar SATURDAY NIGHT SOCIAL First, Second and Fourth Saturdays • 7-10:30pm Ballroom, Country, Latin and Swing Open Social dancing 8-10:30pm. 7-8pm beginner and intermediate group lesson included. 1st Saturdays ALL Country Music! A second ballroom is a dedicated West Coast Swing room. Light refreshments provided. $8-$10 includes lesson and dance social Music In Motion Dance Studio 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140 520-447-7841 • 44
Tucson Edition
Newcomer Salsa – 7pm. Learn the basics of Salsa. $10. Music In Motion Dance Studio, 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140. 520-447-7841. Chris@MMDanceAZ. com. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group – 7-8:30pm. Silent meditation with a Service Reading to learn and practice the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Free literature and lending library. No charge. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Gro, 1702 E Prince Rd. Tucson Energy Circle – 7-8:45pm. Fourth Friday. Tucson Energy Circle is replacing IONS Energy Share. Join us for an evening of meditation, energy sessions and networking. No experience necessary. No charge. Unity Church of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520742-1019.
saturday Rincon Valley Farmers and Artisans Market – 8am-1pm. Come enjoy the country and shop local in and around the big green and white Barn. No charge. Rincon Valley Farmers and Artisans Market, 12500 E Old Spanish Trail. 520-591-2276. Contemplative Prayer Group – 9:30-11:30am. Silent meditation, DVD/CD, discussion. Teachings by Richard Rohr, James Finley, John O’Donohue and others. No charge. House of Prayer, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd. 520749-7950. Free Reiki Gathering/Share – 10-11am. Second Saturday. Learn about what Reiki is and how it helps us heal. Short meditation followed by mini-Reiki sessions. All are welcome. Kid friendly. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-549-4800. BrightWayWellness@outlook. com. Infusing with Cannabis– 10am-12pm. Second Saturday. This class will go into detail on cannabis as medicine, while empowering you to infuse your own cannabis oil at home. Must have AZ Medical Marijuana Card. Seating is limited.$50. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140.RSVP: 520-323-0069. Psychic Fair at Metaphysics World– 10am6:30pm. Every Saturday. $15 for 15 minutes. Everyone is welcome. 2940 East 22nd St. 520-327-7449. Practitioners Reiki Share – 11am-12:15pm. Third Saturday. No charge. Bright Way Wellness, 2030 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 3. 520-437-8855. Aquacize – 12-1:30pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. 96 degree warm indoor pool. Join us for a safe head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. Group Singing Class – 2-3:15pm. Singing exercises that have a therapeutic force, gentle and respective of the natural function of the human body. Attention on sensing the inner environment and supporting the fullness and quality of Tone. No charge. Solar Culture, 31 E Toole Ave. 520-6616666.
community resource guide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.
Nathan Anderson, L.Ac. 2450 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 6, 85719 520-999-0080 Nathan Anderson is an acupuncturist and professor of Chinese medicine. His services include acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, cupping, plus dietary, fitness, and lifestyle consultations. Catalina Acupuncture is a family practice, providing safe and effective remedies for a wide variety of pain and illness. See ad, page 8.
Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520 275-4510 • We offer tried and true procedures and the newest technologies on the market to improve and prevent signs of aging. Facials, peels, injectables, light therapy, Fibroblast therapy, microderm-abrasion, micro-current, derma-rolling and more. We use all natural skin care products! See ad, page 27.
Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 • If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie is the clinical aesthetician for you. She provides nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types and sensitivities, including basic as well as advanced anti-aging modalities, e.g., Botox, dermal fillers and NovaThreads, producing natural-looking, not over-done results. Call today for a complimentary consultation. See ad, page 15.
TULA WELLNESS AND AESTHETICS Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129
Tucson’s premier medspa offering a wide varieties of aesthetic treatments to enhance your inner and outer beauty. Some of the services offeredare Botox, Dermal Fillers, Microneedling with PRP, medical-grade chemical peels, Ultherapy, hair restoration, IV therapy, CoolSculpting, TermiTight and a array of laser treatments. See ad, page 2.
Mastery in Motion 505-250-1223 Gayle Felbain, certified teacher in the Alexander Technique and Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator, has been teaching for the past 35 years. Effective for pain and stress management, back, neck and joint issues, headaches and migraines. Improves performance in whatever you do. 50% off first session. See ad, page 9.
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE ALEXCIS LOPEZ, MS, CHt, NLP, REV. RESET, Ayahuasca Retreats, Workshops 1735 E Fort Lowell Rd, 85719 520-690-6576
Alexcis works with clients who are seeking mental-emotional-spiritual peace and clarity. Find relief from past trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction and negative behaviors. Improve boundaries, relationships, self-worth, connection, joyfulness abundance. Private RESET sessions, ayahuasca retreats, cacao and kava ceremonies, healing workshops. See ad, page 17.
East Tucson, 7105 E 22nd St, 85710 520-214-3232 D2 Dispensary is east Tucson’s high-end medical marijuana facility and is the sister location to Downtown Dispensary. D2 features a contemporary and modern layout and is the only other dispensary in Tucson to carry iLava and MedLava products. See ad, page 33.
THE DOWNTOWN DISPENSARY Parking Lot: 500 N 6th Ave, 85705 520-838-0492
The Downtown Dispensary offers high-end and affordable cannabis products to Tucson’s medical marijuana patients. Our flower and extracts are made in Tucson and are tested for safety and potency. We also carry edible products made by other AZDHS licensed facilities. See ad, page 33.
EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779
We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 29.
NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER Dr. Jasmine May, NMD 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069
Dr. May offers whole being counseling for those seeking a shift from disease centered medicine to individualized care. Naturopathic medicine works to uproot the cause of disharmony, rather than palliating symptoms. Herbs, homeopathy, nutrition, and mind/body medicine are emphasized, with focus on empowering individuals to heal themselves. See ad, page 31.
TUCSON SAINTS DISPENSARY 112 S Kolb Rd, 85715 520-886-1003
Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 37.
Oils, Oil Sprays 2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Open Monday-Friday, 10am to 7pm Metaphysics’ World carries over 30 essential oils and over 25 blended oils for $4.77 each. We carry 10 different oil sprays, over 130 different herbs and a fair amount of resins. We carry Lavender as a herb, oil, oil spray and as an incense. See ad, page 38.
1545 S Craycroft Rd, 85711 520-571-1811 Mention our ad and receive a complete brake system inspection and fluid service for $89.99. Includes inspection of all brake system components and lubrication of any components sticking or not operating smoothly. Also includes complete system fluid exchange and pressure bleed. Savings of almost $60! See ad, page 12.
BIOFEEDBACK ANNA MARIE BLESSING, B.MSC, CNC 4400 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 520-314-6894
Biofeedback treatments to permanently treat over 16 medical conditions including: anxiety, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, asthma, allergies, chemical sensitivities, children’s allergies, digestive disorders and migraines/headaches. VSI food sensitivity testing, thyroid/hormone and additional testing (we see what blood tests miss).
2420 W Ruthrauff Rd, Ste 160, 85705 520-638-6740 Come experience the powerful light frequencies and infrared energies of the Photon Genius Super Sauna. Power up your immune system, reduce pain and inflammation, and detoxify your body’s cells. Multiple session discounts available. Visit online or in person.
August 2019
BODYWORK BIO-TOUCH HEALING CENTER 5634 E Pima St, 85712 520-323-7951 •
WellnessFirst! 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-232-4585• Tired of the pain? Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.
Bio-Touch is a touch-healing therapy that anyone can learn to perform effectively. Low-cost classes are offered and healing sessions on a donation basis to anyone in need of relief from pain, stress, or symptoms of disease.
AIMEE GREGORIE BACHELIER Purity of Life Naturopathic Physician 520-909-0703 •
Medicial Marijuana certification assistance. Dr.’s House Call $120. Includes: assistance acquiring records, state upload. State Fee $150. SNAP eligible discount. By appointment only. Se habla Español. See ad, page 3535
3333 N Campbell Ave, Ste 12, 85719 520-370-3689 Sylvia Boyed, MA, LMT, CST, an energetic bodyworker, working in the bodywork field for 11 years, treats all of the systems of the body, for all ages, with specializations in joint reconstruction, head injuries, migraine headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and anxiety.
WORKING BODIES MASSAGE Becky Colmenares 3208 E Fort Lowell, Ste 102 520-302-0970
Customized treatment including focus work, deep tissue, medical, injury management, relaxing, or de-stressing. All levels of comfort are respected and supported in a safe, comfortable environment. Call or text to schedule your massage treatment today to keep your body working! Just $46 (9am to 3pm weekdays only). See ad, page 16.
BONNIE PRUDDEN MYOTHERAPY MUSCLES IN MOTION MYOTHERAPY Andrea Johnson Master Certified Myotherapist Mobile Service Available 786-897-0789 •
Myotherapy builds strength, reduces stress, relieves pain, re-educates the muscles, improves flexibility, increases range of motion, relieves Fibromyalgia symptoms and more by identifying each individual’s trigger points. 90% success rate when using Myotherapy plus corrective exercises. No needles or drugs are employed. See ad, page 16.
3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 • Satuday, call or ring bell Sunday, 9-10; 11-noon Largest most complete metaphysical bookstore in Tucson valley. Books, CDs, DVDs and more covering a wide spectrum of subjects. Also available: Consanti Soleri Bells, greeting cards, and more—a rich environment for anyone interested in furthering their well-being, spiritual awareness and growth.See ad, page 13.
Mike and Luz Sondgeroth (ID 914362) • 520-444-3628 • World-class, award-winning company in the travel industry. Exceptional opportunities to create significant long-term residual income with minimal time investment. Free vacations, personal growth, and business development. Free lunch and learn every month. Looking for additional income? Make extra money part time. View the video at See ad, page 24.
112 S Kolb Rd, 85715 520-886-1003 • Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 37.
Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.
CBD DIVINE SYNERGY THERAPEUTICS 143 S Park Ave, 85719 520-351-9828 Mon-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5
NA Fun Fact: Natural Awakenings is published in 70 U.S. markets, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. To advertise with us, call 520-760-2378. 46
Tucson Edition
Divine Synergy Therapeutics offers tested high quality Hemp derived CBD products with a knowledgeable staff to make your decision making easier when it comes to choosing the right CBD products to fit your needs. Free Spectrum water with purchase of $25 or more. See ad, page 32.
3455 E Speedway Blvd, 85716 520-838-0487 Kactus Kush CBD is now open in Tucson. Arizona based company committed to bringing top quality CBD products to the marketplace. Some of the purest hemp oil on the market. Test results prove it. Stop by and meet our knowledgeable staff! See ad, page 30.
520-331-2629 • PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 18.
NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069
Natural Healing Care Center carries a variety of natural, full-spectrum Hemp CBD Products. All products are high quality, grown in the U.S., and tested. CBD has helped many people obtain relief for various ailments. NHCC can help inform you on the proper way to consume CBD. See ad, page 45.
CHIROPRACTIC DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway, 85711 520-584-0343
Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for children, PTSD, depression and autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 • Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neurologic disorders. Also, using gentle Chiropractic, physiotherapy, Acupuncture, metabolic nutrition and we have helped 1000s of patients from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit See ad, page 11.
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.
COLLECTIVE AWAKENING Martin Klabunde, CPC, ELI-MP 520-245-4547
Martin offers individual and couples Transformational Coaching and also Energy Leadership Coaching. His coaching is strategic and intuitive. Martin provides a clear space for his clients to grow and transform to create a meaningful, productive and fulfilling life! See ad, page 4.
Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Don’t be surprised if you enjoy the process.
Cynthia offers spiritual guidance, life coaching, premarital counseling and weddings. She is a teacher & speaker, 30 years of experience with listening skills, visioning and habit realignment. She is a retired Episcopal priest who practices integrated wellness and works with all spiritualities.
Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 Coaching brings out your inner expert and the motivation, excitement, and desire to actually follow your best advice. Using coaching models and intuition you can have desired results in health, relationships, career, money, life. Let your magic outsmart self-sabotage.
520-325-9686 • Sheila Shea MA is Board Certified with 41 years of colon hydrotherapy experience. The Intestinal Health Institute offers intestinal nutritional support and detoxification protocols to accompany colonics. Specialties are abdominal massage, Metabolic Syndrome and sugar. Shea is an LMT in Arizona and Florida.
VERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3, 85719 520-403-1686
RN-delivered colonics. FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closedgravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15 minute consult! See ad, page 3.
August 2019
All Natural Health and Beauty Solutions Let us educate and provide you with all DETOXIFICATION Natural ways to improve your youth and health
Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working f or over 30 years. As one of Don’s customers said, “You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote.See ad, page 10.
2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Monday-Saturday, 10am to 7pm Metaphysics’ World carries a large range of products: crystals, rocks, meteorites, incense, oils, oil sprays, soaps, books, music, greeting cards, clothing, fossils, ear candles, tarot cards, charts, etc. Check us out Saturdays at 10am when we have our weekly silent auction. See ad, page 38.
ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE Skin Care Detox Therapies DETOX &Treatments MINI MED SPA Cleansing • Ionic Foot Baths • Anti-Aging • Nutritional MARIA KINGSLEY Owner • Far Infared Sauna • Ear Candling •Debbie SignatureShaw, Facials & Peels
EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 Body Treatments Pain Management 520-780-0170 • (above Trader Joe’s) • Wraps & Scrubs • Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Massage 520 275-4510 • Cleanse and replenish your Debbie Shaw, Spa Owner body is our motto. 1101can N Wilmot Detoxification be rd. Ste.#227 (Above TraderWe Joe’s) achieved many ways. have nutritional cleanses, detox wraps, ionic WWW.DETOXTHERAPYSPA.COM footbaths, a far infra-red sauna and a chi machine and more. Call for a free consultation! See ad, page 27.
Susan Couture, BSHA, CRC, LMT, LE, Cert. MLD/CDP 6818 N Oracle Rd #414, 85704 520-668-8731 • ThermoTherapy Detox Wrap raises your core body temperature while eliminating toxins. The resulting immune response strengthens the body in its fight against cancer and other pathogens. Lymphatic massage assists in cleansing blood and releasing stored lymphocytes to boost immune function. Book one session and receive one session 50% off. See ad, page 16.
1980 W River Rd, Ste 140, 85704 520-447-7841 • Facebook: Music in Motion Dance Studio All ages independent dance studio on the Northwest side serving Tucson and surrounding communities. Let our staff teach you a variety of dances including: Ballroom, Latin, Country, S alsa, Swing. Private lessons, group classes, wedding dances. Dance socials on the first, second and fourth Saturday. See Facebook for current schedule. special rates for first responders and active/retired military. See ad, page 12.
Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082 •
Tap into the wisdom and guidance of your dreams. Develop your powers of intuition. Dr. Landerman has 30 years of experience in dream groups and has been certified by Jeremy Taylor’s Marin Institute for Projective Dreamwork. Dream groups forming downtown.
Martin Klabunde, CPC, ELI-MP 520-245-4547
A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general & cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ads, pages 10 and 14.
Tucson Edition
Want to learn how to make your drum sing while building a relationship with the drum, yourself and your cosmic memory or learn how to heal while playing the drum? Portal Opening Drum Classes and Sacred Drumming Ceremonies are happening in Tucson! See ad, page 4.
Are you emotionally overwhelmed, feeling emptiness, pain or anger running you? You can be free and choose better feelings with this energy technique. It can be combined well with hypnotherapy to reinforce positive thoughts and images in your mind. Schedule your session today.
Michelle Cardenas, RMT 520-549-4800 “Think outside the bottle.” Find healing the natural way. Michelle listens to your needs then creates a custom session just for you. Specializing in stress relief and pain reduction using reiki, crystal/stone healing and Bio Touch. Additional services available.
Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE Pampered Skin Studio 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH is a Registered Nurse and Certified Quantum Healer who specializes in Chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as auric field clearing. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 15.
Juliana Ashe 4231 E Havasu Rd, 85718 520-639-6080 • Juliana extends light. She connects your field of energy to expanded light frequencies, in a heart-centered meditative state. In sessions, she assists you in “holding” new patterns of intent, to relieve stress, pain, trauma, emotional grief and even depression and anxiety.
Melanie Tyrrell, LMT, ESTI, CMLDT Manual Lymphatic Drainage 2001 W. Orange Grove Rd, Ste #308, 85704 520-954-7784 • Your uterus needs to be prepared and brought to optimal functionality before conception. Mercier Therapy is deep, pelvic-organ visceral manipulation where the reproductive organs are mobilized to restore natural blood flow and mobility. 87% success rate of conception within 12 months.
Float & Spiritual Healing Center 2118 S Avenida Planeta, 85710 520-668-4017 • Best of Tucson Weekly’s Alternative Health Centers! Cloud Nine Flotation offers true Sensory Deprivation in a quiet neighborhood, professional setting. One hour in a float tank, without all the outside distractions, just might be the most relaxing place you’ve ever been. Allow your mind to unwind, and reset. Two tanks available. See ad, page 17.
Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Meditate, do yoga, or relax while you bathed in sound and vibration that clears your energy field. Danielle is trained and certified through in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Private sessions and group events (Gong Baths) are available.
Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.
an experience of complete weightlessness as if one was in the womb or floating in space. We offer two float tanks to choose from, one of which offers easy access, is spacious and claustrophobic-free. Additional services offered. See ad, page 17.
Arizona’s eco-friendly manufacturer of recycled granite pavers, split stone tile veneer, subway tiles and fire pits. The locally crafted products add a unique, beautiful look to your home and business while keeping our planet’s mountains out of Arizona’s waste stream.
2272 E Speedway Blvd, 85719 520-339-6674 • Floatation therapy gives
GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm
Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 23.
520-885-8970 - Tucson Metro 480-739-0234 - Phoenix Metro ROC # 305289 •
UK Inspired Cuts, Organic Hair Color 204 W Grant Rd, 85705 520-331-9006 • Facebook: ProjekK Introducing Hnectar by O Way, the world’s first 2-in-1 holistic hair color infusion treatment. Equal parts treatment and permanent color, the hair’s health actually improves with each use, as plant proteins and moisture are integrated into the hair’s structure. 3.
Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036 • Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 3.
Improving physical, environmental, financial and personal health are priorities for almost everyone. The Global Wealth and Wellness Group provides opportunities that help people balance these four aspects and thus improve a person’s overall quality of life. For a free consultation, call Anne at 520-990-5268.
WellnessFirst! 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 Zach@TFMND.Com • Learn to choose the right foods for you, how to heal your intestines, when to eat and more. Healing your intestine’s aides in healing Type 2 diabetes, obesity, sluggishness, sleeplessness, depression and lacking confidence. Added benefit is weight loss. See ad, page 3.
Ethel Sidney 520-276-8201 • Choose wellness and balance that are the keys for a healthy and fulfilling life. journey to wellness Let Reiki, doTERRA AromaTouch, and doTERRA Essential Oils support your journey! At Essential Energy, Etherl offers a path towards a balanced life: emotionally, spiritually and physically.
August 2019
2272 E Speedway Blvd, 85719 520-339-6674 •
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 •
Levity Floatation & Wellness Center offers unique treatments such as: floatation therapy, halo therapy, massage, far infrared sauna, BioScan and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (Functional Lab work). De-stress, alleviate physical pain, detox and get to the root of your aliments here at Levity. See ad, page 17.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Allen Smith – Source Sound Healer C3 Sound Healing Studio 520-369-7396 • Relax, release and realize transformation with the most powerful shamanic and sound healing tools available. Ancient wisdom meets modern tech with didgeridoo, gongs, large crystals, Tibetan singing bowls, Brain Entrainment and Ambisonic Audio. Options: Session recording and Schumann Resonance treatment.
Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 37.
Lydie Vagnerova, Certified HY Teacher 520-822-7397 • Hormone Yoga is a natural alternative approach to regulate hormone imbalances and to decrease undesirable side effects of menopause, PMS, PCOS, infertility, stress, anxiety, insomnia and hypothyroidism. Hormone Yoga helps to balance metabolism, boost immunity and promote well-being.
Tucson Edition
Melanie Tyrrell, LMT, ESTI, CMLDT Manual Lymphatic Drainage 2001 W. Orange Grove Rd, Ste #308, 85704 520-954-7784 • Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a light massage technique encouraging natural drainage of the lymphatic system to optimize health. Used with a variety of conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease, autoimmune issues, concussions, lymphedema and more. Can be provided during and after pregnancy.
Susan Couture, BSHA, CRC, LMT, LE, Cert. MLD/CDP 6818 N Oracle Rd #414, 85704 520-668-8731 •
Metaphysics’ World carries over 200 different varieties of incense. If you love Nag Champa, we generally have it in stock – although it goes fast. We also have our own incense which we make that is only 10 sticks for $.77. See ad, page 38.
Pre- & Post-Surgery: Recover quickly from Aesthetic & Restorative surgeries. Reduce swelling, eliminate bruising, create new lymph connections sooner and heal faster. Inflammation causes fibrosis; scars impede lymph flow. Susan has been helping patients recover quickly for 23 years. Book one session and receive one session 50% off. See ad, page 16.
2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Open Monday-Friday, 10am to 7pm
112 S Kolb Rd, 85715 520-886-1003 •
Dr. Kevin Wallace Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer 520-396-4866 • Integrative medicine allows each patient to be treated as an individual. We infuse conventional medicine and nature cure to obtain the best treatments. The doctors of Infusion Health specialize in environmental medicine, men’s health, women’s health and IV therapy.
TULA WELLNESS AND AESTHETICS Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129
Tula Wellness and Aesthetics is Tucson’s premier wellness center. Dr. Arianna and her staff specialize in integrative and functional medicine in the treatment of adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, autoimmune disorders, and thyroid disease. We also offer trigger point injections, peptide, and stem cell therapies. See ad, page 2.
Melanie Tyrrell, LMT, ESTI, CMLDT 2001 W. Orange Grove Rd, Ste #308, 85704 520-954-7784 • Massage is great for the body and mind. It helps with headaches, muscle pain, relaxation, improves sleep, circulation and posture. Offering one hour massages.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 • Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work,great stretches, and flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Cranial Sacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 17.
112 S Kolb Rd, 85715 520-886-1003
D2 Dispensary is east Tucson’s high-end medical marijuana facility and is the sister location to Downtown Dispensary. D2 features a contemporary and modern layout and is the only other dispensary in Tucson to carry iLava & MedLava products. See ad, page 33.
Welcome to SAINTS, where we take pride in providing Arizona medical marijuana patients with the best cannabis, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products in Tucson. Our goal is to offer a safe, warm, educational, and memorable patient experience. Amenities include: easy parking, security at the door, and short wait times. We offer daily specials, new patient specials, and a discount to all veterans. See ad, page 37.
East Tucson, 7105 E 22nd St, 85710 520-214-3232
THE DOWNTOWN DISPENSARY Parking Lot: 500 N 6th Ave, 85705 520-838-0492
The Downtown Dispensary offers high-end and affordable cannabis products to Tucson’s medical marijuana patients. Our flower and extracts are made in Tucson and are tested for safety and potency. We also carry edible products made by other AZDHS licensed facilities. See ad, page 33.
North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 • 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 • 520-373-5779 We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 29.
NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2230 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069
We’re a Holistic Wellness Center that focuses on alternative medicine and specializes in Cannabis education, coaching and consulting. We help patients obtain their Medical Marijuana Card in AZ and also assist them in finding the right products to help their needs. Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years and not one person has ever died from over consumption, ever! See ad, page 31.
TUMBLEWEEDS HEALTH CENTER 4826 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 520-838-4430 Open: Monday-Friday, 10-6pm Saturday, 10-3pm
2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Monday-Saturday, 10am to 7pm Metaphysics’ World carries a large range of products: crystals, rocks, meteorites, incense, oils, oil sprays, soaps, books, music, greeting cards, clothing, fossils, ear candles, tarot cards, charts, etc. Check us out Saturdays at 10am when we have our weekly silent auction. See ad, page 38.
NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE AIMEE GREGORIE BACHELIER Purity of Life Naturopathic Physician 520-909-0703
Voted #1MEDICAL Certification ARIZONA MARIJUANA CenterCERTIFICATIONS 3 years in a
BEST PRICE GUARANTEE row, Tumbleweeds LOCAL * VET * WOMEN OWNED NEWis ORArizona’s RENEWAL Health premier cannabis $ Center VOTED #1 CERTIFICATION CENTER ALL FEES INCLUDED 3 YEARS IN A ROWdedicated BY TUCSON WEEKLY certification, health and education center VETERAN & SNAP DISCOUNT AVAILABLE to providing the most current information about 520-838-4430 4826 E Broadway Blvd medical marijuana and the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA). See ad, page 35.
Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 At the Pampered Skin Studio, Dr. Suzie personally provides customized treatments including facials with microdermabrasion, microcurrent and LED, peels, microneedling, facial fillers, Botox and Novathread non-surgical facelifts. Minor skin irregularity treatment and electrolysis are also available. Specializing in adult and teen acne as well as sensitive and ethnic skin issues. See ad, page 15.
Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm. See ad, page 9.
If you seek relief from symptoms of chronic disease, need solutions to your aching joints, are living with a terminal illness, or seeking wellness, let Purity of Life be your guide. Natural Medicine for Healthy Living. Se Habla Español. House Calls by appointment only. See ad, page 35.
DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755
Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.
WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 19.
There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew. ~Marshall McLuhan August 2019
Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, 85711 520-869-5593 Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures.Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 9.
Cheryl Foster, Board Certified Reflexologist 2230 E. Speedway Blvd, Ste. 100, 85719 520-345-4554 Reflexology is a profoundly restorative practice that works directly with the nervous system to release stress on many levels. Cheryl’s 25 years as a yoga teacher and Nationally Board Certified reflexologist give her vast resources for working gently and powerfully. $65 special offer. See ad, page 17.
956-566-5443 Jean is a physical therapist of 30 years, using a variety of manual techniques to treat conditions that have not responded well to traditional physical therapy. Treatment may include craniosacral therapy, deep dry needling, kinesiotaping, visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage therapy, private physical therapy, and hot stone myofascial work. See ad, page 17.
Psychic Readers available daily in store 2940 East 22nd St, 85713 520-327-7449 Monday-Friday, 10am to 6:30pm Metaphysics’ World has one or two readers available each day. Rates: 15 mins/$20, 30 mins/$35, 60 mins/$60. Readings available on a first-come, first-serve basis. See ad, page 38.
CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525
Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 5.
GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm
Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 23.
ZY Qigong Teacher/Practitioner Healing Arts Qigong Center 326 S Wilmot Bldg B, Ste 110 520-404-8745
1846 E Innovation Park Dr, 85755 520-903-4654 •
The Qigong practice focuses your awareness inward, to accept who you are, all of you. To realize you are a divine being full of love, joy and compassion. To move you in ways that lift the spirit.
Tucson Edition
Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability. See ad, page 20.
Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas 2404 E River Rd, St 251, 85718 520-577-1129
Tula Wellness and Aesthetics offers the most extensive services in the treatment of female and male sexual health. Dr. Arianna offers radiofrequency and C02 laser for vaginal rejuvenation. Tula now offers hormone replacement therapy for men and women and well as Gainswave, a breakthrough treatment for male ED. See ad, page 2.
Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 •
Doctor Suzie, a Registered Nurse Rejuvenate Tired and Licensed Aesthetician, is Winter Skin certified in Oncology Esthetics and specializes LIGHTWAVE in providing customized skin care treatments PROGRAM for all skin types and skin issues. She especially Includes delights ina mini facial, a lightabout wavetheir treatment educating clients skin and a healing after treatment and helping them identify affordable and manageable $100 an VALUE ALL FOR $80 solutions for their concerns. Make appointment and let Dr. Pear start you on the path to revealing your kind of beautiful! ad, page 15. Solutions Allown Natural Health See and Beauty Let us educate and provide you with all Natural ways to improve your youth and health
ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE Skin Care Detox Therapies DETOX &Treatments MINI MED SPA Cleansing • Ionic Foot Baths • Anti-Aging • Nutritional
Owner • Far Infared Sauna • Ear Candling •Debbie SignatureShaw, Facials & Peels
1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 Body Treatments Pain Management (above Trader Joe’s)• Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Massage • Wraps & Scrubs 520 275-4510 •
Tucson’s first Fibroblast Debbie Shaw, Plasma Arc machine is rightSpa Owner 1101 N Wilmot rd. Ste.#227 here. Non-laser, non-surgical (Above skin tightening and Trader Joe’s) resurfacing is now available. Unwanted tattoos can be WWW.DETOXTHERAPYSPA.COM removed also. Tighten eyelids, jowls, turkey necks, saggy arms. Lift brows, remove wrinkles from chest and more! See ad, page 27.
Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Relax and receive while you are energetically cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells), and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through She is a life-long, classically-trained musician, and an intuitive empath.
WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 19.
Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Celebration Service 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 8.
Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm. See ad, page 9.
SPA SERVICES ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE DETOX & MINI MED SPA Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520 275-4510
Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally. See ad, page 27.
Enhance Your Reality with Advanced Spiritual Guidance C3 Studio – Cosmic Café Creations 520-369-7396 Are you conflicted between your world view and spirituality? Guided by source awareness, I help you to move beyond limiting misconceptions of reality and into new understandings that free the mind and unlock the heart. Take charge of your reality.
The Path of Spiritual Freedom • 1-877-300-4949 “The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you. The teachings of ECK will awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart. The road to God is the adventure of a lifetime.”—Harold Klemp.
KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER 5326 E Pima St, 85712 520-441-1617 •
Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!
THE TEMPLE OF UNIVERSALITY Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340
Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.
TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE SHARING (TIES) Chuck Swedrock 520-395-2365 •
Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Thursday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at St Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church.
Rev. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 ffiliated with Unity School A of Christianity and now in our 64thy ear serving the Tucson community. Sunday services at 10 am.See ad, page 13.
1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696 Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 11.
THE TEMPLE OF THE PRESENCE 11902 E Irvington Rd, 85747 520-751-2039, x100
Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.
August 2019
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Aimee Gregorie Bachelier 41 A Lasting Touch Salon 9 Listen on AM 1030 Alexcis Lopez 17 Call in Number: 520-790-2049 Alternatives in Healthcare Voted #1 Detox Therapy Spa 27 Every weekday from 1-3 ARIZONA MEDICAL MARIJUANA Certification p.m. join award winning Barefoot Dreams Reflexology 17 CERTIFICATIONS Center 3 broadcaster Jennifer BEST PRICE GUARANTEE Catalina Acupuncture 8 years in a row, English for Around the LOCAL * VET * WOMEN OWNED Tumbleweeds Health Center is Arizona’s premier NEW OR RENEWAL Center for Spiritual Living Tucson 8 Table. Her guests are the $ #1 CERTIFICATION CENTER ALL FEEShealth INCLUDED cannabis certification, and educationVOTED center influential tastemakers, 3 YEARS IN A ROW BYClaire’s TUCSON WEEKLY Café 5 dedicated to providing the most current informalaw makers, healers, mediums and more. Friday’s VETERAN & SNAP DISCOUNT AVAILABLE Cloud Nine Floatation Center 17 tion about medical marijuana and the Arizona show is Around the Table in Spirits Kitchen where 4826Marijuana E Broadway Blvd Medical Act (AMMA). See ad, page 35. the wonder of the metaphysical is discussed with Community of Light Tucson 9 some of the best from that branch of science. CopperZap 7 WELLNESSFIRST! DeeAnn Saber 3 DeeAnn Saber, NMD TRAVEL & VACATIONS Divine Synergy Therapeutics 32 Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt, CCT Don Zavis Sales Training 20 TRAVEL MIKE Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN Mike and Luz Sondgeroth Downtown Dispensary 33 3861 N First Ave, 85719 (ID 914362) 520-209-1755 D2 Dispensary 33 520-444-3628 • Earth’s Healing 29 We are Gayle Felbain 9 Vacation with a world-class like-minded vacation and travel company First! Where Your Wellness Comes GE Computing & Internet 10 healing professionals who have created a at best pricing. Save 50% or patient-focused Wishescollaborative, Everyone a Happy & Healthy environment New Year! to Gourmet Girls Go Gluten Free! 23 more. Smile, play, build provide healthy experiences for those ready to priceless memories with loved HOCO Fest 29 reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3. ones. Free lunch and learn Jean Read 17 every month. Looking for additional income? Make Ÿ Ÿ Kactus Kush 30 Ÿ Ÿ WOMEN’S HEALTH extra money part time. View the video at Ÿ Ÿ See ad, page 24. Ÿ Levity Float and Wellness Center 17 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ TULA WELLNESS AND AESTHETICS Martin Klabunde 4 Choosing to be proactive about your health today can prevent you from having to be reactive about Optimal functional health is not a lofty goal. an illness later. Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas It's a birth right for everyone. VISCERAL MANIPULATION Metaphysic's World 38 2404 E River Rd, St 251, 85718 Muscles in Motion 16 520-577-1129 • JEAN READ, PT Ÿ 956-566-5443 Music in Motion 12 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ At Tula Wellness we Ÿ Natural Healing Care Center 31 Ÿ focus on Functional Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ OM Oracle Massage Lymphatic Therapy 16 Integrative Medicine with Ÿ Visceral Manipulation is a Go with the flow...the road to health is paved Ÿ a focus on menopausal One Stop Automotive 12 manual therapy consisting ofwith good intestines. Ÿ healthvaginal rejuvenation as well as all aspects of Ÿ light, yet specific manual forces Pampered Skin Studio 15 gynecology;including well-woman exams, peri that encourage normal mobility, Philip Stein 42 -menopausal and menopausal concerns, pelvic tone and inherent tissue motion floor rehabilitation, PMS and hormone balancing. Proactive Health Solutions 3 of the organs and their See ad, page 2. connective tissues, usually of the Pur Maid 18 abdomen, pelvis and chest. Purity of Life 35 Great for gastroparesis and other abdominal YOUTH PROGRAMS scarring or organ dysfunction. See ad, page 17. Qi Revolution 56 Santa Rita Springs 17 MUSIC IN MOTION DANCE STUDIO 1980 W River Rd, Ste 140, 85704 Transformational Mediine 3 SEPTEMBER 520-447-7841 • Travel Mike 24 Facebook: Music in Motion Dance Studio Tucson Biological Dentistry 10, 14 Tucson Saints Dispensary 37 All ages independent dance studio on the Tula Wellness & Aesthetics 2 Northwest side serving Tumbleweeds 35 Tucson and surrounding communities. Let Unity Church of Peace 11 plus: our staff teach you a Unity of Tucson 11 Yoga variety of dances including: Ballroom, Latin, Wholistic Family Medicine 19 Therapy Country, Salsa, Swing. Private lessons, group classes, wedding dances. The youth program includes ballet, Winterhaven Health Center 11 lyrical and hiphop with a performance in the Working Bodies Massage 16 showcase on December 14th. Available to ages Zach Saber 3 6 to 15. See ad, page 12. 4826 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 520-838-4430 Open: Monday-Friday, 10-6pm Saturday, 10-3pm
Breast, Upper and Full Body Scans Preventative Screening Identify Risk Factors
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Tucson Edition
Primary care physician Specialist in Endocrinology – Thyroid, Hormone, Adrenal, and Neurotransmitter systems Specialist in Gastrointestinal Issues Functional Medicine specialist Recently awarded “Most Caring Doctor” in the nation through
Jo Ruddy, PhD Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and Metaphysical Life Coach Specializes in releasing disease A solution-focused approach to release unconscious patterns Holistic/metaphysical modalities for healing mind, body, spirit Couples reconnection & relationship empowerment Jodi Hardy, MA, Cht, LPC Psychotherapist Specializes in working with women & children Therapeutic & hypnotherapy modalities to create healing Demonstrates & fosters healthy self-esteem
classifieds ALLERGY SEASON IS IN FULL BLOOM! Prevent complications from inflamed sinus cavities with manual lymph drainage combined with Ultrasound therapy. Research proves ultrasound kills sophisticated communities of bacteria called Biofilms that are resistant to antibiotics. Alternative therapeutic strategies help heal Chronic Rhinosinusitis and may prevent surgical intervention. Susan Couture, 520-668-8731.
CBD BUZZ SESSIONS. Intrigued about CBD, but don't know where to turn? Find out what the buzz is all about! Host a free BUZZ session with your co-workers, neighbors, and friends. For more info and to reserve a session, call 520-982-1096 or email
EVENT AND MEETING SPACE AVAILABLE. Convenient east side location, 4500 E. SPEEDWAY, #7 for rent for smaller groups, weekdays and some evenings. Do you need space rooted in high consciousness? We have space for you. Negotiable hourly and daily rates. For more information: 520-406-3232 or
EXPERIENCE RELIEF FROM SYMPTOMS! Biofeedback is a proven and effective way to mitigate anxiety, pain, digestive discomfort, muscle weakness and symptoms from more than a dozen major medical conditions. Take advantage of this new and proprietary treatment now available in Tucson. Visit our website for exclusive details and to book your relief treatment –
FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSTIC NUTRITION PRACTITIONER AND LIFE COACH Kristina Olivarez believes in addressing emotional, physical and spiritual aspects when getting to the root cause of dis-ease utilizing the 3-step process: identify stressors, address dysfunction, and calm the mind. Contact Kristina at Levity and mention Natural Awakenings for a free in-depth consultation. 520-339-6674,
GAYLE FELBAIN/MASTERY IN MOTION offers sessions in the Alexander Technique and somatic mindfulness and meditation. Learn to create freedom, ease and comfort in your body and mind. Gayle has 35 years experience and is available for private and small group sessions. 50% off first session. 505-250-1223.
KACTUS KUSH CBD NOW OPEN IN TUCSON! Arizona based company committed to offering top quality CBD products. Some of purest hemp oil available. Test results to prove it. Stop by 3455 East Speedway and meet our knowledgeable staff! We would love to be your local CBD source. 520-838-0487.
MYOTHERAPY is a highly specialized therapeutic treatment for relieving muscle pain and the swelling, weakness, and limited range of motion associated with pain. Andrea Johnson, Master Certified Bonnie Prudden Myotherapist. Mobile Service Available. 786-897-0789.
NORTHWEST TUCSON LEASE SPACE AVAILABLE - Private, full-time office for massage therapist/ bodyworkers who prefer quiet healing atmosphere. Large 10’X13’ with upper end finishes. All inclusive rent $550/mo. Includes office, breakroom, locker, utilities, wifi, janitorial and security. 1 yr. min lease. For more information, call 520-603-0852.
SUMMER IS HERE, ARE YOU READY? If not, and you want to lose a few inches from any part of your body, call Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy Spa at 520-275-4510 to schedule a professional 7 step fat wrap. Lose those inches fast!
THE DOWNTOWN DISPENSARY offers delivery to medical marijuana patients in the greater Tucson area and is one of the only delivery services to accept debit cards at your doorstep. Daily specials are also available for delivery customers. Patients can place online orders at
VAPORIZING AND INHALING CBD is the best way to consume CBD. Have you tried Hemp CBD Flower? Want the benefits of medical marijuana without the high? We offer tested organic smokable HEMP FLOWER with high CBD content. Mon-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5. Divine Synergy Therapeutics, 143 S Park Ave, 85719. 520-351-9828,
VISCERAL MANIPULATION is a light touch technique relieving tension in the tissues most often in the abdomen and chest. Releasing tension in the tissues around and within the organs often improves circulation, function, decreases pain, calms the nervous system, brings one into a deep state of relaxation. Northwest Tucson. Jean Read, PT, 956-566-5443. ZY QIGONG: ZY qigong practice now being taught at Healing Arts Qigong Center, 326 S Wilmot Bldg B, Ste 110. With simple and clear movements direct an ocean of Qi inwardly as it naturally expands outward let it replenish the energy and physical bodies. Mark Frighetti 520404-8745,
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Contact us today with questions, 520-760-2378 August 2019
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