Mind-Body Healing Strategies
Mind-Body Healing Strategies
• Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal (SMART)
Certified Dentist
• Heavy Metal Testing
• Vitamin Testing
• Ozone Therapy
• Biocompatible Tooth Colored Fillings
• Extractions/Cavitation
• All Porcelain Crowns and Bridges
• Partial Dentures
• Infant/Child/Adult Tongue Tie Release
• Fluoride FREE
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A major focus on a very important subject—emotional healing. Our feature story, “Stopping the Trauma Cycle”, covers the many possible causes of trauma that we can experience, how these events can affect our health and what we can do to heal and move past difficult experiences.
In “Healing Power of Therapy Dogs” on page 22, learn how animals have dramatically helped sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), providing comfort and healing to people during stressful and anxious episodes so that they can get back to enjoying life.
Appropriately, September is also National Yoga Awareness Month, so we are talking about the benefits that yoga has on trauma and other mind-body challenges in the Fit Body section (page 12). It is truly incredible how moving our bodies and focusing on the things we are feeling physically can impact how we are feeling mentally.
Wherever you are on your healing journey, know that you are far from alone. It is important to remember that you never know what any person is really going through—and you are probably surrounded by others who can relate more than you know. We are all on this journey called life together, and we could all use some extra courage and kindness.
Love and light,
Our body has the innate ability to heal itself. If we have a cut on our arm, the body takes immediate action to begin healing. So, why are we not in a constant state of good health? Chronic and unresolved stress can accumulate in our body and energy and cause our physiology to stay in “fight or flight” mode—leaving no room for the “rest and repair” mode required for healing.
Bird’s Eye Wisdom’s physical therapist Carrie Rucker offers three primary treatment modalities to teach clients the skills to maximize their body’s ability to repair and heal. Physical Therapy includes manual therapies, corrective exercises and education. Craniosacral Therapy calms the nervous system, improves the flow of our subtle physiology and energy and allows for somatoemotional release. Energy Sessions are personalized, interactive, guided meditations that help clients work with their energetic body.
Bird's Eye Wisdom is passionate about empowering clients to learn the skills to listen to their physical, emotional and energetic bodies to take charge of their well-being. This is the heart of Bird’s Eye Wisdom’s treatment philosophy. Bird's Eye Wisdom offers one-on-one sessions, allow-ing space for the treatments to evolve with the client.
For more information, email Info@BirdsEyeWisdom.com or visit BirdsEyeWisdom.com. Sessions are offered at the Center 4 SelfCare, 3501 E Kleindale Rd, 85716.
Do you love Natural Awakenings Magazine? Are you passionate about healthy living and eager to make a meaningful impact in the Tucson community? Join our team as an Advertising Salesperson.
We are seeking a motivated individual with a talent for building relationships and an understanding of the health and wellness industry. In this role, you’ll connect with businesses, large and small, to help them reach our engaged, health-conscious audience. Your mission will be to sell advertising space across our print and digital platforms, helping brands share their stories and products with our dedicated readers.
You’ll thrive in this role if you have a proven track record in sales, excellent communication skills and a passion for promoting a healthy lifestyle. As part of our team, you’ll enjoy a supportive work environment, competitive compensation and the opportunity to work with some of the most exciting businesses in the health and wellness sector.
If you’re ready to combine your sales expertise with your love for healthy living, we want to hear from you. Apply now to join our vibrant team and take your career to the next level. Work as much as you like. Perfect for retired salespeople.
For more information, contact Holly Baker at 520-760-2378, Holly@ NaturalTucson.com or NaturalTucson.com.
Donna Eden’s four-day festival celebrating the power of energy healing, Energy Fest, is coming to Tucson September 5 through 8 at the Loews Ventana Canyon. Energy Fest is an in-person gathering of Eden’s hand-picked experts, teachers and healers who are at the top of their game. Register now and receive $100 off with coupon: Awake.
As an attendee, you will get to learn directly from the best of the best in the fields of energy medicine, healing, EFT tapping, yoga, reflexology, hypnotherapy and more. This year’s Energy Fest will include powerful presentations from both Eden and her husband, EFT pioneer, David Feinstein, PhD. In addition, there will be four keynote presenters:
Bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit, Dr. Bruce Lipton
Clinical psychologist and author of the Nautilus award-winning book Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, Dr. Shamini Jain
Renowned Movement Master, author and Recovery Advocate Steven Washington
Head of Health & Fitness at Mindvalley, Ronan Diego De Oliveira
Those are just a few of the world-class leaders and healers joining live and in person. You can also select from 21 breakout classes that go into specialty topics to help put energy healing into practice. You’ll also get the chance to meet and connect with kindred spirits who are excited to take charge of their health and happiness—just like you.
Energy Fest is a one-of-a-kind experience that will inspire you to live a life of greater health, longevity and happiness.
For more information and to register, visit EnergyFest.EdenMethod. com. See ad. page 4.
Traverse through the landscape of Egypt and your Soul during a 14-day Divine Feminine Activation Along the Nile retreat with KumariDevi, from February 15 through 28, 2025. Divine Feminine Activation Along the Nile is beyond a sightseeing tour, it’s a transformational spiritual journey, unlike anything you’ve experienced.
Take a quantum leap in consciousness, while traveling through Ancient Egypt with KumariDevi, as she triggers ancient portals and dimensional gateways to open. The physical journey acts as a catalyst, unlocking and reprogramming outdated beliefs to accelerate your spiritual journey. You will feel timelines shifting, chakras aligning, offering immediate access to past lives and ancient wisdom.
Egypt is much more than pyramids in the sand. Hidden in Egypt’s rich history are dormant memories awaiting retrieval, especially for the feminine. Step into another dimension and immerse yourself into the mysteries of Ancient Egypt through a powerful retreat style and sightseeing tour. Meditate in the Great Pyramid, at the paws of the Sphinx, with Sekhmet in Karnak and in the awe-inspiring Abu Simbel.
KumariDevi (Paula Muran) is a powerful activator of Truth. Unlike anyone you have ever met, her connection to the Divine is undeniably present. She embodies Direct Presence—aligning you with your Soul’s wisdom and raising your vibration to the frequency of unconditional love.
Sign up for Divine Feminine Activation in Egypt Sacred Tour and save $200. Payment is due December 1.
For more information, call 505-681-3509, email Info@KumaraInstitute.com or visit KumaraInstitute.com/Egypt-Spiritual-Tour.
Is your motto “I believe” like Agent Muldaur and the X-Files TV series? If so, then there is a new tribe for you in the Tucson Paranormal Society (TPS). This group has several events and is expanding to provide the greater Tucson area with opportunities to meet and network with others who believe in everything unexplained, including ghosts, UFOs, bigfoot and all that is included in the supernatural and paranormal.
This month, TPS will have its first monthly meeting. The keynote speaker for September is Mitch Komro, who is a member of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS), a TV ghost hunting series, and the Sonora Paranormal Investigators Unit. He will do a slideshow and answer questions.
As the TPS expands, it now offers these events for all Believers: TPS Cocktail Party on the first Saturday of the month at 6pm in the Encantada Banquet Area in Oro Valley; Paranormal Book Club on the second Friday of the month at 6pm in the Barnes and Noble Café in the Foothills Mall; Paranormal Speaker Meeting on the third Friday of the month at 5:30pm at the Kettle Restaurant; and more.
In addition, the group includes a conference call every Monday at 9am, as well as a
magazine at ArizonaParanormalTimes.com
As people become increasingly aware of their environmental footprint, planting native trees stands out as an impactful action. In addition to their beauty and shade, indigenous species offer numerous other benefits.
According to the National Wildlife Federation, loss of habitat is the primary threat to wildlife. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends planting native vegetation to maintain a biodiverse, robust and resilient ecosystem. Because these varietals have evolved over centuries to adapt to the local soil and climate, they are hardy providers of essential shelter and food for an area’s wildlife.
The root systems of native trees play a vital role in maintaining soil health, helping to regulate soil temperature, prevent erosion and promote water infiltration. Native trees require less fertilizer and water than non-natives—of particular significance in drought-prone areas.
By sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gases, trees contribute to the fight against global warming. They also lower utility bills by shading the house in the summer while allowing the sun to warm it in the winter. Native trees are better equipped to withstand a region’s weather extremes, pests and diseases. The nonprofit American Forests suggests planting species that will be suitable for an area’s expected climate conditions in 30 to 50 years.
Native trees improve air quality by filtering pollutants. They also provide a sense of place and community. A neighborhood with abundant green spaces can enhance mental well-being by offering a natural retreat, especially in urban settings. Integrating native trees into community planning can foster a stronger connection between residents and their local environment, too.
• Select the right tree. Consult the USDA tool (PlantHardiness.ars.usda. gov), which predicts a tree’s resilience in light of current and future climatic
variables. To ensure genetic diversity, select plantings that are grown from seed instead of cloned.
• Choose the right spot. Make sure the tree’s mature size will fit the available space.
• Mulch and protect. To support microorganisms, control weeds, hold moisture and help a young tree flourish, spread two to four inches of mulch in a ring extending to the tree’s drip line; avoid piling it against the tree trunk. To enrich the soil, choose organic mulch such as composted leaves or aged hardwood bark.
• Water wisely. Research the water requirements of the species. During the initial establishment period, it is important to provide adequate water without overdoing it.
by Carrie Gauthier
The first known reference to yoga is in the Upanishads Sanskrit texts, written 2,500 years ago. The practice originally comprised breathwork, and the physical postures developed over time. According to the global data platform Statista, nearly 34 million Americans practice numerous types of yoga, while science continues to provide evidence of its healing potential.
With the frenetic pace of life today, many people live in a permanent state of anxiety. Yoga can ease the panic and malaise by activating the parasympathetic nervous system to decrease stress hormones, blood pressure and heart rate.
“Yoga therapy differs from traditional psychotherapy in scope and aim. Rather than delving into traumas, yoga empowers individuals to be present, moving away from personal narratives,” says Adam Flores, a certified yoga therapist from Port St. Lucie, Florida, specializing in addiction and mental health. “Trained yoga therapists offer grounding techniques and skillful check-ins, especially for trauma cases, improving heart rate variability, vagal tone and overall nervous system health.”
A 2011 meta-analysis study published in Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders indicates that yoga may be an effective treatment option for severe mental illness,
with the added advantage of being less toxic than pharmaceutical treatments.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant issue facing the U.S. military and a growing problem for teens that have experienced violent or traumatizing events. Conventional treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing have shown limited effectiveness due to high dropout and nonresponse rates. On the other hand, studies have found that engaging in yoga and other mindbody practices can reduce intrusive memories, avoidance and emotional arousal symptoms, as well as anxiety, depression and anger associated with PTSD.
Yoga therapy improves critical factors in addiction recovery, including emotional balance, mental clarity and stress reduction. In a 2021 study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, yoga for the treatment of substance abuse disorder was determined to be an effective option.
Yoga has developed into a variety of styles that can meet the goals and objectives of their practitioners. Some of the more popular formats include:
• Vinyasa: An up-tempo class of postures or poses (asanas), often accompanied by high-energy music that typically results in a consistently elevated heart rate. A 2017 study published in The FASEB Journal found that eight weeks of vinyasa yoga improved physical fitness, relieved stress and improved mental well-being.
• Yin: This form of yoga focuses on gentle, passive stretches held for one to three minutes, offering ample opportunity to release stress and tension. Poses are often supported by props such as bolsters, straps, blocks, pillows and blankets. Long, slow, deep breathing promotes relaxation to help the practitioner hold each pose for extended periods of time. Yin yoga stimulates and stretches fascia,
the thin connective tissue throughout the body, as well as ligaments and joints, resulting in increased flexibility.
• Hatha: This is a classic yoga style involving breathing exercises and poses that are held for longer periods of time than other formats. Although the slower, more meditative pace may seem easier, holding a proper pose for extended periods of time can be challenging for the body and mind. According to a 2018 study in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 12 sessions of hatha yoga significantly reduced stress, anxiety and depression in women.
• Kundalini: This yoga style prioritizes spiritual growth and awareness, with a focus on energy and chakras. Kundalini awakenings are common via movement sequences, breath work, mantras and chanting. Different studies in 2021 found that kundalini yoga is an effective short-term therapy for generalized anxiety disorder and can be helpful in reducing the severity of insomnia.
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One of the core tenets of a yogic practice is self-compassion, and it is important to resist the inclination for negative selftalk. To adopt the yogic way is to choose happiness over suffering.
“In my experience, the best healing experiences happened by tapping into the body and unlocking the energies we hold onto,” says Paty Renda, a certified Ananda hatha yoga instructor and co-owner of Premah Wellness, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “I believe in serious work done through fun exercises such as breath, dance, laughter and movement. A simple, slow and deep hatha yoga practice can create profound changes. Gratitude is another very easy, and yet immensely powerful, practice I infuse into everything I do.”
Carrie Gauthier is a writer in the healing arts with interests in clinical and trans-personal hypnotherapy.
The Vagus nerve is essential for good physical and mental health. We have a right and left starting at the brain cortex and connecting the thoracic region to our gut. It helps regulate the sympathetic nervous system, the fight-or-flight which triggers stress, anxiety, fear and depression/loneliness.
Through mediation, sound and chanting, breathing, physical activity and social interaction, we can regulate this nervous system to a parasympathetic state where we are calm, relaxed and full of energy that supports our mind and body.
Stimulation of the Vagus nerve reduces heart rate, assists in healthy digestion and metabolizes nutrients, as well as increases blood to organs and reduces inflammation. Cranial nerves connect the brainstem and the body.
Yoga practice and slow diaphragmatic breathing with long exhalations stimulate the Vagus nerve, as well as cold water immersion on the face and neck. Singing and humming increases vagal tone. Cranial Sacral therapy involves gentle touch and reset points around the base of the skull and the sacrum. A Cranial Sacral therapist works to reduce cortisol and increase parasympathetic activity.
Ken Reader, LMT, is a medical massage therapist at The Right Touch, in Tucson. Connect at 520-326-7675.
Looking to upgrade your yoga certification or to deepen your personal practice? The Yoga Connection, Tucson’s only active nonprofit yoga center, offers advanced training. This October, The Yoga Connection brings back its 300hour level teacher training program. The course expands and builds on techniques developed in the 200hour level. Topics expand on practical and subtle anatomy and explore ancient philosophical texts as well as ayurveda.
Training at the 200-hour level begins in September for those wishing to begin certification training. The multi-month course goes through September. The Winter Immersive is condensed into two weeks in December and two weeks in February.
For nearly 40 years, The Yoga Connection has trained area yoga teachers while offering yoga classes for all levels. Specialty weekend workshops range from Restorative Yoga to sound healing through the Gong Bath and Yin Yoga, which works with connective tissue and fascia. Free stress management workshops are offered a few times a year. Other options include weekly and New Moon mantra and music sessions. On a spiritual and philosophical level, The Yoga Connection offers free weekly meditation sessions, and specialty short courses such as classes on meditation or the Yoga Sutras.
Whatever your yoga interests, The Yoga Connection has something for everyone. Most classes are also offered online. Gift certificates and monthly passes are available in addition to dropin fees. Check schedules for classes offered by donation.
Connect at 520-323-1222 or Yoga@YogaConnection.org. Location: 3929 E Pima, Tucson. See ad, page 15.
soul is the essence of who we are. To connect with our soul and with others’ souls’ essence is the most enriching experience of all. The soul seeks experiences to enliven and grow— for the soul has an urge to feel fulfilled in all aspects of life. Yet when goals are pursued at the expense of the heart’s desire, the essential self may diminish or disappear.
Through this loss of true connection, one attempts to fill what is perceived as a deficiency, loss or emptiness from outside of themselves. Yet most people are not aware that the loss is nothing more than having lost contact with their own true essence. These essences are the pure virtues of the soul. Each corresponds to an aspect of being.
For example, the Black essence is peace. Yet peace requires slowing down. By learning to pace oneself, and be more present, with practice, the individual develops more patience. As a result, there is more peace in their life—even when amongst the chaos of others and the fast pace of the societal world. As consciousness grows, one remembers the wholeness of their intrinsic nature and learns to recognize and consciously claim (mind), cherish (heart) and inhabit (body) the presence of their existence— the true self.
Kim Lincoln is an author and founder of Terrain of Essence, navigating the landscape of the soul. Connect at TerrainOfEssence.com and KimLincoln.com.
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by Deb Beroset
There are times in life when, damn, we just don’t feel sparkly at all. Maybe our light’s been dimming for a while, and here comes that moment we catch a glimpse of our soul in the mirror and she gives us some serious side eye like, “What are you doing? Where did the real YOU go?”
Other times, it’s not so much a slow fade as a sudden, shocking life quake. An unanticipated Big Change—a loss, a setback, a diagnosis, a divorce—can leave us feeling like that spark we used to have has run away from home. Maybe for good.
Not so, mon amie! Your wild spirit needs love and beauty to feed your spark, fan your flames and have you back in that glorious groove. Rediscovering your groove is about remembering who you are and what makes you feel alive.
Tend to your energy like the precious thing it is.
You’ve been through some things. You feel tired, worn out and maybe even a little resentful of the demands on your time. Sound familiar?
Take a good, hard look at where your energy is going. Are you giving too much to things that don’t really matter? Are you saying yes when you should be saying no? Start cutting out the energy drains—those things that suck the life out of you without giving anything back.
But don’t stop there. You’ve got to fill that tank back up. Find those things that bring you joy, the things that make you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Whether it’s going for a walk at sunset, making art or laughing with a friend who thinks you’re da bomb diggity, give yourself experiences that uplift you and your spirit.
Getting your groove back goes beyond feeling uplifted—it’s about feeling more connected to yourself, to that deep, wise part of you that knows what you really need. It’s about tuning into your soul and listening to what it’s trying to tell you.
This might take some practice, especially if you’ve been ignoring that inner voice for a while. But the more you listen, the clearer it gets. Set aside some time each day to just be with yourself— no distractions, no to-do lists, just you and your thoughts. Ask yourself, “What is my soul asking for? What’s calling to me at this time in my life?”
And don’t be afraid to dream big. You’re never too old to go after what you want, and your soul knows what that is, even if you can’t quite make out the details yet. Trust it.
One of the concepts that has proven to be life-altering for women is practicing self-love with our actions. And how we ease our way into that is by treating ourselves as the Guest of Honor in this life.
You know how we pay attention to all the details when we have someone special coming to visit? We think ahead: What would delight them? How can I make them feel loved and cared for? How do I want them to feel when they walk in?
So, shine that warm light of attention and intention on yourself. It’s time to lavish some of that thoughtful love-in-action on you. Make yourself something delicious for lunch, and serve it on that pretty plate you adore. Rearrange your medicine cabinet so it’s inviting and beautiful—for you. Buy the orchid for your desk. Play music and light candles and burn incense. Treat yourself to something that brings you pleasure.
Don’t stop with the small stuff—we want to go after the big joys, too. That’s where things really get good. I suggest you find yourself a tribe of kindred spirits. Create a vision that sets your heart on fire. Fall in love with your life and tend to it like the awesome adventure and gift it is.
Here’s to getting our groove back—and living life with all the passion, purpose and moxie we can muster.
Deb Beroset is the founder of Moxie, where she empowers women to embrace their true selves and live life authentically. Registration is now open for the Soul Care Masterclass, a five-week online program designed to feed your spark, fan your flames and have you be an artist of life—in love with your life. Connect at Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com or ItsTimeForMoxie.com. See ad, page 14.
Dr. Jaden Hawkinson, now at Tucson’s Genesis Natural Medicine Center, recently moved from Sedona, where he worked in a clinic specializing in cancer and chronic illnesses.
Could you share a bit about your background?
In Sedona, I focused on complex health conditions like cancer, mold toxicity and Lyme disease. I utilized integrative therapies such as EBOO, the Gerson Therapy and ketamine treatments. My approach blends traditional medical practices with natural therapies, including acupuncture and herbal remedies from my training in East Asian Medicine.
What is EBOO, and how does it fit into your treatment approach?
EBOO, or Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation, circulates blood outside the body, treats it with ozone, and reintroduces it. This enhances oxygen delivery, supports immune function and detoxifies the blood. It’s particularly effective for chronic infections and immune system issues. My use of EBOO focuses on optimizing overall health and addressing chronic conditions’ root causes.
Can you elaborate on your experience with the Gerson Therapy?
The Gerson Therapy involves a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables, combined with detoxification techniques like coffee enemas. It supports the body’s natural healing processes, especially for cancer patients. In Sedona, I helped patients adhere to this therapy’s dietary requirements and closely monitored their progress.
How does ketamine therapy fit into your practice?
Ketamine therapy, initially developed as an anesthetic, shows promise for treating severe depression, PTSD and chronic pain. It alters brain chemistry quickly, offering relief where traditional treatments may not. I use ketamine in a controlled setting, focusing on therapeutic benefits while ensuring patient safety.
How do you integrate these treatments into your overall approach to patient care?
My approach as a Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) starts with a holistic assessment, including diet, mindset and lifestyle. While trained in advanced therapies like EBOO, Gerson and ketamine, I prioritize nutrition and mental wellness. I also integrate acupuncture and herbal remedies and, when appropriate, prescribe pharmaceuticals. I encourage patients to have a wellrounded healthcare team to ensure comprehensive, sustainable health solutions.
How do you envision your new patients benefiting from your philosophy?
I aim to empower patients with knowledge and practical tools for their health journey. Every new patient leaves with actionable steps tailored to their needs, fostering a collaborative relationship where they feel supported in making informed health decisions.
I’m excited to be part of this vibrant community and to continue helping individuals achieve their best health.
Genesis Natural Medicine Center is located at 3920 N Campbell Ave, in Tucson. Connect at 520-495-4400. See ads, pages 9 amd 23.
by Carrie Gauthier
Trauma can strike anyone at any time. Loss, heartbreak, abuse, violence, displacement, accidents, disasters, health problems—the list of possible traumas is endless. According to the National Council for Behavioral Health, 70 percent of adults have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lives, and more than a third of youth exposed to community violence experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma is a factor in most behavioral health and substance-use disorders. While trauma may be part of our lives, it does not need to define who we are or how we enjoy our lives. Healing from trauma can take time, but it is within reach.
Left untreated, trauma or repeated trauma has a wide range of short- and long-term effects on physical and mental health. Trauma increases stress and keeps the fight-or-flight response on elevated alert, resulting in the release of chronically high amounts of cortisol into the body. Initial reactions may include exhaustion, numbness, sadness, anxiety and dissociation. Excessive cortisol increases the risk of serious health conditions such as heart disease, digestive problems, muscle tension, headaches, sleep issues, weight gain, irregular periods, anxiety, depression and cognitive challenges.
Trauma is a common precursor to addiction, because individuals often turn to substances as a coping mechanism for their emotional pain. The use of drugs or alcohol gives trauma sufferers a reprieve from their chronic stress by producing pleasure and reducing negative feelings, and may even slow their central nervous system. Untreated, trauma can lead to a vicious cycle where one condition feeds the other.
While medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics can be effective in treating trauma symptoms, they may fall short in addressing the root cause. An integrative approach to trauma healing adds evidencebased therapies to tackle the underlying causes and promote long-term recovery.
James Greenblatt, a board-certified functional and integrative psychiatrist and founder of Psychiatry Redefined, believes in a broader view of psychiatric care. “For example, if our patient is suffering from depression and we were to tell them they should exercise because it’s the best antidepressant we have, that could come off as incredibly insensitive, ruin our chances of gaining their trust and add to their feelings of helplessness and isolation. Alternatively, if we show them how to recover their motivation and energy, that is the way to begin the relationship.”
“Our bodies are different, and our genetics are different. How we react to stress and trauma are different too. I start with lab and genetic tests to see if there’s something I can optimize biologically. Then we supplement any nutritional deficiencies to restore their functionality and increase their energy. These tests also partially help inform the way we design the complementary healing modality plan. This is the piece that gets missed a lot,” says Greenblatt, adding that he tests depressed patients for a vitamin LUMEZIA.com/Shutterstock
B12 deficiency, which may contribute to depression, anxiety and even psychosis.
Children are particularly susceptible to trauma, and an adverse childhood experience (ACE) can pose lifelong impacts. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 64 percent of adults say they have had at least one ACE, and 17 percent say they had four or more by age 18. ACEs can rob kids of the magic of childhood, disrupt their development and lead to maladaptive behaviors in adulthood.
Aimie Apigian, a double board-certified physician in preventative and addiction medicine and founder of Trauma Healing Accelerated, started her work with attachment and trauma by working with adoptive families to help their children with attachment insecurity. She explains that childhood traumatic experiences can result in “underlying mistrust—literally wiring a child’s nervous system, brain and body for survival—and overwhelm connection, security and safety.”
Somatic therapy is one modality that Apigian integrates to assist individuals on their trauma-healing journey, helping them connect with their bodies, learn to understand its messages and resolve stored trauma. Apigian explains that just 10 minutes of sequential
somatic exercises over 21 days can restore a sense of safety. “For each person, the specific improvement or the degree of improvement will be different, but there will be an improvement as soon as we shift our biology into one of safety rather than of danger.”
By following an essential sequence to safely address stored trauma through somatic exercises, Apigian says people “experience 30 percent less depression, 30 percent less anxiety, 30 percent fewer digestive issues, 30 percent improvement in energy and a 60 percent increase in their feelings of safety. The essential sequence has to start with creating a felt sense of safety, then a sense of support and then opening up while pacing our process. It is such a powerful way to empower them for their lifetime.”
Inner-child work can help develop a dialogue to reach the place where we hold past emotions, memories, beliefs, hopes and dreams. “I tell people when they’re starting this journey, if they put their hands on their belly above and below their bellybutton and just let the hands be there, that will calm down an aspect of us so that it begins to feel safe. It’s called the basic self,” says Dr. Lin Morel, a trauma management specialist and founder of Beyond Words Group. “It’s an aspect of our consciousness that is roughly 5 years old, if you were to give it an age. So it gets very fearful, and if it’s not loved, it will act out.”
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According to Morel, embracing the basic self can help people out of some of the darkest corners of trauma. No stranger to childhood and adult trauma herself, she empowers her patients with the W.I.N. protocol (willingness, intention, neutrality), which offers them a fresh approach to handling challenges while developing their intuition and regulating emotions as a neutral observer.
There is growing evidence that mindfulnessbased practices such as meditation and yoga aid in shifting focus from the negative to the positive aspects of experiences. These techniques calm the nervous system and empower individuals to take control of their narratives and become more resilient.
A 2017 review of trials involving 650 trauma sufferers that underwent mindfulnessbased stress reduction, yoga and mantra repetition was published in Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and
Policy. The researchers concluded that meditation was an effective treatment for PTSD and depression symptoms as compared to the control groups.
A 2022 systematic review of 149 records and 11 peer-reviewed articles published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that those that practiced yoga had an increased sense of self-compassion, felt more centered, developed coping skills, had a better mindbody relationship and improved their relationships with others. Participants also experienced a feeling of safety in yoga classes that included others recovering from trauma.
Hypnotherapy is a mind-body practice that uses a trance-like state of deep relaxation to treat psychological and emotional disorders. Guided imagery, progressive relaxation and suggestion therapy are used to explore thoughts, feelings and memories that may be hidden from the conscious mind. Selfhypnosis techniques are also taught for
ongoing support, empowering individuals to continue their healing outside of therapy sessions. A 2016 meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis concluded that hypnosis is effective in alleviating PTSD symptoms.
“A miracle, simply, is a shift in the mind. Once you find the root cause of the problem in the mind and bring that to consciousness, we’re shifting from ego to true self, from fear to love, from illusion to truth,” says Matthew Brownstein, executive director of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy. “Through hypnotherapy, that shift is actually remarkably easy. You can shift as quickly as I can snap my fingers. So, basically, when you change your mind, everything changes. When a decision is made, it stays in place until you choose again.”
Carrie Gauthier is a writer in the heal-ing arts with interests in clinical and transpersonal hypnotherapy.
by Marlaina Donato
One of the most beautiful aspects of youth is envisioning the future with undaunted optimism, but even the most strategic plan for life can go off the rails. Whether we carry the weight of unprocessed trauma and never quite reach our potential or zoom into the fast lane of success only to be brought down by sudden change, pain is part of every person’s story. The quest for healing and finding our whole self beneath the rubble becomes a new objective that can be the most arduous but the most significant. We might accomplish monumental feats, transforming our trauma or going into physical remission from disease. We might even feel a calling to guide others along the path we have come to know so well, but it is important to remember that the deep healing process is a spiral. Our linear brains may be startled when our most gut-wrenching, seemingly resolved issues loop back around, and we are plunged even deeper into the crucible. During these times, it is easy to forget that we are multidimensional beings. A physical injury or illness involves much more than flesh or organ systems, and agonies of the spirit can greatly impact the physical body.
We heal layer by layer—sometimes even layers within layers— and despite our full commitment and steady growth, the task of peeling the onion is never quite finished. One of our greatest challenges is overcoming the illusion that we are failing miserably when we fall out of resonance; evolution is not a course that we can flunk. With each descent, our pain can provide an opportunity to lessen the chasm between mind and body and to acknowledge parts of our being that might need tending. For as long as we inhabit a human vehicle, we will always be in the process of healing something, and that is okay. We can rest assured that our process, like all spirals, will lead us safely back outward to continue our journey.
Marlaina Donato is an author, artist and musician. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
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by Ruth Roberts, DVM, CVA, CVH, CVFT, NAN
Pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy (AAT), has long been recognized for its therapeutic benefits across a range of mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychiatric service dogs are empathetic in nature and intuitively respond to human emotions. These capacities allow them to provide comfort and support precisely when it’s needed, often without the need for verbal communication. These dogs are not just pets but vital partners in the journey toward mental and emotional healing.
Interacting with psychiatric service dogs can reduce anxiety and stress levels by increasing the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and stress reduction, while decreasing cortisol levels, which are linked to stress.
Psychiatric service dogs provide a calming presence, which is crucial for reducing anxiety and hypervigilance, common symptoms of PTSD. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology involving 134 veterans with service dogs found that trained skills such as calming and interrupting anxiety are highly valued by veterans with PTSD, suggesting their critical role in daily PTSD management. The study also noted that untrained behaviors of the dogs are often perceived as more beneficial than their trained tasks, highlighting the intrinsic value of simply having a dog as a companion.
A 2022 study of 82 post-9/11 military veterans published in PLOS ONE reported that their psychiatric service dogs helped them with PTSD by performing calming actions and interrupting the veterans’ disturbing behaviors and thoughts during anxiety episodes. Researchers noted that all of the tasks the dogs had been trained to perform were used daily by the veterans, providing benefits for nearly all PTSD symptoms, except amnesia and reckless behavior. The humananimal bond and untrained qualities, such as companionship, also significantly improved the participants’ symptoms and quality of life.
Psychiatric service dogs enhance emotional regulation and improve social interactions for PTSD sufferers. Their nonjudgmental and accepting nature creates a safe space for individuals to explore and manage difficult emotions. Additional research reported in the European Journal of Psychotraumatology demonstrated significant improvements in emotional and attentional regulation among adolescents with PTSD that were asked to participate in a one-year dog-training program.
While the therapeutic benefits for the handlers are significant, the European Journal of Psychotraumatology study also noted that the dogs in the training programs exhibited increased anxiety and decreased attention. This highlights a critical aspect of AAT: The welfare of the animals must be considered alongside the therapeutic benefits. Training programs need to ensure that the dogs are not overly stressed or burdened by their roles.
Prospective handlers of psychiatric service dogs should choose programs that prioritize the well-being of both dogs and humans through training, support and follow-up care. Engaging with a psychiatric service dog is a significant commitment that requires handlers to invest time in training and bonding with their dogs, as well as managing their emotional and physical needs to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship.
Understanding the legal rights pertaining to psychiatric service dogs, including accessibility in public spaces and accommodations, is crucial. Handlers should educate themselves about local and national laws that protect their rights and those of their service dogs.
Obtaining a psychiatric service dog involves careful consideration of the therapeutic benefits versus the potential stress on the animal. Look for reputable programs that train dogs to assist individuals with PTSD, while also prioritizing the welfare of the dogs and properly matching dogs and handlers.
The integration of psychiatric service dogs into mental health care offers more than just companionship; it opens a dynamic pathway for healing and managing PTSD symptoms. As we continue to explore and understand the unique bond between humans and animals, it becomes increasingly clear that dogs are not only cherished pets but also invaluable partners.
Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.
by Suzie Agrillo
Music lovers should rejoice. The Buena Vista Orchestra is headlining at the Fox Tucson Theatre on October 6. Jesus “Aguaje” Ramos will continue Buena Vista’s legacy, directing an exciting new stage production. The orchestra will present a repertoire pulled from his greatest hits, traditional Cuban and Afro-Cuban music, Latin Jazz and more.
The original Buena Vista Social Club album, released in 1997, was an award-winning album which sold over eight million copies—one of the most successful world albums ever released. It won a Grammy in 1998 for Best Traditional Tropical Latin Album. It also revived international interest in the rich musical traditions of Cuba. The band performed at Carnegie Hall on July 1, 1998—its last concert.
Ramos will be joined on the 2024 tour by an impressive ensemble, featuring new generation musicians as well as past members of groups like The Buena Vista Social Club, including “Betun” Luis Mariano. Ramos’ musical journey is brought into focus in German filmmaker Wim Wender’s critically acclaimed 1999 documentary Buena Vista Social Club. It memorialized this timeless, legendary music and raised awareness about Cuban culture.
Music manager, attorney, film producer and entertainment guru Steven Machat is a cofounder of the SSK record label and the mastermind behind the 2024 tour. Celebrating five decades in the music industry, his clients are worldwide, and include Electric Light Orchestra, Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Seal, Phil Collins, Leonard Cohen, Bobby Brown, Ozzy Osbourne, Yung Lean, New Edition, Rita Lee, Gilberto Gil, Franco Battiato and Snoop Dogg.
Machat is dedicated to perpetuating cultures from all over the world. “I am honored to bring this band to American cities,” he emotes. Machat is also effusive about the audience being swept away by the music. He predicts, “This is music where you will walk out smiling, holding hands and saying ‘Wow! That was a great show.’”
What is the backstory of the Buena Vista Social Club?
In 1996, guitarist Ry Cooder and an English company went to Cuba to record an album. The original plan was to have a partnership of African and Cuban musicians, but the Mali African musicians had visa issues and couldn’t attend the recording session. Instead, they recruited a collective of Cuban musical all-stars who made the album.
The album was named after the Buena Vista Social Club, a whites only social club in Cuba where some of the most talented Black musicians would perform in the ‘50s. It was just the right time, and the record became an international sensation.
The 2024 tour was your brainchild. How did you put this tour together? I produced the tour with the help of my muse, my wife Debbie Machat. The process began in 2017, when I was looking for a band to
record. I went to Cuba and was introduced to Jesus “Aguaje” Ramos. He is renowned as a Cuban composer, arranger and trombonist of The Buena Vista Social Club. He is the Quincy Jones of Cuba. He was a prominent member and musical director of the “Adios” tour, which brought Cuban cultural music into international prominence.
While I was in Cuba, Jesus was playing with his band at a hotel. I went to see him, and I fell in love with his music. I signed him and put out an album in Spanish in 2019. Due to the political climate between the U.S. and Cuba, there was a lot of red tape involved producing this tour. It took seven years and necessitated overcoming a lot of obstacles for the tour to become a reality. I met with Jesus again in 2023, and that’s when the tour came to fruition.
As the director of the show, Jesus handpicked all of the musicians and chose the repertoire that highlights the history of the music and the music styles of the island. The female vocalist, Miranda Isidro Aldo, has the rich, resonant voice of a diva. Our road tour is led by Jason Duarte, who is doing an excellent job.
Can you tell us about the VIP Meet and Greet Ticket Package?
We take you backstage so you can meet and greet the artists, get photos taken and ask questions. We also send you home with some merchandise mementos, including a Buena Vista Orchestra Tote Bag and a collectible, autographed Buena Vista Orchestra tour poster. Merchandise will also be available for everyone to purchase.
Do you have a message for fans coming to the show?
Yes. This is one of the best shows I’ve ever produced. We have three of the original touring members as well as some new Cuban legends. It’s a theatrical program, so you can wear your best attire. I want the audience to see behind the curtain of
Cuba, to see the beauty of the people and the purity of the land. The show creates irresistible magic. It is nothing but love; that is the message of this show.
Everyone in the audience will receive a Playbill that features all of the songs, as well as the history of the songs. It will also give you descriptions of the type of music, the history of where it comes from and what it has become.
I understand you’re also an author, and that your new book will be for sale at the event. What books have you written?
I have written 13 books to date. I get into the metaphysical truths of life, which I learned from my worldwide experience working and producing, as well as representing artists and their bands/orchestras all over the world. I have a few bestsellers, such as Unraveling the Bible and We’ve Gotta Get Outta This Place
My book writing career started with my book Gods, Gangsters and Honour: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Odyssey. I’m the son of a show business lawyer, so it’s in my blood. I have the DNA background. It reveals how we make music icons into gods. We create a dream. My new book is The Art of the Muses. It tells you where all of the songs come from.
How many cities are on the 2024 tour?
40+ cities. We are already sold out in Austin and Seattle, and I expect others such as New York, Miami and Boston will go clean very soon. I expect a very robust audience and sellout shows. If you have the chance to get a ticket, grab it!
Tickets are available at the Fox Tucson Theatre at FoxTucson.com or the Box Office at 17 W. Congress, Tucson.
Suzie Agrillo is a freelance writer in Tucson, and a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings Magazine. She focuses on writing about the arts, inspirational people and the human connection. Connect at SuzieInTheOldPueblo@gmail.com.
Before the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which runs from October 15 through December 7 each year, seniors should take several steps to ensure they are well-prepared to make any necessary changes to their Medicare coverage.
Below is a checklist to help guide you during the AEP this year. This is best completed with the help of a local advisor.
• Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Prescription Drug Plan (Part D): Review the current plan’s benefits, costs and any changes for the upcoming year. These changes are usually sent in an Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) letter.
• Original Medicare: If enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A & B) with a Medigap (supplemental insurance) plan, check if the Medigap plan continues to meet needs.
• Assess medical needs: Consider any changes in health status, medications or healthcare providers. If new prescriptions, treatments or frequent doctor visits are anticipated, check if the current plan covers these adequately.
• Provider networks: Ensure that preferred doctors, specialists and hospitals remain in-network for those on Medicare Advantage plans.
• Use Medicare’s Plan Finder: Compare available Medicare Advantage and Part D plans using the Medicare Plan Finder tool to evaluate costs, coverage and quality ratings.
• Check formulary lists: For those on prescription drugs, make sure the medications are still covered under the plan’s formulary (list of covered drugs) and that costs haven’t increased.
• Extra services: Look at any additional benefits offered by Medicare Advantage plans, such as dental, vision, hearing, wellness programs or transportation services, which might be important.
• Out-of-pocket costs: Consider overall out-of-pocket costs, including premiums, deductibles, copayments and coinsurance.
• Extra Help program: For those with limited income and resources, check eligibility for the Extra Help program to assist with prescription drug costs.
• Medicaid: See if qualifying for Medicaid could help cover additional costs not paid by Medicare.
• Contact information: Ensure that Social Security, Medicare and any current insurers have the correct address, phone number and email.
• Banking information: If using automatic payments for premiums, confirm that bank details are current.
• Speak to a Medicare counselor: Contact a State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) counselor for free, unbiased assistance in understanding and choosing coverage.
• Consult insurance agents: Consider reaching out to licensed insurance agents who specialize in Medicare if more personalized advice is needed.
• Mark important dates: Set reminders for key dates, including the start and end of the AEP (October 15 - December 7).
• Gather necessary documents: Have Medicare card, list of current medications, preferred provider lists and any relevant financial information ready.
Taking these steps can help ensure that seniors are well-informed and prepared to choose the best possible coverage for their healthcare needs in the coming year.
Life Solutions will be hosting a Medicare
101 Lunch and Learn on September 19 from 11:30am-1:30pm. No Charge. Must RSVP for Address: Phone/Text: 520-760-2378 or by email at Holly@LIfeSolutionsAdvisors.net. See ad, page 4.
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any informa tion we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
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NOTE TO OUR READERS: All events were accurate at press time; we suggest confirming these details with the hosts before attending. Please check NaturalTucson.com to enter your events or find others.
Sunday, September 1
ECK Servicio de Luz y Sonido – 11am-12:30pm. Regálate una nueva experiencia de amor divino y autodescubrimiento. Los servicios de luz y sonido de ECK están abiertos al público. Todas las religiones son bienvenidas. Free. Embassy Suites @ Paloma Village Lower Level, 3110 E Skyline Dr. Welcome@Eckankar Arizona.org. 877-300-4949. EckankarArizona.org.
ECK Light and Sound Service
September 1 • 11am-12:30pm
Give yourself the gift of a new experience of divine love and self-discovery! ECK Light and Sound Services are open to the public. All faiths welcome! No charge.
Embassy Suites at Paloma Village 3110 East Skyline Dr
For more information: EckankarArizona.org Welcome@EckankarArizona.org 1-877-300-4949
Mark Your Calendar
Bio-Touch Meetup & Practice
September 5 • 5pm 5634 E Pima St, Tucson Bio-TouchDoveMountain.com/meetup
Bio-Touch Practitioner Training
September 17 • 9am-4:30pm
Live/Online • 10 Hours of CE for nurses, doulas, and massage therapists JustTouch.com/product/virtualpractitioner-training-step-1/ Free Workshop
Addressing Insomnia Using Bio-Touch Healing
September 26 • 6pm Live on Facebook and YouTube
Mark Your Calendar
Donna Eden and Energy Fest
September 5-8
Join Donna Eden, David Feinstein, Bruce Lipton, Shamini Jain, Ronan Diego De Oliveira, Steven Washington, and more for the world’s largest gathering of energy healers in the world.
Loews Ventana Canyon Tucson, Arizona
Save $100 w/coupon: Awake EnergyFest.EdenMethod.com
Saturday, September 7
Humility: A Contemplative Retreat – 9am4:30pm. Explore humility through a pre-test, biblical examples, balancing confidence, and its role in family, community, and politics. $85. Holy Trinity Monastery, 1605 S St. Mary’s Way, St. David. 520-720-4016.ViaDeDios.org/shop. Night of Mantra - Infinite Compassion Orchestra – 6-8pm. Kirtan, a Bhakti Yoga practice, combines ancient mantras with music, opening the heart chakra and fostering profound well-being. $20 suggest donation at the door. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Sunday, September 8
Celia Farran In-Person – 4-6pm. Celia gifts listeners with a warm, deep and resonating experience touching the heart, the skin, the whole being. $20/advance; $25/at the door. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-319-1042. CSTL911@gmail.com.
Genesis Natural Medicine Center Open House September 14 • 10am-2pm
Join Genesis Natural Medicine Center in celebrating 13 years serving Tucson and meet our practitioners. Free Lectures, chef demo, live music, raffles, and more.
We’re looking forward to seeing you! 3920 N Campbell Ave. 85719
For more information: GenesisNMC.com
Saturday, September 14
Wellness, Home & Resource Expo – 11am-3pm. Free and open to the public. Historic Fourth Ave Sea of Glass Event Center 330 E 7th St. For information and to register as a vendor, email Tracy@ SouthwestEvents.org or visit SouthwestEvents. org
Mark Your Calendar
Medicare 101 Lunch and Learn
September 19 • 11:30am-1:30pm
With Juan Porras, Retirement Specialist and founding partner of Life Solutions Advisors. No Charge
Must RSVP for Address: Phone/Text: 520-760-2378 or by email at Holly@LIfeSolutionsAdvisors.net
Saturday, September 21
Tibetan Sound Healing Circle – 4-5:30pm. Experience deep relaxation and stress relief with Tibetan Singing Bowls in a calming sound healing circle. Individual attention is provided. Led by certified instructor Rain Dvorak. $40. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Sunday, September 22
Harmony Within: Fall Equinox Restorative Yoga – 1:30-3pm. Celebrate the Fall Equinox with a restorative workshop featuring deep relaxation, supportive poses, and soothing singing bowls for body and mind. $20. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Tuesday, September 24
Gratitude Rainshower - 6:30 - 7 pm – 6:30-7pm. Experience a 30-minute gratitude rain shower with Sharon Whealy. Share your gratitudes and bask in the effervescence. No Charge. Contact CSLT911@gmail.com for Zoom access information. TucsonCSL.org.
Thursday, October 3
Autumn Yoga & Meditation Retreat – 12pm. 10/3-10/6. Enjoy a weekend of yoga, meditation, gourmet vegetarian meals and reconnecting with nature. Customize your stay for 2-3 nights with various options available. $200-$650. Holy Trinity Monastery Center, 1605 S St. Mary’s Way, St. David. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Sunday, October 6
Jesus “Aguaje” Ramos and his Buena Vista Orchestra – 7pm. Jesus “Aguaje” Ramos continues Buena Vista’s legacy with an exciting new stage production pulled from his greatest hits, traditional Cuban, Afro-Cuban and, Latin Jazz. $35-$65; VIP Packages Available. The Fox Tucson Theatre, 17 W Congress. 520-547-3030. FoxTucson.com.
Children see magic because they look for it.
—Christopher Moore
Restorative Bodywork, Corrective Stretching, Cupping, Reiki Energy Balancing – 10am. With Donyele Wakelin, LMT. Specializing in targeted yoga and exercise, therapeutic cupping and compression to assist with injury recovery and chronic patterns. $55. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-329-2735. Massagebook. com/me/Donyele.
Warmpool Peaceful Floating – 10am-6pm. 90 min, by appointment. Wednesdays-Saturdays. Santa Rita Springs invites you to float in our indoor warm pool. $20/solo/duet; $35/3-5 guests. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, Tucson. Text: 520-990-1857. SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com. Watsu Aquatic Massage – 10am-7pm. 90 min, by appointment. Wednesdays-Saturdays. Shiatsu, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Integrative Massage methods in our private indoor 96-degree saltwater pool. $150/90-minutes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Text: 520-990-1857. Santa RitaSprings@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
First Sunday Antique Vintage Fair – 8am2pm. 1st Sunday. Over 100 vendors, great deals, and a beautiful park. No better way to spend your Sunday. Medella Vina Ranch, 4450 S Houghton. 520-298-1983.
Meditation – 9-11am. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520-792-6544. Worship Service: Casas Adobes Congregational Church – 9:30am. In person and live streamed. Faithcentered, music-loving Christian congregation with a variety of worship and spiritual enrichment opportunities. No charge. Info@CAUCC.org. CAUCC.org/Welcome/Natural.
Center for Spiritual Living Tucson Sunday Celebration Service – 9:30-10:30am. With Rev. Rhonda Tretsven. An inclusive spiritual alternative offering spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Meditation: 9am. By donation. 3CSL Tucson @ Live Theater Workshop, 3322 E. Ft Lowell Rd. 520-319-1042. CSLT911@gmail. com. TucsonCSL.org.
Spiritual Spa Day October 20 • 9am-5pm
Daylong workshops for Empaths, Highly Sensitive Persons and Intuitives on life skills to protect you from energy vampires, narcissists and sociopaths. We give you tools and teach you protection methods on how to protect yourself in the future. We will show how to set boundaries, reclaim your life after being abandoned, betrayed and feeling lost. Our workshop will teach you how to love yourself again. For details, email RichardSchickel2@gmail.com
New Mind, New World - Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation for Daily Life – 10-11:15am. Buddhist teachings and meditation with Buddhist nun Gen Lingpur to help us to understand the root of our problems and their solutions. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-4411617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Sunday Feast and Bhakti Program – 5:30pm. 7pm ten-course feast. Govinda’s Hare Krishna temple and vegetarian restaurant hosts a wonderful program. No charge. Govinda’s Natural Foods, 711 East Blacklidge. 520-792-0630. GovindasOfTucson.com.
Meaning & Mortality Creative Conversation Event and Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Café: In-person – 4:30-7pm. First Monday. Safe, respectful Death Cafe conversations aim to increase awareness of death. Hosted by Isabel Amorous. No charge. Ward 2, 7820 E Broadway. Facebook.com/TucsonDeathCafe.
Contemplative Prayer Group – 6-7pm. Weekly Group. Silent 20-minute “sit”. By donation. Via de Dios, 3615 N. Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org.
Buddhist Meditations & Practices for the Modern World – 6:30-7:45pm. Buddhist teachings and meditation with Buddhist nun Gen Lingpur to help us stop the causes of suffering. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Taizé Service – 6:45-7:30pm. First Tuesday. Taizé is a service of prayer, music, readings, and silence. Contact Steve: 520-400-2137. No charge. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd. SJTucson@aol.com
Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Café: Virtual – 10-11:30am. First Wednesday. Safe, respectful Death Cafe conversations aim to increase awareness of death. No agenda, counseling, or therapy. No charge. Visit Facebook.com/ TucsonDeathCafe for Zoom link.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. Join us in a 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Free Discussion, Conversation with the Docs – 6-7pm. Third Wednesday. Participate and share knowledge for a better world! Please call to reserve, space is limited. No charge. Transformational Medicine, 2028 East Prince Rd. 520209-1755. tfmnd.com.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
—Mahatma Gandhi
Contemplative Prayer: The Prayer of Silence – 5:30-7pm. Contemplation, an ancient art of deep relationship with God, is now accessible to all, fostering well-being and purpose. $5. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520954-1811. ViaDeDios.org.
Meditation – 6-8pm. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520-792-6544. Taizé Inspired Worship – 6:30-7:15pm. Second Thursday. Taizé is a quiet, 45-minute Christian service with gentle music, singing, subdued candlelight, scripture readings and includes time for reflection, time for silence and time for meditation. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, United Church of Christ (UCC), 6801 North Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. caucc.org.
Embrace The Power of Breath – 6:30-7:30pm. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner peace at our Integrative Breathwork Circle, where a soothing blend of breathwork techniques and reflective sharing sessions aim to reduce stress, elevate presence, and spark creativity. $11. lu.ma/BlueMagicAlchemy.
Free Online Meditation by The Yoga Connection – 9-9:30am. Learn simple techniques to help sustain a simple meditation practice, giving way to lasting calmness, a strong center, solutionconsciousness, and increased self-confidence. No experience necessary. No charge. Registration required to receive access link. YogaConnection.org. Tucson Paranormal Society Monthly Meeting – 5:30-8:30pm. Third Friday. With speaker Mitch Komro, a TAPS member with ‘Sonora Paranormal Investigations’, will discuss ghost hunting in Tucson. RSVP and receive a free paranormal poster. No charge. Kettle Restaurant Meeting Room, 748 W 22nd St, Starr Pass Rd. Text or call, David Swift at 520-683-4494. TucsconParanormalSociety.com.
Soul Café – 6-8pm. Fifth Friday. By presencing the mind-body, heart and soul, the essential nature of your true self will emerge to provide what is needed and essential to heal and guide your concern. Facilitated by Kim Lincoln. $10-$20/by donation. SongsToMe@yahoo.com. KimLincoln.com.
St Teresa of Avila & St John of the Cross Class – 9am-12:30pm. Malcolm Hooe and Jason Caywood, Instructors. $40. 1/2 price for members. Via de Dios, 3615 N. Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org/shop.
Simply Meditate. (En español también) 30-min Guided Meditations – 10-10:30am. Guided meditations designed to lead to inner peace and mental clarity and to increase our love and compassion for others. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-4411617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Ai Chi with Connie Seddon – 10-11:15am. Guided aquatic moving meditation. Calms thoughts and nerves, gently stretches muscles, improves balance, range of motion and energy, while standing in 96 degree saltwater indoor pool. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-245-6616 or ConnieSeddon@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Pranic Healing Clinic – 10am-12pm. Second Saturday. Based on the best-selling book by Master Choa Kok Sui, who worked successfully with ailments ranging from asthma, arthritis, cancer to addictions, depression and phobias. No charge. Udall Park Activities and Community Center, 7290 E Tanque Verde Rd. PranicHealing.com.
Tucson Metaphysics Fair – 10am-4pm. Fourth Saturday. Mediums, Psychics, Angelic and Tarot, Astrology, Palm Reading, Divination, Reiki and much more. Prices vary. Mystic Cavern Metaphysical, 6546 E 22nd St. 520-405-6062. TucsonMetaphysicsFair.com.
The Journey: Knowing Your Essential Self Course – 11am-2pm. Through August 12. An epic journey spanning the growth of a soul from the human condition of suffering to the freedom of knowing one’s true self. $85-$150/month. Caritas Center, 330 E 16th St. SongsToMe@yahoo.com KimLincoln.com.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Tucson Paranormal Society Cocktail Party – 6-8pm. First Saturday. Admission is free and one complimentary beer or wine is included. TucsonParanormal.Society@gmail.com. No charge. Encantada Banquet Area, 11177 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley.TucsonParanormalSociety.com.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Holly@NaturalTucson.com to request our media kit. Check out our online directory at NaturalTucson.com and enter your free online listing.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com
If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is the Nurse-Aesthetician for you. She provides customized nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types, ethnicities and sensitivities while educating you about your skin concerns and care. See ad, page 21.
3964 E Pima St, 85712 520-850-3208
Team of six dedicated and highly educated wellness providers, each specializing in a distinct area of well-being: skin care, weight loss, body contouring, detoxification, non-surgical face lifts and hair care. Special offer: $99 Body Contour or Skin Care Treatment. See ad, page 23.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life… 80-minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 10.
You are never too old to become younger!
—Mae West
Board-Trained Neurotherapists & Licensed Mental Health Clinicians 520-261-0448 • TucsonNeuroTherapy.com
A pharmaceutical-free approach that teaches the brain new patterns, often leading to profound, positive and permanent shifts in quality-of-life. Demonstrated effectiveness treating a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, tinnitus, chronic pain, dyslexia, etc. See ad, page 28.
6979 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 109, 85710 520-370-3689 • SylviaBoyed.com
Sylvia Boyed, MA, VMT, CST. Now welcoming new clients. Restorative bodywork and energetic healing for physical and emotional well-being. 14+ years experience in energetically applied visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapies. Specializing in treatment of head injuries, tinnitus and post-surgical rehabilitation. See ad, page 28.
SaberLMP@aol.com • TFMND.com
Tired of the pain? myofasciall release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 25.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Jonathan Schecter 7555 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-289-6872 • BlueMagicAlchemy.com
Jonathan, a certified breathwork facilitator, integration coach and SEP, offers support with anxiety, emotional fluidity, and clarity of mind and body. The techniques he utilizes also foster a profound connection to one's inner intelligence and purpose, guiding individuals towards holistic wellbeing. See ad, page 28.
Brian Johnson 951-634-3588
Brian@Senergy360.com • Senergy360.com
Brian Johnson is a Building Biologist accredited by the Building Biology Institute with over 20 years of experience as a General Contractor. There are 25 BBI core philosophies we interweave into my practices. It’s about creating a safe space to heal our bodies. See ads, pages 19 and 22.
Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 • PerformanceNeurology.com
Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neuro-logic disorders. Using gentle chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture and metabolic nutrition, we have helped thousands of patients, from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit PerformanceNeurology.com. See ad, page 20.
PurmaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaids.com
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: $50 off initial cleaning. See ad for details. See ad, page 25.
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563
TucsonEmotionalAndTraumaTherapy.com TucsonMassageAndBodyTherapy.com
Affordable alternative or a ddition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.
Deb Beroset
312-436-2160 • Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com ItsTimeForMoxie.com
Deb Beroset's 'It's Time For Moxie' coaching empowers women through transformational 1:1 and group programs. Embrace your authentic self, gain confidence, and create a vibrant life. Book a Free introductory call at MoxieTime. as.me/introductory-call. See ad, page 14.
Author, and founder, Terrain of Essence
Wholistic Transformational Embodiment Practices 510-685-5528 • KimLincoln.com TerrainOfEssence.com
Know yourself. Transform anger to inner strength, grief to wisdom, hurt to compassion. Workshop intensives, classes and 1:1. Specializing in somatic presencing, trauma resolution, esoteric psychology and the Soul’s essences. In person, fall group now forming. Call/email with questions.
520-325-9686 • Intestines@SheilaShea.com @SheaColonics
Colon Hydrotherapy and Gut Nutrition, MA & LMT (FL & AZ), 45-year practice using closed system and abdominal massage. Board certified and member of International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (IACT). Provides expertise on metabolic health, food addiction and gut motility. Certified Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome (GAPPS) practitioner.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719 520-403-1686
RN-delivered colonics. FDAapproved system integrated with a full, closed-gravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult! See ad, page 25.
Deb Beroset
312-436-2160 • Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com ItsTimeForMoxie.com
Deb Beroset's Club Moxie online community empowers women to elevate their confidence and boldly embrace their authentic selves. Offering resources, workshops, and connections to help pursue visions with passion. Use code NAMAG for a free introductory month! See ad, page 14.
Francine Rienstra 3615 N Prince Village Pl #101, 85719 520-954-1811 • ViadeDios.org
Find Joy in ordered chaos, Peace in a simplistic environment while being enriched in coteries of like-minded people. Via de Dios offers a nurturing “greenhouse” of spiritual training: classes, workshops and retreats within the Institute of Contemplative Studies.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD 2810 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496 • Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net
Our mission is to build a partnership to achieve optimal dental health. The state-of-theart technology, attention to our clients’ needs, and commitment to continuing education ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfortable environment. See ad, back cover.
Dr. Josh Raiffe, DMD, AIAOMT 11111 N Scottsdale Rd, Ste 120, Scottsdale 480-998-3923 • SheaDentalAZ.com
Shea Dental offers holistic dentistry led by Dr. Josh Raiffe, DMD, AIAOMT Accredited. Using advanced technology like CEREC milling, digital impressions, Wand anesthesia, cone beam CT scanning, and SMART mercury filling removal, Dr. Raiffe ensures safe dental practices. Services include implants, veneers and sleep apnea treatments. Accepts most dental insurance. See ad, page 3.
Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082 • Smile@KrizmanDental.com
A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 2.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737
Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
With dental insurance, you can prioritize your oral health, save money on routine and emergency dental care and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re covered in case of unexpected dental issues. Robust plans available at reasonable rates. Book an appointment today! Call/email now to review your Medicare plan for 2024. See ad, page 4.
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist 130 E Congress St, Ste 200-110
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life”
EMF Wellness helps keep Tucson’s homes, schools and workplaces safe from unhealthy levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We offer professional EMF assessments with emphasis on reducing exposure to rising levels of microwave radiation from wireless devices and cell towers. Assessments include EMF education and mitigation counseling.
EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 520-780-0170
Emotions run high in many people right now. Do you need help in coping with life? Emotional freedom is just that: an easy tool to deal with upsetting circumstances, anxiety, fears, sickness. It combines energy therapy and psychology to eliminate and reduce emotions. Affordable and necessary.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 DoctorSuzie@PamperedSkinStudio.com
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is a Registered Nurse and Quantum Energy Practitioner offering chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as auric field clearing, forgiveness and self-healing practices. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 21.
Brian Johnson 951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Building using materials and methods to create a space that is mold-free, low-EMF, non-toxic, and has clean air. Having homes that we can call our sanctuaries helps us thrive. Applying the true definition of sustainability, bringing green and non-toxic solutions together synergistically. See ads, pages 19 and 22.
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
130 E Congress St, Ste 200-110
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life”
EMF Wellness Tucson provides Electromagnetic Field (EMF) assessments and mitigation counselling, specializing in the creation of EMFsafe bedroom sleep sanctuaries. Services include measurement of electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and radio frequency radiation from wireless devices and cell towers.
PurmaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaids.com
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: $50 off initial cleaning. See ad for details. See ad, page 25.
Brian Johnson
951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Senergy360 is committed to changing the way home building is done. National organizations report statistically over 80% of homes are sick, referred to as SBS—sick building syndrome. This applies to existing homes built from the 1970s to today. We are here to change that! See ads, pages 19 and 22.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719 OR your space/home 520-403-1686
Nurse@VerySpecialAlternatives.net VerySpecialAlternatives.net Heal.me/Vonnie-Schultz-Albrecht-RN
What or who do you need? RN consultant •assessment, information, referral. Skilled nursing • phlebotomy, IV therapy, home services. Education • gentle, easy detox protocols, colon health, ozone therapies and resources. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15 minute consult! See ad, page 25.
Ronald Zack, FNP 6630 E Carondelet Dr, 85710 520-496-4649
Offering personalized alternative and integrative therapies tailored to optimize hormone levels and enhance overall health for both men and women. We focus on peptide therapy, weight loss, nutritional supplements, antiaging, and PRP through evidence-based treatments that are safe and effective. See ad, page 13.
Brian Johnson 951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Our water systems increase energy and clarity through ionic technology by increasing photonic and biofield energy. Increased bioavailable oxygen means better hydration, increased absorption by reducing surface water molecule tension. The water structuring process in return reduces toxins and free radicals by altering the molecular and energetic structure. See ads, pages 19 and 22.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD 2810 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496 • Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net
Looking to fix your bite issues but avoid the “metal mouth” phenomenon? At E Dental Solutions, we can help you understand how to keep the aligners and your teeth clean and make it easy for you to fit into your best smile. See ad, back cover.
1735 E Fort Lowell Rd, Ste 7, 85719 520-724-1776 Nulscent.com
Nulscent market features scent and fragrance-free products as well as clean food items and houseplants. Most products are small batch produced by small businesses to offer you a clean product. Shampoos, conditioners, laundry detergent, deodorant and more! See ad, page 10.
The Right Touch Massage Therapy 2984 E Fort Lowell, 85716 520-326-7675 • RightTouchMassageTherapy.com
Experienced Pain Relief therapist and wellness provider with 25 years as Reiki/ Cranial therapist. Shiatsu, Thai and Manual Lymphatic massage. Facial massage: jade rolling, gua sha with cold jade tools, facial cupping and facial acu points. Also offering yoga privates, text 503317-1694.
post events at
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life… 80-minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 10.
847-323-9188 • Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com
Danielle is a trained and certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP, The Practical Path, Tujunga CA). Medical Intuition utilizes clairvoyance and the other intuitive senses to view and assess the physical body and unique energy system of living beings.
Shared Office Space with Wild-Wellness Dr. Joshua Reilly ND (Naturopath) Lisa Holliday, CT 7790 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley, 85704 520-468-1530 Info@InflammationImaging.com InflammationImaging.com
Medical Thermography uses an infrared camera to see the current condition of your health, and blood flow dysfunction/patterns, possibly years before a structure has time to form. Early intervention may help your practitioner with lifestyle/ medical testing recommendations for the best outcome. $25 off any thermal health study. See ad, page 8.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378 • Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
As your trusted independent advisors, we work with most Medicare carriers and companies to best serve your needs and preferences. Call/email now to review your Medicare plan. See ad, page 4.
3929 E Pima, 85712 520-323-1222 • Yoga@YogaConnection.org YogaConnection.org
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300hour certification. Ask about scholarships and payment options. See ad, page 15.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719
520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 25.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719 520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
Dr. Emily Takeuchi Miller, or “Dr. Em” as she prefers, enjoys seeing patients of all ages and is committed to helping them live well no matter what their current condition. Her special int-erests include primary care medicine, ped-iatrics, and Mind-Body medicine/biofeedback. See ad, page 25.
Dr. Lance Morris
2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712
520-322-8122 • WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 26.
Board-Trained Neurotherapists & Licensed Mental Health Clinicians 520-261-0448
A pharmaceutical-free approach that teaches the brain new patterns, often leading to profound, positive and permanent shifts in quality-of-life. Demonstrated effectiveness treating a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, tinnitus, chronic pain, dyslexia, etc. See ad, page 28.
Brian Johnson 951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Sustainably Green Building Techniques and principles of Building Biology and our dedication to creating healthy homes are of the utmost importance to us. We aim to use the safest building products and solutions on the market and work with many trusted sources. See ads, pages 19 and 22.
TMC One La Canada Office 10390 N La Cañada Dr, Ste 110, 85737
Holistic pediatrician, board certified in pediatrics and Integrative Medicine, provides integrative medicine consults, primary care services, second opinions. Visits include personalized nutrition plan, lifestyle counseling, supplements, functional medicine testing, mind body medicine teachings. Accepts most insurances, appointments available online and by phone
Yvette Dwornik • 520-869-5593
Sarah Dwornik-Olivo • 520-869-4040
7163 E Broadway, 85710
ALastingTouch.com TransitionsHairStudios.com
New location. Offering Hair, Permanent Make Up and Permanent Jewelry at beautiful, remodeled eastside location. Broadway at Kolb next to DSW. $50 off any new permanent make up service.
See ad, page 10.
Carrie Rucker, PT, DPT 3501 E Kleindale Rd, 85716 404-984-4256
Carrie blends manual therapy, craniosacral therapy, dry needling, corrective exercises, meditations, and other modalities in her treatments to help clients experiencing pain or difficulty performing daily life and recreational activities. Pers-onalized, one on one sessions and customized home exercise programs.
Dr. Caitlin Connor 1775 W St Mary's Rd, Ste 111, 85745 520-609-1766
We invite you to explore research studies. If you have an interest give us a call, and we will set up a time when you can tour the lab. We look forward to seeing you in the future! See ad, page 11.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378 • Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
We specialize in the concerns of our young seniors heading into retirement. Areas of focus: Medical Expense Planning, Retirement Income Strategies, Legacy & Estate Preservation and Health Solutions. Call/email now to review your Medicare plan. See ad, page 4.
Deb Beroset
312-436-2160 • Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com
Moxie's transformational retreats rejuvenate women's magic and inspire them to move forward with clarity: expl-oring while restoring! Rediscover personal power, radiance, boldness with likeminded women. "Truly transformational and exquisite," raved an attendee. Check upcoming events at ItsTimeForMoxie.com/ events. See ad, page 14.
248-497-5869 DonZavis@comcast.net
Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) specializes in providing customized holistic skin care treatments for all skin types and concerns. Make an appointment today and start on your path to creating beautiful skin for life. See ad, page 21.
3964 E Pima St, 85712
Team of six dedicated and highly educated wellness providers, each specializing in a distinct area of wellbeing: skin care, weight loss, body contouring, detoxification, non-surgical face lifts and hair care. Special Offer: Remove any mole, skin tag or age spot - $25. See ad, page 23.
847-323-9188 • Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com
Relax and receive while your energy field is cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells) and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com, and also a lifelong, classically-trained musician, intuitive empath and more.
Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122 • WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 26
Rev. Rhonda Tretsven Sunday Service: 3322 E Ft Lowell Rd, 85716 520-319-1042 • CSLT911@gmail.com TucsonCSL.org
A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. You can learn about us at TucsonCSL. org Celebration Service at 9:30am, Meditation at 9am. For information about our Sunday services please email CSLT911@gmail. com or call 520-319-1042. See ad, page 26.
The Path of Spiritual Freedom 1-877-300-4949 8 EckankarArizona.org Facebook.com/EckankarArizona Eckankar.org • HearHU.org
Eckankar is a spiritual path that redefines the experience of religion. Eckankar is based on direct personal experience, transcending philosophy and orthodox religion, offering practical ways we may have spiritual experiences—even the ultimate experience of God—in this lifetime. See ad, page 13.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet 4105 N 20 St, Ste 115, Phoenix 480-442-5020 • SummitLighthousePhoenix.org Facebook.com/TSLofPhoenix
Learn about your inner divine self through The Teachings of the Ascended Masters by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Free online classes on Archangels, Karma, Chakras and the Story of Sanat Kumara. SummitLighthousePhoenix.org. Click on “Free Spiritual Lessons”. More classes on Zoom.
Kim Green • Call/text: 678-938-2777 YouCanWriteYourLife@gmail.com
Healing from trauma cannot be done alone. Awardwinning author and coach, Kim Green supports individuals who are ready to overcome trauma with individual therapeutic writing sessions. 3- and 6-month programs. Sliding scale pricing is available. Free Consultation.
Find additional local businesses with ease at NaturalTucson.com
Brian Johnson 951-634-3588 • Brian@Senergy360.com Senergy360.com
Senergy360 systems are designed to emulate Nature through motion and materials. Water Vortices have long been known as water’s way of self-cleaning and cenergizing itself and the environment. Natural Action utilizes a specific flow form geometry to establish a balanced vortex motion within the water. See ads, pages 19 and 22.
DeeAnn Saber, NMD
Emily Takeuchi Miller, NMD Zach Saber, LMP
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 East Prince Rd, 85719 520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
We are like-minded healing professionals who have created a collaborative, patient-focused environment to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 25.
3964 E Pima St, 85712 • 520-850-3208
Team of six dedicated and highly educated wellness providers, each specializing in a distinct area of wellbeing: skin care, weight loss, body contouring, detoxification, non-surgical face lifts and hair care. Special Offer: Remove any mole, skin tag or age spot - $25. See ad, page 23.
3929 E Pima, 85712
520-323-1222 • Yoga@YogaConnection.org
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300hour certification. Ask about schol-arships and payment options. See ad, page 15.
CONSULTI N G CALLING ALL NON-FICTION WRITERS! Add credibility to your brand and increase demand with an inspiring book! Jump into this 11-week coaching experience and spend five weeks learning foundational writing skills, outline development, plus six weeks of one-on-one sessions with bestselling author, Kim Green. Call/text: 678-938-2777. BlankPageConsult.com.
DO YOU LOVE NATURAL AWAKENINGS? We’re looking for advertising team members with experience in sales. Great for PT/retired. Please send an email (subject line: Advertising Sales) and resume to Holly@ NaturalTucson.com.
HEIDI WILSON OFFERS private craniosacral sessions and teaches a six level workshop series called Riding the Wave, Touching Stillness; Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective. Each workshop offers 20 CEUs for massage therapists. 520-271-4680, HeidiWilsonFluidHealing.com.
RECEIVE A FREE CONSULTATION from Arizona Book Publishing in Tucson regarding Coaching for New Authors, Publishing Services, One-OnOne Author Support, Publicity, Social Media Marketing, Proofreading, Editing, Websites for Books, Paperbacks, Hardbacks, and eBooks... We accept Fiction, Non-Fiction, Memoirs, Children's Books, and Ghostwriting. Call / text 520-683-4494 or email ArizonaBookPublishing@ gmail.com.
STEP INTO YOUR AUTHENTIC, EMPOWERED SELF through the wisdom of horses. Elysa has facilitated thousands of clients for over fifteen years. As Eponaquest faculty, she facilitates workshops with Linda Kohanov, founder of The Epona Approach, and facilitates private clients with her horse in Tucson. Ground work only. Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning. Central Tucson. 520-488-9550, ElysaGinsburg@gmail.com.
‘Celebrating the unity of God and Man.’ A Spiritualist, Universal all-inclusive Church. Uplifting talk, healing meditation, music, gifts of spirit messages. Tucson Jewish Community Center 1st & 3rd Sunday at 11am. 3800 E River Rd. TheTempleOfUniversality.org
TURNING 65 IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS? Let me help you navigate the Medicare Maze. Already on Medicare but have questions? Contact me for your cost and coverage review. Call/ text/email Holly Baker at 520-760-2378 or email Holly@LifeSolutionsAdvisors.net.
VIA DE DIAS OFFERS a Contemplative Living approach to life including techniques to embolden body, mind and spirit. Our Institute of Contemplative Studies, a nurturing “greenhouse” setting, offers opportunities to grow deeper experientially with God. Beginners to mature “Aspirelings” are trained. Virtues are affirmed, skills learned, purpose discovered and life is transformed by God. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village PL 101. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org.
words just $65
At E Dental Solutions we realize that many people experience dental anxiety or fear, which can prevent them from seeking necessary dental care.
Emotional dentistry has changed the way patients experience dental procedures, making it a more comfortable and relaxing experience.
The concept of emotional dentistry focuses on the emotional needs and well-being of patients during dental treatments. With emotional dentistry, we aim to create a supportive and calming environment that addresses patients’ emotional needs, making their dental experience less stressful and more pleasant. Dr Wissinger has a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology which has helped her greatly to address just such issues.
In addition to the use of 3D imaging and virtual imaging tools, can provide an incredibly detailed image that allows us to map out a personalized treatment plan for our patients. This allows a better understanding of the process and what to expect during their procedure that in turn helps reduce anxieties related to dental treatment. Dr. Wissinger also provides patients with a comfortable and relaxing environment.
We believe that a soothing and peaceful environment can have a significant impacton the patient’s overall experience. Our office is designed with thisin mind, providing a calming atmosphere that helps to alleviate any stress or anxiety.
Our goal is to make dental appointments a stress-free and enjoyable experience for all our patients.
So, if you are looking for a dentist who cares about your comfort and well-being, give us a call at (520) 745 5496 and experience the difference for yourself.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD