February 2017 Natural Awakenings Tucson

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feel good • live simply • laugh more

Heart-to-Heart with a Horse

Their Gentle Empathy Helps Us Heal


Conscious Dying as a Transformative Healing Journey

LOVE Lessons

How to Make a Marriage Last

February 2017 | Tucson Edition | NaturalTucson.com

Thoughtful Medicine, PLLC Charles Knouse, D.O. Date: 2-1-2017 To: You Regarding: Your Life Dear Madam or Sir, In this modern, sometimes horrible era of medicine for patients with chronic illness, where insurance companies practice medicine without a license, patients need a doctor who will look deeper. If you have been told that the cause of your illness is an unsolved mystery… If you have been told that your illness doesn’t even exist, that it’s “all in your head”… Or that there are only drugs that make symptoms go away by killing parts of your immune system leaving you at risk for far more terrible diseases… I beg to differ. You have the right to a branch of pure science that isn’t sold on the stock market. A technique that descends straight from Pasteur and Koch, although it long ago contradicted one of the fundamental assumptions all modern medicine is based on. I invested thirteen years of my life and a quarter million dollars in debt to dedicate my career to the use of pure science in the healing of illness, and while I have absolutely no argument with the idea of immune-system-killing drugs to alleviate symptoms – it’s your life and your choice to do what you wish – that’s not what I do. I do live blood cultures that require only a few drops of your blood from a finger, and that can give answers you can see with your own eyes. Answers growing in front of your eyes despite tricky lab tests that are all negative. I ask you – if you can see it growing in your own blood, and you’re suffering from an illness that medicine tells you has no cause – don’t you think it’s worth treating for what is obviously growing, to see if you might get better? Modern medicine does not lack for absolutely wonderful drugs, break-throughs that easily get rid of many of the most terrifying micro-organisms and parasites – drugs like nitazoxanide, ceftriaxone, azithromycin, albendazole, a whole host of other –bendazoles, diethylcarbamazine, ivermectin, rifampin, doxycycline, and many more…and in addition we have absolutely marvelous herbs that complete the therapy, picking up where the drugs leave off, restoring natural function to the immune system and strengthening your body’s desire to be whole and well, herbs like artemisinin, reishi, rhodiola, milk thistle, cordyceps, CoQ10, and many more…and it doesn’t stop there; we also can include the amazing benefits of berry polyphenols such as blueberry concentrate and mixtures of berry reds, blues and purples, and there’s even more: oxygen therapies can tie it all together. What if the right wonder-drugs plus herbs plus berries and other gems of nutrition plus oxygen therapies not only cleared a horrifying micro-organism from your blood, but your symptoms also went away at the same time and…you started to get better? Wouldn’t that make you wonder a little? Or at least make you feel wonderful?? Questions, questions, questions – LOL – I admit that questions can be upsetting, but what would you rather? Asking questions you’re not supposed to ask but slowly getting better - or keeping quiet while you slowly get worse? If you’d like to check your own blood for what might be destroying your life, all you have to do is call 520-284-2848 and talk to my secretary Sandee. She will send you a collection kit. There is no charge for the service. Let me repeat that – there is no charge for culturing your blood. A custom blood culture like this costs about $400 – you pay nothing. Your only cost is covering the twenty bucks for my out-of-pocket supplies: glass slides and cover slips, shipping to and from and handling, packaging, the culture media, the finger-stick apparatus, the EASY TO FOLLOW printed instructions – it takes 5 minutes and an intelligent 6-year old can do it – and if you decide to become a patient, I will even refund you the $20 for your supplies. And if you’re too scared to prick your own finger – I don’t blame you, I hate needles – come to my office and I’ll do it for you, no charge. Very Best Regards, in Christ’s Love (Who was a Scientist, by the way),

Dr Charles Knouse, D.O., Thoughtful Medicine, PLLC

P.S.: already have a physician you trust? I’m happy to help; just call Sandee and I’ll take care of your culture and send my thoughts to you and your physician.

Dr Knouse brings deep compassion, solid experience and scientific open-mindedness to an important range of illnesses: Lyme disease, Lyme coinfections, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Parasitic illnesses, Zoster sine herpete, Mast Cell disorders, Neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s, ALS and MS, and Chronic Pain from trauma. Modalities include live blood cultures to grow hidden micro-organisms, training patients to self-administer IV or IM antibiotics, cutting edge nutraceuticals, oxygen therapy, Osteopathic Manipulation, Prolotherapy injection therapy for chronic injuries, and antiaging medicine.


Call 520-284-2848 for an appointment. Live blood cultures, using only two drops of blood from a finger, are no charge. Colleagues are invited to use my live blood culturing service at no charge – please call 520-284-2848 for details. Tucson natural awakenings

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¡Se Habla Español! February 2017




contact us Publisher Editor-in-Chief Holly Baker Editor Michelle Bense Writers Suzie Agrillo Michelle Bense Dale Bruder Marcia Detwiler Scupin Calendars & Layout Design Erica Mills Sales & Marketing Holly Baker Holly@NaturalTucson.com To contact Natural Awakenings Tucson Edition: 4880 N Sabino Canyon Rd., Ste 12149 Tucson AZ, 85750-7010 Tucson Office Tel: 520-760-2378 Fax: 1-520-208-9797 Holly@NaturalTucson.com NaturalTucson.com Franchise Sales 239-530-1377

hile the year typically begins on a positive note full of promise for a long and healthy, happy life, in our February issue, we’re going to turn to a very different theme for a moment. An often avoided topic is that of death and dying, but we must all go through this process at some point. Our feature article this month, “Sacred Passage” (page 26), brings the topic to the light and describes the importance of removing the taboo from discussing death. In Tucson, we have our very own “Death Doula”, End of Life Mentor Danielle Dvorak. Meet her and learn about her work on page 29. Another local resource on the subject is Tucson’s Friendly and Fearless Death Café, which just began its fifth year. The group allows people from all backgrounds and beliefs to come together Holly Baker, publisher and discuss death, dying, grief and loss. It can change the negative ideas that attendees have had toward our end of life. Part of the idea of conscious dying is that we would have lived a full and happy life. This is closely intertwined with our relationships with others. As it is February, how about some sweet, simple relationship advice from Emily Esfahani Smith (page 39)? Be kind to your partner. It’s an unassuming idea that can keep relationships alive for years to come. Similarly, Alison Armstrong teaches us women how best to relate to men, and vice versa, on page 40. Knowing some basic ideas that make us different from one another can help us communicate leaps and bounds better, and be happier all around. Our differences need not be regarded negatively—they should instead be understood and celebrated to bring us closer than before. To a long, happy, fulfilled life,

© 2017 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

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natural awakenings

I’m not interested in my legacy. I made up a word: ‘live-acy.’ I’m more interested in living. ~John Glenn

advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@NaturalTucson.com. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@NaturalTucson com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at Submit.NaturalTucson.com/ TUCS/Magazine-Calendar-Listings by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

NaturalTucson.com February 2017


contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

26 SACRED PASSAGE Conscious Dying as a Transformative Healing Journey by Linda Sechrist


Oxygen Therapy Heals a Host of Ills by Valerie Burke



Their Gentle Empathy Helps Us Heal by Sandra Murphy


Find Your Natural Valentine Join the largest conscious-living online dating

network in February and receive a 20% Valentine’s Day discount* on new memberships! Use referral code NASingles

MAKING ART by Dale Bruder



STYLISH HOME Relax into Nurturing Furnishings by April Thompson


Easy-Grow Microgreens Are Big on Nutrition by Barbara Pleasant


39 KISSED BY KINDNESS by Emily Esfahani Smith


THE WAY WOMEN RELATE TO MEN Try it for FREE at NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com *Offer good Tuesday, Feb. 14 through Monday, Feb. 20, 2017



natural awakenings

An Interview with Alison Armstrong by April Thompson



How to Stay Healthy, Flexible and Strong by Aimee Hughes


online KEEP DECAY AWAY Kids Do Best with Holistic Dentistry by Linda Sechrist NaturalTucson.com/TUCS/Natural-Health


Most People Benefit from Gluten by Judith Fertig NaturalTucson.com/TUCS/Eat-Well/

departments 9 9 newsbriefs

15 ecotip 16 healthbriefs 19 eventbriefs 17 22 mastersofbodywork /healing arts

30 healingways 32 naturalpet 34 artistspotlight 36 greenliving 38 consciouseating 39 inspiration 40 wisewords 29 42 fitbody 44 calendar 50 classifieds 51 resourceguide


February 2017


I delight in simple things

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newsbriefs Sound Healing Training with Tryshe Dhevney


ryshe Dhevney, best-selling Sounds True crystal bowl recording artist, author and awardwinning actor/director, is launching the first comprehensive Voice, Sound and Crystal Singing Bowl training program, RETURN TO WHOLENESS: An Encounter With Sound~An 8-month Sound Healing Mentorship, beginning in April, at Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch Resort. For lovers of sound and those called to work with the exquisite tones of Alchemy crystal singing bowls, this is a unique opportunity to train and explore the depths of authentic and intuitive sound Tryshe Dhevney and fully optimize one’s work with crystal bowl sound healing. This journey is the culmination of Dhevney’s deepest teachings and manifestations of over 50 years of study in the performing arts, voice, tone, the Alchemy crystal singing bowls and the sacred healing mysteries that lie therein. Four weekend modules will cover topics: Your Sensational Body; Sound, Voice and Vibration; Words, Thoughts and Pure Speech; and Crystal Bowl Sound Healing and Soul Alignment. “Picture yourself standing strong in your personal power, and using your voice and crystal sound to create from your highest potential. In the process, discover your dreams, your soul gifts and change the world along the way,” enthuses Dhevney. Location: 5501 N. Hacienda del Sol Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-440-7820, email Tryshe@SoundShifting.com or visit SoundShifting.com. See ad, page 14.

Thoughtful Medicine, PLLC


r. Charles Knouse, D.O., got the name Thoughtful Medicine for his practice from an article by Kenneth Stoller, M.D., of California, on treating Lyme disease. Knouse was so impressed with Stoller’s thoughtful and open-minded approach that he decided to adopt both the phrase and the philosophy for his own practice in Tucson. Due to Knouse’s background in molecular biology, microbiology and chemistry, in addition to his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree, he is incorporating cutting-edge, ground-breaking microbiology techniques in his comprehensive approach to Lyme disease and other “mysterious” diseases—being the first in Arizona to Charles Knouse his knowledge to culture live blood from patients. “It only takes two drops of blood from a finger, but in culture, in plenty of broth, infective forms in the blood that are normally invisible under the microscope are tricked, over five days, into blowing up into their macro forms, and then they are easily seen,” explains Knouse. “It doesn’t matter if you have, as so many do, a dozen negative lab tests. When a blood culture is positive, it is definitive—you can’t argue with it.” For more information or to make an appointment, call 520-284-2848. See ad, page 2.

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February 2017


newsbriefs People and Pets Launches New Website


eople and Pets LLC just launched its new website for customers’ convenience, and to celebrate the grand launching of the website, they’re offering 10 percent off online orders, now through the month of March. People and Pets is an herbal hygiene company passionate and dedicated to developing products formulated from the highest quality ingredients that are safe for people, their children and their pets. The business is an up-and-coming local Tucson company that started their journey following an endless frustration with finding personal hygiene products containing no harsh and harmful chemicals. They recognized the need for healthier options. They also offer a unique option to customize their products’ ingredients—great for those with allergies and sensitivities. Products can be purchased online. For 10% off, use code “10% off” at checkout.

Achieve Resolutions with Body Wraps


he practitioners at Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy Spa offer many different ways to detoxify the body and achieve New Year’s resolutions—from nutritional and supplemental detoxes to ionic foot baths, a far infrared sauna and specialty body wraps. They are offering a “new client discount” of 10 percent off by visiting their website or mentioning this article when calling for a reservation. “The wraps are specific to certain issues. If you want to burn away inches, a ‘fat wrap’ is right for you,” explains owner Debbie Shaw. “If cleansing the toxins from your body is your goal, then a unique detox wrap is your ticket. There are other wraps that concentrate on eliminating cellulite and other body image issues.” Shaw says that the wraps at this spa are unique in several ways. “First, they are not dehydration wraps. They focus on stimulating muscles, improving circulation, picking up your metabolism, cleansing toxins from the system, warming the body and replenishing and nourishing the internal body,” she says. The spa uses all-natural products.

For more information, call 520-448-9515, email PeopleAndPetsHerbal@gmail.com or visit PeopleAndPetsHerbal.com. See ad, page 15.

For more information, call 520-275-4510, email Debbie@DetoxTherapySpa.com or visit DetoxTherapySpa.com. See ad, page 35.

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natural awakenings

End of Life Mentoring Offered by Danielle Dvořák Certified End of Life Mentor

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Receive Guidance from Spiritual Energy Transformation


piritual Energy Transformation, in Tucson, is offering a $15 discount for sessions booked during the month of February. The practice, run by Johanna Alley, offers personal sessions to receive guidance from Higher Self, Guides, Angels and other loving energies. These energies wish for all to have loving relationships in every lifetime and may have guidance not received. In the relaxed, meditative state of a Spiritual Energy Transformation session, these answers can be accessed. Past Life Regression can offer insights into lifetimes that may have led to accumulated cell memory from failed relationships, making it difficult to sustain current relationships. These painful life events may also have left the chakras blocked. Regression, where these relationships are experienced, many times makes it easy to release those cell memories and unblock the chakras—leading to loving, healthy relationships. “Many see friends and family spend Valentine’s Day with someone they care about and wonder, ‘Why don’t I have this? What is wrong with me?’ Why wait any longer? Perhaps now, this moment, is a good time to find those answers and begin making positive changes in life. One cannot change a problem that one does not recognize,” says Alley. For more information, call or text 520-370-1306, email JWAlley@ protonmail.ch or visit JohannaAlley.com.

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ~Joseph Campbell

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newsbriefs Tucson’s Friendly and Fearless Death Café Begins 5th Year

The Transformative Power of Chakra Yoga and Sound Healing


he Tucson Death Café, now in its fifth year, meets the first Wednesday of each month, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., hosted by Isabel Amorous, who has a master’s in Death Education and The Arts. The group gives people an opportunity, as well as the confidence and courage, to talk openly and freely about death, dying, grief, loss and related subjects—often for the first time. Tucson’s Death Café is lovingly known as “friendly and fearless”. Over 3,940 Death Cafés have been held in 40 countries since the birth of the Death Café concept in 2011, when it was founded by Jon Underwood in the U.K. (based on the work of Bernard Crettaz). Later introduced by Lizzy Miles in the U.S., Death Cafés are simply group-directed conversations about death and related subjects. Subject matter is not provided and there are no speakers or experts because Death Café strives to be welcoming to all and does not promote any agendas or particular points of view. Death Cafés are not grief support or counseling groups. Cake is provided to sweeten the conversation. Participants have commented that they enjoy the opportunity to speak openly about death and listen to and explore diverse viewpoints in a safe, respectful environment. For detailed descriptions of what has been discussed in the past, see the monthly write-ups published online.

other-daughter team of sound pioneer Jovita Wallace and yoga instructor Morgana Wallace Cooper will present a special weekend of renewal, combining chakra yoga and pure tone quartz crystal bowl vibration, from February 10 to 12, at the Sonoran Desert Inn and Conference Center, in Ajo. Jovita Wallace and “This powerful experience is Morgana Wallace Cooper promised to release, rebalance and expand your quantum body. Realigning the energy of the mind/body/spirit dimensions is necessary for a sense of wellbeing and wholeness on an organic, cellular level,” says Wallace. “The unique combination of chakra balancing and yoga will empower participants to achieve maximum results.” The three-day stay will be enhanced by the beauty and comfort of the new inn and conference center in the heart of the Sonoran Desert, surrounded by millions of acres of unspoiled, open wilderness. The area is home to more than 1,000 species of plants and animals. Splendor abounds in breathtaking vistas and vibrant sunsets. This retreat is only open to 10 attendees, so space is limited. The $350 retreat fee covers all meditation and yoga sessions and three meals: Friday and Saturday dinner and a special Sunday “Chakra Brunch”. Accommodations are an additional charge and not included. Individual services (spa treatments, one-on-one yoga, chakra assessment consultations) will be paid directly to the practitioner.

Location: Ward 6, 3202 E. First St., Tucson. For more information, call 520-261-7003, email IsabelDeathCafe@gmail.com or visit Facebook.com/TucsonDeathCafe.

For more information, contact Jovita Wallace at 928-919-6880 or Jovitabinb@yahoo.com, or Morgana Wallace Cooper at 520-419-9183 or EveMorgana@yahoo.com.




natural awakenings

Jeanie Underwood, Rock Star Healer


rom personal experience, training, and over 20 years of working with people, Jeanie Underwood has been honored to witness the transformative power of opening and restoring innate energetic patterns, resulting in deep transformation in living authentically. Helping people discover they are more than they think they are, not the illusion they believe based on their life experiJeanie Underwood ences, is one of her passions in life. In her work as a healer, she has learned to “see/feel” clients’ energetic patterns that are formed by these beliefs and helps them discover how they are held in their body. Once formed, these false beliefs and patterns become habitual life themes. Underwood helps unlock the body’s wisdom by helping clients first identify a problematic energetic pattern or life theme, then experience and release the underlying feelings associated with it. This process changes the way the energy is held in the body and restores the natural flow of blocked or distorted energy, which opens the way for a new, healthier outlook and response. Underwood has learned techniques from the Braddock Bodywork Process, Art Gieser’s Energetic Neurolinguistic Programming, Heart Rhythm Meditation, EFT and shamanic practices, and she is a Reiki Master. Because of her ease in reading people’s energy and helping them resolve their stuck patterns, Jeanie has been called a “Rock Star Healer”. To that, she replies, “It is not about me. It is what my soul came in to do at this time: help people come back home to themselves.” For more information, call 520-344-9992 or email​ EnergeticHeartHealing@gmail.com.

Seed Screening and Seed Swap at The Loft Cinema


he Loft Cinema will present a special screening of Seed: The Untold Story, at 2 p.m., February 5, featuring a seed swap on the patio starting at 12:30 p.m. A post-film discussion will be held with film subject Bill McDorman, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, and representatives from the Seed Library at the Pima County Public Library and Native Seed/SEARCH. Few things on Earth are as miraculous and vital as seeds, which have been worshipped and treasured since the dawn of humankind. Seed: The Untold Story follows passionate seed keepers protecting our 12,000-year-old food legacy. In the last century, 94 percent of our seed varieties have disappeared. As biotech chemical companies control the majority of our seeds, farmers, scientists, lawyers and indigenous seed keepers fight a David-and-Goliath battle to defend the future of our food. In a harrowing and heartening story, these reluctant heroes rekindle a lost connection to our most treasured resource and revive a culture connected to seeds. Featuring Tucson’s own Native Seed/SEARCH, Seed: The Untold Story includes appearances by Vandana Shiva, Dr. Jane Goodall, Andrew Kimbrell, Winona Laduke and Raj Patel. Location: 3233 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-795-7777, email Info@LoftCinema.org or visit LoftCinema.org. See ad, page 30.

February 2017


Grand Opening of the Institute of Applied Metaphysics


ev. Dorothea Nobile, Pastor of the United Fellowship Chapel, has announced that the opening of the Institute of Applied Metaphysics. The reception will be held from noon to 2 p.m., February 25, at the United Fellowship Chapel, located at 4718 East Hawthorne Street, in Tucson. The Institute will teach several new and existing courses that provide useful, practical applications of metaRev. Dorothea Nobile physical thought and understanding. Attendees of the opening can learn about and register for the various classes that will be offered starting in March and speak with students who have previously attended them. “The Institute of Applied Metaphysics (I AM) seeks to ignite the light and love that reside within each one of us through classes that teach useful, practical applications of metaphysical thought and understanding,” says Nobile. “With instruction and guidance, these principles will become a metaphysical toolbox or ‘magic bag of tricks’ that you can use to create solutions to any life issues that concern you.” For more information, call 520-327-0142, email dfn1@icloud.com or visit United-Fellowship-Chapel.com. See ad, page 21.

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natural awakenings

New Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls


he Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, a rare opportunity to immerse oneself and work with Crystal Bowl Masters, is being held from January 26SMART through February 11. At theJOYFUL show, HEALTHY STRONG FIT LEAN ENERGETIC AGELESS NOURISHED Crystal Tones will unveil their latest Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Crystal Tones will have galleries showcasing over 4,000 Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, at both Arizona Riverpark Inn and The Days Inn, in Tucson. Starting February 26, Tryshe Dhevney, Sounds True recording artist, author and vocal sound healer, will host free Crystal Singing Bowl clinics every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 5 to 6 p.m., and on Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon, at the Days Inn Grand Temple Tent. Crystal Tones bowls are beautifully crafted from mixtures of gemstones, precious metals and minerals, all boasting stunning designs. Each bowl is unique and made with proprietary quartz fusion technology. Gem Show locations: Arizona Riverpark Inn, 777 W. Cushing St.; The Days Inn, 222 S. Freeway, Tucson. For more information, call 801-486-6833 or visit CrystalSingingBowls.com. See ad, page 7.

ecotip Laundry List

Following eco-friendly laundry tips can save on energy, water usage and utility bills, making it good for both the planet and the bank account. The laundry results, too, may be better for some loads. RealSimple.com advises that 90 percent of the energy consumed while running a wash load is used to heat the water, so the average household can eliminate as much as 350 pounds of carbon emissions and save about $40 annually by turning the knob to cold. It also notes that some proteinheavy stains, like perspiration and blood, can become more set into the fabric when washed in hot water, which can also shrink synthetic fibers. For sweat stains, DIYNatural.com suggests combining two tablespoons of cream of tartar, a few drops of lemon essential oil and water to make a paste. Mix and spread it on the stain, and then rub it in and let dry. Another pre-laundry option is to pour or spray a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide onto the stain and then soak for about 30 minutes. Mildly soiled laundry doesn’t necessarily need hot water for adequate cleaning, reports the Mother Nature Network. It advises pre-soaking heavily soiled laundry in cold water for about an hour, adding four tablespoons of baking soda to loosen dirt and grime. “Responding quickly to stains always helps,” says Steve Boorstein, a Boulder, Colorado, clothing-care expert on his ClothingDoctor.com website. “For washable clothing, flush the stained area with cool water to remove any solid matter. Never rub the stain in order to avoid driving it deeper into the fabric.” Conserve more energy as well as water by always assembling a full load of laundry. Appliance performance can also make an eco-difference. Energy Star estimates that water savings of between 40 and 75 percent can be achieved with front-loading machines instead of top-loaders. Line drying wins over a clothes dryer in terms of freshness, energy use and kindness to the environment. Start with biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents made from plant- and vegetable-based ingredients.


Cool Tips to Save Money and Energy


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February 2017



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as can be an “obstruction” in one’s life whether at work, having sexual relations with a partner, maintaining an active social life, working out regularly or trying to meditate. It might be uncomfortable, not wanting to focus, move, have sex, socialize or even think. And, interestingly enough, many will continue to eat and/or binge through the discomfort. A small amount of gas from digestion is normal. An excessive amount of gas is pathogenic. According to Elaine Gottschall, excessive gas is caused from a microbial overgrowth. Bacteria and fungi migrate from the large to the small intestines to feed mainly on processed foods, added sugars and complex carbohydrates. The person is not breaking down foods with normal human enzyme digestion. This kind of digestion is called fermentation digestion. The microbial fermentation by-products are gases, acids and other metabolites that are toxic to the system, break down the gut wall and pass through the blood-brain barrier. The intestines register pain from gas before pain from inflammation, adhesion or ulceration. The stretch receptors in the bowel say, “Pay attention to gas pain, understand the cause of it, then alleviate it properly.” Gas is caused by a number of things, including: fermentation of complex carbohydrates, processed foods and added sugars; antibiotics, steroids and other prescriptions; overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi; inflammation and “leaky gut” or intestinal over-permeability; uncontrolled stress causing shutdown of the alimentary tract; accumulation of waste in the system, slow transit and constipation. Poor eating habits like improper food combinations, drinking with meals that dilutes digestive enzymes, quick and thoughtless eating without chewing properly, overeating, eating all day long, late night eating and continuous snacking can cause serious gas issues. To alleviate excess gas, some suggested methods include: colon hydrotherapy and enemas; enemas with probiotics and other additives; reducing or eliminating complex sugars, processed foods, added sugars; practicing diets that reseed good microbiota; using herbs, enzymes, charcoal, bentonite; parasite, bowel and liver cleanse programs; exercise with yoga, swimming and walking; meditation; fasting; and using hot and/or detoxification baths.


For more information, call 520-325-9686, email Intestines@SheilaShea.com or visit IntestinalHealthInstitute.com. See ad, page 39.

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The highest compliment I can receive is a referral from my friends, family, and clients. 16


natural awakenings

Effectively Treating TMJ at Medicine Wheel Dental and Wellness Center by Steven A. Swidler


rom the medical field of cranial osteopathy, we understand that all 29 cranial bones, not just the jaw, move in a slow, fluid rhythm, providing a balancing aspect to the central nervous system and surrounding connective tissue. With restrictions to this very important motion—such as clenching, grinding or other strain patterns from injuries and traumas—balance in the whole body can be compromised. If the jaw and bite are “off”, even without noticeable temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) symptoms, a descending issue is created in the body which can compromise alignment from the head and base of the skull downward, throwing the level of the hips out of alignment. This can result in pain in the knees, hips, back, neck and shoulders and as a result, adjustments from a bodyworker or therapist will not “hold” as long—if at all. After 40 years of treating TMJ dysfunction non-invasively, Medicine Wheel Dental (MWD), in Tucson, recently introduced its newest, most comprehensive and revolutionary whole-body approach to TMJ issues: Fluid Body Dynamics. This approach includes new concepts of pain management and functional movement therapeutics; cutting-edge therapeutic modalities, such as whole-body vibration and cranial osteopathic techniques; as well as much more. Medicine Wheel’s Fluid Body Dynamics team will begin by assessing a client’s unique conditions and needs to determine if their condition qualifies for the use of this program. The team then helps create a customized treatment plan, which averages about five months in length.

When indicated, the program involves the use of specialized dental appliances to idealize and stabilize the jaw joint position—both at night and functionally during the day. These appliances are fully functional and not used only for sleep. They need to be adjusted as old traumas and injuries are released and the body alignment changes. Release of each of these distortion patterns are like the layers of an onion; they can cause restrictions in the body’s soft tissue (fascia) and impair muscle function, blood flow, nerve signaling and normal physiology. As the body changes and improves with each bodywork session (with the optional use of Medicine Wheel’s patented Percussion Table), one’s appliances will be immediately readjusted to reflect this new stability and balance. The MWD Fluid Body Dynamics system is client-driven, utilizing a case manager who works directly with them, communicating feedback and identifying needs between the members of one’s integrative team. Clients are seen by the rest of MWD’s integrative team utilizing body/ jaw alignment, cranial osteopathic techniques, Neuro Kinetic Therapeutics and myofascial release work. Meanwhile, a movement specialist guides them into

whole-body balancing using a system of specific self-care exercises to retrain and stabilize their improving state of balance and body use patterns. To obtain whole-body balance and freedom from pain and discomfort, requires new awareness, positive postural relationships, letting go of old postural habits and compensations, developing positive breathing techniques and getting in touch with one’s own unique ways of dealing with stress. Normally, within the first month of the program, while treating the primary underlying causes, one can see a positive effect on their symptoms by 50 percent. By the end of five months, the client can usually achieve relief of 70 to 80 percent of the symptoms they walked in with— all without medications or surgery. Once stabilized and living a new life, either maintenance with the appliances or permanent dental approaches such as orthodontics or dental reconstruction can be discussed, if indicated. This approach is a must with children before turning to orthodontics if they are demonstrating a high hip or pre-scoliosis patterns. Medicine Wheel Dental and Wellness Center takes the time to help clients step forward into relief and a positive lifestyle. Connect and set up an evaluation at 520-743-7101. Dr. Steven A. Swidler, DDS practices at Medicine Wheel Dental, at 4650 W. Jojoba Dr., in Tucson. Connect at 520-743-7101 or MedicineWheelDental.com. See ad, back cover.

February 2017




Is ADHD Linked to Poor Posture?


ttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder that happens in childhood, according to the Centers for Disease Control. There are many theories as to the cause of ADHD, such as poor diet, too much electronic stimulation, not enough outdoor time and others. One big factor that is often overlooked is poor posture. Poor posture means that the child’s brain and nerves are under too much tension. The wisdom of the child’s body will force the child to slump in order to lessen this tension. Having that much pull on the spinal cord is dangerous and of course, will make it hard to concentrate and focus. Poor posture is a red flag that the child’s nervous system has not been able to recover from one or possibly multiple stressors. A difficult childbirth can often initiate problems with a child’s nervous system that become worse with added stress over time. Stressors include falls while learning to walk or bike ride, sports injuries, or bullying at school. Also ongoing stress in the home such as divorce, depression, addiction, financial stress or loss of a loved one can cause the child’s safety to feel threatened and the posture will then pull forward. No child can concentrate, focus or learn if their nervous system is not at ease. A nervous system in survival mode and the resulting poor posture can cause or exacerbate such things as aggression, bed wetting, social anxiety, irritability, poor sleep and digestive and breathing problems. The body has an amazing ability to recover, but if the child’s posture is poor, then something has gotten in the way of their nervous system resetting. By the time the extreme tension shows up as poor posture, the problem has been there for some time and is likely to get worse without intervention. The good news is that kids respond very rapidly. All children should have their nervous system evaluated by a chiropractor, especially one familiar with working with children. A healthy and energy efficient nervous system will facilitate optimal learning, social engagement and self-esteem. Dr. Joanne Haupert, of Inspired Healing, in Tucson, gives many presentations a month on health and wellness. See calendar for more details. Connect at 520-584-0343 or InspiredHealing.org.

Dying is only one thing to be sad over... Living unhappily is something else. ~Morrie Schwartz



natural awakenings

eventbriefs Sound Journey with Crown of Eternity


rown of Eternity will take the audience on a sound journey—a vibrational experience like no other—from 6 to 8 p.m., February 26, at the Galactic Center, in Tucson. The duo will bathe attendees in waves of sound from over 60 vibrational instruments Crown of Eternity (multiple gongs, gong oblongs, bells, sound plates, sound triangles and Himalayan singing bowls). It is a meditation, a dream-like state, a deep and lasting vibrational cleansing for the body and soul. Attendees are asked to bring a yoga mat, blanket or cushion for comfort during extended relaxation on the floor. The sound journey experience starts with light breath work or meditation and settling into a cozy space to rest deeply, to be awake, to meditate, or to be amazed by the vastness of the healing sound current. The rhythmic sound oscillations facilitate the movement of prana through the body and deliver a deep energetic reboot of the nervous system. These sacred sounds are transmitted into the tissues and experienced as a full-body sound massage, realigning us on a cellular level while removing unwanted patterns or blockages, and energizing, exhilarating and lifting the spirit. Crown of Eternity, made up of Mike Tamburo and Gallina Tamburo spend their lives serving people through vibration, sound, music and energy healing. Through their extensive national tours with workshops, classes, therapy sessions, concerts and retreats, they have helped thousands of people connect to their life energy, to deeper relaxation and to self-healing. Over the past 20-plus years, Mike has become well known as a multi-instrumentalist and polymath, performing and recording ecstatic and transcendental music as well as folk, ambient and sometimes unclassifiable sounds. He is also an artist and a filmmaker. In 2008, he met Gallina, who was on her own journey of healing. Their shared love of ecstatic music, kundalini yoga, the gong, sound therapy and sacred chanting set the foundation of their relationship, marriage and eventual musical collaboration.

Positive Music Comes to Tucson


enter for Spiritual Living Tucson will host a concert of Posi (pah-zee)—or Posi-tive Music—from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., February 5. The new genre of music is message-based and meant to empower, unite and transform your life. It comes in every style from folk to rap, and some of its stars are Grammy and Emmy award winners, and multiHarold Payne platinum hit song writers who have decided to use their “songwriting superpowers” for good, to help create a world that works for everyone. Attendees will hear three amazing artists and their transformational messages in story and song at the PosiPalooza—Harold Payne, Freebo and Richard Mekdeci. FreeBo Payne (HaroldPayneMusic.com) has written hits for Rod Stewart; Patti Labelle; The Temptations; Bobby Womack; Peter, Paul and Mary; Snoop Dogg; and Kelly Rowland. Freebo (FreeboMusic. com) is the world-renowned bassist for Bonnie Raitt, John Mayall, Maria Muldaur, Ringo Starr, Neil Young, Dr. John and Loudon Wainwright, as well as an awardRichard Mekdeci winning singer/songwriter. Mekdeci is an award-winning singer, songwriter, producer and co-founder of emPower Music & Arts (emPowerMA.com), the small company at the epicenter of the Posi Music Movement. Location: Donald R. Nickerson Auditorium, 231 N. Craycroft Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-319-1042, email Admin@TucsonCSL.org or visit TucsonCSL.org. See ad, page 17.

Cost: $20 advance; $25 day of event. For more information, visit Tickets.BrightStarEvents.com/event/ CrownOfEternity-Tucson-Galactic. February 2017


News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Free Fuel


Hydrogen Conversion From Water Making Gains Scientists at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, report that they have finally unlocked a major barrier to exploiting a renewable energy source through extracting pure hydrogen from water. Because the best-performing catalysts for electrochemical oxidation, or “water splitting”, are expensive precious metals, the research team led by KTH Professor Licheng Sun developed molecular catalysts for water oxidation with an efficiency approaching that of natural photosynthesis comprising common, abundant elements, all of which could help change the economics of large-scale hydrogen fuel production. Meanwhile, Daniel Nocera, a professor of energy at Harvard University, and Pamela Silver, a professor of biochemistry and systems biology at Harvard Medical School, have co-created a system that uses solar energy to split water molecules and hydrogen-eating bacteria to produce liquid fuels. Their paper, whose lead authors include post-doctoral fellow Chong Liu and graduate student Brendan Colón, was recently published in Science. “This is a true artificial photosynthesis system,” says Nocera. “Previously, people were using artificial photosynthesis for water-splitting, but this is a true A-to-Z system, and we’ve greatly exceeded the efficiency of photosynthesis in nature.”

Watch the Birdie

Selfies Promote Animal Cruelty and Death Zachary Crockett, of Pricenomics. com, has found that since 2014, 49 people were killed in attempts to take pictures of themselves with wild creatures. Although there are no statistics on how many animals have been harmed due to selfies, wildlife organizations such as Care for the Wild International are appealing to the public to stop using animals as props. Visitors to China’s Yunnan Wild Animal Park lured captive peacocks from their enclosure and grabbed them by their tails. The birds died as a result. Another group of people at a beach in Argentina was filmed mobbing a baby Franciscana dolphin, an endangered species, while taking pictures, resulting in its death likely through shock and severe dehydration from being removed from the water for too long. Due to the high demand by tourists to take pictures with wild animals, special photographic settings are popping up in Mexico, Europe and Morocco. However, the Association for British Travel Agents stated that no legitimate sanctuary would allow animals to be used as photo props.

The most worthwhile thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.

~Robert Baden-Powell



natural awakenings

Soru Epotok/Shutterstock.com



Bevan Young/Shutterstock.com

Institute of Applied Metaphysics Opening

Fungus Among Us Genetically Altered Mushrooms Approved for Consumption

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) is a new method of editing genomes of farm animals and food crops. White button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) that have been genetically modified to delay the natural browning process are the first CRISPRedited organisms to receive approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Yinong Yang, a plant pathologist from Penn State University, crafted the modified mushrooms by targeting the family of genes responsible for the browning effect seen in produce when sliced and exposed to oxygen. Yang was able to reduce the browning enzyme’s work by 30 percent and was granted approval from the USDA because no foreign or altered DNA was integrated into the mushroom genome. The department only assesses whether there’s a risk that the new modified variety of an organism could become a weed or “pest” to other plants. The mushrooms may still be subject to Food and Drug Administration or Environmental Protection Agency regulations. The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine are in discussions about developing a new set of rules for the biotech industry in the next five to 10 years. Source: Nature.com

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Massage Therapy Safe for Allergy Sufferers


ew Leaf Massage Therapy keeps a safe environment for people with allergies, sensitivities or asthma. Essential oils and specialized lotions are not utilized, making the environment completely safe for allergies and even sensitivities that can be overlooked. Only hypoallergenic lotion is used, but people may bring a lotion they feel comfortable with if they are concerned. Different kinds of positioning and propping is always an option for those who suffer from seasonal allergies and can’t lie face down. “Comfortable pressure, staying warm and enjoying soothing music are likely the most common concerns for people seeking massage therapy and bodywork. But for people affected by allergies, the concerns reach much farther,” explains Stephanie Dixon, Neuromuscular Massage Therapist at New Leaf. “Some people with allergies find themselves avoiding massage therapy because they are worried that it will trigger a reaction. They may be uncomfortable if the reaction is mild; they may need medical Stephanie Dixon help in a worse situation. But massage and bodywork have many benefits, and there are options for almost everyone.” Location: 5431 N. Oracle Rd., Ste. 104A, Tucson. For more information, call 520-548-5379, email Stephanie.M.Dixon@gmail.com or visit NewLeafTucson.com.



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Nutrition Counseling Now at Jade Star Acupuncture


Christi Louderback

hristi Louderback, a Patient Coordinator at Jade Star Acupuncture for almost two years, recently graduated from Bauman College with a degree in Holistic Nutrition, and she is now seeing patients as a Nutrition Counselor at the same practice. “Holistic nutrition will uncover the root cause of imbalance in your body. Using whole, natural foods, we’ll correct nutritional deficiencies. We’ll identify environmental and emotional stressors that are keeping you from achieving your health and wellness goals,” explains Louderback. “Tucson is very healthoriented, so we know this service is going to be vital to our community.” Interested clients are able to schedule appointments with Louderback immediately and find out how to use whole foods and lifestyle changes to affect their health.

Location: 4500 E. Speedway Blvd. Ste. 80, Tucson. For more information, call 520-881-0827, email Kayla@JadeStarAcupuncture.com or visit JadeStarAcupuncture.com.

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Integrative Bodywork by Don May, LMT

Healing, well-being, relaxation and balance in the comfort of your own home or office.

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DonMay.MassageTherapy.com February 2017


Social Media Tips for Small Businesses by Michelle Arbore


re you aware how social media can help grow your business? The first thing anyone must understand about social media is that it is about building the “know”, “like” and “trust” of followers. The idea is to let people know there is a human being behind the brand. The other thing to understand is that people are talking about your brand, your products or services and your competitors, whether you like it or not. Rather than ignoring these conversations, why not jump in and have a say in where that conversation goes? If someone complains about your brand, find out why and you can improve on it for the future. Planning how to use social media to support a business is like creating the blueprint to a dream home; it should be designed to suit your preferences and needs. Each social network has its own culture, best practices and purpose. Think of each one as a different room in your dream home, which you need to plan and design for its specific purpose. Here are some quick and easy strategies that can be implemented right now.

Put your heart,

mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. ~Swami



• Build connections by looking at the profiles of 10 to 20 of your ideal customers over breakfast, lunch or in the evening. Repeat daily. • Start the conversation by adding a personal message before hitting that “connect” button, or send a “thank you” message when accepting some one’s invitation to connect. • Publish articles to further establish professional identity by sharing your expertise.


• Share videos to communicate a story best. According to Post Planner, there are over 4 billion video views per day on Facebook. • Engage with your audience by asking questions, posting lighthearted or humorous content, showing a personal side or sharing inspirational quotes. • Create a cover photo for the business page that showcases a product for sale or an event being promoted. Include a Call-to-Action on the photo.


• Since other people’s posts can’t be shared through Instagram, down load the app Repost to get the job done. This is helpful when you are stuck on what to share. • Engage with followers by posting regularly and responding to comments and questions. • Include hashtags (#) to be found easier. Use hashtags relevant to the post and type of business. Schedule a 30-minute Discovery Session for more social media help with Michelle Arbore at SavvySocialMedia.setmore.com. See ad, page 11. 24


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editorial calendar


editorial calendar JANUARY

health & wellness

Reach Our Readers BUILD Reach YOUR BRAND –Our SHARE YOUR UNIQUE MESSAGE – Readers GROW YOUR BUSINESS BUILD YOUR BRAND – SHARE YOUR UNIQUE MESSAGE – Natural Awakenings readers are values-driven, conscious consumers. They care about GROW YOUR BUSINESS the environment, social issues, local economy, organic and local food, natural health, fair trade, sustainable and simple living, peace, and spiritual and personal development! Natural Awakenings readers are values-driven, conscious consumers. They care about the environment, social issues, local economy, tell organic In our recent Readership Survey, respondents us: and local food, natural health, fair trade, sustainable and simple living, peace, and spiritual and personal development! • 61.5% have been reading Natural Awakenings In for ourmore recent Readership than 2 years Survey, respondents tell us: • 61.5% have been reading Natural Awakenings 21% purchase from our advertisers between for more than 2 years 1 and 3 times per month • 21% purchase from our advertisers between 34.7% share their monthly copy of our magazine 1 and23ortimes month readers with moreper additional • 34.7% their monthly copy of our magazine 80.5% share are female with 2 or more additional readers • 48.6% are between 35 and 54 years of age • 80.5% are female • 59.8% have one or more college degrees • 48.6% are between 35 and 54 years of age • 57% have an annual income in excess of • 59.8% have $50,000 per one yearor more college degrees • 57% have an annual income in excess 89.1% purchase healthy or organic foodof $50,000 per year • 51.5% attend spiritual or healing events • 89.1% purchase healthy or organic food • 45.9% attend exercise or fitness events • 51.5% attend spiritual or healing events • 45.9% attend or fitness events ABOUT US: exercise Natural Awakenings is a free monthly magazine in the Tucson-

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February 2017


PASSAGE Conscious Dying as a Transformative Healing Journey by Linda Sechrist


hen properly viewed, the thresholds of all of life’s transitional moments can be both emotionally and spiritually rewarding. Whether it involves marriage or birth, job loss or illness, gleaning insight from the experience can yield fresh perspective on how to live life more fully today, if we remain mindful and lovingly attentive through the process. Like birth, death is a transition we can wisely prepare for. In recent years, compassionate individuals and grassroots movements have emerged to help us conduct ourselves, heal and grow from losing a loved one or face our own passing. An increasing number of initiatives support a new model in palliative care that treats death not as a failure, but an expected aspect of the



human experience. Each in its own way advocates for a grace-filled passage supported by dignified, caring and compassionate practices.

Profound Shift

The Conscious Dying Institute, in Boulder, Colorado, aims to restore death and dying to its natural place in the sacred circle of life. Its end-of-life literacy curriculum and certificate training programs are helping to create a new, wisdom-based culture of healing teachers and end-of-life doulas that serve among the frontline caregivers and companions providing the comfort people want and need most. Founded by Tarron Estes, a healing artist, poet, Caritas coach and transformational learning educator, the institute is grounded in love, spiritual

natural awakenings



openness, compassion and a universal field of consciousness. “Training is open to nurses, physicians, clinicians, caregivers, family members, healthcare teams and anyone else interested in exploring what it means to die consciously,” says Estes. It attends to the provider’s inner awakening and helps them strengthen their ability to give spiritual, emotional, physical and practical care to anyone, helping to relieve pain, regardless of diagnosis. “Rather than curative care, it’s all about seeking to increase precious, meaningful moments, a sense of spiritual sanctity, beauty, interconnectedness and appreciation of life for the families and patients they serve. An end-of-life doula at bedside assures that families and loved ones can focus on what is most important,” explains Estes, who believes that our true nature lives within us as an unblemished jewel. Helping individuals become comfortable talking about death is the work of Dr. Karen Wyatt, of Dillon, Colorado, founder of the End of Life University, an online interview series with end-of-life care experts. She provides a trustworthy loving environment in monthly death cafés. The author of What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of Dying expands the conversation through related articles and podcasts at eolUniversity.com. Death cafés benefit from Wyatt’s experience as a hospice doctor. “There is never an agenda. Of the 10 to 12 people that generally join in, one is always a new caller, recently awakened to the idea of conscious dying or their own mortality. They’re seeking information and someone to talk to because family and friends aren’t interested. Some already embracing their mortality wish to explore their thoughts with others. Some callers join just to listen,” advises Wyatt. Because death in the West has become a commercialized, medical event with funeral home packages the norm, Wyatt recommends the National Home Funeral Alliance to those interested in a deeper understanding of options and resources for a gentler model. The nonprofit, grassroots movement and its members, such as Sacred Crossings, in Los Angeles, seek to restore the lost art

Exploring the Mystery

For more than 40 years, philosopher, psychologist and physician Raymond Moody’s life work has been acknowledging the mysteries and validating the unexplainable events at the end of life. His seminal bestseller Life After Life appeared in 1975. Lisa Smartt’s mentorship by Moody led them to co-found FinalWordsProject.org. She’s also authored Words at the Threshold, a study of the nonsensical, metaphorical and paradoxical language and visions of the dying. Moody and Smartt agree that by better understanding the unique language patterns related to end of life we can share more deeply and build bridges with our beloveds throughout the dying process. “When we do so, we offer greater support to the dying and ameliorate our own experience of loss as they cross the threshold,” remarks Smartt. Like William Peters, founder of the Shared Crossings Project, in Santa Barbara, California, they caution that compassionate etiquette during events at death is important. “Assume that levels of awareness exist in the dying so that our energy and presence are felt and our voices heard,” advises Moody. “Respect your words and actions, regardless of the person’s state of consciousness. Be a compassionate listener and validate their vision. Don’t pretend to intellectualize or explain anything.”

Sarit Wuttisan/Shutterstock.com

and healing ritual of a home funeral by preserving the rights of families to provide home after-death care. Supporting and educating interested families is the mission of Sacred Crossings founder Rev. Olivia Rosemarie Bareham. The certified death midwife and home funeral guide draws from her experiences as an auxiliary nurse and hospice volunteer to assist families with end-of-life planning, death midwifery and arrangements for an at-home vigil and funeral, as well as cremation and burial choices. “We also offer sacred singing to help ease a loved one’s transition. Music by a bedside soloist or choir before, during and after death can be deeply relaxing and comforting, and even provide pain relief,” advises Bareham.

As many as 80 percent of us say we want to die at home. ~CNN Dianne Gray, president and executive director of the Elisabeth KüblerRoss Foundation, also owns Hospice and Healthcare Communications. “The

dying often wish to leave here surrounded by peace and harmony. They choose to let go of contentiousness and often wish family members would do the same, which is facilitated by mapping out Advance Directives according to the final wishes of the patient,” says Gray. Questions she frequently addresses in public talks and Death Over Dinner party conversations include: the necessity of finishing unfinished business; bringing closure to unresolved relationship issues; finding words to express our compassion; soothing the sense of impending loss; and managing to take only love with us to the other side, yet leave enough of it behind to help loved ones through their grieving process. She cautions that no matter how well we plan for death, things don’t always go as planned. “Sometimes no matter how many advance care conversations have taken place, discord can dismantle the best laid plans. It requires the tough work of compassionate communications. Friends and families need to remem-

February 2017


ber that this is the patient’s end-of-life experience, not theirs. It is possible to find peace in the midst of conflict, understanding that the one leaving overwhelmingly wishes for a peaceful passing, including peace within the family.” The Death Over Dinner initiative, founded by Michael Hebb in 2013, has been hosted by groups in more than 20 countries to help people engage in conversations on “how we want to die”—the most vital and costly discussion Americans aren’t having (DeathOverDinner.org/stories).

We rediscover that in order to die well, we must live well. Dying gracefully is the result of a mindful, day-to-day journey—a culmination of informed choices, honest discussions and deference to the hallowed fragility of nature’s life-death cycles.

Practical Plans

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and its 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy program offer a free downloadable national Guide to Financial Decisions: Implementing an End-of-Life Plan at Tinyurl.com/ EssentialPlanNeeds. It includes basic descriptions of issues that arise as we age beyond retirement and details the critical documents needed for the individual, dependents, property, assets, estate planning, wills and trusts. It also addresses issues related to advance, treatment and do-not-resuscitate directives, insurance, types of funerals and costs, and Social Security, Medicare and veterans’ benefits. Guidelines suggest consulting with a certified public accountant or personal financial planning specialist.



~William Rosa The latest innovation is the blessing of a living funeral, a celebration of life while the honoree is present to hear the eulogies, praises and farewells before they depart. AgingWithDignity.org provides a downloadable Five Wishes document, a popular advance directive, or living will that covers personal, spiritual, medical and legal aspects. It’s easy to use and can serve as a family guide to prompt conversations about personal care preferences in the event of serious illness. New York Times journalist Mark Leibovich wrote about how Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy chose

natural awakenings

to spend his final weeks in pursuit of a “good ending.” As death approached, Kennedy told friends that he wanted to take stock of his life and enjoy the gift of his remaining days with the people he loved most. As a result, he continued enjoying his morning ritual of reading newspapers while drinking coffee, playing with his dogs, watching James Bond movies with his wife and holding family dinners and sing-alongs near nightly. He reveled in his bedside view of Nantucket Sound, sailed when he could and ate lots of his favorite ice cream. His mantra was, “Every day is a gift.” “As our time winds down, we all seek comfort in simple pleasures—companionship, everyday routines, the taste of good food, the warmth of sunlight on our faces,” remarks Boston’s Dr. Atul Gawande in Being Mortal. “If we strive in our final months for independence, companionship, mindful attention, dignity, wisdom, joy, love and freedom from pain, we have the power to make those days less miserable, confusing and frightening.” In these many ways, we can manage to gently embrace and tenderly navigate life’s final transition with grace and love. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at ItsAllAboutWe.com.

Ease the Transition with an End of Life Mentor


s a Certified End of Life Mentor, serving Tucson and the surrounding area, Danielle Dvorak is a death and dying expert who is a personal resource. Also referred to as a “Death Doula”, she supports as needed, relieves stress, answers the tough questions, interfaces with medical professionals, translates medical lingo for everyone involved, perhaps runs errands if needed, or fills in so that a family member or caregiver can take a deep breath and/or get a good night’s sleep. “So many people die in fear, with unresolved issues and tremendous stress. They leave this life not having said or heard the ‘I love yous’, ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I forgive yous’ that would be so healing—for themselves, their families, and friends,” explains Dvorak. “Our culture has removed death from everyday life, even though the two go hand-in-hand.” We relegate the dying to hospitals and nursing homes, where death is often treated like a disease and extraordinary measures are taken to prolong life at all costs. Doctors, who are trained to fight death like a personal enemy, are often given control over end-of-life care. This frequently results in quantity of life being Danielle Dvorak the priority over quality of life, leading to suffering and prolonging of a life that might be considered cruel by some standards. “On a spiritual note, we no longer remember how to die with grace and dignity,” says Dvorak. “Additionally, families do not know how to come to closure with the passing of a loved one, and grief often gets ‘stuffed’ instead of processed in a healthy manner.” An End of Life Mentor can support people with options, objectivity and experience that you may be lacking or not even know about. This support system is adaptable and can be utilized by the dying person, family, friends, caregivers or any combination thereof. For more information, call 847-323-9188 or visit EndofLifeMentor.com. See ad, page 11.


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February 2017



In the O-Zone Oxygen Therapy Heals a Host of Ills

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s safe and trusted as hyperbaric (high pressure) oxygen therapy, ozone therapy also harnesses the healing power of oxygen. Since the 1950s, its popularity has increased around the world. Today, more than 45,000 physicians in 50 countries administer ozone therapy to address ailments ranging from endodontic infections and herniated disk pain to arterial plaque and Lyme disease. According to the American Academy of Ozonotherapy, the widespread medical use of ozone began in Germany and has since spread across Europe as an alternative treatment for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The academy notes that allopathic physicians caution against ozone therapy largely due to misinformation and a lack of understanding regarding its efficacy, side effects, expense and safety, even though published international studies as well as U.S. clinical trials have shown it can be used instead of more expensive and dangerous methods such as surgery or pharmaceuticals. Therapeutic ozone has a sound safety record and no toxic effects have been observed from proper clinical use (Journal of the American Medical Association). Occasional reported side effects are slight

natural awakenings

weakness, dizziness or drowsiness for short periods of time during or after treatment. Rare allergic skin reactions like nettle rash are possible with local applications, although occurrences are mild and quick to resolve. Ozone is an oxidant. Ozone therapy, like exercise, creates health benefits by delivering measured doses of oxidative stress that activate the body’s internal antioxidant systems. The primary natural enzyme in ozone therapy is superoxide dismutase, which stimulates another enzyme called telomerase that keeps DNA young by maintaining the telomere at the end of each DNA strand. A study from Cuba’s University of Havana of herniated disc patients found that ozone therapy provided both oxidative protection and pain relief. Such properties make medical ozone therapy a safe and effective treatment for many infections. It’s been shown to be particularly effective for sinus and endodontic infections (Iranian Endodonics Journal), osteonecrosis of the jaw, ear infections, hepatitis (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine), cystitis, HIV, intestinal and blood infections and Lyme disease. Staff of the Sophia Health Institute, in Woodinville, Washington, report remarkably fast results treating such chronic complex infections by

Sebastian Kaulitzki/Shutterstock.com


by Valerie Burke

following intensive intravenous (IV) ozone protocols, with individualized systemic support. Ozonotherapy is a prime treatment for infections, especially viral. Leading experts in oxidative therapy Dr. Robert Rowen, who practices in Santa Rosa, California, and Dr. Howard Robins, director of The Healing Center, in New York City, had good success administering treatment during the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone. In addition to many patients helped, “It’s been reported that ozone therapy rapidly cured five patients with Ebola during the outbreak,” says Rowen. Ozone therapy is now used to relieve arthritis, neuropathy, degenerative joint and disk disease, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. A pilot study led by

the Universidad de Granada, Spain, saw improvement in the physical and depressive symptoms of fibromyalgia. “Ozone is also effective in treating osteoarthritic knees and, via injection, arthritic hips,” says Rowen. Other individuals describe their experiences of overcoming various diseases using ozone therapy at YouTube. com/user/RobertRowenMD/videos. One of the most impressive evidence-based applications is relief from the pain of herniated disks, particularly lumbar. More than one meta-analysis deemed ozone treatment an effective and extremely safe procedure, with pain and functional outcomes equal to or better than surgery and far lower complication rates (less than 0.1 percent), along with significantly shorter recovery

times (Pain Physician; American Journal of Neuroradiology). According to the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, oxygen/ ozone therapy used in dentistry offers three fundamental forms of applications to treat oral tissue—ozonated water, ozonated olive oil and oxygen/ozone gas. Ozonated water and olive oil have proved to be an ideal delivery system. Non-toxic and simple to generate, ozone therapy is coming of age as a viable option for both the treatment and prevention of illnesses. Valerie Burke is a freelance health writer in Olympia, Washington, versed in integrative medicine with a master’s degree in nursing science.

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February 2017




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by Sandra Murphy

hysical therapists have long used horses to help patients improve balance or strengthen core muscles. Now they’re helping to teach empathy. Given a horse’s significant size, sometimes distracting surroundings and the need for safety, humans need to learn the animal’s non-verbal cues, and to regulate their own. Close interaction without riding is proving to be helpful for those dealing with addictions, trauma and grief, and for employees to improve their communication and teamwork skills. Kelly Wendorf and Scott Strachan, co-founders of Equus, in Santa Fe, work with both individuals and organizations. Strachan emphasizes, “This isn’t magic. Horses reflect our feelings back to us. If we’re nervous, the horse will be more skittish.” “We’ve had executives arrive with cell phones firmly in hand and leave holding soggy tissues instead,” comments Wendorf. “For them, it was unexpectedly emotional.” For addicts caught up in a debilitating cycle, “Equine therapy gets the brain firing in a new direction,” says Constance Scharff, Ph.D., director of

natural awakenings

addiction research at Cliffside Malibu, in California. “Patients may say they’re fine when they’re not, but you can’t lie to a horse. They have boundaries; if you’re angry, a horse won’t tolerate your behavior and will walk away.” Scharff notes, “Equine therapy is complementary to psychotherapy medicine, and one tool we use in approaching addiction. Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be the underlying issue, so we can address it, to understand why the person became an addict.” Wendorf relates the story of an 18-year-old client facing body image issues. “Five horses approached her and touched her with their noses on her arms and legs. Where they touched was where she had been cutting herself to try to relieve her emotional pain.” “People feel a powerful connection when they let down their defenses and a horse responds,” says Sheryl Jordan, equestrian director at Salamander Resort & Spa, in Middleburg, Virginia. “Our Equi-Spective life lessons program brings self-awareness and the power to better


Food Sensitivities

Horses help bring back memories for clients with dementia. ~Hearts & Horses, Loveland, Colorado, nonprofit therapeutic riding facility control emotions. During the session, they may hug, pet and cry on the horse, but they leave the corral smiling.” The program teamed up with the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) serving bereaved military families. Kelly Griffith, a surviving sister of U.S. Marine Corps Major Samuel Griffith, points to the power of equine therapy in a video at Tinyurl.com/ Equi-SpectiveVideo. Susan Wight, a former professional steeplechase rider and ambassador for TAPS in Leesburg, Virginia, says, “My husband was my riding coach. When he passed away, I was numb when facing decisions, but at the session, it felt like one of the horses was the one to choose. The initial flood of emotions and memories from being around horses again wasn’t pretty, but empathy is a specific language, and I’m grateful for the opportunity. Horses are a huge part of my life.”

At Ranch Hand Rescue Counseling Center & Animal Sanctuary, in South Argyle, Texas, founder Bob Williams considers animal therapy a ministry. “We rescue abused and neglected farm animals, including horses that come into play when patients are not responding to usual therapies,” he says. “It’s important for damaged people to learn to live in the light, and our partnering with the special needs animals helps put them on the emotional path to health.” The rescue’s mission is to provide hope, healing and a sense of security for children and adults that have suffered severe trauma such as abuse, domestic violence and witnessing violent death (Tinyurl.com/ RanchHandRescueVideo). Riding Beyond’s four-session program, in Ashland, Oregon, is free to women recovering from the rigors of breast cancer treatment. Expenses are covered by donations from the commu-

nity. German research published in the journal Psycho-Oncology reported that 82 percent of participating breast cancer patients studied displayed symptoms of PTSD following diagnosis. “They often don’t want to touch or be touched, and have trouble with friendships and intimate relationships; issues that can cripple a woman’s life,” says Trish Broersma, founding director and a certified therapeutic riding professional at Riding Beyond (Tinyurl.com/RidingBeyondVideo). “The medical team that saved their lives doesn’t treat these issues.” The first client, unfamiliar with horses, met Mystic, who touched her on the site of the former tumor. She says, “Even weeks later, when I brought her image to mind when stressed, sad or even happy, it brought feelings of contentment, peace and well-being.” Horses have been serving humans in many ways for centuries. Equine therapy shows they have even more to give if we are open to receive. Connect with freelance writer Sandra Murphy at StLouisFreelanceWriter@ mindspring.com.

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Queen of Hearts by Chris Andrews


Being Grateful Making Art by Dale Bruder


hris Andrews imagines the mythology of the southwest, the native inhabitants, immigrants and landscape on walls, canvas and signage. Mother Nature, re-imagined by Andrews as a kvinne in a flowery landscape, graces the walls of Roses and More at a busy intersection. Jurassic skeletons rendered by Andrews grace the 30-foot-high walls of the dinosaur museum on North Main Street. Both were commissioned to magnify the presence of their establishments. 34


An immigrant from the rust belt, Andrews was immediately drawn to the vibrancy of the southwest sunlight. His take on Indian mythology—life and spirituality are one, all is connected and respected—drew him to the region, setting him on a journey to express the energy in his art. “Many of my paintings bring the personalities of the early southwest to the present. I was researching cowgirls from the 1800s to the 1950s, coming

natural awakenings

upon incredible stories of women like Prairie Rose Henderson, who designed and wore her own outfits. Women wore wide-brimmed hats and voluminous jodhpurs then. During the research, Jackson Sundown, of the Nez Perce tribe, kept coming up,” Andrews recalls the serendipity. “I was immediately attracted to him as a painting subject.” Jackson Sundown currently hangs at the Casa Bella Gallery. Andrews’ fine art paintings and airbrush canvases move around Tucson galleries with uncanny regularity. “I’m always looking for good places to show my work,” he says. Space Cowboy has appeared at Solar Culture and Raices Taller Galleries in recent months. As feted as Andrews is, his art falls victim to the churn of progress. A 25-foot wall of lush tropical jungle disappears when a new owner takes over a restaurant, and a southwest version of Van Gogh’s Starry Night erased when a building is re-purposed. “It’s a shame—it’s heartbreaking,” the artist laments. “You can only wonder what they deemed worth keeping; both murals’ versatility enhances any use those spaces could be used for.” Tenaciously persistent in his passions, Andrews steels his heart and continues producing eye shattering art. “I love what I do, like it to be enjoyed by others,” he says. A momentum drives his pragmatic philosophy. “I never know where my work will end up or who’s going to see it, what new opportunities will show up.” Andrews learned his lesson many years ago when he was asked to illustrate some military jet images for a slide show. One day he walked into the print shop he uses to see his art enlarged to immense posters high on the walls. “It was more than what I was told it would be used for. I’m glad I did a good job,” Andrews smiles. “I learned you have to do your best work all the time. You never know where it’s going to end up.” He developed an air brush technique in the early ‘70s. “It was an underutilized tool, used in animation studios and car decorating. I was using spray cans to bring out effects, masking the art to control the spray,” Andrews recalls. “There was no fine art instruction—I was forced to teach myself.” His touch

Space Cowboy by Chris Andrews Jackson Sundown by Chris Andrews

with the tool brings out three-dimensional qualities that make his paintings jump out of the canvas. “It took me years and years using the air brush every day until I could bring it from the background to the foreground.” Andrews has put his artistic mark on every conceivable object. “A family commissioned me to paint their swimming pool walls—even added windows to their house to enjoy the art,” Andrews says. He describes how the project expanded, “It’s not unusual that I’m called back to add more art. Their son was in the Coast Guard and they asked me to expand the water theme with a mural on a wall behind the pool honoring his service.” “I’m approached often when painting on a commercial wall,” Andrews shares a common artist experience. “They want a mural too, but their eyes are bigger than their budget.” Seldom turning down an opportunity, he negotiates size and detail. “My standards are to always give my best, even on a small budget. I’m grateful to be making art and that people enjoy it.” Andrews looks into his future. “I’ve got a bunch of murals in the works, both private and business commissions. I’m planning a show of portraits of powerful women I know— women who are up against massive inner and outer forces to deal with.” Photography will be done, then rendering toward preparing about 15 paintings. “I’m calling the show ‘Bad Ass’ because these women are,” he says with a grin.

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Connect with Chris Andrews at 520-325-5126 or ChisAndrews2@cox.net. Dale Bruder is a freelance writer interested in creative people, social and cultural movements and applications of ancient esoteric knowledge. Connect at 520-331-1956 or TaoTime@DaleBruder.com. February 2017




Sustainably Stylish Home Relax into Nurturing Furnishings by April Thompson


e all relish a cozy nest, whether that means lightfilled views, the embrace of form-fitting sofas and chairs or plush rugs that snuggle bare feet. A beautiful, comfortable home that reflects our personal style and embodies our values can be achieved by learning the origin of furnishings and investing in sustainably made pieces that will stand the test of time, say experts. “Furnishing a home ethically doesn’t mean sacrificing comfort or style,” says JD Doliner, a business consultant in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Doliner’s home is graced with 18thand 19th-century antiques, organic cotton mattresses, comfy custom-made chairs from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified wood and handmade wool rugs certified child-labor-free by GoodWeave. “They give me peace of mind as a humanitarian and environmentalist,” she says.

Signs of Progress

Debbie Hindman, marketing director for Associates III Interior Design, in Denver, is working with increasingly knowledgeable clients like Doliner

asking for sustainably sourced products. Manufacturers, in turn, are upping transparency about product origins, realizing it can provide a competitive edge, she notes. “We look at the story behind a product and make sure that it aligns with both our company’s and clients’ values,” says Hindman, a co-author of Sustainable Residential Interiors. “We ask questions like, ‘Are workers paid a fair wage? Was the product made with local materials? What is the story behind the company’s founding?’” The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) coalition of manufacturers, retailers and designers partners with businesses and informs consumers to increase environmentally responsible choices in the marketplace. Its 400 members commit to sustainability and transparency in their business practices and submit an annual action plan showing such efforts. Headquartered in Edenton, North Carolina, the council strives to minimize industry carbon emissions and remove unsustainable materials and harmful chemical ingredients from residential and commercial furnishings. “The residential furnishings industry frequently takes raw materials from one continent, processes and manufactures on another to be consumed on yet another, leaving a huge environmental footprint,” says Susan Inglis, the council’s executive director. As the third largest consumer of wood, these manufacturers bear significant responsibility for preserving the world’s forest ecosystems and fighting deforestation, reports Inglis.

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natural awakenings

To make informed decisions, furniture shoppers need to ask how, where, from what and by whom a potential purchase is made. Lisa Beres, a healthy home expert and former interior designer in Newport Coast, California, and author of Just Green It! advises not taking product claims at face value. Ask if the product has earned a certification like the Global Organic Textile Standard for fabrics or GreenGuard, which verifies low levels of chemical emissions. Not all natural products are sus-

tainably produced; cotton, for example, is one of the most heavily sprayed crops. Look for certified organic cotton as a responsible textile choice. Beres oday’s mass-produced furniture may conalso suggests renewable fiber sources tain hidden chemicals such as formaldelike bamboo or hemp. “Natural latex hyde-based adhesives, flame retardants and is a sound alternative to foam fillers, other volatile organic compounds (VOC) offering good support and dust mite linked to serious health issues. Researchresistance,” says Beres. ers from the Natural Resources Defense Specific animal-based products Council found 45 toxic chemicals in indoor like down feathers used in bedding dust, 10 of which were present in at least can provoke allergies and be produced 90 percent of households sampled. “These inhumanely, Beres cautions. Products chemicals enter the air as materials in the certified to the Responsible Down furnishings break down,” explains healthy Standard, which protects the wellhome expert Lisa Beres. “Because we spend an being and welfare of geese tapped average of 90 percent of our lives indoors, the exposure to harmful for their manufacture, offer a humane chemicals is troubling.” choice for fluffy down comforters. Beres advises shoppers to be wary of synthetic fabrics, which not only Look for well-crafted furniture consume nonrenewable resources like petroleum, but may also contain toxic made from locally sourced, reclaimed dyes, heavy metals or chemicals like Teflon. Foam and other fillings in mattressor FSC-certified wood instead of es, sofas and chairs are often a hidden source of off-gassing VOCs. particleboard, which usually contains The Sustainable Furnishing Council’s seal of approval and member list at formaldehyde and may be made from SustainableFurnishings.org are a good place to start to find companies commitunsustainably harvested wood. ted to offering healthier alternatives that include transparency and responsibility Sustainable furnishings are both in their manufacturing practices. better for the planet and can make a home distinctive. Natural pieces like a countertop made from reclaimed, rough-hewn wood provide a unique beauty that mass-manufactured pieces can’t match and also showcase the material’s natural form and feeling. Her firm promotes durable, timeJeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, IMD, IBDM, MPH less pieces over trendy furnishings that a client might discard in a few years. • Non-Metal Implants • All Porcelain Crowns • Safe Mercury Amalgam When it’s time to retire a piece of furand Bridges Removal niture, find a new home for it, whether • Extractions/Cavitation by donating to a charity or reselling Surgery/Protein Rich • Treatments to Avoid • Mercury Toxicity Testing Fibrinogen Root Canals and Detox Programs through a consignment store. While cutting corners on home • Ozone Therapy • General & Cosmetic Dentistry • Infant/Child Tongue furnishing choices can be tempting, Tie Release • Biocompatible Tooth • Prolozone Pain Therapy especially when shopping on a budget, Colored Fillings • On-Site Low Radiation CT • Fluoride FREE remember that today’s quality pieces may become tomorrow’s cherished Board Certified Integrative Biological Dentist • Board Certified Doctor of Integrative Medicine heirlooms. Advanced General Dentistry Degree • Masters Certification in Implants “Some will spend money on the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology Accredited Dentist latest gadget, but hesitate to invest in Masters Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health a great piece of furniture or a quality mattress they’ll spend much of their life sitting or sleeping on,” says Beres. “It’s not a splurge;• you’re investing Ozone Therapy eral & Cosmetic Dentistry Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal orcelain Crowns and in your health and• protecting Earth’s • Mercury Toxicity Testing & ges precious resources. It all comes full Detox Programs ompatible Tooth Colored circle.”

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Easy-Grow Microgreens Are Big on Nutrition by Barbara Pleasant


ast, fun to grow and packed with flavor and nutrition, tender young microgreens can go from seed to table in as little as a week. Close cousins to edible sprouts, microgreens are grown in potting soil or seed-starting mixes instead of plain water. They customarily grow beyond the sprout stage until they have produced a true leaf or two. After that, harvesting is a simple matter of snipping off fresh greens. “You don’t need a green thumb to grow microgreens, only patience and persistence,” says Mark Mathew Braunstein, in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, author of Microgreen Garden. Even first-timers can expect good results. For example, the thin shoots grown from popcorn taste like a more vibrant form of sweet corn, and pea shoots work well in wraps, salads and virtually any Asian dish. Like high-fiber wheatgrass, “Microgreens are great for juicing, either by themselves or mixed with other veggies,” says Rita Galchus (aka Sprout Lady Rita), proprietor of The Sprout House, in Lake Katrine, New York, which sells organic seeds for microgreens and sprouts. “You can add a handful of microgreens to a smoothie to ramp up the nutrition without changing



its taste or texture,” she notes.

Good Picks

The seeds of dozens of plants from alfalfa to wheat can be grown as microgreens. If seeking to maximize nutrition, put red cabbage and cilantro on the planting list. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Quality Laboratory, in Beltsville, Maryland, tested the nutritional properties of 25 microgreens; red cabbage, cilantro, garnet amaranth and green daikon radish had the highest concentrations of vitamin C, carotenoids, and vitamins K and E, respectively. Microgreens generally provide three times as much nutrition per weight as the same food eaten in its mature state. “People underestimate the intense flavor of microgreens and might try planting mustard greens or radish varieties even if they don’t like spicy flavors,” say Elizabeth Millard, an organic farmer in Northfield, Minnesota, and author of Indoor Kitchen Gardening. For beginners, large seeds that sprout quickly such as sunflowers, buckwheat and snow peas are good choices because they produce big, robust sprouts with mild flavor.

natural awakenings

Clean Greens

akepong srichaichana/Shutterstock.com


Many people also grow microgreens for their pets. “Cats tend to prefer mild, sweet-tasting microgreens such as red clover, alfalfa and flax seed,” advises Galchus. “They also love grasses grown from hard wheat, whole barley and rye. Cats cannot digest the grass, but use it to bring up indigestible matter that might be lodged in their stomachs.” Microgreens grow so fast that there’s little time for them to run into trouble. Commercial growers use large trays, but home gardeners can also use pretty coffee mugs or tofu boxes rescued from the recycling bin. Drainage holes in the container bottoms work well when growing beets or other slow-sprouting seeds, but are less important for fastgrowing sunflowers or wheat. Work only with organic seeds. Seeds sold for sprouting or bulk grains from a local health food store cost much less than the larger, robust seeds produced for gardening. Soak seeds in water overnight to jump-start germination. Place an inch or so of potting soil or seed-starting mix in the container, and then scatter the plump seeds on top. “A common beginner’s error is to sow seeds too thickly,” says Braunstein. Sown seeds should not touch each other, with most spaced about onequarter-inch apart. Spritz with water and cover with a plate or plastic wrap. At the first signs of sprouting, water and move the pot to a sunny spot near a bright window or within two inches of a bright grow light. Dribble in small amounts of water to maintain moisture over the next few days. To harvest, cut in bunches about one-half inch above the soil line. Microgreens store well in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but are best eaten fresh. For both beginners and experienced gardeners, growing microgreens provides a close-up look at seed germination, one of nature’s miracles. Award-winning garden writer Barbara Pleasant’s new book Homegrown Pantry: A Gardener’s Guide to Selecting the Best Varieties & Planting the Perfect Amounts for What You Want to Eat Year Round, will be out next month from Storey Publishing.




by Emily Esfahani Smith


sychologist Ty Tashiro reports in The Science of Happily Ever After that only three in 10 couples remain in healthy, happy marriages. Psychologist John Gottman, in New York City, has studied couples for four decades seeking to understand successful relationships. He and his psychologist wife, Julie, founded The Gottman Institute that helps couples build and maintain loving, healthy relationships based on scientific studies. Using data from his Love Lab at the University of Washington, John separated thousands of couples into two groups: masters (still happy after six years) and disasters (separated or chronically unhappy in their marriages). One of Gottman’s studies watched 130 newlywed vacationing couples and found that partners regularly made bids for connection, requesting responses from their mate. Choices to “turn toward” or “turn away” revealed the level of engagement and respect in the relationship. Couples that divorced within six years had shown “turn toward” bids a third of the time

while couples still together responded to their partner’s emotional need nine times out of 10. An integral element is the spirit couples bring to the relationship: kindness and generosity or contempt, criticism and hostility. “There’s a key habit of mind that the masters have,” Gottman explains. “They are scanning the social environment for things they can appreciate and express thanks for. Disasters are scanning for partners’ mistakes.”


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People focused on criticizing miss 50 percent of positive things their partners are doing and see negativity when it’s absent. Deliberately ignoring their partner or responding minimally to opportunities for small moments of emotional connection devalues and kills a relationship. Kindness, conversely, glues couples together, making each partner feel cared for, understood, validated and loved. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that the more someone receives or witnesses kindness, the more they will be kind themselves, creating upward spirals of love and generosity. Practicing kindness during a fight is vital. Letting contempt and aggression spiral out of control during a conflict can inflict irrevocable damage. “Kindness doesn’t mean that we don’t express anger,” Julie explains, “But it informs how we choose to express it. You can either throw spears or explain why you’re hurt and angry, which is the kinder path.” Kindness can also solidify the backbone of a relationship by being generous about our partner’s intention and avoiding misinterpreting what’s motivating their behavior. “Even if it’s executed poorly, appreciate the intent,” Tashiro advises. Clearly, if we want to have a stable, healthy relationship, exercise kindness early and often and let a spirit of generosity guide happy years together. Emily Esfahani Smith is the author of The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters. Connect at EmilyEsfahaniSmith. com or on Twitter @emesfahanismith.

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Transforming the Way Women Relate to Men An Interview with Alison Armstrong

reward equal to or greater than the energy he’ll have to expend. Years ago, I described to my husband in colorful detail the experience of falling into the toilet in the middle of the night; he took it upon himself to make sure that never again happens to the women he loves.

What’s the secret to navigating partners’ differing needs and drives for physical intimacy?

by April Thompson


or 25 years, relationship expert Alison Armstrong has worked to evolve society by changing the way women relate to men. Her yearning to understand the opposite sex was born from personal challenges, including a failed marriage in her 20s. She began studying men on her own, at the age of 30, beginning with the question, “What if men are responding to women?” What started out as a personal inquiry has become a lifelong pursuit and she’s shared her findings with millions of men and women worldwide. Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of PAX Programs, addresses gender differences, sexuality and relationships. She has written three books, including The Queen’s Code, and speaks to interpersonal insights through workshops, webinars and teleclasses, including free recordings and articles at UnderstandMen.com. Armstrong and her second husband have been happily married for 23 years and now live in Colorado.

Which core differences between men and women cause everyday misunderstandings? The biggest source of mischief is denying that differences exist at all. Both men and women tend to assume that each is a version of the other, which creates significant misunderstandings. We interact with our partners by doing or saying what works for us. When that 40


The secret is to stop leaving our sex lives to the whims of biology, or making decisions based on whether we “feel like it.” doesn’t get the response Waiting for a time when both partners we’re expecting, we feel like it, the kids are at Grandma’s usually draw incorrect and we’re not too tired leads to sex conclusions and act in happening too rarely. Delicious sexual counterproductive ways. partnerships begin when we decide to For example, men stop waiting and instead work on creatand women relate to ing the circumstances that put us in the feelings differently. mood. Women often make life One example is learning to offer decisions based on their “dessert”. Using the desire for food as a feelings about something metaphor for the desire for sex, we’re ofor someone. To men, ten trying to eat together when only one who tend to rely on facts partner is hungry. But dessert sounds and set aside feelings, delicious anytime; examples might be this approach can seem massage or kissing or other physical irrational, and relating to women as iractivities. Find out what reliably perks rational has predictably bad outcomes. up a partner’s interest and put that on the menu. Where does a couple best start

to heal the communication divide?

The most powerful thing men and women can do is to address misunderstandings with openness and curiosity rather than assuming we know why our partner did or said something. We should ask ourselves, “What if there’s a good reason for that?” Don’t assume that what’s true for her is also true for him, and vice versa. Once a couple chooses to give each other the benefit of the doubt, a few simple changes can further open up communication. Saying “I need” instead of “I want” will make a huge difference. Because being “needy” is considered unattractive, women avoid this word, not realizing that it connects with a man’s instinct to provide. When asking for something, it’s important to say what it would provide us. For him, there needs to be a

natural awakenings

How can a woman satisfy a man’s desire to provide without sacrificing her independence? American culture tells women that being low-maintenance matters most. Yet, when we allow our partners to fulfill our needs, it can help us unlock our own greatness, as well as theirs. Men are driven to provide for their loved ones and denying them such opportunities takes away their life’s pursuit, which can be emasculating. By asking for what we need, women create opportunities for partnership, satisfaction and fulfillment for both partners. When we allow the men in our life to contribute to us and learn to receive graciously, we discover that it doesn’t diminish our power. Connect with freelance writer April Thompson, of Washington, D.C., at AprilWrites.com.

Sacred Pilgrimage to Egypt with Rae Chandran

March 31 – April 9, 2017 10 days / 9 nights Cost: $3,800 - $4,200 (airfare not included)


his magical retreat offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience Egypt with a custom guided program led by internationally renowned channeler and author Rae Chandran that combines nature, history, adventure and spiritual experiences in some of the most magnificent spots in the world. Experience daily channelings, meditations, intention ceremonies, activations and initiations in power spots guided by Chandran. Some of the places that will be visited include the Great Pyramids (private two-hour visit), Initiation in King’s chamber, Sphinx, Temple of Sekhmet and 7 Gates (private visit), Channeling in Abydos, Sakkara and Memphis, Valley of the Kings and Hatshepsut Temple, Hathor Temple, Alabaster Mosque, Coptic Church and the Cairo Museum, Isis Temple, Temple of Horus and Komombo Temple and many more.

Chandran is a teacher, channeler and energy healer. He has been on the path of self-discovery for more than three decades and through the awakenings and understandings he has had over these years, he shares these truths to all the people he comes in contact with. He teaches these truths through the various workshops he conducts in many parts of the world like Japan, USA, Brazil, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Shanghai, India and Vietnam. He also leads people to power spots and power vortexes in countries like Egypt, Israel, Greece and Morocco. Chandran is the author of five books. The content of all of these books is completely channeled.

Spiritual Retreat in Israel – July 2017

Meditations, Initiations and Channelings

To register for the Egypt or Israel tour or for more information, call Susan Deflavis Winters at 239-340-1036 or visit Panguswf@gmail.com February For more information about Rae Chandran, visit RaeChandran.com



FIT FOR LIFE How to Stay Healthy, Flexible and Strong by Aimee Hughes


hen thinking about the best forms of exercise as we enter midlife and beyond, we should first clarify some myths and preconceptions,” says Michael Spitzer, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, biochemist, fitness expert and author of Fitness at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond. “In our society, there’s a mindset that once we pass our 40th year, it’s all downhill from there. Our metabolism slows and we gain weight, lose mobility and flexibility, deal with more aches and pains, experience shortness of breath and the list goes on.” According to Spitzer, this all can happen, but it’s more of a self-fulfilling prophecy than destiny. “Research with older people at both rehabilitation and nursing centers tells us that the human body wasn’t designed to begin a major decline in function until age 70, barring major illness or accidents along the way. Most of individual decline is due to lifestyle choices, not nature’s plan.” Spitzer teaches his clients that weight training is essential for every age group. “After age 30, most people lose between 0.5 to 1 percent of lean muscle fiber per year, which directly affects the basal metabolic rate. Much like a car engine, the more lean muscle mass we



have, the more energy our ‘engine’ uses, even when idling. If not prevented, by age 50, for example, we may have lost as much as 20 percent of the lean muscle fiber we had when we were 30.” He also recommends regular cardiovascular exercise. “Do a good round of cardio inside your target heart rate zone for 30 minutes at least three times a week. It’s vital for lung and heart health, the primary benefit of cardio exercise as opposed to just burning calories.” “For those in their 40s, I recommend high-intensity interval training such as burst training, along with a mind-body practice like power yoga or budokon,” says Nelson Pahl, of Northfield, Minnesota, managing editor of Longevity Times. “Vinyasa yoga, tai chi and cycling are ideal during our 50s, while hatha yoga, tai chi, or qigong and hiking work well in our 60s.” “Most of my clients are 70 and up,” notes Gwyneth Jones, an active aging specialist at the Carriage Club, in Kansas City, Missouri, who also trains physical therapists, rehabilitation specialists and movement educators. “They enjoy mixing up their daily exercise routines and look forward to the support and encouragement of their classmates.

natural awakenings

Discussions include lighthearted wordplay and questions about anatomy and physiology.” Pahl urges everyone at every age, “Consume only whole foods, always.” He rarely drinks alcohol and begins every day with yoga and qigong. “Also, be sure to stay well hydrated,” adds Jones. “This will keep your joints healthy, skin clear and moist, digestion more efficient and detoxification of organ systems more effective. Add fresh lemon if you like.” Physical fitness is only one aspect of aging gracefully. Spiritual growth lifts and lightens any mental and emotional load, while supporting physical well-being. Spitzer also recommends, “Reading, learning to play a musical instrument, crafting activities, computer strategy games or doing other activities that require concentration or new problemsolving skills; all help the mind stay tuned up and sharp.” It’s always healthy to break

out of normal routines and comfort zones, venture into new worlds, volunteer and do what makes our heart soar. Jones advises, “Choose activities that feel good, refreshing, include people you enjoy, and are done in pleasant environments. Don’t forget to revel in sunshine or a good book on a rainy day. Listen to music, play music, sing and dance every day.” Maturity brings benefits we can embrace with delight when we bring loving attention and happy novelty to life. Aimee Hughes, a freelance writer in Kansas City, MO, is a doctor of naturopathy and consultant for the Yandara Yoga Institute. Connect at ChezAimee@gmail.com.

Aila Images/Shutterstock.com

Nejron Photo/Shutterstock.com


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Gem Show: Crystal Singing Bowl Clinic – 5-6pm. With Tryshe Dhevney. Learn to choose and play the Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for personal or professional use. No charge. The Days Inn, 222 S Freeway Rd. 520-440-7820. TrysheDhevney@cox.net. SoundShifting.com. The Gift of the Infinite: Workshop and Meditation with Don Jose Ruiz – 7-9pm. Come make an agreement of love to let go of whatever is taking your inspiration away and transform your life into a masterpiece of art. $35-$45. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. MiguelRuiz.com/events. facebook.com/ GalacticCenter.

calendarofevents Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalTucson.com for guidelines and to submit listings.

markyourcalendar CRYSTAL TONES ALCHEMY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS February 1 through February 11 Visit our Crystal Tones Temple, the crystal sound oasis and vibrational heart of the Tucson Gem Show. Our Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are the highest frequency self transformational tools available. Join our Crystal Bowl Masters as they introduce you to your own harmonic set. Over 4,000 Bowls on display at two locations.

Arizona Riverpark Inn • 777 W Cushing St, 85745 The Days Inn • 222 S Freeway, 85745 Free Crystal Bowl Workshops; see event calendar for dates/times

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Stroll For Well-Being – 10-11:30am. Scientifically proven two month long healing walk program that reduces anxiety and stress, and helps increase peacefulness. $25. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520-272-3200. Yume.Gardens@gmail.com. YumeGardens.org. Demystifying Tai Chi and Qi Gong – 12-1pm. With Stefanie MacKenzie. Learn the history and practice as well as benefits of these modalities. No charge. Banner UMCT AZ Cancer Center, 1515 N Campbell, Rm 2920. 520-694-4605. Marsha. Drozdoff@BannerHealth.com. USCC.Arizona.edu. Herbal Lotions and Balm Making – 2-3pm. With Dr. Jacqueline Soule. Learn to make herbal lotions and balms and leave with recipes and samples to use at home. No charge. Martha Cooper Library, 1377 N Catalina Ave. 520-594-5315. Pima.BiblioCommons.com. Crystal Bowl Sound Bath with Lauri Poldre 6-7pm. Free. Days Inn, 222 S Freeway. Rumi, Walking the Inner Path of Love – 6:308:30pm. Four-week experiential workshop starting Feb 1 exploring the words of the mystical poet Rumi. $10/materials. Classes by donation. CSL Tucson’s Office & Ed Center, 4200 E River Rd, 520 319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org.



SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Call ahead to confirm event


Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair – 9am-4pm. Tucson’s premier community of independent psychics, healers and crafts people. No charge. Doubletree at Alvernon, 445 S Alvernon Way. 513-476-2222. Larimar2000@hotmail.com. LarryMartin.biz.

Stroll For Well-Being – 10-11:30am. Scientifically proven two month long healing walk program that reduces anxiety and stress, and helps increase peacefulness. $25. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520-272-3200. Yume.Gardens@gmail.com. YumeGardens.org.

Harold Payne Speaking – 10:30am-12pm. Awardwinning, innovative musical performer Harold Payne speaks and sings during the Sunday Celebration Services of the Center for Spiritual Living Tucson. By donation. Nickerson Performing Arts Center, 3231 N Craycroft Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@ TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org.

Gem Show: Crystal Singing Bowl Clinic – 5-6pm. With Tryshe Dhevney. Learn to choose and play the Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for personal or professional use. No charge. The Days Inn, 222 S Freeway Rd. 520-440-7820. TrysheDhevney@cox.net. SoundShifting.com.

Gem Show: Crystal Singing Bowl Clinic – 11am2pm. With Tryshe Dhevney. Learn to choose and play the Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for personal or professional use. No charge. The Days Inn, 222 S Freeway Rd. 520-440-7820. TrysheDhevney@cox.net. SoundShifting.com.

Cactus Society to Hear Argentina’s Plants – 7-9pm. Guillermo Rivera, director of Florida’s South American Tours will discuss Argentina’s plants. Ages 14 and up welcome. No charge. Sky Islands Public High School, 6000 E 14th St. 520-256-2447. TCSS@ TucsonCactus.org. TucsonCactus.org.

PosiPalooza Concert – 2:30-4:30pm. Positive music artists Harold Payne, Freebo and Richard Mekdeci will be performing in concert. $20. Nickerson Performing Arts Center, 3231 N Craycroft Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Gem Show: Crystal Singing Bowl Clinic – 5-6pm. With Tryshe Dhevney. Learn to choose and play the Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for personal or professional use. No charge. The Days Inn, 222 S Freeway Rd. 520-440-7820. TrysheDhevney@cox.net. SoundShifting.com. IONS Tucson Speaker Series – 6:30-8:30pm. UA Prof. Dr. Gary Schwartz speaks on Super Synchronicity: Where Science And Spirit Meet based on his new book. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640. Info@IONSTucson.org. IONSTucson.org.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 10am-12am. Presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No Charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-548-4558. DonnasAliveWater@gmail.com. Reiki Level I Training – 11am-5pm. Original, traditional Usui Reiki Training delivered by Usui Master/Teacher Danielle Dvorak. She is 12th generation from Dr. Usui, so a purer training and lineage than most. $150. Private Home, 4665 E Via Pimeria Alta. 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com.

natural awakenings

Sacred Space: Emotional Alchemy – 4-5:30pm. With Dr. Sanjay Manchanda. Live music from Anton Shekerdzhiev. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@ SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. Travel through space, time, the cosmos, into the center of the Earth, and more via the sounds and vibrations of the Earth Gong. $15-$20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Power of Life Coaching – 5:30-6:30pm. With Denisse Cabrera. Informational session for women ages 30-50 who want to simplify their lives, increase desired results, and want a better understanding of how life coaching can help. RSVP for details. No charge. 520-979-4600. RiseAboveItCoach@gmail.com. RiseAboveItCoach.com. Stress, Adrenal Fatigue and Weight Connection – 6:30-7:30pm. Discover how chronic stress affects our adrenal glands and leads to weight gain. Pre-register. No charge. Jade Star Acupuncture, 4500 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 80. 520-881-0827. Christi@ JadeStarAcupuncture.com. JadeStarAcupuncture.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Overcoming Depression – 5-6pm. Discover the role of diet, posture, hormones and sleep in overcoming depression. Attendees receive a $40 gift certificate toward initial appointment. No charge. Natural Grocers, 5600 E River Rd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing. Tucson@gmail.com. InspiredHealing.org. Gem Show: Crystal Singing Bowl Clinic – 5-6pm. With Tryshe Dhevney. Learn to choose and play the Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for personal or professional use. No charge. The Days Inn, 222 S Freeway Rd. 520-440-7820. TrysheDhevney@cox.net. SoundShifting.com. TIES Guest Speaker: Robin Aisha Landsong – 6:30-8:30pm. Kidnapped and taken to Africa, 8-yr old Robin escaped and was adopted. Shot by a hostile soldier, 5 beings guided her NDE and her mother’s song brought her back. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. Info@AZIANDS.org. AZIANDS.org.

markyourcalendar THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF CHAKRA YOGA AND SOUND HEALING February 10 to 12 Mother-daughter team of sound pioneer Jovita Wallace and yoga instructor Morgana Wallace Cooper will present a special weekend of renewal, combining chakra yoga and pure tone quartz crystal bowl vibration. $350 retreat fee covers all meditation and yoga sessions and three meals: Friday and Saturday dinner and a special Sunday “Chakra Brunch.” Sonoran Desert Inn and Conference Center, Ajo Arizona Accommodations are not included. Contact: Jovita Wallace 928-919-6880 • Jovitabinb@yahoo.com or Morgana Wallace Cooper 520-419-9183 • EveMorgana@yahoo.com

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Gem Show: Crystal Singing Bowl Clinic – 5-6pm. With Tryshe Dhevney. Learn to choose and play the Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for personal or professional use. No charge. The Days Inn, 222 S Freeway Rd. 520-440-7820. TrysheDhevney@ cox.net. SoundShifting.com. Introduction to Shamanic Healing – 7-8:30pm. With Michelle Mann, Spiritual Shamanic Healer. Experience empowerment and gratitude in your life. Space limited, please pre-register. $7. Cloud Nine Flotation, 2118 S Avenida Planeta. 520-668-4017. Info@FloatTucson.com. Authentic-Choices.com. Myths and Masks with Will Clipman – 7-9pm. Seven-time Grammy Nominee Will uses his original multi-cultural mask art and transforms himself into a cast of characters each of whom narrates a mythopoetic tale. $10. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. Facebook.com/GalacticCenter.

Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 6:30-8:30pm. Spanish Presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-440-5871. Andres@FamilyFoundations.com.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Primordial Buddhism Lecture and Meditation – 9:30am-12pm. With Rev. Fukuoka, High Priest from Japan. Introduction to Buddhism, the heart of all Buddha’s sacred teachings, Honmon Butsuryu Shu, Kushokai Meditation. No charge. The Little Chapel of All Nations, 1401 East 1st St. HBSArizona@gmail.com. Film Screening: Matilda – 10-11:30am. Based on the children’s novel by Roald Dahl, Matilda is a modern day fairytale that mixes hilarious humor, magical hijinks and whole lot of kid power. No charge. Loft Cinema, 3233 E Speedway Blvd. 520-322-5638. Info@LoftCinema.org. LoftCinema.org. Crystal Bowl Workshop Final Series with Tryshe Dhevney – 11-12pm. Days Inn, 222 S Freeway.

Concert: Robert Rich – 8-10:15pm. Robert Rich has helped define the genres of ambient music, darkambient, tribal and trance, yet his music remains hard to categorize. His unique sound comes from using home-made acoustic and electronic instruments. $20. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. Facebook.com/ GalacticCenter.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Aqua Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Jessica Byron. Yoga stretches in the comfort and support of 96 degree warm water open possibilities for better balance, breathing and relaxation. Pre-register. $15/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-370-3499. JeByron@yahoo.com. HealingPathYoga.net. ZY Qigong Practice – 12-1:30pm. Go into a relaxed state of being and expand your own awareness within. Feel your body move into a higher level of vibration. $10/suggested donation. Desert Milgros, 3438 N Country Club. 520-404-8745. QigongMark@yahoo.com. Meetup.com/Tucson-ZYQigong-Meetup.

A Singing Medicine Workshop With Robin Landsong and John Utter – 2pm. People have been Tucson Astrologers’ Guild Free Beginners’ profoundly moved, and feel renewed creativity for Class – 11am-12pm. Learn more about yourself and their purpose. $40/non-members; $30/members. significant others. No charge. Comfort Suites, 7007 Unity of Tucson, 3617 Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. E Tanque Verde Rd. 520-625-5762. GaelChilson@ Info@AZIANDS.org. AZIANDS.org. gmail.com. TucsonAstrologersGuild.org. Sacred Space: Why Me? Karma - The Law of Love and Karma Readings: Understanding & Cause and Effect – 4-5:30pm. With Gen Kelsang Overcoming Karmic Obstacles to Love – 12-1pm. Lingpur. Live music from Marla Holdaway. SupWith Rev. Genie Joseph, Ph.D. Personal love reading portive community for the change you seek in your to all who attend. $40. United Fellowship Chapel, life and the world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@ 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@SacredSpaceTucson.org. icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Turn Up Energy and Creativity – 1-2pm. Learn Coffee with the Author – 7pm. Cowboy poet how Network Spinal Analysis can help you. AtBill Black entertains, enlightens and uses Western tendees receive a $40 gift certificate toward initial Americana themes to reveal how the changing appointment. No charge. Inspired Healing, 4858 E American West affects our society today. By Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing. donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Tucson@gmail.com. InspiredHealing.org. Harmony Hall. 520-488-8284. MollyHNelson@ Stroll For Well-Being – 2-3:30pm. Scientifically gmail.com. UnityPeaceAZ.com. proven two month long healing walk program that reduces anxiety and stress, and increases peaceful- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 ness. $25. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 Power of Life Coaching – 5:30-6:30pm. With N Alvernon Way. 520-272-3200. Yume.Gardens@ Denisse Cabrera. Informational session for women gmail.com. YumeGardens.org. ages 30-50 who want to simplify their lives, increase Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path – desired results, and want a better understanding of 3-4:30pm. Join like-minded friends to learn and how life coaching can help. RSVP for details. No practice a simple, spiritual technique for healing of charge. 520-979-4600. RiseAboveItCoach@gmail. the mind, body and more. All welcome. No charge. com. RiseAboveItCoach.com. Banner UMC, 1501 N Campbell Ave, Cafeteria Rm E. 520-904-4801. WeissMae@email.arizona. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 edu. Bruno-Groening.org. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and PTSD – Gong Bath – 3:30-5pm. Allow the healing frequencies of the Earth Gong to wash over and through you, calming the monkey mind and nervous system. You become the sound. $15; $20/after 2/6. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 847-323-9188. Danielle@ Replevyn.com. YogaConnection.org.

3-4pm. Learn what these illnesses have in common. Learn concrete strategies to bring relief today. Attendees receive a $40 gift certificate toward initial appointment. No charge. Natural Grocers, 7220 E Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing. Tucson@gmail.com. InspiredHealing.org.

Gem Show: Crystal Singing Bowl Clinic – 5-6pm. With Tryshe Dhevney. Learn to choose and play the Crystal Tones Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for personal or professional use. No charge. The Days Inn, 222 S Freeway Rd. 520-440-7820. TrysheDhevney@cox.net. SoundShifting.com.

ReAffirmation of Vows (to Yourself) – 7-8pm. Celebrating the Vow to value and appreciate yourself is an unfamiliar idea to many. Come find out how. By donation. CSL Tucson’s Office & Ed Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org.

February 2017


calendarofevents IONS Tucson Psychic Explorers Group – 7-9pm. Explore your inner psychic self. Topic: What if you could change your life through your dreams? By donation. Unity of Tucson Annex, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640. Info@IONSTucson.org. IONSTucson.org.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 6:30-8:30pm. Presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No Charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-869-6782. Bill@TheHealthyCouple.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Free Holistic Animal Care LifeStyle Course by Dr. Newman – 6-7pm. Four-week course will cover a variety of topics up to and including, nutrition, body and energy work. No charge. Holistic Animal Care Shoppe, 7334 E Broadway Dr. 520-886-1726. Info@HolisticAnimalCareShoppes. com. HolisticAnimalCareShoppes.com. Enter the Realm of Magic: A Celebration of Music, Healing and Dance – 7-9pm. With Serena and Richard, you will enter the Realm of Magic on a deep and heartfelt journey into music, dance, and healing intentions. $10-$15. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. Facebook.com/GalacticCenter.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Introduction to Sound Healing – 7-8:30pm. Experience 4 different instruments used in Sound Therapy including bowls, pyramids, and chimes. Learn the origins of Sound Therapy and where it’s going. Space limited, pre-register. $7. Cloud Nine Flotation, 2118 S Avenida Planeta. 520-668-4017. Info@FloatTucson.com. FloatTucson.com.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Reiki I & II Certification – 12-2:30pm. Wth Rev. Dorothea and Rev. Howard. Learn Reiki hands-on healing, enhancing your ability to heal yourself and others. Receive Reiki I & II Attunements and Certificates. $150. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com.

We can never

obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves. ~Dalai Lama



Beginner’s Open House: Kadampa Meditation Center – 7-8pm. For those new to Buddhism and meditation. Guided relaxation breathing meditation and short talk on meditation and Buddhism. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@MeditationInTucson.org. MeditationInTucson.org.

Bio-Touch Workshop: Alzheimer’s and Dementia – 6-8pm. Learn the Bio-Touch points necessary to address these conditions. Easy to learn, simple to apply and notice results. $10/members, $15/nonmembers. Massage therapists earn 2 CEUs (add $5). Bio-Touch Center, 5634 E Pima St. 520-323-7951. Office@JustTouch.com. JustTouch.com. TIES Guest Speakr: Lesley Lupo – 6:30-8:30pm. Lesley Lupo was declared dead when horses crushed her body against a barn. Watching from a few feet away, she then ascended and was taught by Light Beings. LightThePath.com. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. Info@AZIANDS.org. TucsonIANDS.org. Institute of Applied Metaphysics Grand Opening – 12-2pm. Practical applications of metaphysical thought and understanding to create solutions for life issues. Learn about and register for various classes. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne. 520-327-0142. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com. Angel Gong Wave – 3-4:30pm. With Marcia Breitenbach, MA. Enjoy the angelic sound of gong vibration meditation while relaxing comfortably in 96 degree indoor saltwater pool. $20. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-975-5376. MillMarcia@gmail.com. SpiritedChangeAZ.com. The Night of Lord Shiva – 6-8:30pm. Live music, Indian dance and temple ceremonies, kids activities and a free vegetarian feast after the temple ceremonies. No charge. Govinda’s Natural Food Buffet, 711 East Blacklidge. GovindasOfTucson 520-792-0630. Sandamini108@gmail.com. GovindasOfTucson.com. Dreamcasting: 2017 Dream Board Workshop – 1-3:30pm. Create your vision of the life you want to live in the new year. Bring scissors, magazines, or printed words you know are important to you. $36. Jewish Federation Board Rm, 3822 East River Rd, 520-305-5393. TucsonFeldenkrais@gmail.com. TucsonFeldenkrais.com. Sacred Space: Mindful Communication – 4-5:30pm. With Peter Woods. Live music from Anton Shekerdzhiev. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@ SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Concert: Crown of Eternity-Sound Journey – 6-8pm. Crown of Eternity will you bathe you in waves of sound from over 60 vibrational instruments (multiple gongs, gong oblongs, bells, sound plates, sound triangles, and Himalayan singing bowls). $20$25. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. Facebook.com/ GalacticCenter.



Candlelit Restorative Yoga: Change of Seasons – 4:30-6:30pm. Restorative practice allows you to center your breath and body through relaxation and stillness. All levels. $25/non-members; $20/ members. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot, #123. 520-300-4378. Info@MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Tucson Metaphysics Fair – 9am-4pm. This is a new metaphysics fair that will include a variety of vendors, readers, and healers. It will be an ongoing fair held on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Cost varies per vendor. InnSuites Tucson Foothills Best Western, 6201 N Oracle Rd. 520-579-8930. Holistic Animal Care Shop: Love Your Vendors Because Your Vendors Love You – 12-4pm. Meet some of our vendors and the owner. Fun day with your furry friends and your entire family. No charge. Holistic Animal Care Shoppe, 7334 E Broadway Dr. 520-886-1727. Info@HolisticAnimalCare Shoppes.com. HolisticAnimalCareShoppes.com. Meditation Workshop – 3-4:30pm. Discover some tools to help you with your meditation practice. You’ll have the opportunity to try a number of various techniques. It’s so much easier than you think. $15-$20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com. Sacred Space – 4-5:30pm. Live music Caroline Ragano. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@ SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. Enjoy the clearing of your energy field! The sounds and vibrations of the Paiste Earth Gong are excellent at doing this. Refresh and renew yourself. $15-$20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@ Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com.


February Flower Class: Iris – 6-7:30pm. Turn irises into a beautiful spring arrangement that is yours to keep. Learn to place, cut and take care of the flowers so they will last. $60. Flower Shop on 4th Avenue, 531 N 4th Ave. 520-622-7673. FlowerShopOn4th.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Parkinson’s-Understanding the Bigger Picture – 5-6pm. Learn to cope with the dangers of being in constant survival mode. Learn how prevention is possible. Attendees receive gift certificate for $40 towards initial appointment. No charge. Natural Grocers, 5600 E River Rd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing.Tucson@ gmail.com. InspiredHealing.org.

natural awakenings

Ikebana Flower Arrangement Festival – 2/24-3/2. Six day exhibition of memorable examples of Ikebana, the traditional Japanese art of flower arranging. Dozens of arrangements throughout the gardens/galleries. Free with regular admission 2130 N Alvernon Way. Yume.Gardens@gmail.com. YumeGardens.org.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Brush Calligraphy Demonstration by Yoshi Nakano – 1pm. The ancient art of brush calligraphy is a visual form of music that harmonizes with the breath, ink, paper, water and tranquil timeless space. Experience echo of Qi with the deep engagement and absorption of the natural elements and beyond. Free with regular admission 2130 N Alvernon Way. YumeGardens.org. Yume.Gardens@gmail.com.



Power of Life Coaching – 5:30-6:30pm. With Denisse Cabrera. Informational session for women ages 30-50 who want to simplify their lives, increase desired results, and want a better understanding of how life coaching can help. RSVP for details. No charge. 520-979-4600. RiseAboveItCoach@gmail.com. RiseAboveItCoach.com.

Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 10am-12am. Presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No Charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-548-4558. DonnasAliveWater@gmail.com.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 From Touchy to Touching-Demystifying the Dying Process – 12-1pm. With Tani Bahti, RN. Ed support Understand the changes related to the dying process, and dynamics of communication and closure. U of A Cancer Center-University Campus, 1515 N Campbell, Rm 2920. 520-694-4605. Marsha. Drozdoff@bannerhealth.com. UACC.Arizona.edu. Book Study: The Trance of Scarcity – 6:30-8:30pm. 6-weeks. Book by Victoria Castle, Somatic coach. Explore your personal abundance. $16/book. Classes by donation. CSL Tucson’s Office & Ed Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org.

markyourcalendar HORMONES IN HARMONY FREE SEMINAR Thursday, March 2 • 6-8pm What every woman over 35 should know about hormones, hormone replacement therapy, menopause, and libido… Speakers: Arianna Sholes-Douglas MD, FACOG Dana Reed-Kane, Pharm. D Space is limited. RSVP: 520-577-1129 or RSVP@TulaWellnessMD.com Food and Beverages provided

Introductory Workshop: Step Into SoulCollage – 1-4pm. Learn about SoulCollage, an intuitive collage process for self-discovery and the joy of creativity. Create your own deck of cards. Snack and supplies included. $45. Expressive Arts Studio, 3838 E Ft Lowell. 520-906-7542. Inspire@ ArtsForTheHeart.com. ArtsForTheHeart.com.

MONDAY, MARCH 6 Avoiding Gluten in the Real World – 6:30-7:30pm. Find out where gluten may be hiding, learn how to identify gluten on packaging, and discover how to avoid cross-contamination in your kitchen. No charge. Jade Star Acupuncture, 4500 E Speedway Blvd. 520-881-0827. Christi@JadeStarAcupuncture. com. JadeStarAcupuncture.com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 11 Soul Radiance Retreat – 9am-12:30pm. 3/11-3/12. With Sarah McLean. Almost everyone needs a little time to unplug from their hectic lives now and again. Prior experience with meditation necessary. $325. Sedona Rouge, 2250 West Hwy 89A, Sedona. 928-204-0067. Events@McleanMeditation.com. McLeanMeditation.com.

MONDAY, MARCH 20 14 Days To Gluten Free – 6:30-7:30pm. Identify sources of gluten in your diet and how to remove gluten for good. Includes 2 classes, menu, support group, informational handouts and more. $49. Jade Star Acupuncture, 4500 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 80. 520-881-0827. Christi@JadeStarAcupuncture.com. JadeStarAcupuncture.com.


8-month Crystal Sound Healing Mentorship Begins April 14 ​Called to work with the exquisite harmonics of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls in your personal life or healing practice? Join best-selling Sounds True recording artist, Tryshe Dhevney, on a transformational 8-month experiential sound healing journey to fully optimize your work with authentic and intuitive crystal bowl sound healing. For details, visit SoundShifting.com

markyourcalendar THANK YOU FOR SERVING: THE BENEFIT Sunday, April 23 • 7-10pm. This year’s variety show benefits local veterans and features headliner Tommy Blaze. Blaze is smarter, funnier and cuter than Dr. Phil as he jokes about the ultimate battle of the sexes/ marriage. Tickets are $20, $30, and $60 (VIP). Fox Tucson Theatre • 17 W Congress 520-547-3040 FoxTucson.com • ComedyForCharity.org

Call ahead to confirm event

ongoingevents Consult the I Ching Oracle – 11am-6pm. The I Ching is an Oracle tool to ask the what and how of be do have. Readings on day of lunar phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson – 10am-4pm; $25-$90. 2614 N Balboa. 520-331-1956. daily, Tuesday through Sunday. Closed June- TaoTime@DaleBruder.com. DaleBruder.com. September. Covering three quarters of an acre, it comprises five traditional visions of landscape. In each, nature is balanced by the human hand to render the serene elegance and subtle spirit of an authentic Japanese garden. 2130 N Alvernon Way.



American Indian Arts Exposition – 1/29-2/12. 10am-5pm. 2/12: 10am-4pm. Demonstrations and artists change every 3-7 days during show. Authentic crafts and art from 80 tribal nations. Custom made jewelry/repairs while you wait. Quality Inn Flamingo Ballroom, 1300 N. Stone Ave. USAIndianInfo.com/ events.


Silent Prayer and Meditation – 8:45-9:30am. Experience the exquisite peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. 520-546-3696. RevNita@ UnityPeaceAZ.com. UnityPeaceaAZ.com.

FoodInRoot St. Philip’s Plaza Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. One of the largest farmers markets in Southwestern Arizona and has a regional reputation for the number of local farmers it supports. No charge. St. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. FoodInRoot.com. Salt Tastings; St Phillips Plaza Farmer’s Market – 9am-1pm. Cloud Nine Flotation offers salt tastings plus information on the Sensory Deprivation Tank and Color Therapy Glasses. No charge. St. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. 520-668-4017. Info@FloatTucson.com. FloatTucson.com. Religious Service – 9am. St Michael’s ECC, the other Catholic Church. Feminist? GLBTQ? Catholic? We are and more. No charge. Chapel - First Christian Church, 740 E Speedway, 520-575-8486. StMichaelsECC@q.com. StMichaelsECC.org.

February 2017


ongoingevents Introduction to Meditation by Junjo Michael – 9:30am & 5pm. Restore, renew, reconnect with simple meditation and breathing exercises that lead to inner calm and peace. By donation. No charge. Mindful Yoga East, 1101 N Wilmot, #123. 520-300-4378. Info@MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Center for Spiritual Living Tucson’s Sunday Celebration Services – Join like-minded individuals for meditation at 10am and then joyous music and a life-affirming talk at 10:30am. Potluck lunch follows on First Sundays. By donation. Center for Spiritual Living Tucson, 3231 N Craycroft Rd, Auditorium. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org. The Deeper Meaning of Jesus’ Words – 10-11am. Explore underlying ideas of our Christianity. Learn techniques to gain greater abundance and happiness. Child care, youth and teen programs. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-303-6942. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityUS.com. Teen Support – 10-11am. Teens’ Safe Space. Unity of Tucson offers teens a program where understanding sponsors and other teens can support their journey. For ages 12 to 19. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco Pl, Rm 2. 520-488-8284. UnityTucson.com. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace Sunday Celebration – 10:30-11:30am. Potluck last Sunday. Learn to live your spiritual potential and purpose. Pray, sing and celebrate oneness in community. All welcome. Sunday school available for children. 1551 S Eastside Loop #121. 520-546-3696. Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com. UnityPeaceAZ.com. Community Potluck – 10:30am-12:30pm. Last Sunday of the month. Spiritual life is best lived with friends. Enjoy a community potluck and get to know one another. By donation. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop #121. 520-546-3696. RevNita@UnityPeaceAZ.com. UnityPeaceAZ.com. The Temple of Universality Sunday Service – 11am. With Founder Rev. Betty Tatalajski. Celebrating the Unity of God and Man, worship, healing, prophesy. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 520-884-5340. TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com. TheTempleOfUniversality.org. Yogananda Gathering – 11am-1pm. First and third Sundays. Attune to Yogananda’s teachings through chanting, meditation affirmations, readings and Festival of Light ceremony. Refreshments and fellowship follows. Ananda Center, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-299-9309. ElizabethLMason@yahoo.com. AnandaArizona.org. Community of Light Sunday Services – 11am -12:30pm. Metaphysical and spiritual gathering of lightworkers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Donations welcome. Unscrewed Theater, 3244 E Speedway Blvd. 520-304-1768. DianaOhoh @yahoo.com. CommunityOfLightTucson.com. Tamara Spiritual Center’s Sunday Services – 11am and 5:30pm. Third Sunday of each month at 2:30pm only. Services include a healing meditation, inspirational talk and messages. No charge. Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-325-0513. Info@TamaraFoundation.com. TamaraSpiritualCenter.com.



United Fellowship Chapel – 2pm service. Sunday Services feature a guided meditation, healing, inspirational speakers and psychic messages. Everyone receives a message. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com. Petanque in the Park – 2-4:30pm. Sunday. Learn and play the French game of petanque (boules). No charge. Reid Park, 830 S Country Club Rd. 520-664-4133. Tucson.Petanque@gmail.com. TucsonPetanqueClub.wordpress.com. Sacred Space Gathering – 4-5:30pm. Sundays. All welcome. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Introduction to Meditation – 5-5:45pm. With Michael Junjo Chihak. Restore, renew, reconnect with simple meditation and breathing exercises that lead to inner calm and peace. $5-$10 donation. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. Info@MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Chapel of Awareness Healings and Readings – 5-6pm. Meditation, healings, spirit messages, classes available. Private readings are also available. Chapel of Awareness, 931 N Fifth Ave. 520-820-0727. RevJim@ChapelOfAwareness.org. ChapelOfAwarenessTucson.net. Introduction to Modern /Contemporary Dance – 6-7:30pm. With Tammy Rosen and Leigh Ann Rangel Sotomayor. Improve placement and technique, explore personal expression with movement that is both quirky and lush. $13-$15. ZUZI Move It Dance Studio, 738 N 5th Ave, Historic Y. 520-629-0237. TucsonFeldenkrais@gmail.com. ZuziMoveIt.org Tucson Heart Wisdom Meetup – 6:30-8pm. Explore connecting to the Wisdom of the Heart through discussion, sharing and guided meditation. Explore the difference between ego, mind and heart. $10/suggested donation. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N First Ave. 520-490-4149. MarceysJourney@ gmail.com. TheEssentialAlchemist.com. Desert Ashram – 7pm. Satsang with chanting, Aarati, spiritual teachings of Swami Amar Jyoti and meditation. No charge. 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384.

monday White Eagle World Healing Meditations – 1011am. With Frances Smith. Using White Eagle channeled books of Spiritual Unfoldment. Temple of Universality Class. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-885-5065. How To Meditate – 11am-12pm. 4-week mindfulness meditation class for people who don’t believe they can meditate. Fragrance-free. $40. AZ Oncology Foundation, 2625 N Craycroft, Ste 101. Also Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30pm. Call for location. 520-825-2009. BreathingCoachTucson.com or Marriageafter40.com.

natural awakenings

Aquatic Therapy – 11:30am-12:45pm. With Carolyn Rashti, MS and Rebecca Lennon, RN Slow, specific movements with diaphragmatic breathing in 96º saltwater improves circulation, improves muscle tone, balance posture and renews one’s body. $200/8-classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520-742-4292. SantaritaSprings.com. Waterbabies Free-Style Pooltime – 1pm. For women with chronic pain, healing from surgery, pain relieving movement in warm salt water, a healing atmosphere. Support, exchanging helpful information to laugh and enjoy life. $10. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@gmail.com. SantaritaSprings.com. Mindfulness and Meditation Group – 1:15-2:45 pm. No experience necessary. Sitting and walking meditation as well as the Metta Sutta are regular parts of the practice. No charge. UA Cancer Center 1515 N Campbell, Kiewit Auditorium, Rm 2951. 520-694-4605. Marsha.Drozdoff@BannerHealth.com. AZCC.Arizona.edu. Study of Man’s Eternal Quest – 4:30-6:30pm. In depth study of Paramhansa Yogananda’s book Man’s Eternal Quest explains how the universe operates and man’s journey to consciousness. By donation. Ananda Center Of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-906-4346. PVold@comcast.net. AnandaArizona.org. Golden Pyramid Meditation – 6-7pm. Second Monday. With Rev. Yazdi Contractor, Rev. Howard Milwich and Revs. Martha and Darryl Schoon. Temple of Universality class. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. TempleofUniversality@gmail.com. Energy Healing – 6-8pm. First and third Mondays. Learn about energy work, crystals, Reiki from Brian LeNormand. By donation. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N 1st Ave. 520-209-1755. SaberLMP@aol.com. All Level Yoga - 7-10pm. Spiritual Gangsta Yoga. Sandra Turner, Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café, 505 W Miracle Mile. No charge. 619-861-9706. Meetup.com/TucsonYogi. .


8:30am Workout – Experience a workout that will perk you up. A combination of Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi ending with meditation. Bring yoga mat and water bottle. Start your day with a smile. $5. WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave. 520-209-1755. Saberlmp@aol.com. 3861WellnessFirst.com. Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement – 9:30-10:30am. Improve posture, flexibility and ease of movement. Specific verbally guided movement sequences help reprogram movement habits that interfere with your intentions. $13-$15. ZUZI Move It Dance Studio, 738 N 5th Ave, Historic Y. 520-305-5393. TucsonFeldenkrais@gmail.com. TucsonFeldenkrais.com.

Exploring Body Wisdom – 10-11:15am. With Norma Itule. Relieve patterns of stress, chronic pain and immobility. On land and in warm water. $60/4-sessions. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520-977-6847. Nite7@hotmail.com. SantaritaSprings.com. FoodInRoot-Carondelet St. Joseph’s Farmer’s Market – 10am-2pm. 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. No charge. Carondelet St. Joseph’s Hospital, NE Corner of Carondelet Drive and Wilmot Rd. 520-261-6982. Tim@FoodInRoot.com. FoodInRoot.com. Yoga – 11:15am-12:45pm. With Mark Lind. Group and individual instruction. Bring your own mat and belt. Kids under 12 free. $10. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 3. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com. Mellow Flow by Tracy Gordon – 12-1:15pm. Smooth flowing practice connecting mind, breath and body. A slower yet moderate pace, building strength while releasing tension. $10. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. info@ MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Tucson Tuesday Laughter Yoga– 6-7pm. Gently through breathing and yogic exercises, we touch your heart with playful laughter designed to promote peace and healing. No charge. Quaker Meeting House, 931 N 5th Ave, Main Rm. 520-490-5500. LaughingJana@gmail.com. A Course in Miracles – 6-7:30pm. Using the traditional blue book, we read and discuss the profound, spiritual teachings as channeled through Helen Schuchman. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 1. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com. Sacred Space Women’s Circle – 6-7:30pm. With Lanny Lewis. Women gathering to support each other in deep listening; based on feminine spirituality. Drop-ins welcome. No charge. St. Francis United Methodist Church, 4625 E River Rd. 520-318-3557. TC@TCJonesCoaching.com. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Alice Bailey Books – 7-8:30pm. With Rev. Inger Mason. Reading of books channeled to Alice A. Bailey by Djwhal Khul, followed by guided meditation. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Call for details, 520-331-5252. TempleofUniversality@gmail.com.

wednesday Prayer and Meditation – 9:45-10:15am. Experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. 1551 S Eastside Loop, Ste 121. 520-546-3696. Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com. Fun-Day Wednesday Class – 9:45-11:30am. With Rev. Fred Smith. Metaphysical Law, using fun, food and friends. Temple of Universality class. No charge. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd. 520-546-3898. TempleofUniversality@gmail.com. Yoga/Meditation – 11am-12:30pm. Yoga and meditation as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda includes energization and chanting. All levels of yoga and meditation welcome. Ananda Center Of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-299-9309. ElizabethLMason@yahoo.com. AnandaArizona.org.

Aquatic Therapy – 11:30am-12:45pm. With Carolyn Rashti, MS and Rebecca Lennon, RN. Slow, specific movements with diaphragmatic breathing in 96º saltwater improves circulation, muscle tone, balance, posture and renews one’s body. $200/8-classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520-742-4292. SantaritaSprings.com. Grief Support Group – 5pm. First and third Wednesdays. With Reverend Felicitas, Reverend Dea. Support group for grief, loss and healing. Not a therapy group. Respectful and compassionate. No charge. CODAC, 3130 E Broadway Blvd. 520-792-6222. Info@TempleOfMA.org. TempleOfMA.org. Way of Mastery – 5-6:30pm. This channeling to Jon Mark Hammer is clearer and easier to understand than the Course in Miracles. It deals more with our feeling nature. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 3. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com. Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Café – 5:307pm. First Wednesday. Group directed conversation about death and related subjects without agenda or objectives. Not grief support or counseling. RSVP. No charge. Ward 6, 3202 E First St. 520-261-7003. IsabelDeathCafe@gmail.com. Facebook.com/ TucsonDeathCafe. Young Adult Spiritual Seekers – 7-8pm. Explore different meditation techniques and wisdom traditions. Facilitated by Michael Pellegrino. Drop-ins welcome. Not limited to U of A students. No charge. Little Chapel of All Nations, 1401 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Emarderness@gmail.com. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Learn Western Astrology Meetup – 7-8:30pm. Third Wednesday. Different topic each month. Bring your chart if you have it. No experience necessary. No charge. Crave Coffee Bar, 4530 E Broadway. 951-316-9380. Debbie@TheYogaWoman.com. Astro-Yoga.com. Meetup.com/Learn-WesternAstrology-Meetup. A Course in Miracles: Original Dictation – 7:30pm. Fifty eight thousand words were edited out of the traditional Course in Miracles book. They have been restored and are now available for study. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 1. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com. Spirit Lab – 7-8:30pm. Third Wednesday. Potluck for 20s-50s adults. Explore aspects of different faith traditions, discuss personal experiences of the divine, examine religion and culture and play with progressive theological ideas. No charge. St. Philip’s in the Hills Church, 4440 N Campbell Ave. 520-342-8998. Bulldog2212@gmail.com. StPhilipsTucson.org. Deeksha: From India – 7:15-9pm. Redefine experience of life. Easily calm your mind. Awaken into higher consciousness. Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E. Ft. Lowell Rd. 520-869-4982. Lasthouseob1@ yahoo.com.

thursday Belly Dancing for Beginners – 8:30-9:30am. Shisandra aka Dr. Saber, teaches beginning belly dance. Wear comfortable clothing that moves. Bring water bottle. Suggested donation $10. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N 1st Ave. 520-209-1755. DrDeeAnnND@aol.com. 3861WellnessFirst.com. Mellow Flow by Tracy Gordon – 12-1:15pm. Smooth flowing practice connecting mind, breath and body. A slower yet moderate pace, building strength while releasing tension. $10. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. info@ MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Self Mastery/Spiritual Development – 1-2pm. Explore metaphysical concepts and principles to achieve self mastery and ignite your divine authority through meditation and discussion. By donation. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@icloud.com. UnitedFellowship-Chapel.com. A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com. TempleOfUniversality.org. Yoga For All Body Types – 6-7:15pm. With Elda Castro. Beginner yoga program inspires all body types and capabilities to live well within their bodies. No prior experience is needed. No Charge. Martha Cooper Library, 1377 N Catalina Ave. 520-594-5315. Pima.BiblioCommons.com. Free Tai Chi and Chi Kung – 6:30-8pm. Gentle, flowing movements that relax the body, quiet the mind, increase energy, improve health and make you feel good. No charge. Church of Christ, 2848 N Mountain Ave. 520-795-8612. DsrtDrgn@gmail.com. Bio-Touch: Monthly Health Workshop – 6-8pm. Fourth Thursday. Practice of the Bio-Touch points shown to help alleviate symptoms of adrenal fatigue. $10/members, $15/non-members, Massage therapists earn 2 CEUs (add $5). Bio-Touch Center, 5634 E Pima St. 520-323-7951. Office@JustTouch.com. JustTouch.com. Living Spirit Metaphysical Group – 6:30-7:30pm. Applying metaphysical laws to daily life. No charge. Center for Spiritual Living Office, 4200 E River Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org. TIES Sharing and Discussion Group – 6:308:30pm. Third Thursday. TIES mission is to provide a safe neutral environment for presenting information on and sharing of near-death and other spiritually transformative experiences. Everyone is welcome. No Charge (love offering accepted). Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. TucsonAZ@IANDS.org. TucsonIANDS.org. Desert Ashram – 7pm. Immerse yourself in a beautiful and peaceful meditation and retreat center. Spiritual teachings of Swami Amar Jyoti, chanting, meditation, library, book shop, walking paths. No charge. 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384. TruthConsciousness.org.

February 2017


ongoingevents Ascended Masters Introductory Classes – 7-8pm. Learn about your own individual divine being, your I Am Presence. Find divine solutions to every challenge. No charge. The Temple of The Presence, 11902 E Irvington Rd, 520-751-2039. SusanKnitttel @msn.com. TempleOfThePresence.org.

Looking for Some Peace & Quiet? – 12-1pm. Come experience our Peaceful Sanctuary. Guided healing meditation followed by all participants receive a Message. By donation. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@ icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com.

ZY Qigong Practice – 7-8:30pm. Go into a relaxed state of being and expand your own awareness within. Feel your body move into a higher level of vibration. $10/suggested donation. Desert Milgros, 3438 N Country Club. 520-404-8745. QigongMark@yahoo.com. Meetup.com/Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup.

Healthy Happy Hour – 5:30-6:30pm. 3rd Friday. Happy hour along with a 20-30 minute presentation followed by a question/answer period. Join us for wine, lemonade, community. No charge. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N First Ave. 520-209-1755. Transform MedpLLC@aol.com. 3861WellnessFirst.com. Veiled in the Midst of Time: Intro to Tarot – 6-7pm. Six-week series. With Toni Farnolli. Covers 4 Suits and Major Arcana, along with basic layouts. Practice giving readings. $50/6-weeks; $10/class. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-1042. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com.

friday Catalina Farmers Market Artworks and More – 9am-1pm. Fresh produce, baked goods, salmon, range-fed beef, artisans, unique gifts, food court, more. 16733 N Oracle Rd, Catalina. 970-903-0529. MichaelisPlaza@gmail.com. 77NorthMarketPlace.com. Trail Dust Town Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. Formerly Jesse Owens Market. Bring the family and enjoy everything this premiere farmers’ market has to offer. No charge. Trail Dust Town, 6541 E Tanque Verde Rd. HeirloomFM.com. Friday Farmers’ Market at Broadway Village – 10am-2pm. Southern Arizona’s only indoor (A/C)/outdoor venue. Organic produce, meats, prepared foods, baked goods, coffee/teas, cheese, eggs, plants, artisans, body care, massage, music. Broadway/Country Club. 520-603-8116. FoodInRoot UAMC Farmers’ Market – 10am2pm. Every week at UAMC on the plaza south of the hospital. Great Food and Music. No charge. UA Medical Center, NW Corner of Speedway and Campbell. 520-261-6982. Tim@FoodInRoot.com. FoodInRoot.com. Winning Together: Breast and GYN Cancer Support Group – 10:30am-12:30pm. Educational support group is for women with a diagnosis of Breast and/or Gynecological Cancer; any stage of survivorship is welcome. No charge. UA Cancer CenterUniversity Campus, 1515 N Campbell, Rm 2919. 520-694-4605. Marsha.Drozdoff@BannerHealth.com. AZCC.Arizona.edu. Waterbabies Freestyle Pooltime – 11:30am. For women with chronic pain, healing from surgery Pain relieving movement in warm salt water. Healing atmosphere. Support, exchanging helpful information, to laugh and enjoy life. $10. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@gmail.com. SantaritaSprings.com. Community of Light Healing and Message Circle – 12pm. Metaphysical and spiritual gathering for healing, enlightenment and growth. Unscrewed Theater, 3244 E Speedway Blvd. 520-403-6156. YeahRightRo@gmail.com. CommunityOfLightTucson.com.

Intuitive Development through Shamanism – 6-8:30pm. Questioning reality? Want a deeper insight into yourself? Native American teachings through Denise Linn, Char Sundust and Angeles Arrien. $20. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N 1st Ave. 520-668-0039. DrDeeAnnND@aol.com. TransformationalMedicinepllc.com. Sound Healing/Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Second Friday. With Kalyn Wolf. What is sound healing therapy and meditation? Come experience 3 different instruments of sound healing. Limited to 6 people. $7. Cloud Nine Flotation, 2118 S Avenida Planeta. 520-668-4017. Info@FloatTucson.com. FloatTucson.com. Meditation/Biofeedback with The Muse – 7-8:30pm. Fourth Friday. With Kalyn Wolf. Breathing and meditation methods that work in a busy world. Limited to 6 people. $7. Cloud Nine Flotation, 2118 S Avenida Planeta. 520-668-4017. Info@FloatTucson.com. FloatTucson.com.

saturday Rincon Valley Farmers’ Market – 8am-1pm. Organic produce, fresh flowers, baked goods, ironworks, arts and crafts by local artisans. 12500 E Old Spanish Trail. 520-591-BARN. RVFM@RinconInstitute.org. RVFM.org. FoodInRoot St. Philip’s Plaza Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. One of the largest farmers’ markets in Southwestern Arizona and has a regional reputation for the number of local farmers it supports. No charge. St. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. FoodInRoot.com. Living Lab and Learning Center Free Tour – 9-10:30am. Second Saturday. WMG staff will guide you on an interactive tour to learn about all the systems in detail and what you can do at your own home. No charge. WMG’s Living Lab & Learning Center, 1137 N Dodge Blvd. 520-396-3266, ext 18. SBrown@WatershedMG.org. WatershedMG.org.

Think with your whole body. ~Taisen Deshimaru 50


natural awakenings

Heart-Centered Metaphysics – 9:30-11:30am. Are you curious about Unity, New Thought, or metaphysical Christianity? Classes are informal, engaging and may present guidance through your spiritual journey. By donation. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop #121, 520-546-3696. RevNita@UnityPeaceAZ.com. UnityPeaceAZ.com. Plaza Palomino Saturday Market – 10am-2pm. Fresh produce, breads, coffee, tea, plants, tamales, salsa and emu oil products. Live music. 2970 N Swan Rd. 520-523-1005. Oro Valley Farmers’ Market – 10am-2pm. 30 vendor stalls. Every 2nd Saturday fun events are planned to introduce more customers to this neighborhood gem. No charge. Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 N Oracle Rd. Heirloomfm.com. AI CHI – 10:30am. With Connie Seddon. Stretches and movement, in 96 degree saltwater indoor pool. Instant relief for arthritis, fibromyalgia pain, gentle exercise to improve balance and stamina. $15/class; $55/4-classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520-245-6616. ConnieSeddon@gmail.com. Southern Arizona Light Givers – 3-5pm. First Saturday. Receive a session of True Light and discover how amazing radiant energy stimulates your spirit, mind and body. No charge. Miller-Golf Links Public Library, 9640 E Golf Links Rd, Big Rm Meeting, LightCircleMahikari@gmail.com. SukyoMahikari.org.

classifieds ASIAN LIFE READING with Aiko gives insight to help you improve your life. Not mere entertainment, serious reading for serious mind. Also offering therapeutic massage for health. Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Acupressure. Call and schedule your appointment today. 520-297-9463. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Phoenix Natural Awakenings magazine franchise available for sale. Start a career you can be passionate about. Home based business complete with comprehensive training and support system. Call 239-530-1377 or visit our website: NaturalAwakeningsMag.com/MyMagazine. ROOMS FOR RENT in gorgeous healing center, $350/month. Centrally located, includes utilities, music system, wifi, reception area, access to classroom use and more. Ideal for massage therapist or alternative healing practitioner. Denisse Cabrera, 520-979-4600. SACRED SPACE RENTAL: A PRACTITIONERS’ OASIS $350 month includes: utilities, weekly cleaning, music system with room volume control, reception area, breakroom. Call​ 520-​322-7691. ZY QIGONG practice a relaxed state of being and expand your own awareness within. Feel your body move into a higher level of vibration. ZYQigongAZ.com. Mark Frighetti, 520-404-8745

communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Holly@NaturalTucson.com to request our media kit. ACUPUNCTURE AKASHIC ACUPUNCTURE


Linda Joy Stone, OMD, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. 520-444-6901 LindaJoyStone1@me.com LindaJoyStone.com


Double your healing experience by combining an Akashic reading with a grounding acupuncture session—bridging Heaven & Earth, Yin and Yang and rejuvenating body and spirit. Linda brings humor, compassion and 27 years of experience into the treatment room—a sacred place of Joy! Ask about her Natural Awakenings Discount.

Since 1999, Elissa’s mission has been to help people, horses, and dogs move and feel better. Available for out-calls and specializing in Therapeutic Massage, Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Lypossage, and Kinesio Tape. Call today and learn how to enhance your health! See ad, page 23.



WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emp-hasizing ‘nature cure’ to heal mind, body, spirit. Developer of RST; Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 33.

WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 PerformanceNeurology.com

Dr. Conlee, Chiropractor Neurologist, diagnoses and treats such conditions as Dystonia, ADHD, Peripheral Neuropathy, vertigo, migraine headaches, balance disorders, numbness, tingling, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other conditions related to neurologic function. Also available: acupuncture, physiotherapy, kinesiotape, nutrition and allergy testing. See ad, page 10.

LMT for you, your horse, and dog 520-906-1808 ElissaHambright.MassageTherapy.com

RITUAL BY KATE’S MAGIK 215 N Court Ave, 85701 520-743-1486 KatesMagik.com

Ritual by Kate’s Magik is an intimate boutique that carries 100% pure aromatherapy products and ceremonial supplies. Ritual also offers a variety of aromatherapy-focused massages designed to help people relieve stress, move through grief or promote love, healing and success. See ad, page 6.

ASTROLOGY ASTRO-YOGA READINGS Debbie Barnett, RYT-500 520-428-7019 Debbie@astro-yoga.com

Spiritual astrology with a yoga twist. Astrology + yoga = more sustained joy! The Astro-Yoga Woman offers consultations combining these wisdom traditions to guide you to happiness. Grand openings, parties, reiki. Ask about Natural Awakenings special. See ad, page 22.


413-313-5677 Shivab@charter.net In person, by phone or Skype Shivani has 30 years of experience as Astrologer, Tarot reader, teacher and has helped many through transitions and crisis. Strong spiritual background with grounded practical approach. 90-minute sessions. Private readings, classes, lectures and parties. Senior/student discounts. See ad, page 19.


Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 • Armorless.net TucsonMassageAndBodyTherapy.com Randy has 28 years of bodywork experience, providing treatments that are stress busting or for specific issues. Sometimes sessions are enhanced and integrated with mind-body awareness experiments. The client uses sound, breath and movement to contact feelings and access deep tension and energy release. See ad, page 22.

INTUITIVE HANDS MOBILE MASSAGE Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656 DonMay.MassageTherapy.com

Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “ground​ed​ness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 23.


Jennifer Beard LMT Speedway/ Craycroft Area 520-906-8136 TherapeuticIntuitiveBodywork.com

A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $150. See ad, page 23.

February 2017



Tara Sullivan, LMT, Reiki Practitioner Sound Healing 3208 E Ft Lowell Rd, Ste 110, 85716 Tara Sullivan, LMT is a massage therapist and energy healing practitioner who combines sound healing with massage to enhance therapeutic effects. Sound-only sessions are also available to relieve stress, enhance cognition and balance the energy field. Other bodywork modalities include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Prenatal and reiki. See ad, page 23.

NEW LEAF MASSAGE THERAPY Stephanie Dixon, LMT, CNMT 520-548-5379 SDixonLMT@NewLeafTucson.com NewLeafTucson.com

Massage Therapy specializing in relief and treatment of pain and injuries. Stephanie has experience and training with a wide variety of massage therapy techniques. Also certified in neuromuscular therapy. A session at the New Leaf Studio is helpful for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain and more.


Dorothy Richmond, LMT Aquatic Massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Craniosacral Therapy, Watsu, Integrative Table Massage 520-622-4201 • 520-990-1857 SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com Float ​in 96 degree warm saltwater while Dorothy gently massages, stretches,​and​moves you to free up body, mind, a​ nd spirit. Incorporating Craniosacral Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu and​Integrative Massage in each 80 minute session in water or on land. See ad, page 2.

TAMMY ROSEN WILBUR, GCFP Tucson Feldenkrais Center 3079 W Avenida Cresta, 85745 TucsonFeldenKrais.com

Tammy Rosen Wilbur, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner uses gentle movement and awareness to help clients move out of pain, improve posture and flexibility. Feldenkrais Functional Integration sessions can update the brain for structural alignment, improved function and movement. Sessions are fully clothed and deeply relaxing. See ad, page 22.


Never believe

that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have. ~Margaret Mead

Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 NorthStarHBOT.com

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 5.


Biobalance Integrated Wellness, LLC 520-227-3695 Buck@BioBalance.us BioBalance.us NeuroFeedbackHomeUser.com Neurofeedback uses cutting edge technology, coupled with sound research, that helps improve brain functioning. The brain is given guidance to self-regulate from imbalances, naturally, with no medications, for lasting results. Train Your Brain, Clear Your Mind, Enjoy Your Life! See ad, page 9.



natural awakenings

CATERING EP SALSA & CATERING Event Planning, Catering Loretta Carlson 520-440-1540 ElParador@aol.com

Let us cater your party, event or meeting. From two to 300 guests, we are a full-service catering company specializing in Mexican, Middle Eastern and American food. Loretta can help plan your event, from the flowers to the table. See ad, page 24.


Biobalance Integrated Wellness, LLC 520-227-3695 Buck@BioBalance.us BioBalance.us NeuroFeedbackHomeUser.com Neurofeedback uses cutting edge technology, coupled with sound research, that helps improve brain functioning. The brain is given guidance to self-regulate from imbalances, naturally, with no medications, for lasting results. Train Your Brain, Clear Your Mind, Enjoy Your Life!. See ad, page 9.

CHIROPRACTIC DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway 520-584-0343 InspiredHealing.org

Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for Children, PTSD, Depression and Auto Immune diseases.

WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 PerformanceNeurology.com

Dr. Conlee, Chiropractor Neurologist, diagnoses and treats such conditions as Dystonia, ADHD, Peripheral Neuropathy, vertigo, migraine headaches, balance disorders, numbness, tingling, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other conditions related to neurologic function. Also available: acupuncture, physiotherapy, kinesiotape, nutrition and allergy testing. See ad, page 10.




Health Coaching/Personal Fitness Training 520-314-0994 Robyn@RobynLandis.net Nourish.University

PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 36.

Get strong, lean, energetic and super-MOTIVATED. “Install” healthy habits and conscious choices—JOYFULLY. Know what to give your body, and LOVE it! Individual and group coaching. Cut through confusion and get deeply inspired to nourish your body and life. Group online class starting soon: nourish.university/nineweeknourish. See ad, page 14.

520-331-2629 PurMaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaid.com


Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 TucsonEmotionalAndTraumaTherapy.com TucsonMassageAndBodyTherapy.com Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness. See ad, page 22.

COUNSELING CONCEPTS Jo Ruddy and Jody Hardy 3861 N First Ave 520-881-4237 CounselingConceptsLLC.org

Dr. Jo Ruddy, Metaphysical Life Coach and Clinical Master Hypnotherapist, along with Jodi Hardy, M.A., LPC and highly experienced psychotherapist, offer metaphysical approaches to healing and creating lasting change in your life. Located at WellnessFIRST! See ad, page 3.


Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 TheHealthyCouple.com Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges to restore love and play. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation.


Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 RiseAboveItCoach@gmail.com RiseAboveItCoach.com Coaching brings out your inner expert and the motivation, excitement, and desire to actually follow your best advice. Using coaching models and intuition you can have desired results in health, relationships, career, money, life. Let your magic outsmart self-sabotage. See ad, page 16.

TAMMY ROSEN WILBUR, GCFP Tucson Feldenkrais Center 3079 W Avenida Cresta, 85745 TucsonFeldenkrais.com

Tammy Rosen Wilbur, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner uses gentle movement and awareness to help clients move out of pain, improve posture and flexibility. Feldenkrais Functional Integration sessions can update the brain for structural alignment, improved function and movement. Sessions are fully clothed and deeply relaxing. See ad, page 19 and profile, page 22.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY INTESTINAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 520-325-9686 Intestines@SheilaShea.com IntestinalHealthInstitute.com

Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body. See ad, page 39.

VERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3, 85719 520-403-1686 VerySpecialAlternatives@gmail.com

FDA-approved system integrated with full, closed-gravity option; purified water; disposable speculums. Probiotic reflorastation. Affordable rates and packages. Ear coning also available. Flexible hours include weekends. See ad, page 3.


Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Don@gecomputerrepair.com GEComputerRepair.com Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working f​ or over 30 years​. ​As one of​ Don’s customers s​ aid, “​You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote.​ See ad, page 5.

CRYSTAL BOWL HEALING RETURN TO WHOLENESS: AN ENCOUNTER WITH SOUND An 8-Month Mentorship with Tryshe Dhevney SoundShifting.com

Imagine a year from now…Your soul, in tune with your body… Your voice, communicating your deepest truth…Your being, tuned as One Voice with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls reflecting the symphony of the spheres… The magic begins April 2017. See ad, page 14.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Serving Tucson and surrounding area Danielle@Replevyn.com EndofLifeMentor.com This mentor supports by relieving stress, answering tough questions, interfacing with medical professionals, translating medical lingo, holding space, running errands, and/or maybe fills in so that a caregiver can take a deep breath or get a good night’s sleep.See ad, page 11.

February 2017




JEANNE ANNE KRIZMAN, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35 520-326-0082 Smile@KrizmanDental.com

A centrally located biologic, and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general & cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 37.


Lisa Westrick, IARP, RMA Holy Fire Usui and Karuna Reiki Master 520-226-5953 ​SerenityHolisticTouch.com​ Reiki is a gentle touch therapy that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Lisa also does charka therapy to restore and balance the body with crystals and singing bowls. When scheduling appointment, mention this ad and receive $10 off your first visit.


Dr. Steven A. Swidler, DDS Dr. Kenneth C. Glass, DDS 4650 W Jojoba Dr, 85745 520-743-7101 • MedicineWheelDental.com Medicine Wheel Dental is Tucson’s premier holistic integrative dental practice. Utilizing a balanced mix of traditional dentistry with exclusive naturopathic, holistic and alternative modalities, Medicine Wheel Dental provides the highest level of personalized dental care. “With awareness, we can make a choice.” See ad, back cover.

SPIRITUAL ENERGY TRANSFORMATION Johanna Alley 520-370-1306 ​JWalley@protonmail.ch​ ​JohannaAlley.com

Johanna accesses from the quantum field your loving, spiritual energies and gives voice to insights to help you learn how to live the karma-balancing life you wrote for yourself and manifest your true life purpose. $10 off first session.




Heart-Centered Intuitive Healer In Person, By Phone or Skype EnergeticHeartHealing@gmail.com 520-344-9992 While talking with you, Jeanie helps you transform your life through releasing energetic patterns that don’t serve you. She has trained in Shamanism, The Braddock Bodywork Process, and Heart Rhythm Meditation, and is a Reiki Master. 20% off first session.


35 E Toole Ave 520-305-0856 Facebook.com/GalacticCenter Galactic Center is an intimate event venue, spiritual center, global visionary art gallery. This high vibe temple environment complete with the resonant cave chambers, is ideal for classes, workshops, lectures, DJ events, concerts and other public or private gatherings.



Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com


Achieve your highest potential through sound healing, reiki, yoga, aromatherapy and more. Danielle utilizes Tibetan Sacred Sound (certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com), combined with other modalities, as is appropriate for each individual. Relax, release stress, improve health, and realize your own gifts. See ad, page 11.



Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 520-400-8109 5160 E. Glenn St, Ste. 150 PamperedSkinStudio.com

natural awakenings

Dr. Suzie specializes in non-surgical facial rejuvenation focused on your specific concerns, objectives and constraints. If you are interested in aging gracefully and believe that “less is more”, then call today to start the journey to being your own kind of beautiful. See ad, page 15.

Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 20.

FLOTATION SPA CLOUD NINE FLOTATION 2118 S Avenida Planet 520-668-4017 FloatTucson.com

Relax, Recuperate, Unplug from your daily stress-filled life. Flotation Therapy is the most relaxing thing you’ll ever experience. Effective for Stress, Anxiety, Recuperation from Injuries, Meaningful Meditation. The Ultimate Mind/Body Experience. Bring a friend, 2 for $89. Call today! See ad, page 28.

FLOWER SHOP FLOWER SHOP ON 4TH AVE Norah and David Schultz 531 N 4th Ave, 85705 520-622-7673 FlowerShopOn4th@gmail.com FlowerShopOn4th.com

Family-owned/ operated, full-service florist for local delivery or across globe. Walk-in for vintage gifts, one-of-a-kind succulent gardens, plants and hand-tied bouquets backed by a service that is friendly and prompt. Locally-sourced flowers and greens when possible. Monthly classes. Special offer: 15% discount on all flower arrangements.

FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 3861WellnessFirst.com

Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.


2130 N Alvernon Way, 85712 520-332-2928 • Yume.Gardens@gmail.com Yume.Gardens.org Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson offers a scientifically proven two month long healing walk program that reduces anxiety, stress, and sadness and promotes joy and peacefulness. For details and start dates, visit YumeGardens.org. Open daily 9:30am-4:30pm; except on Monday from 10am-4:30pm, October to June.

GIFTS BLACKMER STUDIOS Unique Creations & Gifts 520-485-8871 BlackmerStudios.com

Custom gifts, unique creations, and fantastic oddities of all sizes made from locally reclaimed materials. Visit our website to learn more and place your order for the perfect one-of-a-kind item. Receive 10% off by mentioning Natural Awakenings. See ad, page 16.

GLUTEN FREE GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Happy Hour coming soon! See ad, page 27.





520-885-8970 - Tucson Metro 480-739-0234 - Phoenix Metro ROC # 305289 • AERecycledGranite.com

125 W Calle De Las Tiendas, 103A, Green Valley, 85614 520-625-3665 • DesertWN.com

Arizona’s eco-friendly manufacturer of recycled granite pavers, split stone tile veneer, subway tiles and fire pits. The locally crafted products add a unique, beautiful look to your home and business while keeping our planet’s mountains out of Arizona’s waste stream.

Desert Wellness is a local health food store dedicated to helping the community access high quality health/nutrition products. The store’s owner, Christina Roberts, is a nutritionist and certified holistic health coach, qualified to guide customers to healthier lifestyles.

GUT HEALTH INTESTINAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 520-325-9686 Intestines@SheilaShea.com IntestinalHealthInstitute.com

Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body. See ad, page 39.


Modern Organic Hairdressing 204 W Grant Rd 520-331-9006 • ProjekkHair@yahoo.com Facebook: ProjekK In the courtyard of Placita de la Luna, enter ProjekK hair studio and notice the scents of pine, rosemary and sage. Stylist Kathie features U.K.-inspired cuts that need minimal styling. Hair color is ammonia-free and organic, providing beautiful, professional results.


Herbal Hygiene Company 520-488-9515 PeopleAndPetsHerbal@gmail.com PeopleAndPetsHerbal.com People and Pets LLC is a local herbal hygiene company dedicated to providing high quality products formulated from only the purest ingredients that are safe for you, your children, and your pets. Customized product blends for those with allergies and sensitivities. Visit our website to learn more and place an order today. 10% website launch special! See ad, page 15.

HEALTH SCREENING PROACTIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, LLC Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036 ProactiveHealthSolutions.org

Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 3.

HEALTHY EATING CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 • ClairesCafe.net

Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 18.

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Happy Hour coming soon! See ad, page 27.

February 2017




711 E Blacklidge Dr, 85719 520-792-0630 • GovindasOfTucson.com Enjoy resort-like atmosphere of waterfalls, peacocks, fountains and gardens while relishing international vegetarian cuisine emphasizing healthy organic produce. Dinner under $10. Join us for weekly Sunday Festival at 5:30pm with musical meditation, spiritual discourse and dinner at 7pm.

AMY KALAMA HOCHREITER 520-272-4290 • 877-300-1279 AmyHochreiterCoaching.com

Amy Kalama guides the release of stored emotions, cellular memory, trauma and energetic past with her unique blend of HeartLight healing, cellular cleansing and whole-person health/ACT coaching. Feel renewed and restored in health and wellness, body, mind, heart and soul.


Vegetarian Restaurant 2990 N Campbell Ave, 85719 520-325-7766 • LovinSpoonfuls.com Lovin’ Spoonfuls offers breakfast, lunch and dinner in a gracious atmosphere, perfect for dining with friends, family and business associates. Awards and accolades include Tucson Lifestyle magazine’s Best Vegetarian Restaurant, Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson and VegNews’ Best Vegetarian Restaurant.


Health Coaching/Personal Fitness Training 520-314-0994 Robyn@RobynLandis.net Nourish.University Get strong, lean, energetic and super-MOTIVATED. “Install” healthy habits and conscious choices—JOYFULLY. Know what to give your body, and LOVE it! Individual and group coaching. Cut through confusion and get deeply inspired to nourish your body and life. Group online class starting soon: nourish.university/nineweeknourish. See ad, page 14.

HEATING & COOLING A.M. HEATING & COOLING 520-548-2650 AMHeatCool.com ROC#296152

Providing commercial and residential service for routine maintenance, repairs, inspections, and new installation of air conditioning systems and furnaces. Specializing in clean and proper installation of equipment, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. Also offers Mini-splits. Family-owned and operated.




David C. Rupley, Jr, MD(H) 145 E University Ave, Suite 207; 85705 520-722-9787 • DCRupley@gmail.com CoyoteHealingCenter.com PulsedAdvanced Medicine.com Center is offering PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic fields to enhance your body’s healing ability. Tremendous results are reported: including relief from incontinence, sciatic and other pain, inflammation, depression, improved energy, enhanced healing, and increased range of motion. New location special: 20% off initial session; $50 off a package. See ad, page 29.


Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation.See ad, page 20.

natural awakenings


520-331-2629 PurMaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaid.com PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 36.


Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 5.


Independent Agent, LegalShield Inc. 520-808-3068 EugeneCarter.org Legalshield provides a solution to the top consumer complaint with the FTC for 15 years. With Legalshield you and your family will have your financial accounts as well as drivers license, SSN, medical, character/ criminal identity, etc. monitored. With Legalshield, when a professional thief steals your identity, professional licensed investigators restore it.


4866 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 ​520-​881-8000 ​S​Eghtesadi@FarmersAgent.com YourTucsonAgent.com ​F​acebook.com/SAEFarmers

Sandi Eghtesadi help​s​customers like you identify the insurance coverage that best fits your needs -whether that’s auto, home, renters, business insurance and more.​​“The best compliment I can receive is the referral of your family, friends and colleagues.”​

INTUITIVE ARTS AWARENESS CENTER Gunter Benz 928-699-7504 Benz@pobox.com

A gifted clairvoyant, healer and teacher, Gunter offers private intuitive reading and massage therapy/bodywork sessions. He also holds workshops and seminars on Quantum Healing and development of intuition— everything that makes us more aware and feeling better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


Heart-Centered Intuitive Healer In Person, By Phone or Skype EnergeticHeartHealing@gmail.com 520-344-9992 While talking with you, Jeanie helps you transform your life through releasing energetic patterns that don’t serve you. She has trained in Shamanism, The Braddock Bodywork Process, and Heart Rhythm Meditation, and is a Reiki Master. 20% off first session.


541-941-8432 Karkies5@yahoo.com KarenKiester.com PathoftheSacredMasculine.com Karen offers a variety of sessions including channeling with Josef, the Earthly Father of Christ, Path of the Sacred Masculine (based on her book and card deck) and Human Design, to understand who you uniquely are. By phone. Schedule today.


Patricia Kirkman 445 S Alvernon Way at Doubletree by Hilton 520-403-4270 Patricia.Kirkman@gmail.com MysticMessengers.com Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair is Tucson’s Premier Metaphysical Community of independent psychics, healers, artists and crafts people. Everyone interested in metaphysical events is welcome, always with free admission. Event dates are listed online at MysticMessengers.com.


Iridology and Nutrition IIPA Certified 520-975-1133 • HeavenlyHealings.net Dr. Ann was taught by Dr. Bernard Jensen, Father of American Iridology. A worldwide teacher of Iridology, she uses the latest in iris technology from Australia. See website for online self-paced Iridlogy course. 10% off initial Iridology reading.practice areas, see DMYL.com.

IV THERAPIES WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 33.


Independent Agent, LegalShield Inc. 520-808-3068 EugeneCarter.org LegalShield Inc provides affordable access to law firms across the U.S. and Canada allowing small businesses and individuals the ability to receive legal advice, consultation, review of documents, court actions of a defensive nature, and more. For over 40 years, LegalShield plan holders can say “No longer do you have to check your wallet before you check your rights.”


6340 N Campbell Ave, Ste 100, 85718 520-789-7234 Dcox1@FarmersAgent.com Agents.farmers.com/az/tucson/donald-cox As your local Farmers agent, Don helps customers like you identify the insurance coverage that best fits your needs. This process is straightforward and personalized to help make you smarter about insurance. Don can help provide options for life, auto, home, business insurance and more.

LYME DISEASE THOUGHTFUL MEDICINE, PLLC Charles Knouse, D.O. 520-284-2848 for appointment

In-depth workup and treatment for Lyme disease, Alzheimer’s, ALS, MS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Fevers Unknown Origin, includes live blood culturing at no charge, Osteopathic Manipulation treatments, training patients for self-delivery IV’s at home; pure science at its compassionate best. See ad. page 2.


LMT for you, your horse, and dog 520-906-1808 ElissaHambright.MassageTherapy.com Since 1999, Elissa’s mission has been to help people, horses, and dogs move and feel better. Available for out-calls and specializing in Therapeutic Massage, Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Lypossage, and Kinesio Tape. Call today and learn how to enhance your health! See ad, page 23.

INTUITIVE HANDS MOBILE MASSAGE Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656 DonMay.MassageTherapy.com

Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “ground​ed​ness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 23.

February 2017



Reiki Master 2118 S Avenida Planeta 520-314-7558 • HeartNHandsMassage.com Book online at FloatTucson.com Mobile Service Available Physical pain and stiffness produces stress in our bodies. Reducing stress helps to heal our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Relieve pain, relax your mind with Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial massage combined with reiki. Introductory massage just $45. See ad, page 23.


Tara Sullivan, LMT, Reiki Practitioner Sound Healing 3208 E Ft Lowell Rd, Ste 110, 85716 Tara Sullivan, LMT is a massage therapist and energy healing practitioner who combines sound healing with massage to enhance therapeutic effects. Sound-only sessions are also available to relieve stress, enhance cognition and balance the energy field. Other bodywork modalities include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Prenatal and reiki. See ad, page 23.

NEW LEAF MASSAGE THERAPY Stephanie Dixon, LMT, CNMT 520-775-2367 SDixonLMT@NewLeafTucson.com NewLeafTucson.com

Massage Therapy specializing in relief and treatment of pain and injuries. Stephanie has experience and training with a wide variety of massage therapy techniques. Also certified in neuromuscular therapy. A session at the New Leaf Studio is helpful for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain and more.

RITUAL BY KATE’S MAGIK 215 N Court Ave, 85701 520-743-1486 KatesMagik.com

Ritual by Kate’s Magik is an intimate boutique that carries 100% pure aromatherapy products and ceremonial supplies. Ritual also offers a variety of aromatherapy-focused massages designed to help people relieve stress, move through grief or promote love, healing and success. See ad, page 6.

THERAPEUTIC INTUITIVE BODYWORK Jennifer Beard LMT Speedway/ Craycroft Area 520-906-8136 TherapeuticIntuitiveBodywork.com

A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $150. See ad, page 23.


Reach Your Target Market Secure this ad spot! Contact us for special ad rates.




Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 520-400-8109 5160 E Glenn St, Ste PamperedSkinStudio.com At the Pampered Skin Studio, Dr. Suzie personally provides customized treatments including facials with microdermabrasion, microcurrent and LED, peels, microneedling, facial fillers, Botox® and Novathread® non-surgical facelifts. Minor skin irregularity treatment and electrolysis are also available. Specializing in adult and teen acne as well as sensitive and ethnic skin issues. See ad, page 15.

natural awakenings


Patricia Kirkman 445 S Alvernon Way at Doubletree by Hilton 520-403-4270 Patricia.Kirkman@gmail.com MysticMessengers.com Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair is Tucson’s Premier Metaphysical Community of independent psychics, healers, artists and crafts people. Everyone interested in metaphysical events is welcome, always with free admission. Event dates are listed online at MysticMessengers.com.


Stephanie Sikes, Founder, MA, MC, BCC 520-909-8989​ SGSikes@comcast.net With proper diaphragmatic vocal (breath) placement and simple ear training practice, a novice singer can become quite proficient. ​Lessons are 90 minutes of fun ​and​ amazing training, rhythm a​ nd​ song. ​ W​ith ​a solid foundation, you can choose to sing any genre of music​.

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 3861WellnessFirst.com

Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 33.

PERSONAL GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT LOVE YOURSELF SACRED MEETINGS CJ Walker 520-444-7525 CJWalker333@comcast.net LoveYourselfSacred.com

OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE THOUGHTFUL MEDICINE, PLLC Charles Knouse, D.O. 520-284-2848 for appointment

In-depth workup and treatment for Lyme disease, Alzheimer’s, ALS, MS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Fevers Unknown Origin, includes live blood culturing at no charge, Osteopathic Manipulation treatments, training patients for self-delivery IV’s at home; pure science at its compassionate best. See ad. page 2.

Love Yourself Sacred meetings on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm at Unity of Tucson 3617 Camino Blanco, 85718. Topics include seeing the sacred within, claiming your power, recognizing and releasing toxic relationships and more. Groups are lead by CJ Walker author, lecturer, healer who also offers individual sessions. $50 off for Natural Awakenings readers. See ad, page 12.


Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 RiseAboveItCoach@gmail.com RiseAboveItCoach.com Offering individual and group sessions for personal growth through coaching or consulting. Identify core strategies for fulfillment in health, career, relationships, simplified living, and authenticity. Remember, your level of success is directly correlated to your level of personal development. See ad, page 16.


David C. Rupley, Jr, MD(H) University Ave, Suite 207; 85705 520-722-9787 • DCRupley@gmail.com CoyoteHealingCenter.com PulsedAdvanced Medicine.com Center is offering PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic fields to enhance your body’s healing ability. Tremendous results are reported: including relief from incontinence, sciatic and other pain, inflammation, depression, improved energy, enhanced healing, and increased range of motion. New location special: 20% off initial session; $50 off a package. See ad, page 29.



Dale Bruder 2614 N Balboa Ave 520-331-1956 • TaoTime@DaleBruder.com Two hour contemplative consultations of the I Ching Oracle every quarter moon 11am-6pm. See some ways, choose a path and embark on a guided journey. Good for ‘what’ and ‘how’ inquiries in the idea, design, and make phases of an action. Best for artists, entrepreneurs, professionals and the self-directed. More at DaleBruder.com. See ads, pages 28 and 30.


Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162 520-869-5593 ALastingTouchSalon.com Ydwornik@yahoo.com


Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures. Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 28.

Reed’s Compounding Pharmacy specializes in custom compounded prescriptions for the special needs of patients and pets. They compound creams, suspensions, capsules, suppositories, troches and more. Pharmacists are available to make recommendations based on your needs and to consult with your provider.

2729 E Speedway Blvd, 85716 520-318-4421 ReedsRX.com • Info@ReedsRX.com


3750 E 22nd St, 85713 520-901-0053 Luigi@Res-ComPlumbing.com Res-ComPlumbing.com Trust all your plumbing needs (large or small) to “Luigi” at locally-owned and operated Res-Com Plumbing Co. Personalized service is reliable and professional. Luigi is a 30-year veteran in residential and commercial plumbing, including water softener and purification installation. Member, SW Gas Referral Program.


Jamalia: The Patagonia Psychic Clairvoyant Claircognizant Empath and More Phone & in-person readings 800-355-1283 Years of meditation permit Jamalia to separate her conscious mind from the Light’s transmissions, including images, bodily sensations, and “streaming” messages. Combine a reading with a fun trip to magical Patagonia south of Tucson for a 20% discount (1st reading).


ZY Qigong Teacher/Practitioner Desert Milagros 3438 N Country Club 520-404-8745 QigongMark@yahoo.com ZYQigongAZ.com - Home Meetup.com/Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup ZY Qigong a simple life science. Practice a relaxed state of being and expand your own awareness within. Feel your body move into a higher level of vibration. ZY Qigong can help you attain these states with a beautiful practice.


Your Home for Real Estate Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 2890 E Skyline Dr, Ste 250, 85718 Carol is an energetic residential Realtor entrusted by her clients for her knowledge, integrity, diligence, and reliability. Her thoughtful and caring approach sets her clients at ease and her joyful demeanor shines a light in the complex world of real estate. See ad, page 16.

February 2017



Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 20.



711 E Blacklidge Dr, 85719 520-792-0630 • GovindasOfTucson.com Enjoy resort-like atmosphere of waterfalls, peacocks, fountains and gardens while relishing international vegetarian cuisine emphasizing healthy organic produce. Dinner under $10. Join us for weekly Sunday Festival at 5:30pm with musical meditation, spiritual discourse and dinner at 7pm.


Vegetarian Restaurant 2990 N Campbell Ave, 85719 520-325-7766 • LovinSpoonfuls.com Lovin’ Spoonfuls offers breakfast, lunch and dinner in a gracious atmosphere, perfect for dining with friends, family and business associates. Awards and accolades include Tucson Lifestyle magazine’s Best Vegetarian Restaurant, Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson and VegNews’ Best Vegetarian Restaurant.

SPA SERVICES ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE Debbie Shaw, Owner 520-275-4510 DetoxTherapySpa.com


Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally. See ad, page 35.

16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 • ClairesCafe.net

Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 18.

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. See ad, page 27.




Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE COE 520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com Doctor Suzie, a Registered Nurse and Licensed Aesthetician, is certified in Oncology Esthetics and specializes in providing customized skin care treatments for all skin types and skin issues. She especially delights in educating clients about their skin and helping them identify affordable and manageable solutions for their concerns. Make an appointment and let Dr. Pear start you on the path to revealing your own kind of beautiful! See ad, page 15.


Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Info@TulaWellnessMD.com TulaWellnessMD.com Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 13.


Michelle Arbore MArbore@SavvySocialMedia.net SavvySocialMedia.net Michelle will help plan and manage your social media giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business and to spend with the people you love. She will take you through each step with ease and simplification to help you understand social media. See ad, page 11.


Daka Ray Certified Tantra Yoga Educator / Healer 520-975-3961 • SouthwestTantra.com Do you want to be truly happy in this life? Then learn to embrace your whole self. Relationship Empowerment, Self Empowerment, Self Love, Sexual Healing. Remove the blocks from living an ecstatic life fully expressed, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually.

natural awakenings


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gantas (Bells), Tingshas and more are utilized by Danielle in the Tibetan Sacred Sound modality. She is certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com and combines other modalities, as is appropriate for each individual. Relax, release stress, improve health and realize your own gifts. See ad, page 11.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 33.

SOUND TRAINING RETURN TO WHOLENESS: AN ENCOUNTER WITH SOUND An 8-Month Mentorship with Tryshe Dhevney SoundShifting.com

Imagine a year from now…Your soul, in tune with your body… Your voice, communicating your deepest truth…Your being, tuned as One Voice with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls reflecting the symphony of the spheres… The magic begins April 2017. See ad, page 14.


520-444-7525 CJWalker333@comcast.net LoveYourselfSacred.com Personal healing sessions to help you release energy blockages and step into your mastery. Universal White Time Healing, Phi Vogel Crystals & Sound Harmonics. Author of the new book, Love Yourself Sacred. One hour sessions $50 off for Natural Awakenings readers. See ad, page 12.



Meeting at the Unscrewed Theater 3244 E Speedway, 85716 CommunityOfLightTucson.com Metaphysical and spiritual gathering of Lightworkers for healing, enlightenment, and growth. Friday Healing Circle at noon; Sunday Service at 11am.


520-751-2039, x100 TempleOfThePresence.org Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.


Sunday Gatherings 4pm 3202 E 1st St 520-318-3557

A public gathering for contemplative teaching and practice from both a secular and interfaith perspective, the mission of Sacred Space is to cultivate compassion that leads to social justice. Speakers and live musicians vary weekly. No charge.

THE TEMPLE OF UNIVERSALITY Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340 TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com TheTempleOfUniversality.org

Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.

Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 TucsonCSL.org TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE Sharing (TIES) ”..a spiritual alternative. We offer Chuck Swedrock spiritual solutions to everyday 520-395-2365 challenges. Celebration Service TucsonIANDS.org 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 17.

Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Thursday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at Unity Church of Tucson.

SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS UNITED FELLOWSHIP CHAPEL Rev. Dorothea Nobile 4718 E Hawthorne St, 85711 520-327-0142 United-Fellowship-Chapel.com

Sunday Service at 2 p.m. Open Monday, WednesdaySunday, closed Tuesday. Igniting knowledge within to know yourself, heal and change your life. Weekly classes in Metaphysical Principles, Self-Realization/Psychic Development, Friday Meditation & Messages and a Seminary leading to Ordination. See ad, page 21.


Rev. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 UnityTucson.com ​ ffiliated with Unity School A of Christianity and now in our 60th​​Year serving the Tucson community. Sunday services at 10 am.​See ad, page 30.

UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER OF PEACE 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696 Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com UnityPeaceAZ.com

Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 29.


Senior Trainer, T’ai Chi, Qigong, Tao Yoga 520-780-6751 Heather@HeatherChalon.com HeatherChalon.com More than 25 years of experience. Practical solutions for relaxation, rejuvenation, harmony, balance. Inspiring healthy community by empowering people to improve wellness. Collaborative programs to serve your group’s needs. Skills workshops, instructor training, professional CEs, classes at various locations, private lessons.

February 2017





TAROT READINGS BY SHIVANI 413-313-5677 ShivaB1073@gmail.com

Shivani uses the cards as a visual tool to tap into your subconscious, which holds all the answers. She has been seeing clients and teaching classes for over 30 years. Get a reading today to get clarity and insight into a current problem. Student/senior discounts. See ad, page 19.


DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt. CCT Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN Dr. Jo Ruddy, PHD Jody Hardy, MALPC 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 TransformationalMedicinePLLC.com

We are like-minded First!created a Where Your Wellness Comes healing professionals who have patient-focused environment to Wishescollaborative, Everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year! RECYCLING provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, pge 3.


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toss it in your closet or garage. Ÿ Ÿ Let us clean it up and recycle it. Ÿ We’ll wipe your recycledŸGo with the flow...the road to health is paved with good devices clean and take these offintestines. your hands. See ad, page 5. Confidentiality ~ Privacy ~ Respect

Specializing in hormone replacement therapy for women, Ÿ Reed-Kane consults and helps Ÿ providers treat patients. She has a Ÿ keen understanding of the importance of hormone balance for men and women and how changes can affect individuals resulting in pain, changes in libido, osteoporosis and overall changes in general well-being.

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Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Info@TulaWellnessMD.com TulaWellnessMD.com Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 13.

Jo Ruddy, PhD Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and Metaphysical Life Coach Specializes in releasing disease A solution-focused approach to release unconscious patterns Ÿ Holistic/metaphysical modalities for healing mind, body, spirit Ÿ Couples reconnection & relationship empowerment Jodi Hardy, MA, Cht, LPC Psychotherapist Specializes in working with women & children Therapeutic & hypnotherapy modalities to create healing Demonstrates & fosters healthy self-esteem


Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, St 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Info@TulaWellnessMD.com TulaWellnessMD.com Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 13.



Stephanie Parker and Eve Hady 3496 N Paseo de San Agustin, 85712 520-955-2468 or 520-444-9189 TheAccurateWordsmith.com Eve Hady and Stephanie Parker are The Accurate Wordsmith. We empower your success by providing confidentiality, accuracy, excellent customer service and fair pricing in audio transcription, proofreading, and editing, including Doctoral dissertations and Master’s theses. Your success is our success.

YOGA ASTRO-YOGA READINGS Debbie Barnett, RYT-500 520-428-7019 Debbie@astro-yoga.com

Spiritual astrology with a yoga twist. Astrology + yoga = more sustained joy! The Astro-Yoga Woman offers consultations combining these wisdom traditions to guide you to happiness. Grand openings, parties, reiki. Ask about Natural Awakenings special. See ad, page 22.


1101 N Wilmot #123 (next to Trader Joe’s) 520-300-4378 I​nfo@MindfulYogaTucson.com MindfulY​oga​T​ucson.com Mindful Yoga Studio offers two locations in Tucson for self-awareness, self-reflection and self-compassion. The studio offers: yin, restorative, yoga for people touched by cancer, back care, flow, gentle, hatha all levels.

NaturalTucson.com Now mobile friendly. Easy to use on all your devices.



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February 2017


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