April 2017 Natural Awakenings Tucson

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feel good • live simply • laugh more

Honoring Earth Day

Lawns Go ECO Medical HOMES Native Innovations Massage Boost Low Maintenance Alternatives


Targeted Therapy for Specific Ills

April 2017 | Tucson Edition | NaturalTucson.com



natural awakenings

April 2017


contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


Turning Lawns into Native Landscapes by Lisa Kivirist and


John D. Ivanko





Targeted Therapy for Specific Ills by Linda Sechrist



A Key to Good Health by Shawn Messonnier



How to Buy Good Eggs from Happy Hens by Judith Fertig




natural awakenings





Innovations Boost Energy Efficiency by John D. Ivanko and Liam Kivirist

online RUN FUN

Races Beckon Beginners by Aimee Hughes NaturalTucson.com/TUCS/Fit-Body

NEW WAVE ids Organize to K

Save Our Oceans by April Thompson NaturalTucson.com/TUCS/Natural-Health


19 24

9 newsbriefs 16 healthbriefs 17 globalbriefs 18 eventspotlights 24 earthdayevents 31 inspiration

Serving the community for 31 years We also offer a gluten-free menu. We cater to all dietary requests

“SimplyWonderful Food” BBB 2016 GOOD NEIGHBOR AWARD

32 healingways 33 mastersofbodywork

/healing arts

37 naturalpet 38 consciouseating

40 artistspotlight


42 greenliving 45 calendar 51 classifieds 52 resourceguide

Private dining room for groups along with patio dining

On display for sale original western art, jewelry and quality leather work.

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April 2017




contact us Publisher Editor-in-Chief Holly Baker Editor Michelle Bense Writers Suzie Agrillo Michelle Bense Dale Bruder Marcia Detwiler Scupin Calendars & Layout Design Erica Mills Sales & Marketing Holly Baker Holly@NaturalTucson.com To contact Natural Awakenings Tucson Edition: 4880 N Sabino Canyon Rd., Ste 12149 Tucson AZ, 85750-7010 Tucson Office Tel: 520-760-2378 Fax: 1-520-208-9797

arth Day is here, but it’s more like Earth Month. This time of year always seems to bring a new appreciation for the planet we call home, and the wonderful life we live outdoors. Celebrate with me by attending Tucson’s Earth Day Festival, on April 22, at the Children’s Museum Tucson. We’ll learn about bettering air quality and tackling climate change, and enjoy a parade full of beautiful, eco-friendly floats and a bike ride. Want to create a more eco-friendly yard and outdoor space for your family? “Eco Yards”, on page 28, offers plenty of ideas for gardening and landscaping changes you can make, no matter what type of climate you inhabit. This month, we have an expanded local section on Tucson’s massage and bodywork resourcHolly Baker, publisher es, starting on page 32, including local wisdom on myofascial release, Feldenkrais, aquatic massage, therapeutic intuitive bodywork and more. I would be doing you a disservice as publisher if I didn’t encourage you to download the new Natural Awakenings app. The app, available on Google Play and on the Apple App Store, gives us expanded reach, and allows you to read content, search our directory, sign up for promos and more—all while traversing the Earth, wherever life may lead you. Happy Earth, Happy Life!

Holly@NaturalTucson.com NaturalTucson.com Franchise Sales 239-530-1377

© 2017 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Digital Subscriptions are free monthly via email. Contact Natural Awakenings at editor@naturaltucson.com to be added to our digital subscriber list.



natural awakenings

It is never too late to be

what you might have been. ~George Eliot

April 2017


advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@NaturalTucson.com. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@NaturalTucson com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at Submit.NaturalTucson.com/ TUCS/Magazine-Calendar-Listings by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

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newsbriefs Women Build Hope with Habitat for Humanity Tucson


hanks to the amazing efforts of women and Habitat for Humanity Tucson, a single mother will soon become the owner of a safe, affordable and healthy home. “Home means a solid foundation for our family,” says Yvonne, the soon-to-be owner of Habitat Tucson’s Women Build house. Habitat Tucson welcomes volunteers of all skill levels to join Yvonne’s family on May 13, when Yvonne will receive the keys to her new home. Volunteers will join together to help build another energy efficient Habitat home. Yvonne will purchase the 16th Women Build home— a home constructed by Habitat’s all-women construction crew—after completing the requirements of Habitat’s homeownership program. The program, which included nine months of classes, teaches homebuyers how to be successful in their new homes and includes lessons on budgeting, home maintenance and sustainable, healthy living. Yvonne is grateful for the efforts and support of women builders who are building her home where her children can grow in a safe and healthy environment. She knows that her home will allow them to do well in school and become active members of the community. To learn more about how women in Tucson are helping families like Yvonne’s, visit HabitatTucson.org/WomenBuild. For more information, call 520-326-1217 or email LauraS@ HabitatTucson.org. See ad, page 4.

Organic Home Furnishings Now Available in Tucson


ucson is now home to Jen’s Organic Home, the only organic home store and showroom in all of Arizona. Jen’s Organic Home features a beautiful, healthy showroom with an abundance of natural products. The store provides local, healthy choices to create a cleaner, greener, alternative choice for family and home. Jen Bauman Ollman opened the showroom to fill a gap, “It is very difficult to shop online for eco-conscious products for our homes,” she says. “These types of purchases are best tried, felt, sat upon and actually lied on to decide which feels best for your body. Be it a complete organic bed, from frame to mattress to topper to sheets, pillows and comforters, to a sophisticated heirloom organic sofa or chair for your living space, to a wide selection of healthy baby and toddler furnishings, green toys and sleepwear.” They have over 600 organic products to admire and select for the home, kids’ rooms and even some organic cotton and bamboo women’s and children’s clothing. Location: 2831 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-325-0359, email Info@JensOrganicHome.com or visit JensOrganicHome.com. See ad, page 29.

April 2017


newsbriefs Tips for Recycling Old Electronics


omputers and electronic devices that have been set aside can be repurposed for others or totally cleaned up so data is no longer available to others to snoop into. Most of us have computers and other devices that have important, personal information which needs to be removed before recycling. Don Gibbens, owner of GE Computing, offers help to those looking to recycle unwanted electronic devices safely and efficiently. “It gives me joy to know that people’s used computers can be recycled to give someone else technology that they can use at a lower cost,” says Gibbens. “You will benefit by knowing that you have saved your devices from becoming trash and have them be reused.” GE Computing will come to one’s home or business and pick up computer items at no or little charge. If replacements for the items are needed, Gibbens will quote a trade-in value. For more information, call 520-332-1485, email Don@GEComputerRepair.com or visit GEComputerRepair.com. See ad, page 11.

Floral Classes on 4th Avenue


lower Shop on 4th Avenue will host a floral class to teach about the care and arranging of flowers, at 5:30 p.m., April 19. The daisy, April’s flower of the month, conveys innocence, loyal love and purity. Yet, it is also a flower given between friends to keep a secret; the daisy means “I’ll never tell.” “As a florist, I witness this phenomenon every day. However, now, numerous scientific studies have proven that flowers have positive effects on the brain. They elevate mood, reduce stress and even help people to heal faster through color, scent and symbolism,” says owner Norah Schultz. Flower Shop on 4th Avenue is family-owned and operated and locally owned. They take pride in their service, which is friendly and prompt. They also deliver. Cost: $55. Location: 531 N. 4th Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-6227673, email FlowerShopOn4th@gmail.com or visit FlowerShopOn4th.com.



natural awakenings

New Natural Awakenings App


he Natural Awakenings healthy living, healthy planet lifestyle app has been upgraded with a brand-new look and updated features. The changes to the free app, which has already been downloaded by 40,000-plus users, will make keeping up with the best choices for a green and healthy lifestyle easier than ever. New features include being able to sign up for promotions, updates and newsletters plus linking to the Natural Awakenings website. Visitors can find local magazines nationwide; a national directory of healthy and green businesses and resources with products, practitioners and services, complete with directions; updated national monthly magazine content; archives of hundreds of previously published articles on practical, natural approaches to nutrition, fitness, creative expression, personal growth and sustainable living by national experts that are searchable by key words; and an archive of articles in Spanish. “These upgrades and expanded accessibility will empower people to enjoy healthier, happier and longer lives more easily than ever before,” notes Natural Awakenings founder Sharon Bruckman. To download the free app, search for Natural Awakenings on Google Play or the Apple app store or visit Natural AwakeningsMag.com. See ad, page 43.

The Sound of Music Sing-A-Long at Loft Cinema

Integrative Biological Dentistry

Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, IMD, IBDM, MPH • Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal • Mercury Toxicity Testing and Detox Programs • Ozone Therapy • Biocompatible Tooth Colored Fillings

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• All Porcelain Crowns and Bridges • Treatments to Avoid Root Canals • Infant/Child Tongue Tie Release • Fluoride FREE

Board Certified Integrative Biological Dentist • Board Certified Doctor of Integrative Medicine Advanced General Dentistry Degree • Masters Certification in Implants he Loft Cinema will host a The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology Accredited Dentist Sound of Music sing-a-long, at both Masters Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health noon and 6 p.m., April 15. Attendees Integrative Biological Dentistry


can enjoy the beloved, Oscar-winning Jeanne Anne Krizman, D.M.D., M.P.H. 1965 musical extravaganza in this spe-

cially-restored version with on-screen • Ozone Therapy eral & Cosmetic Dentistry lyrics so that everyone can sing along, • Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal orcelain Crowns and and receive a complimentary “Magic • Mercury Toxicity Testing & ges ompatible Tooth Colored Moments Fun Pack”,Detox Programs filled with props Treatments to Avoid Root Canals gs and goodies to use• throughout the show. • Periodontal Laser Treatments actions Those who come dressed in Sound of • Laser Tooth Whitening ants

Music attire and join an onstage costume contest before the movie. vanced General Dentistry Degree Cheer on the plucky Maria (Julie ters Certification in Implants Andrews) as she moves to Austria, bernational Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology Accredited Dentist ters Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health comes the governess for the von Trapp family, teaches the children music, Call 520-326-0082 for falls an appointment battles the bad guys and even in 1601 N Tucson Blvd., Suite #35, Tucson, AZ 85716 love with the dashing Captain von Trapp www.krizmandental.com • smile@krizmandental.com (Christopher Plummer). “This is glorious, music-filled fun for the whole family, so whether you’re an adult, a child, or sixteen going on seventeen, break out that lederhosen, climb every mountain and make your way to the Sing-A-Long Sound of Music for a magical movie experience you won’t soon forget,” says J.J. Giddings, Marketing Director for Loft Cinema.

Call 520-326-0082 for an appointment 1601 N Tucson Blvd., Suite #35, Tucson, AZ 85716 www.krizmandental.com • smile@krizmandental.com

Location: The Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-795-7777, email Info@LoftCinema.org or visit LoftCinema.org. See ad, page 31.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~Lao Tzu April 2017



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New Life Insurance Online Tool


or those looking into life insurance policies, there is now a new tool on Farmers.com, called Farmers Life Navigator, provided by Farmers Insurance. Local Farmers Insurance agent, Don Cox, is ready to answer any questions about life insurance and help every step of the way. “Keeping with this month’s theme of Don Cox sustainability in and around the home, one should also take a look at sustainability of household finances,” says Cox. “When someone we love relies on us financially, how will they sustain their current lifestyle if we are no longer around to provide for them? The answer is life insurance.” A life insurance policy is a promise—as long as the policy is in force, the company will provide cash to one’s beneficiaries when they need it the most. In the event of a tragedy, life insurance proceeds can: cover funeral costs; pay the bills and meet ongoing living expenses; eliminate outstanding debt, including the mortgage; finance needs like child care and future education; protect a spouse’s retirement plans.

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For more information, call 520-789-7234, e-mail DCox1@FarmersAgent.com or visit Famers.com/Life-Navigator.

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natural awakenings

racked in pollutants such as pollen or dust can diminish the quality of a home’s air. AM Heating and Cooling can help keep air fresh and provide a better living environment for a business or home. They offer indoor air quality products, including the Air Scrubber Plus. The Air Scrubber Plus reduces harmful airborne contaminants and is designed to eliminate indoor air quality risks by reducing pollutants, dust, pollen, odors caused by pets and cooking. It works 24/7 in a living/working environment in collaboration with an HVAC system, reducing contaminants that can aggravate allergy symptoms, sinus problems, fatigue and headaches, all while protecting the expensive HVAC system. “It extends the life of your existing heating and cooling system by trapping debris before it enters the filter, minimizing damage to the AC components such as the coils and blower,” says Natalia Rodriguez, owner of AM Heating and Cooling. There is no need to install a new heating/cooling system to use this technology. It can be attached to an existing HVAC unit and used with any existing heating/cooling system. The Air Scrubber Plus does not use any extra power, and there is no extra maintenance required. For more information, call 520-548-2650, email Info@AMHeatCool.com or visit AMHeatCool.com.

Using Sound, Voice and Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Come Home to ...


ryshe Dhevney, owner of SoundShifting, will host Return to Wholeness: An Encounter with Sound, a unique experiential training opportunity to better understand ways to use sound, voice and Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls to reduce stress, change brain states, improve health and impact real world outcomes, held April 14 to 15; June 30 to July1; September 1 to 2; and November 3 to 4, at Hacienda del Sol Guest Ranch Resort. “Now is our time to voice our choice. Connecting to the authentic self allows one to be guided from one’s unique natural core, navigating life’s challenges with intuitive understanding of Tryshe Dhevney one’s true potential,” says Dhevney. Dhevney stresses that there is power in the spoken word. “Are you aware of the energetic impact your words have on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being? Many of us are not. Typically, words are not considered traditional sound healing, and yet each word we speak carries a powerful vibration—one that carries the potential to cause harm (however unintentional) or bring forth peace and harmony,” she says. “Every time you speak, you are birthing value, meaning and purpose into the universe. And because what you say matters to you, it will become matter. You are creating your future, word by word—with real-world outcomes.”

Teaching The Love of God

Unity of Tucson

Sunday Service & Youth Education 10 am www.unitytucson.com 3617 N Camino Blanco off River between Swan & Craycroft Large Metaphysical Bookstore Serving Tucson for 60 years

Location: 5501 N. Hacienda del Sol Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-440-7820, email TrysheDhevney@cox.net or visit SoundShifting.com. See ad, page 4.


Are you in PAIN?

Try Gentle Chiropractic WinterHaven Health Center Dr. Nathan S. Conlee, DC, CCSP, DACNB, LAc, C.K.T.P • Chiropractic Neurologist • Acupuncture • Physiotherapy • Certified Sports Chiropractor • Metabolic Nutritionist • Auto Injuries • Low Level Laser Therapy “Certified in Kinesiotaping” Call for FREE Consultation 520-322-6161 3020 N. Country Club / www.PerformanceNeurology.com April 2017


newsbriefs Flutes for Vets in Tucson


veteran-run business, Flutes for Vets LLC is being launched in Tucson now, and is seeking funds to provide free Native American-style flutes and free flute classes to veterans who are interested in trying something new. Flutes for Vets is also seeking veterans to participate in every part of the business operations—from logo creating, to website building, to co-managing the business. A kick-off flute class will be held, 10 a.m. to noon, May 6, at Mystic Candles and Metaphysical Shop. The class is open to all, with a discount for veterans. A flute will be raffled off to a veteran. “In Fiscal Year 2011, 476,515 Veterans with primary or secondary diagnosis of PTSD received treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers and clinics. Many more go untreated and end up homeless due to this and/or other mental health or addiction issues,” says Twinfeathers, manager of Flutes for Vets. “What if there was something that could help vets sooth the internal chaos and give them a sense of peace for a little while?” Veteran and Native American Flute player/instructor for 16 years, Twinfeathers believes it could help, so she started Flutes for Vets LLC, which will be run completely by veterans and eventually become a nonprofit. Odell Borg, owner of High Spirits Flutes (HighSpirits. com), of Patagonia, has already stepped forward, offering flutes at cost for veterans. Flutes for Vets is also looking for a home to teach classes for veterans exclusively for low to no cost for rent. Location: 6546 E. 22nd St., Tucson. For more information, call 520-784-4468 or email FlutesForVets@gmail.com.

Ann Adams Life Coaching Offers One-Day Retreats


nn Adams, Certified Life Coach and owner of Ann Adams Life Coaching, is now offering one-day retreats for women in the Tucson/Oro Valley. These retreats are designed for women to get together and support each other in a caring, warm environment, and will be offered beginning in May. The retreats are great for those looking to redesign their life or looking for support during a life challenge such as: newly single Ann Adams or remarried, facing health issues, losing weight or maintaining weight loss, work or career challenges, empty nest, retirement, new to the workforce or any of the special challenges women face. Adams is a credentialed member of International Coach Federation and a member of American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She also trains future coaches through International Academy of Coaching and is working on her first book about overcoming obstacles in midlife and creating a life of joy and satisfaction. For more information, call 520-490-7354, email Info@AnnAdamsLifeCoaching.com or visit AnnAdamsLifeCoaching.com. See ad, page 10.

Today, 88 of the Fortune 100 companies have mandated Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design as their standard. ~Mahesh Ramanujam

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natural awakenings

April 2017



Preventive Screening with Thermography

Stem Cells for Healing


esearch has shown that the chief mechanism involved with all degenerative disease is inflammation. Currently, medical technologies search for disease processes that have already developed. They are looking downstream to the effect rather than upstream at the underlying cause. More advanced healthcare practitioners use instruments and technology that looks upstream for the cause of disease in the body. Mammograms look for anatomical changes in the breast such as masses or lumps—the end result of physiologic changes. Thermograms analyze the vascular changes in the breast; increased blood into certain regions of the body increases heat in that region. Areas of inflammation, abnormal cell formation and active infection have elevated circulation. Thermal imaging has the ability to detect subtle physiological (thermal) changes that accompany pathology. The body should naturally have thermal symmetry. Areas of asymmetry can indicate problems and further testing can be performed to determine underlying pathology. Active cancer cells divide very rapidly and demand increased blood flow and nutrient delivery. This results in increased formation of blood cells around these active cancer cells. Thermography has the ability to pick up this abnormal blood supply often before the cluster is large enough to be noticed as a lump in a breast exam. It is estimated that thermography can detect cancer formation roughly 10 years before mammography can identify a tumor. Initial thermograms, along with follow-up comparative scans, are a reliable and accurate tool that provides precise and objective data of thermal information. This information can be used in conjunction with other tests for successful diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Thermography is completely painless, noninvasive and involves no compression. Lynda Witt is a Certified Clinical Thermographer at Proactive Health Solutions, LLC, with 12 years of experience. Connect at 520-235-7036, Lynda@ProactiveHealthSolutions.org or ProactiveHealthSolutions.org. See ad, page 3.

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natural awakenings


here has been increasing awareness of the benefits of stem cells for treating neurological and other serious medical conditions. Treatment with stem cells has been focused on research to develop specific stem cell lines that will treat a diagnosed condition. The good news is that even adult stem cells can be beneficial and differentiate to create healing. Canadian physicians have used stem cells to stop the progression and heal severe multiple sclerosis. Stem cells have been successfully injected at the cervical spinal cord level to improve function after spinal cord injury. They may be obtained from fat deposits, umbilical cord blood and from bone marrow. However, a noninvasive approach to facilitate release of stem cells is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). HBOT, provided in 20, one-hour sessions with 100 percent oxygen, increased the release of mesenchymal stem cells eightfold in studies at the University of Pennsylvania. HBOT also facilitates stem cell integration into injured tissue and creates healing. Beike Biotechnology, B-Line Clinic in Oregon and Stemedix Corporation are among the centers combining the two powerful therapies to facilitate maximum healing. Dr. Carol Henricks is a neurologist specialist who uses off-label healing therapies. Connect at 520-229-1238, clhmaxwell@aol.com or NorthStarHBOT.com. See ad, page 8.

globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Dirty Driving

When air pollution blanketed Paris for three days, authorities called it the worst bout in 10 years and made public transit free. For the fourth time in 20 years, the city instituted a system based on alternating odd and even license plate numbers to keep certain vehicles off city streets, effectively cutting daily traffic in half; it’s the first time the ban’s been maintained for consecutive days. “Cars are poisoning the air,” says Paris city hall transport official Herve Levife. “We need to take preventive measures.” Three other cities—Athens, Madrid and Mexico City—will ban diesel engines by 2025 as part of a similar effort. Beijing, China’s capital city, has such dirty skies from cars and coal that protective masks are commonplace despite emissions restrictions and power plant closures, partly due to pollutants from neighboring regions. Paris leads the world in monthly car-free days, but several large metro cities participate in an international car-free day each September 22, including Washington, D.C., Seattle and Long Island, New York.


Traffic Pollution Chokes Big Cities Worldwide

Source: EcoWatch.com

Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place. ~Scott Peters


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Improve Attention and Focus With In-Home Neurofeedback for Your Children


Kimberly Haynes Southwest Spring Tour


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he Galactic Center will host singer/songwriter Kimberly Haynes for her Southwest Spring Tour 2017, at 7:30 p.m., April 27. Kindled by an awareness of divine guidance and conscious connection with spirit, Haynes’ debut album Awaken Me, brings forth an uplifting invitation to discover a sacred space deep within the heart. The spectrum of her eclectic and enlightening vocal performance evokes both the tenderness of a mother’s touch and the ancient feminine power of a tribal priestess singing her truth. The essence of New Age is felt within the harmonious dance between world music, folk, soft pop and Americana in this masterful production of 11 devotional songs cultivated by accomplished producer and multi-instrumentalist David Vito Gregoli. “Music and song has always been and will always be a prayer for me and it is a privilege to carry that prayer into the world,” says Haynes. “It is my hope that these songs will be a blessing to all who hear them.” Her music harmoniously weaves inspirational heart-felt lyrics into a rich tapestry of world instruments to create poetic reflections born of a life of tremendous trials and blessed tribulations. Whether she is leading prayer services for her community, leading a sacred ceremony, performing or simply gathering her family and friends for a sacred meal, it’s all done with a fierce passion and commitment to connecting with Spirit and with the hearts of those listening. Cost: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. Order at: paypal.me/KAHaynes. Location: 35 E. Toole Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-884-0874 or visit MusicMedicineWoman.com.

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Creating Healthy Enlightened Relationships Seminar

and methods for allowing children the freedom to learn from their obstacles and challenges benefitting everyone. Gofonia shares, “Relationships with children have allowed me to experience the highest level of joy and the deepest Relationships with Intimate level of pain and grief. Each relationship is a gift reminding me that the best gift I Partners. Michael Traub, MBA, MSW, has worked as a relation- can give to myself, my children and othship specialist and psychothera- ers is to choose joy, gratitude, forgiveness and greeting each daily experience pist for over 37 years, assisting with compassion and love.” people in successfully creating Relationships with Parents and and maintaining relationSiblings. Amy LaLicata is a filmmaker, ships. Traub will help participants identify common patterns musician, publisher and founder of RainbowLight Creations, and she is cowhere relationships struggle and what to do about it, provide founder of Mastery of Energy Healing skillful, practical tools for better with Alex Hermosillo. Participants will learn common challenges often faced communication, explain why with parents and siblings (including in we have strong reactions to what our ainbowLight Creations, a local adulthood); how to have an indepenmultimedia production company, is partner does and says, share how to talk dent voice through heartful, skillful launching its premier event, “Creat- about upsets and describe how to make communication; how to become an and keep skillful agreements. Traub asing Healthy Enlightened Relationships”, effective catalyst for positive change in sures, “When intimate partners become a one-day seminar, on May 13, at the the family dynamic; how to deal with aware of their patterns and reasons for Radisson Suites, in Tucson. Participants feelings of disappointment, anger and reactivity, and choose to use a powerful can expect to learn how to navigate common challenges in their relationships solution-focused interaction model, they grief; and how to find forgiveness and higher purpose in their relationships will experience transformation of their with skill and heartfulness and how to with parents and siblings. LaLicata make healthy choices that empower and relationship.” reveals, “Through awareness and skill, Relationships with Children. bring out the best in each other and their relationships can be wonderful opportuNadine Gofonia, Director of Coachrelationships. ing Effectiveness, has been a classroom nities for personal and spiritual growth, Participants are invited to explore all in the service for their relationships from four perspectives, teacher, school principal, parent of five everyone to live richer, children and step-parent for over 34 featuring four distinctive enlightened wiser, more fulfilling years. Gofonia will provide participants spiritual teachers who will share their lives.” with helpful insights and practical tools personal stories, insights and expertise, along with tools (and humor) that are sure in mindfulness, freeing oneself from disFor more information tractions, fears and worries and allowing to inspire and uplift everyone attending. and to purchase tickfor positive intentions and self-aware Relationships with Oneself and ets, call 480-820-2026 ness, daily prayer work and meditations Their Spirit. Alex Hermosillo, internaor visit RainbowLightCreations.com. that develop happier, more meaningtionally known healer and founder of See ad, page 7. ful relationships with their children, Mastery of Energy Healing, will detail how the relationships in his life challenged him and his spirit. Hermosillo will describe the ego-based attitudes that many deal within themselves, explain how and why one’s life experiences, emotions and thoughts can nurture or cause adverse effects in them, and how to release past non-nurturing painful experiences, through a powerful group healing and meditation. Hermosillo imparts, “When one learns how to nurture their mind, body and spirit— and love themselves—they will become peaceful, joyful and balanced with the ability to access higher wisdom to guide them throughout their life.”


April 2017



An Integrative Approach to Parkinson’s Disease Treatment


progress of the disease. teve Liu, an estab Liu’s personal story of lished acupuncturist living through Parkinson’s and business owner disease with his father, couin the Northwest Tucson pled with the tremendously area since 2001, practices increasing incident rate, has at HanLing Acupuncture led him to a personal and Healing Center, and this professional mission to find year marks the 25th annatural ways to not only niversary of his father’s improve quality of life, but passing from Parkinson’s to actually slow down the disease. Steve Liu progression of the disease. Liu’s practice is a He has integrated two contempodirect lineage from his mother, Dr. rary but scientifically founded therapies Grace Liu, who studied and practiced to address the progression of Parkinson’s under the old school in China. Prior disease. Neuro-acupuncture (or scalp to his career as an acupuncturist, he acupuncture) integrates traditional Chiwas an electrical engineer in Silicon nese needling with Western medical unValley, working with lasers, and he derstanding of the brain. In the last 30 has since developed a modern treatyears, this therapy has been extensively ment approach to acupuncture which studied and shown remarkable results in integrates laser. treating stroke paralysis, multiple sclero In 1992, when his father passed, sis and Parkinson’s disease. very little attention was given to Par Acupuncture can also help support kinson’s disease. Now, 25 years later, cognitive function and slow the decline it is the 14th leading cause of death in from Parkinson’s symptoms. A study the U.S., with 1.5 million Americans done in 2002 by the Department of currently suffering from the disease. Although significant scientific advances Neurology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine revealed 20 Parsuch as deep brain stimulation and kinson’s patients were treated with 16 medications help ease motor and nonsessions of acupuncture. Eighty-five permotor symptoms, at this time there is cent of those patients reported improveno cure or therapy proven to slow the 20


natural awakenings

ment of symptoms, including tremors, walking, handwriting, slowness, pain, sleep, depression and anxiety. There were no adverse effects. Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy is the use of a low-intensity laser or LED light source on our biological system. Beneficial outcomes include alleviation of pain and inflammation, immunomodulation, promotion of wound healing and tissue regeneration. PBM is on the fringe of today’s therapy treatments because it does not have an avenue in the Western medical industry at this time. However, many studies presented at PBM conferences around the world in the last 10 years show the positive effects of this therapy when applied through the scalp and nasal cavity on patients with traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Furthermore, the therapy is proving not only absolutely safe but without any adverse side effects. This is a very important point when so often a patient has to compromise side effects for relief of their primary medical conditions. These acupuncture and PBM therapies can be applied together in one session when a patient is either sitting upright or laying down comfortably. The therapies can even prove relaxing in an environment where soft music and low lighting encourage a sense of peaceful relaxation. These two therapies will be presented and explored in-depth in a workshop sponsored by HanLing Acupuncture Healing Center, on April 29. In addition to Liu’s acupuncture and PBM therapies, there will be four supplemental healing modalities presented at the workshop. Each modality has been empirically and/or scientifically shown to slow down the progression of the disease and/or alleviate Parkinson’s symptoms. Movement and massage therapies have proven to alleviate symptoms associated with Parkinson’s as well as to improve movement and function in activities of daily living. In this workshop, Joe Pinella, a well-known qigong/Tai Chi practitioner will present his incredible story of self-healing to overcome a quadriplegic diagnosis. Through his miraculous healing, Pinella developed his business, called Healing Movement Systems.

Maria Mitchell will address stiff muscles, tremors and symptoms of constipation. Mitchell’s master’s in Gerontology, over two decades of experience as a massage therapist, as well as certification in Yoga Therapy, makes her an expert in her field. Neuromuscular Therapy can improve muscular movements and alleviate tremors, while Chinese Abdominal Massage (known as CNT) and yoga poses can help address issues of constipation that are often associated with Parkinson’s conditions. Parkinson’s patients being able to ride a bicycle was first reported by a clinic in the Netherlands in 2012. Additionally, a 2010 study showed an exercise method called Forced Exercise using tandem bicycles. This method can be highly beneficial to a Parkinson’s patient’s shuffling gait and hand trembling. The study describes a captain in the front seat of a tandem bicycle pedaling at a very high pace, with the patient being “forced” to pedal at the same pace in the rear. The release of dopamine from the exercise is thought to help overall body movement. Steve Morganstern, of Bicycle Ranch, will demonstrate this unique exercise with a stationary tandem bicycle at the workshop and present the benefits of biking for all Parkinson’s patients’ physical health and sense of well-being. Karianne Cory, a graduate of Cornell University’s Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition Program will present Plant Based Nutritional Therapy. In a

study published in the December 1, 2016 issue of Cell, Caltech researchers showed that signals from the gut microbiome affected the level of neuroinflammation and the degree of motor dysfunction in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease. This study was the first one of its kind to provide a possible link between bacteria in our gut and Parkinson’s disease. Fiber in plant-based foods is the only nutrient the gut bacteria needs to flourish. Cory is eager to help patients attain wellness with plant-based nutrition and instill confidence in their own ability to make choices to enrich body, mind and spirit. A typical patient may not need all five therapies, depending on their stage of progression, and Liu helps coordinate the appropriate therapies their frequency. He understands each Parkinson’s patient is unique and there is no “one-

size-fits-all” treatment protocol. Liu stresses that this treatment regiment in no way is a claim to cure Parkinson’s. However, this workshop is the first of its kind to assemble a team of practitioners who will present well-founded practices for dramatically improving quality of life for Parkinson’s patients. Additionally, attendees will come away with tips on how to prevent Parkinson’s disease and memory loss, which can be a complication to many Parkinson’s patients later in life. A Life Changing Workshop: An Integrative Approach to Parkinson’s Disease Treatment will be held from noon to 5 p.m., April 29, at Chinese Cultural Center, 1288 W. River Rd., in Tucson. Cost of $49 includes a healthy Chinese lunch. Call 520-878-8116 to reserve seats today. See ad, page 2.

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Sara Yo Spirit Jewels:

A New Way To Help Heal


Managing Stress During a Real Estate Transaction by Carol Nigut


fter 25 years experience or most people, in medical practice and buying or selling research, Dr. Hannah Hera home is stressshoff decided to leave her lucrative ful, as it involves the medical doctor career to create single biggest finanhealing jewelry. cial investment they A phone chat with a cousin will ever make. As if who took a trip from China totally this wasn’t enough, changed Dr. Hannah Hershoff’s life. real estate transacShe learned that mystical stones tions are complicated Sara Yo from a remote area of Southeast and can be unpredictChina near her hometown have incredible spiritual healable, leading to even more stress, especially without reliing properties. After extensive research, Hannah discovered able support, guidance and preparation. Knowing what to that the key element of the stones is a mineral, JDZ Kaolin, expect and how to manage the stress is extremely important formed millions of years ago. During a long process using to maintaining peace of mind, physical health, and psycholocal water and fire in a special kiln, the stones not only emotional balance. permanently formed their gorgeous colors and shine, but The most important factor for reducing stress when buyalso gained their five natural elements. This information ing or selling is selecting the right Realtor to work with. Here excited Hannah enormously leading to her decision to test are some tips for beginning the journey. the spiritual healing effects of the stones. She created her • Interview at least two or three before making a decision bracelets with these stones and gifted or sold to people about who to entrust with the biggest financial investment with various levels of spirituality. A few weeks after wearing of your life. these eye-catching bracelets, three out of four individuals • Leave a message, email or text requesting the appointment reported they gained confidence, improved their self-image, to see if they are reliable and respond quickly. sensed more connections to loved ones and experienced a • Have a written list of any questions or concerns and make noticeable reduction in anxiety. sure they are answered and addressed. A year later, Hannah • Remember, good Realtors work for you, not the other way and her husband started a around. It’s your deal, money and life. Realtors are there to company and named their provide information and guidance, not to say what anyone JDZ kaolin comprised “should” do. pieces, Sara Yo Stones. Dr. • Make sure you know who will actually be working with Hannah Hershoff says, “I you. If the Realtor or agent is on a team, they may never be am so glad I have made seen or heard from again as the deal is passed on to a this career change deci “transaction agent” or other staff person. sion, as each day I learn • Make sure the agent reviews anything they are asking you more about how Sara Yo to sign (in person or digitally) and that they are reliably helps people feel better. available to answer any questions. Don’t sign anything you I am so fortunate to do don’t understand. something I am extremely passionate about!” Carol Nigut is a realtor at Your Home for Currently, the Sara Yo team provides complimentary Real Estate at Coldwell Banker Residential. Consciously serving clients email healing services based on Chinese Tao philosophy. Prior to becoming a Realtor, she had her with and skill and care business Their weekly healing messages guide their customers stepown wholistic health fitness by-step to meditate with Sara Yo stones and help transform called Happy, Healthy, and Whole. Connect their lives to new levels. YourHome4RealEstate.com at 520-448-6033, YourHomeForRealEstate@ Call today for a complimentary real estate consultation! or YourHome4RealEstate.com. 520-448-6033gmail.com For more information, visit www.myspiritjewel.com. See ad, page 14. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC



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The highest compliment I can receive is a referral from my friends, family, and clients.

“I am committed to losing weight this year”, “I am committed to improving my finances”, and so on. With the conviction of commitment over hope, we can be active creators in our lives. Here are five ways to build commitment toward desired results.

1 2 3

Notice where you’ve given over areas of your life to hope. These may not be easy to spot at first, but look to areas you feel irritated about, complain about, feel like you have “settled” or resigned.

5 Ways to Build Commitment Toward Desired Results by Denisse Cabrera


e have been taught to believe that hope is a noble and worthwhile emotion. While there are instances where that is certainly still true, when it comes to getting ourselves to move forward in areas that have yet to manifest, it can prove more hindrance than ally. Bold statement ahead: Hope robs us of our ability to take responsibility for our lives. Hope makes us passive onlookers of our own lives rather than active participants. “I hope I lose weight this year”, “I hope my finances improve”, “I hope my business/project is successful”, “I hope my relationship gets better”… These statements go unchecked and we lose sight of the power we have over the outcome. When we commit to something no matter what, we don’t have to rely on hope. Commitment is the opposite of hope.

Take inspired action. Commitment isn’t about massive “push” action, it’s about small changes over time, ones that help us stay consistent toward progress.

Get other people involved in the commitment—family, friends, coaches, counselors, co-workers. There is power in sharing your commitment with others, because it is as if you are entering into a commitment with them that you will create new results.


Track your progress. This can be with a simple checkmark on a calendar or journaling to see that you are actively engaged in creating different results. Tracking is a visual reminder that you are committed to something new in life.


Celebrate. Know that by transforming hope into commitment, you will see desired results, not only in the area you chose to commit to, but also in other areas of life.

Denisse Cabrera, RN, is a Certified Integrative Life Coach and Functional Medicine Health Coach. Using science, intuition and fun, she helps clients find relief in health, relationships and career where they may have been struggling for years. Connect at 520-979-4600, RiseAboveItCoach@gmail.com or RiseAboveItCoach.com. See ad, page 26.

April 2017


Earth Day Events at Santa Rita Springs



Think Earth Day Every Day by Sandra Murphy


he federal Every Student Succeeds Act, passed in December 2015 to take effect in the 2017-2018 school year, is the first law in U.S. history to include language that supports environmental education. Plans call for it to be integrated with current state standards, graduation requirements, teacher development and assessment, funding sources and policy action steps. EducationWorld.com offers lesson plan ideas for students. For example, students from third grade through high school might collect their household junk mail and explore ways to reduce it. Those in kindergarten through eighth grade may create a binder of information on endangered species that includes maps, animal facts and threats to their survival, exploring causal interconnections throughout the planet. Students can also build a cafeteria compost pile or find ways to improve their school’s recycling program. Kathleen Rogers, president of the nonprofit Earth Day Network, on EarthDayNetwork.org, says, “We need to promote environmental consciousness



into our children’s curricula so they are able to analyze problems, think critically, balance needs and take informed action.” Earth Day isn’t just one day. Aware citizens can take a rewarding action every day. Help Tucson celebrate and forward its progress toward sustainability at these local Earth Day 2017 events.

Tucson Earth Day Festival Saturday April 22 10am-2pm Children’s Museum Tucson 200 S 6th Ave


his car-free event aims to tackle issues of sustainability, environmental awareness and climate change through education to Tucson residents. Exhibitors share concepts on bettering air quality, renewable energy and more. The biggest part of the event is the parade which features eco-friendly floats and an accompanying bike ride through town.

natural awakenings


ertified Aromatherapist and Soul Alchemist, Marcey DiCaro, is offering her Essential Alchemy Aromatherapy Workshop, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., April 22, in the studio at Santa Rita Springs. Then, beginning at 3 p.m., Marcia Breitenbach will host a stress releasing Angel Gong Saltwater Bath. “Essential oils, derived from herbs, flowers, spices, fruits and trees, represent the essence of each of earth’s gifts from plants and minerals,” says DiCaro. “Attendees will learn how to safely use the oils for healing mind, body and spirit and learn the qualities of oils, plus make two blended items to take home.” “The Earth’s surface is covered by 70 percent water—the same percentage of water in our own bodies. The Angel Gong Saltwater Bath brings healing due to the resonance of the sound vibrations with the warm pool water and your body. Add the beneficial properties of salt water to get a fantastic healing brew: sound, water, salt, vibrations, intention and love,” says Breitenbach. Cost: $45 before April 7/$55 after. Location: 2301 N. Santa Rita Ave., Tucson. Register for the aromatherapy workshop at 520-490-4149 or MarceysJourney@ gmail.com. Register for the saltwater bath at 520-975-5376 or MillMarcia@ gmail.com. For more information, call 520-622-4201, email SantaRitaSprings@ gmail.com or visit SantaRitaSprings.com. See ad, page 36.

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ugene Carter, and Independent Associate of LegalShield Inc., offers people a comprehensive plan to proactively watch out for identity theft threats to their personal information. These plans also help them in a reactive situation at an affordable rate. These IDShield Family and Individual plans are provided through an industry leading company with more than 45 years of experience. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) shows that victims of identity theft spend more than 55 hours resolving their issues, and half spend more 130 hrs. According to one FTC report from Jan-Dec 2015, 24 percent of those affected were ages 50 to 59, 20 percent were ages 40 to 49, 15 percent were ages 60 to 69, and 14 percent were ages 20 to 29.

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Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein



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Top 14 Reasons to Focus on Compassion by Teresa Cowan Jones


NaturalTucson.com Now mobile friendly. Easy to use on all your devices.

1. Compassion is critical at this time in history; it is a necessity to build global community with mutual respect, end violence and foster unity among humanity. 2. Compassion now has scientifically researched benefits. 3. Compassion increases our health and longevity. 4. Compassion increases our happiness. 5. Compassion may increase productivity, for research shows happiness to be the most productive state. 6. Compassion increases our sense of having more time. 7. Compassion spreads and increases societal well-being. 8. Compassion is the human capacity that precedes authentic, sustained civility, respect and collaboration. 9. Compassion is a powerful way to unify a populace, as it suggests caring for those who are different than oneself, outside of one’s own tribe. 10. Compassion can connect to people’s value of responsibility and thereby function to unify political parties. 11. Compassion is the cornerstone of collaborative, transformational leadership, the type of leadership critical now. 12. Compassion enables positional leaders to yield influence and provide effective leadership. 13. Compassion won’t grow by sheer volition, but by concentrated practice. 14. Compassion is natural, effective and a skill that can be developed. Teresa Cowan Jones is Director of Sacred Space, in Tucson. All are welcome to develop compassion at Sacred Space, at 4 p.m. every Sunday, at Ward 6 office (3202 E. Speedway). Connect at SacredSpaceTucson.org.



natural awakenings

and spiritual. Combine your astrological blueprint with yoga practices, and you have your own unique plan for leading a joyful life.

Know Thyself through Yoga and Astrology


by Debbie Barnett

rom eighth century Greece came the inscription at the Oracle at Delphi: “Know thyself.” The yoga sutras echoed the edict in the principle of svadhyaya, or self-inquiry. What better way to understand who we are and why we’re here than through astrology? As a personal heavenly blueprint, astrology provides a roadmap to attune to our natural rhythms and realize our dharma, the role we play in humanity’s evolution.

Astrology tracks the cycles of time: when to plant, and when to sow, when to activate, and when to lay low. Just as seasons are cycles in nature, we, too, experience astrological seasons throughout our lives. Yoga’s principles act as a master plan for creating and sustaining a balanced, sattvic, or pure life. Its subtle effects permeate every layer of our being: physical, mental, emotional, energetic

Where to start? • Baby steps. Know where you want to go and take small steps in that direction. • Educate yourself about your sun, moon and ascendant (rising) signs. • Find your rhythm, and you’ll find your flow. Know when to work, when to rest, when to plant and when to harvest. • Know where major transits occur in your chart to see which life areas are being affected. When we know ourselves, and understand how best to navigate the multi-dimensional planes upon which we exist, our life flows with more ease and grace. An Astro-Yoga reading can help you get started. The Astro-Yoga Woman, Debbie Barnett, RYT 500, enjoys helping people discover their path and purpose with astrology and yoga. Mention Natural Awakenings and receive 20 percent off an initial AstroYoga reading. Connect at 951-316-9380 or Astro-Yoga.com. See ad, page 36.

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April 2017


Four-Season Climates

ECO YARDS Turning Lawns into Native Landscapes by Lisa Kivirist and John D. Ivanko

From the Midwest to New England, “Wild ginger makes a nice, low groundcover with heart-shaped leaves in shade or part shade, where lawn grass often struggles,” suggests Pam Penick, of Austin, Texas, author of Lawn Gone: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard. “Pennsylvania sedge, a low, grassy, meadow-like groundcover, can also work. For areas with full sun, bearberry, an evergreen creeping shrub with red berry-like fruit in fall, or prairie dropseed, a beautiful prairie grass with sparkling seed heads in fall, might be worth trying.” “Stick with the Carex family of plants, the sedges, for a native meadow,” echoes Greenlee. “They vary in color, texture and height. Follow nature’s lead and create a tapestry of commingled plants. Start slow and add flowering plants like Queen Anne’s lace, daisies, asters and poppies.”

Hot and Humid Subtropics

In sunny and well-drained areas of the South, Penick suggests Gulf muhly, achieving a low-maintenance, lawn-free raditional turf lawns are an an ornamental grass. “Its fall blooms yard; growing food like vegeecological nightmare,” says resemble pink cotton candy floating tables, herbs, fruit or nuts; or supplyJohn Greenlee, author of The above its green leaves.” In Florida, flowing ample flowers for a fresh weekly American Meadow Garden, who notes ering sunshine mimosa with fern-like that most monoculture turf lawns never bouquet. Other benefits might include leaves and other natural groundcovers increasing privacy, dining al fresco, even get used. are low maintenance. escaping into nature or even sequestering His company, Greenlee and Asso“Basket grass is a low, evergreen carbon dioxide to reduce climate change. grass-like plant with long, spaghetti-type ciates, in Brisbane, California, designs To be successful, choices must be residential and other meadows throughleaves that puddle around it, suitable for appropriate to the climate, plant hardiout the U.S. as an engaging alternative. shade or partially shaded areas,” advises ness zone, local zoning ordinances Many other appealing options likewise Penick. “It’s slow to grow, but highly use native plants appropriate to the local and homeowner association rules. Also drought-tolerant and nicely covers a dry climate. For instance, replacing Kentucky consider the soil quality and acidity, slope or spills over a retaining wall. Texas bluegrass, Bermuda grass or another non- moisture content and whether plantings sedge makes a low-growing, meadowy will be in full sun or shade, or both. native species with natives can deliver alternative that’s evergreen and needs The right regional native plants often mowing only once every year or two.” drought resistance and lower irrigation include grasses and ferns, herbaceous needs; eliminate any need for fertilizers Moss is a fine option for shady and plants like flowering perennials and moist areas. “If moss is naturally coloor toxic pesticides; reduce or eliminate labor-intensive and often polluting mow- woody ones like shrubs, vines and trees. nizing a patch of yard, allow it to fill in where the lawn doesn’t want to grow,” ing and edging; enhance the beauty of a Native plants provide shelter and food Penick counsels. “It makes a springy, evfor wildlife and help preserve a sense of home; and attract birds, butterflies and ergreen groundcover needing only brief place. “Work with a professional landother wildlife. scaper in your area, ideally a member of misting to keep it looking good during Before replacing a lawn, determine dry periods.” the Association for Professional Landthe desired result. It may simply be




natural awakenings

photos by Pam Penick

scape Designers,” advises Greenlee. Tap a local university extension service, master gardener and garden club for local expertise, often available at no or low cost via classes or club membership.

Mediterranean and California Coast

Plentiful sunshine, rare frosts and modest rainfalls make many California coastal areas perfect for growing lots of plants, rather than plots of water-thirsty turf. “For full sun, work with California yarrow, purple sage, Indian mallow, white sage, lupines and California sagebrush,” recommends Charlie Nardozzi, of Ferrisburgh, Vermont, author of Foodscaping. “In shade, try mountain yarrow, mimulus monkey flower, California honeysuckle, California flannel bush and coyote mint.” “Blue grama grass is native to many states, and buffalo grass is native to states west of the Mississippi River in the right places,” adds Greenlee. They’re especially suited for meadows established in drought-prone regions.

Rainy Marine Areas

“For sunny areas, try goat’s beard, penstemon, beach strawberry, mock orange and huckleberry,” says Nardozzi, who covers gardening nationally at GardeningWithCharlie.com. “For part shade, experiment with gooseberry, red flowering currants, western amelanchier, deer fern, trillium and wild ginger.”

Adding some clover to a traditional lawn may eliminate the need for fertilizers while retaining some turf, says Erica Strauss, of Gamonds, Washington, in her Northwest Edible Life blog. “When the clover loses leaf mass from mowing, its roots die off to compensate and nitrogen enters the soil for neighboring plant roots to use.” White clover works well for those on a budget; microclover costs more and is even better. For shady, north-facing or boggywet areas, Strauss recommends sweet woodruff. Moss is another option.

Semi-Arid, Steppe and Desert Climes

“If you crave a lawn but want to go native, Habiturf is perfect for the hot, dry Southwest,” says Penick. Developed by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, in Austin, Texas, it’s a mix of several native turf grasses, looks like a shaggy traditional lawn and can be occasionally mowed on a high setting to keep it neat. Once established, it needs far less water than traditional turf. “Silver ponyfoot grows well in many regions as an annual; as a perennial, it needs mild winters,” Penick continues. “Native to western Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, it likes good drainage, gravelly soil and full-to-part sun.” Xeriscaping—landscaping that requires little to no water—is especially prevalent in hot, dry regions. Plant picks typically include cactus, succulents, agave and herbs like rosemary or sage. John D. Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist, co-authors of ECOpreneuring and Farmstead Chef, operate the Inn Serendipity, in Browntown, WI.

More EcoYard Ideas Edible Landscaping

A kitchen garden represented by any kind of edible landscaping replaces some turf grass with produce. Carefully designed and maintained, it can be as attractive as any other garden space. “According to GardenResearch.com, 30 million U.S. households, about 25 percent, participated in vegetable gardening in 2015,” reports Dave Whitinger, executive director of the National Gardening Association, owned by Dash Works, in Jacksonville, Texas. “To integrate edibles into a landscape, first assess the locations of sunny and shady spots,” says garden consultant Charlie Nardozzi. “Then, identify plants suited to the growing conditions that will fit in those areas. Mix in edibles with flowers, shrubs and groundcovers to keep the yard beautiful.” For urban areas, he recommends raised beds and containers as a good way to integrate edibles, bringing in clean soil and moving containers to the sunniest spots in the yard. “We have 3,000 raised beds in Milwaukee,” says Gretchen Mead, executive director of the Victory Garden Initiative, which helps install edible landscapes. “We went from about 35 new kitchen gardens eight years ago to more than 500 each year now.” The easy-to-build raised beds go on top of or in place of turf lawns. For Midwestern residents, Mead recommends beginning with six crops that

2831 E. Broadway Blvd. 520.325.0359 Hours: Tues, Thurs, Sat 10am-6pm April 2017


can be started as transplants, like tomatoes or broccoli, and then growing a couple of plants from seed, like zucchini or green beans.

Water-Saving Gardens

“Water-saving gardens use less of this precious resource through appropriate plant choices, rain-conserving features, berming and terracing to slow runoff, water-permeable hardscaping and smart irrigation practices,” says Pam Penick, author of The Water-Saving Garden. “Regardless of where you live, saving water is a priority for everyone. Drought is a growing problem in the Southwest and West, but also affects the Midwest, Southeast and even New England.” “Rain gardens help absorb, retain and use rainfall, preventing it from draining into the sewer,” agrees Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd, with Colorado’s Denver Botanic Gardens. “Rain barrels collect water from gutters and downspouts so there’s more control in time and method of distribution, including perhaps drip irrigation.” According to the Groundwater Foundation, in Lincoln, Nebraska, rain

gardens can remove up to 90 percent of problematic nutrients and chemicals and up to 80 percent of sediments from rainwater runoff. Compared to a conventional lawn, they allow 30 percent more water to soak into the ground.


Hardscaped areas are used far more frequently than the turf lawn they replace as we move through spaces like walkways, patios, fountains, decks and grilling areas to enjoy the outdoors. “Plant people can get excited about planting but forget to leave ample space for patios and paths, often resulting in an overgrown, pinched look for seating

areas and other places meant to be inviting,” cautions Penick. “It can also be easy to underestimate how large plants can grow in a few years. Plan ahead for these ‘people spaces’ and install them before establishing garden beds.” Landscapers recommend being generous with this technique without paving over paradise. “Plants will spill and lean over hardscaping, so it won’t feel too large once your garden is filling in,” says Penick. “To address runoff and allow rainwater to soak into the soil, use water-permeable paving wherever possible: gravel, dry-laid flagstone or pavers; even mulch for casual paths.”

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www. resonantsoundtherapy.com Massage by: Brandye Ferguson, LMT www.resonantsoundtherapy.com Resonate with a New Journey of Awakening & Healing 30


natural awakenings

The Heart of the Wild Reveals Our Spiritual Life Excerpts from “America’s National Parks” from The Hour of Land

Gail Johnson/Shutterstock.com


by Terry Tempest Williams


t was standing inside I learned early I was held in a darkness so Timpanogos Cave (a deep that my eyes seemed on we live by shut even though they were national monument) as an 8-year-old child that marked wild mercy. open. All I could hear was me. Hiking to the entrance the sound of water dripping of the cave with our church group, we and the beating heart of the mountain. were ushered in by a park ranger. Im I don’t know how long I stood mediately, the cool air locked inside the inside Timpanogos Cave before our mountain enveloped us and we wore church leader realized I was missing, it as loose clothing. Immense stalacbut it was long enough to have expetites and stalagmites hung down from rienced how fear moves out of panic the ceiling and rose up from the floor, toward wonder. Inside the cave, I knew declaring themselves teeth. We were I would be found. What I didn’t know inside the gaping mouth of an animal was what would find me—the spirit of and we were careful not to disturb the Timpanogos. beast, traversing the cave on a narrow To this day, my spiritual life is found constructed walkway above the floor so inside the heart of the wild. I do not fear as not to disturb its fragility. But it was it, I court it. When I am away, I anticithe Great Heart of Timpanogos Cave pate my return, needing to touch stone, that captured my attention. rock, water, the trunks of trees, the sway When everyone else left the charof grasses, the barbs of a feather, the fur ismatic form, I stayed. I needed more left behind by a shedding bison. time to be closer to it, to watch its red Wallace Stegner, a mentor of mine, orange aura pulsating in the cavernous wrote: “If we preserved as parks only space of shadows. I wanted to touch those places that have no economic the heart, run the palms of my hands on possibilities, we would have no parks. its side, believing that if I did, I could And in the decades to come, it will not better understand my own heart, which be only the buffalo and the trumpeter was invisible to me. I was only inches swan that need sanctuaries. Our own away, wondering whether it would be species is going to need them, too. It cold or hot to the touch. It looked like needs them now.” ice, but it registered as fire. Suddenly, I heard the heavy door Excerpts from The Hour of Land: A slam and darkness clamp down. The Personal Topography of America’s group left without me. I was forgotten— National Parks by Terry Tempest Wilalone—locked inside the cave. I waved liams, reprinted with permission. Learn my hand in front of my face. Nothing. more at CoyoteClan.com/index.html. April 2017



MEDICAL MASSAGE Targeted Therapy for Specific Ills


by Linda Sechrist


haron Puszko, Ph.D., founder of the Daybreak Geriatric Massage Institute, in Indianapolis, teaches and certifies massage therapists working in assisted living, long-term care and memory care facilities. She relates, “These individuals appreciate not only the physiological benefits of massage but also having a therapist touch and address them by their names. A 105-year-old woman jokes, ‘Now that they’ve figured out how to keep us alive for so long, they don’t know what to do with us. Thank God for massage therapy.’”

Specialty certificate programs such as Puszko’s, representing advanced education and training within a modality qualified as therapeutic massage and bodywork, are benefitting both massage therapists and clients. Some outcomebased specialty modalities considered as requirements for specific populations such as seniors, athletes, infants and cancer patients and survivors, are referred to as “medical massage”. The nonprofit National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork provides an accredited, vol-


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natural awakenings

untary certification beyond entry-level state licensure. To maintain their status, therapists must complete 24 hours of continuing education and 100 hours of work experience, and pass a criminal background check every two years. The certifying board also approves continuing education providers that teach specialty techniques, including integrative health care, sports massage and military veteran massage. The result is therapies administered according to a national standard of excellence requisite for therapists working in collaboration with doctors, chiropractors, wellness centers, retirement care communities and other medical settings. Puszko, an approved provider who founded her service in 2000, offers beginning and advanced weekend workshops for therapists on the complexities of physiological changes and technical skills required to work with geriatric or senior clients. She works from three offices in upscale retirement communities and teaches approved continuing education curricula throughout the U.S. and internationally. “Although the skills I teach are not taught in massage school, they are in demand at independent and assisted living facilities where massage is considered a vital aspect of health care,” says Puszko. “Older Americans represent the greatest challenge to massage therapists. For elderly residents, stretching and pulling on delicate skin and joints, as well as pushing one’s elbow into gluteus maximus muscles, are unacceptable approaches.” She explains that they might be called upon for a range of needs from helping prepare a 70-year-old marathoner for a race to reducing the stress of an exhausted hospice patient. Geri Ruane is one of four founding directors of Oncology Massage Alliance, in Austin, Texas. She manages the operations for this nonprofit created in 2011 to help therapists that volunteer to administer complimentary hand and foot massage therapy to cancer patients and caregivers in chemotherapy infusion rooms and prior to radiation treatment. The alliance offers financial assistance to licensed massage therapists for advanced training through approved third-party oncology massage classes and provides hands-on experi-

ence with cancer patients. Ruane defines the essential aspects of an oncology massage therapist’s (OMT) skill set. “A properly trained therapist has an informed understanding of the disease itself and the many ways it can affect the human body; the side effects of cancer treatments, such as medications, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation; and the ability to modify massage techniques in order to adapt accordingly. Our main purpose is to reduce stress and provide emotional support for cancer patients and caregivers in radiation and infusion rooms.” For example, an OMT will ask a patient about their cancer treatment history, including particulars of related individual health issues, prior to the massage. Hospitals in 35 states and Washington, D.C., now offer massage therapy to individuals during cancer treatment. MK Brennan, president of the Society for Oncology Massage, created in 2007, in Toledo, Ohio, is a registered nurse with a longtime practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. Brennan observes, “In nursing school, I was taught how to give a back rub, an aspect of patient care once provided by all nurses, but no longer part of a nurse’s education. It now appears that there could be a resurgence of interest in offering massage therapy in hospitals that would encompass more medical aspects and require modified techniques for different patient populations.” In addition to oncology and geriatric massage, other select massage therapy modalities such as orthopedic, bodywork, Asian techniques and those related to pregnancy, infant and child health care as well as other special needs require advanced education and training. Before making an appointment with a massage therapist/bodyworker for a specific type of help, inquire about their knowledge, experience, training and continuing education. Ask about additional credentials above entry-level core education that are specific to special needs. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at ItsAllAboutWe.com.


Bodywork & Healing Arts

Myofascial Release by Zachary M. Saber


assage comes in all forms, from relaxation to deep forms of restructuring body work. If it involves using the hands, it’s referred to as massage. All of it is healing—each to its own degree and necessity, which is determined by the client’s needs. In utilizing myofascial release (a generic term), a practitioner focuses on fascial tissue (fluid tissue that surrounds all muscles and organs allowing them to move without sticking) by removing emotional attachments associated with that pain, discomfort, limited range of motion or other issue. The client is coached, both physically and verbally, into releasing issues and/or emotions, thereby allowing them to release the adhesions (physically and emotionally) that cause limitations by displaying as pain, stiffness, inability to move, lack of energy and even depression. As most depression is caused by chronic inflammation in the body, this process allows us to create space, move fluids and decrease inflammation. As we change physically, we are changing internally as well as emotionally. we are releasing the emotional attachment to injury/pain or experience. Perhaps one wants to become more free to experience life more fully. They can release issues, emotions, limitations, anxieties and fears that are locked in the soft tissues and muscles. They can remove fright/flight/freeze/fight from their immediate response mechanisms. They can even move past the PTSD symptoms and trauma remnants to be able to live the life they want to live. This process can hurt in the sense that if there is pain in the part of the body that is being worked, pain will be released. To be released, the pain is felt, and then it’s gone. People with emotional issues can learn how to physically “feel” their bodies, not just express descriptions they’ve heard. Any time an uncomfortable zone is hit, it’s clear that changes are happening and new avenues are being explored. While all people do not get the same results, there are always positive results. A newfound freedom of movement, of breathing, less pain or no pain, increased range of motion and increased energy are always improvements. Any one patient’s results are based on their origin of concern, experiences, willingness to release and attitude. Each person is assessed by the practitioner to see what their body needs, based on client input, client history and client structural analyses. Zachary M. Saber practices at WellnessFirst! Connect at TransformationalMedicinePLLC.com. See ad, page 3. April 2017



Bodywork & Healing Arts Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Classes


To participate in this section, call


ammy Rosen Wilbur, a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, is now offering Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes on Tuesdays, at 9:30 a.m., at Zuzi Dance Studio. Students can gain flexibility and alignment with changes that take place in the brain, and therefore are far more enduring that simply changing the body. Awareness Through Movement classes are an affordable way to experience the powerful benefits of Feldenkrais Method of somatic education. Students of any age or ability will experience surprising changes in flexibility and alignment after just one class. “It’s not stretching or exercise—it’s neurological repatterning,” says Wilbur. Wilbur also offers private Feldenkrais Method sessions (Functional Integration) as well as Tesla Metamorphosis Healing Sessions and Access Bars sessions. For more information, call 520-305-5393, email TucsonFeldenkrais@gmail.com or visit TucsonFeldenkrais.com. See ad, page 35.

House Call Service for Medical Massage

E Integrative Bodywork by Don May, LMT

Healing, well-being, relaxation and balance in the comfort of your own home or office.

I travel to you!

Why mobile massage? No driving = extended relaxation and deeper healing :-)

lissa Hambright, licensed massage therapist, of Elissa Hambright Massage Therapy, offers a house call service. She received her certification in medical massage therapy in 2011, addresses injuries or health issues diagnosed and under the care of a doctor. The goals of therapy are lasting effects, corrections and pain management. Hambright also has certifications for training in Raindrop Technique, which combines the art of massage and essential oils, and Vibrational Raindrop Technique, which combines essential oils and tuning forks. She also works with horses and dogs.


DonMay.MassageTherapy.com 34


natural awakenings

For more information, call 520-906-1808, email ElissaHambright@gmail.com or visit ElissaHambright.massagetherapy.com. See ad, page 36.

Pain Management at New Leaf Massage Therapy


tephanie Dixon, licensed massage therapist, of New Leaf Massage Therapy has specialized training in pain management and injury rehabilitation. Her massages help improve results from other interventions like physical therapy or chiropractic care, as well as provide stand-alone benefits for certain conditions like whiplash and headaches. A massage from Dixon is a unique, well-tailored experience to suit people’s individual needs and goals. Though the focus is pain relief and management, a massage at the New Leaf office is also relaxing, as Dixon utilizes gentle stretching and hot packs. Location: 5431 N. Oracle Rd., #104A, Tucson. For more information, call 520-548-5379, email Stephanie.M.Dixon@ gmail.com or visit NewLeafTucson.com.

Aquatic Massage or Watsu by Dorothy L. Richmond


quatic massage is recommended especially for acute or chronic pain from injury, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, sore muscles and grief. It is just the ticket for a “mini-vacation” for the over-achiever in us all. The form of massage melts away tension in body, mind and spirit. During aquatic massage, a client floats in the warm water, while being massaged and stretched by a licensed massage therapist with gentle, flowing movements—allowing trust and truly deep rest. Craniosacral therapy is often included in sessions, as well as Jin Shin Jyutsu and shiatsu, the basis of aquatic massage. Treatments usually last about an hour and fifteen minutes. Just being immersed in warm water lowers blood pressure and increases oxygen intake. Allowing oneself to float into a trance-like state creates trust and connection with all humanity and all of life. Dorothy Richmond, LMT, has offered Aquatic Massage since 2007 at Santa Rita Springs, in Tucson. Connect at 520-622-4201 or SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com. See ad, page 36.

Therapeutic Intuitive Bodywork


ennifer Beard, LMT offers skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Beard utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. She is offering a new client special of a three-session “tune-up” for $150 to Natural Awakenings readers.

Jennifer Beard

Location: Speedway/ Craycroft Area. For more information, call 520-906-8136 or visit TherapeuticIntuitiveBodywork.com. See ad, page 36.

April 2017



Bodywork & Healing Arts Craniosacral Therapy in Water by Jeff Rogers

A To participate in this section, call


t the beginning of the Connective Tissue chapter of Deane Juhan’s book, Job’s Body, is a joke: “What is a human being?” “A human being is a container invented by water so that it can walk around.” The nature of cerebrospinal fluid is stillness. Being in water, and the gentle pressure holding and embracing the body, the buoyancy of the environment, the support of water, the absence of gravity, the dance of fluid, membrane and bone takes on a whole new dynamic. Using noodles to assist in floating in the pool, the input of sound and the need to hold ourselves upright falls away. Space is opened up in the joints as the client begins to give in to the embrace of the water and the cranial rhythm comes to the fore. In such a setting, each client/patient is given the opportunity to connect with their own biological wisdom, also known as “The Inner Physician”—a term coined by Dr. John Upledger. As the therapist melds with the quiet rhythm of the craniosacral system, an hour session in the water can have a similar effect as a number of hours on a table. One of the cornerstones of all the various schools of craniosacral therapy is this: rather than being a therapist-directed modality, it is rather a client-directed approach. Jeff Rogers has been a student of craniosacral therapy since 1991, studying and working with Dr. John Upledger. He shares a practice with his wife and partner, Kris Schaefer, in the Tucson Acupuncture Co-op, located at 204 E. Ft. Lowell. Connect at 520-990-5865 or cstzst.com.

Santa Rita Springs Dorothy Richmond, LMT Aquatic Massage Jin Shin Jyutsu Cranial Sacral Watsu

520 622 4201 520 990 1857 www.SantaRitaSprings.com 36


natural awakenings


ENZYME THERAPY FOR PETS A Key to Good Health by Shawn Messonnier


Liliya Kulianionak/Shutterstock.com

nzymes are among the most commonly used supplements for cats and dogs because they are widely beneficial. They support digestive health and enhance nutrient absorption, as well as reduce inflammation and boost overall wellness. A nutrition school adage states, “If you have a question on your exam and don’t know the answer, put down ‘enzymes’ and you’ll likely be correct.” The point is that enzymes made by the body for specific functions are essential to life because they affect nearly every physical or biological process. Enzymes help normal, healthy pets use nutrients and support the righting of gastrointestinal disorders, whether involving simple vomiting, diarrhea,

chronic or complete constipation, anal sac disorders or inflammatory bowel disease, regardless of cause. Because sick pets often suffer from reduced appetite and impaired digestion, enzyme supplements are often added to a dietetic regimen to improve their nutritional status. Helpful enzymes include proteases, carbohydrases (like amylase) and lipases that break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, respectively. Digestive enzymes are highly specific both to the type of food they act upon and the conditions under which they work. They can be derived from pancreatic, plant or microbial sources (bacteria or fungi). While pancreatic enzymes activate mainly in the small intestines (being inactive in the stomach’s lower pH environment), plant and microbial enzymes begin digesting foods in the stomach immediately after ingestion and likely even on the food being prepared, if the enzymes are added several minutes before they are eaten. Enzymes from microbial and plant origins have a broader spectrum of activity because they are

stable and active through a wide pH range of 3.0 to 8.0. Enzymes may be helpful for pets with inflammatory conditions, including arthritis, dermatitis, allergies, asthma and cancer. In such cases, they should not be administered with food, because otherwise they will be “used up” before the pet digests the food. It’s also possible to use enzyme supplementation to reduce excessive shedding because enzyme supplementation is widely recognized to increase the absorption of nutrients, some possibly involved in controlling hair growth. Some of these nutrients may be used in thyroid hormone synthesis, which can positively affect hair growth and reduce shedding.

Digestive enzymes are highly specific both to the type of food they act upon and the conditions under which they work. A novel use for enzymes is to help pets practicing coprophagia, or the eating of their own or another animal’s feces. Adding the proper enzymes to the diet is believed to curb this problem, which could result from a nutrient deficiency caused by incomplete digestion and absorption. For pets with behavioral coprophagia, enzyme supplementation is unlikely to help the problem but will still benefit the pet’s overall health. The recommended dose by breed and weight is based upon experience, the label of a specific product and directions provided by the family veterinarian. Using enzymes according to a professional’s advice is safe, with rare to nonexistent side effects. Talk to the pet’s doctor about the best enzyme products to address individual needs and keep them healthy. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit PetCareNaturally.com. April 2017



roam. Here are some tips for buying the freshest, most delicious and humanely raised chicken eggs.


How to Read an Egg Carton

Eggs-pert Advice How to Buy Good Eggs from Happy Hens by Judith Fertig


anice Cole, the author of Chicken and Egg: A Memoir of Suburban Homesteading with 125 Recipes, knows how delicious a really fresh egg tastes. She keeps three chickens she calls “the girls” in the backyard of her suburban Minneapolis home. “Jasmine, a white Silkie, lays small, beige-colored eggs; Keiko a black and white Ameraucana and Silver Wyan-

dotte cross, green eggs; and Peanut, a brown, feathery Cochin mix, brown eggs,” relates Cole. Cole has learned a lot about the natural lives of chickens. They need 14 hours of sunlight to produce eggs and lay about one per day. Chickens must be protected from predators, locked up at night in their coop for optimal well-being and let out in the morning to

Bozena Fulawka/Shutterstock.com

Eggs to Trust Here’s Humane Farm Animal Care’s Adele Douglass’ short list of sources for well-raised eggs. Kirkland Signature Organic Eggs, at Costco, are Certified Humane. While not pasture-raised, they’re cage-free. Costco has partnered with several small family farms throughout the country, which guarantees peace of mind for Costco and gives these smaller purveyors a steady stream of business. Vital Farms, of Austin, Texas, supplies eggs to stores throughout many of the southern and western states. They specialize in PastureRaised and Certified Humane eggs, produced by about 90 family farms. Recently, they pioneered a process to make 38


“culling” (killing non-egg-bearing male chicks) more humane. Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs, headquartered in Monroe, New Hampshire, works with more than 30 family farms in Illinois, Indiana, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Vermont. Their eggs are Organic and Certified Humane, as the chickens live in spacious barns with outdoor access. “Most of the year, they roam outside our barns as they please on organically grown grass amid clover and wildflowers,” says owner Jesse Laflamme. “At the same time, we also have to ensure our hens are safe from predators and communicable diseases from wild birds.”

natural awakenings

Deciphering the language on an egg carton is a first step. Diet affects flavor. “Eggs from pasture-raised chickens allowed to roam—eating grass, worms and bugs in the backyard or a pasture—will look and taste better than eggs from chickens limited to an inside space eating chicken feed,” says Cole. “Pasture-raised eggs will have a fresh herbaceous, or grassy, flavor with an ‘egg-ier’ essence.” “Look for the terms organic, free range or ideally, pastured or pastureraised,” advises Adele Douglass, in Herndon, Virginia, executive director of Humane Farm Animal Care (CertifiedHumane.org). “USDA Organic” is a U.S. Department of Agriculture label confirming that the food the chicken ate was certified organic. “Non-GMO” indicates a diet free of genetically modified ingredients. “Free-range”, another USDA label, means the chicken had continuing access to the outdoors. “Pasture-raised” assures that the chicken roamed outdoors daily, eating what they wanted; the ideal scenario. “Cage-free” is a USDA-regulated designation ensuring that the chickens were allowed to roam freely about within their building to get food and water. “Natural” has no real meaning says Douglass; the term invokes no USDA regulation and nothing about actual farming practices. “Certified Humane” or “Animal Welfare Approved” means that each free-range hen has at least two square feet of outdoor space; it’s the most desirable designation, says Douglass. When farmers want to raise egglaying chickens, they need to provide physical conditions similar to those Cole affords, but on a larger and more efficient scale, usually without the love. In regions where 14 hours of daylight are not a given, farmers use artificial lighting. When snow is too deep for the birds to venture out and it’s too cold for bug life, farmers supply indoor coops and feed. How well and humanely they do this is up to consumers to find out.

More than 90 percent of eggs sold today come from giant egg factories. ~ Pete and Gerry’s, America’s first Certified Humane egg producer Egg Nutrition

Eating one egg a day, or moderate consumption, will not raise cholesterol levels in healthy adults, concludes a 2012 review in the journal Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. While egg yolks contain cholesterol, they also possess nutrients that help lower the risk for heart disease, including protein, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin and folate, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston. A study by Kansas State University researchers published in the 2001 Journal of Nutrition also found that phosphatidylcholine, another substance in eggs, can decrease the amount of cholesterol the body absorbs from them. Plus, eggs are great sources of micronutrients and antioxidants, says Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered and licensed dietitian and wellness manager for Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute, in Ohio. “I’ve always been a huge proponent for eggs. As lean sources of protein, they help us stay full, are easy to prepare and can be part of a healthy eating regime because they’re packed with free-radical- and inflammationfighting antioxidants.” Kirkpatrick adds, “Eggs also help protect eyes. Their nutrient-rich yolks, like leafy green vegetables, are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that studies have repeatedly shown help protect against macular degeneration.” Ideally, all chickens would be treated like Cole’s “girls.” For now, the best most of us can do is choose “PastureRaised,” “Organic” and “Certified Humane”. Getting to know more about the farmers that produce our eggs is even better. Judith Fertig writes food health articles and cookbooks from Overland Park, KS (JudithFertig.com).

Zucchini Hummus Serves 3-4


raw dish, Zucchini Hummus is a favorite recipe for parties and clients, and easy to make. Raw, organic tahini is a sesame butter made from sesame seeds, similar to the almond and peanut butters we are used to. Tahini is also very high is calcium. The tahini is food processed with zucchini rather that garbanzo beans or lentils. Whereas the beans may cause gas and thus bloat, the zucchini is much easier on the digestion, being a single sugar molecule, or monosaccharide. 2 zucchini, medium, peeled & chopped ¾ cup raw tahini (Try Rejuvenate or Artisana raw organic) ½ cup fresh lemon juice ¼ cup olive oil 4 cloves garlic, peeled ½ cup sesame seeds (optional)

¼ tsp cayenne (or chiltipins) 1 tsp ground cumin 1 ½ tsp salt In a food processor, combine all ingredients and blend until thick and smooth. Optionally, pulse in fresh mint leaves. There are some other variations that are fun to try. Substitute cilantro, parsley or greens like kale, or use grapefruit juice rather than the lemon. Guests will be finishing the hummus with a spoon out of the bowl. Recipe adapted from Matt Amsden’s book RAWvolution, submitted by Sheila Shea. Sheila Shea is the director of the Intestinal Health Institute, offering colon hydrotherapy, GAPS counseling, detoxification programs and more. Connect at 520-325-9686 or IntestinalHealthInstitute.com. See ad, page 18.

April 2017



Artist Collective Solidarity by Dale Bruder


aices Taller 222 Gallery and Workshop is a collective of artists who built a movement on trust and mutual respect,” says Ceci Garcia, an original member of the collective. “We have a dual purpose of gallery and workshop.” The primary goal is to educate and promote the arts experience across social and cultural boundaries. It’s about honoring and serving cultural traditions authentically, according to Garcia. “We offer a safe place where Dia de los Muertos, for example, is celebrated not with a parade but with a ceremony led by a Chicano Bourgos.”



The name Raices Taller translates into “roots workshop”. Garcia elaborates, “Our collective was founded by two artists who needed a workspace and gallery space.” Decades ago, Juan Enriquez and Jorge Arteaga established the space at 222 East 6th Street, thus the name Raices Taller 222. Like the downtown Tucson artist collectives and co-ops before them, Dinnerware and Central Arts Collective, Raices Taller 222 came together combining artistic, organizational and financial abilities to encourage support within the group. From an expansive 23 to a contraction of eight, the current roster of 23 artists

natural awakenings

sustains the collective vision. The style of Raices Taller 222 collective’s commitment to activism is influential, nurturing ethnic pride by channeling energy through art. An inclusive focus on the traditional and historical cultures of Southern Arizona is integral to the collective’s activities. Latino, Chicano, Tohono O’odham, Pascua Yaqui and the European immigrants all receive attention. Agrarian cycles thematically inform the gallery activities, promoting an appreciation of the traditional and historical cultures that continue to thrive in Tucson. Chubasco and Aguas Sagradas celebrate the rains. Altars honor comings and goings. Gatherings at exhibition openings are the zócalo of art lovers and creatives. A recent Call to Artists was made, framed in the words of Cesar Chavez: “What could be more joyful than working to restore and preserve the sacredness of land, water and air? For patriotism is not protecting the land of our fathers, but preserving the land for our children.” The Corazón de la Tierra exhibit is hanging now.

our skills and resources for the benefit of all current and future members,” says Garcia. “We continue to seek out venues and physical resources allowing creative expression from individual members while, at the same time, encouraging understanding and appreciation of art through community outreach to children and adults.”

and, as long-time collective member Joe Rebholz declares, “Artists are focused first on their art,” is causing an internal evaluation. Has the time come for a call to arms for guidance and assistance? The collective has deep community ties, strong solidarity and synergy evidenced in its illustrious history of accomplishments and an enthusiastic following. The call can be for a new administrative energy, an angel, to arrive in the institutional spring. Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery and The gallery has hosted over 50 exhiWorkshop will hold an Art Auction bitions, some co-sponsored by the UniFund Raising Event, from 3 to 7 p.m., versity of Arizona Art Department and April 23, at the El Casino Ballroom, 437 the Department of Chicano/Hispanic East 26th Street, in Tucson. It is free and Affairs, Self-Help Graphics, Xicanindio, open to the public. Luz Social Services and Pima Com Raices Taller 222 Gallery and munity College. Tucson’s first bicultural Workshop continues to function in the international exchange with Ciudad Ob- co-operative spirit that allows creation, regon, Mexico was realized by members critique and exhibition amongst memof the collective and the Tucson Pima ber artists and the diverse community in Arts Council. The gallery is a stage for which they live. “From the beginning, film screenings, dance groups from lowe felt it was important to establish an cal high schools, poets from the Tucson actual facility where we could combine Poets Society and playwrights. The workshop provides arts educators a platform to teach. Established artists conduct workshops with fellow artists and emerging artists. The events provide a valuable venue for interaction, exchanging of ideas, developing of techniques and gauging progress amongst the members. Like agrarian cycles, institutional cycles have seasons. The collective is in an unexpected winter. Emphasis on artist individuation and as entrepreneur has affected the model. Uncertainty in grant funding, missing task milestones

Raices Taller 222 gallery and workshop is located at 222 E. 6th St., in Tucson. Connect at 520-881-5335, RaicesTaller222@aol.com or RaicesTaller222.com. Gallery hours are Friday and Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Dale Bruder is a freelance writer interested in creative people, social and cultural movements and applications of ancient esoteric knowledge. Connect at 520-331-1956 or Taotime@DaleBruder.com

Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery and Workshop Participating Members Antonio Estrada Carmen Sonnes Carolyn King Ceci Garcia Clay Morgan David Moreno Donna Stoner Elena Campbell George Welch Glory TacheenieCampoy Joe Rebholz John Salgado

Lester Aguirre Linda Bohlke Lydia Maldonado Miguel Flores Monica Zavala Durazo Pauline Pedregon Poncho Medina Richard Jeltes Sarah Masse Susanna Plotnick David Contreras

April 2017


NewenHouse photo by Taffline Laylin

It costs slightly more on a monthly mortgage to build a home that costs far less per month to operate.


~Dan Chiras Energy Storage

ECO-FRIENDLY HOME BUILDING Innovations Boost Energy Efficiency by John D. Ivanko and Liam Kivirist

Smart, innovative, technological breakthroughs are making buildings more energy-efficient, healthier to live in and highly attuned to our connected world.


omeowners continue to be interested in green building options because they help foster a healthier, more comfortable and affordable home—and it’s good for the environment,” says Dan Chiras, Ph.D., of Gerald, Missouri, founding director of the Evergreen Institute and author of The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy.

Panel Insulation

“Structural insulated panels in walls, roofs and floors dramatically reduce air leakage and heat loss through thermal bridging, or heat conduction through framing materials, facilitating a more energy-efficient home that can maintain comfortable temperatures with lower fuel bills than a conventionally built home,” advises Chiras. Find manufacturers via the Structural Insulated Panel Association at sips.org.

Efficient Heat Recovery

“The energy recovery ventilator, or ERV, ensures fresh air in tightly sealed homes 42


with little heat loss,” adds Chiras. The UltimateAir RecoupAerator, a wholehouse air filtration ERV, also flushes out harmful airborne pollutants commonly found in residences, replacing them with clean, fresh, healthy air.

Solar Monitor

“Many solar energy users want to monitor their system using their computer, tablet or smartphone through advances in energy software,” says Allison Lindquist, with the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), which hosts the Annual Energy Fair and sustainable living event every June in Custer, Wisconsin. “One highlight last year was PacketFlux Technologies’ SiteMonitor.” “When a homeowner views their energy monitoring data, they quickly begin seeing the correlation between their energy consumption and production,” says Leon Dulak, the MREA site manager. “The direct correlation drives them to change how they live and use energy.”

natural awakenings

Tesla Motors does more than produce high-end electric cars and solar shingles. The company is also on the cutting edge of future energy storage. Tesla’s new, compact Powerwall 2 battery system, complete with inverter, can power an average two-bedroom home for 24 hours. Chiras says, “Utilities throughout the nation are cracking down with special fees on solar-home owners that occasionally pull electricity from the grid. I think more people are going to opt to go off-grid or install a Tesla battery to provide nighttime power to preempt this. It’s easier to maintain than a standard lead-acid battery, and should last as long. When its useful life is over, the homeowner returns it to the company.” “Saltwater-based batteries for homeowners are coming up,” observes Clay Sterling, assistant professor of electrical technology at Kankakee Community College, in Kankakee, Illinois. “The batteries from Aquion Energy are nontoxic, safe and recyclable.” Their Aspen series of aqueous hybrid ion batteries contain neither heavy metals nor toxic chemicals and are non-flammable and non-explosive, adding to their safety.

Home Plans

Building green gets easier with green home plans. The prototype, superinsulated, 970-square-foot NewenHouse sustainable home in Viroqua, Wisconsin, is about 50 percent smaller and more than 80 percent more energy efficient than the average American home. The plans-and-services package for the Passive House-certified NewenHouse home features double walls for insulation and a super-efficient heat recovery ventilator. Four different home plans are available for houses under 1,000 square feet. John D. Ivanko is co-author of ECOpreneuring. Liam Kivirist captures the latest technology news on TechSocket.net.

Recycling Granite From Waste to, “WOW! You can Recycle Granite?”

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hat’s the number one question A&E Recycled Granite, of Tucson, gets when they first introduce their products to people. Plastics, paper, metal and rubber are what most people think of when it comes to recyclable materials—no one ever thinks of stone. We had some of our most common questions answered by the experts at A&E. How do we convert scrap stone into useable materials? By being creative. Well, being creative and using a lot of sheer force. When you see a pile of scrap like this, usability is the last thing people think of. That’s where creativity comes into play and we have to think about which product each scrap piece can be used for. Is it large enough for a Paver? Does the color work with our Split Stone blends? How scratched is the surface for a Subway Tile? In fact, each piece of stone is evaluated, which is easy to do since we handle every piece of scrap individually. (Maybe not easy—3cm granite weighs 18lbs per square foot, which means some of our scrap is too heavy for a single person to lift.) Once it’s been sorted, it’s time for manufacturing. That’s when the second most asked question comes up.


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Do you crush it and reform it with glue to make your products? That would be a big “no”. We keep all of our products 100 percent natural. No glues, no resins and no epoxies, which means all of our products are environmentally healthy. It requires a lot of sheer force to manufacture our stone building materials. We use machines that can exert a lot of pressure and we have to— granite is one of the strongest natural materials on our planet. Its strength is one of the reasons it’s so popular, and the beauty it adds to your home will last a long time. Once people see it and understand the story behind the stone, they ask another question. Where can I put it in my home? Well, anywhere. Since it’s a solid stone product, you can install it inside and out. Granite Pavers look amazing as a patio, driveway or pool deck, and the Split Stone adds a designer element to any home’s façade, fireplace and even refreshes that old BBQ island. The Subway Tiles are stunning as a kitchen backsplash, a luxurious master shower or even as powder wainscoting. Location: 8500 S. Nogales Hwy., Tucson. For more information, call 520-885-8970 or visit RecycledGraniteArizona.com.

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April 2017


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Overcome Anxiety: A Natural & Holistic Approach by Jessica Byron, MD & RYT – 1-4pm. Introductory workshop will introduce you to tools to self-regulate, stress less and live more fully. $65. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. Info@MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Film Screening: Ferngully: The Last Rainforest – 10am-12pm. A man finds himself living in the rainforest, and learns the importance of preserving the natural wonders of the world in this magical animated adventure. No charge. Loft Cinema, 3233 E Speedway Blvd. 520-322-5638. Info@LoftCinema.org. LoftCinema.org.

calendarofevents Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalTucson.com for guidelines and to submit listings.

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Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 10am-12pm. Presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No Charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-869-6782. Bill@TheHealthyCouple.com.

Beginner’s Open House – 7-8pm. For those new to Buddhism and meditation, or to Kadampa. Guided relaxation breathing meditation and short talk on meditation and Buddhism. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@ MeditationInTucson.org. MeditationInTucson.org.

Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour – 3-4:30pm. Need help or healing on your spiritual path? Experience a self-administered, natural technique for healing. No charge. Banner UMC, 1501 N Campbell Ave, Cafeteria Rm E, 520-904-4801. WeissMae@email.arizona.edu. Bruno-Groening.org.


SUNDAY, APRIL 2 Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair – 9am-4pm. Tucson’s top psychic fair for over 20 years. Healers, crafts people, jewelry and of course, psychics. Free admission. Doubletree at Alvernon, 445 S Alvernon Way, 513-476-2222. Larimar2000@hotmail.com. MysticMessengers.biz. Sacred Space: Sanjay Manchanda Presents the Truth of No-Self – 4-5:30pm. Live music by Rudy Cortez and Vasanta. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@ SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org.

markyourcalendar WORKSHOP WITH VICTORIA CASTLE: TRADING STRUGGLE FOR EASE April 2 • 12:45-3:30pm Author of The Trance of Scarcity presents how to free yourself from your history and move into a life of greater ease. $25 at the door or before event at TucsonCSL.org/Events Dining hall adjacent to Nickerson Auditorium 3231 N Craycroft Rd 520-319-1042 • Admin@TucsonCSL.org TucsonCSL.org

Elemental Alchemy with Hila Megan Granger – 5:30-7:30pm. Five week series on Ayurvedic Alchemy. Learn how to spot each element in your environment $25/class; $100/class series. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. Facebook.com/ GalacticCenter.

Japanese Tea Ceremony – 11am-1pm. Tea ceremony master in kimono will prepare and serve a cup of matcha, or powdered green tea, and a traditional Japanese sweet to nibble. Reservations are required. $15 plus regular admission. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 North Alvernon Way. 520-272-3200. Yume.Gardens@gmail.com. YumeGardens.org. For the Love of Oracles: Experiential Discourses on accessing the Inner Oracle with Sound – 11am-6pm. Vocal sound, crystal bowl and Light Language will grace participants throughout to enliven, move energy and restore birthrights. $45. The Starlings’ Nest, RSVP for address. 520-664-5769. AvaWorks@hotmail.com. InnerOracle.com. AvaOracle.com.


Harmonic Healing Choir Starting – 1-2:30pm. Voices unite in an A Cappella, improvisational sounding/singing group for healing and blessing in community settings. Weekly practice. Contact TwinFeathers for more info and location. 520-784-4468. KTwinFeathers@gmail.com.

Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society to Hear Colorado Plateau Program – 7-9 pm. With Rob Skillin. Presentation of Pediocactus and Sclerocactus: A Tour of the Colorado Plateau. No charge. Sky Islands Public High School, 6000 E 14th St. 520-256-2447. Maxie4350@gmail.com. TucsonCactus.org.

The Heart of Evolution – 1-5pm. In this moving, paradigm-altering seminar, internationallyacclaimed EFL expert Linda Kohanov shares some of her latest, surprising insights on the power of the human-animal bond. $50. Doubletree Hotel Reid Park. 520-455-5908. EponaQuest.com.


Aging With Grace – 4-5pm. Learn how to stay flexible, supple, and youthful. Know the importance of giving your gifts and knowing your purpose. No charge. Natural Grocers, 3016 E Broadway. 520584-0343. InspiredHealing.Tucson@gmail.com. InspiredHealing.org.

IONS Tucson Speaker Series – 6:30-8:30pm. Tucson favorite Dr. Allan Hamilton speaks on his best-selling book, Lead with Your Heart “Lessons Learned from a Lifetime with Horses. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640. Info@IONSTucson.org. IONSTucson.org. Introduction to the Alchemy of Oracles and Sound – 7-9pm. Experience the joy of activating your own powerful wholeness and truth-sense with sound. RSVP. $10. 520-664-5769. AvaWorks@ hotmail.com. InnerOracle.com. AvaOracle.com.

SATURDAY, APRIL 8 Women’s Day Retreat – 9am-4pm. Join us for day of self exploration, relaxation and fellowship while getting a jump start on your personal goals. Facilitated by Ann Adams, Certified Coach. Group coaching session, refreshments and catered lunch included Limited space, register early. $110. 520-490-7354. Encantada at Steam Pump, 11177 N Oracle Rd, 85737. AnnAdamsLifeCoaching.com.

SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Reiki Level II Training – 12am-4pm. Original, traditional Usui Reiki Training delivered by Usui Master/Teacher Danielle Dvorak. She is 12th generation from Dr. Usui, so a purer training and lineage than most. $150. The Foothills, 4665 E Via Pimeria Alta. 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com. Book Fair – 11am-1pm. A slew of subjects and titles. Local authors answer questions about their books, the characters, the themes, their process of writing and publishing. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Harmony Hall. 520-488-8284. MollyHNelson@gmail.com. UnityTucson.com. Baha’i Talk on Spiritual Health – 2-4pm. James Caldwell, health planner, administrator and consultant, will speak and lead a Baha’i discussion on Spiritual Health and Wellness. Call for more information. No charge. 520-838-1293. GailMPowers@aol.com.

April 2017


calendarofevents Sacred Space: Tia Presents Earth Midline Meditation – 4-5:30pm. Live music by Caroline Ragano. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@SacredSpaceTucson. org. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. Enjoy the clearing of your energy field. The sounds and vibrations of the Paiste Earth Gong are excellent at doing this. Refresh and renew yourself. $15-$20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@ Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com. IONS Tucson Book Group – 6:30-8pm. Second and fourth Sundays. Join others discussing books on consciousness and health. Current Book: Awakening the Heroes Within by Carol S. Pearson. No charge. Unity of Tucson, Annex, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640. Info@IONSTucson.org. IONSTucson.org.

MONDAY, APRIL 10 Free Public Talk - Why Me? What is Karma – 6:30-7:30pm. Through understanding the law of karma, or actions and their effects, we will feel deeply encouraged in our ability to change the course of our life. No charge. Himmel Park Library, 1035 N Treat Ave. 520-441-1617. Info@MeditationInTucson.org. MeditationInTucson.org.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 Ascended Master Conference – 2pm. 4/12-4/16. Sit at the feet of Ascended Masters and receive their instruction and radiance through their Anointed Representatives. $25/per session. The Temple of The Presence, 11902 E Irvingston Rd. 520-751-2039. SusanKnittel@msn.com. TempleOfThePresence.org. Taize’ (Quiet Contemplative Meditation) – 6:307:30pm. Spend an hour in quiet, silent meditation to the accompaniment of soft light, music and reflective readings. Donations accepted. CSLTucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org.

THURSDAY, APRIL 13 Overcoming Depression – 5-6pm. Learn strategies to help improve your quality of life today. Discover the role of diet, posture, hormones and sleep in overcoming depression. No charge. Natural Grocers, 7220 E Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing. Tucson@gmail.com. InspiredHealing.org.

FRIDAY, APRIL 14 Enchanted Evenings At Yume – 6:30-8pm. 4/14-4/16. Stroll the Gardens as darkness gently descends and enjoy live and recorded traditional music. $10/adults; $5/children 15 and under; no charge members. Yume Japanese Gardens of Yucson, 2130 North Alvernon Way. 520-272-3200. Yume.Gardens@gmail.com. YumeGardens.org. Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 6:30-8:30pm. Spanish presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No Charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-440-5871. Andres@FamilyFoundations.com.



A Change in Brains While Holding Onto Manes – 7-9pm. World-Renowned Neuroscientist and Horse Enthusiast, Dr. Ben Kater will share some valuable and fascinating research information in regards to horse/human interactions. By donation. Head Heart Hands Journey Inc, 3742 N Edith Blvd, 530-513-4590. Jeanie49241@yahoo.com. LoveAndLightHorsemanship.com.


8-month Crystal Sound Healing Mentorship Begins April 14 ​Called to work with the exquisite harmonics of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls in your personal life or healing practice? Join best-selling Sounds True recording artist, Tryshe Dhevney, on a transformational 8-month experiential sound healing journey to fully optimize your work with authentic and intuitive crystal bowl sound healing. For details, visit SoundShifting.com

SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Tucson Astrologers’ Guild Free Beginners’ Class – 11am-12pm. With Gael Chilson, professional member and Shamanic Astrologer. Make sense of your birth chart. Look at planets, signs and houses, Ascendant and Mid-heaven. No charge. Plaza Arboleda Conference Ctr, 2502 N Dodge Blvd, Desert Willow Conf Rm. 520-625-5762. GaelChilson@gmail.com. TucsonAstrologersGuild.org. Introduction to Spiritual Energy Transformation – 1-3pm. Learn how your guides and benevolent energies assist in energy/quantum matrix work, chakra activation, aura repair, etc. for you to open to unused life energy. $5 donation requested. Intelligent Health, 3333 N Campbell #2. 520-370-1306. JWalley@protonmail.ch. JohannaAlley.com.

SUNDAY, APRIL 16 Tucson Metaphysics Fair – 9am-4pm. Third Sunday. New metaphysics fair will include a variety of vendors, readers, and healers. Ongoing fair held monthly. InnSuites Tucson Foothills Best Western, 6201 N Oracle Rd. 520-579-8930. Sacred Space: Vera Lander Presents History of Christianity in America – 4-5:30pm. Live music by Renee Bond. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@ SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org.

TUESDAY, APRIL 18 Alzheimer’s- Understanding the Bigger Picture – 3-4pm. Learn about the dangers of constant stress, excess sugar, repressed emotions and what to do about it. No charge. Natural Grocers, 3016 E Broadway. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing.Tucson@gmail.com. InspiredHealing.org.

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 Floral Class – 5:30-7pm. The Daisy is the flower of April. Learn how to arrange and care for the Daisy. Hands on class where you will create and take home your arrangement. Learn tips, tricks and fun information about flowers. $55. Flower Shop on 4th Ave, 531 N 4th Ave. 520-622-7673. FlowerShopOn4th@ gmail.com. FlowerShopOn4th.com. Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 6:30-8:15pm. Presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No Charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-869-6782. Bill@TheHealthyCouple.com.

THURSDAY, APRIL 20 Tai Chi for Health Workshops – 7:30am-4:30pm. 4/20-4/21. Dr Paul Lam’s flagship program proven safe and effective. For everyone interested in health, harmony, well-being. $250/2 days. $400/4 days. Jr League of Tucson, 2099 E River Rd. 520-780-6751. Events@HeatherChalon.com. HeatherChalon.com. TIES Guest Speaker: Joyce Hawkes, PhD – 6:308:30pm. Dr. Hawkes left a career in cellular biology and biophysics after a NDE triggered energy healing abilities. CellLevelHealing.com. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. Info@ AZIANDS.org. AZIANDS.org.

SATURDAY, APRIL 22 Living Fearlessly: How to Have Courage, Calmness and Confidence in Tumultuous Times – 9am12pm. Learn approaches that help conquer your fears and minimize the worry and stress. $25. Ananda Center of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-299-9309. MaryDossett@yahoo.com. AnandaArizona.org. Level I Usui Reiki Training – 10am-3:30pm. Original, traditional Usui Reiki Training delivered by Usui Master/Teacher Danielle Dvorak. She is 12th generation from Dr. Usui, so a purer training and lineage than most. $150. 4665 E Via Pimeria Alta. 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com. Soul Path Readings – 12-2pm. Rev. Genie Joseph, Ph.D utilizes 301 archetypal messages along with intuitive guidance to awaken one’s core purpose and release obstacles to transformation. $30. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-444-3392. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com. Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour – 3-4:30pm. Need help or healing on your spiritual path? Experience a self-administered, natural technique for healing. No charge. Banner UMC, 1501 N Campbell Ave, Cafeteria Rm E, 520-904-4801. WeissMae@email.arizona.edu. Bruno-Groening.org. Angel Gong Wave – 3-4:30pm. With Marcia Breitenbach, MA. Enjoy the angelic sound of gong vibration meditation while relaxing comfortably in 96 degree indoor saltwater pool. $20. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-975-5376. MillMarcia@gmail.com. SpiritedChangeAZ.com.

Candlelit Restorative Yoga and Sound Meditation – 4:30-6:30pm. RK performs on his sacred instruments: large gongs, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, and the Halo handpan drum. $24/ students; $29/after 4/14; $35/door. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. Info@ MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com.

markyourcalendar THANK YOU FOR SERVING: THE BENEFIT COMEDY FOR CHARITY Sunday, April 23 • 7-10pm This year’s variety show benefits local veterans and features headliner Tommy Blaze. Blaze is smarter, funnier and cuter than Dr. Phil as he jokes about the ultimate battle of the sexes/ marriage. Tickets are $20, $30, and $60 (VIP). Fox Tucson Theatre • 17 W Congress 520-547-3040 FoxTucson.com • ComedyForCharity.org

SUNDAY, APRIL 23 Aqua Yoga – 12pm. With Jessica Byron. Yoga stretches in the comfort and support of 96 degree warm water open possibilities for better balance, breathing and relaxation. $15/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-370-3499. JByron@yahoo.com. HealingPathYoga.net. TIES Workshop: Reach the Higher Realms for Healing – 1-4:30pm. With Joyce Hawkes, PhD and Helen Folsum, MA, CHT, altered states therapist. Scientific evidence and the practical experience of cell level healing modalities. $50/regular; $35/members. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520395-2365. Info@AZIANDS.org. AZIANDS.org. ZY Qigong – 2:15-3:45pm. Practicing Qigong allows healing and universal information to softly enter the body removing blockages and providing the the student with with a calmness that can power one through life’s daily challenges. $10/suggested donation. Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country Club. 520-404-8745. QigongMark@yahoo.com. Meetup. com/Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup. Sacred Space: Anne Taylor Lincoln Presents The Karpman Triangle – 4-5:30pm. Live music by Anton Shekerdzhiev. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@ SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. Stress relief, sleep issues, physical pain, busy mind, digestive problems, toxicity and more all can be helped with this form of sound and vibration. $15-$20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@ Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com. IONS Tucson Book Group – 6:30-8pm. Second and fourth Sundays. Join others discussing books on consciousness and health. Current Book: Awakening the Heroes Within by Carol S. Pearson. No charge. Unity of Tucson, Annex, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640. Info@IONSTucson.org. IONSTucson.org.

Thank You For Serving: The Benefit – 7-10pm. This year’s variety show benefits local veterans and features headliner Comedian Tommy Blaze. ComedyForCharity.org. $20, $30, and $60 (VIP). Fox Tucson Theatre, 17 W Congress. 520-547-3040. FoxTucson.com. Conscious Gardening Workshop – 11:15am. 4/234/29. Participants learn to grow organic fruits, vegetables and sprouts using veganic agriculture, nature farming and spiritual gardening principles. $2,300. Tree of Life Center US, 686 Harshaw Rd, Patagonia. 520-394-6005. ProgramInfo@TreeOfLife.nu. Info.TreeOfLifeCenterUS.com.

THURSDAY, APRIL 27 Kimberly Haynes Live at the Galactic Center – 7:30-9pm. Singer/songwriter Kimberly Haynes’ debut album Awaken Me, brings forth an uplifting invitation to discover a sacred space deep within the heart. Cost: $15 in advance/$20 at the door. Order at: paypal.me/KAHaynes. Galactic Center, 31 East Toole Ave. Facebook.com/GalacticCenter.

MAY Women Rising Plus: Natural Pregnancy May articles include:


Women at Work Healing the World


Preparing for Natural Pregnancy & Childbirth

April 29 • 12-5pm

and so much more!

Introduction of innovative treatment program by Steve Liu LAC., BSEE of HanLing Acupuncture Healing Center and a team of six practitioners. Parkinson’s patients, family members, friends, support group leaders, caregivers and neurologists should attend. $49, including healthy Chinese lunch Chinese Cultural Center, 1288 W River Rd Call 520-878-8116 to register.

SATURDAY, APRIL 29 Women’s Day Retreat – 9am-4pm. Join us for day of self exploration, relaxation and fellowship while getting a jump start on your personal goals. Facilitated by Ann Adams, Certified Coach. Group coaching session, refreshments and catered lunch included Limited space, register early. $110. 520-490-7354. Encantada at Steam Pump, 11177 N Oracle Rd, 85737. AnnAdamsLifeCoaching.com. The Annunciation: Transcendence Expressed Through Renaissance Art – 10am-12 pm. With Kathryn Kuisle, Jungian Analyst. Explore the symbolism and depth of meaning in the story of the Annunciation through art. $15/members; $20/nonmembers. Grace St. Paul’s Church, 2331 E Adams St. SAFOJ.org. Psychic Fair: Spring 2017 – 10am-3pm. Choose from a variety of our skilled mediums and card readers. Receive guidance and insight into present situations for personal growth. $15/15-minute reading. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St, 520-327-0142. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com. Meet the Birthworkers – 10:30am-12pm. Learn about professional support to optimize pregnancy, breastfeeding and postpartum. Please register at tinyurl.com/koulp5z. Birth and Women’s Health Center, 5979 E Grant Rd, #107. 520-982-1703. Lscheyli@gmail.com.

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520-760-2378 April 2017


SUNDAY, APRIL 30 Gong Bath Meditation – 3:30-5pm. Sit or lay in meditation, while the sound washes over and through you, calming the monkey mind and nervous system. You become the sound. $15/thru 4/17; $20/after 4/18. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima, 847-323-9188. Danielle@Replevyn.com. Replevyn.com. Sacred Space: Victor Shamas Presents The Roots of Chant – 4-5:30pm. Supportive community for the change you seek in your life and world. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@ SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org.

SATURDAY, MAY 6 Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 10am-12pm. Presentation about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged). RSVP. No Charge. Healthy Hydration Resource Center, 4810 E First St. 520-869-6782. Bill@ TheHealthyCouple.com.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 Women’s Day Retreat – 9am-4pm. Join us for day of self exploration, relaxation and fellowship while getting a jump start on your personal goals. Facilitated by Ann Adams, Certified Coach. Group coaching session, refreshments and catered lunch included. Limited space, register early. $110. 520-490-7354. Encantada at Steam Pump, 11177 N Oracle Rd, 85737. AnnAdamsLifeCoaching.com.

SATURDAY, MAY 13 Film Screening: The Red Balloon And White Mane – 10am-12pm. The Red Balloon remains one of the most beloved children’s films of all time, and White Mane is cherished by generations of French children. No charge. Loft Cinema, 3233 E Speedway Blvd, 520-322-5638. Info@LoftCinema.org. LoftCinema.org.

ongoingevents daily Elder Circles, the Wisdom Journey – Times and locations vary. Facilitated dialogue circles empower elders to harvest their life experiences with a focus on life review, life repair, leaving legacies, and mentoring. No charge. 520-323-1708, ext. 12. Cmedvescek@OurFamilyServices.org. OurFamilyServices.org/programs/center/eldercircles.html. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson – 10am-4pm; daily, Tuesday through Sunday. Closed JuneSeptember. Covering three quarters of an acre, it comprises five traditional visions of landscape. In each, nature is balanced by the human hand to render the serene elegance and subtle spirit of an authentic Japanese garden. 2130 N Alvernon Way.


Call ahead to confirm event

The Deeper Meaning of Jesus’ Words – 10-11am. Explore underlying ideas of our Christianity. Learn techniques to gain greater abundance and happiness. Child care, youth and teen programs. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-303-6942. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityUS.com. Teen Support: Safe Space – 10-11am. Unity of Tucson offers teens a program where understanding sponsors and other teens can support their journey. For ages 12 to 19. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco Pl, Rm 2. 520-488-8284. UnityTucson.com. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace Sunday Celebration – 10:30-11:30am. Potluck last Sunday. Learn to live your spiritual potential and purpose. Pray, sing and celebrate oneness in community. All welcome. Sunday school available for children. 1551 S Eastside Loop #121. 520-546-3696. Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com. UnityPeaceAZ.com.

Community Potluck – 10:30am-12:30pm. Last Sunday of the month. Spiritual life is best lived with friends. Enjoy a community potluck and Silent Meditation – 8:45-9:30am. Experience the get to know one another. By donation. Unity healing peace of shared Silence. All welcomes Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop who wish to explore and discover their Oneness #121. 520-546-3696. RevNita@UnityPeaceAZ.com. with Spirit. No charge. Unity Spiritual Center of UnityPeaceAZ.com. Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-546-3696. The Temple of Universality Sunday Service – RevNita@UnityPeaceAZ.com. UnityPeaceAZ.com. 11am. With Founder Rev. Betty Tatalajski. CelFoodInRoot St. Philip’s Plaza Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. One of the largest farmers markets in Southwestern Arizona and has a regional reputation for the number of local farmers it supports. No charge. St. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. FoodInRoot.com.

ebrating the Unity of God and Man, worship, healing, prophesy. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 520-884-5340. TempleOfUniversality@ gmail.com. TheTempleOfUniversality.org.

Religious Service – 9am. St Michael’s ECC, the other Catholic Church. Feminist? GLBTQ? Catholic? We are and more. No charge. Chapel: First Christian Church, 740 E Speedway, 520-575-8486. StMichaelsECC@q.com. StMichaelsECC.org.

-12:30pm. Metaphysical and spiritual gathering of lightworkers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Donations welcome. Unscrewed Theater, 3244 E Speedway Blvd. 520-304-1768. DianaOhoh@ yahoo.com. CommunityOfLightTucson.com.

Center for Spiritual Living Tucson’s Sunday Celebration Services – Join like-minded individu480-820-2026 • RainbowLightCreations.com als for meditation at 10am and then joyous music and a life-affirming talk at 10:30am. Potluck lunch follows on First Sundays. By donation. Center for SATURDAY, MAY 20 Spiritual Living Tucson, 3231 N Craycroft Rd, AuWomen’s Day Retreat – 9am-4pm. Join us for day ditorium. 520-319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. of self exploration, relaxation and fellowship while TucsonCSL.org. getting a jump start on your personal goals. Facilitated by Ann Adams, Certified Coach. Group coaching session, refreshments and catered lunch included Limited space, register early. $110. 520-490-7354. Encantada at Steam Pump, 11177 N Oracle Rd, 85737. AnnAdamsLifeCoaching.com.

Tamara Spiritual Center’s Sunday Services – 11am and 5:30pm. Third Sunday of each month at 2:30pm only. Services include a healing meditation, inspirational talk and messages. No charge. Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-325-0513. Info@TamaraFoundation.com. TamaraSpiritualCenter.com.

markyourcalendar CREATING HEALTHY & ENLIGHTENED RELATIONSHIPS 1-Day Seminar May 13 Relationships are most often joyous and rewarding, yet sometimes can be challenging, to say the least! Participants will learn new practical skills to navigate common ego-based challenges with heartful and healthy choices that empower them and bring out the best their relationships. Experience healing, spiritual growth and enjoy healthy, happy and fulfilling ‘enlightened’ relationships. Radisson Suites Tucson 6555 E. Speedway Blvd



Yogananda Gathering – 11am-1pm. First and third Sundays. Attune to Yogananda’s teachings Salt Tastings; St Phillips Plaza Farmer’s Market through chanting, meditation affirmations, readings – 9am-1pm. Cloud Nine Flotation offers salt tast- and Festival of Light ceremony. Refreshments and ings plus information on the Sensory Deprivation fellowship follows. Ananda Center, 1002 E Prince Tank and Color Therapy Glasses. No charge. St. Rd. 520-299-9309. ElizabethLMason@yahoo.com. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. 520-668-4017. AnandaArizona.org. Info@FloatTucson.com. FloatTucson.com. Community of Light Sunday Services – 11am

natural awakenings

United Fellowship Chapel – 2pm service. Sunday Services feature a guided meditation, healing, inspirational speakers and psychic messages. Everyone receives a message. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com.

Learn Astrology – 2-4pm. Come to one or as many as you like. Discuss meaning of planets, houses, aspects, transits. Bring your natal chart if you have one. $10. Contact Shivani at 413-313-5677 for address. Petanque in the Park – 2-4:30pm. Sunday. Learn and play the French game of petanque (boules). No charge. Reid Park, 830 S Country Club Rd. 520-664-4133. Tucson.Petanque@gmail.com. TucsonPetanqueClub.wordpress.com. Sacred Space Gathering – 4-5:30pm. Sundays. All welcome. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Info@SacredSpaceTucson.org. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Introduction to Meditation – 5-5:45pm. With Michael Junjo Chihak. Restore, renew, reconnect with simple meditation and breathing exercises that lead to inner calm and peace. $5-$10 donation. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. Info@MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Desert Ashram – 7pm. Satsang with chanting, Aarati, spiritual teachings of Swami Amar Jyoti and meditation. No charge. 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384.

monday White Eagle World Healing Meditations – 10-11am. With Frances Smith. Using White Eagle channeled books of Spiritual Unfoldment. Temple of Universality Class. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-885-5065. How To Meditate – 11am-12pm. 4-week mindfulness meditation class for people who don’t believe they can meditate. Fragrance-free. $40. AZ Oncology Foundation, 2625 N Craycroft, Ste 101. Also Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30pm. Call for location. 520-825-2009. BreathingCoachTucson.com or Marriageafter40.com. Waterbabies Free-Style Pooltime – 1pm. For women with chronic pain, healing from surgery, pain relieving movement in warm salt water, a healing atmosphere. Support, exchanging helpful information to laugh and enjoy life. $10. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@ gmail.com. SantaritaSprings.com. Tai Chi for Health – 1-2pm. Join this community of practitioners that gathers to support and encourage beginners to experts to continuous progress and enjoyment of tai chi as a lifestyle. $60/9-weeks. Resurrection Lutheran Church, 11575 N 1st Ave. Oro Valley. 520-780-6751. Heather@HeatherChalon.com. HeatherChalon.com.

Mindfulness and Meditation Group – 1:15-2:45pm. No experience necessary. Sitting and walking meditation as well as the Metta Sutta are regular parts of the practice. No charge. UA Cancer Center 1515 N Campbell, Kiewit Auditorium, Rm 2951. 520-694-4605. Marsha.Drozdoff@BannerHealth. com. AZCC.Arizona.edu. Study of Man’s Eternal Quest – 4:30-6:30pm. In depth study of Paramhansa Yogananda’s book Man’s Eternal Quest explains how the universe operates and man’s journey to consciousness. By donation. Ananda Center Of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-906-4346. PVold@comcast.net. AnandaArizona.org.

Love’s in Bloom, Find Your Sweetie!

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement – 6pm. Gentle, mindful guided movement explorations develop kinesthetic awareness. Call or email before attending. By donation. St. Francis United Methodist Church, 4625 E River Rd. 520-529-1913. DavTay@aol.com. Golden Pyramid Meditation – 6-7pm. Second Monday. With Rev. Yazdi Contractor, Rev. Howard Milwich and Revs. Martha and Darryl Schoon. Temple of Universality class. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. TempleofUniversality@gmail.com. Energy Healing – 6-8pm. First & third Mondays. Learn about energy work, crystals, Reiki from Brian LeNormand. By donation. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N 1st Ave. 520-209-1755. SaberLMP@aol.com. All Level Yoga - 7-10pm. Spiritual Gangsta Yoga. Sandra Turner, Monterey Court Studio Galleries and Café, 505 W Miracle Mile. No charge. 619-861-9706. Meetup.com/TucsonYogi. .


8:30am Workout – Experience a workout that will perk you up. A combination of Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi ending with meditation. Bring yoga mat and water bottle. Start your day with a smile. $5. WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave. 520-209-1755. Saberlmp@aol.com. 3861WellnessFirst.com. Tai Chi and Qigong/Tao Meditation – 9-11:15am. Offering a progression through group sessions to meet varied experience levels to support personal goals for wellness. $60/Tai Chi 9-weeks; $75/Qigong 9-weeks; $120/both. St Francis in the Foothills, 4625 E River Rd. 520-780-6751. Heather@HeatherChalon.com. HeatherChalon.com. Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement – 9:30-10:30am. Improve posture, flexibility and ease of movement. Specific verbally guided movement sequences help reprogram movement habits that interfere with your intentions. $13-$15. ZUZI Move It Dance Studio, 738 N 5th Ave, Historic Y. 520-305-5393. TucsonFeldenkrais@gmail.com. TucsonFeldenkrais.com.


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ongoingevents FoodInRoot-Carondelet St. Joseph’s Farmer’s Market – 10am-2pm. 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. No charge. Carondelet St. Joseph’s Hospital, NE Corner of Carondelet Drive and Wilmot Rd. 520-261-6982. Tim@FoodInRoot.com. FoodInRoot.com.

Alice Bailey Books – 7-8:30pm. With Rev. Inger Mason. Reading of books channeled to Alice A. Bailey by Djwhal Khul, followed by guided meditation. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Call for details, 520-331-5252. TempleofUniversality@gmail.com.

Yoga – 11:15am-12:45pm. With Mark Lind. Group and individual instruction. Bring your own mat and belt. Kids under 12 free. $10. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 3. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com.


Mellow Flow by Tracy Gordon – 12-1:15pm. Smooth flowing practice connecting mind, breath and body. A slower yet moderate pace, building strength while releasing tension. $10. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. Info@ MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Tucson Tuesday Laughter Yoga– 6-7pm. Gently through breathing and yogic exercises, we touch your heart with playful laughter designed to promote peace and healing. No charge. Quaker Meeting House, 931 N 5th Ave, Main Rm. 520-490-5500. LaughingJana@gmail.com. A Course in Miracles – 6-7:30pm. Using the traditional blue book, we read and discuss the profound, spiritual teachings as channeled through Helen Schuchman. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 1. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com. Sacred Space Women’s Circle – 6-7:30pm. With Lanny Lewis. Women gathering to support each other in deep listening; based on feminine spirituality. Drop-ins welcome. No charge. St. Francis United Methodist Church, 4625 E River Rd. 520-318-3557. TC@TCJonesCoaching.com. SacredSpaceTucson.org. Prosperity Plus II – 6:30-8:30pm. Participate in a 10-week prosperity experiment, which can increase all forms of abundance in your life. $50/materials fee. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Cntr, 4200 E. River Rd. 520 319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. TucsonCSL.org.

Prayer and Meditation – 9:45-10:15am. Experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. 1551 S Eastside Loop, Ste 121. 520-546-3696. Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com. Fun-Day Wednesday Class – 9:45-11:30am. With Rev. Fred Smith. Metaphysical Law, using fun, food and friends. Temple of Universality class. No charge. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd. 520-546-3898. TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com. Yoga/Meditation – 11am-12:30pm. Yoga and meditation as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda includes energization and chanting. All levels of yoga and meditation welcome. Ananda Center Of Tucson, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-299-9309. ElizabethLMason@yahoo.com. AnandaArizona.org. Aquatic Therapy – 11:30am-12:45pm. With Carolyn Rashti, MS and Rebecca Lennon, RN. Slow, specific movements with diaphragmatic breathing in 96º saltwater improves circulation, muscle tone, balance, posture and renews one’s body. $200/8-classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-742-4292. SantaritaSprings.com. Grief Support Group – 5pm. First and third Wednesdays. With Reverend Felicitas, Reverend Dea. Support group for grief, loss and healing. Not a therapy group. Respectful and compassionate. No charge. CODAC, 3130 E Broadway Blvd. 520-792-6222. Info@TempleOfMA.org. TempleOfMA.org. Way of Mastery – 5-6:30pm. This channeling to Jon Mark Hammer is clearer and easier to understand than the Course in Miracles. It deals more with our feeling nature. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 3. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com. Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Café – 5:307pm. First Wednesday. Group directed conversation about death and related subjects without agenda or objectives. Not grief support or counseling. RSVP. No charge. Ward 6, 3202 E First St. 520-261-7003. IsabelDeathCafe@gmail.com. Facebook.com/ TucsonDeathCafe.

We won’t have a

society if we destroy the environment.

Young Adult Spiritual Seekers – 7-8pm. Explore different meditation techniques and wisdom traditions. Facilitated by Michael Pellegrino. Drop-ins welcome. Not limited to U of A students. No charge. Little Chapel of All Nations, 1401 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Emarderness@gmail.com. SacredSpaceTucson.org.

~Margaret Mead 50


natural awakenings

Learn Western Astrology Meetup – 7-8:30pm. Third Wednesday. Different topic each month. Bring your chart if you have it. No experience necessary. No charge. Crave Coffee Bar, 4530 E Broadway. 951-316-9380. Debbie@TheYogaWoman.com. Astro-Yoga.com. Meetup.com/Learn-WesternAstrology-Meetup. A Course in Miracles: Original Dictation – 7:30pm. Fifty eight thousand words were edited out of the traditional Course in Miracles book. They have been restored and are now available for study. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 1. 520-488-8284. Molly.Nelson@q.com. UnityTucson.com. Spirit Lab – 7-8:30pm. Third Wednesday. Potluck for 20s-50s adults. Explore aspects of different faith traditions, discuss personal experiences of the divine, examine religion and culture and play with progressive theological ideas. No charge. St. Philip’s in the Hills Church, 4440 N Campbell Ave. 520-342-8998. Bulldog2212@gmail.com. StPhilipsTucson.org. Deeksha: From India – 7:15-9pm. Redefine experience of life. Easily calm your mind. Awaken into higher consciousness. Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E. Ft. Lowell Rd. 520-869-4982. Lasthouseob1@yahoo.com.

thursday Belly Dancing for Beginners – 8:30-9:30am. Shisandra aka Dr. Saber, teaches beginning belly dance. Wear comfortable clothing that moves. Bring water bottle. Suggested donation $10. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N 1st Ave. 520-209-1755. DrDeeAnnND@aol.com. 3861WellnessFirst.com. Mellow Flow by Tracy Gordon – 12-1:15pm. Smooth flowing practice connecting mind, breath and body. A slower yet moderate pace, building strength while releasing tension. $10. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot #123. 520-300-4378. Info@ MindfulYogaTucson.com. MindfulYogaTucson.com. Self Mastery/Spiritual Development – 1-2pm. Explore metaphysical concepts and principles to achieve self mastery and ignite your divine authority through meditation and discussion. By donation. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com. A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com. TempleOfUniversality.org. Free Tai Chi and Chi Kung – 6:30-8pm. Gentle, flowing movements that relax the body, quiet the mind, increase energy, improve health and make you feel good. No charge. Church of Christ, 2848 N Mountain Ave. 520-795-8612. DsrtDrgn@ gmail.com. Bio-Touch: Monthly Health Workshop – 6-8pm. Fourth Thursday. Practice of the Bio-Touch points shown to help alleviate symptoms of adrenal fatigue. $10/members, $15/non-members, Massage therapists earn 2 CEUs (add $5). Bio-Touch Center, 5634 E Pima St. 520-323-7951. Office@JustTouch.com. JustTouch.com.

TIES Sharing and Discussion Group – 6:308:30pm. Third Thursday. TIES mission is to provide a safe neutral environment for presenting information on and sharing of near-death and other spiritually transformative experiences. Everyone is welcome. No Charge (love offering accepted). Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. TucsonAZ@IANDS.org. TucsonIANDS.org.

Winning Together: Breast and GYN Cancer Support Group – 10:30am-12:30pm. Educational support group is for women with a diagnosis of Breast and/or Gynecological Cancer; any stage of survivorship is welcome. No charge. UA Cancer Center-University Campus, 1515 N Campbell, Rm 2919. 520-694-4605. Marsha.Drozdoff@ BannerHealth.com. AZCC.Arizona.edu.

Desert Ashram – 7pm. Immerse yourself in a beautiful and peaceful meditation and retreat center. Spiritual teachings of Swami Amar Jyoti, chanting, meditation, library, book shop, walking paths. No charge. 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384. TruthConsciousness.org.

Waterbabies Freestyle Pooltime – 11:30am. For women with chronic pain, healing from surgery Pain relieving movement in warm salt water. Healing atmosphere. Support, exchanging helpful infor-mation, to laugh and enjoy life. $10. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@ Plaza Palomino Saturday Market – 10am-2pm. gmail.com. SantaritaSprings.com. Fresh produce, breads, coffee, tea, plants, tamales, Community of Light Healing and Message salsa and emu oil products. Live music. 2970 N Swan Circle – 12pm. Weekly Metaphysical and spir- Rd. 520-523-1005. itual gathering for healing, enlightenment and Oro Valley Farmers’ Market – 10am-2pm. 30 growth. Unscrewed Theater, 3244 E Speedway vendor stalls. Every 2nd Saturday fun events are Blvd. 520-403-6156. YeahRightRo@gmail.com. planned to introduce more customers to this neighCommunityOfLightTucson.com. borhood gem. No charge. Steam Pump Ranch, 10901

Ascended Masters Introductory Classes – 7-8pm. Learn about your own individual divine being, your I Am Presence. Find divine solutions to every challenge. No charge. The Temple of The Presence, 11902 E Irvington Rd, 520-751-2039. SusanKnitttel@msn.com. TempleOfThePresence.org. Love Yourself Sacred Meeting – 7-8:30pm. Guided meditation and discussion: seeing the sacred within, claiming our power, recognizing and releasing toxic, disempowering relationships, creating abundance and more. Can serve as alternative or supplement to traditional 12-step programs to assist in living a higher version of ourselves. Unity of Tucson, 3617 Camino Blanco. For more information, 520-444-7525. ZY Qigong – 7-8:30pm. Practicing Qigong allows healing and universal information to softly enter the body removing blockages and providing the student with a calmness that can power one through life’s daily challenges. $10/suggested donation. Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country Club. 520-404-8745. QigongMark@yahoo.com. Meetup.com/TucsonZY-Qigong-Meetup.

friday Catalina Farmers Market Artworks and More – 9am-1pm. Fresh produce, baked goods, salmon, range-fed beef, artisans, unique gifts, food court, more. 16733 N Oracle Rd, Catalina. 970-903-0529. MichaelisPlaza@gmail.com. 77NorthMarketPlace. com. Trail Dust Town Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. Formerly Jesse Owens Market. Bring the family and enjoy everything this premiere farmers’ market has to offer. No charge. Trail Dust Town, 6541 E Tanque Verde Rd. HeirloomFM.com. Friday Farmers’ Market at Broadway Village – 10am-2pm. Southern Arizona’s only indoor (A/C)/ outdoor venue. Organic produce, meats, prepared foods, baked goods, coffee/teas, cheese, eggs, plants, artisans, body care, massage, music. Broadway/ Country Club. 520-603-8116. FoodInRoot UAMC Farmers’ Market – 10am2pm. Every week at UAMC on the plaza south of the hospital. Great Food and Music. No charge. UA Medical Center, NW Corner of Speedway and Campbell. 520-261-6982. Tim@FoodInRoot.com. FoodInRoot.com.

Looking for Some Peace & Quiet? – 12-1pm. Come experience our Peaceful Sanctuary. Guided healing meditation followed by all participants receive a Message. By donation. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. DFN1@ icloud.com. United-Fellowship-Chapel.com.

FoodInRoot St. Philip’s Plaza Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. One of the largest farmers’ markets in Southwestern Arizona and has a regional reputation for the number of local farmers it supports. No charge. St. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. FoodInRoot.com. Living Lab and Learning Center Free Tour – 9-10:30am. Second Saturday. WMG staff will guide you on an interactive tour to learn about all the systems in detail and what you can do at your own home. No charge. WMG’s Living Lab & Learning Center, 1137 N Dodge Blvd. 520-396-3266, ext 18. SBrown@WatershedMG.org. WatershedMG.org.

N Oracle Rd. HeirloomFM.com.

Book Study: Twelve Steps To A Compassionate Life – 3-4:30pm. Join an open and ongoing book study of Karen Armstrong’s Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life. Keith Gorley facilitating. By donation. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Cntr, 4200 E. H ealthy Happy Hour – 5:30-6:30pm. Third River Rd. 520 319-1042. Admin@TucsonCSL.org. Friday. Join us for happy hour along with a 20-30 TucsonCSL.org. minute presentation followed by a question/answer Southern Arizona Light Givers – 5pm. First period. Join us for wine, lemonade and community. Saturday. Put yourself in the wow zone. Receive No charge. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N First Ave. a session of True Light, & discover how amazing 520-209-1755. TransformMedpLLC@aol.com. radiant energy stimulates your spirit, mind and 3861WellnessFirst.com. body. Miller-Golf Links Public Library, 9640 E

Intuitive Development through Shamanism – Golf Links Rd. LightCircleMahikari@gmail.com. 6-8:30pm. Questioning reality? Want a deeper SukyoMahikari.org. insight into yourself? Native American teachings through Denise Linn, Char Sundust and Angeles Arrien. $20. WellnessFirst!, 3861 N 1st Ave. 520-668-0039. DrDeeAnnND@aol.com. TransformationalMedicinepllc.com. Sound Healing/Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Second Friday. With Kalyn Wolf. What is sound healing therapy and meditation? Come experience 3 different instruments of sound healing. Limited to 6 people. $7. Cloud Nine Flotation, 2118 S Avenida Planeta. 520-668-4017. Info@FloatTucson.com. FloatTucson.com. Meditation/Biofeedback with The Muse – 7-8:30pm. Fourth Friday. With Kalyn Wolf. Breathing and meditation methods that work in a busy world. Limited to 6 people. $7. Cloud Nine Flotation, 2118 S Avenida Planeta. 520-668-4017. Info@FloatTucson.com. FloatTucson.com.

saturday Rincon Valley Farmers’ Market – 8am-1pm. Organic produce, fresh flowers, baked goods, ironworks, arts and crafts by local artisans. 12500 E Old Spanish Trail. 520-591-BARN. RVFM@ RinconInstitute.org. RVFM.org.

classifieds BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Phoenix Natural Awakenings magazine franchise available for sale. Start a career you can be passionate about. Home based business complete with comprehensive training and support system. Call 239-530-1377 or visit our website: NaturalAwakeningsMag.com/MyMagazine. ROOMS FOR RENT in gorgeous healing center, $350/month. Centrally located, includes utilities, music system, wifi, reception area, access to classroom use and more. Ideal for massage therapist or alternative healing practitioner. Denisse Cabrera, 520-979-4600. ZY QIGONG: By Releasing fear and filling yourself with joy, compassion, and love, you help raise the awareness and vibration of those around you. Mark Frighetti, 520-404-8745. ZYQigongAZ.com/index.html.

April 2017


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WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 PerformanceNeurology.com

Dr. Conlee, Chiropractor Neurologist, diagnoses and treats such conditions as Dystonia, ADHD, Peripheral Neuropathy, vertigo, migraine headaches, balance disorders, numbness, tingling, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other conditions related to neurologic function. Also available: acupuncture, physiotherapy, kinesiotape, nutrition and allergy testing. See ad, page 13.


LMT for you, your horse, and dog 520-906-1808 ElissaHambright.MassageTherapy.com Since 1999, Elissa’s mission has been to help people, horses, and dogs move and feel better. Available for out-calls and specializing in Therapeutic Massage, Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Lypossage, and Kinesio Tape. Call today and learn how to enhance your health! See ad, page 36.


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘nature cure’ to heal mind, body, spirit. Developer of RST; Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 30.



RITUAL BY KATE’S MAGIK 215 N Court Ave, 85701 520-743-1486 KatesMagik.com

Ritual by Kate’s Magik is an intimate boutique that carries 100% pure aromatherapy products and ceremonial supplies. Ritual also offers a variety of aromatherapy-focused massages designed to help people relieve stress, move through grief or promote love, healing and success.

natural awakenings

ASTROLOGY ASTRO-YOGA READINGS Debbie Barnett, RYT-500 520-428-7019 Debbie@astro-yoga.com

Spiritual astrology with a yoga twist. Astrology + yoga = more sustained joy! The Astro-Yoga Woman offers consultations combining these wisdom traditions to guide you to happiness. Grand openings, parties, reiki. Ask about Natural Awakenings special. See ad, page 36.


413-313-5677 ShivaB01073@gmail.com In person, by phone or Skype Shivani has 30 years of experience as Astrologer, Tarot reader, teacher and has helped many through transitions and crisis. Strong spiritual background with grounded practical approach. 90-minute sessions. Private readings, classes, lectures and parties. Senior/student discounts. See ad, page 41.


Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 • Armorless.net TucsonMassageAndBodyTherapy.com Randy has 28 years of bodywork experience, providing treatments that are stress busting or for specific issues. Sometimes sessions are enhanced and integrated with mind-body awareness experiments. The client uses sound, breath and movement to contact feelings and access deep tension and energy release. See ad, page 35.

INTUITIVE HANDS MOBILE MASSAGE Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656 DonMay.MassageTherapy.com

Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “ground​ed​ness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 34.


Jennifer Beard LMT Speedway/ Craycroft Area 520-906-8136 TherapeuticIntuitiveBodywork.com

A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $150. See ad, page 36.


Tucson Feldenkrais Center 3079 W Avenida Cresta, 85745 TucsonFeldenKrais.com

Tammy Rosen Wilbur, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner uses gentle movement and awareness to help clients move out of pain, improve posture and flexibility. Feldenkrais Functional Integration sessions can update the brain for structural alignment, improved function and movement. Sessions are fully clothed and deeply relaxing. See ad, page 35.


Tara Sullivan, LMT, Reiki Practitioner Sound Healing 3208 E Ft Lowell Rd, Ste 110, 85716


titioner who combines sound healing with massage to enhance therapeutic effects. Sound-only sessions are also available to relieve stress, enhance cognition and balance the energy field. Other bodywork modalities include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Prenatal and reiki. See ad, page 34.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 8.

Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 Tara Sullivan, LMT is a massage 520-229-1238 therapist and energy healing prac- NorthStarHBOT.com

NEW LEAF MASSAGE THERAPY Stephanie Dixon, LMT, CNMT 520-548-5379 SDixonLMT@NewLeafTucson.com NewLeafTucson.com

Massage Therapy specializing in relief and treatment of pain and injuries. Stephanie has experience and training with a wide variety of massage therapy techniques. Also certified in neuromuscular therapy. A session at the New Leaf Studio is helpful for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain and more.


Dorothy Richmond, LMT Aquatic Massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Craniosacral Therapy, Watsu, Integrative Table Massage 520-622-4201 • 520-990-1857 SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com Float ​in 96 degree warm saltwater while Dorothy gently massages, stretches,​and​moves you to free up body, mind, a​ nd spirit. Incorporating Craniosacral Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu and​Integrative Massage in each 80 minute session in water or on land. See ad, page 36.


Biobalance Integrated Wellness, LLC 520-227-3695 Buck@BioBalance.us BioBalance.us NeuroFeedbackHomeUser.com Neurofeedback uses cutting edge technology, coupled with sound research, that helps improve brain functioning. The brain is given guidance to self-regulate from imbalances, naturally, with no medications, for lasting results. Train Your Brain, Clear Your Mind, Enjoy Your Life! See ad, page 18.

CATERING EP SALSA & CATERING Event Planning, Catering Loretta Carlson 520-440-1540 ElParador@aol.com

Let us cater your party, event or meeting. From two to 300 guests, we are a full-service catering company specializing in Mexican, Middle Eastern and American food. Loretta can help plan your event, from the flowers to the table. See ad, page 17.


Biobalance Integrated Wellness, LLC 520-227-3695 Buck@BioBalance.us BioBalance.us NeuroFeedbackHomeUser.com Neurofeedback uses cutting edge technology, coupled with sound research, that helps improve brain functioning. The brain is given guidance to self-regulate from imbalances, naturally, with no medications, for lasting results. Train Your Brain, Clear Your Mind, Enjoy Your Life!. See ad, page 18.

CHIROPRACTIC DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway 520-584-0343 InspiredHealing.org

Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for Children, PTSD, Depression and Auto Immune diseases.

WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 PerformanceNeurology.com

Dr. Conlee, Chiropractor Neurologist, diagnoses and treats such conditions as Dystonia, ADHD, Peripheral Neuropathy, vertigo, migraine headaches, balance disorders, numbness, tingling, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other conditions related to neurologic function. Also available: acupuncture, physiotherapy, kinesiotape, nutrition and allergy testing. See ad, page 13.


520-331-2629 PurMaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaid.com PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 16.

April 2017



Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 TucsonEmotionalAndTraumaTherapy.com TucsonMassageAndBodyTherapy.com Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness. See ad, page 35.



Health Coaching/Personal Fitness Training 520-314-0994 Robyn@RobynLandis.net Nourish.University Get strong, lean, energetic and super-MOTIVATED. “Install” healthy habits and conscious choices–JOYFULLY. Know what to give your body, and LOVE it! Individual and group coaching. Cut through confusion and get deeply inspired to nourish your body and life. Group online class starting soon: Nourish.University/NineWeekNourish.


Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 RiseAboveItCoach@gmail.com RiseAboveItCoach.com

Jo Ruddy and Jody Hardy 3861 N First Ave 520-881-4237 CounselingConceptsLLC.org

Dr. Jo Ruddy, Metaphysical Life Coach and Clinical Master Hypnotherapist, along with Jodi Hardy, M.A., LPC and highly experienced psychotherapist, offer metaphysical approaches to healing and creating lasting change in your life. Located at WellnessFIRST! See ad, page 3.


Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 TheHealthyCouple.com Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges to restore love and play. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation.

Coaching brings out your inner expert and the motivation, excitement, and desire to actually follow your best advice. Using coaching models and intuition you can have desired results in health, relationships, career, money, life. Let your magic outsmart self-sabotage. See ad, page 26.

TAMMY ROSEN WILBUR, GCFP Tucson Feldenkrais Center 3079 W Avenida Cresta, 85745 TucsonFeldenkrais.com

Tammy Rosen Wilbur, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner uses gentle movement and awareness to help clients move out of pain, improve posture and flexibility. Feldenkrais Functional Integration sessions can update the brain for structural alignment, improved function and movement. Sessions are fully clothed and deeply relaxing. See ad, page 19 and profile, page 35.


LIFE COACHING FOR WOMEN Ann Adams, CPC, ACC, AADP ICF Credentialed Coach 520-490-7354 AnnAdamsLifeCoaching.com


As women we experience many unique stages in life. These ‘new chapters’ can be overwhelming or we can choose to take the opportunity they present and create the life we want to live. Ann has worked with women at all stages of life for over 10 years. Call for a free consultation and begin the journey of creating a life of joy and satisfaction. See ad, page 10.

Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body. See ad, page 18.



520-325-9686 Intestines@SheilaShea.com IntestinalHealthInstitute.com

natural awakenings

VERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3, 85719 520-403-1686 VerySpecialAlternatives@gmail.com

FDA-approved system integrated with full, closed-gravity option; purified water; disposable speculums. Probiotic reflorastation. Affordable rates and packages. Ear coning also available. Flexible hours include weekends. See ad, page 3.


Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Don@gecomputerrepair.com GEComputerRepair.com Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working f​ or over 30 years​. ​As one of​ Don’s customers s​ aid, “​You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote.​ See ad, page 11.

CRYSTAL BOWL HEALING RETURN TO WHOLENESS: AN ENCOUNTER WITH SOUND An 8-Month Mentorship with Tryshe Dhevney SoundShifting.com

Imagine a year from now…Your soul, in tune with your body… Your voice, communicating your deepest truth…Your being, tuned as One Voice with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls reflecting the symphony of the spheres… The magic begins April 2017. See ad, page 4.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Serving Tucson and surrounding area Danielle@Replevyn.com EndofLifeMentor.com This mentor supports by relieving stress, answering tough questions, interfacing with medical professionals, translating medical lingo, holding space, running errands, and/or maybe fills in so that a caregiver can take a deep breath or get a good night’s sleep.See ad, page 25.

DENTISTRY JEANNE ANNE KRIZMAN, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35 520-326-0082 Smile@KrizmanDental.com

A centrally located biologic, and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general & cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 11.


Dr. Steven A. Swidler, DDS Dr. Kenneth C. Glass, DDS 4650 W Jojoba Dr, 85745 520-743-7101 • MedicineWheelDental.com Medicine Wheel Dental is Tucson’s premier holistic integrative dental practice. Utilizing a balanced mix of traditional dentistry with exclusive naturopathic, holistic and alternative modalities, Medicine Wheel Dental provides the highest level of personalized dental care. “With awareness, we can make a choice.” See ad, back cover.


Heart-Centered Intuitive Healer In Person, By Phone or Skype EnergeticHeartHealing@gmail.com 520-344-9992 While talking with you, Jeanie helps you transform your life through releasing energetic patterns that don’t serve you. She has trained in Shamanism, The Braddock Bodywork Process, and Heart Rhythm Meditation, and is a Reiki Master. Available for public presentations.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com Achieve your highest potential through sound healing, reiki, yoga, aromatherapy and more. Danielle utilizes Tibetan Sacred Sound (certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com), combined with other modalities, as is appropriate for each individual. Relax, release stress, improve health, and realize your own gifts. See ad, page 25.


Lisa Westrick, IARP, RMA Holy Fire Usui and Karuna Reiki Master 520-226-5953 ​SerenityHolisticTouch.com​ Reiki is a gentle touch therapy that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Lisa also does charka therapy to restore and balance the body with crystals and singing bowls. When scheduling appointment, mention this ad and receive $10 off your first visit.

SPIRITUAL ENERGY TRANSFORMATION Johanna Alley 520-370-1306 ​JWalley@protonmail.ch​ ​JohannaAlley.com

Johanna accesses from the quantum field your loving, spiritual energies and gives voice to insights to help you learn how to live the karma-balancing life you wrote for yourself and manifest your true life purpose. $10 off first session.


35 E Toole Ave 520-305-0856 Facebook.com/GalacticCenter Galactic Center is an intimate event venue, spiritual center, global visionary art gallery. This high vibe temple environment complete with the resonant cave chambers, is ideal for classes, workshops, lectures, DJ events, concerts and other public or private gatherings.


Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 520-400-8109 5160 E. Glenn St, Ste. 150 PamperedSkinStudio.com Dr. Suzie specializes in non-surgical facial rejuvenation focused on your specific concerns, objectives and constraints. If you are interested in aging gracefully and believe that “less is more”, then call today to start the journey to being your own kind of beautiful. See ad, page 26.


Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 8.

FLOTATION SPA CLOUD NINE FLOTATION 2118 S Avenida Planet 520-668-4017 FloatTucson.com

Relax, Recuperate, Unplug from your daily stress-filled life. Flotation Therapy is the most relaxing thing you’ll ever experience. Effective for Stress, Anxiety, Recuperation from Injuries, Meaningful Meditation. The Ultimate Mind/Body Experience. Bring a friend, 2 for $89. Call today!

FLOWER SHOP FLOWER SHOP ON 4TH AVE Norah and David Schultz 531 N 4th Ave, 85705 520-622-7673 FlowerShopOn4th@gmail.com FlowerShopOn4th.com

Family-owned/ operated, full-service florist for local delivery or across globe. Walk-in for vintage gifts, one-of-a-kind succulent gardens, plants and hand-tied bouquets backed by a service that is friendly and prompt. Locally-sourced flowers and greens when possible. Monthly classes. Special offer: 15% discount on all flower arrangements.

April 2017



FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 3861WellnessFirst.com

Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.

INTESTINAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 520-325-9686 Intestines@SheilaShea.com IntestinalHealthInstitute.com

Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body. See ad, page 18.



2130 N Alvernon Way, 85712 520-332-2928 • Yume.Gardens@gmail.com Yume.Gardens.org Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson offers a scientifically proven two month long healing walk program that reduces anxiety, stress, and sadness and promotes joy and peacefulness. For details and start dates, visit YumeGardens.org. Open daily 9:30am-4:30pm; except on Monday from 10am-4:30pm, October to June.

GLUTEN FREE GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Happy Hour coming soon! See ad, page 39.


520-885-8970 - Tucson Metro 480-739-0234 - Phoenix Metro ROC # 305289 • AERecycledGranite.com Arizona’s eco-friendly manufacturer of recycled granite pavers, split stone tile veneer, subway tiles and fire pits. The locally crafted products add a unique, beautiful look to your home and business while keeping our planet’s mountains out of Arizona’s waste stream.




Modern Organic Hairdressing 204 W Grant Rd 520-331-9006 • ProjekkHair@yahoo.com Facebook: ProjekK In the courtyard of Placita de la Luna, enter ProjekK hair studio and notice the scents of pine, rosemary and sage. Stylist Kathie features U.K.-inspired cuts that need minimal styling. Hair color is ammonia-free and organic, providing beautiful, professional results.


Herbal Hygiene Company 520-488-9515 PeopleAndPetsHerbal@gmail.com PeopleAndPetsHerbal.com People and Pets LLC is a local herbal hygiene company dedicated to providing high quality products formulated from only the purest ingredients that are safe for you, your children, and your pets. Customized product blends for those with allergies and sensitivities. Visit our website to learn more and place an order today. 10% website launch special! See ad, page 10.

HEALTHFOOD STORES DESERT WELLNESS NUTRITION 125 W Calle De Las Tiendas, 103A, Green Valley, 85614 520-625-3665 • DesertWN.com

Desert Wellness is a local health food store dedicated to helping the community access high quality health/nutrition products. The store’s owner, Christina Roberts, is a nutritionist and certified holistic health coach, qualified to guide customers to healthier lifestyles.

natural awakenings

HEALTH SCREENING PROACTIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, LLC Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036 ProactiveHealthSolutions.org

Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 3.

HEALTHY EATING CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 • ClairesCafe.net

Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 5.

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Happy Hour coming soon! See ad, page 39.


711 E Blacklidge Dr, 85719 520-792-0630 • GovindasOfTucson.com Enjoy resort-like atmosphere of waterfalls, peacocks, fountains and gardens while relishing international vegetarian cuisine emphasizing healthy organic produce. Dinner under $10. Join us for weekly Sunday Festival at 5:30pm with musical meditation, spiritual discourse and dinner at 7pm.


Vegetarian Restaurant 2990 N Campbell Ave, 85719 520-325-7766 • LovinSpoonfuls.com Lovin’ Spoonfuls offers breakfast, lunch and dinner in a gracious atmosphere, perfect for dining with friends, family and business associates. Awards and accolades include Tucson Lifestyle magazine’s Best Vegetarian Restaurant, Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson and VegNews’ Best Vegetarian Restaurant.


Jennifer Bauman Ollman/Owner 2831 E Broadway Blvd, 85716 520-325-0359 (Store) • 520-548-9968 (Cell) Tues. & Thurs. 9-6; Sat. 10-8 Info@JensOrganicHome.com JensOrganicHome.com Jen’s Organic Home features a beautiful 2831 E. Broadway Blvd. healthy showroom with an 520.325.0359 abundance of natural products. Whether you’re greening your interior environment, recovering from illness or strengthening your family’s immune system, Jen’s Organic Home provides local, healthy choices for Tucsonans. Visit Jen’s Organic Home on Instagram and Facebook. See ad, page 29. Hours: Tues, Thurs, Sat 10am-6pm


Health Coaching/Personal Fitness Training 520-314-0994 Robyn@RobynLandis.net Nourish.University Get strong, lean, energetic and super-MOTIVATED. “Install” healthy habits and conscious choices–JOYFULLY. Know what to give your body, and LOVE it! Individual and group coaching. Cut through confusion and get deeply inspired to nourish your body and life. Group online class starting soon: Nourish.University/NineWeekNourish.

HEATING & COOLING A.M. HEATING & COOLING 520-548-2650 AMHeatCool.com ROC#296152

Providing commercial and residential service for routine maintenance, repairs, inspections, and new installation of air conditioning systems and furnaces. Specializing in clean and proper installation of equipment, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. Also offers Mini-splits. Family-owned and operated.

HOLISTIC HEALTH/ ALTERNATIVE HEALING AMY KALAMA HOCHREITER 520-272-4290 • 877-300-1279 AmyHochreiterCoaching.com

Amy Kalama guides the release of stored emotions, cellular memory, trauma and energetic past with her unique blend of HeartLight healing, cellular cleansing and whole-person health/ACT coaching. Feel renewed and restored in health and wellness, body, mind, heart and soul.


145 E University Ave, Ste 207, 85705 520-722-9787 PulsedAdvanced Medicine.com Center is offering PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic fields to enhance your body’s healing ability. Tremendous results are reported: including relief from incontinence, sciatic and other pain, inflammation, depression, improved energy, enhanced healing, and increased range of motion. New location special: 20% off initial session; $50 off a package. See ad, page 23.


Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 8.



Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 8.


Independent Agent, LegalShield Inc. 520-808-3068 EugeneCarter.org Legalshield provides a solution to the top consumer complaint with the FTC for 15 years. With Legalshield you and your family will have your financial accounts as well as drivers license, SSN, medical, character/ criminal identity, etc. monitored. With Legalshield, when a professional thief steals your identity, professional licensed investigators restore it.


4866 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 ​520-​881-8000 ​S​Eghtesadi@FarmersAgent.com YourTucsonAgent.com ​F​acebook.com/SAEFarmers Sandi Eghtesadi help​s​customers like you identify the insurance coverage that best fits your needs -whether that’s auto, home, renters, business insurance and more.​​“The best compliment I can receive is the referral of your family, friends and colleagues.”​


520-331-2629 PurMaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaid.com PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 16.

April 2017


INTUITIVE ARTS AWARENESS CENTER Gunter Benz 928-699-7504 Benz@pobox.com

A gifted clairvoyant, healer and teacher, Gunter offers private intuitive reading and massage therapy/bodywork sessions. He also holds workshops and seminars on Quantum Healing and development of intuition– everything that makes us more aware and feeling better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


Heart-Centered Intuitive Healer In Person, By Phone or Skype EnergeticHeartHealing@gmail.com 520-344-9992

SOUTHWEST INTUITIVE Rev. Riverlark Scott 520-477-7006 SouthwestIntuitive.com

Rev. Riverlark is a naturalborn intuitive. Assisted by the wisdom of the Akashic Records and your spirit guides, helpers, and guardians, she can help you gain clarity, insight, and understanding about your life’s journey. In-person and phone sessions available.

IV THERAPIES WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 30.

While talking with you, Jeanie helps you transform your life through releasing energetic patterns that don’t serve you. She has trained in Shamanism, The Braddock Bodywork Process, and Heart Rhythm Meditation, and is a Reiki Master. Available for public presentations.



541-941-8432 Karkies5@yahoo.com KarenKiester.com PathoftheSacredMasculine.com Karen offers a variety of sessions including channeling with Josef, the Earthly Father of Christ, Path of the Sacred Masculine (based on her book and card deck) and Human Design, to understand who you uniquely are. By phone. Schedule today.

Independent Agent, LegalShield Inc. 520-808-3068 EugeneCarter.org LegalShield Inc provides affordable access to law firms across the U.S. and Canada allowing small businesses and individuals the ability to receive legal advice, consultation, review of documents, court actions of a defensive nature, and more. For over 40 years, LegalShield plan holders can say “No longer do you have to check your wallet before you check your rights.”


Larry Martin 445 S Alvernon Way at Doubletree by Hilton 513-476-2222 Larimar2000@hotmail.com MysticMessengers.com Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair is Tucson’s Premier Metaphysical Community of independent psychics, healers, artists and crafts people. Everyone interested in metaphysical events is welcome, always with free admission. Event dates are listed online at MysticMessengers.com.




6340 N Campbell Ave, Ste 100, 85718 520-789-7234 Dcox1@FarmersAgent.com Agents.farmers.com/az/tucson/donald-cox As your local Farmers agent, Don helps customers like you identify the insurance coverage that best fits your needs. This process is straightforward and personalized to help make you smarter about insurance. Don can help provide options for life, auto, home, business insurance and more.

natural awakenings


LMT for you, your horse, and dog 520-906-1808 ElissaHambright.MassageTherapy.com Since 1999, Elissa’s mission has been to help people, horses, and dogs move and feel better. Available for out-calls and specializing in Therapeutic Massage, Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Lypossage, and Kinesio Tape. Call today and learn how to enhance your health! See ad, page 36.

INTUITIVE HANDS MOBILE MASSAGE Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656 DonMay.MassageTherapy.com

Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “ground​ed​ness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 34.


Tara Sullivan, LMT, Reiki Practitioner Sound Healing 3208 E Ft Lowell Rd, Ste 110, 85716 Tara Sullivan, LMT is a massage therapist and energy healing practitioner who combines sound healing with massage to enhance therapeutic effects. Sound-only sessions are also available to relieve stress, enhance cognition and balance the energy field. Other bodywork modalities include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Prenatal and reiki. See ad, page 34.

NEW LEAF MASSAGE THERAPY Stephanie Dixon, LMT, CNMT 520-775-2367 SDixonLMT@NewLeafTucson.com NewLeafTucson.com

Massage Therapy specializing in relief and treatment of pain and injuries. Stephanie has experience and training with a wide variety of massage therapy techniques. Also certified in neuromuscular therapy. A session at the New Leaf Studio is helpful for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain and more.

RITUAL BY KATE’S MAGIK 215 N Court Ave, 85701 520-743-1486 KatesMagik.com

Ritual by Kate’s Magik is an intimate boutique that carries 100% pure aromatherapy products and ceremonial supplies. Ritual also offers a variety of aromatherapy-focused massages designed to help people relieve stress, move through grief or promote love, healing and success.

THERAPEUTIC INTUITIVE BODYWORK Jennifer Beard LMT Speedway/ Craycroft Area 520-906-8136 TherapeuticIntuitiveBodywork.com

A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $150. See ad, page 36.


Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 520-400-8109 5160 E Glenn St, Ste PamperedSkinStudio.com At the Pampered Skin Studio, Dr. Suzie personally provides customized treatments including facials with microdermabrasion, microcurrent and LED, peels, microneedling, facial fillers, Botox® and Novathread® non-surgical facelifts. Minor skin irregularity treatment and electrolysis are also available. Specializing in adult and teen acne as well as sensitive and ethnic skin issues. See ad, page 26.


Larry Martin 445 S Alvernon Way at Doubletree by Hilton 513-476-2222 Larimar2000@hotmail.com MysticMessengers.com Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair is Tucson’s Premier Metaphysical Community of independent psychics, healers, artists and crafts people. Everyone interested in metaphysical events is welcome, always with free admission. Event dates are listed online at MysticMessengers.com.


Stephanie Sikes, Founder, MA, MC, BCC 520-909-8989​ SGSikes@comcast.net With proper diaphragmatic vocal (breath) placement and simple ear training practice, a novice singer can become quite proficient. ​Lessons are 90 minutes of fun ​and​ amazing training, rhythm a​ nd​ song. ​ W​ith ​a solid foundation, you can choose to sing any genre of music​.

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 3861WellnessFirst.com

Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 30.

PAIN MANAGEMENT COYOTE HEALING CENTER University Ave, Ste 207, 85705 520-722-9787 PulsedAdvanced Medicine.com

Center is offering PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic fields to enhance your body’s healing ability. Tremendous results are reported: including relief from incontinence, sciatic and other pain, inflammation, depression, improved energy, enhanced healing, and increased range of motion. New location special: 20% off initial session; $50 off a package. See ad, page 23.


Steve Liu, L.Ac., BSEE Wen Ting, L.Ac., MA 6812 N Oracle Rd, Ste 130, 85704 520-878-8116 hlahc.com • BetterVisionTucson.com Healing Tucson since 2001. Specializing in chronic and acute

neck and back pain, sports and soft tissue injuries, autoimmune diseases, macular degeneration, digestive disorders, headaches and migraines, allergies and asthma, peripheral neuropathy, and many other health conditions. See ad, page 2.

PERMANENT MAKE UP A LASTING TOUCH SALON Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162 520-869-5593 ALastingTouchSalon.com Ydwornik@yahoo.com

Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures. Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 10.

PERSONAL GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT LOVE YOURSELF SACRED MEETINGS CJ Walker 520-444-7525 CJWalker333@comcast.net LoveYourselfSacred.com

Love Yourself Sacred meetings on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm at Unity of Tucson 3617 Camino Blanco, 85718. Topics include seeing the sacred within, claiming your power, recognizing and releasing toxic relationships and more. Groups are lead by CJ Walker author, lecturer, healer who also offers individual sessions. $50 off for Natural Awakenings readers. See ad, page 9.

April 2017



Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 RiseAboveItCoach@gmail.com RiseAboveItCoach.com


ZY Qigong Teacher/Practitioner Desert Milagros 3438 N Country Club 520-404-8745 QigongMark@yahoo.com ZYQigongAZ.com - Home Meetup.com/Tucson-ZY-Qigong- Meetup ZY Qigong a simple life science. Practice a relaxed state of being and expand your own awareness within. Feel your body move into a higher level of vibration. ZY Qigong can help you attain these states with a beautiful practice.

Offering individual and group sessions for personal growth through coaching or consulting. Identify core strategies for fulfillment in health, career, relationships, simplified living, and authenticity. Remember, your level of success is directly correlated to your level of personal development. See ad, page 26.

PHARMACY REED’S COMPOUNDING PHARMACY 2729 E Speedway Blvd, 85716 520-318-4421 ReedsRX.com • Info@ReedsRX.com


Your Home for Real Estate Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 2890 E Skyline Dr, Ste 250, 85718 Carol is an energetic residential Realtor entrusted by her clients for her knowledge, integrity, diligence, and reliability. Her thoughtful and caring approach sets her clients at ease and her joyful demeanor shines a light in the complex world of real estate. See ad, page 14.

Reed’s Compounding Pharmacy specializes in custom compounded prescriptions for the special needs of patients and pets. They compound creams, suspensions, capsules, suppositories, troches and more. Pharmacists are available to make recommendations based on your needs and to consult with your provider.


3750 E 22nd St, 85713 520-901-0053 Luigi@Res-ComPlumbing.com Res-ComPlumbing.com Trust all your plumbing needs (large or small) to “Luigi” at locally-owned and operated Res-Com Plumbing Co. Personalized service is reliable and professional. Luigi is a 30-year veteran in residential and commercial plumbing, including water softener and purification installation. Member, SW Gas Referral Program.



Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 8.


Jamalia: The Patagonia Psychic Clairvoyant Claircognizant Empath and More Phone & in-person readings 800-355-1283 Years of meditation permit Jamalia to separate her conscious mind from the Light’s transmissions, including images, bodily sensations, and “streaming” messages. Combine a reading with a fun trip to magical Patagonia south of Tucson for a 20% discount (1st reading).



RESTAURANTS CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 • ClairesCafe.net

Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 5.

natural awakenings

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. See ad, page 39.


711 E Blacklidge Dr, 85719 520-792-0630 • GovindasOfTucson.com Enjoy resort-like atmosphere of waterfalls, peacocks, fountains and gardens while relishing international vegetarian cuisine emphasizing healthy organic produce. Dinner under $10. Join us for weekly Sunday Festival at 5:30pm with musical meditation, spiritual discourse and dinner at 7pm.


Vegetarian Restaurant 2990 N Campbell Ave, 85719 520-325-7766 • LovinSpoonfuls.com Lovin’ Spoonfuls offers breakfast, lunch and dinner in a gracious atmosphere, perfect for dining with friends, family and business associates. Awards and accolades include Tucson Lifestyle magazine’s Best Vegetarian Restaurant, Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson and VegNews’ Best Vegetarian Restaurant.

SPA SERVICES ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE Debbie Shaw, Owner 520-275-4510 DetoxTherapySpa.com

Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally. See ad, page 12.


Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE COE 520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com Doctor Suzie, a Registered Nurse and Licensed Aesthetician, is certified in Oncology Esthetics and specializes in providing customized skin care treatments for all skin types and skin issues. She especially delights in educating clients about their skin and helping them identify affordable and manageable solutions for their concerns. Make an appointment and let Dr. Pear start you on the path to revealing your own kind of beautiful! See ad, page 26.


Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Info@TulaWellnessMD.com TulaWellnessMD.com Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 17.


Michelle Arbore MArbore@SavvySocialMedia.net SavvySocialMedia.net Michelle will help plan and manage your social media giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business and to spend with the people you love. She will take you through each step with ease and simplification to help you understand social media. See ad, page 21.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gantas (Bells), Tingshas and more are utilized by Danielle in the Tibetan Sacred Sound modality. She is certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com and combines other modalities, as is appropriate for each individual. Relax, release stress, improve health and realize your own gifts. See ad, page 25.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 30.

SOUND TRAINING RETURN TO WHOLENESS: AN ENCOUNTER WITH SOUND An 8-Month Mentorship with Tryshe Dhevney SoundShifting.com

Imagine a year from now…Your soul, in tune with your body… Your voice, communicating your deepest truth…Your being, tuned as One Voice with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls reflecting the symphony of the spheres… The magic begins April 2017. See ad, page 4.


520-444-7525 CJWalker333@comcast.net LoveYourselfSacred.com Personal healing sessions to help you release energy blockages and step into your mastery. Universal White Time Healing, Phi Vogel Crystals & Sound Harmonics. Author of the new book, Love Yourself Sacred. One hour sessions $50 off for Natural Awakenings readers. See ad, page 9.



Meeting at the Unscrewed Theater 3244 E Speedway, 85716 CommunityOfLightTucson.com Metaphysical and spiritual gathering of Lightworkers for healing, enlightenment, and growth. Friday Healing Circle at noon; Sunday Service at 11am.


520-751-2039, x100 TempleOfThePresence.org Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.


Sunday Gatherings 4pm 3202 E 1st St 520-318-3557

A public gathering for contemplative teaching and practice from both a secular and interfaith perspective, the mission of Sacred Space is to cultivate compassion that leads to social justice. Speakers and live musicians vary weekly. No charge.

THE TEMPLE OF UNIVERSALITY Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340 TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com TheTempleOfUniversality.org

Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.

Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 TucsonCSL.org TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE Sharing (TIES) ”..a spiritual alternative. We offer Chuck Swedrock spiritual solutions to everyday 520-395-2365 challenges. Celebration Service TucsonIANDS.org 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 19.

Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Thursday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at Unity Church of Tucson.

April 2017




Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Don@gecomputerrepair.com GEComputerRepair.com Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services Don’t just throw away your old computers and technology or toss it in your closet or garage. Let us clean it up and recycle it. We’ll wipe your recycled devices clean and take these off your hands. See ad, page 11.

Rev. Dorothea Nobile 4718 E Hawthorne St, 85711 520-327-0142 United-Fellowship-Chapel.com

Sunday Service at 2 p.m. Open Monday, WednesdaySunday, closed Tuesday. Igniting knowledge within to know yourself, heal and change your life. Weekly classes in Metaphysical Principles, Self-Realization/Psychic Development, Friday Meditation & Messages and a Seminary leading to Ordination. See ad, page 32.


Rev. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 UnityTucson.com ​ ffiliated with Unity School A of Christianity and now in our 60th​​Year serving the Tucson community. Sunday services at 10 am.​See ad, page 13.

UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER OF PEACE 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696 Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com UnityPeaceAZ.com


In the heart of Ajo Arizona 520-775-2565 SonoranCC.com “Best kept secret in Southern Arizona!” Housed in a newlyrenovated historic school, our Inn is the perfect oasis for travelers, family events, retreats and conferences. We specialize in cultural, historical, and culinary programming unique to the Sonoran Desert. See ad, page 12.


Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Info@TulaWellnessMD.com TulaWellnessMD.com

Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 31.

Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 17.




Senior Trainer, T’ai Chi, Qigong, Tao Yoga 520-780-6751 Heather@HeatherChalon.com HeatherChalon.com


DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt. CCT Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN Dr. Jo Ruddy, PHD Jody Hardy, MALPC 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 TransformationalMedicinePLLC.com

More than 25 years of experience. Practical solutions for relaxation, rejuvenation, harmony, balance. Inspiring healthy community by We are empowering people to improve like-minded wellness. Collaborative First!created a Where Your Wellness Comes healing professionals who have programs to serve your group’s patient-focused environment to needs. Skills workshops, instructor training, Wishescollaborative, Everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year! provide healthy experiences for those ready to professional CEs, classes at various locations, reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, pge 3. private lessons.



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WOMEN’S HEALTH REED’S COMPOUNDING PHARMACY Dana Reed 2729 E Speedway Blvd, 85716 520-318-4421 Info@ReedsRX.com ReedsRX.com

Specializing in hormone replacement therapy for women, Reed-Kane consults and helps providers treat patients. She has a keen understanding of the importance of hormone balance for men and women and how changes can affect individuals resulting in pain, changes in libido, osteoporosis and overall changes in general well-being.


Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, St 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Info@TulaWellnessMD.com TulaWellnessMD.com Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 17.

YOGA ASTRO-YOGA READINGS Debbie Barnett, RYT-500 520-428-7019 Debbie@astro-yoga.com

Spiritual astrology with a yoga twist. Astrology + yoga = more sustained joy! The Astro-Yoga Woman offers consultations combining these wisdom traditions to guide you to happiness. Grand openings, parties, reiki. Ask about Natural Awakenings special. See ad, page 36.


1101 N Wilmot #123 (next to Trader Joe’s) 520-300-4378 I​nfo@MindfulYogaTucson.com MindfulY​oga​T​ucson.com Mindful Yoga Studio offers two locations in Tucson for self-awareness, self-reflection and self-compassion. The studio offers: yin, restorative, yoga for people touched by cancer, back care, flow, gentle, hatha all levels.

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