May 2018

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Healing the Hard Stuff Natural Approaches Resolve Major Illnesses

Moving Through Menopause

Exercising Reduces Symptoms

Kelly Noonan-Gores on



Reasons to Love a Cat

They Bring Health and Happiness Home

May 2018 | Tucson Edition |

May 2018



Tucson Edition

Working WorkingTogether Togetherto Working Together toto Put PutYour… Your… Put Your…

Wellness WellnessFirst! First! Wellness First! Where Your Wellness Comes First! Where Your Wellness Comes First! Where Your Wellness Comes First!

Your Optimal Health is is Your Optimal Health Your Optimal Health is Only AA Phone Call Away! Only Phone Call Away! Only A Phone Call Away! Dr. DeeAnn Saber, Dr. DeeAnn Saber, Thyroid Specialist Thyroid Specialist Dr. DeeAnn Saber, Thyroid Specialist a Primary Care a Primary Care IV Therapies IV Therapies a Primary Care Naturopathic Physician, Naturopathic Physician, IV Therapies Ozone Treatments Naturopathic Physician, Ozone Treatments specializes in in specializes Ozone Treatments specializes Endocrinology and Body Work / / Endocrinologyinand Body Work Endocrinology and Body Work / Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine. Massage Massage Functional Medicine. Massage

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May 2018




31 MOVING THROUGH MENOPAUSE Exercising Reduces Symptoms

34 HEALING THE HARD STUFF Natural Approaches Resolve Major Illnesses



On How We Shape Our Health



Functional Medicine Leads the Way


ECO-UPGRADES FOR AMERICA’S LANDMARKS Monuments and Parks Adopt Sustainable Practices



DIY Versions Add Zest and Nutrients


They Bring Health and Happiness Home



Three Questions to Ponder Before Sleeping

DEPARTMENTS 8 news briefs 16 global briefs 18 health briefs 24 women’s

wellness guide 31 fit body 32 masters of bodywork & healing arts 36 wise words 4

Tucson Edition


38 healing ways 40 green living 42 conscious 44 46 47 52 53 62

eating natural pet inspiration calendar classifieds resource guide ad index

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


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ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@ Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@ NaturalTucson com. Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at Submit. by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit

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May 2018


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pring is in full swing, and it’s a time for new beginnings, gratitude, rejuvenation and honoring our mothers. In that vein, each year, we devote the May issue to women. In these pages, we’re talking about women’s health and wellness topics that are of interest and hopefully some help to ladies of all ages. In our Women’s Wellness Guide, pages 18 to 36, we touch on topics from hormonal health to aging beautifully.

Experiencing PMS symptoms or going through menopause? Local experts weigh in with specific supplements and exercises that can help—including Hormone Yoga and acupuncture. Not loving the subtle, natural changes you’re seeing in the mirror? Holly Baker, publisher Try exfoliating (it may be men’s secret to aging well) or facial rejuvenation with a local aesthetician—or try the microbladed brow trend that makes it easy to wake up feeling put-together.

TUCSON EDITION PUBLISHER Holly Baker EDITOR Michelle Bense DESIGN & PRODUCTION Erica Mills Kristina Parella SALES & MARKETING Holly Baker WEBSITE Erica MIlls


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We’re living in an exciting time for women. From marches for women’s rights to the #MeToo movement, it’s electrifying to see so much solidarity and care for our fellow woman. Every little bit matters—whether working to change laws or giving a stranger a compliment or encouragement—it can all make a world of difference. Share your light and positivity with the other girls of the world, and please share this powerful issue with your friends, sisters, daughters and mothers.



There is nothing like a dream to

create the future. ~Victor Hugo

See our advertiser index on page 62, making it easier to find the resources you need. 6

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Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: 239-434-9513 © 2018 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

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Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.

May 2018


news briefs

Network Spinal Analysis, or Light Touch Adjustment


VISIT US ONLINE: Now mobile friendly. Easy to use on all your devices.

r. Carmen Mazza, D.C. practices low force light touch Network Spinal Analysis at Light Touch Family Chiropractic, in Tucson. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is also referred to as Network Chiropractic because it views the body as a functional network in which everything is closely linked to everything else. NSA is a very gentle chiropractic technique that consists of a series of light contacts with the thumb in order to create an adjustment. “With NSA, the areas primarily addressed are the occiput at the base of the back of the skull, the cervical vertebrae in the neck and the sacrum at the base of the spine. These areas are important Carmen Mazza because the meninges, or the coverings of the spinal cord, attach to them,” explains Mazza. “When tension is present, the meninges act like strings on a marionette puppet that elongate or stretch the spinal cord, creating what is called a facilitated subluxation. Typically, this type of subluxation is caused by chemical or emotional stress from which the body-mind could not recover.” The philosophy of NSA is based upon the body’s ability to self-regulate or adapt to life stresses. As the body expresses greater awareness, ease and flexibility, it can learn to bounce back very quickly from stressful events. Mazza has worked on babies, children, pregnant women and adults. She is intuitive and practices with a holistic mindset, taking into account the role the body, mind and spirit play on one another. Her objective is to help people become more empowered and evolve physically, mentally and spiritually. Location: 4620 N. Bornite Way, Tucson. Connect at 520-834-1722 or

Pain Release Specialist Mercedez Lucke-Benedict


ercedez Lucke-Benedict, LMT is a pain release specialist who successfully treats tinnitus (ringing in the ears), trigeminal nerve pain, optical strain and TMJ. She is the only craniosacral therapist practicing at Medicine Wheel Dental & Wellness, Monday through Thursday, and is accepting patients at her home practice, Oasis Wellness, in Marana, on Friday and Saturday. Dr. Steve Swidler, of Medicine Wheel Dental & Wellness, began treating, then mentoring Lucke-Benedict after a series of near-fatal car crashes. “Swidler basically saved me from a life of endless pain. I followed in his footsteps, vowing to learn all I Mercedez Lucke-Benedict could from him, and I am so grateful,” she says. Lucke-Benedict uses a unique combination of medical body intuitive, craniosacral and myofascial release, and is a successful energy healer using crystal/stone therapies combined with chakra cleansing. She is able to unwind trauma from the body in an easy and pain-free way, and is successful in unwinding strain patterns that affect migraines, TMJ, trigeminal nerve pain, tinnitus, hand and foot pain, sports injuries and back and neck pain. For more information, call 520-221-6276 or email


Tucson Edition

Teach Children How to Succeed in School Over Summer


or those with children who are underperforming in school, find reading difficult, doing poorly on tests or having difficulty paying attention in class, vision could be the underlying issue. Arizona Vision Therapy Center will be offering their Summer Vision Therapy Program, starting in their office in early June. It will consist of three, 1.5-hour therapy sessions per week for eight weeks. Even if a child has 20/20 vision, he/she may not be seeing efficiently. There are over 18 different visual skills like eye aiming, focusing, tracking and understanding that must come together almost like an orchestra for a child to see clearly and comfortably. The therapy will include fun and interactive sessions that teach skills that each child will need for the rest of his/her life. Arizona Vision Therapy Center has a variety of programs available to help children and adults succeed in both school and life. Location: 6602 E. Carondelet Dr., Tucson. For more information, call 520-886-8800 or visit See ad, page 21.

Aqua Chakra Yoga


anta Rita Springs has recently welcomed Krysa Kobryner’s Chakra Yoga classes in the warm pool. Practicing yoga poses in a warm pool involves using the natural buoyancy and resistance of water. It is a fun and effective, low-impact workout that, over time, improves muscular strength, aerobic capacity, joint mobility, flexibility and neuromuscular coordination. Each session ends with a 15-minute deep relaxation float. Classes Krysa Kobryner will be held some Sundays in May at noon and Saturdays at 10 a.m. “Movement, water, breath and sound are essential for finding wellness and creating balance in all aspects of our lives,” says Kobryner, a Certified Subtle Yoga Instructor and Reiki Master. The word yoga means “to unite” in ancient Sanskrit. Yoga is the mystical experience of realizing the Divine essence of all creation in body, mind and spirit. Classes include yoga poses, breath and sound, embodying the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether by strengthening the Chakras, the subtle energy vortexes, conduits of life energy. Cost: $15 per class. Location: 2301 N. Santa Rita Ave., Tucson. Register with Krysa Kobryner at 520-551-0651 or Monthly discounts, private reiki and yoga sessions available upon request. See ad, page 32.

May 2018


news briefs

Unleashing Your True Self with Tammi Morrison


ammi Morrison, intuitive healer of Unleashing Your True Self, is a wife, mother and grandmother. She is a Reiki Master and certified Theta healer. She is known as the Intuitive Empowerment Diva. She specializes in helping people to get clarity and “see the glass”. Morrison helps clients connect to their angels, either through distance via the internet or with in-person sessions, and will offer 10 percent off for Natural Awakenings readers. “So many times, people will tell you to see the glass half empty or half full. However, you are so amid struggle that you can’t even see the glass,” says Morrison. “I’ll help you find out where you are spiritually through intuitive guidance and promoting healing on a spiritual level, by helping you to learn to trust your intuition and Tammi Morrison do what works for you.” In a typical session, she will do an Angel Oracle intuitive guidance reading, and Morrison will guide a meditation to further process the healing that required and create personal affirmations based on the information obtained from one’s angels during the reading. For more information, call 803-397-2553, email or visit

El Rio Health Earns ‘LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader’ Designation


l Rio Health, one of the largest providers of outpatient medical and dental services to the Tucson community, joins only 418 healthcare providers nationwide to earn the “LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader” designation from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC). The designation was awarded in the 11th edition of the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI). A record 626 healthcare facilities actively participated in the HEI 2018 survey, with HRC Foundation proactively researching key policies at more than 900 additional non-participating hospitals. Of those included in the HEI, 418 earned a “LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader” designation. “El Rio Health is the only organization in Arizona to receive 100 percent score, which speaks to our work devoted to continued excellence and ongoing improvement to be a national model of excellent healthcare,” says Nancy Johnson, CEO of El Rio Health. With 13 campuses in Tucson, El Rio serves the medical and dental needs of more than 101,000 people annually. El Rio’s mission is to “improve the health of our community through comprehensive, accessible, affordable, quality and compassionate care.” HRC is the education arm of America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. For more information, call 520-870-7148, email or visit


Tucson Edition

Honest Appraisals with Salik Jewelry Appraisals


inda Salik, owner of Salik Jewelry Appraisals, LLC, provides unbiased opinions of value based upon appraisal standards and a professional code of ethics. Salik Jewelry Appraisals is one of the few companies where the sole business and income is from appraisals or appraisal related services. Salik specializes in appraising all types of jewelry, diamonds and gemstones. Everything from large estates to just one item are handled promptly and efficiently. Salik’s experience in the jewelry field began in 2009. She worked in several types of jewelry store establishments gaining experience in many aspects of jewelry sales, design and manufacturing. At the same time, Salik earned her Graduate GemLinda Salik ologist diploma from the Gemological Institute of America. In 2014, Salik began her independent jewelry appraisal company. She conforms to current Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice with the American Society of Appraisers continuing education requirements and continues to educate herself. In fact, she is currently enrolled in what is now recognized as the #1 appraisal training program in the world, the Registered Master Valuer Program. Salik is also a licensed I.F.O.C. Ordained Senior Chaplain. Clients can rest assured that she will always treat them and their jewelry with the utmost honesty, integrity and commitment. She serves all of Tucson and Southern Arizona and works by appointment. Location: 7301 E. 22nd St., Ste. 7C, Tucson. For more information or to set an appointment, call 520-269-7780 or visit

Educational Toys at Discovery Toys


or 40 years, Discovery Toys has provided educational learning tools (toys, books and games) to children of all ages. These products are fun, kid-powered, guaranteed, challenging, engage multiple layers of learning and help children (and adults) reach their potential. “Technology is changing the way children’s brains develop—and not in a good way. Discovery Toys has solutions for engaging the senses once again for a better chance of reaching one’s potential,” says Sharon Loper, Educational Leader at Discovery Toys. “It’s a better way to help children and older adults (with physical dexterity and mental acuity) achieve success.” For more information, call 520-360-1263, email or visit Visit Sharon at the Autism Walk on April 28 at Kino Sports Complex.

Are you in PAIN?

Try Gentle Chiropractic WinterHaven Health Center Dr. Nathan S. Conlee, DC, CCSP, DACNB, LAc, C.K.T.P • Chiropractic Neurologist • Acupuncture • Physiotherapy • Certified Sports Chiropractor • Metabolic Nutritionist • Auto Injuries • Low Level Laser Therapy “Certified in Kinesiotaping” Call for FREE Consultation 520-322-6161 3020 N. Country Club / May 2018


news briefs

LMTs Can Earn CEUs for Bio-Touch Training Classes


assage therapists are required to earn continuing education units (CEU) annually and now, Bio-Touch: International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM) provides an affordable way to satisfy that professional requirement. IFBM will conduct a practitioner training program May 5 to 6 and June 23 to 24, at the Bio-Touch Center in Tucson, yielding 10 CEUs approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. “My experience with learning the Bio-Touch points was that I was immediately able to put them into practice with beneficial results,” says Carey Bjornson, a licensed massage therapist. “Thank you very much for sharing a valuable, potent and effective tool.” Location: 5634 E. Pima St., Tucson. For more information, call 520-323-7951, email or visit

Sylvia Boyed Heals All Ages with Energetic Restructuring


ylvia Boyed, MA, a licensed massage therapist and certified craniosacral therapist, has worked in the bodywork field for 11 years, with two years of study with the Barral Institute in Sylvia Boyed Visceral Manipulation. She treats such conditions as postural misalignment, joint reconstruction, head injuries, migraine headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, muscle and skeletal pain, intestinal issues, bladder related problems, COPD and other lung disorders. Specializing in pediatric craniosacral therapy, in the area of pediatrics for babies and children, she treats such conditions as colic, sleep disturbance, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, neurological conditions, digestive issues, headaches and migraines. Boyed’s scope of practice is the energetic restructuring of the whole body, which enables healing to a specific area. Over the last 10 years of practice, Boyed has observed people’s lives shift and become more integral as their bodies and spirits heal. She offers a way to heal for those who are seeking not just relief from pain physically, but also for those who may be on a new threshold of discovering greater meaning and understanding through their trauma. “I am able to diffuse and remove the deepest layers of constriction of the body and effectively alter the various organs and systems, where they are compromised,” explains Boyed. “An excess of scar tissue, regenerated within the body, often constricts and compresses the spine and viscera at the deepest levels of the body. When these regions are opened and expanded, the whole of the body changes and acquires greater freedom of movement, circulation and function. Therefore, my practice, I consider a very functional energetic form of medicine.”

Location: The Center For Healing Arts, 3333 N. Campbell Ave., Ste. 12, Tucson. For more information, call 520-370-3689 or visit See ad, page 32. 12

Tucson Edition

Explore the Love of Ramen at Loft Cinema

Tucson Metaphysics Fair


n Ramen Heads, Japan’s reigning King of Ramen, Osamu Tomita, takes audiences deep into his world by revealing every single step of his obsessive approach to creating the perfect soup and noodles, along with his relentless search for the highest-quality ingredients. Loft Cinema will screen the film at 7:30 p.m., May 8. In addition to Tomita, the film also profiles five other notable ramen shops, each with its own philosophy and flavor, exemplifying the different aspects of the ramen world. Mixing in a brief look at ramen’s historical roots, this mouth-watering, eye-opening documentary offers viewers an in-depth look at the culture and “ramen head” fandom surrounding this unique and beguiling dish. The Fat Noodle food truck will be on hand before the movie, serving up delicious noodles, dumplings, ramen burgers and more. Location: 3233 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-795-0844, email or visit See ad, page 20.


he Tucson Metaphysics Fair takes place on the first and third Sunday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Best Western at 6201 North Oracle Road (south of Orange Grove). The May dates are May 6 and May 20. The fair includes a collection of mediums, numerologists, astrologers, tarot, runes and angelic card readers, past life intuitives, passed souls communicators, palmistry, dowsing, gemstone divination, shaman and reiki healers and more, as well as vendors with a collection of jewelry, candles, essential oils and metaphysical supplies. “We pride ourselves in giving you a great reading at a fair price. These prices vary with each reader,” says Dave Bodell, a Reiki Master and Shaman who practices gemstone divination. “Come join us and feel the positive chi when you walk through the door. If you are looking for the answers to life’s questions, we are here to answer them for you.” For more information, call Dave Bodell at 520-579-8930, find Tucson Metaphysics Fair on Facebook or visit

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520-322-8122 Resonate with A New Journey of Awakening & Healing May 2018


news briefs

Live Better with Essential Oils with Tammy Longhurst


s a Wellness Advocate for dōTerra Essential Oils, Tammy Longhurst sets out to help people find natural solutions for their health and well-being, and enjoys deep, personal relationships with her clients. Her main priority is to educate others on how to use essential oils effectively and safely. She holds free classes on the basics of essential oils, as well as monthly continuing education classes. She’s available for private appointments as well. Tammy Longhurst Longhurst has been a wellness advocate for four years. With a husband and five children—her youngest son being autistic—she has struggled with suicidal depression. With dōterra’s Essential Oils, her son has overcome most of the struggles that come with autism. Longhurst has been able to be free of synthetic medications and has been able to live a more fulfilling life. Although the outcome may not be the same for everyone, she makes it her mission to help others realize they have options for better health and mental clarity. She feels very strongly that others may need to hear this story and she strives to change one life, one day at a time. For more information, call 520-850-7592, email or visit See ad, page 8.


Tucson Edition

Massage Special at Skeleton Key Therapy


athan Morrison, licensed massage therapist and certified neuromuscular therapist, of Skeleton Key Therapy, believes that we are each unique and not all pain is created equally; however, all pain can be made lesser or dissipate completely. It is his goal to see clients reach their optimal Kristi and Nathan Morrison pain-free potential, utilizing neuromuscular trigger point therapy, breathing techniques and myofascial release. Morrison will be holding a Mother’s Day special of three massages for $150. “In January of 2018 my wife, Kristi, and I moved to Tucson and set up Skeleton Key Therapy at the Natural Life Holistic Oasis in Oro Valley,” explains Morrison. “We believe in natural healing through properly balanced massage, rest, diet and exercise. Wanting to help people reduce or even eliminate pain without the use of prescription medication, I chose to specialize in myofascial and trigger point therapy.” Morrison is skilled at moving individuals past pain and into freedom. He received his degree at the Knox Technical Center in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, graduating at the top of his class. He received his neuromuscular certification from Timberlake Massage Therapies. “It is my opinion that this powerful modality can effectively treat chronic disorders and also prevent minor injuries from becoming long-term health issues.” For more information, call 740-398-8966 or 740-507-4212, email or visit

Find the Right Naturopathic Medicine in Tucson




he right integrative, naturopathic physician is out there for everyone. Transformational Medicine, in Tucson, offers a wide range of integrative, naturopathic and functional medicine practitioners who specialize in various areas of health. Most NDs and NMDs are also willing to work with one’s other primary doctors. “Are you looking for a doctor who really listens? One who is interested in you as a whole person, not just your symptoms? Have you DeeAnn Saber considered integrative care, naturopathic medicine or functional medicine?” queries Dr. DeeAnn Saber. “All of these labels encompass a wide range of options for anyone young or old. Functional medicine is a newer idea on what naturopathic medicine always has been—about treating the whole person and finding the underlying cause.” Many naturopaths specialize just like MDs. Transformational Medicine is home to homeopathic specialists, Drs. Samuel and Lila Flagler; women’s health specialists, Dr. Judy Gianni and Dr. Nancy Aton; Dr. DeeAnn Saber, who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine; Dr. Stephanie Stark, pediatrics; Dr. Lance Morris, Sound Therapy; and a Naturopathic Oncologist, Dr. Michael Uzick. “The wonderful thing about these medical modalities is that the doctors really will listen and do all they can to help you feel better, and to hopefully help you heal from the inside out, not just offer quick fixes like drugs or surgery,” says Saber. Check out the American Association for Naturopathic Physicians (Naturopathic. org) or the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association (aznma. org) to find the right local doctor. Location: Transformational Medicine, 3861 N. First Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-209-1755, email or visit See ad, page 3.


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May 2018


Sparkly Microbeads Face Ban

Scientists have called for glitter to be prohibited due to the threat it poses to wildlife. The glistening, decorative, plastic microbead powder may seem harmless, but environmental researchers report it’s a dangerous pollutant, particularly in oceans. Trisia Farrelly, Ph.D., of New Zealand’s Massey University, notes, “Their diminutive size and sparkling appearance make them appealing to animals, which will eat them.” Seven U.S. states now restrict the use and sale of products with microbeads; California was the first in 2015. The British government will ban rinse-off microbeads— plastics of less than one millimeter in length—found in exfoliating scrubs, shower gels, toothpaste and even on greeting cards. Plastics are found in a third of all fish caught in Great Britain, according to a study by Richard Thompson, Ph.D., professor of marine biology at Plymouth University. He says of shower gel with glitter particles, “That stuff is going to escape down the plughole and potentially enter the environment.”

Steve Cordory/

All That Glitters

Recycled Plastic Transforms into Prosthetics The emerging technology of three-dimensional (3-D) printing can benefit the world in many ways. Re:Purpose for Good, in Australia, creates robotically 3-D printed prosthetic devices from recycled plastic and e-waste. It’s difficult to customize prosthetics, so more invasive surgery is often needed to make standard sizes fit the patient. Other companies produce 3-D printed prosthetic hands and arms, but Re:Purpose for Good customizes both hands and feet at a much lower cost. The company’s robotics and prosthetics engineer Gerardo Montoya, who had been working on 3-D printing prosthetics for children in Mexico, merged the idea with a desire to do something about the 8 million tons of plastic entering the oceans. Along with plastic waste, they also use e-waste such as discarded smartphones that have all the circuitry and microprocessors needed for advanced features. The company even plans to teach their prosthetic-making process to children as part of their science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) curriculum, so they can learn 3-D printing skills. They’re making it open source so more people can get involved without patent restrictions.


Helping Hands

global briefs

Women Warriors

The Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit aims not only to protect rhinoceroses in South Africa by patrolling the Balule Nature Reserve, in Greater Kruger National Park, but to also be a role model in their communities. It’s the first majority-female, antipoaching unit in the country. Founded in 2013 by Transfrontier Africa NPC to protect the Olifants West Region of Balule, the Black Mambas were invited within a year to expand into other regions, and now protect all boundaries of the reserve. These 32 young women and two men want their communities to understand that the benefits are greater through rhino conservation rather than poaching, as they address the local social and moral decay that results from poaching. Their concern is also for their children’s sake because the sham economy has corrupted morals and brought narcotics into their communities. To make a donation, visit 16

Tucson Edition

gualtiero boffi/

Africans Unite to Save Rhinos

May 2018


gualtiero boffi/


Steve Cordory/

Beauty and Fitness Bloom from Within

health briefs

OligoScan Test for Improved Oral and Overall Health


ur culture has led people to believe that what we put on the outside of our skin/body can create health and beauty, but these aspects of our being come from us living a healthy lifestyle and good self-care. Here are some tips for having more energy, a brighter appearance, healthier skin, a stronger body, better sleep, proper weight management, better mood, improved stress management and more.


he presence of too much or too little of any nutrient or toxic metal can have harmful effects on the mouth and teeth, and may contribute to oral disease and infection, along with other health issues. With the OligoScan, practitioners can determine the mineral and nutritional needs of patients quickly, painlessly and safely. OligoScan is an advanced device that allows practitioners to test patients for mineral imbalances and heavy metals. The innovative test uses spectrophotometry to send light through the tissue, measuring the real-time levels of trace elements, minerals and heavy metals in the body. The test produces the fastest turnaround time for results—not weeks, like with hair, urine or blood samples, but immediately. OligoScan is a painless, non-invasive scan of the hand that is completed in just a few moments in the office. The scan is based on the concept that each chemical compound emits, absorbs or reflects a specific wavelength of light. The device transmits light through tissues at four points on the hand. It measures the optical density of heavy metals, minerals and trace elements present in skin and blood vessels in real time. Patients are required to know their blood type prior to the scan. Dr. Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, of Krizman Dental, in Tucson, recommends the OligoScan to improve oral health. Connect at 520-326-0082. See ad, page 41.

• Eat and juice mostly organic food that you buy and prepare for yourself. Beware of food allergies and sensitivities, which could mean not eating wheat, corn, dairy, sugar and little processed food. Sticking to a healthy diet means having more energy, staying grounded, thinking more clearly and maintaining a healthy weight. • Being physically active and moving the body daily is huge. Try yoga, go for a hike in the mountains, walk in the mornings and/or evenings (even just 10 minutes), dance as often as possible and swim in the summer. The options are endless and fun. • Weave in meditating, gardening, breathing deeply and interacting with nature in everyday life. This all nourishes on many levels. • Nurture yourself with spa days at home with detox baths, massages, facials and anything else that relaxes and pampers. Danielle Dvorak is certified in Vibrational Sound Healing (Tibetan style), aromatherapy, End of Life Mentoring, as a yoga teacher and more. She has healed herself holistically of many injuries and health challenges including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and a herniated lumbar disc. Connect at 847-323-9188, or

Free Class Saturday May 12 10-11 am Martha Cooper Library 1377 N. Catalina Ave. Tucson


Tucson Edition

Awakening of the Soul

a talk on spirituality


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by Julie Olauson

his is shaping up to be an exciting year in design. Bold and artificial is out and a softer, more natural approach to our environment is in. This doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice on color or limit the modern touches—rather, it means just go with what the earth provides as inspiration. Nature is starting to influence design like never before. Wood, stone, cottons and metals are once again creating the foundation. However, unlike decades past when wood was unnaturally glossy and metals gleamed with the glow of yellow brass, today’s naturals are just that—natural. Designers and clients want to see life in these elements. Wood floors, tables and paneling now have character, which means that knots, pits and even saw or nail marks are celebrated. Metals are allowed to show wear, giving highlights of rust or the soft blue tint of age. Stone is back and bragging on why it looks so much better in a space than tinted concrete forms. A chiseled face with its rocky, uneven look is showing up on countertop edges, fireplaces and exterior accents. Upholstery is using cotton linens and leathers without the strongly tinted colors or patterns, which gives the room a comfortable, relaxed feel. Not only do people want natural products, but they want them to have a story—something that speaks to a well-lived life. Still need that wow factor and a bold pop of color? The look of precious metals and gems is becoming popular. Accent a wall with a gold mirror, highlight a shelf with jeweltoned glass vases or give the powder room a flash of silver-based paint. The great thing about this trend is that every style is welcome, from craftsman to country, rustic to Victorian—even big city modern is finding a way to become more natural. We’re changing the soul of the room by adding some life back into our lifestyles. Conect with Julie Olauson of A & E Recycled Granite at 520-885-8970 or See ad, page 17.


520-332-1485 Cell: 520-784-1243 Don@GEComputer Facebook: GE-Computingand-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working for over 30 years. As one of Don’s customers said, “You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote.


Earth-Inspired Design

Connect with our online community at May 2018


Get Windows Ready for Summer


ot many people give much thought as to whether or not their windows are ready for the summer. Here are some tips for the homeowner to get windows prepared for the warmer months. First and foremost, regularly scheduled window cleaning is necessary for windows to remain in their best condition. Having them cleaned prior to summer helps remove pollutants from the exterior glass that have accrued over the winter months. This helps avoid hard water issues over the summer when the sun is notorious for baking mineral deposits onto the glass and creating ugly white hard water issues. Have certain windows in the home that receive intense direct sunlight for long periods of time? These windows are generally known for having the seals go bad because of the heat’s effect on them. The most basic solution is to cover the window with a sunscreen. These are custom made for each specific window and can reduce the effects the sun has on the interior of the home due to their ability to restrict up to 90 percent sunlight. More expensive but highly effective options are available when considering electronic rolling shutters, which are mounted on the exterior of the home. Those who want help getting windows ready for summer in Tucson can contact Jack Baker of Marine Clean Windows. For more information, call 520-240-6621, email or visit

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You owe it to yourself & your spouse to try these great products! 20

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Qigong for Women


igong has been around for thousands of years. The movements are designed to move qi in a way that opens the blockages inside the body. These movements also nourish the organs, lift the spirit and help calm the mind. Qigong practice is an exercise that can help women to become aware of their body’s internal qi or energy, helping them get in touch with themselves— physically, emotionally and spiritually. Cultivation of qi starts an amazing process of healing and life prolonging science. We replenish our qi with the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. The need for these to be as pure as possible is very important. To cultivate qi, we only need to learn to relax our bodies and practice these ancient movements and meditation that have been passed down for over 7,000 years. With continued practice, we become more aware of who we really are, and our self-confidence, as well as ability to maintain an even balance of the emotional, physical and spiritual bodies, naturally develop. Women are beautiful beings that thrive when joy, love and compassion radiates from their hearts and bodies. The practice of qigong automatically brings these up for them to nourish and embrace. Deep-rooted emotions that do not nourish the body will be brought out to deal with. Qigong practice will give the strength to release and move forward in their own power. In many cultures, women are linked to the beauty of flowers. If one’s goal is to preserve health and beauty, she should be in touch with her inner self, and live from a place of peace and balance. Learn the theory behind qigong, practice persistently and these goals will be achieved. Mark Frighetti teaches ZY qigong at Desert Milagros, 3438 N. Country Club, in Tucson from 7 to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday. For more information, call 520-404-8745, email QigongMark@ or visit May 2018


May is National Moving Month 5 Smart Reasons to Rent Reusable Moving Boxes


raditionally, summer is one of the most popular times of the year to move, but for us living in Tucson, with 100-degree days, moving in the summer is a dreadful thought. Here are five reasons that renting reusable moving boxes can make the move bearable.

Save time. Convenience matters. Renting Bungoboxes delivers optimal convenience. After placing an order, the boxes show up along with wheeled dollies. They are ready to be packed without having to assemble and tape them. When finished unpacking at the new location, the boxes will be whisked away. Save money. The cost to rent reusable moving boxes is approximately 50 percent less than buying cardboard boxes. Moving is expensive—don’t waste hard-earned money on tape and cardboard. Eliminate stress. Collecting enough cardboard boxes for a move can be stressful. Renting reusable boxes simply means ordering the number needed and they show up ready to use. Bungoboxes are also more durable than traditional cardboard boxes. They hold up in all types of weather, including our monsoon season. Better for the planet. We love recyclable materials, but we love reusable materials even more. Bungoboxes are used over and over again, year after year. They’re simply more fun! For more information, visit See ad, page 8. Heather Rosson 22

Tucson Edition

The Art of Singing


by Sarah Evans

udolf Steiner, out of his inexhaustible fountain of kindness, said these words: “If people would sing more, especially more correctly, there would be less crime.” The “how” of the true art of singing—one suited to the present and pointing toward the future—is revealed in those words. The “how” of the school itself is all important. The “how” of this school lies in becoming aware of a reality that stands above the earthly, where the exalted cause of all sensible tone manifestations are weaved and worked. Then, there is an inner transformation that takes place in the human being, lifting life into positive and constructive expressions. Religious, spiritual, scientific and artistic form an organic wholeness, mutually supporting one another. This school for singing can only reveal what is already present in each human being. It sees the activity of singing as coming forth from the whole being, not as something coming solely from the physical organs, but also something that penetrates completely and can only be prevented from appearing by physical hindrances. This is the reason that this school is not only artistic, but also therapeutic. Oftentimes, students, especially those that are convinced they have no talent, discover capacities which had been quite hidden. When the impulse to sing is deeply felt, Sarah’s School for Speech and Song has a method, inspired by The School of Uncovering the Voice, to give birth to everyone’s perfect voice. For more information and updated events, visit

May 2018


Natural Awakenings


GUIDE pages 18-36

Less is More with Natural-Looking Facial Rejuvenation


or those unhappy with sagging skin and deep lines but not ready for a trip to the plastic surgeon, it may be time to consider NovaThreads PDO (Polydioxanone) Thread Lift, a rejuvenation treatment that may be more in line with an “aging naturally” philosophy, as well as our budget. They fill an unmet need in aesthetics in that they actually lift the soft tissues of the face and neck with a basic, in-office procedure with little discomfort, no downtime and with excellent results. NovaThreads themselves are dissolvable threads that are placed under the skin in different areas to achieve lifting of the cheeks, the jowls and the neck bands. This non-surgical technique accomplishes an immediate result that lasts anywhere from 9 to 12 months, sometimes even 15 months, depending on how many threads are placed at the session and the level of skin laxity or excess that the client has. Bruising is rare, and there are no unsightly cuts, incisions or resultant scars. Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN is a licensed aesthetician with a passion for helping her clients “be their own kind of beautiful”. Contact her for a complimentary consultation and skin analysis. Natural Awakenings readers will receive a 20 percent discount on NovaThreads during May and June. Connect at 520-400-8109, or See ad, page 29.

Monthly Woes of Aunt Flow


early every woman experiences a monthly menstrual cycle. Many women also experience mood swings, cramping, headaches, back pain and more. It may seem like we can’t fix the symptoms we experience with our cycles, but with the right supplements and diet, we can greatly alleviate these woes. Classic signs of this monthly hormone imbalance include bloating, back pain, sudden tears, unexplained anger… the list is seemingly endless. Here are some helpful home tips to try at home before seeking professional help for a more severe hormone imbalance. Flaxseed oil is a wonderful product to take. Try 2 Tbsp per day to help benefit your system and cycle. Pay attention to who makes the product. Is it fresh? Keep refrigerated. Caution: It’s not an oil you want to heat up. B-Vitamins are essential for helping the conversation in our system happen more effectively. Be sure to take proper B-Vitamins that are active, good forms. It’s important to note that we can get good and bad products at health food stores and bigger retail stores. Talk to someone who understands the active forms and can provide assistance. Fiber! It helps move and clean out the intestines in a timely fashion and allows for better movements to occur, which gets those excess hormones out. The goal, after all, is getting hormones on track. Whole, clean eating is always going to be key. Try these tips and reach out to a local practitioner that focuses on hormone balance. Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer is a Naturopathic Physician, born and raised in Tucson. She promotes Life Enhancement Medicine, giving individuals all they need to support their systems and enhance vitality. Connect at 520-396-4866, or

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein 24

Tucson Edition

Acupuncture Proves Helpful for Menopause at Catalina Acupuncture


t Catalina Acupuncture, a family practice in midtown Tucson, many women have found acupuncture and Chinese medicine to help reduce their menopause symptoms. With reduced frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats, patients also sleep better, have improved mood and report a significant improvement in their quality of life. “Most people think of acupuncture for pain management. While acupuncture is certainly effective for pain, Chinese medicine is a complete medical system, and is able to safely and effectively treat a wide variety of medical problems,” explains Nathan Anderson, L.Ac., the clinician at Catalina Acupuncture. A protocol that combines acupuncture with herbal medicine shows the greatest benefit. Medicinal herbs directly influence the biochemistry of the body, and work synergistically with the acupuncture to enhance the effects of treatment. Researchers at Duke University and Wake Forest University published a study in Menopause journal in 2016 showing acupuncture to be effective for menopause symptoms. The researchers found that acupuncture has a “positive benefit on reducing hot flashes and improving sleep and other symptoms.” The authors further noted that the “benefits are observed after just a few acupuncture treatments and appear to persist for many months after acupuncture treatments have been discontinued.” One of the mechanisms that explains how acupuncture is effective for pain management is that it releases endorphins. This can also explain how acupuncture works for menopause symptoms. Low levels of the hormone estrogen may cause reduced levels of β-endorphins, which affect the hypothalamus, the brain structure that regulates body temperature. Numerous studies have shown acupuncture to release endorphins, and there is strong evidence that acupuncture can regulate hormone levels as well. Anderson is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University and Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine. He has been a professor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for over 10 years, and is currently faculty at the Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, where he is the Chairperson for the Acupuncture Department on their Academic Council. Anderson is also the former Clinic Director/Dean of Clinical Education at several acupuncture universities in Los Angeles. Catalina Acupuncture’s clinical specialties include: women’s health and fertility, pain management, pediatrics, respiratory disorders, digestive disorders and cardiovascular disorders. Connect with Nathan Anderson at 520-999-0080, or May 2018




ON TREND: Microbladed Brows

pages 18-36

T Spirited Women Unite by Linda Joy Stone


o you find yourself deeply questioning your role in this amazing and complex drama called life? Do you feel more dedicated to beauty and more fiercely protective of it? Have you been honoring your emotional sensitivity and allowing yourself to laugh and cry? Are you feeling called to spiritual activism and the sanctity of community? You are not alone as we reach out to one another. So much has happened in just this past year, from the #MeToo movement to the #MarchForOurLives, where both young women and men are expressing their voices for justice and peaceful action while calling out abusive perpetrators. For those of us of who are older, standing firm in our own authority and convictions is needed to cheer on those stepping in. Radical trust is also required as we articulate and share our anguish that is often mistaken for anger. This essential grief that lies just below the surface of our humanity can be the chariot that carries us to collective healing. The turmoil that many are experiencing could actually be the world evolving and giving birth to itself. Our nervous and musculoskeletal systems may be over-firing as we experience our own evolutionary growing pains. Our numerous stress disorders may be the result of “downloading” higher frequency energy that can be felt within the heart. What if emotional and physical conflict is an expression of these new frequencies as we adapt to more complex levels of consciousness? So, how do we take care of ourselves during these awakening times when our personal lives may seem to demand so much from us? We might not be able to do it all, but we can start by centering ourselves. When we can find that place of stillness, we can start letting go of what no longer serves us and begin simplifying our lives. If situations become too taxing, let them go—or negotiate for change or seek help. It may be time to redefine and reorient your life’s mission. Why are you here at this time doing what you’re doing? What do you dream about? What makes you come alive? You already know so much more than you think you do. Your passion and aliveness are crucial to inspire the vulnerable and those newly on the path. Together, in love, we are a force to be reckoned with. Linda Joy Stone, OMD, L.Ac., offers one-hour Akashic readings or a twohour session that includes an Akashic reading with acupuncture. She combines her 22-year experience of reading the Akashic Records with her nearly three decades practicing Chinese Medicine. Connect at 26

Tucson Edition

hick, full eyebrows are in style and the trend doesn’t seem to be losing steam anytime soon. For those who aren’t naturally gifted with the look, there’s a service that can help: microblading. Microblading (or eyebrow embroidery) is a relatively new, manual method. It is considered to be semi-permanent, as compared to the traditional hair stroke technique. It is done using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the epidermis. Because we’re impacting color closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no “spilling” under the skin. This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of hair present. People suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania or any other condition that causes hair loss benefit greatly from microblading, as well as people who simply aren’t happy with their eyebrows. The pigments used in this method have been formulated to match the original eyebrow color, and if the eyebrows are still present, blend perfectly into them. The results are a natural, flawless, fuller looking brow. Initially, the brows appear darker, but fade significantly over a two-week period. It is crucial to have a touch-up done, as it is very difficult to predict how well the skin will retain the pigment. The results can last anywhere from one to three years, depending on different factors affecting the procedure. For Natural Awakenings readers, A Lasting Touch is offering the procedure for $375 (regularly $475). Location: 5350 E. Broadway Blvd., Ste. 162, Tucson. Connect with Yvette Dwornik at 520-869-5593, or See ad, page 25.

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Natural Awakenings

Hormone Yoga with Lydie Monkey Business Images/


Dinah and Lydie

ydie Vagnerova is a certified hormone yoga teacher and owner of Lydie Hormone Yoga. Hormone Yoga is a natural alternative approach to regulate hormonal imbalances—a holistic technique to reactivate and balance hormone production in a natural way and to improve well-being and vitality. Workshops will be announced in different studios, with private lessons also held in her private studio. Hormone yoga was developed by Brazilian yoga legend, Professor Dinah Rodrigues, a vital 91-year-old lady who travels to many countries to teach and certify teachers. This method is well known and popular in Europe and Brazil but it is quite new in the U.S. It is easy to learn in private sessions and workshops and then can be practiced at home. It is recommended to practice about 30 minutes, at least four times per week to see benefits. This form of yoga is a natural, alternative approach to regulate hormonal imbalances and to decrease undesirable effects of menopause, PMS, polycystic ovaries, low libido, stress, anxiety, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome and hypothyroidism. Hormone yoga for diabetes is actually great for every healthy person as it helps to improve immunity, well-being and vitality. It balances metabolism, aids in weight management and helps to activate the pancreas, spleen, liver and thyroid.

For more information, call 520-822-7397, email or visit

Seniors Eating Mediterranean Diet Retain Independence Seniors that ate a Mediterranean diet high in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts and legumes were able to live independently longer, had fewer falls and fractures, and were less frail, according to recent research. In a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, University College London researchers analyzed the eating habits and health data of 5,789 participants in studies in France, Spain, Italy and China. “People that followed the Mediterranean diet the most were overall less than half as likely to become frail over a nearly four-year period compared with those that followed it the least,” says lead author Katy Walters, Ph.D. The researchers also noted that the plant-based diet may help older people maintain muscle strength, activity, weight and energy levels.

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First time clients may enjoy a 10% discount on any single treatment or session by mentioning this ad! May 2018


Natural Awakenings


GUIDE pages 18-36

Anti-Aging and Exfoliation: The How and Why by Debbie Shaw


ave you ever noticed that many men’s faces seem to age better than women’s faces? Wonder why? Maybe, just maybe, it’s because most men exfoliate just about every day. Most women would say, “My guy doesn’t even care about his skin, no less exfoliate every day!” Even if they don’t specifically take care of their skin, if they shave every day, they are exfoliating. There are many ways to remove dead, keratinized skin cells from the face and body. Some should be done at home, and some should be done by a trained professional. Here, we’ll delve into both ways. Let’s talk about DIY exfoliation. There are many ingredients that help remove pore clogging, gray looking, old, flakey skin. These ingredients are edible


Tucson Edition

and can be mixed together to help moisturize the skin too. A few helpful ingredients are fine sugars and salts, ground seeds, honey, yogurt, lemon and oatmeal. Many of these can be mixed with coconut, almond, olive and many other plant-based oils to make them a wonderful moisturizer while scrubbing off that nasty, old skin. A loofa, dry brushing or a good pair of exfoliating gloves are gentle ways to help with flakey body skin. They also help with circulation. How often you exfoliate depends on a lot of things. Is your skin fair, sensitive, dry, acne prone or older? Where do you live? Is it humid or extremely dry? Are you in the sun a lot? Do you work outside? A good aesthetician should be able to answer any questions that you may have.

Now let’s look at the ways professionals exfoliate. The four main ways that the pros offer are: chemical peels, microdermabrasion, derma-planing and ultra-sonic facial spatulas. Chemical peels are just that. They are chemicals (natural acids) that dry out the surface layer, causing it to flake and peel off. There are many types of peels, some mild and some intense. A specialist will assist with choosing which should be done. Microdermabrasion is basically a way to “sand” off excess dead cells. The newest technology uses a tool that has ground diamonds on its tip. The tip of the tool is rubbed over the skin, therefore abrading the unwanted skin cells and leaving a softer, healthier, shinier skin surface. Ultra-sonic spatulas use vibrations to raise debris out of the skin and to its surface. The spatula gently scrapes that debris off. Derma-planing uses a surgical scalpel, held gently at a very specific angle, to remove velus hair (peach fuzz) and dead ugly surface skin. Remember the guys’ faces? Now women can give them a run for their money. Remember, exfoliation involves removing the oldest, dead skin cells on the surface of your face and body. It is one of the most important aspects of your home skin care routine. It will help improve skin tone, reduce breakouts and acne, hide wrinkles, minimize pores and help stimulate collagen, leaving you with healthier, younger looking skin. Debbie Shaw is a licensed aesthetician that owns Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy Spa. Her passion for health and anti-aging leads her to teach people how to cleanse and replenish their bodies inside and out. Her spa is having a derma-planing special for the month of May. To find out more or to make an appointment, call 520-275-4510. Mention this article for special pricing. See ad, page 27.

Honoring the Mother


by Rev. Ann Marie Beale

ay is the month of Mother’s Day. Each culture honors the feminine aspect in all of us. We see examples everywhere—whether it be a statue of Mother Mary or Kuan Yin, a Hopi Kachina of the Crow Mother, a painting of Hawaii’s Kali or another of the Lady of Guadalupe. She has many names and different forms and we are drawn to her without even fully realizing why. She is our soul, our intuition, our heart. She is that inner voice that calls to us out of our sleep to awaken to a higher reality of peace, love, wisdom and light. Esoteric wisdom is full of symbolism and the feminine and masculine polarities are rich in symbolic language… sun and moon, earth and sky, spirit and soul, yin and yang, mind and heart, intellect and intuition, man and woman, bride and bridegroom and so on. We honor our mothers for bringing us into this life. Whatever your relationship may have been with your own birth mother, there are many ways to honor the mother principle. We begin by taking care of Mother Earth. We honor our own inner soul’s ability to nurture and birth our ideas, dreams and passions. We open our hearts with loving compassion to each other. All in honor of the mother. Happy Mother’s Day to the Divine Feminine in us all. Celebrate Mother’s Day, May 13, at Unity in the Valley, located at 17630 S. Camino De Las Quintas, Green Valley. Connect at 520-625-5687 or See ad, page 37. May 2018


Natural Awakenings



by Arianna Sholes-Douglas


here’s a new day for women. Collagen isn’t just for the face anymore. There is amazing technology evolving daily to finally address the sexual and vaginal health concerns of millions of women. The fact is that as we age, lots of things change. As estrogen levels fall, we lose collagen and elasticity of the skin. This manifests as sagging, crepe-y skin and wrinkles. But it doesn’t stop there. The vaginal tissue as well as the bladder and urethra are affected as well. A good analogy to use is one of a raisin and a grape. Younger, estrogenized tissue is plump and lubricated—like a grape. As hormone levels fall, the tissue thins and dries, similar to a raisin. This makes for a dry vagina, pain with intercourse, urinary incontinence and even an increase in urinary tract infections. But there is hope for women and their partners. With today’s technology, we are able to turn back time with procedures that restore vaginal health. Restoring vaginal health in turn improves sexual health. There are several available technologies that each work by inducing collagen in tissues. Collagen increases after thermal or physical injury is applied and with the addition of growth factors. The two most common forms of vaginal restoration involve the use of either CO2 laser or radio frequency. Both of these modalities utilize heat. CO2 laser works by superficially injuring the tissue which in return attempts to heal itself. Radio frequency works through bulk heating of the tissue. Both modalities yield similar results including “rejuvenated” vaginal tissue, increased lubrication, decreased urinary incontinence, and often times, increased sexual response. Surprisingly, neither of these procedures are painful. Typically, results are noticed in one to three months. Another important tool of regenerative medicine is the use of platelet rich plasma, or stem cell therapy. Once injected, platelet rich plasma works by supplying growth factors to the tissue. What’s even more worth noting is that you are injecting your own “tissue”. There is no chance of adverse reaction. PRP is obtained by drawing blood and spinning it down. The platelet rich portion is injected to vaginal tissue, including the clitoris and G spot. This procedure has been called the “O-Shot” and the “Love Shot”. Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas practices at Tula Wellness and Aesthetics, located at 2404 E. River Rd., Ste. 251, Tucson. Starting this year, they’ve combined three modalities of vaginal rejuvenation to help women achieve the maximum benefit. They have also enlisted the expertise of pelvic floor therapists and sex counselors. Connect at 520-577-1129 or visit See ad, page 2. 30

Tucson Edition

U.S. Midlife Women Choosing Natural Health Care In a survey of 171 midlife American women, more than 80 percent reported using complementary and alternative medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine researchers discovered. The most common choice was herbal teas, followed by women’s vitamins, flaxseed, glucosamine and soy supplements. Only 34 percent of the non-Hispanic white women and 14 percent of the Hispanic women discussed it with their doctors.

There are two ways of

spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~Edith Wharton


Vaginal Rejuvenation Therapies

Alexey Saxarov/

pages 18-36


Alexey Saxarov/

fit body

Moving Through

MENOPAUSE Exercising Reduces Symptoms


by Marlaina Donato

ransitioning through menopause and the years of perimenopausal hormone fluctuation leading up to the finale can be physically and emotionally challenging for many women. Consistently following a healthy diet and positive lifestyle are important, and health researchers, doctors and midlife women can attest to the multidimensional benefits of exercise. Perks may include reduction of menopausal discomfort, better brain function, stronger bones and reversal of estrogen dominance syndrome that can set the stage for fibroids, cystic breasts, cancer, migraines and weight gain.

Get Moving

Studies of 3,500 women in South and Central America have shown that a more active life reduces hot flashes and night sweats. The results, published in Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society, reveal that sedentary individuals often experience increased intensity of related symptoms like insomnia and irritability. Aerobic exercise such as regular walking, hiking, swimming or biking might also help the brain produce neurochemicals that are compromised when estrogen levels drop. Sue Markovitch, author and owner of Clear Rock Fitness, in Columbus, Ohio, recommends aerobic exercise. “I believe our bodies were made to move. One of the amazing gifts of fitness is it’s truly never too late. When we incorporate daily movement in our lives, all the other systems in the body will work more according to plan. Simply taking a daily walk helps balance brain chemistry,” says Markovitch, who specializes in improving fitness levels for women over 40. “Walking is fitness magic, whether it’s on a treadmill, outside or in the pool. Get your heart rate into an aerobic zone, preferably for 30 to 45 minutes. I’ve heard testimony

after testimony of improved sleep, less back or joint pain and better mood.” She also suggests adding a few weekly sessions of resistance training to daily walks. Most health professionals agree that balance is the key. Jeanne D. Andrus, a menopause expert and author of I Just Want to Be ME Again, in Covington, Louisiana, recommends cardio, resistance training and exercise that increases flexibility and core strength. “For a beginner, this may include two to four days of walking, one to three days of strength training and one to three days of yoga or Pilates, with the goal being three and a half hours of activity per week.” Of course, all of these need to be at appropriate levels for the woman’s condition and goals,” advises Andrus. According to studies led by Helen Jones, Ph.D., from the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University, UK, three, 30-to-45-minute aerobic sessions a week reduced hot flashes and yielded the most significant results.

Go Easy

While some conventional approaches suggest vigorous exercise, many holistic professionals caution against extremes. “It’s important to individualize, and in my ongoing research it’s clear that the high-intensity strength and sculpting approach so often promoted and perceived as necessary to maintain shape, weight and health is a myth,” says Dr. Eden Fromberg, an obstetrician, gynecologist and founder of Holistic Gynecology New York, in Manhattan. Instead, Fromberg recommends an integrated approach to exercise that supports connective tissue and joints. While some forms of exercise including yoga are perceived as gentler than others, she warns against an all-or-nothing strategy, noting, “Intense, deep stretching and joint-straining may cause injury more easily during hormonal transition.” Andrus concurs, “If high cortisol levels are involved and accompanied by insomnia, stress placed on the body by rigorous exercise will increase these levels and actually lower available energy.” She also advises adopting a non-aggressive approach for osteoporosis. “Weight-bearing exercise is a must, but if bone loss is already present, start much more gradually to ensure that bones are protected.”

Lighten Up

Exercise can be more enjoyable than doing chores. Recreational activities such as dancing, biking or hopping on the swings at the playground are fun ways to do something good for both body and spirit. Menopause can be a time for personal expansion and an invitation for self-care that might have been neglected or postponed. Fromberg believes we can all revitalize our resources at any stage of life, and the years surrounding menopause call for us to tune into ourselves even more. “What seems like a disruption is an opportunity to listen deeply and reimagine and reorganize one’s life on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.” Marlaina Donato is a freelance writer, author and multimedia artist. Connect at May 2018




Bodywork & Healing Arts Nontraditional Bodywork with the Empathic Jennifer Beard


ennifer Beard was trained at the Desert Institute of Healing Arts in 1990 and has worked professionally as a nontraditional bodyworker in Tucson since then. Her empathic abilities allow her to feel all the sore spots, including the ones clients don’t know about. Beard’s focus is to ease tension by opening chronic painful stuck areas, creating energetic flow and structural balance. Her comfortable home office is conveniently located near Speedway and Craycroft. As many issues require more than one session, Beard is currently extending a special offer for new clients of three sessions for $175. This nontraditional bodywork is therapeutic and detailed in nature. It cleanses the body of stress, muscle tension and may include musculoskeletal realignment. This is a technique used to adjust hips and shoulders, but may also include the neck, knees and ankles to create structural balance. “I combine many modalities and intuitively design each session to create the most effective therapeutic treatment for you,” explains Beard. “During your session it’s important to relax your mind and body by taking slow, deep breaths. Creating a heaviness by sinking yourself into the table allows any tension you may have to ease.” For more information, call 520-906-8136 or visit See ad, page 33.

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May 2018


Natural Approaches Resolve Major Illnesses by Linda Sechrist


lthough natural health enthusiasts may recognize alternative healing modalities as a preferred approach to treatment, in the face of major health issues, even they tend to join the crowd that’s turning first to conventional medicine. Thus, many gentler modalities described in The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, co-authored by doctors of naturopathy Michael T. Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, remain largely untapped resources. Ignored because they are unsupported by traditional sciencebased medicine, holistic measures such as acupuncture, energy medicine, essential oils, herbs, detoxification, health-promoting diets, homeopathy, prayer and meditation, supplementation, yoga, massage and naturopathy are sacrificed in favor of often painful medical procedures and prescription drugs which can’t claim to permanently cure anything and can have many harmful side effects.


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Lack of Awareness

“A patient that dabbles in holistic medicine for minor health issues such as indigestion, headache or insomnia often turns to conventional methods after receiving a serious diagnosis such as diabetes, heart disease or cancer because they are scared,” observes holistic physician Dr. Wendy Warner, medical director of Medicine in Balance, in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. The co-author of Boosting Your Immunity for Dummies suggests that relatively few people turn to natural solutions for both preventive and therapeutic measures because they’re unaware they exist. Integrative oncologists and endocrinologists that are aware of the benefits of natural complementary methods are scarce. Relatively few conventional doctors are educated in functional medicine. “Yet complementary modalities such as acupuncture, massage and some essential oils can support the immune system and help an individual deal with stress experienced from coping with their illness,” says Warner.

Rob Wergin, an experienced energy medicine practitioner, speaks from experience regarding clients that consult him for lifethreatening diagnoses. “When I see them, they’re desperate and have exhausted all conventional methods. I’m their lastditch effort,” remarks Wergin. The most frequent reason he hears is, “My family, friends and doctor told me not to waste my money on charlatans.” “People find it challenging to put faith in natural methods and are nervous about going against a doctor’s advice until they feel or see positive results; even these may not provide sufficient motivation to continue with alternative treatments,” he says. “I believe this is the result of the influence of pharmaceutical ads promising results, the medical community’s belief in proof solely through clinical trials, websites like and well-meaning friends insisting that the conventional route is the only way to go. It’s sad to see the gravity of these influences pulling clients back into solely believing in the Western model of medicine,” says Wergin. Ann Lee, a doctor of naturopathy, acupuncturist and founder of the Health for Life Clinic, Inc., in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, notes, “This mindset continues to get reinforced by insurance companies that do not cover alternatives. Paying out of pocket for medical expenses also influences a patient’s choices.” Kelly Noonan-Gores and Adam Schomer, director and producer, respectively, of the documentary film HEAL, suggest that unconscious conditioning plays the biggest role in an individual’s choices. “We are deeply conditioned to view medical specialists and prestigious medical institutions as the ones with all the answers. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t,” says Noonan-Gores, who intends to have her film awaken viewers



Outside Pressure

to the possibilities of alternative paths of healing. As just one other example noted in the film, thousands have used the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), tapping on their body to help release the trauma and stress often associated with illness.


Resistance to Change

“The conventional medical community wants to maintain the model in which they have heavily invested centuries of time, energy and money. Patients that investigate integrative and complementary medicine may resist hearing that in order to get well, they might need to change their worldview and lifestyle, take a leave of absence from their job, develop a spiritual practice, exercise or maybe even leave a toxic relationship,” says Schomer. “Conventional medicine says take this pill and keep living your life the same way,” says Schomer. “We are not demonizing doctors, pharmaceuticals or the medical system. We simply believe that individuals are more empowered to heal when they take control of their health.” Eva Lee, a resident of Los Angeles featured in the documentary, suffers from a rare and unpredictable form of blistering skin inflammation. “I’ve tested negative for faulty genes and all sorts of rare viruses and bacteria, which helped point me towards holistic methods. So far, following the directives of Dr. Mark Emerson, a chiropractor specializing in nutrition, in Maui, Hawaii, who I met while filming, has helped my body become healthier and deal with inflammation levels that rapidly reduced as soon as I detoxed and eliminated meat and dairy from my diet,” says Lee. Still, it’s hard for her to accept that her condition could be due to the type of stress and suppressed emotions that Anthony William explores in his book Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal. “Before, I wasn’t familiar with EFT, which I continue to use and benefit from.

However, despite everything I’ve learned, I can’t give up on all Western medicine, put my faith in alternatives and let my intuition and faith guide me to healing. It’s easier to be skeptical than to have faith,” Lee says.

Quiet Role Models

Sheila Tucker, a resident of Navarre, Florida, has been a registered nurse for 20 years, practicing in hospital settings such as critical care, emergency and administration. “I know and understand doctors, surgeries and pharmaceutical treatments and hospitals,” says Tucker, who recalls that throughout her life she was taught to believe in a system that suddenly stopped working for her. “In 2014, I was dying from a rare autoimmune condition, requiring fulltime care, and planning my funeral. Doctors had tried everything, yet my health continued to decline. When I saw a friend’s Facebook posts about her use of essential oils, I was curious, but reluctant to reach out, and didn’t want anyone to know that I called her for advice,” recalls Tucker. “Shortly after my friend arrived with her oils, my husband came home with our daughter, who had strep throat and a fever. She made us promise to use selected oils through the night and prayed with us.” Tucker attributes the miracle of her daughter’s turnaround the next morning to shifting her paradigm and opening her up to believing in the healing power of essential oils. Thanks to her friend and role model, Tucker learned how to use therapeuticgrade oils, supplements and a healthy diet to cleanse her body of the heavy toxic load accumulated from several years of expensive drug treatments. Today, she is a healthy and enthusiastic advocate, and her personal results opened the eyes of her physician to the point where she also shifted her own philosophy of healing. Tucker now offers educational classes in her office and online through her website that reaches

hundreds of individuals worldwide. She advises, “Reach out to people that you see are having positive results with a different healing system than yours. Ask them to show, help and teach you. I’ve seen many people restored to health by using methods that science is only beginning to understand.”

It’s a Marathon

“Outside of any dominant paradigm, it’s easier to cast suspicion than to make curious inquiry and, over time, working within a dominant worldview creates polarity, the antithesis of ‘wholism’. An inclusive approach integrates all medical and complementary approaches, as well as interaction with the natural world,” says Patrick Hanaway, a family physician and founder of Family to Family Medicine, in Asheville, North Carolina. Hanaway, the former director of medical education for the Institute for Functional Medicine and the first medical director at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, explains, “Doctors have a rigorous job filled with responsibility. Change is difficult and investigating vastly different ways of practicing medicine requires a degree of curiosity and openness. I am heartened by thought leaders and heads of top medical schools who are presently opening up to functional medicine, natural medicine and complementary approaches.” “The paradigm shift we are ushering in has been 50 years in the making,” assesses Hanaway. “Some medical professionals are immersed in a polar view of right and wrong, offering personal attacks and disparaging comments to maintain control of the dialogue. This is not appreciated by patients who look to the doctor as a teacher—the Latin docere means to teach. “The movement to change medicine and the cultural paradigm of healing is a marathon, not a sprint, and those of us involved are prepared to stay the course.” Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at May 2018


wise words



by April Thompson

fter Los Angeles native Kelly NoonanGores spent 20 years in front of the camera as an actress, she turned her talents to producing awardwinning films like Tooken, Beneath and Take a Seat. She considers her latest, the documentary HEAL (, to be her ultimate achievement. “I included as many inspiring stories of healing change as possible to expand viewers’ beliefs in what’s possible, to alter the narrative around mystery illnesses being incurable or cancer equaling death,” says Noonan-Gores. When she was prescribed Prilosec for acid reflux at age 28, Noonan-Gores decided she was too young and otherwise healthy to become dependent on it. By taking an integrative nutrition course, she realized the possibilities of alternative healing methods, catalyzing an ongoing exploration into optimizing life and health


Tucson Edition

through the powers of mind, body and spirit. “We are not the passive victims of faulty genes; our lifestyle choices, thoughts, and beliefs shape our health,” says Noonan-Gores, a longtime practitioner of yoga and meditation. HEAL features uplifting interviews with the scientists, visionaries and healers that inspired her, including Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson and patients diagnosed with diverse ailments that sought different healing modalities to take their health into their own hands.

What are some common elements in the stories of patients featured in HEAL? One common thread revolves around our subconscious programming. From

the time we’re born, we are downloading “programs” or belief systems from society, parents, teachers and whoever and whatever else is in our environment. Many have learned through their own healing journeys of negative belief systems running their lives; each one had to become aware of these beliefs in order to change. Another is that when events are too painful, we consciously suppress or unconsciously repress them, and that trauma stays in our cells and might manifest in disease. To move that stuck energy, we must heal that emotional trauma to allow physical ailments to transform. A third theme is understanding how stress affects our lives and immune systems, and doing things to manage or mitigate it through tools like meditation or breath work. Some of the patients worked with spiritual psychologists using Emotional Freedom Techniques to release past stress held in their body, shifting beliefs to a trusting, non-victim place. Dietary shifts also made a difference. In acute healing, we realize the effect of different foods which can reduce or exacerbate inflammation.

Which messages in how the body and mind collaborate to promote healing are audiences keying in on? Visualization is a powerful and widespread tool in healing; we can use imagination to reframe and tell a different story. Research has shown that visualizations can affect brain chemistry and lessen side effects.

The mind is conditioned to go to the worst-case scenario; we can instead retrain it to focus on the best-case scenario, and what we want to happen, increasing the likelihood it will occur.

What role do faith and belief systems play in the healing journey? It all comes down to what we believe. If you believe in and expect an effect, like what we see with a placebo, the brain will create and release natural chemicals that might be prompted by a targeted drug. Believing you are a victim of genes and circumstance induces stress, whereas having faith in a loving universe produces greater ease.

How do emotions influence health and healing? Gregg Braden and Joe Dispenza, interviewed in HEAL, discuss how rage, jealousy, trauma and fear put the body in a stress response and create inflammation and other detrimental effects. But love, kindness, joy, gratitude and compassion release healing hormones and neurochemicals like oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. It’s empowering to know that when negative emotions arise, you can become aware of and release them, then pivot to focus on gratitude or do something that cultivates joy. It’s a moment-by-moment choice.

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Healthy people require a healthy planet; how can we apply these same principles to bring our world back into balance? The more conscious we become, the more we treat ourselves, others and our Earth with compassion. As more people awaken and demand a different response, the paradigm will shift. Health care will have to change as we apply the power in our hearts and minds. Our bodies are a microcosm of the universe; the planet can heal itself and thrive as we remove the toxins and become fully aware of what we are putting in the air, water and soil. Connect with April Thompson, in Washington, D.C., at May 2018



healing ways

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Functional Medicine Leads the Way by Linda Sechrist

Historical Overview

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During the last 25 years, a less drug-based grassroots model for dealing with chronic illnesses in the U.S. has emerged. First labeled holistic, the movement gained momentum as alternative approaches morphed into being considered complementary to conventional medicine, warranting studies by the National Institutes of Health. Responding to public interest, an integrative model of care that focuses on the whole person has taken root in medical institutions such as the Cleveland Clinic, in Ohio. The latest evolution to a systemsoriented, patient-focused clinical model of functional medicine, which seeks to address causes of illness, rather than simply treat symptoms, has been garnering increasing interest by the public and pioneering medical professionals. It’s now maturing into personalized functional medicine.

New Standard of Care One of the best-prepared, traditionally

trained medical professionals in explaining this approach is Jeffrey S. Bland, Ph.D., recognized as the father of functional medicine, and author of The Disease Delusion: Conquering the Causes of Chronic Illness for a Healthier, Longer and Happier Life. He co-founded, with his wife, Susan, the Institute for Functional Medicine, in Washington, which provides a system geared to understanding the complexity of chronic illness and design individualized programs for more effective healing. “Medical science didn’t have the advanced technology 25 years ago to perform the research that now helps us better understand the complexity of chronic illness, as well as our present ecological view of the body. Today we’re examining how all the networks of our biology intersect in a dynamic process that creates health when in balance or disease when out of balance,” attests Bland, whose career has focused on searching for a unifying principle behind all healing that can be used to discern the best possible therapy for specific individuals.

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Incorporating what he learned from Linus Pauling, Ph.D., two-time Nobel Prize laureate, and Lee Hood, M.D., Ph.D., as well as systems biology and practicing lifestyle medicine, Bland founded the nonprofit Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute ( in 2012. Seeking to transform the entire medical approach to chronic illness, the Seattle-based organization is a virtual and onsite hub for health professionals, researchers, educators and the public to share ideas and converse about how personalized functional medicine can be delivered to everyone as an improved standard of care.

Role of Genetics The National Human Genome Research Institute, in Bethesda, Maryland, maintains that an evolved approach to medicine starts with using an individual’s genetic profile to determine the best path to preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases. By 2003, scientists had delivered the first essentially complete sequence and map of all the genes in the human body. Three decades ago, the medical fraternity had few reliable explanations for the origins of chronic health issues. Today, accepted factors include predispositions for a specific disease related to an individual’s genome, along with contemporary epigenetic influences such as nutrition, environment and lifestyle. None of these elements, however, necessarily define our destiny. “This genomic personalized medicine approach is creating

friends among all healing arts practitioners because it facilitates our using information to design a less-toxic environment, lifestyle, diet and treatment to meet an individual’s specific needs and particular circumstances that led to a disease,” says Bland. “Diseases are only names assigned to a collection of symptoms,” says Bland. “They don’t indicate how the individual became afflicted. If 10 patients with Type 2 diabetes each had epigenetic variations that triggered getting the condition, it would be unwise to treat them all the same; it’s far better to treat those factors that specifically led to the disease.” Addressing the concern that genetic test results might be used to deny someone health insurance, Bland notes, “This is a significant misunderstanding about genetic testing. Our genes don’t tell us how we are going to die. They tell us how we should live. Understanding how our genes can help us live to 100 is a model of enlightenment. Those that practice this systems biology approach are counting on functional personalized medicine becoming the updated standard of care.” Physicians often offer genetic testing services. At-home DNA testing can be done using a saliva collection kit mailed to a laboratory, offering both ancestry and health information that must be interpreted by an informed professional. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at

May 2018


Eco-Upgrades for America’s Landmarks Monuments and Parks Adopt Sustainable Practices by Avery Mack


ore U.S. landmarks are now highlighting eco-friendly practices, demonstrating that history can be preserved while incorporating sustainability.

Space Needle, Seattle Built in 1962, the Space Needle is undergoing a $100 million makeover. The observation deck will soon feature improved views through glass instead of cage-like barriers. Restaurant patrons will enjoy a first-of-its-kind rotating glass floor. Other eco-updates and upgrades include improved accessibility, internal systems, materials, elevators, paint, and seismic protection along its legs. Because the flame at the needle’s top consumed enough gas to heat 125 homes, it was replaced in 2000 with a flagpole mast, a beacon for aviators. When the rehab is completed in June, the structure will qualify for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Certification. 40

Tucson Edition

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Alcatraz Island, California A pioneer in hybrid ferries, Alcatraz Cruises combines solar, wind and diesel power to transport visitors. Captured rain freshens park gardens and salt water flushes toilets. In 2013, solar energy produced what would have otherwise necessitated 31,900 gallons of fossil fuel and 325 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Iolani Palace, Honolulu Updated lighting units with a life expectancy of 25 years enhance the Iolani Palace facade and provide a 77 percent energy savings, partly through an “instant on” feature instead of power-up lights.

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona New buildings are LEED certified and shuttle buses are fueled by compressed

Using both passive and active solar energy, ground-source heat pumps, vegetated roofs and sustainable building materials, Walking Mountains is the first science center in Colorado to achieve LEED Platinum Certification, exceeding requirements. Collectively, three of its buildings use half the energy of an average school building. Straw bale construction in some building walls provides sound-deadening insulation suited to a dry climate.

Gateway Arch National Park, St. Louis St. Louis’ CityArchRiver initiative raised a mile-long waterfront by 30 inches to reduce flood days by 67 percent without causing flooding downstream. “Spent grain donated by the neighboring AnheuserBusch Brewery fertilizes our 4,200 trees,” says Eric Moraczewski, executive director of the Gateway Arch National Park Foundation. In another innovation, “To aerate the soil without damaging historic relics, radishes were planted throughout the park, allowing rainwater to seep deeper,” he explains. “As radishes decay, nutrients are added to the soil.”

Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, and Ground Zero Museum, New York City “The area housing the Liberty Bell is limited. We installed our ActivePure


Walking Mountains Science Center, Avon, Colorado

James Marvin Phelps/

natural gas. In 2010, a Climate Action Plan introduced green office practices, conversion to solar water heaters in National Park Service residences and increased composting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from internal operations by 30 percent by 2020. The park is unique in its composting program for mule waste.

green living


technology that reduces 99 percent of surface microorganisms and 90 percent of airborne microorganisms,” says Kevin Hickey, president of Aerus, LLC, in Dallas. “It keeps germs from spreading in crowded situations.” ActivePure is also in place at the Ground Zero Museum. “The nature of the artifacts often caused itchy eyes and coughs,” Hickey recalls. “We donated freestanding units and saw improved air quality the next day.”

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Cooking oils are repurposed as bio-diesel

Call 520-326-0082 an appointment fuel here, annually diverting for an average of 101601 N Tucson Blvd., Suite #35, Tucson, AZ 85716 tons of waste from landfills. More • than 6,000 pounds of coffee grounds from serving visitors and staff are composted. Lady Liberty has been 100 percent carbon neutral for 12 years.

South Carolina Aquarium, Charleston Since 2001, the Aquarium has recycled everything from cardboard and paper to wine corks and ink cartridges. Charleston Harbor water fills the saltwater fish tanks, and landscaping using less-thirsty native plants reduces freshwater use. While enjoying visits to America’s landmarks, it’s gratifying to realize so many are adopting eco-friendly measures. Connect with the freelance writer via May 2018



DIY Versions Add Zest and Nutrients by Judith Fertig


hile not essential to every dish or meal, condiments provide extra flavoring, final flourishes and added enjoyment to any dish. Such meal accompaniments range from vinegars to spreads and sauces, finishing spice mixtures and natural salts. America’s previous king of condiments was ketchup. Today, according to a 2017 poll from, it stands behind mayonnaise and mustard with soy and hot sauce rounding out the top five (generic product ranking at Top20Condiments). We often take familiar condiments for granted, yet a look at their ingredients can be startling. Many prominently include processed corn syrup and other sugars, sodium, gluten, monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial flavors and unpronounceable preservatives, according to Dana Angelo White, a registered dietitian in Fairfield, Connecticut.

Homemade versions of condiments provide a happy alternative. They not only taste great, but can be good for us. “Certain condiments add more to your meals than flavor—some actually improve your health,” says White. The potassium in homemade mustard is good for the digestive system through stimulating the flow of saliva, suggests a study in the Indian Journal of Medical Research. Homemade ketchup made with small cooked tomatoes is rich in lycopene, a nutrient that protects heart health, according to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. White’s fresh-made “THE Green Sauce,” full of vitamin-rich avocado and cilantro, is replete with antioxidants (

Better Basics Ketchup

Heather McClees, a plant-based nutritionist in South Carolina who blogs at One Green

Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible. 42

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Serious Eats food writer Joshua Bousel uses only six ingredients to make a deliciously easy Grainy Mustard: yellow and brown mustard seeds, dry white wine, white wine vinegar, kosher salt and an optional pinch of brown sugar. Learn how at WholeGrainDijonRecipe.

Mayonnaise and Ranch Dressing

Eschewing eggs, J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, of San Mateo, California, uses aquafaba, the starchy liquid in a can of chickpeas, for a plant-based twist on emulsified mayonnaise. Find it at AquafabaMayoRecipe. In her Mebane, North Carolina, kitchen, Kim Campbell, author of The PlantPure Kitchen, makes a plant-based ranch dressing with tofu for body and nutritional yeast, herbs and lemon juice to achieve the characteristic flavor. Find it at HealthyRanchDressing.

More Exotic Condiments Pomegranate Molasses

Sweet and tart pomegranate molasses can be used like vinegar in salad dressings, as a marinade ingredient or as syrup over pancakes and waffles. Angela Buchanan, aka Angela Cooks, a professor at the University of Colorado, in Boulder, who blogs at, follows the Whole30 program, which bars sugar. Because she also likes Middle-Eastern food, Buchanan experimented and created her

photos by Stephen Blancett

Planet, once loved commercial ketchup; then she read the labels. “Most ketchup is made of tomato concentrates, sugars, including high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, agave nectar, coconut nectar/syrup, brown rice syrup, canejuice and cane crystals, vinegar, “spices” that is likely code for MSG, water and refined salt. All of this makes ketchup addicting,” she says. “While you could pay for pricey organic ketchup and condiments that come without added sugars, you can save money by spending five minutes in the kitchen to make your own.” Find a recipe at Tinyurl. com/HealthyKetchupRecipe.


conscious eating

recipe for Pomegranate Molasses without added sugar ( PomegranateMolassesRecipe).

photos by Stephen Blancett

Superfood Popcorn Seasoning

Green popcorn is fun. With a spirulina powder, garlic powder, sea salt and cayenne pepper spice mix, even a movie snack can be healthy. “Spirulina is one of the most potent of all superfoods. Available in a powder form, it’s a blue-green algae that provides protein, B vitamins and iron. It’s used as a natural energizer, digestive aid and detoxifier,” says Tara Milhern, a holistic health coach in New

York City. She also likes it sprinkled on baked potatoes or vegetables as a finishing flavor. See HealthyPopcornSeasoning. Without preservatives, homemade healthy condiments don’t last as long as commercial versions. McClees advises, “I store mine in a glass mason jar for one week in the fridge. I choose a half-pint-size jar, since the less empty space there is at the top of the jar, the longer it keeps.” Judith Fertig writes cookbooks plus foodie fiction from Overland Park, KS (

DIY Condiment Recipes Courtesy of Kim Campbell, from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at

THE Green Sauce

Plant-Based Ranch Dressing “Ranch dressing can be dairy-free and made with tofu, making it plant-based and oil-free,” says Kim Campbell. Yields: about 2 cups 2 lb tofu, about 2 (14-oz) packages 1½ Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped ¾ cup onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic 3 Tbsp distilled white vinegar 2 Tbsp agave syrup 1 Tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp nutritional yeast 1 tsp dry mustard ¼ tsp paprika ½ tsp celery seeds 1 Tbsp dried chives ¾ cup filtered water Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth.

“This sauce is a salad dressing, dipping sauce or sandwich spread,” says nutrition expert Dana Angelo White. “After tasting it, you’ll be putting it on everything.” Yields: about 2 cups 1 avocado, peeled and seeded Juice of 2 limes 2 cups fresh cilantro (leaves and stems) 1 jalapeno pepper 2 Tbsp white vinegar 1 Tbsp honey 1 tsp kosher salt ¼ white onion 1 cup filtered water

Combine ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Taste for seasoning and adjust as needed. If mixture appears too thick, add a little more water. Courtesy of Registered Dietitian Dana Angelo White

Pomegranate Molasses

It takes about an hour to cook down, but homemade unsweetened pomegranate molasses is worth the time, advises Angela Cooks. Yields: 1 cup 32 oz unsweetened organic pomegranate juice Fill a saucepan with the juice and bring it to a low boil. Reduce the heat so the liquid will stay at a low boil, and let the juice cook down to a scant cup of thick, syrupy liquid. This takes about an hour; note that it will thicken more once it is cooled. Once arriving at a desired thickness while cooking, let it cool completely. Transfer the pomegranate molasses to a glass jar to store in the refrigerator where it will keep well for a few months. Courtesy of Angela Cooks, who blogs at May 2018



natural pet

Five Reasons to Love a Cat

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They Bring Health and Happiness Home MirasWonderland/

by Sandra Murphy


s beloved and compatible pets, indoor cats provide emotional, mental and physical benefits.


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Loneliness is never a problem with a cat around. “Cats need to be fed, have litter changed and be brushed,” says Lisa Bahar, a therapist and clinical counselor at Lisa Bahar Marriage and Family Therapy, in Newport Beach, California. “Being comforted by a cat helps with depression and isolation.” While at Indiana University Bloomington Media School, Jessica Gall Myrick, Ph.D., now associate professor at Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications at Pennsylvania State University, in University Park, discovered watching cat videos isn’t just fun, but a way to feel more energetic and positive. With some 94 million YouTube tales of cat adventures online, there’s no lack of available mood boosters.

Exercise Some cats enjoy leashed walks, presenting opportunities to mindfully enjoy

nature and make friends. At home, a cat’s hunting skill and human creativity can be tapped using do-it-yourself treat dispensers and toys or inventive games.

Improved Health Talking to kitty can make a bad day better. A lap cat prompts enforced timeouts and excuses to nap. Petting reduces tension and stress. Aimee Gilbreath, executive director of the Michelson Found Animals Foundation, in Los Angeles, points to a study from Life Sciences Research Institute, in Pretoria, South Africa, showing, “Simply petting a cat can reduce stress-related cortisol, while increasing serotonin and oxytocin.” The Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Study Mortality Follow-up concluded that having a cat lowers risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) and cardiovascular disease including strokes, making cats a novel path to a healthier heart. When researchers reporting in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America measured the purring sound of domestic

cat purrs, they discovered these resonate at 25 and 50 Hertz (Hz), the two low frequencies that best promote bone growth and fracture healing. Purrs also have a strong harmonic near 100 Hz, a level some orthopedic doctors and physical therapists use for ultrasound therapy. A child under a year old living with a cat is only half as likely to develop allergies to pets, ragweed, grass and dust mites, much as inoculations guard against disease and boost immune systems. The study, published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy, followed children from infancy to age 18. French researchers discovered autistic children age 5 and older that had a cat were more willing to share, offer comfort to others and show empathy. Sharing cat responsibilities tightened family bonds. Cats like routine, especially for meals,

making them good pets for Alzheimer’s patients that may lose track of time. Many people like the added warmth of a nearby sleeping cat at night. Fifteen minutes of exercise, followed by a snack, will put kitty on the owner’s sleep schedule.

Cats are Low-Maintenance Overall, cats are self-sufficient animals, requiring only love, food and a spotless litter box. Self-cleaning, most cats don’t require regular trips to the groomer for haircuts and a bath. Scratching posts keep nails short. A snack, playtime or welcoming puddle of sunshine persuades kitty that it’s naptime. “In rescue, we say dogs are toddlers and cats are teenagers. Cats live without constant oversight,” says jme Thomas, co-founder of Motley

Zoo Animal Rescue, in Redmond, Washington. “They’re good pets for busy people. Adopt two at the same time so they bond and aren’t lonely.”

Cats are Eco-Friendly A New Zealand study reports that cats have a lower carbon footprint than dogs, comparing dogs to a Hummer and cats to a Volkswagen Golf. Dogs eat more beef, incurring red meat’s huge footprint. “Because cats eat less than most dogs overall, it saves money, too,” says Gilbreath. Everyone needs someone to care for and love. With about 77 million cats living in U.S. households and more in shelters or rescues, there’s plenty of people- and planet-friendly love to be found. Connect with freelance writer Sandra Murphy at StLouis

May 2018


Pillow Self-Talk Three Questions to Ponder Before Sleeping by Krista O’Reilly Davi-Digui


sking ourself three purposeful questions before retiring each night can help us rest content knowing that although we may not have lived our day perfectly, we did live it well.

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What are three things I am grateful for?

It’s possible to live with eyes and heart wide open to the amazing beauty of each day, to receive it as a gift, rather than a guarantee. By looking, we can find gifts even amid uncertainty, struggle, pain or loss. In those times when we find ourselves fighting for gratitude, know that the grace found in thankfulness for even tiny blessings sustains us and builds resilience to walk through the storm and emerge intact. Reading One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp, or A Simple Act of Gratitude, by John Kralik, may help inspire us to get started. With practice, expressing gratitude will come easily, like breathing or laughing with children.


What are two things I did well today?

Speaking words of life about ourselves, noticing what we do well and where we shine, may meet internal resistance. It seems second nature, especially for women, to see our own struggles or shortcomings, but not our beauty or all the ways we show up to serve others and use our strengths.


Tucson Edition

Deepening the roots of self-awareness and self-compassion that permit us to accept that we are good enough enables us to step out in calm confidence.


What is one thing I would do differently?

Some nights we may find that given the chance, we wouldn’t have done one thing differently that day. More often we can identify something: a word spoken in impatience, spending too much time on the phone, being distracted from what’s important to us, procrastinating out of fear, or even forgetting to properly nourish ourselves. Instead of criticizing, the goal is to notice how we could better live fully aligned to our bigger goals and established values. Moment by moment, we can choose a growth mindset. We can learn to be as gentle with ourselves, as compassionate and forgiving, as we are with our children or spouse. We become aware that we get to choose who and how we want to be and that tomorrow is a new gift, a brand-new opportunity to more fully be our best self. Asking and answering these three purposeful questions may take five to 20 minutes. If we’re tempted to rush through it, remember that the resulting clarity and peace is worth the time invested. Krista O’Reilly Davi-Digui is a holistic nutrition and joyful living educator. She writes at, from which this was adapted.



SUNDAY, MAY 6 Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. With Danielle Dvorak. Sit or lay in meditation, while the sound washes over and through you, calming the monkey mind and nervous system. You become the sound. $20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-3239188.

Call ahead to confirm event

calendar of events Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit listings.

TUESDAY, MAY 1 Book Study: Spiritual Economics – 6:30-8:30pm. Runs through 6/2. Discuss Eric Butterworth’s prosperity masterwork in a small group setting. Learn how to increase the experience of good in your life. Book required and available. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E. River Rd. 520-319-1042.

markyourcalendar TIBETAN SAND MANDALA CONSTRUCTION Opening Ceremony • May 1 • 9-10am Construction • May 2, May 3, May 4 • 9am-5pm Dissolution Ceremony • May 5 • 2pm A once in a lifetime opportunity to witness an ancient sacred Tibetan Art form. A sand mandala represents the Tibetan Buddhist view of the universe. Creating a sand mandala requires intensive labor and concentration, supported by years of training. It requires 75125 hours of effort of several monks. Interfaith CommUNITY 952 E Baseline Rd, #102, Mesa For information on the monks’ schedule in Phoenix, visit:

WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 Battling the Opioid Epidemic: UA Experts See the Light through Groundbreaking Research – 6-7:15pm. Discussion of research on alternative medications and therapies to inhibit chronic pain without unwanted side effects. No charge. DuVal Auditorium, Banner University Medical Center, 1501 N Campbell Ave. 520-626-5040. LivingHealthy@

THURSDAY, MAY 3 Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society Meeting: Endangered Plants – 7-9pm. With Bill Thornton. No charge. Sky Islands Public High School, 6000 E 14th St, 520-526-2447. TSCC@TucsonCactus. org.

markyourcalendar THE VAGINA DIALOGUE EVENT Thursday, May 3 • 5:30-7:30pm This frank talk will be given by Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas educating guests on common female problems and state of the art technologies to improve these conditions. Refreshments and gift bags One person will win a $2800 gift certificate prize. Westward Look Resort 520-577-1129

FRIDAY, MAY 4 Self-Watering Containers – 1-3pm. With Brandon Merchant. Learn the benefits of self-watering containers and how to construct your own using new or recycled materials. No charge. Martha Cooper Library, 1377 N Catalina Ave. 520-594-5315.

SATURDAY, MAY 5 Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 9:4511:30am. Learn about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged), alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. No charge. Pristine Naturopathic, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-869-6782. Bill@ Bio-Touch Practitioner Training – 10am-3pm. 5/5-5/6. Learn the entire Bio-Touch technique. During this 10-hour training, experience the loving relationship of Bio-Touch and its immediate results. Licensed Massage Therapists earn 10 CEUs with this training for an additional fee. $48. Bio-Touch Center, 5634 E Pima St. 520-323-7951. Office@

MONDAY, MAY 7 Beginner’s Open House – 7-8pm. If you are new to Buddhism and meditation, or to Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona, and wish to find out what we are all about. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@

TUESDAY, MAY 8 Basic Essential Oils Class – 6:30pm. 3790 E 44th, St #228. RSVP to Tammy Longhurst at 520850-7592.

THURSDAY, MAY 10 Mindfulness For Wellbeing: An Introduction and Practice – 12-3pm. With Steve Diamond. Comprehensive introduction to mindfulness for beginners as well as an opportunity for both beginners and non-beginners to have a more intensive experience. No charge. Martha Cooper Library, 1377 N Catalina Ave. 520-594-5315. Money Talks: How to Avoid Probate – 1:302:30pm. Coffee and an informal conversation about financial matters. Talks dedicated to topic or guest speaker, any question is welcome. No charge. 5151 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 1600. 509-220-2506. Alzheimer’s: Understanding the Bigger Picture – 5-6pm. Learn simple exercises to find and release the stress in your body, as well as what your posture is telling you about your stress level. Attendees receive $40 towards initial examination. No charge. Natural Grocers, 3016 E Broadway Blvd. 520584-0343. Taizé Service – 6:30-7:15pm. An alternative form of worship that includes soothing music, brief readings and silent meditation in candlelight. There is no sermon. All welcome. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. TIES Guest Speaker: Tricia Barker – 6:30-8:30pm. Tricia Barker experienced a profound near-death experience during her senior year of college. Her story has been featured on I Survived: Beyond and Back and covered in National Geographic. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520395-2365.

Chakra Workshop – 3-5pm. Learn the conceptual energetics, sounds, mudras, life lessons, asanas, affirmations and more for each Chakra. Take home tools for every day use with your Chakras. $20/by 4/28; $25/thereafter. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222.

May 2018


calendar of events

markyourcalendar DEVELOPING A HEALTHY ENERGETIC FOUNDATION PART 2 Saturday, May 12 • 10am-2pm Learn a valuable exercise that can help you feel centered and balanced no matter what life brings—an essential skill to prevent absorbing other people’s emotions or issues. Use the Quantum Field to quiet the busy hamster wheel mind, while remembering perfect partnership of body, spirit, mind. $65 For more information, see or contact Linda Johns, 520-825-4645

markyourcalendar STOP GEOENGINEERING TUCSON SUMMIT Saturday, May 12 • 10-6pm Leading researchers present on Geoengineering/Chemtrails. Knowledge is Power. Inform yourself and join us to save our Blue Skies. Free Event Gallagher Theatre, University of Arizona Learn more:

ZY Qigong – 12:15-1:45pm. Woman are beautiful beings that thrive when joy, love and compassion radiates from their hearts and bodies. The practice of ZY Qigong automatically brings these up for you to nourish and embrace. $10/suggested donation. Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country Club. 520-4048745. Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup. Baha’u’llah’s Prophecies for a New World Order – 2-4pm. With Harry Walker, a Fortune 500 Company strategy consultant. Soon will the present-day order be rolled up, and a new one spread out in its stead. Baha’u’llah, Founder of the Baha’i Faith. No charge. Call for location. 520-838-1293. SoulCollage Sundays – 2-3:30pm. 5/13 and 5/27. With Pamela Dakota Gold, MA. Come try SoulCollage, an easy, intuitive and fun collage process. Daughters welcome on 5/13, age 14 & up. $10. Civano Center, 10501 E Seven Generations Way, #105. 520-906-7542. Inspire@ArtsForTheHeart. com.

TUESDAY, MAY 15 Overcoming Depression – 4-5pm. Learn five strategies to help improve your quality of life today. Discover the role of diet, posture, hormones and sleep in overcoming depression. Attendees receive $40 toward initial examination. No charge. Natural Grocers, 7220 E Broadway Blvd, 520584-0343. Sensory Learning Seminar – 6:30-7:30pm. A Natural Solution for Children with behavioral, focus or delayed speech issues. Space is limited, RSVP today. Refreshments provided. No charge. Arizona Vision Therapy Center, 6602 E Carondelet Dr. 520-886-8800.

SATURDAY, MAY 12 Awakening of the Soul; A Talk on Spirituality – 10-11am. We have a body, mind and soul. The mind is always changing, and the body lasts only so long, but there is something behind all this... the soul. Join us for this uplifting talk. No charge. Martha Cooper Library 1377 N. Catalina Ave. 1-877-meditate. Vision Therapy Webinar – 1-2pm. An alternative solution for children with learning or behavioral issues. RSVP today to receive the link. No charge. Arizona Vision Therapy Center, 6602 E Carondelet Dr. 520-886-8800. Together We Act – 1-3pm. May 12th is the Global Day of Action for health equality for ME/CFS. Tucson’s event will be a social gathering featuring comedy, music and advocacy opportunities, and feature a proclamation from Mayor Rothschild. No charge. Monterey Court, 505 W Miracle Mile. Conquering Attachment: Half-Day Workshop – 2-5pm. With Gen Lingpur. This course will help us to better understand the mind of attachment and how to start to overcome it. $25. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@


Tucson Edition



markyourcalendar UNDERSTANDING ANIMAL BEHAVIORS 3-week Teleconference Class Begins Tuesday, May 15 • 5-6:30pm Learn skills to help an animal move through habits, fears, aggressions by working with both the conscious and subconscious to create healing. Join live or listen to recordings later. Prerequisite: Basic Animal Communication class. $125 To register call 520-825-4645 or

AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO PREVENT AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION AND ALZHEIMER’S May 16 • 11am-1pm Medical research suggests AMD and AD are highly connected. Women are at greater risk than men. Come learn … strategies. $10 Hanling Acupuncture Healing Center 6812 N Oracle Rd, Ste 120 and


5 DAY RETREAT CONFERENCE Wednesday, May 16 - Sunday, May 20 A mandate of Spirit through universal healer Mayan Grandmother Flordemayo, the Gathering is an urgent calling to all of humanity committed to increasing the light and coherence on the planet. The Chi Center 40 Camino Vista Clara Lamy New Mexico 87540 Tickets, registration and schedule at

SATURDAY, MAY 19 Basic Essential Oils Class – 10am. 3161 E. Wiley Ln, Vail. RSVP to Tammy Longhurst at 520-8507592. Feng Shui Workshop – 3-5pm. Learn the basics and how to apply Feng Shui principles to your home, office, etc. Workshop includes Feng Shui fixes for shifting environmental energies. Space is limited; pre-registration only. $25. Call for Foothills area address. 847-323-9188. Turn Up Energy and Creativity – 4-5pm. Learn how Network Spinal Analysis can help you experience more energy, flexibility, endurance and greater ability to deal with stress. Attendees receive $40 towards initial examination. No charge. Inspired Healing, 4858 E Broadway Blvd. 520584-0343.

You exist only in what you do. ~Federico Fellini

SATURDAY, MAY 26 Earth Gong Bath – 3:30-5pm. With Danielle Dvorak. The Earth Gong will bathe you in sound and vibration unlike anything else. Getting gonged in this lovely yoga studio is like getting a massage for your brain and nervous system. $20/by 5/18; $25/thereafter. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. Joseph@YogaConnection. org.



Coffee with the Author – 11:30am-12:30pm. Tucson author CJ Walker shares Love Yourself Sacred, her book about loving and valuing yourself despite your current or past situation. Join her for coffee and conversation. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-488-8284.

Massage and Mousse – 6:30-7:30pm. With Nathan Morrison LMT, NMT. Learn about the applied benefits of Trigger Point Therapy and how this powerful modality can lead to pain-freedom while you enjoy a treat. RSVP. No charge. Skeleton Key Therapy, 7225 N Paseo del Norte, Ste 8. 740398-8966.

Aqua Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Jessica Byron. Stretches and poses in the comfort and support of a 96 degree indoor pool to open up possibilities for improved balance, breathing, awareness and deep relaxation. Pre-register at $15. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520-370-3499. Essential Oils Support for Targeted Health – 3-5pm. Roller Bottle Remedies will be available for purchase. New Spirit Lutheran Church, 8701 E, Old Spanish Trail. RSVP: 520-850-7592. Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. With Danielle Dvorak. Celebrate your life by connecting to our planet with an Earth Gong Bath. This Paiste gong is tuned to specific earth frequencies, including 136.1 hz and 432 hz. $20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188.

MONDAY, MAY 21 Basic Essential Oils Class – 10am. 3790 E 44th, St #228. RSVP to Tammy Longhurst: 520-850-7592.

TUESDAY, MAY 22 Prayers for the Dying and Deceased – 5:306:30pm. Buddhist prayers for living beings so they have the opportunity to take rebirth in Buddha’s Pure Land. There they will attain permanent liberation from suffering. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@

THURSDAY, MAY 24 Buddhist Retreat: The Most Meaningful Life ,Becoming a Friend to the World –5/24-5/28. Retreat offers an opportunity to be immersed in the joyful meditations on love, compassion, and the six perfections that lead to this most meaningful life. Add accommodations when registering. $85. International Kadampa Retreat Center, 6701 E Mountain Ranch Rd. Williams. 520-441-1617. Info@ Allergies and Their Symptoms Workshop – 6-8pm. Learn the Bio-Touch points to address allergies and their symptoms. $10/members; 15/ non-members; +$5/LMTs 2CEUs. Bio-Touch Center, 5634 E Pima St. 520-323-7951. Office@JustTouch. com.

MONDAY, MAY 28 Basic Essential Oils Class – 10am. 3790 E 44th, St #228. RSVP to Tammy Longhurst: 520-850-7592.

SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 1011:30am. Learn about the health benefits of special ionized drinking water (electrically charged), alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. No charge. Pristine Naturopathic, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-869-6782. Bill@

markyourcalendar ARIZONA VISION THERAPY CENTER’S OPEN HOUSE/RIBBON CUTTING EVENT June 2 • 10:30am-1pm Music, food, and fun. Learn more about our therapies in a casual, no-obligation environment.

markyourcalendar DEVELOPING A HEALTHY ENERGETIC FOUNDATION PART 3 Saturday, June 9 • 10am-2pm Learn to reconnect to yourself with the three points of power. This powerful technique is necessary for anyone who has ever questioned what they are supposed to be doing with their life. Develop your multi-sense perceptions with a collective global healing. $65 For more information, see or contact Linda Johns, 520-825-4645

THURSDAY, JUNE 14 Money Talks: Reverse Mortgages – 1:30-2:30pm. Coffee and informal conversation about financial matters. Talks dedicated to topic or guest speaker, any question is welcome. Free. 5151 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 1600. 509-220-2506. Rebecca.


Arizona Vision Therapy Center 6602 E Carondelet Dr

US Pain Foundation, Inc: Chronic Pain Support Group – 11am. A forum for people and significant others with chronic pain. Learn coping skills, guided imagery, meditation, breathing exercises and acupressure. No charge. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, #140. 800-910-0664. Gwenn@



Door prizes and discounts offered No charge

100 WOMEN WHO CARE BIG GIVE WOMEN’S GROUP Thursday, July 19 Thursday, October 18 Check-in and mingle: 5:30-6:30pm Meeting: 6:30-7:30pm Come and join the most talked about big hearted women’s group in Tucson. Westin La Paloma Resort Sonoran Room, 3800 E Sunrise Dr May 2018


Unity Spiritual Center of Peace Sunday Celebration – 10:30-11:30am. Potluck last Sunday. Learn to live your spiritual potential and purpose. Pray, sing and celebrate oneness in community. All welcome. Sunday school available for children. 1551 S Eastside Loop #121. 520-546-3696. The Temple of Universality Sunday Service – 11am. With Founder Rev. Betty Tatalajski. Celebrating the Unity of God and Man, worship, healing, prophesy. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 520-884-5340. TempleOfUniversality@ Community of Light Sunday Service – 11am12pm. Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of light workers for healing, enlightenment and growth.

Call ahead to confirm event

ongoing events

daily Yume Gardens Winter Season – 9:30am4:30pm. Tuesday through Saturday. $6-9. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520-303-3945.

sunday Silent Meditation – 8:45-9:30am. Experience the healing peace of shared Silence. All welcome who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-546-3696. Religious Service – 9am. St Michael’s ECC, the other Catholic Church. Feminist? GLBTQ? Catholic? We are and more. No charge. Chapel, First Christian Church, 740 E Speedway, 520-575-8486. Tucson Metaphysics Fair - 9am-4pm. First and Third Sundays. Fair includes a variety of mediums, readers, healers and vendors. Price varies. Innsuites Tucson Foothills Best Western, 6201 N Oracle Rd. 520-579-8930. Sunday Morning Service – 10am. With Rev. Ann Marie Beale. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas. Sahuarita, 85629. 520625-5687. Ai Chi – 10-11:15am. With Connie Seddon. A blend of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, in our indoor 96 degree pool. Movements are aligned with breathing, integrating and calming the nervous system. $20/ class. $60/4-prepaid consecutive; $120/ 8-prepaid consecutive. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520 245-6616.

Tamara Spiritual Center’s Sunday Services – 11am and 5:30pm. Third Sunday of each month at 2:30pm only. Services include a healing meditation, inspirational talk and messages. No charge. Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-325-0513. Yogananda Gathering – 11am-1pm. First and third Sundays. Attune to Yogananda’s teachings through chanting, meditation affirmations, readings and Festival of Light ceremony. Refreshments and fellowship follows. Ananda Center, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-299-9309. Aqua Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Jessica Byron. 3/11 and 3/18. Aqua Yoga offers stretches and poses in the comfort and support of a 96 degree indoor pool to open up possibilities for improved balance, breathing, awareness and deep relaxation. Preregister at $15. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-370-3499. SoulCollage Sundays – 2-3:30pm. Second and fourth Sundays in April and May. Creativi-Tea Time while creating SoulCollage cards, an easy intuitive collage process. Contact, Dakota Gold. $10/per session. Civano Center, 10501 E Seven Generations, Way #105. 520-906-7542. Inspire@ A Creative Journey in Glass – Sunday afternoons 2-5pm. Come assemble a fused glass creation while exploring your artistic spirit. Fun, soul-stimulating atmosphere. Join the camaraderie here or bring a friend. $75 includes all materials & refreshments. Robin Cannell Baker, 520-247-2271. RCB@mcn. org, Sacred Space Gathering – 4-5:30pm. Sundays. All welcome. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557.

Sunday Celebration Services – 10-11:45am. Join with likeminded individuals in weekly joyful celebration. Experience a happier life, better health and more abundant living. Donations accepted. The Nickerson Auditorium, 3231 N Craycroft Rd. Tucson. 520-319-1042.


Tucson Edition

Sunday Love Feast: Kirtan, Bhakti Talks, 10-Course Dinner – 5:30-7:15pm. Each Sunday. Sit down bhajan meditation, a philosophical discussion on the ancient Vedas, Traditional Arti offerings to Temple deities and Kirtan followed by a free 10-course vegetarian feast. No charge. Govinda’s, 711 E Blacklidge Dr. 520-273-2273. KrishnaCove Desert Ashram – 6pm: Meet and greet. 7pm: Satsang with chanting, Aarati, spiritual teaching of Swami Amar Jyoti and Meditation. Immerse yourself in a beautiful and peaceful meditation and retreat center. By donation. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384. Book Study: Spiritual Economics – 6:30-8:30pm. 4/29-6/2. Join in a public-location or in-home. 5-week book study of Eric Butterworth’s classic text Spiritual Economics. Various locations and times around the city. Contact office for locations. Must purchase book. 520-319-1042. Admin@

monday White Eagle World Healing Meditations – 1011am. With Frances Smith. Using White Eagle channeled books of Spiritual Unfoldment. No charge. Temple of Universality Class, held at United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-885-5065. A Course of Love – 11am. A Course of Love facilitated by Rev. Ann Marie. By donation. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas, Sahuarita. Waterbabies Pool Sharing – 11:30am-12:45pm. Relief for chronic pain from injury, surgery or illness. Freestyle movement indoors in warm salt water. $60/month. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@gmail. com. Golden Pyramid Meditation – 6-7pm. Second Monday. With Rev. Yazdi Contractor, Rev. Howard Milwich and Revs. Martha and Darryl Schoon. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. TempleOfUniversality@ Unmasking: Know, Love and Trust Yourself – 6-7:15pm. Join Miraval Resort’s Integrative Wellness Expert, Rebecca Saxon, for a weekly class and support group. Connect within yourself, and release the obstacles that bind you. $200/6-weeks. 520-248-6351. Book Study Group: Spiritual Economics– 6:308:30pm. Discuss Eric Butterworth’s prosperity masterwork in a small group setting. Learn how to increase the experience of good in your life. Book required and available. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E. River Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@ Aquacize – 7pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Join us for a head to toe workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Perfect for chronic issues such as CMT, arthritis, lupus, MS, MD, fibromyalgia. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. B4Lennon@

Prayer and Meditation – 9:45-10:15am. Come experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. 1551 S Eastside Loop, Ste 121. 520-546-3696. Astrology 101: Receive Your Birthchart and Learn Astrology – 7:30-8:45pm. 3/19 and 3/26. Join Miraval Resort Integrative Wellness Expert, Rebgecca Saxon, for this small weekly interactive class. Get your chart interpreted as we learn together. $200/6-weeks. 520-248-6351. .


Aqua Chakra Yoga – 10-11:30am. Tuesday, Saturday. With Krysa Kobryner. Movement, water, breath and sound are all essential for wellness. Yoga in a warm indoor pool is a fun, effective low impact workout. $15/class or $50/4-classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520-551-0651. Book Study – 11am. Every Tuesday. Book: How to Pray Without Talking to God by Rev Linda Martella Whitsett. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas. Sahuarita, 85629. 520625-5687. Midline Meditation – 6:30-8pm. With Jennifer Sandoval. More than a meditation technique, this approach grounds you in body feeling awareness. Practice ignites embodied awakening, and brings any individual or group into a field of coherence. $10. $100/12 visits. The Center of Healing Arts. 3333 N Campbell Ave. Ste 12. Group Singing – 6:45-8:15pm. Join this group of singers and want to be singers. Under the direction of Sarah Evans you will learn the exercises that gently release your voice. From personal experience and a proven method, the lessons are offered especially for the ones who want to but believe they can’t. $5-$25 donation accepted. Anderson Art and Printing, 3255 E Grant Rd, 520-661-6666. Books – 7-8:30pm. With Reverend Inger Mason. Reading of books channeled to Alice A. Bailey by Djwhal Khul, followed by guided meditation. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Call for details, 520-331-5252.


Fun-Day Wednesday Class – 9:45-11:30am. With Rev. Fred Smith. Metaphysical Law, using fun, food and friends. Temple of Universality class. No charge. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd. 520-546-3898. US Pain Foundation Chronic Pain Support Group – 11am-11:30pm. Forum for people with any type of chronic pain and their significant others. Learn coping skills, guided imagery, meditation, breathing exercises and acupressure. No charge. Natural Healing Care Center, 2230 E Speedway, #140. 800-910-0664. Gwenn@USPainFoundation. org. How to Pray without Talking to God Book Study – 11:15am. With by Rev. Ann Marie Beale. Book by Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett. By donation. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas, Sahuarita. 520-625-5687. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Join us for a head to toe workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Perfect for chronic issues such as CMT, arthritis, lupus, MS, MD, fibromyalgia.. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. B4Lennon@ Tibetan Bowl Meditation – 6pm. Each month on the first and third Wednesdays. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas. Sahuarita, 85629. 520-625-5687. Michael’s Tibetan Bowl Mediation – 6-7pm. First and third Wednesday. Meditate with Michael’s Tibetan Bowl Meditation. By donation. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas, Sahuarita. Arizona Wellness Alliance Dinner and Networking Event – 6-8pm. Third Wednesday. 5/16, 6/20, 9/19. Evening of inspiring speakers and delicious food. Network with your fellow wellness practitioners. $27/online; $35/at door. Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation, 3182 N Swan Rd. 520-887-7755. Online Book Study: Spiritual Economics – 6:308:30pm. Join an online only class (using Zoom) discussing Eric Butterworth’s prosperity masterpiece. Computer with camera and microphone required. Learn to increase your experience of good. 520-3191042.

thursday Desert Crones Celebration – 1-3pm. Older women celebrate themselves. Enjoy speakers, drumming, writing, crafts, chats and each other’s support. No charge. Fellowship Square, 210 N Maguire Ave, Villa 3. 520-730-9352. Money Talks – 1:30-2:30pm. First Thursday. Coffee and an informal conversation about financial matters. Talks dedicated to topic or guest speaker, any question is welcome. 5/20: How to Avoid Probate; 6/14: Reverse Mortgages. Free. 5151 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 1600. 509-220-2506. Rebecca. Dream Group – 3-5pm. With Helen Landerman, Ph.D. Tap into the wisdom and guidance of your dreams and develop your powers of intuition. Dream Group members project onto each other’s dreams to reveal multiple layers of meaning. $120/6-weeks of 2-hour sessions. Email for more info: A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. A Creative Journey in Glass – 5:30-8:30pm. Come assemble a fused glass creation while exploring your artistic spirit. Fun, soul-stimulating atmosphere. Join the camaraderie here or bring a friend. $75 includes all materials & refreshments. Robin Cannell Baker, 520-247-2271., Desert Ashram – 6pm: Meet and greet. 7pm: Satsang with chanting, Aarati, spiritual teaching of Swami Amar Jyoti and Meditation. Immerse yourself in a beautiful and peaceful meditation and retreat center. By donation. Desert Ashram, 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384. Tai Chi Chih – 6:15pm. With Peter Worrall. Learn the slow strengthening and healing practice in 8 weeks. Each week a new movement will be presented and repeated. $10. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Annex Rm 3. 520-488-8284. Taizé Service – 6:30-7:15pm. Second Thursday. An alternative form of worship that includes soothing music, brief readings and silent meditation in candlelight. There is no sermon. All welcome. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. John@

Devotional Yoga – 8-9:15am. Kundalini fusion exercises specifically designed for these aquarian times. A blend of postures, strong pranic breathing, stretching, mantra and moving meditations. Healing gong bath with large 60” creation gong. $12. Call for location. 520-991-4154. Centering Prayer Group – 12pm. Method of Christian meditation with a strong emphasis on interior silence that encourages silence and deeper connection to the divine. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, UCC, Rm 1. 520-297-1181.

May 2018


classifieds 130-SQUARE-FOOT PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE IN established NW Wellness Center. Shiastu, Rolfer or other quiet modality preferred. $550/mo. Includes wifi, utilities, janitorial and security. 18-month lease. Text 520-603-0852.

ongoing events Devotional Yoga – 6:30-8pm. Kundalini fusion exercises specifically designed for these aquarian times. A blend of postures, strong pranic breathing, stretching, mantra and moving meditations. Healing gong bath with large 60” creation gong. $12. Call for location. 520-991-4154. TIES Sharing and Discussion Group – 6:308:30pm. Third Thursday. TIES mission is to provide a safe neutral environment for presenting information on and sharing of near-death and other spiritually transformative experiences. Everyone is welcome. No Charge (love offering accepted). Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. Ascended Masters Introductory Classes – 7-8pm. Learn about your own individual divine being, your I Am Presence. Find divine solutions to every challenge. No charge. The Temple of The Presence, 11902 E Irvington Rd, 520-751-2039. ZY Qigong – 7-8:30pm. Woman are beautiful beings that thrive when joy, love and compassion radiates from their hearts and bodies. The practice of ZY Qigong automatically brings these up for you to nourish and embrace. $10/suggested donation. Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country Club. 520-4048745. Tucson-ZY-Qigong-Meetup.

friday Waterbabies Pool Sharing – 11:30am-12:45pm. Relief for chronic pain from injury, surgery or illness. Freestyle movement indoors in warm salt water. $60/month. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. KathyNina7377@gmail. com. Community of Light Healing and Message Circle – 12pm. Weekly Metaphysical and spiritual gathering for healing, enlightenment and growth. 520-403-6156. TheCommunityOfLight.Org. Midline Meditation – 12:30-2pm. With Wren Breedlove. More than a meditation technique, this approach grounds you in body feeling awareness. Practice ignites embodied awakening, and brings any individual or group into a field of coherence. $10. $100/12 visits. The Center of Healing Arts. 3333 N Campbell Ave. Ste 12. Tai Chi Easy/Qigong for Health – 2pm. With Suzanne Schinkel, certified instructor. On chairs if needed. Outdoor on patio, weather permitting. Benefits realignment of ankles, knees and hip joints.


Tucson Edition

By donation. Unity in the Valley, 17630 S Camino Del Las Quintas, Sahuarita. 520-625-5687. Tucson Energy Circle – 7-8:45pm. Fourth Friday. Tucson Energy Circle is replacing IONS Energy Share. Join us for an evening of meditation, energy sessions and networking. No experience necessary. No charge. Unity Church of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-742-1019. Marsha@DesertReikiConnection. com.

saturday Rincon Valley Farmers and Artisans Market – 8am-1pm. Come enjoy the country and shop local in and around the big green and white Barn. No charge. Rincon Valley Farmers & Artisans Market, 12500 E Old Spanish Trail. 520-591-2276. RVFM@ Aqua Chakra Yoga – 10-11:30am. Tuesday, Saturday. With Krysa Kobryner. Movement, water, breath and sound are all essential for wellness. Yoga in a warm indoor pool is a fun, effective low impact workout. $15/class or $50/4-classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 520-551-0651. Plan Ahead - Practical Metaphysics – 10-11:30am. With Keith Gorley. 10-week exploration of Eric Butterworth’s Practical Metaphysics. Books required and available. Book purchase required. Donation accepted. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E. River Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@ Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Join us for a head to toe workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Perfect for chronic issues such as CMT, arthritis, lupus, MS, MD, fibromyalgia.. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-4448636. Group Singing Lesson – 3-4:15pm. Month of May only. This school creates the conditions under which the phenomena of the voice-by its nature immaterial-manifests itself. Sing open and free. Please contact us to confirm. By donations. Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 520-661-6666. Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit – 3-4:30pm. First Saturday. Learn a simple spiritual approach to divine healing and meet new friends during our Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Community Hour. No Charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-904-4801. Weissmae@email.arizona. edu.

HOME & OFFICE SPACE: 3013 E. 22nd St, C-1 Commercial zoning. 1329 Sq. Ft., 2BR, 1.5 bath home. All new oak kitchen, A/C/Heat, 6’ fence and 3 gates. Tile floors, blinds, fresh paint inside and out. Perfect for Acupuncturist, Massage, Chiropractor, Naturapath. $149,900 Owner/Broker. 520-891-1613. RESTORATIVE YOGA IN CLASSES OF 2 – 4 STUDENTS. Do you hate crowds? Body for Life Healing teaches restorative yoga in small classes. If you want to experience a calm, relaxing, stretch, this is for you. Reserve your spot! Call Canna 925-548-9141 ask for Canna. SPIRITUAL ENERGY TRANSFORMATION: From the quantum field we access techniques to release old thought patterns and open space for new beginnings to assist you in being your true energy signature and higher vibration. Johanna Alley, 520-370-1306. WOMEN WHO PAINT: Small group format for those who are looking for support and guidance to either finish unresolved pieces or to start new work in acrylics, watercolor or mixed-media. Join others in the light-filled private studio of teachingartist, Carolyn King, Located just east of downtown. Info: or call 520-991-0147. ZY QIGONG: In many cultures, women are linked to flowers. It is good to be identified with such beauty. If your goal is to preserve health, be in touch with your inner self and live from a place of peace. Practice qigong persistently and your goals will be achieved. Mark Frighetti, 520-404-8745.

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Contact us today with questions.


communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit. Home Atmosphere Nutritious “Home Cooked” Meals Sunny, Happy, Healthy Home

ACUPUNCTURE AKASHIC ACUPUNCTURE Linda Joy Stone, OMD, L.Ac. 1760 E River Rd, #135, 85718 520-444-6901

Double your healing experience by combining an Akashic reading with an integrating acupuncture session. Akashic Medicine transforms pain and stress, liberates constricting beliefs and manifests a renewed ease in being human. Linda brings 28 years of experience into the treatment room—a sacred place of Joy!


Steve Liu, L.Ac., BSEE Wen Ting, L.Ac., MA 6812 N Oracle Rd, Ste 130, 85704 520-878-8116 Healing Tucson since 2001. Specializing in chronic and acute neck and back pain, sports and soft tissue injuries, autoimmune diseases, macular degeneration, digestive disorders, headaches and migraines, allergies and asthma, peripheral neuropathy, and many other health conditions. See ad, page 7.

ANIMAL SERVICES JOURNEY TO HEALING Linda Johns Animal Communicator Healing Practitioner 520-825-4645

Telepathy is a bridge from one mind to another regardless of distance, Linda has 20 years of experience being the voice of the animal bringing clarity to all levels of concerns. Many veterinarians use this service. Workshops and tele-classes available.


Health & Happiness

Outdoor Walking Path Exercise Program Sun Basking / Gardening

RITUAL BY KATE’S MAGIK SocialAve, Activities 215 N Court 85701 Musical Programs 520-743-1486 Online Activities & Games TCC / Sabino Canyon / Foothills Park / Recreation Centerby Ritual Hospital / Religious Services

Kate’s Magik is an intimate boutique that carries 100% pure aromatherapy products and ceremonial supplies. Ritual also offers a variety of aromatherapy-focused massages designed to help people relieve stress, move through grief or promote love, healing and success.


dōTERRA Wellness Advocate 6701 E. Opatas St. 520-850-7592 Tucson, AZ 85715 (520) 222-6718

Call today to schedule a tour. Tammy educates people on how

essentialto oils can help support Text Inquiries the body. At her free oil classes, (520) 548-0048 you will learn about pain, sleep, digestion, allergies, auto immune disease and so much more. Mention this ad and receive a free essential oil. See ad, page 8.

ASSET MANAGEMENT CLARITY FINANCIAL SERVICES Anne (Kelsik) Ramirez Investment Manager CA Insurance License #0D69354 1022 W Ina Rd, Ste 7, 85704 Office / Cell: 520-955-2495 Fax: 520-297-2414

Do you live green and worry about sustainability? Consider making an appointment to discuss how your investments reflect your ideals and goals. Clarity offers individually crafted portfolio strategies specializing in renewable energy, alternative medicine, and progressive infrastructure. Be sure you invest for the future. See ad, page 4.

Aging Parents? Do you have a care plan?


520-222-6718 Text: 520-909-9452 Tucson’s premier private care home offering compreTucson’s Premier Private Care Home hensive care Specializing in Memory Care services. Specializing in Memory Care and & Individual Enhancement100 percent state individual lifeLife enhancement. compliance 2016-2018. The end result is a safe and gentle living environment free of unnecessary 100% State Compliance 2016-2018 stress. Call today for a complimentary consultation. Call See ad,today page 10.for a

complimentary consultation: BARTER BARTER TUCSON Text: (520) 909-9452

(520) 222-6718

Barbara and Dale Hulvey 520-909-9200 Gain clients/customers who stay with you for the life of the company. Member of the International Barter Alliance, a DoBarter on Line service. Your membership in Barter Tucson offers you access to goods and services from tens of thousands of members in exchanges worldwide. See ad, page 15.


Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 Randy has 28 years of bodywork experience, providing treatments that are stress busting or for specific issues. Sometimes sessions are enhanced and integrated with mind-body awareness experiments. The client uses sound, breath and movement to contact feelings and access deep tension and energy release. See ad, page 32.

BIO-TOUCH HEALING CENTER 5634 E Pima St, 85712 520-323-7951

Bio-Touch is a touch-healing therapy that anyone can learn to perform effectively. Low-cost classes are offered and healing sessions on a donation basis to anyone in need of relief from pain, stress, or symptoms of disease.

May 2018



3333 N Campbell Ave, Ste 12, 85719 520-370-3689 Sylvia Boyed, MA, LMT, CST has worked in the bodywork field for 11 years, with two years of study with the Barral Institute in Visceral Manipulation. She treats such conditions as postural misalignment, joint reconstruction, head injuries, migraine headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, muscle and skeletal pain, intestinal issues, bladder related problems, COPD and other lung disorders. Specializing in pediatric craniosacral therapy, in the area of pediatrics for babies and children, she treats such conditions as colic, sleep disturbance, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, neurological conditions, digestive issues, headaches and migraines.. See ad, page 32.

THERAPEUTIC INTUITIVE BODYWORK Jennifer Beard, LMT Speedway/Craycroft Area 520-906-8136

A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $175. See ad, page 33.

ZACHARY SABER, LMT WellnessFirst! 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-232-4585

Tired of the pain? Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural ntegration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.

INTUITIVE HANDS MOBILE MASSAGE Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656

Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “groundedness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 33.


Nathan Morrison, LMT, NMT Certified Neuromuscular Therapist 740-398-8966 or 740-507-4212 Nate believes each person is unique and not all pain is created equally. However, all pain can be reduced or may dissipate completely. Nate’s goal is to see you reach your optimal pain-free potential, utilizing Neuromuscular Trigger Point Therapy, breathing techniques, and Myofascial Release.


Tucson Edition


Amy Thomas OD, FCOVD 6602 E Carondelet Drive 520-886-8800 • Amy Thomas, OD, FCOVD, a Developmental/Neurocognitive Optometrist, diagnoses and treats visual conditions that interfere with the ability to read, learn, and pay attention. She also does Vision Rehabilitation for brain injuries and offers Therapeutic Lenses, Vision Therapy, Reflex Integration, etc. See ad, page 21.



Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.


Amy Thomas OD, FCOVD 6602 E Carondelet Drive 520-886-8800 • Amy Thomas, OD, FCOVD, a Developmental/Neurocognitive Optometrist, diagnoses and treats visual conditions that interfere with the ability to read, learn, and pay attention. She also does Vision Rehabilitation for brain injuries and offers Therapeutic Lenses, Vision Therapy, Reflex Integration, etc. See ad, page 21.

CHIROPRACTIC DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway 520-584-0343

Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for children, PTSD, depression and autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 37.

Network Spinal Analysis-Light Touch Chiropractic. Release trauma and stored stress and tension. Awaken the breath. Evolve and grow. Excellent for emotional release, for those on a spiritual path, children, anyone who’s experienced trauma or unable to receive help elsewhere.

520-834-1722 4620 N Bornite Way

WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161

Dr. Conlee, Chiropractor Neurologist, diagnoses and treats such conditions as Dystonia, ADHD, Peripheral Neuropathy, vertigo, migraine headaches, balance disorders, numbness, tingling, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other conditions related to neurologic function. Also available: acupuncture, physiotherapy, kinesiotape, nutrition and allergy testing. See ad, page 11.


520-331-2629 PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 37.


Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness. See ad, page 32.

COUNSELING CONCEPTS Jo Ruddy and Jody Hardy 3861 N First Ave 520-881-4237

Dr. Jo Ruddy, Metaphysical Life Coach and Clinical Master Hypnotherapist, along with Jodi Hardy, M.A., LPC and highly experienced psychotherapist, offer metaphysical approaches to healing and creating lasting change in your life. Located at WellnessFIRST!


Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Call for special $1 per minute rate for unique individual listening session.


Pam “Dr. Joy” McMahon, Ph.D. 520-730-0236 Journey to Wellness with “Dr. Joy” is dedicated to bringing joy and passion back into your life. Have “Dr. Joy”, Intuitive Soul Coach, medium and Spirit Channel by your side as she connects with your guides and helps you with your most important life questions: career, health, love, finances... anything you are yearning to uncover. See ad, page 25.


Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 Coaching brings out your inner expert and the motivation, excitement, and desire to actually follow your best advice. Using coaching models and intuition you can have desired results in health, relationships, career, money, life. Let your magic outsmart self-sabotage.


Rebecca, Integrative Wellness Expert at Miraval Resort, offers nurturing yet powerful guidance from a holistic perspective. Release the blocks to self-love and learn to live authentically. Personal growth, relationships, spiritual exploration, life transitions, astrological coaching, higher purpose, self-discovery.


Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body.

VERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3, 85719 520-403-1686

RN-delivered colonics utilizing an FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closedgravity option. Far Infrared Therapy included at no additional charge. Gentle, easy detox protocols. Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies. Affordable rates & packages. Flexible hours include weekends. See ad, page 3.


Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working for over 30 years. As one of Don’s customers said, “You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote. See ad, page 41.


Mercedez Lucke Benedict 4650 W Jojoba Dr, 85745 520-743-7101 • Experience incredible Cranial work while at Medicine Wheel Dental & Wellness Center. Mercedez has had success in treating tinnitus, trigeminal nerve pain, migraines, TMD dysfunction, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, increasing range of motion and strain pattern releases. Call for a special introductory visit. See ad, back cover.

May 2018



Robin Cannell Baker 520-247-2271 Come assemble a fused glass creation while exploring your artistic spirit. Fun, soul-stimulating atmosphere. Join the camaraderie here or bring a friend. Sunday afternoons 2-5pm, Thursday evenings 5:30-8:30pm or by appointment. $75 includes all materials and refreshments. See ad, page 32.


Carolyn King M.A. Teaching-Artist/Creativity Coach 1202 E Broadway Blvd, #112, 85719 520-991-0147 • Yearn for companionship with like-hearted women as you embrace your creative gifts? Classes, workshops, individual sessions and more offered in beautiful studio space by practicing artist. Carolyn brings over 30 years of skills, tools, compassion and support to her role as your ‘creativity midwife’.



Tap into the wisdom and guidance of your dreams. Develop your powers of intuition. Dr. Landerman has 30 years of experience in dream groups and has been certified by Jeremy Taylor’s Marin Institute for Projective Dreamwork. Dream groups forming downtown.


Tesla Metamorphosis Healing and Access Bars 520-305-5393 Tammy Rosen Wilbur is a certified Tesla Metamorphosis and Access Bars practitioner who works metaphysically to create new possibilities for expansion, change and healing. As an intuitive healer, she helps clients clear blockages pain and illness to become the light they are. See ad, page 32.


Juliana Ashe 4231 E Havasu Rd, 85718 520-639-6080


1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35 520-326-0082 A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general & cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 19.


Dr. Steven A. Swidler, DDS Dr. Kenneth C. Glass, DDS 4650 W Jojoba Dr, 85745 520-743-7101 • Medicine Wheel Dental is Tucson’s premier holistic integrative dental practice. Utilizing a balanced mix of traditional dentistry with exclusive naturopathic, holistic and alternative modalities, Medicine Wheel Dental provides the highest level of personalized dental care. “With awareness, we can make a choice.” See ad, back cover.


Tucson Edition

Juliana extends light. She connects your field of energy to expanded light frequencies, in a heart-centered meditative state. In sessions, she assists you in “holding” new patterns of intent, to relieve stress, pain, trauma, emotional grief and even depression and anxiety.



Kalyn Wolf 2118 S Avenida Planeta 520-668-4017 • Free yourself from gravity and all outside influence. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Sensory Deprivation (Flotation Therapy) is the most relaxing thing you’ll ever experience. Effective for stress, anxiety, recuperation from injuries, meaningful meditation etc. Ask about our new massage chair.


Float & Wellness Center 2272 E Speedway Blvd, 85719 520-339-6674 Floatation therapy gives an experience of complete weightlessness as if one was in the womb or floating in space. We offer two float tanks to choose from, one of which offers easy access, is spacious and claustrophobic free. Additional services offered.


WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 • Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.


Anne (Kelsik) Ramirez Investment Manager CA Insurance License #0D69354 1022 W Ina Rd, Ste 7, 85704 Office / Cell: 520-955-2495 Fax: 520-297-2414 •


The selection of a financial advisor is critical to your success. Just beginning to look for a professional or feeling that your current advisor lacks that level of commitment to you? Schedule a meeting today to discuss your situation and to determine if there might be a fit to work together. See ad, page 4.

Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson offers a scientifically proven two month long healing walk program that reduces anxiety, stress, and sadness and promotes joy and peacefulness. For details and start dates, visit Open daily 9:30am-4:30pm; except on Monday from 10am-4:30pm, October to June.

2130 N Alvernon Way, 85712 520-332-2928 •

GLUTEN FREE GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 21.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Meditate, do yoga, or relax while you bathed in sound and vibration that clears your energy field. Danielle is trained and certified through in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Private sessions and group events (Gong Baths) are available.


Heather Rosson - Owner Rent Reusable Moving Boxes 520-441-4020 • BungoBox Arizona rents eco-friendly, reusable moving boxes for both residential and commercial use. Boxes are delivered to your home or office, you pack and move, when you are finished unpacking BungoBox will pick up the boxes at your new location. See ad, page 8.


Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.

GREEN PRODUCTS A & E RECYCLED GRANITE 520-885-8970 - Tucson Metro 480-739-0234 - Phoenix Metro ROC # 305289

Arizona’s eco-friendly manufacturer of recycled granite pavers, split stone tile veneer, subway tiles and fire pits. The locally crafted products add a unique, beautiful look to your home and business while keeping our planet’s mountains out of Arizona’s waste stream. See ad, page 17.


Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body.


Modern Organic Hairdressing 204 W Grant Rd 520-331-9006 • Facebook: ProjekK In the courtyard of Placita de la Luna, enter ProjekK hair studio and notice the scents of pine, rosemary and sage. Stylist Kathie features U.K.-inspired cuts that need minimal styling. Hair color is ammonia-free and organic, providing beautiful, professional results.

HEALTH SCREENING PROACTIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, LLC Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036

Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 3.

HEALTHY LIVING GLOBAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS GROUP Anne McKechnie, Exeutive Director 520-990-5268

Improving physical, environmental, financial and personal health are priorities for almost everyone. The Global Wealth and Wellness Group provides opportunities that help people balance these four aspects and thus improve a person’s overall quality of life. For a free consultation, call Anne at 520-990-5268.


Sue Barrett, Zero Balance Practitioner Home Visits Available 520-240-2583 Zero balancing is a unique, holistic therapy going beyond soft tissue by addressing deep tension and stuck energy held within our bones. It can help to release old belief patterns, promote a sense of expanded awareness, and reduce pain and discomfort. Sue uses gentle touch to integrate and balance body structure with energy for amplified health and vitality.

BODY FOR LIFE HEALING Canna Yamamoto, CRM, RYT 925-548-9141

Certified provider of reiki, restorative yoga and meditation. We work with licensed psychologists to provide the physical therapy to bring the mind and body into alignment. Small classes of 4 - 6, or private sessions are available.


Float & Wellness Center 2272 E Speedway Blvd, 85719 520-339-6674 Levity Floatation & Wellness Center offers unique treatments such as: Floatation Therapy, Halo Therapy, Massage, Far Infrared Sauna, BioScan and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (Functional Lab work) . De-stress, alleviate physical pain, detox and get to the root of your aliments here at Levity.

May 2018



Reed’s Compounding Pharmacy specializes in custom compounded prescriptions for the special needs of patients and pets. They compound creams, suspensions, capsules, suppositories, troches and more. Pharmacists are available to make recommendations based on your needs and to consult with your provider.


Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 37.


Dr. Kevin Wallace Dr. Zahara Sundermeyer 520-396-4866 Integrative medicine allows each patient to be treated as an individual. We infuse conventional medicine and nature cure to obtain the best treatments. The doctors of Infusion Health specialize in Environmental Medicine, Men’s Health, Women’s Health and IV therapy.




Tammi Morrison is an Intuitive, specializing in helping folks to get clarity and focus on their spiritual journey. She is a Reiki Master as well as a Certified Theta Healer. She uses Intuitive Guidance, healing, and meditation to help to open your eyes to possibilities.

Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “groundedness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 39.

Tammi Morrison 520-273-4117



Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656

SANTA RITA SPRINGS WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 13.


Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage • 520-990-1857 Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degreesaltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work,great stretches, and flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Cranial Sacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns.. See ad, page 38.



Elaine Gerwin 520-471-5077

Jennifer Beard, LMT Speedway/Craycroft Area 520-906-8136

Personalized assistance with everyday needs including elder care support, organizing, errands, gift shopping/ wrapping and more. Call today to learn how our services can enhance your life and make it easier to you to better concentrate on your work and family. See ad, page 25.

A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $175. See ad, page 38.

NA Fun Fact: Natural Awakenings is published in 95 U.S. markets, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. To advertise with us, call 520-760-2378. 58

Tucson Edition

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122


NatureWorksBest Cancer Clinic NatureWorksBest Cancer Clinic 1250 E Baseline Rd, Ste 205, Tempe 1250 E Baseline Rd, Ste 205, Tempe 480-839-2800 480-839-2800 • Colleen ColleenHuber HuberNMD NMD is is President ofPresident the Naturopathic Cancer of the Naturopathic SCancer o c i e t y, a N aturopathic Society, a Naturopathic Oncologist andFellow Fellow of the Oncologist and of the NaturopathicOncology Oncology Research Naturopathic Researchand Institute, author Institute, authorand of the largest of the largest and longest study and longest study in medical in medical history on sugar history on sugar intake in cancer intake in (2014). cancer patients (2014). She uses aapproach patients She uses a therapeutic therapeutic targetsofmetabolic that targets approach metabolicthat aspects cancer. aspects of cancer. See ad, page 9.

MEDICAL MARIJUANA EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY 2075 East Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779

We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient.


Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 520-400-8109 5160 E Glenn St, Ste At the Pampered Skin Studio, Dr. Suzie personally provides customized treatments including facials with microdermabrasion, microcurrent and LED, peels, microneedling, facial fillers, Botox and Novathread non-surgical facelifts. Minor skin irregularity treatment and electrolysis are also available. Specializing in adult and teen acne as well as sensitive and ethnic skin issues. See ad, page 29.


Karen Van Wie PMHNP-BC Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Board Certified 2230 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 100, 85719 520-343-2105 • Provides comprehensive and holistic psychiatric evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for children and adolescents from 2 to 18 years and adults. Ms Van Wie has extensive experience working with children, adolescents and their families. Ms Van Wie has worked with active duty and retired military men and women who have experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and mental health issues that can arise from these conditions.


Heather Rosson - Owner Rent Reusable Moving Boxes 520-441-4020 BungoBox Arizona rents eco-friendly, reusable moving boxes for both residential and commercial use. Boxes are delivered to your home or office, you pack and move, when you are finished unpacking BungoBox will pick up the boxes at your new location. See ad, page 8.


WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 • Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 13.


Steve Liu, L.Ac., BSEE Wen Ting, L.Ac., MA 6812 N Oracle Rd, Ste 130, 85704 520-878-8116 • Healing Tucson since 2001. Specializing in chronic and acute neck and back pain, sports and soft tissue injuries, autoimmune diseases, macular degeneration, digestive disorders, headaches and migraines, allergies and asthma, peripheral neuropathy, and many other health conditions. See ad, page 7.


Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162 520-869-5593 • Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures. Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 25.


Elaine Gerwin 520-471-5077 Personalized assistance with everyday needs including elder care support, organizing, errands, gift shopping/wrapping and more. Call today to learn how our services can enhance your life and make it easier to you to better concentrate on your work and family. See ad, page 25.

May 2018






2729 E Speedway Blvd, 85716 520-318-4421 •

Reed’s Compounding Pharmacy specializes in custom compounded prescriptions for the special needs of patients and pets. They compound creams, suspensions, capsules, suppositories, troches and more. Pharmacists are available to make recommendations based on your needs and to consult with your provider.


ZY Qigong Teacher/Practitioner Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country Club 520-404-8745 Meetup Women are beautiful beings that thrive when joy, love and compassion radiate from their hearts and bodies. The practice of ZY Qigong automatically brings these feelings up to nourish and embrace. Practicing qigong provides the inner power to move forward.

RESTAURANTS CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 •

Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and Home Atmosphere otherMeals dietary needs are easily Nutritious “Home Cooked” Sunny, Happy, Healthy Home accommodated. The gallery includesHealth original artwork, jewelry, leather goods & Happiness Outdoor Walking and greeting cards. SeePath ad, page 5. Exercise Program Sun Basking / Gardening

GOURMET Social GIRLS Activities GLUTEN FREE Musical Programs BAKERY/BISTRO Activities & Games 5845 Online N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 TCC / Sabino Canyon / Foothills Park / Recreation Center Hospital / Religious Services Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm

Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 21.

6701 E. Opatas St. Tucson, AZ 85715 (520) 222-6718


711 E Blacklidge Dr, 85719 520-792-0630 • Enjoy resort-like atmosphere of waterfalls, peacocks, fountains and gardens while relishing international vegetarian cuisine emphasizing healthy organic produce. Dinner under $10. Join us for weekly Sunday Festival at 5:30pm with musical meditation, spiritual discourse and dinner at 7pm.


Vegan Restaurant 2990 N Campbell Ave, 85719 520-325-7766 Lovin’ Spoonfuls is an award-winning restaurant offering a variety of delicious plant-based meals. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with outstanding desserts and drinks, it provides a relaxed atmosphere that is welcoming Aging Parents? for anyone.

Do you have a care plan?


520-222-6718 Text: 520-909-9452 Tucson’s premier private care home offering compreTucson’s Premier Private Care Home hensive care Specializing in Memory Care services. Specializing in Memory Care and & Individual Enhancement100 percent state individual lifeLife enhancement. compliance 2016-2018. The end result is a safe and gentle living environment free of unnecessary 100% State Compliance 2016-2018 stress. Call today for a complimentary consultation. Call See ad,today page 10.for a

complimentary EG HELPING HAND SERVICES consultation:

Elaine Gerwin 520-471-5077 Text: (520) 909-9452

(520) 222-6718

Personalized assistance with everyday needs including elder care support, organizing, errands, gift shopping/ wrapping and more. Call today to learn how our services can enhance your life and make it easier to you to better concentrate on your work and family. See ad, page 25.

Call today to schedule a tour.


American shamanism helps you surrender to your connection with your guides and Divine Love. Services offered are Soul retrieval, decording, chakra clearing, past life regression and healing and removing shame from sexual abuse. Experience this gentle, loving session. See ad, page 33.

TextTucson Inquiries Editionto (520) 548-0048


Sarah Evans Individual and Group Lessons 520-661-6666 • Learn gentle therapeutic exercises to release your singing voice. We open to the etheric tone with our breath and release it as sound. This service produces relaxation and begins the journey of unveiling the voice for those who have longed to sing. Sing and be happy!


Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE COE 520-400-8109 Doctor Suzie, a Registered Nurse and Licensed Aesthetician, is certified in Oncology Esthetics and specializes in providing customized skin care treatments for all skin types and skin issues. She especially delights in educating clients about their skin and helping them identify affordable and manageable solutions for their concerns. Make an appointment and let Dr. Pear start you on the path to revealing your own kind of beautiful! See ad, page 29.


Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 • Relax and receive while you are energetically cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells), and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlSchool. com. She is a life-long, classically-trained musician, and an intuitive empath.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122

Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 13.


Debbie Shaw, Owner 520-275-4510 • Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally. See ad, page 27.

SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS CASAS ADOBES CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH An Open and Affirming Congregation of the UCC 6801 N Oracle Rd 520-297-1181 •

Everyone is welcome. Regardless of your denomination or if you have never been to a church, we invite you to worship with us. We hold Sunday Worship Services, Sunday School, monthly Taizé Services and regular Spirituality and Faith Formation sessions.


Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 • ”..a spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Celebration Service 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page1932.


520-339-2038 Metaphysical and spiritual gathering of Lightworkers for healing, enlightenment, and growth. Friday Healing Circle at noon; Sunday Service at 11am.


Learn how to live in alignment with the soul’s purpose. Free classes in Tucson offered regularly. See ad, page 15.

KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER 5326 E Pima St, 85712 520-441-1617 •

Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!

THE TEMPLE OF THE PRESENCE 11902 E Irvington Rd 520-751-2039, x100

Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.

THE TEMPLE OF UNIVERSALITY Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340

Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.

TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE SHARING (TIES) Chuck Swedrock 520-395-2365 •

Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Thursday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at Unity Church of Tucson.


Rev. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 • Affiliated with Unity School of Christianity and now in our 62nd Year serving the Tucson community. Sunday services at 10 am. See ad, page 36.


Rev Ann Marie Beale 17630 S Camino De Las Quintas Sahuarita, 85629 520-625-5687 Unity in the Valley is a joyous, open-minded congregation. Services at 10 am. Tibetan Bowl meditations every first and third Wednesday at 6 pm. A Course of Love, Mondays at 11 am. Book studies, Tuesdays at 11 am. See ad, page 27.


1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696 Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 10.

May 2018



display advertiser index


CUSTOMER PAGE 100 Women Who Care 12 A Lasting Touch Salon 25 ArtStudio 7 12 A&E Recycled Granite 17 Aging Grace 10 Alternatives in Healthcare Detox Therapy Spa 27 Arizona Vision Therapy Center 21 Armorless Body Therapies 32 Barter Tucson 15 BungoBox 8 Center for Spiritual Living Tucson 19 Claire’s Cafe 5 Clarity Financial 4 Colleen Huber 9 Don Zavis Sales Training 14 Doterra 25 EG Helping Hands 25 GE Computing & Internet 41 Gourmet Girls Go Gluten Free! 21 Han Ling ACU. Healing Center 7 intuitive Hands Mobile Massage 33 Journey to Wellness 25 Kula Kamala Foundation & Yoga Ashram 33 Know Thyself As Soul Foundation 18 Krizman Dental 19 Loft Cinema 20 Lynne Namka 33 Medicine Wheel Dental 64 Nature’s Right 20 NorthStar Hyperbaric/Northstar Neurology 37 Pampered Skin Studio 29 Philip Stein 15 Proactive Health Solutions 3 Pur Maid 37 Santa Rita Springs 38 Stop Geo Engineering in Tucson 23 Success by Health 39 Sylvia Boyed 32 Therapeutic Intuitive Bodywork 33 Transformational Mediine 3 Tucson Feldenkrais 42 Tula Wellness 2 Unity Church of Peace 10 Unity in the Valley 27 Unity of Tucson 36 Very Special Alternatives 3 Wholistic Family Medicine 13 Winterhaven Health Center 11 Zach Saber 3


Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services

Jack Baker 520-240-6621 Being a former Marine I know what standards are and Marine Clean Windows is not only the name of my business but the standard you should expect for your windows. If your windows aren’t Marine Clean, they’re not clean!

Don’t just throw away your old computers and technology or toss it in your closet or garage. Let us clean it up and recycle it. We’ll wipe your recycled devices clean and take these off your hands. See ad, page 41.


Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 2.


DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt. CCT Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN Dr. Jo Ruddy, PHD Jody Hardy, MALPC 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 We are like-minded First! Where Your Wellness Comes healing professionals who have created a patient-focused Wishescollaborative, Everyone a Happy & Healthy environment New Year! to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3. Ÿ Breast, Upper and Full Body Scans Ÿ Preventative Screening Ÿ Identify Risk Factors Ÿ Images Interpreted by Board


Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, St 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimenopausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 2.


Nambir Singh Campbell/Prince Location Wednesdays at 8am • Thursdays at 6:30pm Ph and Text: 520-991-4154 Kundalini fusion exercises designed for these aquarian times. Blend of postures, pranic breathing, stretching, mantra and moving meditations activating and strengthening the glandular and nervous systems while developing our mental energy and intuitive awareness. Healing gong bath with large 60” creation gong.


Lydie Vagnerova, Certified HY Teacher 520-822-7397

Ÿ Primary care physician Ÿ Specialist in Endocrinology –

Thyroid, Hormone, Adrenal, and Neurotransmitter systems

Ÿ Specialist in Gastrointestinal Issues Ÿ Functional Medicine specialist Ÿ Recently awarded “Most Caring

Certified MDs

Ÿ FDA Certified Choosing to be proactive about your health today can prevent you from having to be reactive about an illness later.

Ÿ Colon Hydrotherapy

& Probiotic Reflorastation

Ÿ 20 Years Experience Ÿ Confidentiality ~ Privacy ~ Respect Ÿ Disposable Speculums Ÿ Dual Filtered, UV Purified Water Ÿ Affordable, Individual or Package Pricing Ÿ Flexible Scheduling includes Weekend Appointments Go with the flow...the road to health is paved with good intestines.



Doctor” in the nation through

Optimal functional health is not a lofty goal. It's a birth right for everyone.

Jo Ruddy, PhD Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and Metaphysical Life Coach Ÿ Specializes in releasing disease Ÿ A solution-focused approach to release unconscious patterns Ÿ Holistic/metaphysical modalities for healing mind, body, spirit Ÿ Couples reconnection & relationship empowerment Jodi Hardy, MA, Cht, LPC Psychotherapist Ÿ Specializes in working with women & children Ÿ Therapeutic & hypnotherapy modalities to create healing Ÿ Demonstrates & fosters healthy self-esteem

Tucson Edition

Hormone Yoga for is a natural alternative approach to regulate hormone imbalances and to decrease undesirable side effects of menopause, PMS, PCOS, infertility, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Helps balance metabolism, boost immunity and promote well-being.




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Contact us to learn about marketing opportunities and become a member of the Natural Awakenings community at: • 520-760-2378 May 2018


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