Diabetes-Free Prevent & Reverse It
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Building Better Bones Bounce, Leap &
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10-Year Anniversary Edition
November 2017 | Tucson Edition |
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November 2017
contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
16 WHAT CAN 100+
by Marcia Detwiler Scupin
INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY with Dr. Jeanne Anne Krizman by Michelle Bense
by Carolyn King
Bouncing, Leaping and Lunging Our Way to Bone Health by Kathleen Barnes
36 SACRED SILENCE Discover the Benefits of Quiet at a Silent Retreat by April Thompson
40 NOT YOUR GRANDMA’S STUFFING Healthy Twists on Old Favorites by Judith Fertig
natural awakenings
Ways to Focus on What Really Matters by Marlaina Donato
dvice for Parents from A Award-Winners by Randy Kambic
Seven Natural Home Remedies by Karen Becker
8 newsbriefs 1 1 healthbriefs 14 globalbriefs 18 eventbriefs 24 communityspotlight 30 artistspotlight 32 fitbody 36 healingways 38 mastersofbodywork
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40 foodieguide 44 inspiration 45 calendar 50 advertiserindex 5 1 classifieds 5 1 displayadindex 52 resourceguide
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November 2017
atural Awakenings of Tucson is 10 years old! Ten years is a long time. So much about all of us, and this magazine included, has grown and changed since 2007, but doesn’t it still feel like it was also just yesterday? I am so grateful for the support of this community for the last 10 years, and I expect to be going strong into the future, providing the Tucson area with the resources you seek and value most along your never-ending journey to eat well, live simply and be happier.
Publisher Editor-in-Chief Holly Baker Editor Michelle Bense Writers Suzie Agrillo, Michelle Bense, Dale Bruder Carolyn King, Marcia Detwiler Scupin Calendars & Layout Design Erica Mills Sales & Marketing Holly Baker To contact Natural Awakenings Tucson Edition: 4880 N Sabino Canyon Rd., Ste 12149 Tucson AZ, 85750-7010 Tucson Office Tel: 520-760-2378 Fax: 1-520-208-9797 Franchise Sales 239-530-1377
Styling & Photography by
contact us
Holly Baker, publisher
To celebrate a beautiful 10 years together, I’d like to formally invite you all (yes, you) to party in honor of the health and happiness of our Tucson community. Meet us from 1 to 4 p.m., November 12, Reid Park Rose Garden. We’re expecting a sunny day at a wonderful venue, music, healthy food, raffle prizes and great fun with friends both old and new.
While talking with a mentor of mine recently, he reminded me of the value of participating. If you’re invited, go—participate. Don’t stand on the sidelines of your life. Sure, you may be tired, not feeling your best or simply nervous to do something new or interact with new people. But imagine what could happen if you go out and participate. You could enjoy great food, great drinks, meet new people and have lots of fun. Is the alternative really a better option—staying home and eating leftovers? Will you feel good about your decision the next day? We live in a very isolated, solitary world. But we’re herd animals. People that have friends and feel a part of a larger community are happier, so don’t isolate yourself. Whether it’s a fundraiser, business event, social gathering, or, say, the Natural Awakenings Tucson 10th Anniversary Party, go and participate! Always remember: the next person you meet has the potential to change your life. As the old adage goes, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll get the same result.”
© 2017 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.
Here’s to embracing new, exciting changes and experiences, and cherishing the friends, partners and memories that have shaped us for the last 10 years. We are so grateful for each one of you. Thank you,
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• Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal (SMART) Certified Dentist • Mercury Toxicity Testing and Detox Programs • Ozone Therapy • Biocompatible Tooth Colored Fillings
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Integrative Biological submissions Jeanne Anne Krizman, D.M.D., M.P.H.
• Ozone Therapy eral & Cosmetic Dentistry HOW TO ADVERTISE • Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal orcelain Crowns and To advertise with• Natural Awakenings Mercury Toxicity Testing & ges or request a media kit, please Detox Programscontact ompatible Tooth Colored us at 520-760-2378 or email: • Treatments to Avoid Root Canals gs • Periodontal Laser Treatments actions • Laser Tooth Whitening ants Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month.
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ideas to: Holly@NaturalTucson com. Call 520-326-0082 for an appointment Deadline for editorial: the 10th Change Your Thoughts—Master Your Future 1601 N Tucson Blvd., Suite #35, Tucson, AZ 85716 of the month. • Patti Thompson, Board-Certified Nurse Practitioner and Medical Support Hypnotherapist, helps you access the power of your mind and create healthy and lasting change. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS
All calendar events must be submitted online at TUCS/Magazine-Calendar-Listings by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit
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November 2017
newsbriefs Lift Your Mood with Juliana Ashe
uliana Ashe has offered alternative therapies to relieve stress and pain for over 15 years. As a professional cosmetologist for over 20 years, the one common thread she noticed, in thousands of people who came to see her, is that most people experience pain—either psychological, emotional or physical. Ashe is an empath. She feels the pain of others, even though she herself Juliana Ashe is not going through the same situation. She has a gift, as a practitioner, for allowing light and frequency to move through her to the client, to re-balance, heal and align the body, mind and spirit. Her conscious method for clearing has been developed over 15 years of yoga and meditation practice. “To truly relax, one needs to be calm, clear and centered, in alignment with complete well-being,” says Ashe. “This is accomplished through the heart. Your heart does more than pump blood through your veins. It is the place of peace.” She assists the client in “holding” a greater vibration, using a hands-on or hands-above the body technique. Sessions last 30 minutes to one hour. Location: 4231 E. Havasu Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-639-6080 or visit
natural awakenings
Light Touch Family Chiropractic Opens in Tucson
r. Carmen Mazza, Network Chiropractor, recently opened her practice, Light Touch Family Chiropractic, in Tucson. She previously resided on the east coast, where she took care of generations of families. She utilizes Network Spinal Analysis, a gentle chiropractic healing technique, and has been working with babies, children and adults for over 20 years. “Network Spinal Analysis is proCarmen Mazza foundly powerful. As patients begin to receive care, they start to notice a change in themselves with regard to how they react to, process or recover from stressful situations,” describes Mazza. “In most cases, patients say they have greater ease and calm. They observe quicker recovery from physical stresses that were hard to recover from in the past. It is especially helpful for the release of trauma patterns that may be locked into the body-mind.” A very gentle technique, it consists of a series of light contacts with the thumb in order to unravel tension that’s been stored in the spine and muscles. As tension patterns begin to unravel, patients may experience a number of different things, including: increased range of motion; deeper respiration and awareness of breath; ease of physical or emotional symptoms; greater flexibility; inner peace; improved quality of sleep; a greater awareness of one’s body, mind or spirit; softer, healthier muscle tone; a desire to eat differently or to begin an exercise program.
Location: 4620 N. Bornite Way, Tucson. For more information, call 520-834-1722, email or visit
photo by Kollin Lockamy
30-Year Anniversary Celebration: The Yoga Connection
he Yoga Connection will be celebrating 30 years of service on November 11 and 12, offering an opening keynote and performance by Tony Redhouse, free classes, refreshments, qi boosts (for nominal fee), door prizes (to first 100 attendees) and raffles. Devotees Priscilla Potter and and newbies alike are welcome to Tony Redhouse explore what yoga has to offer at one of Tucson’s well-watered and nourished studios, which is celebrating 30 years of nonprofit service to the community. Priscilla Potter, Swami Maha-tarananda, founder and director, keeps the studio true to its philosophy of “yoga for all”, offering free classes, classes by donation, classes and workshops offered on a sliding scale and other offerings at reasonable prices. Some of their varied offerings include children’s yoga, prenatal yoga and free yoga for veterans and active service men and women. There truly is something for everyone. Not only does The Yoga Connection have free and discounted offerings, but they also provide mats, bolsters, blocks, straps and blankets for use while practicing at the studio, at no extra charge. Location: 3929 E. Pima St., Tucson. For more information, call 520-323-1222 or visit
Free Webinar on Social Media for Small Businesses
ichelle Arbore, CEO of Savvy Social Media, will present a free webinar titled “Having A Vision With Your Social Media”, at 10 a.m. eastern time, November 15. The webinar will be especially helpful for those having trouble understanding how social media can help a small business grow. “Social media is about building ‘know’, ‘like’ and ‘trust’, and allows businesses to be part of the conversation,” explains Arbore. During this webinar, attendees will learn: what social media is, why businesses don’t embrace social media, why you should engage, how to get started with social media, how to figure out which platform will work for a business, how to market to the different generations and some mustdos in order to succeed with social media. Register at “If you can’t attend, still register because there will be a recording emailed to you once the webinar is over,” says Arbore. For more information, call 585-506-6291, email or visit See ad, page 35.
Reid Park, Rose Garden E 22nd St & Country Club Rd Don’t miss out on this fun-filled celebration of Tucson’s Premier Natural Health Publication
All donations collected during the celebration will benefit 100 Women Who Care
For more details and to RSVP
November 2017
newsbriefs Loft Film Fest Returns to Loft Cinema
November Special
$250 for
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natural awakenings
he Loft Film Fest, presented by Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment and the National Endowment for the Arts, runs November 8 through 16 at The Loft Cinema. Passes and individual tickets are on sale now. Produced by the awardwinning, nonprofit Loft Cinema, Gas, Food Lodging the festival is fiercely committed to continuing its tradition of bringing world-class film festival programming to Tucson, connecting audiences with artists and celebrating the unique spirit of independent cinema. Described by Filmmaker Magazine as being “geared truly toward cinephiles of nearly every stripe,” and praised for its “phantasmagorical programming…and astute choice of guests,” the Loft Film Fest was created in 2010 as a showcase for the very best independent, foreign and classic cinema. For nine days in November, the Loft Film Fest provides an intimate and unique setting for film fans to experience handselected festival favorites from the world’s top film festivals, including Cannes and Sundance, and to meet internationallyrenowned artists from the world of independent cinema. Opening night will feature a special screening of Revenge of the Nerds with star Curtis Armstrong (“Booger”). Other filmmakers scheduled to appear include Allison Anders (Gas, Food Lodging), Frances Causey (The Long Shadow) and Oscar-nominated director Kirby Dick (The Hunting Ground). Location: 3233 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-795-0844, email or visit See ad, page 12.
Free Thanksgiving Feast at Claire’s Cafe
laire Johnson, owner of Claire’s Café, will once again host a free Thanksgiving feast the day before the holiday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., November 22. The massive community event is open to all. Claire and The “super fun” event will feature Steve Johnson all freshly-made traditional Thanksgiving foods, including gluten-free options. “Folks from all the rural communities attend for great music, great food and a great community gathering,” enthuses Johnson. They’ll be collecting money for Impact of Southern Arizona. For more information, call 520-825-2525, email or visit See ad, page 5.
Ozone Therapy for Joint Pains
hether suffering from mild joint pain or a chronic joint condition, Ozone Joint Therapy (OJT) may be the solution. Ozone therapy can fix the cause, versus just bandaging the symptom. OJT is a homeopathic/oxygen injection developed for common and chronic conditions including neck, back, knee and hip issues. Ozone therapy can also be used to release scarring. The injection consists of vitamins, nerve supporting nutrients, homeopathics, anesthetic that calms the nerves and Ozone. This mixture causes tissue and joint repairs by tightening lax structures, and repairing partially torn connective tissues and ligaments. The pain and inflammation cycle is stopped as well. This therapy is considered a non-surgical ligament reconstruction and is a permanent treatment for chronic pain. There is a 75 percent chance that chronic pain sufferers can become permanently pain-free within four to six treatments.
Treatment Comparisons OZONE CORTISONE Fixes the cause
Treats the symptoms
Strengthens bones, tendons, muscles
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Has no side-effects Dr. DeeAnn Saber is a Primary Care Physician as well as a Functional Medicine and Endocrinology specialist, at Transformational Medicine PLLC. Connect at 520-209-1755, or See ad, page 3.
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November 2017
Beauty, Sweetness and Sound
ver experienced a moment of stillness when observing something beautiful? The mind just stops and the heart softens. This could happen through viewing a piece of art, a lovely animal or a dazzling sunset. In that moment when we are absorbed by what we’re viewing, often the mind empties, emotions calm and we forget ourselves completely. A brief “vacation” from the ego/self occurs, giving us respite from our fears, doubts and daily distractions. Sound—be it music, the human voice or from nature—also has this possibility of stopping us in our tracks. As a result, the heart may open and a sweetness can be experienced as well. Long ago, Tibetan Buddhists realized that sound has tremendous potential for transforming human consciousness. They created metal alloy singing bowls, lovingly created by hand, while chanting Sanskrit mantras. They also incorporated gongs, drums, bells and more to enrich and stimulate the sound experiences offered. Being bathed in acoustic sound and vibration, by a living human playing manmade instruments, offers an opportunity to experience this beauty and sweetness. Recordings (digital or analog) can come close, but will never be the same. There is something that happens when we are physically present with each other, creating in the moment. Our hearts “meet” and our senses are activated to function at their highest purpose, which is to raise our consciousness. Danielle Dvorak is a lifelong, classically-trained musician, who is also highly trained and certified in Tibetan Sound Healing, reiki, yoga, aromatherapy, End of Life Mentoring and more. She offers group events and private sessions incorporating these modalities. Connect at 847323-9188, or See ad, page 35.
OR ON FACEBOOK: NatAwakeTucson
hose interested in a holistic, safe, effective and long-lasting way to rebuild collagen and rejuvenate skin should consider Microneedling treatments—also known as Collagen Induction Therapy. The therapy uses a collection of fine (micro) needles that penetrate the skin at varying levels, using either a roller or automatic pen to induce different benefits. There are three levels of microneedling: cosmetic, medical and surgical. With cosmetic needling, the needle barely penetrates (less than 0.5mm) into the top skin section, the epidermis, allowing skincare products to better penetrate the waterproof barrier. Medical microneedling, an office procedure requiring prescription-strength numbing, penetrates the skin between 0.5 and 3.0mm, stimulating the dermis (the skin’s support structure) to make new collagen and elastin. This treatment wakes up the skin’s dormant powers to treat acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks and lax skin. Surgical needling penetrates the skin at depths greater than 3.0mm to correct deep scars, and must be done under regional anesthesia. Both medical and surgical needling cause pinpoint bleeding, which starts a complex cascade of platelet-derived growth factors, resulting in scar-less healing and new tissue building. Just a few treatments can result in elimination of frown, lip and neck lines, minimize acne scars and rejuvenate aging hands and arms.
Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, Ph.D., LE, a nurse aesthetician specializing in holistic facial rejuvenation, offers microneedling at Pampered Skin Studio. Connect at 520-400-8109, or See ad, page 17. 12
natural awakenings
Teen Angst: What Can Be Done
eens and angst go together like peanut butter and jelly. Teens are supposed to experience angst. It’s what teaches them how to sort through experiences and feelings so that when they are older, and their brains are more fully developed, they can get through life with more ease. If that seems like a strange statement to make, think of the story of the man who found a butterfly struggling to emerge from its chrysalis. The man, thinking he was doing the butterfly a favor, helped it emerge—only to discover that because he helped, the butterfly’s wing was deformed and wasn’t able to fly. It’s in the struggle itself (or the angst) that teens develop the tools and abilities to deal with what life might throw them. But the angst for some teens has gotten out of hand. A combination of too much outside sensory input via social media, advertising, teacher and peer pressure, telling them they aren’t good enough, smart enough or ambitious enough, have created doubt in teens that is manifesting in cutting, drugs and suicide in alarming numbers. What can we do to help? One possible answer could be: nothing. Give them the space to get in touch with who they really are in a flotation tank. Flotation allows the teen to unplug from the outside world and just be. In the quiet of the tank, the teen is given the opportunity to discover for themselves some answers without the outside noise. It gives them a chance for peace within themselves that they cannot find anywhere else. Kalyn Wolf is the owner/ operator of Cloud Nine Flotation Center and has been involved in energetic healing and floating for over 30 years. Connect at 520-668-4017, or
November 2017
Paul S. Wolf/
globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Wine Worry
Mariyana M/
Glyphosate Toxin Turns Up in Wines
Monsanto’s toxic Roundup herbicide glyphosate has been found in all 10 California vintages tested, including organic wines. While glyphosate isn’t sprayed directly onto grapes because it would kill the vines, it’s often used to spray the ground in the vineyard to be absorbed via the roots. Sometimes, glyphosate drifts from conventional vineyards into nearby organic and biodynamic vineyards. Other times, the toxin remains in the soil after a conventional farm has been converted to organic; the chemical may persist onsite for more than 20 years. Glyphosate is patented as an antibiotic. Designed to kill bacteria, it harms both soils and human health, and has been cited as a human carcinogen by the World Health Organization. For glyphosate-related consumer information, search Actions at
natural awakenings
Humpback Holler Why Whales Leap High
Humpback whales are famous for their prodigious leaps from the water. A recent paper published in Marine Mammal Science proposes that breaching the surface and making a big splash serves as an acoustic telegram to communicate with far-off pods. The phenomenon may be compared to a distant drumbeat, which probably carries farther than the whales’ signature songs. Former University of Queensland marine biologist Ailbhe S. Kavanagh, Ph.D., and her colleagues observed 76 humpback groups off the coast of Australia for 200 hours between 2010 and 2011 and found that breaching is much more common when pods are at least 2.5 miles apart, with more local slapping of fins and flukes when fellow whales are nearby.
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What Can 100+ Women Accomplish? by Marcia Detwiler Scupin at the Westin La Paloma Resort. Each member has previously had the opportunity to nominate her favorite local charity for consideration. After a cash bar social hour with passed appetizers, the group settles down for a oneucson is a giving hour presentation. Three town, say those charities are drawn from a who know—those hat and three nominating bean-counters among us. members make informal, And when it comes to local super-short presentations Desha Davis giving, one nonprofit scores about their charities’ high marks for consistency and growth: missions and why they deserve this 100+ Women Who Care about Tucquarter’s big gift. A brief Q&A follows, son. It’s the “charities charity,” funnelthen an anonymous ballot. The wining about $72,000 a year into helping ner receives the kitty, which is never hometown nonprofits through a unique, below $15,000 and currently hovers at highly successful giving strategy. about $18,000. The selected charity is Never heard of 100+ Women? Not invited to share the gift’s impact with the surprising. The group keeps a fairly low women at the next meeting. profile and its first giving event was just “The community of Tucson is just two years ago, says chapter founder a giving community,” Bymers-Davis Desha Bymers-Davis, who modeled says. She adds that “as women we feel Tucson’s group after a sister chapter a the need to make a difference.” 100+ friend belonged to in Iowa. Women makes it easy to give $400 a Her friend’s enthusiasm about her year. It’s also “an opportunity to meet local group was this breathless endorse- and be around like-minded, like-hearted ment: “One hour, 100 women, $10,000. women and make positive, uplifting It was the best hour of my quarter!” women.” Designated “connectors” work Here’s how it works here: One the room, Bymers-Davis says, introduchundred-plus women come together ev- ing newcomers to the core members ery three months at a giving event held and making them feel welcomed.
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natural awakenings
After two years, the Tucson group now has 230 members. The goal, according to Bymers-Davis, is 250 members, which could translate to $25,000 quarterly. “Our first give was to Tucson Cancer Conquerors,” she says. TCC calls itself a support group dedicated to empowering cancer survivors and the communities that support them to achieve optimal wellness. The most recent gift, in the third quarter of this year, saw more than $18,000 going to the Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona. “Even the large charities are impacted by a single gift of this magnitude, Bymers-Davis says. “They didn’t budget for it and were not counting on it, so it’s impactful.” Earlier this year, in the second quarter, Care Fund, a foundation that helps families with ill children pay their home mortgage or rent, was the grateful beneficiary of $17,200. The first gift of 2017 went to the Tucson Chapter of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. Natural Awakenings is a media sponsor for 100+ Women, helping to promote the organization’s “Big Give” dates through magazine display ads. In-kind sponsors, like La Paloma Resort, and a few cash sponsors, help defray meeting room and food costs. This magazine will donate all proceeds raised at its 10th Anniversary Celebration on November 11 to 100+ Women Who Care About Tucson, says Publisher Holly Baker. The party will be held at the Rose Garden in Reid Park from 1 to 4 p.m. The event is free and there will be booths and family activities, Baker says. Those interested in learning more about these caring people can visit the 100 Who Care Alliance website (, a resource voluntarily compiled by chapter leaders for existing and future chapter leaders of the various 100 Women Who Care, 100 Men Who Care, 100 People Who Care and 100 Kids Who Care groups. There are currently more than 525 chapters making a huge impact in local communities like Tucson and throughout the world. For more information, visit See ad, page 10. Connect with local writer/editor Marcia Detwiler Scupin, whose specialty is writing about spiritual empowerment, at
Celebrating 10 Years of Healthy Living in Tucson
Styling & Photography by
by Marcia Detwiler Scupin
en years ago last month, Natural Awakenings came to town. And it was time—it was so time for Tucson to have its own magazine focused on healthy lifestyles and a green, vibrant planet, trumpeting a warm invitation for readers to “feel good, live simply and laugh more”. The magazine arrived in the form of Holly Baker, our beloved publisher and editorin-chief. Fleeing a corporate job in Kansas City and pursuHolly Baker ing a new life in the Sonoran Desert, Baker came here to run a business, which she had never done, to a city where she did not know a single soul. “I don’t think my story has ever been told,” Baker says. “But I am so grateful to the natural healers who have helped me stay well.” Baker says she came here because of health issues hallmarked by gluten sensitivities, chronic fatigue and achiness. Over the years, her health puzzle resolved into an underlying picture of dealing with the Epstein-Barr virus. “Alternative therapies such as various detoxifying treatments, bodywork and sound therapy plus dietary changes, have helped me feel good—helped me run the magazine.” Baker says she also hears many healing stories through her leadership role. For example, she tells of the wife who read a NA story about “manopause”, the hormonal change affecting aging men, and recognized her husband in it. After he opted to try a course of testosterone, that story’s signpost “changed her marriage” and her husband is now “a different person”. A circle of healing emerges. Baker comes here to feel better and run a publishing franchise, and the franchise brings her into contact with alternative therapies. These naturalhealing practitioners and businesses that support the magazine through advertising enjoy being promoted through thoughtful feature stories. People read the stories and learn about ways to improve their lives and help Mother Earth, and it’s all good. “There are a lot of gratitudes in my story,” Baker says. “Over the past 10 years, so many people have provided services to me and to our community. The healing community has supported us for 10 years and we have many loyal readers. I am grateful.” Connect with local writer/editor Marcia Detwiler Scupin, whose specialty is writing about spiritual empowerment, at
November 2017
eventbriefs Gifts from the Gray Whales Retreat
he Gifts from the Gray Whales Retreat will take place March 16 to 22, 2018, in Baja, Mexico. There is also an option to add on the Blue Whale Tour, March 16, and/or Swim with Whale Sharks in La Paz, March 22 to 26. Join Internationally Acclaimed Animal Communicator, Linda Johns, and Whale Wisdom Expert and Dolphin Energy Healer, Anne Gordon de Barrigón, for this life-changing experience. They will help attendees to open and connect on a deep spiritual level through guided meditations and communications to receive the gifts of wisdom, love, alignment and forgiveness from the Gray Whales of San Ignacio Lagoon. “You will be immersed in the energy of joy, excitement and awe as the Gray Whales share with us their own excitement of people watching, as we watch them,” explains Johns. “It is a magical and exciting experience for both the people and the whales as our two species connect in love, trust and play.” Experience a sound healing as the powerful exhales of the whales surround us, unifying and creating a powerful healing vortex—a portal that opens, awakens and activates our hearts with a deep remembrance of being one with all. Space is limited. Confirm a space now with a deposit or pay in full. Cost: $2,595 per person (double occupancy). Single rates available. Final payment due by January 1, 2018. Register at See ad, page 14.
natural awakenings
Psychic Medium John Edward Comes to Tucson
sychic Medium John Edward will visit Tucson for a one-night-only event, at 7 p.m., January 19, at the Tucson Convention Center. Edward, the former television host of Crossing Over with John Edward, will begin the evening with an interactive question-and-answer session. He will then connect with the Other Side and give messages to the audience from family and friends who have crossed over. Edward has brought a fresh, John Edward honest and thought provoking attitude to the world of psychic phenomena. As a medium, author and lecturer, he has, over the last three decades, helped thousands with his uncanny ability to predict future events and communicate with those who have crossed over to the Other Side. Deeply compelling, often startling and occasionally humorous, his down-to-earth approach has earned him a vast and loyal following. In 2000, Edward pioneered the psychic phenomena genre with the television program Crossing Over with John Edward on the Syfy network. It was the first television show syndicated worldwide devoted to psychic mediumship, and it would go on to run for four seasons. He followed up that success with another television program, John Edward Cross Country, which debuted on the WE network in 2006 and ran for three seasons. Tickets are on sale now. Location: 260 S. Church Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 1-866-448-7849 or visit and See ad, page 23.
Pain Management with No Drugs or Chemicals by CJ Walker Someone with knee pain, for instance, can place the patches around that area for quick relief. For pain throughout the body, there are different placement options that produce equally effective results. With its nondrug, non-addictive approach, IceWave truly stands apart from other pain management products on the market today.
How Phototherapy Patches Work The body emits heat in the form of infrared light. The patches are designed to trap this infrared light when placed on the body, which causes them to reflect particular wavelengths of light. This process stimulates specific points on the skin that signal the body to produce health benefits unique to each LifeWave patch. What makes one LifeWave patch different from another? Each patch is exclusively designed to reflect particular wavelengths of light that stimulate specific points on the skin. This enables each patch to provide unique health benefits. No drugs or chemicals enter the body. LifeWave also offers Energy patches, Sleep patches, Glutathione and Carnosine patches for anti-aging protocol, as well as the newest groundbreaking patch for anxiety, called Nirvana. LifeWave is a company that promotes good health and well-being. It also offers amazing nutritional supplements and a wonderfully effective, natural skin care line. All products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
What is Phototherapy? The science of phototherapy, which has been around for about 100 years, uses light to improve the health of the body. And modern forms of phototherapy such as hronic pain, alone, affects 1.5 billion people around the world, Low Level Laser Therapy, which helps reduce wrinkles in the skin, are very leading to billions of dollars in healthcare costs and lost work produc- well understood scientifically. But this idea is nothing new. As far back as tivity each year. When used as part of CJ Walker is successful busi2,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks had a healthy lifestyle, IceWave is a safe, ness owner, author, energy a center for studying the effects of differpowerful and affordable solution with healer and an independent ent colored lights on the body. Even the no drugs, chemicals or stimulants. LifeWave distributor. IceWave, a type of phototherapy patch ancient Egyptians, who promoted health Connect at 520-444-7525 from LifeWave, is specifically designed by focusing sunlight through colored or glass on certain areas of the body, unto provide relief at the source of disSee ad, page 8. derstood this concept. comfort.
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November 2017
Five Numbers to Make or Break Retirement
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by Anne Ramirez
n the seemingly complex world of retirement, there are important numbers we should be aware of that could make or break our overall retirement savings. A recent USA Today article highlights 10 numbers that could make or break our retirement. Here we outline our top five. 41 percent. This is a surprising statistic that reveals the percentage of workers (or four in 10) who say they (or their spouse) have tried to calculate how much money they should have saved to live comfortably in retirement, according to a March 2017 Employee Benefit Research Institute’s Retirement Confidence Survey. That’s a relatively low number, given a good rule of thumb is to plan to have 10 times or more of your final salary in savings for retirement. 50. This represents the age at which you can make catch-up contributions to your retirement savings. The benefit of blowing out the candles on your 50th birthday is the ability to increase the amount you save in retirement accounts to the tune of $6,000 additional a year into a 401(k) or an extra $1,000 into an IRA. 8 percent. It may seem like a small number, but it could mean big savings for older workers who delay taking Social Security benefits beyond their full retirement age (around 66). Those who delay taking their benefits could increase their overall earnings by an additional eight percent each year until the full retirement age of 67. $1,360. This number reflects the average Social Security benefit of approximately 41 million retired workers. It is important to understand that Social Security benefits vary by amount of time worked and the age when you enroll. 4 percent. On average, this is the recommended maximum percentage of assets we should plan to withdraw the first year of retirement. This is a general rule of thumb to ensure the nest egg you’ve worked hard to prepare will last for at least 30 years into the future. For example, if you’ve saved $1 million, you would plan to withdraw no more than $40,000 (or four percent) that first year. Then to help keep pace with inflation, you could increase that initial dollar amount by the inflation rate each year. For questions or concerns about your retirement plan, call Anne Ramirez, an Investment Manager at Clarity Financial, in Tucson, to schedule a time to meet. Connect at 520-955-2495, or See ad, page 4.
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Help Pass the Patriot Clinic Initiative
aws have been passed in Oklahoma (June 2014) and Texas (May 2017) to establish Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) as standard of care treatment for military veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) spectrum conditions. A nationwide grassroots movement is in effect to establish Patriot Clinics to provide this care, which focuses on non-medication based healing (nutrient optimization, acupuncture, neurobiofeedback and more). There is an effort in Arizona to present a bill in January 2018 to senators and representatives during their active legislative session. Several parallel efforts, many through Healing Arizona Veterans, are also highlighted below. Education. An updated newsletter is in process to help educate regarding diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Carol Henricks, Medical Director for Healing Arizona Veterans, is available to do presentations. Fundraising. Healing Arizona Veterans have a fundraising initiative to treat a group of 100 veterans, record their results and provide the information to the state of Arizona. Establishing Patriot Clinics. Using HBOT for TBI-PTSD is a new approach in the U.S. When a law is passed, it is important to have treatment facilities available for the veterans who need treated. Currently, there are two, six-person chambers available in Arizona to treat veterans. A comprehensive clinic needs HBOT and the ability to provide all therapies. Legal Struggles. It’s important to have people working with the legal system and helping “bad-paper veterans”—those veterans with TBI-PTSD who have been in legal trouble. Homeless Veterans. Working with homeless veterans and Veterans on Patrol initiative. TBI-PTSD leads to homelessness. Suicide Help. Bringing suicidal veterans into the Patriot Clinics for urgent care. Many efforts have been ongoing since 2004. Those interested in working toward this cause are urged to contact your legislators to support the passage of the Patriot Clinic bill, and visit and Connect with Dr. Carol L. Henricks at 520-229-1238, or For more information, visit PatriotClinicMovement. org and See ad, page 13.
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November 2017
Models of Masculine Fullness
and accuracy, both inner and outer psychological and physical control, are the Warrior’s Dharma. The Warrior-Magician enables a man to achieve mastery and control over himself and his weapons, allowing him to channel and direct power to accomplish goals. The Warrior-Lover energy enables a sense of connectedness with all things. The Lover is the masculine energy that brings the Warrior back into relatedness with human beings, in all their frailty and vulnerability. Experience and perspective shows the Warrior when to step back, to accept the outcome, to lay down his weapon.
The Magician
The Magician energy, ever-present through the ages, is alive and afoot in by Dale Bruder the inventor, artist, scientist and technician of our modern civilization. We man in his fullness is expressing The body and the mind is the first king- are in the age of the technical Magibeneficial energy as a stabilizer, dom. Choose a principled way encom- cian. All knowledge that takes special passing both physical and mental disci- training to acquire is the province of an activator, a clarifier and a plines. Next is to inspire others to act, unifier. As a man moves through his the Magician energy. Technical and path of life, his experiences, endeavors bless with support and encouragement scientific schools, trade unions and while maintaining personal orderliness. professional associations manage the and happenstance are the landscape Becoming a good King includes being where he fulfills his male destiny. In imparting of codified knowledge and a good Warrior, Magician and Lover. his fullness he is just, disciplined, certification processes—the phases of focused and harmonious. Every man developing a Magician’s secret knowlhas the powers of the King, Warrior, edge and ritual initiation into an order. The Warrior Magician and Lover in their DNA. The Magician in his fullness is The Warrior in his fullness is chivalAdventuring through life, he calls up highly aware and insightful, he sees rous, the code of conduct exemplified out of his Jungian “unconscious” one what is and perceives what is coming. in medieval times when an armored or a combination of archetypical ways Always observing, integrating, the Maman on a horse was unstoppable. to act in every situation. Realistic male Warrior energy is universally present gician alone does not have the capacity greatness in adult life comes when the in men and in the civilizations men to act because his power is to clarify proper relationship to the King, Warthe means and matters of a situation, create, defend and expand. Courage rior, Lover and Magician archetypes are and stamina are their stalwarts. Warrior identifying and intuiting an outcome. at his call. The combination of Warrior-Magician traditions are found in every culture. is required to manifest actions. Zoroastrian, Hebrew, Greek, Persian, The King Roman and Japanese warriors conIn his fullness, the King serves other quered and, as Warrior-Kings, stabiThe Lover human beings as a vehicle bringing lized peoples, built principled civiliza- The Lover’s masculine energy channels stability and generative order into the tions, ethical systems and established the divine life force into the profane world. History notes numerous Sacred personal morality. world of matter and of human life. The Kings ruling over people, creating law To be a Warrior in his fullness, ac- result of this union of the human and and establishing vested systems that knowledge strength and instinct. Men the divine, of the world and God is continue to exist to this day, thousands are naturally strong and aggressive. always creative and energizing. From of years later. A man choosing to be Human beings are governed by the the union, new life and new forms, beneficial, to use his gifts for good, same instincts that govern the feelings new combinations of opportunities and exemplifies the King. and behaviors of animals. To hone the possibilities are born. Warrior amounts to a total way of life To move through the world as a There are many living expressions mastering strength, instinct and chivKing in his fullness, first bring orderliof the Lover. Ancient Greeks spoke ness to life before commanding others. alry. Clarity of thinking, skill, power of agape, what the bible calls broth-
natural awakenings
erly love. Eros is both the narrow sense of sexual love and the wider sense as uniting and bonding of all things, what the Bahia call “inherent vitality”, and the Romans, amor—the complete union of one body and soul with another body and soul. These forms and their variations are the living expression of the Lover energy in human life. To be in the fullness of the Lover is to embrace oneself without shame, to feel empathy and compassion. Lovers
are playful, having an aesthetic consciousness where all life is art and evokes subtly nuanced feelings. The Lover-Magician is an artist composing or rendering sensual beauty into new forms with Lover-Warrior energy. Masculinity channeled through King Warrior Magician Lover fullness creates, protects, adds to and nurtures the world. Being powerful is the male prerogative. Though the ancient rites of passage from boy to man have been
usurped in the modern age, it continues to be possible for a man to pass through the gauntlet and rise up fully developed. The journey is arduous, fraught with dangers and pitfalls. Start now, and someday he will realize his fullness. Images courtesy Alexandra Genetti The Wheel of Change Tarot deck. Dale Bruder is a freelance writer interested in creative people, social and cultural movements and applications of ancient esoteric knowledge. He continually embraces the King Warrior Magician Lover archetypes on his life path. Connect at 520-331-1956 or
Crossing Over with
John Edward Live in Arizona! January 19th Tucson Convention Center
January 20th Phoenix Airport Marriott
For Tickets and More Information, Go to
*Reading not guaranteed
November 2017
Krizman says. “It’s a beneficial addition to our dental practice and the treatment of dental disease. Ozone stimulates the body’s natural immunity while promoting optimal circulation for healing,” she explains. “We use it for the treatment of cavities, periodontal disease, extractions, to aid with healing or pain and for keeping our dental lines clean.” Krizman explains, “In dental units, the water is in a self-contained system. Over time, a bacterial-rich, slime-like by Michelle Bense layer can build up in the dental lines. In order to prevent the bacterial buildup in dental unit water lines, offices will put chemicals in their water. That bacteria may become resistant to the chemicals, and harsher chemicals are used to kill the bacteria.” In contrast, Krizman uses ozone water in her water lines, helping keep that bacterial load down. s an integrausing artificial ingre New patients’ exams at Krizman tive biological dients and colorings Dental last an hour and a half—far from dentist and that can be absorbed the typical new patient exam. Patients a board-certified through the mouth. A who fear dental work are offered (at no Integrative Medical calcium carbonatecharge) essential oils, Buzzies (vibratDoctor, Dr. Jeanne based toothpaste and ing wrist bands to decrease stress) or Anne Krizman incorozone trays are used porates “the best of to re-mineralize mini- the NuCalm System. Digital x-rays are mal decay. Several air taken with a shield that protects an adboth worlds—mainfilters maintain healthy ditional 20 percent radiation. If a 3D CT stream dentistry with scan is needed, it is done with the latest air quality, meaning a whole-body, alternatechnology of the VaTech Green CT that the air smells tive approach”. At her Machine, which reduces radiation by fresh—not like the centrally located practypical medical office. nearly 50 percent. After x-rays, patients tice, Krizman Dental: “Instead of us- are offered a homeopathic for radiation Integrative Biological detox. Intra-oral photos are also taken of ing ibuprofen, which Dentistry, Krizman is toxic to the liver and the patient’s teeth and are reviewed on does “everything that a monitor with the patient. a general dentist does but more—with a kidneys, we use homeopathics such as “It’s important to me to build a relaarnica and hypericum for pain relief. healthy twist.” tionship of trust with patients, so I try to One of the few biological dentists in We try to avoid using anesthetics with preservatives and epinephrine, because educate the patients about why I am recArizona accredited through the Internaommending specific dental work through patients will be able to detox it easier. tional Association of Oral Medicine and the photographs. Technology has made Also, it is better not to use an anesToxicology, Krizman is emphatic about patient education much better,” says Krizcontinuing education. She works tireless- thetic with epinephrine during surgery, man. Patients are offered blood work-ups because it constricts blood flow to the ly to keep the office up to date, going to for evaluation of their essential elements, surgery site,” explains Krizman. continuing education classes and bringevaluation of kidney and liver function, Beginning in early 2014, Krizman ing in new technologies and methods. and the amount of mercury burden. Dental was a small office with only At the mercury-safe and fluoride The practice offers services for one chair, when she “just opened the free practice, nearly every dental patients with deep pockets (periodontal doors”. Other alternative practitioners material seems to have a healthier disease) with ozone treatments and irritwist. White fillings are free of resin and helped the practice grow by referring gation with a wheatgrass sweet almond patients to her, and within a year, KrizBis-GMA. Crowns are all porcelain to avoid changing the natural electronega- man, had outgrown the office. She now oil blend/rinse. They use probiotics has five rooms where she sees patients, specifically for the mouth in deep pocktive currents of the body (which may ets to help reestablish good bacteria. with the help of seven employees. affect the immune system). MouthThrough the use of a microscope con The practice uses ozone water and washes don’t include alcohol, and are nected to a monitor, patients are eduozone gas. Ozone is 3,000 times more mostly essential oil-based. Teeth are powerful than one molecule of chlorine, cated on the good and bad bacteria that polished with plain pumice to avoid
Ever Evolving, Integrative Biological Dentistry
with Dr. Jeanne Anne Krizman
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Mercury Amalgam Removal
Currently living in Charlotte, Michelle Bense is a freelance editor and writer for Natural Awakenings magazines throughout the country. Connect at
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they experience any adverse reactions.” Krizman has her certification for SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) removal. She is ever mindful of the safety of her patients and employees, both during and after the mercury removal. “We wear Tyvek booties, headgear and gas masks, and we have windows open for fresh air filtration,” explains Krizman. “The patient’s face and body is completely covered for protection, we use a rubber dam to isolate the tooth with the mercury filling Mercury Amalgam Removal Homethe Atmosphere from rest of the mouth. We use a Nutritious “Home Cooked” Meals mercury ionizer, and a carbon air filter they have in their mouth. A patient with Sunny, Happy, Healthy Home provides suction of dangerous fumes at periodontal disease can monitor how Health & Happiness the patient’s face.” their bacteria associated with periodon- Outdoor Walking Path Exercise Mercury and liver detoxification Program tal disease decreases as they improve Sun Basking /are Gardening protocols available as well. Chronic, their home care and complete the office low-grade exposure to mercury affects hygiene protocols. Social Activities people in different ways, and some Musical Programs Krizman Dental is also the only Online Activities & Games a detox. Krizman need to go through biological practice in Tucson that perdoes blood testing in the office and can TCC / Sabino Canyon / Foothills forms extractions of root canal teeth with Park / Recreation Center check mercury levels Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrinogen (L- Hospital / Religious Services related to dental care as well as the foods patients are PRF). In this procedure, she takes blood eating. “The best thing about having a from the patient and spins the blood to biologic practice, for me, is I can do separate the red and white blood cells. the mainstream procedures with the She then places the L-PRF back into the extraction site. These cells contain all our addition of integrative techniques. Any dentist can take a mercury filling out, proteins and amino acids that are really but not every dentist does tests to see important for rebuilding the tissue and mercury levels and helps the patient the bone. “They heal twice as fast and my patients typically report at their one- detox,” she enthuses. Krizman, a world-ranked athlete, week post-operative visit that they had collegiate golfer and professional Ironlittle to no pain in recovery,” she says. man racer, posits that her athletic suc Krizman’s patients are especially cesses have helped her become a better pleased to have the option to take home dentist. “Athletes are perfectionists and samples of materials to test. “We do extremely hard working. I’m a perfecbiocompatibility testing (bloodwork) tionist and I care about the well-being to see if they have an allergic reaction of my patients. That’s what people to certain dental products. It’s not 100Call today to schedule a tour. want in their health care.” percent accurate, so we provide patients with material that they can suck on like a lozenge or tape on their wrist to see if Krizman Dental is a fee-for-service office, but does provide patients with dental insurance claim forms to turn into insurance companies. They offer payment plans and care credit. Location: 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Ste. 35, Tucson. Connect with Dr. Krizman at 520-3260082, or See ad, page 7.
Connect with our online community at
November 2017
Preventing, Reversing and Managing Diabetes Naturally by Linda Sechrist
ore health practitioners today are recognizing both the mind-body connection, as well as energetic and metaphysical insights into preventing and reversing illnesses. As a result, those facing diabetes and other health challenges are accessing contemporary resources such as Louise L. Hay’s explanation of the emotional roots of disease in You Can Heal Your Life, and the medical science and natural methods explained by health researcher and author Gary Null, Ph.D., in No More Diabetes: A Complete Guide to Preventing, Treating, and Overcoming Diabetes. Applying a “both” rather than an “either” approach illuminates the importance of recognizing the ways our thoughts, emotions and lifestyle choices can impact chronic illness and long-term health.
Two Perspectives
Hay suggests that this metabolic disorder may be rooted in a feeling of being deprived of life’s sweetness and longing for what might have been, accompanied by a great need to control deep sorrow. Such chronic unease can show up as Type 1, or insulin-dependent, diabetes; Type 2, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes; latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), a slowly progressing variation of Type 1; or gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy.
natural awakenings
Eavesdropping on our repetitive inner mind chatter and observing its impact on outer experiences can reveal faulty thinking that disrupts the mindbody connection. Hay, a firm believer in the power of affirmations to send a message to the subconscious mind, recommends them to aid healing. For diabetes, she suggests, “This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.” Null cites medical evidence that explains how the physical causes of diabetes are related to the pancreatic production of the hormone insulin and the body’s use of it, together with rollercoaster blood sugar levels determined by food selections, stress, sleeplessness, insufficient rest and lack of exercise. His approach for preventing, reversing or managing this debilitating condition is to raise awareness of the physical, behavioral and mental causes that lead to its emergence, and making healthy lifestyle choices that regulate blood sugar levels.
meals, normal levels are 70 to 99 mg/dl; otherwise, 100 to 125. Consistent readings above 126 indicate that lifestyle changes are needed to avoid eventual progression into full Type 2 diabetes. When there’s an inability to efficiently transport glucose from the blood into cells, cells don’t receive the energy they need to function properly. “Elevated glucose levels contribute to blood vessel damage, high blood pressure and inflammation among other issues. High glucose causes insulin levels to spike in an effort to draw the glucose into cells. This stresses the pancreas and causes a sugar crash, called hypoglycemia, which can lead individuals to make impulsive, poor food choices,” advises Marcy Kirshenbaum, a board-certified clinical nutritionist and owner of Enhance Nutrition, in Northbrook, Illinois. She notes, “Elevated sugar and insulin levels raise triglycerides, a fat that circulates in the blood, and cholesterol, specifically the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels. Triglycerides and cholesterol are important measures of heart health. Triglyceride levels of 150 mg/dl in fasting blood is a risk factor for a stroke or heart attack.”
from a doctor-ordered routine blood test such as the A1C glycated hemoglobin procedure, which reads blood sugar levels over a three-month period,” advises Dr. Nancy Iankowitz, a board-certified family nurse practitioner and founding director of Holistic and Integrative Healing, in Holmes, New York. Individuals that consume large amounts of simple carbohydrates and sugars, are overweight or are exceedingly sedentary and eat unhealthy processed foods, have a higher risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. Iankowitz’s effective, patientcentered practice follows a practical, four-month healing plan that includes tracking foods, moods, blood pressure, sleeping habits and exercise, all necessary to manage or reverse Type 2 diabetes.
Effective Diet Choices
Making the highest-impact food choices is critical in the earliest stages of diabetes. That’s why nutritionist and holistic integrative health practitioner Naturally Control Saskia Kleinert, an independent practitioner who also serves as director of the Blood Sugar Emeryville Health & Wellness Center, Glucose, the human body’s key source in California, helps patients integrate of cellular energy, is the end prodEarly Heads-Up dietary changes into everyday life. uct of the digestive system breaking According to the American Diabetes “Patient education includes the down carbohydrates, proteins and fats Association, 8.1 million of the 29.1 milnecessity of eating low-glycemic index for absorption in the intestines. From lion individuals diagnosed with diabetes foods and reducing blood glucose there, it passes into the bloodstream. were previously unaware of any early levels, while increasing healthy fats with Glucose also supplies energy for the symptoms such as dry mouth, excessive nuts, avocado and olive oil,” advises brain. Normal blood glucose levels vary thirst, frequent urination, constant hunKleinert. She notes that antioxidant-rich throughout the day. For healthy indiger (even after meals), unusual weight plant foods are another key component viduals, a fasting blood sugar level upon gain or loss and lack of energy. “Many of an effective dietary plan for all age awakening is less than 100 milligrams individuals only learn of their condition groups. (mg) per deciliter (dl) of blood. Before
2831 E. Broadway Blvd. 520.325.0359 Hours: Tues, Thurs, Sat 10am-6pm
November 2017
Strengthen Your Wood Energy For A Fulfilling Life
hen Sandra, in her forties, wakes up in the morning she feels a little sad and empty. “Another same old day,” she says to herself. As the day goes by her sadness diminishes, however, her feeling of boredom remains. Countless people feel the same as Sandra. They are bored and feel a lack of meaning or purpose in life. According to research, boredom is a widespread phenomenon in modern societies in developed countries, where providing people with more than enough material items and conveniences is commonplace. However, some people still have fulfilling lives in this environment. Apparently, modern societies and environments rich in entitlement do not necessarily spur Sara Yo boredom in everyone. According to Five-Element energy philosophy used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine, profoundly bored individuals are likely to be low energy people. In particular, their Wood energy is more likely to be at a low level. Wood energy is one of the five natural elements consisting of Fire, Water, Wood, Earth, and Metal. Wood energy in plants consistently guides and supports trees to expand and grow tall. This element in humans enables us to know what we want in life, gain awareness of our life path and feel hopeful and joyful. When individuals lack high levels of Wood energy, they don’t have the clear vision or goals in their lives. They often believe life is hopeless, and as a result, feel bored, lonely, and anxious. Some people are lucky to be born with high Wood energy. Even at a young age, they knew exactly what they wanted in life. Their natural high Wood energy helps them live life with purpose and ultimately achieve higher satisfaction. However, in the absence of luck being granted to us by the birth lottery, we still have ways to elevate our Wood energy levels. For example, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and fast-paced walks in the woods may be helpful in enhancing our Wood energy. Dr. Hannah Hershoff, M.D. and Ph.D., recently studied a way to improve Wood energy. She found that meditating with Sara Yo healing jewelry could create a hopeful feeling and reduce boredom. For more information, visit
natural awakenings
The role of exercise is also vital for those needing to reverse pre-diabetes or managing diabetes aided by insulin injections. “Exercise increases the muscle cell’s demand for glucose, moving it out of the blood into muscle cells that use it as fuel, and so lowering insulin levels,” explains Jamie Coughlan, a naturopathic doctor who practices in Pleasanton and Pleasant Hill, California. Dr. Angelo Baccellieri, owner of Westchester Wellness Medicine, in Harrison, New York, introduces patients to intermittent fasting, an eating pattern that helps treat insulin resistance and control blood sugar. “The concept is predicated on going 14 to 16 hours without food, replicating how our primitive ancestors ate. They feasted when food was available and fasted during famines, sometimes going several days without eating,” advises Baccellieri, who notes that intermittent fasting can be done one day a week. “Our biochemistry actually does very well with this approach, which isn’t hard to do when your last meal is at 7 p.m. and you skip breakfast and delay lunch the next day until 1 p.m. You can drink water with lemon, teas and black coffee throughout. By 1 p.m., the body has been 18 hours without protein and carbohydrates, allowing insulin levels to remain at a low level. Excess insulin from too much sugar shifts the body into a storage mode. Having no sugar stores available, the body can then switch into a ketogenic state that allows the body to burn fat for fuel,” explains Baccellieri. Herbs such as turmeric reduce inflammation. Berberine can help cells use glucose efficiently. Supplements such as vitamin C, B-complex, resveratrol and pycnogenol (pine bark extract) can raise antioxidant levels, in which most prediabetic and diabetic individuals are deficient, according to a study published in PubMed. Cautious health professionals tailor supplement recommendations to each patient.
Helpful Weight Loss
In The Diabetes Breakthrough, based on a scientifically tested way to reverse diabetes through weight loss, Dr. Osama Hamdy and Sheri R. Colberg, Ph.D., explain a home-based version of the 12-week Why WAIT (Weight Achievement and Intensive Treatment) program offered at the Joslin Diabetes Center, affiliated with Harvard Medical School, in Boston. WAIT allows participants to reach their weight and blood glucose goals, along with improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and liver and kidney function. The program’s success is due to doable increases in exercising that put greater emphasis on strengthening muscles; effective ways to change bad habits; successful portion control; healthy alternatives to favorite foods; carbohydrate counting; and meals composed of the right balance of complex carbohydrates and antioxidant-rich plant foods, protein and fat, all to achieve optimum body weight and diabetes control.
No Quick Fix
Restoration of health begins with the most important lifestyle changes. n Replace processed and sugary foods in meals and snacks with nutrient-dense, whole foods.
n Determine possible food sensitivities with an elimination diet. n Eat some protein with every meal. n Eliminate environmental toxins. Oleksandra Naumenko/
n Perform some form of cardiovascular exercise and resistance training at least three to five times a week. n Add stress-relieving practices such as yoga, tai chi or qigong. According to Hamdy, “On average, diabetes has the potential to rob you of more than 12 years of life, while dramatically reducing the quality of life for more than 20 years through chronic pain, loss of mobility, blindness, chronic dialysis and heart disease.” Such serious consequences also include stroke, hearing impairment and Alzheimer’s, he adds. All provide good reasons to live responsibly every day, cherishing longterm goals of laying claim to the best possible health. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at
Nourishing myself is a joyful experience, and I am worth the time spent on my healing. ~Louise L. Hay
November 2017
Artwork by Mel Dominguez
Walking Each Other Home: Creativity & Community by Carolyn King
f many passionate women committed to serving community through love, hope, faith and devotion to the power of creative collaboration, local artist Mel Dominguez’s life and story shine with a special light. I met Dominguez 10 years ago when she had been in Tucson for only a short time. Her brightly painted, lively work that seemed influenced by contemporary street art and the re-emerging mural traditions of urban America were impressive. Dominguez, like her artwork, was a fresh combination of fun, tough, political and energetic. In the decade since our paths first crossed, I have watched as her life and work have expanded in ever-widening circles of community-based service. As Natural Awakenings celebrates a 10year anniversary in Tucson, it feels fitting to introduce Dominguez to those community members who may be unaware of the uplifting spirit she has unfolded over the past 10 years in Tucson.
What brought you to the path of being an artist? I always liked to draw. Even as a little kid as young as 3 years old, drawing was a special kind of thing for me. I grew up in my grandfather’s house. I am the first of four children and didn’t have any siblings for my first six years. I remember clearly watching cartoons and laughing with my grandfather. I understood way back then that visual art was a powerful way to communicate. Laughing and sharing cartoons with my grandfather showed me that age makes no difference when it comes to images and art. It was important to me to engage with my elders when I was a little girl. Drawing was a way I found to be able to do that. Later, as an elementary school student, art became my way to being accepted. I was “different” growing up. I was a total nerd and an outcast on several levels. In those days, I was probably one of only three or so kids in my entire school who were dealing with gender identity issues. Back then, there was no
natural awakenings
support or even any clear ways to talk about this reality. Art helped me to be accepted by others and gave me a way to stay connected. In your life today, you have been actively engaged in many community collaborations. Can you talk about how your creative path unfolded in this direction? I grew up in East Los Angeles, living with a large, extended family. Feeling connections between us all evolved naturally in that situation. This doesn’t mean family life was without its challenges, though. In 2001, I applied for and received an internship position from The Getty Museum of Art to work at Self-Help Graphics, in Los Angeles. SHG is a grassroots Chicano arts organization founded in the early 1970s with the specific mission of providing Chicana/o and Latina/o artists a way to interpret, produce and share culture through print-making and other media. Their programs are intergenerational and multi-disciplinary and all about community engagement. SHG taught me about partnering with a wide range of organizations and the value of extending one’s sense of community to include people from many walks of life. You have worked with so many different types of organizations here in Tucson over the past 10 years. Can you share about a few of those projects? I am most grounded in my work as artist-in-residence and curator at The Tucson Tamale Company. It may seem like an unlikely public service venue, but for the past 7 years, I have met so many wonderful people and been able to outreach to a whole sector of community that might not encounter or interact with original artwork anywhere else. The Tucson Tamale Company has three locations in Tucson. In addition to sharing my own culturally-based imagery, I also invite emerging and established artists to display their original artwork for the public. Mel Dominguez
Other U. of A. related projects have included collaborative mural-making with students at the Guerro Center on campus. That project was conducted at the end of the school year last spring and served as art therapy as much as anything else. The students were stressed from the pressures of testing, term papers and finishing up a university level school year. That particular project also ended up including participants at Art Awakenings, a local organization that focuses on visual arts as tools to facilitate growth and healing for those facing emotional Can you talk briefly about some of your and/or mental health challenges. Tucson-based community projects? I have been so honored to be part of On that note, you have spoken about a several projects ranging in focus from chronic health issue you live with. Can social justice to environmental concerns you speak about how art-making and through the University of Arizona, John creative practice serve you, personally, Valenzuela Youth Center, Safos Dance as tools for your own healing? Theater, Tucson Clean & Beautiful, and Making art helps me to re-focus my several elementary schools. Several years attention so I can “forget” about my ago, I was a “fellow” with a group of ongoing illness. I live with daily physiother artists, at the Biosphere on a projcal discomfort and pain, but making art ect aimed to help interpret the vision of shifts my attention. I came from a family the work the scientists were doing. with a lot of dysfunction, so painting also helps me to dwell less on feeling the pain of being so separate from family members. My dad had not been part of my life for decades since he left when I was 9 years old, as he had been deported to Mexico. This past summer, I had the amazing experience of sharing an exhibit that included some of my work with him in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. I can barely put into words how the healing felt in that situation.
Left: Amnesty; Center: Kitty Cat; Right: DOD by Mel Dominguez
Have other projects evolved from your Tucson Tamale presence? Absolutely. One thread I am especially in awe of is with a couple from Minnesota who live here as winter visitors. They are postcard collectors who saw my work at Tucson Tamale, where they also purchased some of my postcards initially. Later, they asked to visit my studio where they purchased a larger work. This friendship eventually led to me being invited to participate in three years of Visiting Artist and Artist-in-Residence programs in Minnesota. The last residency was a month-long project through a service organization created by the heirs to the Quaker Puffed Wheat Company. The Anderson Center Tower View Foundation is dedicated to community enrichment and support for individual artists.
Can you encapsulate how you see your life and work as being both of service and healing for the larger community? Really, I am simply trying to live as much as possible while giving back as much as I receive. Visual art is such a profound, direct form of communication. When I partner with projects like a conference at ASU about the forensics related to border issues, for example, my role is to add voice to important community concerns through the accessible language of imagery. We are all interconnected and because of that, we all have a need to feel the “how” and “why” of what we share. I am playing my part whenever and however I can, for the greater good. Connect with Mel Dominguez at or Carolyn King, M.A. Arts & Consciousness, has worked as a studio artist and as a teaching-artist for over 30 years both in the U.S. and Mexico. She recently launched Heart to Hand Studio in Tucson, where she offers classes and workshops in a variety of visual arts media for children, teens and adults. Connect at or
November 2017
ESB Professional/
BUILDING BETTER BONES Bouncing, Leaping and Lunging Our Way to Bone Health by Kathleen Barnes
Success in the quest for stronger bones is possible at any age.
Start and Stay Young
“Peak bone strength is reached by the age of 30, so it’s vital for young people to engage in dynamic impact movement through their teen years and 20s,” says Sherri Betz, chair of the American Physical Therapy Association bone health group, a doctor of physical therapy and geriatric-certified specialist with a private practice in Santa Cruz, California. Engaging in sports during our youthful developing years helps build strong, wide and dense bones that will carry us well into old age, literally giving us a firmer base to stand on. It’s paramount to encourage children and young people to be physically active and for us all to continue with athletic activities throughout adulthood to preserve the bone health peak we reach at age 30.
Optimal Bone Exercises
“Adulthood is a perfectly good time to start building and improving bone fitness and health. The outcome is just a little bit less,” says Steven A. Hawkins, Ph.D., a professor of exercise science at California Lutheran University, in 32
Thousand Oaks. “Bone responds to exercise much like muscle,” explains Larry Tucker, Ph.D., professor of exercise sciences at Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah. “Bone doesn’t grow, per se, but like muscle, it does get denser and stronger according to the stresses and strains put on it.” “The key is to put a heavy load on bones to stimulate them to grow,” Hawkins notes. Standing exercises are recommended, because the bones most likely to benefit from strengthening exercise are 30 targeted leg and hip bones, says Tucker. “Surprising the bone is your best bet,” points out Betz. “Don’t do the same things over and over again at the same time, either repetitive exercises like running or weight lifting or consistent combinations; even high-intensity exercise can diminish the effects.” The most highly recommended exercises involve those that require changing directions, bouncing and leaping—from basketball to lively dances, and even some intense yoga postures. Hopping and jumping are probably the best way to strengthen bones, but must be done in
natural awakenings
the proper way, according to Tucker and others. Research by Tucker’s team published in the American Journal of Health Promotion studied the effects of jumping on hip bone density in premenopausal women. It may seem counterintuitive, but Tucker reports that most benefits are gained from jumping as high as possible, resting 30 seconds and repeating up to 10 times twice a day in intervals at least eight hours apart. “If you jump continuously, the exercise loses effectiveness pretty quickly,” he says. Those that enjoy circuit training should do something else during the 30-second rests between repetitions, Tucker advises. Because it’s the jolt of jumping that stimulates bone strength, using a mini-trampoline or another cushioning device to lessen impact on the body won’t increase bone density. Betz cautions against starting a jumping program too quickly. “Proper alignment, balance and body awareness come first,” she says. “Do 20 to 25 heel raises in a row, a full squat with good alignment and a full lunge to ready the body for a jumping program.” Such strengthening safeguards against falling and injury.
Walking Isn’t It
Walking, running, weight training and other repetitive exercises don’t improve bone density, says Hawkins. “Walk and do other repetitive exercises for cardiovascular health and general fitness. While these might help maintain current bone strength, they won’t improve bone density.” Walking reduced the risk of hip fracture by 41 percent for postmenopausal women walking four hours a week, with fewer falls due to improved strength, balance and other factors per the Journal of the American Medical Association. Numerous studies confirm that exercise of any kind keeps us healthy, but for bone health, the answer is to start weight-bearing exercises early and sustain the practice for a lifetime. Kathleen Barnes is a health writer and author of The Calcium Lie II: What Your Doctor Still Doesn’t Know, with Dr. Robert Thompson. Connect at
Bone Density 101
any factors play into preventing and treating the loss of bone density. Genetics, diet, exercise and posture are primary factors in bone strength. Treatment ranges from medications, nutrition, exercise, diet and vibration therapy. Here are a few tips to help prevent bone loss. • Exercise. Many studies have shown increased bone strength with exercise. This can be done with weights, Pilates, yoga and more. • Diet. Try a low-acidic diet, with more veggies and less starches. Avoid red meat, carbonated fluids and sugars, and keep citrus limited. • Vibration boards have shown to increase bone strength. • Posture. Keep the spine long. • Nutritionally, Hydroxy appetite has shown promise for improving bone strength. It is important to have our bone density checked. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends getting a bone density test for anyone in the following categories: women aged 65 or older; men aged 70 or older; anyone who breaks a bone after 50; women of menopausal age with risk factors; postmenopausal women under 65 with risk factors; or men age 50 to 69 with risk factors. A bone density test may also be necessary if one has any of the following: a spine X-ray showing a break or bone loss in spine; back pain with a possible break in spine; height loss of ½ inch or more within one year; or total height loss of 1½ inches from original height. Nathan S. Conlee, DC, sells Bone Builder with Boron by Metagenics— the original Hydroxy Appetite supplement. Connect at 520-322-6161 or See ad, page 37.
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November 2017
The Bone Health Diet
s a naturopathic physician, our oath is to treat the whole person, so in regard to bone health and strength, we will again look toward and support whole-person health. This means eating things that support healthy bones, such as the following foods: • Organic dairy products which contain calcium and vitamin D. • Fish, particularly canned sardines and salmon for the calcium. • Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and tuna for vitamin D (but not farm-raised). • Organic, dark, leafy vegetables for calcium and vitamin K, such as kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli and collard, turnip or mustard greens. • Spinach, beets, okra, tomatoes, artichokes, plantains, potato varieties and raisins all contain magnesium. • Peppers, oranges, grapefruits, broccoli, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, papaya and pineapples contain vitamin C. Although beans can be a good source of protein, they contain a substance called phytates. This substance interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Beans need to be soaked in water for several hours or overnight, then rinsed off and cooked in clean water to reduce the phytates. Eating foods with a lot of salt can cause the body to lose calcium, leading to bone loss. Avoiding highly processed foods as well as alcohol, caffeine and soda can help bones stay stronger as well. Dr. DeeAnn Saber is a Primary Care Physician as well as a Functional Medicine and Endocrinology specialist, at Transformational Medicine PLLC. Connect at 520-209-1755, or See ad, page 3.
natural awakenings
Tips for Overall Bone Health
steoporosis and low bone mass affected 54 percent of older adults in the U.S. in 2010, with women and non-Hispanic whites having the largest counts. Genetic factors, age, race and medication use (steroids or long-term thyroid hormone use) can have an impact on who is affected. To lessen risk of osteoporosis, eat a diet including adequate calcium and Vitamin D. Recommendations are at least 1000mg of calcium and 600-800 IU of vitamin D daily for the average adult— more for adolescent girls and postmenopausal women. Many now consider these levels low and less than optimal. Have vitamin D level checked with a healthcare provider to ascertain what dose of supplementation might be advisable. Dietary sources of calcium include dairy, fortified cereals and oatmeal, beans and legumes, almonds, dark green leafies like broccoli and bok choy and salmon and sardines with bones. Vitamin D is made in the skin from absorption of sunlight, although about 50 percent of the population is deficient. It is also present in eggs, fatty fish, cod liver oil, fortified dairy products and fortified cereals and beverages. Weight-bearing exercises and muscle strengthening exercises are important. The best activities, if tolerated, are high impact such as dancing, aerobics, hiking, jogging, jumping rope and stair climbing. Second best include low-impact weight-bearing exercises such as elliptical machine use, walking fast on a treadmill or outdoors and stair-step machines. Yoga and Pilates can improve strength, balance and flexibility. Tula Wellness offers a variety of services for women of all ages including individualized health and nutrition coaching to help keep and maintain bone mass Dr. Arianna and address osteopenia Sholesand osteoporosis. ConDouglas nect at 520-577-1129,, See ad, page 2.
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I’m just someone who likes cooking and for whom sharing food is a form of expression. ~Maya Angelou
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November 2017
SACRED SILENCE buffaloboy/
Discover the Benefits of Quiet at a Silent Retreat by April Thompson
ndividuals seeking to escape life’s ceaseless distractions, deepen their personal spiritual practice, enhance well-being and gain fresh perspective, are patronizing silent retreats in rising numbers. “Retreats are a special opportunity to enter a healing space where your natural energy, insight, intelligence and wisdom can arise,” says Linda Mary Peacock, known as Thanissara, a former Buddhist nun, cofounder of South Africa’s Dharmagiri Hermitage and Outreach and a retreat leader at the Spirit Rock Insight Meditation Center, in Woodacre, California. Sheila Russ, of Richmond, Virginia, has participated in several retreats with silent components, hosted by spiritual traditions spanning Baptist to Benedic-
tine. “People of different faiths all have the same need to reach inside and listen. If we don’t slow down and get quiet, we can’t hear what’s going on with us,” says Russ. “Spending time in contemplation is cleansing and freeing; I feel like mentally and spiritually I can breathe.”
Scientific Support
Attaining heightened well-being after a retreat may have a neurological basis, according to research from Thomas Jefferson University’s Marcus Institute of Integrative Health, in Philadelphia. Silent retreats appear to raise the brain’s levels of mood-boosting chemicals, according to Dr. Andrew Newberg, director of research there.
Newberg’s team tested the brains of retreat participants before and one week after an Ignatian-based retreat, finding significant changes in their serotonin and dopamine systems. “Whether through prayers, walks or meditations, the singleminded ritualistic aspect of retreats seems to predispose the brain for peak spiritual experience,” he observes.
What to Expect
Formats vary, but most silent retreats entail extended periods of sitting meditation or prayer, often alternating with walking meditation or other mindful movement. Some may also entail a work detail, like sweeping the meditation hall or helping prepare meals. “Work tasks help bring mindfulness into everyday life,” says Chas DiCapua, a resident teacher for the Insight Meditation Society’s flagship retreat center in Barre, Massachusetts, who has led silent retreats teaching Buddhist practices for 20 years. “The community aspect is equally important; being surrounded by people that support your spiritual practice can encourage you on what can be a lonely path.” Silence doesn’t mean being static and somber or not thinking, counsels David Harshada Wagner, of Ojai, California, whose meditation retreats draw from the Indian mystical traditions of yoga, vedanta and tantra. “Silence is more than the absence of talking; it’s a powerful energy,” says Wagner. “Silent retreats are the loudest, as the energy is roaring within. It should be a joyous practice.” Yet retreats aren’t a cakewalk. Los Angeles author and mindfulness facilitator Jennifer Howd chronicles the challenges of her first nine-day silent retreat in Joshua Tree, California, in her memoir Sit, Walk, Don’t Talk. Seven retreats later, Howd says that although the journey isn’t always easy, she always gains insights about herself and the nature of the mind.
Choosing a Retreat
Retreat leaders caution that while it’s good to jettison expectations and approach the experience with an open mind, choose a retreat that fits individual needs. The level of personal attention at retreats can vary greatly, remarks Thanissara. “Some may host 100 or more 36
natural awakenings
people, relying largely on taped instruction without much interaction with group leaders. A small group might be better for a first retreat,” she suggests. Thanissara recommends an upfront review of instructor credentials and starting with a weekend retreat before embarking on one of longer duration. Regardless of length, retreats aren’t always for everyone. “If you’re going through emotional or psychological difficulties, it’s best to discuss your circumstances with a teacher at the retreat center before deciding to attend. If you’re in therapy, talk with your therapist,” counsels DiCapua.
Retreat Back to Everyday Life Afterwards, ease back into the daily routine; don’t rush back into old patterns of media and food consumption, recommends Howd. “Try to build-in a day or two of down time. You may still be processing things emotionally.” DiCapua suggests finding a local community of a kindred practice to keep the momentum going, and not expect to keep it up as earnestly at home
The deliberate, conscientious practices of my first silent retreat made me appreciate each moment: the gifts, blessings, music, stretching, meditation, prayers and practice of stillness.
Come Home to ... Teaching The Love of God
~Unity retreat feedback
as at the retreat. Attending daylong maintenance retreats on Saturdays or Sundays can also help sustain individual practice. Above all, “Appreciate yourself for having thought to go on a retreat and follow it through,” says DiCapua. “It can be a radical thing.”
Unity of Tucson
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Connect with freelance writer April Thompson, in Washington, D.C., at
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November 2017
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by Maria Mendola
t is well known that practicing yoga can enhance a person’s physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. When yoga is practiced within a therapeutic format, it can help prevent and aid recovery from physical and mental ailments. Yoga is beneficial for health in ways that modern science is just beginning to understand. The practice of yoga, in all of its various formats, lineages and offerings, is one of the fastest growing effective therapeutic modalities across the world. Although applied with therapeutic intention for thousands of years, Yoga Therapy is only now beginning to emerge as a complementary discipline unto itself. Yoga teachers are increasingly seeking therapeutic knowledge to add to their teaching. Doctors are starting to embrace and prescribe yoga to their patients, looking at structural issues such as postural imbalance and tissue tension, as well as prescribing yoga for anxiety-based issues. Some of the improvements documented are improved brain function, lower stress levels, increased flexibility, decreased blood pressure, improved lung capacity, reduced chronic pain, anxiety relief, stronger bone and healthy weight. There is still a big gap in understanding the therapeutic guidance and specific application that can inform this exciting field, especially in how to best integrate with science and medicine. However, the International Association of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) is leading this endeavor across the World with its recent set of criteria and standards, a research arm and an official certification process for yoga teachers beginning this year. As the effects of yoga techniques are researched, data gathered and analyzed, science and medicine are beginning to understand and accept the benefits of yoga therapy. In fact, the spectrum of yoga therapy is expected to continue to grow exponentially. A Certified Yoga Therapist utilizes their specific style of yoga, overlaying this with a compendium of tools learned from a therapeutic concept aligned and approved by the IAYT. This leads to the development of a customized therapeutic treatment plan addressing the client’s needs. Each client is seen within a holistic framework, thus the approaches offered are very unique from person to person. There are also classroom yoga settings within this therapeutic approach, with specifically delineated steps to guide a group of students more generically by broader conditions—i.e. Yoga for Menopause, Back Care Yoga, Yoga for Depression. To train in a therapeutic style of yoga, see Pima Community College’s listings on page 45. Contact Maggie Romance, of Pima Community College, Workforce & Continuing Education, at 520-206-6354 or, or Patricia Hilliard, of Yoga Therapy College, at 714-443-7725. See ad, page 19.
natural awakenings
COMING IN JANUARY Shamanic Journeying is a Call from your Soul Connect with Divine Consciousness and your Guides Soul Retrieval Entity Removal Decoding Energy Block Clearing Shame Removal from Sexual or Physical Abuse Past Life Regression and Healing
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November 2017
Natural Awakenings
Lisa F. Young/
Not Your Grandma’s Stuffing Healthy Twists on Old Favorites
in gluten-free dishes that she prepares in clients’ homes. “Anything that will hold its shape and not crumble too much can work as a stuffing base,” she says. “Gluten-free, somewhat sticky grains, like short grain brown rice, Chinese black rice, millet or soft-cooked quinoa work well.” “Choose a mixture that contrasts with the texture and color of the food you’re stuffing,” advises Gauguin. “I created a stuffing that has crunchy pecans, tender black rice and chewy, dried cranberries to contrast with the creaminess of the cored squash entrée.
Healthy Holiday Stuffing Recipes Rocco DiSpirito’s Stuffing
by Judith Fertig
Yields: 8 servings
hanksgiving side dishes continue to evolve, even though traditional entrées still hold pride of place. New, lighter alternatives to time-honored stuffing maximize flavorful dried fruits, herbs and nuts. Healthy options may use gluten-free bread or black rice, cauliflower, chestnuts or pecans for flavor, bulk and color. A stuffing can also fill a halved acorn squash or cored apple. According to renowned health authority Dr. Joseph Mercola, pecans contain more than 19 vitamins and minerals, including anti-inflammatory magnesium, heart-healthy oleic acid, phenolic antioxidants and immuneboosting manganese. Erica Kannall, a registered dietitian in Spokane, Washington, and a certified health and fitness specialist with the American College of Sports Medicine, likes dried fruits because they contribute antioxidants and fiber.
Intriguing Options
Celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito, of New York City, salutes his Italian heritage
with chestnuts and embraces healthy living with millet and mushrooms in his special stuffing. His new book Rocco’s Healthy + Delicious includes healthy takes on Thanksgiving dishes such as a sugar-free cranberry sauce. Sonnet Lauberth, a certified holistic health coach, blogger and cookbook author in Seattle, created a healthy stuffing she loves. “My Grain-Free Sage and Pecan Dressing is one of my favorite dishes to bring to gatherings because it works with a variety of diets,” she says. “It’s gluten-, dairy- and grain-free, paleo and vegan. The pecans can be omitted for a nut-free version.” Riced cauliflower is the base, which is available prepackaged at some groceries, but can be made at home simply by chopping the florets into rice-kernelsize pieces. “Cauliflower is the perfect base for this recipe, as it adds a nice texture in place of bread and provides extra fiber,” she says. Laurie Gauguin, a personal chef in the San Francisco Bay area, specializes
Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible. 40
natural awakenings
1 Tbsp grapeseed oil ¼ cup millet 1 lb crimini mushrooms, sliced 1 large onion, diced 3 stalks celery, diced 1 medium carrot, diced 4 chestnuts, chopped 1 Tbsp fresh sage, chopped 1½ Tbsp poultry seasoning 3 scoops Rocco’s Protein Powder Plus (check 2 egg whites 1¾ cups low sodium chicken or vegetable stock Kosher or sea salt and freshly ground pepper Place grapeseed oil in a 12-inch cast iron pan; place the pan in the oven and preheat oven to 425˚ F. Cook a quarter-cup millet in a small saucepan on the stovetop according to package instructions. When millet is cooked through, transfer it to a large mixing bowl. Heat a large, safe, nonstick sauté pan over high heat and use it to sauté the mushrooms until tender and golden, approximately seven to 10 minutes.
The black rice looks striking against the golden squash.” A stuffing that everyone can eat is ideal for a holiday gathering, either to serve or bring. Lauberth observes, “While not always possible, it’s nice if the host can accommodate various dietary concerns and preferences. Bring your own hearty side dish or two so that you have enough to make a meal for yourself if needed.”
photo by Stephen Blancett
Judith Fertig writes cookbooks and foodie fiction from Overland Park, KS (
Transfer mushrooms to the same mixing bowl as the millet. Heat a large, safe, nonstick pan over medium heat and use it to sweat the onions, celery and carrots until tender and translucent, about 10 minutes. Transfer the vegetable mix to the same mixing bowl as the millet and mushrooms. Add the chestnuts, sage, poultry seasoning, protein powder, egg whites and chicken stock to the large mixing bowl, and then use a rubber spatula to mix well, so that no lumps are visible.
Carefully remove the cast iron pan from the oven, and then pour stuffing batter into it. Popping occurs as the outside batter develops a crust. Return the cast iron pan to the oven and bake for 13 minutes. Remove from oven and turn the result out onto a serving dish. Recipe courtesy of Rocco DiSpirito, Rocco’s Healthy + Delicious.
November 2017
Brush the interior, plus the cut sides of the squashes with the 4 teaspoons oil, then sprinkle with ½ teaspoon sea salt.
Arrange squash halves on a baking sheet, cut side down. photo by Stephen Blancett
Roast for 40 to 50 minutes on the upper middle rack of the oven until tender when pierced with a fork. While the squash is roasting, place a medium, heavy saucepan over medium heat and pour in one tablespoon of olive oil. Add the onion and sauté for two to three minutes, until the onion begins to soften.
Roasted Acorn Squash Stuffed With Black Rice, Pecans, Dried Cranberries and Tempeh Yields: 8 servings Squash: 4 acorn squashes (1½ lb each) 4 tsp olive oil ½ tsp sea salt Rice: 1 Tbsp olive oil ¾ cup finely diced onion 1 cup Chinese black rice (also called Forbidden Black Rice) ½ tsp sea salt ¼ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ tsp ground coriander 2 cups water 4 oz tempeh, crumbled Roasted Pecans and Cranberries: 1 cup coarsely chopped pecans 1 tsp minced ginger root 4 tsp olive oil 1 tsp ground coriander ¼ tsp ground nutmeg ¼ tsp sea salt 10 large sage leaves, chopped 1 cup dried cranberries 2 Tbsp maple syrup
Stir in the rice, salt, cinnamon and coriander. Cook and stir for 30 seconds. Pour in the water and bring to a boil, then cover and simmer over very low heat for 30 to 60 minutes, until rice is tender. Scatter crumbled tempeh over the cooked rice. Cover the pan, then take it off the stove and let it rest for 10 minutes. While the rice is cooking, combine pecans, ginger, four teaspoons olive oil, one teaspoon coriander, nutmeg and ¼ teaspoon salt. Pour this mixture into an eight-by-eightinch baking pan; roast at 375° F for 15 minutes on the bottom middle oven rack, stirring halfway through. Stir in the sage, dried cranberries and maple syrup. Roast for another 10 minutes, then remove from the oven. Arrange squash halves, cut side up, on a serving platter. Combine rice with the pecan mixture and divide among the squash halves, pressing gently so the stuffing stays put.
Preheat oven to 375° F.
If made one day ahead, cover and reheat in a 350˚ F oven until heated through.
Cut squashes in half lengthwise, then scoop out the seeds.
Recipe courtesy of Laurie Gauguin,
natural awakenings
Stuffed Apples with Fig and Hazelnuts Yields: 4 servings 2 oz dried figs, finely chopped 1 Tbsp roasted, shelled hazelnuts, chopped 1 tsp orange zest ¼ tsp allspice 4 Granny Smith apples, cored ½ cup maple syrup 1 Tbsp coconut oil 2 Tbsp fresh orange juice Preheat oven to 350° F. Combine the chopped figs, hazelnuts, orange zest and allspice in a bowl. Place the apples in a baking dish and loosely press the fig mixture into the cavities of the apples. Combine the maple syrup, coconut oil and orange juice and drizzle it over the apples. Bake the apples for 25 minutes or until tender. Set cooked apples aside for 10 minutes to let the sauce thicken slightly, and then serve warm or at room temperature. Adapted from a recipe in Family Circle Australia.
photo by Stephen Blancett
Natural Awakenings
Tips for a Gluten-Free Thanksgiving
hether this is your first gluten-free Thanksgiving or you are a long-time pro at navigating holidays sans gluten, it is possible to enjoy delicious Thanksgiving favorites with less stress and just as much flavor. Help hosts understand food sensitivities and get involved with the planning of the meal. A few simple changes to the traditional dishes can make them safe to eat, such as using a gluten-free flour blend to thicken the gravy, and avoiding glutinous cream soup in the green bean casserole. Offer to bring a few dishes that can be enjoyed without gluten worries. Better yet, those with gluten sensitivities can host the dinner themselves and show friends and family that a gluten-free meal can be both traditional and delicious. In fact, guests will never miss the gluten—especially if they never find out. Many of the family favorites are naturally gluten-free, such as turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and cranberries. But what about stuffing? What about dessert? These days, recipes for gluten-free pie, cake, gravy and stuffing are readily available online. Susan Fulton, owner of Gourmet Girls Bakery/Bistro, in Tucson, is helping make the holidays even easier for those who prefer not to experiment. Gourmet Girls has all the family favorites, including pumpkin, apple and cherry pies, pumpkin logs with cream cheese filling, dinner rolls, stuffing and even gravy. Call ahead to place orders. For more information, call 520-408-9000, email or visit See ad, page 41.
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Enlightened values of individual freedom are manifested best in individual acts of criticism and defiance. ~Pankaj Mishra
November 2017
Ohio, author of Kindness is Contagious, observes, “We are literally created to be kind; it’s well known that feel-good endorphins are released when we do an act of kindness. I think we often hold back because we predetermine that our resources are limited. Know your talents and gifts, and build your acts of kindness accordingly.” Marlaina Donato is a freelance writer, author and multimedia artist (
Feed Your Soul
Sharable Thanksgiving
Ways to Focus on What Really Matters by Marlaina Donato
Thanksgiving inspires a season of appreciation for what sustains us and gives meaning to life.
Share Good Food “I think true sustenance is when our hunger for connection and belonging meet,” says Sarah Ban Breathnach, the Los Angeles author of The Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude. “When my daughter was small, we would purchase a complete Thanksgiving dinner for the local food pantry when we shopped for our own, saying, ‘One for us, one for them.’” Nourishment of our emotional and spiritual selves often begins with choosing simple, whole food. Rocco DiSpirito, a New York City celebrity chef and author of Rocco’s Healthy + Delicious, reminds us, “Eat real food! Return to the basics of eating what’s produced by Mother Nature. You’ll become a better partner, parent and person.” Cooking is more enjoyable when shared; beyond partaking together, partnering in meal preparation is a fun way to nurture bonds with others any time of the year.
Bangor, Pennsylvania, has opened her doors for intimate community events through the years. “My former home, a converted church, was a perfect space for organizing and a way to give back,” says Caldara, who has hosted gatherings on local environmental issues, music performances, literary nights and annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations. Small living spaces can be just as welcoming and facilitate simple conversation, a valuable gesture. “The art of listening is such a beautiful, but rare act of kindness. I love technology, but there’s no denying that our devices have made us poor listeners,” says Michael J. Chase, of southern Maine, the founder of The Kindness Center, whose books include Am I Being Kind and Off: A Memoir of Darkness, a Manual of Hope. Each month, Chase makes it a point to visit friends and send some handwritten notes instead of using social media.
Share Life’s Happiness
Practice Kindness
Common interests lessen the chasm between our to-do lists and nurturing camaraderie. Anna Maria Caldara, of
Sharing our time or talent will be remembered long after the holiday feasting. Author Nicole J. Phillips, of Athens,
natural awakenings
n Revive a traditional weekly or monthly dinner with family or friends. n Whip up and enjoy a healthy dinner or dessert with someone not seen in a while. n Organize a healthy potluck using local ingredients and encourage invitees to bring someone that’s new to the group. n Choose a healthier version of a holiday favorite and print out the recipe for everyone at the event. n Fill a holiday basket with yummy and colorful edibles and drop it off at a local business or library to express appreciation. n Seek reconciliation by initiating a conversation with someone that may have been hurtful. n Explore to join or host a dinner to make new friends.
Offer Some Time n Offer to help clean up a friend’s yard or organize a closet or room in their house. n Host a children’s art party and donate their works to a local facility or shelter. n If in possession of a holistic, artful or practical skill, gift it. n Bring a pot of homemade soup to a friend or neighbor that’s under the weather. n Find ideas for random acts of kindness at
TIES Guest Speaker: Peter Panagore, MDiv – 6:30-8:30pm. Peter died on the side of a mountain and his life was forever changed. Decades later, the intense spiritual journey continues. Hear his story. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520395-2365.
calendarofevents Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit listings. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Sacred Chakra Retreat – 11/1-11-5. Pranayama, yoga, metaphysical remedies, aromatherapy, sound healing, nature walks, guided meditations, fire ceremony and more. Workshops, lodging and meals included. Sacred Red Rocks B&B, Sedona.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society to Hear Taxonomy Program – 7-9pm. Mark Dimmitt, an expert on plant taxonomy, will address the Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society’s public meeting. No charge. Sky Island Public High School, 6000 E 14th St. 520-256-2447.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 IONS Tucson Speaker Series – 6:30-8:30pm. Emily J. Hooks, Author, MBA Founder, Forgiveness Academy speaks on What Lies Beyond Forgiveness? Join her to find out the next steps. $5. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Shop Local Mingle and Jingle Meet, Greet, and Shop with 40 Local Business Owners – 10am4pm. Official Toys For Tots donation location. Bring a toy, receive $5 off your vendor of choice. Hilton Tucson East-Event Ballroom, 7600 E Broadway Blvd. 520-393-9927. wewearlularoemishael@
markyourcalendar THERAPEUTIC TOUCH WORKSHOP November 4 & 5 • 7:30am-2:30pm Evidence based holistic healing integrative therapy using your hands to help and heal. 12 hr workshop certificate, 12.0 Nursing CEU $125 suggested donation Rancho Vistoso Urgent Care, Oro Valley Everyone welcome; Space is limited Information/application: Rebecca Good, MA, RN • 801-231-2914
Call ahead to confirm event
CrossFit for Your Soul – 10:05-11:35am. 11/4 and 11/18. Mid-town re-train your mind to see new possibilities. Identify what you really want/self-discovery. Reclaim and redirect your power and passion. $129/via PayPal. Call for location. 520-222-5291.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Aqua Yoga – 12-1pm. With Jessica Byron. Yoga poses and stretches in the comfort and support of 96 degree water open up possibilities for improved balance, breathing and deep relaxation. $15. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-370-3499. The Phenomenon of Healing Documentary – 12-5pm. Expands on the worldwide activities of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. The story of miraculous healings in postwar Europe that continue today. No charge. Banner UMC, 1501 N Campbell Ave. Cafe Rm D, 520-904-4801. WeissMae@email.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Herbs All Year – 1-2pm. Seasonal herb gardening and care tips. Learn how to care for cool season herbs in the Sonoran Desert. Presented by Dr. Jacqueline Soule. No charge. Martha Cooper Library, 1377 N Catalina Ave. 520-594-5315. Pima.BiblioCommons. com/Events. Alzheimer’s: Understanding the Bigger Picture – 4-5pm. Topics include: the dangers of being in constant survival mode, repressed emotions and their impact on memory, sugar, diabetes and the brain. No charge. Natural Grocers, 5600 E River Rd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing.Tucson@gmail. com.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 One More Customer with Fran Tarkenton – 7:30-8:30am. Monthly business networking event where Hall of Fame football player Fran Tarkenton shares insight from key business leaders and authors. Light refreshments provided. Door prizes. Jewish Community Center, 3800 East River Rd.
Explore the Yoga Sutras w/ Rama Jyoti Vernon – 6pm-9:45am. Six-month series beginning 11/1011/12. Explore, verse-by-verse the philosophy of yoga, with references to the experiential nature of the sutras. $35/$55. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot, #123. 520-300-4378. Info@Mindful
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Reiki Level I Training – 10:30am-4:30pm. Reiki Level I training and attunement. Learn about Reiki, our Chakra system, the classic hand positions, and more. Class size limited to 6 people. $150. Call for location. 847-323-9188. TAG Free Beginner’s Class – 11am-12pm. With Gael Chilson. Planetary phases and how they work in our lives. The Sun/Moon relationship is the most visible example of phases. No charge. Plaza Arboleda Conference Center, 2502 N Dodge Blvd, Manzanita Rm. 520-625-5762. The Yoga Connection Celebrates 30 Years – 11/11: 11am-7pm. 11/12: 9am-4:30pm. Enjoy opening keynote and performance by Tony Redhouse, free classes, refreshments, Qi boosts (nominal fee), door prizes and raffles. All welcome. No charge. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima St. 520-323-1222.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Mystic Messengers’ Psychic Fair – 9am-4pm. Tucson’s premier psychic fair for over 20+ years. Iinsightful, independent intuitives, psychics, healers and crafts people. No charge. Doubletree at Reid Park, 445 S Alvernon Way. 513-476-2222. Envision Tucson Sustainable Festival – 11am4pm. Family-friendly event, with exhibits, demonstrations, local food and music, for all who are working to envision and create a resilient future for Tucson and Southern Arizona. No charge. YWCA of Southern, 525 N Bonita Ave. Envision Coffee With the Author – 11:30am-12:30pm. Sharon K. Miller discusses The Clay Series, her 3 historical fiction novels spanning 800 years. Public welcome. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-488-8284. MollyHNelson@ UnityTucson.COM.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Aging Gracefully – 5-6pm. Learn exercises to find and release stress. The secrets to increase your ability to focus, concentrate, gain a strong immune system and increased energy. No charge. Natural Grocers, 7220 E Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing.
November 2017
calendarofevents markyourcalendar NATURAL AWAKENINGS TUCSON’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION November 12 • 1-4pm Don’t miss out on this fun-filled celebration of Tucson’s Premier Natural Health Publication. Free to Attend Reid Park Rose Garden, E 22nd St & Country Club Rd For more details and to RSVP: Natural Awakenings 10th Anniversary Party; LifeWave – 1-4pm. Learn more about our products. Demonstrations. drug free pain, anxiety, stress, sleep, energy, anti-aging and sexual performance products. Natural skin care and nutritional supplements. No charge. Reed Park Rose Garden, 900 South Randolph Way. 520-444-7525. TIES Workshop - Peter Panagore, MDiv – 1:303:30pm. Peter will teach effective meditation to reduce stress, slow aging, improve concentration, manage pain. $60/regular; $45/members. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. Why Does One God Have So Many Religions? – 2-4pm. Baha’u’llah, Founder of the Baha’i Faith, declared that all the major world religions are Divine in origin, one in essence, and all part of one progressive process. All are welcome to attend a talk and discussion about this universal view. No charge. 520-838-1293. Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. With Danielle Dvorak. Stress Relief, sleep issues, physical pain, busy mind, digestive problems, toxicity, and more all can be helped with this form of sound and vibration. $15-$20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847323-9188. IONS Tucson Book Discussion Group – 6:30-8 pm. Discuss books on consciousness and health. Current Book : Transformers: The Therapists of the Future by Jacquelyn Small. No charge. Unity of Tucson Annex Rm 3, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Having a Vision With Your Social Media: Free Webinar – 10-11am. During this webinar learn how to get started with social media, which platforms to use and must dos. Register online. No charge. 585-506-6291. Prevention and Reversal of Type II Diabetes with Steve Liu, LAC – 11-12pm. An integrative approach to prevent and reverse Diabetes. $10. RSVP: 520-878-8116. Turn Up Energy and Creativity – 6:15-7:15pm. With Dr. Joanne Haupert D.C. Learn strategies that you can apply to your life immediately. Attendees receive a $40 gift certificate toward exam and treatment. No charge. Inspired Healing, 4858 E Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing.Tucson@ Loving Kindness Meditation with Elaine Rockhill – 6:30-8:30pm. Sweet and joyful meditation experience. By donation. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520-319-1042.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Tucson Museum of Art Holiday Artisan Market With Casebier – 10am-5pm. 11/17-11/19. Rodney Casebier, juried jewelry maker, will be among the 200 artisans exhibiting. No charge. Tucson Museum of Art, 140 N Main Ave. 520-624-2333. Sacred Feminine Dance with Karen Kiester – 6:30-8:30pm. Explore your own personal sense of the sacred feminine through gentle, meditative movement and guided imagery. By donation. CSL Tucson’s Office & Educ Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520-319-1042.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 CrossFit for Your Soul – 10:05-11:35am. 11/4 and 11/18. Mid-town Re-train your mind to see new possibilities. Identify what you really want/ self-discovery. Reclaim and redirect your power and passion. $129/via PayPal. Call for location. 520-2225291. Community Meeting of Bruno Groening Circle of Friends – 3-4:30pm. Learn about a natural, universal healing technique with like-minded friends. No charge. Banner UMC, 1501 N Campbell Ave, Cafe Rm E. 520-904-4801.
Build Your Immunity and Brain Power – 4-5pm. Learn about repressed emotions and their impact on memory, sugar, diabetes and the brain, simple secrets to increase your ability to focus and concentrate. No charge. Natural Grocers, 3016 East Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. Healthy Holiday Pop-up Boutique – 5-8pm. Local vendors offering gifts and goodies your friends and loved ones will always remember. Prizes, food, painting, wine and more. No charge. Creative Juice Art Bar, 6530 E Tanque Verde Rd, #160. 520-271-5023.
natural awakenings
markyourcalendar MARK FRIGHETTI ZY QIGONG LEVEL 1 INTENSIVE November 18 and 19 • 10am - 6:30pm Immerse in a practice that uses our physical body as our greatest gift and guide for self empowerment and deep transformation. $170 Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country Club 520-404-8745
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Introduction to MasterPath – 1-2:30pm. Introductory talk and video of Sri Gary Olsen, spiritual leader of MasterPath. For those desiring to deepen their investigation of MasterPath. No charge. Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation Conf C, 3182 N Swan Rd.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Free Thanksgiving Feast – 9am-3pm. Huge community event open to all. Community appreciation for 31 years of support. Freshly-made traditional Thanksgiving foods. No charge. Claire’s Cafe, 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina. 520-825-2525. ClairesCafe@
November 24 to November 26 Sheraton Hotel Ballroom, 5151 E Grant Rd
January 28 to February 11 Official Event of Tucson Rock & Gem Show Quality Flamingo Ballroom, 1300 N Stone Ave
520-248-5849 •
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Gong Bath – 3:30-5pm. With Danielle Dvorak. Like getting a massage for your brain and nervous system; you’ll feel deeply relaxed and stress-free afterwards. $15/before 11/20; $20/thereafter. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima St. 520-323-1222.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Earth Gong Bath – 5:30-7pm. With Danielle Dvorak. Sit or lay in meditation, while the sound washes over and through you, calming the monkey mind and nervous system. $15-$20. The Galactic Center, 35 E Toole Ave. 847-323-9188. Danielle@
markyourcalendar PSYCHIC MEDIUM JOHN EDWARD One Night Only
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Deep Creativity – 6:30-8:30pm. Join special guest chant-master Victor Shamas for an enjoyable evening’s exploration of the source of deep creativity. By donation. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520-319-1042. Admin@
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and PTSD – 5-6pm. Learn the many things these illnesses have in common as well as concrete strategies to bring relief today. No charge. Natural Grocers, 7220 E Broadway Blvd. 520-584-0343. InspiredHealing.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 Celebration of IONS Tucson – 6:30-8:30pm. After over 15 years, IONS Tucson is closing. Join us one last time as we review some highlights and then share with each other at a party. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 Secrets of Prosperity – 3:30-5pm. 2 sessions, 12/2 and 12/9. Unlock your inner financial potential. Teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet. No charge. Wilmot Public Library, 530 N Wilmot Rd. 520-3302264.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 Floral Candles – 2-3pm. With Dr. Jacqueline Soule. Demonstration of techniques and then make one floral candle. Registration required. No charge. Martha Cooper Library, 1377 N Catalina Ave. 520594-5315. IONS Tucson Psychic Explorers Group – 7-9pm. Discuss the mechanics of ascension, how it affects your life and how to make changes to support your life. $5/suggested donation. Unity of Tucson Annex Rm 3, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-730-5640.
markyourcalendar ADVANCED THERAPEUTIC YOGA TEACHER TRAINING January 17 - June 10 Wednesdays and weekends 300-hour advanced training for yoga instructors. Earn 5 CEU by taking one of these modules: Functional Yoga Therapy, Subtle Body Therapeutics/Sound Vibration, Therapeutics for Special Populations and the internationally acclaimed Trauma Informed Yoga Therapy. $795 - $4,595 Contact Maggie Romance,
January 19 • 7pm John Edward comes to Tucson for a one-night only event. Appearance includes a Q&A session and messages from the Other Side. Tucson Convention Center 260 S Church Ave Tickets on sale now Information/Tickets:
markyourcalendar 100 WOMEN WHO CARE BIG GIVE WOMEN’S GROUP January 18 Check-in and mingle: 5:30-6:30pm Meeting: 6:30-7:30pm
BNI Saturday – 8am-3pm. Any BNI member from any BNI chapter gets 50% off any drink with ID. That’s Amore’ Cafe’, 4374 E Speedway Blvd. Advanced Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training – 10:30am. 1/17-6/10. Wednesdays and weekends. 300-hour advanced training for yoga instructors interested in yoga therapeutics. Earn 5 CEU. $795$4,595. Pima Community College, Dance Studio, West Campus, 2202 W Anklam. 713-443-7725. Yume Gardens 2017 Fall/Winter Season – 9:30am-4:30pm. Tuesday through Saturday. $6-9. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520-303-3945. Yume.Gardens@gmail. com.
Come and join the most talked about big hearted women’s group in Tucson. Westin La Paloma Resort 3800 E Sunrise Dr
A Course in Miracles New Edition – 8:309:45am. Using the new Annotated and Complete version, we hold lively discussions and study. By donation. Unity of Tucson, Rm A, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-488-8284.
markyourcalendar GIFTS FROM THE GRAY WHALES RETREAT March 16 to March 22 Optional Blue Whale Extension March 16 Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of seeing and touching the majestic, yet gentle Gray Whales in the natural beauty of San Ignacio Lagoon? Contact for more information: L inda Johns Gray_Whale_Retreat_2018.html
ongoing events daily
Silent Meditation – 8:45-9:30am. Experience the healing peace of shared Silence. All welcomes who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace, 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121. 520-546-3696. FoodInRoot St. Philip’s Plaza Farmers’ Market – 8am-12pm. One of the largest farmers’ markets in Southwestern Arizona and has a regional reputation for the number of local farmers it supports. No charge. St. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. Religious Service – 9am. St Michael’s ECC, the other Catholic Church. Feminist? GLBTQ? Catholic? We are and more. No charge. Chapel’ First Christian Church, 740 E Speedway, 520-575-8486. Free Yoga In The Park: Reid Park – 9-10am. Bring a mat or towel, water and a friend. This is an all-levels class and everyone is welcome. No charge. Reid Park, 100 S Country Club. 520-477-6432. Christ Connection Chaplaincy Christology, Christic Combat, Praxis: Sunday Call in Service – 9-11am. Life changing hour in the Christ Connection. No charge. Call 515-603-4922, access code 911369. Tucson Metaphysics Fair - 9am-4pm. Third Sunday of the month. Fair includes a variety of mediums, readers, healers and vendors. Price varies. Innsuites Tucson Foothills Best Western, 6201 N Oracle Rd. 520-579-8930.
November 2017
ongoingevents The Deeper Meaning of Jesus’ Words – 10-11am. Explore underlying ideas of our Christianity. Learn techniques to gain greater abundance and happiness. Child care, youth and teen programs. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-303-6942. Ai Chi – 10-11:15am. Comfortable stretches and movement in a warm saltwater indoor pool. Relieve emotional stress, arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle pain. Enjoy gentle exercise, improve balance and stamina. $20/class, $70/4 consecutive. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520 245-6616. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace Sunday Celebration – 10:30-11:30am. Potluck last Sunday. Learn to live your spiritual potential and purpose. Pray, sing and celebrate oneness in community. All welcome. Sunday school available for children. 1551 S Eastside Loop #121. 520-546-3696. Sunday Celebration Services – 10:30-11:45am. If you’d love a happier life, better health or more abundant living, check us out. Join with like-minded individuals in celebrating a life you’d love. By donation. Nickerson Auditorium, 3231 N. Craycroft Rd. 520-319-1042. The Temple of Universality Sunday Service – 11am. With Founder Rev. Betty Tatalajski. Celebrating the Unity of God and Man, worship, healing, prophesy. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 520-884-5340. TempleOfUniversality@ Yogananda Gathering – 11am-1pm. First and third Sundays. Attune to Yogananda’s teachings through chanting, meditation affirmations, readings and Festival of Light ceremony. Refreshments and fellowship follows. Ananda Center, 1002 E Prince Rd. 520-299-9309. Community of Light Sunday Services – 11am -12:30pm. Metaphysical and spiritual gathering of lightworkers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Donations welcome. Unscrewed Theater, 3244 E Speedway Blvd. 520-304-1768. DianaOhoh@ Tamara Spiritual Center’s Sunday Services – 11am and 5:30pm. Third Sunday of each month at 2:30pm only. Services include a healing meditation, inspirational talk and messages. No charge. Tamara Spiritual Center, 3002 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-325-0513. Aqua Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Jessica Byron. Yoga stretches in the comfort and support of 96 degree warm water open possibilities for better balance, breathing and relaxation. Pre-register. $15/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-3703499. Learn Astrology – 2-4pm. Come to one or as many as you like. Discuss meaning of planets, houses, aspects, transits. Bring your natal chart if you have one. $10. Contact Shivani at 413-313-5677 for address. Drumming Circle – 3-4:30pm. Join us for the profound experience of drumming. Beat your heart out as you go deeper and deeper within. Bring your drum, rattles and the kids. Families welcome. By donation.
Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-7305640. Sacred Space Gathering – 4-5:30pm. Sundays. All welcome. No charge. Ward 6 Office, 3202 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. Sunday Love Feast: Kirtan, Bhakti Talks, 10-Course Dinner – 5:30-7:15pm. Each Sunday. Sit down bhajan meditation, a philosophical discussion on the ancient Vedas, Traditional Arti offerings to Temple deities and Kirtan followed by a free 10-course vegetarian feast. No charge. Govinda’s, 711 E Blacklidge Dr. 520-273-2273. KrishnaCove@ Candlelit Restorative Yoga – 6-7:15pm. In this class the body is supported in postures that are held for a longer period of time, using the support of props to feel at ease and find comfort in each pose. Relaxing, rejuvenating class open to all yogis. $10. Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N Wilmot, #123. 520-300-4378. IONS Tucson Book Discussion Group – 6:30-8pm. Second and Fourth Sundays. Discuss books on consciousness with other like-minded people. No charge. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, 520-7305640. Desert Ashram – 7pm. Satsang with chanting, Aarati, spiritual teachings of Swami Amar Jyoti and meditation. No charge. 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384.
monday White Eagle World Healing Meditations – 1011am. With Frances Smith. Using White Eagle channeled books of Spiritual Unfoldment. No charge. Temple of Universality Class, held at United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-885-5065. How To Meditate: Mindfulness Meditation – 11am-12pm. 4-week class for people who don’t believe they can meditate. Fragrance-free. $40. AZ Oncology Foundation, 2625 N Craycroft, Ste 101. Also Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30pm. Call for location. 520-825-2009. or Waterbabies Pool Sharing – 11:30am-12:45pm. Monday and Frday. Relief for women with chronic pain from surgery, injury, or illness. Freestyle movement indoors in warm salt water. $10. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-577-7377. Tai Chi for Health – 1-2pm. Join this community of practitioners that gathers to support and encourage beginners to experts to continuous progress and enjoyment of tai chi as a lifestyle. $60/9-weeks. Resurrection Lutheran Church, 11575 N 1st Ave. Oro Valley. 520-780-6751. Mindfulness and Meditation Group – 1:15-2:45pm. No experience necessary. Sitting and walking meditation as well as the Metta Sutta are regular parts of the practice. No charge. UA Cancer Center 1515 N Campbell, Kiewit Auditorium, Rm 2951. 520-694-4605.
natural awakenings
Golden Pyramid Meditation – 6-7pm. Second Monday. With Rev. Yazdi Contractor, Rev. Howard Milwich and Revs. Martha and Darryl Schoon. No charge. United Fellowship Chapel, 4718 E Hawthorne St. 520-327-0142. TempleOfUniversality@ Aquacize – 7pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Specific, slow movements with diaphragmatic breathing in warm saltwater strengthens muscles. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. .
FoodInRoot-Carondelet St. Joseph’s Farmer’s Market – 10am-2pm. 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. No charge. Carondelet St. Joseph’s Hospital, NE Corner of Carondelet Drive and Wilmot Rd. 520-261-6982. Yoga – 11:15am-12:45pm. With Mark Lind. Group and individual instruction. Bring your own mat and belt. Kids under 12 free. $10. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 3. 520-488-8284. Chanted Buddhist Prayers: Heart Jewel – 5:306:30pm. Through beautiful chanted prayers, we can purify negativity, accumulate merit, and receive blessings. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@ Heart-Jewel. Tucson Tuesday Laughter Yoga– 6-7pm. Gently through breathing and yogic exercises, we touch your heart with playful laughter designed to promote peace and healing. No charge. Quaker Meeting House, 931 N 5th Ave, Main Rm. 520-490-5500. A Course in Miracles – 6-7:30pm. Using the traditional blue book, we read and discuss the profound, spiritual teachings as channeled through Helen Schuchman. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 1. 520-488-8284. Sacred Space Women’s Circle – 6-7:30pm. With Lanny Lewis. Women gathering to support each other in deep listening; based on feminine spirituality. Drop-ins welcome. No charge. St. Francis United Methodist Church, 4625 E River Rd. 520-318-3557. Flowing With Water – 6:30-7:45pm. With Biz Sherman. Great time to release the day, re-harmonizing in warm saltwater with intention, movement and sound, turning stress into energy. Unwinding tension, we cultivate our energy to flow into our center of power. $8/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 707-326-2145. Msherbiz@yahoo. com. Taize Service – 6:45-7:30pm. First and third Tuesdays. Taize is a service of prayer, music, readings, and meditation. No charge. St Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd, 520-749-7950.
Group Singing – 6:45-8:15pm. Join this group of singers and want to be singers. Under the direction of Sarah Evans you will learn the exercises that gently release your voice. From personal experience and a proven method, the lessons are offered especially for the ones who want to but believe they can’t. $5-$25 donation accepted. Anderson Art and Printing, 3255 E Grant Rd, 520-661-6666.
Publish One of the Nation’s Leading Healthy Living Magazines Own a Natural Awakenings Magazine Turn Your Passion Into A Business
Books – 7-8:30pm. With Reverend Inger Mason. Reading of books channeled to Alice A. Bailey by Djwhal Khul, followed by guided meditation. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Call for details, 520-331-5252.
As a Natural Awakenings publisher, you can empower yourself and others to create a healthier world while working from your home earning an income doing something you love! No publishing experience is necessary. You’ll work for yourself but not by yourself. We offer a complete training and support system that allows you to successfully publish your own magazine.
wednesday One More Customer with Fran Tarkenton – 7:308:30am. Monthly business networking event where Hall of Fame football player Fran Tarkenton shares insight from key business leaders and authors. Jewish Community Center, 3800 East River Rd. Prayer and Meditation – 9:45-10:15am. Experience the healing peace of shared Silence. Unity Spiritual Center of Peace welcomes all who wish to explore and discover their Oneness with Spirit. No charge. 1551 S Eastside Loop, Ste 121. 520-546-3696. Fun-Day Wednesday Class – 9:45-11:30am. With Rev. Fred Smith. Metaphysical Law, using fun, food and friends. Temple of Universality class. No charge. Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd. 520-546-3898. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. Wednesday and Saturday. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Specific, slow movements with diaphragmatic breathing in warm saltwater strengthens muscles. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, Tucson. 520-444-8636. The Slight Edge: Six-Week Bookstudy – 2-4pm. With Pat Masters. Exploration of small ways you can make big changes using Jeff Olson’s The Slight Edge. Books available for purchase. Love Offering Accepted. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520 319-1042. Chanted Buddhist Prayers: Heart Jewel – 5-6pm. Through beautiful chanted prayers, we can purify negativity, accumulate merit, and receive blessings. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Way of Mastery – 5-6:30pm. This channeling to Jon Mark Hammer is clearer and easier to understand than the Course in Miracles. It deals more with our feeling nature. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 3. 520-488-8284. Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Café – 5:307pm. First Wednesday. Tucson Death Café is a group directed conversation about death and related subjects without agenda or objectives. It is not grief support or counseling. RSVP. No charge. Ward 6, 3202 E First St. 520-261-7003. IsabelDeathCafe@
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ongoingevents Flutes for Vets Classes – 6-8pm. First and third Wednesdays. Native American style flute classes for Veterans. Veterans are eligible for free flute after completing 6 classes. No charge. American Legion Post #7, 330 W Franklin St. 520-784-4468. Emergence: Four-Week Bookstudy – 6:30-8:30pm. With Rev Janis. Expand your life experience using Derek Rydell’s text Emergence. Books available for purchase. Love Offering Accepted. CSL Tucson Office & Educ Center, 4200 E River Rd. 520 319-0142. Young Adult Spiritual Seekers – 7-8pm. Explore different meditation techniques and wisdom traditions. Facilitated by Michael Pellegrino. Drop-ins welcome. Not limited to U of A students. No charge. Little Chapel of All Nations, 1401 E 1st St. 520-318-3557. A Course in Miracles: Original Dictation – 7:30pm. Fifty eight thousand words were edited out of the traditional Course in Miracles book. They have been restored and are now available for study. By donation. Unity of Tucson, 3617 N Camino Blanco, Rm 1. 520-488-8284.
thursday Chanted Buddhist Prayers: Heart Jewel – 7-8am. Through beautiful chanted prayers, we can purify negativity, accumulate merit, and receive blessings. No charge. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. Info@MeditationInTucson. org. Desert Crones Celebration – 1-3pm. Older women celebrate themselves. Enjoy speakers, drumming, writing, crafts, chats and each other’s support. No charge. Fellowship Square, 210 N Maguire Ave, Villa 3. 520-730-9352. A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. Taizé Worship Service – 6:30-7:15pm. Second Thursday. Taizé is an alternative form of worship including prayer, music and reflection. Please join us in this unique spiritual experience. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. Free Tai Chi and Chi Kung – 6:30-8pm. Gentle, flowing movements that relax the body, quiet the mind, increase energy, improve health and make you feel good. No charge. Church of Christ, 2848 N Mountain Ave. 520-795-8612.
Friday Farmers’ Market at Broadway Village – 10am-2pm. Southern Arizona’s only indoor (A/C)/ outdoor venue. Organic produce, meats, prepared foods, baked goods, coffee/teas, cheese, eggs, plants, Krishna Cove: Bhakti Yoga, Meditation, artisans, body care, massage, music. Broadway/ Spirituality, Veg Meal – 6:30-8pm. Intimate Country Club. 520-603-8116. setting of Bhakti Yoga practice including Kirtan, FoodInRoot UAMC Farmers’ Market – 10amMantra meditation session, philosophical discussion 2pm. Every week at UAMC on the plaza south of and blessed food. Free event & meal. $5/donation the hospital. Great Food and Music. No charge. encouraged. Govinda’s Media Room, 711 E Black- UA Medical Center, NW Corner of Speedway and lidge Dr, 520-273-2273. Campbell. 520-261-6982. TIES Sharing and Discussion Group – 6:30- Winning Together: Breast and GYN Cancer 8:30pm. Third Thursday. TIES mission is to provide Support Group – 10:30am-12:30pm. Educational a safe neutral environment for presenting information support group is for women with a diagnosis of on and sharing of near-death and other spiritually Breast and/or Gynecological Cancer; any stage transformative experiences. Everyone is welcome. of survivorship is welcome. No charge. UA CanNo Charge (love offering accepted). Unity of Tucson, cer Center-University Campus, 1515 N Camp3617 N Camino Blanco. 520-395-2365. TucsonAZ@ bell, Rm 2919. 520-694-4605. Marsha.Drozdoff@ Desert Ashram – 7pm. Immerse yourself in a Community of Light Healing and Message beautiful and peaceful meditation and retreat center. Circle – 12pm. Weekly Metaphysical and spiritual Spiritual teachings of Swami Amar Jyoti, chanting, gathering for healing, enlightenment and growth. meditation, library, book shop, walking paths. No Unscrewed Theater, 3244 E Speedway Blvd. charge. 3403 W Sweetwater Dr. 520-743-0384. 520-403-6156. Ascended Masters Introductory Classes – Yoga for 12-Step Recovery: Y12SR – 3-4:30pm. 7-8pm. Learn about your own individual divine Recovery based discussion and yoga practice. The being, your I Am Presence. Find divine solutions issues are in the tissues. Open to anyone actively to every challenge. No charge. The Temple of The attending a 12-step program, clean and sober for a Presence, 11902 E Irvington Rd, 520-751-2039. minimum of 24 hours. No charge. The Yoga nection, 3929 E Pima St. Love Yourself Sacred Meeting – 7-8:30pm. First Thursday. Guided meditation and discussion: seeing the sacred within, claiming our power, recognizing and releasing toxic, disempowering relationships, creating abundance and more. Can serve as alternative or supplement to traditional 12-step programs to Rincon Valley Farmers’ Market – 8am-1pm. assist in living a higher version of ourselves. Unity Organic produce, fresh flowers, baked goods, of Tucson, 3617 Camino Blanco. For more informa- ironworks, arts and crafts by local artisans. 12500 E Old Spanish Trail. 520-591-BARN. RVFM@ tion, 520-444-7525. ZY Qigong – 7-8:30pm. Seeing practicing students faces and bodies in a relaxed state and allowing FoodInRoot St. Philip’s Plaza Farmers’ Market their physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies to – 8am-12pm. One of the largest farmers’ markets heal themselves from within brings a real sense of in Southwestern Arizona and has a regional reputajoy and affirms why I teach ZY QIgong. $10/sug- tion for the number of local farmers it supports. No gested donation. Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country charge. St. Philips Plaza, 4380 N Campbell Ave. Club. 520-404-8745. Contemplative Prayer Group – 9:30-11am. Silent meditation, DVD/CD, discussion. teachings by Richard Rohr, James Finley, John O’Donohue and others. No charge. House of Prayer, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd. 520-400-2137. Catalina Farmers’ Market Artworks and More Plaza Palomino Saturday Market – 10am-2pm. – 8am-12pm. Fresh produce, baked goods, salmon, Fresh produce, breads, coffee, tea, plants, tamales, range-fed beef, artisans, unique gifts, food court, salsa and emu oil products. Live music. 2970 N Swan more. 16733 N Oracle Rd, Catalina. 970-903-0529. Rd. 520-523-1005. Oro Valley Farmers’ Market – 10am-2pm. 30 Trail Dust Town Farmers’ Market – 8am-12pm. vendor stalls. Every 2nd Saturday fun events are Formerly Jesse Owens Market. Bring the family and planned to introduce more customers to this neighenjoy everything this premiere farmers’ market has to borhood gem. No charge. Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 offer. No charge. Trail Dust Town, 6541 E Tanque N Oracle Rd. Verde Rd. Southern AZ Light Givers – 5pm. First Saturday. Put yourself in the wow zone. Receive a session of True Light and discover how amazing radiant energy stimulates your spirit, mind and body. No charge. Miller-Golf Links Public Library, 9640 E Golf Links Rd.
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CHRONIC PAIN? Call us to see if your private insurer covers a TENS Unit. Why not relieve your pain at home? Comfort. Convenience. Complete medical solutions. Call: 1- 877-581-2704. HEARD ABOUT THE HOT TUCSON MARKET? Considering buying or selling a home? Selecting the right Realtor® to work with is the most important decision you will make. Carol Nigut, ABR, ePro, GRI, is an energetic, caring, and committed professional known for her knowledge, integrity, attention to detail, and reliability. Contact her today at 520-448-6033 to schedule a complimentary consultation.
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Contact us today to particpate in this monthly section. $59/50 words.
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN: We all possess mental abilities that we are not taught to access. Habitual thoughts yield minimal results. External circumstances—money, relationships, weight loss—are not the key. Learn to generate thoughts that serve you. Give up the struggle, access results you want. Denisse Cabrera, 520-979-4600.
WOMEN WHO PAINT: Small group format for those who are looking for support and guidance to either finish unresolved pieces or to start new work in acrylics, watercolor or mixed-media. Join others in the light-filled private studio of teaching-artist, Carolyn King, located just east of downtown. Info: or call 520-991-0147.
ZY QIGONG: Qigong intensives are powerful events for teaching qigong. Experience feeling a relaxed state while allowing the qi to guide you in your journey in life. Level 1 and 2 intensive, Nov 18th and 19th from 10am to 6:30pm cost $170. Mark Frighetti, 520-404-8745.
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GE Computing & Internet
Pur Maid
A Lasting Touch Salon
Gourmet Girls
Rebecca Saxon
Aging Grace
Hanling Acupuncture Healing Center
Sage Path Therapy
Alternatives in Healthcare
Intestinal Health Institute
Santa Rita Springs
Armorless Body Therapies
Intuitive Hands Mobile Massage
Sara Yo Spirit Jewels
Barter Tucson
Jen’s Organic Home
Savvy Social Media
Better Office Solutions
John Edward
Sound Shifting
Biobalance Integrated Wellness
Journey to Healing
Summit Funding
Carol Nigut
Krizman Dental
That’s Amore Cafe
Center for Spiritual Living Tucson
Therapeutic Intuitive Bodywork
39 39
Claire’s Cafe
Loft Cinema
Tucson Feldenkrais
Clarity Financial
Lynne Namka
Tula Wellness & Aesthetics
Coyote Healing Center
Medicine Wheel Dental
Unity Church of Peace
Danielle Dvorak
NorthStar Hyperbaric
Unity of Tucson
Denisse Cabrera
Pampered Skin Studio
Very Special Alternatives
Philip Stein
Wholistic Family Medicine
Winterhaven Health Center
DeeAnn Saber
Don Zavis Sales Training
Pima Community College
Elissa Hambright Massage Therapy
Proactive Health Solutions
Zach Saber
3 November 2017
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit. ACCOUNTING BETTER BUSINESS OFFICE SOLUTIONS
Kevin A Marshall, CPA 520-327-0501 We provide outsourced accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax services. Home of “We Love Messes”! See ad, page 34.
Linda Joy Stone, OMD, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. 520-444-6901 Double your healing experience by combining an Akashic reading with a grounding acupuncture session–bridging Heaven & Earth, Yin and Yang and rejuvenating body and spirit. Linda brings humor, compassion and 27 years of experience into the treatment room–a sacred place of Joy! Ask about her Natural Awakenings Discount.
Steve Liu, L.Ac., BSEE Wen Ting, L.Ac., MA 6812 N Oracle Rd, Ste 130, 85704 520-878-8116 • Healing Tucson since 2001. Specializing in chronic and acute
neck and back pain, sports and soft tissue injuries, autoimmune diseases, macular degeneration, digestive disorders, headaches and migraines, allergies and asthma, peripheral neuropathy, and many other health conditions. See ad, page 29.
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122
WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161
Dr. Conlee, Chiropractor Neurologist, diagnoses and treats such conditions as Dystonia, ADHD, Peripheral Neuropathy, vertigo, migraine headaches, balance disorders, numbness, tingling, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other conditions related to neurologic function. Also available: acupuncture, physiotherapy, kinesiotape, nutrition and allergy testing. See ad, page 37.
LMT for you, your horse, and dog Home Atmosphere 520-906-1808 Nutritious “Home Cooked” Meals Sunny, Happy, Healthy Home
Since 1999, Elissa’s mission has Health & Happiness and
Available for out-calls and
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Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Lypossage, and Park / Recreation Center Hospital / Religious Services Kinesio Tape. Call today and learn how to enhance your health! See ad, page 39. TCC / Sabino Canyon / Foothills
CLARITY FINANCIAL SERVICES Anne (Kelsik) Ramirez Investment Manager CA Insurance License #0D69354 1022 W Ina Rd, Ste 7, 85704 Office / Cell: 520-955-2495 Fax: 520-297-2414
Do you live Green and worry about Sustainability? Consider making an appointment to discuss how your investments reflect your ideals and goals. Clarity offers individually crafted portfolio strategies specializing in Renewable Energy, Alternative Medicine, and Progressive Infrastructure. Be sure you invest for the future. Aging Parents? See page 4. a care plan? Doad, you have
520-222-6718 Text: 520-909-9452
Social Activities specializing in Therapeutic
Ritual by Kate’s Magik is an intimate boutique that carries 100% pure aromatherapy products and ceremonial supplies. Ritual also offers a variety of aromatherapy-focused massages designed to help people relieve stress, move through grief or promote love, healing and success.
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘nature cure’ to heal mind, body, spirit. Developer of RST; Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 33.
Outdoor Walking Pathto help people, horses, been Exercise Program dogs move and feel better. Sun Basking / Gardening
215 N Court Ave, 85701 520-743-1486
Tucson’s premier private care home offering compreTucson’s Premier Private Care Home hensive care Specializing in Memory services. Specializing inCare Memory Care and & Individual Enhancement100% state compliindividual lifeLife enhancement. ance 2016-2018. The end result is a safe and gentle living environment free of unnecessary stress. 100% State Compliance 2016-2018 Call today for a complimentary consultation. See ad, page 25. for a Call today
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(520) 222-6718 Text: (520) 909-9452
NA Fun Fact: Natural Awakenings is published in 95 U.S. markets, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. To advertise with us, call 520-760-2378. 6701 E. Opatas St. natural awakenings Tucson, AZ 85715 (520) 222-6718
Barbara and Dale Hulvey 520-909-9200 Gain clients/customers who stay with you for the life of the company. Member of the International Barter Alliance, a DoBarter on Line service. Your membership in Barter Tucson offers you access to goods and services from tens of thousands of members in exchanges worldwide. See ad, page 21.
Massage Therapy specializing in relief and treatment of pain and injuries. Stephanie has experience and training with a wide variety of massage therapy techniques. Also certified in neuromuscular therapy. A session at the New Leaf Studio is helpful for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain and more.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT Aquatic Massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Craniosacral Therapy, Watsu, Integrative Table Massage 520-622-4201 • 520-990-1857 Float in 96 degree warm saltwater while Dorothy gently massages, stretches,andmoves you to free up body, mind, a nd spirit. Incorporating Craniosacral Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu andIntegrative Massage in each 80 minute session in water or on land. See ad, page 38.
Jennifer Beard LMT Speedway/ Craycroft Area 520-906-8136
Coming Next Month Uplifting Humanity Plus: Holidays December articles include:
A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $150. See ad, page 39.
Uplifting Your Family New Year Inspirations Tips for a Peaceful and Happy Holiday and so much more!
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 • Randy has 28 years of bodywork experience, providing treatments that are stress busting or for specific issues. Sometimes sessions are enhanced and integrated with mind-body awareness experiments. The client uses sound, breath and movement to contact feelings and access deep tension and energy release. See ad, page 38.
INTUITIVE HANDS MOBILE MASSAGE Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656
Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “groundedness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 38.
WellnessFirst! 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-232-4585
Tired of the pain? M yofascial Release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in Myofascial Release, Structural Integration and Neuromuscular Re-education with nearly 20 years of hands on experience. See ad, page 3.
BRAIN HEALTH NORTHSTAR HYPERBARIC Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 13.
To advertise or participate in our next issue, call
November 2017
Biobalance Integrated Wellness, LLC 520-227-3695 Neurofeedback uses cuttingedge technology, coupled with sound research, that helps improve brain functioning. The brain is given guidance to self-regulate from imbalances, naturally, with no medications, for lasting results. Train Your Brain, Clear Your Mind, Enjoy Your Life! See ad, page 20.
Event Planning, Catering Loretta Carlson 520-440-1540 • Let us cater your party, event or meeting. From two to 300 guests, we are a full-service catering company specializing in Mexican, Middle Eastern and American food. Loretta can help plan your event, from the flowers to the table.
Biobalance Integrated Wellness, LLC 520-227-3695 Neurofeedback uses cuttingedge technology, coupled with sound research, that helps improve brain functioning. The brain is given guidance to self-regulate from imbalances, naturally, with no medications, for lasting results. Train Your Brain, Clear Your Mind, Enjoy Your Life! See ad, page 20.
CHIROPRACTIC DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway 520-584-0343
Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for children, PTSD, depression and autoimmune diseases.
CHIROPRACTIC DR. CARMEN MAZZA, D.C. 520-834-1722 4620 N Bornite Way
Network Spinal Analysis-Light Touch Chiropractic. Release trauma and stored stress and tension. Awaken the breath. Evolve and grow. Excellent for emotional release, for those on a spiritual path, children, anyone who’s experienced trauma or unable to receive help elsewhere.
WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161
Dr. Conlee, Chiropractor Neurologist, diagnoses and treats such conditions as Dystonia, ADHD, Peripheral Neuropathy, vertigo, migraine headaches, balance disorders, numbness, tingling, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other conditions related to neurologic function. Also available: acupuncture, physiotherapy, kinesiotape, nutrition and allergy testing. See ad, page 37.
520-331-2629 PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 16.
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness. See ad, page 38.
natural awakenings
COUNSELING CONCEPTS Jo Ruddy and Jody Hardy 3861 N First Ave 520-881-4237
Dr. Jo Ruddy, Metaphysical Life Coach and Clinical Master Hypnotherapist, along with Jodi Hardy, M.A., LPC and highly experienced psychotherapist, offer metaphysical approaches to healing and creating lasting change in your life. Located at WellnessFIRST! See ad, page 3.
Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges to restore love and play. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation.
Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 Coaching brings out your inner expert and the motivation, excitement, and desire to actually follow your best advice. Using coaching models and intuition you can have desired results in health, relationships, career, money, life. Let your magic outsmart self-sabotage. See ad, page 11.
Rebecca Saxon, BSN, RN, MA MA in Transpersonal Psychology 520-248-6351 Discuss any and all life issues, concerns or struggles and receive support from a spiritually based psychologist. You deserve a compassionate and safe place to explore your life changes and transitions. See ad, page 33.
TAMMY ROSEN WILBUR, GCFP Tucson Feldenkrais Center 3079 W Avenida Cresta, 85745 520-305-5393
Tammy Rosen Wilbur, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner uses gentle movement and awareness to help clients move out of pain, improve posture and flexibility. Feldenkrais Functional Integration sessions can update the brain for structural alignment, improved function and movement. Sessions are fully clothed and deeply relaxing. See ad, page 39.
Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body. See ad, page 20.
VERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3, 85719 520-403-1686
FDA-approved system integrated with full, closed-gravity option; purified water; disposable speculums. Probiotic reflorastation. Affordable rates and packages. Ear coning also available. Flexible hours include weekends. See ad, page 3.
Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working f or over 30 years. As one of Don’s customers said, “You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote. See ad, page 41.
Imagine your soul in tune with your body…Your soul, in tune with your body…Your voice, communicating your deepest truth…Your being, tuned as One Voice with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls reflecting the symphony of the spheres. See ad, page 21.
Heart-Centered Intuitive Healer In Person, By Phone or Skype 520-344-9992 While talking with you, Jeanie helps you transform your life through releasing energetic patterns that don’t serve you. She has trained in Shamanism, The Braddock Bodywork Process, and Heart Rhythm Meditation, and is a Reiki Master. Available for public presentations.
Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188
Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Serving Tucson and surrounding area This mentor supports by relieving stress, answering tough questions, interfacing with medical professionals, translating medical lingo, holding space, running errands, and/or maybe fills in so that a caregiver can take a deep breath or get a good night’s sleep.See ad, page 35.
Achieve your highest potential through sound healing, reiki, yoga, aromatherapy and more. Danielle utilizes Tibetan Sacred Sound (certified through, combined with other modalities, as is appropriate for each individual. Relax, release stress, improve health, and realize your own gifts. See ad, page 35.
Johanna Alley 520-370-1306 • J
1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35 520-326-0082
A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general & cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 7.
Dr. Steven A. Swidler, DDS Dr. Kenneth C. Glass, DDS 4650 W Jojoba Dr, 85745 520-743-7101 • Medicine Wheel Dental is Tucson’s premier holistic integrative dental practice. Utilizing a balanced mix of traditional dentistry with exclusive naturopathic, holistic and alternative modalities, Medicine Wheel Dental provides the highest level of personalized dental care. “With awareness, we can make a choice.” See ad, back cover.
Johanna accesses from the quantum field your loving, spiritual energies and gives voice to insights to help you learn how to live the karma-balancing life you wrote for yourself and manifest your true life purpose. $10 off first session.
Tesla Metamorphosis Healing and Access Bars 520-305-5393 Tammy Rosen Wilbur is a certified Tesla Metamorphosis and Access Bars practitioner who works metaphysically to create new possibilities for expansion, change and healing. As an intuitive healer, she helps clients clear blockages pain and illness to become the light they are. See ad, page 39.
November 2017
Juliana Ashe 4231 E Havasu Rd, 85718 520-639-6080 Juliana extends light. She connects your field of energy to expanded light frequencies, in a heart-centered meditative state. In sessions, she assists you in “holding” new patterns of intent, to relieve stress, pain, trauma, emotional grief and even depression and anxiety.
Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 520-400-8109 5160 E. Glenn St, Ste. 150 Dr. Suzie specializes in non-surgical facial rejuvenation focused on your specific concerns, objectives and constraints. If you are interested in aging gracefully and believe that “less is more”, then call today to start the journey to being your own kind of beautiful. See ad, page 17.
FINANCIAL ADVISOR CLARITY FINANCIAL SERVICES Anne (Kelsik) Ramirez Investment Manager CA Insurance License #0D69354 1022 W Ina Rd, Ste 7, 85704 Office / Cell: 520-955-2495 Fax: 520-297-2414
The selection of a financial advisor is critical to your success. Just beginning to look for a professional or feeling that your current advisor lacks that level of commitment to you? Schedule a meeting today to discuss your situation and to determine if there might be a fit to work together. See ad, page 4.
Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 13.
FLOTATION SPA CLOUD NINE FLOTATION 2118 S Avenida Planet 520-668-4017
Relax, recuperate, unplug from your daily stress-filled life. Flotation Therapy is the most relaxing thing you’ll ever experience. Effective for stress, anxiety, recuperation from injuries, meaningful meditation. Ask about Colorado Hemp Honey.
2130 N Alvernon Way, 85712 520-332-2928 • Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson offers a scientifically proven two month long healing walk program that reduces anxiety, stress, and sadness and promotes joy and peacefulness. For details and start dates, visit Open daily 9:30am-4:30pm; except on Monday from 10am-4:30pm, October to June.
GLUTEN FREE GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm
Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 41.
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755
Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.
No person, no place and no thing has any power over us, for ‘we’ are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. ~Louise L. Hay 56
natural awakenings
520-885-8970 - Tucson Metro 480-739-0234 - Phoenix Metro ROC # 305289
Arizona’s eco-friendly manufacturer of recycled granite pavers, split stone tile veneer, subway tiles and fire pits. The locally crafted products add a unique, beautiful look to your home and business while keeping our planet’s mountains out of Arizona’s waste stream.
Sheila Shea, M.A., has 38 years of experience and is board certified. Her institute offers colon hydrotherapy, detox protocols, and GAPS counseling. She specializes in abdominal massage, nutritional support and colonoscopy preparation. Heal your gut, heal your body. See ad, page 20.
Modern Organic Hairdressing 204 W Grant Rd 520-331-9006 • Facebook: ProjekK In the courtyard of Placita de la Luna, enter ProjekK hair studio and notice the scents of pine, rosemary and sage. Stylist Kathie features U.K.-inspired cuts that need minimal styling. Hair color is ammonia-free and organic, providing beautiful, professional results.
HEALTHFOOD STORES DESERT WELLNESS NUTRITION 125 W Calle De Las Tiendas, 103A, Green Valley, 85614 520-625-3665
Desert Wellness is a local health food store dedicated to helping the community access high quality health/nutrition products. The store’s owner, Christina Roberts, is a nutritionist and certified holistic health coach, qualified to guide customers to healthier lifestyles.
HEALTH SCREENING PROACTIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, LLC Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036
Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 3.
HEALTHY EATING CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525
Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 5.
5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm
Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 41.
Providing commercial and residential service for routine maintenance, repairs, inspections, and new installation of air conditioning systems and furnaces. Specializing in clean and proper installation of equipment, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. Also offers Mini-splits. Family-owned and operated.
520-548-2650 ROC#296152
711 E Blacklidge Dr, 85719 520-792-0630
Enjoy resort-like atmosphere of waterfalls, peacocks, fountains and gardens while relishing international vegetarian cuisine emphasizing healthy organic produce. Dinner under $10. Join us for weekly Sunday Festival at 5:30pm with musical meditation, spiritual discourse and dinner at 7pm.
Vegetarian Restaurant 2990 N Campbell Ave, 85719 520-325-7766 Lovin’ Spoonfuls offers breakfast, lunch and dinner in a gracious atmosphere, perfect for dining with friends, family and business associates. Awards and accolades include Tucson Lifestyle magazine’s Best Vegetarian Restaurant, Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson and VegNews’ Best Vegetarian Restaurant.
145 E University Ave, Ste 207, 85705 520-722-9787 PulsedAdvanced Center is offering PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic fields to enhance your body’s healing ability. Tremendous results are reported: including relief from incontinence, sciatic and other pain, inflammation, depression, improved energy, enhanced healing, and increased range of motion. New location special: 20% off initial session; $50 off a package. See ad, page 43.
HOLISTIC HEALTH COACHING Rebecca Saxon, BSN, RN, MA MA in Transpersonal Psychology 520-248-6351
This is a safe place to discuss your health issues or health goals and get reliable direction from a holistic RN of 29 years. Education and inspiration toward total wellness are provided in a compassionate environment. See ad, page 33.
Jennifer Bauman Ollman/Owner 2831 E Broadway Blvd, 85716 520-325-0359 (Store) • 520-548-9968 (Cell) Tues. & Thurs. 9-6; Sat. 10-8 Jen’s Organic Home features a beautiful 2831 E. Broadway Blvd. healthy showroom with an 520.325.0359 abundance of natural products. Whether you’re greening your interior environment, recovering from illness or strengthening your family’s immune system, Jen’s Organic Home provides local, healthy choices for Tucsonans. Visit Jen’s Organic Home on Instagram and Facebook. See ad, page 27. Hours: Tues, Thurs, Sat 10am-6pm
CJ Walker Independent Representative 520-444-7525 Get rid of pain within 5 minutes. Aches, pains,
chronic or full body pain. No drugs, chemical, stimulants. Safe and highly effective. Try the product before you buy, ask for a free 10-minute demonstration. 30-day money-back guarantee. See ad, page 8.
November 2017
Patti Thompson, MSN, RN, AGPCNP-BC, CHt 520-444-2725 Patti Thompson, Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist, specializes in stress management and health promotion through the Mind/ Body connection. She offers workshops and private sessions to help others access the power of their subconscious mind, change patterns and improve their health. See ad, pg 7.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions. See ad, page 13.
Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 13.
Independent Agent, LegalShield Inc. 520-808-3068 Legalshield provides a solution to the top consumer complaint with the FTC for 15 years. With Legalshield you and your family will have your financial accounts as well as drivers license, SSN, medical, character/ criminal identity, etc. monitored. With Legalshield, when a professional thief steals your identity, professional licensed investigators restore it.
4866 E Broadway Blvd, 85711 520-881-8000
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 16.
Sandi Eghtesadi helpscustomers like you identify the insurance coverage that best fits your needs -whether that’s auto, home, renters, business insurance and more.“The best compliment I can receive is the referral of your family, friends and colleagues.”
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. ~Oprah Winfrey 58
natural awakenings
A gifted clairvoyant, healer and teacher, Gunter offers private intuitive reading and massage therapy/bodywork sessions. He also holds workshops and seminars on Quantum Healing and development of intuition– everything that makes us more aware and feeling better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Heart-Centered Intuitive Healer In Person, By Phone or Skype 520-344-9992 While talking with you, Jeanie helps you transform your life through releasing energetic patterns that don’t serve you. She has trained in Shamanism, The Braddock Bodywork Process, and Heart Rhythm Meditation, and is a Reiki Master. Available for public presentations.
Larry Martin 445 S Alvernon Way at Doubletree by Hilton 513-476-2222 Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair is Tucson’s Premier Metaphysical Community of independent psychics, healers, artists and crafts people. Everyone interested in metaphysical events is welcome, always with free admission. Event dates are listed online at
IV THERAPIES WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 33.
Independent Agent, LegalShield Inc. 520-808-3068 LegalShield Inc provides affordable access to law firms across the U.S. and Canada allowing small businesses and individuals the ability to receive legal advice, consultation, review of documents, court actions of a defensive nature, and more. For over 40 years, LegalShield plan holders can say “No longer do you have to check your wallet before you check your rights.”
Massage Therapy specializing in relief and treatment of pain and injuries. Stephanie has experience and training with a wide variety of massage therapy techniques. Also certified in neuromuscular therapy. A session at the New Leaf Studio is helpful for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain and more.
LMT for you, your horse, and dog 520-906-1808 Since 1999, Elissa’s mission has been to help people, horses, and dogs move and feel better. Available for out-calls and specializing in Therapeutic Massage, Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, Lypossage, and Kinesio Tape. Call today and learn how to enhance your health! See ad, page 39.
INTUITIVE HANDS MOBILE MASSAGE Don May, LMT Location: House Calls, Office Calls 520-730-0656
Enjoy the deeply healing benefits of therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home or office. Relieve chronic pain, release stress, or recover from injuries with Don’s nurturing Integrative Bodywork (blending traditional massage modalities with craniosacral and reiki). Don is known for his “groundedness” (a deeply calm presence), which allows clients to enter a state of deep relaxation with ease. See ad, page 38.
215 N Court Ave, 85701 520-743-1486
Ritual by Kate’s Magik is an intimate boutique that carries 100% pure aromatherapy products and ceremonial supplies. Ritual also offers a variety of aromatherapy-focused massages designed to help people relieve stress, move through grief or promote love, healing and success.
WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 • Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 3.
THERAPEUTIC INTUITIVE BODYWORK Jennifer Beard LMT Speedway/ Craycroft Area 520-906-8136
A skilled touch with a unique effective approach. With over 25 years of experience, Jennifer utilizes a therapeutic approach to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, clear energetic blockages, and balance structural misalignments. New client special: three-session “tune-up” for $150. See ad, page 39.
Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 33.
University Ave, Ste 207, 85705 520-722-9787 PulsedAdvanced
Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE, COE 520-400-8109 5160 E Glenn St, Ste At the Pampered Skin Studio, Dr. Suzie personally provides customized treatments including facials with microdermabrasion, microcurrent and LED, peels, microneedling, facial fillers, Botox® and Novathread® non-surgical facelifts. Minor skin irregularity treatment and electrolysis are also available. Specializing in adult and teen acne as well as sensitive and ethnic skin issues. See ad, page 17.
Center is offering PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic fields to enhance your body’s healing ability. Tremendous results are reported: including relief from incontinence, sciatic and other pain, inflammation, depression, improved energy, enhanced healing, and increased range of motion. New location special: 20% off initial session; $50 off a package. See ad, page 43.
Larry Martin 445 S Alvernon Way at Doubletree by Hilton 513-476-2222 Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair is Tucson’s Premier Metaphysical Community of independent psychics, healers, artists and crafts people. Everyone interested in metaphysical events is welcome, always with free admission. Event dates are listed online at
Steve Liu, L.Ac., BSEE Wen Ting, L.Ac., MA 6812 N Oracle Rd, Ste 130, 85704 520-878-8116 • Healing Tucson since 2001. Specializing in chronic and acute neck and back pain, sports and soft tissue injuries, autoimmune diseases, macular degeneration, digestive disorders, headaches and migraines, allergies and asthma, peripheral neuropathy, and many other health conditions. See ad, page 29.
November 2017
PERMANENT MAKE-UP A LASTING TOUCH SALON Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162 520-869-5593
ZY Qigong Teacher/Practitioner Desert Milagros, 3438 N Country Club 520-404-8745 Meetup Practice qigong and connecting to the Earth and Universe. A practice not based on knowledge but direct transmission from practitioners. It is about leaving the world of knowledge and releasing into the mysteries and flow of nature. Yes you can.
Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures. Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 12.
Your Home for Real Estate Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 2890 E Skyline Dr, Ste 250, 85718 Carol is an energetic residential Realtor entrusted by her clients for her knowledge, integrity, diligence, and reliability. Her thoughtful and caring approach sets her clients at ease and her joyful demeanor shines a light in the complex world of real estate. See ad, page 11.
Denisse Cabrera, RN, CDE Certified Integrative Life Coach 520-979-4600 Offering individual and group sessions for personal growth through coaching or consulting. Identify core strategies for fulfillment in health, career, relationships, simplified living, and authenticity. Remember, your level of success is directly correlated to your level of personal development. See ad, page 11.
PHARMACY REED’S COMPOUNDING PHARMACY 2729 E Speedway Blvd, 85716 520-318-4421 •
Reed’s Compounding Pharmacy specializes in custom compounded prescriptions for the special needs of patients and pets. They compound creams, suspensions, capsules, suppositories, troches and more. Pharmacists are available to make recommendations based on your needs and to consult with your provider.
Senior Loan Officer NMLS ID# 180167 AZ MLO Lic# 0911886 520-447-2279 Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID# 3199 An Approved Equal Housing Lender 210 E Broadway Blvd, 85701 Branch NMLS ID# 1165964 Karen Fisher has been helping people with their real estate financing needs since 1983. She can help you with residential (1-4 units) purchase, refinance or remodeling transactions anywhere in the State of Arizona. Summit Funding is a privately owned residential mortgage company that handles all of the loan details locally. To make that dream home, vacation home or rental property a reality call for a free consultation. See ad, page 13.
natural awakenings
RESTAURANTS CLAIRE’S CAFE & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 •
Claire’s Cafe & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 5.
GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm
Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 41.
711 E Blacklidge Dr, 85719 520-792-0630 • Enjoy resort-like atmosphere of waterfalls, peacocks, fountains and gardens while relishing international vegetarian cuisine emphasizing healthy organic produce. Dinner under $10. Join us for weekly Sunday Festival at 5:30pm with musical meditation, spiritual discourse and dinner at 7pm.
SHAMANISM LYNNE NAMKA American shamanism helps you surrender to your connection with your guides and Divine Love. Services offered are Soul retrieval, decording, chakra clearing, past life regression and healing and removing shame from sexual abuse. Experience this gentle, loving session. See ad, page 39.
Learn gentle therapeutic exercises to release your singing voice. We open to the etheric tone with our breath and release it as sound. This service produces relaxation and begins the journey of unveiling the Voice for those who have longed to sing! Sing and be happy!
Suzanne Pear, RN, PhD, LE COE 520-400-8109 • Doctor Suzie, a Registered Nurse and Licensed Aesthetician, is certified in Oncology Esthetics and specializes in providing customized skin care treatments for all skin types and skin issues. She especially delights in educating clients about their skin and helping them identify affordable and manageable solutions for their concerns. Make an appointment and let Dr. Pear start you on the path to revealing your own kind of beautiful! See ad, page 17.
Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gantas (Bells), Tingshas and more are utilized by Danielle in the Tibetan Sacred Sound modality. She is certified through and combines other modalities, as is appropriate for each individual. Relax, release stress, improve health and realize your own gifts. See ad, page 35.
Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 ”..a spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Celebration Service 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 36.
Tryshe Dhevney
Imagine your soul in tune with your body…Your soul, in tune with your body…Your voice, communicating your deepest truth…Your being, tuned as One Voice with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls reflecting the symphony of the spheres. See ad, page 21.
Meeting at the Unscrewed Theater 3244 E Speedway, 85716 Metaphysical and spiritual gathering of Lightworkers for healing, enlightenment, and growth. Friday Healing Circle at noon; Sunday Service at 11am.
520-751-2039, x100
Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.
Debbie Shaw, Owner 520-275-4510
Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally. See ad, page 10.
Michelle Arbore
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 37.
Michelle will help plan and manage your social media giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business and to spend with the people you love. She will take you through each step with ease and simplification to help you understand social media. See ad, page 35.
Dr. Lance Morris 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 37, 85716 520-322-8122
Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340
520-444-7525 Personal healing sessions to help you release energy blockages and step into your mastery. Universal White Time Healing, Phi Vogel Crystals & Sound Harmonics. Author of the new book, Love Yourself Sacred. One-hour sessions $50 off for Natural Awakenings readers.
Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.
November 2017
Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Thursday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at Unity Church of Tucson.
Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services
ffiliated with Unity School A of Christianity and now in our 60thYear serving the Tucson community. Sunday services at 10 am.See ad, page 37.
UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER OF PEACE 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696
Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 34.
Jack Baker 520-240-6621 Being a former Marine I know what standards are and Marine Clean Windows is not only the name of my business but the standard you should expect for your windows. If your windows aren’t Marine Clean, they’re not clean!
Don’t just throw away your old computers and technology or toss it in your closet or garage. Let us clean it up and recycle it. We’ll wipe your recycled devices clean and take these off your hands. See ad, page 41.
Rev. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300
Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, Ste 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 2.
DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt. CCT Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN Dr. Jo Ruddy, PHD Jody Hardy, MALPC 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 We are
Master Trainer, T’ai Chi, Qigong, Tao Yoga like-minded 520-780-6751 First!created a Where Your Wellness Comes healing professionals who have patient-focused environment to Wishescollaborative, Everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year! provide healthy experiences for those ready to
WOMEN’S HEALTH REED’S COMPOUNDING PHARMACY Dana Reed 2729 E Speedway Blvd, 85716 520-318-4421
Specializing in hormone replacement therapy for women, Reed-Kane consults and helps providers treat patients. She has a keen understanding of the importance of hormone balance for men and women and how changes can affect individuals resulting in pain, changes in libido, osteoporosis and overall changes in general well-being.
Dr. Arianna Scholes-Douglas, Barbara Cooper ARNP, CNM 2404 E River Rd, St 251, 85718 520-577-1129 • Tula means Balance. Integrative Gynecology, well- woman exams, help with perimen-opausal and menopausal concerns, PMS and hormone balancing. health and nutrition coaching. Digestive issues and medical weight loss. Complete medspa services including botox and fillers, aesthetics. CoolSculpting, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation. See ad, page 2.
reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3. More than 25 years of experience. Practical solutions Ÿ Ÿ for relaxation, rejuvenation, Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ harmony, balance. Inspiring Ÿ Ÿ healthy community by Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ empowering people to improve Choosing to be proactive about your health today can prevent you from having to be reactive about Optimal functional health is not a lofty goal. It's a birth right for everyone. wellness. Collaborative an illness later. programs to serve your group’s needs. Skills workshops, instructor training, ~Lao Tzu Ÿ professional CEs, classes at various locations, Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ private lessons. Breast, Upper and Full Body Scans Preventative Screening Identify Risk Factors
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natural awakenings
Primary care physician Specialist in Endocrinology – Thyroid, Hormone, Adrenal, and Neurotransmitter systems Specialist in Gastrointestinal Issues Functional Medicine specialist Recently awarded “Most Caring Doctor” in the nation through
Silence is a source of great strength.
Jo Ruddy, PhD Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and Metaphysical Life Coach Specializes in releasing disease A solution-focused approach to release unconscious patterns Ÿ Holistic/metaphysical modalities for healing mind, body, spirit Ÿ Couples reconnection & relationship empowerment Jodi Hardy, MA, Cht, LPC Psychotherapist Ÿ Specializes in working with women & children Ÿ Therapeutic & hypnotherapy modalities to create healing Ÿ Demonstrates & fosters healthy self-esteem
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