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Thank you for making Natural Woman Magazine a success. We have made it through our first year and our future has never looked so good!!! Thank you for being a Loyal Friend Natural Woman Magazine is a Media Corporative Copyright Š 2014

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Natural Woman Magazine Contributors Azizah Nubia Editor In Chief Tammarah Overton

Chief of Beauty & Fashion Gidget Hunter Allen Head of Photography Shanell Bowles-Russell Creative Designer Jan –Maxwell Johnson

Cover Graphic Designer Likia Christine Health & Wellness Contributor Roy L. Hall Marketing Dwight Hillman Marketing Deandre Washington Sales & Advertising Zephanie Garrett Contributor/Marketing Jazzy Sidelic Contributor/ Photography Isis Swink Cover Photography by: Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages

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Holistic health Contributor 5

NWM’s Cover photo shoot for the Jan. 2014 Hip Hop issue took place in Cincinnati, Ohio. The creative strategy for the cover was to create an image that showcased the union of Natural Hair & HIP HOP. Cover Models: Tyler Weakly & Dre Mill

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Cover Photography by : Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages Creative Style, Make up & Hair by : Shanell Bowles-Russell & Likia Christine Natural Woman Magazine 7

The Power of Sound...18 Melanin the Supreme Gene with Consir Thot...25 Your Zip Code and your health...31 Putting the Hip in Hip Hop...44 Be the Master with Ayesha NuRa...47 Independent Artist Spotlight… 52 2014 Black Movie Awards...56 Occult and Hip Hip with Ra Imhotep…

58 Higher Vibes with Lenon Honor...61 The Spirit of a Love Song...66 Sweet Sistah Splash...69 Meet the Model...85

In Every Issue Wordz from the editor Ask Natural Woman Earth Star Mama DIY Kia’s Kitchen Azizah’s Cupboard Natural Hair Miss Too’s Fashion Tips Photography by Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages

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Natural Woman Magazine is a SEA Nominee for Magazine of the Year Natural Woman Magazine 10

Enter into the elements Editoral

Hip Hop has played a very important role in my life since we began the Natural Woman journey. The music alone has helped me to be determined in achieving my goal. I remember Lupe said “I’m just a conduit to keep you calm through it” when I was faced with hard times. Or when Nas said “Never make decision out of desperation, I think through them” when I was ready to give up and call it quits. Hip Hop is more then just a genre of music, it is a way of life. The spirit of Hip Hop holds the ancient knowledge of our ancestors, they speak to us through the words of the Emcee or the through the sound of the beat, through the art of the graffiti and the movement of that dance. Hip Hop is a universal tool that can be used to uplift and empowers the world. Everybody knows Hip Hop no matter your race, sexuality, religion, Hip Hop has reached all of us. And with that power it can unite us all, it can bring us together I hope you find the message in this issue. We wanted to unite the worlds of Natural Hair and Hip Hop because they are like husband and wife as I like to see it. If Hip Hop was a man then the Natural Hair Movement would be his wife. The Natural Hair movement is a movement has raised the self esteem of millions of women world wide. Hip Hop resurrected his woman and she is ready to take her place by his side as they both elevate the frequency and bring back love to the planet.

Azizah Nubia @AzizahNubia11 Natural Woman Magazine 11

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Afrika Bambaataa is one of the three main originators of break-beat deejaying, and is respectfully known as the "Grandfather" and "Godfather" of Hip Hop Culture as well as The Father of The Electro Funk Sound. Through his co-opting of the street gang the Black Spades into the music and culture-oriented Zulu Nation, he is responsible for spreading rap and hip-hop culture throughout the world. Bam is also recognized as a Humanitarian and a man of peace, who has applied elements of Afrocentric, spiritual, and healthconscious teachings to his philosophy. He is also a historian on Hip-Hop roots, who traces the culture back to the times of the African Griots.

The oral tradition of the Griot - a person or class of people, mainly in West African societies, whose job it was (and still is, albeit in delcine) to memorise poems, stories, and songs in order to be able to share them with their peers, and also to pass on to the next generation of Griots. Their role is multifaceted; not only are they entrusted with history, but also provide commentary on present day salient issues, often being members of royal courts where they would advise kings and emperors. The oral tradition strikes a resemblance with the Sufi poets of the subcontinent, who like the Griots used to pass on their wisdom through the medium of poetry and other art forms.

Afrika Bambaataa

African Griot from the 1890’s


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Hiphop = our unique Spirit, our unique collective consciousness; the creative, causative force behind Hip Hop’s elements. Hiphop is the name of our lifestyle and collective consciousness. It is a perceptual ability that causes one to self-create and raises one’s self-worth. (represented by Kool DJ Herc) Source:

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Traditionally, Hip Hop is first approached as an art form that consists of four core elements; B-Boyin (break dancing), MC-ing (rap), Aerosol Art (graffiti writing) and DJ-ing (the cutting, mixing and scratching of recorded materials). These are called the “core four” elements of Hip Hop. However, Hip Hop’s “core four” elements also encompass specific and unique urban clothing styles, language styles, business and trade techniques as well as a collective body of knowledge derived from its internal experiences with itself and the world. Therefore, from our initial “core four” elements we get our nine cultural elements; Breakin, Emceein, Graffiti Art, Deejayin, Beat Boxin, Street Fashion, Street Language, Street Knowledge and Street Entrepreneurialism. - See more at:

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Natural Woman how do you block negative thoughts from people? Nicole Montgomery Nashville, Tennessee USA

Great question Nicole Everyone is plagued by negative thoughts at some point in life. However, once you begin thinking about what you're "thinking about", you've already taken the first step to controlling negative thoughts. Here are some tips that may be of use. 

Make the decision that you are going to be the one to decide what your thoughts are and will be.

Surround yourself with positive people.

Refuse to accept negative comments when you know they're undeserved.

Think for yourself.

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This is not new , news however this story is so amazing that we had no choice but to share. Our world today is in such chaos and confusion. Everyone is mad or in a hurry, never taking the time to relax and enjoy the moment. But what if I told you, that way of living is only a choice. Those emotions that we consider negative or “bad” are nothing more then low vibrational frequencies. We can easily shift our emotional frequencies through many mediums' like eating a healthier diet, embracing natural hair, meditation, positive thinking and sound. Yes I said it ‘sound’, sound can be very helpful in healing and transforming our lives and raising our vibration. But not just any sound there are certain tones and frequencies called solfeggio frequencies. These frequencies can repair DNA, connect us to higher universal consciousness, and awaken us to our highest purpose. These tones are being used around the our planet by scientist who wish to heal the world

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and make it a better place . One scientist even used solfeggio frequencies to clear the polluted Gulf of Mexico from oil back in 2009. Here is the story.. According to John Hutchinson, an electromagnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, a selection of “music” has helped purify poisoned water. The frequencies included the “sound of Jupiter,” recently recorded by NASA, vibrating close to 528Hz frequency. That sound energy has been determined to match the color greenish-yellow--the heart of the rainbow, the electromagnetic color spectrum, celebrated by the botanical world, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, who has published most on that pure tone. Nature obviously celebrates that shade, the pigment chlorophyll, to produce oxygen and energy needed for life.

Hutchinson’s partner, Nancy Lazaryan, a journalist from Minnesota, said their research was “intuited” to include the 528Hz sound that they observed causing oxygen to bubble up heavily 18

from the bottom of the oil soaked Gulf and Perdido Bay, between Florida and Alabama.

sound has the power to clean up polluted ocean waters, just think what sound can do for our bodies. When we listen to low vibrational frequenThe couple started their research requesting cies that cause negative emotions and imbalance we are literally polluting our minds, bodies samples of polluted Gulf water be sent to Hutchison's lab in Vancouver. There, Hutchison and destroying our cells. But with the knowledge of solfeggio frequencies particularly the sound and Lazaryan experimented using ancient Sol528 hz we can make big changes within ourfeggio sounds and Gregorian chant frequencies selves and our environment. Listen to Solfeggio that have been traditionally used for healing. The Frequency 528 hz CLICK HERE frequencies were applied to several polluted wa- See more at: ter samples using audio and radio waves, with -miraculously-cleaned-oil-polluted-water-gulf-mexico-according wonderful results. So Hutchison and Lazaryan packed up their lab equipment, borrowed a trailer, and farm truck, and traveled from Canada to the Gulf. Their chemical analysis from their first "open air frequencies" experiments in Perdido Bay proved to them that, “the Gulf water can be healed.”


To date, the federal government has relied on the deadly oil dispersant, Corexit, a Goldman Sach/Boots & Coots chemical causing a lot of people, and wildlife, to get sick and die. Alternatively, Hutchinson and Lazaryan recommend a harmonic "stream of sound" to completely purify the polluted water. The couple claims the inspiration for these harmonics came from the Essenes, a sect of Israel where Jesus was a member. The Essenes "inner circle" taught the "stream of sound" as part of the Creator’s power to create.

The 528 hz tone is known by the ancients to be a "healing frequency," and many people believe it can be used to repair damaged DNA. Most recently, Dr. Horowitz, working with mathematician Marko Rodin, advanced the mathematical relationship to genetic structuring, as DNA segments reflect Rodin’s “infinity pattern,” that others predict will revolutionize everything. To read the full story or to learn more information on the works of Dr. Horowitz and Hutchinson please feel free to follow the link below. So there you have it, there is power in sound. If

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How EXCITED was I when I found this phenomenal way to lighten my hair. I have been thinking about it for a while, and really only wanted to lighten it a few shades. This easy to follow recipe is simple and you can leave it on By: Isis Swink 4 hours to over night. Cinnamon is a know skin irritant so if you feel any tingling or burning you will want to wash it out, but I would also suggest adding shea butter or olive oil to your scalp and hairline to make sure the mixture doesn’t come in contact with these sensitive skin areas. Check out the recipe below and enjoy !!

Materials Needed:     

Your Favorite Conditioner Ground Cinnamon Plastic Processing Cap Honey (optional; has additional bleaching and moisturizing properties) Time (Depending on preference; anywhere from 4 hoursovernight) Soft bonnet hair dryer/heating cap (optional)

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Step One: Prepare Cinnamon Mixture

There are a few options for this step. You want to

Add the conditioner, cinnamon, and honey (if desired) together in a plastic container. The amounts needed are determined by the amount of hair you have. Make sure that you have added at least 3 tablespoons of cinnamon to make sure you get even color rather than streaks of color. However, it is okay to add more. Mix the contents together with a plastic spoon as metal can react

treat this mixture like you would a deep conditioning treatment. Place the plastic processing cap over your hair. You can either sit under a bonnet dryer/heating cap for 30 minutes or you can wrap a warm towel around your head for 30 minutes. Another option is to just let your body heat do the work for you for the entire processing times. Whatever option you choose, the mixture should stay in your hair for at least 4 hours. The

with your mixture. Cover the mixture while you wash your hair.

longer the processing time, the more results you will see. Therefore overnight is the best option.

Step Two: Shampoo/Co-wash and Condition Hair as Usual

Step Five: Rinsing the Mixture Out

Make sure you rinse the mixture out completely. Nothing new here. Wash and condition your hair The pressure from running water straight from as you normally would. It’s best to detangle your the bath tub faucet can help in rinsing the majorihair here rather than saving it for later. Braid hair ty of the mixture from your hair. in sections to prevent tangling during application of cinnamon mixture. Step Six: Enjoy Your New Color Step Three: Apply Cinnamon Mixture to Sectioned Hair Applying the mixture to sectioned hair ensures that you are coating all the strands. Your hands are the only tools you need for the application. Since you detangled prior to it should be easy for you to finger-comb the mixture through your hair. Re-braid the section and move on to the next section. Complete this step over entire head. Cinnamon is a known skin irritant so it may tingle for a few minutes but it will go away. If the tingling persists or becomes unbearable, rinse it out immediately.

While you shouldn’t expect your hair to go from brunette to blonde, you can expect hair that is 2 shades lighter than your original color. The more applications you do, the more change you will see.

Thanks to Hubpage

To learn more DIY ideas please visit Earth Star Mama at

Step Four: Processing Time

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Interviewed by: Azizah Nubia

What is melanin and why is it important? I remember my first time I heard the word melanin, my father use to tell my brother and I how melanin protected us from the sun. And that melanin was the reason for our brown skin, it wasn’t until I grew older that I found out that my father was right. Melanin is does protect us from the sun and it is the reason for the different shades in human beings. But what my father didn’t know was that melanin is the foundation of life in all things and people of color who are melanin dominant. Have a special advantage when it comes to the gene we call melanin. To better help us understand this great gene I have sought the wisdom Consir Thot Mhs., Cht., Cmt.. (Masters human service, Certified Holistic Therapist, Certified Medical Therapist ). Azizah Nubia: Consir can you give us an overall view of what Melanin is and why it is so important that every melanin dominant human being on this planet know its function in their life. Consir: Melanin is produced in the pineal gland, in Natural Woman Magazine

Melanin dominated people this gland is an organ because it produces and secretes the chemical melanin. melanin is to the human body like chlorophyll is to a plant, it allows the cells to communicate with each other, when cells are in harmony they produce healthy organs, glands and stronger immune system. Melanin allows you to have universal communication which gives melanin dominant humans their spiritual connection. Melanin in the eyes helps you to see a full spectrum of colors, blue eyes, green eyes are defects in the retina that produces a duller version of colors, melanin in the mouth allows you to taste the full range of flavor in foods, in other cultures food is bland, melanin in the ears gives you a more acute sense of hearing and allows you to hear sounds at higher vibrations and frequencies as opposed to other races and cultures. Melanin is a rhythmic chemical which allows organs to perform their functions in a cycle according to universal intelligence. Melanin dominated people talk in rhythm even in dance 25

steps, These are just a fraction of the many roles melanin plays in your body, melanin is in all parts of your body it is the source of life. Other races produce a smaller amount of melanin. Azizah Nubia: What role does melanin play in our creative abilities. Consir Thot: A substance called melatonin is produced in your sleep, this causes you to have vivid lucid dreams. Lucid dreaming is the ability to be aware you are dreaming, which allows you to be more in control of your dreams. Dreams are based off your reality if you can visualize it in your dreams it can become your reality, One of the reasons you have your ah ha moments or experience dejavu is based off your dream state (also past life experiences) Once memories are visualized in your subconscious memory they become a vital part of your creativity. Azizah Nubia: In this issue we have talked a lot about music and creativity. Does music affect your melanin in any way? Consir: Absolutely! Everything effects melanin either positive or negative. Azizah Nubia: So it's safe to say that by listening to negative music you are damaging your melanin? Consir: Melanin gives you your consciousness, negative music makes your brain unbalanced, once your brain is unbalanced you become in conflict with your thoughts and emotions, this leaves you open to be easily controlled by others and influenced by the music, it causes you to be an alien to yourself. Azizah Nubia: How can our readers learn to be more aware of the things that affect their melanin and what changes can they make to protect it. Consir: What damages melanin is waste in the internal organs, caused by salt, sugar, white flour and dead animals that are consumed in our daily diets. what protects melanin is live raw fruits, vegetables and nuts, also get at least 3 hours of sunlight or as much exposure on your body as possible in the winter months get plenty of rest in absolute darkness. To learn more information on Consir Thot and his holistic services . Please find him on FB under Heal Eye

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Photography by Gidhet Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages

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By: Cherise Charleswell As a public health practitioner, medical researcher, and academic one of the things that has always bothered me about the field is that we are often “Preaching to the Choir”. In order to actually impact the health of our community members, we have to improve communications and the way that we present information. This should include not only sharing statistics and revealing trade terminology, but more importantly explaining why these facts matter, why are they relevant, how dire is their impact, and in what way will communities and individuals actually be affected.

in which people are born, grow up, live, work, and age, as well as the systems put in place to deal with illness”. Basically social determinants, exclude the biological and genetic. They are all of the remaining factors -socioeconomic, cultural, and political which impact your health, your overall quality of life, and life expectancy.

It should be understood that genetics only account for a small fraction of actual health outcomes. For instance, Type I Diabetes is genetic and only affects a small fraction of the population, in comparison to Type II Diabetes, which was formerly referred to as Therefore, in order to ensure or improve “Adult Onset” Diabetes. Type II Diabetes is one’s health and well-being, I would suggest not a genetic disorder, and is instead a that one familiarizes themselves with the chronic disease that has become a global term social determinants of health. It is a pandemic, with high rates of disease even phrase that is discussed in many academic being seen in adolescents; and the growing journals and professional conferences, but is rates of disease are due to social determirarely shared with the public. The Center for nants of health. Similarly, the number of peoDisease Control & Prevention defines social ple who die from cardiovascular diseases determinants of health as, “the circumstances (heart attack, heart failure, stroke, etc.),

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which are primarily due to social determinants of health, is substantially higher than those who die from congenital (genetic) heart disease.

Take responsibility for your own health, particularly your diet Vote!!! and pay attention to legislation and policies that will impact your health (reproductive health, minimum wage inWhat are examples of social determinants of crease and wealth disparity, ban of genethealth? ically modified foods [GMOs], ban of sugAvailability of grocery markets that offer ary beverages in schools, Affordable Care fresh and nutritional foods Act/ObamaCare and access to medical Availability of clean, open, and safe spaces services, etc.); as well as how elected for recreational activities members in Congress vote on these Quality schools measures. Transportation options Locate a farmer’s market, begin a commuJob opportunities and living wags nity garden, plant your own herb garden Housing conditions Speak with your neighbors, community members, and family about health condiWhat does this have to do with your zip code? tions in your neighborhood Think about the factors and the examples given above. If we consider the economic Cherise Charleswell, MPH is a Bio-cultural factors, we can say the following: That the anthropologist, self-proclaimed Womanist, lack of access to job opportunities that pay living wages dictates the type of neighbor- author/writer, public health researcher/ hood (and zip code) that one can afford to practitioner. She is currently working on the live in, the number of housing hazards that book project, The Link Between Food, one may be exposed to, and may mean Health, & Culture In the African Diaspora. that they will have less access to full service grocery markets. All of this results in higher rates of chronic disease, reduced quality of life, poor health outcomes, and a decreased life expectancy. In short, your zip code, which is tied to social determinant of health, will determine your life span. Public health specialists and the legislators that they often meet with to present their findings are already well aware of this. What can you do? Be mindful of these determinants of health and try modify your own individual behavior

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1. Grapefruit Helps in Losing Weight-Grapefruit is high in enzymes that burn fats, has high water content and has less sodium. A combination of these three characteristics make grapefruit a perfect food for increasing your body’s metabolism. Try eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice every day and you will notice how quickly you lose those extra pounds.

2. Prevents Arthritis and Works as an Antiseptic- Grapefruit contains salicylic acid that helps break down the body’s inorganic calcium, which builds up in the cartilage of joints and may lead to arthritis. If you have arthritis, try drinking grapefruit juice with apple cider vinegar. You will notice a reduction in your arthritis symptoms.

3. Grapefruit Helps in Cancer Prevention-Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that is responsible for the red color of grapefruit. It is a powerful agent against tumors and cancers as it acts as a scavenger of cancercausing free radicals. Lycopene works best with vitamins A and C, which are also found in grapefruit.

4. Grapefruit Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels-The antioxidants found in grapefruit are effective in reducing cholesterol levels. However, if you are on prescription drugs, do not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice. Grapefruit has a negative reaction against many prescription drugs such as those used in treating depression, allergies, high blood pressure, seizures, impotence, heart palpitations and even HIV. Inform your physician if you want to use grapefruit as a regular form of treatment.

5. Grapefruit Treats Common Ailments-Eating grapefruit or drinking its juice helps treat common cold and fever, dissolve gallstones, boost liver function and enhance immunity against infections. As grapefruit contains a dietary fiber called pectin, it thus promotes better digestion. In addition, if you want to have a healthy and smooth skin, try including Sources:

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Detox Cred: Liquids in the morning are easier on your digestive system than solid foods. The carrots in this zesty tonic deliver a blast of immunity-boosting vitamin C and enough fiber to sustain you until your first snack. Source:

Photography by: Bryan Gardner

Ingredients 2 chopped grapefruits (peel and pith removed) 5 chopped carrots 1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and chopped Directions Press grapefruits, carrots, and ginger through a juice extractor. Stir and serve immediately

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Codfish cakes

By: Likia Christine

3 Potatoes 1-2 large cod filets 1 onion 1/2 Red bell pepper 1/2 Green bell pepper 2 eggs Salt/Pepper to taste Garlic powder 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs (I LOVE the brand 4C) Oil for frying

Directions: Peel and dice potatoes and boil them to make mashed potatoes. At the same time, boil the cod filets for ten minutes. Once potatoes are soft, drain and mash them in a large bowl. Drain the fish also. Add fish, peppers, onions and seasonings to the potatoes...taste it to see if it's to your liking before adding the eggs. Add eggs. Preheat oiled skillet, make patties out of the mixture and fry over med heat for 3-5 minutes on each side. Natural Woman Magazine 37

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It is so important that we understand how useful detoxing can be for our lives and health. Detoxification means cleaning the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. However, when this system is compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected. Our bodies naturally detoxes itself every time we go to sleep. But with all of the pollution are bodies are subjected to from our environment, and the toxic food that many consume. Our natural detoxing abilities don’t stand a chance without a little extra help from Mother Earth’s garden. Using a natural herb detoxing program 1 to 4 times a year will help your body get rid of toxins which will improve your health, keep off unwanted weight and help to keep you in a positive state of mind.

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Blackberry Dream Breakfast 4 big, ripe bananas, sliced blackberry jam: 1 1/2 cups blackberries

1 cup fresh figs, chopped 4 dates, pitted (or more if desired) 1/2 tsp cinnamon pinch of nutmeg 1/4 cup water, or more if needed garnish: few blackberries, figs and leaves of mint

To make the jam: Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until you get a smooth mixture. Assembly: Place a layer of sliced bananas on each plate and spread over with the jam. Place another layer of bananas on the top and continue the process four - five times. Spread the jam over the top and edges. Repeat the process on the second plate. Garnish with blackberries, figs and few leaves of mint, serve and enjoy! VIA: spicedblueberryshake


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Hip Hop Quoate

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By Jazzy Sdhlic

Queen Latifah gracefully spoke the words “Ladies First”. I know when it comes to the world of Hip Hop, that hasn’t always been the case. But in the male dominant industry, female emcees have set their marks and soared to the top despite of the gender disadvantage. When I refer to women in Hip Hop, I immediately think of Salt –N- Peppa, Mc Lyte, Lauren Hill, Da Brat, Yo-Yo, Rah Digga, and of course, Queen Latifah. And this is just to name a few. We have connected with their lyrical content and loved the message behind their music. From being educated on life, love, and everything in between, you can’t deny that female emcees put the “HIP” in Hip Hop. Mainstream artist aren’t the only ones that are making their mark. There is a magnitude of talent, passion, and determination from independent artist as well. I had the pleasure and privilege to interview two gifted female emcees; A.ivy (The Dame) and Sharee Fox. We discussed Hip Hop as a whole and their personal thoughts on how it’s a positive outlet of expression.

in context and emotion. A.ivy responded, “Life without hip hop wouldn’t be life at all for me. I live it, it’s my lifeline.” She also talks about how hip hop has impacted others as well. She states, “It’s been a platform for many positive things to happen in our communities despite all the negative things that are usually attached to the culture.” She also notes that hip hop has saved lives, it has brought people together, and it also gives us a place to belong by allowing us to be ourselves and accepting us as we may be. When I asked Sharee Fox the same question, she without a doubt says, “Life without hip hop, music, for me, would be like death. It’s like breathing to me.” These statements are very powerful in showing the impact that hip hop has on these women and so many others.

We clearly know that hip hop, in general, has a made an impact in the music industry. But have the women in the industry played a crucial role in the development and success of the culture? According to A.ivy, women have definitely made an impact in the industry and in history all together. I asked the question, what would life be like without Hip Hop? Their answers were very similar She explains that we (women) are the beautiful “glue” of it all. By bringing management, organiNatural Woman Magazine 44

zation, passion, and grace to the forefront, she phrases women as “mothers of the industry”. A.ivy knows that the female point of view can sometimes open back doors that men can’t get into because our approach varies from that of our male counterparts. With that being said, she always sees h herself as an asset to those that she works with. Because she’s driven by the freedom of art not money, this gives her success as an independent artist. Being a woman in this society often places restrictions and stereotypes on how we’re supposed to be. With the pressures of having a certain “lady like” image, what prompts women to become a Hip Hop artist? Sharee Fox gave me a clear view of what influenced her to pursue this career. She has a pure love for music. For her, it provides an outlet to be free in expressing herself while the world is tuning into her thoughts, her emotions, her struggles, her movement, and her life. She comments, “It’s my voice, it can be heard globally, allowing you to see “me”; it’s my passion…period.” When you put that into perspective, this is how hip hop inspires. There are so many women and young girls who have the same passions and dreams as A.ivy and Sharee Fox. I asked what advice they could give other female artist and aspiring artist. Their replies were firm and straight forward. In summary, women don’t have to sell your Photography by Jazzy Sdlhlic soul or sex in order to get ahead in the hip hop/ music industry. They have to be true to who they are and believe in themselves (and their brand). They added that women should know what they want and define what it means to “make it” by their own terms and conditions; keep as much control as possible over your art (your craft). Overall, they said to NEVER give up! In conclusion, women have put a curve in hip hop. It doesn’t matter if we’re mainstream, independent, behind the scenes or in front of the crowd. We inspire and influence those around us, men and women. And to all the women that are reading is, I want you to know that there is no wrong way dream your dream. Fads will always fade but individuality will always remain. * Final Note: Please support your local artist. You can learn more about my featured interviewees Sharee Fox and A.ivy by following the links below. Sharee Fox

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Interviewed by: Azizah Nubia “I know

I'm good at what I do. Damn good. Yet, I know I can be better. I intend to be excellent. My ancestors expect nothing less. And, when I go to join them (whenever that may be)...I will that I would have lived a life that would provoke them to say, "Woman...well done..” ~ Self-Realization By Ayesha NuRa

issue was the right time. Ayesha’s message not only made this article great, but she reminded me that life is full of learning and mastery, you will be put in situations where you have to learn, and when it’s time to master “the test” as she puts it, you can become the master of the many challenges you may face.

She is a free spirit, who brings nothing but truth and light to those who come into her presence. I came into contact with Ayesha NuRa through facebook and what a delight it is to be in the same circle of this sistar. We have planned to sit down and do this interview months ago, and we finally had the chance to do so. Everything happens at the right time I always say, and sure enough this

Azizah: Who is Ayesha NuRa

Natural Woman Magazine

Ayesha: First and foremost I am a mother to my amazing 7 year old son, I am also a poet and author. I have released and selfpublished 2 books of poetry that you can buy through Amazon or Barns & Noble. I am also empowerment coach; I teach a series of empowerment workshops titled My Empower- 47

nine energies. The tools that I share in my workshops are universal, everyone can get something empowering from them regardless of their spiritual background, gender, or ethnicity. Every workshop is different; I like to leave room for spirit to work through me to meet the needs of the participants. But overall we have beautiful circles where we motivate each other to do the inner work needed to help us shift to new levels of consciousness in our lives. The circles are a comfortable for everyone to be open.

ment, My Way. During these workshops I share tools with people that would help them connect with themselves and uplift the divine feminine within. Azizah: What can people expect from attending one of your workshops or better yet what can one get from just being in your presence? Ayesha : My work involves uplifting the divine feminine, a lot of times people just think that the divine feminine is just for the females, but we all are composed of both masculine and femi-

Natural Woman Magazine

Azizah: Doing the inner work is very essential. Some of the greatest minds in history have stated that in order to change your world you must change yourself first. Do you mind sharing how mastering your inner work can lead you to live a more fulfilled life? Ayesha: We are literally walking domino effects. Everything is connected, everything we do affects everything. We spend so much time as a society focusing on the problems and never the solution. If you want to stop violence you can’t keep focusing on violence, if you want to stop wars, you can’t focus on wars. We are so distracted from what’s really going on in our lives that we continue to get caught up in the “distraction”. Self-realization is the answer; once you know better you begin to do better. Life is all about learning and mastery, adversity are lessons that help you to learn more about yourself and once 48

you begin to master your problems you past the test and then you move to the next level. Azizah: I like the way you put that, life is like a game. So Ayesha tells me what gifts do you bring? Ayesha: My gift is the connection to the word as a poet and writer. I am a truthful person; I get straight to the point. Azizah: What project are you working on and what events do you have lined up for the remainder of the year and 2014? Ayesha: Well I am currently writing my first novel. I will be going on a book signing tour on the East coast (US) in 2014. I will also be starting up My Empowerment, My Way workshops in 2014. And finally I will be traveling to South Africa with a non-profit organization called Embrace Dignity. There I will be teaching, “My Empowerment, My Way� series with the women that the organization helps. Azizah: Wow, 2014 is looking very busy and fun for you. I wish you nothing but success on all your endeavors. Before wrapping up can you give our readers some advice that will help them on their journey fulfilling their highest destiny? Ayesha: My advice would be patience; be patient with yourself and be patient with the people around you. Patience will help you to find balance within yourself, once you have that you will have peace.

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Interviewed by: Azizah Nubia “I have the freedom to be able to voice my opinion and encourage others through my music. That what inspires me to sing,”

Azizah Nubia: Thank you so much for taking the time to grace the pages of Natural Woman Magazine, so tell me who is Quilla?

and the UK. Its good music. Azizah: What inspires you to sing and create music?

Quilla : I am Quilla THEE R&B Singer. Coming to you Quilla: Just being blessed to possess this gift and from Dayton, Ohio aka the Gem City. I am an Inde- share it is an inspiration. Life inspires me to sing pendent Singer/ Songwriter, out here on my grind. about the ups and downs, the things that I see and Azizah Nubia: How long have you been an indehave seen, situations I’ve witnesses weather good pendent artist? or not so good, happy or sad. I have the freedom to be able to voice my opinion and encourage others Quilla: I have been a solo artist for 4 year’s. But I have written and sung hooks for other independent through my music. That what inspires me to sing, artist since 2009. Azizah Nubia: That’s really great Quilla, so what projects are you working on?

Azizah: Nubia: We have dedicated this issue to Hip Hop who are your favorite Hip Hop & R&B artist?

Quilla: The project I’m currently working on is I Am The Feature P2 ...Quilla On The Hook. I wouldn’t call it a mixtape, its more like a piece of art featuring great artist I have collaborated with from the US

Quilla: I like a little of everything In the R & B category of course it is Quilla, Mary J, Jasmine Sullivan, Kiesha Cole ,Avant, Tank, J Holiday. Now on the Hip Hop side, I like old school Hip Hop artist like Ice Cu-

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be, KRS1, MC Lyte, 2 Pac, Biggie, but I’m getting up to date with artist like Wale and Jeezy.

Azizah Nubia: Well I need that song, music has helped me through those hard times of the people Azizah Nubia: I love those artist myself Quilla, music close to you not believing in your dreams as much is not how it use to be. What are your thoughts on as you do. I’m so happy that you made a song that could relate to that struggle. So to end things please what’s missing in the industry? give our readers your tips of advice, so they to can Quilla: The Industry is missing raw talent. Hands live their dreams like you Quilla Thee R & B Singer? down. Quilla: Never give up on the things you believe in Azizah Nubia: Raw talent like yourself Queen. Lets and the things you want to achieve because nothing talk performances, what's your favorite song to per- is impossible. Remember to be your own strongest form and why? supporter no matter what, people are going to criticize you along the way don’t be afraid of that. Keep Quilla: I have a song called ‘Living for me’ the title says it all. I love to sing that, especially with the band grinding. And always in everything you do remain El Coates . I love to sing it, because it gives the mes- humble. You never know who is watching. Thank you so much Natural Woman Magazine for the opporsage that you can achieve anything in , but before you can do that you have to know what to keep and tunity to share my passion and craft with you and let go of. There’s a lot of people that won’t want you your readers. WITH YOU AND YOUR READERS MUCH LUV...To learn more about Quilla and her music to do better than them or people who don’t want you to live out your dreams. Or you have some peo- please follow the links below. ple that don’t care or support you because your success isn’t coming fast enough for them, but they will surly hang around for anything they can get. So “Living for me’ was created to inspire you to put your needs and wants first and stop giving so much to please others because when the shoe is on the other foot, who is going to be there for you? Think about that.

Natural Woman Magazine

Visit the Natural Woman Website to listen to one of Quilla’s hit songs playing in our daily music rotation. OFFICIAL WEBSITE OFOR QUILLA THE R&B SINGER WWW.THENAMEISQUILLA.COM WWW.COMTWITTER.COM/QUILLADASINGER 53

Interviewed by: Azizah Nubia

Azizah Nubia: Thank you so much L.G. for taking the time to share your truth in the pages of Natural Woman Magazine. Please tell me and our readers who is L.G.?

worked with a lot of established people in the industry . I also have my own marketing and promotion company called Return of the Villain. Shot out to all the ROTV

L.G: Lyrical Genius is what L.G. stands for. I am an ambitious man wanting to bring change. I have a message in my music for the youth. Our culture has forgotten its way, so I make it my job to fulfill my ancestral duty as an HIP HOP artist to pass the knowledge back to our youth. They are the future.

Azizah Nubia: What upcoming projects do you have coming up?

L.G: I have a new single dropping in the spring of 2014 called Gotta Have Haterz, produced by DJ Ready Rob, and it features Young Loc. I love the song because it relates to everyone out here who are purAzizah: That’s real Hip Hop L.G. So tell me how long suing their dreams, but have to face and deal with have you been an artist in the music game? the nay sayers or haterz as I put it. It’s a good song.

L.G: I have been at this thing for over 5 years. It has Azizah Nubia: What inspires you to make music? been both a positive and negative experience, but L.G: life inspires me to do music. I live music, I’m the key is staying humble and focused. I have always around it, it has been with me my entire life. Natural Woman Magazine 54

You know what a person is on, by the type of music they are on. Azizah Nubia: Really? So what music do you listen to? L.G: 2pac, Nas, Jay Z, Lupe Fiasco, and of course Biggie. Azizah Nubia: What do feel is missing in the Industry today? L.G: realness the industry is phony. Azizah Nubia: What is your favorite song to perform? L.G: All of them. All of my songs have a message. They are all my favorites. Azizah Nubia: It had been really great speaking with you L.G. I wish so much success this year. And I am looking forward to the single. Before we wrap things up. Can you give our readers some advice on how they can pursue their dreams? L.G: Keep working, stay humbled, don’t take no stuff, invest in yourself, and no matter what don’t stop. Thank you so much Natural Woman Magazine for giving me the opportunity to share what I do. Much success to you. Please follow L.G. at @Da_RealLG on Twitter L.g. Return of the villain Hillman on FB LG & R.O.T.V on YouTube

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The ABFF Hollywood Awards – an online platform created to recognize the work of persons of African descent in the motion picture industry and outstanding films portraying the Black experience. The awards will give fans a voice in naming the best movies and performances of the past year, exciting interest in Black cinema during Hollywood’s award season and Black History Month. “Hollywood is an industry centered on gaining widespread interest and support of mass audiences yet the large majority of awards platforms are determined by small and relatively non diverse groups of industry insiders. This award will allow people from all walks of life a chance to participate in the process of celebrating good work”, said Jeff Friday, ABFF Founder/CEO of Film Life, Inc. The Awards and Festival are a part of the ABFF brand’s global initiative to promote the universal appeal of Black cinema by showcasing Black artists, stories and culture to a broader audience. ABFF Hollywood Awards will be determined by popular vote of the general public; inclusive of the 90,000 plus American Black Film Festival alumni around the world. Voting will take place January 15 through January 22, at The winners will be revealed online February 19, during a fiveminute “web show,” hosted by Chris Spencer (Executive Producer/Creator of BET’s “Real Husbands of Hollywood”), that will feature him tracking down winners to present the Award trophy and capture their acceptance speech. The nominees below were selected by a jury of film critics and entertainment editors from African American media outlets around the country. For consideration, films must have had U.S. theatrical release dates between January 1 and December 31, 2013, with a minimum two-week run in New York and Los Angeles, as well as have been directed by, written by, produced by or featuring in a leading role, a person(s) of African descent. Individuals (actors, directors, producers, and writers) must be of African descent.

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ABFF MOVIE OF THE YEAR Nominee’s 12 Years A Slave (Fox Searchlight Pictures) – produced by Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Bill Pohlad, Steve McQueen, Arnon Milchan and Anthony Katagas Fruitvale Station (The Weinstein Company) – produced by Nina Yang Bongiovi and Forest Whitaker Lee Daniels' The Butler (The Weinstein Company) – produced by Pam Williams, Laura Ziskin, Lee Daniels, Buddy Patrick and Cassian Elwes 2 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (The Weinstein Company) – produced by David M. Thompson and Anant Singh The Best Man Holiday (Universal Pictures) – produced by Sean Daniel and Malcolm D. Lee

To cast your vote visit

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Interviewed by : Azizah Nubia

Many of you may know Ra Imhotep from his world known YouTube Channel 13 signs astrology. There you will find over 300 videos covering topics that range from hip hop, health, higher consciousness, astrology, mysticism, the occult and so much more. With over a million views Ra is a powerful channel for expanding human consciousness beyond what is considered to be impossible. I had the pleasure of speaking with Ra on what is real Hip Hop and how it ties in with the occult world. The occult is a subject that many wish not to speak on, because of lack of understanding, or fear because of the evil stigma attached to the word. However we are all a part of the occult whether it be through religions or secret societies. Occult science is the Natural Woman Magazine

first steps in setting your mind free and allowing you to be the master of your reality. Do not be fooled by the propaganda in the media that only wants to shed light on how the occult can be used for harming or the control of another. Just like everything else in our reality if there is a so called “bad�, you best believe it has a good side too. The true origins of Hip Hop has its roots in the occult and with the help and insight of Ra maybe we begin to honor the art of Hip Hop and put her back into her rightful place. Azizah Nubia: Who is Ra Imhotep?

Ra Imhotep: I am a master astrologer I have a website, there I have a number of products and services along with 58

free information on a full spectrum of topics. But before all of that I came from the streets I started in Hip Hop. I got into books and took it upon myself to get teachers to teach me about the occult. That later helped me to start up my YouTube channel 13 Signs Astrology where we have had over one a million views. Azizah Nubia: On your YouTube channel you speak a lot on the occult. Could you please explain what is the occult?

which comes from Hip Hop, but not Hip Hop. When they took the instruments out of the music, there is a manipulation being done to people through the beat. Most of the music today is lower chakra music, its stimulate the lower aspect of yourself. The industry only wants a certain type of music, they do not want you to make music that will make people think, they do not want people to think.

Azizah Nubia: Who ‘s your favorite Hip Hop Ra Imhotep: When you research the word oc- artist? cult you will find that the word mean hidden. Ra Imhotep: Right now I like Lupe Fiasco he You will find out the occult tells you the inner is bringing real Hip Hop. doctrine of religion and it also goes into the Azizah Nubia: Thank you so much Ra for takscience of it. All of religions practice the ocing the time to shed some light on the cult and do not know it. matter. Hopefully we intrigued some minds Azizah Nubia: How does the occult tie in with to go a little deeper into occult knowledge. Hip Hop? And understand that Hip Hop was created to Ra Imhotep: The Hip Hop industry and music help humanity Know Thyself. industry go hand in hand with the occult. The art form of Hip Hop was created by Afrika Bambaataa and Kool Herc and various artist who are still living to this day. Hip Hop is a musical aspect of the occult based on the elements 1. Break Dancing, 2. Emcee, 3 DeeJaying, and graffiti there is a hidden 5th element and that is the element of teaching the knowledge of self.

To learn more information on Ra Imhotep please check out his YouTube channel 13 signs astrology and visit his website at

Azizah Nubia: So what’s the problem with Hip Hop today? Ra Imhotep: Its not Hip Hop its rap music

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Anyone who knows Lenon Honor will know that you are in the presence of a creative genius. I have gained tons of useful information from the works of Lenon and his wife Ayida Honor. His wife Ayida was featured in the Oct-Nov issue of NWM be sure you read up if you missed it. Because this family is a gift to the world.

is not concerned with listeners being better. They are more concerned about records sold and how much money can be made off of our buying power. But times are changing and people are beginning to wake up and see that we need something better. Lenon Honor has taken time out of his busy schedule to give our NWM readers insight on how music Music is a wonderful and powerful tool that can be affects us and how we can make a shift to use music in a positive and uplifting way. used for many purposes. In this issue alone we have gone through the many ways music can heal, Azizah Nubia: Tell me a bit more about Lenon and inspire us to live a more happier and abundant Honor and what it is you do? way of life. But when we listen to the music being Lenon Honor: I am a husband and a father in the played today it is obvious that the music industry first place. That is my primary commitment and

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responsibility in life. In addition to that I am a film maker, a writer, musician, talk show host, and other things to, but those are the major things that I do. My main objective in my work is to help and inspire other people to live a happier and healthier life. Azizah Nubia: As a musician how important is music to you? Lenon: I have a quote in my new book of quotes called 360 inspirational quotes, that I want to share. “There is music that inspires, music that enslave you will do well to know the difference between the two” Music is a very powerful force, it really influences people a lot of different ways. Its has the power to inspire and motivate people in positive ways it also had the ability to enslave and really damage people. As a musician and someone who has studied music, I recognized that music can actually be used to engineer whole societies think a certain way. So if someone is wanting to live a positive life, they will find it very difficult to do that if they are listening to music that is not positive. If the frequency of the music is negative, the language and lyrics are negative, if the music is demeaning towards women or disrespectful , all of these things will influence you. It impacts males to a degree where they have no respect for women, and it also impacts where they begin to have low levels self worth and self esteem. It is a very powerful tool and it has been used in positive ways, but now in mainstream music it is used in a negative manner. Azizah Nubia: That is so true. You hit a lot of points that I really wanted to bring out in this issue. Its so important that people wake up to this, so we can make changes in our music. Especially for our youth, to me I feel that the pop, r & b, and hip hop music on the market today are being engineered to make out youth imbalanced, confused and unstable. Lenon: The truth of the matter is that popular music , it doesn’t matter what generation it is. There will always be positive and negative elements in music, but in the last 25 to 30 years it has taken a turn for the worse. When I was growing up we had Stevie Wonder, EWF, and so many other great artist who made beautiful music with a very positive message. But now we are see the music move to a very negative place and we have to be careful when it comes to our children. My children know Coletrain, Miles Davis, they don’t know the popular music today. Its very important for parents to understand that the negativity is going to be out there. But it is up to us as parents to protect our chil-

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dren from it.

Azizah Nubia: Now, what about all those people who may say “well I just like listening to the music because it has a good beat. I don’t listen to the lyrics”, What would be your response to someone who said that?

which is the beat, but it will also take in the lyrical content as well. Even if the individual is not consciously listening to the lyrics they are still being embedded. Now once the lyrical content is embedded in the sub conscious mind, those lyrics become a program. That program begins to impact peoples thought patterns, words and actions. You can modify a person behavior simply by accessing the sub conscious mind through rhythmical programming . If you look people who listen to foul music, in most cases the quality of their life will be foul. The same goes for a person who listens to uplifting positive music , in most cases the quality of their life will be positive. So to answer your question, whatever music we allow in our space consciously or unconsciously it will impact the quality of our reality. Now some people do not want to look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves the question “why do I do the things I do? ” They have a built up psychological defense mechanism that says “ I don’t listen to the lyrics I‘m just listening to the beat”.

Lenon: Well they do not understand the basic elements of psycholocgy, and they do not understand their conscious and subconscious parts of their mind. And they are living denial , because they are listening to the lyrics. Whether they are doing consciously or unconsciously it is still accessing their consciousness. I want people to understand that one of the ways you can access the conscious mind of anyone is to develop cycles. In other words it can be rhythmic cycle, were getting into music now. On one beat you have the bass drum and on the 2’s and 4th you have the snare. So you the beat of boom, clap, boom clap this becomes a program that runs over and over again. These programs access the sub conscious mind, once the sub conscious mind is activatAzizah Nubia: Collectively how could we change the ed takes everything in , it doesn’t distinguish what direction of the music we listen to? goes in. So it will take in the musical architecture Natural Woman Magazine 63

Lenon: We do not have to change the direction of the music. What we have to do reach beyond the paradigm of toxic music. There is an abundance of positive music out there, all we have to do is change our focus . Instead of thinking about all the negative music out there, put your focus on the positive Give music and it will serve as a benefit to you. Azizah Nubia: It has been a real pleasure to have your light in the pages of Natural Woman Magazine Lenon Honor. Before we wrap things up could you give our readers you 3 tips of advice that will inspire them to continue on their path to fulfilling their highest destiny. Lenon: There are many paths to your ultimate destination, its up to you to choose the path that is either most empowering or dis-empowering. Part of journey is recognizing when we need to re-adjust the path we are taking so it will be more empowering to us. Secondly, for those of you who are aspiring artist you always want your creativity to be reflective of your own personal growth. The music, book, lyric or whatever creative venture your involved it should progress as you progress as an individual. As long as your refining yourself your creativity will be refined and even more influential. And lastly stay tuned to this magazine, and share it with a friend. To learn more about Lenon Honor please visit his website at And be sure purchase is newest book 360 inspirational Quotes. Be on the look out for Lenon on the Real Men Tour 2014

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Photography by Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages

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By: Zephanie Garrett Love and Music go hand in hand their both beautiful expressions of the heart. No matter who you are, your culture, your beliefs, your background, social status or where you are in the world its of no consequence of how we connect through music. How we receive love and give that same love to each other is all found in music. Music and Love can break barriers and soften hearts in every nation. The spirit of a love song is our strength and our weakness. A spirit compared to a vision or a dream too fascinating to imagine taking you places that you want to go. In some cases you felt you should not go. Do you recall the first time you really fell in love? When you turned on the radio did every love song remind you of that person? But their was always one song that spoke to your spirit and what you felt when you saw your love. That explained every thought and feeling you had towards that guy. Then it’s the classic I miss you then I'm over you break- up anthem. Speaking volumes of the constant flowing waters of memories of good and bad times in your relationship. The pressure mounted up too great to carry any further so you had to let it go. Whether we would like to admit

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it we all have faced these undeniable emotions that make up how we love one another. Love songs are attached to a person's emotions of lust, passion, fear, regret, sorrow, peace and joy. So, much like the people who sings your favorite love song the spirit of it can have more then one layer to it. Different personalities come out with a certain instrument, when a melody is played, or when lyrics are sung by an artist. Explore your past or present relationship take hold of whatever journey you're on. Doesn't matter how, sing to the top of your lungs like your Ex was beside you. In full Beyonce fashion belt out, "I BET IT SUCKS TO BE YOU RIGHT NOW"! "Tell him "Never Mind I'll Find Someone Like You", like Adele. Step off the battle field and into your spouse's arms after feeling the pain of Tamar Braxton's "Love And War" and share " A Couple of Forevers", with Chrisette Michele. Let go and just be free and appreciate the true blessing of what music can bring in your life. 66

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By: Azizah Nubia Sweet Sistah Splash is a cultural boutique and community space in the heart of the Queen City of Cincinnati, Ohio. There you can find all of your holistic and spiritual needs from smudging sage, healing herbs, books, crystals, natural beauty products and so much more. The minds behind this gem are entrepreneurs and fellow sistars Nzingha Bryd and Daphney Charell. These queen’s are a beautiful example of what Natural Woman is about. Being the change you want to see in the world are at the very core of these of theses women. I had the pleasure of visiting Sweet Sistah Splash to meet Nzingha, Daphney could join us. As soon as I entered the space, I felt at home “We created this space with the vision of introducing our community to our ancient ways and knowledge.” Nzingha shared with me while touring the shop.

co Goddess a PR company that helps other Goddesspreneurs to come out and promote their businesses/organizations/workshops/creations/gifts/ talents at Goddess Night Out events. Nzingha’s company is called Sheba Mama ,Sheba Mama explores and supports the experience and evolvement of the Urban Ancient Woman through education and empowerment. With their powers combined, they have created a powerful and important medium for their community to evolve and return to our roots. Natural Woman Magazine salute women like Nzingha & Daphney because they embody the true qualities of a woman who loves herself from the inside out .

Catch Azizah’s face to face interview with Nzingha Bryd at Sweet Sistah Splash on NaturalWomanTV set to air in the spring. Nzingha and Daphaney not only share a business Visit Sweet Sistah Splash on FB or in person together ,they also own and operate their own businesses. Daphney is the founder and CEO of Co- at 1218 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Natural Woman Magazine 69

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Often I read tips for black and natural hair care that are very complicated. The 3 M's will help you have healthy long hair while keeping it simple.

Minimize Breakage All hair grows!!!! I repeat ALL hair grows. Every individual's growth rate varies but unless you have a medical condition that prevents growth, you hair is growing. While there are some slight variations in growth rate based on ethnic background, this difference is minor and is not a major part of the puzzle on how to grow long hair. The reason many black women do not have long healthy hair is due to BREAKAGE. The average hair growth rate is about .5 inch a month (some people of course have a faster rate and others slower). If your hair is breaking almost as much each month than it will appear that your hair is not growing. Curl pattern and strand thickness often makes black hair more prone to breakage. Minimizing breakage requires GENTLE daily natural hair care. If you hair is breaking you may need to make changes in the methods you use for: shampooing, conditioning, moisturizing, combing & brushing, drying and styling.

Maximize Growth As mentioned above everyone has a rate at which their hair grows. Your growth rate is mostly a product of your genetics. However there are things that you can do to improve your natural hair growth. Healthy hair comes from the inside out. Diet and exerciseare key to growing healthy hair. There are also vitamins and supplements that can help improve your natural hair

growth. If you are dealing with hair loss or extremely slow growth please consult your Natural Woman Magazine 78

physician as this may indicate a medical condition. Proper scalp care is the other key to getting maximum hair growth. A clean and healthy scalp will help you get the best natural hair growth rate. A scalp condition can slow your hair growth.

Maintain Progress You may know someone who is able to handle their hair harshly- coloring, cutting frequently, rough styling etc... and their hair just seems to flourish no matter what. However this is not the case for many women, and definitely not for most black women in particular. While our hair may look strong it is truly quite fragile. Relaxed and natural hair care requires ongoing maintenance. Once you begin to get your hair healthy and reach the length of your goals you will have to do things to maintain your progress. It has to become an ongoing cycle and this is how your hair will thrive. Hair maintenance includes creating and revising a hair regimen, hair trimming, natural hair styling,and night time routine/care.

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Winter is here, and that means added layers,, more moisturizer, boots and so much more. Check out some awesome tips that found that may make your winter style extra fabulous.

Photography by: Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages

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Courtesy of :

Pick your skirt

Pick a skirt made of a heavier material. Sheer, lightweight fabrics look out of place and will only make you colder. Opt for heavier materials like denim, wool, velvet, leather, and heavy cottons or cotton-polyester blends. Avoid lighter polyester blends, satins, and silks. Choose your Length Decide on the length you want. You can wear virtually any length, but some will require more layering than others. Choose a maxi-skirt for the least amount of hassle. Many maxiskirts can even be worn with minimal to no leg protection. Pick out a skirt that extends somewhere between your mid-calf and the top of your foot, a few inches above your ankle. Longer skirts will keep you warmer, but a skirt that’s too long will drag on the ground, getting wet and muddy.

Cover Your Legs Wear leggings. Leggings stand out more than traditional nylon stockings, but they also keep you warmer and looking stylish. Most are made of cotton, polyester blends, or spandex. They come in a variety of colors, so choose one that works well with your skirt. Black, brown, and other muted neutrals are safe options for most skirts, but you may consider choosing a bolder color to give your outfit a bit of pizzazz.

Pick out appropriate footwear. Most snow boots are made for practicality, not fashion. Choose a heeled winter boot if the usual snow boot looks simply too unfashionable. An ankle-length boot works well with knee-length and maxi-skirts. Boots that extend up to your mid-calf or knee work well with nearly any winter skirt.

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Photography by: Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages

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Tyler Desire How long have you been a model?: I have modeled for 2 years I’ve done runway, catalog modeling and commercials. Its what I love and my passion and I hop I can make something out of myself with this. What inspires you:? I really think I was born to do this. Its what I always wanted to do. What advice could you give other aspiring models? Network and never give up. If it is something you really want to do your going to have to work hard at it.

Tell us more about yourself?: My name is DeAndre Miller I am a professional model and I own a marketing management company. I also work in the Hip Hop industry with Kendrick Lamar and TDE. What inspires you to be in your profession? I follow my dreams . I live the life of pursuing my dreams, I lived too long without being motivated enough and being afraid to live it. Now that’s all I do. What advice could you give aspiring models like yourself? Believe in yourself more then anything. When you believe in yourself everyone else follow suit. So never doubt and always listen to that voice in your head. Natural Woman Magazine 86

Photography by Gidhet Hunter Allen of GIDGETImages

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