Natural Woman Magazine | Women in Power Featuring Dr. Catrina Pullum

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Our Team Azizah Nubia Editor in chief Tammarah Overton Fashion Editor Ahmad Zahir Photography Dawndrenique Harris Editor’s Assistant Az media Graphics & Layout Content Contributors nahamani yisrael Nzingha Byrd


Editors Desk

The month of March has been the month where the worl recognizes the accomplishments of women around the world. And Natural Woman Magazine is celebrating us women with a special 3 Cover feature featuring some amazing women who work fearlessly to inspre other women to live thier best and be their best.

There is a saying that I love and that saying is “A Nation can rise no higher than its women� This is a powerful statement becaseu it is true. As women we set the tone for the vibration of this planet. How so you say? Well, we birth the nation the vibrational frequency that we give life to says a lot about our world. When you have women who are on a vibration of fear, anger, and shame that sets the tone for the

frequency of life on this planet. When we can begin to live our lives on a frequency of peace, love and prospierty our lives will reflect in our world. No one can enter into this planet without coming through a woman first. That should tell you a lot about the kind of power we carry. And when we all can honor the power of being a women within ourselves there is no limit in what we can begin to create on this planet. I hope you enjoy all 3 of the women featured in this special edition of Natural Woman Magazine. Their stories and mission in life should inspire you all to make your voice and purpose loud and proud.

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Follow Me @AzizahNubia

“A Nation Can Rise No Higher Than Its Women” Natural Woman Magazine N AT U R A L W O M A N M A G A Z I N E | F E B 2 0 1 9 Promote Empower Inspire

Natural Women Who Are Shining

Twenty-one-year-old Francesca “Sol” Chaney opened her new vegan venture on a mission to provide healthy, delicious, and convenient food to the inner-city community.

Melissa Butler, founder and CEO of The Lip Bar—a lipstick line made from natural ingredients, her now nearly half-a-million dollar business.

Supacent and Crayon Case Cosmetics went viral after the company made over a million in under 90 minutes on Black Fr i d a y. Th i s B l a c k- O w n e d Cosmetics Mogul Made $1.37 Million in Under 60 Minutes again.

Antoinette “Toni” Harris, a 22-year old Black woman, is the first woman ever to attend college on a full football scholarship. She has overcome challenges b ro u g h t a b o u t b y h e r gender, build, what other people say, and even a fatal illness she was diagnosed with. In fact, she dreams of being the first woman to play in the NFL.

Big Apple Urgent Care, the first Black-owned urgent care center in Brooklyn and one of the few in the entire country, is not only a successful business but a significant healthcare alternative to the community. Its co-founders, Dr. Tamara Moise and Wadson Fils, are both medical professionals who aim to provide only the best healthcare for their patients.

New York City–based Eurazeo Brands announced that they had signed a $60 million deal to become a minority shareholder i n M c G rat h ’s ’s e p o n y m o u s beauty line, Pat McGrath Labs. The influx of cash means Pat McGrath Labs’s external funding has jumped to $88 million. A c c o rd i n g t o Fa s h i o n i s t a , industry sources estimate that the investment brings the company’s valuation to more than $1 billion,

Barbie Honors Yara Shahidi, Naomi Osaka For 60 Year Anniversary March 2019 marks Barbie’s 60th anniversary, and the iconic toy brand Mattel is celebrating by honoring several women it views as role models and “sheros.”Honorees include grown-ish star Yara Shahidi, tennis champ Naomi Osaka, gymnast Dipa Karmakar and several other women who lead the way in art, tech, sports, media and business. One dollar from every doll sold will go toward the Dream Gap Project, an initiative put forth by Mattel to “level the playing field for girls,” according to a press release. “Research has shown that starting at age five, girls start doubting their potential, this is the Dream Gap.” Lisa McKnight, general manager and senior vice president of Barbie, shared, “With more than 200 careers, six runs for president and a trip to the moon before Neil Armstrong, Barbie continues to evolve to be a modern, relevant role model for all ages. The Barbie brand believes girls should never know a world, job, or dream women haven’t conquered. Through our global platform, we are igniting a movement to help close the Dream Gap and further establish Barbie as the ultimate girl empowerment brand.”

Juicing Recipes For Detoxification

Whether cleanses are your thing, or you just prefer to consume an abundance of fruits and veggies by juicing each day, these healthy juicing recipes will aid in nourishing and ridding your body of toxins. ULTIMATE GREEN JUICE I drink this juice daily, and with good reason. The base is celery, which is a little known nutritional powerhouse. It’s loaded with potassium, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and essential amino acids. On top of all that, it’s one of the most alkalinizing things you can put in your body. To the celery, I add kale, green apple, parsley, lime, lemon and ginger, creating an extremely potent, detoxifying cocktail. INGREDIENTS: 1 bunch celery 4-5 kale leaves (preferably lacinato) 1 green apple

Natural Woman Magazine Promote Empower Inspire

BEET APPLE AND BLACKBERRY JUICE Beet juice is a powerful cleanser of the blood, and highly nutritious. It’s full of folate, manganese potassium, iron and Vitamin C. To the beets, I add apples, blackberries and ginger, creating a deep red and delicious elixir. INGREDIENTS: 3 small beets 2-3 apples 8 oz. blackberries 1/2 inch fresh ginger TROPICAL PARADISE JUICE

Photo by Food Thinkers

The perfect way to brighten your morning, this juice blend is easy on the digestive system and gently loosens any build up that may have occurred while the body was at rest. INGREDIENTS 1 medium ripe papaya, peeled, seeded, and sliced 1 small pineapple, peeled, cored, and sliced 1 (1-in.) piece peeled fresh ginger 1 medium kiwi, peeled 1.2 cup fresh young coconut water (stir in after juicing)

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GARDEN GREEN COCO Coconuts are packed with potassium and electrolytes, says Helms, which makes them great post-workout drinks, and ideal for summer. INGREDIENTS: 1 young Thai coconut 1 handful of green kale 1 handful of spinach ½ banana Instructions: Crack open coconut (using a cleaver and extreme care) and pour the coconut water into a blender. Remove coconut meat with a spoon and add to blender. Add kale, spinach, and banana. Blend on high for 30 seconds. Pour smoothie into the coconut and serve with a straw.

Usher’s New Look | Developing Global Youth Leaders

Usher’s New Look (UNL) hosted its inaugural “Follow the Money Tour” in Washington, DC, during the February 18th-21st mid-winter recess school break. The tour, made possible by a grant from SunTrust Foundation, is part of UNL’s Financial Literacy training infused into the organization’s Powered By Service (8th grade), Leadership Academy (grades 9-12) and Moguls-In-Training (college/postsecondary) programs. The 25 10th- and 11th-grade Leadership Academy youth from the Atlanta and New York chapters of the organization learned about financial principles by visiting a variety of stops. The Office of Financial Education at the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau presented a workshop on budgeting and credit fundamentals. The students had the opportunity to tour the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and learn some of the history of our currency. Students visited the original location and indulged their taste buds at one of the historic DC family-owned restaurants, Ben’s Chili Bowl. They learned the story of the family’s journey from starting a small business to earning national recognition. They discussed the impact a business, no matter the size, can have in building a strong community. Students also participated in a Networking Social where they heard from community leaders and entrepreneurs, Nikki Howard and Jaqi Wright, also known as The Furlough Cheesecake Sisters.

The “Sisters” shared their story of how they used their sparks (talents) to launch a business during the recent government shutdown. The students were able to take advantage of the proximity to another historic landmark, taking a tour of Howard University and learning about financial aid processes and student life on campus. “With only 16 percent of Americans ages 18-26 being optimistic about their financial future, it is important that the youth we serve in Usher’s New Look begin to develop financial well-being habits early. This trip presented a tremendous opportunity for them to understand the impact of financial decisions in various aspects of their lives. We are confident that the SunTrust Foundation investment in our youth will transform their futures as they prepare to become leaders of the next generation,” said Careshia Moore, CEO, Usher’s New Look. Youth also had an opportunity to take in the sights including a visit to the National Museum for African American History and Culture, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial.

“This trip gave me a lot of financial wisdom that enabled me to be aware of credit cards, budgeting, and knowing how to spend money for the right situations,” said Neil, an 11th-grade Leadership Academy youth. “This trip also gave me the opportunity to be more of an explorer. It allowed me to step out of my comfort zone. It also gave me the wonderful opportunity to try new food and meet new people.” Through a grant from the SunTrust Foundation, UNL has been able to add the financial literacy component to other programs offered. The new curriculum focuses on helping students identify core life values, gain practical experience in making wise financial decisions, and reallife application to improve their quality of life. The “Follow the Money Tour” is the first of two financial-focused trips this year. The next will be in New York and will focus on investing.

“My mission for this trip was to give the students another perspective on how money works, to go beyond the classroom and see how money is used in our

government, in the lives of entrepreneurs and the world around us. It is my hope that as a result of this experience, these students will apply the wealth building principles they were exposed to and take full responsibility of their financial futures,” shared Jessica Washington, director of financial literacy who spearheads the program.

Say Hello to Rapid Results Cryo and Goodbye to Stubborn Fat by Nahamani Yisrael If you’ve ever tried losing weight, you know that there are certain areas that just won’t go away. Diet and exercise are great tools, but to effectively slim and tone one must adhere to a strict diet and rigorous exercise. After months of eating kale and endless hours in the gym, some areas of fat just won’t leave. Luckily, Rapid Results Cryo has a solution that will give you instant results without resorting to risky surgical options. Rapid Results Cryo, located at 10979 Reed Hartman Hwy, Suite 306 in Blue Ash, Ohio, is the first and only wellness studio to offer Cryoskin 3.0 in the Greater Cincinnati area. This innovative fat elimination technology may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Cryoskin, a technique that relies upon cryogenic technology to freeze fat cells


and it has been shown to help everyday individuals lose 1/2 to 2 inches from the waist in as little as one 28 minutes treatment session. For best results it is recommended that individuals obtain five alternating Cryoskin Slimming and Cryoskin Toning treatments. Rapid results Cryo, is holding its public grand opening on Saturday, March 9, 2019 beginning at 11am through 3pm EST. During their grand opening, visitors can enter to win free treatments, see demos first hand, and purchase a 5 pack of Cryoskin services for about the cost of 1 Cool Sculpting treatment. Compared to Cool Sculpting, Cryoskin treatments are more comfortable as most individuals do not feel any discomfort from the Cryoskin techniques. Cryoskin treatments require no needles and there is absolutely no downtime!

In addition to Cryoskin Slimming and Cryoskin Toning techniques, Rapid Results Cryo also offers Cryoskin Facials. Cryoskin Facials can be used to eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet. The Cryoskin Facial technique improves blood flow and aids the production of collagen which leaves you looking more youthful and well rested after just a short visit to Rapid Results Cryo wellness studio. The wellness studio opened in January of 2019, but co-owner and operator Tiffani Ray postponed the public grand opening until March 9th to provide a quick and affordable solution to individuals who resolve to lose weight as part of their New Year’s Resolution. According to Ray, a recent article written in the Business Insider, a staggering 80% of people fail to keep up with New Year’s goals by the month of February (source: https://www.

come out to their grand opening for door prizes and a chance to try Cryoskin for yourself. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more and see for yourself the latest advanced fat loss and toning technology, the only one of its kind in Cincinnati, Ohio. We will see you on at our Grand Opening on March 9, 2019, starting at 11am! Until then, you can visit their website http//www.rapidresultscryo. com for more information or to schedule your free consultation and appointment online.

“Our goal is to help people look and feel their best. Instead of people feeling like a failure that their New Year’s Resolution was not successful, we can help people achieve their weight loss goals by offering them Cryoskin.” Stated Ray, Business Manager of Rapid Results Cryo. “In fact, our fat elimination treatments motivate many people to work out more often and improve eating habits once they see how great they look and feel with less fat and more them!”, added Ray. In a recent article featured in Shape magazine, journalist Ashley Mateo raved about her results from Cryoskin Toning. Ashley, who is an ironwoman and in idea shape, yet struggled with stubborn cellulite like many women. According to this article, her cellulite disappeared after a 20 minute Cryo Toning session. Read Full Article Here: https://www.shape. com/lifestyle/beauty-style/cryo-skintoning-20-minute-treatment-cellulite Are you ready to see less fat and more you? Rapid Results Cryo invites you to NATU RA L WOMA N MAGA ZINE | MA R 2 0 1 9

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Looking For Love? Our Best Zodiac Relationship Compatibility Matches When it comes to a successful relationship, compatibility is a must. Being compatible is when “two or more things are able to exist or work together in combination without problems or conflict.” This does not mean that there will be no conflict in a relationship, but the right compatibility makes it easy to resolve conflict without it being toxic to each partner. One way to find out if you are compatible with your partner is through your zodiac placements. Ninety percent of relationship crushing disasters can be avoided simply by finding someone who is a compatible match with your particular zodiac sign. The best part about sticking to signs in regards to finding your most compatible mate is that there isn’t just one sign for you. For example, if you’re a Capricorn, the most compatible signs for you include Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, and Taurus. Here are your most compatible astrological signs. Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The magnetic personality of an Aries is compatible with Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo, and Libra. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) You’re most compatible with Virgo and Pisces. Taurus folk tend to get a bad rap for being stubborn, but the reality is that they’re just full of determination and there’s definitely something to be said for that. Virgos and Pisces are equally strong in their own way, making for one hell of a delightful romance. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) You’re most compatible with Aquarius and Libra. Although the two personality aspect of Gemini can seem daunting, they’re actually quite affectionate and sweet. Because of this, they appeal to Aquarius and Libra. Gemini also does pretty well with other Gemini, because they’re able to handle each other in ways that other signs may not be able to. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You’re most compatible with Scorpio and Pisces. Because Cancers can be a bit jealous and often in need of attention, Scorpios can fit the bill for this. Pisces, on the other hand, is a match that can have a smooth-sailing relationship, void of too much drama. Leo (July 23 - August 22) You’re most compatible with Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, and Aries. Because Leos tend to be demanding when it comes to love, these signs share their determination, as well as their passion and deep appreciation for life. A lust for life, to be more specific. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) You’re most compatible with Taurus and Capricorn. Since Virgo is an Earth sign, it’s important that they stick to other Earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn. Not only do they complement each other, but they share a practical approach to all that life has to offer. And honestly, practical and practical goes together like peanut butter and jelly. Libra (September 23 - October 22) You’re most compatible with Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These signs enjoy the peaceful harmony that Libras can offer a romantic relationship. However, Libra can also be compatible with a fellow Libra, making for a “beautiful and peaceful relationship.” (Note to self: Find a fellow Libra.) Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) You’re most compatible with Scorpio and Pisces. “They make for an unusual couple, but they have a high level of success when it comes to love and relationships,” says Green. It’s the mysterious quality that these signs share that make for a powerful union of love and happiness. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) You’re most compatible with Leo, Aries, Aquarius, and Libra. Since Sagittarius can get bored easily and a lot faster than

most, they are able to deliver and keep things nice and spicy, and Sagittarius on their toes. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) You’re most compatible with Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, and Taurus. It’s these signs that are up for the challenge of getting straight to the point, as Capricorns prefer. You won’t find any short-lived relationships here, but long, happy ones that will be able to withstand whatever is thrown their way. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You’re most compatible with Gemini and Libra. As much as all these signs enjoy people, they put their freedom and independence above all else. Because of this, the need to have some alone time will never be an issue for a Gemini or Libra who dates an Aquarius, because they understand that need in ways that other signs may not. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) You’re most compatible with Scorpio and Cancer. For Pisces, the need to be with fellow water signs, Scorpios and Cancers, is the best way to ensure a relationship that’s harmonious and long-lasting. There’s an understanding of moods there, because of the shared water sign.

Healing Heart Disease Naturally Understanding The Metaphysical Causes of Heart Disease in Black Woman Why do African American women have the highest rates of heart disease in America? Is it our diets? Our genes? What if I told you it is because of how we feel and think? Quantum Physics has already proven that everything we experience in our lives is a direct response to how we feel (vibrate) and think (create). This includes people, opportunities, and diseases. With a simple shift in our thinking we can improve our health faster then any medical modality could. In this article, we will share with you why Heart Disease is created and how we can correct the problem by correcting ourselves. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer for all Americans, and stroke is also a leading cause of death. As frightening as those statistics are the risks of getting those diseases are even higher for African Americans. Black women (49%) and Black men (44%) have higher rates of heart disease than White men (37%) and White women (32%).

Now many factors contribute to these statistics, some believe the key to prevention lies with a healthy diet and exercise. Although these physical preventions do help in keeping our heart healthy, let’s look into some metaphysical ways we can eliminate heart problems for good. There is a saying that I have and that is What is felt on the inside reflects what’s on the outside. In the world of metaphysics, it is believed that every disease has a mental, emotional, and spiritual beginning. When it comes to heart disease on a metaphysical level it means long-standing emotional problems, hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress. Your heart is the central powerhouse of your body our electrical center the pumps blood to nourish all of our organs. On a metaphysical level, it serves as the center for our feelings

about love and security. If you look at the narrative of the “angry black woman” that we have adopted as the black woman way of life. It is clear why black women have the highest rates of heart disease on the planet. The Heart Center According to Ayurvedic medicine, the heart chakra lies at the center of the seven chakras, which governs the physical, mental, and emotional activities and experiences of the individual. The heart chakra holds the emotional functions of love, confidence, trust, as well as deep connection and compassion for other people, animals, and the environment. When out of balance, individuals may experience vulnerability, loss of confidence, anxiety, emotional distress, and dependency. Emotional neglect can also cause a person to become bitter, insensitive and perhaps even cruel. Abusive emotional behavior is acted out not only with other people can lead to the abuse of animals, for instance, or a deep insensitivity to the needs of other forms of life including, the earth itself. Without a strong foundation of Love, fear, anger, resentment, and regret can develop in its place. All these as well as loneliness, attachment, possessiveness, a broken heart etc., Can all lead to heart problems. Balance your Heart To heal the heart we have to start with letting love back into our lives and the first type of love you should be seeking to let in is your love for self. Your self-love is key to your wellbeing How you love yourself dictates the kind of love you experience with the world. Remember we have the power to heal ourselves and keep ourselves healthy. Keeping yourself healthy is the best way to show how much you love yourself. Psychologists and researchers have discovered that people who are able to express ‘love’ are healthier, tend to be sick less and if they do get sick they regain their health more quickly. Also,

they age more slowly, have better color, great skin, good posture, and healthy circulation. It is believed that thinking back to a ‘love’ moment creates interesting chemical changes in the body that balances the life flow in the body and brings peace to body and mind. DRINK PLENTY OF PURE SOFT WATER How much is plenty? It depends upon how much you weigh, you take your weight, divide it in half and that is how many ounces of water you need in a 24 hour period. Of course, if you are working out in the hot sun and perspiring a lot you would need more. For example, you weigh 160 lbs. Half of that is 80 so you need 80 ounces, which would be 10 eight ounce glasses. The type of water we need to drink is soft water, that is water that has no minerals, as the minerals in water are inorganic and are harmful to our health. Whereas the minerals in food are organic and our body needs this type of minerals. Two types of water that have no minerals are distilled water and reverse-osmosis water. Alkaline or Kangan water is great too! BARE FEET ON THE SOIL EVERY DAY

Everything on this earth has an electrical frequency, the earth, the seeds, the plant’s animals, and the human body. Cancer cells have a different electrical frequency than normal cells. Our bodies can easily get off the electrical frequency that they are supposed to be on. How can we get it back on track? Very simply, by standing or walking barefoot in the soil. Wearing shoes is not a natural thing, although we need to protect our feet, as shoes insulate our body from the earth so it would be good to spend at least 10 minutes a day outside barefoot in the soil. GET PLENTY OF FRESH AIR Deep breathing of fresh outside negatively charged air, (the good kind), helps cleanse the lungs and increase circulation. Be sure to have plenty of fresh air in your bedroom as you sleep, keep a window open, even in the winter the window should be partially open. EXERCISE OUT OF DOORS Brisk Walking is a good form of exercise, but not jogging, as the impact of jogging is harmful to all the joints of the body. Bicycling and swimming are two other good exercises.

Exercising in a gym is not ideal as there is no fresh air, it’s like exercising in a dirty shoe. The best piece of exercise equipment one can use is a regular or mini trampoline. By jumping on a trampoline you are exercising every-one of the trillions of cells in your body. Use it from one to three times daily for a minimum of 3 minutes or longer each time. Remember we have the power to heal ourselves if you or a loved one are suffering from this dis-ease and want to heal it naturally trust the power of your own being. Our body is a living healing instrument it can heal itself, but in order for that process to happen, you must know thyself.

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Everything you have been through you take your pain and turn it into your purpose.�


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Dr. Pullum has been called

Essence, O & Black Enterprise

Obama, Congress members,

a Trailblazer, a Transformer,

Magazines to name a few.

State Representatives, and

a Visionary, & The Chain

Recently, Dr. Pullum was

others. I had the opportunity

Breaker. Her life’s mission

featured in O Magazine

to speak to Dr. Pllum and to

to help women walk into

#MeToo article and she was

my suprise she and I had so

their purpose! Dr. Pullum

a part of the Brawny Brand

much in common from being

has an enlivening presence

Women History Campaign.

teenage mothers, book author

that compels people to stop

Dr. Pullum has received

to creating our own business

allowing limits placed on

honors from President Barak

empires. Her book Breaking

them to hinder their growth


The Chains sets the blueprint

toward becoming all that they

for women to know that no

have been destined to be.


As a producer, Dr. Pullum


in life you can overcome them.

creates a platform for women


“I am the Chain Breaker.The

Triumph through the Arts. She


reason I am the chain breaker

is an extraordinary woman


is because every chain that

to share their stories of

matter what struggles you face

leading a life of purpose. Dr. Pullum has been featured in


has attached itself to me I have broken. My quote is walking in purpose on purpose. Everything you have been through you take your pain and turn it into your purpose.” Dr. Catrina’s mission is to help youth and women heal from their past and grow into their greatness! She does this by taking ordinary individuals and giving them strategies to be extraordinary. She molds them to lead a life of purpose thus leaving a legacy for their children and heirs. “God has given me a tremendous gift, and it is through that gift that I want to help you turn your dream into reality. I empower others to look deep within them to achieve success, as I don’t want them to experience the same pitfalls as I. You can be a successful in spite of your circumstances.” Dr. Catrina’s life is inspiring even after she suffered a life threathening brain injury that could have taken her life. But through the grace of God she is still here and able to share a message for other women to prevent them from taking the same road she took when concerning her health. Her motto is take your pain and turn it into your purpose her brain injury reminded her of the importance of self love and self care. She learned that no matter how busy life gets or how much she has to do she must take time for her self. In honor of Women’s month Dr. Catrina has a message for us all. “As a woman of color, we hold the power of being underestimated. This means we can do things in a furtiveness mode and by the time people recognize we did it, it’s already done. As a believer in the Iron Sharpening Iron method, it is up to women like myself to reach out to other women in need or reaching out to younger women to help them avoid our mistakes.”

By Nzhinga Byrd Top Models. World Class Designers. Beautiful People in Beautiful Clothes - Are the main attractions for Fashion Weeks all over the World. And the top places in the world when you think of Fashion Week are Paris, Milan and New York. Not Accra or LA. Although what I’ve seen in both of those places can rival the big fashion capitals of the world easy. LA, although a fashion-forward and innovative city is not always the first to come to mind when it comes to Fashion Week. If you make the mistake to not put California at the top of your Fashion Week list you will regret it. I’ve been to Fashion weeks all over the world as the owner of AfroSwag International. I’ve been to Fashion Week in Accra where the designers were unmatched in technique, style, and grace. I’ve been to Fashion Week in the Virgin islands, where the show was hosted by Taraji P. Henson and as media press I partied and yachted with the models and designers - straight VIP. I’ve been to Fashion Week in New York, the Fashion Week Capital of the World. Yet, none of these places impressed me quite like the Fashion

Week in Los Angeles, California. Let me tell you why LA Fashion Week is Everything - full of Creativity, Innovativeness, Drama, Extra Spice and Extravaganza... From the moment you walk the red carpet to the flashing lights of the paparazzi to the street artist painting a huge floor mural to the people buzzing around with glasses of champagne exchanging business cards and small convo to waiting in line to be photographed at the motion picture booth - LA Fashion Week is straight out of a Hollywood Movie! Porsche Beverly Hills as a sponsor, the showroom floor featured two of the latest models that you could even sign up to test drive! LA Fashion Week The atmosphere alone, just being in the building makes you feel like you are a part of Hollywood’s elite. Even more exciting than just being in the building is taking your seats and preparing to have your couture knocked off by the show. Before each designer hits the runway a dropdown screen expresses their creative flair. Each short film goes behind the scenes and into the creative process of the designer, giving you an inside look of what’s to come. Once the Music drops don’t expect to see a straight runway show

as you would in New York or Milan. Expect the unexpected, for each of the models to come out in full character as if they are on a Hollywood big screen. Each designers set is unique. One set was so futuristic, that it took you into The Jetson’s fashion mode, asymmetrical sleeves over neon plastic. Another designer highlighted all of the fashion icons of the past from Diana Ross to Coco Chanel to Grace Jones. Each model embodied the fullness of their character in style and attitude. Another designer made clothes reminiscent to a Jean Michelle Basquiat painting and he himself was the king of his masterpiece, as he sat on a hand-painted throne while each of his models showcased around him. The final set of the evening was the most out of the box.. As the showroom floor was shut down and the audience was led out the back door to the behind the building where the loading dock was. The dock was transformed into a Hollywood Red Carpet complete with fake paparazzi, lighting, smoke, and voice-overs. Each model paraded from behind scenes to the red carpet as the paparazzi chased them to get the just right shot. Over the speakers we heard inside of the actor / model’s mind and got a deeper look into all of the nuances and mentalities of a typical Hollywood star. You would think with all the theatrics that the fashion would fall second in the show but No. The fashion was more eccentric and more out there than any other show I’ve ever seen. THIS is what it means to be at LA Fashion

Week. A show within a show. Yes in typical big city Fashion Week form, the Designers will be on point and Celebrities (Ceelo Green, Amber Rose and Estelle) will be in the front row. But outside of that - Nothing at a LA Fashion Week Show is Typical. Expect a full Experience, something much bigger than just Fashion. written by Nzingha Byrd of Beach Birds Travel Nzingha Byrd attended the Spring Show of 2018 in Hollywood California at Neuehouse. Check out for more information.with book and grocery stores.



Natural Woman Magazine was on the scene at some of the hottest fashion shows for New York Fashion Week. We got to get a peak at some this Summer’s newest trends. 2019 fashion week showed us afrfocentric attire will be trending this year. The two eye catching pieces for me this year were created by designers Shangani and Designer Yvonne Jewnell. They took us to Wakanda with these fierce Afrocentric styles. print. Check out our coverage for Couture Fashion Week & Harlem Fashion Week Shout out to our amazing photographer Zahir Zahir for these amazing fashion show captures. ~Tammarah Overton Fashion Editor

Photography By Zahir Zahir

Couture Fashion Week NYC

Want Natural Woman on The Scene? Email us

Photography By Zahir Zahir

Harlem Fashion Week Photography By Zahir Zahir

Natural Hair Inspirartion

Goddess Braids

Nothing says regal better than Goddess Braids. This particular braiding style was very popular in the 90’s and it has finally made a comeback, but on a whole new level. Check out some of these fabulous Goddess Braids styles. Do you have a cute hair style that you want to share? Send Natural Woman Magazine your natural hair pics and you may see them in our next issue.

9 Levels to Organic Orgasms Understanding The Female Body with the Honey Luv Diva Tracey Bryant. By Azizah Nubia The blood in your skin boils, breathing is fast, body shaking and the feeling of euphoria comes over your entire body. The ultimate submission to divine pleasure and happiness has taken over and you have finally achieved an organic orgasm. This is a feeling I know all Natural Women desire to feel and experience, but for some of us this can be impossible. We are constantly bombarded with negative propaganda about female sexuality that we are left either shameful or confused about our sexuality. To achieve an organic orgasm a woman will have to become vulnerable, surrender and release all fear according to the Honey Diva aka Tracey Bryant. Tracey is Romance Specialist, Self Love, Sensual and Sexual Empowerment Coach, Healer, Sacred Sexuality and Sensual Wellness Educator,

Holistic Sexual Arts Practitioner, Entrepreneur, Visionary, Writer, Radio Personality, Love Maker, Motivational Speaker, and Love Connoisseur. Tracey is the owner of Honey Luv Lingerie & More “The Romance Store� a sensual empowerment boutique that assist and service women and the men that love them in the area of romance enhancement, healthy love relationships and sensual sexual wellness. She is also a certified Yoni Steam, Kemetic Reiki Practitioner, Womb Wellness Educator, and the hostess of HoneySoul Radio, a love, sex, and relationship show on Blog Talk Radio that will enrich your soul with raw and sensual realness, and share in topics concerning erotic intimacy and raise your love vibration. I sat down to talk with Tracey to get her insight to how every woman can achieve an organic orgasm. She gave me 9 levels that a woman must go through in

order to reach the ultimate sexual pleasure every woman wishes to reach. “There are 3 ways a woman can achieve an orgasm they are the inter-orgasm (g spot, a spot), outer orgasm( nipple and clitoral), and cervical orgasm. Getting familiar with these different spots in and on your body is the first step to achieving an organic orgasm. Level 1 This is the touching level (four play), this is where the sexual energy releases and we begin to feel sensual and erotic. At level 2 Penetration has begun and we move into level 3 Heavy layered breathing, increased blood flow. Then you move to Level 4 this is the level where most women experience a normal orgasm, this is also the highest level most women come to in the sexual experience. This is only because we have not been taught the proper techniques in deep breathing. Level 4 is the gateway to euphoric paradise but in order to get over the climax at this level deep breathing is essential if you want to reach orgasmic levels 5 through 9. When you get to level 5 this is when you are no longer in your body because you have connected with yourself on an energetic level. At levels 6 and 7 you create even more sexual tension at level 8 you get that charge of ecstasy that allows you to feel yourself on a new dimension. At level 9 you experience the orgasmic explosion it is at this level the ancient Egyptians say that we experience death only to return back a new woman”. SURRENDERING & BEING VULNERABLE Now what prevents most women from achieving orgasmic bliss is their failure in becoming vulnerable and surrendering during the sexual act. Tracey shares that “fear is an energy that keeps you from where you should be. Fear has been known to keep us away from our gifts, possibilities, and opportunties in life and love. We cannot feel vulnerable and open to receive these wonderful orgasmic energies when we are still holding on to our fears. Fear will always repel your true love because in fear you are constantly reliving the pain and this reliving will draw to you more pain. If you want to go to the next level of experiencing the ultimate soul orgasm fear has to be removed.” To learn more about Honey Luv and Tracey Bryant please visit her at

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