Natural Woman Magazine | Celebrating The Natural Mama In You!

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EDITOR’S DESK Happy Mothers Day





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Cincinnati Adult Prom














Our Team Azizah Nubia Editor in chief Tammarah Overton Fashion Editor AZ Media Photography Az media Graphics & Layout Content Contributors Ashley Cook Tasha Combs

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Editors Desk

Happy Mothers Day to all the mommy’s of world! Let’s face it none of us would be here if it wasn’t for the sacrifice our mothers made to get us. Whether your mother birthed you from her womb or raised you mothers should be celebrated everyday.

Being a mother has been one of the most rewarding moments of my life. Even though at time it can be challenging. Being a mother is an amazing experience every woman (who chooses ) should experience. This special issue of NWM is dedicated to all of the mothers of the world. I hope you enjoy some of the amazing features in this issue especially my exclusive interview with Ashley

Wright aka @MsWrightWay she and I had an amazing conversation on motherhood and childbirth that I am sure you will find empowering and inspiring.

Also in this issue are some very special articles that I hope will open your mind to some very important conversations that must be had. Infertility in black woman and addressing the mental health stigma in the black community. It is my hope as with every NWM issue inspires you to live your best life and live it authentic.

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Follow Me @AzizahNubia

“A Nation Can Rise No Higher Than Its Women” Natural Woman Magazine N AT U R A L W O M A N M A G A Z I N E | F E B 2 0 1 9 Promote Empower Inspire

Happy Mother’s Day To Some Celeb Mama’s

Win A 2nd Chance At Prom Giveaway Natural Woman Magazine partnered with the Cincinnati Adult Prom to gift one lucky person a 2nd Chance at prom. Contestants had to send us a video sharing why they deserved a 2nd chance at prom. After several entries one lucky woman’s video caught our eye. Sarah Chatman entered her husband Lamar Chatman into the contest because he never even went to his pro. Her video was so warming that the NWM team gifted her and her husband with a prom makeover and 2 VIP tickets to the Cincinnati adult prom. Check out their beautiful pictures.

Special thanks to Men’s Wearhouse for Lamar’s tuxedo and Glamorous Faces for Sarah’s Makeup Makeover.

Cincinnati Adult Prom Natural Woman Magazine loves to cover events all across the country but there is nothing like covering events in our headquarter base of Cincinnati Ohio. The Cincinnati adult prom invited Natural Woman Magazine to capture some of their epic event. A Special Thanks to Mic Drop for creating another epic prom night. Check out these fun filled photos.

Natural Woman Magazine Promote Empower Inspire

What Are You Cooking? Cooking is a very theraputic practice that we all love. Esecially when we cook healthy meals that are good for the body and the soul. Check out some of these tasty dishes that we shared from our NWM 30 Day Recipe book. If you like these recipes makes sure you check out our amazing recipe book located in our Natural Woman Magazine App.

Almond & Sunflower Seed Salad (Vegan Chicken Salad) 1 1⁄2 c pre-soaked almonds 1 c pre-soaked sunflower seeds 2 to 4 stalks diced celery 1 small diced onion 1⁄2 tsp Celtic Sea Salt 1⁄2 tsp pepper 1⁄4 c water 3 Tbsp lemon juice 1 1⁄2 tsp kelp granules Directions: Soaking the nuts makes them absorb water, and impacts the texture of the nuts for use in recipes. Soaking nuts also makes them more digestible, but requires 1 to 2 hours.. Process the nuts in a food processor. Transfer to a bowl and combine with other ingredients. Serve on a bed of greens, crackers or spread on a salad

Natural Woman Magazine Promote Empower Inspire Download The App

Raw Kale Avocado Salad w/ Ginger Dressing 1 head kale, shredded 1 cup tomato, chopped 1/2 avocado 1-2 tablespoons olive oil or hemp seed oil Juice from 1/2 lemon Celtic or Himalayan sea salt, to taste (1/4 – 1/2 t) 1/8 teaspoon cayenne (optional) Optional toppings: raisins, pine nuts, hemp seed nuts, sesame seeds. Direcions: In mixing bowl, toss all ingredients together. Mush everything together (with hands) to created marinated/wilted effect on kale. This makes it much tastier and easier to digest.

The Black Girl’s Guide To Fertility: Why Are Women Silent? Exclusive Talk With Black Guide To Fertility Creator Sonhara Fertility is a conversation is a conversation that is rarely talked about amongst black women. Some may think it’s because “Black women do not have fertility issues” or “ Fertility is not an issue for the black community. But the truth is Infertility affects at least 12 percent of all women up to the age of 44, and studies suggest Black women may be almost twice as likely to experience infertility as white women. Yet only about 8 percent of Black women between the ages of 25 and 44 seek medical help to get pregnant, compared to 15 percent of white women. It begs the question: Why isn’t there more conversation about Black women and infertility? Well one woman decided that this conversation needs to be on the forefront of issues in the black community. Sonhara Eastman is a playwright and television screenwriter

from New York. She is the creator of The Black Girls Guide to Fertility this web series is about four expressive women named Anger, Envy, Shame and Hope who are gifted an opportunity to confront their enemy, Fertility. In the series, they share and re-live their deepest secrets to shine a light on a lonely journey that should be filled with support. Sonhara considers this work an anthology infused with poetry, comedy, dance and of course drama. Sonhara share that the series was a way to cope with her own complicated journey to conception after falling in love with the man of her dreams and getting married. Going through her own issues with becoming pregnant, Sonhara said no one else was talking about infertility. “My husband and I started being intentional about

becoming pregnant and it wasn’t happening. My OB-GYN put me on some medicine to increase my chances of getting pregnant. After a year without results, I was told to see a fertility specialist,”

Union and Michelle Obama publicly sharing their accounts of infertility issues. Not to mention the topic becoming a story line in many reality and tv shows. Sonhara says her goal with The Black Girls Guide to Fertility is simple . I “ want to help start the conversation with women of color. So we can have a safe “Like most women, I kept my strug- place and to know that we are not alone.” gles to myself. Initially I didn’t tell anyone and hadn’t planned on it. My husband and I went to a funeral and he told everyone that I wasn’t feeling well because of the fertility to drugs and I was furious.” After she was forced to speak about the issue she decided while still in the middle of the journey to write about it and “Black Girl’s Guide to Fertility” was born. Infertility is slowly making its way to the table in the black community especially with stars like Gabrielle

Black Mental Health Matters: Addressing the Silence by Tasha Combs When it comes to serious conversations within the black community like domestic violence, molestation, and mental illness there is a common silence amongst our community. “ We just don’t talk about these things.” One girl said to me during a mental health awareness group session. According statistics from the International Journal of Health Services African American adults are 20% more likely to experience mental health issues than the rest of the population 25% of African Americans seek treatment for a mental health issue, compared to 40 percent of white individuals. The reasons for this drop off include misdiagnosis by


doctors, socioeconomic factors and a lack of African American mental health professionals. Adult Black/African Americans living below poverty are three times more likely to report severe psychological distress than those living above poverty. Black/African Americans are less likely than white people to die from suicide as teenagers, Black/African Americans teenagers are more likely to attempt suicide than are white teenagers (8.3 percent v. 6.2 percent). Only 6.2 percent of psychologists, 5.6 percent of advanced-practice psychiatric nurses, 12.6 percent of social workers, and 21.3 percent of psychiatrists are members of minority groups. According to the National Association on Mental

Illness (NAMI), only 3.7% of members in the American Psychiatric Association and 1.5% of members in the American Psychological Association are Black. African Americans of all ages are more likely to witness or be victims of serious violent crimes. Exposure to violence increases the risk of developing a mental health condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. African American children are more likely than other children to be exposed to violence, which can have a profound, long-term effect on their mental health. Some African Americans even see mental illness as a punishment from God. Up to 85 percent of African Americans describe themselves as “fairly religious” or “religious,” and they commonly use prayer as a way to handle stress, according to one study cited by the American Psychiatric Association. So lets ask the question. What is mental health and why is it important for all of

us to keep our mental health in check. According to Mental Health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. I had the opportunity to sit down and speak to Jennifer Shear-Lynch a Mental Health Therapist and owner of Poppy’s Therapeutic Corner. She shared with me some interesting points on why mental health is important, Why we should take our mental health more seriously, and how mental health awareness can impact the black community as a whole. Why is mental health important? “Just as we have physical health we have mental health. And if we have physical illness we have mental illness too. This does not mean everyone has mental illness, but it’s always good to talk to someone about how you are feeling to help relieve tension and stress. In our community we have always been told to go pray our issues away and wait for God to take the problems away. But you have to do some work, you can pray and do all of these


good things, but without the work nothing happens. So for our community I think it is time for us to take back our power and put it back in to ourselves to actually take care of ourselves. Why should we take mental health more seriously? I believe it’s important for black families to take their mental health seriously to help with communication. This will help us to be more kind to one another and understand each other. Mental Health Awareness helps us in many ways from understanding what makes us tick, Knowing what our triggers are, How to cope with our trigger, and how to identify them. So when we are with our families we will know how to communicate, love, and treat each other better. How can mental health awareness impact the black community as a whole? As a whole if we all took mental health more seriously we would be able to treat each other a whole lot better. We would be able to communicate and articulate our thoughts better and express ourselves in a more effective way. It would help us in not being so angry with each other over frivolous things. We would be able to grow as a community and really generate black wealth in an effective way for generations to come.

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Feeling Out Of Whack? Signs That Your Have A Blocked Chakra Have you ever had a day where you felt off? Or how about depressed, uninspired, filled with negative thoughts and so on? Some people simply consider these kinds of days “bad days”, but what if I told you that your bad days are the days when your chakras are out of balance. By definition, Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. We have seven chakras positioned from the base of our spine to the top of our head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions that help make you, well, human. What are the 7 Chakras? When exploring the chakras, it’s best to start with the bottom. Below is a list of each chakra, starting with the base of the spine and moving up. Given is the chakra name, location, color, and function. Root (1st) — Base of the spine; red; governs survival instincts, grounding. Sacral (2nd) — Lower abdomen; orange; governs sexuality, intuition, self-worth/-esteem.

Solar Plexus (3rd) — Upper abdomen; yellow; governs impulse control, ego. Heart (4th) — Center of the chest; green; governs compassion, spirituality. Throat (5th) — Throat; blue; governs communication, emotion. Third Eye (6th) — Between the eyes; purple; governs rationality, wisdom, imagination. Crown (7th) — Top of the head; indigo; governs connection with the Divine. Blocked Chakras Anytime a chakra becomes blocked, underactive or overactive, it can throw you off balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. For example, if you have ever experienced trouble expressing yourself, felt like you’re walking around in an emotional “fog,” or suffered through several bouts of laryngitis or sore throats these are all signs you may have an imbalanced throat chakra. Generally speaking, when chakras are “off,” the body is excellent in letting you know which chakra is off. When you

consider all the signs you are experiencing, be they physical or not, odds are they’re centered around the area of the affected chakra. So I know you are thinking “what do I do when my chakra’s are out of balance”? That my dear is simple. Just like there are several ways to get chakras out of balance there are several ways to get them back balanced. Check out some of the ways below. Reiki Conscious breathing Tai Chi Chakra meditation Acupressure and acupuncture Yoga Aromatherapy Another common form of energy healing is the use of healing crystals. Healing Crystals can be used to balance and remove stagnate energy from your chakras. There are several Chakra stones that can be used based on color to correspond to individual chakras. Cleansed and charged prior to use, you can place seven chakra stones on your chakras. Each stone possesses a vibrational frequency that matches that of chakra over which it is placed. As the chakra absorbs the stone’s frequency, its balance is restored. The energy we store in our chakras is the source of our life force and vitality. Most of us have blocked or overactive chakras that cause disease on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. For example, let’s say you have been trying to lose weight for the past few years but you have a blocked sacral chakra. This chakra is found below the navel (people with blocked Sacral chakras usually have extra weight here) and it has a massive impact on our ability to be fully expressed in our vitality on all levels, especially physical. No matter how much dieting you do, if you have not addressed all the needs of this chakra such as self-expression, sexuality, creativity, etc., and it remains blocked you will continue to experience symptoms of imbalance, such as weight gain. We have to address the root of our blockages for sustainable change. By reflecting on the physical, mental and spiritual elements of each chakra, we can regain our balance in these centers and as a result, we will see a positive

change in our lives. If you wish to have a year unlike any other, one that is full of abundance, health, wealth and vitality, start with balancing your chakras.

10 Ways To Connect With Your Divine Feminine An Orisha story of the Goddess Oshun perfectly explains the important role that the divine feminine plays on our planet.

in disorder as long as women and children are neglected, disrespected and abused”.

It was said Oshun was so mighty and powerful but her male counterparts did not think so. One time the male Orishas had an important meeting and did not invite her when Oshun found out she became so angry that she caused chaos in the world and made all women infertile. The male Orishas could not do anything about it so they sought help from Olodumare (the high god) and when he found out they had not invited Oshun he also became furious with them. He said the only way they could reverse the world was to call another meeting and invite Oshun. In the book, The Altar of My Soul: The Living Traditions of Santería, author, and practitioner of the Santeria Vega says, that Olodumare told the male Orishas that, “Without women and children, the world could not function. Without Ochun, the world would always be in a state of confusion” Furthermore, this tale of Oshun, “ teaches us that the world will be

This gives us an example of how important the roles, voices, and decisions of women is in our world. The Goddess Oshun is the Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility she was brought into existence by Olodumare, the Supreme Creator, once he realized something crucial was missing after creating the earth: sweetness and love. As one of the ancient Yoruba myths suggests, the human race would not exist if Oshun had been sent to our world. It is said that her sweet and fertile waters brought life back to humanity. 1. Get Moving Feminine energy is moving energy. The ocean, hurricanes, and weather patterns are all perfect metaphors for feminine energy as they are constantly in motion, always changing and shifting.

If you have been stuck at an office desk or have felt physically stagnant for a while, you need to get your body moving. Whether that means going for a walk in a forest, stretching out in a yoga class, or dancing in your underwear to your favourite music in your bedroom, your feminine energy will always be activated by movement. 2. Have More Orgasms While men are depleted of their masculine energy by ejaculating too frequently, women actually benefit the more they reach orgasm. Being a male I won’t even pretend to know what this feels like, but I have witnessed first hand the affects that my female partners have felt over the past decade when they orgasm more frequently. More creativity, more emotional connection, more finely attuned intuition‌ the benefits are endless. 3. Prioritize Receiving Masculine energy is a penetrating force of energy. Feminine energy is the receptive energy that opens. By receiving love/energy/ attention your deep well of feminine energy is filled up. This doesn’t necessarily mean through sex (although this certainly helps). You can receive by getting a massage, pedicure, or having someone cook a meal for you. 4. Indulge Your Senses The masculine largely gets lost in thought, while the feminine can get lost in the realm of the senses. To re-connect with your feminine energy, indulge your taste buds by eating chocolate, drinking red wine, and indulging your palate with decadent foods that you love. Indulge your sense of touch by going shopping and feeling all of the soft fabrics. You can also go to a public food market and take in all of the different sights and smells of the delicious foods surrounding you. Get out of your head, and into your body by intentionally living in your senses.

5. Create

8. Honor Your Menstrual Cycle

Masculine energy is destructive energy, while feminine energy is a creative energy. To shake things up in your routine you can paint, create a poem, write a song, or make a delicious meal for yourself and others.

In today’s culture, periods are still considered to be gross, taboo, and something that we shouldn’t talk about. Menstruation is natural and one of the most powerful expressions of feminine energy. Before the time of the patriarchy, men were in awe of women when they bled, because if they bled like that they would die. They actually used to drink menstrual blood as they felt it had healing properties and promoted eternal life. Today periods are considered to almost be a shameful thing, but you can stop this by honoring and celebrating your cycle. After all, what a fabulous reminder us women have about the power and strength of our body. The menstrual cycle is our window into the inner workings of our body, and should be celebrated. When we are on our periods we are also more sensitive and intuitive, and I feel the more we embrace periods as a society and begin honoring them, the less PMS we will experience.

6. Go into nature. Places can be characterized as either masculine or feminine, depending on their overarching characteristics. The feminine is life force energy. Places like the forest, jungle, parks and the ocean are abundant with natural feminine energy. Go there when you’re feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. 7. Hone your emotional expression. While the masculine is defined by logic, the feminine is expressed through emotions. We all have emotional selves, but many of us haven’t been taught how to understand our feelings. If you’re confused about your emotional process, don’t worry; you can learn to be more attuned to yourself. You do this by listening to how you feel. As you get to know your feeling states, you’ll automatically begin to feel more whole.

9. Spending time with other women Spending time with other women can be so healing. Women are naturally receptive and receivers of energy, and when they come together, it’s almost like a forcefield is created

where they are able to support and recharge one another. This is why many rituals are often conducted by a group of women, as together they were more powerful and more receptive to send their wishes out into the Universe. By uniting with other women, especially in ritual or just to share, it can be naturally cleansing and uplifting. 10. Feeling Pleasure Feeling pleasure is very much connected to feminine energy. You can seek pleasure in many ways from orgasms, to having a relaxing bath, buying a bunch of beautiful flowers, eating some decadent chocolates, dancing to your favorite music, and so on. By bringing pleasure and sensuality into your life, you can help to

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Ashley Wright aka @MsWrightWay became an internet sensation when a video of her pole dancing with her daughter on her back went viral. She became the center of controversy because mothers did not pole dance let alone do it with their children tied to their back. Ashley Wright boldly pushed us to the edge of what a mother is and what she can be. Her movement MsWrightWay is a platform that urges all mothers to never give up their authenticity for motherhood. “Yes you are a mother, but you are also a woman first” I had the opportunity to sit down and have a nice one on one chat with Ashley on how her journey helped shift the culture and the narrative of how we see single mothers.

“Women Are The Bridge To Success For Everyone” ~Tamika Mallory

Azizah:For everyone who has never heard of @MsWrightWay N AT UR A L WO M AN M AGAZI N E |SP RI N G 2 0 1 9

what would you tell them about

your movement?

A.Wrightway: Not too long ago I ran into a colleague who does business coaching and he suggested that I create this tag line that would encompass all that I do. I remember looking and telling myself that I do not have to do that. I do not have to say I am this one or two things. MsWrightWay is all encompassing, and when you look at motherhood

how can you put it into a box? I’m not just the breast feeding mommy blog, or the fashionista mommy blog I am all of those things. MsWrightsway is a catalyst of everyone’s reflection and healing. Azizah: I think that is powerful explanation because you cannot put mothers let alone women into a little box of what we should be. We are living in an exciting time because this version of a woman is what so many of us are waking up from on this planet.


A.Wright: Motherhood is already this feeling that you are in a box because of how this matrix is set up. Our villages are scattered, mothers do not get the support that they need, birth is fucked up, so many things are not what nature has intended it be. Because of this when we become mothers you have this sense of isolation because society is telling us “now that we are mothers” we have to talk like this, look like this, or dress like that. This completely disconnects you from many parts of yourself that have brought you joy, that supported and showed off your character. This is why we have high rates of postpartum depression and women crying out to be seen. This is why I think I attract so many followers because they are trying to figure out how is she able to be a mother and keep her authenticity. For example my pole dancing, that was a big thing because people were saying how can you pole dance and be a good mom? Then they are shocked when they see me breast feed, nurturing, see my children speaking several languages and travelling. How does this come together? Because no where in their minds can they comprehend this woman (me) wanting to be young, black, not have a partner, not married, pole dancing, and be a good mom? That doesn’t go together they say, but the truth is it does and it can and a good mother isn’t a middle aged white women that’s not what a good mother looks like. There is no one way to be a good mother, that’s why I encourage mothers to just BE.

they have to sacrifice one for the other. What would you tell women who are struggling with this kind of programming. A.Wright: Part of my work in encouraging mothers to be unapologetically authentic with themselves is not just so they can be happy when their children grow up and go away, they can be happy now. You should not have to hide yourself from your children, I don’t create the persona to communicate with my children. How will they know who I am? How would they be able to respect my boundaries? How can we honor each other if I am flipping scripts everyday? I talk to my children just like I am talking to you, I am who I am and I do not have to hide myself especially from my children. When it come to being authentic just be who you are because your children will reflect that. Azizah: So let’s talk about childbirth. I am a big fan of your Instagram and I remember seeing a video clip you shared of you giving birth to your youngest daughter without a midwife. Can you share that experience with me?

A.Wright: I did what is called an Unassisted Pregnancy and Unassisted Childbirth with my youngest daughter Satori. People were shocked and asked me why did I do that and the truth is I was sad, I was going through a break up during my pregnancy and was trying to navigate through complex emotions and spaces. I wasn’t focused on prenatal care nor was I worried that something was wrong. I was healthy, I have a good diet, and with me being a childbirth educaAzizah: Keeping your authenticity and tor, and given birth before, and have witnessed being a mother. A lot of women think several women birthing, I was okay. I did try to

get a midwife, but the universe wasn’t allowing that to take place. So a good friend of mine said to me when I was 36 weeks pregnant, “ Ashley you have been saying for the longest that you wanted to have an unassisted birth.” And she was right I did I was that woman saying I wanted to go out into the forest to give birth in nature. But during that time I was not thinking about that I just wanted to be alone, I wasn’t sure where that feeling was coming from, but towards the end of my pregnancy I said to myself I surrender. I felt the universe and my ancestors tell me that I had to do this by myself, I know that sounds crazy, but it is true. I heard it so clear, they told me that I am a woman who holds so much space for so many women who are walking through these spaces of darkness and uncertainty. As a black woman you have to know and completely rely and trust that you are always provided for. You are not going to be able to continue to support, teach, and help women if you are always so unsure. So I surrendered and trusted that me and my baby were going to be okay. When I shared the video I talked about life and death because it was a transformational moment. I had to hold so much space for myself, my baby, a partner who was absent, I had to go completely in myself and out of my head and trust the ancestral universal wisdom that was guiding me. I had to completely relinquish control and trust that my baby knew what she was doing and to trust that the most high had me, that the ancestors were covering me and the Universe would welcome this baby in perfect health and so it and that’s exactly what fucking happened.

Azizah: That’s amazing because in reality we control our birth experiences. A lot of women have no idea how many unnecessary scenarios we create during pregnancy and childbirth. Childbirth can be a very spiritual, empowering, awakening moment for women because like you said we go through a major transformation. We actually face death, by going into the ethers to bring back a soul to the earth plane. Every woman should be able to have an amazing childbirth experience. AWright: Exactly! Just like they say you have to tap in, come into delta. It is really letting go of this physical space and knowing who you are. It’s a feeling of yes you can and you are capable with just you. Women need to know that we are powerful and always provided for and take that mentality and apply it to our everyday life. Azizah: Ashley this has been an amazing conversation and I hope it will inspire women especially mothers to never give up on themselves and to trust that they are provided for and can be authentic in a world that tells us to be otherwise.

Ask Ashlee Advice Column Advice For The Women That Do It All


Ask The Question Dear Ask Ashlee,

And Be Prepared To Be Answered I want them to have a relationship, I want that bond to be close, but I don’t believe he has the right to come into his life after the fact and take my son away from me, my only child, after all I’ve done on my own. My son and I have talked and I believe he wants to go stay with his father, but leaving me after all I’ve sacrificed is something he doesn’t want to do either. I’m stuck in an ugly situation and wouldn’t mind a little advice sis. Your thoughts?

I’ve raised my son alone for the last 15 years. His father was in and out of jail until he was about 8 and then when he came home, he created more children than he could actually take care of. The last two years the two of them have grown closer, and honestly I’m happy about that. My son gets a bit more direction and guidance from a man and his father seems to be getting his life together finally. He doesn’t support us financially, however he Sincerely, again has been spending more time with him and my son deserves that. My Only Child My issue, is that after 15 years and doing it all on my own, he now wants my son to come live with him and I am Dear My Only Child, not feeling that! I know it’s hard sis believe me I do,

Ask Ashlee Response:

but you are looking at this situation the wrong way. His past is pertinent to your decision making. You still see his father as a knuckle headed jail bird instead of the man he has and is still evolving into. Based off your own words, the last two years, so much has taken place to allow him and your son to become close despite the fact that he has other children and I’m sure other responsibilities. Redirect your focus. We as mothers will sacrifice and give up whatever it takes for our children. So what you have done for the last 15 years, you would have done regardless of his fathers interactions during that time. That’s just what we do as mothers. If your only dispute to him living with his father now, is because of all the work you put in, then that is not enough. Why? Simple. This isn’t about you. This is about a 15 year young man who is looking for guidance and direction on the kind of man he is going to be. He has learned what he can from you, and believe me you will be able to teach him more. Yet, this is a good time for him to spend with his father. A good time for him and his father to help each other become better men. Don’t take this opportunity away from him, away from them, for your own selfish reasons. You will always be his mother. You will always be his first love, and he will always be his father. Let him do his part and take a moment to focus on you. I hope this helps! Love,

About Ashlee A woman who wears many hats, Ask Ashlee is deter- mined to provide love to the community with sound mind advice, entertainment and a passion to showcase the excellence of others, while discussing real life issues through her Talk Show Monday Night Juice. As a red carpet correspondent, Ashlee brings a unique atmos- phere to any event she hosts with her bubbly spirit and one of kind personality. A valued member of the Easley Blessed Media team and Greater Cincinnati Association of Black Journalist she has served as their social media manager and was recently elected as the secretary for GCABJ in the 2019-2021 term! As the creator of the “She Stay Busy” blog she strives to recognize and support women who are determined to be great and go above and beyond to work towards her greatness. Ashlee is also a brand ambassador for Victory Lane Boutique Plus Size Fashion, a speaker, blogger, the recipient of the 2018 Black Woman Project Award, the 2018 Cincinnati Werking Women Award and an advice columnist for Natural Woman Magazine, there is no obstacle she has allowed to stand in her way. Submitt to my column & Follow Me @AskAshlee


Natural Woman Magazine was on the scene at some of the hottest fashion and hair shows around the world. We were invited to attend The Afro Swag Hair & Fashion Show. A show dedicated to African urban culture . The show included a hair styling competion, beauty demos, and fashion shows.

Photography By Azizah Nubia

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Afro Swag Fashions Photography By Zahir Zahir

Spotlight Moment

The Voluptous Ball Back in March Natural Woman Magazine and Glamorous Faces partnered to sponsor a Beauty Makeover to the best dressed winner of the 2019 Voluptuous Ball in Cincinnati, Ohio. We would like to introduce the world to Keiana Mullins a Fashion Designer who owns Ana’s Kreation. She stole the show with her dress she designed herself. The dress you see in her lovely picture. She said it took her 2 days to make her dress. One of Keiana’s inspirations is her mother. She says she wants to make her mother proud because her mother always pushed her to follow her dreams. Follow her on IG @Ana’sKreation

Natural Hair Inspirartion

Afros & Color

Permanent vs. Temporary Hair Color There are 3 main types of color—permanent, semi or demi permanent, and temporary. Permanent color requires the hair cuticle to be lifted and alters the proteins that give us our natural hair color. Temporary color, on the other hand, puts a layer of color on top of the hair strand. These are usually sold as “rinses,” and will fade with several shampoos. Coloring hair has less to do with texture (coarse, fine, etc.) and more to do with porosity. Porosity is the hair’s ability to hold and retain moisture. So not only do the layers of your cuticle have to lift to let color/moisture in, they have to close back down to keep it in. Do you have a cute hair style that you want to share? Send Natural Woman Magazine your natural hair pics and you may see them in our next issue.

9 Levels to Organic Orgasms Understanding The Female Body with the Honey Luv Diva Tracey Bryant. By Azizah Nubia Affirmations are positive statements that can help us to overcome self-sabotaging negative thought patterns. When you repeat them often and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes in your life. Some people may consider affirmations to be unrealistic “wishful thinking.” But a deeper look into the science of affirmations these repetitive exercises can improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think – and act – differently. Affirmations may also help to diminish the effects of stress. In one study, a short affirmation exercise boosted the problem-solving abilities

of “chronically stressed” subjects to the same level as those with low stress. What’s more interesting, affirmations have been used to successfully treat people with low self-esteem, depression, and other mental health conditions. And they have been shown to stimulate the areas in our brains that make us more likely to effect positive changes in regard to our health. So the saying that our words have power is not an understatement. Our words do have power and when used with focus and belief, we have the power to change anything in our lives. Check out these affirmations below.

Affirmations for Health Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health. Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body, and soul. My body heals quickly Affirmations for Abundance I prosper wherever I turn and I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds. The more grateful I am, the more I am blessed. Abundance flows freely through me. Affirmations for Love I know I deserve love and I accept it now. The love I give out is returned to me multiplied. I deeply and profoundly love and appreciate myself. Affirmations for Romance I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy. I release any desperation and allow love to find me. I attract only healthy relationships. Affirmations for Weight Loss I am the perfect weight for me. I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself. I choose to exercise regularly.

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