2 minute read
A Year in Review
from EXWC EDGE #0002
Team EXWC, FY20 has been a roller coaster. During what has been a hard-hitting year, EXWC has continued to persevere by committing ourselves to our products and services that directly impact the warfighter. Your individual commitment to your craft inspires NAVFAC EXWC’s Public Affairs Office to share EXWC’s narrative with the world.
Why should we share EXWC’s narrative? What value does that bring? The answer is simple. EXWC is moving from General Fund to Navy Working Capital Fund. This shift in funding changes how EXWC does business—we are more entrepreneurial than ever. We now rely on monies received from our customers to grow our products, services, and customer base. Simply put, in order to garner more business, we must show our future customers who we are and what we can do for them.
This is where marketing comes in handy. Over the past fiscal year, EXWC was featured in 72 media placements nationally. That means we can account for 72 different instances where EXWC’s products and services were discussed in the media. This means our future customers had 72 unique opportunities to see EXWC in the spotlight in a variety of media channels, not including social media and the Navy’s news wire service. Some of these instances were low hanging fruit; some of these instances were full-fledged articles and television segments.
You may not be aware this is happening, but it is. Below is a testament to the work each sailor and civilian completes on a daily basis. People are interested in the work EXWC is doing, making it fun and easy to share with the world.

FY20 Media Placements:
28 HIGH Quality Media placements that are written articles in technical journals or highly reputable publications with NAVFAC EXWC employees commonly quoted 12 MEDIUM Quality Media placements that are commonly republished press releases in a highly reputable publication
32 LOW Quality Press releases or articles that are posted or reposted on a global news wire service
The Military Engineer is published 6 times per year. NAVFAC EXWC was published in 4/6 issues for FY20
FY20 placements were published in the following mediums: radio, television, newspapers (print + online), magazines (print + online), and community papers
Interested in EXWC’s FY20 top headlines? Check them out here:
LaCrosse Tribune COVID-19 Additive Manufacturing https://lacrossetribune.com/news/local/la-crosse-native-3dprinting-face-masks-for-the-navy/article_6847fdad-a206-5da2- 95bd-01af061e1ee3.html

CHIPS Magazine REALL VTOL Demonstration https://www.doncio.navy.mil/CHIPS/ArticleDetails. aspx?ID=13750
KEYT ABC News Channel 3 Knott Gate Renaming Ceremony https://keyt.com/news/ventura-county/2020/03/05/naval-baseport-hueneme-renaming-gate-after-fallen-soldier/
The Military Engineer Research on Microgrids https://samenews.org/tme-march-april-2020/
The Military Engineer Water Planning & Management https://samenews.org/tme-july-aug-2020/
A special thank you to Carol Frash, Daniel McCambridge, Edith Madsen, Javier Esparza, LT. Reece Comer, P.E., Lance Batch, P.E., Robert Nordahl, Sophia A Lee, P.G., and Todd Jonas, P.E., for working with NAVFAC EXWC PAO this past fiscal year. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.