2 minute read
The World of STEM
from EXWC EDGE #0002
STEM Puns & Riddles: A neutron walks into the bar and asks the barman “How much is it for a drink?” The barman answers, “For you, no charge.”
Hey EXWC employees! Could you use the expertise of university or college faculty to help with a major project? If your ears are perking up, keep reading...
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) Summer Faculty Research Program is now accepting applications for 2021! ONR sponsors the Summer Faculty Research Program for U.S. citizens who hold teaching or research appointments at U.S. colleges and universities. This program is an excellent opportunity for faculty members to participate in research of mutual interest to the faculty members and professional peers at U.S. Navy Laboratories.
What are some of the benefits qualified faculty of majority and minorityserving institutions are given if selected? Faculty are afforded the opportunity to conduct research for 10 weeks at one of 20 participating ONR facilities. A travel and housing allowance, and a competitive stipend are also provided. So are there any kickers? Not at all! Parties just must make sure all work is completed onsite at the sponsoring U.S. Navy Laboratory.

The application deadline is December 14, 2020 for the 2021 award year. For more information, visit: https://onroutreach-summer-faculty-research-sabbatical.com
Applications are NOW Open for STEM Summer 2021 Programs for Students!
Did you know the U.S. Department of Commerce reported STEM occupations are growing at 17% annually? STEM workers play a key role in the sustained growth and stability of the U.S. economy, and are a critical component to helping the U.S. continue to persevere. The need for innovative thinkers and problem solvers is at an all-time high, and enterprises like EXWC are encouraging local participation in several DON and DOD internship programs.
EXWC encourages sailors and civilians to share the following internship information. If you have any questions, please contact Carina Morgan, NAVFAC EXWC STEM Coordinator; carina.morgan@navy.mil

Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program Application Cycle: September 1 – November 30, 2020 Time Frame: 8-Week Summer Internship Program About: Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) places academically talented high school students with interest and ability in science and mathematics as apprentices in Department of Navy laboratories. Apply Here! https://seap.asee.org/apply
Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program Application Cycle: September 1 – November 30, 2020 Time Frame: 10-Week Summer Internship Program About: The Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) provides an opportunity for college students to participate in research at a Department of Navy laboratory during the summer. Apply Here! https://nreip.asee.org/apply
SMART Scholarship for Service
Application Cycle: August 1 – December 1, 2020 Time Frame: Minimum 1.5 Academic Years About: The SMART Program provides a combined education and career opportunity to students pursuing STEM degrees that will enhance the Department of Defense (DOD) civilian workforce. A 1:1 Service agreement is required. Apply Here! https://smartscholarshipprod.service-now.com/smart