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Work Together, Work Safely
from EXWC EDGE #0002
October is National Protect Your Hearing Month This October, during National Protect Your Hearing Month, EXWC encourages sailors and civilians to learn more about noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and the steps you can take to prevent it.
Quick Facts About NIHL:
• NIHL can happen to anyone at any age • Up to 24% of American adults under the age of 70 may have hearing loss due to noise exposure in one or both ears • Some studies suggest 13-18% of U.S. teens have signs of possible hearing loss from noise • When sounds are too loud for too long, small bundles of hair-like onto of hair cells in the inner ear are damaged • In humans, when hair cells are damaged, they cannot respond to sound, causing NIHL • In humans, hair cells cannot be fixed or replaced, so the hearing loss is permanent • NIHL can build slowly over time, so you may not notice the early signs of hearing loss
So What Can You do About NIHL?
• If you are at work, make sure you are using proper noise protection equipment. If you do not have appropriate equipment, contact NAVFAC EXWC’s Safety Department joseph.carmody@navy.mil or robin.skinner@navy.mil • Lower the volume. Noises above 85 decibels can cause the greatest harm • If you use earbuds, keeps the volume low. Many smart cellphones track volume usage. You can also use smartphone decibel meter apps such as Decibel X, SPL Meter or Too Noisy Pro • If you cannot lower the volume, put some distance between you and the source of the noise • Protect the ears of those who are too young to protect their own • Spread the word! Tell your family, friends and colleagues about noise hazards • Continue to be diligent. Your ears will thank you!
Safety Tip of the Month Can you guess how many EXWC employees have worked on home renovation projects over the past 7-months? Well, we do not have the answer to that, but rest assured, safety protocols at home are the same as safety protocols at work. 5 Basic Hand Tool Rules: • Keep tools clean and in good condition • Inspect tools regularly for wear and damage • Provide the right personal protective equipment and use it properly • Operate tools according to the manufacturers’ instructions • Use the right tool for the job!