Newsflash 25 March 2015

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News Flash Offshore energy




Read more about: Team Delft Challenge 04 New smartphone launched for offshore oil & gas sector 04 Helix, OneSubsea and Schlumberger come together 04 Damen Delivers Van Oord’s Cable Layer 04 Lewek Constellation in Action by March 05 More jobs cut in UK North Sea 05 Petrobras saves $5M per well 05


Exhibition & Conference

Offshore Energy 2015 continues to grow and innovate After an extremely successful seventh Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) preparations for the eighth OEEC are well underway. On October 13th and 14th 2015 the Amsterdam RAI will again host the fastest growing gathering for offshore professionals. OEEC offers the international offshore community the opportunity to meet around 13,500 industry leaders, buyers, engineers, investors, and other peers from all around the world. To gain access to high end conference sessions and over 650 exhibiting companies that are showcasing their latest products and services.

In 2014 OEEC experienced a tremendous

This year, the conference will again offer

growth in unique attendees, represented

an elaborate conference program that

nationalities, floor space, and number

covers a wide range of topics in C-level

of exhibitors. The organization expects

panel discussions, technical sessions,

the 2015 show to continue growing.

and Master Classes. To accommodate

Another 2,500m2 will be added to the

the growing number of delegates the

exhibition floor. That means an increased

organization will build two, more spacious,

floor space of 23,000m spread out

conference rooms in exhibition hall 8 to

over 4 exhibition halls and holding over

host the well attended technical sessions.


650 exhibitors. An Italian pavilion will be added to the list of country pavilions.

Next to the two day exhibition and

Many companies have already booked

conference, Offshore Energy will organize

their stands and 70% of the exhibition

the Offshore WIND Conference on October

space has already been sold.

12th 2015 in the Amsterdam RAI. The 6th annual Offshore WIND Conference

To accommodate the growth in attendees,

presents the latest in wind farm

OEEC will open an additional entrance.

developments and addresses the key

The regular entrance C will lead directly to

technical, operational, and commercial

exhibition halls 9, 10 and 11, the additional

challenges associated with the industry’s

entrance F will lead directly to exhibition

growing reach. Attending the Offshore

hall 8 and to the conference rooms.

WIND Conference can be combined easily with a visit to the Offshore Energy

The Offshore Energy Conference

Exhibition & Conference.

attracted over 1,000 delegates, who participated in more than 20 meetings.

Stay in touch!

@NavingoOE #OEEC

Offshore Energy Amsterdam


Navingo on the road:

Meet us at the following exhibitions

10-12 June OTE China, Nantong China Information at UEAC area

4-7 May Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston Information at IRO Holland Pavilion

2-4 June Oil & Gas Asia, Kuala Lumpur Information at IRO Holland Pavilion

17-19 March SPE/IADC Drilling Conference & Exhibition, London Navingo stand - 636

8-11 September Offshore Europe, Aberdeen Offshore Energy stand at IRO Pavilion - Hall 1

24-25 June Global Offshore Wind Renewable UK, London Offshore WIND stand

10-12 March EWEA Offshore, Copenhagen Navingo stand at Holland Pavilion - C2-A8 26-27 February Business Offshore Conference, Hamburg Offshore Energy stand in Conference Area

16-18 June Seawork, Southampton Navingo stand - SB22 3-5 February Euromaritime, Paris Navingo stand - J05 20-21 May Thetis, Nantes Offshore WIND stand 25-27 March OMC - Ravenna, Ravenna Information at IES (organiser OMC) area

Save the date for 2015! We look forward to welcoming you this year!


Column By Dr. Oscar Abbink, Director Upstream, IHS Energy

The Great Deflation

Column The Great Oil Deflation has created

hydraulic fracturing. They had great

havoc in the energy markets and

success, bringing over 4 million

has compelled the exploration and

barrels per day extra to the market

production (E&P) industry to

since 2008. On top of that the

reevaluate business plans across

market benefitted from the

the value chain. At IHS, we provide

Canadian oil sands, which has

ongoing insights on the impact of

contributed an additional 1 million

the lower oil price on various

barrels per day since 2008.

markets and industries through

Dr. Oscar Abbink Director Upstream, IHS Energy

“ Innovation will play a critical role in adapting to the new price environment.” the market decide, an unanticipated

combined with the challenge of

level of upstream development

‘historic change of roles’ is restoring

capturing solid returns on investment.

activity taking place in high growth

in-depth analyses. With focus on

However, the price fall lagged

the United States to the role it

Companies react in various ways.

regions (North America and Australia),

providing solutions, we look into

behind because of growing energy

relinquished to OPEC when US

The most common response is

coupled with increasingly complex

new opportunities arising from the

consumption and much oil being

production declined in the 1970s.”

(indiscriminate) cost-cutting.

operating conditions, is prompting a

current environment. We believe

off the market.

Another response, already taking

wave of innovative technical solutions

For the upstream oil and gas sector,

place, is merger and acquisition

in such areas as cross-value chain

that innovation will play a critical role in adjusting to the market

In recent months, with the deferred

returns were down even before

(M&A) activity. With deal value

integration, water management,

conditions that are dictated by

oil returning steadily to the market,

crude oil prices plunged, both by

at ± 50 percent of the finding and

and remote operations. We have

the oil price.

a demand growth slowdown, and

historical standards and relative to

development costs per barrel, M&A

examined several examples from

the resignation of Saudi Arabia as

capital costs. Both the capital and

can be expected to grow sharply.

these regions, demonstrating

The beginning of the “perfect storm”

the world’s swing producer, this

operational costs had increased

has caused the oil price drop more

“perfect storm” pushed the oil price

tremendously. The IHS Upstream

IHS Upstream Technology and

role in adapting to the new price

than 50 percent in a period of just a

down rapidly and altered the oil

Capital Cost Index, which measures

Innovation research is following


few months. After the “Shale Gale”

landscape dramatically. In his recent

industry cost fluctuations, more

a third response: new technology

in the early-mid 2000s, which

opinion piece for The New York Times

than doubled over the past decade.

initiatives. In the past years, the

revived US gas production, the US

(25 January) IHS Vice Chairman

E&P firms targeted unconventional

Daniel Yergin, author of The Prize

The big question now is how the

strongly on development of new

tight oil with the combination of

and The Quest, said that because of

global E&P market will adapt to the

seismic, drilling, and recovery

horizontal drilling and multistage

“the November OPEC decision to let

largest oil price shock since 2008-09,

technologies. The unprecedented

overall E&P industry focused

Advertisement Offshore Holland


that innovations can play a key


Industry news Team Delft Challenge

These are a series of short, one hour

Sailing Arabia the Tour started on February 15th. A sailing event along different countries in the Arabian Gulf. Team Delft Challenge, an enthusiastic 7-member student team from Delft, is determined to make it to the top 3 in this miniature version of the Volvo Ocean Race.

races that focus on boat handling and short term tactics. This is one of Team Delft Challenge’s strong points: last year they won the inshore competition, and went on to place 3rd in the overall race. This year, with

Damen Delivers Van Oord’s Cable Layer

Offshore sailing races, that’s what it’s

Muscat, Oman. After starting out in

almost double the amount of entries,

all about for the students from Delft.

Muscat the fleet will sail for 2 weeks

the students of Team Delft Challenge

Since June 2014 they have been busy

towards the west, visiting such cities

are still determined to claim a spot

preparing for their participation in

as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, and

on the podium in Bahrein.

Sailing Arabia the Tour. At first these

Manama (Bahrein). From city to

preparations consisted primarily

city the fleet will sail in the offshore

Like to know how the team is

of gathering sponsors, but since

races, which could take up to 40 hours

performing during the Tour? You can

September they have been hard at

to complete. Next to these offshore

find them on Facebook or visit their

Van Oord is currently making preparations for the Gemini offshore wind farm

work in an intense training program.

races, the teams will also sail in short


which will be constructed 55 kilometres to the north of Schiermonnikoog, one of

All these preparations came down to

inshore races directly in front of the

the Dutch Wadden Islands, and the cable-laying vessel will be deployed initially

February 10th, the day they flew to

larger cities.

at that site. Despite encountering some challenges during the build process, the

Damen has delivered a new DOC 8500 cable laying vessel to international offshore contractor Van Oord. Named Nexus, the 126-metre vessel is intended for the installation of electricity cables for offshore wind farms.

DOC 8500 was delivered several days ahead of the specified completion date and the entire design, engineering and build took just 15 months. This was particularly satisfying as additional work was also added to the specification after the contract was signed, with additional cable-laying infrastructure being installed prior to handover. Six Damen companies in Romania, Ukraine and the Netherlands contributed engineering and project management expertise; the vessel itself was constructed at Damen Shipyards Galati.

New smartphone launched for offshore oil & gas sector Motion Software, the Aberdeen-based hardware, software and tagging specialist for the oil and gas industry, has announced the availability of a new smartphone for use in hazardous areas in the offshore market.

Equipment installation The Nexus is now at Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen, where Van Oord is building and installing the additional cable laying equipment. The Damen Offshore Carrier (DOC) concept was first introduced by Damen in 2012 as a cost-effective smaller heavy transport, offshore installation and ro-ro platform suitable for multiple markets. With its spacious and flush open deck the design is highly adaptable

The new Smart-E 01, which

“The Smart-E 01 has proved to be

software, and tagging provider,

and its modular construction means that it can switch quickly and economically

is suitable for use in Zone 1

a popular piece of kit, with demand

primarily in the oil and gas sector.

between roles.

ATEX-compliant areas, is designed

outstripping supply. The key is ease

Also, in November last year, the

for operationally challenging

of use in demanding environments,

company said that a tablet for use

Jaap de Jong, Van Oord’s Staff Director Ship Management Department, commented:

environments such as the North

whereby the flow of operations

in extremely hazardous areas in the

“By working closely together, Damen and Van Oord managed to build a fit-for-purpose

Sea, Motion Software said. It has

is enhanced rather than using

offshore oil and gas industry would

and economical vessel in a very short period of time. The Nexus is an asset to

a touchscreen that can be used in

cumbersome pen-and-paper or

be available to users for the first

Van Oord’s fleet and its Offshore Wind Projects business unit.”

direct sunlight, a powerful battery,

traditional handheld PDA processes.”

time in early 2015.

and can be used with a number

Motion Software is a hardware,

Press Release

of software applications. Stephen Burt, managing director of Motion Software, explains:

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Helix, OneSubsea and Schlumberger come together Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc., OneSubsea®, a Cameron and Schlumberger company, and Schlumberger announced today the execution of the definitive agreements for the companies’ non-incorporated alliance, formed to develop technologies and deliver equipment and services to optimize the value chain of subsea well intervention systems.

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the technology and delivering it efficiently to the well in a manner that is safe and protects the environment is best achieved by this collaboration of skill sets from OneSubsea, Schlumberger, and

According to the partners, the

by subsea well-access technology,

has significant experience in the

Helix. We are excited about the

alliance combines the expertise and

specific solutions for deep and

manufacture and supply of subsea


capabilities of the three companies

ultra-deepwater basins and higher

well intervention equipment and

to provide a unique offering,

well pressure environments, and

services. Schlumberger is the world’s

Cameron Chairman and Chief

Schlumberger CEO Paal Kibsgaard

integrating marine support with

the evolution of Helix’s vessels

leading supplier of technology and

Executive Officer, Jack Moore stated,

commented, “We are extremely

well-access equipment and control

to provide well intervention and

services to the oilfield, including

“This alliance represents a real

pleased to complete the well


additional support services such

conveyance systems and in-well

advance in subsea intervention.

intervention alliance with OneSubsea

as well commissioning, artificial lift

technologies for subsea applications.

Bringing together OneSubsea, Helix,

and Helix. We are now uniquely

and Schlumberger capabilities will

positioned to drive further integration

The alliance is focused on increasing

support, and abandonment, which

the operating envelope of today’s

are traditionally performed using

Helix President and Chief Executive

deliver simpler, more cost effective,

of our leading technology portfolio,

subsea intervention technology.

drilling rigs.

Officer, Owen Kratz said, “The future

and more efficient intervention

backed by improved reliability

for subsea well intervention and

solutions, all through a single,

and greater efficiency, to create

The companies hope the alliance will offer clients an integrated approach

Helix is a l subsea well intervention

the value creation it brings is still

collaborative approach to ensure

a step-change in performance

to achieve simpler and more

provider, with the largest fleet

in the early stages of growth,

our clients are benefitting from the

throughout the E&P value chain.”

cost-effective intervention solutions.

size of well intervention vessels,

and the potential for pioneering

technologically advanced solutions

OneSubsea, a solution provider for

additional methods for value

the alliance will be able to offer.”

Primary objectives include the

subsea well control, with a global

creation is significant. I believe

expansion of applications enabled

footprint of executed major projects,

that the challenges for creating

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“We are excited to be part of this landmark project for the subsea industry, and to see the Lewek Constellation come online. The Lewek Constellation will be only one of

Petrobras saves $5M per well Brazil’s Petrobras has informed that the company is saving $5 million per well by replacing drillships with technology adapted for pre-salt depths. This technique allows Petrobras to cut ocean descent times.

two vessels in the world in her class, and we are proud to be associated with the project from start to finish,” said Magnus Piene, Global Head of Offshore for DNB, the co-leadarranger for the loan facility for the Lewek Constellation. “We have seen Ezra grow and transform since the early 2000s as a ship charterer to becoming a full-fledged subsea engineering

Lewek Constellation in Action by March Ezra’s flagship, Lewek Constellation, the subsea construction vessel, is on track to turn fully operational by March 2015.

services provider, and we would like to congratulate Ezra on achieving yet another milestone with the Lewek Constellation,” said Joyce Tee, Managing Director, Head of

The Group’s ice-classed, DP3

With the delivery of the Lewek

Shipping, Aviation & Transportation,

multi-lay construction vessel with

Constellation Ezra has substantially

Institutional Banking Group of

heavy lift capabilities is currently

completed its major capex in this

DBS Bank, the co-lead arranger

being finalized in front of the

growth cycle and is poised to move

for the loan facility for the Lewek

Huisman Schiedam quayside in the

into a phase of free cash generation,


Netherlands. Huisman designed and

which will ultimately improve gearing

built the 3000mt Offshore Mast Crane

and develop balance sheet strength.

At the end of last year, Petrobras deployed its first wet Christmas tree (equipment installed on a wellhead, composed of a set of remotely

“I am extremely pleased with the

operated valves that are designed to control the flow of fluids such as oil,

progress we have made with the

water, and natural gas from a reservoir to the surface) using cables in

The Group has also successfully

Lewek Constellation, and I would like

the pre-salt area.

closed the increased loan facility

to thank our principal banks for their

Prior to its completion, the vessel

to finance the construction of the

commitment and strong support in

The main change involved was the use of a subsea equipment support

has secured a backlog of nearly

vessel up to its completion.

seeing this project come to fruition,”

vessel (SESV) to install the equipment, rather than a traditional drilling ship.

US$0.5 billion, and is fully booked

said Lionel Lee, Ezra’s Group CEO

The company says that this resulted in a time savings of approximately

through to the middle of 2016.

and Managing Director.

10 days, generating a gain of more than $5 million. The well on which the

and the Multi-lay System onboard the vessel.

Christmas tree was installed using this technique, called 7-SPH-2D-SP, is located in Sapinhoá field, in the pre-salt layer of Santos Basin, at a depth of 2,130 meters.

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The operation, which involved lowering the Christmas tree into position and installing it on the wellhead using a suspended cable, was carried out from an SESV using a subsea equipment guidance system. This installation technique replaces the use of drilling ships, which are much more expensive to charter. and ever-increasing operating costs

Petrobras notes that SESVs have some other major advantages in relation

alongside falling production levels,

to traditional drilling ships. For example, using a drilling ship it takes around

reduction in exploration, and asset

10 hours to lower a “riser” (a kind of pipe) 1,000 meters in the open sea.

integrity and maintenance issues. We

Consequently, the time taken to lower a Christmas tree for installation on a well

are not immune to those challenges

at a water depth of 2,300 meters is 40 hours on average. SESVs, on the other

and are taking appropriate actions

hand, can perform the same maneuver in less than four hours, due to the

to tackle them. We have spoken with

cable launch and return speed.

our workforce and are supporting them through the process.”

Petrobras has already used this technology at depths of up to 2,000 meters. Following engineering studies, some adaptations were made to the SESV

More jobs cut in UK North Sea After BP last week announced it would lay off 300 workers in the UK, amid plunging oil prices and challenging market conditions, another UK North Sea operator has decided to follow suit.

Talisman Sinopec did not reply to

Skandi Santos, enabling the vessel to install equipment at depths of up to

an email seeking comment, sent by

2,300 meters. After the success of this first experience, the use of SESVs has

Offshore Energy Today.

now been proven as a viable option for the pre-salt layer, and this will, the company says, help reduce operating costs and times. Petrobras has now

Unions have accused oil companies

chartered a second SESV, which is being adapted for depths of up to 2,500

and government of failing to prepare

meters and which should start operating in the second half of 2016.

for falling oil prices. Unite, Britain’s largest workers union, last week

Sapinhoá field is operated by Petrobras (45%), in partnership with BG E&P Brasil Ltda (30%) and Repsol Sinopec Brasil S.A. (25%).

According to BBC, Talisman Sinopec

between Talisman Energy Inc.

warned that short-term job cuts

said that from a workforce of around

and Addax Petroleum UK Limited,

would lead to a loss of skills that

3000, ten per cent would be affected.

a subsidiary of Sinopec, said.

could undermine health and safety and the future of the industry in

Of the three hundred workers to be

BBC has cited Talisman Sinopec

laid off, 100 are from the company’s

managing director Paul Warwick as

staff and 200 include contractors,

saying: “Our industry is operating

Talisman-Sinopec, created by the

in a mature environment, against

company in 2012 as a joint venture

a backdrop of a declining oil price

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the North Sea. Offshore Energy Today Staff Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the offshore energy industry? Check


Pouring oil on troubled waters

So, the boom went bust. Falling oil prices after a period of higher production and weakening global demand has created a tough balancing act for the oil and gas industry, states DNV GL in its 2015 outlook for the oil and gas industry. According to the classification society, the new reality offers both opportunities and challenges. Mergers and acquisitions have become a trending topic in the news.

Strategies aligned

oil prices increasing marginally in

This global trend has also hit the

2016 and 2017, and significantly

lowlands, where Dutch companies

in 2018. Deloitte Center for Energy

have experienced movement over

Solutions expects that both super

the past couple of weeks. Most

majors and independents are able to

noteworthy is offshore-related

plan beyond price fluctuations and

increased share hold of Koninklijke

invest today to bring tomorrow’s

Boskalis Westminster N.V. in

production to market. John England,

Fugro NV. The strategy of Boskalis is

Vice Chairman, US Oil & Gas Leader,

focused on offshore and (maritime)

Deloitte: “With that in mind, the

infrastructure markets. In a press

current price cycle should not

release Boskalis states that Fugro

significantly impact their long-term

fits perfectly within this strategy

plans.” Aforementioned DNV GL

and that both companies have much

state that, to ride out the storm,

in common in the way of assets,

companies must look back on prior

capital, clientele, and knowledge,

downturns and should strive to be,

not forgetting that both are leaders

among other things, flexible, quality

in their niche markets. The maritime

driven, and focused on the core

services company stresses that the

business. Not all industry players

increased holding in Fugro N.V. of

will choose the same tack for 2015.

20.1% is not a step towards making

Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO of DNV GL

an offer on the company, but

Oil & Gas, says: “It is interesting to

Globally speaking, smaller companies

within the industry. Take for example

the minds of both companies.

speculation about this is swirling.

see that the most confident industry

and specific niche suppliers have a

the big three oil service companies,

Combined, the companies could be

Only time will tell how this plays out.

players are forging a different path to

challenging year ahead of them, during

Haliburton, Schlumberger and

safeguarded from a withdrawal in

which it may be necessary to seek

Baker Hughes. The acquisition of

drilling. This may allow the company,

To stabilize, confidence is key

showing counter-cyclical behavior by

partnerships with organizations that

Baker Hughes by Halliburton has

which will keep the Halliburton

So, what does the industry suppose

investing during the downturn, which

are stronger and more productively

made an even stronger competitor

name, to keep prices higher than

time will tell? Norwegian Rystad

is positive for the long-term health of

wide-spread. In every shape or

for Schlumberger. The threat of

when it becomes necessary to

Energy, an independent oil and

the industry.” These investments and

form, mergers are undertaken to

the oil becoming too cheap to drill

compete for declining demand.

gas consultancy, expects a slightly

mergers may be the oil required for

strengthen a company’s position

profitably played reportedly on

uneasy 2015. But they foresee

the troubled waters ahead.

their less confident peers. They are

Advertisement Offshore Wind

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Save the date! 12 October 2015

Amsterdam RAI

Fully grid connected offshore wind capacity in European waters reached over 7GW in 2014. Over the next years additional capacity will be realized across multiple sites. The 6th annual Offshore WIND Conference presents the latest in wind farm developments and addresses the key technical, operational and commercial challenges associated with the industry’s growing reach.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Practical information

Do you want to raise your company´s profile? Or are you looking for ways to promote particular new business activities? If so, consider sponsoring the Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference. In addition to the key sponsorship packages we offer individual sponsorship opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for. We are always ready to assist you and look for customized solutions.

Exhibition Ms. Annemieke den Otter Exhibition manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092606 Email: Ms. Ashley Hofmann Project Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092646 Email:

Key Exhibition Sponsorships

Platinum Sponsor € 19,500

Gold Sponsor € 16,500

Logo and link on the Offshore Energy website

Invitation card logo*

Marketing items logo

Offshore Energy 2015 offers two key exhibition sponsorship packages

Logo and link in email campaigns

Recognition in advertisements

Recognition in press releases

Newsflash advertisement (5 editions)**

1/2 page A3

1/4 page A3

From contract date until October

8 weeks

On-site signage logo recognition

Sponsor recognition in event catalogue**

Advertisement in event catalogue**

2/1 page

1/1 page

Article in event catalogue**

2/1 page

1/1 page

Conference passe-partout

4 tickets

2 tickets

Table of 10

4 tickets

Recognition in post-event marketing materials

Recognition in Offshore Energy 2016 sales & sponsorship brochure

Banner on

Networking Event

* Applicable for sponsors booking before 15 May 2015. ** Logo/advertisement will be included on pre-event materials depending on receipt of the sponsorship commitment, sponsor logo and advertisements prior to (printing) deadlines.

Ms. Nancy Slob-Corpeleijn Exhibition Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092651 Email: Ms. Marsha Evers Exhibitor Services Tel: +31 (0)10 2092671 Email: Conference Ms. Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen Conference Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092634 Email: Ms. Lieke Heijnis Conference Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092689 Email: Sales Mr. Laurens Kuiper Sales Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092649 Email: Ms. Sieneke Hopmans International Sales Tel: +31 (0)10 2092673 Email: Mr. Stephan van Plateringen Account Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092604 Email: Marketing

Key Conference Sponsorships

Platinum Sponsor € 15,000

Gold Sponsor € 10,000

Participation on the Technical Sessions Program Committee*

Logo and link on the Offshore Energy website

Invitation card logo**

Marketing items logo

Logo and link in email campaigns

Offshore Energy 2015 offers two key conference sponsorship packages

Recognition in advertisements

Recognition in press releases

1/2 page A3

1/4 page A3

From contract date until October

8 weeks

On-site signage logo recognition

Sponsor recognition in event catalogue***

Advertisement in event catalogue***

2/1 page

1/1 page

Article in event catalogue***

2/1 page

1/1 page

Reserved seating at opening

8 seats

4 seats

Conference passe-partout

4 tickets

2 tickets

Networking Event

4 tickets

2 tickets

Recognition in post-event marketing materials

Recognition on Offshore Energy 2016 website

Newsflash advertisement (5 editions)*** Banner on

* Possible influence on the technical program depends on the time of receipt of your sponsorship agreement. ** Applicable for sponsors booking before 15 May 2015. *** Logo/advertisement will be included on pre-event materials depending on receipt of the sponsorship commitment, sponsor logo and advertisements prior to (printing) deadlines.

Mr. Philip Mulder Marketing Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092674 Email: Ms. Iris Lommerde Marketing Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092682 Email: Office Navingo BV Las Palmas Building Wilhelminakade 302 3072 AR Rotterdam The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)10 2092600

13 & 14 October 2015 | Venue Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands Europaplein 22, 1078 GZ Amsterdam Halls 8, 9, 10 & 11 13 October 2015 09.30 - 18.00 14 October 2015 09.30 - 18.00 Stay in touch @NavingoOE #OEEC Offshore Energy Amsterdam Stay informed Get our periodical Offshore Energy newsletter and keep up-to-date. Subscribe at

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