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OEEC kicking into gear As we slowly say goodbye to the summer we also start gearing up for OEEC! We will be fine-tuning the technical sessions of our conference program (read more on the program on page 2 and 3), making sure all our exhibitors have what they need and all the pavilions are represented.

Stay in touch!

@NavingoOE #OEEC

Speaking of the pavilions, we will be

of sanctions. The NIOC (National Iran

which are now open. The nominees

welcoming the Amsterdam IJmuiden

Oil Company) and affiliated offshore

will be announced in September. More

Offshore Port Pavilion, the Scotland

companies of NIOC have been invited

information on this event can be found

Pavilion, the China Pavilion, the Italy

by CBC to OEEC 2016 which offers

on page 6.

Pavilion, NMT Holland Pavilion and last

fantastic opportunities for European

but not least the Iran Pavilion. Iran has

and Iranian companies.

These are just some of the developments that have happened over the summer.

been reported as having the fourth largest oil and the second largest gas

Another great opportunity for networking

Want to keep up-to-date? Go to our

reserves in the world, and it has already

will be the Offshore Energy Opening

event website

initiated talks with foreign oil and

Gala Dinner to be held on 24 October.

gas majors with an aim to revitalize

During the festive evening three awards

Looking forward to seeing you in October!

its energy sector, crippled by years

will be handed out, nominations for

The Offshore Energy Project team

Offshore Energy Amsterdam


Conference in more detail During the event to be held in parallel with the Offshore Energy Exhibition,

of the Managing Board of Siemens

together OTEC industry experts,

visitors of the conference will be able to see 10 Technical Sessions,

Nederland NV.

NGO’s and governments from all over the world. This year’s 4th

2 Keynotes, 4 Master Classes, 1 Side event, the Marine Energy Event,

Technical Session: LNG

International OTEC symposium will

the Offshore WIND Conference and the co-located OTEC Symposium.

Given recent developments, the

be held in the Netherlands, taking

All these sessions add up to more than 80 hours of content, or as we say:

probability of LNG displacing oil as

place on 25 and 26 October 2016,

the preferred fuel will continue to

hosted at Delft University of

increase and as such the potential

Technology and Offshore Energy 2016.

of LNG as a marine fuel will grow.

The International OTEC Symposium

“A box of sweets for all offshore professionals.�

This session will give an overview

will offer participants the opportunity

Who can you meet? Well, among

that OWC has been developed into a

includes the following speakers:

and update on LNG and will touch

to learn about the latest OTEC

others: Airborne Oil & Gas, Baker

two-day conference to allow visitors

Rene van der Meer, Project Controls

on the advantages of LNG as a

technology and market developments,

Hughes, Bibby Marine Services,

the opportunity to visit OEEC after

Manager from ENGIE, Peter Cameron,

marine fuel. Speakers will include

connect with the OTEC industry and

Bloomberg New Energy Finance,

day two of the conference. Further

Director of Centre for Energy,

suppliers to the industry as well

market, and share best practices to

Centrica, Clingendael International

strengthening the bonds of the

Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy,

an LNG researcher. This session

accelerate OTEC implementation.

Energy Programme, DNV GL, ENGIE,

complete offshore energy chain.

Professor of International Energy

is organized in cooperation with

Please note that the first day of the

Law and Policy, University of Dundee,

LNG World News and Netherlands

OTEC symposium will take place on

FMC Technologies, German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation, Heerema

Technical Session: Optimizing

Tim Eley, Business Development of

Maritime Technology (NMT) and will

Tuesday 25 October at the Technical

Marine Contractors, Jan de Nul,

value by building alliances across

Osbit and a speaker from Oceaneering.

include Luca Franza, Researcher of

University Delft.

Oceaneering, Port of Ostend, Royal

the E&P chain

IHC, SBM Offshore, Shell, Stork,

In a low barrel price environment,

Technical Session: Asset integrity

Subsea7, TenneT, The Carbon Trust,

everyone is looking at ways to reduce

Asset Integrity covers many topics,

Van Oord, Vattenfall, VBMS,

costs. This session looks at best

including the prevention of major

Technical Session: Iran: Building

This session looks at developments


practices in both reducing costs and

incidents, prevention of environmental

a successful business strategy

in offshore wind, wave and tidal

adding value, focusing on how

losses, and prevention of commercial

This session elaborates on the

energy, presenting their market

Offshore WIND conference (OWC)

collaboration up and down the value

losses. Within the oil and gas industry,

morning session: Iran Offshore

size and potential. Expert speakers

The 7th annual Offshore WIND

chain can lead to innovation in

Ensuring asset integrity is a primary

Opportunities, and will zoom in on

will discuss selected new concepts

Conference will focus on business

technology, processes and business

objective as it plays a pivotal role

which tools are necessary to grasp

and proven concepts in the various

opportunities in this renewable


in regards to production efficiency.

the current business opportunities

offshore renewable energy sources.

the Clingendael International Energy Programme as one of its speakers.

Technical Session: Offshore Renewables

This session is organized in

in Iran. This session is organized in

Attendees will come away with an

industry can reach its potential.

Technical Session: Iran: Offshore

cooperation with Netherlands Oil

partnership with CBC.

understanding of how the offshore

The conference will span all phases


and Gas Exploration and Production

of offshore wind farm development

As sanctions have been lifted, Iran has

Association (NOGEPA) and will be

Side event: 4th International OTEC

experience from the oil and gas

including planning & pre contruction,

become a hot topic within the offshore

moderated by Fraser Weir, Netherlands

symposium - day 2

industry and will also look at how

construction & installation and full

energy industry. This session will focus

Asset Director at Centrica. Speakers,

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

solutions developed for the

operation & maintenance. Stephen

on the current business opportunities

among others, include Harm-Jan Smit,

(OTEC) uses the natural temperature

renewables industry can benefit

Bolton, operations director of Bibby

arising in Iran and will be organized

Continuous Improvement Practitioner

difference in tropical oceans between

oil and gas projects. Speakers, among

Marine Services will be the moderator.

in cooperation with CBC.

at Stork and a speaker from DNV GL.

the surface water and deep water

otherse are: Capt. Mike Frampton,

to generate renewable, baseload

Renewable Business Line Director

industry, and how, together, the

renewables industry can leverage

Bibby Marine Services is a good example of a company recognizing

Technical Session: Decommissioning:

Keynote: Industry Panel

power, day and night, year-round.

at LOC Group and Ambroise Wattez,

the market possibilities and entering

Status and regulations

In this high caliber panel captains

OTEC provides the largest overall

Business Development Manager

the supply chain. Other speakers

This session presents rules and

of industry discuss issues affecting

potential of all the ocean energy

Renewables & Offshore Energy

include David Molenaar, cpuntry

regulations in decommissioning,

the industry as a whole. Knowledge

resources. The market for OTEC

Systems at SBM Offshore.

division head wind power at Siemens

the latest decommissioning figures

partner for the industry panel is

is progressing fast, with projects

Netherlands, James Beal, chief

and recent experiences in oil and

Deloitte and this panel will be

developed or announced in, amongst

Keynote: Human Capital Panel

operations officer offshore wind team

decommissioning projects. Organized

moderated by Coby van der Linde,

others, the Caribbean, China, Japan,

Lower for longer - How does it impact

at UKTI and Tom Harries, European

in cooperation with the Association

Director of the Clingendael

Hawaii, Korea and India. This opens

Human Capital? This year our panel,

wind analyst at Bloomberg New

of Dutch Suppliers in the Upstream

International Energy Programme.

up opportunities for industry active

moderated by Paola Overmars and

Energy Finance. Other confirmed

Oil and Gas Industry (IRO) and Decom

The Industry Panel Key Note speaker

in offshore sectors, such as offshore

Marco Hoogerwaard from Deloitte,

speakers are from Dong, Van Oord,

North Sea. This session will be

is Paul Appleby, Head of Energy

wind energy and oil & gas. The

will focus on how to navigate the

Smulders, The Carbon Trust, TenneT

moderated by Roger Esson, Chief

Economics at BP and one of the

International OTEC Symposium is

downturn in the Offshore and Energy

and Vattenfall. New this year is

Executive, Decom North Sea and

panelists is Bernard Fortuyn, Member

an annual symposium that brings

Industry from a Human Capital

Monday 24 October Time →

Monday 24 October 08.00
























� Time Amtrium


Beurs van Berlage, Center of Amsterdam

Beurs van Berlage, Center of Amsterdam

Tuesday 25 October Time →

Tuesday 25 October 08.00
























� Time

Keynote 1

Amtrium 2 G102

Iran: Offshore Oppertuni es

G103 G104

Amtrium 2

Asset Integrity


Decommissioning: Status and regulaÂ?ons

Iran: Building a succesful business strategy

Master Class

G102 G103

Master Class

G104 Halls 1, 2, 5

Halls 1, 2, 5 Europa Foyer

Wednesday 26 October Time →

Wednesday 26 October 08.00













Amtrium 1 Amtrium 2






Keynote 2


Knowledge Management Master Class






� Time Amtrium 1 Amtrium 2

Subsea processing and infrastructure



Marine Energy Event


Halls 1, 2, 5

Europa Foyer

Networking Event →→

Decommissioning: CollaboraÂ?on and cost efficiency

G102 G103

Master Class

G104 Halls 1, 2, 5


perspective. The discussion will

equipment located on a fixed or

importance of knowledge management

developments in marine energy in

stakeholders work together to cut

highlight how the right use of Human

floating platform. In the current

in general, and subsequently for

the field of tidal and wave energy,

costs. This session will present how

Capital can stimulate organizational

situation Subsea infrastructure can

different industries such as the oil

salinity power and OTEC. The event

costs can be cut when stakeholders

success during this challenging

improve production and cut costs by

and gas industry. To be moderated by

is organized in cooperation with

work together with recent experiences

industry climate, with specific focus

means of technological innovation.

Michael Nord, Principal Consultant

EWA and will be moderated by

as examples and is organized in

on optimizing organizational design,

This session is organized in cooperation

at Fifth Business. Speakers include:

Moderator: Peter Scheijgrond,

cooperation with the Association of

talent management and leadership

with Subsea World News and will be

Enda Logan, CEO of Fifth Business,

owner of MET-Support. Speakers

Dutch Suppliers in the Upstream Oil

development. Panelists include:

Team Leader Pipelines, Flowlines,

Rob van der Spek, Global Lead

include: Allard van Hoeken, Owner

and Gas Industry (IRO) and Decom

Alexander van Noort, COO at Royal

Risers & Materials at Shell. Speakers

Knowledge Management & Road

of Oceans of Energy and Rianne Post,

North Sea. Roger Esson, Chief Executive

IHC and Just in ‘t Velt, Group HR

will include: Eric van der Meer, CEO

Mapping Competence Centre at DNV

Senior Policy Advisor with the Dutch

at Decom North Sea will moderate

Director at ERIKS.

of Airborne Oil & Gas, Robert Plat,

GL, Saskia Rijtema, VP Technology

Ministry of Economic Affairs.

the session and speakers include:

Principal Consultant Offshore at

at Heerema Marine Contractors and

Technical Session: Subsea processing

Royal IHC and Paul Yeats, Products

Chris Fyfe, Knowledge Management

Technical Session: Decommissioning:

Authority at Proserv, Christopher Hay,

and infrastructure

Division Director i-Tech Services

Specialist at FMC Technologies.

Collaboration and cost efficiency

Region Product Line Manager- Well

This Subsea session will discuss

of Subsea7.

The decommission of offshore

Abandonment Europe & Caspian

Marine Energy Event

installations is both a cost burden

from Weatherford and Euan Stephen, RIS Manager at Baker Hughes.

the latest developments in subsea

Mark Stephen, Senior Technical

and cover multiple subtopics within

Technical Session: Knowledge

The Marine Energy Event, organized

(to operators) and a potential job

subsea, such as subsea processing


in cooperation with the Dutch Energy

and profit machine (to contractors

and infrastructure. Subsea processing

This session will address knowledge

from Water Association (EWA), offers

and service providers). Nowadays, it

provides an alternative to production

management. It will discuss the

delegates an insight in the latest

is even more essential that different


Roger Esson, Chief Executive at Decom North Sea

What we can do now for future decommissioning

Column With every month that passes, the

We’ve spoken to our members and it

Recently we have dedicated a lot of

Roger Esson

interest in North Sea decommissioning

is clear that the desire is there to

our attention to late life planning.

Chief Executive at Decom North Sea

grows. Understandably, the topic has

maximise economic recovery,

We have developed the Late Life

been thrust into the spotlight, as the

maintaining existing infrastructure

Planning Portal (L2P2) which provides

Roger Esson is chief executive of industry body, Decom

oil price continues to challenge the

for as long as it remains efficient

the ultimate decommissioning toolkit:

North Sea. Since its inception in 2010, it has grown to more

North Sea industry. The industry body

and cost-effective. Equally however,

a repository for lessons learned, a

than 350 global members drawn from operators, major

I lead, Decom North Sea, is about

we recognise that now is the time

forum for discussion and a gateway

contractors, service specialists and technology developers.

setting decommissioning within

to ensure they understand - and

to contacts, analytics and market

that context.

become an integral part of - a robust

intelligence. When an industry is

Decom North Sea plays a vital role in solution development

decommissioning supply chain,

in its infancy, a toolkit such as this

and cross sector learning and is helping to build supply-chain

However, let’s be clear, we do not

making sure that they are ready for

provides fundamental support in

capability. In the UK, it works with a number of strategic

advocate premature decommissioning

action, when the time comes.

achieving the overarching objectives

partners including Oil & Gas UK, the Oil and Gas Authority

of efficiency, simplification,

and DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) to

standardisation and cooperation.

achieve these objectives. Roger will be chairing two technical

- far from it. Our objective is to shift the decommissioning focus from

To achieve this, our constant aim is

purely post-COP, and for good reason.

to bring the regulators, operators

We’re paying close attention to the

and supply chain together. We help

I would urge anyone with an interest

“Decommissioning: Collaboration and Cost Efficiency” at

Late Life phase, ensuring it is managed

raise the profile of SMEs across the

in, or knowledge of, late life and

Offshore Energy 16.

as effectively as possible; in other

industry, facilitating their relationships

decommissioning to take a look.

words, we’re looking at what

with operators and providing an

Industry professionals like yourselves

can we do now, which will benefit

in-depth understanding of the late

are the key to its success and with

future decommissioning projects

life and decommissioning scope

that to a successful, cost-effective

while learning from previous

and legislation. That is the key to

decommissioning sector.

decommissioning projects.

ensuring decommissioning work will be undertaken in a timely - and cost-effective - manner.

sessions: “Decommissioning: Status and Regulations” and


Industry news ScottishPower Invests in East Anglia’s Future Energy Engineers The ScottishPower Foundation has selected four students who will receive fully funded postgraduate scholarship places at the University of East Anglia (UEA), following a rigorous interview process which also involved offshore wind farm developer ScottishPower Renewables and Professor Lawrence Coates, Head of Engineering at UEA.

Minesto awards seabed foundation contract

With funding donated to the ScottishPower Foundation from ScottishPower Renewables, the developer of the East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm, each

Minesto has reportedly hired a Welsh-based

It will also act as a secure mounting to deal

student will receive a grant to cover full enrolment costs, as well as a generous

engineering consultancy Ocean Resource to

with the variable forces at the site.

living allowance.

As reported earlier, Minesto recently posted

The places are specifically for postgraduates keen to pursue studies in energy

a tender for the provision of a tether rope to

engineering and environmental sciences.

provide seabed foundation for its Deep Green tidal project. Ocean Resource is to provide concept, design

be used for DG500 project which closes on

and fabrication of a seabed foundation for

August 5, 2016.

The four students are: Connor Matless, from Norwich; Juliet Mills, from Newmarket; Esmee Thornton, from Tenterden and Charles McKinlay,

the Deep Green 500 tidal energy kite project at Holyhead Deep, off the coast of Anglesey,

Minesto’s Deep Green technology consists of

from Grantham. Connor, Esmee and Charles have chosen to study Energy

North Wales, planned for deployment in 2017,

a wing that resembles the kite which exploits

Engineering with Environmental Management, whilst Juliet will focus on

according to the Welsh government’s

the hydrodynamic lift force created by the

Environmental Science.

procurement portal Sell2Wales.

water current to push the kite forward and

The foundation is intended to form the anchor

produce electricity. The kite is tethered trough

Charlie Jordan, ScottishPower Renewables’ project director for East Anglia

a single mooring to the sea floor.

ONE, said: “We wish the four successful students the very best of luck as they

point to connect tether and power/control

pursue their studies. It is a well-known fact that the UK needs more engineers

umbilical cables for the DG500 tidal energy kite.

and scientists so we are delighted to be able to fund scholarship places to assist these students to continue their education.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the tidal energy industry? Check

“With construction due to start on East Anglia ONE in January 2017 in Suffolk, we have been working hard on a detailed Skills Strategy for the project, and helping to educate young people who have the capabilities to lead the energy industry into the future is a key part of this. The project will bring thousands of jobs to the region, both during construction and once it is fully operational,

Ocean Installer wins FSU mooring gig

and we hope to encourage as many people as possible to think about careers in engineering.”

Ocean Installer, Norway’s subsea installation

Professor Lawrence Coates, Head of Engineering at the University of East

specialist, has been awarded a turnkey project

Anglia, said: “We are delighted that ScottishPower Renewables has chosen

for the procurement and installation of a spread

to invest in training our future engineers and scientists, and we look forward

mooring chain system for a Floating Storage

to welcoming these students onto their courses in September. A particular

Unit (FSU) in Malta.

benefit of this scheme is the access that scholars have to business contacts, support with research projects and site visits.”

The company said on Friday that the mooring

The company said that the mooring project will

installation and hook-up would take place in

be managed from Ocean Installer’s Stavanger

Marsaxlokk Bay for ElectroGas Malta. There

office. Also, the onshore engineering part of

the FSU will be providing re-gasified LNG for

the project will begin with immediate effect.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the offshore wind industry? Check

the fueling of electricity generators onshore at the Delimara power station.

To remind, ElectroGas Malta signed a $300 million deal with Bumi Armada through Bumi

Steinar Riise, CEO of Ocean Installer, said:

Armada’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Armada

“With this project, we further consolidate our

Floating Gas Storage Malta (AFG Storage)

position as a provider of competitive mooring

and Armada Floating Gas Services Malta (AFG

services, and by that we again prove our strategy

Services), for the construction and operation

of casting a wider net in a challenging market

of the FSU linked to the LNG receiving terminal

is successful.”

project at Delimara, back in April 2015.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the lastest news about the offshore energy industry? Check

Tenders Invited for New Subsea Cable Project (French Guyana) The French local authority of French Guyana

This system has to provide transmission capacity for

in French Guyana (Kourou) and an optional landing

a very-high-speed, priceless and secure broadband

point also in French Guyana (Saint Laurent-du-Maroni).

electronic communications network. The deadline for the submission of tenders, in French, is The infrastructure will be a submarine transmission

September 21, 2016. All relevant documentation could

system composed of optical cables with a landing point

be downloaded on the website:

(Collectivité territoriale de Guyane) has issued a tender invitation for the establishment and operation of a submarine cable to connect French Guyana and the European continent.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the lastest news about the subsea industry? Check


Santos and Campos Basins.

DONG Energy Winner of Dutch Borssele I & II Tender

The new acquisition program is an outboard extension of Spectrum’s 2012

DONG Energy will build Dutch offshore wind

Santos Campos Phase 1 survey, and will tie other programs in the Santos,

farms Borssele I and II.

Spectrum Begins 2D Shoot Offshore Brazil Spectrum has started 15,000 km multi-client 2D survey offshore Brazil in the

Campos and Espirito Santo Basins. Data is being acquired with a 12,000 meter cable to record data necessary to understand the basin architecture as well

The company won the concessions with an

with a capacity of 350MW, within four years

as image the prospective zones in the pre-salt section.

average bid strike price, excluding transmission

from today with a flexibility of one year.

costs of € 72.70 per MWh during the first The data will be processed in Spectrum’s processing center in Houston with

15 years of the contract. After that, the wind

The tender for the 700MW Borssele I & II offshore

PSTM, PSDM and Broadband products expected to be available in Q2 2017,

farms will receive the market price.

wind farm sites attracted 38 bids, according to reports by the Dutch media in May. Most of the

the company informed. Executive Vice President and Head of Wind

bids came from partnerships and joint ventures,

Richie Miller, EVP multi-client North & South America, said: “Spectrum has

Power in DONG Energy, Samuel Leupold, said:

including a bid by Shell, Eneco and Van Oord;

started on our next campaign in Brazil in order to provide new long-offset data

“With Borssele 1 and 2, we’re crossing the

as well as a joint application by RWE and

over the prospective pre-salt basins for an anticipated round in 2017. In light

levelized cost of electricity mark of € 100.00

Macquarie Capital.

of the Brazilian government’s suggestion that it will include blocks outside

per MWh for the first time and are reaching

the pre-salt area in the Santos and Campos Basins, this play continues to provide

a critical industry milestone more than three

“Winning this tender in a highly competitive field

excitement and opportunities for exploration. This new data will extend

years ahead of time. This demonstrates the

of bidders is another proof of our market-leading

coverage over a very lightly explored area of the pre-salt exploration province.”

great potential of offshore wind.”

position and our business model which builds on

The survey is acquired in partnership with BGP and is supported with

DONG Energy will, in accordance with the Dutch

industry funding.

tender regulation, build Borssele I and II, each

continued innovation, industrialisation and scale,”

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the lastest news about the subsea industry? Check

Leupold said.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the offshore wind industry? Check

Advertisement TMF Group

Quoceant tests novel WEC technology at FloWave Edinburgh-based engineering firm Quoceant is testing its inflatable hull technology as part of the novel wave energy technology project for Wave Energy Scotland. Quoceant is developing a novel concept to introduce the ability to change the machine hull volume on command. Selectable hull volume change would allow a WEC to grow substantially to absorb more power during most of the year, while reverting to a smaller, robustly survivable form during storms. The technology, dubbed Ectaci-Hull technology, uses inflatable volumes to cost effectively provide a gross increase in volume around a rigid load bearing core, according to Quoceant. For testing at FloWave, the company is using a line-absorber type of WEC to test the technology, but Quoceant states the concept is applicable to many other WEC types as well. Quoceant is testing the ‘inflated’ and ‘deflated’ versions of the same model in order to confirm the survivability and performance of Ectaci-Hull. Demonstrating the differences in response between the two states will be a key outcome of the testing program, the company informed. Ultimately, Quoceant is aiming to quantify the expected reduction in levelized cost of energy (LCOE), taking into account integrated capital cost, impact on annual average yield, operational costs and availability. To remind, Quoceant was one of 8 technology developers selected by Wave Energy Scotland to receive £300,000 each through its second funding call to develop novel wave energy converters.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news about the tidal energy industry? Check

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26/07/2016 16:27:50


What is happening on the exhibition floor? The Square We’re entering a new era in energy. Worries about climate change and a low oil price are accelerating developments in new sources of energy. In many cases, the technology is available, but needs to be proven, needs scaling up to bring costs down or needs changes in policy or in the mindset of consumers. On the other hand, new technologies make it

renewable energy (wind, wave, tidal). At The

possible to reduce energy consumption or “clean”

Square on the Offshore Energy Exhibition - think

fossil energy production. So, while many E&P

of it as the central community square where

projects are shelved, these will likely be delayed

both official and informal gatherings take place

until a new upturn and certainly not permanently

- we look at energy developments in a bigger

canceled. Seen against the trend of consumers

picture integrated way. Combined with modern

becoming small scale energy producers there also

online community communication techniques,

seems to be a paradox in major project investments,

The Square will offer both a physical and virtual

be they in fossil fuels or large offshore wind farms.

platform for topical discussions that engage

All these developments inspire much public and

a wide audience.

political debate on our future energy system. More information on the square will be published This year, discussions on the drivers of tomorrow’s

on in due course.

energy mix will take place on a new spot on the Offshore Energy exhibition floor: The Square. The Offshore Energy Conference traditionally addresses a broad palette of developments in oil, gas and

Advertisement Ela

Offshore WIND Expertise hub

Offshore Accommodation for rent and sale

Would you like to learn more on the latest innovations, industry thoughts on the development of the offshore wind industry or how companies reaching potential? The Offshore WIND Expertise Hub will be the place for you. The Offshore WIND Expertise Hub is a spot on the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) exhibition floor where industry leading firms are interviewed on their latest technologies and services. This hub has been created to assist companies in creating a platform for their news and thoughts while further strengthening offshore wind within our Offshore Energy event.

We produce stand-alone offshore containers for rent and sale to be used on rigs, transformer platforms and all kind of seagoing vessels, pontoons and barges. With standard 20 ft, HC-ISO containers with CSC approval, we are able to provide Living Quarters, Offices, Mess Rooms, Galleys, Laundry Facilities, Recreation or Locker Rooms for your individual demand. The high quality Containers are “Made in Germany” according to German quality standards and possess all necessary certifications such as DNV 2.7-1 / EN 120791, DNV 2.7-2, based on SOLAS, IMO FSS Code and MLC as well as CSC and are approved from several IACS-companies. In terms of fire resistance, an A60 insulation provides high safety standards. Every container will be checked before delivery. Depending on customer requirements, ELA Offshore Containers are individually customized, immediately operational and are available at short notice.

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Practical information Exhibition


Ms. Annemieke den Otter

Mr. Philip Mulder

Exhibition Manager

Marketing Manager

Tel: +31 (0)10 2092606

Tel: +31 (0)10 2092674



the Opening Gala Dinner are: The Best Innovation in Offshore Energy Award;

Ms. Ashley Hofmann

Mr. Robert Leydes

Project Manager

Marketing Coordinator

The Offshore Energy Public Outreach Award; and the Offshore Energy Young

Tel: +31 (0)10 2092646

Tel: +31 (0)10 2092682



Ms. Nancy Slob-Corpeleijn

Ms. Rebecca van den Berge -

Exhibition Coordinator


Tel: +31 (0)10 2092651



Tel: +31 (0)10 2092602

During the first Offshore Energy Opening Gala Dinner to be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on Monday, October 24th, Navingo brings the industry together to celebrate, by presenting three industry awards. Nominations for the awards are now open. The three awards that will be presented during

Engineer Award. In early September the nominees will be announced.


Meet the jury of the Offshore Energy Awards

Ms. Cristien Louers Project Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092662


Email: Ms. Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen Conference Manager Sales

Tel: +31 (0)10 2092634 Email:

Here we are, closing in on the end of the call for entries for the first Offshore

Mr. Stephan van Plateringen

Energy Awards (deadline 14th of August). A good time to introduce the juries

Sales Manager

Ms. Lieke Heijnis

Tel: +31 (0)10 2092604

Project Manager


Tel: +31 (0)10 2092689

for the three awards.


The judges have been drawn from across the offshore energy industry. Each award has its own jury, composed of high-profile individuals. The members of the juries have been chosen based on their industry experience, their business achievements and their commitment to supporting the industry in their own way. We are very proud to present the Offshore Energy Awards 2016 juries:

Mr. Cesar James Account Manager UK Tel: +31 (0)10 2092663


Email: Navingo BV Ms. Joni Toonen

Las Palmas Building

International Account Manager

Wilhelminakade 302

Tel: +31 (0)10 2092664

3072 AR Rotterdam


The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)10 2092600

Best Innovation in Offshore Energy Jury:

The Offshore Energy Public Outreach Award Jury:

The Offshore Energy Young Engineer Award Jury:

• Mr. Jan Hoegee, TNO

• Mr. Jaap den Ouden, Den Ouden

• Mr. Joannes Collette, HBO Offshore

• Mr. Andrei Metrikine, Delft University of Technology • Mr. Allard van Hoeken, Oceans of Energy • Mr. Eric van der Meer, Airborne Oil & Gas B.V.

Waterside Industries B.V. • Ms. Scarlett Mummery, Mott MacDonald/Offshore Blondie Blog • Mr. Sander Vergroesen, IRO • Ms. Saskia Tates, ENGIE E&P

Network • Mr. Robert Plat, Royal IHC • Mr. Jan van der Tempel, De Oude

(24), 25 & 26 October Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands Europaplein 22, 1078 GZ Amsterdam Halls 1, 2, 5

Bibliotheek Academy • Mr. Chris Wijsman, NOGEPA

Nederlands B.V.

• Mr. Edward Heerema, Allseas The Offshore Energy Public Outreach

The Offshore Energy Young Engineer

The Best Innovation in Offshore Energy

Award recognizes outstanding

Award will recognize outstanding

Award is intended to highlight the

achievements in the field of public

achievements of an engineer of 35 years

best innovation in the entire offshore

outreach by a company, organization

of age or younger.

energy market.

or project team active in the offshore energy industry. The public outreach strategy improves public awareness and understanding of the company’s, organization’s or project team’s work

24 & 25 October 2016 OWC 24 October Offshore Energy Opening Gala Dinner 25 & 26 October 2016 OEEC

Opening hours OEEC: 09.30 - 18.00

Stay in touch @NavingoOE #OEEC Offshore Energy Amsterdam

or of the offshore energy industry in general. Stay informed Get our periodical Offshore Energy newsletter and keep up-to-date. Subscribe at More information on how to submit a nomination, application criteria and jury members can be found at opening-gala-dinner/. You can attend the Offshore Energy Opening Gala Dinner by buying a dining table for ten people or by buying individual tickets.

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