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Edition 22 | July/August 2014
Exhibition & Conference
Newsflash Offshore Energy offshore oil and gas E&P • transport and storage • maritime services • offshore wind offshore supply • offshore contracting • offshore vessels • deepwater development • drilling
Exhibitor News on page 4 Read more about: • GEP-AFTP present at Offshore Energy 2014 • Installation of largest transformer at sea excellent example of Holland’s Glory • Offshore Energy welcomes former Dutch Transport Minister Tineke Netelenbos to Committee of Recommendation
In search of solid foundations
Column by Thomas Færch Brostrøm on page 3 “Increasing project sizes provides attractive investment opportunities.”
By Thomas Færch Brostrøm, DONG Energy
Across the globe, governments are changing their policies to accommodate the deployment of offshore wind energy projects. According to the Global Wind Energy Council, market growth over the next five years will be concentrated in Asia, Latin America, and Africa – regions where the demand for “easy” growth will increase rapidly. Even so, the experiences with on-again/
growth. The OWIM Conference is held
off-again wind energy policy in various
simultaneously with Offshore Energy
countries have made industry players
Exhibition & Conference. Sessions this
cautious. The Offshore WIND Installation
year focus on offshore grid develop-
and Maintenance Conference in
ments, global business opportunities,
Amsterdam (Netherlands, 29 Oct. 2014)
supply chain management, and the
addresses the multiple challenges that
latest developments in foundation
are associated with solid future industry
design, installation, and maintenance.
Continue reading on page 2
6 2
In search of solid foundations Continued from page 1
Offshore grid developments
Supply chain management
In Europe installed offshore wind energy
Activities in emerging markets benefit
capacity totals some 11 GW. The European
from the lessons learned in more mature
Wind Energy Association has set a target
markets. In the session on supply chain
of 40GW offshore wind in 2020. Installing
management, optimization of processes
sufficient transmission capacity is a
that surround logistics and their cost
prerequisite for realizing this target and
reducing potential are discussed by
future ambitions. At the OWIM Conference
representatives of various parts of the
in Amsterdam in October, experts will
value chain. David Hodkinson of Technip
discuss what is needed to connect to the
UK will discuss EPC contracts versus
onshore transmission system, lower the
multi-contracting structures, and the
costs of grid connectivity, and establish
impact EPC contracts could have on the
a cross-border regulatory framework.
viability of offshore wind investments.
One of the speakers in the grid session is Mr. Wessel Bakker, Business Line Director
Future foundations
ETD at DNV GL. He will address reducing
The Future foundations session presents
risks in submarine cable quality in new
innovative concepts and designs for
offshore projects.
foundations and foundation installation
PROGRAM 8.30 Welcoming coffee 9.00 Opening Speakers: • Andy Barwise, Business Development Director, Gardline Geosciences Limited • Frans van der Loo, owner, LOO e-Consult 9.30 Developing an offshore grid Speakers: • Wessel Bakker, Business Line Director ETD, DNV GL • Michiel Müller, Unit Director Wind, Ecofys • Speaker TBD, DG ENER, European Commission • Speaker TBD, Tennet (invited) 10.30 Refreshment break
Submarine power cables account for
and owner of Fistuca, will share the
just a small portion of the total amount
latest test results of Fistuca’s BLUE Piling
of investments in offshore wind farm
Technology. This technology creates pile
development. However, when these power
driving energy by combustion, thereby
cables fail, the impact is typically quite
accelerating a large column of water.
significant. DNV GL recently presented its
Matt Bleasdale of Offshore Wind Logistics
plans for a new Joint Industry Project (JIP),
and Construction (OWLC) will present his
in order to define a complete submarine
Gravity Tripod, a patent-pending foundation
cable quality reference.
concept that does not even require piling
11.00 Future foundations S peakers: • Bert van der Velden, Commercial Manager, Boskalis Offshore • Jasper Winkes, Owner and founder, Fistuca •M att Bleasdale, Director, OWLC • Craig Brown, Business Development, Keystone Engineering Inc. • Maurizio Collu, Lecturer, Cranfield University (H2Ocean Consortium) • Bruno Geschier, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer / Member of the Executive Board, Ideol Offshore
and is installed with minimal seabed
12.30 Lunch
and maintenance. Jasper Winkes, founder
Global business opportunities
intervention. Bert van der Velden of
China’s political support for wind drives
Boskalis Offshore will present the Pile
continued growth in that market. Frans
Reconditioning Cofferdam System, a new
Brughuis, engineering company Mecal,
invention which creates a safe and dry
is one of the conference speakers who will
environment in which the pile can be
share his company’s experiences in doing
cleaned, checked, and repaired.
business in China during the session on Global Business Opportunities. Bastiaan
More information on
van Wijk of consultants Ecofys will
address the market potential in India, and opportunities for international cooperation. According to Van Wijk, opportunities in offshore wind are definitely there, and India has set a target for 30 GW wind energy (currently 19 GW onshore wind installed). However, companies have to be aware of possible hurdles and uncertainties as offshore wind in India has yet to take off.
13.30 Supply chain management Chair: • Dorothy Winters, Program Manager Offshore Wind, Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Port (AYOP) Speakers: • David Hodkinson, Vice President UK Business Delivery, Technip Offshore Wind Ltd. • Mike Frampton, Master Mariner / Director, LOC Group 15.00 Refreshment break 15.30 Global business opportunities Speakers: • Bastiaan van Wijk, Consultant, Ecofys • Frans Brughuis, Business Development Wind Energy, Mecal • Dirk Briese, Managing Director, trend: research GmbH 17.00 Networking reception
Column by Thomas Færch Brostrøm
Offshore wind industry needs standardization Cost reductions are a huge industry focus. I am confident that we can lower the levelized costs of energy by 30 to 40 percent for those projects that will achieve FID in 2020. Of all the possible reductions in CapEx and OpEx, one of the innovations that needs to come forward is standardization of offshore wind.
Column By standardization I do not mean designing customized solutions for every site, but trying to deliver standard designs where possible. For example, common designs
Thomas Færch Brostrøm Head of Markets and Pipeline Director Wind Power, DONG Energy
“Increasing project sizes provides attractive investment opportunities.”
for offshore substations. lower risk and being able to build projects
becoming more educated about the specific
At DONG Energy we endeavor to standardize
at a lower cost. That said, the market size
characteristics and risk profile of the
processes where we can. We have built a
in the UK has allowed us to develop a strong
offshore wind industry. DONG Energy has
business model on multi-contracting, and
pipeline, and the distribution of the German
brought third party financing to its projects,
we use that approach in all markets in which
offshore wind farm clusters brings
ranging from utilities to pension funds
we operate. In the last five to eight years
advantages during both construction and
and other institutional investors.
we have learned a lot about managing
operation of the sites. Both Germany and
multi-contract projects and handling the
the UK have done well in setting out a clear
We would like to see more certainty in
interfaces, and I think we can include that
framework toward 2020 and allowing for
all markets for offshore wind in the next
as one of our strengths. There are obviously
sufficient sites to be developed. This will
decade. It is important that EU member
local differences between markets, but
help them to allocate a continuous pipeline
states quickly develop stable and long-term
a common approach can contribute to
of projects, which is important to deliver
conditions for investments that are valid
reducing risk and help in the standardization
cost reductions. We are also closely
after 2020. For offshore wind projects
of offshore wind.
following the developments in the Dutch
with a lifecycle of 24 years, it is crucial that
market, where the policy is now put in place
the investment climate is transparent and
to achieve an ambitious target in 2023.
long-term. That alone will afford companies
When we look at possible standardization
the potential to develop and mature the
of regulatory frameworks in the various EU member states, we see pros and cons
When it comes to financing the planned
technologies, reduce the production costs,
in each one of them. It would be great if
wind farms of today and tomorrow, we see
and make a significant contribution to the
we could pick the best parts from each.
an increasing interest from institutional
energy transformation. The EU made a step
For example, the ability to take up a site
investors. As project sizes increase projects
toward a new framework with the recent
that has planning consent and a grid
require significantly more funding, providing
announcement on non-binding renewable
connection is obviously an advantage in
attractive opportunities for existing and
targets, and we now look forward to
Denmark compared to the UK. This means
new investors. Institutional investors are
seeing these translated into tangible plans.
Exhibitor Exhibitornews News GEP-AFTP present at Offshore Energy 2014 “The French hydrocarbons industry has many strengths, notably its great capacity for innovation, which has enabled it to meet the increasingly stringent requirements of quality and safety. Moreover, the technologies and know-how are being applied intensively to new sources of energy.” Jean Ropers, President of GEP-AFTP. Since its start in 2008 Offshore Energy has seen increasing numbers of international exhibitors and visitors, year after year. We happily announce that GEP-AFTP – the French association of companies and professionals in the oil, gas, and related industries – will be exhibiting at Offshore Energy. The presence of GEP-AFTP is testimonial of Offshore Energy’s growing international reputation. GEP-AFTP aims to promote the technological and industrial excellence of the French hydrocarbons industry across the world and to nurture the international deployment of French oil and gas companies, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises. To fulfill its objectives, the association offers its members a whole range of tools and services.
GEP-AFTP network brings together some 1,350 members (250 corporate members and 1,100 individual oil and gas professionals). Their areas of expertise cover the entire oil and gas sector (exploration, production, storage, refining, and distribution). The GEP-AFTP missions: • Promoting excellence; • Anticipating future business trends; and • Developing skills. GEP-AFTP have motivated the launch of CLAR-EN, a renewable energy think tank. In 2014 CLAR-EN’s activities will include the organization of a workshop on offshore wind, namely the Hydrocarbon Days conference, and formatting thematic roundtables. Go to to find out more about GEP-AFTP and their expertise in land and offshore wind, marine energy, biomass, geothermal, smart energy networks and energy storage, and photovoltaic solar technologies.
Creative and flexible funding for offshore contractors “The global energy sector operates in a highly dynamic and competitive business environment. The total offshore capital expenditures of oil and gas companies are expected to exceed USD 270bn year-on-year by 2018. So while the size and complexity of offshore projects are growing, raising the required financing is becoming more crucial than ever before. Offshore contractors demand creative solutions and flexible funding to secure swift delivery and seamless execution for their off-takers. We have seen an increased liquidity in the markets and there are several funding sources for the clients to select from. At the same time, the current volatility and increasing regulations mean you need to be smart when undertaking major investments that require financing.” Cornelie Goedhuis, Global Head - Natural Resources, ING Bank ING has been a true leader in financing the Offshore Services market for over 20 years. This is once more recently confirmed by its number 1 position as Global Bookrunner for syndicated loans in this sector for 2013.
Come to meet our team and other Industry Experts at the Drilling and Dollars Panel discussing recent trends and developments within the Offshore Industry: When: 28 October 2014, 14.00 – 16.00 What: Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference Drilling & Dollars Panel ‘Offshore and Finance’ Moderated by Ms. Cornelie Goedhuis – Global Head Natural Resources Topics: • Increasing size and complexity projects • New frontiers and regulations • Investing in Offshore projects • New Sources of Funding • Optimizing funding mix Where: Offshore Energy Arena, Amsterdam RAI
Registration live
Installation of largest transformer at sea excellent example of Holland’s Glory Dutch offshore companies realized a unique operation in the North Sea. Under the direction of Seaway Heavy Lifting, one of the world’s largest convertor platforms – a “power socket at sea” – has been installed to the west of Sylt, the East Frisian island.
The registration for Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference and Offshore WIND Installation & Maintenance (OWIM) is live. You can now register for the free exhibition or book your conference sessions. The Offshore Energy registration is kindly sponsored by M Restart Check for the full conference program or visit and register now.
Exhibition Free of charge Offshore Energy Conference Technical Sessions € 75,- per session C-level Panels Free of charge for target group Master Classes Free of charge for target group Offshore WIND Installation and Maintenance Conference (OWIM) Morning session + lunch + drinks € 225 Lunch + afternoon session + drinks € 225 Full day program € 400 Students (full day) € 50 Non-profit (full day) € 125
At 83 meters long, 56 meters wide, and 26 meters high, the SylWin alpha platform is the largest of its type. Because it is so large and heavy the ingenious “float-over” method has been used to lift it from a pontoon onto the already installed “jacket” (the base of the platform). Earlier this year, Seaway Heavy Lifting used its crane vessel Oleg Strashnov to install the jacket. Siemens commissioned Seaway Heavy Lifting (based in Zoetermeer, the Netherlands) to perform the unusual operation, which in turn called in the assistance of maritime service providers Dockwise and Mammoet. The 14,000Mt SylWin alpha platform was transported on a pontoon that was positioned in between the jacket legs. The platform was installed onto the legs of the jacket by ballasting the pontoon. Dockwise was responsible for this phase. Mammoet then used jacks to lift the platform into its final position on the jacket. The SylWin alpha converter platform will serve as a “power socket” for the DanTysk, Sandbank, and Butendiek wind farms, which together comprise 240 wind turbines and represent a generating capacity of 864 megawatt. You will find an animation of the project via the following link
Offshore Energy welcomes Tineke Netelenbos to Committee of Recommendation We are pleased to welcome Ms. Tineke Netelenbos to our Committee of Recommendation. In June 2008 she was appointed as the president of the KNVR, the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners. She is a member of the Board of ECSA, the European Community Shipowners’ Associations, and member of the Board of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers. Ms. Netelenbos is also a member of the Advisory Board of MARIN, President IT platform (ECP), President ProSea, President Advisory Council ports of Wadden islands, Member Cyber Security Council, and Member High Level Consultation Ministry of Economic Affairs. In the past Ms. Netelenbos filled several political positions. These include State Secretary for education in the first Kok cabinet (1994-1998) and minister of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management in the second Kok cabinet (1998-2002). Tineke Netelenbos will join the existing members of the Offshore Energy Committee of Recommendation: Jaap den Ouden (Mercon), Kommer Damen (Damen Shipyards Group), Sander Vergroesen (IRO), Ruud B. Zoon (GDF SUEZ E&P Netherlands), Gerard Schut (Vermilion), Joep Athmer (Van Oord Offshore), Jo Peters (NOGEPA), Arend van Nieuwland (Tullow Overseas Holdings), André Goedée (Boskalis), Michael Kahn (Jumbo Offshore), Harold W.M. Linssen (Keppel Verolme BV), Sjef van Dooremalen (Holland Shipbuilding Association), Koen Schuiling (Mayor of Den Helder, Representing NHN - Development Company Holland North), Martin C.J. van Pernis (KIVI), Koos-Jan van Brouwershaven (Heerema Fabrication Group S.E.), and Bart van de Leemput (NAM).
Offshore WIND Route
Offshore WIND Route € 795 Offshore Energy again features an “Offshore WIND Route”. By participating in the Offshore WIND Route, exhibitors can highlight their business activities in this growing published by
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• Company included in Offshore WIND Route during the exhibition
Oil & Gas
Offshore WIND Route sign • A 100 words profile of your offshore wind activities in the Offshore Energy Special
• A 100 words profile of your offshore wind activities in the event catalogue magazine news online events
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of Offshore WIND Magazine Price per
issue 7 25 Europe
- 7 27 Rest
• An entry in the Business Directory of the international Offshore WIND Magazine, including your company logo (regular pricing € 300)
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Ms. Annemieke den Otter Exhibition Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092606 Email:
Ms. Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen Conference Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092634 Email:
Mr. Laurens Kuiper Sales Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092649 Email:
Ms. Ashley Hofmann | Project Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092646 Email: Ms. Nancy Slob-Corpeleijn | Exhibition Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092651 Email: Ms. Marsha Evers | Exhibitor Services Tel: +31 (0)10 2092671 Email: Ms. Lieke Heijnis | Conference Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092689 Email: Ms. Sieneke Hopmans | International Sales Tel: +31 (0)10 2092673 Email: Mr. Stephan van Plateringen | Account Manager Tel: +31 (0)10 2092604 Email: Ms. Lisa Stegers | Marketing Coordinator Tel: +31 (0)10 2092675 Email:
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In search of solid foundations
29 October 2014, Amsterdam
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