Offshore WIND Magazine #1 2018

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Price per issue 7 25 Europe | 7 27 Rest of the world





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GUEST COLUMN WEERO KOSTER Partner renewable energy, infrastructure and climate change


Renewable Energy

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Saltwater Engineering

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Young professionals in offshore wind

28 | OFFSHORE WIND CONFERENCE 2017 Highlights 30 |


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In-depth Techtalk


28 “The NG-20000X is the ideal mix of mature technology with a practical telescoping novelty. It enables safe and efficient installation of future offshore wind turbines and their foundations.“

Overview OEEC 2017

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Nils van Nood CEO GustoMSC

34 GustoMSC is an independent and reputable design & engineering company of mobile offshore units and equipment. In close cooperation with our

39 43

clients, we translate experience, science and technical knowledge into realistic & innovative ideas. In this way, GustoMSC enables and supports safe and efficient operations at sea, contributing to a sustainable future.



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A future for energy storage Energy storage is an integral factor of an effective energy transition. It is one factor that unites the objectives of all the numerous different renewable energy sources and is the focus of research and discussion in many countries. In January this year a UK cross party Parliamentary Committee published a report looking at the feasibility of having 12 gigawatts of energy storage available by the year 2021. Also in January the British press described a Dutch plan to build the world's biggest wind farm (30 gigawatts) on the UK coast, complete with a large new island. Perhaps this news is slightly premature and also geographically inaccurate but it is an indication, not only of where the industry is looking, but also what is achievable in this industry. Couple the two together and you get an energy source that ticks most of the boxes currently listed as international targets in the foreseeable future.


In this edition of Offshore WIND magazine we look at energy storage and what is possible. Should we ask whether offshore wind energy converted into hydrogen is used either as a feedstock that can be used directly by industry, or whether as a fuel to power adapted gas turbine generators, replacing natural gas? In both cases it replaces an unsustainable and less clean situation, and it is available 24/7 from storage facilities. The effect that a successful large scale energy storage battery will have on the offshore wind sector is immense.


In this edition we have our main interview with Tony Hodgson, Global Product Manager, Solutions for Renewable Energy at Fugro, and you can also read how the French offshore wind farms are developing with both fixed and floating foundations. In other news, our International Business Guide (IBG) for 2018 is ready with even more details being added to this cross media publication. Look for them at the media points and the Navingo / Offshore WIND stand at events throughout the year, or ask your contact at Navingo where you can get your copy!





For now, I wish you a lot of reading pleasure. Dick Hill Editor Offshore WIND

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First-class (EPCI) offshore contracting solutions GeoSea is a specialized company for (EPCI) offshore works, focused on the installation of wind turbine foundations and erection of turbines. Large jack-up platforms and drilling and piling rigs are our plants of choice for working in deep waters. GeoSea offers firstclass offshore contracting solutions to global clients. We have the skills, the technology and the equipment to perform in the most challenging marine environment. Always working closely with our clients, we understand what it takes to define and deliver a project cost-effectively, safely and on time.

Foundation Installation with Heavy Lift Vessel ‘Innovation’ at the Galloper project (UK)


PPAs next hot thing?


Over the past five years corporate renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs), also called direct-PPAs, have surged globally. This trend of corporations and institutions seeking to turn GeoSea nv Member of the DEME Group Haven 1025 - Scheldedijk 30 B-2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium T +32 3 250 53 12 Health, Safety & Environment is top priority

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....connecting markets MPI Offshore’s fleet of purpose-built offshore foundation and wind turbine installation vessels plus an experienced team make us a world leader in offshore wind installation.

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their power off-take green has fundamentally changed the demand side of renewable wholesale markets. But will it also have this effect on the offshore wind power generation market? Over half of the Fortune 500 companies have distinct targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and turning their remaining demand green – and they are exceeding them! Long gone are the days of these institutions joining Kermit-the-frog in tongue-in-cheek performances of yester-years “it ain’t easy being green”; these players are now actively engaged in significant energy savings and adding renewable power projects to the mix. Just buying the environmental attributes from projects simply isn’t good enough, anymore. The COP 21 Paris Accord and the formation of RE 100 have boosted this trend and when President Trump considered to opt-out of Paris, nearly 100 US corporation rose up in indignation and declared to go it alone, if it would come to that. And this is not a trend that is limited to certain geographic- or industrial markets: it is seen in many countries and area’s of commercial- and social endeavor. What drives corporates to the renewable PPA-market and are the fundamental obstacles to them creating additionality off-shore? My first study into the motivations of corporates in this market, “the rise of corporate PPAs”, in 2015 already showed that there appear to be no objections-in-principle. The main reasons for doing these deals are the sustainability- and GHG-goals, an attractive/acceptable return, long-term energy price hedging, greater choice in supply choices and reduced supply risk, and enhanced corporate innovation, leadership and reputation. And then there is –of course, as always- a bit of keeping-up-with-the-joneses. Most of these drivers would seem to work in the same, or at least a very similar, way, in an offshore scenario.

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There is one concern that may loom larger from the corporate viewpoint, and that is security of supply.

To many execution risk, followed by stability and continuity of supply (and coupled with price-hedging) are as important as obtaining competitive pricing. Looking at the spectacular cost reductions in recent international offshore tenders and the success of the Dutch zero-subsidy tender of Hollandse Kust – Zuid, last December, one can only assume that these developers are factoring-in further technological advances and the resulting expected cost reductions. These may or may not become a reality, which uncertainty increases their risk-profile and may detrimentally impact the certainty corporates are looking for. This hardly seems to be an unmanageable risk, particularly not for the corporate giants that walk the arena. When adding renewable sources to their mix, they must account for the variable nature of their supply through enhanced portfolio management, anyway. Add to that, that the market for services related to operational management and optimization, balancing, trading, storage and demand-response are developing quickly with the rise of renewable generation and corporate PPA’s. In some markets, utilities are picking this up, by offering bundles of these services as “sleevingarrangements”. Finally, risks may be managed by sharing them: through the formation of buy-side consortia or otherwise aggregating demand. The Dutch consortium has lead the way and others are following suit. It seems, therefore, that a large enough toolbox exists to deal with such issues. Or, conversely, that some may just take up the challenge under the banner of enhanced corporate innovation, leadership and reputation. So: yes, they can cut it, let’s see what the subsidy-free era brings.

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018



‘Pressure on prices makes it more important to deliver smart solutions’

Tony Hodgson | Global Product Manager, Solutions for Renewable Energy



The geotechnical vessel Fugro Synergy. Picture by Fugro


The offshore oil and gas sector has been Fugro’s core business since its inception in 1962, when Dutchman Kees Joustra founded the company. But more recently marine renewables have played an increasingly important role and in these challenging times, offshore wind is presenting new opportunities, which are not only limited to Europe. To better serve its key clients and markets, Fugro has recently undergone a significant reorganisation in Europe and similar re-structuring is taking place in Asia and the US. Tony Hodgson, Fugro Global Product Manager, Solutions for Renewable Energy - a geotechnical engineer in his 42nd year with the company – describes some interesting projects and outlines the company’s vision for the offshore wind industry in the coming years. “We have been active in the offshore wind business since the early days, actually since the mid-nineties when we carried out marine surveys for the Bockstigen wind farm offshore the island of Gotland, Sweden. We were also active in the very first project in the UK, the Blyth demonstrator, several Round 1 wind farms such as Scroby Sands and Robin Rigg, as well as some of the first parks in the Netherlands and Denmark.” Until recently the company operated without a dedicated offshore wind service line, he explains. A year ago Fugro embarked on a rationalisation process and the result was a grouping of specialist services focused on delivering data and expert advice to clients that include offshore wind developers and Tier 1 companies such as DEME and Van Oord. During 2017 further reorganisation followed and two new business entities, one in Wallingford, Oxfordshire and the other in Aberdeen, are now the UK bases from which Fugro provides its global geo-intelligence solutions. “We believe this makes it easier for clients to engage with us and benefit from services that are integrated. “We aim to provide clients with integrated packages of data – essentially our role is collecting data, processing it, interpreting it correctly and providing the data in a deliverable format that enables clients to de-risk their projects. Clients need knowledge of potential risks so that their project can be managed properly before they enter either the construction or operations and maintenance (O & M) phase,” says Hodgson. As part of the recent rationalisation, Fugro has organised its business into two distinct core activities: site characterisation and asset integrity.

Site characterisation Site characterisation describes the services that clients require up to the point of construction. These could include site selection for a wind farm, feasibility studies,


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consenting procedures, permitting, seabed data collection, foundation assessment, routes for cables, landfall locations for export cables – essentially the detailed information for the design phase.

Asset integrity Asset integrity concerns the period once the contract for the wind farm is signed or has reached its financial close. Here Fugro works closely with the construction and O & M teams and in the renewables sector, it will typically work with different teams related to the various packages, although they may be for the same developer. “Our work has involved the use of visionbased technologies to measure the verticality of monopiles using Inclinocam and also 3Direct for jackets. We have also developed subsea vision systems to aid the placement of seabed piling templates.” Asset integrity includes the accurate positioning of foundations/structures, monitoring the seabed mobility, monitoring foundations/TPs/monopiles while they are being installed and the integrity of the structure. One of the services provided by Fugro in this area are inspections for scour protection. Hodgson points out this can be a particularly important issue in Belgium, the Netherlands and around the UK’s East Anglia coast for example, which are subject to a migrating seabed, and where strong currents make the seabed shift. “The wind farm operator then knows it has to take action and mitigate the effects. We also measure the cable burial depth and carry out cable burial surveys. During the installation of a wind farm, cables are buried at a safe depth but this may reduce over time, in the worst case leaving an unprotected cable. And then remedial action has to take place.” The monitoring of marine growth on subsea structures is another offering in Fugro’s offshore wind service line, as well as inspections for any structural damage to foundations, which could lead to repair and maintenance work. To date, site characterisation has accounted for most of Fugro’s activities in the renewables market, but the company notes that this is starting to change as wind farms enter operation, resulting in an increase in demand for asset integrity services.

A Geowing frame at work. Picture by Fugro

has been a long time coming. The company has had a presence in Norfolk, Virginia, for more than ten years. “We had expected wind energy to develop much more quickly and this was part of the reason we have an office here. On the east coast, it is now going to happen, with the first wind farm now constructed!” Massachusetts and Maryland are the states that are most advanced, with 2GW planned in the next few years.

Ørsted contracts

The US & Asia success

In Q3 2017 Fugro was awarded two contracts for Ørsted in the US, where Fugro is to undertake geotechnical investigations at Bay State Wind and Ocean Wind offshore wind farms. Fugro is performing marine site characterisation at both sites, including specialised sampling and in-situ testing, from its DP2 geotechnical drillship Fugro Explorer.

The new company structure is also expected to assist the company as offshore wind develops from being a largely European-based business to a global industry. “Certainly, renewables is now more on a global scale. Traditionally we have been focused on Europe but now we are extending our services to other regions. We are drawing on our knowledge and experience to provide clients with service packages in the US and Asia.” Fugro has had recent success in both the US and Asia markets. In the US, Hodgson remarks, this progress

The company will conduct laboratory testing and reporting services from Norfolk, Virginia, and Houston, Texas, in the US, as well as Wallingford, UK. Site investigations started at the end of November and are expected to continue the end of February 2018. Prior to the contract awards Fugro carried out geoconsulting desktop studies and geotechnical ground thruthing for these Ørsted projects. Fugro had previously carried out geotechnical surveys

at both Ørsted’s Bay State Wind and Vineyard Power and OffshoreMW’s (now Vineyard Wind) offshore wind project site, both of which are in Massachusetts.

Asia Pacific Meanwhile, in Asia there are also promising developments. Fugro originally carried out the first geotechnical and geophysical surveys and metocean study in Taiwan for the Changhua offshore wind farm in 2016 for engineering design and environmental impact assessment purposes. Hodgson comments: “As well as Taiwan, Japan is another area of interest, particularly for floating wind. We have had a local office there for many years. South Korea has an aspiration to develop offshore wind energy, as does India, and we have had a longestablished presence in China.” Fugro has signed a memorandum of understanding with IOVTEC, under which the two companies will cooperate on marine survey projects in the waters surrounding Taiwan and in January this year, alongside IOVTEC, it installed a Seawatch Wind LiDAR buoy off the Taiwan coast to collect wind resource data.

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“Clients want electronic reports and faster delivery”

With IOVTEC, the company also conducted a large-scale clearance survey for an exploration 3D seismic survey programme in the region.

The United Kingdom In the European wind industry, the UK is seen as the number one market and is expected to remain at the top for the next few years. “There are several projects in the pipeline. Scotland particularly has a great deal of potential.”

Fugro has vessels on the Moray East and Triton Knoll OWF project, and recently completed a geotechnical programme at the floating Kincardine OWF project offshore Aberdeen. Fugro is also hopeful that projects will kick off in the Firth of Forth soon, following the refusal, in the Forth & Tay judicial review last summer, of an application by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scotland to appeal an earlier court decision. “And with another Contract for Difference (CfD) round likely in Spring 2019, the funding pipeline is looking promising.”

France Elsewhere in Europe, Fugro has been involved with site characterisation studies on several projects in France. This has included metocean measurements as well as geotechnical studies. The development of four floating wind demonstration projects has broadened the company’s scope of services and enabled it to deploy its Seawatch Wind lidar buoy (SWLB). The SWLB can also measure ocean wave and sea current profiles and provides clients with real-time data, it can be deployed safely and is robust and reliable in extreme weather and temperatures.

The Netherlands In Q2 2017, Fugro was awarded a joint contract with Boskalis for a survey and identification of unexploded ordnance (UXO) for Dutch transmission systems operator TenneT. This two–year project includes specialised survey and identification work in relation to cable routes for the planned grid connection between TenneT’s two offshore platforms and its high-voltage substation onshore. The new award follows several contracts undertaken by Fugro at the Borssele offshore wind farm site since early 2015, where work scopes have included geophysical surveys, geotechnical site investigations, integrated geological modelling and measuring meteorological and oceanographic conditions.

Hollandse Kust (Noord) wind farm zone Also in the Netherlands, Fugro completed an area survey of the 700MW Hollandse Kust (Noord) wind farm zone in the Dutch part of the North Sea. On behalf of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Fugro conducted a geophysical survey of the area to map the seabed and sub-seabed and position of existing cables and pipelines, as well as the possible presence of shipwrecks and any other obstacles. Fugro has conducted similar surveys in the past for the Hollandse Kust (Zuid) wind farm zones. Hollandse Kust (Noord) is the last of the three initial North Sea wind farm zones to be surveyed as part of the Dutch government’s Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap programme.

Smart solutions While Hodgson sees plenty of opportunities in offshore wind, he also sees increasing competition. “The slump in the oil and gas sector has created competitors that were not there previously. We see a lot of pressure on price, making it even more important to deliver smart solutions - data delivery in a smarter, more effective way.” A Seawatch Wind Lidar Buoy floating in the sea. Picture by Fugro


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The days are long gone when clients wanted 15 hard copies of a report, he adds.

“Today they want electronic reports and faster delivery. We aim to deliver almost in real time. In the past clients would have to wait for the jobs to be finished. But now we deliver data directly from the vessels to the clients’ desks. The data needs to be processed accurately, giving them the quality which they can use immediately.”

UHR 3D surveys

Overall, Hodgson stresses he is optimistic for offshore wind given the future global pipeline of projects. “Everyone was getting a little nervous a year ago but there is clearer visibility now, and we also have the promising developments in the Americas and Asia. We have shown we can differentiate ourselves with our products and services for offshore wind development. Certainly, there are some green shoots!”

Fugro is also focusing on smarter ways to acquire geotechnical and geophysical information. “For example, higher resolution, and better visualisation of boulders, which are not always easy to detect and can cause problems when installing foundations.”

UXO The company is also putting a lot of effort into developing technology to identify UXO more accurately. “We assist clients in risk mitigation. UXO is still a significant issue in many areas in Europe and often the munitions have a low iron content, so traditional magnetic detection technology is not good enough.”

Fugro’s new Seacalf system In line with its constant drive to improve technology and equipment, Fugro has recently deployed its revolutionary, 20t capacity coiled rod site characterisation tool. Developed in-house, the Seacalf Mark IV is an innovative new tool for CPT tests and was successfully deployed on a wind farm project in 2017. Tests of up to 40 metres below seabed can be achieved. The Seacalf enables rapid acquisition of soil data across an offshore wind farm site. “Deep penetration CPT is often very difficult at these sites because many of them are in less than 30 metres water depth so a lot of manual handling of the cone rods is necessary, which clearly presents a HSE risk.” Fugro’s innovative solution is for the steel rods that penetrate the seabed to be in a continuous coil rather than the traditional 1m-long straight rods; the coiled rod has the same strength as the straight rods. The cone is pushed into the ground without manual intervention and is remotely activated. “This is a much safer operation, and the seabed frame sits on the seabed, avoiding the need to be brought back to the vessel each time. Additionally, as it can be operated in more challenging weather conditions than traditional equipment, operational downtime is reduced. “Data is collected in a continuous format which gives a profile of the soil directly, allowing clients to understand the conditions straight away. This is really a revolutionary development, and has already recorded notable success!”

The Seacalf Mk IV with coiled rod. Picture by Fugro

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Geotag: France France added 1.7GW of wind energy to its grid in 2017, ending the year with a total of 13.8GW of installed and connected wind power capacity. However, the country’s offshore wind sector is still at a stage of preparing for commercial projects to take off and is, as of recently, also supported by regulatory changes that aim to bring a more transparent competition to developers and more feasible offshore wind farms to the consumers.

Floatgen Š BOLUDA FRANCE Floatgen


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With 1,692.05MW of wind energy capacity grid-connected in 2017, France reached a total of 13,760.35MW on 31 December 2017, which is enough to provide electricity to almost 11 million households. The French Wind Energy Association (FEE) said that, with these numbers in hand, it is confident about France having 15GW by the end of 2018. Given the volumes of projects currently under development, the country can aim for the upper end of its 2023 targets under the Multi-annual energy programme (PPE) with more than 26,000MW of onshore and 3,200MW of offshore wind energy, according to FEE. France’s current PPE proposes the development of 3GW of offshore wind capacity by 2023, with further 3GW in the pipeline post-2023. The program also calls for the approval of up to 2GW of floating wind and tidal projects in addition to the 100MW that will be in service by 2023. In January 2018, the French government announced a ten-point plan that would help double the country’s installed wind energy capacity by 2023. The plan involves simplifying the procedures to cut the time needed for wind energy projects to reach installation and commissioning, and would thus accelerate the development of wind energy projects. Wind energy is on its way to become Europe’s largest renewable source by 2020 with a share of around 16.5 per cent in electricity consumption, according to WindEurope, which expects some 75 per cent of wind energy installations in the next three to four years to be concentrated in six countries: Germany, UK, France, Spain, Netherlands and Belgium. Of these six, five have auctions giving visibility for 27GW of new capacity in Europe and these are Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain and UK.

Offshore wind: third time is the charm France completed its first round of offshore wind tenders in 2012, when development rights were awarded for the Fécamp, Courseulles-surMer, Saint-Nazaire and Saint-Brieuc


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offshore wind project sites. The Fécamp and Courseulles-sur-Mer (Calvados) offshore wind projects have been awarded to a consortium between Eolien Maritime France (Enbridge and EDF EN) and wpd. Eolien Maritime France has also won the rights to develop the Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm together with Nass & Wind, however, the project is now fully owned by Eolien Maritime France. The Saint-Brieuc site has been awarded to Ailes Marines, a consortium led by Spanish Iberdrola. The second call for tenders, launched in 2013, resulted in GDF SUEZ (now Engie) and EDP Renewables winning the two offered sites, one located off Tréport and the other between Noirmoutier and Île d’Yeu. Neither of the projects awarded in the first two tenders have entered construction phase so far. Nevertheless, the projects from the third tender round could move towards construction faster, as French government stated last year that it expects the project off Dunkirk to be up and running in 2022. The Round 3 tender, set up within the framework of the implementation of the aforementioned Multi-annual energy programme (PPE), is based on a “competitive dialogue” procedure. France kicked off this round for Dunkirk area in December 2016, and for the Oléron area in spring 2017. Namely, in April 2016, French government announced the tender for the Dunkirk offshore area and added an area off Oléron to the Round 3 later that year. The process for both sites is still ongoing, with the winners for the Dunkirk site scheduled to be announced early this year. The bidders for the Dunkirk project, which will have a capacity of between 250MW and 750MW, completed the pre-selection stage in May 2017. The companies eligible for the selection phase (either alone or in a consortium) include Vattenfall, Statoil, Iberdrola in consortium with RES, Elicio, a consortium of Engie and EDPR, InControl France, a consortium of Belgium’s Parkwind and France’s Valeco, Deme Concessions Wind, a consortium

of EDF EN with Innogy and Enbridge, and the Canadian Boralex with CMI5i Pastor. The selection phase lasts for four to six months, meaning that the candidates have been already invited, or will be soon invited, to submit their bids. For Oléron, developers had until midOctober 2017 to apply to participate in the tender as part of the pre-selction process, after which the country’s Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) had a month to evaluate the applications and invite eligible parties to participate in the selection phase of the competitive dialogue procedure. In the final phase of French new tendering approach, the candidates’ offers will be assessed based on the price proposed, optimisation of the occupied area, and consideration of environmental issues.

Floatgen foundation, © Ideol; Centrale Nantes

French affair with floating wind In November 2017, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced that the country will launch preliminary studies on the development of floating wind farms off Brittany and in the Mediterranean, as well as preliminary technical studies and a public debate on the proposed wind farm off Oléron in 2018. Commenting on the Prime Minister’s announcements, FEE said they sent a positive signal to offshore wind developers. “The maritime spatial planning requested from the prefects for the summer of 2018 also shows that the Prime Minister is aware of the significant delays taken by France in terms of offshore wind and the imperatives of radical simplification and visibility necessary for the development of the sector,” the

“ The first wind turbine to be installed off the French coast will be a floating one.”

association stated. Aside from the bottom fixed offshore wind tenders, France has approved four pilot floating wind projects so far. A 24MW pilot floating wind farm in the Gruissan area, expected to be commissioned in 2020, was given the go-ahead by ADEME in July 2016, together with a 24MW floating wind farm planned by Eolfi and CGN for the Groix area. In November 2016, France approved two more floating wind projects: EDF Energies Nouvelles’ 24MW floating wind farm in Faraman area and the 24MW project off Leucate, proposed by Engie, EDP Renewables, Caisse des Dépôts and Eiffage. The country is deemed as one of the areas worldwide that is most favourable for floating wind installations. In line with this, even though France does not have any offshore wind farms installed yet, its innovation in this sector majorly focuses on floating wind technology and the first wind turbine to be installed off the French coast will be a floating one, part of a demonstration project. The 2MW Vestas turbine mounted on Ideol’s Damping Pool floating base will soon be towed to its location at the

SEM-REV demonstration site and then connected to the electrical grid. The Floatgen wind turbine was christened on 13 October 2017 on the Darses Quay at Saint-Nazaire, where it has been going through final testing before being deployed offshore. At the beginning of January 2018, the Bretagne-based startup EOLINK announced that it had secured funds to install and test a 1/10 scale floating wind turbine prototype off France. The prototype will be installed nearshore by the end of the year. Furthermore, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) has allocated funding for the EolFloat project in 2017. The project, developed by Dietswell-led consortium, is focused on a semi-submersible platform for large offshore wind turbines.

Ambitions and scenarios The French Wind Energy Association states that wind energy, which already covers 5 per cent of France’s electricity needs, is essential to the French energy transition, and that the French industry is ready to meet ambitious renewable energy targets. FEE looks at France as being capable of reaching 37GW of onshore and 12GW of offshore wind in

2028, and recommends a target of 45 per cent of renewable energy in France by 2030, 23 per cent of which would be wind power. France is also seen as likely to reach an ambitious level of wind energy capacity in WindEurope’s report Wind energy in Europe: Scenarios for 2030 (September 2017). The report’s central scenario shows much higher volume of wind energy installations than the IEA New Policies scenario and the European Commission Reference scenario, which WindEurope explained with its anticipation for the Western Europe countries such as Germany, France, Spain or the Netherlands, to have a more robust wind energy market. The central 2030 scenario puts Germany in the first place with 85GW of installed wind energy capacity. France is placed second with 43GW, 7GW of which would be offshore, and would meet its electricity demand in 2030 with 26 per cent of wind energy. According to the scenario, Europe could have 323GW of cumulative wind energy capacity by 2030. Of this, 70GW is projected to be offshore and 253GW would be installed onshore.

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018


‘Broad naval engineering experience for complex tasks’

Dutch company Saltwater Engineering from Papendrecht has specialised in marine engineering including comprehensive and complex projects like its recent involvement in the decommissioning of two meteorological masts at the UK’s Dogger Bank offshore windfarm. Offshore WIND spoke with company co-founder and naval architect Mike Stelzer about the continuous challenges in developing client’ custom-made solutions supported by detailed calculations carefully thought-out implementation plans and procedures.


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to large marine industry players like Boskalis, Jumbo Shipping and Rederij Groen. Typical examples of Saltwater offshore wind jobs are the development of monopile upending systems, and certified sea-fastening solutions for SIF’s pontoon-based monopile transports. Stelzer: “All moving systems developed for any marine application are by definition complex and this has become our speciality both with hardware and software solution perspectives. Typical for offshore wind is the ongoing trend towards bigger wind turbines with higher masses and matching rotor sizes. A main consequence of ongoing scaling is that it raises the complexity of all operations from planning, onshore and offshore transport-logistics including stowage to the actual installation phase. The latter operation especially could turn critical and even become a tipping point regarding necessary crane capacity to keep pace with continuously rising hoisting height increment demands.”

Jigsaw puzzle

The decommissioning of two meteorological masts at the UK’s Dogger Bank offshore windfarm was a complex task

Broad expertise Saltwater Engineering was founded in late 2006 and today’s staff of sixteen comprises mainly naval engineers and other engineering specialists. Saltwater chose right from the beginning for a focus at ship building explained Stelzer in his introduction remarks. He added:


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“We survived the economic crisis that hit the developed world a year later fortunately without great difficulties. One contributing factor was perhaps our early strategy for building broad in-house marine expertise base with highly-skilled multi-deployable experts.” Saltwater on average carries out

annually between 70 and 80 projects, and these typically vary from rather small jobs to comprehensive 6 / 7 month contracts. Offshore wind is a modest but growing business segment for the marine-engineering specialist, with typical main tasks in providing sub-contractor engineering support

The Dogger Bank meteorological masts decommissioning project was awarded to Dutch companies salvage contractor Ardent and marine equipment supplier Seafox. These companies contracted Saltwater for the complete project engineering, a major job involving product and process calculations, detailed stowing, rigging and hoisting arrangements, and describing all additional risks and requirements, said Stelzer adding:” The overall complexity of this Dogger Bank meteorological mast decommissioning project can be compared to solving a large jigsaw puzzle. The initial key questions for our specialists are always: ‘what do we wish to achieve and how should this then be done?’ Project execution commences with developing a detailed roadmap that describes all processes and steps to be completed in detail and in what order they should be implemented.” It meant for Dogger Bank specifically splitting the full decommissioning process into four controlled subprocesses all involving a hoisting operation. This crucial aspect in turn impacts almost all other contract

aspects from vessel size and deck layout to crane capacity and matching technical and other hoisting requirements. Stelzer: “Integral part of our contract was to analyse all main operations, from the lifting of main structures, to evaluating the structural integrity of hoisting gear with all known load circumstances. Furthermore, evaluating the structural integrity of the meteorological mast and individual sections, the service platform and SICA during their respective decommissioning stages. Another example are detailed calculations of crane loads during various hoisting operations, making detailed hoisting plans, including ensuring sufficient deck space for safe stowage, and avoiding any deck restrictions during crane boom movements.

‘It is about detailed calculations and thought-out implementation plans’ therefore did not comply to a full set of ‘as built documents’ like we expected. Another unrelated challenge was how to make a realistic estimate on the mud and marine growth inside and outside the bucket surface after removing it from the seabed mud layer.”

Four decommissioning steps The first decommissioning step involved disassembly and removal of the mast upper section and stow the structure securely at the jack-up’s deck. The same procedure was repeated for the lower mast section. The third step involved dismounting the service platform, the actual hoisting and safe deck stowage. In a next intermediate process step the suction bucket was ‘brought’ to the seabed surface by pumping water inside for loosening up the soil inside the bucket and around the skirts. This combined pumping and soil loosening process gradually ‘pushes’ the structure upward in a vertically-stabilized controlled process until the bucket bottom part rests completely at the seabed, ready for the final hoisting step. In the fourth and final hoisting step the crane lifted SICA from the seabed to the jack-up’s deck for stowage. This latter step involved Saltwater’s main project hardware task, a purposemade lifting tool to be flanged directly at the SICA shaft top mounting flange. This engineering task proved far from easy and straightforward, recalled Stelzer: “SICA main specifications proved inconsistent despite installation contractor Fred Olsen did provide a comprehensive set of documentations. SICA mass figures for instance varied between 310 to 406 metric tonnes, and

One of the meteorological masts

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environment is big and heavy and the lifting tool is no exception. This dedicated welded steel structure main elements are the 2.4-metre high cylindrical part and a vertical flange with single bore for shackle attachment, and about 7,300kg total mass. The matching 1250-tonne SWL (Safe Working Load) shackle weighs 3,700kg including a 1.23-metre long pin with 300mm diameter.

Hoisting gear Stelzer also enthusiastically showed a drawing of the full hoisting gear, a complex assembly of massive ‘closed’ grommet-type cable arrangements, a heave compensation unit for load stabilizing during the hoisting, shackles,

and other massive components. “Each of these elements had to be individually evaluated on its main functions and most critical aspects. Crucial for the grommets deployed with diameters up to 150 – 200mm is that the bending radius must be at all-time sufficient. These and all other components must be calculated and validated according DNV GL rules prior to the actual decommissioning project start. During this process stage a marine warranty surveyor also keeps close watch on hoisting factors and other key variables.” Finally, with the Dogger Bank project completed successfully, a next potential offshore wind challenge has emerged

already for Saltwater. This time an offer request for the decommissioning of a meteorological mast at a UK based wind farm. This time the mast is mounted at a monopile, which must be cut at three metres below the mudline. “This project, if awarded, offers several completely different challenges. One is how to stabilize the pile during the pile-cutting process and whereby especially the very last part is highly critical due to sideway wave loading. We regard these highly challenging project involvements a great opportunity, as it enables Saltwater to benefit from and merge its broad naval-engineering experience with offshore wind- specific demands”, Stelzer concludes.

Dogger Bank meteorological masts In October 2011, Universal Foundation of Denmark (UF) was awarded a contract for turnkey installation of two meteorological masts at the Forewind Dogger Bank offshore wind farm (UK). The wind measuring permit for was for three years. The masts were installed during September 2013 – and decommissioned in late 2016. Each lattice-steel mast comprises two bolted sections mounted atop a UF-design suction bucket-type substructure, since 2011 majority owned by Fred Olsen United AS of Norway. The Mono Bucket solution or Suction Installed CAisson (SICA) is described as an ‘all in one’ substructure and foundation unit. A suction bucket solution functionally represents a bucket with the open side (skirt) facing downward.

Bucket foundation hoisting plan

Hoisting mass These two factors could add substantially to the SICA ‘only’ hoisting mass, which at Dogger Bank applied especially for the suction bucket in mud-clay type soil, and likely to a much lesser extent for the other bucket installed in different mud-sandy soil conditions. He added that a right combination of experience, common sense, and continuous communication with all project partners proved again for this complex task essential. Comprehensive study and evaluation resulted in a 370-tonne estimate for

SICA itself plus 270MT extra for mud and marine growth combined. Seafox decided to deploy its Seafox 5 jackup with 1200 MT crane capacity for all hoisting operations at Dogger Bank. Stelzer continued explaining that the gap between a load of 600MT and 1200MT may at a first glance sound excessive: “However, it is important to realise that this ‘base-load’ must be supplemented by multiple additional dynamic load effects and loading impacts at the structure during the entire hoisting operation. These impacts

include especially sideway loads caused by wave loading, wind-related loads and amplifications, loads caused by crane boom movements, and the impact at a load when it passes the splash zone between water and air. Afterwards we for instance found that the 270-tonne estimate was rather conservative and the actual added mass for mud and marine growth much less, but it is part of our company strategy to be better safe than sorry.” Almost everything required and deployed in the demanding marine

During installation, suction is applied together with water evacuation, which creates a downward force on the bucket limited by the water column. Water flow around the skirt induced by water jetting reduces local soil stresses thereby reducing penetration resistance. The opposite process is applied during SICA decommissioning. Dogger Bank’s SICA features a 7.5-metre high and 15-metre diameter suction anchor with tapering tubular-steel shaft narrowing from 4m base diameter to 2.5m at the top mounting flange with service platform. The SICA structure measures 51m total length, with a service platform mounted atop, supplemented by a 74-metre high lattice-steel meteorological mast in two bolted sections. The Dogger Bank. © Wikimedia


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Young Professionals in Offshore Wind: Working as an offshore load engineer Image Ørsted

After graduating with his Master’s degree in Structural Engineering at the Technical University of Delft, Wouter van der Linde applied for the position of Offshore Load Engineer at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) in The Hague. Though Wouter specialized in the effects of earthquakes on the reliability of concrete structures, he has chosen to start his career in the offshore wind sector. Offshore WIND decided to approach this Young Professional and ask him five questions about his job, study and offshore wind energy.


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What are your current activities as an offshore load engineer? “At Siemens Wind Power I am actively involved in the design process of wind turbines and their support structures. Though offshore wind turbines might all look the same from the shore, the design of wind turbines, including

their power production, rotor sizes, and foundation and tower structures, can actually be quite different for each project. The design of the wind turbine depends to a large extent on the environmental surroundings of the wind farm. I analyse the effects of the extreme wind and sea conditions on the

wind turbines and rotor blades, as well as the accumulated effect of wind and waves over the life time of the turbine. Based on the results of our calculations, we design the optimal wind turbine configuration and support structure for the site.

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“We are now at the project implementing stage, which from a pure physical viewpoint starts from a modest basis of ten operational offshore windfarms all built relatively close to shore.”

Image Ørsted


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I am glad to be able to contribute to the further development of wind turbines at Siemens Wind Power. As the offshore wind market is rapidly developing, we have to improve ourselves for every new wind farm. Our office in The Hague is responsible for the load calculations and support structure design for every Siemens offshore wind project, and I always feel that we are challenging ourselves to create something new. Nowadays, one of our major challenges is to continue to improve the cost efficiency of our turbine design in order to remain attractive for tenders. Therefore, we investigate if we can reduce the amount of steel used to produce each wind turbine. If we can cut the amount of steel for one turbine by a few tonnes, and the project concerns 50 or maybe even 100 turbines, we can create a more attractive offer. Besides designing and further developing wind turbines, I also value the communication aspect of my function. Not only do I discuss the designs with my fellow engineers, I have daily contact with my SGRE colleagues at the Sales, Technology Development and Execution departments. For instance, I participate in customer meetings with Sales to discuss technical challenges, design criteria, and opportunities to increase the annual energy production or reduce support structure costs. Furthermore, I am in close contact with the company responsible for the foundation design. It is important that the designs of the foundation (from pile tip to interface) as well as the tower and RNA (from interface upwards) match with each other. As a result, my job allows me to grow both technically and personally. On top of that, I get a taste of the many different aspects of the development of an offshore wind farm.”

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Furthermore, the large and powerful waves that occur in the Taiwan Strait have to be taken into account. On top of that, the turbine needs to be designed to withstand earthquakes. Based on our calculations and software models, we design a resilient and optimized support structure that can withstand these environmental conditions.

Image by Jan Posthumus

Apart from the extreme environmental conditions, Formosa is an interesting project because it is a new market. We have gained quite some experience in European projects over the past years. However, in Taiwan we are working with new clients and governmental bodies and we have to adapt to the local requirements. Since Taiwan is a new market for offshore wind energy, one of the main focusses of Siemens Gamesa for Formosa is to cooperate successfully with local parties and gain market share.”

To what extent does your educational background fit your current job?

Why did you decide to work for Siemens Wind Power? “The size of the company Siemens, and its activities in offshore wind as well as other sectors appealed to me when I applied for the job Offshore Load Engineer. Siemens Wind Power is one of the largest wind turbine manufacturers in the world and, since the merger with Gamesa in 2017, has also the largest market share in wind turbines in Europe. There are about 80-100 people working at Siemens in the Hague, and Siemens Wind Power is involved in large offshore wind projects, such as the Dutch project Borssele I + II. Therefore, there are many opportunities for growth with Siemens. Another reason why I decided to choose Siemens Wind Power is the opportunity to develop my career in the


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offshore wind sector. When I started as Offshore Load Engineer at Siemens, I participated in an intensive training program. The training program involved performing the load calculations for a dummy wind project from start to finish. A series of trainings, both on technical and more general aspects of turbine and support structure design, guided me through the process. It was a great way to get to know my colleagues, who gave most of the trainings, and at the same time familiarize myself with the design process. Moreover, working at Siemens allows me to be engaged in new and exciting projects, such as one of first offshore wind farms in Taiwan: Formosa 1 Phase 2. Finally, one of the greatest aspects of my job is that I work in a team full of young, enthusiastic and smart people. I learn and have fun every single day.”

Could you tell me more about Formosa and your role in this project? “Formosa 1 Phase II is an offshore wind farm being developed on the west coast of Taiwan. It will be Taiwan’s first large commercial offshore wind project with a capacity of 120MW. I am responsible for the load calculations for Formosa. Based on the environmental conditions, I calculate the extreme and fatigue loads in order to design the support structure and verify the site-specific suitability of our wind turbine. We have to adapt our design to the local extremes, which are quite different from our projects in North West Europe. For instance, Formosa will experience higher wind speeds. Especially during the typhoon season from July to September, when extreme wind speeds of up to 200 km/h are not uncommon.

“At the Technical University of Delft I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and my Master of Science in Structural Engineering. Even though offshore wind energy was not a specific topic during my studies, my studies provided with the fundamental knowledge required to work as an Offshore Load Engineer. During my technical education I followed classes about structural mechanics and dynamics, which concerns the static and dynamic deformations and internal forces of structural elements under external forces. Hence, these classes fit very well with my daily activities of investigating the structural, dynamic behaviour of our wind turbines. On the other hand, on-the-job learning – as with many other jobs in the technical field – is also an important aspect of my function. Although most of my colleagues have also graduated from TU Delft, we have different backgrounds and expertise. With our different backgrounds, we can support a wide range of development projects. For instance, I can contribute with my specific knowledge about seismic effects on structures in the team, which

is useful for offshore wind projects in Japan and Taiwan, as earthquakes regularly occur in these areas. Other interesting examples our team is currently working on are studies to investigate the effect of ice loading on turbines in Northern Europe and the development of floating wind turbines in the south of France.”

What is your forecast on the offshore wind energy sector? “I expect that the price per kWh for offshore wind farms will continue to drop. We will see more and more zero subsidy bids for offshore wind tenders, meaning that no or little government subsidies are needed. At the same time, I think offshore wind turbines will continue to increase in size. I also believe that emerging markets, such as Taiwan, Japan and US, will become more important and sites will become more challenging in terms of environmental conditions and water depth. Furthermore, I believe the development of floating turbines

will continue. This will create new opportunities for manufacturing and installation. For example, the Siemens turbines for Hywind Scotland were built in Norway and then towed to their final position in Scotland. Therefore, I believe offshore wind energy will continue to be an exciting sector to work in. Offshore wind is relatively new and its technologies are continuously developing. I am glad to have the opportunity to be engaged in some of these new developments. In addition, working in offshore wind satisfies me because I feel that I make a positive, tangible contribution to a greener world. As for other Young Professionals who are eager to start a career in Offshore Wind Energy, I can only encourage them to choose for this sector. Offshore wind has a lot of economic potential as prices per kWh continue to drop, the global demand for energy is still growing and you can contribute to the success of a renewable source of energy.”

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Offshore WIND Conference 2017 Highlights In anticipation of the next Offshore WIND Conference (OWC) in Amsterdam, set to be held on 22 and 23 October 2018, we are bringing you an overview of how our latest event dedicated solely to offshore wind went.

Bent Christensen, Head of Cost of Energy and Head of Project Management at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, said offshore wind technology is already there to help meet the COP21 targets and reach 6,100TWh of annual wind generation by 2040, but there has to be political will behind it. Currently, the wind energy generation is at 717TWh. On contributing to cutting down the prices, Christensen pointed out that Siemens is looking at the entire supply chain to cut costs and that the company plans to reach a 40 per cent cost reduction in foundations.

Bent Thambo Jensen, Chief Commercial Officer of Ziton and the Chairman of the first day of the conference, opened the event on 9 October 2017. During the first day of OWC 2017, the sessions saw straight-to-the-point statements and some interesting discussions. Van Oord’s CEO Pieter van Oord said that we need to build wind turbines


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like we build cars, further explaining that the increase in annual volume of offshore wind installations will lead to the industrialisation of the supply chain. Europe is projected to have 60GW of installed offshore wind capacity by 2030, which requires adding 5-6GW of offshore wind capacity annually, and right now 3GW to 4GW are being added per year.

Discussing what could be done to further reduce the costs, Lars Kristensen, Senior Vice President Wind & Renewable Energy at Bladt Industries, stated that foundation designers seem unwilling to work with the producers, and that the producers should also be involved in the design of foundations as an incentive to cut down the costs further. As the speakers went on to address the constant need for evolving and advancing, Michel Kurstjens, CCO at Sif Group found a way to bring the idea of foundation producers’ effort to

progress hand in hand with the industry by saying that nobody wants to be Nokia or Blackberry of the offshore wind industry. The second day of the Offshore WIND Conference, chaired by Mike Blanch – Associate Director at BVG Associates – started with a session addressing the path and challenges on the offshore wind road towards 2023, as well as up to 2050 and beyond. Looking at innovation within the industry until 2050 during his welcoming speech, Mike Blanch said that float and submerge will break the line between turbine size and vessel size, which will be a game-changer for the industry, resulting in lower CAPEX. Simon Dilks, Head of Nuclear and Renewables Innovation at the UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), discussed the DemoWind project. The call for DemoWind 2 received less applications than the one for DemoWind 1, while the DemoWind 2 budget is still not entirely allocated. According to Dilks, the reason for this could be that the second call was launched shortly after the one for DemoWind 1. Since DemoWind is a European Research Area Network (ERANET) Cofund Action programme, Simon Dilks also looked at the consequence of the so-called Brexit in this light. He said that ERA-NET will now be more difficult for UK. “We have a real interest to work with North Seas partners to do something like this again,” Simon Dilks said. Leo de Vrees, Senior Advisor at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, discussed the challenges with multi-use of space in the Netherlands by 2030 and installing thousands of turbines by 2050. De Vrees pointed out the significance of cooperation between the North Sea countries in installing offshore wind farms, further highlighting the North Sea Power Link island, a concept brought forward by TenneT. The second day of OWC 2017 also saw a discussion on the relationship between oil and gas and wind energy sector, exploring the possible changes in the cooperation between oil & gas and offshore wind.

Rene Peters, Director Gas Technology at TNO Energy, spoke about the challenges for reusing the infrastructure for energy systems in the Dutch part of the North Sea. He said that the development of large-scale offshore wind can be integrated with offshore gas infrastructure for the electrification of offshore gas platforms, power to gas (P2G) and H2 transport, carbon transport and storage (CCS), gas to wire, as well as energy storage. Ernst van Zuijlen, Director at GROW talked about driving down costs of offshore wind farms, stressing that there is a big need to reduce costs of offshore wind and explore possibilities for system integration. Arnold Groot, General Manager from Circular Energy, pointed out that oil and gas sectors needs to bring down their emissions by 80 per cent, adding that adjustments have to be made and electrification is the easiest option to start. Groot also said that Dutch gas requirements are above the production levels of the country. So, to avoid importing gas from other countries, producing free-emission gas, powered by offshore wind, would be a positive development. During a panel discussion, Ernst van Zuijlen asked Rene Peters about the advantages for the offshore wind industry in relation to the cooperation with oil and gas. Peters said that there are no short-term

benefits for the offshore wind sector, opposed to those that could arise in the long-term. De Vrees said the government is supportive of a potential pilot project that would demonstrate the mutual benefits of collaboration between offshore wind and oil & gas sectors. The discussions of the second day ended with a session looking at space and how the space technology could play a part in optimizing offshore wind farm operations. Davide Coppola, from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Downstream Business Applications Department, talked about how two industries could work together to improve future offshore wind farms and applications. What ESA can offer to offshore wind is its technology and scientific expertise, among other things. This includes communication support, as well as ISSWIND services (Supporting Services for the Wind Power Industry) aimed to reduce planning and implementation costs.

ERA-NET will now be more difficult for UK

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“It is possible to store hydrogen underground.”

for everyday consumption as a level source of energy. The hydro plants maintain most of their water levels from melt water and precipitation throughout the year and not from electric pumps powered by offshore wind generated electricity . However, there is room for greater capacity in Scandinavia. It is estimated that Norway has a total hydro-electricity production potential of 300TWh and the 139TWh in 2015 represents only 46.4 per cent of this total. A part of the potential hydro-electric plants can be used as a storage system in the future for the grid connected offshore wind farms, using offshore wind power during times of low demand and high production to pump water to fill the reservoirs. For the next part of the equation Norway already has an extensive interconnector grid in the North Sea planned or in operation with one or more subsea cables to the UK, Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. It is a start but the current individual capacity of the interconnectors would be insufficient for large scale grid supply.

The success of the offshore wind sector will depend on storage systems A Power Link Island also offers opportunities for port and maintenance facilities, conversion of wind energy to hydrogen. © Image by TenneT

Targets, innovation and offshore wind

There are various reasons why the focus on storage of electrical power is so intense today. Two aims high in the list of reasons for this intensity are the levelling of power output from inconsistent power sources and the simplification of power transport from source to a central storage hub or end user.


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Being able to save energy during periods of high output to be released into the grid when output drops is the key to the success of a dependable, sustainable large-scale energy source. The success of the offshore wind sector will depend on storage systems if it is to replace fossil fuel alternatives on a large scale and an effective grid system is a necessary requirement to make any storage system successful.

The hydro-electric option JHydro-electric power has long been seen as an efficient and simple manageable power source which is fast and easy to start and stop when required, but it does have certain geographical requirements not universally available. Norway is leading Western Europe in this sector producing 139TWh in 2015, almost twice as much as Sweden in second place, but these two countries use the hydro-electricity

In the past 10 years we have seen offshore wind power grow from almost nothing to the current level of about 11GW. Within the next 12 years we can expect that North Sea wind power will reach 60GW, and by 2050 as much as 250GW. A European target has been set at 75% for all energy consumed coming from renewable sources by 2050. The North Sea coastline countries, UK, Norway, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium currently currently consume at total of approximately 5,500TWh annually.

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‘Within the next 12 years it is expected that North Sea wind power will reach 60GW’

plants could be more effective. Tests in the Netherlands are planned to see if existing pipelines can be used for transporting hydrogen. The pipes, previously used for the natural gas grid, are to be tested with hydrogen. It is expected that the only problems will occur with flanges at pumping stations. Hydrogen has a finer molecular structure than natural gas and it is possible that the bolted joints will have to be replaced to stop the escape of gas. This can be easily corrected to give the unused offshore gas pipelines a new purpose transporting the new hydrogen from platforms on the depleted gas fields to the onshore storage facilities.

The market for hydrogen

Today’s figure of 500TWh, only 9 per cent, coming from renewable sources leaves much to be done in the next 32 years. The offshore wind industry thrives on innovation and new alternative systems for storage are being announced almost every week, but there is one method that stands out above all the others – Power to Gas. However it depends on changing the energy to another dimension. Power to gas and improved grid connections are the routes needed to make this growth happen, with two routes follow different paths. Power to gas follows the molecular path while the grid follows the electron path, although a combination of both will eventually provide the complete answer.

Transporting hydrogen The gas produced, either on - or off - shore is hydrogen. On the molecular path there is much discussion on deciding where the path should start. The alternatives start offshore with wind powered electrolysis plants on either a man made offshore island, such as the Dogger Bank island, or on refurbished offshore platforms over depleted natural gas fields. The onshore alternative is to use the electron path to a gas hub onshore where larger electrolysis


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Hydrogen is already a marketable feedstock for the chemical industry. The Rotterdam industrial area alone currently uses 350 kilo tonnes of hydrogen per year. As a fuel it is now rapidly becoming established as a source for heating networks in cities. In the Leeds City Gate project in the UK an existing natural gas fuelled network to provide heat is being replaced with a network which is fuelled 100% by hydrogen gas. Rotterdam city transport currently has 2 hydrogen powered buses on trial since autumn 2017. Early in January 2018 the Hyundai Nexo, already their 4th generation development, was revealed to compete with the Toyota Mirai and Honda Clarity Fuel Cell, hydrogen powered cars where the only emission is water! Finally, there are power plants providing electricity for the onshore grid which are currently fuelled by natural gas that are being tested for conversion to hydrogen fuel. Electricity generation fuelled by natural gas makes up the largest portion in the UK energy mix with usually between 20 and 40 percent, depending on demand and the input from renewables. This could all be fuelled by hydrogen from offshore wind in the future. There is a market for hydrogen!

Where to store hydrogen Storage of hydrogen allows a power generation system that follows the load providing continuity of energy level 24/7. The systems delivers power that follows the load trend, with flexibility and at a relatively low cost. Underground storage

An artist impression of a Power Link Island, image by TenneT

caverns has been successfully used in the UK for several years for storing natural gas and other hydrocarbon products. Before being pumped to the caverns underground the hydrogen is pressurised to 270 bars above atmospheric pressure (270 barg) from the 50 bar pressure used for transport in pipelines. The salt caverns are made by drilling into the salt bed or dome, pumping water into the salt layer and dissolving natural salt in mineral beds, creating empty caverns. There are already more than 30 of the salt caverns in use today in the UK. The largest of these caverns exceeds 600,000m³, and the deepest sometimes more than 2,000m underground.

Some are used to store natural gas to provide a ‘strategic reserve’ able to keep the gas turbine generation of electricity fuelled for several days if usual source supplies are interrupted. The construction of a 300,000m³ salt cavern would cost about £200m, most of which is spent on the surface facilities, which is relatively cheap when compared to other elements in the energy supply chain. Hydrogen has already been stored underground for a feedstock supply for the chemical industries based around Teesside in North East England where the current need for hydrogen, 161 kilo tonnes per year, is likely to exceed 250 kilo tonnes per year by 2030. The supply of hydrogen for the Leeds City

Gate project has an underground buffer storage space in the salt beds under the countryside in Yorkshire north of the port of Hull. There are similar underground storage caverns in use in the United States and Germany where underground salt layers are also present. The largest of these, is in the U.S.A. where the largest single store holds over 100GWh of hydrogen. There are estimations that 20 per cent of the renewable power surplus in Germany in 2050 will be targeted for conversion into hydrogen. This will require a total of 30 million cubic metres underground storage in 60 salt caverns. There are already about 3 times as many caverns currently in available in Germany.

A new option Offshore wind farms are commonly described in the press as, for example, the one used for the Hornsea Project One offshore wind farm: ‘Powering 1 million UK homes with green electricity’. With 1.2GW of power generation to be available by 2020, it is currently the world’s largest offshore wind project under construction. Now with Power to Gas they can now add another option and be described as powering electrolysis plants to produce hydrogen for storage; able to provide industry with a feedstock and a fuel. Both of these options will replace unsustainable hydrocarbon fuels and help decarbonise industry.

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Lidar measuring offshore wind

Floating Lidar

The Carbon Trust has been responsible for bringing much of the cost cutting systems and equipment into the industry by promoting the research and encouraging the innovative ideas to become a reality. Their recognition of nascent ideas and enabling their progress by providing facilities in various forms has enabled the commercial development of many of these ideas to become a cost cutting reality benefitting the offshore wind sector amongst others.


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Floating Lidar is one such idea that has become an essential piece of offshore wind farm development today. In November 2013 the Carbon Trust Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) prepared the roadmap for a trial to evaluate the accuracy of floating Lidar

systems in comparison to an IEC compliant meteorological mast. Other parties to be included in the trial were nine developers representing over three-quarters of the UK’s licenced capacity – DONG Energy, E.ON, Mainstream Renewable Power, RWE

Innogy, Scottish Power Renewables, SSE Renewables, Statkraft, Statoil and Vattenfall.

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different types of Lidar technologies and setups are available to deliver accurate meteorological condition measurements for robust project development. Scanning Lidars such as the Windcube 100S/200S/400S are used for mapping the wind from the shore at up to ten kilometers. They can perform a full 3D mapping of the atmosphere to provide enhanced measurements of wind speed and direction. In January 2016, The Offshore Wind Accelerator programme (OWA) launched the world's largest offshore trial of scanning Lidar systems. The four-month trial showed phenomenal accuracy at very long ranges, as well as uncertainty reductions of the P90/ P50 ratio by between one and two per cent, therefore proving the technology’s ability to significantly lower the LCOE offshore. When comparing efficiency of the met mast and floating Lidar, EDF EN, working within the OWA programme at the Fécamp project in Northern France on a four month validation campaign, produced results that showed an uncertainty coefficient of less than four

per cent, a large part of which were due to reference uncertainties. The reference was a actually a Windcube on a platform and a met mast. The Carbon Trust’s commercial stage recommendation for uncertainty limits is two to four per cent.

“Lidar produces highly accurate weather data”

Operational phase Data from the measurement of the approaching wind across the area of entire rotor span by Lidar is essential for improving the turbine performance and providing information increasing the operator’s understanding of its asset performance. Both yaw and pitch can be optimised to meet the approaching conditions. Deutsche WindGuard confirmed at the seminar that Lidar equipment on the nacelle has been accepted by all the established turbine manufacturers for verifying warranted power curves offshore. Three of the leading turbine manufacturers have been using two and four beam Lidar emitting from the

nacelle for power curve confirmation since 2013. Although such data has yet to be covered by IEC standards this equipment is already being fitted as part of the turbine support agreement as a more cost effective preferential alternative to the data provided from met masts. The seminar discussed the point that they implicitly require data provided from a met mast for a single turbine location, whereas the nacelle Lidar option can deliver accurate measurements for multiple turbines with low uncertainties and high availability, making the conclusion that at present the IEC standard 61400-1-12 for contractual power curve verification tests are impracticable and costly.

Floating Lidar

In 2013 the meteorological mast (met mast) had been the most reliable platform for collecting weather data in order to determine whether a particular site would be suitable, or not, for an offshore wind farm. However, in most cases the met mast required much expensive work not involved in the weather research itself. This included a site survey for a foundation, the placing of the foundation, and the tower itself as well as commissioning the equipment fitted to the tower and the costly and cumbersome maintenance of components, there after. The trial was completed in May 2017. It had proved the ability for Lidar to produce weather data that was not only worthwhile but also highly accurate under a large range of variable weather conditions. The trial also provided the proof that Lidar is able to reduce


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the overall cost of offshore wind farm development. In compliance with its intention the trial had also speeded up the acceptance of floating weather data collection by the industry. There is no specific standard defining the deployment of floating Lidar. Since the initial tests in 2013 the OWA has published a set of recommendations to give the industry the framework for the acceleration the deployment needed for the development of these standards. Last year at a seminar hosted by Leosphere gathered experts in wind measurement from Deutsche WindGuard, ECN, EDF EN, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, RES Siemens, SSE, and UL DEWI panel members shared their experience of using Lidar technology for a broad range of offshore applications. Offshore WIND looks at what was shared.

Development phase Deployment costs for Lidar are a fraction of the installation costs for a met mast at over 10 million euro. For a project value of over 2.5 billion euro, 10 million euro represents a cost of about 0.4 per cent of total value, however when looking at the development costs it represents a potential ten per cent of the total. In St. Brieuc, the northern France offshore wind project, the use of Lidar to gather weather data has led to a saving of many millions of euros for the developers, RES and Iberdrola, compared to using the alternative met mast to gather the same data. In the Netherlands, ECN has deployed the standalone Windcube in its measurement network to provide bankable data to support the Dutch government’s ambitious offshore wind installation targets. Depending on the specific project conditions and location,

Nacelle mounted Lidar

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Scanning Lidar

Offshore WIND has once again caught up with the industry’s leading players, this time during the Offshore WIND Conference, part of the Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference (OEEC) in Amsterdam, and during the WindEurope Conference Nacelle Lidar data is now being accepted by all of the major turbine manufacturers in their warranty agreements for power curve questions. Scanning Lidar was installed on the transition piece along with Wind Iris Lidar equipment on the nacelle on one location in the Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm developed by SSE and RWE Innogy. The resulting data from both systems proved that for power curve testing nacelle Lidar data was just as accurate as the data from a met mast. Deutsche WindGuard has run similar comparison tests confirming the specific operational proficiencies of the two Lidar systems. They also confirm that the total uncertainty exhibited by the results of these two systems is similar to the data provided by the best cup anemometer equipment available. As the blade span and rated power output of the turbines increase then the necessity for nacelle Lidars will also increase. The MHI Vestas V164-8.0 MW turbine, for example, has a rotor diameter of 164 metres and it requires a system able to measure at least 410 metres ahead of the blades. The Wind Iris has a current maximum distance of


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450 metres. Tests carried out by MHI Vestas Offshore Wind at the Danish test facility in Østerild confirmed that the resulting data from 2-beam equipment was able to measure out to 454 as accurately as that from a met mast. The procedure based on 2-beam Lidar is applicable to the 4-beam. The leading turbine supplier to the offshore sector, Siemens, is already including the ability for the Wind Iris to be an installed option during manufacture and also developing a power curve verification system for a nacelle Lidar based on the Wind Iris 4 beam equipment. This will improve verification standards for when developers are negotiating contract warranty levels.

Challenges in the future For all of the above discussed reasons and applications for Lidar it is certain to replace the majority of met masts in the future. Although not yet set in IEC Standards they are accepted within the sector as being fully operational, maintainable and reliable pieces of equipment that are able to deliver correct data for feasibility studies and

warranty power curve tests. IEC for nacelle PC has started in 2017 and is aimed to finish in 2020. Furthermore, the development for Lidar based systems in the future is vast. New technologies will develop into new applications for blade control resulting in better turbine efficiency, new systems minimising the wake effect, wider wind farm management systems and site calibration and power forecasting. Floating or fixed, Lidar is certain to have a significant part of the future of the offshore wind industry.

“3D mapping of atmosphere to provide measurements of wind speed and direction”

& Exhibition, also in Amsterdam. We bring you a selection of interviews which resonated the most with the readers of our online news site –

VAN OORD Construction companies are building offshore wind farms two to three times faster than in the past and are helping offshore wind developers bring down the amount of subsidies needed for the projects to materialize, Pieter van Oord, Chief Executive Officer of Van Oord, said on the sidelines of the Offshore WIND Conference in Amsterdam. Commenting on the possibility that more companies active in the oil & gas industry could potentially enter the offshore wind market, Van Oord said that more competition can only be beneficial to the industry as it will bring innovations, new approaches and, ultimately, cost reductions. The Borssele III and IV offshore wind project, which Van Oord is developing through the consortium of Shell, Van Oord, Eneco and Mitsubishi/DGE, will most likely reach financial close in 2018 and the offshore construction will probably start in 2019, Van Oord said, adding that the company will be in charge of the entire Balance of Plant for the project.

Pieter van Oord, Van Oord

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018


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SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER AND RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS IN YOUR MAILBOX 5 DAYS A WEEK. Professional in Offshore Wind Gearbox and Transmission System Solutions Take advantage of our high precision main gearboxes and pitch and yaw drives up to 6 MW. From onshore to offshore, from low wind to high wind, from low altitude to high altitude: our gearboxes are developed to meet the needs of their specific application environment and feature a lightweight, modular and serialized design. Especially here at NGC we understand your offshore needs with our 7MW main gearbox project which has been lately supported by a national program*.

Jasper Vis, Ørsted Netherlands

* This project is supported by: National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.


Naamloos-5 1

The Netherlands is serious about renewables and has ambitious plans for the development of offshore wind capacity which could lead to the country becoming one of the largest markets for offshore wind, Jasper Vis, Country Manager for Ørsted Netherlands (formerly DONG Energy Netherlands), said.

09-02-18 10:33

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The Dutch government has shown that it counts on offshore wind by introducing a rollout map until 2020 which includes five tenders, and that gives a lot of confidence to investors and the supply chain, Vis said on the sidelines of the Offshore WIND Conference in Amsterdam, where he was one of the speakers. ‘’The current government has already taken the next step and proposed to do 1,000MW a year post-2020, and I think that is really a roadmap you need to develop a renewable energy source like offshore wind,’’ Vis said.

VATTENFALL Vattenfall’s three Danish offshore wind projects are progressing on schedule following the order of wind turbines from Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Gunnar Groebler, Senior Vice President Business Area Wind at Vattenfall, said. Vattenfall ordered 113 Siemens Gamesa 8MW turbines for the 605MW Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm in the Danish Baltic Sea, and the 350MW Vesterhav Nord and Syd nearshore wind farms in the Danish North Sea. The order was the biggest in the Swedish company’s history. The turbines are expected to be in full operation in 2020 for the Vesterhav Syd and Nord farms, and in 2021 at Kriegers Flak. ‘’We are progressing with these projects on schedule and we will move into execution shortly,’’ Groebler said. Commenting on the offshore wind projects currently under construction, Goebler said that the installation of wind turbines on the Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm is scheduled to start in 2018, followed by the full commissioning of the 406MW wind farm in 2019.

Gunnar Groebler, Vattenfall

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018




MHI Vestas and BOW Terminal Vlissingen signed an agreement that will provide the offshore wind turbine manufacturer with 20 hectares of land at the Port of Vlissingen in the Netherlands for a new pre-assembly facility.

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NEW GEOSEA JOINT VENTURE IN TAIWAN GeoSea has entered into an agreement with Taiwan’s shipbuilding company CSBC Corporation to establish a joint venture which will see the two parties working together on the construction of offshore wind farms in Taiwan, as well as on technology and skills transfer. The new company, reportedly named CSBC-DEME WIND ENGINEERING Co. Ltd, will bid for building the upcoming offshore wind farms immediately after it is officially set up, with all regulatory approvals expected to be in place by mid-2018. According to GeoSea, the company will specialise in transportation and installation of foundations and wind turbines for local offshore wind projects.

Setting up the pre-assembly and logistics facility at BOW Terminal Vlissingen will allow MHI Vestas Offshore Wind to be closer to Dutch offshore wind zones where there is a potential pipeline of projects, Bo J. Bjerregaard, Director of Pre-Assembly & Logistics at MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, said. Scheduled to open in the second half of 2018, the new facility will employ up to 50 people. The first project to be carried out of the new base will be the Norther offshore wind farm in the Belgian North Sea, expected to start in late 2018. Bo J. Bjerregaard, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind

© GeoSea

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Jan De Nul’s jack-up vessel Vole au vent is expected to start installing monopile foundations on Ørsted’s 450MW Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm in early 2018, Carl Heiremans, Jan De Nul’s Senior Business Development Manager, said. Prior to heading out to the Borkum Riffgrund 2 wind farm in the German North Sea, Vole au vent underwent certain modifications to the layout of the deck, Heiremans said. Looking at the recent developments within the offshore wind industry, Heiremans noted that the recent cost reductions should stimulate a larger interest in the industry and lead to an increase in the number of projects. These new projects could feature larger, next generation turbines, and that is one of the eventualities Jan De Nul is preparing for, Heiremans said.

The German Federal Network Agency has added two more offshore wind farm connection systems to the revised Offshore Grid Development Plan (O-NEP) 2030. Together with the lines confirmed in the previous offshore network development plans, the two new connections, expected between 2026 and 2030, will make up a total of five connections in the Baltic Sea and three in the North Sea. Three O-NEP 2030 scenarios project that the country’s offshore grid connection system will be expanded by additional 2,300km of new connections and reach a total transmission capacity of 7.4GW. The investment needed for this upgrade is estimated at around €16 billion.

© TenneT

Cables and Grid

Carl Heiremans, Jan De Nul

FIRST SELF-INSTALLING TELESCOPIC TURBINE TAKING SHAPE SIF GROUP Monopile foundations are the best option for next generation turbines because they are the most cost-effective solution in the market, Michel Kurstjens, Chief Commercial Officer of Sif Group, said. In an interview with Offshore WIND, Kurstjens, one of the panelists at the Offshore WIND Conference in Amsterdam, also discussed the opening of the second production line at Sif’s facility in the Port of Rotterdam, as well as the company’s preparations for the potential rise of the floating wind.

Michel Kurstjens, Sif Group

”I think floating offshore wind might be the game-changer of the future, I just don’t know. But it is important enough for us to invest in it, to be part of the developments, so that when it arises we are ready for it,’’ Kurstjens said. © ALE Heavy Lift

For more Offshore WIND Expertise Hub video interviews, visit Navingo’s Offshore WIND channel on Vimeo.

Global heavy transportation and lifting company ALE has lifted the second tower section of the first self-installing telescopic floating wind turbine at the Arinaga port in Gran Canaria, Spain. The works are being carried out under the Horizon 2020 Elisa/Elican project, which will result in installing the structure with a 5MW wind turbine off Gran Canaria this year. The wind turbine blades and nacelle are scheduled to be installed on top of the structure in the spring, after which the system will be towed to its designated site at sea. The turbine is expected to be operational by the end of the year. Turbines


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018





Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) has announced two tenders to be launched in the first quarter of 2018, aiming to support the development of both floating and fixed-bottom offshore wind projects in the country. For floating wind, NEDO is looking to carry out a project that will demonstrate a floating wind system using advanced component technologies that will contribute to further lowering the cost of floating wind power generation. The second tender involves a project supporting the early development of offshore wind farms, such as detailed design and environmental surveys, in multiple areas including general common sea area.


CS Wind UK shipped out the first nine UK-made offshore wind tower sections onboard the Rotra Vente vessel from the Campbeltown harbor, Scotland, in mid-January. The wind turbine tower manufacturer started working on the first sections in late August last year and completed the first one a month later. The transportation of the structures began on 8 January from the company’s Machrihanish factory in Campbeltown.

© NEDO © Ørsted

Company News

FRANCE PLANS OFFSHORE WIND STUDIES During his speech at the Conference on the Economics of the Sea, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said that this year France will launch preliminary studies on the development of floating wind farms off Brittany and in the Mediterranean, as well as preliminary technical studies and a public debate on the proposed offshore wind farm off Oléron. According to the Prime Minister, France is lagging behind with the development of its floating and offshore wind potential and it needs to start catching up.

Samuel Leupold, CEO of Ørsted Wind Power, has decided to resign from the company and is leaving on 28 February. His successor, Martin Neubert, previously Senior Vice President at Ørsted Wind Power, took over the position on 1 February. Neubert is also assuming Leupold’s positions as Executive Vice President and member of the Ørsted Executive Committee. In addition, Ørsted has appointed Anders Lindberg, Senior Vice President (Wind Power Engineering, Procurement & Construction), and Ole Kjems Sørensen, Senior Vice President (Wind Power Partnerships, M&A & Asset Management), as Executive Vice Presidents, who joined the company’s Executive Committee on 1 February.

BIFAB SAFE WHILE WORKING ON BEATRICE Seaway Heavy Lifting (SHL), SSE, and the partners to the Beatrice offshore wind project, JCE Offshore, have provided a financial package that ensures BiFab receives payments to alleviate immediate cash flow issues and removes the threat of administration while the company fulfils its obligations under the Beatrice contract. In addition, the Scottish Government continues working with the company and the involved trade unions to find a way to keep the manufacturing sites busy after the Beatrice work is done. The government also indicated that, if necessary, a commercial loan facility to BiFab would be made available. BiFab is currently manufacturing jacket foundations for the 588MW Beatrice offshore wind farm.

© CS Wind UK (Credits to Raymond Hosie)

Foundations & Towers

Company News

BALLAST NEDAM RE-ENTERS OFFSHORE WIND MARKET The Netherlands-based Ballast Nedam is re-entering the wind energy market with Ballast Nedam Renewables, a few years after the sale of its offshore wind activities. The company now aims to use its knowledge and expertise internationally for offshore wind, onshore wind and solar parks, and will use the new unit to develop, design, realize and manage sustainable energy systems. According to Ballast Nedam, the first international partnerships and construction team agreements have already been signed.

© Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd.

Research & Development


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018


© Ballast Nedam

Company News

Company News

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018




© Governor Andrew Cuomo (Twitter)

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has called for a procurement

of at least 800MW of offshore wind power between two solicitations to be issued in 2018 and 2019. While presenting the 20th proposal of the 2018 State of the State, Cuomo said that the solicitations will be the first in a set scheduled to reach the 2030 target of 2.4GW of commissioned offshore wind capacity. The governor also directed the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to invest $15 million in clean energy workforce development and infrastructure advancement to train workers for jobs in the industry. Associations & Governments

SIEMENS GAMESA LAUNCHES NEW 8MW TURBINE Siemens Gamesa has launched a new offshore wind turbine, the SG 8.0-167 DD, which is said to increase the annual energy production by 20% compared to the 7MW model. According to the company, the new direct-drive offshore wind turbine has a rotor diameter of 167m, with

its B82 blades allowing for an 18% greater swept area. The SG 8.0-167 DD is expected to be market-ready in 2020, and in order to accelerate time-to-market, Siemens Gamesa is collaborating with Fraunhofer IWES in Bremerhaven, Germany.


In November 2017, Ørsted signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with two Taiwanese companies as part of its Greater Changhua offshore wind project. The company signed the agreements with Century Wind Power (CWP) to collaborate on turbine foundation manufacturing, and with China Steel Corporation (CSC) to jointly work on ensuring that CSC’s production lines are ready in 2020 for manufacturing and assembling the project’s underwater foundation substructures.

ROYAL IHC LAUNCHES OFFSHORE WIND-FRIENDLY TSHD In mid-January, Royal IHC launched DC Orisant, a new multipurpose trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) capable of working on offshore wind farms. Along with its other features purposed for dredging operations, the vessel can perform support activities during the construction of offshore wind farms due to its DP2 features. DC Orisant is being built for a joint venture between Den Herder (Reimerswaal Dredging) and Group de Cloedt, and is scheduled for delivery in mid-2018.

© MHI Vestas

every four years, current CEO Jens Tommerup and Co-CEO Tetsushi Mizuno have decided to leave the organization. In addition, Vestas has appointed its President and CEO, Anders Runevad, as Chair of the Board, while MHI has appointed its Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer and current Chair of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, Michisuke Nayama, as the Deputy Chair of the Board as of 1 April.

© Royal IHC

Company News

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On the 28th of March, Maritime & Offshore Career Event (MOCE) will bring together over 100 companies from the maritime & offshore energy industry to meet ambitious students, starters and seasoned professionals. For the twelfth year in a row, the career event will greet more than 3500 visitors who are looking for technical, maritime, logistics and offshore vacancies or traineeships. For those not directly looking for a job, the event contains an interesting program about the sector, the future of the industry and the companies within it. For more information check out Turbines

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Vestas Wind Systems have appointed Philippe Kavafyan as CEO and Lars Bondo Krogsgaard as Co-CEO of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, effective from 1 April. As part of the changes made in accordance with the joint venture agreement’s principle of changing its leadership

© Ørsted

© Siemens Gamesa



Company News

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018




STATOIL WANTS LONG-TERM SUBSIDIES IN FLOATING WIND Norway’s Statoil could participate in the country’s first floating wind tender, part of the country’s plans to open one to two offshore areas for developing floating wind power demonstration projects, but under the condition that there are sufficient long-term subsidies, the company’s Chief Executive Eldar Saetre said. According to Saetre, if offshore wind opportunities are being opened in Norway with a relevant incentive structure that makes it profitable, Statoil would participate if they are subsidized for a long time. Energy Minister Terje Søviknes emphasized that the state of Norway, Statoil’s majority shareholder, will not take part in the company’s renewable investment decisions, although they are discussed at meetings.

Offshore wind, and especially floating wind, could help boost Portugal’s renewable energy mix, as the country could meet 39% of its electricity demand with wind power by 2030, including 25% currently covered with 5GW of onshore wind, WindEurope’s CEO Giles Dickson said. However, in order to reach this renewables potential, Portugal’s votes on EU’s Clean Energy Package need to be in place, Dickson said, adding that by 2030, the country is expected to have 150MW or more of offshore wind installed, and with LCoE of floating wind falling to €40-60/ MWh by 2030, as projected by the industry, there could be even more opportunities.

© Statoil


Company News

POTENTIAL NEW OFFSHORE WIND TERRITORIES IN JAPAN Japan Wind Power Association (JWPA) has urged the Japanese government to introduce a new law which will allow construction of offshore wind farms outside port-related sea areas. The association has also proposed the introduction of guaranteed longterm site leases of up to 30 years, as well as using a bidding system to select offshore wind developers. In addition, JWPA has requested that current regulations related to the environmental impacts of the projects and grid connection are harmonized. According to JWPA, the general common sea area is much broader and has much larger potential, which is estimated at around 100GW.

SENVION 10MW+PROTOTYPE READY IN 2019/20 German wind turbine manufacturer Senvion is developing a 10MW+ offshore wind turbine in cooperation with EnBW, Principle Power, Jan De Nul, Fraunhofer IWES, and DNV GL, among others, under the ReaLCoE project. Together with the partners of the project, the company applied for EU’s Horizon 2020 program and is hoping to secure funding early this year. Throughout the project, the consortium plans to develop, install, demonstrate, operate and test a technology platform for the first prototype of a double-digit rated capacity turbine in a realistic offshore environment. Jörg Philp, Head of Sales Offshore at Senvion, recently told Offshore WIND that the company plans to launch a prototype of the 10MW+ turbine by late 2019 or early 2020.

The 2MW Floatgen wind turbine, the first offshore and floating turbine to be installed off the French coast, produced its first electricity on 14 December in the port of Saint-Nazaire while undergoing tests. During the electrical production test, the turbine produced several hundred kilowatts, enabling the performance of the control configuration to be checked and the safety of the turbine confirmed. Floatgen underwent a battery of tests, including the over-speed test, which had the purpose to check turbine shut down in emergencies, as well as confirm that the turbine and its foundation are functioning correctly together. The 2MW turbine is now ready to be towed to its location at the Centrale Nantes SEM-REV offshore site and then connected to the electricity grid.

© Principle Power


Associations & Governments



© Senvion

Research & Development


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

Siemens Gamesa has opened an office in Taipei, Taiwan, which is aimed at increasing offshore wind customer responsiveness in the APAC region, excluding mainland China, and will act as the offshore wind regional hub. The new office, together with other regional offices in Japan and Korea, will deliver the latest offshore wind and service portfolios. In addition, the company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC), under which the two parties will collaborate on investigating the development of areas of the Taichung port for a potential manufacturing site for offshore wind components, office facilities, and staging areas including storage, pre-assembly, and quayside load-out. Turbines

© Siemens Gamesa

Company News

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018



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SUBSTATION UNKNOWN Ørsted has decided to focus on the Bay State Wind project offshore Massachusetts, USA, instead of submitting a bid in the subsidy-free round of Hollandse Kust Zuid I & II in the Netherlands. Bay State Wind, a partnership between Ørsted and Eversource, is one of three companies to submit a bid in response to the commonwealth’s first Request for Proposals (RFP) for offshore wind energy generation in December last year. Bay State Wind could deliver first power in the early 2020s.

For more information contact the events team: +44 1329 825335 or email

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Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018





© Wind Minds



SUBSTATION 1 China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGN) and the government of the city of

The first phase of the Southwest Offshore Wind Project will

Jieyang have signed an agreement to develop

feature 5.5MW wind turbines supplied by Doosan Heavy

a deep-water offshore wind project with a

Industries & Construction. The company acquired the

capacity of up to 3GW off the Guangdong

prototype turbine, design and rights to manufacture and sell the

Province in the South China Sea.

5.5MW wind turbine developed by Hyundai Electric & Energy Systems and AMSC in late 2017.

The project, valued at ¥100 billion (€12.8 billion), with an initial investment of

The entire project, being developed by the state-owned

¥5 billion, includes the wind farm being built

Korean Offshore Wind Power, will have a total capacity of

at two deep-water sites.

2.5GW, with 60MW installed in the test phase, and further 400MW added by 2022, as part of the demonstration project,

CGN also plans to set up an engineering

before it reaches its full size.

and R&D center in Jieyang to develop the deep-water technology needed for the project.

Doosan is the EPC contractor and wind turbine supplier for the first phase of the project that will see 60MW of offshore wind online by 2019. The project is located in the Yellow Sea, southwest of Seoul.



© Eolfi





UP TO 120


SUBSTATION 1 Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has returned an Environmental Assessment Report (EIA) of Eolfi’s Taihai Taoyuan (W1N) floating wind project back to the Bureau of Energy, citing navigation safety concerns. Following the technical review, overlapping with a cross-strait navigation channel.

Wpd’s offshore wind farm proposed to be built off

Eolfi said that one of the reasons the EIA was returned might be that

the coast of Taiwan’s Yunlin county received an initial

an adjustment to the cross-strait navigation channel was published on

approval from Taiwanese Environmental Protection

28 November, after the Bureau filed the project’s EIA to EPA.

Administration (EPA) in November. The 190MW floating wind project, being developed by Eolfi’s subsidiary The offshore wind farm is planned to have a


the EIA was returned to the Bureau due to the project’s boundaries




© YouTube/ screenshot

Eolfi Greater China, is situated some 15km off the coast of Taoyan.

capacity of up to 750MW, comprising wind turbines

South Korean Tamra offshore wind farm officially opened on 17 November, after two months

with an output of 6-10MW.

of testing. The country’s first commercial offshore wind farm comprises ten 3MW Doosan wind turbines installed about 0.5 – 1km offshore Geumdeung-ri on Jeju Island.

Taiwan aims at having at least 3GW of offshore

Tamra produced its first power in late September 2016. The project is being developed by Tamra

wind capacity installed by 2025, with a possibility

Offshore Wind Power Co. Ltd., owned by Korea South East Power (KOEN).

that this this target could go up to 5.5GW.


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018


© Mainstream Renewable Power





Seaway Heavy Lifting’s vessel Oleg Strashnov returned to the Beatrice offshore wind farm in


mid-January, where it joined its sister vessel Stanislav Yudin, which will remain on standby,

© Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd.


while Oleg Strashnov will re-mobilise and continue


jacket foundation installation.


The cable laying vessel Siem Aimery, supported by CSV Siem Stingray, has laid and trenched 16 inter-array cables in its first campaign covering

Mainstream Renewable Power is proceeding with

24 connections at the site. The vessels have left

the construction of the Neart na Gaoithe offshore

the site and will resume works around 1 March.

wind farm, after the Supreme Court in London rejected RSPB Scotland’s application for leave to

The first wind turbines at the Beatrice offshore

appeal the decision by the Inner House of the Court

wind farm are scheduled to be installed in

of Session on its Firths of Forth and Tay offshore

the summer, with the wind farm expected to be

wind farm judicial review.

commissioned by the end of 2019. The Supreme Court’s decision also creates path for three other large offshore wind projects in the Firths of Forth and Tay – Inch Cape, Seagreen Alpha, and


Seagreen Bravo – totalling 1,834MW in capacity. However, Neart na Gaoithe is the only one which has been awarded a Contract for Difference, meaning it is ready to start construction this year. Located



off the east coast of Scotland, the wind farm is scheduled for commercial operation in 2021. © Ørsted

TURBINES 174 FOUNDATIONS MONOPILE SUBSTATION 4 Dragados Offshore is preparing four Hornsea Project One substation jacket foundations at its yard in Spain for delivery in early 2018. Precisely, the delivery will include the jackets and piles for three offshore substations and a reactive compensation substation (RCS). J. Murphy & Sons is currently installing the onshore section of cables that will connect the wind farm


to the UK grid. The cable route runs approximately 38km from the landfall site at Horseshoe Point to

Innogy has awarded GeoSea with a preferred supplier

the onshore substation at North Killingholme, North

contract for the transportation and installation of 90

Lincolnshire. Onshore cable installation works are

MHI Vestas 9.5MW turbines for the Triton Knoll offshore

expected to be completed by November.

wind farm off Lincolnshire. The contract also includes the design and manufacturing of the sea-fastening and

Located some 120km off Yorkshire, Ørsted’s

tagline systems. The works are expected to start in the

Hornsea Project One will be the world’s biggest

first quarter of 2021.

offshore wind farm once completed in 2020. The onshore construction of the Triton Knoll offshore wind farm is scheduled to start this year, with offshore works expected to commence in 2020. The project will be built in three phases with the commissioning scheduled for 2021. © GeoSea


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018














© Iberdrola

Iberdrola connected its Wikinger offshore wind farm to the German power grid in December.


The 70th and final Adwen 5MW turbine was installed at the wind farm site in the Baltic Sea earlier in October.

Vattenfall and Siemens Gamesa have signed an agreement for the supply of 113 Siemens Gamesa 8MW wind Located approximately 75km from the mainland close to the island of Rügen, the Wikinger

turbines for Vattenfall’s Kriegers Flak and Vesterhav Nord & Syd offshore wind farms in Denmark.

wind farm is in the northern part of an area known as Westlich Adlergrund that the German authorities designated as a Priority Offshore Development Area.

72 turbines will be installed on Kriegers Flak in the Baltic Sea, while 41 turbines will be installed on Vesterhav Nord and Syd in


the North Sea. The turbines are expected to be in full operation in

The €1.4 billion wind farm will be operated from an O&M base in Mukran for at least 25 years.

2020 at the Vesterhav Syd and Nord wind farms, and in 2021 at Kriegers Flak. The joint deal will also cover design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, testing and service of the turbines.

© E.ON

© Siemens Gamesa


252MW + 17MW


31 + 2










Northland Power, the owner of the DeBu offshore wind project, has chosen Universal Foundation to provide mono bucket foundations for two demonstration wind turbines planned to be installed at the site in the German North Sea.

All 60 transition pieces have been installed at


In 2016, the DeBu project was allocated by the German authorities extra grid capacity for the purpose of demonstrating

the Arkona offshore wind farm site ahead of

above state-of-the-art technology as part of the Anschlusskapazität für Pilotwindenergieanlagen auf See project. The final investment decision for the two MHI Vestas 8.4MW turbines demonstration turbines is subject to achieving certain development milestones, Northland Power said. The commissioning of the wind farm is expected in 2019.

schedule. The 400-ton structures were taken from


Seaway Heavy Lifting’s Oleg Strashnov installed the 2,660t topside for the Merkur

© Merkur Offshore

the port of Mukran on the Rügen Island to the construction site some 35km offshore and bolted

offshore substation in mid-January. The topside

onto the monopile foundations which had also

was loaded out at ENGIE Fabricom’s yard in

been installed earlier than planned.

Hoboken, Belgium, in the middle of December. In the spring, the offshore transformer station built By the end of 2017, Merkur’s logistical

in cooperation with the grid operator 50Hertz will

operations hub in Eemshaven, the

be transported and installed in the German Baltic

Netherlands, had received 24 nacelles,

Sea. Once this platform is installed, the turbines

24 blades and several other tower fragments

will be connected to the substation.

and transition pieces. The remainder will

© Universal Foundation

continue to be shipped to the hub until

The Arkona wind farm, a joint venture

mid-summer 2018, while the installation of

between E.ON and Statoil, will comprise

the 66 nacelles is expected to be completed

60 Siemens 6MW turbines. It is scheduled for

by the end of September.

commissioning in 2019.

Located some 35km north of the island of Borkum, the Merkur offshore wind farm will consist of 66 Haliade 150-6MW wind turbines. It is expected to be fully operational in 2019.


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018






Vattenfall and Statoil are participating in the tender for sites


I & II in the Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind zone, after © Parkwind


the Netherlands opened the first phase of the country’s first subsidy-free tender on 15 December. Vattenfall said it is joining the tender as part of its commitment to

A bio mussel force line was installed at the Belwind offshore wind farm in

green transition of Northern Europe and sees it as an important

November, and will be used to measure the forces exerted by the sea on the

step to become fossil free within one generation.

livestock facilities. The installation is part of a two-year Noordzee Aquacultuur

In addition, the offshore wind development, and hence this

project studying the biological, technical and economic feasibility of growing

bid, fall under Statoil’s ambition to invest around €10 billion in

shellfish on Belgian wind farms in the North Sea, as well as the complementarity


of simultaneously managing a mussel farm and an offshore wind farm.

© Statoil

profitable renewable and low carbon projects in the coming years, as part of the company’s development from a focused oil

The 165MW Belwind project is located on the Bligh Bank approximately 46km off

and gas company to a broad energy major.

the coast of Belgium and has been operational since 2010.

The contract for the Hollandse Kust Zuid I & II is expected to be awarded in March this year, with the project scheduled for commissioning in 2021.



© TenneT





The Blauwwind consortium developing the Borssele III and IV offshore wind farms has


signed an agreement for Partners Group,



private market investment managers, to join the consortium as an equity investor on behalf

© Ailes Marine

of its clients.

Siemens Gamesa has received the necessary

The agreement is the outcome of a planned

approval for switching from the Adwen 8MW

assessment by consortium partners Shell,

wind turbine to the Siemens Gamesa 8MW

Diamond Generating Europe (DGE), a fully

turbine to be used on the Bay of Saint-Brieuc

owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation,

offshore wind farm in France. Ailes Marine, the developer of the project, will now incorporate

and Eneco Group on how to best fund the


project. The wind farms are currently owned by

the decision into the project’s documents.


Shell (40%), DGE (30%), Eneco Group (20%),

The construction of the wind farm is expected


completion of the agreement, Partners Group

to start this year, while it is scheduled for commissioning in 2020.

and Van Oord (10%), while, following the will control a 45% share, with Shell controlling a


20% stake, DGE a 15% stake, and Eneco and © STX France

Van Oord a 10% stake each. Located 22km off the coast of the province of

The topside for Rentel’s offshore substation started its journey from the Saint-Nazaire

Zeeland, Borssele III and IV will feature 93 MHI

Port to Belgium on 12 January. The installation of the 1,200t topside, consisting of a

Vestas turbines.

large steel building with four deck levels, is expected to be completed in early 2018. Located some 32km off the coast, the 309MW offshore wind farm will comprise 42 Siemens D7 type wind turbines, each with an individual installed capacity of 7.35MW. Rentel is expected to deliver first power to the Belgian grid by mid-2018, with the entire wind farm planned to become fully operational by the end of the year.


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018








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NGC TRANSMISSION Nanjing High Speed Gear Manufacturing 30 Houjiao Road Jiangning District, Nanjing, China T +86 25 5217 2849

GEOSEA NV Haven 1025 – Scheldedijk 30 2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium T +32 32 50 52 11

SWAN HUNTER (NE) LTD. Station Road, Wallsend, NE28 6EQ United Kingdom T +44 (0) 19 12 95 02 95

MPI OFFSHORE Resolution House 18 Ellerbeck Court Stokesley Business Park Stokesley North Yorkshire TS9 5PT United Kingdom T +44 16 42 74 22 00

SEAFOX P.O. Box 799 2130 AT Hoofddorp The Netherlands T +31 (0)23 55 41 31 3

TOS - ENERGY & MARITIME MANPOWER Waalhaven O.Z. 77 3087 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands T +31 10 43 66 39 3

Port & Logistics

VBMS P.O. Box 282 3350 AG Papendrecht The Netherlands T +31 78 641 7500 E

JAN DE NUL GROUP 34-36 Parc d’activités Capellen 8308 Capellen Luxembourg T +35 23 98 91 1



Cables & Components

OIL CONTROL SYSTEMS Vlotlaan 232 2681 TV Monster The Netherlands T +31 17 42 81 67 5

www. Finance

ELA CONTAINER NEDERLAND B.V. Rouaanstraat 39 9723 CC Groningen The Netherlands T +31 50 31 82 24 7

IPS POWERFUL PEOPLE Rivium Boulevard 101 2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel The Netherlands P +31 (0)88 447 94 85 M +31 (0)6 15 088 257

NV PORT OF DEN HELDER Postbus 4058 1780 HB Den Helder T +31 (0) 22 36 18 48 1

DAMEN SHIPYARDS GROUP P.O. Box 1 4200 AA Gorinchem The Netherlands T +31 18 36 39 91 1

Towers, Foundations, Substations

PROTEA SP. Z O.O. Galaktyczna 30A 80-299 Gdansk Poland T +48 58 34 80 00 4

VROON OFFSHORE SERVICES Het Nieuwe Werk 88 1781 AK Den Helder The Netherlands T +31 22 36 73 80 0

AYOP Het Havengebouw De Ruijterkade 7 (13e etage) 1013 AA Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0) 20 62 73 70 6

Ship Builders

A2SEA A/S Kongens Kvarter 51 7000 Fredericia Denmark T +45 75 92 82 11

Personnel Services

STC-KNRM Quarantaineweg 98 3089 KP Rotterdam – Heijplaat T +31 (0) 10 42 83 86 0


GUSTOMSC BV Karel Doormanweg 35 3115 JD Schiedam T +31 (0)10 28 83 00 0

Installation Vessels

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

BALTIC TAUCHEREIUND BERGUNGSBETRIEB ROSTOCK GMBH Alter Hafen Sud 3 18069 Rostock Germany T +49 39 18 11 10 00

ING BANK N.V. Bijlmerplein 888 P.O. Box 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)20 56 51 02 4

HSE & Training


Engineering Companies


C-VENTUS OFFSHORE WINDFARM SERVICES BV Havenkade 100a 1973 AM IJmuiden The Netherlands T +31 25 58 20 02 0 E-mail:

Diving Operations

LONDON OFFSHORE CONSULTANTS LIMITED Ibex House 42-47 Minories London EC3N 1DY United Kingdom T +44 20 72 64 32 50

VAN OORD OFFSHORE WIND PROJECTS BV P.O. Box 458 4200 AL Gorinchem The Netherlands T +31 88 82 65 20 0

Lifting Equipment

Consultancy & Inspections

VERWEIJ HOEBEE GROEP Marine Surveyors and Consulting Engineers Osdorper Ban 17 BC 1068 LD Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0) 20 61 07 26 0

DELTA LLOYD Postbus 1000, 1000 BA Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0) 61 06 23 93 1

SPINNER GMBH Erzgiessereistr. 33 80335 Munich Germany +49 89 12601-0 E-Mail: Web:

EEW SPECIAL PIPE CONTRUCTIONS GMBH Am Eisenwerk 1 18147 Rostock Germany T + 49 38 18 17 16 0

SMULDERS Hoge Mauw 200 2370 Arendonk – Belgium

HUBEL MARINE B.V. Karel Doornmanweg 5 3115 JD Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 10 45 87 33 8

Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018





SALES Jeroen Tresfon | Dick Hill | Merle Fakkel | Maarten Molhoek |

| All Energy Show

page 62


page 4

| Damen

inside back

EDITORIAL Rebecca van den Berge-McFedries | Dick Hill | Adrijana Buljan | Adnan Durakovic | Jaap Proost | Coco Kossmann | Helen Hill Eize de Vries Marnix Viergever

| EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH

MARKETING Marleen Varekamp |

page 63

| Gusto MSC

inside front

| Maintenance

page 62

| Maritime & Offshore Career Event

page 2

| MPI Offshore

page 4

| NGC Transmission

page 40

Exhibition & Conference

back cover

| Offshore Energy

DESIGN | PRINTING Grafisch Bedrijf Crezée

| Offshore Wind International

COVER IMAGE Earlier this year Jumbo completed their project for the Arkona offshore wind farm, owned by E.ON and Statoil. The project involves the construction of a 385MW offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea. Van Oord contracted Jumbo for the installation of the 60 transition pieces. © Photo by Remco Bohle

Business Guide

page 40


page 40


page 40

| Seawork

page 50

| Windforce

page 50

© 2018 Navingo BV. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of the copyright owner. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, neither the publisher nor the editor are responsible for the views


and opinions expressed in this publication or for any inaccuracies in the articles. About: Offshore WIND is a publication by Navingo BV, a maritime multi media company based in the Netherlands. Offshore WIND is the first independent international magazine entirely dedicated to the offshore wind industry. The magazine provides its readers with news and background


information on projects, research, legislation and companies and upcoming events. Offshore WIND is published quarterly (in January, April, July and October) and is available by annual subscription at 79 Euros. For regular updates the printed magazine is supported by the online platform.



@Offshorewindmag @Offshorewindbiz


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Offshore WIND


The Netherlands


T +31 (0)10 209 2600


Offshore WIND magazine Wind Farm Support Vessels

Navingo BV


Jan van Galenstraat 56


Offshore WIND | NO. 01 2018

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