Studdying the structure of bicycle wheel roof
Sketch studying how the bicycle wheel roof structure works
Design precedent Ifema building, Madrid by Andres Perea
Proposed deisgn Bicycle wheel roof spans over the space where children can observe the elderly working on silk weaving. The desired experience is that children would walk underneath the roofscape of hanging silk thread to get to the centre of the space where the elderly is working.
Roofscape of hanging silk
Typical bicycle wheel roof structure
The hanging silk will upset the balance of the structure.
Possible solution: Adding other elements underneath to support the weight of the hanging silk.
Proposal for workshop in Costa Rica: Span: In order to accommodate the amount of time, number of people, available materials, etc. the span of the roof might be 4.5m maximum Materials: Timber, tension wire, steel brackets, concrete or laminated timber for the compression ring(?), plastic tubes or pipes to hold the joints(?) where the tension wire meet the compression ring(?)
In-progress study model at scale 1:6