(0) introduction

Page 1

‫ﻓﻰ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ا ﻧﺠﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ‬

‫الصف الخامس االبتدائى‬ ‫الفصل الدراسى األول‬

Time for





First Term

Prepared by Senior English Teachers

Inside...You will find Syllabus

Syllabus Unit





Do You Remember?

- Introduce oneself. - Give personal information.


Places We Go

- Ask about museum hours, entrance fees & exhibits over the telephone. - Ask about past locations. - Identify speakers in a conversation.

-Read a historical - Prepositions of location. narrative. - Yes / No questions with "Was". -Vocabulary: Public buildings & structures.


In the Restaurant

- Order food in a restaurant. - Express quantities of food & drink. - Identify speakers in a conversation.

- Read a restaurant - Food quantities. review. - Wh- question with "How much/many" - Vocabulary: Food and drink.


Daily Activities

- Shop for a pie at a bakery. - Express activities in the past. - Identify speakers in a conversation.

- Read a short story. - Emphatic pronouns (by myself, - Vocabulary: Daily activities. himself, herself, yourself, yourselves, themselves, ourselves). - Simple past, affirmative & negative statements.

.‫توزيع المنهج طبقا لما ورد بكتاب الوزارة‬



Cumulative Exercises 4


Visiting a Film Studio

- Make a telephone call. - Leave a message. - Exchange information about the frequency of activities in the present. - Identify speakers in a conversation.

- Read a postcard. - Vocabulary: Activities.

- Talk about the weather. - Inquire after family. - Ask about the frequency of actions. - Identify speakers in a conversation.

- Read a newspaper advice column. - Vocabulary: Activities.

- Participate in a conversation. - Identify the meaning of a conversation.

- Recognise and produce vocabulary.

Cumulative Exercise

- Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never) - Yes / no questions with "Do/Does" .

Lessons 1


‫تدريبات تراكمية بداية من الدرس الثاىن لتذكير‬ ‫التلميذ دائما بما تم تناوله ىف الدروس السابقة ىف‬

In Town



Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one: :‫ضع دائرة حول الكلمة المختلفة واستبدلها بكلمة صحيحة‬


- Adverbial phrases of frequency (once a day, twice a week, three times a month). - Wh- questions with. "How often".

1. 2. 3.

.‫كل وحدة‬

4. 5.


need let How go train

free help What near station

have get were above bus

see net Where beside taxi

Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:

......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................

:‫انظر واكتب فقرة من أربع جمل‬

............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................

Unit Revision


Unit 3 Revision


Baker : Good morning. Can I help you? ‫ هل يمكننى أن أساعدك؟‬.‫ صباح اخلري‬Customer : Yes, please. What kinds of pies do you have today? ‫ ما هى أنواع الفطائر الموجودة لديك اليوم؟‬،‫ من فضلك‬، ‫ نعم‬.‫ لدينا فطائرالليمون واخلوخ والتفاح‬Baker : We have lemon, peach, and apple. Customer : Do you have any cherry pies? ‫ هل لديك أى من فطائر الكريز؟‬Baker : Sorry. We're out of cherry. But the apple pies are very nice. .‫ لكن فطائر التفاح جيدة جدًّ ا‬.‫ نفذ ما لدينا من فطائر الكريز‬.‫ آسف‬Customer : How much are they? ‫ كم ثمنها؟‬.‫ الواحدة بعرشة جنيهات‬Baker : They're ten pounds each. Customer : Oh, that's too expensive. How much are the peach pies? ‫ كم ثمن فطائر الخوخ؟‬.‫ إنها غالية جدًّ ا‬،‫ أوه‬.‫ الواحدة بخمسة جنيهات‬Baker : They're five pounds each. Customer : Okay. I'll take one. .‫ سآخذ واحدة‬.‫ حسنًا‬.‫ عظيم! سأحرض فطرية طازجة لك‬Baker : Great! I'll get a fresh pie for you.


Unit Revision


Conversation Time

Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:

ً‫ا‬ :‫أعـد ترتيـب الكلم ــات اآلتيـة لتكون جمل صحيحة‬

1. adults - It - for - is - pound - one.


‫مراجعه عىل الوحدة تتضمن النقاط الرئيسية الىت‬ 2. include - the - rooms - that - Does - Mummy?


3. town - There - places - are - our - in - many.


.‫تم تناولها ىف الوحدة‬

4. you - Sundays - on - Are - open?



Punctuate the following sentences:

:‫ضع علمات الترقيم فى الجمل اآلتية‬

1. let s help my mother Ali /


2. dad can we play on friday/



Time ‫عب ـ ـ ـ ـ ــارات‬


Writing Time & Practise Writing ‫يمشى إلى مدرسة‬

walk to school

‫يذهب لطبيب األسنان‬

go to the dentist do laundry chop vegetables


‫يغسل المالبس‬

‫يقطع خضراوات‬

‫أمثلة مجاب عنها و تدريبات ىف نهاية كل وحدة‬ :‫للسؤالين السابع و الثامن‬

iron a shirt slice fruit

take a bus

wash my hair stay home


‫قميصا‬ ‫يكوى‬ ً

‫يقطع الفاكهة إلى شرائح‬ ‫أتوبيسا‬ ‫يأخذ‬ ً ‫أغسل شعرى‬

‫ يمكث فى المنزل‬/‫يبقى‬

‫يشترى مستلزمات البقالة‬ - Look and write a question and its answer. 193 or - Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences.

buy groceries

‫اللذين قد يواجه التلميذ صعوبة ىف اإلجابة عنهما‬ .‫داخل الورقة االمتحانية‬


Practise Writing




.‫هذه الجزئية تساعدك على إجابة السؤال السادس داخل الورقة االمتحانية‬


I gave a) I called Ahmed yesterday. He was not in the house. his father a message. I am going to see him at ten o'clock.

Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:

)‫(مجاب عنه‬

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

I went to a film studio last Friday. There were a lot of people. The woman wore a wig. The film star signed autographs.


4 Practise Writing

Writing Time Look and write a paragraph of Four sentences: "Answered


…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………



Write a letter of FOUR sentences: "Answered examples":

‫هذه الجزئية تساعدك على إجابة‬

.‫السؤال السادس داخل الورقة االمتحانية‬ 2 Write a letter of FOUR sentences: )‫(مجاب عنه‬ your visit to a film star. Your Write a letter to your friend, Badr to tell him about a) Write a letter to your friend, Mariam to tell her about a book you read about Florida. name is Ramy and you live at 13 EL-Zohor Street, Sohag. 13 EL-Zohor Street, Your name is Jana and you live at 28 AL-Adely Street, Benha.


Sohag. 25/6/2017



Dear Badr, to a film studio I'm happy to write this letter to you.Last Monday,I wentautograph.I took an to visit my favourite actor,Ahmed Ezz.He assigned me pictures with him.He was very nice. Write me soon



................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................


Yours, Ramy



your visit to Alexandria. Your Write a letter to your friend Samy to tell him about a) name is Mohanad and you live at 9 Roshdy Street, Giza. 9 Roshdy Street Giza. 18/1/2017


Write a letter to your friend Kamal to tell about Alexandria Library. Your name is Saeed and you live at 19 EL-Menofy Street, EL Dakahlya. .....................................................


Dear Samy, to Alexandria with How are you and your family?I hope you're fine.I wentQaitbay Citadel.We had my family last Friday.We visited Alexandria Library and dinner at a big restaurant there.We spent a nice day. With my best wishes.



................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................


Yours, Mohanad





‫‪General Exercises‬‬ ‫تدريبات مجمعة ومتنوعة عىل الوحدات‪. .‬‬

‫‪Final Revision‬‬ ‫مراجعة نهائية عىل المنهج تشمل جميع المحادثات‬ ‫والمفردات اللغوية والقواعد النحوية الىت تم تناولها‬ ‫عىل مدار الكتاب‪.‬‬

‫‪Writing Time Revision‬‬ ‫مراجعة عىل أهم األسئلة و الفقرات الىت وردت عىل‬ ‫مدار المنهج ‪.‬‬ ‫‪First Term Final Revision‬‬

‫‪Workbook Questions‬‬ ‫جميع أسئلة كتاب التدريبات المطابقة لمواصفة‬ ‫الورقة االمتحانية ‪.‬‬


‫مراجعة نهائية‬

‫على الفصل الدراسى األول تشمل‪:‬‬

‫• جميع المفردات اللغوية التى وردت على مدار المنهج‪.‬‬

‫‪Vocabulary‬‬ ‫‪Conversations‬‬ ‫‪Structure‬‬ ‫‪Graded Exams‬‬ ‫‪Student's Book Sample Tests‬‬ ‫‪Final Exams‬‬ ‫‪Tapescripts & Answers‬‬


‫‪Workbook Answer Key‬‬


‫‪Graded Exams‬‬

‫• أهم المحادثات التى وردت على مدار المنهج‪.‬‬

‫• جميع القواعد النحوية التى وردت على مدار المنهج‪.‬‬ ‫• اختبارات متدرجة الصعوبة (سهل‪-‬متوسط‪-‬صعب)‪.‬‬ ‫• اختبارات كتاب الطالب‪.‬‬ ‫• اختبارات نهائية من اإلدارات والمحافظات‪.‬‬ ‫• جميع نصوص االستماع التى وردت على مدار الكتاب‬

‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬

‫اختبارات متدرجة الصعوبة (سهل ‪-‬متوسط‪-‬صعب)‬ ‫واإلجابات الخاصة بجزئيتى (‪& Practise Writing‬‬

‫• جميع إجابات كتاب التدريبات‪.‬‬



‫ليتعرض التلميذ لجميع مستويات األسئلة‪.‬‬

Contents Primary Four General Revision


Classroom Language


Do You Remember?



1 2 3

At the Campsite



At the Amusement Park



Around the House



Student`s Book Review One




4 5 6

In Town


At the Food Festival


During the Year


Student`s Book Review Two


General Exercises


First Term Final Revision


Schools’ Exams 2017/2018


Tape scripts & Answers


Workbook Answer Key


Specifications for Fifth Year Primary (1st Term) English Examination

)‫موا�صفات الورقة االمتحانية لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية لل�صف الخام�س االبتدائى (الف�صل الدرا�سى الأول‬

Time: One hour and a half

(40 Marks)

A. Listening (12 Marks)

1. Listen and circle:

:‫استمع وضع دائرة‬ (6 marks – two marks each)

Pupils are given THREE (3) pairs of words related to the Set Books.They are asked to circle the word they hear in each pair.



bottle - battle

blister - lobster


three - tree


three - tree

Tape script ‫نص االستماع‬



bottle - battle

blister - lobster

2. Listen and complete:

:‫استمع وأكمل‬ (6 marks-one mark and a half each)

Pupils listen to a dialogue of SIX (6) exchanges between two persons. They are asked to complete TWO (2) statements and TWO (2) questions with one mising word each.

Mariam : Sarah : Mariam : Sarah : Mariam : Sarah :

Wake up, Sarah! What (1)……………………… is it, Mariam? It's (2)……………………… o'clock. It's time for breakfast. Good. I'm hungry. What's (3)……………………… breakfast? We're having (4)……………………… and eggs. Yum! My favourite. Tape script ‫نص االستماع‬

Mariam : Wake up, Sarah! Sarah : What time is it, Mariam? Mariam : It's seven o'clock. It's time for breakfast. Sarah : Good. I'm hungry. What's for breakfast? Mariam : We're having beans and eggs. Sarah : Yum! My favourite.

B. Reading 3. Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one:

(14 Marks) :‫ضع دائرة حول الكلمة المختلفة واستبدلها بكلمة صحيحة‬

(5 marks - one mark each: half a mark for the circling and half a mark for the correct replacing)

Pupils are given FIVE (5) varied sets of FOUR (4) separate words each.They asked to circle the odd word and replace it with another word that goes with the rest.

Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

hotel summer Monday green Nada

slide spring Friday blue Samy

cinema player Tuesday read Hoda

museum winter May red Mona

hospital fall Wednesday yellow Hadeer 5

:‫امأل الفراغات باستخدام الكلمات التالية‬

4. Fill in the gaps using words in the box: (4 marks – one mark each) Pupils are given a text of about THIRTY (30) to FORTY (40) words with FOUR (4) gaps. They are asked to fill in each gap using one of the FIVE (5) words in the box. Words can be verbs, nouns or prepositions... etc. The first sentence should be in full. The vocabulary and the structure should be based on what the pupils learned. sunrise - pots - cleaned - cards - sisters

Yesterday, we were at the campsite. My mother washed the pots and pans. My sister cleaned the tent. My brother climbed the mountain and watched the sunrise in the morning. I played cards with my father and listened to my grandmother's stories. OR 4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: :‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬ Pupils are given FOUR (4) MCQs TWO (2) vocabulary and TWO (2) structure based on the Set Books. Pupils are asked to choose from the FOUR (4) options given. (4 marks – one mark each)

1. He's going ........................... the bus. a) to ride b) rides 2. What's your ........................... subject? a) middle b) painted 3. Manal ........................... the pets yesterday. a) feeds b) feeding 4. I'm ........................... I need juice. a) careful b) thirsty 5. Read the passage and answer the questions:

c) riding

d) ride

c) roasted

d) favourite

c) fed

d) feed

c) hungry

d) okay :‫اقرأ الفقرة و أجب عن األسئلة‬

(5 marks – one mark each)

Pupils are given a short unseen text of about FIFTY (50) to SIXTY (60) words based on what they learned. It should include THREE (3) true/ false questions and TWO (2) open ended questions . Mona went to the amusement park yesterday. She drank pineapple juice. She saw a show. She went on a ride. She ate cotton candy. She played with her friends. She didn't take pictures. She went home at five o'clock. A. Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False):

2. She took pictures.

3. She played with her friends. ( B. Answer the following questions: 4. When did she go home? - She went home at five. 5. What kind of juice did she drink? - She drank pineapple juice.

C. Writing

6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:




( False ) ( False ) (....................)

(......................) (......................)

1. Mona went to the zoo yesterday.


(16 Marks) ً ‫أعد ترتيب الكلمات اآلتية لتكون جم‬ :‫ال صحيحة‬ (4 marks – one mark each)

Pupils are given FOUR (4) scrambled sentences: TWO (2) statements and TWO (2) questions (not more than FIVE (5) words each). They are asked to rearrange them. The first word should be underlined. Full punctuation marks should be provided. 1. money – I – enough – have - don't. – I don't have enough money. 2. out - garbage - took - They - the. – They took out the garbage.


3. are - you - What - eating?

– What are you eating?

4. get - Did - a haircut - she - yesterday? – Did she get a haircut yesterday? 7. Look and write a question and its answer: :‫انظر واكتب سؤاال وإجابته‬ (4 marks – one mark each) Pupils are given TWO (2) pictures. They are asked to form a question about each picture; then write its answer.



A : What's he doing?

A : How do you go to school?

B : He's building a sandcastle.

B : I go to school by bike.

8. Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences: :‫انظر واكتب فقرة من أربع جمل‬ (4 marks – one mark each) Pupils are given ONE (1) picture related to the Set Book. They are asked to write a paragraph of FOUR (4) sentences about it.

Last Thursday , I went to the zoo with my family. We went there by taxi . We saw many animals there. It was a nice day. 9. Punctuate the following:

:‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لآلتى‬

(2 marks – 1/4 a mark each) Pupils are given TWO (2) simple statements or questions about SIX (6) words with FOUR (4) missing punctuation marks each (Capital Letter/ Full Stop/ Question Mark/ Exclamation Mark/ Comma/ Apostrophe). They are asked to punctuate them.

1. i don t go to school on friday/ I don't go to school on Friday. 2. can i buy a ticket to cairo, please/ Can I buy a ticket to Cairo, please? )‫توزيع منهج اللغة اإلنجليزية للصف الخامس االبتدائى (الفصل الدراسى األول‬

Month September October November December January (2019)

Student’s Book Unit 1 Units 2 + 3 Review 1 + Unit 4 Units 5 + 6 + Review 2 Revision


Syllabus Unit






Do you Remember?

- Introduce oneself. - Give personal information.

- Ask & tell time. - State what one will eat. - Express a favourite food. At the Campsite - Inquire about past activities. - Identify speakers in a conversation. - Express physical states. - Make suggestions. - Express preferences. - Ask about & state a problem. At the Amusement Park - Offer help. - Describe what someone did or did not do. - Identify speakers in a conversation. - Offer help. - Express gratitude. - Express a physical state. Around the House - Inquire about past activities. - Identify speakers in a conversation. - Participate in a conversation. - Identify meaning of a conversation.

Review 1 4



In Town

At the Food Festival

During the Year

Review 2 8




- Write sentences. - Read sentences. - Vocabulary: Camping activities.

-D istinguish between consonant blends: (ch, -Y es / No questions sh, voiced th, voiceless with "Did". th, br, pr, gr, tr, dr, cr, sl, - Simple past. pl, fl, sp, sn, sm) - Associate sound of letters with written form.

- Write sentences. - Read sentences. - Vocabulary: Leisure activities.

- Identify sound of final -ed. - Associate sound of letters with written form.

- Write sentences. - Read sentences. -V ocabulary: Everyday household chores.

-W h-questions with - Identify sound of final -ed. with "What". - Associate sound of - Irregular simple letters with written form. past.

- S imple past with irregular verbs (affirmative and negative statements)

- r ecognise and produce words (vocabulary).

- Ask about location. - Give directions. - Request clarification. - Write sentences. - Express gratitude. - Read sentences. - Describe future activities. - Vocabulary: Actions - Identify speakers in a conversation.

- Identify sound of final -le. - Associate sound of letters with written form.

- F uture with going to (affirmative and negative statements).

- Ask about & offer food. - Ask questions about future meals. - Identify speakers in a conversation.

- Identify sound of final -er. - Associate sound of letters with written form.

- Wh-questions with "What" - Future with "going to".

-D istinguish between sounds of al, au, aw. -A ssociate sound of letters with written form.

- F uture with "will" (affirmative & negative statements)

- Write sentences. - Read sentences. - Vocabulary: Foods.

- Elicit & express personal opinion. - Write sentences. - Ask for & give directions. - Read sentences. - Describe future activities - Vocabulary: Seasons & related to seasons. seasonal activities. - Identify speakers in a conversation. - Participate in a conversation. - Identify the meaning of a conversation.

- Recognise and produce words (vocabulary).

‫ذ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫و‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬

‫ ‬

‫ا ـ ‪QR code‬‬ ‫‪www.aladwaa.com‬‬

‫ ا ام‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫ﻗﻢ ﺑﺘﻨﺰﻳﻞ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻖ‬ ‫ﺍﻟـ ‪Aladwaa QR Reader‬‬



‫ﺛﺒﺖ ﺍﻟﻬﺎﺗﻒ ﻟﻘﺮﺍﺀﺓ ﻋﻼﻣﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟـ ‪QR code‬‬

‫ﺍﺳﺘﻤﺘﻊ ﲟﺸﺎﻫﺪﺓ ﻓﻴﺪﻳﻮ ﻟﺸﺮﺡ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺱ‬ ‫ﺃﻭ ﺣﻞ ﺗﺪﺭﻳﺐ ﺗﻔﺎﻋﻠﻰ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺱ‬

‫ﳌﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻔﻴﺪﻳﻮﻫﺎﺕ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺪﺭﻳﺒﺎﺕ ﺯﻭﺭﻭﺍ ﻣﻮﻗﻌﻨﺎ‬ ‫‪www.aladwaa.com‬‬

Primary 4 General Revision kitten rabbit snake spider meat mushrooms cheese ketchup sandwiches plum snack gum coffee Saturday Tuesday Friday

Animals, birds & insects )‫ قطيطة (صغير القط‬puppy ‫ أرنب‬turtle ‫ ثعبان‬canary ‫عنكبوت‬

Food & drinks ‫ لحم‬chicken ‫ عش الغراب‬crab ‫جبن‬/‫ جبنة‬hot sauce ‫ كاتشب‬salt ‫ ساندوتشات‬bread ‫ برقوق‬peach ‫ وجبة خفيفة‬biscuits ‫ لبان‬sugar ‫قهـوة‬

taxi bicycle/bike train airplane/plane 10

)‫ جرو(صغير الكلب‬horse


‫ عصفور الكناريا‬parrot

)‫ببغاء (بغبغان‬

‫ سلحفاة‬lizard

‫األطعمة والمشروبات‬ ‫ لحم دجاج‬spaghetti ‫ كابوريا‬pasta ‫ صلصة حارة‬pepper ‫ ملح‬pickles

‫ خبز‬vegetables ‫ خوخ‬candy

‫ بسكويت‬popcorn ‫ سكر‬tea

‫ األحد‬Monday

‫ األربعاء‬Thursday


‫ الصباح‬afternoon

‫مكرونة إسباجتى‬ ‫مكرونة‬




‫حلوى‬ ‫فشار‬




‫أجزاء اليوم الزمنية‬ ‫ بعد الظهر‬evening

‫ المساء‬night

‫وسائل المواصالت‬ Means of transportation )‫ سيارة أجرة (تاكسى‬car ‫ سيارة‬bus ‫ دراجة‬truck )‫ شاحنة (عربة نقل‬underground ‫ قطار‬ship ‫ سفينة‬ferry ‫طائرة‬


‫أيام األسبوع‬

Days of the week ‫ السبت‬Sunday ‫ الثالثاء‬Wednesday Parts of the day


‫الحيوانات والطيور والحشرات‬

‫الليل‬ ‫أتوبيس‬

‫مترو األنفاق‬



Parts of the body ‫ رأس‬nose


‫أعين‬/‫ عين‬ear/ears


‫ أذرع‬/‫ ذراع‬hand/hands


‫ ُر َكب‬/‫ ركبة‬leg/legs


Personal items ‫ شمسية‬camera ‫ فرشاة شعر‬wallet ‫ نظارة شمس‬purse

umbrella hairbrush sunglasses

Chemist's items toothpaste sunscreen medicine

‫ معجون أسنان‬perfume ‫ كريم واقٍ من الشمس‬make-up

‫أجزاء الجسم‬ ‫ أنف‬mouth

‫ آذان‬/‫ أذن‬tooth/teeth ٍ /‫ يد‬finger/fingers ‫أيد‬

‫ أرجل‬/‫ ِرجل‬foot/feet

‫األغراض الشخصية‬ ‫ كاميرا‬key

‫ حافظة نقود‬lunch box

‫حافظة نقود للسيدات‬

‫ أنهار‬/‫ نهر‬mountain (s)

‫برك ماء صغيرة‬/ ‫ بركة‬lake

‫ رمال‬grass ‫ مطعم‬bakery

restaurant train station hospital department store

dining room garden

‫أصابع اليد‬/‫إصبع‬

‫ أقدام‬/‫قدم‬ ‫مفتاح‬

‫صندوق الغذاء‬

‫ عطر‬shampoo ‫ مكياچ‬soap




Public places



‫أغراض تجدها فى الصيدلية‬


Nature river(s) pond (s) sand


‫ محطة القطار‬museum ‫ مستشفى‬chemist's

‫ متجر متعدد األقسام‬shop

Places at home ‫ حمـام‬bedroom ‫ غرفة الطعام‬kitchen

‫حديقة منزل‬

‫جبال‬/‫ جبل‬tree (s) ‫ بحيرة‬snow

‫ حشائش‬wildlife

‫أشجار‬/‫شجرة‬ ‫جليد‬ ‫حياة برية‬

‫األماكن العامـة‬ ‫ مخبز‬cinema

‫ متحف‬bookshop

‫ صيدلية‬hotel ‫محل‬


‫محل لبيع الكتب‬ ‫فنــدق‬

‫أماكن بالمنزل‬ ‫ غرفة النوم‬living room ‫ مطبخ‬hall

‫غرفة المعيشة‬

‫ صالة‬/ ‫طرقة‬



Clothes ‫ فستان‬jacket


‫ جاكيت‬caps

‫ تيشرت‬skirt



‫ جيبة‬shorts

grandfahter = grandpa

Family members grandmother ‫جد‬ = grandma

mother = mum

‫ أم‬sister

‫ شورت‬shoes


‫ أخت‬brother


‫ ابنة‬cousin

‫ أحمر‬green


‫ أصفر‬brown


‫ أزرق‬black

‫ أخضر‬white

‫ كبير الحجم‬small


‫ بارد‬hot


‫ صح‬wrong

busy sorry


‫ مشغول‬free ‫ اسف‬bored


‫ بنى‬orange


‫ أســود‬purple





‫بنت الخال أو العم‬/‫ابن‬



‫ طويل‬short


‫ جدة‬father = dad




‫أفراد العائلة‬

‫ ابن‬daughter



‫ قصير‬fat

‫ سمين‬thin

)‫نحيف (رفيع‬

‫ صغير الحجم‬happy

‫ سعيد‬sad


‫ جيد‬bad


‫ حران‬good ‫ خطأ‬expensive ‫ حر‬hungry ‫ لديه شعور بالملل‬shy

‫ غالى‬cheap


‫ جوعان‬thirsty


‫ خجول‬great



Conjugation of verbs ‫تصريف األفعال‬ Regular verbs Present

watch clean up listen use exercise wash play ask want cook work turn look for

‫يشاهد‬ ‫ينظف‬



‫يتمرن‬/‫يتدرب‬ ‫يغسل‬ ‫يلعب‬ ‫يسأل‬ ‫يريد‬

)‫يطهو (يطبخ‬ ‫يعمل‬


‫يبحث عن‬



watched cleaned up listened used exercised washed played asked wanted cooked worked turned looked for

call practise cry smile dance bake answer drop remember worry look like

Irregular verbs Present

fly run wear sleep buy spell sing find do/does be (am-is/are)



‫يرتدى‬ ‫ينام‬

‫يشترى‬ ‫يتهجى‬ ‫يغنى‬ ‫يجد‬



‫أفعال منتظمة‬ ‫ينادى‬

‫يتمرن‬ ‫يبكى‬


‫يرقص‬ ‫يخبز‬

‫يجيب‬ ‫يسقط‬ ‫يتذكر‬ ‫يقلق‬ ‫يشبه‬

‫أفعال غير منتظمة‬



flew ran wore slept bought spelled/spelt sang found did was/were

go write know leave hurt smell forget have/has

‫يذهب‬ ‫يكتب‬

‫يعرف‬ ‫يترك‬

‫يجرح‬ ‫يشم‬




called practised cried smiled danced baked answered dropped remembered worried looked like


went wrote knew left hurt smelled/smelt forgot had


‫‪Language Functions‬‬ ‫طلب المساعدة‪:‬‬

‫‪Asking for help:‬‬ ‫?‪A : Excuse me. Can you help me‬‬ ‫‪B : Sure./ Of course./ Certainly.‬‬


‫معذرة‪ .‬هل يمكن أن تساعدنى؟‬

‫‪Asking about and describing location:‬‬



‫السؤال عن ووصف مكان‪:‬‬ ‫أين ‪..................‬؟‬

‫إنه فى الممر ‪ 3‬بجوار الخبز‪.‬‬

‫?‪Where ......‬‬ ‫?‪A : Where's the rice‬‬ ‫‪B : It's in aisle 3. It's next to the bread.‬‬



‫أين األرز؟‬


‫هيــا نذهب إلى السينما‪.‬‬ ‫ما رأيك فى؟‪ /‬ماذا عن‪...........‬؟‬

‫هيا )‪Let's + (inf.‬‬

‫عدم الموافقة على االقــتراح‬

‫آسف‪ .‬أنا مشغول‪.‬‬ ‫آسف‪ .‬ال أستطيع‪.‬‬

‫‪• Let's go to the cinema.‬‬

‫?‪ + ing ...‬مصدر الفعل )‪How about / What about + noun / (inf.‬‬ ‫?‪A : How about Friday‬‬ ‫?‪B : What about going to the cinema‬‬ ‫‪ Sorry. I'm busy.‬بالتأكيد‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Sorry. I can't.‬فكرة جيدة‪.‬‬ ‫يبدو جيدً ا‪.‬‬

‫للموافقة على االقــتراح‬

‫‪Sure.‬‬ ‫‪Good idea.‬‬ ‫‪Sounds good.‬‬

‫عرض المساعدة‪:‬‬

‫‪Offering help:‬‬

‫هل يمكننى أن ‪..............‬؟‬

‫ ?‪ ..............‬مصدر الفعل )‪May I + (inf.‬‬

‫السؤال عن الوقت‪:‬‬

‫‪Asking about time:‬‬ ‫كم الساعة‪.......‬؟ ?‪What time.....‬‬

‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪e.g.‬‬

‫?‪A : What time does the train leave‬‬ ‫‪B : 2:45.‬‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪e.g.‬‬

‫هل يمكننى أن أساعدك؟‬ ‫نعم‪ ،‬من فضلك‪.‬‬

‫?‪A : May I help you‬‬ ‫‪B : Yes, please.‬‬

‫ما وقت مغادرة القطار؟‬ ‫الساعة الثانيــة وخمس وأربعون دقيقة‪.‬‬



‫ما رأيك فى يوم الجمعة؟‬ ‫ماذا عن الذهاب إلى السينما؟‬

‫‪ ......‬مصدر الفعل ‪......‬‬




‫ما عنوانك؟‬

A : What's your address?

.‫ شارع التحرير‬31

B : 31 Tahrir Street.

:‫السؤال عن معلومـة‬

Asking about information:

‫عم تبحث؟‬

A : What are you looking for? B : My watch! I can't find it.

.‫ساعتى! ال أستطيع أن أجدها‬

Asking about and describing colours of objects: A : What colour is it? B : It's red and blue.


Asking about the price:


8 e.g.



:‫السؤال عن العنوان‬

Asking about the address:





A : How much is it?

:‫السؤال عن ووصف ألوان األشياء‬

What colour ...? ‫؟‬...... ‫ما لـون‬

‫مـا لونهـــا؟‬ .‫لونها أحمر فى أزرق‬ :‫السؤال عن السعر‬

How much ...?

‫؟‬...... ‫كم ثمن‬

‫كم ثمنها؟‬

.‫إنها بثالثة جنيهات‬

B : It's three pounds.

:‫إعطــاء التعليمـــات‬

Giving instructions:

:(inf.) ‫ إلعطاء التعليمات بفعل شىء ما نبدأ الجملة بمصدر الفعل‬-

• Wash the car.

• Use the bin. :‫ إلعطاء التعليمات بعدم فعل شىء ما نبدأ الجملة بــ‬-


Don't + (inf.) ‫مصدر الفعل‬



• Don't forget your change.

Apologizing: A : I'm sorry. B : That's okay.

• Don't drop litter. :‫االعتــذار‬ .‫أنا آسف‬ .‫حســ ًنا‬



1. The present simple tense:

:‫زمن المضارع البسيط‬

‫االستخدام‬ Usage • The present simple tense is used for expressing habbits, facts or repeated actions.


.‫• يستخدم زمن المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن عادات أو حقائق مثبتة أو أفعال متكررة‬

• I brush my teeth in the morning. • He drinks milk every day.


• Water boils at 100 degrees. ‫التكــوين‬


I/ We/ You/ They/ ‫ اسم جمع‬+ (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬........ He/ She/ It/ ‫ اسم مفرد‬+ (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬+“s/ es“........ :‫ ) أو أى اسم جمع‬I/ We/ You/ They ( ‫• يتكون زمن المضارع البسيط من التصريف األول للفعل (مصدر الفعل ) مع الضمائر‬

• I want a kitten.

• They want a parrot.


:)‫ ) للتصريف األول للفعل (مصدر الفعل‬s/es ( ‫ ) أو أى اسم مفرد يضاف‬He/ She/ It ( ‫• أما مع الضمائر‬

• She wants a canary.

Key words

‫الكلمات الدالة‬

always ‫دائما‬ / sometimes ‫أحيانًا‬ ً / usually ‫ عـــاد ًة‬/ often ‫غالبــا‬ ً every (day - week - month - year ........etc.) )‫الخ‬.......... ‫ عام‬- ‫ شهر‬- ‫ أسبوع‬- ‫كل (يوم‬ e.g.

• He wants a puppy.

• We always watch TV on Friday.

• She cleans up every day.



I/ We/ You/ They / ‫ اسم جمع‬+ don't + (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬...............

He/She /It/ ‫ اسم مفرد‬+ doesn't + (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬...............


:‫) أو أى اسم جمع‬I/ We/ You/ They( ‫ " قبل التصريف األول للفعل (مصدر الفعل ) مع الضمائر‬don't" ‫• عند النفى نضيف‬

• I don't want pasta

• They don't want fish


:)‫ " قبل التصريف األول للفعل (مصدر الفعل‬doesn't " ‫) أو أى اسم مفرد نضيف‬He/ She/ It( ‫• أما مع الضمائر‬


• He doesn't want spaghetti.

• She doesn't want eggs.


Yes/No questions

»‫السؤال بـ «هل‬


Do + I/ we/ you/ they/ ‫ اسم جمع‬+ (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬...? Does + he/ she/ it/ ‫ اسم مفرد‬+ (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬...?

A: Do you want ketchup?

A: Does she have a snack?


‫لإلجابــة باإلثبــــات‬

B: Yes I do. B: Yes, she does.

‫لإلجابــة بالنفــى‬

B: No, I don't. B: No, she doesn't.

or or

Wh-questions with "When"&" How"

No, I don't. I want butter. No, she doesn't. She wants spaghetti.

"‫السؤال بكلمتى االستفهام «متى» و "كيف‬

:‫" للسؤال عن وقت حدوث فعل معين‬When" ‫ السؤال بكلمة االستفهام‬-1

A: When do you exercise? B: I exercise in the morning.



When do/does + subject (‫ )الفاعل‬+ (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬................?

A: When does she have a snack? B: She has a snack at night.

:)‫" للسؤال عن كيفية الذهاب لمكان معين (وسيلة المواصالت‬How" ‫ السؤال بكلمة االستفهام‬-2

A: How do they go to school? B: They go to school by bus.



How do/does + subject (‫ )الفاعل‬+ (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬.....................?

A: How does she go to work? B: She goes to work by taxi.

2. Possessive adjectives and pronouns:

:‫صفات وضمائر الملكية‬

Subject pronouns

Possessive adjectives

Possessive pronouns

I He She It We You They

my his her its our your their

mine his hers ........... ours yours theirs

‫ضمائر الفاعل‬

‫صفات الملكية‬

‫ضمائر الملكية‬



:‫" فى بداية الجملة وقبل الفعل‬subject pronouns" ‫• تستخدم ضمائر الفاعل‬ • I want some apples.

• He washes the car.


:‫" قبل الشىء المملوك‬possessive adjectives" ‫• تستخدم صفات الملكية‬ • This is my car.

• It’s our house.


:‫" بد ًال من صفة الملكية والمملوك مع ًـا‬possessive pronouns" ‫• تستخدم ضمائر الملكية‬ • This is my book. = It’s mine.

3. Asking about possession:

:‫السؤال عن ملكية شىء أو مجموعة من األشياء‬

Whose ................?

• This is her dress. = It's hers.

‫؟‬......... ‫ملك من‬/ ‫لمن‬

:)‫• للسؤال عن ملكية شىء (مفرد‬

Whose + ‫ الشىء المملوك‬+ is (this/that)?



It's + ‫ضمير الملكيــة‬ A: Whose bag is this/that?

.‫إهنا ملكى‬

B: It's mine. (It's my bag).

:)‫• للسؤال عن ملكية مجموعة من األشياء (جمع‬

Whose + ‫ الشىء المملوك‬+ are (these / those)?


They're + ‫ضمير الملكيــة‬


A: Whose books are these / those? B: They’re mine. (They're my books.)

.‫إهنم ملكى‬



4. The past simple tense :

:‫زمن الماضى البسيط‬

‫االستخدام‬ Usage •T he past simple tense is used for expressing an action that happened and ended in the past at a certain time.


. ‫• يستخدم زمن الماضى البسيط للتعبير عن حدث تم وانتهى فى الماضى فى وقت محدد‬

• I called Heba yesterday.

• She washed the dishes last Friday.



:‫• يتكون زمن الماضى البسيط من التصريف الثانى للفعل‬


climb practise



Subject »‫ «الفاعل‬+ (inf.) ‫مصدر الفعل‬




:‫" فقط فى نهاية الفعل‬d" ‫" يضاف‬e"‫• عند انتهاء الفعل بـ‬

practised bake baked :"ied" ‫" ويضاف‬y" ‫" مسبوقة بحرف ساكن يحذف حرف الـ‬y"‫• إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬ studied Key words


ed d ied :‫" فى نهاية معظم األفعال المنتظمة‬ed" ‫• يضاف‬



‫الكلمات الدالة‬


• yesterday ‫ • أمس‬ago ‫ منذ‬ • once ‫ذات مرة‬ • last (week - month - year .... etc.) ‫ الخ) الماضى‬... ‫ العام‬- ‫ الشهر‬- ‫(األسبوع‬ • I listened to music yesterday.




• She baked cookies 2 days ago. ‫النفى‬

:)‫ قبل التصريف األول للفعل (مصدر الفعل‬didn't ‫• عند النفى نضيف‬ )‫ (الفاعل‬+

didn't + (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬............

• He didn't brush his teeth yesterday.

• We didn't clean our room last Saturday. 19

5. Verb to "be" in the past simple tense:

:‫فعل «يكون» فى زمن الماضى البسيط‬



:‫ ىف زمن املاىض البسيط‬was / were ‫ من‬v. to"be" »‫• يتكون فعل «يكون‬


We/ You/ They/ ‫ اسم الجمع‬+ were ............. I / He/ She/ It/ ‫ اسم مفرد‬+ was .............

• He was at the bookshop last February. • They were at the restaurant yesterday.



:‫" يف زمن املاىض البسيط‬was/were" ‫" بعد‬not" ‫• عند النفى نضيف‬


We/ You/ They/ ‫ اسم الجمع‬+ were + not (n't) ......... I / He/ She/ It/ ‫ اسم مفرد‬+ was + not (n't) .........

• She wasn't at the hospital 3 days ago.

Yes/No questions

• We weren't at the cinema yesterday.

"‫السؤال بــ "هل‬

Was + I / he/ she/ it/ ‫ اسم مفرد‬.............? Were + we / you / they/ ‫ اسم مجـع‬.............? e.g.

A : Was he in the garage? ‫لإلجابــة باإلثبــــات‬

‫لإلجابــة بالنفــى‬


B : Yes, he was.

B : No, he wasn't.


A : Were they in the garage?


‫لإلجابــة باإلثبــــات‬

B : Yes, they were.

‫لإلجابــة بالنفــى‬


B : No, they weren't.


Vocabulary, Language Functions and Structure



1. 2. 3. 4.


:‫ضع دائرة حول الكلمة المختلفة‬

Read and circle the odd word: turtle wash shirt bedroom

train homework skirt salt

underground listen toothpaste living room

:‫اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

– It's my book. a) Who b) Whose c) What 2. She didn't ................................ her sunglasses yesterday. a) wears b) wore c) wear 3. Let's ................................ to the cinema on Monday. a) go b) goes c) going 4. Sarah isn't at school. ................................ foot hurts. a) His b) My c) Her 3 Look and answer the questions:



book is this ?


A : When does he have a snack? B : .................................................................. .


taxi sleep jacket dining room

:‫أنظر وأجب عن األسئلة‬


A : Where are they? B : ........................................................... .


A : Who's she? A : How do you go to work? B : .................................................................. . B : .................................................................. . :‫ضع عالمات الترقيم لآلتي‬ 4 Punctuate the following: ahmed and mona don t want pasta / .......................................................................................................... 21

Skills you need :‫تعلم كيف تكتب جملة‬

Learn how to write a sentence:







complement )‫(تكملة الجملة‬

:‫• تتكون اجلملة ىف اللغة اإلنجليزية كاآلتى‬ e.g.


• I eat a sandwich. • Kareem drinks juice.


‫ هو من قام بالفعل ودائام ما يأتى ىف بداية اجلملة و يمكن أن يكون اسم (شخص أو بلد أو مكان أو حيوان أو‬:»subject« ‫• الفاعل‬ • Ali studies English well. • Lions eat meat.

• Egypt is a nice place. • The flower is red.

:‫شيئا) أو ضمريا‬

• Our school is big. • He is a good boy.

• I clean the tent.



:‫ هو ما قام به الفاعل و دائام ما يأتى بعده مبارشة و قد يكون‬:»verb« ‫• الفعل‬ :)‫» (له معنى أساسى ىف اجلملة و ال يمكن االستغناء عنه‬main verb« ‫) فعل أساسى‬1( • They watch the sunrise.



‫ كفعل أساسى فى الجملة بمعنى «يكون» ويتبعه (اسم‬v. to"be" (am - is - are) / (was - were) ‫* يمكن استخدام‬ :)‫ عبارة بها حرف جر‬/‫ صفة‬/‫ وظيفة‬/ • I am a pupil.

• He is a policeman.

• They are sad.

• We were at home.

:‫ كفعل أساسى فى الجملة بمعنى «يفعل» ويتبعه مفعول به‬v. to"do" (do - does) / (did) ‫* يمكن استخدام‬ • I do the laundry.

• She does her homework.

• They did cartwheel.

:)‫» (ليس له معنى باجلملة ولكنه يساعد ىف حتديد زمن اجلملة أو صياغتها‬helping verb« ‫) فعل مساعد‬2( :‫ كفعل مساعد فى الجملة كما يلى‬v. to "be" ‫يمكن استخدام‬ I He / She / It/ ‫اسم مفـرد‬ e.g.

We/ You/ They/ ‫اسم مجع‬


am is are

+(inf.) ‫مصدر الفعل‬+ ing

• I am walking to school. • He is taking a shower.

The past continuous tense ‫زمن الماضى المستمر‬

I/He/She/It/‫اسم مفـرد‬


We/You/They/ ‫اسم مجع‬



The present continuous tense ‫زمن المضارع المستمر‬


+ (inf.) ‫مصدر الفعل‬+ ing

• She was baking cookies. • They were watching the sunrise.


:‫ كفعل مساعد ىف اجلملة كام يىل‬v. to"do" ‫كام يمكن استخدام‬


Subject )‫ (الفاعل‬+ (don't/doesn't) / (didn't ) + (inf.) ‫ الفعل األساسى فى المصدر‬........ • I don't go to school on Friday. • They didn't do exercise yesterday.

• She doesn't have a snack at night.

:‫ ال يعطى معنى بمفرده ودائام ما يتبعه فعل أساسى ىف املصدر كاالتى‬:modal verbs ‫فعل ناقص‬ e.g.


Subject )‫ (الفاعل‬+ can - could/will - would/ shall - should/may - might + (inf.) ‫ مصدر الفعل‬...... • I can climb a tree.



• He will come late.

• I play football.



:‫» يمكن ان تكون‬complement« ‫• تكملة اجلملة‬ :) ‫ مفعولاً به (من وقع عليه الفعل‬-1 • Laila wants a kitten and a puppy.

• I have lunch at 3 o'clock.



:‫ عبارة هبا حرف جر‬-2 • He exercises in the morning.

Note at + 3 o'clock/3:30/night/home/school/the weekend.

:‫الحظ استخدامات "حروف اجلر" األتية‬


in + summer/May/the morning/Giza/Italy. on + Friday/the bus/the farm/5th May/ May 5th / holiday/ foot. by + bus/train/car/underground/ferry/aeroplane.

)‫غير العاقل‬/‫يوجد للمفرد (العاقل‬

‫اسم‬ There are + ‫جمع‬ ..............

)‫غير العاقل‬/‫يوجد للجمع (العاقل‬


‫اسم مفرد‬ There is a/an + ..............


...... ‫ هذه‬/ ‫هذا‬

• I can see a girl reading a book. •This is a bird.


‫اسم مفرد‬ This is a/an ..............

......‫أستطيع أن أرى‬

• There is a boy.


‫اسم مفرد‬ I can see a/an + ..............

:‫• و يمكن أيضا استخدام الصيغ األتيه فى تكوين الجملة كاألتى‬

• There are cats. 23


:‫تعلم كيف تكون سؤاال‬

Learn how to form a question:

.‫• هذه اجلزئية تساعدك عىل إجابة السؤال السابع داخل الورقة االمتحانية‬ :‫تنقسم األسئلة فى اللغة اإلنجليزية إلى نوعين‬

1. Yes/No questions:

:) ‫ هى األسئلة التى تبدأ بفعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص ونجيب عنها بــ ( نعم ) أو ( ال‬-

:‫فعـل مسـاعد‬

V. to "be" (Am - Is - Are) / (Were - Was) Are you a boy?

Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

Is he a policeman?

Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

Were they angry?

Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.

Was she at home?

Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.

V. to "do" (Do - Does) / (Did) Do you play sports?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does she like fish?

Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

Did they win?

Yes, they did. / No, they didn't. :‫• فعـل ناقص‬

Will/Would - Can/Could - Shall/Should - May/Might - Must Will you come with me?

Yes, I will. /No, I won't.

Could you spell "dog"?

Yes, I could. /No, I couldn't.



2. Wh-questions: :‫ وكلمات االستفهام هى‬.‫ و نجيب عنها بإعطاء معلومة للسائل‬،‫وهى األسئلة التى تبدأ بكلمة استفهام‬

STRUCTURE Question Word What...?

)‫؟ (للسؤال عن غير العاقل‬...‫ ماذا‬/ ‫ما‬

Examples What is your favourite colour? Blue is my favourite colour.


)‫؟ (للسؤال عن المكان‬...‫أين‬

Where do you live? I live in Giza.


)‫؟ (للسؤال عن الزمن‬....‫متى‬

When do you go to Alex? I go to Alex in summer.


)‫؟ (للتخيير‬....‫أى‬

Which one do you want? I want the cheese pizza.


)‫؟ (للسؤال عن السبب‬...‫لماذا‬


)‫؟ (للسؤال عن الفاعل العاقل‬....‫من‬


‫؟‬......‫ ملك من‬/‫لمن‬

How...? )‫وسيلة المواصالت‬/‫؟ (للسؤال عن الحال‬....‫كيف‬ How many...?

)‫؟(للسؤال عن العدد‬....‫كم عدد‬

How much...? )‫؟ (للسؤال عن السعر‬..... ‫كم ثمن‬ How old...?

)‫؟ (للسؤال عن العمر‬....‫كم العمر‬

Why do you exercise? I exercise because I want to be fit. Who gave you this present? My father gave me this present. Whose pen is this? It’s my pen. / It’s mine. How do you go to school? I go to school by bus / ferry / bike. How many seasons are there in the year? There are four seasons. How much are the shoes? They are 200 pounds. How old are you? I am ten years old. 25

‫تعلم كيف تكتب فقــرة‪:‬‬

‫‪Learn how to write a paragraph:‬‬

‫• هذه اجلزئية تساعدك عىل إجابة السؤال الثامن داخل الورقة االمتحانية‪.‬‬


‫عند كتابة فقرة عليك اتباع الخطوات اآلتية‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬انظر إىل الصورة جيدً ا‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬صف الصورة ىف مجل مرتابطة ومتتالية‪( .‬تتحدث عن موضوع واحد)‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬أترك مسافة ‪1‬سم (مسافة كلمة) ىف بداية الفقرة قبل أول مجلة فقط‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -4‬ابدأ الفقرة بجملة افتتاحية توضح الفكرة العامة للصورة (املكان‪ /‬احلدث الرئيسى)‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -5‬أكتب أربع مجل قصرية (مع مراعاة استخدام نفس الزمن) والكلامت األربع املساعدة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -6‬راجع تكوين اجلملة ص ‪ 22‬تتكون اجلملة ىف اللغة اإلنجليزية من الفاعل «‪ »subject‬ثم الفعل «‪ »verb‬ثم باقى اجلملة‬ ‫«‪.»complement‬‬ ‫‪( -7‬راجع عالمات الرتقيم ص ‪ )27‬عند كتابة اجلمل جيب مراعاة عالمات الرتقيم‪ :‬تبدأ اجلملة ىف اللغة اإلنجليزية بحرف‬ ‫كبري «‪ »capital letter‬وتنتهى بنقطة «‪.»full stop‬‬

‫الحظ اآلتى‪ :‬يمكن كتابة الفقرة بطريقتين‪:‬‬

‫(‪ )1‬إذا كانت الصورة تحتوى على تفاصيل كثيرة‪ ،‬قم بتقسيم الصورة إلى اجزاء واكتب جملة عن كل جزء كما يلى‪:‬‬

‫‪ Today is a busy day. I am going to make the bed.‬‬ ‫‪My mother is going to do the laundry. My little sister is‬‬ ‫‪going to sweep the floor.‬‬

‫(‪ )2‬أما إذا كانت الصورة ال تحتوى على تفاصيل كثيرة مثل صورة (مكتبة‪ ،‬متحف‪ ،‬مدرسة ‪ )........‬يكتب أربع جمل عن‬ ‫الصورة بشكل عام كما يلى‪:‬‬

‫‪ Reading is my favourite hobby. On Fridays, I go to‬‬ ‫‪a library near my house. I like reading comic books.‬‬ ‫‪They're fun.‬‬ ‫‪26‬‬

Punctuation Marks


Capital letters ‫الحروف الكبيرة‬

A ,

Comma ‫الفاصلة السفىل‬

:‫ أمرية) أو السؤال‬/‫ ىف بداية الجملة (خبرية‬• They are friends. e.g. • Open the door. • How old are you? :‫ الضمير "أنا" ىف أى مكان ىف الجملة‬I am a boy. She and I are sisters. /‫ األنهار‬/‫ البلدان‬/‫ المدن‬/‫ المعالم السياحية‬/ ‫ أسماء األعالم‬:‫ القارات‬/‫ البحار‬/‫األماكن الشهيرة‬


e.g. A li/ the Pyramids/ Cairo/ Egypt/ the

Nile/ Giza Zoo/ the Red Sea/ Africa.

e.g. Sham El Nassem/ Mother's Day ...etc.

e.g. Mona, come here. = Come here, Mona. e.g.

● ●

I am She is We are They are ●


● ● ●

= I'm = She's = We're = They're

Full Stop e.g.

● ●

:‫ االختصــارات‬-

e.g. Mr/ Miss/ Dr/ TV/ CD ... etc.

:"and" ‫ للفصل بين مجموعة من الكلمات ىف قائمة إذا لم يكن بينها‬e.g. I eat salad, rice and fish.

:Yes/ No ‫ بعد‬-

Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

:‫ األعيـاد‬-

:‫ الجنسيات‬/‫ اللغات‬-

e.g. English/ Egyptian.


● ●

Pass the cake, please. Please, pass the cake.

:"‫ قبل أو بعد "من فضلك‬-

: ‫ توضع ىف االختصارات اآلتية‬-

He is It is You are I have

= = = =

He's It's You're I've

e.g. Kareem's bag is blue.

:‫) الملكية‬s( ‫ توضع قبل‬-

I am a girl. = I'm a girl. He is sleeping. = He's sleeping. We are walking. = We're walking. I have a car. = I've a car.

‫ السؤال‬/‫نهاية الجملة‬

End of the sentence/ the question (./!/?)


.‫ فصول السنة ال تبدأ بحرف كبير‬:‫ملحوظة‬

)winter/ spring/ summer/ autumn( e.g. I go to the beach in summer.

:‫) قبل أو بعد المنادى‬,( ‫ عند المخاطبة نضيف‬-

."‫) قبله‬,( ‫ أما إذا جاء ىف نهاية الجملة نضع‬،‫) بعده‬,( ‫"إذا جاء المنادى ىف بداية الجملة نضع‬

‫الفاصلة العليا‬

Exclamation mark

:‫ الشهور‬/‫ أيام األسبوع‬-



e.g. Monday/ April ..... etc.

:‫ األمريــة‬/‫ نضع نقطة ىف نهاية الجملة الخبرية‬I walk to school every day. Close the window.

‫ نضع عالمة التعجب ىف نهاية العبارات أو الجمل الىت‬:‫تعبر عن الترحيب أو التعجب‬ e.g. Hello!/ Hi!/ Look!/ Listen!

Question mark


:‫ نضع عالمة االستفهام ىف نهاية السؤال‬e.g.

● ●

Where is he? Are you hungry?

‫هذة الجزئية تساعدك عىل اجابة السؤال التاسع‬ .‫داخل الورقة االمتحانية‬ 27

Classroom Language ‫لغة الحوار داخل الفصل‬



.‫ور ِّدد‬ َ ‫استمــع‬

Listen and repeat. Collect the homework, please. .‫ من فضلكم‬،‫اجمعوا الواجب المنزلى‬



Pass out the paper, please. .‫ من فضلك‬،‫وزع االوراق‬

Can I help?



‫هل يمكنني ان أساعدك؟‬


Share a book with your classmate. .‫تشارك في الكتاب مع زميلك‬

Let’s use mine. .‫هيا نستخدم كتابي‬


Ask your classmate a question about page 24. . ٢٤ ‫اسال زميلتك سؤال عن صفحه‬

What’s he doing? ‫ماذا يفعل؟‬

Make a sentence with the word “night”.


May I get a drink of water? ‫هل يمكنني ان اتناول شربة ماء؟‬


."‫كون جملة مستخدم ًا كلمه "ليل‬

I practise the piano at night. Not right now. In a minute.

.‫ فى خالل دقيقة يمكنك ان تشرب‬.‫ليس اآلن‬


ً ‫انا اتدرب علي البيانو لي‬ .‫ال‬

‫‪Classroom Language‬‬

‫?‪Who can tell me the answer‬‬ ‫‪Please repeat after me. “He wants fruit”.‬‬ ‫من فضلكم رددوا معى‪" .‬هو يريد فاكهة"‪.‬‬

‫"هو يريد فاكهه‪He wants fruit. ".‬‬

‫من يستطيع أن يخبرنى باإلجابة؟‬

‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪Me too.‬‬ ‫وانا ايضا‬

‫?‪Who wants to erase the board‬‬ ‫من يريد أن ينظف السبورة ؟‬



‫‪I can.‬‬

‫انا استطيع‬

‫‪Please, read page 18.‬‬ ‫من فضلكم‪ ،‬اقرأوا صفحة ‪.١٨‬‬

‫‪That’s easy.‬‬ ‫انها سهله‪.‬‬


‫‪I do.‬‬

‫انا سافعل‪.‬‬

‫‪Next class, you will have a test on Unit 3.‬‬ ‫اختبارا على الوحدة الثالثة‪.‬‬ ‫الحصة القادمة‪ ،‬ستأخذوا‬ ‫ً‬

‫أى وحدة؟ ?‪Which unit‬‬


‫‪No chewing gum in class.‬‬ ‫‪Please get rid of it.‬‬ ‫غير مسموح بمضغ اللبان في الفصل‪.‬‬ ‫من فضلك تخلص منها‪.‬‬

‫‪Sorry.‬‬ ‫اسف‬

‫‪Unit 3.‬‬

‫الوحدة الثالثة‪.‬‬



Do You Remember? ‫هــــــــــــل تتـذكــــــــر؟‬

Objectives • Introduce oneself (name, age, actions, favourites and places). • Give personal information (number of brothers and sisters, ....etc.).



‫األهــــــداف‬ ،‫ األفعال‬،‫ العمر‬،‫ تقديم شخص لنفسه من حيث (االسم‬ .)‫األشياء واألماكن المفضلة لديه‬ .)‫ إلخ‬...‫إعطاء معلومات شخصية مثل (عدد اإلخوة واألخوات‬

Hi, I’m Kareem Ahmed. She’s Mona Samy. .‫ و هى منى سامى‬.‫ أنا كريم أحمد‬.‫أهال‬


We go to school by bus. .‫ أنا سكرة‬.‫أهال‬

.‫نحن نذهب الى المدرسة باألتوبيس‬

We live in Cairo.


.‫استمــع وأشــر‬

Listen and point.

Hi, I’m Sokkara.

. ‫نحن نعيش فى القاهرة‬


I’m wearing a red and blue dress. He’s wearing a blue cap.

.‫ هو يرتدى قبعة زرقاء‬.‫أنا أرتدى ثوب أحمر فى أزرق‬

I have a camera and some photos. .‫أنا لدى كاميرا وبعض الصور‬


She listens to music in the morning. .‫هى تستمع الى الموسيقى فى الصباح‬

He plays video games in the morning.

.‫هو يلعب ألعاب الفيديو فى الصباح‬

I have a snack in the morning.

There's a river. There isn't any snow.

.‫أنا اتناول وجبة خفيفة فى الصباح‬

.‫ ال يوجد أى جليد‬.‫يوجد نهر‬


On Saturday, I was at the museum. .‫أنا كنت بالمتحف يوم السبت‬


Were you at the movie theatre? ‫هل كنت بمسرح عرض األفالم؟‬

See you in Unit 1! !‫أراكم فى الوحدة األولى‬

I wasn’t at the museum. I was at the movie theatre.

.‫أنا كنت بمسرح عرض األفالم‬. ‫أنا لم أكن بالمتحف‬


No, I was at the museum. .‫ أنا كنت بالمتحف‬،‫ال‬

Do You Remember?

Workbook Do you Remember? A

Read and match.


Read and write.

1. Excuse me. Can you help me?

2. How much are these? 3. I’m hungry. 4. What’s your address? 5. Where’s the trash can? 6. What are you looking for? 1.

Me, too. Let’s have a snack. 23 Tahrir Street. Sure. My watch! They’re one pound each. It’s over there. It’s under the tree.


Is this a wallet?

Is that a river?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t. It’s



Are these mushrooms?


Is that a puppy?


Is he exercising?

Was she at the bookstore?


Workbook Do you Remember? C

Look, read and put ✓ or ✗.



He wants eggs. He doesn’t want pasta.

How do they go to school? They go to school by bicycle.




Whose keys are these? They’re mine.


It was at the restaurant. It wasn’t at the museum.

When does he have a snack? He has a snack in the afternoon.



There are some trees. There isn’t any snow.

D 1. 4. 32

Was she in the yard? Yes, she was.

Is there any hot sauce? No, there isn’t.

Look and write.

ab ake

2. 5. air

esent ane

3. 6.

ile ead

Book Characters ‫شخصيات الكتــــاب‬












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