Unit 10

Page 1

Objectives of the unit: Outcomes:

Lessons 1 & 2: • Grammar: The present perfect continuous tense • To talk about a doctor’s job • Reading: • To read about two doctors and their work and Reading about the work of two answer questions doctors • To use the present perfect continuous Lessons 3 & 4: • Listening: Listening to people describing their jobs • To talk about different jobs Speaking: • • To listen to interviews about people’s job Asking about time and duration • To carry out an internet search about a job Writing: • • To talk about how long activities have lasted Writing about someone’s job • To discuss the importance of managing time

Lessons 1and2

SB pages 1-2 WB page 1

Vocabulary Key Vocabulary

‫المفردات الرئيسية‬

mobile health clinic ‫ عيادة صحية متنقلة‬equipment

)‫معدات (مفرد ال يـُعد‬

examine (d)



‫عملية جراحية‬




‫الشخص المريض‬

sick / ill people



‫سيارة اسعاف‬ ‫المفردات اإلضافية‬

Additional Vocabulary work (n/v) (ed)

‫ يعمل‬/ ‫عمل‬



‫شاحنة مغلقة‬

child / children

‫ اطفال‬/ ‫طفل‬ )‫قليل (للجمع‬



a few



wait (ed)




enjoy (ed) village hospital really call (ed)

‫يتمتع بـ‬

get better


‫ينتظر‬ )‫ خبر (مفرد اليُعد‬/‫أخبار‬ ‫يتحسن‬





use (d)


ً‫حقا‬ ‫ يستدعي‬/ ‫يتصل بـ‬

in order to



‫كال من‬

all day

‫طوال اليوم‬




‫ ذو صحة جيدة‬/ ‫صحي‬

finish (ed)

‫ينهى – ينتهي من‬


‫عطلة نهاية االسبوع‬

‫ يذاكر‬/ ‫يدرس‬

post office

‫مكتب البريد‬

study (studied) busy hard work

‫ مزدحم‬/ ‫مشغول‬ ‫عمل شاق‬





a newspaper





‫تصريف األفعال غير المنتظمة‬ Conjugations of irregular verbs Present Past simple Past participle










‫ يُدرس‬/ ‫يُعلم‬















‫ يؤدي‬/ ‫يفعل‬















‫يحصل على‬

‫الكلمات وعكسها‬

Words and Opposites the same

‫نفس الشيء‬


ill = sick



‫ بصحة جيدة‬/ ‫صحي‬






‫حروف الجر‬

Prepositions know about

‫يعرف عن‬

work with

far away from

‫بعيداً من‬

travel for work

‫يتنقل للعمل‬

teach about

‫يُعلم عن‬

work in a clinic

‫يعمل في عيادة‬

at university

‫في الجامعة‬

work at a hospital

‫يعمل في مستشفي‬

for very long

‫لمدة طويلة جدا‬

play on the beach

‫يلعب على الشاطئ‬

for the past hour ‫ طوال مدة الساعة الماضية‬wait for talk to 16

‫يتحدث مع‬

wait to +inf.

‫يعمل مع‬

)‫ شخص‬/‫ينتظر (شيء‬ )‫ينتظر لـ ( مصدر‬

A working life



Definitions ambulance A van that takes ill people to hospital patient operation


‫سيارة اسعاف‬

a person that a doctor is helping to get better. ‫مريض‬ when doctors cut a person open to help him get better.

‫عملية جراحية‬

equipment things that people use in order to do something. ‫معدات‬ ‫تعبيرات لغوية‬

Language Expressions twice a month

‫مرتان في الشهر‬

do something

‫يفعل شيء ما‬

do an operation

‫يؤدي عملية جراحية‬

do a job

‫يؤدي وظيفة‬

have an operation

‫لدية عملية جراحية‬

do work

‫يؤدي عمل‬

‫يبدأ العمل‬

do well

‫يؤدي بشكل جيد‬

start work go very well

‫تسير على ما يرام‬

cut a person open ‫يجرح شخص لفتح عملية‬

look tired

‫يبدو متعب‬

give medicine

‫يعطي دواء‬


Note ‫ادرس هذا الجزء جيدًا‬ ‫ليساعدك على حل سؤال‬ .‫ بشكل جيد‬correct

job )‫ وظيفة (اسم مفرد ُيعد أي لها مفرد وجمع‬/ work )‫عمل (مفرد ُاليعد‬ We’ve been doing this job for five years. ● It’s very hard work. ●

enjoy + (n) / (inf. +ing) ‫يستمتع بـ‬

2 I enjoy reading stories. ● ●


My father enjoys music. finish + (inf + ing / n) ‫ ينتهي من‬/ ‫ينهي‬

I finished studying at university six months ago. ● My father finished his work in the office at 3 o’clock. ●




10 help ‫ مفعول‬+ inf.

help ‫ مفعول‬to+ inf ‫يساعد‬

The doctor helped me get better. ● The doctor helped me to get better. ● I helped mum cook lunch. ●

Check Point Read and correct the underlined words: 1. You should finish do your homework. (...........) 2. My brother got a new work in a hospital. (...........) 3. My mother enjoys read the newspaper every morning. (...........)

Lesson 1

Pre-reading questions: - Would you like to be a doctor? Why / Why not? - What do doctors do?


2. Read about two doctors. What is the same about their work? What is different? SB page 2 My name’s Dr Aziz. I work in a mobile health clinic. The clinic is in a van. We’ve got two nurses, two doctors and a driver in our team. We’ve been doing this job for five years. I really enjoy it. Some people live in villages far away from a doctor or a hospital, so we visit the villages twice a month. We examine people and give them medicine if they are ill. We haven’t got the equipment to do big operations in the van. If a patient is very ill, we can call an ambulance to take them to hospital. We also visit schools and teach children about their health.

A working life



I’m Dr Gamila. I work at a big hospital in Cairo. I finished studying at university six months ago, so I haven’t been working here for very long. The hospital is very busy and today I started work at 6 a.m. It’s very hard work, but I love my job. For the past hour, I’ve been talking to the patients. I’ve just visited a child who had an operation a few hours ago. It went very well. Her parents have been waiting to see her, so I’m going to tell them the good news.

Note • The similarities and the differences about their work The similarities

The differences

- enjoys his work.

- travels for his work. - hasn't got equipment to do big

Dr Aziz

operations. - enjoys her work. Dr Gamila

- works in one hospital. - her hospital has equipments. - visits schools.

Post-reading questions 4 Answer these questions: 1. How many people does Dr Aziz work with?


- He works with ....................................................... . 2. Why does the mobile health clinic visit schools?


- in order to ....................................................... . 19



3. When did Dr Gamila become a doctor?


- She became a doctor ....................................................... . 4. Who has Dr Gamila just visited? Why?


- She’s just visited ....................................... to ....................................... . 5. How long has Dr Aziz been doing this job? - He has been doing this job for ....................................................... . 6. When did Dr Gamila finish studying at university? - She finished studying at university ....................................................... .

Vocabulary Exercises 1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. Manal broke her leg, so they took her to hospital in an ......... . WB a) ambulance b) accident c) attraction d) envelope 2. Dr Aziz works ............. a mobile health clinic, so he travels for his work. a) on b) with c) in d) from 3. Our hospital hasn’t got equipment to ........................ big operations. a) do b) make c) take d) have 4. I enjoy sports, but my sister enjoys ........................ to music. a) listen b) listens c) listened d) listening 5. Tell Nabil to wait ........................ me. I’ll be back soon. a) to b) for c) at d) by 6. Doctors try to help patients to get ........................ . a) good b) bad c) better d) worse 7. The mechanic ........................ my car and tried to repair it. a) examined b) broke c) cut d) made 8. M y father ........................ an operation yesterday. I hope he will get better soon. a) did b) made c) took d) had 20

A working life



9. Our hospital’s equipment ........................ modern. a) are

b) is

c) has

d) have

10. I visit my grandparents ........................ a month. a) to

b) too

c) twice

d) two

11. A ................ is a person who a doctor is helping to get better. a) nurse

b) patient

c) driver


d) singer

12. Doctors do ........................ when they cut a person open to help them get better. a) accidents

b) interviews

c) medicines

d) operations

2 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. The doctor told me to take some medical because I was sick.



2. The doctor revised the patient’s chest.



3. Some people live in villages far a way from a hospital.


4. Everyone should take care of their healthy.


5. My sister is still studying on university.


The present perfect continuous ‫زمن المضارع التام المستمر‬ Usage


• We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about actions that started in the past and continue until the present: (Salma has been doing the shopping all day) ‫ نستخدم زمن المضارع التام المستمر للتحدث عن افعال بدأت فى الماضى ومستمرة حتى وقتنا الحاضر‬-1

- S he has been studying English for five years. (She’s still studying it now) - I have been reading a new book. ( I’m still reading it) - Uncle Samy has been sleeping for 5 hours. 21



• We also use the present perfect continuous to talk about actions that started in the past and have present results: ‫ يستخدم ايضا للتحدث عن افعال بدأت فى الماضى ولها اثر فى الوقت الحاضر‬-2

- It’s been raining all day, so the garden is very wet. - I’ve been playing all day. So I’m too tired. - Mr Hazem has been teaching for nine years. Form


He / She / It

has (’s) been + inf. ing

I / We / You / They

have (’ve) been + inf. ing

- Samy has been studying English all night. - Mona and Dina have been shopping all day. - Omar and Kareem have been playing football for two hours. Negative ‫النفى‬ has / have ‫( بعد‬not / n’t) ‫ بوضع‬He / She / It

has (not) been + inf. ing

I / We / You / They

have (not) been + inf. ing

- I haven’t been watching TV this week. - She hasn’t been living in this city for too long. - They haven’t been working here for a long time. Question ‫السؤال‬ 1. Yes / No question Has

he / she / it

been + inf. ing?


you / they / we

been + inf. ing?

● Have you been eating ice cream?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. ● Has Mona been studying all the weekend? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t. 22

A working life



2. Questions using question words ‫ اداة االستفهام‬has / have subject + been inf.ing

- How long have you been doing this job? - What has Reem been doing all day? :‫ تستخدم هذه الكلمات مع زمن المضارع التام المستمر‬-1

:‫الحـ ــظ‬

since / for / all / for ‫ مده زمنية‬now

• Eg: - The boys have been playing all morning. - I’ve been studying English for 8 years. - Mai has been living here since 2007. - I have been working here for 2 years now. For the last ‫مدة زمنية‬

:‫الحـ ــظ‬

- For the last ten minutes, I’ve been walking to school. - For the last hour, Maha has been cooking lunch.

Check Point Underline the present perfect continuous verbs in these SB sentences: 1. We’ve been doing this job for five years. 2. I haven’t been working here for very long. 3. For the past hour, I’ve been talking to patients. 4. Her parents have been waiting to see her.

Structures Exercises 1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. The doctor has ....................... to the patient all morning. a) been talking b) talking c) talk d) talks 2. ....................... the farmer been working in the fields all day? a) Was b) Have c) Has d) How





3. Mona ....................... learning English since she was five. a) is

c) have been

d) has been

3. What book ....................... been reading this week?


a) you have

b) have


b) are you

c) have you

d) have

4. ....................... the past hour, I’ve been talking to patients. a) Since

b) Ago

c) For

d) Last

5. They have been ....................... in the park all morning. a) playing

b) played

c) plays

d) play

6. Our children have been studying ....................... the last 30 minutes. a) for

b) since

c) ago

d) when

7. My father is very tired. He ....................... all day. a) has worked

b) has been worked

c) has been working

d) working

8. Manal’s brother has ....................... living in England for a year. a) been

b) being

c) be

d) is

2 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. It been raining all day, so we cannot play outside. (.................) WB 2. What you been doing this morning?

(.................) WB

4. Basmala have been reading for 2 hours now.


5. Have the girls be sleeping in their bedroom?



General Exercises

Lessons 1&2

1 Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. What’s Samy’s job? a) a driver

b) a nurse

c) a doctor

d) a singer

2. How long has Samy been working? a) for 4 years

b) for 5 years

c) for 6 years

d) for 7 years

3. How much equipment have they got? a) Little equipment

b) Much equipment

c) No equipment

d) A lot of equipment

2 Read the following, then answer the questions: My uncle Ali is a kind, helpful and honest doctor. He was born in

Alexandria in 1950. He moved to Cairo in 1998 and has been

living “there” since then. He works in a famous hospital. He likes his work very much as he can help his patients to get better. He always examines them with the help of computers . He is married and has two children, a daughter called Heba and a son called Hany. His wife, Mrs. Nadia is a teacher of English . She is interested in sewing and cooking. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What does Dr. Ali do in his job? .......................................................... . 2. What are Mrs Nadia’s hobbies? .......................................................... . 3. Where does Dr Ali work? .......................................................... . B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. The underlined word “there” refers to ................ . a) Alexandria b) Giza c) Cairo d) Aswan 5 . Mrs. Nadia has ................. . a) two daughters b) no children c) two sons d) two children 25



3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. A ................. is a person that a doctor is helping to get better. SB a) driver b) patient c) doctor d) nurse 2. ................. you been waiting for the bus for a long time? a) Has b) Have c) Do d) Did 3. When you are ill, you should take ................. . a) medicine b) milk c) rice d) cake 4. Ali doesn’t know where the post office is. He ................. living in this city for very long. SB a) isn’t b) hasn’t c) hasn’t been d) wasn’t 5. I’m sure Hanan will do ................. in her test. SB a) good b) better c) well d) best 6. I haven’t been working ................. last Friday. a) for b) next c) ago d) now 7. Dr Aziz works in a mobile ................. clinic. a) ambulance b) van c) healthy d) health 8. You ................. been watching TV this week. a) haven’t b) hasn’t c) aren’t d) weren’t

4 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. We talked an ambulance to take the patient to hospital. 2. A driver helps patients to get better. 3. We’ve been travelling since an hour. 4. Her parents has been waiting to see her.

5 Write a paragraph of SIX (6) sentences on: “A doctor’s work” ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................


(............) (............) (............) (............)

‫مجاب عنه نهاية الكتاب‬

Note :‫تذكر أن‬ ‫ تت��رك مس��افة ف��ى بداي��ة‬.‫الجملة األولى‬ Capital ‫ الجملة تبدأ بحرف‬( . ) ‫وتنتهى بنقطة‬

A working life


Check Your



1 Give the meaning in Arabic: hard work










far away from


2 Give the meaning in English: ....................

‫عيادة صحية متنقلة‬






‫ مشغول‬/ ‫مزدحم‬


‫مكتب البريد‬


ً‫يؤدي جيدا‬




‫يلعب على الشاطئ‬


‫عمل شاق‬




Lessons 3 and 4

SB pages 3-4 WB pages 2-3

Vocabulary ‫المفردات الرئيسية‬

Key Vocabulary chemistry



‫ يومية‬/ ‫مذكره‬




‫ تقويم‬/ ‫نتيجه‬




‫ اثرى‬/ ‫قديم‬


‫نشاط‬ ‫الوظائف وأماكن العمل‬

jobs & place of work chemist



‫طبيب اسنان‬

archaeologist architect

‫عالم اثار‬ ‫مهندس معماري‬



hospital / clinic

‫ عيادة‬/ ‫مستشفى‬

ancient site/museum ‫ متحف‬/‫موقع اثرى‬ office

‫مكتب‬ ‫المفردات اإلضافية‬

Additional Vocabulary speaker


long ago

‫منذ وقت طويل‬




‫ مدة‬/ ‫زمن‬




‫ تقويم‬/ ‫نتيجة‬

‫شخص ما‬



someone tooth /tooth

‫ أسنان‬/ ‫سـِنة‬


How long…?

‫؟‬....‫كم المدة‬



How often…?

‫؟‬...‫كم مرة‬









hobby / hobbies






‫عمالت معدنية‬

free time

‫وقت فراغ‬

objects 28


suggest (ed)

‫ يوميات‬/ ‫مفكرة‬

‫ هوايات‬/ ‫هواية‬


A working life



‫تصريف األفعال غير المنتظمة‬ Conjugations of irregular verbs Present Past simple Past participle






‫ يعتقد‬/ ‫يفكر‬



















sit down


sat down

sat down









find out


found out

found out




‫ يسوق‬/ ‫يقود‬

‫الكلمات وعكسها‬

Words and Opposites important teach/ taught

‫هام‬ ‫ يـُدرس‬/ ‫يُعلم‬

unimportant learn/learned, learnt

‫غير هام‬ ‫يتعلم‬




ً‫ مساءا‬/ ‫بعد الظهر‬








‫صعب‬ ‫حروف الجر‬

Prepositions write down talk to .... about

‫يدون‬ ‫ عن‬.... ‫يتكلم مع‬

hear about

‫يسمع عن‬

look for

‫يبحث عن‬

think of

‫ يعتقد في‬/ ‫يفكر في‬

from the past

‫من الماضي‬

work in a hospital

‫يعمل في المستشفي‬

find out about

‫يكتشف عن‬

at an ancient site

‫ في موقع قديم‬on the phone

‫في التليفون‬

work in a museum

‫ يعمل في متحف‬What kind of…?

‫؟‬...‫ما نوع‬



10 ‫تعبيرات لغوية‬

Language Expressions would (’d) like to + inf.

‫ يريد أن‬/ ‫يود أن‬

too much + ‫كمية ال تـُعد‬

‫كمية أكثر من الالزم‬

the past few months ‫ االشهر القليلة الماضية‬see a patient ‫يري ويكشف على مريض‬ make medicine

‫يصنع دواء‬

take turns

‫يتناوب األدوار‬

test medicine

‫يختبر دواء‬

do activities

‫يؤدي انشطة‬

give medicine

‫يعطي دواء‬

plan activities

‫يخطط ألنشطة‬

What’s the matter? have a look too many + ‫جمع‬


‫ ماذا بك؟‬/ ‫ما األمر؟‬ ‫يلقي نظرة‬

get bored

‫يشعر بالملل‬

plan your time

‫تخطط وقتك‬

‫عدد أكثر من الالزم‬

start + (inf.+ing / n) ‫( أو‬to + inf.)


When did you start doing your job? When did you start your job? ● I stared to do it two years ago. ●


help + (to + inf.) ‫ ( أو‬inf.)


Doctors help us to get better.. ● Chemists help make new medicines. ●

Check Point Read and correct the underlined words: 1. When did you start to writing stories? 2. A teacher works in a laboratory. 3. Ali helped me studying my lessons. 30

(.........................) (.........................) (.........................)

A working life



Study these jobs ‫ادرس هذه الوظائف‬ • An archaeologist: In this job, people often work at ancient sites. They look for buildings and objects from the past. Some of the important objects go to the museum, where people can see them. • An architect: In this job, people help to design important buildings, for example a house, a museum, a school or a sports stadium. • A teacher: People who do this job usually work in schools. They help children to learn important information about many subjects. It is difficult but enjoyable work. • A farmer: People who do this job usually work in fields. They understand nature and are usually good at helping animals and plants to grow. • A chemist: People who do this job often work in a laboratory. They sometimes help to find new medicines to help people who are ill.



10 ‫نص  االستماع‬


Lesson 3

Pre-listening question: - What each of the people in the photos does in their jobs? 1. Listen to three interviewers and match the speakers with their SB page 4 jobs: One: Today I’m talking to some Interviewer : people about the important jobs they do. Good morning! Can I ask you a question? Where do you work? Woman : I work in a laboratory. Interviewer : When did you start doing this job? Woman : I started this job three years ago. Before that, I was at university. I was studying chemistry. Interviewer : And what job do you do in the laboratory? Woman : I help to make medicine. For the past few months, we’ve been testing some new medicine in the laboratory. At the moment, I’m waiting to see the results of a test. If the results are good, then we can start giving the medicine to patients. Two: Interviewer : Here’s someone who works in a hospital. But he isn’t a doctor. Man : That’s right I examine patients, but I only examine their teeth! Interviewer : How long have you been working here? Man : I’ve been working here for ten years. Some of my patients have been coming to see me since they were three or four years old! Interviewer : How often do patients come and see you? 32

A working life Man Boy Man



: They come and see me every six months. Here’s a patient now. Hello! What’s the matter? : My tooth hurts. : Have you been eating too many sweets? Sit down, and I’lI have a look.

Three: Interviewer : I ’m talking to Mr Zaki who is working at an ancient site! When did you start working here? Mr Zaki : I first came here six months ago. I was working in a museum when I heard about this project. Interviewer : What are you doing at the moment? Mr Zaki : I’m looking for pots, coins and other objects from the past. Long ago, people lived at this ancient site. We want to find out more about these people.

Post-listening questions 1 Complete the table: Job

Where does he / she work?

1. chemist

in a laboratory

How long has he / she been doing this job?

What is he / she doing at the moment?

2. dentist 3. archaeologist

Internet Search ...

Think of a job you would like to do. Find out what you need to study to do this job. www.aladwaa.com

‫لمعرفة اإلجابة ومصادر تساعدك انتقل إلى بوابة األضواء التعليمية‬ )Internet Search / ‫(داخل قسم دروس‬




Vocabulary Exercises

1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. We usually go to the ...................... to look after our teeth. a) doctor

b) chemist

c) nurse

d) dentist

2. Modern planes are usually less ...................... than old ones. a) noise

b) noisy

c) quiet

d) big

3. We went to the ...................... and swam in the sea. a) road

b) beach


c) street

d) way

4. A/An ...................... help to make medicine for sick people. a) archaeologist b) driver

c) dentist

d) chemist

5. Archaeologists usually work at ...................... sites. a) high

b) ancient

c) new

d) modern

6. I need a ...................... to know the time. a) laptop

b) television

c) radio

d) watch

7. I enjoy going to the club as I can ...................... many activities. a) make

b) do

c) give

d) put

8. We had an ...................... trip to the zoo yesterday. We had nice time. a) enjoy

b) enjoying

c) enjoyable

d) enjoyed

9. I’ve finished the exams and I’m waiting for the ...................... . a) reasons

b) causes

c) results

d) numbers

10. Archaeologists try to find out ................... ancient people and objects. a) at

b) in

c) about

d) on

2 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. Ali writes what he does every day in a dairy.


2. My father is a farmer. He works in a laboratory. (......................) 3. I didn’t hear at this story before.


4. Chemists help to do new medicines.



5. When the doctor examines you, it is unimportant to tell him where it hurts. 34




‫‪A working life‬‬


‫‪Asking and answering about time and duration‬‬ ‫السؤال واالجابة عن الوقت والمدة‬ ‫• عند السؤال عن المدة نستخدم‪:‬‬ ‫(‪ )How Long‬بمعنى(كم المدة) وعند االجابة نستخدم ( ‪ for‬لمدة ) أو ( ‪ since‬منذ )‪:‬‬ ‫كم مدة عملك هنا؟‬ ‫اعمل هنا لمدة (‪ 10‬سنوات)‬

‫?)‪1. How long have you been (working here‬‬ ‫ ‪- I’ve been working here for (ten years).‬‬ ‫?‪2. How long has she been studying English‬‬

‫كم المدة التى قامت فيها بدراسة اللغة االنجليزية؟‬

‫هى تدرس اللغة االنجليزية منذ ‪- She has been studying English since 2008. .2008‬‬ ‫• عند السؤال عن الوقت نستخدم )‪ (When‬بمعنى (متى)‬ ‫متى بدأت عمل هذة الوظيفة؟‬

‫ ?) ‪3. When did you start ( doing this job‬‬

‫اتيت هنا منذ عام ‪- I (came here) a year ago.‬‬ ‫متى انهيت الدراسة فى الجامعة؟ ?‪4.When did you finish studying at university‬‬ ‫انهيت الدراسة فى الجامعة العام الماضى‪- I finished studying at university last year. .‬‬ ‫• عند السؤال عن عدد المرات نستخدم )‪ (How often‬بمعنى ( كم مرة )‪:‬‬

‫كم مرة يأتى المرضى لزيارتك؟ ?)‪5. How often do (patients come and see you‬‬ ‫ياتو لزيارتى كل ‪ 6‬شهور‪.‬‬

‫ ‪- They come and see me every six months.‬‬

‫كم مرة تقوم بلعب كرة القدم؟‬

‫ ?‪6. How often do you play football‬‬

‫العب كرة القدم مرتين اسبوعيا‪.‬‬

‫ ‪- I play football twice a week.‬‬

‫• الحظ‪:‬‬


‫(يأتى بعدها مدة زمنية محددة)‬

‫ ‪for‬‬

‫(يأتى بعدها مدة غير محددة)‬




Language Functions Exercises

1 Complete the following dialogue: Tarek, Rami and Hassan are talking about chess. Tarek : How long have you and Rami been playing that game of chess, Hassan? Hassan : We’ve been playing it (1).......................................... nearly an hour. Tarek : I’ve (2).......................................... watching you. How long does it take to learn to play chess? Rami : I’ve been playing it (3).......................................... two years, but I’m not very good at it Hassan : it doesn’t take long to learn the rules, but you (4)......................... play every week if you want to be good at it. Rami

: Look! I think I’ve won.

2 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: 1) Amal : .....................................................................................? Mrs Huda : I’ve been working at this school for seven years. 2) Ali : How often do you visit the school library, Ahmad? Ahmed : .....................................................................................


A working life



Values ‫قيم حياتية‬ D o the quiz. Compare your answers in pairs and say why 1 you chose your answer:

1. Which of the following do you use to pian activities? How often do you use them? What kind of activities do you use each one for? a calender / a clock / a watch / a notebook / a diary / a mobile phone 2. Do you do your homework. a) while you are doing something else? b) in a quiet room? c) in a noisy place? 3. If you have lots of things to do, how do you decide what to do first? a) I do the most important things first. b) I do the most enjoyable things first. c) I do the easiest things first. 4. Which one is true for you? a) I have enough time during the day to do all the things I want to do. b) I don’t have enough time during the day for hobbies and relaxing. c) I have too much free time during the day and I get bored. Discuss your answers to the questions in exercise 2 and 2 these questions: 1. Why is it important to plan your time? 2. Can you suggest ways for your parther to use their time better?

2 We learn from this. - Discussing the importance of managing time.

‫نتعلم من هذا‬ ‫مناقشة اهمية تنظيم الوقت‬


General Exercises

Lessons 3&4

1 Listen and answer the following questions: 1. What is your job? ................................... 2. Where did you study chemistry? ................................... 3. When did you start your job? ................................... the following dialogue: 2 Complete Sayed

: When did you first want to be a dentist?

Dentist : I first wanted to be a dentist ten years (1) .........................., when I was at school. Sayed

: (2) .......................... have you been working at this clinic?

Dentist : I have been working here (3) .......................... years. Sayed

: Do you (4) .......................... your job?

Dentist : Yes, I do. It’s an exciting job.

3 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: 1. Teacher: How often do you study English? Pupil

: ............................................................................................ .

2. Dentist: ............................................................................................? You

: My tooth hurts.

4 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. We have many ................................... in our kitchen. a) pots

b) puts

c) boots

d) boats

2. We use the ................................... to know the date. a) clock

b) watch

c) alarm

d) calendar

3. We do experiments in the science ................................... . a) room

b) house

c) laboratory

d) office

4. How ................................... has your father been doing his job? a) long 38

b) tall

c) often

d) old

A working life



5. Chemists study ................................... at university to help them make new medicine. a) chemistry b) art c) maths d) geography 6. ................................... often do your patients visit you? a) What b) When c) How d) Why 7. I’ve been sleeping ................................... 3 hours. a) for b) last c) ago d) next 8. Miss Eman has been teaching us................................... 2010. a) ago b) for c) last d) since

5 Read and correct the underlined words: (................) (................) (................) (................)

1.The New Suez Canal is a great subject. 2. Doctors test patients to help them get better. 3. I’ve been learning English since eight years. 4. Old Egyptians built the Pyramids.

6 Write a paragraph of SIX (6) sentences on:

‫مجاب عنه نهاية الكتاب‬

“A dentist” .................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................

Check Your


1 Give the meaning in Arabic: Suggest








get bored




2 Give the meaning in English: ....................



‫االشهر القليلة الماضية‬






‫في موقع قديم‬


‫يكتشف عن‬


‫ مقابلة‬/ ‫حوار‬


‫يلقي نظرة‬


‫ يوميات‬/ ‫مفكرة‬


‫ تقويم‬/ ‫نتيجة‬



10 Review time





‫سيارة إسعاف‬


SB page 5



‫عملية جراحية‬



1 Complete the sentences with these words:

(‫)مجاب عنه‬

1. If you are ill, the doctor will examine you. 2. Ten patients are waiting to see the doctor. 3. If you see an accident, dial 123 for an ambulance. 4. My grandmother had an operation, but she’s better now.


The Present perfect continuous tense ‫زمن المضارع التام المستمر‬ ‫ الفاعل‬+ have / has + been + ( inf.+ ing )

1. I have been reading a newspaper. I haven’t finished reading it yet. 2. She has been studying English for five years.

: ‫• وغالب ًا يأتي مع الكلمات االتية‬

since ‫ منذ‬/ for ‫ لمدة‬/ all ..... ‫ طوال‬/ for ..... now ‫ اآلن‬..... ‫ لمدة‬/ how long ‫كم المدة‬

2 Complete the sentences in the present perfect continuous:(‫)مجاب عنه‬ 1. What / you / do / for the last 20 minutes? - What have you been doing for the last 20 minutes? 2. How long / Magda’s father / work / at the bank? - How long has Magda’s father been working at the bank? 3. I / read / an interesting book / this week. - I’ve been reading an interesting book this week. 4. Hassan hurt his leg, so / not / play / sports for the last few days. - Hassan hurt his leg, so he hasn’t been playing sports for the last few days. 5. I’ll make you some tea, Mum. You /work / hard all day - I’ll make you some tea, Mum. You’ve been working hard all day. 40

A working life




Asking and answering about time and duration ‫السؤال واالجابة عن الوقت والمدة‬ ) ‫ لمــدة‬for( ‫ كــم المــدة) وعند االجابة نستــخدم‬How long….?( ‫ للس��ؤال عن المدة نستخدم‬-1 )‫ منذ‬since( ‫أو‬ - How long have you been working here? I’ve been working here for ten years. ) ‫ متي‬When ….? ( ‫ للسؤال عن وقت الحدث نستخدم‬-2 - When did you start doing this job? I started this job a year ago. ) ‫ كم مرة‬How often ….? ( ‫ للسؤال عن عدد تكرار مرات الحدث نستخدم‬-3 - How often do patients come and see you? They come and see me every six months.

2 Match questions with answers:

(‫)مجاب عنه‬



1. How long have you been learning English? 2. When did you start learning it? 3. How often do you have lessons? 4. What have you been studying in English this week?

a) We’ve been studying the

Answers: 1. (d)

2. (b)

present perfect continuous. b) When I was six. c) We have them every day. d) I’ve been learning it for about seven years.

3. (c)

4. (a) Note ‫هذه الجزئية تساعدك على‬

Dictionary skills

‫البحث عن الكلمات فى‬

• This is how syllables are shown in a dictionary.


.‫هذه هي الطريقة التي يتم عرض المقاطع في القاموس‬

Complete the table: one syllable beans dates

two syllables honey survey

(‫)مجاب عنه‬

three syllables corridor nobody 41


10 Test 1

Based on Unit 1

A Listening 1 Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. Where can we see the ancient objects? a) in zoos b) in museums c) in schools d) in houses 2. Where do archaeologists work? a) at ancient sites b) at old sites c) at modern sites d) at new sites 3. What do archaeologists look for? a) objects from the future b) objects from the present c) objects from the past d) new objects

2 Listen and answer the following questions: 1. Where does Sarah like to do her homework? ................................... 2. Where does Mary prefer to study? ............................................................. 3. What does Mary like doing while she is studying? ............................

B Language Functions 3 Complete the following dialogue: Ahmed and Hady are talking about their favourite sports Ahmed : What’s your favourite sport, Hady? Hady : My favourite sport is (1) ....................................... Ahmed : (2) ....................................... have you been playing it? Hady : I’ve been playing football (3) ....................................... five years. Ahmed : Where do you usually play it? Hady : I usually play it in the (4) .......................................

4 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: 1) Mr Ahmed : How long have you been teaching? Mr Sabry : ............................................................................................. . 2) Tarek : .............................................................................................? Karim : I play a sport every day. 42


A working life



C Reading Comprehension 5 Read the following, then answer the questions: I’m Waleed. I have got two brothers and three sisters. My father is a farmer. My mother is a nurse. She spends all her time cooking and cleaning the house. My father and mother work hard to earn more money. We live in a nice house on the farm. My father grows a lot of vegetables. In my school, I have got a lot of friends. My school day begins at eight o’clock in the morning. After school, I usually help my father. I love looking after animals. I like to study farming because I want to grow many plants on our farm. A) Answer the following questions: 1. How many brothers has Waleed got? ...................................................................... 2. What does Waleed’s father grow? ............................................................................... 3. Why does Waleed like to study farming? ............................................................... B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. Waleed’s school day begins at ............................... o’clock. a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9 5. Waleed’s mother works in ............................... . a) a bank b) a hospital c) an office d) school

D The Reader 6 A) Put the events into the correct order: Dr Watson saw Holmes talking to Mr Wilson. Mr Wilson was surprised as everything was true. Dr Watson visited Sherlock Holmes at his home. Holmes told Mr Wilson that he used to be a labourer. B) Answer the following questions: 1. What did Mr Wilson use to be? ........................................... . 2. Why was Mr Wilson surprised when he was listening to Mr Holmes? SB ........................................... 3. How do you think Mr Holmes knew this information about Mr Wilson? ........................................... 4. Why do you think many people believed that Sherlock Holmes was a real person? ........................................... 43


10 E

Vocabulary and Structure

7 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. The mobile health clinic is in a ..................................... . a) train d) van b) plane c) taxi 2. I’ve been sleeping ..................................... the last 30 minutes. a) for b) since c) when d) ago 3. I’ll visit my cousin in hospital because he had a/an ..................................... . a) pain b) operation c) hurt d) health 4. Hassan hurt his leg, so he hasn’t been ..................................... sports for the SB last few days. a) play b) played c) playing d) plays SB 5. If you are ill, the doctor will ..................................... you. a) examine b) think c) hurt d) invite SB 6. I ..................................... an interesting book this week. a) ’ve been reading b) ’s been reading c) ’s reading d) ’m reading SB 7. Ten ..................................... are waiting to see the doctor. a) divers b) drivers c) patients d) thieves 8. How ..................................... do you watch TV? a) often b) many c) long d) old

8 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. My sister always makes well in the exams. ‫ﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻠﻴﺔ‬ 2. What your sister has been‫ﺍﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎﺭﺍﺕ‬ doing this week? www.aladwaa.com 3. My father is a farmer. He works in a laboratory. 4. How long did you start learning English?


(........................) (........................) (........................) (........................)


‫ﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻠﻴﺔ‬

www.aladwaa.com of SIX (6) sentences on: 9 Write a paragraph

“Your job in the future” ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ www.aladwaa.com ‫ﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻠﻴﺔ‬


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