Unit 13

Page 1

Objectives of the unit: Outcomes:

• Grammar: Reported speech • Reading: Reading a reported conversation • Listening: • •

Listening to a conversation about a trip to the desert Speaking: Keeping the conversation going Writing: Writing a diary entry about a trip

Lessons 1 & 2: To talk about the desert To read a conversation and answer questions To use reported speech Lessons 3 & 4: To listen to a story about an experience in the desert and answer questions To practise keeping the conversation going To carry out an internet search about the Djara cave To talk about the role animals play in human lives

• • • • • • •

‫‪SB pages 19-20‬‬ ‫‪WB page 15‬‬

‫‪Lessons 1and2‬‬ ‫‪Vocabulary‬‬ ‫‪Key Vocabulary‬‬

‫المفردات الرئيسية‬


‫منظر طبيعي‬

‫‪sand dunes‬‬

‫الكثبان الرملية‬


‫طبيب بيطري‬


‫متضمناً ‪ /‬مشتمال علي‬




‫صحراء‬ ‫جاموسة ‪ /‬جاموس‬



‫المفردات اإلضافية‬


‫‪Additional Vocabulary‬‬








‫)‪call (ed‬‬

‫قرية سقارة (بالجيزة)‬




‫‪train journey‬‬

‫رحلة القطار‬


‫بإمتداد‬ ‫فصل من فصول السنة‬

‫‪season‬‬ ‫‪shark‬‬

‫سمكة قرش‬



‫منطقة ‪ /‬مساحة‬


‫وماذا أيضاً‪...‬؟‬ ‫عيادة بيطرية (للحيوانات)‬



‫يا له من محظوظ‬




‫في مواجهة ‪ /‬في مقابل‬





‫يعتني بـ‬



‫حتى االن ‪ /‬بعد‬

‫‪look like‬‬


‫‪elephantine island‬‬ ‫جزيرة فيلة (الفنتين بأسوان)‬

‫يُبلغ‬ ‫مرح ‪ /‬متعة‬ ‫معين ‪ /‬محدد‬


‫?‪What else...‬‬ ‫ ‪animal clinic‬‬ ‫‪lucky him‬‬ ‫‪whole‬‬ ‫‪nearby‬‬ ‫)‪look after (ed‬‬ ‫‪vet‬‬ ‫)‪report (ed‬‬ ‫‪fun‬‬ ‫‪certain‬‬



‫تصريف األفعال غير المنتظمة‬ Conjugations of irregular verbs Present Past simple Past participle












‫ ينفق‬/ ‫يقضي‬

‫الكلمات وعكسها‬

Words and Opposites there











‫حروف الجر‬

Prepositions stay at a farm

‫يقيم في مزرعة‬

travel around

‫يسافر حول‬

on a horse

know a lot about

‫مُغطي بـ‬ ‫يعرف كثيراً عن‬

at the clinic

‫في العيادة‬

‫بجوار النهر‬

go on a trip

‫يذهب في رحلة‬

sand dunes of the desert ‫الكثبان الرملية للصحراء‬

learn a lot about ... from ‫ من‬... ‫يتعلم كثيراً عن‬

some of

‫بعض من‬

Language Expressions


«be» covered in

‫على ظهر الحصان‬

by the river

sounds like fun

‫غير مريح‬

‫يبدو ممتع‬

play a game with come for lunch

‫يلعب لعبة مع‬ ‫يأتي على الغداء‬

look at ... through ‫ من خالل‬... ‫ينظر إلى‬ ‫تعبيرات لغوية‬

have an interesting time ‫يقضي وقت شيق‬

An interesting trip


Note ‫ادرس هذا الجزء جيدًا‬ ‫ليساعدك على حل سؤال‬ .‫ بشكل جيد‬correct

trip journey



)‫رحلة قصيرة (بغرض المتعة‬

)‫رحلة قصيرة أو طويلة المسافة (نقصد بها عملية السفر من مكان ألخر‬

We went on a school trip last week. ● How long is your journey to work? ●


It’s + adj ‫ صفة‬+ to + inf ● It’s nice to see you today. good (adj.) well (adv.)


.............. ‫أن‬........... ‫إنه‬

‫(تصف اسم) جيد‬ )‫ بطريقة جيدة (تصف حال الفعل‬/ ‫جيدًا‬

My mother is a good cook. ● My mother cooks well. ●

Check Point Read and correct the underlined words: 1. It’s important brush your teeth every day. (.................) 2. You will enjoy the view near the valley. (.................) 3. The trip from Cairo to Aswan takes about ten hours. (.................) 4. I slept very good yesterday. (.................)






Pre-reading questions: 1. Have you ever visited the desert? 2. What did you see and do there? SB page 19 Ali just called. He said that he was enjoying his trip to Saqqara with his father! He said that they were staying at a farm where there were a lot of animals, including goats and buffalo. He said that they were travelling around the desert on horses. What did he say about Saqqara? He said that the scenery was beautiful, with green areas by the river and the big white sand dunes of the desert. That sounds like fun! What else did he say? He said that they were learning a lot about the desert from their guide, Walid. He said that Walid was going to take them to an animal clinic in a nearby village. The vet there help the farmers to look after their animals. I think Ali’s having an interesting time in Saqqara. Lucky him!

Post-reading questions 3 Choose the correct answers: 1. Ali is travelling (to / around) Saqqara on horses. 2. (Some of the / The whole) area is covered in sand dunes. 3. Walid (knows / is learning) a lot about the desert. 4. Ali (has / hasn’t) visited us yet. 5. (Guides / Vets) help animals at the clinic. 124

An interesting trip


Vocabulary Exercises


1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. ..................... are animals that live on a farm. b) Elephants c) Lions d) Buffalo a) Tigers 2. Some of the ..................... in the desert are 150 metres high. WB a) caves b) dunes c) wells d) camels 3. Tourists usually travel ..................... horses at the Pyramids. a) in b) on c) at d) by 4. This bed is very ..................... . I slept very well. WB a) comfortable b) careful c) certain d) interested 5. We spent the train journey along the Nile looking at the ..................... through the window. WB a) scenery b) scissors c) sharks d) guides 6. The farmer’s horse was ill, so he took it to a ..................... . a) doctor b) vet c) clinic d) guide 7. My grandparents live in a ..................... town. It isn’t far from here. a) nearby b) near c) next to d) far 8. We ..................... an interesting time on our uncle’s farm. a) bought b) had c) did d) made 9. My elder brother is very ..................... to find a good job. a) sad b) bad c) lucky d) luck 10. Our history teacher knows a lot ..................... Egypt. a) of b) about c) off d) on 11. A vet helps animals to get ..................... . a) better b) good c) worse d) sad 12. Mothers always look ..................... their children. a) for b) at c) down d) after

2 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. They were staying of a farm where there are a lot of animals. (.................) WB 2. Adel said that the scenery were beautiful. (.................) 3. Our trip to Saqqara voices like fun. (.................) 4. I always cheat with my friends on the internet. (.................) 5. I like the scenery on the river. (.................) 125



Reported speech

‫)الكالم الغير مباشر (المنقول‬

• (Dalia said that she enjoyed watching the film) :“ “ ‫ ويكون الكالم موضوعاً بين أقواس التنصيص‬.‫“ هو ما قاله شخص ما‬Direct Speech” ‫● الكالم المباشر‬

• “It is raining,” I said.

We use reported speech to report what someone said. In reported speech, the tense changes to the past: ‫“ هو كالم منقول عن شخص ما وال يوضع‬Indirect/ Reported Speech” ‫● الكالم الغير مباش��ر‬ .‫ وتحول األزمنة من المضارع الى الماضي‬،‫بين أقواس التنصيص‬

• I said that it was raining.

‫الحظ ما يلى‬ .‫ قبل الجملة المنقولة‬that ‫ تحول أزمنة الكالم المنقول أو الغير مباشر إلي الماضي ويمكن وضع كلمة‬-1 ً ‫ مث‬.ً‫ تحول الضمائر أيضا‬-2 .‫( حسب المُخاطب‬You) ،‫( حسب المتكلم‬I - We) ‫ال‬ .‫ إذا لم يُذكر المفعول أي المُخاطب‬said )‫ نستخدم في الكالم الغير مباشر (المنقول‬-3 .‫ إذا ُذكر المفعول أي المُخاطب‬told )‫ ونستخدم في الكالم الغير مباشر (المنقول‬-4

Direct Speech


Present Simple:

‫مضارع بسيط‬

• “I want to play a game with you,” said my brother.

Reported speech Past Simple:

• My brother said that he wanted to play a game with me.

Present Continuous: ‫ مضارع مستمر‬Past Continuous:

• I said to Mum, “It is raining.”

Future with will:

‫ماضي بسيط‬


• “We will travel to Alex,” said my cousins.

‫ماضي مستمر‬

• I told Mum that It was raining.

would + inf.:

• My cousins said they would travel to Alex.

Future with (am/is/are) going to: (was/ were) going to:

• “My father is going to travel

• Nadia told Ali her father was

next week,” Nadia said to Ali.

going to travel the next week.

can/may/must + inf.:

• He said “I can swim.” 126

could/might/ had to + inf.:

• He said that he could swim.

An interesting trip



‫الحظ مما سبق‬ :‫● شكل الجملة في الكالم الغير مباشر كاآلتي‬ .... ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل ماضى‬+ said + (that) + ‫ فعل ماضى‬.... ‫ المتكلم‬+ told + ‫ مفعول‬+ (that) + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل ماضى‬....

Check Point Complete the sentences in reported speech: 1. “It’s nice to see you, Hazem!” said Ashraf. - Ashraf told Hazem that it was nice to see him. 2. “I’m going to visit my grandmother,” said Hana. - Hana said that she ..................... going to visit her grandmother. 3. “Aunt Nadia is coming for lunch with us on Friday,” said Mum. - Mum said that Aunt Nadia was coming for lunch with ..................... on Friday.

4. “I will help you, Mahmoud “ said Anas. - Anas told Mahmoud that ..................... help him.

Structures Exercises 1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. My father told me that I ..................... work hard. a) must b) will c) can d) had to 2. Ramez said he ..................... going to London. a) was b) is c) would d) might 3. “ My friend told me that he ..................... an email to his friend. a) writes b) was writing c) will write d) is writing 127



4. Mary said that she ..................... buy a new car. a) will b) won’t c) can’t d) would 5. Nawal said her father ..................... on a great project. a) was working b) will work c) work d) works 6. Susan ..................... me she could come that night. a) told b) said c) tells d) says 7. Peter said ..................... he got up every morning at seven o’clock. a) to b) if c) that d) this 8. Manal said she ..................... to visit his friends that weekend. a) wants b) is wanting c) will want d) wanted 9. Sara ..................... her mother didn’t drink coffee anymore. a) said b) told c) asked d) wanted 10. He said ..................... the weather was colder than usual. a) if b) to c) this d) - 11. Ahmed ..................... “I’m studying English a lot at the moment”. a) told b) said c) asked d) wanted to know

2 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. She said this she was hungry. 2. He told us he enjoy the movie. 3. Samar said that she would studied for the exam. 4. She told me that she is studying then. 5. Heba told that she had to go. 6. I told my friend I would visit his that night.


(.................) (.................) (.................) (.................) (.................) (.................)

General Exercises

Lessons 1&2

1 Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. Where are they staying? a) in an island b) in a hotel c) in the river d) at home 2. Where do the stones look like elephants? a) in the river b) in the sea c) in the hotel d) in the park 3. Where is Elephantine Island? a) in Cairo b) in Alexandria c) in Aswan d) in Sinai

2 Read the following, then answer the questions: Egypt is full of great ancient places. Saqqara is an ancient site in Giza. It’s 30 km south of Cairo. Saqqara covers an area of around 1.5 km. It has many pyramids, including the world-famous Step Pyramid of Djoser, the oldest complete stone building in history. Another 16 Egyptian kings built pyramids at Saqqara. UNESCO sees “it” is the most important ancient site in the world. Some scientists think that the name Saqqara is from a group of people called Beni Saqqar. A. Answer the following questions: 1. Where is Saqqara? ................................................... 2. How many kings built pyramids at Saqqara? ................................................... 3. What does UNESCO say about Saqqara? ................................................... B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. The underlined pronoun “it” refers to ..................... . a) UNESCO b) Saqqara c) Cairo d) Giza 5. The Step Pyramid of Djoser is the oldest complete ..................... building in history. a) stone b) mud c) sand d) brick 129



3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. There are a lot of animals on the farm ..................... goats and donkeys. WB

a) including b) containing c) consisting d) forming 2. Abdullah said that his father ..................... the following week. b) comes c) would come d) is coming a) will come 3. . .................... help tourists to learn information about the sights in our country. WB a) Businessmen b) Nurses c) Vets d) Guides 4. My father ..................... me that the pyramids are in Giza. a) said b) tell c) say d) told 5. The camel is called the ship of the ..................... . a) farm b) field c) desert d) village 6. He ..................... that he couldn’t drive a lorry. a) asked b) ordered c) said d) told 7. Our grandmother will come ..................... dinner tomorrow. a) at b) for c) to d) in 8. They told us they ..................... home then. a) were going b) are going c) go d) go

4 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. There are many trees a long the river. 2. My mother told my sister was sleeping. 3. Farmers go to the dentist to look after their animals. 4. He said that he wants to buy a new car.

5 Write a paragraph of SIX (6) sentences on: “A trip you went on” ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................


(.................) (.................) (.................) (.................)

‫مجاب عنه نهاية الكتاب‬

Note :‫تذكر أن‬ ‫ تت��رك مس��افة ف��ى بداي��ة‬.‫الجملة األولى‬ Capital ‫ الجملة تبدأ بحرف‬( . ) ‫وتنتهى بنقطة‬

An interesting trip


Check Your



1 Give the meaning in Arabic: animal clinic






by the river


look like




2 Give the meaning in English: ....................



‫ محدد‬/ ‫معين‬


‫ جاموس‬/ ‫جاموسة‬


‫ مساحة‬/ ‫منطقة‬


‫الكثبان الرملية‬


‫يا له من محظوظ‬


‫يبدو ممتع‬


‫يذهب في رحلة‬


‫منظر طبيعي‬


‫رحلة القطار‬


‫‪SB pages 21-22‬‬ ‫‪WB pages 16-17‬‬

‫‪Lessons 3 and 4‬‬ ‫‪Vocabulary‬‬

‫المفردات الرئيسية‬

‫‪Key Vocabulary‬‬ ‫‪tent‬‬



‫تجربة في الحياة ‪ /‬خبرة‬



‫‪* straw‬‬


‫كهف‬ ‫ممر ‪ /‬طريق‬

‫‪explorer‬‬ ‫‪cow‬‬

‫بقرة‬ ‫سمكة ذهبية (نوع سمك)‬

‫‪* mud‬‬


‫‪Additional Vocabulary‬‬ ‫)‪explore (d‬‬


‫يوماً ما‬ ‫ثعبان‬ ‫ذات يوم ‪ /‬مرة واحدة‬



‫خروف ‪ /‬خراف‬


‫قيادة سيارة لفترة طويلة‬



‫حيوانات عاملة‬

‫ ‪working animals‬‬

‫أنوار ‪ /‬أضواء‬

‫حيوانات عاملة‬

‫ ‪working animals‬‬


‫ماء عزب‬ ‫طعام صحي‬ ‫مكان ما‬ ‫مجروح ‪ /‬يؤلم‬ ‫سجادة صغيرة ‪ /‬مشاية‬

‫‪one day‬‬ ‫‪snake‬‬ ‫‪once‬‬

‫ ‪ goldfish‬كهف الجارة (بالصحراء الغربية) ‪Djara cave‬‬ ‫دولة فرنسا‬

‫حيوان أليف‬

‫‪* path‬‬ ‫‪* bat‬‬


‫المفردات اإلضافية‬ ‫يستكشف (مكان)‬


‫‪fresh water‬‬

‫على أي حال‬

‫‪France‬‬ ‫ ‪long drive‬‬ ‫‪star‬‬ ‫‪lights‬‬ ‫‪camping‬‬ ‫‪anyway‬‬

‫‪healthy food‬‬






















‫من المحتمل‬

‫‪probably‬‬ ‫‪132‬‬

An interesting trip





13 ‫شيء ما‬

frighten (ed)



at all


follow (ed)



the country


suddenly century

)‫ عام‬001( ‫قرن‬

‫تربة زراعية‬

night sky

ً ‫السماء لي‬ ‫ال‬

‫تصريف األفعال غير المنتظمة‬ Conjugations of irregular verbs Present Past simple Past participle


‫ يقصد‬/ ‫يعني‬




‫ يترك‬/ ‫يغادر‬



‫ يشيد‬/ ‫ينصب‬

put up

put up

‫ يرغب‬/ ‫يش��عر بـ‬ ‫في‬

felt like

felt like





put up feel like freeze hear

‫ يُجمد‬/ ‫يتجمد‬ ‫يسمع‬








flown ‫الكلمات وعكسها‬

Words and Opposites huge soft warm Kind



‫ لين‬/ ‫طري‬





‫مائل للبرودة‬

‫ طيب‬/ ‫عطوف‬


happen to

‫يحدث لـ‬

stop for lunch

a photo of

‫صورة لـ‬

go for a walk

remind ... of

‫غير عطوف‬ ‫حروف الجر‬


frightened of

ً‫صغير جدا‬

‫خائف من‬ ‫يُذكر بـ‬

nervous of on the Cairo Metro

‫يتوقف من أجل الغداء‬ ً‫يذهب للنزهه ماشيا‬ ‫ عصبي من‬/ ‫متوتر‬ ‫في مترو القاهرة‬




stay with for a holiday

‫يقيم مع‬

use ... for

‫يستخدم لـ‬

‫لقضاء إجازة‬

work for

‫ لحساب‬/ ‫يعمل لدي‬

tired from

‫متعب من‬

sleep on straw/rug/blanket ‫ بطانية‬/‫ سجادة‬/‫ينام على القش‬

far from

‫بعيد عن‬

play in mud

on earth

‫علي كوكب االرض‬

during the day

into the desert

‫في داخل الصحراء‬

at night

‫يلعب في الطين‬ ‫أثناء النهار‬ ‫في الليل‬ ‫تعريفات‬


an animal that flies at night and sleeps during the day.

* bat


* mud

soil that is soft and wet.

* path

something that people use to walk through a desert, ‫ممر‬ forest, etc

* straw

dry parts of a plant used for animals to sleep on. ‫قش‬ ‫تعبيرات لغوية‬

Language Expressions get there

‫يصل هناك‬

get lost

get dark

‫تصبح ظالم‬

go camping

the only person


‫يضل الطريق‬ ‫يذهب ليخيم ويعسكر‬

‫الشخص الوحيد‬

experience )‫اليعد‬ ُ ‫خبرة في العمل (مفرد‬ an experience /experiences )‫تجربة في الحياة (موقف تمر به‬


I have some experience in teaching. ● My trip to Australia was an experience I’ll never forget. ●


An interesting trip

2 3


take + ‫ وقت‬+ to + inf. ● It took us two hours to drive there.


)‫يستغرق (للوقت‬

hear/ see/ watch + (inf. + ing) / (inf.) We heard them shout / shouting.

discover )‫يكتشف ( شيء موجود‬ invent )‫يخترع (شيء لم يكن له وجود من قبل‬


Who discovered The Djara cave? ● Who invented the telephone? ●

Check Point Read and correct the underlined words: 1. You need experiences to get this job. (.................) 2. Alexander Graham Bell discovered the telephone. (.................) 3. I heard my father to shouting at my brother. (.................)

‫نص  االستماع‬

Tapescript Pre-listening question: 1. What do you think happened to Hisham?



SB page 21 Hisham : Have you ever seen the desert? Boy2 : No, I haven’t. I mean, I’ve seen a lot of photos of it, but I’ve never been there myself. Hisham : Don’t you want to visit it one day? Boy2 : Well, yes, but the thing is, I’m really frightened of snakes. There are lots of snakes in the desert. 135


13 Hisham : That reminds me of a trip we once took to the Djara cave. Our relatives from France were staying with us for a holiday and they wanted to see it. Anyway, we left Cairo early in the morning. It took us almost a day to drive there. Boy2 : Did you go into the cave when you got there? Hisham : No, because it was getting dark, you see. We were tired from the long drive, so we put up our tents and started to cook our dinner. We ate under the stars far from any lights. I felt like I was the only person on earth. Boy2 : I know what you mean. I love camping. Anyway, you were saying…... ? Hisham : Yes, so we slept outside and the next day, we spent the whole day inside the cave. It’s the most amazing place; the rocks look like frozen waterfalls. Boy2 : Were there any bats? Hisham : Perhaps, but I didn’t see any! They were probably sleeping. Anyway, after another night in a tent outside the cave, we drove further into the desert. Boy2 : Weren’t you nervous? Yes, there weren’t any other Hisham : people or cars around at all. We stopped for lunch and my uncle and cousin went for a walk along a path. Then suddenly we heard them shout, “Come and look what we’ve found!” Boy2 : What was it? Hisham : It was a huge snake! Well, I’ve never run so fast in my life!


An interesting trip



Post-reading questions 3 Answer these questions: 1. Why is Hisham’s friend frightened of the desert? - Because he is frightened .............................. . 2. Who did Hisham visit the Djara cave with? - He went with his family and .............................. from France. 3. How long did it take them to get to the caves from Cairo? - It took them almost .............................. . 4. Why didn’t Hisham see any bats in the cave? - They were probably .............................. . 5. Why was Hisham nervous of travelling further into the desert? - Because there weren’t any other people or .............................. . 6. What frightened Hisham the next day? - .............................. frightened him . Internet Search ...

When was the Djara cave first discovered and who discovered it? www.aladwaa.com

‫لمعرفة اإلجابة ومصادر تساعدك انتقل إلى بوابة األضواء التعليمية‬ )Internet Search / ‫(داخل قسم دروس‬

Vocabulary Exercises 1 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. Farmers use soft ...................... to help their animals lie on. a) soil b) cotton c) straw d) mud 137



2. T he ...................... is something that people use to walk through a desert, forest, etc. a) method b) bath c) sky d) path 3. There was a lot of ...................... next to the river, so it was difficult to walk there. a) soil b) mud c) stones d) straw 4. A ...................... is an animal that flies at night and sleeps during the day. a) bat b) cow c) cat d) donkey 5. ...................... are animal that have long body with no legs. a) Lions b) Snakes c) Giraffes d) Camels 6. Most of the children are frightened ...................... dogs. a) of b) off c) at d) from 7. Some thieves use ...................... in mountains to hide in from the police. a) paths b) hotels c) tents d) caves 8. This photo ...................... me of a trip I once took to the pyramids. a) memorises b) reminds c) remembers d) forgets 9. When we arrived at the desert, we put up the ...................... to sleep inside. a) tents b) caves c) paths d) rocks 10. I was walking alone at night and I felt like I was the only person ...................... earth. a) of b) in c) on d) at 11. A ...................... is an area in a stream or river where running water falls down from a high place. a) waterfall b) cave c) path d) mountain 12. Children usually walk ...................... from dogs. a) near b) far c) next d) opposite

2 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. I went for walk along the river.


2. We were tired of a long drive. (.................) 3. The Djara cave is the most amazed place I’ve ever visited. (.................) 4. Because it was taking dark, we went inside the cave. (.................) 5. I’ve never gone camp. (.................) 138

An interesting trip



Keeping conversation going ‫الحفاظ علي استمرار المحادثة‬

• I mean .......... • Well, .......... • The thing is .......... • You see .......... • Anyway, .......... • You were saying .......... • I know what you mean.

.......... ‫ أقصد‬/ ‫أعني‬ .......... ،ً‫حسنا‬ .......... ‫الشيء أنه‬ .......... ‫أنت تعي‬ .......... ‫على أي حال‬ ..........‫أنت كنت تقول‬ .‫أعرف ما تقصده‬

- I mean, I’ve seen a lot of photos of it. - Well, but, the thing is, I’m really frightened of snakes. - I know what you mean. I love camping.

Language Functions Exercises 1 Complete the following dialogue:


Fady and Hussein are talking about a trip. Fady : Did you have a good trip to England? Hussein : (1) ......................................................., I’m happy to be home again. Fady : Didn’t you like it there? Hussein : No, I didn’t, but the (2) ....................................................... is, I don’t like cold weather. I prefer hot weather. Fady : I (3) ....................................................... what you mean. Did you practise your English? Hussein : (4) ......................................................., I did.

2 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: 1) Nada : What do farmers use buffalo and cows for? Hoda : ....................................................................... . 2) Samir : .......................................................................? Nabil : I like swimming and reading. Samir : Well, I love camping. 139


13 Tools For Life ‫قيم حياتية‬


W hich of the following do all working animals need? Read and tick: Working animals need...

1. fresh water. 2. healthy food. 3. mud to play in. 4. soft straw to sleep on. 5. somewhere warm and dry to sleep. 6. a visit from the vet if they are hurt or ill. 7. a rug or blanket to sleep on. 8. children to visit them every day. 9. kind people to look after them.

3 Discuss in pairs: 1. Why should we look after animals that work for us? 2. What would happen to farmers if their animals couldn’t work? 3. Which other things can you think of that might make the lives of working animals more comfortable?


General Exercises

Lessons 3&4

1 Listen and answer the following questions: 1. Which animal is sick? .............................................................................................................................................................

2. Who is Dr Mohsen?


3. What did Dr Mohsen say?


the following dialogue: 2 Complete

Mother and Amany are talking about a game.

Mother : What are you doing now, Amany? Amany : (1) .............................................., I’m playing chess online. Mother : Is it interesting or (2) ..............................................? Amany : It is very interesting. Mother : Will you (3) .............................................. me how to play it, please? Amany : Y es, I (4) .............................................. . But you have to be careful to understand this game.

3 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: 1. Noha

: I feel really tired?

Soha : ....................................................................... . Noha : Well, I’ll go to bed. 2. Soha

: ............................................................................................?

Sara : My favourite animal is the rabbit.

4 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. My mother always ...................... me that exams are getting nearer. a) forgets b) memorises c) remembers d) reminds 2. Sally says that her mother ...................... coming soon. a) had b) has c) is d) was 141



3. My brother loves going on a long journey outside, so he likes ...................... . a) camping b) climbing c) running d) swimming 4. I told my teacher ...................... I wouldn’t come to school the next day. a) this b) when c) that d) if 5. What does this word ...................... , please? a) know b) mean c) learn d) say 6. Eman ...................... Hend that Riham would travel to the USA. a) told b) tells c) said d) says 7. Farmers use ...................... for their wool. a) donkeys b) buffalo c) sheep d) cows 8. Ali told his friends that he ...................... the following month. a) travels b) will travel c) would travel d) travel

5 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. Cats, rabbits and horses are birds. (.................) 2. Karima told her husband she needs more money for food. (.................) 3. Working animals need a visit from a dentist when they are ill. (.................) 4. Mr Ahmed said that Mrs Huda would find a better job for he. (.................)

6 Write a paragraph of SIX (6) sentences on:

‫مجاب عنه نهاية الكتاب‬

“You favourite animal” .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................

Check Your


1 Give the meaning in Arabic: frightened of


get lost








stop for lunch



An interesting trip



2 Give the meaning in English: ....................

‫في مترو القاهرة‬




‫ يقصد‬/ ‫يعني‬




‫ماء عزب‬






‫أثناء النهار‬




‫الشخص الوحيد‬

Review time

SB page 5











)‫كثبان (الرمال‬

‫منظر طبيعي‬ ‫خيمة‬


‫طبيب بيطري‬

1 Complete the sentences:

(‫)مجاب عنه‬

(cave – guide – dunes – scenery – tent - vet) 1. My uncle is a ...................... He works at a clinic.


2. T he ...................... around Fayoum is beautiful. These are sand dunes around Wadi al-Rayan.


3. A ...................... is a big hole in the side of a mountain.


4. I don’t really like sleeping outside in a ...................... I prefer sleeping in a bed! 5. The guide showed us the way into the temple.

(tent) (guide)



13 Remember

Reported speech

‫)الكالم الغير مباشر (المنقول‬

• Ramy said that he visited his uncle. ‫ المتكلم‬+ said + (that) + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل ماضى‬....

• Ramy told me that he visited his uncle. ‫ المتكلم‬+ told + ‫ مفعول‬+ (that) + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل ماضى‬....

Direct Speech


Present Simple:

‫مضارع بسيط‬

• “I want to play a game with you, “ said my brother.

Reported speech Past Simple:

• My brother said that he wanted to play a game with me.

Present Continuous: ‫ مضارع مستمر‬Past Continuous:

• I said to Mum, “It is raining.”

Future with will:


• “We will travel to London,”

‫ماضي بسيط‬

‫ماضي مستمر‬

• I told Mum that It was raining.

would + inf.:

• My cousins said they would

said my cousins. travel to London. Future with (am/is/are) going to: (was/ were) going to: • “My uncle is going to visit • Nadia told Eman her uncle us next month,” Nadia said to Eman. can/may/must + inf.:

• He said “I can play chess.”

was going to visit them the next month. could/might/ had to + inf.:

• He said that he could play chess.

2 Writ the sentences in reported speech:

(‫)مجاب عنه‬

1. “Your dinner is ready!” - My mum said that my dinner was ready. 2. “I want to show you a photo, Hala.” - Salma told Hala that she wanted to show her a photo. 144

An interesting trip



3. “You are going to do a spelling test.” - The teacher told us that we were going to do a spelling test. 4. “I can invite you to my party.” - Ahmed said that he could invite them to his party. 5. “It’s going to be very hot later.” - The weather reporter said that it was going to be very hot later.

Remember Keeping conversation going ‫الحفاظ علي استمرار المحادثة‬

• I mean .......... • Well, .......... • The thing is .......... • You see .......... • Anyway, .......... • You were saying .......... • I know what you mean.

.......... ‫ أقصد‬/ ‫أعني‬ .......... ،ً‫حسنا‬ .......... ‫الشيء أنه‬ .......... ‫أنت تعي‬ .......... ‫على أي حال‬ ..........‫أنت كنت تقول‬ .‫أعرف ما تقصده‬

- I mean, I’ve seen a lot of photos of it. - Well, but, the thing is, I’m really frightened of snakes. - I know what you mean. I love camping.

2 Complete the sentences:

(‫)مجاب عنه‬

1. Did I tell you about the time I went to the beach? - Well, it was last summer, when I was staying with my aunt in Alexandria. 2. When I first went to Cairo, I got lost! - The thing is, I wasn’t carrying a map. 3. We went on a desert tour with a guide. - You see, if you don’t do that, you won’t know where to go. 145



Note ‫هذه الجزئية تساعدك على‬

Dictionary skills

‫البحث عن الكلمات فى‬ ‫القاموس‬

How many syllables are there in these words? ‫كم عدد المقاطع في هذة الكلمات؟‬

Complete the table and add dots to show the syllables: (‫)مجاب عنه‬ three syllables

four syllables

five syllables







Test 4

Based on Unit 13

A Listening 1 Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. Where did you go? a) on a river tour b) on a mountain tour c) on a desert tour d) on a field tour 2. Who found you? a) the guide b) the driver c) the tourist d) the farmer 3. Why did you get lost? a) He didn’t have a way b) he didn’t have a map c) He didn’t have a tour d) He didn’t have a friend

2 Listen and answer the following questions: 1. Where was the ancient site Basma went to? ................................................... 2. Who built a city there? ................................................... 3. What did Basma do there? ................................................... 146

An interesting trip



B Language Functions 3 Complete the following dialogue: Alaa is talking with Ali about the summer holiday. Alaa : Are you going away this summer, Ali? Ali : Yes, I’m going to my uncle’s (1) .............................................. . Alaa : That sounds like (2) .............................................. . It’s a wonderful idea to spend the holiday on a farm. Ali : You (3) .............................................. , I like the country. Alaa : How (4) .............................................. will you stay there? Ali : Just a month.

4 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: 1) Ayman : Let’s meet for dinner tonight, Nabil? Mr Sabry : ....................................................................... . Ayman : Okay, I hope you will get high marks. 2) Mother : .......................................................................? Yara : I’m so sorry. I have an exam tomorrow. Mother : Well, I’ll the room then.

C Reading Comprehension 5 Read the following, then answer the questions: Monday 23rd March, 2016. I have just got home after I visited my uncle and aunt in Mallawi. My two cousins were also there. On Saturday, they took me to Tell al-Amarna. It is an ancient site in the desert which archaeologists are studying. My aunt said that Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti built a city there. My uncle said that they only lived for twelve years. It is a beautiful place and I enjoyed my visit to the desert. We went back to our house in the evening. I had a wonderful time! I was very tired, too, so I went to bed early. A) Answer the following questions: 1. Who did the writer see at the weekend? .............................................................................................................................................................




2. What did the writer’s aunt say about Tell al-Amarna? .............................................................................................................................................................

3. How long did Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti live there? .............................................................................................................................................................

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. This passage is taken from a/an ...................... of the writer. a) book b) diary c) email d) notebook 5. The underlined word “ancient” means very ...................... . a) modern b) new c) young d) old

D The Reader 6 A) Put the events into the correct order: Mr Wilson met Mr Ross at the office of the Red-Headed League. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went to the violin concert. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went to Mr Wilson’s shop. Mr Wilson spoke to the landlord of the office. B) Answer the following questions: 1. What shops were behind Mr Wilson’s shop?

SB .............................................................................................................................................................

2. What did Sherlock Holmes do when he arrived at Mr Wilson’s shop? .............................................................................................................................................................

3. Why do you think Sherlock Holmes asked Mr Wilson about Mr Spaulding? ................................................................................... 4. Why do you think Sherlock Holmes wanted to see the knees of the young man’s trousers? ...................................................................................


Vocabulary and Structure

7 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. A ...................... is a hole in the side of a mountain. a) path b) cave c) hill d) tent 2. Ahmed told me that he ...................... invite me to his party. a) wasn’t b) isn’t c) couldn’t d) can’t 148


An interesting trip



3. The ...................... showed us the way into the temple. SB a) pharaoh b) chemist c) farmer d) guide 4. “I want to show you a photo, Hala.” - Salma told Hala that she wanted to show ...................... a photo. SB a) me b) him c) us d) her 5. The tourist didn’t have map, so he ...................... lost. a) got b) took c) made d) had 6. The teacher ...................... to the boys, “You should study hard.” a) told b) said c) showed d) knew 7. My uncle is a ...................... . He works at an animal clinic. SB a) dentist b) chemist c) nurse d) vet 8. The science teacher told us ...................... wood floats on water. a) this b) that c) than d) then

8 Read and correct the underlined words: 1. I love going and sleeping in waves. (.................) WB 2. Omar said that he is enjoying his trip to Luxor. (.................) WB 3.Gamal works as a wet in an animal clinic. (.................) 4. Mr Said told the student that he will give them a test the following week. (.................)



‫ﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻠﻴﺔ‬

SIX (6) sentences on: www.aladwaa.com 9 Write a paragraph of “A day you never forget” .................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................

‫ﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻠﻴﺔ‬

.................................................................................................................................................................... www.aladwaa.com

www.aladwaa.com ‫ﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻠﻴﺔ‬


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