blog 112 18Apr'11

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Bob’s Africa Rotary Blog 112


A Quantum Change in Place; Reality never Changes

Visiting Rotary Clubs in Bangkok (Vadoma) Left above, and Siem Reap Cambodia (r). In Angor Wat the Club took me to some of their projects including an orphanage and an English language course for the children living in settlement camps adjacent to Ankgor Wat. The project enables communications to sell items to tourists and help provide income to these displaced residents.

Above (L) Phon Penh’ version of Paris’s Arch de Triomphe, an over the top icon supposedly made of concreteoriginally headed for a US runway that got misdirected. Top center is the Royal Palace in Bangkok, Below temple, a comparison of the vehicles seen in Cambodia, large and small. At right a tree growing in Angkor Wat. Before 1920 the entire structure was covered by trees. At left a sign guiding students to a free language class in the Angkor Wat adjacent settlement village. Unseen by thousands of tourists, thousands of people are living without electricity, clean water or sanitation. The Cambodian Government dosen’t want a permanent refugee camp adjacent to the country’s primary tourist destination. Rotary is doing what it can with food and help.

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