Rotaflyer 2013 27 jul11

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JULY 11, 2013

Rotaflyer Last Meeting Highlights Take a moment to see what you missed and view upcoming events.. Bob Fish & Family at Demotion Party June 27th

CALENDAR - This Week

Thursday July 11th Art Kleinpell, incoming NIRC President 2013-14 - The new Rotary Year... Incoming President Art has arranged an “Open Bar” and will host your first drink thursday 11:30-12:00 Arrive early and help us run up Art’s Tab.... Give Art your full support and plan to make sure you attend this first session of the year...

Last Meeting Notes

We will find out what Art has in mind for our club this upcoming year ... there are rumors of a new Seating formula, room layout changes and fun, indicated premature wearing of action projects to keep us all on our toes.... the tubes. Due to costs, the length of negotiations and Then we are promised a secret, fun program as a planning to repair the defective warm-up for the year.... clue: think “Magic Castle”.... tubing, the decision was made to permanently close the plant. See you all Thursday... The cost of having the plant offline was $30 million a day. The ---------------Upcoming Speakers/Events-----------------decisions regarding the plant Thursday, July 18th, 12:00pm were driven by Edison’s Surprise... commitment to its stockThursday, July 25th, 12:00pm holders and rate payers. The Surprise... company is working to find Thursday, August th, 12:00pm ways to conserve energy through voluntary reduction Surprise... programs, which will pay $200 in credit to customers who join. Club Rotarians help “Stop Hunger Now”: They are also working with 6 NIR members joined 70 volunteers to pack corporations, government 100,800 meals for Haiti Sat March 22nd. Jim agencies, agriculture Parsons, Carol & Ed Smith, Singh Sawhney, Shamila representatives to find Mustafa[eClub West], Cecil Hess & Guy Harden. conservation opportunities. Their campaign is called “Let’s Do Amazing Things This Summer”. Edison is also planning for flex-alerts during peak usage to notify customers of potential outages. Information about planned outages can be found on the Edison website. Bill Zeller - Reporter

Pres Bob started at 12:30 pm Invocation: Uzo Okereke. Pledge of Allegiance: Keith Nelson 4-Way Test: Bill Zeller Song of the Day: Jim P. led us in The Battle Hymn of the Republic Visiting Guests and Rotarians: Uzo introduced his friend and colleague Betsy Lindsay Announcements: Golf Tournament: Scheduled Mon July 15th at Oak Creek golf course. We need more foursomes. Tee times are also for sale. Singh and Art are attending RI Conference in Lisbon this week. President Bob’s demotion party is scheduled June 27th. Bring guests and sign up! We need 60 to attend and we now have 30 signed up. Fine Master: Blanca announced that she will be fine master next year! She then proceeded to embark on a significant fining campaign against Singh, Guy, Ed, Cecil, Uzo, Ron H., Jerry, Scott, Ken, Baily, Lou, TJ and Len. Click for Photo Album of Guest Speaker: Pres Bob Last Meeting introduced Eddie Marquez, Public Affairs Manager for the Southern California Edison Co. Photo Album of Bob Eddie provided an update on Fish’s Demotion Party planning for the shutdown of the San Onofre power station, Thanks Bob for a great year which provided 10% of the power to Southern California. A leak in one of the 1100 tubes

Click for Event Photos

New Lunch Buffet price $15 UCI students... $10 UCI Rotaract club members.. $5

PAGE 1/2 Is it the truth? • Is it fair to all concerned? • Will it build goodwill and better friendships? • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

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