Blog126 17Jan'12

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Progress is RRWDU\·V 0RVW ,PSRUWDQW 3URGXFW (apologies GE) Those courses in Community Development actually paid off

Photos above (L) beginning of clearing fields by contactor (community youth were hired) (c) Park committee and contractor, r- field before planting new buffalo grass

Dambwa North Rotary Community Park Tree Agreement I, __________________ of plot no.____ accept full responsibility for the planting, watering and care of a Moringa tree in the new Dambwa North Rotary Park and I accept. another Moringa Tree for my personal use (both trees donated by Zambezi Nkuku which means chicken in many African languages). I am an involved, committed & proud resident of the Dambwa North Community. st On July 1 2012 the plot owner who has grown the tallest tree in the Park will rceive a prize of 5 trees to use at no charge. Judges will be the Park committee. _______________ ______ _____________________ ______ Plot owner/tenant date for the Park Committee number

Rotary Play Park Equipment Funds Still needed for:

Chain Link Fencing $3400 Tot Lot Equip.Play Ctr $1000 Basket/Netball Court $2100 Solar/Electric Security Lighting /Inverter $2700 Concrete Tables/Bnch $1000 Volleyball ct., net, poles $900 Gardening Equip. $630 2/6 Years play equip $1100 Balls, & sports equip $1400 Uniforms can be donated & transported free; all will be marked with donors name if so desired.

Please Help!!!

We need $2600 to complete the grading, preparation and planting of

the soccer pitch & to place goal posts. We are proceeding to construct the park in the area that is not subject to litigation. Hopefully this too shall be completed by March 15. Construction of the soccer(football) pitch is now complete. The Evanston Lighthouse, Illinois Club and their Inter act, Rotaract and ties to Rotary International in Evanston are raising funds for the soccer pitch. Funds donated by other Clubs and individuals will help make the $2600 necessary a reality. Any additional monies raised for the soccer field will go to the tot-­lot for the under five year olds. All play equipment, fencing and tot lots remain to be sponsored. The original Matching Grant covered the well and restrooms and storage rooms. Some of those funds are awaiting adjudication to be spent. The remainder is not part of the original grant. Make checks out to NIRC Foundation, a legal 501c3 Foundation, funds will be forwarded to the Rotary Park in Zambia. Funds will now go to building the netball/ basket-­ ball/ badminton pitch and small child play equipment. Please let me know by e-­mail what you or your Club can do. Make checks payable to NIRC Foundation. Send to NIRC at PO Box 4113, Irvine CA 92616. Thanks, Bob Selinger, (949)887-­3266. I am in the USA and available to talk to your Club. meetings. 887-­3266. Bak in USA on June 8th, 2012.

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