Bob's Africa Blog129

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BREÂśV $IULFD Rotary Blog 129


Norwegian Ambassador Visits Livingstone Bush Speaking to the villagers at Siamasimbi is Chief M ukini seated behind are L-R Kazungula District Commissioner Pascolina M usokotwane, Norwegian Anbassador Arve Ofstad and Response Network Country Rep. Haakon Spigseth entertained by a Village Chorus and drummers. Response Network a Rotary Partner is promoting a series of Self-Help motivational seminars in the villages and has been highly successful in the fieldV RI JHQGHU HPSRZHUPHQW OLWHUDF\ JRYHUQDQFH ZRPHQÂśV DQG childrens rights and sports for villages among many others. The young lady at right was dressed to the nines for the celebration although a bit in awe over all the hoopla. Response Network did sensitization training in Gender Violence through discussion and drama group presentations. Sunday I was off to Lusaka for PETS, discussing the incoming wheelchairs and future water projects A quick trip to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe is on Thursday and on the 20th off to Geneva & the WHO UN/ UNI CEF with meetings about wheelchair production in Zambia. Â

Please Help Finish Rotary Park!!

We are almost there;Íž we only need

$2230 to finish the park. The soccer pitch is completed (thanks Evanston Lighthouse, RI soccer aficionados & Interact) plus Rotarian Bjorn Ekland. The Park is still on legal hold on a portion of the property. We are proceeding on the uncontested area. Please let me know by e-­mail: rdselinger, you or your Club can help complete the small children¡s play areas, the basketball/ badminton net-­ ball courts & picnic areas. YRX RU \RXU &OXE¡V GRQDWLRQ VKRXOG EH made out to NIRC Foundation a 501c3 charity. The USA Club will forward ALL funds to Livingstone for the Rotary Park. Make checks payable to NIRC Foundation at, PO Box 4113, Irvine CA 92616. Thanks. Herron/Klein, Sonnenberg, Marchenbeck & Ekland families for your support.

rrdSelinger,, .

Bob Selinger

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