Bob’s Africa Rotary Blog 136
RI President Sakuji Tanaka Visits Livingstone
Rotary Zone 20a held its annual conference in Livingstone and RI President Tanaka spoke about Rotary’s 2012-2013 theme of “Peace through Service.” President Tanaka visited the St. Joseph Hospice which was a$250K Rotary Matching Grant that provided vehicles, and the total outfitting of the 33 bed hospice. Above l-r:Selinger, RI President Tanaka, RI translator, Trustee Gideon Pieper and PDG Patrick Chisanga listen to a presentation about the hospice.
New Rotary Trustee Gideon Pieper & 9210 immediate Past District Governor Joao Bettencourt visited the historic Jewish cemetery in Livingstone. R Dambwaa N. Rotary Park Committee receives nets for soccer pitch
Please Help Finish Rotary Park!!
We are almost there we need
$3500 to finish the park. With addition of fencing and a netball/basketball court. Dr. Heidi Schwere from Berlin donated $250 to her basketball love. The soccer pitch is completed (thanks Evanston Lighthouse, RI soccer aficionados & Interact) plus Rotarian Bjorn Ekland. The Park is still on legal hold on a portion of the property. We are proceeding on the uncontested area with the new basketball court. Please let me know by e-mail:, you or your Club can help complete the small children’s play areas,femcing, the basketball/netball courts & picnic areas. You or your Club’s donation should be made out to NIRC Foundation a legal 501c3 charity. The USA Club will forward ALL funds to Livingstone for the Rotary Park. Make checks payable to NIRC Foundation at, PO Box 4113, Irvine CA 92616. Thanks also to the Herron/Klein, Sonnenberg Selinger and Marchenbeck families for your support.
Bob Selinger