Bobs Blog 138 7Aug'12

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Bob’s Africa Rotary Blog 138


Back to Lusaka, the Capital & Center of Decision Making But first a view of the Victoria Falla before a full day drive to Lusaka. My tie is on in Lusaka. Protocol you know.This blog delayed by extreme internet conditions! Meetings, meetings and more meetings with Ministries of Government, NGO’s. Rotarians &Clubs filled eight days in Lusaka. I got a Zambian GPS to find my way around Lusaka easier, worked on water projects & the Livingstone hospice assisted by PDG Ravi Devalia. Water Project Progress: By chance on my arrival I saw an invitation to bid for water projects in a coordinated USAID program for schools in Zambia. It sounded similar to what Rotary is doing with USAID in Hati, Philippines & Ghana. I met with Chief of Party Dr. Justin Lupele and found that he had overseen the mapping of water two years ago and had a copy of the data. Unfortunately it has never been quantified so we are in the process of making a true map of water for schools in Zambia. The USAID funded NGO is called SPLASH and its $20 million dollar grant for five years is to bring water health and sanitation to unserved schools by providing a borehole, toilet and wash facilities along parent, teacher and schoolchildren training/ sensitization, They were looking for a partner as part of the USAID project and Rotary fits the bill. Rotary will contribute 0.5 million RI matched funds each year (4)to be matched by USAID/SPLASH. D9210 Governor Nimrod Kapwele has approved a District Countrywide grant in coordination with the Rotary Foundation, subject to USAID and RI Foundation approval. A concept model has been accepted by SPLASH, Rotary/USAID liason, WASRAG and the District. Through the hard work of Rotarian Drake Zimmerman from D6250 and WASRAG a small start up grant to involve D9210 & the Chipata Rotary Club with 6 wells to allow Rotary to partner from the countrywide launch; August 16 in Chipata. PDG Ravi is helping Gov. Kapwele when I’m out of country. Livingstone Hospice Progress: Met the Minister of Health Dr, Joseph Kasonde with PDG Ravi Devalia and had a very indepth discussion about the hospice in Livingstone and Government’s wish to keep the hospice functioning with the infusion of government support through a direct grant through CHAZ. Their support is dependent on other sources and the Diocese’s contribution. At the founding of the hospice I went to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation in Los Angeles and requested their help for the Childrens Ward. At that time they were only involved with mother-to-child HIV/AIDS prevention. Last Year EGPAF began helping to open a palliative care pediatric unit with Tiny Tim & Friends at the Our Lady’s Hospice in Lusaka. In conjunction with CDC & USG PEPFAR After meetings with staff and Dr. Susan Strasser, Country Director, a plan was formulated to bring the St. Joseph’s hospice into the fold in stages next year. (Below the new Indola Football stadium (note person in scale at bottom )& The Serlimitsos Family(Lusaka host) at the Kitwe Mall

Danger… Do Not patronize yellow and white Cape Africa Buses. This past Sunday driving back from Lusaka,at 10 am entering Monze, a Cape Africa bus going at very high speed passed three cars and forced me into a ditch. There have been numerous fatal bus crashes recently in Zambia. Poor drivers should not be patronized. At right.. Harry Munsaka,the former Livingstone Rotaract President has been accepted at Nursing School at Livingstone General Hospital.

Harry was raised by his uncle and aunt (now deceased) and has no family to support his education. He has worked part time at the water and sewage company to help with some of the costs. Each year of Nursing School costs $1200. In the past I have sponsored girls for this program. This is a very unusual situation, Harry is highly motivated and qualified. The course has already started and Harry has used all of his savings for the initial fees. Hopefully am individual or Club could help sponsor Harry, The funds can go through the Newport/Irvine Rotary Foundation(a 501c3 entity) and be forwarded to the Livingstone Rotary Club for disbursement. Please help through NIRC Foundation at P O Box

District 9210’s Africa projects are manifold & your help is needed to accomplish Rotary’s efforts. Please contact Bob with you or your Club’s interest. Contacts (USA)(949)887-3266, Zambia (260) 955-898901, e-mail: Skype: bobselinger. 6113, Irvine, CA 92616. All funds will be sent and disbursed by the Livingstone Zambia Club

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