Bobs Blog141 29Aug'12

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Bob’s Africa Rotary Blog 141


Completing My Stay in Israel & on to DC In Israel I had the great opportunity to again meet with new Rotary Trustee Gidi Peiper and wife Chen at their home in Tel Aviv. We discussed the Rotary Volunteer Senior Corp concept & the Hospice in Livingstone with PP Mark Zober & PP Marilyn Farber (in Rotary Shirts) of the Jerusalem Club over dinner in Old Jaffa overlooking the Mediterranean. (see below). Zone Trustee Peiper represents Africa.& parts of the Middle East and Europe. Izmir Turkey & Jerusalem Israel will be hosting zone conferences in the next 2 years. Trustee Gidi & RI President Tanaka and their wives visited the Livingstone Zone Conference last month.

The views of the Tel Aviv skyline (above). Getting on a train from Ashkelon to Tel Aviv, not quite like a Japanese bullet train, but very nice with wifi and electrical hookups, (center). A Bedouin shepherd tending his flock in the middle of Israel, from the train. The wall separating hot spots along the West Bank. I assumed the wall was everywhere. It is not. Many areas are still quite open. Much like the US/Mexico border. I visited.Yad Vasheim in Jerusalem which has been totally redone, now a huge complex. It dwarfs the incredible Holocaust museum in Washington and is well worth visiting. Make sure you give yourself at least three hours to view the museum Bottom right. All in all a great visit to a gorgeous part of the world. The countryside and infrastructure are magnificent. It appears that of the multi-ethnic are getting along in Israel. I pray that it may continue during the formation of the twostate program. On to Washington DC and the USAID Wheelchair conference; cosponsored by the UN & WHO. In October 500 wheelchairs will arrive in Livingstone to be assembled in Zambia for distribution throughout Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi. The Livingstone Youth Training Center will be assembling this first shipment of Wheelchair Foundation chairs. Later in the year it is hoped that a second shipment of Whilrlwind Foundation Rough-Rider heel chairs will be assembled. We are now awaiting USAID approval for funding this project.

Please Contact Bob Selinger

(USA) (949)887-3266, e-mail:, or bobselinger on skype to support a joint USAID/Rotary water, sanitation and educational project in Africa. We still need help in finishing the Dambwa Rotary Park in Livingstone with perimeter fencing. We are beginning a comprehensive education support system Matching Grant for the Southern Provence of Zambia. This education program will be a competive matching grant which will require numerous Clubs and Districts’ participation. Please let me know what you or your Club may be interested in supporting. Thank you!!

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